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PPV : Vengenace 5/8/05
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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/10/2006 10:19 PM

Results 5/8/05 Live From Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Dark Matches:

1st Match: None

2nd Match: None

Promo's for the PPV Air:

Pyro Then Explodes!! as "Bodies" plays to open up Vengenace

JR: Welcome to SCWE Vengeance!!

King: JR tonight's show is going to be great

JR: Plus we have some big news because we have learned that Victoria is going to retire from KSCWE after tonight so for you of those who have ordered Vengeance tonight will get to see arguably the greatest diva in KSCWE History's final match regardless if she wins or loses

King: Well JR lets get this thing started

Miss Shannon: The Opening Contest of Vengeance is Scheduled for one fall and it is a #1 Contender's Battle Royal for the SCWE Women's Xtreme Championship

"Autobiography" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making her way to the ring, From Freedom, New Hampshire, Corrin

"Scars of the Crucifix" hits, Crowd Continues to boo

Miss Shannon: The 2nd Participant, From Wetumka, Alabama, Reagan Thomas

"Love lost in a hale of gunfire" hits, Crowd Continues to boo

Miss Shannon: The 3rd Participant, From Wetumka, Alabama, Skylar Thomas

JR: Well The Thomas Sisters and Corrin are here and there will be five more divas

"Holiday" hits, Crowd is mixed

Miss Shannon: The 4th Participant, From Los Angelos, California, Traci Mason

King: Here comes one of the Mason sisters

"Walk This Way" hits, Crowd is mixed

Miss Shannon: The 5th Participant, From Las Vegas, Nevada, Jezebel

JR: Here comes Jezebel

"Legs" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: The 6th Participant, From Baltimore, Maryland, Stacy Keibler

JR: Stacy Keibler has been pretty good since he has returned

"All Grown Up" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: The 7th Participant, From Greenwich, Connecticut, Stephanie McMahon

King: I think Stephanie McMahon can pick up a win

"Lies" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Finally, From Boise, Idaho, Torrie Wilson

JR: We have three former Women's Champions in this battle royal and Torrie Wilson could win it

#1 Contender's Battle Royal for SCWE Women's Xtreme Championship: Corrin vs Jezebel vs Reagan Thomas vs Skylar Thomas vs Stacy Keibler vs Stephanie McMahon vs Torrie Wilson vs Traci Mason
The Bell Sounds to start the battle royal out as The Thomas Sisters quickly seem to agree to work together as does Torrie & Stacy leaving the other 4 divas on there own as The Thomas Sisters attack Jezebel right off the bat while Torrie Wilson & Stacy Keibler attack Traci Mason leaving Corrin to do battle with Stephanie McMahon. Corrin & Stephanie exchange rights and lefts when Reagan Thomas hits Stephanie in the back knocking her down as Reagan then delivers a kick to the gut of Corrin and Reagan sends Corrin flying over the top rope to the floor. Corrin has been eliminated. Stephanie gets back up and Stephanie attacks Reagan in the back as Stephanie pounds away at her, Skylar Thomas and Jezebel are still brawling while Traci Mason is trying to fight off Stacy Keibler & Torrie Wilson but not to much success. Torrie & Stacy take Traci Mason and throw her over the top to the floor. Traci Mason has been eliminated. This leaves six now as Torrie & Stacy go over and help out Skylar making it a three on one attack on Jezebel as the three divas quickly send Jezebel over the top to the floor. Jezebel has been eliminated. Torrie & Stacy then attack Skylar Thomas but Reagan comes over and joins in on the fight as Reagan & Stacy do battle while Torrie & Skylar are brawling it out and Reagan is trying to get Stacy out but Stephanie comes charging but Reagan moves as Stephanie clotheslines Stacy over the top to the floor. Stacy Keibler has been eliminated. Stephanie turns around and gets drop kicked herself over the top to the floor. Stephanie McMahon has been eliminated. This leaves Torrie against both Thomas sisters as Reagan joins in on the attack on Torrie as Reagan holds Torrie in place as Skylar backs up and charges at Torrie to hit her but Torrie gets free as Skylar hits Reagan with a big right hand as Torrie then knocks down Skylar and Torrie hits a Chick Kick sending Reagan Thomas over the top to the floor. Reagan Thomas has been eliminated. This leaves Torrie & Skylar as Torrie turns around but gets poked in the eyes but Skylar who goes for the Skye Bomb but Torrie gets out of it and Torrie hits a Chick Kick on Skylar knocking her down as Torrie then drags Skylar near the corner and Torrie goes up top but Skylar was playing possum and Skylar gets up and shoves Torrie off the ropes to the floor.
Winner: Skylar Thomas

Miss Shannon: Your winner, Skylar Thomas

JR: Skylar Thomas just picked up a big win here

King: Who would have thought Skylar Thomas would have won this

JR: Well she is still new to SCWE but she has done it so Skylar Thomas is next in line to face the SCWE Women's Xtreme Champion

:Backstage: The Triple H's Locker Room

:Triple H, Matt Hardy, & Charlie Haas are shown getting there gear out when Kurt Angle walks into the locker room:

Kurt Angle: Hey guys

Triple H: Kurt

Kurt Angle: I just wanted to run an idea by you for tonight

Triple H: What is that

Kurt Angle: Well since we were all Evolution X....I was thinking we could do a Special One Night Reunion of Evolution X

Triple H: I don't know Ku....

Matt Hardy V1: You know that isn't a bad idea

Charlie Haas: Yeah lets do it

Triple H: Fine

Kurt Angle: Great!!! Group Hug

:Video Preview for Ryan Cage/Coach T:

JR: Well things are cruising along here

King: Evolution X is back for one night only JR

JR: Well that is huge news but speaking of E-X, we are going to see a former E-X member in action here tonight

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE European Championship

"See You In the Future" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, From New Haven, Connecticut weighing in at 230 Pounds, Coach T

JR: Coach T is getting a golden opportunity here to win the European Championship

King: I don't think Coach T stands a chance in hell of winning

"Just Like You" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: His opponent, Being led to the ring by Lindsay Stratus, From Boston, Massachusetts weighing in at 255 Pounds, He is the SCWE European Champion, Ryan Cage

JR: Here comes Ryan Cage

King: I love what Ryan can do in the ring and I do believe Ryan Cage is still undefeated since he has never been pinned

SCWE European Championship: Ryan Cage(C) W/Lindsay Stratus vs Coach T
The match starts off with Ryan Cage showing his European Belt off to Coach T, saying this as close as he'll get to hold it.  Ryan then hands the belt to the ref as the ref shows the belt to Ryan, as the ref shows it to Coach T, Coach goes in closer for a better look as Ryan turns the ref and his belt away from Coach T, and tells the  ref not to show it to him, as Coach T then suddenly springs into action and tackles Ryan.DING:DING:  Coach T is laying into Ryan with lefts and refs.  Coach T is then pulled off by the ref as Coach T taunts the crowd.  He goes over to pick up Cage and Cage suddenly nails Coach with a right hand.  He then grabs a hold of Coach and hits him with a knee to the gut.  Ryan then quickly hits Coach with a DDT.  As Ryan gets back up he does a mock taunt of Coach and shows off to the crowd as Lindsay cheers him on.  Ryan then picks up Coach and hits him with an upper elbow as Coach stumbles into the corner.  Ryan then grapples with Coach and sends flying into the opposite corner Ryan then runs full speed at Coach and hits him with a lariat.  Cage then grapples Coach again in the corner and begins punching, stops taunts the crowd and jumps down hitting an axe handle as the tenth punch.  Coach then stumble out of the corner as he Cage picks him up and hits a powerslam.  Ryan then pins, 1........2...2.4, kickout.  Cage then picks up Coach and goes to Irish whip him to the ropes but Coach counters and sends Ryan into the ropes, Cage rebounds and Coach hits a back body toss.  Coach then mounts Cage and lays into him.  Coach gets up and grabs Cage.  He  hits a spinning neck breaker on Cage, and quickly gets back up.and hits Ryan with a standing moonsault, Coach covers, 1.......1.9, kickout.  Coach cant believe it as he begins to pound away at Ryan.  Coach picks up Ryan sets him up in the middle of the ring, Coach goes over to the ropes for extra leverage but as Coach goes to bounce off them Lindsay grabs his leg.  Coach stops and looks down at Lindsay, Coach reaches for her and grabs her by the hair.  Coach goes to pull her in the ring but Ryan snaps out of it and runs at Coach forcing him to let go of Lindsay.  Ryan then starts pounding into Coach like a madman, as Coach gets up against the drops, Ryan the Irish whips into the other ropes Coach comes back and Ryan nails him with a dropkick.  Ryan then climbs the corner and waits for Coach to get up.  He stands up and Ryan jumps off taking Coach out with a missile dropkick, Ryan covers, 1.......2...2.5, kickout.  Ryan then gets furious and starts punching at the fallen Coach, Ryan then covers again, 1.......2..2.4, kickout.  Ryan then sits up with a look of frustration as he gets to his feet.  Ryan then starts to lay some boots to Coach as he gets pissed at every lasting second.  Cage says that all, and stocks Coach waiting for him to get up.  Coach slowly arises to his feet.  As Coach gets up Cage jumps in for the RKO, but Coach blocks it and nails Cage with a back body slam.  Coach then lays a few boots to Ryan as Coach then locks Cage into the sharpshooter.  Ryan starts to motion for the ropes but Coach drags him back to the center, Lindsay then gets on the apron and distracts the ref as Ryan starts tapping.  Coach wonders why the bell hasn't rung as his notices Lindsay with the ref.  Coach then releases the ho,d and grabs a hold of Lindsay,  Coach then slings her into the ring and picks her back up.  He grabs a hold;d of her and points his finger saying something to her.  As this is happening, Ryan begins to get to his feet.  Coach then goes in like he is going to kiss Lindsay when Ryan comes up and spins Coach around and hits him with a side effect.  Lindsay then rolls out of the ring as Ryan covers Coach, 1.......2.......2.9, kickout.  Ryan then grabs a hold of Coach as they start exchanging lefts and rights.  Finally Coach gets the upper hand and takes Cage down with a snap suplex.  Coach then notices the right positioning of Cage.  Coach climbs the top rope and motions for the O Line.  Coach goes to hit but Lindsay grabs his leg.  Coach kicks her off as Ryan comes up from nowhere and quickly sends Coach off the top rope with a Superplex.  Cage and Coach are both down as the ref begins to count, 1...2...3...4...5, Cage starts to stir...6 Coach is slowly grabbing the ropes...7, Cage and Coach are both on knees at different ropes...8...9...Coach finally gets up as does Cage as they exchange lefts and rights.  Ryan then nails Coach with a suplex, He is still latched on for another suplex but Coach reveres and hits a plex of his own.  Coach then says that's all, as he tells Lindsay to stay off, as Coach climbs the top rope.  Coach then jumps off hitting a Play Call.  Coach covers, 1........2.......2.9, kickout.  Coach cant belief it as he argues with the ref.  As Coach is arguing, Ryan quickly spins him around and quickly jumps up and nails him with an RKO.  Ryan covers, 1........2........3
Winner: Ryan Cage

Miss Shannon: Your winner and still SCWE European Champion, Ryan Cage

JR: Ryan Cage picked up a good win here over Coach T who put up a hell of a fight

King: I think Ryan Cage underestimated Coach T but in the end Ryan Cage still got the win because Ryan Cage is that good


:Randy Orton is shown coming out of Mallory Maddox's as Stephanie joins him:

Stephanie McMahon: What was that about?

Randy Orton: Just talking about my future after I destroy SRT

Stephanie McMahon: Thats good then

Randy Orton: Yeah and me and SRT are up next so why don't you come out out to the ring with me since you are on the line

Stephanie McMahon: Alright

:Video Preview for Randy Orton/SRT:

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 Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 10:20 PM

JR: Well King up next we got Randy Orton taking on Stanley Ryan Tiger and if Randy Orton can win then he will get a SCWE World Heavyweight Championship Shot at his choosing but if SRT can win then he will get Stephanie McMahon's services for one week

King: Alot on the line here

Miss Shannon: The Following Special Stipulation Match is scheduled for one fall(Crowd Cheers). The Stipulations are as follows, if Randy Orton is victorious he will have a SCWE World Heavyweight Championship Shot at his choosing but if Stanley Ryan Tiger can win then he will receive Stephanie McMahon's services for One Week

"Whatever It Takes" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, Being accumpied to the ring by Stephanie McMahon, From St. Louis, Missouri weighing in at 245 Pounds, Randy Orton

King: I think Orton knocks off SRT tonight

JR: Well Randy Orton is a accomplished superstar thats for sure

"Enter Sandman" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: His opponent, From San Antonio, Texas weighing in at 328 Pounds, Stanley Ryan Tiger

JR: SRT has done alot of great things on the independent circuit but has now arrived in SCWE and picked a fight with Randy Orton

King: Yeah and SRT is going to find out that he is out of his league with Orton

Randy Orton W/Stephanie McMahon vs Stanley Ryan Tiger
The Bell Sounds to start the match out as Stanley looks out to Stephanie and winks at her when Orton attacks SRT and Orton knocks him down and Orton starts to pound away at him as Referee Brian Hebner pulls Orton back as SRT is getting back up but Orton attacks him again pounding away at him as Orton hits a big uppercut on SRT and Orton then dropkicks SRT through the ropes to the floor. Randy Orton gets back up as SRT is trying to get up on the floor and Orton slingshots himself over the ropes but SRT moves out of the way as Orton hits the floor hard as SRT is waiting for Orton to get back up and SRT goes for the SRT Kick but Orton ducks and Orton then goes for the RKO but SRT shoves Orton down to the floor as Orton grabs his back as SRT delivers a few big kicks to Orton on the floor when Stephanie comes into view trying to distract SRT but he ignores her as he pounds away some more at Orton and rolls him into the ring. SRT gets back into the ring as Orton is trying to get up and SRT clubs away at Orton's lower back as SRT picks up Orton and locks in a bear hug on Orton and starts to shake him viscously from side to side as Orton is screaming out from it as Brian Hebner finally gets Orton and raises his arm up once and it falls and then a second time and it falls and goes for a third time but Orton is able to keep it up and Orton then does a clap type move to SRT's head causing SRT to drop Orton as Orton goes for the RKO again and this time hits it but Orton is unable to pin right away as Orton is grabbing his back as Stephanie is screaming at Randy to pin him as Randy finally puts an arm over SRT for a 1--2--kick out. Randy Orton shakes his head in disgust as he gets back up along with SRT and Orton delivers a few kicks to the gut and Orton goes to whip SRT off the ropes but SRT reverses sending Orton off the ropes and SRT hits a big powerslam on Orton. SRT then flips Orton over and locks in the Anarchist on Orton as Orton is screaming out in pain but is refusing to tap out as Stephanie McMahon gets on the apron trying to distract SRT which works as SRT breaks the hold and goes over and grabs Stephanie by the hair as Stephanie then goes to slap him but SRT blocks it and then forcefully kisses her!! but Orton turns SRT around and Orton hits another RKO on SRT and Orton covers quickly for a 1--2--2.9-SRT gets his foot on the bottom rope. Randy Orton can not believe it and Orton gets in Brian Hebner's face about it and Orton shoves Hebner down and Orton then stomps away some more at Hebner as he Orton then goes out and gets a Steel Chair as Orton gets back into the ring and Brian Hebner tries to stop Randy but Orton shoves him down again and Orton then hits SRT in the head as he was trying to get up as Brian Hebner calls for the bell as Randy Orton delivers several more chair shots to the back of SRT before throwing it down and starting to leave
Winner: Stanley Ryan Tiger by DQ

Miss Shannon: Your winner as a result of a Disqualification, Stanley Ryan Tiger

JR: Randy Orton just cost himself the match

:Randy Orton is about to leave when Stephanie grabs his arm and Stephanie tells Randy that he just lost her for a week and blew his title shot and Randy gets back into the ring and Randy tells Stephanie he knows and he did it on purpose and Stephanie looks pissed and slaps Orton across the face to which Orton smirks and then hits the RKO on Stephanie!!:

King: Oh My God, Randy Orton just RKO'ed Stephanie McMahon!!!

JR: I can't believe Randy Orton would do that


Maria: I am standing here with SCWE General Manager Mallory Maddox and Mallory I was told you wanted to announce something?

Mallory Maddox: Thats right Maria, I have two announcements actually

Maria: Ok?

Mallory Maddox: Number One, I have traded Randy Orton to WCW in exchange for JJ Stallion

Maria: Wow and your second announcement?

Mallory Maddox: Well its actually about our next pay per view, The King of The Ring because regardless of what happens tonight in War Games and over the next four weeks when the winning team controlls, Smackdown!, At King of the Ring, The SCWE World Heavyweight Championship will be defended in a match that has only been seen once and that was last year at The King of The Ring....The WalkerZone Returns

Maria: Do you know who will be in the WalkerZone?

Mallory Maddox: Well Five Superstars will be in it, So far Matt Walker, Triple H, and Chris Walker are all definatly in it with the final two spots to be filled before King of the Ring

:Mallory goes back into her office as Maria looks a big suprised:

Maria: Well there you heard it from Mallory Maddox

:Video Preview for Stevie Richards/David Flair:

JR: Well King I guess we found out what Randy Orton was doing in Mallory's office

King: Yeah I guess Randy Orton is going back to WCW and JJ Stallion is coming back to SCWE

JR: Well good luck to Randy Orton on WCW although his actions earlier tonight were dispicable

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Intercontinental Championship

"Black Scorpion" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, From Charlotte, North Carolina weighing in at 220 Pounds, He is the SCWE Juniorweight Champion and SCWE Xtreme Champion, David Flair!!

King: David Flair is looking to become a Triple Champion here JR

JR: For the record, David Flair is not defending either one of his titles here

"All The Things She Said" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: His opponent, From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania weighing in at 220 Pounds, The SCWE Intercontinental Champion, Stevie Richards

King: Lets go David Flair

JR: Well this match is going to be interesting but I have to like Stevie Richards here

SCWE Intercontinental Championship: Stevie Richards(C) vs David Flair
The match starts off with David yelling something at Stevie.  Stevie then yells back as the two come nose to nose.  They begin arguing back and forth when David slaps Stevie square in the mouth.  Stevie then holds his jaw and retaliate with rights and lefts.  He starts pounding away at David until he hits a huge uppercut, David falls to the mat and quickly rolls to the outside of the ring to try and recuperates.  David is looking in at Stevie as Stevie tells him to get back in.  David goes up on the apron as Stevie quickly grabs a hold of him and hip tosses him into the ring.  David starts to scout into they corner and picks himself up.  Stevie runs full force at him but David ducks and spins Stevie around hits Stevie with a thumb to the eye.  The crowd does a woo chant as David places Stevie in a side headlock.  David starts rearing on Stevie's head until Stevie grabs the ropes and whips David into the opposite ropes.  David comes back Stevie goes to hit a clothesline but David ducks it, and rebounds off the ropes again.  This time David is meet with a dropkick, sending Flair into the corner.  Stevie goes over to the corner and starts to pound away at him.  Stevie then whips Flair into the opposite turnbuckle, Stevie runs full force and hits a clothesline.  Stevie backs away as Flair stumbles out and falls doing a classic impersonation of his father.  Stevie then awaits as David begins to get up.  David is standing fully erect as Stevie as grabs him and nails a DDT.  Stevie then gets back and taunts the crowd.  Stevie then goes to pick up Flair, but David quickly trips Stevie and quickly begins to apply the Figure Four.  He spins around but Stevie kicks David forcing him to let go.  David and Stevie are both standing face to face as they start to exchange lefts and rights.  Finally David begins to get the upper hand until Stevie whips David into the ropes, David rebounds off and is meet with the Stevie Kick.  Stevie then drops down for the cover, 1........2.......2.9, kickout, Stevie cant believe it as he gets up and begins laying boots to David.  Stevie then goes over to mount David but Flair quickly rolls him, 1........2...2.5, kickout.  David hops up and grabs Stevie he nails Stevie with a suplex as Flair gets back up.  David then gets cocky as he feeds off the crowd.  He picks up Stevie and sets him up for the Nature Shock, but Stevie counters out of it, and spins David around, and quickly takes out David with the Stevie T.  Stevie covers, 1........2........3
Winner: Stevie Richards

Miss Shannon: Your winner and still SCWE Intercontinental Champion, Stevie Richards

JR: Stevie Richards scores the impressive victory to retain

King: David Flair put up a good fight but Stevie Richards retains and I take my crown off to him for that

:Backstage: Triple Threat's Locker Room

Matt Walker: Ok boys we know the order right

Chris Walker: Yep

Jason Walker: My question is what is the GM Order going to be once we win

Matt Walker: Well Shane will be this Tuesday then you, then Chris and finally me

Jason Walker: Awesome

:Mallory Maddox barges into the Locker Room:

Matt Walker: Whats the matter babe

Mallory Maddox: I just found that all of WCW Will be attending Smackdown! this week for a Roster Shake up

Matt Walker: Oh thats not right

Mallory Maddox: No kidding because no active wrestler is exempt, GM's and manager's are exempt but wrestlers are not meaning you could go

Chris Walker: Wait what if say I get drafted, what about Kendra?

Mallory Maddox: She goes with you since she is not an active wrestler

Chris Walker: Don't worry, we won't get drafted and maybe The Triple H will get broken up

Mallory Maddox: Yeah that is one positive I guess if none of you go...Well you better get ready for War Games and remember to kick some ass

Matt Walker: Babe, its me leading the team, we won't lose but what about trades and all that since you won't be in charge

Mallory Maddox: Well I also found out that the stipulation of every man being given a week to GM is being alterated and now there will be two weeks only so when you guys win, you will have to pair up and the dates are May 17th and May 24th that you two can run

Matt Walker: Well that works just as good

:Video Preview for SCWE Tag Team Championship Match:

 Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 10:20 PM

JR: Well we just heard from what Mallory said, this Tuesday Night on Smackdown!, All of WCW will be in the house and some WCW Superstars will become SCWE and SCWE will become WCW

King: That is always huge and I hope we can get some big names from WCW or some Divas!! Puppy Power!!!

JR: Well King up next we are going to crown new SCWE Tag Champions

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Tag Team Championship

"Meant to Live" hits, Crowd is mixed

Miss Shannon: 1st making there way to the ring being accumpied to the ring by Holly Mathews, From Atlanta, Georgia, weighing in at a combined weight of 468 Pounds, The Team of Scott & Chris, The Wright Brothers

JR: Well here comes the two newcomers to Smackdown!

King: I like these two and you know they have to be good if Holly Mathews found them and did I say how much I like seeing Holly again

JR: About a million times

"Rockers Theme" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: There opponents, Weighing in at a combined weight of 390 Pounds, The Team of Shawn Michaels & Marty Jannetty, The Rockers!!!

King: Here comes The Rockers

JR: Both of these teams are looking to bring home the Tag Titles

SCWE Tag Team Championship: Shawn Michaels & Marty Jannetty vs Scott & Chris Wright W/Holly Mathews
Chris Wright and Marty Jannetty start the match off. They lock up in the center of the ring. Marty Jannetty gets Chris wright in a headlock, he applies pressure before Chris pushes him away into the turnbuckle. Chris falls to the floor as Jannetty jumps over him, Chris jumps back up and goes for an arm drag hip toss on Jannetty but Marty counters it into an arm drag to Wright. Jannetty then locks in a simple leg lock on Chris Wright. Wright wriggles in pain for a moment before sitting up and slapping Jannetty across the face, Marty lets go of Chris's leg. Both men get up and lock up once again this time Chris Irish whips Jannetty into the turnbuckle. Chris hits a turnbuckle clothesline to Jannetty, Holly Matthews cheers on the outside as Chris Wright hits a snap suplex to Jannetty. Chris drags Marty over to his teams turnbuckle and tags in his brother. Chris holds Jannetty as Scott Wright begins hitting some hard rights and lefts to Marty's stomach. Chris lets go and gets out the ring. Scott grabs a hold of Jannetty's hair and slams him backwards into the ring canvas. Scott Wright flips Marty over onto his stomach, Scott twists Jannetty's wrist behind his back and then pulls him up in a slight camel clutch type move. Scott pulls harder causing a lot of pressure on the neck and lower back of Jannetty. Shawn Michaels cannot take any more of it and he runs into the ring and kicks at Scott Wrights face, braking the submission. The ref orders Michaels to get back on the apron. Scott lifts Marty Jannetty up and holds him in the air before slamming him down with a stalling suplex. Scott Wright then goes up to the turnbuckle and climbs all the way to the top, Scott launches off with a Wright Elbow but Jannetty rolls out the way. Jannetty shakes his head and starts crawling over to his team mate, Marty stretches out his hand and goes to tag in Shawn Michaels but Scott grabs his foot just in time, Wright pulls Jannetty away from his team mate, Jannetty manages to push Scott Wright away with his free foot, Scott stumbles back as Jannetty stands up and hits a superkick to Scott Wright. Marty Jannetty tags in Shawn Michaels. Michaels bounces off the ropes and runs towards Scott Wright, Shawn hits a forearm smash on Scott, Michaels bounces off the ropes again and once again hits a forearm smash to Scott's face. Michaels goes for the move once again but this time Holly Matthews grabs Shawn's foot as he bounces off the ropes, Shawn turns around and shouts at Holly, When Michaels turns around he is kicked in the gut by Scott Wright, he then hits a tornado DDT to Michaels and covers him 1....2...2.7 kick out by Michaels. Scott Wright grabs Michaels and tags in his brother. Scott Irish whips Michaels to the ropes, Michaels hits a flying forearm smash to Scott wright, Shawn then flips himself up and ducks a clothesline from Chris Wright. Shawn hits a hurricanrana on Chris. The ref gets Scott Wright out of the ring as Shawn Michaels hits a perfect snap suplex on Chris Wright. Shawn Michaels then grabs a hold of Chris's legs, he then locks in a Sharpshooter to Chris Wright. Chris claws at the rings canvas as his body is being stretched by Shawn Michaels. Holly Matthews cannot take it any more and she grabs a hold of Chris's hand and manages to pull him towards the bottom rope. Chris holds on and the ref has to break the submission. Shawn climbs to the top rope and launches off with a diving elbow, he nails Chris Wright in the stomach. Before he can hook the leg Holly Matthews gets on the ring apron and distracts the referee. Scott Wright gets in the ring and hits a high impact dropkick to Michaels. The referee tells Holly to get away from the ring or he will DQ the Wright brothers. Holly screams at the ref but eventually leaves. Both Michaels and Chris start to get up, Michaels manages to tag in Jannetty before Chris can tag in Scott. Jannetty runs over to Chris and hits a bulldog onto him. Jannetty lifts Chris up and goes for an inverted Suplex but Chris wriggles out and lands behind Marty. Chris goes for a Downward Spiral, but Jannetty counters this into some sort of Northern Lights Suplex, Jannetty arches his back for the pin 1....2... Scott Wright gets in and breaks the pin. Both Jannetty and Chris Wright get up, Marty kicks Chris in the gut and performs the Rocker Dropper on one of the two Wright Brothers. Marty hooks Chris's leg 1....2....2.9 Chris gets his leg on the bottom rope! The two men take a breath or two before getting up. Jannetty runs towards Chris Wright and goes for a big clothesline on Wright but he ducks it and the clothesline hits the referee! Jannetty checks on the ref and when he turns around he is hit with a HUGE Wright Bomb from Scott Wright. All of a sudden Holly Matthews comes running down to the ring with a steel chair in hand, Scott Wright pulls Chris Wright over Jannetty, Shawn Michaels tries to get in the ring but Holly Matthews smashes the steel chair across the back of Shawn. Michaels falls down from the ring apron to the floor as the referee gets back up and slowly counts the pin 1....2....3
Winners: Scott & Chris Wright (SCWE Tag)

Miss Shannon: Your winners and new SCWE Tag Team Champions, Scott & Chris Wright

JR: The Wright Brothers have done it not without some help though of Holly Mathews

King: JR I told you these guys would do it and they did, The Wright Brothers are SCWE Tag Team Champions in there Pay Per View Debut!!

JR: Well The Rockers put up a hell of a fight and I think they could have won this thing but The Wrights get the win and the belts


:Stanley Ryan Tiger is shown heading into the parking lot as Stephanie McMahon is pulling her gear with her head down walking slowly behind when Maria walks up to Stephanie:

Maria: are you feeling after what Randy did

:Stephanie ignores Maria and keeps walking as she heads into the parking lot:

:Promo for Zoe Mason/Stacy Mason:

JR: Well Stephanie McMahon is obviously distraught with not only having to go and basically be SRT's slave for a week but also losing her boyfriend Randy Orton tonight

King: Yeah JR, I don't know what could be going on in Stephanie's heart besides heartache because the man she love just screwed her over in every way he could and to tell you the truth JR, I am glad Randy Orton was traded because if he wasn't, I may have had to step into the ring and kick his butt for what he did

JR: Well King up next we are going to see two sisters go at it in what has turned out to be a very violent fued over the SCWE Women's Xtreme Championship that also has seen Traci Mason become involved but tonight its going to be fought inside a Steel Cage which has been set up manualy by our people since we got the War Games Cage hanging over us

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Women's Xtreme Championship and it will be fought inside a Steel Cage(Crowd Cheers)

"Standing In the Rain" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making her way to the ring, The Challenger, From Los Angelos, California, Representing The Triple Threat, Zoe Mason

King: I talked to Zoe earlier and she guaranteed she would win this match

JR: Well Zoe is going to have a hell of a fight in order to do it because Stacy Mason does not back down from nobody

"Everybody's Fool" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Her opponent, From Los Angelos, California, She is the SCWE Women's Xtreme Champion, Stacy Mason

JR: Stacy Mason is a veteran to these type of brutal matches and I think has to have the advantage heading in

King: I disagree JR and I think the younger Zoe is going to pull it out

SCWE Women's Xtreme Championship: Steel Cage: Stacy Mason(C) vs Zoe Mason
The bell sounds as the two women circle each other, not taking their eyes from the others. The crowd grow silent in anticipation of what should be a good match. With out warning the two divas collide into a collar and elbow tie up. The two divas push at each other, Zoe Mason hooks he foot behind Stacy's and she trips her up, Zoe sits on top of Stacy and bitch slaps her hard across the face. Zoe gets up and smirks at her sister, Stacy gets up and rubs the cheek which Zoe smacked. Stacy runs towards Zoe but Zoe rolls out the way, Stacy hits the ropes and bounces towards Zoe, Zoe goes for a arm drag but Stacy stops it and hits a arm drag of her own to Zoe Mason. Stacy grabs Zoe and whips her to the ropes, Zoe bounces back and Stacy goes for a back body drop but Zoe hits a sunset flip pin 1....2... Stacy rolls out and like fluid connects Zoe's face with a front dropkick. Stacy Mason grabs Zoe's foot and sets her up for a STF but Zoe wriggles free and kicks Stacy away. Zoe gets up and runs towards Stacy, she hooks Stacy's arms and goes for a backslide pin 1... 2... Stacy spins herself over and pins Zoe Mason 1... 2... Zoe back rolls out the pin and flips herself over Stacy with a bridged pin 1... 2... Stacy Mason kicks out. Both women get up, Stacy runs towards Zoe and goes for a running Frankenstein type move but while on Zoe's shoulders, Zoe falls backwards causing Stacy's head to smash off the steel of the cage, Stacy's head dangles over the top rope and Zoe Mason begins to choke Stacy with the top rope. After a while Zoe lets go and grabs a handful of Stacy's hair and throws her to the ground. Zoe walks over to the door and tells the referee to open it, Zoe goes to leave the cage but Stacy runs up behind her and uses the ropes to hit a springboard type bulldog on Zoe Mason. The ref closes the door. Stacy Mason jumps up and hits a big leg drop to the back of Zoe's head and neck area. Stacy lifts Zoe up and she sets her up in the turnbuckle, Stacy takes a few steps backwards and runs towards Zoe Mason. Stacy is hit in the face with an elbow from Zoe, Zoe Mason pulls herself to the top rope and launches off with Missile dropkick but Stacy jumps out of the way. Zoe lands hard on ring canvas. Stacy helps her sister to her feet, Stacy lifts Zoe up and hits a fisherman's suplex, Stacy swivels her hips and hits Zoe with a second Fisherman's suplex, she swivels her hips once again and hits the same move for the third time! The third time Stacy bridges her back and holds the suplex for the pin 1...2...2.8 kick out by Zoe Mason. Stacy lifts Zoe up and goes for a fourth Fisherman's Suplex, This time Zoe wriggles free and lands behind Stacy, Zoe grabs Stacy by the neck and locks in a headlock, Zoe Mason then runs towards the cage wall, with Stacy's head in her arms, and smashes Stacy's head off the steel cage! Stacy mason's head causes a dent in the steel cage wall and blood begins to pour from her mouth. Zoe Mason walks over to one of the turnbuckles and unties the ring padding from the top section of the turnbuckle. Zoe throws the padding down to reveal the metal of the turnbuckle. Zoe grabs Stacy and Irish whips her into the turnbuckle, Stacy's back hits the bare turnbuckle, Zoe runs towards Stacy but Stacy jumps out the way, Zoe's head crashes against the metal, Zoe falls down holding her head, now blood is pouring from her fore head. Zoe gets up, now a little dazed, she turns around to receive a spinning Chick Kick from Stacy Mason. Stacy covers Zoe 1....2...2.9 kick out by the challenger! Stacy helps Zoe up and Irish whips her to the ropes, Zoe bounces back and Stacy kicks Zoe in the gut and hits a sharp DDT to her, Stacy Mason climbs the top rope and launches off with a Broken Dreams (Shooting Star press) She lands on the back of Zoe Mason. Zoe Mason seems out cold as Stacy starts getting up. She holds her chest before once again climbing the turnbuckle, this time she doesn't stop and keeps going up. Stacy is right at the top of the cage now as Zoe Mason gets up. Zoe quickly follows Stacy. Stacy is now on the outside of the cage and is starting to climb down, Zoe gets to the top and just reaches Stacy. Zoe grabs a huge amount of Stacy's hair and she lifts her up to her level, Both women are at the very top of the cage. Stacy slaps Zoe, and Zoe punches Stacy back right in the face, Zoe Mason hits a couple of forearm smashes to Stacy's face. Zoe lifts Stacy's arm over her head, Zoe Mason lifts Stacy up and hits a MASSIVE super - Superplex. Stacy Mason and Zoe Mason come crashing down from the top of the cage to the ring canvas. The crowd are in shock at the huge move which seems to have killed off both the champion and the challenger. The ref begins to count the ten count 1....2....3.....4.....5...... Zoe Mason starts to crawl over to the cage's door 6.....7.....8.... Zoe gets up and tells the ref to open the door, The door opens and Zoe basically falls out of the cage to gain the victory
Winner: Zoe Mason (SCWE Women's Xtreme)

Miss Shannon: Your winner and New SCWE Women's Xtreme Champion, Zoe Mason

JR: Zoe Mason has done it in what has to be described as a massive slobber knocker

King: Its like a car wreck

JR: Well King up next is going to be the big War Games Match and the ring crew has already started to take down this Steel Cage because in a few minutes the War Games Cage will be lowered and the massive two ring eight man war will begin

King: JR, its going to be nasty but lets take a look at how this has come about

:Video Preview for War Games Airs:

 Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 10:21 PM

JR: Well King its time now

King: This is going to be awesome!!

Penser: The Following Contest is WAR GAMES(Crowd Goes Nuts). The Match will start off with two men in the ring at the same time and after a five minute interval, a toin coss will take place with the winning team sending a second man in the match will then continue with two minute intervals with the team rotating with the sending in of men, Once all eight men are in the ring, The Match can only be won by making somebody submit

JR: Well this is going to be a hell of a slobberknocker

"Holding Out for a Hero" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st Team #1, All Residing From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at a combined weight of 875 Pounds, The Triple Threat....Jason Walker, Chris Walker, Matt Walker, and The "Franchise" Shane Douglas

King: Well here comes a deadly team

JR: This team consists of three blood brothers plus a guy who if you listen to Matt Walker sounds like he is a brother too

King: Well make no mistake this team has a bond and The Triple Threat is one of the greatest stables in KSCWE History but then again so is...

Mattitude Countdown Starts into "Bodies" hits, Crowd is mixed

XFact: Evolution X is back for one night only

XFact: Evolution X is the Greatest Stable in KSCWE History

Miss Shannon: There opponents, Weighing in at a combined weight of 984 Pounds, Evolution X.....Matt Hardy Version 1, Kurt Angle, Charlie Haas, and The SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, The "Game" Triple H!!!

King: Here comes a united E-X for one night

JR: Well believe it or not, Matt Walker, Shane Douglas, and Jason Walker were in Evolution X at some point in time

King: Yeah but here is the best E-X version

JR: Well lets see who starts this off for both teams

King: My money is on Jason Walker and Charlie Haas

War Games: Triple H, Matt Hardy V1, Charlie Haas, & Kurt Angle vs Matt Walker, Chris Walker, Jason Walker, & Shane Douglas
Matt Walker gets into the second ring for his team while Matt Hardy V1 enters ring #1 for his team as The Cage Doors are locked and the bell sounds. Matt Hardy and Matt Walker both tell the other one to come into there ring but neither man does move as Matt Walker finally relents and heads over towards ring #1 and Matt Hardy rushes over and attacks Walker as he is between rings and 1 and 2 and Matt Hardy picks up Matt Walker and then goes for a suplex to bring him into ring 1 but Walker reverses and suplexs Hardy from ring 1 all the way into ring 2 as Hardy hits hard and Matt Walker then turns around and enters ring 2 as Matt Walker goes to hit Hardy but Hardy kicks Walker in the gut and Hardy goes to work on Walker with several right hands and Hardy whips Walker off the ropes and puts his head down as Matt Walker is able to stop and Walker kicks Hardy in the face and then kicks him in the gut as Matt Walker goes for a Twist of Fate but Hardy counters by kneeing Walker in the back and Hardy goes for the Fate Twister and hits it!! Matt Hardy gets up gloating and does his signature V1 Taunt as he looks over to ring 2 and yells asking how much time to the next buzzer as Charlie Haas tells him 2 minutes are left yet as Matt Hardy smirks and then picks up Matt Walker and slams him down near the corner as Matt Hardy goes up top and comes off hitting the Mattitude Leg Drop on Matt Walker and Matt Hardy gets up again and picks up Walker and sets him up for a Twist of Fate but Matt Walker shoves Hardy back into the corner and Matt Walker then goes for a shoulder block but Matt Hardy is able to lift up as Matt Walker drives his right shoulder into the ring post as Matt Hardy does a sunset flip to Walker even though there is no pin falls. One Minute Remains in the first period as Matt Hardy gets up first and goes to work on Walker with a few right hands and Matt Hardy sets up Walker for a Side Effect but Walker elbows Hardy in the head a few times and Matt Walker then kicks Hardy south of the border and Walker hits a DDT on Matt Hardy as The Buzzer Sounds with the coin toss taking place and The Triple Threat is victorious as Shane Douglas enters the War Games Next and Shane Douglas attacks Matt Hardy from behind as he was getting up and Matt Walker holds Hardy up as Shane Douglas goes to work on Hardy with right hands and Shane Douglas then pulls out a steel chain from his trunks and Shane Douglas goes to work on Matt Hardy with it as Matt Hardy is busted open from the shots to the head as Matt Walker lets Hardy drop to the mat out cold as Shane Douglas and Matt Walker hug each other and then put the boots to Matt Hardy as Shane Douglas rolls Hardy over and mounts him and goes to work on him again with several right hands as The One Minute Mark hits. Matt Walker tells Shane to stop as they both pick up Hardy and then send him flying into the side of the War Games Cage as Hardy lands on the apron next to the cage bloody and out cold as The 10 Second Countdown starts as Shane Douglas heads over towards ring 1 with Matt Walker when the Buzzer Sounds as Kurt Angle enters the War Games next and Shane Douglas goes to hit Angle but Angle delivers a shot to the gut and Angle knocks down Douglas with a right hand and then knocks down Walker with a clothesline as Shane Douglas goes to hit Angle with the chain but Angle kicks Douglas in the gut and grabs him and hits a release belly 2 belly suplex on him as Shane Douglas is riving in pain as Matt Walker gets up, Kurt Angle goes behind him and Angle hits a big German Suplex on him and then a second one and finally a third release German sending Walker into Shane Douglas knocking Douglas into the corner as Douglas loses the chain which falls out of the Structure. Kurt Angle is waiting as The One Minute Mark hits and Matt Walker gets up and Kurt Angle goes for the Angle Slam but Matt Walker is able to counter out of it and Walker then grabs Angle and hits a Stroke like move on Angle. Matt Hardy though is back up and Hardy makes his way into ring 1 and Matt Hardy attacks Matt Walker from behind but the next buzzer sounds as Jason Walker enters ring 2 as Shane Douglas hits Hardy from behind and Jason Walker races into ring 1 and Jason Walker attacks Hardy as well as Shane Douglas & Jason Walker put the boots to Matt Hardy while Matt Walker pounds away at Kurt Angle and picks him but Angle grabs Walker and hits a belly 2 belly suplex on him and Shane Douglas goes to hit Angle but Angle ducks and then grabs Douglas and hits a German Suplex on him. Jason Walker though attacks Angle and Jason Walker grabs Angle and goes to throw him into the cage but Angle blocks himself by kicking the ropes and Angle then sends Walker face first into the side of the cage and when he comes back, Angle grabs Walker and hits a release belly 2 belly suplex sending Jason Walker crashing into Matt Walker as Matt Hardy gets back up as Shane Douglas does as well and Douglas is about to go after Angle but Hardy turns him around and kicks him in the gut and hits a Twist of Fate as The Next Buzzer Sounds as Charlie Haas enters the War Games right near the action. Charlie Haas, Kurt Angle, & Matt Hardy seem to make up a strategy as Charlie Haas goes over and grabs Shane Douglas and Haas sends Douglas through the ropes as Shane Douglas rolls into ring 1 as Matt Hardy then goes over to ring 1 and Matt Hardy attacks Douglas as he is getting up while Kurt Angle goes to work on Matt Walker and Charlie Haas does the same to Jason Walker. E-X is in total control of the match as The One Minute Mark hits. Charlie Haas takes Jason Walker and rams his head into the side of the cage and Charlie starts to grind Jason's face until Jason is a bloody mess as Charlie then grabs Jason and hits a big Release German Suplex as Jason Walker is out of it and Kurt Angle tries to do the same to Matt Walker but Walker fights back and rams Kurt into the cage but Charlie Haas quickly attacks Matt Walker as Kurt & Charlie ram Walker into the cage busting him open as well while Matt Hardy rams Shane Douglas into the cage several times busting The Franchise open as the Next Buzzer Sounds as Chris Walker enters the War Games and Chris Walker attacks Matt Hardy immediately and Walker kicks Hardy in the gut and Walker catches Hardy with the Walkerflip laying Matt Hardy out as Kurt & Charlie turn around a bit surprised and Charlie Haas goes over Walker but Walker attacks him coming in and Chris Walker takes Charlie and rams him through the ropes head first into the cage as Charlie Haas is out cold from the shot as Kurt Angle makes his way over but Matt Walker attacks him from behind as Matt Walker pounds away at Angle's back and Jason Walker is back up and Jason Walker and Matt Walker put the boots to Kurt Angle and take him and ram him into the cage busting Kurt Angle open as The Final Buzzer Sounds as Triple H enters the War Games as Jason Walker goes to attack The Game but Triple H knocks Walker down with a right hand as Matt Walker makes his way into ring 2 as Matt & Chris Walker put the boots to Charlie Haas and have Haas bleeding from the head now and Shane Douglas is working on Matt Hardy while Triple H takes Jason Walker and rams him into the cage and The Game then sets up Jason for A Pedigree and hits it on him as Triple H tells Matt & Chris to bring it but neither one will as Kurt Angle is getting back up and Angle grabs Jason Walker and Angle then locks in the Angle Lock on Jason Walker who starts screaming out from the pain as Matt & Chris Walker along with Shane Douglas all come over but The Game knocks down Shane Douglas before he can come in and gets into a slug fest with Chris but Matt Walker is able to break up the Angle Lock. Chris Walker & The Game are exchanging rights and lefts back and forth with Triple H kicking Walker below the belt and Triple H sets up Walker for the Pedigree but Chris backdrops Triple H between the rings as Triple H is hurting from the impact but Triple H rolls over face down and seems to be reaching for something as Shane Douglas goes to get Triple H when The Game pulls out a Sledgehammer!! Triple H delivers a shot right to gut of Shane Douglas who falls from the pain as Matt Walker tells Chris to get him as Triple H gets up to his feet as Charlie Haas & Matt Hardy are back up and enter ring 1 with Triple H also coming in with the sledgehammer as Matt Walker is begging off and trying to get the door opened up and Matt Walker shoves Chris right into the sledgehammer shot to the ribs as Triple H then sets up Chris Walker and hits the Pedigree as Matt Walker kicks the door open and Matt Walker leaves the War Games cage and pulls out Jason Walker as Matt Walker drops Jason in the apron and Matt heads for the back as Kurt Angle locks in the Angle Lock on Shane Douglas who starts to tap out immediately.
Winners: Triple H, Matt Hardy V1, Charlie Haas, & Kurt Angle

Miss Shannon: Your winners, Evolution X!!

JR: E-X picks up the win but Matt Walker just bailed out on his team and shoved his own brother into the line of fire

King: I am rather suprised at what Matt did there

:The War Games Cage has been raised up as Shane Douglas rolls out to the floor as he is trying to leave with some help from Jason Walker but E-X is still in the ring as Triple H tells Matt & Charlie to pick up Chris Walker which they do and Triple H gets the Sledgehammer and is about to hit Walker again when Kurt Angle pulls it away from Triple H who gets into Angle's face as Kurt & Triple H argue:

JR: Triple H wanted to hit Chris Walker again but Kurt Angle just stopped him

King: What is Kurt doing?

:Triple H tells Kurt fine as Kurt throws the sledgehammer out to the floor as Triple H leaves the ring as Matt & Charlie let Chris Walker go and leave the ring as Kaylee Walker along with Kendra come out to the ring as Kurt checks on Chris Walker:

King: Kurt Angle is lucky he didn't get attacked

JR: Well Kurt Angle did the right thing here

King: I don't get it since last month at Backlash it was Chris Walker who tried to take out Kurt Angle for good

JR: Kurt Angle is a man that always tries to do the right thing though King and just proved it tonight and Matt Walker showed his true colors here tonight because all that man cares about is himself

:Backstage Near The Parking Lot:

:Matt Walker is shown walking rather fast along with Mallory Maddox as both of them have there gear as Maria tries to stop them:

Maria: Matt why would you do what you just did

Matt Walker: Survival of the fittest Maria and the fact of the matter is that I don't care about Chris because that little bastard has always been a pain in the ass to us all

Maria: What about what happened to Jason Walker and Shane Douglas?

Matt Walker: Shane there was nothing I could do and I got Jason out of the cage and they will be fine but right now I gotta get the hell out of here

:Matt & Mallory head into the parking lot into a waiting limo:

:Promo for SCWE Women's Title Match and Highlights Highlighting Victoria's Career:

JR: Well King its time for the Main Event

King: Nothing like some hott divas going at it

Miss Shannon: The Main Event of Vengeance is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Women's Championship. Whoever gets the pin regardless of the team will be awarded the SCWE Women's Championship

:Mattitude Coundown Starts into "Figured You Out", Crowd Boo's

KelliFact: Kelli is going to win back her Women's Title

KelliFact: Kelli is going to beat Victoria within in an inch of her life and then take Victoria's hair as a trophy

Miss Shannon: 1st Team #1, Representing The Triple H, Being accumpied to the ring by Jaime Lavelle, The Team of Julianne Angle and Kelli Hardy

King: Kelli looks ready for this match

JR: Well Kelli and Julianne have to be the underdogs since Julianne Angle is making her in ring debut

King: Yeah JR but at the same time she is the sister of Kurt Angle and dating Triple H two of the greatest wrestlers in this company's history and Kelli is Triple H's sister and married to Matt Hardy who makes up the trifecta of greatness

JR: Thats a great point King

"Lovefool" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: There opponents, 1st from Cleveland, Ohio, She is the SCWE Women's Champion, Alyssa Amidala

King: So much for teamwork, there not even coming out together

JR: Well I am sure Victoria just wanted her own entrance since this is her final match

"Don't Mess With" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Miss Shannon: And Her Partner, From San Bernadino, California, VICTORIA!!!

JR: Arguably the greatest diva to ever appear in KSCWE is making her final apperance and has a chance to retire as Women's Champion here tonight

King: I will laugh if Julianne Angle beats Victoria because that would be so fitting since Victoria replaced Stephanie and now Julianne has replaced Victoria as Triple H's main squeeze

JR: King, there is a big difference there because Stephanie McMahon and Triple H lasted only about two monthes where as Victoria and Triple H were almost two years together and Victoria has accomplished things in this company no offense to Stephanie but Stephanie could only dream of getting

King: Yeah but I don't think Victoria could ever touch Stephanie's record for most guys she has slept with

JR: King lets focus on this match please

SCWE Women's Championship: Alyssa Amidala(C) & Victoria vs Kelli Hardy & Julianne Angle W/Jaime Lavelle
Referee Earl Hebner sounds the bell to start the match off as Alyssa and Kelli start things off as Kelli tells Alyssa she wants her title back and Kelli points at  Victoria and tells her she is going to take her out as Alyssa & Kelli lock up with Kelli shoving Alyssa down to the ground as Alyssa gets back up and the two ladies lock up again with Alyssa locking in a headlock on Kelli and Kelli then shoves Alyssa off the ropes and Kelli goes for a clothesline but Alyssa ducks and comes off the other side but Julianne kicks Alyssa in the back as Alyssa turns around and is about to hit Julez when Kelli attacks Alyssa from behind knocking her down to the ropes as Kelli drives her knee into the back of Alyssa putting her between the ropes and Kelli then backs up and charges driving her leg over Alyssa's back choking Alyssa against the middle rope. Kelli then picks up Alyssa and Kelli whips her off the ropes and Kelli hits a big spinebuster on Alyssa as Kelli goes over and smacks Victoria which causes Victoria to try to get into the ring but Earl Hebner stops Victoria as Julez comes into the ring and puts the boots to Alyssa as Kelli continues to mock Victoria as Julez throws Alyssa out to the floor as Jaime Lavelle puts the boots to the gut of Alyssa as Julez and Jaime pick up Alyssa and ram her throat first over the barricade as Julez then rolls Alyssa back into the ring as Kelli bounces off the ropes and drives a diving knee into the face of Alyssa as Kelli then covers Alyssa for a 1---2--Kelli pulls Alyssa up as Kelli then takes Alyssa and throws her back into the corner as Kelli walks over and mocks Victoria some more causing Victoria to try to get into the ring again as Earl Hebner stops Victoria while doing so allows Julez to choke Alyssa in the corner as Kelli goes over then and hits a few big chops to the chest of Alyssa and Kelli then puts Alyssa up top and Kelli climbs up and Kelli hits a Superplex off the top rope as Alyssa is grabbing her lower back as Kelli gets back up and picks up Alyssa and Kelli sets her up for a Kelli Bomb and hits it as Kelli covers Alyssa for a 1--2--2.5-shoulder up

 Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 10:21 PM

Kelli smirks as Kelli picks up Alyssa again and sets up Alyssa for a Twist of Fate and goes for it but Alyssa ends up rolling up Kelli for a 1--2--2.8-kick out. Kelli & Alyssa both get back up as Kelli goes to hit Alyssa but Alyssa ducks and Alyssa hits a big right hand knocking down Kelli as Alyssa goes to make a tag but Jaime Lavelle gets on the apron distracting Earl Hebner as Alyssa tags out to Victoria who comes into the ring and Victoria knocks down Kelli and then Julez who comes into the ring as Victoria goes over and knocks down Jaime but Earl Hebner tells Victoria he didn't see the tag so she has to get out and Victoria & Earl Hebner have words but during that, Kelli & Julez put the boots to Alyssa as Kelli hair tosses Alyssa across the ring as Kelli goes after Alyssa some more but Victoria before leaving attacks Kelli and Victoria hits a big spinebuster on Kelli as Victoria gets back on the apron as Kelli and Alyssa are both down. Kelli and Alyssa are both crawling towards there corners as Kelli reaches first and tags out to Julianne who comes into the ring but Alyssa makes it to the corner and tags in Victoria who comes into the ring as Julez bails out to the floor and Victoria gives chase as Jaime stands in front of  Victoria trying to block her and Victoria smirks and then hits a right hand to Jaime knocking her down as Victoria chases Julez back into the ring as Julez attacks her coming into the ring and Julez picks up Victoria and kicks her in the gut and goes for a Pedigree but Victoria backdrops Julez and Victoria then hits a right hand as Kelli enters the ring knocking her down. Victoria then kicks Julianne Angle in the gut and Victoria sets her up for the Widow's Peak and Victoria hits it on Julez as Kelli attacks Victoria but Alyssa comes into the ring and gets into a slug fest with Kelli as Earl Hebner tries to break it up as Jaime Lavelle gets into the ring with a Steel Chair but Victoria blocks the chair and kicks Jaime in the gut and Victoria sets up Jaime and Victoria hits a Widow's Peak on Jaime Lavelle as well and Victoria then turns Kelli around opens up on Victoria with a few right hands and Victoria then clotheslines Kelli over the top to the floor as Alyssa gets on the apron and Victoria tags out to Alyssa while Victoria slingshots herself over the ropes to the floor crashing into Kelli as Alyssa pulls Julianne Angle into the center of the ring and Alyssa goes up top and Alyssa hits a Top Rope moonsault and hooks the legs for the 1--2--3

Winners: Alyssa Amidala & Victoria

Miss Shannon: Your winners The Team of Alyssa Amidala & Victoria

JR: Victoria and Alyssa over come a 3 on 2 handicap situation here to pull out the win and Victoria dominated once she got the tag in

King: Victoria had a chance to win the Women's Title and tagged out!! What was she smoking

JR: Well Victoria obviously wanted Alyssa to retain but Victoria took out Julianne Angle and Jaime Lavelle with Widow's Peaks and took out Kelli Hardy on the floor allowing for Alyssa to hit the Moonsault on Julianne to get the 1-2-3

:Kelli Hardy is livid on the floor as Triple H, Matt Hardy, & Charlie Haas come out to help there girls as Triple H tells Kelli something that seems to calm Kelli down and Kelli tells Alyssa she is still going to get back her Women's Title:

King: I think I know what Triple H told Kelli....E-X is going to control Smackdown! for two weeks meaning they can book Kelli vs Alyssa again

JR: I think your right King but for right now Alyssa is still the Queen on top of the Mountain and for Victoria we thank you for everything you have brought to the company because you will be missed

:Vengeance Goes off the Air:

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