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PPV : Psychotic Games 9/26/04
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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/4/2006 8:13 PM

Results 9/26/04 Live From Lubbock, Texas

Dark Matches Before PPV:

Match 1: Matt Matlock defeated Grand Master Sexay

Match 2: Tainia Orton defeated Ashanti

Match 3: Rico defeated Bret Hart

Match 4: Nina La'Faye defeated Anna K.

Promo's for the PPV are shown

Pyro Then Explodes!! as "Fear The Reaper" plays

Tony: Welcome to WCW/SCWE Psychotic Games!!!

Tenay: This is a joint production with WCW and SCWE Smackdown and boy what a night of action we got for you here

Madden: There is going to be 6 WCW Matches and all of those are title matches plus Smackdown will showcase three title matches making 9 Title Matches plus the Main Event which I am looking forward to

Tony: Well lets not waste anymore time though and send things down to the ring for the opening contest

Penser: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to WCW/SCWE Psychotic Games!!!!(Crowd Cheers) The opening contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Tag Team Championship

Tenay: We are going to open things up with a Triple Threat Tag Match

"You Think You Know Me" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, From Canada, Represneting The S.C. weighing in at a combined weight of 480 Pounds, The Team of Edge and Lance Storm!!!

Tony: The S.C. looks to win Tag Team Gold right here

"Unstable" hits, Crowd Still Boo's

Penser: There opponents, weighing in at a combined weight of 410 Pounds, being accumpied by Amy Walker, Representing The Triple Threat, The team of Jason Walker and Do or Die

Madden: Here comes the new Tag Team Champions

Tenay: The Triple Threat's newest team and this is Die's return to Pay Per View

Tony: Do or Die last wrestled on a Pay Per View in March at Wrestlemania where he was victorious in a RAWCore Battle Royal

"Bombshell" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Finally, Team #3, From New York, New York weighing in at a combined weight of 515 Pounds, The WCW Tag Team Champions, Bubba Ray & D-Von...The Dudley Boys!!!

Tenay: The greatest Tag Team in KSCWE History

Madden: Nah Jamal and Rosie were better

Tenay: The Dudley's are the only triple crown tag team champions in history though

Tony: Its debatable but right now the Dudley's are the best

WCW Tag Team Championship: Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley(C) vs Jason Walker & Do or Die W/Amy Walker vs Edge & Lance Storm
Bubba Ray & Jason Walker are chosen to start the match off and Jason Walker tells Bubba he should just hand over the Tag Title now but bubba tells Walker to suck on his bal.. Jason Walker delivers a cheap right hand knocking down Bubba Ray and Jason Walker procedes to stomp away on Dudley as Bubba rolls into the corner and Jason continues to kick him as Bubba gets back up and Jason Walker whips Bubba out of the corner and across the ring to the other corner and Jason comes charging in but Bubba gets his feet up knocking down Jason Walker but Edge then tags himself in as Bubba Ray is not happy and Edge goes up top as Jason Walker gets up and Edge hits a missile dropkick on Walker. Edge then covers for a 1---2--2.6-D-Von Dudley breaks it up. Edge picks up Jason and takes him over to his own corner and tags in Lance Storm while Edge holds Walker as STorm comes in and delivers a kick to the gut of Jason and Storm then slams Walker down and Lance Storm then goes to work on the left leg of Jason Walker by driving his knee into the leg several times. Lance Storm then goes for a Sharpshooter but Jason Walker is able to kick Storm down and Jason Walker crawls over and tags in Die. Do or Die comes in and knocks down Storm with a big right hand and then knocks down Edge who had come into the ring. Die then waits for Storm to get up and Die delivers a few jabs and Die then whips Storm off the ropes and Die connects with the Dead Head on Storm and Die gets back up but edge connects with a huge spear taking him down. Edge gets up taunting but The Dudley's have come into the ring and are waiting and The Dudley's hit the 3D on Edge.  Referee Mike Posey then forces The Dudley's out to the apron as Edge rolls to the floor and Storm and Die are both hurting and still are down. Mike Posey starts a 10 count and reaches 7 before Do or Die gets back up and Die is able to tag out to Jason Walker who comes into the ring but Lance Storm gets back up and Storm catches Jason Walker with a super kick and Lance Storm covers Jason Walker for the 1---2--2.5-Bubba Ray Dudley breaks up the pin. Lance Storm has words with The Dudley's before tagging Edge back into the match. Edge comes in and kicks Jason Walker while he was getting up and Edge whips Jason Walker off the ropes but Jason comes off with a flying elbow taking down Edge. Jason Walker then nips up and Jason kicks Edge in the gut as he got up and Jason hits the Walker Driver on Edge. Jason Walker then goes for the Walls of Walker and locks it in but Lance Storm comes in but Die cuts him off but The Dudley's also come in and break it up. All then breaks loose as Do or Die and Bubba Ray Dudley go at it while D-Von Dudley and Edge get into it and Edge knocks D-Von to the floor while Bubba knocks Die to the floor and Die yanks Bubba out while D-Von pulls Edge out and the 4 men brawl on the floor leaving Lance Storm and Jason Walker in the ring. Jason Walker an d Lance Storm are exchanging right hands and Jason goes for a clothesline but Storm drops Walker with a drop toe hold and Lance Storm then stands up and locks in the Maple Leaf on Walker who is screaming in pain but Amy Walker gets on the apron destracting Mike Posey as Jason Walker taps out but Do or Die comes back in the ring and Die connects with a super kick taking down Storm. Edge then goes for another spear on Die but Die moves as does Mike Posey and Edge ends up spearing Amy Walker off the apron!!! Do or Die can't believe what happened and Die knocks Edge to the floor and Die goes out after Edge and Die starts beating the hell out of Edge and throws Edge into the steel steps before checking on Amy and Jason Walker rolls out to the floor and checks on Amy as well leaving Lance Storm in the ring all alone and STorm gets up and turns around right into the 3D from the Dudley's as Bubba covers Storm for the 1---2--2.9-Edge pulls Mike Posey out to the floor as the Dudley's are livid and D-Von pulls Edge on the apron by the hair but Edge jumps down driving D-Von's throat off the top rope. Bubba Ray then goes out to the floor as Edge is regrouping and Bubba hits a big running clothesline taking down Edge on the floor. Meanwhile Jason Walker noticing a chance comes into the ring and Jason hits a Lionsault on Lance Storm for the 1---2--2.7-D-Von Dudley drops an elbow in the back of the head of Walker. Amy Walker is back up on her feet now and seems to be fine as Do or Die comes back into the ring and D-Von walks right into the Death Trap and Do or Die covers D-Von for the 1---2--2.7-Bubba Ray Dudley breaks it up. Edge then pulls Bubba back out to the floor as Edge goes to ram Bubba into the ring post but Bubba blocks and rams Edge's head in and Bubba throws Edge into the crowd and follows him into the crowd. William Regal meanwhile comes running down to the ring as Lance Storm is laying near the ropes and Regal hands Lance Storm something as Mike Posey goes immeditaly to check to see what it was and Amy WAlker then slides Jason Walker something and D-Von Dudley goes to pick up Jason and Jason Walker hits him with a pipe and Jason slides the pipe to Die who covers it up as Jason Walker covers D-Von Dudley for the 1---2--Lance Storm tries to make the save but Die hits Storm with the pipe-3.
Winners: Jason Walker & Do or Die (WCW Tag)

Penser: Your winners and new WCW Tag Team Champions, Jason Walker and Do or Die

Tenay: We have new Tag Team Champions

Madden: I called it

Tony: Jason Walker and Do or Die just captured the WCW Tag Team Championship thanks to the pipe that Amy Walker slid her brother who then passed it off to Do or Die

Madden: Well William Regal tried to give Lance Storm brass knuckles but Storm was out of it and got caught with it and Die and Walker did not and just like that we got new  champions

:Backstage: Triple Threat Locker Room:

:Matt Walker and Shane Douglas are shown clapping backstage:


Tenay: Well we are going to have another WCW Match up next

Tony: It's time for the WCW Women's Hardcore Title Match

Tenay: This is going to be a great contest

Madden: I hope there is a wardrobe malfunction and we can see something!!!

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a ladder match for the WCW Women's Hardcore Championship(Crowd Cheers)

"Dip it Low" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, From Toronto, Canada representing Evolution X, Shantell Angle

Madden: Shantell is a former Women's Hardcore Champion and looks to get it back tonight

"The Way You Move" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Her opponent, from Chattanooga Falls, Ohio, Jackie Gayda

Tenay: Jackie Gayda is a former SCWE Women's Champion like Shantell Angle and Jackie looks to win the title here

Tony: Before Trish comes out lets take a look back at how this match came about

:Video highlighting the making of the match is shown:

Tony: Well we have two of the three participants out here

"Time To Rock N Roll" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: Finally, Making her way to the ring, From Toronto, Canada, Representing the S.C., She is the WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Trish Stratus

Tony: Here comes Trish who has been holding on to this title for dear life

Madden: The Queen of the S.C.  has to prove that Canadians are the very best in Ladder matches

WCW Women's Hardcore Championship: Ladder Match: Trish Stratus(C) vs Jackie Gayda vs Shantell Angle
All three ladies look out to the floor where a Ladder is set up so they can retrieve it and Trish tells both ladies that the title is staying with her. Shantell and Jackie look at each other and both ladies then go after Trish and Trish tries to fight back but Shantell delivers a kick to the gut of Trish and Jackie then delivers a right hand to the face of Trish knocking down Trish. Jackie and Shantell then stomp away at Trish as Shantell picks up Trish and Shantell goes for a Babewatch Slam but Trish rolls through it and Trish connects with a Chick kick to Shantell but Jackie hits a RKO out of nowhere on Trish. Jackie Gayda then rolls out to the floor and grabs the ladder and folds it up but Shantell Angle rolls out to the floor and attacks Jackie from behind knocking the ladder over and Shantell slams Jackie into the guard rail. Shantell grabs Jackie and then throws her into the crowd but Trish Stratus attacks Shantell from behind and Trish delivers a big back drop droppign Shantell onto the entry way. Jackie Gayda climbs on top of the barracade and leaps off clotheslining Trish down and Jackie gets back up and grabs the ladder but Trish rams into Jackie from behind knocking Jackie down. Trish then grabs the ladder and hits Shantell in the gut with it and Trish brings it to the ring and slides it in and is about to get into the ring when Jackie grabs Trish and yanks her to the floor. Jackie then rams Trish into the steel steps. Shantell Angle is waiting and hits a kick to the gut of Jackie and Shantell delivers a snap suplex on the floor to Jackie Gayda. Shantell then gets up and gets in the ring and grabs the ladder and sets it up but Trish Stratus hits Shantell from behind and Trish grabs Shantell and goes for the Stratusfaction but Shantell pulls down Trish's pants before Trish can move exposing Trish's  black thong as Trish falls down and struggles to pull her pants back up. Shantell then kicks Trish in the ribs hard and Shantell picks up Trish who got her pants back up now and Shantell rams Trish shoulder first into the ring post and Shantell then grabs Trish and climbs up top and Shantell delivers a Tornado DDT on Trish Stratus. Shantell then gets back up but walks right into Jackie Gayda who leaps off the top hitting a hurrincanrana sending Shantell back first into the ladder kncoking it over. Shantell is riving in pain from the direct hit as Jackie grabs the ladder and sets it up in the corner and Jackie grabs Shantell by her legs looking for a Boston Crab but Jackie instead sling shots Shantell right into the ladder as Shantell falls down out cold and Jackie grabs the ladder and sets it up after knocking Shantell to the floor. Jackie Gayda then picks up Trish Stratus but Trish grabs Jackie by her pants and pulls her in sending Jackie to the floor. Trish then gets back up and starts to climb the ladder and is nearly at the top when Jackie comes back in and Jackie grabs Trish's right leg but Trish breaks loose and kicks Jackie in the face and Trish then climbs up a little bit more reaching the top and reaches for the title but Jackie tips the ladder sending Trish crashing down. Shantell Angle then comes out of nowhere and catches Jackie from behind by hitting the Babewatch Slam. Shantell then starts to climb up but Trish recovers fast and Trish catches Shantell half way up and Trish is trying to pull Shantell down but Shantell is trying to kick Trish down and Trish grabs a hold of Shantell's pants by the top and Shantell finally gets Trish off but Trish in the process yanks Shantell's pants down exposing Shantell's red pair of panties!!! Shantell is trying to pull her pants back up while still holding on to the ladder and Trish gets up and climbs up the other side of the ladder as Shantell fixes her pants and both ladies reach the top and are reachign for the title as Jackie Gayda gets up and starts rocking the ladder back and forth and both Trish & Shantell grab the title as the ladder goes out from them and both ladies are holding on for dear life by the title and the cable holding the title. Trish and Shantell are kicking at one another trying to knock the other one off but neither is budging as Jackie sets the ladder up the other way now and Jackie herself starts to climb up while Shantell and Trish are both trying to reach the title but Jackie gets up to the top as well and Jackie rather then trying to fight off Shantell or Trish instead Jackie grabs Shantell's pants and is trying to pull them down again as Shantell lets go to get them up and Shantell goes crashing down to the mat below. Trish then is about to unstrap the title when Jackie delivers a right hand to the gut of Trish causing Trish to lose her hold and Trish nearly falls but ends up landing on the top of the ladder and Trish and Jackie are going at it with Jackie having the upper hand as Trish is trying to hold on and Jackie knocks Trish down but Trish's feet are stuck in the ladder and Trish is hanging upside down as Jackie is trying to get the title and Trish somehow pulls herself back up and Trish delivers a right hand to Jackie causing Jackie to let go of the title and Trish pokes Jackie in the eye and Trish then shoves Jackie off the top of the ladder sending Jackie to the mat below and Trish grabs the title and pulls it down as she climbs down for the win.
Winner: Trish Stratus

Penser: Your winner and still WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Trish Stratus

Tony: A very good match we just saw

Tenay: All three ladies went all out for it and what a way to end it

Madden: We saw women's undies!!!!

Tenay: Mark you and Jerry Lawler from RAW would get along just fine

Madden: No I don't like him much

Tony: Well we are going to send it over to Al Snow and Coach now for the first Smackdown Match of the night

:Announcer Switch:

Al Snow: Thanks guys and welcome to the Smackdown Portion of Psychotic Games

Coach: Well the WCW Side was great to kick things off but boy do we know how to start things for Smackdown

Al Snow: Thats right up first we will have The World Heavyweight Championship Match

Coach: We are not going to waste anytime so lets send things down to the ring

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the Vacant Smackdown World Heavyweight Championship(Crowd Goes Nuts)

Lights Go down as "Graveyard Symphony" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, From Death Valley, weighing in at 328 Pounds, The UNDERTAKER!!!

Al Snow: The Phenom and former SCWE World Champion

"Machine" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: His opponent, From Los Angelos, California weighing in at 227 Pounds, The Love Machine

Coach: Here comes my favorite, The Love Machine

"Diesel Blues" hits, Crowd is mixed

Miss Shannon: The third participant, from Detroit, Michigan weighing in at 325 Pounds, Kevin Nash

Al Snow: My favorite because of his track record

Coach: Well if Nash wins here he can become the 2nd guy to have held all 4 Major World Title's

"Medal" hits, Crowd Chants You Suck in a good way

Miss Shannon: Finally, From Edmond, Oklahoma weighing in at 230 Pounds, being accumpied to the ring by Trisha Helmsley, representing Evolution X, The United States Champion, The "World's Greatest Athlete" Charlie Haas

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/4/2006 8:14 PM
SD World Heavyweight Championship: The Love Machine vs The Undertaker vs Kevin Nash vs Charlie Haas W/Trisha Helmsley
The Love Machine starts the match off with Charlie Haas as both men lock up with Haas backing The Love Machien into the corner and Haas goes to give a clean break but TLM pokes Haas in the eye and then gets Haas in the corner and The Love Machine kicks away at the gut of Charlie and The Love Machine then puts Charlie up top and climbs up top and goes for a Super Plex but Charlie holds on by wrapping his feet on the turnbuckle and Charlie delivers a right hand to the gut and Charlie shoves The Love Machine off the top rope and Charlie then comes off hitting a crossbody into a pin for the 1---2---2.6-kick out. Charlie then catches TLM with a arm drag taking him down and The Love Machine gets up in the corner and Charlie hits a running clothesline on him but The Undertaker tags himself in as Charlie was about to hit a German Suplex but Referee Brian Hebner forces Haas out to the apron as The Undertaker comes in and delivers a big right hand knocking down The Love Machine. The Undertakers picks up The Love Machine and delivers several knee shots to the gut of TLM and The Undertaker whips The Love Machine into the corner and hits a running clothesline but The Undertaker holds on to The Love Machine and then goes up top going old school on him. The Undertaker is then waiting for the Love Machine to get back up and once he does The Undertaker grabs The Love Machine by the throat and delivers a big chokeslam on The Love Machine but Kevin Nash then comes in and hits a Big boot knocking down The Undertaker. Nash then picks up The Love Machine and delivers snake eyes on him. Kevin Nash then sets up The Love Machine and delivers the Jacknife powerbomb and covers but Refere Brian Hebner won't count since Nash did not make a legal tag. Nash is having words when The Undertaker opens up on Nash with right and left hands to the gut and The Undertaker whips Nash off the ropes and hits a big leaping lariet. Taker then gets back up and waits for Nash to get up and Taker is waiting to go for a chokeslam but Charlie Haas tags himself back in and The Undertaker turns around and knocks Haas off the apron with a right hand. Kevin Nash is back up now though and Nash hits The Undertaker with a big boot as The Love Machine rolls out to the floor to regroup as Nash picks up the Undertaker and Nash sets up Taker for a Jacknife but Taker backdrops Nash and The Undertaker then waits and Taker grabs Nash the throat and delivers a big chokeslam on Nash. The Undertaker then see's The Love Machine on the floor and grabs him by the head and pulls him back into the ring and The Undertaker whips The Love Machine off the ropes and Taker delivers a leaping lariet on him as well. taker then gets up and waits for the Love Machine to get up and The Undertaker goes for a Tombstone but The Love Machine wiggles free and The Love Machine catches The Undertaker with the Pepsi Plunge but Brian Hebner tells The Love Machine he is pinning the wrong guy and The Love Machine is not happy as Charlie Haas comes into the ring and Charlie takes out The Love Machine's knee with a dropkick, Charlie then locks in the Haas of Pain on The Love Machine who is screaming in pain but Kevin Nash breaks it up. Nash then grabs Charlie and sends him into the corner where Nash delivers several knee's to the gut of Charlie but The Undertaker attacks Nash from behind and The Undertaker throws Kevin Nash over the top to the floor and catches The Love Machine coming in and The Undertaker delivers another chokeslam to The Love Machine and The Undertaker then catches Charlie Haas and delivers a Tombstone PileDriver on him. The Undertaker places Haas's hands over his chest for the pin but Brian Hebner tells Taker he is not legal and Taker is not happy and backs Hebner into the corner when The Love Machine chop blocks The Undertaker's leg out. The Love Machine then see's Nash getting on the apron and The Love Machine while Brian Hebner is trying to get Taker out pulls out a slap jack and hits Nash with it knocking Nash off the apron and to the floor. Charlie Haas is starting to get up and The Love Machine smacks him in the back of the head putting him down as The Love Machine covers Charlie for the 1---2---2.9-Shoulder up. The Love Machine can't believe he kicked out and The Undertaker comes back into the ring but The Love Machine catches him with the slap jack knocking him out as The Love Machine is doing a good job hiding the evidence and The Love Machine waits for Charlie to get up and The Love Machine goes for the Pepsi Plunge but Charlie counters into a small package for the 1---2--2.66-kick out. The Love Machine gets back up and Charlie drops him down with a drop toe hold and Charlie then locks in a head lock as The Love Machine starts to get back up, Haas goes behind him and Chalrlie connects with a German Suplex and holds on for a second german suplex and then a third and Chalrie is going for a 4th and hits it and holds it for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Charlie Haas (SD World)

Miss Shannon: Your winner and new World Heavyweight Champion, Charlie Haas


Coach: I can't believe it, I thought The Love Machine had this match won

Al Snow: The Love Machine used that slap jack to put The Undertaker and Kevin Nash out of commision but Charlie Haas did not go down and instead caught The Love Machine with the German suplex's for the victory and also becoming a rather shocking World Champion

Coach: Charlie Haas just got here in KSCWE a few monthes ago and already got the World Title!!!!!!!!!!!!

Al Snow: Well lets send things back over now to WCW

:Announcer Switch:

Tony: Congratulations to Charlie Haas for becoming the new World Heavyweight Champion on Smackdown

Madden: I told you that kid would hurt us when Smackdown got him

Tenay: Charlie Haas has made a mark everywhere he was and achieved the ultimate pinnacle already

Madden: But can he stay on top?

Tony: Well lets move on from Smackdown because up next we got the WCW Television Battle Royal

Penser: The Following is a 10 Man over the top rope Battle Royal for the Vacant WCW Television Championship(Crowd Cheers)

"I'll Show You, You'll See" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, The WCW Hardcore Champion, Representing Evolution X, Stevie Richards

Tenay: Here comes E-X's Hardcore Master

"Whatever" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: The 2nd Participant, The "Crippler" Chris Benoit

Tony: Here comes Chris Benoit who has had Battle Royal Success in the past

"Straight Out of Line" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: The 3rd Participant, Ricky Benoit

"If Ya Smell" hits, Crowd Cheers Loudly

Penser: The 4th Participant, The Rock!!!

Tony: These people here love the Rock

"Lance Storm Theme" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: The 5th Participant, Representing The S.C., Lance Storm

Madden: Lance Storm could be the underdog here since people may think he is tired from his earlier match

"You Think You Know Me" hits, Crowd Still Boo's

Penser: The 6th Participant, Representing The S.C., Edge

Tenay: Well Edge also competed in that Tag Match when he and Lance Storm came up a little short

"Unstable" hits, Crowd Chants continues to Boo

Penser: The 7th Participant, Representing The Triple Threat, he is one half of the WCW Tag Team Champions, Jason Walker

Madden: Here comes Jason Walker who earlier won the Tag Team Title's along with Do or Die

"Eye of the Hurricane" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Penser: The 8th Participant, The Hurricane

Tenay: We saw The Hurricane return two weeks ago attacking Matt Walker and The Hurricane looks to become TV Champion tonight

"Jamie Noble theme" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: The 9th Participant, The WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Jamie Noble

Tony: Here comes yet another champion looking for Double Gold

Tenay: We have no idea who this final person will be

"St. Anger" hits, Crowd Explodes

Tenay: No Way

Penser: The 10th and Final Entrant, From The Bronx, New York, making his WCW Debut, MIKEY G!!!

Madden: WTF


Tenay: Mikey G the former SCWE World Champion has just arrived on WCW

WCW Television Championship Battle Royal: The Hurricane vs Jamie Noble vs Stevie Richards vs Chris Benoit vs Ricky Benoit vs Jason Walker vs Lance Storm vs Edge vs The Rock vs Mikey G
All 9 Men can't believe that Mikey G is now on WCW as he gets in the ring and the bell sounds. Lance Storm & Edge go right after Mikey G but Mikey delivers a kick to Storm and then a right hand to Edge knocking him down. Meanwhile The Hurricane goes right after Jason Walker who is tired still from his tag match earlier and The Hurricane opens up on Walker with right hands and Jamie Noble joins in to double team Jason Walker. Ricky Benoit and Stevie Richards are going at it while The Rock and Chris Benoit are going at it. Mikey G is working over STorm in the corner now and still fighting off Edge at the same time when The Hurricane comes over and knocks down Edge helping out Mikey G. Meanwhile Jamie Noble is now trying to get Jason Walker over but Chris Benoit comes over and saves Walker but hitting Noble in the back and Benoit hits a German Suplex on Noble but The Rock then attacks Chris Benoit from behind and The Rock throws Benoit over the top but Benoit lands on the apron and Ricky Benoit attacks The Rock from behind but Stevie Richards attacks Ricky and Stevie grabs Ricky Benoit and sends him over the top to the floor eliminating him. Ricky Benoit is eliminated. Stevie is celebrating his elimination when The Rock catches Stevie with a Rock Bottom. The rock then gets up and Chris Benoit catches Rocky with several chops backing Rock up into the ropes and Chris Benoit grabs The Rock's legs and is trying to get him out but Jamie Noble attacks Chris Benoit and The Rock comes down but Jason Walker hits a running clothesline knocking The Rock over the top to the floor. The Rock is eliminated. Jason Walker then attacks Noble from behind as Jason and Chris Benoit put the boots to him but Mikey G comes out of nowhere and knocks down Benoit with a forarm shot and Jason Walker backs away from Mikey G who helps up Jamie Noble but Mikey then throws Jamie Noble over the top but Noble holds on for dear life but Mikey G then kicks Noble in the gut causing him to lose balance and hit the floor. Jamie Noble is eliminated. Chris Benoit then goes after Mikey but Mikey catches Chris Benoit coming in with a few chopes and Mikey grabs BEnoit by the head and sends him flying over the top to the floor. Chris Benoit is eliminated. Jason Walker is in a corner watching the action and regrouping and Mikey G then goes over and helps out The Hurricane who is now being double teamed by Lance Storm and Edge. Mikey G delivers a right hand to Storm knocking him down but Edge grabs Mikey and goes for the Edgecution but Mikey counters into a backdrop and Mikey waits for Edge to get up as he pulls himself up in the ropes and Mikey hits a running clothesline sending Edge over the top to the floor. Edge is eliminated. Lance Storm then cheap shots Mikey from behind sending Mikey through the ropes but Mikey stays on the apron and Lance Storm is tyring to kick Mikey off but The Hurricane then dumps Lance Storm over the top causing Storm to hit the floor. Lance Storm is eliminated. Stevie Richards is starting to get up as it leaves Mikey G, The Hurricane, Jason Walker, & Stevie Richards. The 4 men look around and Jason Walker goes after Stevie Richards who is trying to get up and Jason is trying to dump Stevie but Stevie mule kicks Jason Walker and The Hurricane hits a running clothesline to Walker knocking him down. The Hurricane then waits as Walker tries to get up and The Hurricane hits a Shinning Wizard on him. Jason Walker is out cold as Stevie Richards picks up Jason Walker and he and The Hurricane go to eliminate Jason Walker but Jason Walker comes too and holds on to the top rope for dear life and Mikey G comes over and takes the chance and dumps Stevie Richards over the top to the floor. Stevie Richards is eliminated. Stevie nods his head and claps for Mikey's action as The Hurricane lets go of Jason Walker not wanting the same thing to happen to him and Jason Walker is still holding the ropes just in case. Mikey G then locks up with The Hurricane and The Hurricane locks in a headlock but Mikey sends him off the ropes and Mikey puts his head down as The Hurricane stops and hits a swinging neckbreaker on Mikey. The Hurricane then gets blindsided by Jason Walker who grabs The Hurricane and sends him flying over the top to the floor. The Hurricane is eliminated. Jason Walker then turns around to see Mikey G getting up and Jason Walker and Mikey G circle each other as Amy Walker and Do or Die come out to the ringside area for support of Jason Walker as Mikey takes his eye off the ball and has words with Die and Jason Walker attacks Mikey from behind. Jason Walker knocks Mikey into the ropes where Die then starts to choke away at Mikey G and Jason WAlker bounces off the ropes and then drives his knee into the back of Mikey G. Jason Walker and Die both think its in the bag as Jason picks up Mikey and Jason goes to throw Mikey out but Mikey skins the cat and pulls himself back in and Jason is taunting thinking he won as Amy Walker is trying to tell Jason but when Jason turns around Mikey connects with a super kick knocking Jason into the ropes and Mikey then is about to eliminate Jason but Do or Die comes into the ring and attacks Mikey from behind but there can not be a DQ in a battle royal so its legal as Die pounds away on Mikey as Jason falls down after being on the ropes. Die gets up for a moment to yell for something from Amy and Mikey takes the chance and lowblows Die and Mikey then gets back up and pushes Die into Amy WAlker and Jason Walker who is getting back up and Mikey G who is also back up now stare at each other and Jason goes to hit Mikey but Mikey blocks and Mikey opens up on Jason with right hands knocking Jason into the ropes again and Mikey hits a big clothesline sending Jason over the top to the floor as Mikey G quickly rolls out to the floor and gets the TV Title and takes off through the crowd as Die was coming for him.
Winner: Mikey G (WCW TV)

Penser: Your winner and new WCW TV Champion, Mikey G

Tenay: Talk about a impact already

Madden: Mikey G was lucky thats all. Nobody knew he was coming and Jason Walker already wrestled once and if it was a fair fight. Mikey G would have lost badly

Tony: None the less Mikey G looked very impressive in his WCW Debut and already got WCW Gold


:Stevie Richards is shown walking towards The E-X Locker Room when Petey Williams attacks him. Petey Williams hits Stevie with a chair and covers him for the 1---2--3. Petey Williams is the new Hardcore Champion as Petey ducks into the S.C.'s Locker Room


Tenay: What the hell is going on with that

Tony: Petey Williams of Smackdown just won the WCW Hardcore Championship

Madden: I am sure it will get suited out but lets get to the Women's Title Match

:Video Preview highlighting the Kelli/Sara fued is shown:

Tenay: Alot of bad blood between these two diva's

Penser: The Following Contest is for the WCW Women's Championship

"Breaking The Habit" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, the Challenger, From Long Beach, California, Sara

Madden: I think Sara is the favorite because Kelli is hurting

Tenay: That is a good point. Kelli was a victum of the Masked ICON's attack a few weeks back and Kelli has not healed yet

"Mattitude Countdown Starts into Figured You Out", Crowd Cheers

KelliFact: Kelli will beat Sara even while injured

KelliFact: Kelli may be hurt but is still able to beat Sara no problem

Penser: Her opponent, From Greenwich, Connecticut, Representing Evolution X, The WCW Women's Champion, Kelli Helmsley

Tony: I don't know if Kelli can win here tonight

Tenay: Kelli Helmsley is going against Doctor's orders tonight by competing here

WCW Women's Championship: Kelli Helmsley(C) vs Sara
Kelli who still seems to be injured locks up with Sara and Sara locks in a headlock and Kelli whips Sara off the ropes and Kelli and Sara ram into each other with Kelli going down as a result. Kelli gets back up and Sara kicks Kelli in the gut as Kelli is hurting badly from it as Sara then whips Kelli off the ropes and Sara hits a big powerslam on Kelli who is riving in pain. Sara then picks up Kelli but Kelli fights back by delivering a right hands to the gut of Sara and Kelli uppercuts Sara back and Kelli then goes for a Twist of Fate but Sara punches Kelli in the ribs again causing Kelli to fall to her knee's and Sara then kicks Kelli in the gut and Sara sets up Kelli and Sara hits a Sarabomb and covers Kelli for the 1----2---2.99-shoulder up. Sara can't believe it as Sara picks up Kelli Sara is about to hit another Sara Bomb but Kelli trips Sara and Kelli then slingshots Sara into the corner and Kelli rolls up Sara for the 1---2--2.5-kick out. Kelli gets back up and Kelli delivers a few chops backing Sara into the corner and Kelli then gets a knee to the ribs again by Sara and Sara whips Kelli into the corner and Sara kicks Kelli a few times in the ribs and Sara puts Kelli up top and Sara climbs up and Sara is about to attempt a Superplex but Kelli shoves Sara off and Kelli then hits Hell's Disease on Sara but Kelli rolls off Sara grabbing her injured ribs and Kelli is hurting badly as Sara gets up and waits for Kelli to get up and Sara grabs Kelli and rolls up Kelli with a handful of tights for the 1---2--2.9-kick out. Sara can't believe it and gets into a argument with Charles Robinson when Kelli Helmsley rolls up Sara for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Kelli Helmsley

Penser: Your winner and still WCW Women's Champion, Kelli Helmsley

Tenay: Kelli Helmsley just stole one from Sara!! 

Madden: Sara had this thing won but frustration got to her and cost her

Tony: Hats off to Kelli for being a fighting champion and knowing how to get the job done

:Announcer Switch:

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/4/2006 8:15 PM

Al Snow: Well tonight has been a night of strange things

Coach: Well Mr. McMahon we have learned is going to be addressing the Petey Williams situation because as you saw earlier he attacked and defeated WCW Hardcore Champion Stevie Richards for the title

Al Snow: I have no clue what that was about but Petey Williams and Buff Bagwell are scheduled to be apart of the Tag Title Match a little bit later on

Coach: Let's send things backstage to Mr. McMahon now

:Backstage: Mr. McMahon's Office

Vince McMahon: As you all saw earlier Petey Williams attacked WCW's Stevie Richards and won the WCW Hardcore Championship but after talking to WCW GM Eric Bischoff. A Trade has been reached. Smackdown sends Petey Williams and Rico to WCW in exchange for Stevie Richards and The Former WCW Tag Team Champions, The Dudley Boys. Now the Smackdown Tag Team Championship Match will not take place tonight as scheduled but instead you will see the Xtreme Championship determied when the 5 Remaining Men compete in a match to crown a new Xtreme Champion. Thank You


Al Snow: WOW

Coach: Petey Williams and Rico are gone but Stevie Richards is back and The Dudley's are coming to Smackdown as well!!!

Al Snow: A good trade if you ask me but we did pay dearly giving up a good young talent like a Petey Williams but we got there solid wrestlers

Coach: At least Rico is gone

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is a 10 man over the top rope battle royal to crown a new Xtreme Champion

Al Snow: Wow a 10 man battle royal

"I'll Show You, You'll See" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, Representing Evolution X, Stevie Richards

Al Snow: Stevie Richards has been moved around alot lately and is now back on Smackdown again

"My Sacrafise" hits, Crowd is mixed

Miss Shannon: The 2nd Participant, He is one half of the Tag Team Champions, The Mauler

Coach: The Mauler came here tonight thinking he was defending the Tag Title's but instead is going to compete for the Xtreme Championship

"Sexy Boy" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Miss Shannon: The 3rd Participant, The "Heart Break Kid" SHAWN MICHAELS

Al Snow: Here comes HBK

"Bombshell" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: The 4th and 5th Participants, Bubba Ray & D-Von, The Dudley Boys

Al Snow: The former Tag Team Champions of WCW who wrestled earlier tonight will be making there Smackdown Debut's right now

"My Buddy" hits, Crowd has no reaction

Miss Shannon: The 6th Participant, The Dead Man

"It's all about the money" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: The 7th Participant, The Million Dollar Man

"Buff Daddy" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: The 8th Participant, Buff Bagwell

Coach: Here comes Buff Daddy

"Glass Shatters" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Miss Shannon: The 9th Participant, Stone Cold Steve Austin

Al Snow: Here comes to the Texas Rattlesnake in his homestate as is Shawn Michaels who is in this match and competing in his homestate

"Material Girl" hits, Crowd laughs

Miss Shannon: The final participant, He is one half of the Tag Team Champions, Coach T

Al Snow:(Laughing very hard) Look at this

Coach:(Also laughing) Coach T is coming out to Material Girl and dressed in drag

Al Snow: I guess Coach T is showing us the "Real" Coach T now

Xtreme Championship: Battle Royal: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Coach T vs The Mauler vs Buff Bagwell vs The Million Dollar Man vs Shawn Michaels vs Stevie Richards vs Bubba Ray Dudley vs D-Von Dudley vs The Dead Man
All 10 men look around the ring as Coach T & Mauler go right after Austin & HBK but Austin knocks down Coach T with a right hand and HBK knocks down Cheat. The Dead Man and The Million Dollar Man go at it while Buff Bagwell and Stevie Richards go at it in the corner. The Dead Man knocks down The Million Dollar Man but Stone Cold comes out of nowhere and throws The Dead Man over the top to the floor. The Dead Man is eliminated. Austin then picks up The Million Dollar Man and throws him out as well. The Million Dollar Man is eliminated. Coach T & Mauler then attack Austin from behind but HBK goes over and knocks down Mauler but The Dudley's attack HBK and Bubba Ray & D-Von then grab The Mauler and Coach T & slam them down to the mat. Stevie &  buff are still going at it and Buff is trying to get Stevie out but Stevie holds on to the ropes as Stone Cold comes over and grabs Buff and turns him around and hits a Stone Cold Stunner on him. Austin then picks up Buff Bagwell and throws him over the top to the floor. Buff Bagwell is eliminated. Austin then waits for Stevie and Austin kicks Stevie in the gut and goes for a Stunner but Stevie shoves Austin off and Austin walks right into a right hand by Coach T. The Mauler is going at it now with the dudley's but The Mauler knocks down Bubba Ray and The Mauler tries to get rid of D-Von but Coach T comes over and dumps D-Von over the top to the floor. D-Von Dudley is eliminated. Bubba Ray though is back up and knocks The Mauler over the top to the floor. The Mauler is eliminated. This leaves 5 men now with Bubba, Coach T, Stevie, Austin, & HBK. Coach T & Bubba Ray Dudley are going at when Stone Cold goes over and knocks down both men and HBK is waiting and HBK grabs Coach T and is trying to get him out but Stevie Richards comes over and hits a Stevie kick to the back of HBK and Coach T then whips HBK into Austin and Austin is not happy and Austin opens up on HBK. Austin picks up Stone Cold and delivers a Stone Cold Stunner on him and picks up HBK and Austin throws HBK over the top to the floor. Shawn Michaels is now eliminated. Bubba Ray Dudley grabs Austin and tries to get him out but Austin holds on as Coach T helps Bubba trying to get Austin out but Stevie Richards attacks Coach T from behind and Stevie whips Coach T off the ropes and Stevie hits a big backdrop on him. Bubba Ray Dudley lets Austin back into the ring and Bubba pounds away on Austin as Austin pulls himself back up and Bubba whips Stone cold off the ropes but Austin hits a lou thez press on the way back and is pounding away on Bubba Dudley. Austin picks up Bubba Ray and Austin then throws Bubba over the top to the floor. Bubba Ray Dudley is now eliminated. This leaves Coach T, Stevie Richards, & Stone Cold. Austin goes over and knocks Richards with a right hand and Austin then kicks Coach T in the gut and Austin hits a Stone Cold Stunner on him. Stone Cold then picks up Coach T and throws him over the top to the floor. Coach T is now eliminated. Stone Cold is flipping Coach T off on the floor when Stevie Richards comes over and tries to get rid of Austin but Austin mule kicks Richards and Austin throws Stevie over the top but Stevie is holding on for dear life when The Love Machine hits the ring and The Love Machine dumps Stone Cold over the top to the floor and kicks Stevie out as well.
Winner: The Love Machine (Xtreme)

Miss Shannon: Your winner and new Xtreme Champion, The Love Machine

Al Snow: The Love Machine was not even in this match

Coach: The Love Machine just came out of nowhere and took out Stone Cold and Stevie Richards to secure the win and the Xtreme Title

Al Snow: I guess he was upset about not winning the World Title so went for the Xtreme Title


:Coach T is shown heading for his locker room when he walks past Kane who bumps into Coach T and Coach T goes to say something but Kane grabs him by the throat and Kane throws Coach T through a locker room door which turns out to be Randy Orton's Locker Room as the camera goes in and finds Shantell Angle covering up as Coach T is getting up a pissed off Randy Orton then hits an RKO on Coach T. Orton then grabs Coach T and throws him out of the locker room and Orton tells him to get the hell away from him when Lance Storm and Edge of the S.C. are walking back and trip over coach T and Lance Storm is not happy about it and Lance Storm picks up Coach T along with Edge and drag him down the hall way towards the S.C.'s locker room as Christian, Trish, Tyson, William Regal, & Petey Williams come out of the locker room:

Lance Storm: This ass was saying he was better then you Christian and that he thinks Trish is a slut

:Christian and Trish look pissed and Tyson picks up Coach T as Trish then kicks Coach T right between the legs as Coach T grimaces in pain. Christian tells Coach T nobody disrespects him and Christian delivers the Unprettier on the floor busting Coach T open as The S.C. then leaves Coach T lieing in the floor and head into there locker room:

:Video Preview for Smackdown Women's Championship Match:

Al Snow: Coach T is not having a good night

Coach: That was great though

Al Snow: It was rather amusing. Coach T and his journey into the WCW Locker Room

Coach: What a moron

Al Snow: We have gotten word Mr. McMahon is back where Coach T is getting help


:Paramedics are helping up Coach T as Vince McMahon walks up them

Vince McMahon: Are you ok?

Coach T: I wi...

Vince McMahon: SHUT UP!!!!!!!!! You have embarassed Smackdown Tonight and that is why I am stripping you of the Tag Team Title's so Mauler should blame you for this and as of this moment Coach T. YOUR FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:Coach T looks dumbfounded as The Dudley's attack Coach T from behind:

Vince McMahon: D-Von...Bubba to the dumpsters

:The Dudley's drag Coach T outside the arena near a dumpster and the Dudley's then throw Coach T into the dumpster and slams the lid shut:


Al Snow: Well Coach T is no longer on Smackdown now

Coach: Good Ridance

Al Snow: Well our next match is for the Women's Championship of Smackdown

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the Women's Championship

"Ain't Love Grand" hits, Crowd is mixed

Miss Shannon: 1st making her way to the ring, From Orange County, California, Karissa Laryss

Coach: Here comes Karissa Laryss

"All Grown Up" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Her opponent, From Greenwich, Connecticut, Stephanie McMahon

Al Snow: Can Stephanie McMahon become the new Women's Champion here tonight?

"Wildcat" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Finally, From Jacksonville, Florida, She is the Women's Champion, Sable

Coach: I don't think either lady is beating Sable here tonight

SD Women's Championship: Sable(C) vs Stephanie McMahon vs Karissa Laryss
All three ladies appear ready for battle as referee Rudy Charles shows off the Women's Championship and sounds for the bell. All three ladies look around and Karissa & Steph then go after Sable both attacking her at the same time and Steph whips Sable into the corner and Steph charges in but Sable gets her boot up taking down Stephanie. Sable then gets down but Karissa attacks Sable knocking her back into the corner and Karissa delivers several chops to the chest of Sable and Karissa grabs Sable and drives Sable face into her knee and Karissa then sets up Sable and delivers a brain buster on her. Karissa then see's Stephanie getting back up and Karissa delivers a few hard chops to Stephanie and Karissa then tries to rip off Stephanie's shirt but Stephanie knee's Karissa in the gut and Stephanie throws Karissa in the corner and Stephanie delivers a few chops to Sable and Stephanie then hair tosses Karissa out of the corner. Stephanie then hits a big clothesline on Sable who was getting back up and Stephanie whips Karissa off the ropes and Stephanie hits a Lou Thez Press and is pounding away on Karissa but Sable kicks Stephanie in the back of the head. Sable then picks up Stephanie and Sable slams Stephanie down and Sable then locks in a Boston Crab on Stephanie but Karissa gets up and Karissa hits a chick kick to the back of Sable's head and Karissa picks up Sable and Karissa hits Exist in Fiction on Sable and then covers for the 1---2--2.8-Stephanie breaks it up. Stephanie and Karissa then exchange right hands and Karissa kicks Stephanie in the right knee knocking Stephanie down as Karissa stomps away at Stephanie and Karissa picks up Stephanie and Karissa slams Stephanie down near the ropes and Karissa goes up top and goes for the Light From Underneath but Stephanie moves out of the way and Stephanie gets back up and picks up Karissa and Stephanie goes for an RKO but Karissa gets Stephanie with a backslide for the 1---2--Sable breaks up the pin in time. Sable then grabs Karissa and slams her down as Stephanie gets up but Sable throws stephanie to the floor and catches Karissa in the gut with a kick and Sable delivers a Sablebomb on Karissa and covers her for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Sable (SD Women's)

Miss Shannon: Your winner and still Women's Champion, Sable

Al Snow: Sable is leaving Lubbock still Women's Champion!!!

Coach: An impressive win for Sable none the less and poor Steph and Karissa just can't get the job done


:The Love Machine is shown celebrating his newly won Xtreme Title win when Stone Cold attacks him from behind. Austin grabs The Love Machine by the head and rams him into a locker room door which  turns out to Vince McMahon's Office door and the door breaks as Austin throws The Love Machine through and brings him into the office and Austin is still beating the hell out of him when Austin hits the Stunner on The Love Machine as Vince McMahon is shown sitting at his desk and he gets up fixing his pants screaming as Stevie Richards comes in as Vince is yelling at Austin and Stevie covers The Love Machine for the 1---2--3. Stevie Richards is the new Xtreme Champion.

Vince McMahon: Since you two want to fight so badly and since Stevie just won the Xtreme Title. I tell you what. This Wednesday on Smackdown it will be Stone Cold Steve Austin vs The Love Machine for the Vacant United States Championship. Now get the hell out of my office

:Announcer Switch:

Tony: Welcome back and what a crazy state of events the Smackdown side has gone through

Madden: That Coach T thing was great

Tenay: Well guys up next we got the WCW United States Champion to be on the line

Tony: We got 4 World Class Athletes all wanting the same prize

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW United States Championship(Crowd Cheers)

Tenay: This is going to be a great match

"JBL's Theme" hits, Crowd is mixed as a white limo drives out to the entry way as John Bradshaw Layfield gets out of the limo and shakes hands with fans while walking towards the ring

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From New York, New York weighing in at 290 Pounds, John Bradshaw Layfield

Madden: JBL is a true American and I think will regain his US Title tonight

"Tough Enough Theme" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: The 2nd Challenger, From Shendandoah Valley, Virginia weighing in at 220 Pounds, Maven!!

Tenay: Maven is my pick to win because I honestly think Maven has come close so much and tonight is his night

"Slow Chemical" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: The 3rd Challenger, weighing in at 328 Pounds, Kane!!!

Madden: Here comes the monster Kane

"Big Pimpin" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: Finally, Making his way to the ring, Representing Evolution X, From St. Louis, Missouri weighing in at 245 Pounds, The "Legend Killer" Randy Orton

Tony: Randy Orton is one of 2 men to be three time US Champions and Randy Orton does not want to be a two week champion

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/4/2006 8:16 PM

WCW United States Championship: Randy Orton(C) vs Kane vs Maven vs JBL

Randy Orton starts the match off with Maven as both men lock up with Maven going behind Orton and tripping him down and Maven then locks in a headlock on Orton but Orton escapes and gets Maven's head between his feet but maven gets out of it and both men get back to there feet. Both men smile at each other as they go to lock up but Orton kicks Maven in the gut and Orton then delivers a few forarm shots to Maven's head and Orton whips Maven off the ropes but Maven hits a big lariet on the way back. Maven then gets back up and hits a picture perfect dropkick on Orton. Maven then gets back up and waits for Orton to get up and once Orton gets up. Maven opens up on Orton with right hands knocking Orton against the ropes and Maven whips Orton off the ropes and Maven hits a big back drop on him. Maven then senses the end is nearing and Maven picks up Orton but Orton then uppercuts Maven and Orton falls back near the ropes where JBL tags himself in and JBL comes in and goes after Maven but Maven hits a dropkick knocking down JBL. Maven then gets up and opens up on JBL knocking him back into the corner and Maven whips JBL across the ring and Maven charges looking for a Stinger Splash like move but JBL moves out of the corner and JBL bounces off the ropes and takes Maven out with the clothesline from hell. JBL covers Maven for the 1---2--2.6-Randy Orton breaks it up. Referee Charles Robinson gets Randy Orton out of the ring when Kane comes into the ring and Kane grabs JBL by the throat and Kane delivers a monsterious chokeslam on JBL. Kane then picks up Maven and delivers a chokeslam on him as well. Randy Orton then goes charging but walks into a big boot by Kane and Kane picks up Orton and Kane delivers a chokeslam on Orton!!! Kane then scares away Charles Robinson as Kane goes outside and gets a steel chair and throws it into the ring and Kane gets gets back into the ring and picks up the chair but Randy Orton lowblows Kane and Orton pops up and hits the RKO on Kane while driving Kane's face into the steel chair!! Orton then kicks the chair out of the ring and covers Kane but Charles Robinson tells Orton he and Kane are not legal. Orton gets up and is not happy but JBL hits Kane from behind with a big boot. JBL then picks up Orton and sends him flying over the top to the floor but Kane sits up and Kane then hits a big thrust to JBL and Kane clotheslines JBL over the top to the floor but Maven hits a dropkick on Kane knocking him over the top to the floor. This leaves Maven as the only guy in the ring but Maven grabs the ropes and catapults himself over them crashing on to Kane and JBL on the floor. Randy Orton is the first guy up on the floor and Orton rolls Maven into the ring near his corner and Randy Orton gets on the apron and tags himself in and Orton then gets back in the ring and picks up Maven and sends him flying over the top to the floor. Randy Orton is waiting in the ring as JBL rolls back into the ring the legal man and Orton goes for the RKO but JBL counters by hitting a big clothesline putting down Orton. Kane then gets on the apron that Orton was at it and tags himself into the match and Kane comes in the ring and chokeslams JBL once again and Kane then goes up top as Randy Orton gets up Kane comes off hitting a big clothesline. Kane then stands up and is waiting for Randy Orton to get up but Maven comes off the top behind Kane and hits a Missile Dropkick knocking Kane down. Maven then is forced outside the ring by Charles Robinson as JBL then makes the tag sound behind the ref's back and rolls Kane to the floor as JBL picks up Randy Orton and JBL goes for a Powerbomb but Orton backdrops JBL. Kane then goes to come back into the ring but Charles Robinson tells Kane he is not legal and Kane is not happy and throws down the referee. Kane then comes in the ring and Kane knocks down ORton and grabs JBL by the throat and JBL tries to fight out but Kane still hits the chokeslam. Maven then comes in and hits Kane in the back with a steel chair and Maven bashes it over the head of Kane and Kane goes down as Maven then kicks Kane out to the floor but Orton grabs the chair and hits Maven in the back with it knocking Maven to the floor and Orton then hits JBL in the ribs with it as JBL was getting up and Orton throws it outside as Randy Orton hits the RKO on JBL and Randy Orton covers as Charles Robinson struggles to make the 1------------2--------------3.
Winner: Randy Orton

Penser: Your winner and still WCW US Champion, Randy Orton

Tenay: Randy Orton is leaving Lubbock tonight still US Champion

Madden: An impressive win for Mr. Orton

Tony: Charles Robinson getting knocked down allowed Orton to use the chair and the chair was the thing that got the job done and allowed Randy Orton to hit the RKO on JBL for the victory


:Eric Bischoff is shown watching the Psychotic Games Action and talking on the phone:

Eric Bischoff: October 4th will mark your return home and lets just say it has been a long time since you have been here

:Eric stops apparantly listening to the voice on the other end:

Eric Bischoff: Well you just finish your RAW contract out and like I said you will make your long anticipate return to Nitro on the 4th of October.

:Eric is listening again from the phone but then pulls it away as you can hear somebody screaming on the line Suckaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:


Tenay: You don't think Eric was talking to...

Tony: I don't know

Madden: Boy this Book is really good

Tenay: Does it end in a T?

Madden: Yes how did you know

Tony: Well if Eric has signed who we think he has signed then boy WCW is getting better every day. First Mikey G now the possibile return of....

Tenay: Don't say it because it may not be true

Penser: The Following Contest is the Main Event of the WCW Portion of the Card and it s for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship(Crowd Goes Nuts)

"Peep Show" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger being accumpied to the ring by Trish Stratus and his "Problem Solver" Tyson Tomko, From Toronto, Canada weighing in at 235 Pounds, The Leader of the S.C., Christian

Tenay: Christian has come along way in a short time period and notice he has his Problem Solver and Girlfriend by his side

Tony: Before Matt Walker comes out we have learned that Marrisa Bischoff is about to make an announcement

:Marrisa appears on the PPV Tron:

Marrisa Bischoff: I just wanted to make a little announcement concerning this match and that it is now a No DQ Match because knowing Matt Walker and knowing Christian they will cheat to try to win so why not make it legal and give you great fans of Lubbock your money's worth(Crowd Cheers).

:Marrisa fades off the PPV Tron:

Tony: No DQ now!!!

Madden: She can't do that

Tenay: She just did

"Don't You Wish You Were Me" hits, Crowd Still Boo's

Penser: His opponent, Being accumpied to the ring by Jasmine and the "Franchise" Shane Douglas, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 210 Pounds, A Member of The Triple Threat, The "Real Deal, No Gimmicks Needed" Matt Walker

Tenay: Last year at Psychotic Games Matt Walker and The Hurricane retained the SCWE Tag Team Championships against Chuck Palumbo and Billy Gunn while Christian obviously was not with the company during that time period

Madden: Matt Walker is going to teach this Canadian punk a lesson

Tony: This is going to be a good old fashion slug fest if you ask me

WCW World Heavyweight Championship: No DQ: Matt Walker(C) W/Shane Douglas & Jasmine vs Christian W/Tyson Tomko & Trish Stratus
Referee Nick Patrick shows off the WCW World Title as Matt Walker and Christian stare at each other and both men are talking smack and the bell sounds as neither man move but continue to talk trash when Matt Walker slaps Christian across the face. Christian responds with a slap of his own to Matt Walker and both men smirk at each other and then lock up with neither man getting the upper hand as they move around the ring and into the ropes where Nick Patrick breaks it up. Walker then locks up again with Christian and this time Walker knee's Christian in the gut and Walker throws Christian to the mat. Matt Walker then starts mocking Christian as Christian gets back up and both men lock up again with Christian kneeing Walker in the gut and Christian throws Walker down and Christian now mocks Matt Walker and Matt Walker gets back and goes after Christian but Christian ducks out to the floor as Matt Walker follows and Christian catches Walker with a right hand knocking him down on the floor but Shane Douglas attacks Christian from behind but Tyson tomko comes over and hits Douglas from behind backing Douglas away. Matt Walker though is back up and kicks Christian in the ribs several times and Matt Walker rolls Christian back into the ring as Matt Walker goes up top and Matt Walker comes off the top but Christian catches him with a right hand to the gut of Walker. Christian then kicks Walker in the gut and Christian delivers a suplex and holds on for a second suplex and Christian is about to go for a third when Matt Walker rolls him up with a small package for the 1---2--2.6-kick out. Both men get back up to there feet and Christian is not happy and both men get face to face again and are talking trash and lock up with Christian locking in a head lock on Matt Walker and Christian sends Matt Walker off the ropes and Christian ducks down as Matt Walker leaps over Christian and Christian gets back up and hip tosses Matt Walker to the mat. Christian then picks up Matt Walker and Christian delivers a few chops to Walker backing him up into the ropes and Christian goes to whip Walker off the ropes but Walker reverses and Walker then backdrops Christian who rolls out to the floor due to the pain. Tyson and Trish are checking on Christian when Matt Walker hits a baseball slide into Christian knocking him into Tyson and Trish as Trish hits her back on the guard rail. Matt Walker is lauging as Christian checks on Trish before coming into the ring and Matt Walker attacks him coming in and Matt Walker delivers a suplex on Christian and Matt Walker then picks up Christian and goes for a Twist of Fate but Christian counters into a backslide pin for a 1---2--2.6-kick out. Christian and Matt Walker then stare at one another as both men lock up again with Christian backing Matt Walker into the corner but Shane Douglas comes into the ring and attacks Christian but then Tyson Tomko comes into the ring as Shane Douglas ducks out to the floor and through the crowd with Tyson in pursuit. Matt Walker though got the upper hand on Christian and Matt Walker slams Christian down and Matt Walker drops an elbow on Christian. Matt Walker then picks up Christian and is about to go for the Pittfall but Trish Stratus comes in and Trish kicks Walker south of hte border which causes Jasmine to attack Trish. Jasmine throws Trish out to the floor as Christian is getting up, Jasmine then lowblows Christian but Trish pulls Jasmine to the floor and both ladies get into a fight on the floor. Christian and Matt Walker are both hurtin in the ring as Do or Die and Jason Walker run down to the ring but Edge & Lance Storm are in hot pursuit as well. Die and Jason then get into a brawl on the floor with Edge & Lance Storm. In the ring both Christian and Matt Walker are getting back up and Christian and Walker both go for a right hand but end up smacking hands!! Christian then kicks Walker in the gut and Christian goes for the Unprettier but Walker counters into the PittFall and Walker connects. Matt Walker covers Christian for the 1---2--2.9-Petey Williams breaks up the pinfall. Petey Williams then goes for a clothesline on Matt Walker but Walker ducks and Walker then kicks Petey in the gut and Walker hits the Pittfall on him. Christian though attacks Walker and goes for the Unprettier again and hits it this time and Christian covers Matt Walker for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Christian (WCW World)

Penser: Your winner and new WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Christian

Tony: We have a new WCW World Champion!!!

Tenay: Both groups tried to cheat but the numbers game was to the S.C.'s benefit and they pick up the win

Madden: NO

Tony: Petey Williams the newest member of the WCW Roster and I guess of the S.C. just helped his leader pick up the World Title here tonight and boy what a shocker

Tenay: WCW has put on a great PPV and we hope you enjoyed it but we are going to send things over to Smackdown for the Smackdown Portion and Lets pray for E-X to beat The Masked ICON and Pennywise

Tony: Good Night

:Announcer Switch:

Al Snow: Well Coach its that time now

Coach: Time for the Main Event

Al Snow: Let's pray that E-X can get rid of these freaks

Coach: I am a little worried but with Triple H in the mood he has been, this is going to be a win for E-X I got that feeling

:Video Preview for The E-X vs Masked Death Match:

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is the Main Event of the Evening and it is a Non-Sanctioned Street Fight!!!(Crowd Goes Nuts)

"Mattitude Countdown starts into "Bodies", Crowd Cheers

X-Fact: Evolution X is going to destroy The Masked Death

X-Fact: It's time for The Masked Death to return to whatever hole they crawled out

Al Snow: Here comes E-X

Coach: I don't know if they can do it or not

"Lights Go Out as "Ministry V3" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: There opponents, Pennywise & The Masked ICON

Al Snow: Well here we go

Non-Sanctioned Street Fight: Triple H, Matt Hardy V1, & Kurt Angle vs The Masked ICON & Pennywise
This match seems ready to start out like a normal match with Pennywise starting things out with Kurt Angle. Kurt looks rather confused about how to go about things with clown and Kurt goes for a single leg take down but Pennywise just stands there and won't budge. Kurt Angle then goes behind Pennywise and goes for a backdown but Pennywise just grabs the ropes and holds on as Kurt Angle can't get him down. Pennywise then delivers a mule kick which is legal in the match. Pennywise then turns around and grabs Kurt Angle and throws him across the ring with ease. Kurt Angle gets back up and charges into a big boot by Pennywise. Pennywise then picks up Kurt Angle and is about to chokeslam him when Matt Hardy comes into the ring and chopblocks Pennywise's leg taking the clown down to one knee as Kurt Angle opens up on him then and Matt Hardy then dropkicks the other knee out taking the clown off his feet. Angle and Hardy then stomp away at Pennywise as Triple H is telling The Masked ICON to help him but The Masked ICON will not move off the apron as Pennywise then grabs Angle by the throat and then Hardy and sits up with both men and Pennywise delivers a monsterious chokeslam to both men. Pennywise then gets hit from behind in the back with a Sledgehammer and Triple H hits Pennywise in the gut as he turns around and then in the head knocking the clown down. Triple H then goes to hit The Masked ICON who moves off the apron. Triple H then see's Pennywise getting up and Triple H sets the sledgehammer end down as Pennywise gets up standing over it and Triple H still holding the hammer lifts it up ramming it right into Pennywise's groan as Pennywise's facial expression turns to extreme pain as Triple H grabs Pennywise and then hits the Pedigree on him. Triple H then turns around as The Masked ICON has finally come in and The Masked ICON knocks down Triple H with a big right hand but Matt Hardy comes over and The Masked ICON kicks him in the injured ribs and The Masked ICON delivers a chokeslam on Hardy taking him out and The Masked ICON catches Kurt Angle with a big boot taking down Kurt. The Masked ICON then picks up Kurt Angle and sends him flying over the top to the floor. Triple H has the sledgehammer and hits the Masked ICON in the back and The Masked ICON turns around looking pissed and Triple H then drops the weapon and goes right after the Masked ICON hitting rights and lefts and Triple H backs him up into the ropes and Triple H charges with a big clothesline taking The Masked ICON over the top but The ICON lands on his feet as Triple H backs up and then leaps through the ropes crashing into the chest of The Masked ICON knocking him back into the guard rail but not off his feet. Kurt Angle then comes over and jumps on The Masked ICON's back but The Masked ICON flips Kurt over who lands on The Game. Pennywise then comes out to the floor joining the Masked ICON and Pennywise grabs Kurt Angle and rams him into the steel steps but Matt Hardy comes out but The Masked ICON hits Hardy in the ribs once again and The Masked ICON knocks down Hardy. Pennywise then grabs Hardy and throws him near Kurt Angle as The Masked ICON picks up Triple H and Triple H lowblows The Masked ICON and Triple H goes for the Pedigree on the floor and connects with it!!! Triple H then lowblows Pennywise and Triple H is about to go for a Pedigree on him when The Masked ICON sits back up and grabs Triple H by the hair and Triple H looks dumbfounded as how ICON could get up that fast and The Masked ICON then delivers a big chokeslam on the floor to Triple H and The Masked ICON places his right foot on Triple H as Nick Patrick counts the 1---2--3.
Winners: The Masked ICON & Pennywise

Miss Shannon: Your winners, The Masked ICON & Pennywise

Al Snow: Oh No

Coach: The three biggest names in the history of this company just went down in defeat

Al Snow: It wasn't even close, The Masked ICON just destroyed them

Coach: What does this mean

Al Snow: Smackdown's Future is uncertain now because of this but we are out of time good night

:Psychotic Games goes off the Air:

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