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PPV : Royal Rumble 1/16/05
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 Message 1 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/8/2006 8:11 PM

Results 1/16/05 Live From Houston, Texas

Promo's for the PPV are shown

Pyro Then Explodes!! as "Ocean's Avenue" plays

Tony: Welcome to the KSCWE Royal Rumble live from Houston, Texas

Tenay: The Road to Wrestlemania starts tonight

Madden: JR and The King are in the other broadcast position up near the entry way

Tenay: We will go to them a little later on but tonight you will see Three Royal Rumble Matches plus The WCW Women's Championship is on the line as well as two SCWE vs WCW Matches when SCWE Women's Champion Kelli Helmsley faces WCW's Stephanie McMahon and SCWE World Champion Charlie Haas faces WCW World Champion Christian in a big Non-Title Match

Madden: I got some scoops for you guys as well. The Announced 25 Guys for WCW and SCWE are not the actual lists because some people have been added as last minute replacements

Tony: How did you find this out?

Madden: Scott Hill

Penser: The Opening Contest of The Royal Rumble is scheduled for one fall and it is a Non-Title Match. If Stephanie McMahon wins then she will enter at #20 in the Diva Royal Rumble but if Kelli Hardy wins then Stephanie McMahon must stay away from Triple H for the rest of her life

"All Grown Up" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, From Greenwich, Connecticut, Stephanie McMahon

Tenay: Alot riding on this match for Stephanie because if she loses then she could be screwed for the Diva Royal Rumble as well

Mattitude Countdown starts into "Figured You Out", Crowd Boo's

KellliFact: Stephanie McMahon is nothing more then a Walking STD

KelliFact: Kelli is the "Whore Killer" based on the whores she has taken out in the past

Penser: Her opponent, Representing Evolution X, From Greenwich, Connecticut, She is the SCWE Women's Champion, Kelli Hardy!!

Tony: Don't let the name throw you off because that is still the same Kelli we have come to know

Madden: She is just a married woman now

Tenay: This should be a interesting match up to say the least

Kelli Helmsley-Hardy vs Stephanie McMahon
Referee Charles Robinson explains the rules to each lady as the bell sounds. Kelli offers to shake hands with Stephanie and Stephanie goes to shake hands but Kelli slaps Stephanie across the face and Kelli then spears down Stephanie and Kelli pounds away the Billion Dollar Princess. Kelli then gets back up to her feet and picks up Stephanie by her hair and Kelli hairtosses Stephanie across the ring. Kelli is gloating as she goes over to get Steph but Steph spears down Kelli and Stephanie pounds away at Kelli but Kelli flips Stephanie over and Kelli pounds away on Stephanie some more until Referee Charles Robinson pulls Kelli off Stephanie. Stephanie starts to get up as Kelli attacks Stephanie again and Kelli whips Stephanie off the ropes but Stephanie ends up jumping on top of Kelli with a Lou thez Press and Steph pounds away at Kelli until Kelli knocks her off. Kelli then gets up near the ropes and Stephanie charges in and clotheslines Kelli over the top to the floor. Stephanie then rolls out to the floor and Stephanie picks up Kelli but Kelli grabs Stephanie by her pants and pulls Stephanie into the guard rail. Kelli then grabs Stephanie and throws her into the crowd as Kelli climbs over the guard rail as Referee Charles Robinson starts a 10 count but Kaci Hill comes down to the ring and tells Charles Robinson something and he stops counting as Kaci then heads to the back. Kelli meanwhile is pounding on away on Stephanie in the front row of the crowd and Kelli slams Stephanie's head off the cement. Kelli then grabs Stephanie and smashes her head off a chair as Kelli goes to do it again but Stephanie elbow's Kelli in the gut and Stephanie shoves Kelli back into the guard rail and Stephanie then backs up and charges at Kelli but Kelli ducks as Stephanie goes over top of Kelli and back onto the other side of the guard rail hitting hard off the ground. Kelli then climbs back over but before getting over. Kelli grabs a beer glass and Kelli then dumps the beer over Stephanie's head as Stephanie screams and Stephanie spears Kelli down and Stephanie smashes Kelli's head off the floor a few times before Kelli kicks Stephanie back knocking Steph in the side of the ring, Kelli gets back up grabbing the back of her head as Stephanie goes to hit her but Kelli kicks Stephanie in the gut and Kelli then DDT's Stephanie on the floor. Kelli then gets a sick smile on her face as Kelli then pulls up the padding off the floor exposing the concrete floor and Kelli then grabs Stephanie and sets her up for a Pedigree on the floor but Stephanie ends backdroping Kelli onto the padding. Kelli gets back up grabbing her back as Stephanie then kicks Kelli in the gut and Stephanie goes for a RKO on the concrete but Kelli picks up Stephanie and throws her causing Stephanie to hit hard on the concrete floor. Stephanie gets up grabbing her lower back as Kelli clotheslines Stephanie down and Kelli then goes under the ring and pulls out a bag and opens it up to pull out a pair of scissors and Kelli then grabs Stephanie's hair and Kelli is ready to cut but Stephanie fights back and Stephanie knocks Kelli back and Stephanie then knocks her down and Stephanie pounds away at Kelli before getting back up and Stephanie rolls back into the ring as Kelli gets up and follows and Steph attacks Kelli getting into the ring and Stephanie then goes for the RKO on Kelli and hits it but Stephanie does not cover and instead goes out to the floor and gets the scissors and goes into the bag and gets out the clippers and Stephanie gets back into the ring and Stephanie gets the clippers plugged in and Stephanie grabs Kelli and is ready to cut her hair when Julianne Angle comes running down to the ring and sneaks in behind Kelli's back and Julianne turns Stephanie around and Julianne kicks her in the gut and Julianne hits a Pedigree on Stephanie. Kelli gets back up as Julianne smiles as Kelli gets the clippers and Julianne holds Stephanie as Kelli then is ready to cut Stephanie's hair but Stephanie fights back and kicks Kelli down and backs up ramming Julianne into the corner and Stephanie turns around and knocks down Julianne with a right hand but Kelli chopblocks Stephanie down and Kelli looks at the clippers which are now broken and Kelli is pissed and Kelli then starts ramming Stephanie's head off the mat several times calling her every name in the book and Kelli tells Julianne to get something as Julianne goes outside to the floor and goes into the bag and pulls out a pair of handcuffs and slides them into the ring to Kelli who handcuffs Stephanie to one end and then Stephanie to the middle rope. Kelli backs up as Julianne is laughing as Stephanie realizes she is handcuffed and Stephanie is trying to her hand out of the cuffs when Kelli kicks Stephanie in the back of the head with a Chick Kick knocking Steph down as Kelli then pounds away at Stephanie as Julianne slides in another pair of cuffs as Kelli handcuffs Stephanie's other hand to the ropes leaving Steph totally helpless. Julianne then goes under the ring and gets a Sledgehammer out as she slides it into the ring to Kelli and Kelli picks it up with a Sick look on her face a lot like the look Triple H gets with it and Kelli kisses the top of the sledgehammer before driving it right into the gut of Stephanie who screams out in pain from the shot. Kelli then gets ready to do it again when Randy Orton hits the ring finally and Orton grabs the sledgehammer away from Kelli and Kelli then slaps Orton across the face and Orton grabs Kelli by her hair but Kelli kicks him south of the border and Matt Hardy then hits the ring and Hardy grabs Orton and turns him around as Hardy hits a Twist of Fate on Orton. Kelli then screams at Matt for coming out to the ring and Kelli then starts to kick Orton in the ribs as Matt tries to calm her down and Kelli shoves Matt away and Kelli picks up the Sledgehammer again and Kelli hits Stephanie once again in the ribs with the Sledgehammer. The Crowd then goes nuts as a woman comes out of the crowd wearing a hat and the woman then knocks down Julianne with a right hand and the woman rolls into the ring and then knocks down Kelli and takes the hat off to reveal Sara!! Matt Hardy is in shock and goes to hit Sara but Sara ducks and Sara hits a chick kick to the ribs of Hardy and Sara then hits a right hand to Hardy knocking him through the middle rope to the floor. Sara then kicks Kelli in the gut after she gets up and Sara hits a Sara Bomb on Kelli. Sara then goes into the bag and gets the handcuff keys and unhandcuff's Stephanie as Stephanie falls to the mat and holds her ribs as Sara knocks Julianne off the apron. Sara then is checking on Stephanie as Kelli starts to get back up and Sara see's it and goes to hit Kelli but Kelli throws powder in Sara's face and Kelli then gets back up and grabs Sara and Kelli hits a Twist of Fate on her.  Kelli then picks up Sara and throws her out to the floor as Randy Orton is getting back up and Kelli then shoves Randy out to the floor through the ropes. Stephanie is struggling up to her feet as Kelli then mocks Stephanie and Kelli then kicks Stephanie in the gut and pulls her to the center of the ring and Kelli flips her head up letting her hair fly back and Kelli then hits the Pedigree on Stephanie. Kelli rolls Stephanie over and covers her for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Kelli Helmsley-Hardy

Penser: Your winner, Kelli Hardy

Madden: Wow Kelli snapped

Tenay: We saw Sara return and try to help out Stephanie but to no avail

Tony: Kelli Helmsley snapped in this match and I don't know if Stephanie will be able to compete in the Royal Rumble later on

:On the floor, Kelli is pounding away at Sara until Matt and Julianne pull Kelli back as Paramedics tend to Sara and to Stephanie in the ring as Randy is checking on Stephanie as well:

Tenay: It was good to see Sara back even if it was just for tonight

:Video Preview for Trish Stratus/Jackie Gayda:

King: JR did you see how Kelli snapped

JR: I did King and that was alot like how her brother would snap

King: I guess its those Helmsley Blood Lines

JR: Well we are just here to tell you about the matches coming up a little later for the SCWE Side and that is the SCWE Royal Rumble of course plus we will be announcing the big Charlie Haas/Christian Match as well but lets send things back over to WCW

:Backstage: Eric Bischoff's Office

Sean Morley: Mr. Bischoff I really wish you wouldn't do this.

Eric Bischoff: The Last two years I have entered The Royal Rumble and just because this isnt the RAW Royal Rumble doesn't mean I am not going to enter

Sean Morley: Well Mr. Bischoff I am just letting you know that I am out to win this thing so if you get in my way, I will eliminate you

Eric Bischoff: I wouldn't expect anything less


Tony: Eric Bischoff is going to enter the Royal Rumble!!

Tenay: Whose spot is he taking?

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Women's Championship

"The Way You Move" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, The Challenger, From Chattanooga Falls, Ohio, Jackie Gayda!!

Tenay: Here comes Jackie Gayda who is looking to reclaim her Women's Championship

"Time To Rock N Roll" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: Her opponent, From Toronto, Canada representing The S.C., She is the WCW Women's Champion, Trish Stratus

Madden: I think Trish will retain here

WCW Women's Championship: Trish Stratus(C) vs Jackie Gayda
Referee Nick Patrick holds up the WCW Women's Title as The Bell Sounds. Trish and Jackie are face to face as Trish is talking trash to Jackie and Trish says something to Jackie that causes Jackie to slap Trish across the face and Trish turns to hit Jackie but Jackie blocks and opens up on Trish with right hands backing Trish into the ropes and Jackie then whips Trish off the ropes and Jackie hits a big clothesline knocking down Trish as Trish rolls out to the floor. Jackie Gayda then waits in the ring as Trish regroups and Trish gets on the apron and shoo's Jackie back as Nick Patrick holds Jackie back allowing Trish back into the ring. Trish and Jackie then lock up with Trish locking in a headlock and Trish is smiling but Jackie whips Trish off the ropes and Jackie then hits a back elbow in the face of Trish knocking her down. Jackie then drops a big elbow on Trish and Jackie covers Trish for a 1 count. Jackie gets back up and Jackie hits a big chop to the chest of Trish backing up Trish into the corner as Jackie pounds away at Trish and Jackie hip tosses Trish out of the corner. Jackie then runs at Trish knocking her back down with another clothesline and Trish gets up again as Jackie kicks Trish in the gut and Jackie hits a Modified RKO on Trish and Jackie covers Trish for a 1---2--kick out. Jackie then gets back up as she waits on Trish to get up and Jackie kicks Trish in the gut and Jackie goes for a Modified Twist of Fate but Trish ends up countering into a bridge pin for a 1---2--kick out. Trish then picks Jackie up and whips her into a corner. Trish then runs at Jackie but Jackie moves and Trish runs right into the turnbuckle. Jackie then turns Trish around and stands her up against the turnbuckle and delivers a slap right across the face of Trish. The crowd starts to cheer as Trish looks in disbelief. Jackie then goes to punch Trish but Trish kicks Jackie in the gut. Trish then tackles Jackie down and gets on top of her and starts to punch away. Trish is screaming at Jackie as Nick Patrick comes over and warns Trish to get off of her. Trish looks at him then gets up and kicks Jackie in the gut a few times. Trish then picks Jackie up and hits a Chick Kick on her. Trish goes to pin Jackie but Jackie is close enough to the ropes and grabs onto them. Trish is trying to pull Jackie off and Jackie kicks her in the face. Trish stumbles back and feels her face when some blood trickles down for her nose. Jackie gets up smiling and telling Trish to bring it. Trish gets a pissed off look and runs at Jackie but Jackie hits Trish and then starts to open up on her and knocks her onto the ropes. Then Jackie gets a running start and clotheslines Trish over the top rope. Trish gets up as Jackie is laughing. Nick Patrick starts the count out. 1---2---3---4. Trish climbs back up into the ring. Trish and Jackie then circle each other and then Trish challenges Jackie to lock up with her. Jackie hesitates and then goes to lock up with Trish. Trish tries to punch Jackie but Jackie ducks and shoves Trish backwards. Trish hits the mat and rolls out to the floor. But Trish quickly jumps back in as Jackie starts laughing at her again. Trish then runs at Jackie again and Jackie goes to hit Trish but Trish stops and kicks Jackie in the gut. Trish then whips Jackie into a corner again. Trish then walks over to Jackie and elbows her in the face. Trish then slaps Jackie across the face. The crowd starts to cheer again as Trish starts to kick Jackie in the gut over and over again. Jackie then falls down and Trish kicks her a few more times. Trish then picks Jackie up and is setting her up for a Stratusphere but Jackie hits Trish in the stomach and hits a Hurricanrana on Trish. Both women lay on the ground as Nick Patrick is ready to start the 10 count. Jackie then gets up and Trish as well but Jackie kicks Trish down. Jackie then rolls Trish over and climbs to the top rope. Jackie goes for a Moonsault but Trish gets her knees up. Jackie then hits the mat and is rolling around in pain as Trish slowly climbs to her feet. Trish walks over to Jackie and picks her up and hits another Chick Kick on her. Trish covers Jackie for the 1---2---2.7--kick out. Trish starts to argue the count as Jackie tries to get up. Trish then picks Jackie up again but Jackie rolls Trish over for the 1---2---2.7--kick out. Trish and Jackie both get up and look at each other. Trish then runs toward Jackie but Jackie moves and trips Trish. Jackie then picks Trish up and whips her into a corner. Jackie then charges in but Trish gets her foot up into the face of Jackie and Trish then grabs Jackie and Trish goes for and hits the Stratusfaction on Jackie. Trish covers Jackie for the 1--2--3.
Winner: Trish Stratus

Penser: Your winner and still WCW Women's Champion, Trish Stratus

Tenay: What a great match between these two ladies

Tony: Jackie gave it her all but Trish once again pulls it out

Madden: I told you Trish would do it

Tenay: Well coming up next is going to be the big WCW/SCWE Diva Royal Rumble

:Backstage: Just Outside Evolution X's Locker Room

:David Flair and Shayn Flair are both shown exiting Evolution X's Locker Room as they look at each other in disgust before leaving:

:Video Preview highlighting 2003 and 2004 KSCWE Diva Royal Rumble's:

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 Message 2 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/8/2006 8:12 PM

JR: Well its time for the Diva Rumble and Coach why are you here?

Coach: Well didn't you hear.

King: Hear what

Coach: WCW Heat has been dropped and Scott Hill since he is my dawg has hired me to join you guys on Smackdown! each and every week starting tonight

JR: Great

Coach: It will be just like old times

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is the Over The Top Rope KSCWE Diva Royal Rumble

"Alive" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Miss Shannon: Drawing #1, From Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, She is Representing The S.C., She is also the WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Tara Rayge

King: My money is on Stacy Mason in this match

JR: I personally like Torrie Wilson

Coach: I gotta go with Stacy Mason as well since she got one of the final two spots

JR: Nobody has ever won a Royal Rumble from the #1 spot so Tara Rayge has a big disadvantage here

"Foxy Lady" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Drawing #2, From London, England, Scarlett

King: Scarlett didn't get a good draw here either

WCW/SCWE Diva Royal Rumble: #1 Tara Rayge vs #2 Scarlett
The Bell sounds as Tara and Scarlett lock up with Tara backing Scarlett into the corner. Tara then knee's Scarlett in the gut and Tara then delivers several chops to Scarlett and Tara grabs Scarlett and goes to whip her out of the corner but Scarlett reverses sending Tara across the ring to the other corner and Scarlett charges in and Tara gets her boot up into Scarlett's face knocking her down. Tara then climbs up top and Tara comes off hitting a Hurricanrana taking down Scarlett. Tara gets up first and Tara grabs Scarlett and Tara tries to send her over the top but Scarlett holds on to the top rope and ends up elbowing Tara in the gut and Scarlett then drives Tara's throat into the top rope knocking Tara down as Scarlett then goes for a Stunner on Tara but Tara ends up shoving Scarlett away and Tara hits a chick kick to Scarlett knocking her down. Tara then goes to pick up Scarlett as The Buzzer Sounds....

"Pieces of Me" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #3, From Jacksonville, Florida, Alex Michaels

Alex Michaels hits the ring as Tara is waiting on her and Tara hits a big right hand to Alex backing her into the ropes and Tara then tries to dump out Alex but Alex fights back and Alex ends up bracing herself on the ropes and grabbing Tara and hits a Tornado DDT on her. Alex gets back up though and gets hit with the Scarlett Kiss by Scarlett. Scarlett then picks up Alex Michaels and is ready to eliminate her but Tara hits Alex from behind. Tara then tries to eliminate Scarlett again but Scarlett goes over the top but holds onto the ropes and starts to hug the ropes as Tara kicks away at her as Alex gets up and hits Tara allowing Scarlett back into the ring. Alex delivers a few right hands to Tara backing Tara up but Tara knee's Alex in the gut and Tara then delivers a DDT on her. Tara gets back up and is greeted with a right hand from Scarlett who knocks Tara through the ropes as Tara holds onto the ropes though not realizing that she won't be eliminated by going through the middle ropes. Scarlett kicks away at Tara also not realizing it as The Buzzer Sounds....

"Standing In the Rain" hits, Crowd is mixed

Miss Shannon: Drawing #4, From Los Angelos, California, Zoe Mason

Zoe hits the ring and Zoe immediately knocks down Scarlett with a right hand and then Zoe hits Alex down with a right hand. Zoe then helps up Tara only to kick Tara in the gut and Zoe hits the Dream Lite on her. Zoe gets back up to her feet and kicks Scarlett in the gut and Zoe hits a Double Arm DDT on her and Zoe then gets up again and catches Alex Michaels with a running neckbreaker. Zoe gets back up to her feet and Zoe then tosses out Alex Michaels. Alex Michaels has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Alex Michaels has been eliminated

JR: The First Elimination thanks to Zoe Mason

Scarlett is getting back up as Zoe then goes to work on her knocking her into the corner as Zoe kicks away at her but Tara is back up and attacks Zoe from behind. Tara then grabs Zoe and sends Zoe over the top but Zoe holds on and gets herself onto the apron. Tara not aware of that is pounding away at Scarlett who kicks Tara back knocking Tara down as Scarlett pulls herself up and Scarlett hits a spear on Tara as Scarlett pounds away at Tara as The Buzzer Sounds.....

"Wild Cat" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #5, From Jacksonville, Florida, Sable

Sable comes down to the ring and gets into the ring as Scarlett gets up and Scarlett greets Sable coming in as both ladies exchange right hands as Sable kicks Scarlett in the gut and Sable sets her up for a Sable Bomb but Scarlett backdrops her. Meanwhile, Zoe Mason and Tara Rayge are once again going at it as well. Scarlett waits as Sable gets up and Scarlett kicks Sable in the gut and Scarlett then goes to toss Sable out but Sable blocks it and Sable sends Scarlett into the corner and Sable goes over and hits several kicks to the ribs of Scarlett and Sable grabs Scarlett by her hair and hair tosses her out of the corner. Sable then goes over and Sable attacks Zoe from behind as Tara and Sable then work over Zoe as Sable holds Zoe as Tara kicks her in the gut and Sable and Tara both then grab Zoe and seem ready to toss her out when Scarlett hits Tara from behind and then a right hand on Sable and Scarlett knocks Tara into the corner and Scarlett goes over and hits several chops to the chest of Tara as Zoe is working over Sable now in the other corner as the next Buzzer Sounds...

"Need a Little Time" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Drawing #6, From Toronto, Canada, Torrie Wilson

King: The ring is filling up now guys

Torrie Wilson gets into the ring as Zoe Mason goes to greet her but Torrie catches Zoe with a right hand and Torrie then kicks Zoe in the gut and goes for the Stunner but Zoe ends up hitting Torrie in the back of the head and Zoe turns Torrie around and hits the Dream Lite on her. Zoe gets back up as Sable attacks her from behind. Sable is pounding away at the back of Zoe until Scarlett attacks Sable from behind. Scarlett then grabs Sable and goes to throw out Sable but Sable elbow's Scarlett in the gut and Sable then kicks her in the gut and Sable delivers a DDT on her. The Buzzer Sounds....

"She's The Blade" hits, Crowd is mixed

Miss Shannon: Drawing #7, From Charlotte, North Carolina, The #2 Freak, Shayn Flair

Shayn Flair hits the ring and gets in and Shayn Flair immediately knocks down Tara Rayge followed by Scarlett and Shayn grabs Sable and Shayn throws Sable over the top to the floor. Sable has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Sable has been eliminated

JR: Sable is gone via Shayn Flair

Shayn then knocks down Torrie Wilson with a big clothesline and Shayn whips Zoe into the corner and Shayn delivers several big chops to the chest of Zoe. Tara Rayge gets back up to her feet as Tara tries to make an alliance with Torrie and does as Torrie & Tara then double Scarlett in a corner as Shayn Flair works over Zoe. This goes on until the Next Buzzer Sounds....

"Memory" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #8, From Cameron, North Carolina, Representing Evolution X, Jenn Hardy

King: The First E-X member of the match

Jenn Hardy slowly gets into the ring as Torrie Wilson goes and attacks her coming into the ring. Torrie then knocks Jenn back into the corner as Torrie goes over and Torrie kicks away at Jenn's ribs knocking her down in the corner but Tara Rayge attacks Torrie from behind and Tara pounds away at Torrie's back and Tara tries to get rid of Torrie but Torrie holds onto the ropes. Shayn Flair then attacks Tara from behind and Shayn whips Tara off the ropes and Shayn hits a big clothesline on Tara knocking her down. Zoe Mason though hits a dropkick on Shayn knocking her down but Jenn Hardy attacks Zoe getting back up and Jenn hits a swinging neckbreaker on Zoe. Jenn then gets back up to her feet when Scarlett hits the Scarlett Kiss on Jenn. Scarlett seems a little winded but goes to pick up Jenn as The Next Buzzer Sounds....

"Lies" hits, Crowd is mixed

Miss Shannon: Drawing #9, Akasha Reid!!

Akasha Reid comes into the ring but Scarlett greets her coming in and Akasha knocks down Scarlett with a right hand. Akasha then does the same thing to Torrie Wilson but Shayn Flair attacks Akasha from behind and Shayn grabs Akasha and sends her over the top rope to the floor. Akasha Reid has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Akasha Reid has been eliminated

JR: Akasha is gone via Shayn Flair

Torrie Wilson attempts to eliminate Shayn but Shayn holds onto the ropes and Shayn ends up kicking Torrie in the gut and Shayn grabs Torrie and Shayn throws Torrie over the top but Torrie holds on and pulls herself back into the ring. Shayn Flair kicks away at Torrie as Jenn Hardy gets up and Jenn then joins in on the attack on Torrie trying to get Torrie out but Scarlett turns Jenn around and knocks her down with a right hand and then does the same thing to Shayn expect knocking Shayn into the corner and Scarlett goes to hit Shayn again but Shayn grabs Scarlett and switches spots with her and Shayn then delivers several chops to Scarlett. Zoe Mason meanwhile pulls herself up and watches the action going on as Torrie Wilson is laying on the mat now regrouping as well as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Nidia Theme" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Miss Shannon: Drawing #10, From Right Here in Houston, Texas. Nidia!!

JR: The Hometown girl will try and win it all

Nidia comes into the ring and Nidia immediately hits a right hand to Shayn Flair and then a few more knocking Shayn back and Nidia then clothesline's Shayn down to the mat. Nidia then turns around and see's Torrie Wilson getting back up finally and Nidia hits a swinging neckbreaker on her. Zoe Mason goes to sneak attack Nidia but Nidia catches her and Nidia opens up on Zoe with right hands knocking Zoe back and Nidia then hits a big kick to the gut and Nidia hits a DDT on her. Nidia gets back up and catches Tara Rayge with a right hand knocking her down. Nidia then dares Jenn Hardy to come but Jenn refuses to go and Nidia goes over and Nidia opens up on Jenn with a right hand knocking Jenn down in the corner and Nidia starts to kick away at her as the Buzzer Sounds....

"Bitch" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #11, Representing Evolution X, From Sydney, Australia, She is the Assistant GM of SCWE, Mallory Maddox

Coach: Here comes the Boss

Mallory Maddox gets into the ring and attacks Nidia from behind and Mallory opens up on Nidia with right hands to the side of her head as Jenn gets up and Mallory and Jenn are double teaming Nidia. Shayn Flair is once again working over Torrie Wilson in another corner as Scarlett regroups as Zoe Mason is fighting it out with Tara Rayge. This goes on until the Next Buzzer Sounds....

"Hotel" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Drawing #12, From Knoxville, Tennessee, Brish Cena

Brish Cena gets into the ring and Scarlett greets her coming in as Scarlett and Brish exchange right hands but Brish knocks down Scarlett with a right hand. Brish then goes over and attacks Jenn Hardy and Mallory Maddox and Brish kicks Jenn in the gut and Brish goes for the Brish Bomb but Shayn Flair attacks Brish from behind. Shayn Flair then picks up Brish and slams her down hard but Torrie Wilson attacks Shayn once again. Zoe Mason then joins in and attacks Torrie from behind until Zoe Mason once again attacks Tara Rayge. All 9 Ladies are brawling with one another until the Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Fake Steph's Theme" hits, Crowd is mixed

Miss Shannon: Drawing #13, Fake Steph

Fake Steph gets into the ring but Shayn Flair attacks her coming into the ring and Shayn Flair then grabs Fake Steph and sends her over the top to the floor. Fake Steph has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Fake Steph has been eliminated

JR: Shayn Flair picks up another elimination this time its Fake Steph

Nidia then tries to eliminate Shayn by attacking her from behind but Mallory & Jenn attack Nidia. Torrie Wilson tries to help out Nidia and attacks Jenn as Tara and Zoe are once again going at it and Brish joins in attacking Jenn Hardy while Torrie works over Mallory Maddox. Shayn Flair though knee's Nidia in the gut hard and Shayn sends Nidia over the top rope to the floor. Nidia has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Nidia has been eliminated

JR: The Hometown girl Nidia just went out from Shayn Flair

Shayn then attacks Brish from behind and Shayn Flair grabs Brish Cena and Shayn sends Brish over the top rope to the floor as well. Brish Cena has been eliminated. Jenn Hardy seems relieved with the elimination when Shayn then clotheslines Jenn Hardy over the top to the floor as well. Jenn Hardy has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Brish Cena and Jenn Hardy have both been eliminated

JR: Brish Cena and then Jenn Hardy both bite the dust thanks to the red hot Shayn Flair

King: She is like Shaniqua last year and how ironic is it that Shaniqua was a FIT to Scott and Lacy and Shayn is now with them as well

Scarlett, Zoe, Tara, Torrie, and Mallory then stop fighting and look at Shayn and the ladies look at each other and seem to agree on something as the Buzzer Sounds.

"My Pregative" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #14, From Toronto, Canada, Representing Evolution X, Lindsay Stratus

Lindsay Stratus is slow to get into the ring as Mallory and Tara tell Scarlett to take out Shayn first and Scarlett goes to hit Shayn but Shayn knocks down Scarlett with a right hand and then one to Zoe as Shayn then catches Mallory by her hair when Lindsay gets into the ring and Lindsay attacks Shayn from behind as Mallory and Lindsay attack her as Tara joins in and three ladies get Shayn down to the ground and they pound away at her as Torrie, Zoe, & Scarlett seem to reach an agreement of some sort and the three ladies watch on as Shayn Flair keeps trying to get up as the E-X and S.C. work her over as The Next Buzzer Sounds....

"My Immortal" hits, Crowd is mixed

Miss Shannon: Drawing #15, From Flamming Starr, Massachusetts, Flame

Flame gets into the ring as Torrie, Scarlett, & Zoe then attack her. Zoe then picks up Flame as she holds her as Scarlett works over Flame with right hands and Torrie then kicks her in the gut but Tara Rayge then sneak attacks Torrie Wilson knocking her down as Tara grabs Torrie and Tara sends Torrie over the top to the floor. Torrie Wilson has been eliminated. Tara is gloating as Scarlett goes to eliminate Tara with a clothesline but Tara ducks and Tara then clotheslines Scarlett over the top to the floor. Scarlett has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Torrie Wilson and Scarlett have been eliminated

JR: Torrie Wilson and Scarlett are both gone thanks to Tara Rayge

Tara then looks at Zoe and asks her if she wants a piece and Zoe and Tara get face to face and Tara slaps Zoe across the face and Zoe then responds by shoving Tara back and both ladies start to exchange right hands the Buzzer Sounds...

"All Grown Up" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #16, From Greenwich, Connecticut, Stephanie McMahon

Coach: What is Stephanie even doing trying to compete here?

King: Stephanie after the beating she took should not out here

Stephanie McMahon slowly makes her way into the ring grabbing her ribs as Mallory & Lindsay look at each other and stop attacking Shayn and do Rock, Paper, & Scissors and Lindsay seems to win as she goes to attack Stephanie but Steph fights back and Steph knocks Lindsay down with a right hand and Mallory goes to attack her but Flame spears down Mallory and starts to work over her. Tara and Zoe are also going at it as Stephanie works over Lindsay. Stephanie then gets yanked off of Lindsay though by Shayn Flair who is back up and Shayn picks up Stephanie and slams her down to the mat hard as Shayn drops a big elbow on Stephanie and Shayn then gets back up and Shayn locks in a Figure 4 Leg Lock on Stephanie who is screaming out as Lindsay gets up and attacks Flame from behind but Flame turns around and knocks Lindsay back as Flame goes over and works on Lindsay as the Next Buzzer Sounds...

"It's My Life" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Drawing #17, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Kaylee Walker

King: I hope Kaylee wins so she can go streaking!!

Kaylee Walker runs towards the ring and gets into it as Kaylee greets Mallory Maddox with a right hand and Kaylee then knocks down Flame with a big right hand as well as Kaylee then opens up on Lindsay in the corner. Mallory gets back up and Mallory goes to hit Kaylee but Kaylee then turns around and Kaylee knocks down Mallory again with a right hand as Flame gets back up as well but Kaylee kicks Flame in the gut and Kaylee then throws Flame through the ropes to the floor but by the rules flame is not eliminated. Flame then grabs Kaylee's leg and trips her down and Flame pulls her out to the floor meaning Kaylee is also still in the match but Flame opens up on her with a right hand Flame grabs Kaylee and goes to whip her into the steel steps but Kaylee reverses sending Flame. Shayn Flair who had been pounding away on Steph after letting go of the Figure 4 see's the action on the floor and Shayn goes outside through the ropes also meaning she is alive in the match. Shayn then attacks Kaylee from behind and Shayn rams Kaylee into the guard rail as Flame is getting up and Shayn then grabs Flame and rams her head first into the ring post as The Buzzer Sounds...

"Legs" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Drawing #18, From Baltimore, Maryland, Stacy Keibler

JR: Stacy won the Rumble in 2003 and she got a good number

Stacy makes her way to the ring as Flame is rolled back into the ring to the awaiting Mallory & Lindsay who stomp away at Flame until Stacy gets into the ring as Mallory attacks her coming into the ring and Lindsay soon joins in on the attack as Shayn Flair rolls Kaylee Walker back into the ring and gets in as well. Shayn is working on Flame as Mallory Maddox and Lindsay are working over Stacy, Stephanie gets back up and Steph attacks Lindsay but Mallory grabs Stacy who is in the ropes and Mallory clotheslines Stacy over the top to the floor. Stacy Keibler has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Stacy Keibler has been eliminated

JR: Well Stacy won't be repeating thanks to Mallory Maddox

Mallory is gloating as she then attacks Stephanie from behind but Shayn Flair attacks Mallory and Shayn pounds away at Mallory and then at Lindsay and Shayn then knocks Stephanie back into the corner and Shayn grabs Stephanie's shirt and tears it off exposing Steph's black sports bra!! and taped ribs. Shayn then delivers several chops to the upper chest of Stephanie as Steph screams out as the crowd Woo's. Shayn then backs up and backdrops Stephanie as Lindsay & Mallory then both attack Shayn knocking her into the ropes and both E-X girls charge in for a clothesline knocking Shayn Flair over the top to the floor. Shayn Flair has been eliminated. Shayn is livid on the floor as Referee's have to restrain her as The Buzzer Sounds...

Miss Shannon: Shayn Flair has been eliminated

JR: Shayn Flair who did outstanding just got eliminated much to her liking by Mallory Maddox and Lindsay Stratus

"Everybody's Fool" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #19, From Los Angelos, California, She is the SCWE Women's Xtreme Champion, Stacy Mason

 Message 3 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/8/2006 8:12 PM
Stacy Mason walks past Shayn Flair on her way out and gloats Referee's are restraining Shayn. Mallory & Lindsay are waiting for Stacy to come when Steph and Kaylee get back up and Steph opens up on Lindsay while Kaylee goes to work on Mallory as Stacy Mason gets into the ring and Stacy then goes right after Tara Rayge and attacks her from behind. Stacy & Zoe then double team Tara and Stacy & Zoe then grab Tara and send her over the top but Tara lands on the apron and rolls back into the ring. The Mason sisters are not aware of that though as they go over and attack Stephanie from behind as Stacy shoves her down as Zoe and Stacy double team Lindsay Stratus but Flame comes over and Flame knocks down Zoe but Stacy attacks Flame from behind as Stacy holds her as Zoe works her over and Stacy and Zoe then grab Flame and send her over the top to the floor. Flame has been eliminated. Lindsay Stratus is pulling herself up in the ropes as Stacy Mason then hits a big clothesline on her knocking her over the top to the floor. Lindsay Stratus has been eliminated. The Final Buzzer Then Sounds...

Miss Shannon: Flame and Lindsay Stratus have been eliminated

JR: Stacy and Zoe Mason just got rid of Flame

King: Poor Lindsay Stratus got up at the wrong time and in the wrong place as Stacy Mason just clotheslined her over

"Hysteria" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #20, From Tampa Bay, Florida, Charisma Adams

Coach: The Former RAW GM and assistant WCW GM is the final entrant

JR: She has to be the favorite based on her number

Charisma makes her way to the ring as Stacy and Zoe Mason are waiting on her but Tara Rayge then attacks Zoe from behind while Stephanie attacks Stacy from behind allowing Charisma the chance to roll into the ring and Charisma gets into the ring and Charisma then goes right after Stacy Mason and attacks her along with Stephanie. Stacy ends up kneeing Steph in the ribs and Stacy opens up on Charisma knocking her back into the corner where Stacy works her over meanwhile Kaylee and Mallory are going at it still and Mallory has Kaylee in the ropes and Mallory goes for the Maddox Meltdown but Kaylee moves and Mallory is stuck between the ropes and Kaylee then hits a big dropkick knocking Mallory out of the ring to the floor. Mallory Maddox has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Mallory Maddox has been eliminated

JR: Kaylee Walker just got rid of the final Evolution X Diva

Everyone stops fighting upon seeing Mallory hit the floor and Stacy & Zoe regroup into one corner while Tara goes into another as does Kaylee in one and Charisma in another leaving Stephanie in the center of the ring and Steph slowly gets up as all 5 diva's then attack Stephanie. During the attack on Stephanie though Stacy Mason attacks Charisma from behind and Stacy then grabs Charisma by her hair and sends her flying over the top to the floor. Charisma Adams has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Charisma Adams has been eliminated

JR: Stacy Mason just got rid of Charisma who is not happy about the elimination

Stacy is waving good bye when Tara tries to dump out Stacy but Stacy grabs onto the bottom rope and is holding on as Tara is trying to get her out but Zoe comes over and Zoe attacks Tara from behind and when Tara turns around, Zoe hits a Chick Kick knocking Tara over the top to the floor. Tara Rayge has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Tara Rayge has been eliminated

JR: A Mess up by Tara Rayge who did a great job though despite being eliminated just now by Zoe Mason

King: It's the final four and you gotta like Stacy and Zoe's shots now with Kaylee and a injured Stephanie

Stacy Mason then lets herself fall onto the apron and is about to get back into the ring when Zoe looks down at her sister and smiles as Zoe grabs the ropes and swings forward kicking Stacy right in the face with both feet causing Stacy to nearly fall out of the ring but Stacy some how holds on as Zoe is now choking Stacy trying to get her out as Kaylee Walker watches on but Stephanie is starting to get up and Kaylee goes over and Kaylee opens up on Stephanie with a few right hands and Kaylee then picks up Stephanie and whips her off the ropes but Stephanie hits a Lou Thez Press but Steph can't pound away as Steph rolls off grabbing her ribs as Zoe finally gives up on getting Stacy out and Zoe lets her back up as Zoe then attacks Stephanie from behind and Zoe picks up Stephanie and Zoe goes to throw out Stephanie but Stephanie somehow holds on to the top rope and Stephanie is trying to skin the cat but Zoe refuses to let Steph get back in as Zoe then pounds away at Stephanie in her ribs area as Steph is screaming out in pain but refuses to let go as Stacy Mason who is back in the ring and Stacy then joins in with her sister working over Steph trying to get Steph to let go but Steph is holding on for dear life and trying to get her feet on the apron but Zoe and Stacy keep kicking them away but Kaylee starts to smile behind the mason sisters and Kaylee then tries to dump out Stacy Mason but Stacy ends up grabbing Zoe by her hair going over and Stacy ends up landing on the apron and pulls Zoe over the top to the apron as well as Stephanie also gets herself finally on the apron and all three ladies are on the apron as Kaylee delivers a right hand to Stacy trying to knock her off while Zoe tries to get back into the ring but Stephanie grabs Zoe and keeps her out as Zoe hits a right hand to Steph nearly knocking Steph off the apron but Steph holds on and Stacy shoves Kaylee back as Stacy & Zoe then look at each other and both ladies deliver a back elbow to the face of Stephanie knocking her off the apron sending her to the floor. Stephanie McMahon is now eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Stephanie McMahon has been eliminated

JR: Stephanie put up a great effort but the Mason sisters were too much for her

King: I don't like Kaylee's shot now

Stacy and Zoe then get back into the ring as Kaylee goes over and attacks them both getting back and Kaylee knocks Stacy back out to the apron and Kaylee tires to get her out but Zoe knocks Kaylee out of the way, Stacy then pulls herself up on the apron as Zoe then takes a sucker punch to Stacy nearly knocking Stacy off but Stacy grabs Zoe and Zoe ends up grabbing Stacy back and Zoe is pounding away at Stacy's gut as Stacy sets up Zoe for a suplex and Stacy picks up Zoe who holds onto the ropes as Kaylee then helps out by picking up Zoe making it easier for Stacy to have her and Kaylee then hits a dropkick to Stacy's right knee as Stacy loses her balance and ends up dropping Zoe over the top onto the floor eliminating Zoe as Stacy is barely holding on to the rope herself. Zoe Mason has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Zoe Mason has been eliminated

JR: Stacy Mason just eliminated her own sister

Coach: These ladies are going all out to win

Kaylee then tries to get Stacy of by pounding away at her but Stacy ends up putting her head down and driving her shoulder into Kaylee's gut several times as Stacy then gets up and grabs Kaylee pulling her over the top to the apron as Zoe is getting back and Kaylee ends up elbowing Stacy in the gut and Kaylee sets her up for a DDT as Kaylee wraps her left arm around the top rope and Kaylee drops down driving her Stacy off the apron but Zoe ends up holding Stacy's legs keeping Stacy in the match as Stacy grabs the bottom rope as Kaylee goes over and kicks Zoe in the face but Stacy ends up tripping Kaylee up and Kaylee loses her gripping on the rope and crashes on top of Zoe who loses control of Stacy as both ladies are down. Several Referee's come over and check but Nick Patrick and Earl Hebner can not agree on a winner as Scott Hill also comes out to see what's going on. Stacy and Kaylee both think they have won the match as Scott Hill finally tells Shannon Michaels something to announce

Miss Shannon: Ladies and Gentlemen, Scott Hill has just informed me that both Kaylee Walker and Stacy Mason are the winners of the 2005 WCW/SCWE Diva Royal Rumble

Coach: It's a tie!!

King: This has never happened before

JR: Because of Zoe you could not find a clear winner so I guess in the interest of fairness they both won

:Stacy Mason and Kaylee Walker both look a bit pissed by the decision as Stacy and Zoe argue as referee's escort both ladies to the back:

:Video Review of Charlie Haas and Christian's rise to the top of there brands:

JR: Well up next we are going to see the dream match as the WCW World Champion takes on the SCWE World Champion

Coach: It's non title but it should be great none the less

King: Both of these guys came in around the same time so there careers will always be linked but this is the first time I believe they have faced off

Miss Shannon: The Following is a Non-Title Interpromo Match and it is scheduled for one fall

"Peep Show" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, He is the leader of the S.C., From Toronto, Canada weighing in at 235 Pounds, The WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Christian

Coach: I hate to say this guys but I think Christian is going to dominate Charlie Haas tonight

"Just Close Your Eyes" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: His opponent, From Edmond, Oklahoma weighing in at 242 Pounds, He is the SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, The "World's Greatest Athlete" Charlie Haas

King: I think Charlie Haas is going to take Christian to school

JR: This is going to be a great match and I don't know who is going to win because both guys are great wrestlers and both are World Champions

WCW vs SCWE: Christian(WCW) vs Charlie Haas(SCWE)
Referee Brian Hebner explains the rules to each man as the bell sounds. Charlie Haas offers to shake hands with Christian but Christian smirks and turns his back on Charlie Haas to walk over towards a corner and Charlie then grabs Christian from behind and takes him down with a good amateur move and Charlie then grabs Christian's arm and locks in a arm bar on him as Christian quickly gets into the ropes with his feet forcing the break. Charlie Haas smirks now at Christian who seems a little pissed at being shown up. Christian and Charlie then lock up with Christian going behind Charlie but Charlie quickly counters by going behind Christian and Christian counters that by going behind Charlie and Charlie then ends up tripping up Christian as Charlie ducks down and Christian falls flat on his face as Charlie goes for the Haas of Pain but Christian quickly crawls into the ropes as Charlie waits for Christian to come again. Christian gets back up and Christian complains to Brian Hebner about Charlie cheating but Brian tells Christian to quit crying about it and Christian then shoves Brian and Brian shoves Christian back right into Charlie Haas who ends up hitting a release German Suplex on Christian. Christian pulls himself up in the ropes as Charlie charges in hitting a clothesline on Christian sending him over the top to the floor. Christian gets up on the floor and is not happy and then starts jawing with a fan who is laughing at him with his back to the ring as Charlie then backs up and runs and slides hitting a baseball slide into Christian's back knocking him into the guard rail. Charlie Haas then gets on the floor and grabs Christian and Charlie goes to whip him into the steel steps but Christian reverses somehow sending Charlie into them as Christian walks over near the ring announcer's spot and chases as David Penser and Miss Shannon and Charlie is getting back up and goes to hit him but Christian pulls Miss Shannon closer and shoves her into Charlie who  stops her but Christian grabs the steel chair and Christian then goes to hit Charlie but Charlie ducks and then spears down Christian who drops the chair and Charlie pounds away at Christian. This brings out Tyson Tomko and Trish Stratus as Trish gets on the apron to detract the referee as Tyson goes around the other side and Tyson hits Charlie in the back and pulls him off Christian and Tyson rams Charlie into the guard rail hard. This brings out Kurt Angle who races down to the ring and Angle then chases Tyson around to the other side of the ring as Kurt checks on Charlie Haas as Lance Storm & Tyson Tomko then make there way to the ring as well. Christian gets back up and rolls back into the ring as Charlie also gets back up and gets into the ring. Christian attacks Charlie coming into the ring and Christian pounds away at Charlie and then whips him off the ropes and Christian locks in a Sleeper Hold on Charlie but Charlie ends up ramming Christian back into the corner breaking the hold and Charlie turns around quickly and grabs Christian and hits a belly 2 belly suplex on him. Charlie is then waiting for Christian to get up when Lance Storm grabs Charlie's foot and Charlie turns around to jaw with the S.C. when Christian rolls up Charlie and Christian grabs the ropes for the 1---2--2.6-kick out. Christian then goes to work on Charlie some more and Christian kicks Charlie in the gut and goes for the Unprettier but Charlie ends up shoving Christian into the ropes and Charlie grabs Christian coming back and hits another belly 2 belly suplex on Christian and Charlie flips over Christian and Charlie goes for the Haas of Pain again but Trish gets on the apron again as Test, Tyson, & Lance Storm get into the ring and attack Charlie which causes Kurt Angle to get into the ring but Kurt is quickly over matches but then Chris Walker hits the ring and Chris Walker takes down Lance Storm with a right hand while Angle goes to work on Test and Maven also hits the ring and Maven goes after Tyson Tomko as Referee Brian Hebner turns around and see's that all hell has broken loose and calls for the bell
No Contest

Miss Shannon: The Result of this match is a No Contest

JR: All hell has broken loose here

:Several Referee's come out to break up the Melee in the ring and finally do:

King: This was pure crazyness

Coach: Well so much for finding out what brand was better

:Footage is shown Highlighting The History of Every Royal Rumble Match:

Tony: Well guys its time for the WCW Royal Rumble

Tenay: This is going to be great

Madden: Because of the match on Nitro we know who got #1, #2, #3, & #25 but the rest is all up in the air

Penser: The Following Contest is the WCW Royal Rumble(Crowd goes Nuts)

"Self High Five" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Drawing #1, From The Jersey Shore, weighing in at 232 Pounds, Diamond Dallas Page!!

Tenay: DDP got the unlucky #1 but DDP both years has been the last man eliminated and hopes to win this year but its going to be tough

"This is a Test" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: Drawing #2, From Toronto, Canada weighing in at 280 Pounds, Test

Madden: Test has done very well for himself in the Royal Rumble over the years as well though

WCW Royal Rumble: #1 DDP vs #2 Test
The Bell Sounds as DDP and Test talk trash to one another and Test tells DDP he is going to run the gauntlet and win and DDP comes back with he is going to win and Test shoves DDP back and DDP then comes back with a right hand and then a few more jabs to Test backing Test up to the ropes and DDP charges in but Test ends up hitting a Big Boot on DDP taking him down. Test then smiles a little as he taunts for the fans and Test then picks up DDP but DDP fights back with a few shots to the gut of Test and DDP then grabs Test and hits a swinging neckbreaker taking him down. DDP then gets back up to his feet and DDP waits for Test and DDP opens up on Test some more and DDP whips Test off the ropes and DDP then puts his head down but Test stops and kicks DDT in the face and Test then kicks him in the gut and Test sets up DDP for the Pumphandle but DDP wiggles free and DDP hits the Diamond Cutter as The Buzzer Sounds...

"Longhorns" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: Drawing #3, From New York, New York weighing in at 290 Pounds, John Bradshaw Layfield

JBL gets into the ring and DDP attacks him coming as DDP knocks JBL into the corner and DDP pounds away at JBL in the corner as Test starts to get up and Test then charges in and attacks DDP from behind. Test and JBL then start to put the boots to DDP as Test holds DDP up as JBL pounds away at him and then JBL grabs DDP and holds him for Test as the two men take there turns on him. JBL then lets DDP drop down and Test and JBL have words with each other as Test picks up DDP then and whips him off the ropes as JBL bounces off the ropes and JBL hits a clothesline from hell on him. JBL is smiling as he gets back up and picks up DDP and whips DDP off the ropes again as Test then hits a Big boot on DDP as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"I Am" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Drawing #4, From Gainsville, Georgia weighing in at 202 Pounds, AJ Styles

AJ Styles hits the ring and AJ goes up top immediately and AJ comes off looking for a crossbody but Test and JBL catch him and then throw him back with a double fall away slam. AJ Styles is grabbing his back as he gets up and Test charges in and hits a big boot on AJ Styles turning him inside out as JBL then picks up AJ and JBL sets him up and Test tells him to do it as JBL picks up AJ and spikes him down with a devastating powerbomb. DDP is then trying to get up to his feet as JBL and Test then attack DDP and start to work over him in a corner as Test drives his knee into the throat of DDP while JBL does the same thing to AJ. They continue to choke the two men until the Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Holla If You Hear Me" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: Drawing #5, From Detroit, Michigan weighing in at 255 Pounds, "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner

Madden: Oh Boy he is back!!!

Scott Steiner makes his way into the ring as JBL and Test both look at each other and both men go right at Scott Steiner who ends up knocking down JBL with a right hand and clotheslines Test down and Steiner then whips JBL off the ropes and Steiner hits a big powerslam on JBL and Steiner catches Test with a belly 2 belly suplex. AJ Styles is starting to get up as Steiner walks over towards AJ and Steiner picks up AJ with a bench press and Steiner throws AJ over the top into the front row of the crowd which moves out of the way as AJ  crashes onto the cement as paramedics rush to AJ. AJ Styles has been eliminated.

Penser: AJ Styles has been eliminated

Madden: Did you see that!!

Tony: AJ Styles just got thrown out like a rag doll by Scott Steiner

Test and JBL both look at each other in total shock as DDP is starting to get up and JBL & Test both point to DDP and tell Steiner he was ripping on Lacy and Steiner  turns to DDP and Steiner shoves DDP back into the corner and Steiner starts to pound away on DDP as the Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Bombshell" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Drawing #6, From New York, New York weighing in at 240 Pounds, D-Von Dudley

D-Von Dudley hits the ring and goes right after Scott Steiner and attacks him from behind. D-Von tries to go for the Saving Grace but Steiner flips D-Von over as D-Von gets up slowly and Steiner then grabs D-Von by his head and sends him flying over the top to the floor. D-Von Dudley has been eliminated.

Penser: D-Von Dudley has been eliminated

Steiner then goes back to work on DDP in the corner as Steiner then grabs DDP and whips him off the ropes and Steiner hits a big steinerline on him and Steiner then drops an elbow on DDP and goes into his trademark push ups before getting up and looking at Test and JBL who are standing next to each other and Test and JBL both start to clap. Steiner then picks up DDP and Steiner is about to throw him out when the Next Buzzer Sounds as Steiner looks to see who it is...

"Invasion" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Drawing #7, From Atlanta, Georgia weighing in at 280 Pounds, Goldberg

Tenay: The two big dogs may go now!!

Goldberg slowly makes his way to the ring as Steiner throws DDP into the corner and Steiner is waiting for Goldberg who gets onto the apron and gets into the ring and Steiner flips of Goldberg and dares him to spear him and gives him a free shot and Goldberg responds by hitting a spear on Steiner and then doing his normal taunts but Scott Steiner gets right back up from the spear like it was nothing and Goldberg turns around right into a Freakliner from Steiner. Steiner then picks up Goldberg and sends him flying over the top to the floor. Goldberg has been eliminated.

Penser: Goldberg has been eliminated

Tenay: Goldberg speared Steiner and he got up like it was nothing!!!

Madden: Scott Steiner is my pick to win the Royal Rumble!!!

 Message 4 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/8/2006 8:13 PM

Steiner then turns around to JBL and Test and ask if they want any and both guys shake there heads no and tell Steiner he is doing a fine job and Steiner then gets attacked from behind by DDP as DDP pounds away at Steiner getting him into the ropes and DDP tries to dump out Steiner but JBL runs over and hits DDP in the back and JBL then tells Steiner he got his back and offers to shake his hand and Steiner responds by flipping off JBL who looks a little upset and then shoves Steiner telling him he can't do that and Steiner opens up on JBL knocking him back and Steiner hits a big Steinerline on JBL as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Figure 09" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: Drawing #8, From Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 215 Pounds, Damien Rage

Damien Rage slides into the ring and Test immediately attacks him while Steiner pounds away on JBL on the mat as DDP tries to regroup in the corner. Test picks up Damien Rage and Test whips Damien off the ropes and Test goes for a big clothesline but Damien ducks and bounces off the other side and Damien hits a big lariat on Test but it doesn't knock Test but does knock him back into the ropes as Damien backs up again and charges in but test sidesteps Damien and ends up sending him over the top to the floor. Damien Rage has been eliminated.

Penser: Damien Rage has been eliminated

Tony: So much for Damien Rage thanks to Test

Test is gloating about his elimination when he turns around and gets knocked back into the corner by Scott Steiner who then opens up on him with right hands as JBL gets back up to his feet and JBL charges in but Steiner moves and JBL hits Test and Steiner then clotheslines JBL down as Test falls face first into the mat and the next buzzer sounds...

"Word Up" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Drawing #9, From Levittown, New York weighing in at 250 Pounds, JJ Stallion

JJ Stallion races down to the ring and gets into the ring as Steiner greets him coming in with a big clothesline knocking him down but DDP then attacks Steiner and knocks him back into the corner as DDP tries to open up on Steiner but Steiner reverses getting DDP in the corner and Steiner delivers several big chops to the chest of DDP and JJ Stallion then goes to hit Steiner but JBL attacks JJ from behind and JBL whips JJ into the corner where JBL & Test double team JJ. Steiner meanwhile Belly 2 belly's DDP out of the corner as JBL and Test grab JJ Stallion and whip him across the ring into Steiner who hits another Steinerline on JJ and Steiner then picks up JJ Stallion and sends him flying over the top to the floor. JJ Stallion has been eliminated.

Penser: JJ Stallion has been eliminated

Tenay: Yet another elimination for Scott Steiner

"Falling Apart" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: Drawing #10, weighing in at 225 Pounds, Matt Matlock

Matt Matlock races down to the ring and slides in and goes to hit Steiner but Steiner turns around and decks Matlock knocking Matlock down. Steiner then stomps away at Matt Matlock until JBL hits Steiner from behind and JBL whips Steiner off the ropes and JBL goes for a Big Boot but Steiner ducks and Steiner bounces off the ropes and Steiner gets nailed from Test who hits a Running Side Big Boot. Steiner is laid out as JBL and Test are gloating but Mat Matlock opens up on JBL with right hands as Test attacks Matlock from behind but DDP is back up and DDP attacks Test as Matlock and JBL are going at it while DDP & Test go at it as the next buzzer Sounds....

"Closure" hits, Crowd cheers

Penser: Drawing #11, From Albany, New York weighing in at 235 Pounds, Twister X

Twister X gets into the ring as he attacks JBL along with Matt Matlock and Scott Steiner ends up getting back up and Steiner knocks down Twister with a right hand then one to Matlock as Steiner opens up on JBL in the corner as Twister X gets up and goes to hit Steiner but Matlock attacks Twister from behind and Matlock hits the B.F.A. on Twister X. Test and DDP are still going at as is Steiner beating on JBL in the corner and JBL is now busted open because of it. Matlock though picks up Twister X and sends him flying over the top to the floor. Twister X has been eliminated.

Penser: Twister X has been eliminated

Tony: Twister X is gone thanks to Matt Matlock

"Bombshell" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Drawing #12, From New York, New York weighing in at 275 Pounds, Bubba Ray Dudley

Bubba Ray slides into the ring as Matlock attacks him and Matlock picks up Bubba but Bubba ends up jabbing Matlock in the face and Bubba hits a big elbow knocking down Matlock but Test comes out of nowhere hitting a Big Boot to the face of Bubba Ray Dudley putting him down and Test picks up Bubba Ray and Test then tosses Bubba Ray over the top to the floor. Bubba Ray Dudley has been eliminated.

Penser: Bubba Ray Dudley has been eliminted

Tenay: Test just got rid of Bubba Dudley

Matt Matlock is starting to get up as Test kicks him in the gut and Test then delivers the Pumphandle Slam to him. DDP then opens up on Test with right hands but Test knee's DDP in the gut as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"My Sacrafise" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Drawing #13, The Mauler

The Mauler races down to the ring and gets in as Matt Matlock greets him by stomping away at him as Test continues to pound away at DDP and Test then sends DDP over the top but DDP lands on the apron and Test tries to get rid of DDP but Steiner comes over and dumps Test over the top but Test also lands on the apron and Steiner then waits blocks DDP's way back into the ring as DDP pulls himself on the apron and DDP tries to fight back but Steiner ends up grabbing DDP by his head and driving him throat first off the top rope as DDP flies off the turnbuckle. DDP has been eliminated.

Penser: DDP has been eliminated

Madden: Well so much for DDP being the last guy gone or winning this year. Scott Steiner just eliminated that problem

Test is able to get back into the ring as Steiner then stomps away at him while Matlock is working over the Mauler in a corner along with JBL now as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Tough Enough" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Drawing #14, From Charlestown West Virginia weighing in at 220 Pounds, Maven

Maven gets into the ring as JBL greets him first and Maven knocks down JBL as Scott Steiner and Maven stare at one another but Matt Matlock attacks Maven from behind but Scott Steiner comes over and attacks Matlock and Steiner hits the Freakliner on Matlock putting him down as The Mauler goes for a Big Boot on Maven but Maven ducks and Maven then hits a dropkick on The Mauler knocking him over the top to the floor. The Mauler has been eliminated.

Penser: The Mauler has been eliminated

Tony: The Mauler is gone thanks to Maven

Steiner keeps JBL at bay by pounding away at him as Maven goes to work on Matt Matlock who is getting back up and Maven grabs Matlock and Maven sends Matlock over the to the floor as well. Matt Matlock has been eliminated.

Penser: Matt Matlock has been eliminated

Madden: Matt Matlock is gone thanks to Maven but are Maven and Steiner working together?

Steiner and Maven then start to double team JBL as Test regroups in a corner as the Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Wake Up" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: Drawing #15, From Denver, Colorado weighing in at 195 Pounds, Jerome Morris

Jerome Morris gets into the ring and Maven opens up on Jerome with right hands knocking Jerome back into a corner as Maven kicks away at Jerome's ribs as Steiner continues to work over JBL when Test then charges at Steiner and goes for a Big Boot but Steiner moves as Test ends up hitting JBL in the face  as JBL falls down on his face as Steiner then grabs Test after he turns around and Steiner belly 2 belly's Test. Steiner then goes over and stomps away on JBL while Maven and Jerome exchange right hands until Steiner attacks Jerome from behind. Steiner then picks up Jerome and slams him down hard as Maven goes up top and Maven comes off hitting the Blockbuster on Jerome. Steiner and Maven then have words with one another as the Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Closure" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: Drawing #16 from New York, New York weighing in at 241 Pounds, Jamie Gunz

Jamie Gunz comes down to the ring and gets in as Jamie tries to make peace with Steiner and Maven but Steiner and Maven then both attack Jamie knocking him into the corner as Steiner and Maven both pound away on Jamie until he is down in the corner and continue to stomp away as JBL is getting back up and Steiner  turns around and clotheslines JBL over the top to the floor. JBL has been eliminated.

Penser: JBL hs been eliminated

Tenay: JBL who did great is now gone thanks to Scott Steiner who is on a roll in this match

Jerome Morris is back up and Jerome attacks Maven from behind as Maven and Jerome go at it once again while Steiner and Jamie Gunz go at it as Test gets back up once more and Test is catching his breath watching the action as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Peep Show" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: Drawing #17, Repesenting The S.C., weighing in at 310 Pounds, The WCW Hardcore Champion, Tyson Tomko

Tyson Tomko gets into the ring as Steiner knocks Jamie down as Steiner then attacks Tyson coming into the ring and Tyson and Steiner exchange right hands as Test attacks Steiner from behind and Jamie Gunz then attacks Maven from behind as Jerome and Jamie then double team Maven while Test and Tyson double team Steiner. This goes on for the full rest of the period until the next buzzer sounds...

"Machine" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: Drawing #18, From Los Angelos, California weighing in at 227 Pounds, The Love Machine

The Love Machine gets in the ring as Jamie Gunz then goes to greet him but TLM and Jamie end up exchanging right hands with The Love Machine getting the upper hand as Jerome Morris attacks The Love Machine from behind but Maven then attacks Jerome and Maven knocks Jerome into the ropes and Maven clotheslines Jerome over the top to the floor. Jerome Morris has been eliminated.

Penser: Jerome Morris has been eliminated

Tenay: Maven just got rid of Jerome Morris

Jamie Gunz then attacks Maven from behind as The Love Machine then goes over and attacks Test from behind. TLM & Test are going at it while Tyson is working over Steiner and Jamie Gunz is working over Maven but Maven reverses and gets Jamie in the corner as Maven pounds away on Jamie knocking him down in the corner and Maven then goes over and attacks Tyson from behind letting Scott Steiner get back up and Steiner then goes to work on Tyson in the corner while Maven works over Jamie Gunz. Test and The Love Machine are both brawling and Test knee's TLM in the gut and Test knocks The Love Machine down with a clubbing blow as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"I Get Around" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: Drawing #19, From St. Louis, Missouri weighing in at 245 Pounds, Randy Orton

Randy Orton gets into the ring and Orton immediately attacks Maven as Maven and Orton get into a slug fest with one another until Jamie Gunz attacks Maven knocking him down and Jamie and Orton then put the boots to Maven until Scott Steiner comes over and Steiner knocks down Randy Orton with a right hand and then Jamie Gunz as Tyson Tomko attacks The Love Machine. Test and Tyson then pound away on The Love Machine and both men work him over as Steiner works over Jamie Gunz while Maven & Orton go at it. This occurs as until the Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Shoot to Thrill" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Drawing #20, From Knoxville, Tennessee, weighing in at 241 Pounds, The WCW Television Champion, Brandon

Brandon hits the ring and Brandon hits the Rush on Tyson Tomko taking him down. Jamie Gunz meanwhile has lowblown Maven and Jamie is trying to get Maven out when Brandon comes over and attacks Jamie and Brandon dumps Jamie over the top and Jamie tries to hold on but Brandon backs up and hits the Rush into Jamie's back knocking him off the apron to the floor. Jamie Gunz has been eliminated.

Penser: Jamie Gunz has been eliminated

Tenay: Brandon just rid of Jamie Gunz

Maven rolls back into the ring while Test and The Love Machine are going at it but Tyson is back up and Tyson attacks The Love Machine again from behind and this time, Test and Tyson are able to dump The Love Machine over the top to the floor. The Love Machine has been eliminated.

Penser: The Love Machine has been eliminated

Tenay: The S.C. just struck and got rid of The Love Machine who is not happy about being eliminated

Test and Tyson then attack Steiner from behind as Brandon goes after Tyson while Maven goes to work on Randy Orton as The Next buzzer sounds...

"Lance Storm Theme" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: Drawing #21, Representing The S.C., From Calgary Alberta, Canada weighing in at 240 Pounds, He is the WCW United States Champion, Lance Storm

Lance Storm races into the ring and Storm attacks Brandon knocking him down and Storm then attacks Steiner as he and Test double team Steiner in the corner as Tyson works over Brandon by driving his knee into Brandon's throat. Maven and Orton are exchanging rights and lefts and Orton kicks Maven in the gut and goes for the RKO but Maven shoves Orton over the top but Orton holds on and only one foot hits the apron as Orton pulls himself back in as Maven is unaware and Maven attacks Lance Storm and Maven and Storm are going at as Maven whips STorm off the ropes and Maven hits a big powerslam on him but Maven then gets hit with the RKO from Randy Orton. Randy Orton is gloating as the next buzzer Sounds...

"Hello Ladies" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Drawing #22, From Las Vegas, Nevada weighing in at 260 Pounds, The Chief of Staff, Sean Morley

Sean Morley comes into the ring and Morley knocks down Orton with a right hand and Morley then attacks Steiner who is working on Test now. Morley then holds Steiner for Test who pounds away at him as Morley then drops Steiner as Test starts to pound away at Steiner when Morley attacks Orton again. Morley then holds up Orton for Lance Storm who kicks away at Orton's gut as Maven gets back up and Maven turns around Storm and Maven knocks down Lance and Maven then delivers a right hand knocking down Morley and Maven then knocks Tyson off Brandon. Maven opens up on Tyson in a corner as Test attacks Maven from behind. Test then goes to eliminate Maven but Randy Orton attacks Test saving Maven in the process!! Orton pounds away at Test as Maven joins in with Orton backing Test into the ropes and both men are about to do a clothesline to eliminate Test when Lance Storm and Sean Morley attack them. Morley and Maven are going at while Orton and Storm are going at it. Brandon then attacks Tyson again and Brandon is working him over when Test attacks Brandon and Test then whips Brandon off the ropes but Brandon comes back hitting the Rush and Brandon is talking trash to Test when Tyson attacks Brandon from behind and sends him flying over the top to the floor. Brandon has been eliminated.

Penser: Brandon has been eliminated

Madden: The Problem Solver just took out Brandon

Scott Steiner then comes over and hits a Big Steinerline knocking down Tyson as the Next Buzzer Sounds...

"I'm Back" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Drawing #23, From Detroit, Michigan weighing in at 180 Pounds, He is the WCW General Manager, Eric Bischoff

Tenay: The Boss is entering The Royal Rumble yet again

Eric Bischoff slowly walks up the steps to enter the ring as Sean Morley knocks down Randy Orton and Morley then tells Eric he has his back in this match. Eric Bischoff gets into the ring as Randy Orton turns around Sean Morley and randy pounds away on Morley as Randy then turns to Eric. Scott Steiner meanwhile has Tyson near the ropes and Steiner clotheslines Tyson Tomko over the top to the floor. Tyson Tomko has been eliminated.

Penser: Tyson Tomko has been eliminated

Tony: Scott Steiner just eliminated The S.C.'s Tyson Tomko

Randy Orton grabs Eric in the corner but Eric kicks Randy in the gut and then kicks in south of the border as Randy turns around right into Scott Steiner who bench presses Orton over his head and Steiner then tosses him out onto Tyson Tomko. Randy Orton has been eliminated.

Penser: Randy Orton has been eliminated

Tenay: So much for Randy Orton's destiny because Scott Steiner just took that and flushed it

Scott Steiner then looks at Eric Bischoff as Sean Morley then attacks Steiner from behind but Steiner turns around and Steiner delivers a big right hand to Morley knocking him down as Eric moves over to the other side of the ring as the Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Cool" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: Drawing #24, From The Caribbean, weighing in at 243 Pounds, Carlito Caribbean Cool

Carlito comes into the ring and walks right into Scott Steiner who grabs Carlito and whips him off the ropes and Steiner hits a big clothesline on him. Lance Storm then charges at Steiner who clotheslines him down. Steiner then picks up Sean Morley but gets nailed from a Test big Boot. Maven then opens up on Test and Maven hits a dropkick knocking down Test. Maven then see's Carlito getting up near the ropes and Maven clotheslines Carlito over the top to the floor. Carlito Caribbean Cool has been eliminated.

Penser: Carlito Caribbean Cool has been eliminated

Madden: So much for Carlito because Maven just took him out

Test and Lance Storm regroup in one corner as Eric and Sean are in another with Scott Steiner in another and Maven in the final corner as the men wait for the Final Buzzer to Sound which it finally does...

"Holding Out for a Hero" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Penser: Drawing #25, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 195 Pounds, Chris Walker!!

Tenay: Well here comes the last man meaning we are down to the final Seven

Chris Walker cautiously approaches the ring as he see's everyone waiting on him and gets into the ring as Test and Lance Storm to attack him but Maven and Steiner end up going to work on Lance Storm and Test respectively. Sean Morley then goes to help out but Eric Bischoff shockingly grabs Sean and sends him flying over the top to the floor as Sean is stunned and Eric reminds him its every man for himself. Sean Morley has been eliminated.

Penser: Sean Morley has been eliminated

Tony: Eric Bischoff just eliminated his Chief of Staff

Eric Bischoff then turns around and gets clotheslined over the top to the floor by Chris Walker. Eric Bischoff has been eliminated.

Penser: Eric Bischoff has been eliminated

Tony: Eric took his eye off the ball and Chris Walker eliminated him

Tenay: The Final Five now

Chris Walker then joins in with Maven as they double team Lance Storm and Maven and Walker then grab Storm and send him flying over the top to the floor. Lance Storm has been eliminated.

Penser: Lance Storm has been eliminated

Madden: Damn it Lance is gone

 Message 5 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/8/2006 8:13 PM

Test and Steiner then go at it again as Chris Walker attacks Test as well and Maven then attacks Steiner. Walker is working on Test but Test fights back and Test sends Walker through the ropes to the floor but Chris Walker is not eliminated. Meanwhile Maven has Steiner near the ropes and Maven tries to get him out but Test comes over and hits Maven and Test then sends Maven over the top to the floor. Maven has been eliminated.

Penser: Maven has been eliminated

Madden: Test just took out the former WCW World Champion

Tenay: The Final three are Test, Scott Steiner, and Chris Walker

Test and Steiner go at it exchanging rights and lefts as Steiner knocks Test back and Steiner then goes to hit Test but Test lands a Big Boot to Steiner and Test is smirking as Chris Walker then gets back into the ring and Chris is waiting as Walker then drop kicks Test into the ropes and Walker removes his pants as he then charges in and flips through the ropes kicking Test in the face and Chris then goes onto the apron and flips up on the ropes and hits the Face full of panCAKE's on Test!!! Test gets up disgusted and goes over by the ropes trying to throw up when Chris Walker then dumps Test over the top to the floor as Test is livid and has to be restrained from getting back into the ring. Test has been eliminated.

Penser: Test has been eliminated

Madden: Not Test

Tenay: The Final two are Chris Walker and Scott Steiner

Chris Walker gets his pants and puts them back on as Scott Steiner  gets back up to his feet and Steiner and Walker look at each other and go to lock up as Steiner shoves down Walker with ease. Walker gets back up as he and Steiner go to lock up again but Walker goes behind Steiner and Walker dropkicks Steiner's left leg out as Walker then pounds away on Steiner but Steiner shoves Walker back as Steiner gets back up and Steiner then catches Walker coming in with a clothesline and Steiner picks up Chris and benchpresses him over his head and is about toss him out when Walker sneaks behind Steiner and Walker then hits a big clothesline when Steiner turns around sending Steiner over the top to the floor.
Winner: Chris Walker

Penser: The Winner of the 2005 WCW Royal Rumble is Chris Walker

Tony: Chris Walker is going to Wrestlemania!!!

Tenay: I don't believe it

Madden: NOOOOO Anybody but him

Tenay: Kaylee was co-winner of the Diva Royal Rumble and now Chris has won the WCW Royal Rumble!!!

:Scott and Kaylee Walker make there way to the ring and get in the ring as Scott embraces his brother congratulating him and Scott picks Chris up on his shoulders:

Tony: Now does this mean that Matt and Jason become the favorites to win the SCWE Royal Rumble?


:Charlie Haas is shown backstage heading for his locker room while on the phone when he bumps into a man wearing a robe and when Charlie looks up its Ric Flair and Triple H beside him:


:Charlie Haas looks stunned as he flips up the phone and puts it in his back pocket:

Triple H: Look Natch its the champ

Ric Flair: He looks like he just saw a ghost

Charlie Haas: I thought you were both retired

Triple H: Kid don't believe everything you hear because after I win the Royal Rumble tonight, I'm coming for you at Wrestlemania right Natch

Ric Flair: Woooooooooooooooooooooo

:Triple H and Ric Flair walk past Charlie Haas as Charlie's phone starts ringing and he looks stunned:


JR: Well its time for the SCWE Royal Rumble

King: This is going to be great

JR: We have some bad news for the people here and that is that Sting who was advertised to make his Return will not be here tonight

Coach: Yes but obviously Triple H or Ric Flair is replacing him

JR: I am not sure as to who is replacing him but both men were dressed for action

Miss Shannon: The Main Event of the evening is the SCWE Royal Rumble(Crowd Goes Nuts)

"Line in the Sand" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #1, Representing Evolution X, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 210 Pounds, The "Real Deal, No Gimmicks Needed" Matt Walker

JR: Matt Walker won the SCWE Royal Rumble last year and is looking to repeat this year but will have to run the gauntlet

"Eye of The Hurricane" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Drawing #2....

:Ric Flair and Triple H make there way out in the entry way instead as Triple H heads over the announce table with The Hurricane's cape and mask in his hands as Ric Flair makes his way down to the ring:

JR: What the hell is going on

King: We are being joined by The Game

:Triple H puts in the headphones and sits down at the table:

Triple H: It's great to be here guys

JR: What did you do to the Hurricane?

Triple H: Oh him. Well we were on our way to the Evolution X Locker Room when Natch decided to give Torrie Wilson a ticket to ride Space Mountain and The Hurricane had the nerve to say we should be taken to some prison in gotham city or something so me and Natch tought the kid a lesson

JR: You should be ashamed of yourself and you stole his mask and cape

Triple H: No he gave it to us since he seems to be having a knee problem and can't "fight crime" anymore so Julez thought it would be a good idea for me to take it and I'll wear it for her tonight

King: Are you going to enter the Royal Rumble?

Triple H: Well if I am sitting here with you what does that tell you?

SCWE Royal Rumble: #1 Matt Walker vs #2 Ric Flair
The Bell Sounds as Ric Flair and Matt Walker shake hands and Ric tells Walker something and Walker nods his head as Ric then struts around the ring doing his trademark Woooo's as Matt Walker waits patiently in the corner. Ric Flair eventually stops and also waits and this goes on until the first Buzzer Sounds...

"You Look So Good To Me" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Drawing #3, From Las Vegas, Nevada weigihng in at 229 Pounds, Rico

JR: What are your guys doing out there

Triple H: You think E-X is going to fight against each other. We don't listen to the every man for himself rule. They have a job and they are going to do it

Rico enters the ring as Matt Walker and Ric Flair both attack him as Flair shoves Rico back into the corner and Flair then delivers his trademark chops to Rico as the Crowd Woooo's as Rico eventually reverses though and Rico chops Ric Flair until Matt Walker attacks him from behind. Walker then pounds away at Rico as Walker sends him off the ropes and Walker and Flair then hit a Double clothesline knocking down Rico. Ric Flair then bounces off the ropes and drops a knee to the face of Rico as Matt Walker stomps away at Rico. Ric Flair then stops Matt Walker and Ric Flair grabs Rico's leg and Ric then locks in the Figure 4 Leg Lock as Rico screams out in pain as Matt Walker watches out in joy as the Next Buzzer Sounds...

"3 Minute Warning" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Drawing #4, Rosey!!

Coach: Hunter this is one of Rico's friends he could help them

Triple H: Nah

Rosey hits the ring as Matt Walker attacks him as he slides in and Ric Flair breaks the Figure 4 to help out as Rosey shoves down Walker and Rosey hits a big clothesline knocking down Flair. Rosey then knocks down Matt Walker again and Rosey whips Ric Flair into the corner and Rosey charges in hitting a big splash as Ric Flair falls face first into the mat and Rosey catches Matt Walker with a backdrop. Rosey then helps up Rico as Rico is grabbing his leg as Rosey then knocks Matt Walker into the ropes and Rosey pounds away on him and Rosey whips Walker off the ropes but Walker ducks down and tries to take out Rosey's leg but Rosey lifts it up as Walker misses and slides into the ropes. Ric Flair then chopblocks Rosey's other leg out though taking down the big man as Ric Flair goes to work on the leg as Rico limps over there but Matt Walker leaps over Flair knocking down Rico and Walker opens up on Rico as the Next Buzzer Sounds...

"I'll Show You, You'll See" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #5, Representing Evolution X, From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania weighing in at 220 Pounds, Stevie Richards

Triple H: Now you are starting to see the E-X Effect

King: Yeah JR

Stevie Richards waves to Triple H in the announce table before going down to the ring and Stevie gets into the ring and Stevie immediately joins Ric Flair in working over Rosey as Richards pounds away at him as Ric Flair locks in the Figure 4 on Rosey as Matt Walker holds Rico forcing him to watch as his friend is screaming out in pain. Matt continues to hold Rico as Stevie Richards then pounds away at Rico. This goes on until the Next Buzzer Sounds...

"3 Minute Warning" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Drawing #6, Representing 3 Minute Warning, Jamal

Jamal hits the ring and Jamal knocks down Richards and then Ric Flair and finally Matt Walker as Rico and Rosey are both able to recover as Jamal knocks Stevie Richards down and then Flair and Jamal grabs Matt Walker and rams his head into the turnbuckle several times and moves out of the way as Stevie charges into Walker and Jamal clotheslines Richards down. Ric Flair then sneak attacks Jamal and rakes the eyes and Flair then goes to whip Jamal off the ropes but Jamal reverses sending Flair off the ropes and Jamal hits a big powerslam on him. Jamal then gets back up but Matt Walker attacks him as Rico goes to hit Walker but Stevie Richards opens up Rico while Rosey is back up and Rosey attacks Walker as the Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Unstable" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #7, Representing Evolution X, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania wieghing in at 195 Pounds, Jason Walker

JR: E-X seems to have there hands full with 3 Minute Warning

Triple H: Don't worry it will turn around

Jason Walker races down to the ring and gets in and walks right into a side walk slam from Rosey. Rosey then hits a big splash on Jason Walker as Jamal hits a big fall down slam on Matt Walker. Stevie Richards then pounds away on Rosey but Rosey shoves Richards back down as Ric Flair gets shoved down by Jamal. Jamal and Rosey then go over and help Rico back up to his feet. Jamal and Rosey then charge in and squash Matt & Jason Walker as they try to get back up knocking both men back down as Rico goes over and shoves Richards in the corner and Rico hits several kicks to Richards and then climbs up and kicks Stevie in the head as Stevie comes out of the corner into a Rosey sidewalk slam. Jamal then goes up top and seems ready to come off for a splash but Ric Flair shakes the ropes causing Jamal to straddle the top turnbuckle as Rosey attacks Flair knocking him down as the Next Buzzer Sounds...

JR: E-X seems to be having trouble right now

"Joey Ryan's Theme" hits, Crowd has no reaction

Miss Shannon: Drawing #8, Joey Rya....

:As Joey Ryan was coming out, Triple H leaves the announce table and attacks Joey from behind and the Game hits a Devistating DDT on him and then sends him flying off the stage as The Game makes his way to the ring:

King: I think Triple H just replaced Joey Ryan

Coach: I think your right

Miss Shannon: The New #8, Triple H!!

Triple H makes his way to the ring and gets into the ring as Rosey goes to hit him and the Game knocks down Rosey with a big right hand and then one to Rico as The Game kicks Jamal in the gut and Triple H sends Jamal over the top to the floor. Jamal has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Jamal has been eliminated

King: Jamal is the first guy eliminated thanks to a pissed off Triple H

Triple H then see's Rosey getting back up and the Game goes to work on him and The Game picks up Rosey and sends him over the top as well to the floor. Rosey has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Rosey has been eliminated

Coach: JR this is your fault

Rico is starting to get up and realizes he is now in the ring with E-X as Triple H shoves Rico back into the corner and The Game starts to kick away at Rico brutally as Matt Walker, Jason Walker, Ric Flair, and Stevie Richards watch on. Triple H pulls Rico out of the corner and sends him across the ring hard into the other corner as Rico falls down from the impact of hitting the other corner. Triple H then tells the rest of E-X that's the kind of action he expects out of them as Stevie Richards then starts putting the boots to Rico and Jason picks him up and holds him for Ric Flair to chop as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"JWIN Theme" hits, Crowd has no reaction

Miss Shannon: Drawing #9, JWIN

King: This poor kid has no idea what he is walking in to

JWin races down to the ring and slides in as Triple H stares at him and The Game then clotheslines him down. Triple H then turns around and tells Matt Walker to take him out and Matt Walker shakes his head and Matt Walker goes over and helps up JWIN who thanks Matt thinking Matt is still his friend but Matt then kicks him in the gut and Matt pounds away at JWin and Matt then sets him up and Matt Walker hits the Pittfall on him. Rico is down in the corner as Ric Flair and Stevie Richards are still putting the boots to him as Triple H tells Matt and Jason to get rid of JWin as Matt Walker picks him up and Matt sends him over the top to the floor. JWin has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: JWin has been eliminated

JR: JWin has no chance

Triple H then tells The Walker's to help out with the attack on Rico which they do as Rico is now busted wide open as the Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Gold-Lust" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Drawing #10, From Hollywood, California, Goldust

Coach: Oh god now we are going to have two weirdo's in the ring

Triple H see's Goldust making his way to the ring as Stevie Richards gets ready for him and Stevie screams at Goldust that he still hates him as Goldust comes into the ring, Stevie goes to hit him but Goldust grabs Stevie south of the border and Goldust tells him to cough as Ric Flair then goes to hit Goldust but Goldust lets Stevie go and nails Ric Flair down but The Game attacks him from behind. Triple H knocks Goldust in a corner as Triple H and Matt Walker stomp away at him in the corner. Stevie Richards then tells them to put his legs up which they do leaving Goldust spread open as Stevie backs up and then kicks Goldust like a field goal kicker in the corner. Goldust falls out of the corner riving in pain as Stevie picks up Goldust and grabs him by the face and tells him its his ring and STevie then sends Goldust flying over the top to the floor. Goldust has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Goldust has been eliminated

Coach: So much for Goldust because Stevie Richards just snapped on him

The E-X men then go back over and pick up Rico as Triple H tells Ric Flair he is all his as Ric Flair takes Rico and is about to eliminate him but Rico fights back and knee's Flair in the gut and kicks him in the  face as the Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Numb" hits, Crowd has no reaction

Miss Shannon: Drawing #11, weighing in at 265 From Brooklyn, New York, The Cheat

King: Here comes The Cheat

Triple H attacks Rico knocking him down as The Cheat hits the ring and Matt Walker attacks him coming into the ring and Matt Walker takes The Cheat and sends him right back over the top to the floor. The Cheat has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: The Cheat has been eliminated

Coach: The Cheat barely got into the ring before he was back out again

Triple H takes Rico and The Game sends Rico over the top to the floor as Rico lands hard on his already injured leg as paramedics come out to tend to him as the 5 E-X members wave good bye to him and wait on the next guy to come out. Rico has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Rico has been eliminated

King: Another one bites the dust thanks to E-X

 Message 6 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/8/2006 8:14 PM

JR: Strength in numbers seem to be paying off because the boys of E-X are just standing around waiting on the next guy

King: Well whoever got #12 may be a unlucky guy because he is going to be walking into a ambush

:The Next Buzzer Sounds:

JR: Well lets find out who it is

"I Don't Suck" hits, Crowd Chants You Suck

Miss Shannon: Drawing #12, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 220 Pounds, The SCWE General Manager, Kurt Angle

Coach: Kurt Angle is doomed

JR: Kurt has managed to be the last guy eliminated both years so I wouldn't say that just yet

Kurt Angle makes his way to the ring as Triple H tells E-X to back off as The Game is telling Kurt to bring it as Kurt Angle gets onto the apron and enters the ring and Kurt and Triple H get face to face and are jawing with one another and both men then start to exchange right and lefts with Triple H kneeing Kurt in the gut and The Game opens up on Kurt knockign Kurt back near the ropes and Triple H goes to hit Kurt but Kurt catches Triple H in position for a belly 2 belly and Kurt belly 2 belly's The Game over the top to the floor!!! Triple H has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Triple H has been eliminated

JR: Kurt Angle just eliminated the Game!!

King: No this can't be!! FLUKE

:Triple H is livid on the floor as Referee's try to restrain him:

Ric Flair is livid and goes over and stands on the bottom rope yelling for Triple H to get back in and for the ref's to leave him alone as Matt, Jason, and Stevie are in total shock as Kurt Angle then turns Flair around and hits a right hand knocking Flair over the top to the floor as well as Ric Flair then goes nuts along with Triple H as they are escorted out. Ric Flair has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Ric Flair has been eliminated

King: Not Natch

JR: E-X was in shock and Ric Flair was half way over the ropes screaming at the ref's and got himself eliminated as well so he can go to the back with Triple H

Stevie Richards and Jason Walker then attack Kurt Angle as Matt Walker then joins in as the three men work over Angle in the corner as the Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Dark Marine Theme" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Drawing #13, Dark Marine

JR: Here comes a KSCWE Hall of Famer

Dark Marine slides into the ring as Matt Walker then attacks his former Tag Team Partner immediately and Matt Walker pounds away at Dark Marine and Matt Walker quickly sends Dark Marine back over the top to the floor. Dark Marine has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Dark Marine has been eliminated

King: Matt Walker looks like he isnt playing around anymore

Matt Walker tells Dark Marine to get the hell out of his arena as Jason Walker joins him in waving bye as does Stevie Richards allowing Kurt Angle the change to get back up and Matt looks at Jason and Stevie beside him and then Kurt Angle knocks down Jason Walker and Stevie Richards with right hands and Matt Walker and Angle start to exchange rights and lefts until Jason and Stevie attack Angle again and Jason holds Angle for Matt Walker who tells him to stay away from Kaylee and Matt slaps Kurt across the face and Matt continues to threaten Angle as the Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Ass Man" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Drawing #14, From Knoxville, Tennesee weighing in at 246 Pounds, Billy Gunn

JR: Here comes some potential help for Kurt

Billy Gunn slides into the ring as Stevie Richards goes to attack him but Billy knocks down Richards with a right hand. Stevie gets back up as Billy knocks Stevie back into the corner and Billy opens up on Stevie in the corner as Matt Walker continues to pound away on Kurt while Jason is holding him. Billy turns around and then goes to go after Walker but Stevie attacks Gunn from behind. Stevie opens up Gunn then and whips him off the ropes and Stevie puts his head down but Billy ends up stopping and Billy this the Fameasser on Stevie. Billy Gunn gets up as Jason Walker who had let Kurt go attacks Billy from behind as Matt Walker pounds away on Kurt. Jason Walker whips Billy off the ropes and Jason hits a big dropkick knocking down Billy as the Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Black Scorpion" hits, Crowd is mixed

Miss Shannon: Drawing #15, David Flair!!

Coach: Here comes Ric Flair's son David

David Flair gets into the ring and joins in with Jason on the attack on Billy Gunn while Kurt Angle turns the table on Matt Walker and Angle knocks down Walker and Angle then catches Stevie with a belly 2 belly suplex as David goes to hit Angle but Angle moves out of the way and Angle clotheslines David Flair over the top to the floor. David Flair has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: David Flair has been eliminated

JR: Like Father like son in the Flair's case because Kurt Angle just got rid of the younger Flair

Matt Walker then attacks Angle once again as Stevie Richards joins in on the double team as Jason Walker continues to work over Billy Gunn but Billy Gunn ends up knocking down Jason Walker with a right hand and Billy goes over and attacks Richards knocking him down and Billy Gunn also knows down Matt Walker with a right hand as the Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Jamie Noble Theme" hits, Crowd Cheers shockingly

Miss Shannon: Drawing  #16, From West Hanover, West Viriginia weighing in at 200 Pounds, Jamie Noble

King: Here comes Jamie Noble who is getting a good reaction here I guess because he is dating Houston's own Nidia

Jamie Noble enters the ring and Noble attacks Stevie as Noble knocks Richards back to the corner and Noble opens up on Stevie as Billy Gunn goes to work on Jason Walker while Angle works on Matt Walker in the corner. Billy Gunn tries to get Jason Walker over the top but Jason is holding onto the ropes and Jason ends up doing a mule kick to Billy lowblowing him as Billy falls down in pain as Jason Walker then hits a kick to the side of his head knocking him down as Jason then goes over and attacks Kurt Angle from behind. Jason holds Angle as Matt Walker goes to hit him but Angle moves as Matt Walker knocks down Jason as Kurt then hits a Belly 2 belly suplex on Matt Walker. Jamie Noble meanwhile knocks Stevie Richards down in the corner and Jamie then hits Angle from behind. Jamie Noble tries to throw Kurt out but Kurt holds on to the ropes as Billy Gunn comes over and Billy hits Jamie Noble knocking him down. Billy Gunn then knocks down Jason Walker and then Matt Walker as the Next Buzzer Sounds...

"My Time" hits, Crowd is confused as Triple H & Ric Flair make there way back to the ring

JR: What the hell. He was already eliminated once

King: I don't know but Ric Flair isnt dressed to compete anymore but he got something in his hand

:Earl Hebner stops Triple H and Ric Flair but Ric Flair hands him a note and Earl reads it and tells Brian Hebner who runs over and tells Miss Shannon:

Miss Shannon: Drawing #17, by order of Scott Hill, He is the Leader of Evolution X, The Game Triple H!!!

JR: You have got to be kidding me

Coach: Scott Hill got The Game back into the Royal Rumble

Triple H gets on the apron and gets into the ring as Billy Gunn comes over and goes to attack The Game but Triple H kicks him in the gut and Triple H opens up on Billy Gunn as Stevie Richards attacks Gunn as well and Triple H sends Billy Gunn flying over the top to the floor. Billy Gunn has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Billy Gunn has been eliminated

JR: Well Billy Gunn is now gone thanks to Triple H with some help from Stevie Richards

Coach: Guys its like a case of dajvo

Kurt Angle meanwhile see's Triple H and Angle starts yelling that he is gone and Triple H just smirks as Matt and Jason Walker attack Angle again from behind. Stevie Richards joins as Jamie Noble gets up and Jamie Noble also joins in on the attack on Angle as the Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Thuganomics" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Drawing #18, From Westnewberry Massachusetts weighing in at 240 Pounds, John Cena

John Cena makes his way into the ring and Cena gets in Triple H's face and tells Triple H he can't see him and Triple H smirks and laughs and then delivers a right hand knocking down John Cena. Triple H then knocks Cena back into the ropes and Triple H lines him to eliminate him but Jamie Noble charges and clotheslines Cena over the top to the floor instead. John Cena is eliminated.

Miss Shannon: John Cena has been eliminated

Coach: John Cena is gone thanks to Jamie Noble but I think Triple H wanted that elimination

Jamie Noble turns around and goes to tell Triple H something and The Game kicks Noble in the ribs and Triple H sets him up and hits a Pedigree on him. Triple H then picks up Jamie Noble and sends him flying over the top to the floor as the Next Buzzer Sounds...Jamie Noble has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Jamie Noble has been eliminated

JR: The Game just took out Jamie Noble

"Man in the Box" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Drawing #19, From Short Hills, New Jersey weighing in at 237 Pounds, Raven

King: Oh boy here comes Raven

Raven hits the ring and Raven goes right past Triple H and goes after Stevie Richards knocking down Richards and Raven starts to pound him as Stevie covers up as Triple H attacks Raven as Jason Walker also hits Raven but Raven knocks down Walker and The Game and Raven goes back to work on Stevie who is now in the corner and Raven is pounding away at him but Matt Walker sneaks up behind Raven and kicks him south of the border. Triple H then grabs Raven and holds him as he orders Stevie to go to work and Stevie slaps Raven across the face as Raven kicks at him but Jason Walker then gets on the ground holding Raven's legs as Stevie slaps him across the face and Stevie then spits in raven's face as Stevie backs up and hits a Stevie Kick to Raven as Triple H lets go at the moment of contact. Stevie then pounds away at Raven as Matt and Jason pick up Raven and hold him for Stevie who pounds away at Raven some more before Triple H gives the word and Stevie then throws Raven over the top to the floor. Raven has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Raven has been eliminated

Coach: I think we are seeing Triple H on his way to victory

JR: I think you may be right

The Walker Brothers are about to attack Angle again but Triple H holds them back as the Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Just Like You" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #20, Representing Evolution X, From Boston, Massachuesetts weighing in at 255 Pounds, Ryan Cage

King: I think Kurt Angle's time is drawing to a close

JR: I hate to agree with you but E-X will have a big advantage over a worn out Kurt Angle

Ryan Cage slides into the ring as Triple H see's Kurt trying to get up and The Game starts screaming at Kurt telling him he will never win the Royal Rumble because it is all about The Game and Triple H then opens up on Kurt Angle busting him wide open. Triple H then picks up Kurt and whips him off the ropes and The Game hits a High knee to the face of Kurt as Stevie Richards and the Walker Brothers catching there breath. Triple H then takes his time and tells Ryan to pick him up which Ryan does and Triple H then takes a few shots at Kurt and The Game slaps Kurt across the face and Triple H starts talking more trash to Kurt as Triple H then grabs Kurt's face and tells him he is only still in here because of him and Triple H then kicks Kurt in the gut and sets him up as The Game flips his hair and Pedigree's him as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Perfect Strangers" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Drawing #21, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 240 Pounds, The "Franchise" Shane Douglas

JR: I think business may pick up

Coach: He is only one man though

Shane Douglas stands outside the ring as E-X is waiting on him and Shane Douglas shakes his head and tells them he isnt a moron and Shane Douglas pulls out a Steel Chain and wraps it around his fist as Shane Douglas gets on the apron and gets into the ring as Ryan cage goes to attack first but Douglas knocks Ryan down with the chain and Douglas then asks for anyone else but the rest of E-X stays back as Matt tells Jason something and Jason Walker goes behind Shane and tries to attack him but Douglas knocks Jason out with a chain. Stevie Richards then tries to attack Shane Douglas but Douglas knocks down Stevie Richards as well as Shane Douglas picks up Jason Walker and Shane Douglas tells Matt Walker he will toss him unless he comes to fight and Matt Walker shakes his head no as Shane Douglas tosses Jason Walker over the top to the floor. Jason Walker has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Jason Walker has been elminated

JR: Shane Douglas just tossed out E-X's Jason Walker because Matt would not fight Shane

Shane Douglas then goes to pick up Ryan Cage but Triple H and Matt Walker then start to surround Shane as the Next Buzzer Sound...

"Can You Dig It" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Drawing #22, From Houston, Texas, Booker T

JR: The sides are going to be alot more even now that Booker T is coming

Booker T gets into the ring behind Shane Douglas and Book tells him he has his back but Shane Douglas turns around and hits Booker in the face with the chain and Shane Douglas then tosses Booker T over the top to the floor and Douglas quickly turns around as Triple H and Matt walker pull Stevie and Ryan away from Douglas. Booker T has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Booker T has been eliminated

JR: I think Shane Douglas wants this to be a fight with E-X

Shane Douglas tells Booker T this isnt personal but he wants E-X to himself and Triple H and Matt Walker help up Stevie and Ryan Cage as Matt Walker tells Shane Douglas he will fight him as Kurt Angle is in the ropes trying to get his wits a bout him as Matt Walker circles the ring and Shane Douglas never takes his eye of Walker and Ryan Cage goes to hit Shane Douglas but Douglas moves and Douglas grabs Ryan and sends him flying over the top to the floor. Ryan Cage has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Ryan Cage has been eliminated

JR: So much for the sneak attack

Shane Douglas tells E-X it will take more then that to get him as Ryan Cage is not happy on the floor and is throwing a fit as The Next Buzzer Sounds while Ryan is being escorted out

"Graveyard Symphony" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Drawing #23, From Death Valley weighing in at 328 Pounds, The Undertaker

King: Oh great here comes the Deadman

JR: Whose it going to be?

"Live For The Moment" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #24, From Cameron, North Carolina, Representing Evolution X, Matt Hardy Version 1

King: Isn't Matt Hardy #25?

Coach: I guess he wanted out here earlier

Matt Hardy hits the ring and Hardy attacks Taker from behind causing him to let go of Angle and The Game as Taker turns around and knocks down Hardy with a right hand but Matt Walker and Shane Douglas then attack Taker as Richards joins in getting Taker in the ropes and Triple H and Kurt Angle then clothesline Taker over the top to the floor. The Undertaker has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: The Undertaker has been eliminated

JR: I would have never thought it if I didn't see it but E-X, Kurt Angle, and Shane Douglas just worked together to eliminate The Dead Man

Triple H and Kurt Angle immediately start going at it as does Shane Douglas on Matt Walker as Matt Hardy attacks Kurt Angle from behind while Stevie Richards does the same to Shane Douglas but then The Final Buzzer Sounds...

"All The Things She Said" hits, Crowd goes Nuts

Miss Shannon: Drawing #25, From San Bernadino, California weighing in at 150 Pounds, Victoria Helmsley

King: No Way

JR: Well I don't see her

Triple H immediately looks towards the entrance as nobody is coming out while Angle and Hardy are going at it as are Walker and Douglas and Stevie Richards looks stunned as Triple H finally turns around after the crowd erupts again as Triple H see's Victoria standing in the ring across from him and Victoria tilts her head grabbing her hair and Triple H starts to beg off and backs into the ropes and Victoria starts to walk towards Triple H as Triple H tells Victoria he still loves her but Victoria keeps coming and Triple H tells Stevie to get her but Stevie tells Triple H he can't attack Flower and Victoria then charges in clotheslining Triple H over the top to the floor. Victoria then grabs the top rope and flings herself over it onto Triple H. Triple H & Victoria have been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Triple H & Victoria have been eliminated

 Message 7 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/8/2006 8:14 PM

King: No this can't be happening

JR: It is though

:Victoria continues to pound away on Triple H as Ric Flair runs over and tries to pull her off but Victoria knocks down Ric Flair and Victoria then pulls out a sledgehammer from under the ring as Triple H starts to retreat away up the entry way as Ryan Cage and Jason Walker come out but quickly get away as Victoria stalks Triple H into the backstage area as Triple H gets into JBL's Limo backstage and is screaming for the driver to go as Victoria ends up smashing the back windows out of it and then the side windows as the limo speeds away as JBL comes screaming about his limo but quickly turns around and says forget it as Victoria smashes in another car's window and gets into the car and messes with the wiring and speeds off in chase of the limo:

Coach: That woman needs to be in prison

King: She does

JR: That is one scorned woman

:Back in the Ring:

Stevie Richards stops watching the Rumble Vision and Stevie then goes and attacks Shane Douglas from behind. Stevie Richards then holds Douglas as Matt Walker goes to him but Shane moves and Walker hits Richards down and Walker then knocks down Walker with the chain busting Matt Walker wide open as Stevie gets back up and Shane Douglas kicks Richards in the gut and Douglas sends Stevie over the to the top to the floor. Stevie Richards has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Stevie Richards has been eliminated

King: We are down to the final four now

JR: Shane Douglas, Kurt Angle, Matt Hardy, and Matt Walker

Shane Douglas then picks up Matt walker but Walker low blows Shane Douglas and Matt Walker takes the chain and hits Douglas with it knocking Walker into the ropes and Matt Walker then clotheslines Shane Douglas over the top to the floor. Shane Douglas has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Shane Douglas has been eliminated

King: So much for the Franchise

JR: It's the final three now and I don't like Kurt's chances

Matt Walker then attacks Kurt Angle from behind as Matt Walker and Matt Hardy then put the boots Kurt Angle but Angle ends up knocking Hardy and Angle catches Walker and Angle hits a big German Suplex on him and Kurt then comes back and hits a Second German Suplex and Kurt is about to do a third but Matt Hardy attacks Angle and Matt Hardy then goes for the Twist of Fate but Angle counters that into a German Suplex as well!! Kurt Angle gets back up but is blind sided by Matt Walker from behind and Matt Walker takes Kurt Angle and tosses him over the top to the floor. Kurt Angle has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Kurt Angle has been eliminated

King: The Streak lives on

Coach: This is the third year in a row Kurt has been eliminated at #23

Matt Walker and Matt Hardy then have some words as Matt Hardy tells Matt Walker to eliminate himself because that's what H would want but Matt Walker flips off Matt Hardy as Ric Flair gets on the apron and tells Matt Walker to take the fall but Matt Walker turns around and knocks Flair off the apron as Matt Hardy attacks Walker from behind. Matt Hardy then tries to eliminate Matt Walker but Walker holds on to the ropes as Hardy is trying to get him out when Jason Walker comes back down and gets into the ring and Jason attacks Matt Hardy from behind which causes Ryan Cage to come out and Ryan Cage attacks Jason Walker!! Matt Walker is about to roll back into the ring as Matt Hardy goes to hit Walker but Walker hits him in the gut and Walker and Hardy start to exchange rights and lefts with Hardy knocking Walker into the ropes and Hardy charges in looking to clothesline him but Walker ducks and backdrops Matt Hardy over the top but Hardy hangs on to the ropes and Matt Walker turns around and can't believe it as Ric Flair is trying to help out but Chris Walker runs down to the ring and Chris Walker runs around and spears down Ric Flair as Stevie Richards then comes back down but Scott Walker comes out and knocks down Stevie which causes Kelli Hardy to come out but Kaylee Walker makes her way out and Kaylee and Kelli get in to it. Matt Walker is trying to get Hardy off the apron as hardy and Walker are brawling while Hardy is on the apron but its Mallory Maddox who comes out with a Guitar and slides it into the ring to Matt Walker who picks it up as Matt Hardy is about to re-enter the ring and Matt Walker smashes the guitar over Matt Hardy's head knocking Hardy off the apron.
Winner: Matt Walker

Miss Shannon: The Winner of the 2005 SCWE Royal Rumble, Matt Walker

JR: Matt Walker is going to Wrestlemania!!!

King: I'm shocked

Coach: Evolution X may have just broken apart but Matt Walker is the first guy in KSCWE History to repeat as champion and this year he ran the gauntlet!!

:Kelli, Ric, Ryan, and Stevie check on Matt Hardy as The Walker's get into the ring and are celebrating as even Kaylee congratluats her brother as "Hemorrhage" hits:

JR: We hope you enjoyed the Royal Rumble and don't miss Nitro tomarrow night or Smackdown! on Tuesday, Good Night

:Royal Rumble Goes off the Air:

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