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PPV : Curse of The Game 7/16/05
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 Message 1 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/10/2006 11:22 PM

Curse of The Game

Results 7/16/05 Live From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Promo's for the PPV Air plus Highlights from Past Years Curse of The Game's

Pyro Then Explodes!! as "The Game" plays to open up Curse of The Game

Scott Hill: Welcome everyone to KSCWE Curse of The Game coming to you live from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Stevie Hill: We have some big time matches for you and The Hell in a Cell is already set up and ready to go for the opening contest so lets go to the ring

Miss Shannon: The Opening Contest of KSCWE Curse of The Game is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Women's Championship and will be fought inside of a Hell in a Cell(Crowd Cheers)

"Time to Rock N Roll into nWo" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making her way to the ring, Representing The nWo, The Challenger, From Toronto, Canada, Trish Stratus

Scott Hill: Trish Stratus is a former Women's Champion, heck she set the record for the longest Women's Title Reign in history

"Alive" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Her opponent, From Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, She is the WCW Women's Champion, Tara Rayge

Stevie Hill: Yeah but Tara Rayge ended that winning streak

WCW Women's Championship: Hell in a Cell: Tara Rayge(C) vs Trish Stratus
The cell has finally came down and the bell rings as Tara Rayge and Trish Stratus have words in the middle of the ring. Trish Stratus drives her finger into the shoulder of Tara Rayge pushing her backwards. Trish smirks at the women's champ but that smile is soon smacked away when Tara Rayge bitch slaps Trish right around her face to a huge amount of cheers from the people in the arena. Tara Rayge quickly locks her arm around Trish's neck with a headlock. Trish tries to pick up Tara with a back drop but Tara quickly grounds herself and flips over Trish with a headlock take down, Tara quickly slides out of holding Trish's head and pulls her arm behind Trish back pulling on it, Trish and Tara get back up, Rayge still locking Trish's arm, Stratus nails some elbows to Tara's gut and sends her to the ropes. Tara bounces back and is sent flying with a big back body drop from Trish Stratus. Stratus quickly runs over and covers Tara with only a one count. Trish helps Tara up and kicks her in the gut, Trish Stratus sends Tara back down with a snap suplex. Trish spins around and locks in a sitting sleeper hold on Tara Rayge, Trish pulls Tara down and wraps her legs around Tara's waist adding more pressure to the sleeper. Tara seems to be lifeless as the referee lifts up Tara's arm and drops it, it hits the floor. The ref raises Tara's arm once again with the same results. The referee raises her arm for the third and final time he lets go but just before it could hit the floor it stops and Tara raises her arm, she starts to hit the ring canvas getting the crowd to clap. Every clap from the crowd gives her a boost of energy and she manages to get to her knee's and elbow Trish in the gut, Tara gets to her feet and flips Trish Stratus over the top rope and to the mats outside the ring. As Trish gets up she is knocked down with a baseball slide from Tara, The force of baseball slide sends Trish into the cell wall. Tara Rayge slides out to the ring and picks up Trish, she Irish whips Trish into the cell wall. Tara Rayge walks over to Trish but Stratus hits a drop toe hold to Tara, driving Tara's head into the steel steps. Trish gets up and a sadistic smile runs across her face, she picks up Tara and drops her back down on the ring steps. Trish Stratus picks up Tara once again and this time throws her into the cell wall and then rolls her into the ring. Tara rolls before the turnbuckle so Trish Stratus climbs up to the top and launches off with a big elbow drop. She covers Tara 1...2.. kick out by the champ. Trish covers Tara once again 1...2.. kick out by the champ! Trish Stratus stomps her hand on the ring canvas as Tara Rayge rolls out of the ring holding her back but Trish gets ups and grabs Tara's hair, she lifts Tara up onto the ring apron and goes to punch her but Tara ducks it and jumps back off the ring apron. Inside the ring Trish takes a few steps back from the ropes, she runs for the ropes and dives through the middle with a spear to Tara but Tara jumps out the way causing Trish to collide with the cell wall knocking down that part of the cell. Trish Stratus lies lifeless in a mass of cell pieces as Tara looks a little worried for her arch nemesis. Tara walks over slowly to Trish and pokes her with her foot. She see's signs of Life in Trish and decides to cover her 1...2...2.8 kick out by Trish Stratus. Tara rolls away from Trish and when Stratus sits up we see blood streaming from her forehead. Tara gets up and goes back over to Trish, she lifts her up and launches her in the air with a suplex, sending Trish back first into the mats. Tara covers Stratus once again 1...2... kick out by the challenger. Tara gets up and starts to climb the steel cell bit about a third of the way up she stops and turns herself around she awaits Trish to get up and when she does Tara launches off with a diving head scissor which throws Trish across the mats with her legs. The crowd cheers for Tara as she gets back to her feet. Trish Stratus gets up and the two women walk towards each other straight away Trish goes for a slap to Tara but Tara blocks it and grabs a handful of Trish's Hair. Tara runs with Trish over to the cell and goes to ram Stratus's head into the cell wall but Trish gets her foot up and elbows Tara in the gut, she spins behind Rayge and hits a russian leg sweep to Tara driving Tara's back into the cell wall. Tara rolls on the mats holding her back as Trish Stratus goes around to the announce table and grabs a steel chair which the ring announcer is sitting on, Trish takes the steel chair and heads back around to Tara, she presses Tara's head flat against the flooring with her foot and then Trish lifts up the steel chair and drives it down towards Tara's head but luckily Tara flips up to her feet and out of the way. Trish drops the steel chair and is clotheslined down by Tara Rayge, Trish gets back up and is knocked down with another clothesline from Tara. Stratus gets up straight away and is kicked in the gut by Tara, this time Tara nails Stratus with a DDT. Trish Stratus rolls on the floor holding her head before slowly getting up to see Tara with steel chair in hand. Trish bolts around the corner of the cell and starts to climb it in escape of Tara Rayge. Tara follows and drops the chair to climb up the cell in pursuit of Trish, by the time Tara gets her hands to the top Trish has calmed down and stands looking down at Trish. Stratus steps on Tara's right hand which is clutched to the steel cage, Tara can do nothing but release with her left hand, Trish then stomps on Tara's right hand and Rayge can do nothing but release, Tara Rayge falls backwards and is dangling from the cell by her feet which are captured in two gaps in the cell wall. Trish thinks Tara has fallen down to the mats below and so she starts to climb down the opposite side of the cell but some how Tara Rayge uses her stomach and back muscles to lift herself back up and grabs a hold of the top of the cell and pulls herself on top. Tara Rayge races over to Trish on the other side and just grabs a handful of Trish's hair. Stratus screams out in shock as Tara starts to pull Trish Stratus back up. Tara lifts up Trish with a suplex and suplex Trish's body on the cell roof. Trish screams out once again as she gets back up, she catches a charging Tara with a drop toe hold and then jumps on Tara's upper back. Trish starts to grate Tara Rayge's face against the steel roof of the cell. Blood trickles from Tara's face and drips down to the ring below. Trish then grabs a hold of Tara's blooded face and takes a look at it before smashing it off the cell roof repeatedly. Trish then lifts Tara Rayge up to her feet, Trish kicks her in the gut and then goes for a chick kick to Tara Rayge but Rayge just catches her foot. The crowd and Trish are in shock as Tara pulls on Trish leg, she slams Trish down to the cell roof Tara then locks in the Sola-Nero. Trish reaches out as if for ropes but non are in sight and eventually she must tap on top of the hell in a cell
Winner: Tara Rayge

Miss Shannon: Your winner and still WCW Women's Champion, Tara Rayge

Scott Hill: Tara Rayge has just retained her title in a hellacious match

Stevie Hill: It was great

:Promo for SCWE/ECW SummerSlam:

:Promo for WCW Starrcade Airs:

:Video From Earlier in the Day Airs:

:"Gonna Fly Now" is playing as Scott, Chris, Matt, Jason, Kaylee, & Kendra Walker along with Kurt Angle and Will Ferrell are shown running through the streets of Pittsburgh Streaking although blurs are placed over the "Private Areas" as The Group runs past all of the popular area's including PNC Park, Heinz Field, The Strip District, & The Point:

:Backstage: Walker's/Angle's Locker Room

Kurt Angle: Guys that was awesome

Chris Walker: I told you that you would love streaking

Will Ferrell: Thank you guys for allowing me to once again go streaking with you

Chris Walker: No problem man

Matt Walker: The Video is ready for later

Scott Walker: Great


Scott Hill: Well our next match tonight is going to be all about pride here as we have the 2005 Queen of The Rings doing battle

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"RPM" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making her way to the ring, From Tacoma, Washington, She is the 2005 SCWE Queen of The Ring, Cynthia Diamond

Stevie Hill: Cynthia Diamond captured the Queen of The Ring Crown by defeating Stephanie McMahon in the finals

"The Way You Move" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Her opponent, From Cleveland, Ohio, She is the 2005 WCW Queen of The Ring, Jackie Gayda

Scott Hill: Jackie Gayda defeated Scarlett in the finals

Jackie Gayda vs Cynthia Diamond
The bell tolls as the divas circle round one another.  They run in for a lock up as Cynthia places Jackie in a side headlock, Jackie quickly counters out of it by ducking under and tripping out the legs of Cynthia.  Jackie then feeds off the crowds energy as she yells to Cynthia to get up.  Cynthia gets up and charges at Jackie, Jackie isn't quick enough to move away as Cynthia gores into Jackie's ribs and pushes her into the corner turnbuckle!  Cynthia then hits repeated gut charges into Jackie.  Cynthia then backs up some and runs full charge back into Jackie, but this time Jackie quickly hops up and sits on the top rope as Cynthia runs in, Jackie rolls down and goes for a cover.  1......1.7,kickout.  Jackie grabs Cynthia as begins hitting mounted punches onto her.  Jackie then stops and gets up as she grabs Cynthia by the hair and hits a knee to her gut.  Jackie then quickly goes for a DDT, but Cynthia counters it and nails a short arm clothesline taking Jackie out.  Cynthia then mounts Jackie and begins punching her furiously.  Cynthia then swipes the sweat and her hair out of her eyes as she grabs Jackie and hard wipes her into the corner.  Jackie bounces out as Cynthia runs in and nails a strong arm lariat.  Cynthia covers Jackie, 1........1.9, kickout.  Cynthia cant believe it as she grabs Jackie by the hair picks her up and then throws her back down to the canvas.  Cynthia then begins laying boots to Jackie, but Jackie catches Cynthia's first strike and throws her backwards.  Jackie then jumps on top of Cynthia and starts pounding her head against the ring.  Jackie gets up and walks over to the corner turnbuckle,Jackie climbs it as she waits for Cynthia to get up.  Cynthia is up as Jackie jumps off looking for a cross body, but she gets met with a version of the Pounce from Cynthia. Cynthia smirks as she covers Jackie, 1.........2..2.3, kickout.  Cynthia doesn't hesitate as she lifts Jackie up. Cynthia then grapples Jackie as she hits a neck breaker.  Cynthia gets up and hits a standing leg drop.  Cynthia looks as though she is going for a cover but stops and picks up Jackie.  Jackie starts pounding at Cynthia trying to break free of her hold, but Cynthia hits another knee to the gut of Jackie as Cynthia quickly nails a Russian Leg Sweep.  Cynthia sits next to Jackie for a second before she covers her, 1........2....2.5, kickout. Cynthia gets a little red faced as she lifts up Jackie. She whips Jackie into the ropes as she herself bounces off another set of ropes.  Cynthia goes for a pounce, but is caught off by surprise by a clothesline from Jackie!  Jackie then lifts up Cynthia and starts hitting elbow combinations as she then kicks Cynthia in the mid-section, she goes for a RKO, but Cynthia pushes he to the ropes, Jackie's retaliates with a spinning forearm.  Jackie then grabs Cynthia and nails a modified Twist of Faith.  Jackie covers, 1.........2.......2.9,kickout.  Jackie cant believe it as she grabs Cynthia and  nails a hair grab take over.  Jackie then climbs the corner turnbuckle again as she this time nails a perfect moonsault onto Cynthia.  But Jackie does cover, instead she grabs a hold of Cynthia and jumps up[ on her.  Jackie then flips Cynthia around and nails a combination hurricanrana in top a pin fall.  1.........2........3
Winner: Jackie Gayda

Miss Shannon: Your winner, Jackie Gayda

Scott Hill: Jackie Gayda just beat Cynthia Diamond

Stevie Hill: Well this doesn't prove much but I guess WCW has bragging rights over SCWE in the Queen of The Ring Department but Cynthia Diamond still has her Queen of The Ring Crown and is still the #1 Contender come SummerSlam and well Jackie continues to be red hot so Tara Rayge better look out

:Footage From Last Year's Curse of The Game involving Randy Orton RKO Arnold:

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 Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 11:23 PM

Scott Hill: Well its now time for The Brother Love Show

"I Love You" is playing in the ring as Brother Love is in the ring waiting

Brother Love: I LOVE YOU ALL(Crowd Boo's). Tonight is a special night because tonight I am going to make peace between Randy Orton and Arnold Scwartnegger so at this time I am askign for Brother Scwartnegger to come out here

"Terminator Theme" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts as Arnold makes his way from the crowd into the ring

Brother Love: Brother Arnold, I LOVE YOU which is why I want peace to be made between you and Brother Orton so Brother Orton please come out here right now

"Whatever It Takes" hits, Crowd Boo's as Randy Orton makes his way to the ring

Brother Love: Welcome Brother Orton, Are you ready to make peace

Randy Orton: Arnold last year when I RKO'ed you, it made a huge impact, you were just another Legend Killed by Randy Orton but Arnold lately I have been on a major downslide so I think tonight I need to jump start my career again by RKOing you again

:Randy Orton then goes to RKO Arnold but Arnold knocks down Orton with a right hand as Orton gets up as Arnold opens up on Orton with right hands knocking Orton into the corner when Jonathan Tomcoat hits the ring and attacks Arnold from behind but then Sylvestor Stallone comes out of the crowd enters the ring as JT turns around and gets nailed by a big left hand from Sly Stallone as Tomcoat rolls out to the floor as Arnold clotheslines Randy Orton out to the floor:

Scott Hill: I don't believe it, Orton and JT just got taken out by The Terminator and Rocky

Stevie Hill: Two movie icons just took out the former WCW Tag Team Champions

Scott Hill: What else can happen

:Video Airs playing the "TNMT" Theme Song showing Shane Douglas as Splinter, Kurt Angle as Casey Jones, Kaylee Walker as April O'Neil, Scott Walker as Leonardo, Jason Walker as Donatello, Matt Walker as Raphael, Chris Walker as Michaelenglo, Charlie Haas as Rockstead, Matt Hardy as Beebop, & Triple H as Shredder:


Stevie Hill: Well I can tell you what, that little video there is not going to sit well with The Triple H

Scott Hill: Yeah I hope The Walker's and Kurt knew what they were doing there but up next we are going to have three of KSCWE's Biggest Superstars in the ring for a Interpromotional Match

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Machine" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, Being accumpied by Dawn Marie, From Los Angelos, California weighing in at 227 Pounds, The Love Machine

Scott Hill: The Greatest US Champion in WCW History although this match has nothing to do with the US Title

"Tough Enough" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Miss Shannon: His opponent, From Charleston, Virginia weighing in at 220 Pounds, He is the 2005 WCW King of The Ring, Maven!!

Stevie Hill: Here comes the current WCW King of The Ring

"Longhorns" hits, Crowd is mixed

Miss Shannon: Finally, Being accumpied by Orlando Jordan and Representing The Cabinet, From New York, New York weighing in at 290 Pounds, John Bradshaw Layfield

Scott Hill: All three men have been World Champion in the past so this match is going to be a great one

JBL W/Orlando Jordan vs Maven vs The Love Machine W/Dawn Marie
Referee Charles Robinson rings the bell to start the match out as JBL and Maven try to make an alliance to start things off as TLM tells them both to shove it because he is the greatest wrestler in this match as Maven and JBL both smirk and attack TLM knocking TLM back into a corner and then stomping him on him until he is down on the ground as Maven then takes a sucker punch knocking JBL back as Maven charges at JBL but JBL catches Maven with a powerslam. JBL then picks up Maven and hits a swinging neckbreaker on Maven as he covers for a 1---2--TLM breaks up the pin, TLM stomps away at JBL as Maven gets back up and Maven and TLM pick up JBL and hit a double suplex on JBL. TLM covers JBL but Maven shoves him off as Maven covers but TLM hits Maven back off as Maven gets up and Maven and TLM push each other as both men hit a right hand on each other and get into a slug fest with TLM going downstairs and kicking Maven in the knee as TLM knocks down Maven with a right hand as TLM then stomps away at him when JBL hits TLM from behind knocking him down as JBL kicks TLM hard in the ribs several times while trying to get up as TLM rolls out to the floor to regroup, JBL turns around with his big smile and walks right into a picture perfect dropkick from Maven knocking JBL through the ropes out to the floor as JBL gets back up, Maven sling shots himself over the ropes crashing into JBL but JBL catches Maven and JBL then hits a fallaway slam on the floor as Maven screams out from the pain and is grabbing his lower back as JBL gets back up wiping his hands like a job well done as JBL goes to get Maven, TLM attacks JBL as TLM goes for a reverse DDT on the floor but Orlando Jordan grabs TLM turning him around but TLM knocks down Orlando with a right hand turns around back towards JBL but gets nailed with a big right hand knocking him down. JBL then picks up TLM and rolls him back into the ring as JBL gets itno the ring as well as TLM is getting back up as JBL waits and JBL goes for a Big Boot but TLM ducksa nd TLM then hits the Pepsi Plunge on JBL and holds JBL down for a 1----2---2.8-Maven dropkicks TLM in the face breaking up the pin, Maven then picks up TLM and Maven sends him through the ropes to the floor as JBL is trying to get up, Maven hits a running neckbreaker to JBL as Maven covers for a 1---2--2.8-Orlando Jordan yanks Maven off as Referee Charles Robinson see's that and ejects Orlando Jordan from ringside as OJ is screaming about it, Dawn Marie pulls out the slapstick from her top and gives it to TLM as TLM gets back up as Maven goes to meet TLM but TLM hits Maven in the head with it as TLM then slides it back out to Dawn as Orlando is leaving disgrutily as TLM covers Maven for a 1---2--2.9-JBL breaks up the pin. TLM can not believe it as TLM pounds away at JBL and picks up JBL as TLM hits a belly 2 belly suplex on JBL as TLM then picks up JBL again and whips him off the ropes but JBL ends up hitting the clothesline From Hell on TLM, JBL covers TLM for a 1--2--2.8-Dawn Marie comes into the ring causing Charles Robinson to stop her as JBL gets back up and JBL moves Charles Robinson aside and grabs Dawn by her hair as Dawn is screaming and Dawn goes to slap JBL but JBL blocks it and when Maven hits a dropkick on JBL knocking JBL into the corner crushing Dawn Marie in the process as Maven rolls up JBL for a 1---2---2.9-kick out, JBL gets back up as he goes to hit Maven but Maven ducks and ends up backdropping JBL but JBL ends up kicking Charles Robinson in the head while coming down as Charles Robinson goes down, Maven see's the slapstick sticking out of Dawn's top and Maven seem's to get a sickened look on his face while he reaches down into Dawn's top and pulls out the slap stick and Maven shakes his hand and head while looking sick as he goes and hits TLM while he is getting up and then JBL as well as Maven throws the slap stick out to the floor as Maven tries to help up Charles Robinson while also wiping his hand off in the process when "You Look So Good To Me" hits as the Place Goes Nuts as Rico charges towards the ring as Maven shakes his head as he goes to attack Rico but Rico spears down Maven and Rico starts to pound away at Maven while he is trying to cover up as Maven rolls out to the floor with Rico in pursuit as Maven goes into the crowd and Rico follows after Maven. Jonathan Tomcoat and Randy Orton then come out to the ringside area and Orton checks on Dawn while JT puts TLM on top of JBL when "Hello Ladies" hits as Val Venis hits the ring and JT and Orton both attack Val when "Simon Says" also hits as Simon Dean races towards the ring as Simon gets in and Simon goes to work on JT while Val and Orton brawl it out as Lexus Carr also comes out and yanks Dawn Marie out to the floor as Charles Robinson is starting to move around as The Basham's come out and Doug and Danny flip TLM over and put JBL on top as they get out of the ring as Referee Charles Robinson counts the 1--------------2---------------2.9999999-shoulder up. JBL can't believe it as he is starting to get back up as is TLM and The Basham's distract Referee Charles Robinson as Orlando Jordan races back out with a chair sliding it into the ring to JBL as JBL picks up the chair and JBL then bashes it over the head of TLM laying him out as JBL throws it back out to the floor as JBL covers TLM for a 1----2--2.9-Maven somehow gets back into the ring and breaks up the pinfall attempt as Rico comes back over the barricade and into the ring as Maven pulls Charles Robinson in front of him as he tells Rico not to do anything as "Glass Shatters" hits as Stone Cold Steve Austin rides out on his 4 Wheeler and Austin gets off it and Austin orders The Basham's and Orlando to the back as they throw a fit and Austin gets into the ring as Maven tells Stone Cold to do something about Rico as TLM is getting back up and TLM tells him to do something as well but Stone Cold responds by flipping off Maven and TLM and Austin kicks Maven in the gut and hits a Stone Cold Stunner and then one on The Love Machine as well as JBL does the smart thing and rolls out to the floor as Austin and Rico get face to face and Stone Cold asks Rico to wait for the match is over to settle things as Stone Cold then goes out to the floor and chases Jonathan Tomcoat and Randy Orton away on his 4 Wheeler as JBL gets into the ring and JBL throws TLM out to the floor as Maven is struggling back up and JBL hits a clothesline from hell on Maven as JBL covers Maven for the 1---2--3.
Winner: JBL

Miss Shannon: Your winner, JBL

Scott Hill: JBL just got the win but all heck has broken loose here

:Rico re-enters the ring and Rico attacks Maven as JBL heads to the back while The Love Machine gets back into the ring as Val Venis attacks The Love Machine along with Simon Dean and Val and Simon take TLM and throw him over the top to the floor while Rico hits the Fashion Changes on Maven as Maven rolls out to the floor regrouping as Rico turns around and looks at Val Venis and Simon Dean:

Stevie Hill: I think there going to go now

:Rico, Simon, & Val have some words and then the three men embrace in a hug as "Venus" hits over the PA:

Scott Hill: Oh god, Fabulously Fit has just reunited for one night

Stevie Hill: This is sickening to me

:Video Preview for Brandon Davis vs Christian:

Scott Hill: Well its time to see one of the better rivalries come to a climax tonight because Brandon Davis is finally getting his shot at Christian in a one on one situation

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

"For Whom The Bell Tolls" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, From Knoxville, Tennessee weighing in at 252 Pounds, The "Badass American" Brandon Davis

Stevie Hill: Here comes Brandon Davis who is looking to become a World Champion for the first time in his career but gotta go through the nWo

"Peep Show" starts but cuts into "nWo", Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: His opponent, Representing The nWo and being accumpied by the WCW Hardcore Champion, Tyson Tomko, From Toronto, Canada weighing in at 235 Pounds, The WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Christian

Scott Hill: Here comes the champion who I gotta say I respect although I don't like his choice in partners *cough* Eric Bischoff *cough*

Stevie Hill: Yeah Eric Bischoff is a jackass and if we could fire the little bastard we would but unfortunatly somebody gave him an Iron Clad Contract

Scott Hill: We all make mistakes

Stevie Hill: Yeah especially when your sleeping with that particular's person future wife at the time who talked you in to the deal

Scott Hill: Bite Me

Stevie Hill: I'm not Marrisa or Kaci so I will do no such thing

Scott Hill: Anyway! Let's Go Brandon

WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Christian(C) W/Tyson Tomko vs Brandon Davis
Referee Nick Patrick shows off the WCW World Title as Christian tells Brandon he got no chance of winning as Christian then slaps Brandon across the face and Brandon smiles as he then shoves Christian knocking Christian down to the mat. Christian gets back up to his feet and tells Brandon nobody disrespects The King of Canada like that and slaps Brandon across the face and then piefaces brandon back as Brandon smiles again and Brandon then hits a big right hand on Christian knocking him back into the corner as Brandon climbs up and opens up on Christian with 10 Punches before dropping down and then backdropping Christian as Christian gets back up, Brandon hits a big chop taking down Christian as Christian gets up again but Brandon grabs Christian's leg tripping him down as Brandon locks in the Walls of America on Christian who is screaming out from the pain as Tyson Tomko gets on the apron as Jerome Morris hits the ring but Brandon Davis knocks down Jerome with a right hand and then Billy Gunn hits the ring but gets nailed as well as Jamie Gunz and Edge come out to the ring area and Jamie Gunz grabs Billy Gunn and sends him into the crowd while Edge does the same to Jerome as Edge and Jerome battle through the crowd and as does Jamie and Billy.

 Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 11:23 PM
Brandon in the ring then goes to get Tyson down but Christian low blows Brandon and Chrsitian hits a German Suplex followed by a second german and then a third one as Christian lets go and waits as Brandon gets back up and Christian hits Brandon and then sets him up for a UnPrettier but Brandon shoves Christian off the ropes and Brandon then backdrops him, Christian gets back up as Brandon grabs Christian legs again tripping him down as Brandon goes for a Sharpshooter as Christian is trying to avoid it but Brandon locks it in as Christian is screaming for Tyson to help him out as Tyson then gets on the apron and starts to enter the ring when "Real American" hits as Hulk Hogan makes his way to the ring as Tyson Tomko goes to meet Hogan in the entry way but Hogan blocks the right hand and opens up on Tomko and Hogan grabs Tyson's head and rams it off the barricade as Eric Bischoff then comes out to the ringside area with a steel chair as Eric slides it into the ring and gets on the apron to get into the ring as Brandon goes and grabs Eric by his hair and Brandon is about to hit him when Christian low blows Brandon and Christian then goes for the UnPrettier on the Chair and hits it as Christian covers for the 1---2--2.9-shoulder up. Christian and Eric can't believe it as Eric is screaming for Christian to hit him with the chair and Eric tells Nick Patrick the match is now NO DQ as Eric then backs up right into Hulk Hogan as Eric turns around and Hogan knocks down Eric with a right hand as Hogan gets into the ring as Christian then hits Hogan over the head with the chair laying him out and Brandon hits the Rush on Christian. Brandon then covers Christian for a 1---2--2.9-Eric Bischoff breaks up the pin as Bischoff kicks away at Brandon as Tyson Tomko comes back into the ring as well as Tyson attacks Brandon and Tyson whips Brandon off the ropes and Tyson hits a Big Boot laying out Brandon as Hogan gets back up but Tyson hits a Big Boot knocking Hogan out to the floor as Tyson and Christian then put the boots to Brandon and hold him in place as Eric Bischoff hits a Karate Kick to the face of Brandon and Eric tells  Brandon this is for killing his creation and Eric kicks Brandon south of the border as Christian then sets up Brandon for another UnPrettier when "No Easy Way Out" hits over the PA as Scott Walker races to the ring and Scott Walker slides into the ring as Eric bails out and Tyson goes to hit Scott but Scott ducks the Big Boot and then this the Walker Kick to Tyson knocking him out to the floor as Christian gets the steel chair and is about to hit Scott Walker but Scott ducks the chair shot and grabs the chair and throws it to the floor and Scott is backing up Christian telling him this is for all the times the Walker's have been screwed when Scott Walker out of nowhere hits the Walker Kick to Brandon Davis!! Christian and Scott Walker then embrace in a hug as Scott helps Christian pick up Brandon as Christian hits the UnPrettier for good measure as Christian rolls over Brandon when Hogan rolls back into the ring and Hogan is Hulking Up and Hogan points as Scott and Christian when Tyson hits Hogan in the back but Hogan doesn't seem to feel it as Brandon is starting to "Hulk Up" as well as Hogan grabs the chair from Tyson and Hogan chases The nWo from the ring as Brandon and Hogan are begging them to come into the ring as Hogan throws the chair at Eric Bischoff and Hogan and Brandon shake hands as Christian grabs his WCW World Title and seems to be ready to walk out when Hogan pulls something from his trunks and then throws it into the face of Brandon Davis which turns out to be White Powder as Hogan then whips Brandon off the ropes and hits the Big Boot as Hogan then bounces off the ropes and Drops the Big Leg Drop on him as Christian gets into the ring and covers for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Christian

Miss Shannon: Your winner and still WCW World Champion, Christian

Scott Hill: God damn them anyway

Stevie Hill: I don't believe it, Scott Walker and Hollywood Hogan both just turned on Brandon Davis helping that little asshole Christian retain his title

Scott Hill: You know what, I'll guarantee you this much, Brandon Davis will get his hands on Christian again in a fair situation and I won't be doing it to help out Brandon Davis, I'll be doing it to stick it to that bastard Eric Bitchoff

Stevie Hill: I like the sounds of that

Scott Hill: Moving on though up next we are going to see the SCWE Women's Championship Elimination Chamber and unfortunatly Kelli Hardy has suffered an injury and will not be able to take part but Stephanie McMahon has been named a replacement for it and a New Women's Champion is a Sure thing as we have six divas, five of which have never been in a Elimination Chamber and Stephanie McMahon is a Veteran of two but has never won any

:Video Preview for SCWE Women's Championship Elimination Chamber:

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is the Elimination Chamber Match for the SCWE Women's Championship(Crowd Cheers)

"All Grown Up" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making her way to the ring, From Greenwich, Connecticut, Stephanie McMahon

Stevie Hill: Stephanie's luck in the chambers has not been too good well her luck in general as of late hasn't been good and Stephanie has already stated if she loses tonight she will leave KSCWE

"Walk This Way" hits, Crowd Continues to Cheer

Miss Shannon: The 2nd Participant, From Las Vegas, Nevada, Jezebel

Scott Hill: Jezebel is getting a golden opportunity tonight to become Women's Champion

"Standing In The Rain" hits, Crowd is mixed

Miss Shannon: The 3rd Participant, From Los Angelos, California, Zoe Mason

Stevie Hill: Zoe Mason who has started to take on a better out look that the fans seem to like lately is looking to become SCWE Women's Champion for the first time

"Feel Good Inc." hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: The 4th Participant, From Telemuca, California, Christy Hemme

Scott Hill: The Former WCW Women's Champion has already made her share of enemies on SCWE since arriving here in SCWE but her in ring work speaks for itself

"Lovefool" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Miss Shannon: The 5th Participant, From Cleveland, Ohio, Alyssa Amidala

Stevie Hill: These people love Alyssa Amidala

Scott Hill: Well Alyssa is like the all American good girl

"Rock N Roll Queen" hits, Crowd Continues to Cheer

Miss Shannon: Finally, From Austin, Texas, Rose Thorn

Scott Hill: Here comes the legendary Rose Thorn who is trying to become Women's Champion yet again and for the first time in over a year

Stevie Hill: Rose Thorn has to be the favorite here

SCWE Women's Championship: Elimination Chamber: Alyssa Amidala vs Zoe Mason vs Christy Hemme vs Rose Thorn vs Jezebel vs Stephanie McMahon
Rose Thorn and Christy Hemme are selected to start the match out as both ladies lock up to start things off with Rose Thorn backing Christy into a corner as Rose gives Christy a clean break as Christy does not look happy about Rose Thorn overpowering her like she did and Christy goes after Rose but Rose gets Christy with a arm drag take down into a arm bar as Christy grabs Rose's hair to get back up and Christy sends Rose off the ropes as Christy puts her head down to backdrop Rose but Rose stops and kicks Christy in the face as Christy grabs her mouth, Rose kicks Christy in the gut and Rose goes for a Powerbomb which she hits as a spinning out one, Rose covers for a 1---2--2.6-kick out. Rose Thorn continues to work over Christy as Rose goes to whip Christy into the corner but Christy reverses sending Rose into the corner as Christy charges but Rose moves her legs up and ends up hitting a sunset flip for a 1---2--2.7-kick out. Rose Thorn and Christy both get up as Rose hits a big chop to the chest of Christy backing up Christy and a few more backing up Christy into the ropes as Rose Thorn goes to whip Christy off the ropes but Christy reverses sending Rose off the ropes and Christy goes up for a hurrincanrana but Rose counters into a powerbomb which Rose then flips over top like a bridge pin for a 1---2--2.6-kick out by Christy. Rose then picks up Christy again but Christy hits a uppercut on Rose Thorn as Christy then grabs Rose and hits a Snap Suplex on her as The First Buzzer Sounds as Zoe Mason is let out. Zoe Mason quickly attacks Christy Hemme from behind knocking her down as Zoe Mason puts the boots to Christy and then knocks down Rose Thorn with a right hand. Christy gets back up as Zoe kicks her in the gut and Zoe goes for the Dream Lite but Christy counters into an actual bridge pin for a 1---2--2.6-shoulder breaks from Zoe. Zoe gets back up as Rose hits her from behind as Rose Thorn hits a big enzuiguri to Zoe as Rose Thorn then grabs Christy as well and Rose whips Christy into the corner as Rose charges at Christy but Christy puts her foot up as Rose runs right in to it as Rose then walks into a kick to the gut from Zoe and a Double Arm DDT as The Next Buzzer Sounds as Jezebel is let out. Jezebel attacks Christy Hemme right from the go as Jezebel knocks down Christy with a right hand while Zoe Mason puts the boots to Rose Thorn. Jezebel waits as Christy gets up and Jezebel goes for a big clothesline but Christy ducks it and Christy goes for the Hemme Love but Jezebel ducks that and then rolls up Christy for a 1---2--2.5-kick out. Jezebel then gets knocked down by a big clothesline from Zoe Mason as Zoe Mason then kicks Christy in the gut and Zoe goes for another Dream Lite on Christy but Rose Thorn hits a big clothesline knocking down Zoe Mason. Rose Thorn then knocks down Christy with a right hand as she gets back up and then Jezebel as well and Rose kicks Zoe in the gut and Rose hits a big DDT on her. The Next Buzzer Sounds as Alyssa Amidala is let out. Alyssa comes out and Alyssa quickly enters the battle as Alyssa knocks down Jezebel with a clothesline and Alyssa then kicks Christy in the gut and Alyssa picks her up and hits a big bodyslam on her. Alyssa and Rose then look at each other as Rose tells her to bring it and Rose Thorn and Alyssa lock up with Rose locking in a headlock but Alyssa is able to escape as Rose goes behind Alyssa but Alyssa quickly drops down getting Rose Thorn with a drop toe hold as Alyssa quickly flips up to lock in a headlock which Rose is able to escape and get Alyssa with a arm bar but Alyssa counters out with a hip toss as both ladies get to there feet and nod there heads in approval of the other when Christy goes to hit Rose but Rose ducks backdropping Christy as Jezebel goes to hit Alyssa but Zoe cuts off Jezebel as Zoe knocks Jezebel into the corner as Zoe goes to work stomping away at her while Alyssa joins in making it a double team as Rose Thorn clotheslines Christy over the top rope out to the steel section as Rose Thorn then goes out there as well as The Final Buzzer Sounds as Stephanie McMahon is let out. Stephanie quickly charges at Alyssa but Alyssa kicks Stephanie in the gut and Alyssa goes for a Widow's Peak but Stephanie is able to backdrop Alyssa instead when Zoe goes to hit Stephanie but Stephanie ends up knocking down Zoe with a chick kick as Jezebel hits Stephanie from behind as Jezebel and Stephanie exchange rights and lefts as Stephanie kicks Jezebel in the gut and Stephanie rips Jezebel's shirt off revealing Jezebel's pink bra as Jezebel then shoves Stephanie and rips her shirt revealing Stephanie's black bra as Stephanie and Jezebel grab each other's hair tearing at it as both ladies are going for a hair toss but unable to do it as Zoe and Alyssa just watch out while Rose Thorn and Christy brawl on the steel section with Rose Thorn throwing Christy hard in to the side of the Chamber as Christy lets out a loud scream. Jezebel meanwhile gets the upper hand on Stephanie and Jezebel sets up Stephanie for a bulldog but Stephanie ends up grabbing Jezebel's pants and yanks them off revealing Jezebel's pink thong as Jezebel lands right on her butt as Stephanie then waits as Jezebel gets up and Stephanie goes for an RKO but Jezebel shoves Stephanie down to the mat. Jezebel waits as Stephanie gets back up as she kicks Stephanie in the gut and Jezebel goes for The Bombshell and hits it as Jezebel covers Stephanie for the 1---2--3. Stephanie McMahon has been eliminated. Jezebel gets back up gloating about the elimination when Alyssa and Zoe both attack Jezebel as Alyssa kicks Jezebel in the gut and Alyssa hits the Widow's Peak as Zoe covers Jezebel for the 1---2--3. Jezebel has been eliminated. Zoe and Alyssa then look out to the outside of the ropes as Rose Thorn is working over Christy Hemme as Christy is busted open as Rose Thorn sends Christy back into the ring as Rose Thorn then re-enters the ring as Rose Thorn knocks down Christy with a right hand when Zoe attacks Rose Thorn while Alyssa goes to work on Christy Hemme, Alyssa hits a standing moonsault and hooks the leg for a 1---2--2.5-shoulder up. Zoe Mason meanwhile whips Rose off the ropes but Rose hits a flying lariet on the way back and Rose Thorn upon getting up knocks down Alyssa with a right hand as Zoe is back up and Zoe knocks down Rose Thorn but Christy Hemme ends up hitting Zoe in the back of hte head with Hemme Love as Christy quickly covers Zoe Mason for the 1---2--3. Zoe Mason has been eliminated. This leaves the final three as Kelli Hardy makes her way out towards the ring with a sledgehammer in her right hand as Alyssa see's her and goes outside the ring area and starts to have words with Kelli Hardy as Rose and Christy go at it in the ring as Christy goes for the Hemme Love on Rose Thorn but Rose ducks and Rose hits a enzuiguari to Christy as Rose covers for a 1---2--2.6-kick out. Meanwhile Kelli puts the sledgehammer into the chamber as Alyssa picks it up and Alyssa is about to throw it back through the hole when Kelli starts telling Alyssa she doesn't have the guts to use it as Alyssa seems pissed off about the comment as Rose goes for a Spinning out powerbomb but Christy backdrops Rose in the ring and Christy then kicks Rose in the gut and goes for the Hemmelet down but Rose shoves Christy back into the ropes and Rose jumps up hitting a hurricanrana as Rose holds it with the legs being held for a 1---2--3. Christy Hemme has been eliminated. Christy can't believe it and is arguing with Referee Brian Hebner as Rose Thorn goes to tell Alyssa to come on as Kelli is backing up away from the ring as Alyssa is still holding the sledgehammer and just stairing at it as Rose tells Alyssa its go time and Alyssa turns around and ends up hitting an unsuspecting Rose Thorn right in the face with it as Rose goes down as Rose's head is busted wide open as Alyssa gets a sick smile on her face and starts to talk the sledgehammer as she gets into the ring and Alyssa waits as Rose gets back up as Brian Hebner tells Alyssa to put it down as he is checking on Rose as Alyssa then hits Rose again in the ribs this time with it as Alyssa drops the Sledgehammer and takes Rose Thorn and sets her up for the Widow's Peak and hits it as Alyssa rolls over a bloody Rose Thorn and hooks the leg for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Alyssa Amidala (SCWE Women's)

Miss Shannon: Your winner and The New SCWE Women's Champion, Alyssa Amidala

Scott Hill: I don't believe what we just saw

Stevie Hill: Did Alyssa Amidala just hit Rose Thorn with the Sledgie?

Scott Hill: A great and very violent match ends with Alyssa Amidala snapping here and we got a new Women's Champion

 Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 11:24 PM

:Alyssa Amidala is holding the SCWE Women's Title near her face as she seems to be rubbing it against her face and talking to the title as Paramedics are helping Rose Thorn out of the ring:

Scott Hill: Alyssa Amidala just went over the deep end

Stevie Hill: Yeah I guess hanging around with Victoria did rub off on Alyssa in every way

:Video Preview for Walker's/Kurt Angle vs Evolution:

Scott Hill: Well this match is going to be a classic

Miss Shannon: The Main Event of KSCWE Curse of The Game is a 10 Man Survivor Series Rules Match(Crowd Goes Nuts)

"Line In The Sand" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making there way to the ring, Being accumpied to the ring by Lindsay Stratus, Kelli Hardy, Jaime Lavelle, Ric Flair, & Julianne Angle, Weighing in at a Combined weight of 1222 Pounds, The Team of The SCWE European Champion David Flair, The SCWE Intercontinental Champion Ryan Cage, The 2005 SCWE King of The Ring Charlie Haas, The 2004 WCW King of The Ring Matt Hardy, and The "Game" Triple H better known as Evolution X

Stevie Hill: E-X is in the house

Scott Hill: The greatest group in KSCWE History is looking to get rid of the Walker Brothers and Kurt Angle once and for all here

Stevie Hill: I wonder what the rest of the Walker's and Kurt think about what Scott Walker did earlier

Scott Hill: I think we are about to find out

"Ghostbusters" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts as Ecto 1 comes into the entry way

Stevie Hill: What the hell is this

Scott Hill: I guess the Walker brothers are up to there old tricks

:Matt, Jason, & Chris Walker exit Ecto 1 along with Kurt Angle as Mallory Maddox, Kaylee & Kendra Walker come out to the ringside area as well:

Miss Shannon: There opponents, being accumpied by Kendra Walker, Kaylee Walker, & SCWE General Manager Mallory Maddox, weighing in at a combined weight of 872 Pounds, From Right here in Pittsburgh, The "Real Deal, No Gimmicks Needed" Matt Walker, Chris Walker, Jason Walker and the SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, Kurt Angle

Scott Hill: No Scott Walker so I guess there going short handed

Stevie Hill: Looks that way

"One Step Closer" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Stevie Hill: What the heck is he doing here

:Stevie Richards makes his way to the ring in his wrestling gear:

Miss Shannon: And there partner, From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania weighing in at 220 Pounds, He is the ECW World Heavyweight Champion, Stevie Richards

Scott Hill: Stevie Richards is now replacing Scott Walker!!

Stevie Hill: This makes things very interesting to say the least

Survivor Series Rules: Triple H, Matt Hardy, Charlie Haas, Ryan Cage, & David Flair W/Julianne Angle, Ric Flair, Kelli Hardy, Jaime Lavelle, & Lindsay Stratus vs Kurt Angle, Stevie Richards, Matt Walker, Chris Walker, & Jason Walker W/Mallory Maddox, Kaylee Walker, & Kendra Walker
Referee Earl Hebner rings the bell to start the match off as Triple H starts things off with Kurt Angle as both men have words with each other before locking up as Kurt Angle quickly goes behind Triple H and Angle goes for a German but The Game elbows Angle in the head and turns around and then hits a big clothesline knocking down Kurt Angle as Triple H waits as Kurt gets up and The Game opens up on Angle backing him into the corner as Triple H hits a few big chops to Angle and then kicks to the ribs before Kurt reverses and Angle opens up on The game with rights and lefts as Triple H knees Kurt in the gut then and Triple H charges out of the corner but Angle grabs The Game and hits a overhead belly 2 belly release suplex as Triple H rolls over and tags out to David Flair who comes into the ring as Kurt Angle tags out to Chris Walker. David Flair gives out a big wooo to Chris Walker who then smiles and tells David that Stacy Mason wants to get sticky with him later on as David becomes irate and charges at Chris Walker who moves out of the way and knocks David off the ropes as Chris then hits a big backdrop on Flair as David gets back up, Chris takes him down with a dropkick and then Chris grabs David and hits a headlock takedown on Flair as David delivers a few clubbing blows to the back of Chris to break the hold as Chris Walker gets back up as does David Flair and David Flair and Walker lock up with David kneeing Chris in the gut and David then delivers a few big chops to Chris Walker as the Crowd Woo's but Chris Walker ends up stomping on David's foot as David grabs his foot as Chris kicks David Flair in the gut and Chris Walker sets him up and hits the Walkerflip on him as he covers for the 1---2--3. David Flair has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: David Flair has been eliminated

Stevie Hill: David Flair is the first causulity

Ryan Cage quickly enters the ring and attacks Chris Walker from behind as Ryan Cage opens up on Chri Walker with a few big European Uppercuts knocking Chris into the ropes as Ryan goes to whip Chris off the ropes but Chris reverses sending Ryan off as Chris then hits a big powerslam on Cage as Chris Walker then tags out to Jason Walker who enters the ring with a big smile on his face as Ryan Cage and Jason Walker have words with each other as Ryan slaps Jason across the face and Jason responds with a right hand knocking down Cage as Jason Walker stomps away at Cage as Ryan crawls over to his corner as Jason Walker stomps a mudhole in Ryan Cage as Matt Hardy tries to come into the ring but Jason Walker knocks down Hardy on the apron but this allows Ryan Cage to spear down Jason Walker as Cage opens up on Jason with several right hands and Ryan then goes for a Boston Crab but Jason kicks Ryan back into the ropes as Jason springs up to his feet and Jason backdrops Ryan Cage. Ryan gets back up as Jason delivers a chopblock to Ryan Cage's left knee as Cage goes down as Jason Walker then locks in the Walls of Walker on Ryan Cage who is screaming for help as Matt Hardy enters the ring but Matt Walker cuts him off, Charlie Haas and Triple H also come in but Stevie Richards, Kurt Angle, & Chris Walker cut them off as well as Ryan Cage has no choice and taps out. Ryan Cage has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Ryan Cage has been eliminated

Scott Hill: Well Jason Walker gets the final win over Ryan Cage and more importantly then that, E-X is now down two men as The Triple H is left to fight off the 3 Walker's, Stevie Richards, and Kurt Angle

Referee Earl Hebner restores order as everyone goes to there respective corners as Charlie Haas enters the ring next as Jason Walker tags out to Chris Walker. Chris Walker and Charlie Haas have some words with each other before locking up with Haas going behind Walker but Walker drops down getting Haas with a drop toe hold as Chris Walker then goes for a STF but Haas is able to get into the ropes as Chris Walker gets back up to regroup. Charlie Haas gets back up to his feet and Haas yells at Angle that SummerSlam his ass is his and Chris Walker looks at Kurt who wants the tag so Chris Walker tags out to Kurt Angle. Haas and Angle have some words before locking up with Angle going behind Haas but Haas quickly goes behind Angle and Angle then goes behind Haas again as Kurt goes for a German Suplex but Charlie counters into a bulldog as Haas then quickly goes for the Haas of Pain but Kurt grabs Haas's ankle and goes for the Angle Lock instead as Haas gets into the ropes again and both men seem to breath a sigh of relief as Matt Hardy starts to yell at Kurt Angle when Triple H enters the ring and blind sides angle from behind taking him down which brings in Stevie Richards who goes right after Triple H as The Game and Richards start to exchange rights and lefts as Referee Earl Hebner try to break them up as Ric Flair enters the ring but Jason Walker knocks down Flair as Matt Walker takes down Hardy as Chris Walker goes after Haas as Chris and Haas are exchanging rights and lefts as Haas knocks down Walker but Kurt Angle grabs Haas and hits the Angle Slam on him as Kurt covers as Earl Hebner see's the pin and counts the 1---2--3. Charlie Haas has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Charlie Haas has been eliminated

Stevie Hill: Uh oh, this is not good for Team E-X

Scott Hill: The Strength in numbers has now become a bad thing because its down to Triple H and Matt Hardy against five guys and only Kelli Hardy, Julianne Angle, and Ric Flair remain at ringside now for E-X

Stevie Hill: The PA Connection has a gameplan and its working perfectly as they are keeping E-X distracted when they go for the kill and there basically beating E-X at there own game here

Matt Hardy and Triple H talk strategy as Matt Hardy agrees to enter the ring as Kurt Angle and Hardy lock up with Angle going behind Hardy and Angle quickly hits a German Suplex and then a second one and is about to hit a third one when Triple H hits Angle from behind breaking up the hold as Earl Hebner tells Triple H to get out when Matt, Chris, & Jason Walker enter the ring start to put the boots to Matt Hardy as Ric Flair gets on the apron but Jason Walker knocks Flair back off as the Walker's get out of the ring when Earl Hebner turns around as Kurt Angle is putting the boots to Hardy and picks him up and holds him as he tags out to Matt Walker who comes and kicks Hardy very hard in the ribs as Matt Walker then tells Hardy this is for screawing him over as Walker knocks down Hardy with a big right hand as Matt Walker gets on top of Hardy and starts to go to work on his head with several big clubbing blows when Triple H starts to enter the ring which prompts Stevie Richards to come in as Earl Hebner see's him and The Game then enters the ring as Earl Hebner is holding back the Walker's, Kurt, & Stevie as Triple H takes down Matt Walker from behind and Triple H whips Walker off the ropes and Triple H hits a high knee lift to walker as Triple H gets out of the ring as Matt Hardy picks up Walker and Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate but Walker ends up countering it to the Pittfall!! Matt Walker hooks the leg for the 1---2--2.5-Triple H comes into the ring but gets cut off by Jason & Chris Walker-3. Matt Hardy has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Matt Hardy has been eliminated

Scott Hill: This match is over, not even Triple H can overcome these odds

Triple H gets back up and The Game flips off everyone of his opponents and tells them all to bring it as Matt Walker is about to go after Triple H when Jason Walker tags himself in as Jason and Matt have some words but Jason says he has something to prove as Jason Walker walks up to Triple H and slaps Triple H across the face telling him he is the future as Triple H then kicks in the knee and then takes him down with a big right hand as Triple H waits as Jason gets up and The Game whips Jason off the ropes and Triple H hits a big spinebuster on him as Triple H picks up Jason Walker and sets him up for a Pedigree and hits it as Triple H covers Jason for the  1---2--3. Jason Walker has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Jason Walker has been eliminated

Stevie Hill: Jason Walker was a bit too cocky there and it cost him against Triple H

Triple H then dares anyone else to enter the ring as Matt Walker comes into the ring and Triple H and Walker start to exchange rights and lefts back and forth as Triple H knee's Walker in the gut as Triple H goes to whip Walker off the ropes but Walker reverses sending Triple H off as Walker puts his head down for a backdrop but Triple H stops and hits the knee smash on Walker as Triple H then covers for a 1---2--Chris Walker breaks up the pin attempt. Earl Hebner tells Chris Walker to leave the ring as Ric Flair slides in a weapon to Triple H but Matt Walker hits Triple H while he is picking it up and Walker goes for the Pittfall but Triple H hits a kick to the face of Walker as Walker turns around as Triple H goes for a Pedigree but Matt Walker backdrops Triple H down but Matt Hardy, Charlie Haas, & David Flair return to ringside drawing the attention of Chris Walker, Kurt Angle, & Stevie Richards who are telling them to leave as is Earl Hebner as Matt Walker gets a smile on his face as Mallory slides in the guitar and Matt Walker smashes the guitar over the head of Triple H laying him out cold but Ric Flair gets into the ring and Flair goes after Walker but Walker ducks and backdrops Flair as Ric Flair gets up in the ropes, Matt Walker hits a big clothesline on Flair taking him over the top to the floor but Vince McMahon comes down to the ring and Vince ends up grabbing Mallory by her hair trying to pull her to the back as Matt Walker is about to leave the ring when Triple H low blows Matt Walker and Triple H turns Walker around and hits a Pedigree on him as Triple H covers as Earl Hebner counts the 1---2--3. Matt Walker has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Matt Walker has been eliminated

Scott Hill: Wow Matt Walker is gone and Triple H has gotten rid of two of the Walker's

Stevie Hill: Triple H had alot of help there but he got the job done and thats all that matters

Earl Hebner seeing how he is losing control ejects all of Evolution X except for Julianne Angle and Vince McMahon and only allows Kendra Walker and Kaylee Walker to remain at ringside for the PA Connection. Triple H tells Angle, Stevie, and Chris Walker that he will take out each and every one of them as Chris Walker goes into the ring next as Walker and The Game lock up with Chris Walker going behind Triple H but The Game quickly counters by going behind Walker and Triple H grabs Walker's arm and tries to lock in a arm bar but Walker takes down teh Game with a hip toss, Triple H gets back up as Chris Walker opens up on Triple H knocking Triple H into the ropes as Chris Walker then hits a clothesline sending Triple H over the top to the floor. Chris Walker then goes up top and comes off but Ric Flair gets in front of Triple H as Walker takes out Flair, Triple H then grabs Chris Walker and rams him into the barricade as Triple H picks up Walker and drops him throat first over it as Stevie Richards comes over as Triple H gets back into the ring as Richards and Angle help up Chris Walker, Chris Walker rolls back into the ring as Triple H stomps away at Walker and picks him up and delivers a few big chops to Walker as Triple H whips Chris off the ropes and Triple H puts his head down but Walker kicks The Game in the shoulder as Chris Walker then hits him in the gut and Chris Walker sets up Triple H for the Walkerflip but Triple H trips walker down and slingshots Walker into the corner as Walker comes back out and walks into a boot to the gut and Triple H then hits the Pedigree as Triple H covers Chris Walker for the 1---2--3. Chris Walker has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Chris Walker has been eliminated

Stevie Hill: Triple H has finally beaten Chris Walker

Scott Hill: Triple H down 5 to 1 just overcame the three Walker brothers but still has the ECW and SCWE World Champions to deal with

Stevie Hill: This match is far from over

 Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 11:24 PM
Triple H waits in the ring as Stevie and Kurt Angle talk strategy on the floor as Earl Hebner then orders Ric Flair to the back as Triple H gets in Earl's face and is irate saying Flair didn't do nothing but Earl Hebner said he got involved in the match and if he doesn't leave then Triple H will be DQ'ed as Stevie Richards then attacks Triple H while his back is turned as Stevie pounds away at Triple H knocking the game into the corner as Stevie opens up on Triple H with right hands knocking Triple H down in the corner as he tries to cover up as Stevie continues to pound on Triple H until Earl Hebner pulls Stevie back as Triple H goes out to the floor to regroup but Stevie follows Triple H out to the floor and hits him from behind knocking Triple H down as Stevie then takes the camera cord and wraps it around Triple H's throat and starts to choke him with it as Triple H is having trouble breathing as Referee Earl Hebner is threatening to DQ Stevie unless he stops chocking Triple H which he finally does as Stevie then goes and grabs a Steel Chair as Earl Hebner is telling Stevie not to do it but as Triple H staggers up, Stevie smashes the chair over Triple H's head busting The Game wide open as Earl Hebner rings the bell. Stevie Richards has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Stevie Richards has been Eliminated

Stevie Hill: Stevie Richards is now gone meaning its one on one but I don't know if Triple H can continue

Scott Hill: Triple H is busted wide open but how fitting it comes down to Triple H vs Kurt Angle, KSCWE's Greatest Two Superstars

Julianne Angle is checking on Triple H as Kurt Angle goes down to the floor and picks up the bloody Triple H as Julez tries to reason with her brother but Kurt Angle rolls Triple H back into the ring and Kurt tells her this isn't personal, he just wants to win the match as Kurt goes to get back into the ring but Julez grabs Kurt's foot as Kurt tells her to let go and Julez finally does as Triple H gets back up and then hits Angle as Triple H then goes to work on Angle's head with big right hands eventually busting open Kurt Angle as well as Triple H takes Angle and whips him off the ropes and Triple H hits a high knee lift to Angle as Triple H then goes for the Indian Death Lock but Kurt kicks Triple H down as Kurt gets back up and Kurt and Triple H exchange rights and lefts with Angle kicking Triple H in the gut and Angle then whips Triple H hard across the ring into the corner as Triple H does the upside down hit and lands on the apron as Kurt clotheslines Triple H down as Triple H rolls back into the ring as Angle stomps away at Triple H as Kurt picks up Triple H but the Game pulls Angle into the corner as angle hits face first off the middle turnbuckle and Triple H then picks up Angle and hits an atomic drop and then a big clothesline on Angle as Triple H eyes up Kurt Angle for the Pedigree and Triple H goes for it but Kurt trips Triple H down and slingshots Triple H into the corner and Angle grabs Triple H from behind while he is coming out and Kurt Angle hits a German Suplex followed by a Second German Suplex and then a Third German Suplex, Kurt Angle then stops and gets up and puts down the straps signaling the end of the match as Triple H struggles up when Julianne Angle attacks Kaylee Walker on the floor getting Earl Hebner's attention away and Kurt Angle's when Alyssa Amidala runs down to the ringside area and Alyssa throws the SCWE Women's Title belt into the ring as Alyssa hits Kaylee down from behind as Kurt turns around to Triple H as The Game blasts Angle in the face with the title belt as Triple H slides it out where Julianne Angle picks it up out of the ring as Triple H picks up Kurt Angle and hits a Pedigree for good measure as Triple H covers Kurt Angle for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Triple H

Miss Shannon: Your winner, Triple H

Scott Hill: Triple H has overcome the odds and won this match

Stevie Hill: Alyssa Amidala the "good girl" of KSCWE who snapped earlier just helped Triple H win!! Is she in E-X?

:Matt Hardy, Charlie Haas, Kelli Hardy, Jaime Lavelle, Vince McMahon, Stacy Mason, David Flair, & Ric Flair all come to the ring and get in with Julianne Angle as Matt and Charlie pick up Triple H on his shoulders as Alyssa gets into the ring and Kelli snatches the Women's Title from Julianne Angle and Kelli then gives Alyssa the title and hugs her!!:

Scott Hill: I think we just got our answer

Stevie Hill: What an incredible Curse of The Game it has been tonight

Scott Hill: Don't miss WCW, SCWE, and ECW Programming Next Week, Good Night

:E-X is celebrating in the ring as....

:Curse of The Game Goes off the Air:

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