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PPV : Autumn Annihilation 9/19/04
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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/4/2006 8:10 PM

Autumn Annihilation


Calgary, Canada

Yall, This is gonna be in summary form, As yall know the GM position changed hands and I didnt have time to work on it...But next month will be hella better, I promise.

SCWE European Championship: Billy Gunn(c) vs Booker T

Billy Gunn and Booker T stare each other down and talk trash to each other. Billy beats up Booker T, Booker T beats up on Billy. Billy signals for the Fame-ass-er but Booker T counters and low blows Billy but the ref didnt see it. Booker T does a spinneroonie as Billy Gunn gets up, Billy then gets up and Booker T hits the scissors kick on Billy and pins him for the 1-2-3!

Winner: Booker T(c)


SCWE Womens RAWCore Championship: Spazz(c) vs Brish Ness vs Shaydawg

Spazz starts off be clotheslining both women. Spazz goes to work on Brish Ness and throws her into the corner. ShayDawg comes out and attacks Soazz from behind. ShayDawg picks up Brish Ness and slaps her, and is going to do it again until Spazz attacks both women again. Spazz is laying right hand blows to ShayDawg as Brish Ness hits Spazz with a Chair. Brish Ness is about to hit ShayDawg with the chair but Shay counters and the chair hits Brish Ness in the head. ShayDawg goes for a pin but Spazz breaks it up. Spazz hammers away on ShayDawg, but Brish Ness picks up the chair again and hits Spazz in the back of the head and quickly hits ShayDawg, Brish Ness pins Spazz for the 1-2-3

Winner: Brish Ness (c)


Mr Bullion vs Josh Johnson

Mr Bullion and Josh stare down each other. Mr B pushes Josh down and laughs at him. Josh jumps up and slaps Mr B. Mr B gets a angry look on his face and hits Josh with a right hand blow. Mr B then picks up Josh and hits the Bullion Bulldozer on him. Mr B goes for the pin 1....2....3

Winner: Mr Bullion


SCWE Juniorweight Championship: AJ Styles(c) vs Twister-X

AJ and Twister-X lock up in the middle of the ring. AJ over powers Twister-X and pushes him down. Twister-X gets up and starts hammering AJ with left and right hand combos. AJ counters back with a kick to Twister-Xs gut. AJ then goes up to the top rope and dives off the top rope and rolls Twister-X up for the pin. 1-2-3

Winner and still Juniorweight Champion, AJ Styles


Rey Mysterio vs A mystery superstar

Rey waits in the ring for his opponet when "Eyes of a Criminal" hits the PA and out comes...MARK JINDRAK! Mark runs to the ring but is met by Rey Mysterios kicks. Mark quickly gets up and pushes Rey Mysterio down. Mark then picks up Rey and whips him into the ropes and hits a big boot on him. Mark picks up Rey and Powerbombs him. Mark pins Rey for the win

Winner: Mark Jindrak


SCWE Tag Team Championship: J and Jai (Replacing JJ) vs Goldberg and DDP

J and DDP start off the match. J and DDP have a little staredown. DDP Flips off J and hits him with right hand blows, then delivers chops to J. DDP then slings J to DDPs Corner and tags in Goldberg. Goldberg and DDP stomp a mudhole in J. Goldberg then picks up J and slings him into the corner turnbuckle and Goldberg hits a SPEAR! J falls down. Goldberg picks up J and hits the Jackknife on J and then pins J for the 1-2-3!

Winner: Goldberg and DDP(c)


SCWE Intercontinental Championship: Brandon(c) vs JJ Stallion

JJ waits for Brandon to move, But Brandon grabs a mic and announces he is the new RAW General Manager and hes retiring from wrestling. Brandon then lies down on the ring and tells JJ to pin him. JJ pins Brandon for the 1-2-3 as JJ is stunned.

Winner: JJ Stallion (c)


SCWE RAWCore Championship, Hell In a Cell: John Doe(c) vs Mick Foley

John starts hammering on Mick after the bell. Mick retaliates and kicks John in the gut and quickly hits the Double Arm DDT on John. Mick gets out of the ring and gets out Barbie and lights in on fire! Mick gets back in the ring and goes to swing Barbie at John but John ducks and low blows Mick. John goes for a pin, 1-2-kickout! John gets up and picks up Mick and tosses him outside the ring. John tosses Mick into the cell busting Mick open. John then picks up mick again and is about to bash Micks brains out but Mick grabs the cage and counters. Mick irishwhips John into the ring turnbuckle. Mick throws John into the ring and pulls out Mr Socko! Mick gets in the ring and gets on top of John and does the Mandible Claw!. Mick gets up and gets Barbie again. John gets up and is met by Barbie busting him open. Mick then climbs on the turn buckle and hits a diving elbow on John and pins him for the 1-2-3!

Winner and new RAWCore Champion: Mick Foley(c)


SCWE Womens Championship: Scarlett(c) vs Stacy Mason

Scarlett begins the match when she slaps Stacy Mason. Stacy slaps back Scarlett and pushes her down. Scarlett gets up and drops kick Stacy, Scarlett goes for a pin, 1-2-kickout! Scarlett picks up Stacy and is about to hit her finisher but Stacy counters and rakes her eyes. Stacy then hits her finisher on Scarlett and pins Scarlett for the 1-2-3

Winner and new Womens Champion...Stacy Mason


SCWE World Championship: Mikey G(c) vs Raven

Mikey and Raven lock up in the middle of the ring but Mikey overpowers Raven and pushes him down and starts stomping on Raven. Mikey goes for a quick pin, 1-2-kickout!. Mikey G picks up Raven and kicks him in the gut and runs towards the ropes but Raven stands upright and kicks Mikey in the shins. Raven picks up Mikey and hits a back breaker. Raven starts kicking Mikey in the face and lower back until the ref tells him to knock it off. Raven backs off while the ref checks on Mikey but Raven starts kicking Mikey again. Raven then picks up Mikey and throws him out of the ring. Raven gets out and irish whips Mikey into the steps. Raven then picks up Mikey and tosses him back into the ring. Raven gets in the ring and stalks Mikey for a little bit. Raven then goes over to Mikey and stands him up and hits the Even Flow DDT on Mikey and pins Mikey for the 1-2-3!

Winner and New World Heavyweight Champion...RAVEN!!!

Autumn Annihilation goes off the air!

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