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PPV : Backlash 4/10/05
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 Message 1 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/10/2006 2:56 PM

Results 4/10/05 Live From Baltimore, Maryland

Dark Matches:

1st Match: Jezebel defeated Corrin & Traci Mason when Jezebel pinned Corrin

2nd Match: Simon Dean, Rico, & David Flair defeated Shawn Michaels, Marty Jannetty, & David Xavier Christenson when Simon pinned David X

Promo's for the PPV Air:

Pyro Then Explodes!! as "Back In Black" plays

JR: Welcome to SCWE Backlash!!!

King: We are coming to you live from Baltimore, Maryland and boy what great action we should have tonight for you

JR: Several title matches are scheduled as The SCWE World Heavyweight Championship, SCWE Intercontinental Championship, SCWE Women's Championship, SCWE European Championship, and The SCWE Women's Xtreme Championship will all be on the line

King: Plus JR I got a huge announcement

JR: What is it King?

King: I talked to Mallory Maddox earlier today and I found out that Torrie Wilson has officially signed a new contract with the SCWE Brand and will make her return this Tuesday Night on Smackdown!

JR: That's huge news that Torrie Wilson is on her way back

King: Well JR lets send things to the ring for the first match

Miss Shannon: The Opening Contest of SCWE Backlash is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Intercontinental Championship

"Perfect Strangers" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, Being accumpied to the ring by Jenn Hardy, He is the Leader of The Triple Threat, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 240 Pounds, The "Franchise" Shane Douglas

JR: Here comes Shane Douglas

King: Shane Douglas and Charlie Haas did battle at No Way Out with Charlie Haas defeating Shane Douglas to win that very Intercontinental Championship

JR: Well it was a great match then and it should be a classic tonight

King: I gotta wonder what kind of impact will Jenn Hardy who is Matt Hardy's cousin have on this match since Charlie Haas is alligned with Matt

"Just Close Your Eyes" hits, Crowd Boo's Louder

Miss Shannon: His opponent, Being accumpied to the ring by Jaime Lavelle, Representing The Triple H, From Edmond, Oklahoma weighing in at 242 Pounds, He is the SCWE Intercontinental Champion, The "World's Greatest Athlete" Charlie Haas

JR: Here comes the sell out himself

King: Charlie Haas stayed alligned with Triple H and Matt Hardy so that does not make him a sell out

JR: He turned his back on the fans not to meantion Ryan Cage and Randy Orton

King: He never claimed to be for the people and Ryan Cage and Randy Orton just got what they deserved thats all

SCWE Intercontinental Championship: Charlie Haas(C) W/Jaime Lavelle vs Shane Douglas W/Jenn Hardy
Referee Chad Patton shows off the IC Title to both men and then calls for the bell to start the match as Haas and Douglas both jaw with one another back and forth and Douglas slaps Haas across the face and Charlie Haas then responds with a right hand knocking back Douglas and Douglas comes back with a right hand and Haas & Douglas exchange right hands back and forth until Haas kicks Douglas in the gut and Charlie then whips Shane Douglas off the ropes and Charlie puts his head down but Shane Douglas stops and Douglas kicks Haas in the shoulder and Douglas then clotheslines Haas down. Shane Douglas then picks up Charlie and Douglas goes for a belly 2 belly on Haas but Charlie elbows Douglas in the head and then head butts Douglas breaking it up as Charlie Haas then kicks Shane in the gut and Charlie hits a running knee to Douglas knocking him down. Shane Douglas starts to get up as Charlie Haas pounds away at him and Charlie goes behind Douglas and Charlie Haas hits a German Suplex followed by a second German and Haas holds on for a third german suplex and Haas lets go of Douglas. Charlie Haas then gets up and waits as Shane Douglas pulls himself up in the ropes and Charlie Haas charges at Douglas and hits a big clothesline sending him over the top to the floor. Shane Douglas then gets up on the floor as  Charlie Haas slingshots himself over the ropes on top of Shane Douglas as both men are down. Jaime Lavelle goes over and helps up Charlie Haas as Jenn Hardy helps up Shane Douglas. Charlie Haas is the first guy up and Charlie gets a sick smile on his face and Haas attacks Douglas and Charlie Haas gets Shane Douglas in position and Charlie Haas is signaling a release German Suplex into the steel steps but Shane Douglas does a mule kick to Haas as Charlie Haas falls down from the pain as Shane Douglas then moves away as Douglas rolls in and out of the ring and Shane Douglas then goes to pick up Charlie Haas but Haas hits Douglas in the gut and Haas then uppercuts Douglas and Charlie Haas then grabs Douglas by his head and rams him face first off the mat and Charlie Haas then rolls Douglas back into the ring as Charlie rolls back into the ring. Shane Douglas is getting up as Charlie Haas grabs Douglas from behind and Haas hits a German Suplex and Haas holds it for a second german and then a third german and Charlie keeps on and hits a fourth German and has it in a bridge pin for a 1--2--2.6-kick out. Charlie Haas can't believe Shane Douglas kicked out as Haas gets back up and Haas waits as Douglas gets up and Haas goes for and connects with the "World's Greatest Slam". Charlie Haas then covers Shane Douglas for a 1---2--2.7-shoulder up. Charlie Haas can't believe it and Charlie Haas picks up Shane Douglas and Haas then hits a belly 2 belly suplex on Douglas. Haas then flips over Douglas and Haas is about to go for the Haas of Pain but Jenn Hardy gets on the apron distracting referee Chad Patton and Charlie Haas as Jaime Lavelle goes over and yanks Jenn Hardy off the apron and Jenn and Jaime are face to face arguing with one another as Chad Patton is telling them to break it up. During this Shane Douglas somehow gets back up and Douglas lowblows Haas from behind and as Haas turns around, Douglas hits the Franchiser on Haas. Shane Douglas then picks up Charlie Haas and hits the Pittsburgh Plunge but Triple H hits the ring and breaks up the Pittsburgh Plunge as Triple H picks up Douglas and kicks him in the gut and hits the Pedigree as Triple H rolls out of the ring as Charlie Haas puts his arm over Shane Douglas for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Charlie Haas

Miss Shannon: Your winner and still Intercontinental Champion, Charlie Haas

JR: Charlie Haas picks up the win here thanks to Triple H

King: A great match but Charlie Haas just outcheated Shane Douglas

:Triple H, Charlie Haas, & Jaime Lavelle leave up the entry way as Shane Douglas gets up pissed in the ring as Jenn Hardy helps consule him:

:Video Preview for Randy Orton/RVD:

:Promo For SCWE Vengeance in May Airs:


Rue: I am standing here with Alyssa Amidala who later on tonight will step into the ring to face SCWE Women's Champion, Kelli Hardy, How nervous are you?

Alyssa Amidala: Well Rue, I am extremly nervous about this because this is my first shot at the SCWE Women's Championship and I know how dangerous Kelli is but just because I may be a new girl here, that does not mean I can't win. I know alot more about Kelli then she thinks and I know how to beat her

Rue: Watching alot of tapes?

Alyssa Amidala: Yes but thats not what I mean. I have been trained for this match by somebody who knows Kelli very well and its a person who Kelli is last expecting

:Another Area Backstage:

:Kelli Hardy is shown watching what Alyssa just said on a monitor as Kelli then picks up her Sledgehammer and starts to smile as Kelli walks down a hall when she spots somebody near the water cooler as Kelli then walks over and the person turns around revealing Fake Steph:

Kelli Hardy: Well if it isnt a legend like Fake Steph

:Fake Steph smiles at Kelli and goes to get some coffee when Kelli hits Fake Steph in the back with the Sledgehammer knocking Fake Steph into the coffee knocking it over as well as the water cooler as Kelli picks up the coffee and then dumps it over Fake Steph as Fake Steph screams out from the pain:

Kelli Hardy: When I speak you better listen bitch

:Fake Steph tries to crawl away as Kelli grabs Fake Steph up and Kelli rams her head off the wall, Kelli then starts to smirk as Kelli then rips off Fake Steph's shirt and then her pants leaving Fake Steph in her yellow bra and panties:

Kelli Hardy: I am going to show you what I do to whore's now.

:Kelli picks up Fake Steph by her hair and drags her towards the exit's as Fake Steph tries to fight back and delivers a right hand to Kelli which pisses Kelli even more as Kelli knee's Fake Steph in the gut and Kelli grabs her Sledgehammer which she was also carrying and throws it down as Kelli then sets up Fake Stpeh and Pedigree's her on the concrete floor!! Fake Steph is busted wide open:

Kelli Hardy: I told you not to fuck with me bitch so lets see how you like it outside the arena.....NAKED and with a new haircut

:Kelli then drags Fake Steph to the exit and Kelli then rips off Fake Steph's bra revealing her breasts and Kelli then pulls out a pair of scissors from her pants and Kelli then cuts a huge chunk of Fake Steph's hair out and Kelli then throws Fake Steph out the door as Security finally comes and restrains Kelli from going outside after Fake Steph some more as Paramedics also come on the scene and go outside ot check on fake Steph as Kelli laughs as Kelli picks up her Sledgehammer and puts it on her shoulder and walks away:


King: I like to see puppies as much as the next guy but even I think seeing the puppies that way was wrong

JR: Kelli Hardy has snapped and has really gone over the edge

King: I hope Alyssa Amidala knows what she has gotten herself in for tonight

JR: Well lets go to the ring for the big Legend vs Legend Killer Match

Miss Shannon: The Following contest is scheduled for one fall

"One of a Kind" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, From Battle Creek, Michigan, weighing in at 220 Pounds, Rob Van Dam!!

JR: RVD's return has not gone according to plan but tonight has a chance to make it all worth wild if he can knock off Randy Orton

"I Get Around" hits, Crowd is mixed

Miss Shannon: His opponent, From St. Louis, Missouri weighing in at 245 Pounds, The "Legend Killer" Randy Orton

King: Here comes Randy Orton

Randy Orton vs Rob Van Dam
RVD and Orton are looking at each other as Brian Hebner signals for the bell. Orton then tells RVD that he is going down. RVD and Orton then begin to circle each other. Both men then lock up with each other. RVD gets the advantage but Orton breaks the hold and kicks RVD in the stomach. Orton then hits an arm drag on RVD. RVD gets up but is met with a dropkick from Orton. Orton then locks in an armbar on RVD. RVD is close to the ropes however and grabs them. Brian Hebner then tells Orton to let go. Orton holds for another three seconds then lets go of RVD. Orton then goes to pick RVD up but RVD kicks Orton in the face. RVD gets up and throws Orton out to the floor. Orton gets up and RVD comes running and jumps over the ropes and hits Orton with a Flying Crossbody. Both men are laying on the floor as Brian Hebner starts the count out---1,2,3,4,5--- RVD gets up and picks Orton up and rolls him into the ring. RVD then gets in a climbs the turnbuckle. Orton is laying there when RVD goes for the Five Star Frog Splash but Orton gets the knees up. RVD is laying on the mat crying in pain as Orton starts to get back to his feet. Orton then lays the boots into RVD. Orton then picks RVD up and hits him with a DDT. Orton then climbs the turnbuckle and waits for RVD to get up. When RVD gets up he is met with a Missile Dropkick from Orton. Orton then quickly covers for the 1---2---2.6---kick out. Orton picks RVD up and whips him into the corner. Orton comes running at RVD but RVD hops over the ropes and Orton runs right into the turnbuckle. RVD then jumps back in and hits Orton with a Spinning Heel Kick knocking Orton down. RVD then hits a Rolling Thunder on Orton. RVD then covers Orton for the 1---2---2.6---kick out. RVD picks Orton up but Orton knocks RVD's arms away and starts to open up on RVD. Orton then hits RVD with a clothesline. Orton then picks RVD up and whips him off of the ropes. Orton then hits a Clothesline on RVD. Orton then picks RVD up and throws him out to the floor. Orton then says my turn as RVD starts to get up and Orton comes flying over the ropes hitting a Flying Crossbody on RVD. Brain Hebner is about to start the count out when Orton rolls RVD back into the ring. Orton then quickly gets in and covers RVD for the 1---2---2.8---kick out. Orton gets a pissed off look on his face. Orton then picks RVD up and kicks him in the stomach. Orton goes for the RKO but RVD gets out of the way. Orton his the mat. RVD then starts to lay the boots into Orton. RVD then picks Orton up and hits him with another Spinning Heel Kick. RVD then hits a Standing Moonsault on Orton. RVD then covers Orton for the 1---2---2.8---kick out. RVD looks a bit in shock. RVD then picks Orton up and whips him into the corner. RVD runs at Orton but Orton gets his boot up and catches RVD right in the mouth. RVD stumbles back a bit as Orton comes out of the corner and throws him down. Orton then climbs the turnbuckle and screams that he is going to beat RVD with his own move. Orton then goes for the Five Star Frog Splash but RVD gets his knees up. Orton is on the mat rolling around in pain. RVD gets up and picks Orton up. RVD then starts to open up on Orton. RVD then knocks Orton down with a big right hand. RVD then goes for a Rolling Thunder but Orton rolls out of the way. Orton then gets up and picks RVD up. Orton kicks RVD in the stomach and finally hits him with the RKO. Orton then covers RVD for the 1---2---3
Winner: Randy Orton

Miss Shannon: Your winner, Randy Orton

JR: Randy Orton just picked up a huge win over the legendary Rob Van Dam

King: A great match that Randy Orton pulled out proving I think that Randy Orton can make it on his own

:Promo Airs showing Career Highlights of Torrie Wilson and then announces her return for 4/12 Smackdown!:

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 Message 2 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 2:57 PM

:Promo for Matt Hardy V1 vs Chris Walker Airs:

:Backstage: Kurt Angle's Locker Room:

:Kurt Angle is shown stretching for his match later on when Vince McMahon walks into the locker room:

Vince McMahon: Hello Kurt

:Kurt stops what he is doing and looks shocked as he sits down:

Vince McMahon: I guess I suprised you

Kurt Angle: I thought you were fired?

Vince McMahon: I was but thanks to Mallory Maddox I am back

Kurt Angle: Ok but why are you here

Vince McMahon: Kurt I have always respected you and you know that but tonight what your doing out there is career suicide

Kurt Angle: What?

Vince McMahon: Facing Matt Walker. I suggest you call the match off and break up with Kaylee Walker before you...

Kurt Angle: Stop right there Vince, obviously Mallory sent you but you know what you tell her?

Vince McMahon: What

Kurt Angle: Tell her to kiss Matt Walker because tonight his butt belongs to Kurt Angle and he will be tapping, Oh It's True!! It's Damn True so if you don't mind there is door so get the heck out bucko

:Vince does not look happy and slams the door shut as he leaves:


King: Mr. McMahon is back!!

JR: Well I'll be damned, Vince McMahon is back

King: I think Kurt should maybe listen to Vince, he is very wise

JR: Well Vince was obviously working for Mallory and Matt Walker there to get Kurt to back out but it did not work

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

:Mattitude Countdown Starts and then goes into "Live For The Moment", Crowd boo's

MattFact: Matt Hardy would look alot better streaking

MattFact: Matt thinks Kelli looks better naked then Kendra Walker

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, Representing The Triple H, From Cameron, North Carolina weighing in at 225 Pounds, Matt Hardy Version 1

King: Interesting Mattfact's JR

JR: That they are King

"Holding Out for a Hero" hits, Crowd Erupts

Miss Shannon: His opponent, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 195 Pounds, being accumpied to the ring by Kendra Walker, Here is CHRIS WALKER!!!

JR: Here comes the rightful SCWE World Heavyweight Champion if you ask me

King: He isn't the champion though

JR: Well in either case this should be a great match

Matt Hardy V1 vs Chris Walker W/Kendra Walker
The Bell Sounds to start the match as Hardy and Walker are both jawing with each other as Matt Hardy pie faces Chris Walker back and Walker comes back by spearing down Hardy and Walker pounds away at Hardy with several right hands until Matt Hardy knocks Walker off and Hardy goes to get up but Walker spears Hardy into the ropes and continues to pound away at Hardy as Hardy rolls out to the floor. Matt Hardy tries to regroup on the floor but Chris Walker comes charging and hits a baseball slide into the back of Hardy knocking Hardy into the front row of the crowd. Chris Walker then gets on the floor and goes after Matt Hardy who grabs a drink from a fan and throws it in the face of Chris Walker blinding him as Matt Hardy then leaps over the barricade into Chris Walker and Matt Hardy pounds away at Chris Walker with several right hands. Matt Hardy then grabs Walker and rams him into the side of the ring and Matt Hardy picks up Walker and rolls him into the ring as Matt Hardy then drives his elbow over the throat of Chris Walker as Matt hardy gets into the ring as well. Matt Hardy then picks up Chris Walker and Matt Hardy slams Walker down as Matt Hardy goes up top and Matt Hardy signals for the Mattitude Leg Drop and comes off and connects with it. Matt Hardy covers Walker for a 1---2--kick out. Matt Hardy nods his head as he picks up Walker and Matt Hardy climbs up to the middle rope and Matt Hardy connects with a Tornado DDT on Walker. Matt Hardy then covers Walker again for a 1---2.6-kick out. Matt Hardy is growing more frustrated as he waits again for Walker to get up and Matt Hardy hits Walker in the back and Matt Hardy sets up Chris Walker for a Twist of Fate but Walker counters by hitting a drop toe hold on Hardy knocking Hardy into the ropes as Chris Walker then charges into the ropes and kicks Hardy in the face knocking Hardy back as Chris Walker waits on the apron and Chris Walker bounces up and connects with the Face Full of panCAKE's on Matt Hardy for a 1---2--2.7-kick out. Chris Walker can't believe Matt Hardy kicked out but Walker kicks Hardy in the gut and Chris Walker sets up Hardy for the Walkerflip but Matt Hardy trips down Walker and then slingshots Walker into the corner as Walker hits hard and on his way out, Matt Hardy kicks him in the gut and Hardy hits a Side Effect on Walker. Matt Hardy hooks the leg for a 1---2-2.9-shoulder up. Matt Hardy is not happy as he gets up and Matt Hardy shoves Earl Hebner back and Earl Hebner then shoves Hardy back as Walker rolls up Hardy for a 1---2--2.6-kick out. Both men then get back up as Walker and Hardy exchange rights and lefts back and forth as Matt Hardy kicks Walker in the gut and Matt Hardy then goes for the Twist of Fate but Walker counters into a backslide pin for a 1---2--2.7-kick out. Both men get up as Hardy swings wildly at Walker who ducks and Walker then kicks Hardy in the gut and Chris Walker sets up Matt Hardy for the Walkerflip and hits it! Chris Walker is about to cover when Charlie Haas runs out and Haas gets on the apron distracting Earl Hebner as Jaime Lavelle attacks Kendra Walker from behind. Chris Walker gets back up and Walker is about to go outside when Kendra knocks down Jaime and Chris tells her to keep it up but Chris Walker does not see Triple H who came out of the crowd enter the ring and The Game kicks Walker in the gut and Triple H hits the Pedigree on Chris Walker. Matt Hardy then picks up Walker as Triple H gets out of the ring and Matt Hardy hits a Twist of Fate for good measure and covers Chris Walker for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Matt Hardy V1

Miss Shannon: Your winner, Matt Hardy V1

JR: This is the second time tonight and the second time that Chris Walker has been screwed over by The Triple H

King: First Shane Douglas and now Chris Walker, I got a feelilng Stevie Richards could be next

JR: Triple H has led by example and helped Charlie Haas and Matt Hardy to victory here

King: Well we are three matches in and we still got five more great ones to come

JR: In the next match we are going to see Sister vs Sister

:Video Promo for Zoe Mason vs Stacy Mason:

JR: This is going to be a real slobber knocker if you ask me

King: Sister vs Sister, who would have thought it. I figured this only happens on Jerry Springer

JR: Well in the audience tonight is Brian Mason and Traci Mason who are Zoe and Stacy's brother and sister and both of them should be making there SCWE Debut's soon but have both been told to stay out of this match if they want there contracts

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Women's Xtreme Championship

"Everybody's Fool" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making her way to the ring, The Challenger, From Los Angelos, California, Stacy Mason

JR: Stacy Mason is getting the big pop here tonight

King: Just because Stacy Mason got beat up by her sister should not get her this kind of reception

"Standing In the Rain" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Her opponent, Also From Los Angelos, California, She is the SCWE Women's Xtreme Champion, Zoe Mason

King: The big difference between Zoe and Stacy is that Zoe is younger, hotter, and dating the better guy

JR: King, I can only agree with one thing you said, Zoe Mason is indeed younger but the other two are your opinion and nobody's elses

SCWE Women's Xtreme Championship: Zoe Mason(C) vs Stacy Mason
Ding... Ding... Ding. Stacy Mason walks up to Zoe and starts bitching at her, Stacy unleashes an unforgiving forearm smash to Zoe's face. Stacy Irish whips Zoe into the ropes, Zoe bounces back and is kicked in the gut by Stacy, Zoe bends over as Stacy runs to the ropes behind Zoe, Stacy bounces off the ropes and runs back toward Zoe and hits a bulldog Zoe. Stacy slides out the ring and looks under the ring for some weapons. Zoe also comes out the ring and punches the back of Stacy's head. Zoe grabs a metal tray from under the ring and smashes it over Stacy's head. Stacy falls to the floor, Zoe grabs a hold of Stacy's hair and rolls her into the ring. Zoe goes under the ring and grabs a hair dryer and a trash can and throws them into the ring She then goes back looking under the ring and grabs a broom, she slides into the ring still holding the broom. Zoe smashes the Broom across Stacy's back, Snapping it in two, She throws it to the ground and grabs the trash can she brought in earlier, Zoe places the trash can in between the second and top rope of one of the turnbuckles. Zoe grabs Stacy's arm and irish whips Stacy into the turnbuckle, Stacy Mason crashes into the trash can, Stacy falls down and Zoe lays on top of her for the pin 1....2... kick out from Stacy. Zoe stands up and grabs the hair dryer she brought into the ring earlier, She walks over to a now standing Stacy Mason and smashes the hard plastic hair dryer across the forehead of Stacy Mason sending Stacy back down. Zoe leaves the ring and grabs a fire extinguisher from under the ring and slides back into the ring with it. Zoe tires to spray Stacy with the extinguisher but she cant seem to work it, Stacy Mason gets up and low blows Zoe. She rolls out the ring and grabs a table from under the ring. Stacy slides it into the ring and sets it up by the turnbuckle. Zoe gets up and smashes Stacy's head off the table, Zoe grabs a  metal tray from earlier and places it on the ground, she DDT's Stacy onto the tray. Zoe covers her sister for another two count. Zoe jumps up looking pissed, she gets on top of the Turnbuckle, Stacy gets up and punches Zoe. Stacy tries for a Superplex but Zoe counters it and pushes Stacy down and through the table which lay in front of it. Zoe looks a little out of breath as she sets up for the big finish. She launches off with a Starburst. Stacy quickly gets up and grabs the fire extinguisher from earlier and sprays Zoe who is in the air performing her move. Stacy covers Zoe 1....2...2.7 kick out by Zoe. Stacy helps her sister up and goes for the Sleeping Beauty but Zoe counters it and throws her sister into the turnbuckle, Stacy hits the turnbuckle hard and stumbles out to be hit with the fire extinguisher. Zoe covers her sister Stacy 1...2...3
Winner: Zoe Mason

Miss Shannon: Your winner and still SCWE Women's Xtreme Champion, Zoe Mason

JR: Zoe Mason pulls off the win over her sister Stacy here

King: Zoe Mason just proved that she can be just as bad as stacy who was the Queen of the RAWCore Division on RAW

:Backstage: Mallory Maddox's Office

:Mallory Maddox is seen in her office as Shane Douglas, Jenn Hardy, & Matt Walker are also seen:

Mallory Maddox: You want that match hun then you got it

Matt Walker: Great because at Vengeance its going to be all about the Walker's and right now Jason is going to reclaim his European Title and later on tonight I am going to beat that punk ass Kurt Angle

Mallory Maddox: I know you will

:Just then Simon Dean & Rico barge into the office:

Mallory Maddox: What the hell do you two want

Simon Dean: Well Ms. Maddox, I just wanted to ask you why Fabulously Fit were left off of Backlash?

Mallory Maddox: Because you two suck perhaps?

Simon Dean: I beg your pardon, I am undefeated in one on one competion and my partner Rico is a former WCW World Champion

Matt Walker: And your also butt buddies

Simon Dean: You have a very fowl mouth there pal

Matt Walker: Why don't you do something about it then

Simon Dean: Maybe I will

:Simon Dean & Matt Walker get face to face as Shane Douglas pulls out a guitar as Rico grabs Simon and pulls him back:

Rico: Perhaps we should have this dicussion another time

:Rico & Simon start to leave:

Mallory Maddox: You know you guys are right you should have a match tonight so right here tonight you will be defending those Tag Team Title's against a mystery team and your match is coming right after the next one so go get ready boys

:Video Preview for Jason Walker/Ryan Cage:

 Message 3 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 2:58 PM

JR: Well we just found out the SCWE Tag Team Championships will be defended in a little while

King: Yeah but who will be going for them

JR: No clue but up next we got a Wrestlemania rematch when Ryan Cage defends the SCWE European Championship against Jason Walker in a Ladder Match

King: At Wrestlemania 2, Ryan Cage knocked off Jason Walker but things were different then as Ryan Cage was in E-X and not European Champion and Jason Walker was then a member of the Pittsburgh Connection and now there is no E-X, Ryan Cage is European Champion and Jason Walker is in the Triple Threat

JR: One thing that has no changed though is the fact that Ryan Cage is still undefeated

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is a Ladder Match for the SCWE European Championship

"Unstable" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, Representing The Triple Threat, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 195 Pounds, Jason Walker

JR: Here comes Jason Walker who is a former European Champion

King: I think Jason Walker is the man to end the streak in a way I guess even though Ryan Cage when he loses can still claim to have never been pinned

"Just Like You" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: His opponent, From Boston, Massachusetts, weighing in at 255 Pounds, Being led to the ring by Lindsay Stratus, He is the SCWE European Champion, Ryan Cage

JR: Here comes the champ

King: I hope Jason Walker teaches Ryan a lesson here

SCWE European Championship: Ladder Match: Ryan Cage(C) W/Lindsay Stratus vs Jason Walker
Jason and Cage are staring each other down as Brain Hebner puts the belt on the cable and it starts to raise up. The belt is then in place as Brian Hebner signals for the bell. Jason and Cage are still staring at each other. The two then start to circle around each other. Cage then runs at Jason and tries for a clothesline but Jason dodges it. Jason then starts to open up on Cage, Jason goes for a right hand but Cage ducks it and dropkicks Jason. Cage then starts to lay the boots into Jason. Cage then picks Jason up and whips him into the corner. Cage runs at Jason but Jason jumps up onto the turnbuckle and hits Cage with a dropkick. Jason then gets up and starts to lay the boots into Cage. Jason then picks Cage up and throws him out to the floor. Jason then hits a Walk of Fate on Cage. Jason then picks up the ladder and slides it into the ring. Jason then gets back into the ring and sets the ladder up. Lindsay runs over to Cage and wakes him up. Cage quickly gets back into the ring but Jason is half way up the ladder. Cage then knocks the ladder over sending Jason down to the mat. Cage then picks Jason back up and whips him into the corner. Cage then picks the ladder up and goes to his Jason in the stomach but Jason slides out to the floor. Cage is in the ring begging Jason to come back in. Jason is on the floor pacing and thinking about what to do. Jason then grabs a chair and slides back into the ring. Cage goes to his Jason with the ladder but Jason throws the chair at Cage, Cage ducks the chair but Jason runs over and kicks Cage in the mouth causing him to drop the chair. Jason then starts to open up on Cage. Jason then goes to clothesline Cage out of the ring but Cage hits Jason with a big boot to the face. Cage then grabs Jason and hits him with a Superplex. Cage then picks the ladder back up and sets it up. Cage is getting ready to climb it when Jason starts to get back to his feet. Cage then jumps down and picks up the chair. Cage goes to hit Jason but Jason rolls behind the ladder and is hiding behind it. Cage then starts to chase Jason around the ladder. Cage then just kicks the ladder down. Cage then goes to hit Jason with the chair but Jason ducks the chair shot and rolls back out to the floor. Cage then drops the chair and sets the ladder back up. Cage then picks the chair back up and is waiting for Jason to get back in. Jason then slides back in. Cage goes to hit Jason with the chair but Jason kicks Cage in the stomach. Jason goes for another Walk of Fate but Cage pushes Jason off of him. Cage then starts to open up on Jason. Cage goes for another Superplex but Jason gets out of it and whips Cage into the turnbuckle. Jason then grabs Cage and throws him out to the ring. Jason then starts to walk back to the ladder when Lindsay grabs Jason's foot. Jason turns and starts to yell at Lindsay. Cage slides back into the ring though. Jason turns around and walks right into a dropkick from Cage. Cage then picks Jason up and throws him out to the floor. Cage then makes his way toward the ladder. Jason gets back up though but stays on one knee so Cage can't see him. Jason looks up and sees Cage climbing the ladder so Jason slides back into the ring and knocks it down sending Cage to the mat. Jason then picks up the chair but Lindsay slides Ryan a baseball bat. Ryan gets up. Jason and Ryan then hit each other with their weapons. Both men are busted open and laid out on the floor. Jason and Cage are slowly making it to their feet. Cage gets up first and as Jason is getting up Cage comes over and kicks him in the back of the head. Cage then picks Jason up and hits him with the RKO. Jason is then laying there as Cage starts to make his way back over to the ladder. Cage picks the ladder up and sets it up. Cage is about to climb the ladder as Matt Hardy runs out to the ring. Cage tries to hit Hardy but Hardy ducks his punch and kicks him in the stomach. Hardy then hits the Twist of Fate on Cage. Hardy then gets Jason up and slides out of the ring. Jason then slowly makes his way to the ladder. Jason starts to climb it as Lindsay is trying to get into the ring but Hardy is blocking her way. Jason then makes it all the way up and grabs the European Title
Winner: Jason Walker (SCWE European)

Miss Shannon: Your winner and new SCWE European Champion, Jason Walker

JR: Damn that Matt Hardy

King: Jason Walker has beaten Ryan Cage!!!

JR: Ryan Cage I think was going to win but Matt Hardy screwed him over

King: And Jason Walker as a result is the new European Champion, good days are here again

:Promo for WCW Souled Out Airs:

JR: Well King up next we got the impromptu Tag Team Title Match and we still have no clue who will be fighting here

King: Simon Dean and his big mouth

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Tag Team Championship

"Venus" hits, Crowd is mixed

Miss Shannon: 1st making there way to the ring, weighing in at a combined weight of 443 Pounds, The SCWE Tag Team Champions, Fabulously Fit, Simon Dean and Rico!!

JR: Here comes the champions

King: I hope Fabulously Fit knows what they got themselves in for

Miss Shannon: And There opponents.....

JR: Well who is it?

"Holding Out for a Hero" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Miss Shannon: 1st from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania being led to the ring by Kendra Walker, weighing in at 195 Pounds, Chris Walker!!!

JR: Chris Walker is going to go again!!!

King: Rico and Simon could be in trouble here although who is Chris's partner and Chris has already wrestled once here

Miss Shannon: And his partner....

"Real American" hits, Crowd Goes Crazy

Miss Shannon: From Venice Beach, California weighing in at 275 Pounds, HULK HOGAN





SCWE Tag Team Championship: Simon Dean & Rico vs Chris Walker & Hulk Hogan W/Kendra Walker
Simon and Rico argue over who should start the match out as Chris Walker agrees to start for his team as Simon Dean starts out with Chris Walker. Simon and Walker lock up with Walker locking in a headlock on Simon as Simon sends Walker off the ropes and Simon then goes for a clothesline on Walker but Walker ducks and Walker kicks Simon in the gut and Walker sets him up for the Walkerflip but Rico comes into the ring and clotheslines Walker down. Rico & Simon then do a double high five to each other as Simon Dean stomps away at Chris Walker. Simon Dean picks up Chris Walker and slams him back down as Rico goes over to Simon's bag and pulls out his weightlifting belt and Rico gives it to Simon as Rico gets out of the ring as Referee Jack Doan's order. Simon Dean then takes the belt and starts to whip the back of Chris Walker with it as Walker is riving in pain. Simon Dean continues to whip Walker with it as Walker nears his corner and Simon Dean then drops a big elbow into the back of Walker stopping him short of hte corner as Simon drags Chris Walker away from the corner and Simon Dean then locks in a Camel Clutch but Chris Walker is able to fight out of it and picks up Simon on his back and drops him backwards as Chris Walker then reaches the corner and tags out to Hulk Hogan as the crowd erupts as Hogan enters the ring and Simon Dean goes over and tags out to Rico who looks scared to death as Rico enters the ring and Rico starts to smile and tells Hogan he is a big fan and Rico then asks Hogan to taunt as Rico starts to do the Hogan taunts as Hulk Hogan looks at Rico odd and Hulk Hogan finally does an ear taunt as Rico starts to clap as Simon Dean then gets back into the ring and tells Rico to attack Hogan but Rico starts to argue with Simon about it as Hulk Hogan looks at them both strange and Hogan looks out to the crowd and Hogan starts to smile as he takes off his weight lifting belt he had on and Hogan sneaks up behind Simon Dean and then drives it into the back of Simon who grabs his back as Hogan hits Simon a few more times as Simon jumps out of the ring grabbing his back as Chris Walker goes behind Simon on the floor and hits him as Chris Walker rolls Simon Dean back into the ring as Hulk Hogan opens up on Simon with several right hands as Rico watches on as Hogan whips Simon off the ropes and Hogan hits a big boot to Simon Dean but Rico then waits as Hogan turns around and Rico hits his spinning kick to Hogan knocking down The Hulkster. Rico then stomps away at Hogan as Simon gets on the apron and wants the tag as Rico tags out to Simon Dean as Simon comes into the ring and grabs his belt and Simon Dean whips Hogan in the back with it as Chris Walker is yelling for Hogan to tag out. Simon Dean continues to whip away at Hogan who is riving in pain from it. Simon Dean then picks up Hulk Hogan and Simon Dean sets up Hogan and Simon hits the Simon Effect on Hogan as Simon Dean covers Hulk Hogan for a 1---2--Hogan powers out as Simon Dean is shocked and Simon grabs his belt and whips Hogan a few more times but Hogan is getting up and starts to "Hulk Up" as Simon Dean continues to hit Hogan and Rico comes into the ring and grabs Hogan's belt and Rico hits Hogan in the back as well as both men are whipping Hogan as Chris Walker stays on the apron and tells them there in trouble as Hulk Hogan stops getting whipped and then points at both Rico and Simon and Rico and Simon look at each other and throw the belts down and both men take off out of the ring as Simon & Rico are both waiting on the floor and telling Hogan they wont get back in as Chris Walker goes down after them and Referee Jack Doan is being distracted by Kendra Walker so he doesn't count as . Chris Walker chases Rico through the crowd as Simon Dean is waiting in the front row and Hulk Hogan is about to get out of the ring after him when Randy Orton hits the ring and Orton turns Hogan around and Orton hits the RKO on Hogan!! Simon Dean then jumps over the barracade and gets back into the ring as Simon starts to mock Hogan as Orton is gloating but Hogan gets right back up and Hogan is hulking up again and Orton turns around and Hogan opens up on Orton with several right hands and Hogan whips Orton off the ropes and Hogan hits a Big Boot on Orton putting him down and Simon turns around and see's Hogan who points right at Simon and Simon starts to beg off telling Hogan he can have a free lifetime supply of Simon System supplies but Hogan shakes his head no and Simon goes to hit The Hulkster but Hogan blocks and opens up on Simon Dean with a few right hands and Hogan whips Simon Dean off the ropes and hits a Big Boot on Simon Dean, Hogan then bounces off the ropes and Hogan hits a Big Leg Drop on Dean and Hogan covers Simon Dean as Kendra gets off the apron as Chris Walker chases Rico back over the barracade as Jack Doan counts the 1---2--3.
Winners: Hulk Hogan & Chris Walker (SCWE Tag)

Miss Shannon: Your winners and NEW SCWE Tag Team Champions, Hulk Hogan and Chris Walker!!


King: I don't believe this

:Rico helps Simon out of the ring as Randy Orton gets up on the floor and ends up backing right into Chris Walker who rolls Orton into the ring as Randy Orton stands up as Hogan points at him and Orton tries to appologize but Hogan shakes his head no as Orton goes to hit Hogan but Hogan blocks and whips Orton off the ropes and Hogan hits a Big Boot on Orton and Hogan then drops the Big Leg Drop on him as "Real American" restarts:

 Message 4 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 2:58 PM

JR: Hulk Hogan just laid out Randy Orton as well

King: Poor Randy, he was just trying to kill another legend and got burned

:Hulk Hogan invites Chris Walker into the ring as well as Kendra as Hogan and Walker both start to do Hulk Hogan taunts as the Place is going nuts:

JR: Hulkamania is definatly running wild

King: I still don't get how Hulk Hogan can be here

"Perfect" then hits as The Crowd Starts to boo as Stevie & Kellianne Hill walk out into the entry way as Stevie has a microphone

King: Uh oh

JR: I think the party just got crashed

Stevie Hill: Now let me first off congratulate you Chris and Hulk because you guys kicked some major ass tonight(Crowd Cheers) and it would not have happened if I had not allowed Hulk Hogan to come here tonight

King: See Jr, Stevie isn't crashing nothing he let Hogan come

Stevie Hill: However I just found out that tomarrow night on Nitro, Hulk Hogan is planning on calling out my brother Scott about his relationship with Marrisa since Hulk Hogan is such great friends with Eric Bischoff. Now Hulk thats not a good way to pay me back because I let you come here out of the goodness of my heart and you want to mess with my family so this is what is going to happen. I will let this title change stand(Crowd Cheers) but tomarrow night on Nitro since you want to call out my brother, then tomarrow night on Nitro, I am allowing young Chris Walker to attend Nitro because you two will be defending those SCWE Tag Team Title's against.....Scott and Stevie Hill so enjoy the fun while it lasts and Hulk you must also leave the arena....RIGHT NOW

:Security comes out and walks to the ring to escort Hulk Hogan out of the arena as Stevie laughs:

JR: This wasn't right King

King: Good ridance to the WCW Talent

JR: Well tomarrow night on Nitro now, Chris Walker will make his return to WCW to team up with Hulk Hogan to defend the SCWE Tag Team Championship against our owners and I hope Stevie knows what he and Scott are going to deal with

King: I am sure they are well aware of it and I know they have to have a plan

:Backstage: Mallory Maddox's Office

:All of The Triple Threat are shown watching the action on a monitor:

Mallory Maddox: Well that teaches him a lesson

Matt Walker: Where is Nitro at tomarrow night anyway?

Mallory Maddox: Chicago I think

Matt Walker: Great nothing like the Windy City huh

Mallory Maddox: Yeah

Shane Douglas: Matt you better get ready for your match

Matt Walker: Yeah I am going to go now, wanna help me get ready Mallory?

Mallory Maddox: I would love too

:Mallory & Matt Walker get up and head into another room:


JR: Well King up next we are going to see the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship be defended here

King: If you thought you would have to wait until the Main Event then think again

JR: Let's take a look back though at the history between Triple H and Stevie Richards

:History of Triple H/Stevie Richards fued is shown:

JR: Both of these men have been on again and off again partners but always that uneasiness over Victoria

King: Yeah Stevie Richards does not like Triple H much for stealing Victoria and who can blame him but then again who can blame Triple H for wanting Victoria, I would want her too

JR: Well Victoria is out of action thanks to The Walker's so tonight this is all about the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for hte SCWE World Heavyweight Championship(Crowd Cheers)

"I'll Show You, You'll See" hits, Crowd is mixed

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring the challenger, From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania weighing in at 220 Pounds, Stevie Richards!!!

JR: Here comes Stevie Richards

King: Stevie Richards got this title shot by getting the pinfall last month at Wrestlemania 2 in the six man tag

JR: Well I talked to Stevie earlier and he said he is estatic to face Triple H but he Hunter is the man he wants to defeat for his first World Title but Stevie has to watch out for the other Triple H members

"Game" hits, Crowd Comes to there feet and boo's

Miss Shannon: And his opponent, Representing The Triple H, From Greenwich, Connecticut being accumpied by The "Crown Julez" Julianne Angle, weighing in at 265 Pounds, He is the SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, The "Game" Triple H

King: Well JR, It's time to play the game

JR: Triple H has already made his impact felt here tonight helping Charlie Haas retain his Intercontinental Championship against Shane Douglas and helping Matt Hardy defeat Chris Walker

King: I just don't see any way Stevie Richards can win tonight

JR: All I can say is this could be one hell of a slobber knocker

SCWE World Heavyweight Championship: Triple H(C) W/Julianne Angle vs Stevie Richards
Referee Earl Hebner explains the rules and shows off the SCWE Title as Triple H tells Stevie he will never win it as Earl Hebner calls for the bell after giving the SCWE title to the time keeper. Triple H & Richards continue to be face to face and Triple H then tells Stevie he took everything from him and tonight he takes his career out just like he took Victoria and Stevie then shoves Triple H back and Stevie goes to work on The Game with several right hands and left hands swinging wildly but The Game knees Richards in the gut and opens up on him with a few right hands knocking down Richards. Triple H then picks up Stevie Richards but Richards opens up on the game's gut and Richards then upper cuts Triple H and Stevie Richards jumps on top of Triple H and Richards opens up on Triple H who is covering up as Earl Hebner gets in and pulls Stevie away as Triple H tries to get up near the ropes and Stevie then spears into Triple H as both men go crashing out to the floor as Stevie Richards lays into Triple H with rights and lefts as Julianne Angle comes over and tries to get Stevie off by pulling at his hair as Stevie stands up and Stevie then knocks Julianne's hand away and Stevie Richards points at her but Triple H then lowblows Stevie Richards as Triple H then grabs Richards and rams him into the barricade as Triple H rolls in and out of the ring as Triple H then stomps away at Richards and Triple H flips off Earl Hebner back in the ring who was counting again as Triple H picks up Richards and The Game slams Stevie down throat first over the barricade as Triple H rolls in and out once again. Triple H is gloating and mocking the fans as Stevie Richards tries to get up and Triple H charges in driving his right knee into the ribs of Stevie Richards taking down Stevie again. Triple H then picks up Stevie Richards and whips him into the steel steps as Stevie is screaming out in pain as Julez destracts Earl Hebner then causing the restart on the count as Triple H then gets a big smile on his face and Triple H pulls back the padding on the floor and Triple H drags Stevie over but Stevie upper cuts The Game knocking Triple H back and Stevie then connects with a Stevie Kick laying out Triple H. Stevie Richards then picks up Triple H and rolls him back into the ring as Stevie Richards gets into the ring and Stevie Richards then waits as Triple H gets up and Stevie delivers a big running kick to the ribs of The game. Stevie Richards then picks up Triple H once more and Stevie goes for the Stevie Suplex and hits it as Stevie rolls over on top for a 1---2--2.5-Triple H gets his shoulder up. Stevie Richards gets up and picks up Triple H and Stevie then sets up Triple H for the Stevie T but The Game picks up Richards and rams him back into the corner and Triple H then drives his shoulder into Richards several times as Triple H staggers out of the corner and does a face first fall into the mat as Richards is sitting in the corner now. Julianne Angle is screaming for Triple H to get up as The Game starts to get back up as does Stevie Richards and Triple H is up first and kicks Richards in the gut and Triple H sets up Stevie for a Pedigree but Richards trips down the Game and then slingshots him into the corner and as Triple H comes out, Richards hits  kick to the gut and Stevie sets up Triple H for the Stevie T and hits it as Stevie covers but Julianne Angle is on the apron distracting Earl Hebner as Stevie gets up and walks over and grabs Julez by her hair and Stevie then forcefully kisses her!!! Triple H though is back up and The Game lowblows Richards as Julez then slaps Richards across the face knocking him down!! Earl Hebner is about to DQ for Julez's slap when Josh Mathews runs out to the ringside area and tells Earl Hebner something as Earl Hebner doesn't call for the bell then as Shannon Michaels then announces that per the order of Stevie Hill, the match is now a no DQ no count out match as the crowd cheers the decision. Triple H is smiling now as Julez goes under the ring and pulls out a Sledgehammer as she hands into the ring to Triple H but Richards hits Triple H after he gets it causing The Game to drop it over the top to the floor as Richards pounds away at Triple H knocking him into the corner and Richards delivers several right hands to him and big chops to him but Matt Hardy hits the ring as Richards see's him coming and Richards knocks down Hardy with a right hand upon hitting the ring but Charlie Haas also hits the ring as Julez gives The Game the sledgehammer and Richards knocks Haas down on the apron but Stevie turns around right into a sledgehammer shot to the ribs causing Stevie to hit the mat hard as Stevie is grabbing at his ribs. Triple H picks up Stevie Richards then and The Game sets him up for a Pedigree and then hits it. Triple H rolls over Stevie Richards and covers him for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Triple H

Miss Shannon: Your winner and still SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H!!!

JR: Damn them anyway

King: Triple H has retained here tonight

JR: Stevie Richards was in control until Matt Hardy and Charlie Haas had to hit the ring allowing Triple H to get the Sledgehammer and use it

King: It was legal

JR: It was after the rules were changed

King: Tonight just was not Stevie Richards night


:Simon Dean is shown getting his gear in locker room when David Flair walks in:

David Flair: Tough luck out there tonight getting your ass kicked

Simon Dean: As soon as Fabulously Fit get our rematch we will recapture the titles

David Flair: Yeah right, see I am a real champion and I told you your little Simon System was a rip off

Simon Dean: Is that so?

David Flair: Yeah it is

:David Flair then turns around and gets nailed by a RKO from Randy Orton who quickly covers David Flair as he has a ref who counts the 1---2--3. Randy Orton is the new Xtreme Champion. Orton picks up the Xtreme Title and then takes off running:

:Another Area Backstage:

:Kelli Hardy is on her way towards the ring with her trusty Sledgehammer when Kelli stops as she see's a blond haired woman talking to several people and Kelli gets a sick smile on her face and Kelli walks over to the crowd as the other people take off as the diva turns around revealing Stacy Keibler:

Stacy Keibler: Oh hi Kelli, Good luck tonight

Kelli Hardy: Don't talk to me you slut

Stacy Keibler: Sorr...

:Just then Kelli hits Stacy in the gut with the Sledgehammer as Kelli then drives it into Stacy's back as Kelli then pulls out her scissors and starts to cut away at Stacy getting several chunks of hair out as Security races over and breaks it up as Mallory Maddox comes running over as well:

Mallory Maddox: Kelli I hate to do this but you gotta leave your Sledgehammer back here

Kelli Hardy: Fine

Mallory Maddox: And the scissors

:Kelli throws the Sledgehammer down and then the scissors as Kelli picks her up title and heads off:

:Promo for SCWE Vengeance:

 Message 5 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 2:59 PM

JR: Well King its time for the SCWE Women's Title Match

King: I would not want to be Alyssa Amidala tonight

JR: Alyssa is still new here and is getting a golden chance but may be walking into something nobody can be ready for because Kelli has gone over the deep end

King: Well last month at Mania Kelli lost the Women's Title without actually being pinned but Kelli did regain it shortly there after and I know Kelli does not plan on losing it tonight to a rookie

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Women's Championship

"Lovefool" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making her way to the ring, The Challenger, From Cleveland, Ohio, Alyssa Amidala

JR: Alyssa has looked good so far when we have seen her and has never been pinned yet

King: That is going to change real fast tonight

Mattitude Countdown Starts into "Figured You Out", Crowd Boo's

Kellifact: Kelli has never been pinned to lose a Women's Title

Kellifact: Kelli's goal is to destroy every diva and cut there hair as a trophey

Miss Shannon: Her opponent, Representing The Triple H, From Greenwich, Connecticut, The SCWE Women's Champion, Kelli Hardy

JR: Here comes the champion

King: Well at least Alyssa doesn't have to worry about the haircut

SCWE Women's Championship: Kelli Hardy(C) vs Alyssa Amidala
The Bell Sounds to start the match as Alyssa offers to shake hands with Kelli and Kelli smirks and then slaps Alyssa across the face and Alyssa grabs her face as Kelli slaps Alyssa again and then hits her in the back of the head as Alyssa cowers away and Kelli starts calling her a stupid bitch and Kelli continues to slap Alyssa until finally Alyssa delivers a left slap to Kelli and Alyssa opens up on Kelli then with right hands but Kelli kicks Alyssa in the gut knocking Alyssa back and Kelli then drives her knee into the side of Alyssa. Kelli then stomps away at Alyssa and Kelli picks up Alyssa by her hair and Kelli hair tosses Alyssa across the ring as Kelli then makes a motion that the match is a piece of cake and Kelli walks over towards Alyssa but Alyssa then spears down Kelli and Alyssa opens up on Kelli with right hands as Kelli covers up and Alyssa then pulls up Kelli by her hair and Alyssa hair tosses Kelli across the ring!! Kelli gets up and is not happy about it and Kelli tells her she is a dead as Kelli charges at Alyssa but Alyssa ducks a right hand and Alyssa kicks Kelli in the gut and Alyssa hits several chops to Kelli and Alyssa then kicks her in the gut and Alyssa goes for the Alyssa Bomb but Kelli backdrops Alyssa down. Kelli then clotheslines Alyssa back down once she gets up. Kelli then goes to pick up Alyssa but Alyssa catches Kelli with a small package for a 1---2--2.5-kick out. Kelli can't believe it as Kelli gets back up and Kelli attacks Alyssa once more and Kelli goes for a Twist of Fate but Alyssa counters into a backslide pin for a 1---2--2.9-kick out. Both ladies get back up as Alyssa catches Kelli with a right hand and Alyssa then goes for a chick kick but Kelli ducks and Kelli then kicks Alyssa in the gut and Kelli hits a Twist of Fate on Alyssa as Kelli covers Alyssa for a 1---2--Referee Brian Hebner stops the count and tells Kelli that Alyssa's foot is under the ropes as Kelli is not happy about it and Kelli and Brian Hebner are arguing about it as Alyssa struggles up and Kelli kicks Alyssa in the ribs and Kelli whips Alyssa off the ropes and Kelli hits a big spinebuster on Alyssa. Kelli then motions the match is over as Kelli goes to pick up Alyssa but Alyssa shoves Kelli back right into Brian Hebner knocking him into the corner as Alyssa goes to hit Kelli but Kelly ducks and Alyssa hits Brian Hebner knocking him down as Kelli catches Alyssa with a kick to the gut and Kelli sets up Alyssa for a Pedigree when a fan comes over the barracade and gets into the ring and turns Kelli around and the fan kicks Kelli in the gut and then sets her up for a move and the fan then picks up Kelli and hits the Widow's Peak on her!! The Fan then removes her hat to reveal Victoria!! Victoria tells Alyssa to cover her as Victoria rolls out to the floor as Alyssa rolls over Kelli and covers her for the 1----------2--------3.
Winner: Alyssa Amidala (SCWE Women's)

Miss Shannon: Your winner and New SCWE Women's Champion, Alyssa Amidala

JR: KING WE GOT A New Champion

King: No!!!

JR: Victoria Helmsley is back and she just cost Kelli the match

:Matt Hardy, Charlie Haas, & Jaime Lavelle hit the ring as Victoria & Alyssa leave through the crowd as Kelli gets back up and Kelli is pissed off and stares right at Victoria and Kelli screams at her to come back:

JR: Kelli wants Victoria

King: I got a feeling Kelli will get her hands on her sister in law at some point and I know Alyssa is going to be a marked woman now

:Backstage: Mallory Maddox's Office

Mallory Maddox: Good luck out there

Matt Walker: Thanks but I don't need it when I got a full proof plan on to how to beat Kurt Angle

Mallory Maddox: You sure you don't want me to come out there with you?

Matt Walker: I'm positive so ladies just say back here and enjoy the show because The Triple Threat Eliminates Kurt Angle....lets go guys

:Matt Walker, Jason Walker, & Shane Douglas leave the office as Matt Walker has his trusty guitar:

:Video Preview for Matt Walker/Kurt Angle:

 Message 6 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 2:59 PM

JR: Well guys its Main Event time here

King: Kurt Angle is going to have his hands full if Jason Walker and Shane Douglas are coming out with him

JR: Well this match is not for any titles but it has been in the works for monthes now ever since Kurt Angle started dating Kaylee Walker and for a while Kurt and Matt put there differences aside while in the Pittsburgh Connection but all that changed at Wrestlemania 2 when Walker smashed his guitar over Angle's head and then Angle helped cost Matt Walker the SCWE World Title

Miss Shannon: The Main Event of the evening is scheduled for one fall

"Hemorrhage" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring being accumpied by Jason Walker and Shane Douglas, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 210 Pounds, The "Real Deal, No Gimmicks Needed" Matt Walker

King: Here comes Matt Walker

JR: The two time SCWE Royal Rumble Champion not to meantion being a former three time World Heavyweight Champion

"I Don't Suck" hits, Crowd Chants You Suck

Miss Shannon: His opponent, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 237 Pounds, Kurt Angle!!

JR: Here comes Kurt Angle who is getting a good pop here

King: Baltimore definatly seems to be behind Kurt Angle but I think the numbers game may be too much for even Kurt Angle

JR: Since I brought up Matt Walker's World Title History, Kurt Angle has been World Heavyweight Champion nine times

Kurt Angle vs Matt Walker W/Shane Douglas & Jason Walker
Angle & Walker are face to face as Earl Hebner explains the rules to each man and then rings the bell to start things out as Walker and Angle are nose to nose jawing at one another and Walker then pushes Angle back and Walker slaps Kurt right across the face and Angle then goes to town on Walker with several right hands to him knocking him back near the ropes and Angle charges at Walker but Walker kicks Angle in the gut and Walker delivers a big right hand to the side of Angle dazing him as Matt Walker goes for a Twist of Fate but Angle counters it into a German Suplex and Angle holds on for a second german suplex and then a third german suplex as Kurt Angle gets back up and Angle opens up on Walker some more with right hands and Angle grabs Walker and Angle delivers a big belly 2 belly suplex to Walker. Jason Walker then gets on the apron and Kurt Angle goes over and Angle knocks Jason off the apron with a big right hand knocking him down. Matt Walker though is back up and Walker attacks Angle from behind as Matt Walker goes to work on Angle's back with several clubbing blows and Matt Walker sends Angle through the ropes to the floor as Matt Walker destracts Earl Hebner as Shane Douglas attacks Kurt Angle but Angle fights back and kncoks down Douglas with a right hand but Jason Walker hits Angle in the back as Douglas & Jason Walker stomp away at Kurt Angle and both men pick up Angle and ram him back into the ring post. Douglas then rolls Angle back into the ring to Matt Walker who stomps away at Kurt Angle and Matt Walker picks up Angle and shoves him back into the corner and Matt Walker delivers several chops to the chest of Angle and Walker then picks up Angle and puts him up top and Matt Walker climbs up top and Matt Walker goes for a super plex and hits it. Matt Walker then covers Angle for a 1---2--2.6-shoulder up. Matt Walker gets back up and picks up Angle and Matt Walker then gets behind Angle and Matt Walker sets up Angle for the Pittfall and Walker hits it and Matt Walker then covers Kurt Angle for a 1---2--Matt Walker pulls up Angle's head and Matt Walker says he isn't done yet and Matt Walker picks up Angle and takes him towards the corner and Matt Walker tells everyone its SkyWalker time but Angle elbows Walker in the head and Angle turns around and opens up on Walker with right hands but Walker kicks Angle in the gut and Walker goes to hit Angle but Angle catches Walker with a Release Belly 2 Belly Suplex. Matt Walker gets up as does Angle and Walker goes to hit Angle again but Angle ducks and catches Walker with a German Suplex followed by a second German Suplex and then a third german as Kurt Angle gets back up and takes his straps down and Angle says its time as Shane Douglas gets on the apron as Jason Walker gets into the ring and swings at Angle but Angle ducks and Angle catches Jason Walker with an Angle Slam as Matt Walker then goes to hit Angle but Angle ducks that and Angle hits The Angle Slam on Matt Walker as well!!! Kurt Angle then grabs Matt Walker's ankle and Angle locks in the Angle Lock as Shane Douglas continues to distract Earl Hebner and Matt Walker starts to tap out but no referee as Mallory Maddox comes down to the ring and Mallory gets into the ring and Mallory goes behind Kurt and rakes him in the eyes causing Angle to let go for Walker as Kurt and Mallory are face to face but Kaylee Walker hits the ring as well and Kaylee Walker turns Mallory around and Kaylee knocks down Mallory with a right hand and Kaylee then kicks Mallory out of the ring and Kaylee goes out after her but Jason Walker hits Kurt Angle from behind when "Holding Out for a Hero" hits as the place erupts as Chris Walker races to the ring and Walker gets into the ring as Jason Walker bails out to the floor as does Matt Walker. Shane Douglas also gets off the apron as Earl Hebner then tells Chris to get out of the ring but Mallory screams at Earl Hebner the match is now no DQ as Matt Walker gets his trusty guitar and puts it into the ring as The Triple Threat members are about to get back in as Chris Walker helps up Kurt Angle and Angle and Walker chase The Triple Threat back out as Chris Walker is telling Matt to get his ass into the ring and take it like a man when Chris then turns to Angle and sucker punches him and Walker kicks Angle in the gut then and Walker then sets up Angle for the Walkerflip and Chris Walker hits it!!! Chris Walker then spits on Kurt Angle as Matt Walker gets into the ring and hugs Chris as Jason & Shane Douglas also get into the ring and Matt Walker tells Jason & Shane to hold him up which they do and Matt Walker takes the guitar and Matt Walker then smashes the guitar over Kurt Angle's head as Kaylee Walker is begging for them to stop but Chris Walker holds his sister back as Matt Walker covers Angle and Earl Hebner is forces to count the 1---2--3.
Winner: Matt Walker

Miss Shannon: Your winner, Matt Walker

JR: Damn that Chris Walker!! I can't believe what he just did

King: I don't believe my eyes, I guess Chris Walker is the new Triple Threat member

:Jason Walker now holds Kaylee back as Matt, Chris, & Shane Douglas put the boots to Kurt Angle as Matt Walker tells Chris he should do a top rope Walker flip and Chris Walker smiles and goes over to the corner as Shane Douglas and Matt Walker drag Kurt towards the corner:

JR: We need help out here right now

King: Yeah this is not going to be pretty

:Chris Walker starts to set up Kurt Angle for the Top Rope Walker flip when "Game" hits as Triple H, Charlie Haas, & Matt Hardy hit the ring with there Sledgehammers as The Triple Threat clears out of the ring:

JR: What the hell are they doing here

King: I don't know but they just saved Kurt Angle

:Kaylee Walker checks on Kurt Angle as Triple H tells Kurt Angle that he should thank Julez for being saved as Triple H, Matt Hardy, & Charlie Haas then leave the ring as paramedics come to help out Kurt:

JR: Well what a crazy and unpredictable night of action it has been and we hope you have enjoyed Backlash, Don't miss Nitro tomarrow night where the SCWE Tag Team Title's will be defended and we will see you Tuesday Night for Smackdown!, Good Night

:Backlash Goes off the Air:

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