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PPV : Starrcade 8/21/05
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 Message 1 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 2:10 AM

Results 8/21/05 Live From Toronto, Canada

Promo's for the PPV Air:

Pyro Then Explodes!! as "Stars" plays to open up Starrcade

Tony: Welcome to WCW Starrcade!!! Live From Toronto!!!

Tenay: Tonight we got a great card for you as Starrcade is always a massive hit

Madden: Yeah and tonight Brandon Davis's few week long reign as WCW World Champion comes to an end thankfully

Tony: Well we got Brandon vs Maven for the WCW World Title, Tara vs Jackie for the WCW Women's Title plus alot of great action but lets not waste any more time and send things to the ring

Penser: The Opening Contest of WCW Starrcade is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Tag Team Championship

Tenay: Well some Tag Team Action to kick things off

"War Pigs" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, Representing The Campaign, Weighing in at a combined weight of 565 Pounds, The "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels and The Californian!!!

Tenay: Well here is the Campaign who are getting a big chance here

"Venus" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: There opponents, being accumpied by Lexus Carr, Weighing in at a combined weight of 453 Pounds, They are the SCWE Tag Team Champions, Simon Dean and Rico better known as Fabulously Fit!!!

Madden: I wish Simon would drop Rico and go back to the way he was before

Tony: Mark they make a great team

SCWE Tag Team Championship: Simon Dean & Rico(C) W/Lexus Carr vs Christopher Daniels & Californian
Rico starts things out with Californian as both men lock up with Rico going behind Cali and Rico starts to smack Cali's ass as Californian moves away quickly a little freaked out as he goes to tag out to Daniels but Daniels shakes his head no as he jumps off the apron and Cali tells him to fight Rico but Daniels says he will fight Simon not Rico as Rico then goes and pinches Cali's butt. Cali turns around and ends up knocking down Rico with a big right hand as Cali then goes and kicks Rico in the side as he was getting up as Californian picks up Rico and sets him up for the La Jolla Style but Rico ends up kissing Californian as Cali shoves Rico back as Cali goes to tag out again but Rico jumps on Cali's back as Cali quickly tries to flip Rico over but to no avail as Simon comes in and Simon hits a dropkick to the right knee of Californian taking him down as Rico then hits a big kick to the back of the head to Cali as Simon and Rico pick up Cali and Rico hits the Fashion Changes to him as he covers for a 1---2--Daniels comes in and breaks up the pin as Simon Dean then knocks down Daniels with a right hand as Lexus Carr slides in Simon's bag into the ring as Simon pulls out his weight lifting belt and Simon then whips Cali in the back as he is getting up as Referee Mark Johnson tells Simon to get out of the ring which Simon does as Daniels then hits Rico from behind knocking him down as Daniels then takes Rico and sets him up for the Angel wings but Rico ends breaking free and back drops Daniels who hits Californian as he was trying to get up as Rico then takes both Daniels and Cali and rams there heads together as Rico tags out to Simon Dean as Simon comes in and Simon hits Daniels in the back with the belt as Daniels goes out to the floor as Simon then hits Californian a few times until Mark Johnson threatens to DQ Simon and Rico for use of the belt so Simon gives it back to Lexus as Simon takes Californian and knocks him into the corner as Simon stomps away at Californian in the corner as Simon then picks up Cali and takes him out and goes for the Simon Effect but Californian shoves Simon down instead and then hits knock Rico off the apron as Cali then grabs Simon from behind and hits a snap german suplex as Simon is hurting from it as Californian goes to tag out to Daniels but Daniels smiles at Californian and then spits in his face as he jumps off the apron as Californian does not look happy and tells Daniels to get his ass back here as Simon then hits Californian in the back as Simon turns him around and hits the Simon Effect as Simon covers for the 1---2--3.
Winners: Simon Dean & Rico

Penser: Your winners and still SCWE Tag Team Champions, Simon Dean and Rico

Tenay: Simon and Rico just retained hte title but why did Daniels walk out on Californian?

Madden: I guess he got sick of carrying the big man and hats off to Daniels for doing that

Tony: Well as a result of that, Simon Dean and Rico are still the SCWE Tag Team Champions

:Parking Lot:

:Brandon Davis is shown arriving at the arena:

:Promo for SCWE/WCW Psychotic Games in September:

Tony: Well up next we are going to have a #1 Contender's Battle Royal for the WCW Television Championship

Tenay: We got six guys who are all trying to make a name for themselves here and its a big chance for all of them

Madden: This match is going to suck

Penser: The Following contest is a #1 Contender's Battle Royal for the WCW Television Championship

"Rock" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Miami, Florida weighing in at 220 Pounds, The Rock

Tony: Well here comes The People's Champion who has to be the favorite

"American Idiot" hits, Crowd Cheers Loudly

Penser: The Next Two Participants, 1st from Peterborough, Ontario, Canada weighing in at 230 Pounds, Bobby Roode and From Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada weighing in at 222 Pounds, Johnny Devine better known as Team Canada

Madden: Team Canada is getting a great ovation here in Toronto

Tenay: They are Team Canada and we are in Canada

"Don't Tread On Me" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: The 4th Entrant, From St. John's Newfoundland, Canada weighing in at 185 Pounds, The Jackal

Tony: The Jackal another Canadian not getting as good of a ovation

"Next Big Thing" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: The 5th Entrant, From Minneapolis, Minnesota weighing in at 295 Pounds, Brock Lesnar

"Place For My Head" hits, Crowd Continues to Cheer

Penser: The Final Entrant, From Albany, New York weighing in at 220 Pounds, Twister X

Tenay: Well all six men are now out here so this should be a interesting match

#1 Contender for WCW TV Title Battle Royal:Bobby Roode vs Johnny Devine vs The Rock vs The Jackal vs Twister X vs Brock Lesnar
All six men are staring at each other as Charles Robinson signals for the bell. The Rock and Bobby Roode immediately exchange right hands between each other. The Rock gets the upper hand and then kicks Bobby in the gut and goes for the Rock Bottom but Johnny Devine ends up hitting The Rock from behind. Bobby and Johnny start to work over The Rock. Meanwhile Brock and The Jackal are going at it. Brock goes for a big right hand but The Jackal ducks it and hits Brock with a DDT. Twister X is taunting as The Jackal runs over and clotheslines Twister X down. The Jackal then picks Twister X up and throws him out to the floor. Twister X is now eliminated. Brock gets back up and goes for a German Suplex on The Jackal but The Jackal wraps his leg around Brock. The Jackal then gets out of Brock's grasp and gets behind Brock and takes out his leg. Brock then gets back up and runs at The Jackal but The Jackal trips Brock down and then starts to push him out. Brock tries to hold on to the rope but The Jackal kicks him hard and Brock hits the floor. Brock Lesnar is now eliminated. Johnny and Bobby are still working over The Rock when The Jackal comes out of no where and clotheslines Johnny down. Bobby then goes for a right hand on The Jackal but he blocks it and hits Bobby with The Jackal's Claw. Johnny then gets up and runs at The Jackal but The Jackal turns around and kicks Johnny in the stomach. The Jackal then hits Johnny with The Jackal Effect. The Jackal then picks Johnny up and tosses him out to the floor. Johnny Devine is now eliminated. The Jackal is taunting as Bobby grabs him and dumps him out to the floor. The Jackal is now eliminated. Johnny then attacks The Jackal as the two start to fight through the crowd. The Rock finally gets back up as Bobby turns around. The two men begin to circle each other. Bobby runs at The Rock but The Rock hits him with an arm drag. Bobby then gets back up as The Rock is laughing. Bobby runs at The Rock again and The Rock goes for another arm drag but Bobby wraps his leg around The Rock's leg and he doesn't budge. Bobby then opens up on The Rock. Bobby then hits The Rock with a big right hand knocking him onto the ropes. Bobby then goes to clothesline The Rock over but The Rock ducks and back drops Bobby over the top rope. Bobby though grabs onto the bottom rope and pulls himself back in. Bobby then gets up as him and The Rock start to exchange right hands. Bobby then goes for a kick to the stomach but The Rock catches his foot and then hits him with a big right hand. As Bobby is stumbling back The Rock kicks him in the stomach and then hits him with The Rock Bottom. The Rock then stands over Bobby and takes off his arm pad and throws it out to the crowd. The Rock then runs over top of Bobby a few times then he delivers The People's Elbow to Bobby. The Rock then picks Bobby up and throws him out to the floor.
Winner: The Rock

Penser: Your winner, The Rock

Tony: The Rock has just earned a WCW TV Title Shot!!

Madden: He got lucky

:Video Preview for Scott Wright vs Matt Matlock:

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 Message 2 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:11 AM

Tony: Well The Rock earned himself a WCW TV Title Match in the future but who will he be facing?

Tenay: We are going to find that out in our next match

Madden: I am just happy because we are going to get to see Holly Mathews out here

Tony: Mark we all know you like Holly

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Television Championship

"99 Problems" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, being accumpied by Holly Mathews, From Atlanta, Georgia weighing in at 253 Pounds, Scott Wright

Madden: I like Scott Wright

Tenay: Well Scott Wright used to be a Tag Team Guy with his brother Chris but Chris is out with an injury so Scott is now gonig to try his hand in singles action and Holly got him a TV Title Shot

Tony: How did Holly do that?

Madden: Her power of pursuation

"Getting Away With Murder" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: His opponent, From Cape Breton, Island, Nova Scotia, Canada weighing in at 225 Pounds, He is the WCW Television Champion, Matt Matlock

Tenay: Well here comes The TV Champion

Madden: This is going to be great because Matlock is very good and I think under appreciated

WCW Television Championship: Matt Matlock(C) vs Scott Wright W/Holly Mathews
Referee Rudy Charles shows the TV Title off before sounding for the bell as Wright and Matlock both talk trash to each other before locking up with Wright locking a headlock in and taking Matlock down to the mat as Wright keeps the pressure applied but Matlock is able to escape from it as Matlock gets back up his feet as does Wright as Matlock goes to hit Wright but Wright kicks him in the gut and Wright hits a swinging neckbreaker on Matlock as Wright covers for a 1 count as Wright is back up and hits a big high impact dropkick on Matlock sending him to the floor as Scott Wright then goes up top as Matlock is getting and Wright comes off but Matlock grabs a camera man and pulls him front as Scott Wright hits the Camera and the Camera Man dead on as Wright is hurting from hitting the camera as Matlock is smirking and telling the people he just retained the TV Title without breaking a sweat as he picks up Scott Wright and rolls him back into the ring as Matlock gets into the ring and Matlock picks up Scott Wright and puts him up top as Matlock climbs up with Scott Wright for the Matlock Drop and hits it as Matlock rolls Wright over and covers him but Holly Mathews is on the apron distracting Rudy Charles when Christopher Daniels hits the ring and attacks Matlock from behind as Daniels takes Matlock and sets him up for the Angel Wings and hits it as Daniels rolls out to the floor as Holly gets off the apron. Both Wright and Matlock are down as Rudy Charles starts a 10 count as he reaches up to 8 as Scott Wright then crawls over and puts his arm over Matlock for a 1---2--2.9-Matlock gets his shoulder up. Holly and Daniels grimace on the floor as Scott Wright gets back up to his feet and shakes the cobwebs off as does Matlock as Wright opens up on Matlock with a few right hands as Wright takes Matlock and goes for the Wright Bomb but Matlock escapes the hold and Matlock kicks him in the gut and goes for the Orange Crush Drop and hits it for a 1---2--2.9-Scott Wright kicks Matlock in the face breaking up the pin as Wright rolls out to the floor as Daniels and Holly check on Wright as Matlock reaches over the ropes and grabs Holly by her hair as Daniels goes to stop it but Holly tells him not to get involved because Scott will get DQ'ed as Matlock pulls Holly into the ring as Matlock tells Holly he can have some fun with her as Scott Wright gets back into the ring and goes to hit Matlock but Matlock moves as Scott Wright runs over Holly Mathews!!! Scott Wright goes to check on her but Matlock hits Wright as Matlock then hits a Reverse DDT to Wright as Matlock picks up Scott Wright and goes for the B.F.A and hits it as Daniels is about to get on the apron but  Californian comes down to the ring as Daniels see's him and Daniels bails out through the crowd as Matlock covers Wright for the 1--2--3.
Winner: Matt Matlock

Penser: Your winner and still WCW TV Champion, Matt Matlock

Tony: Matt Matlock just retained his TV Title

Madden: Scott Wright accidently took out Holly Mathews and Californian chased Daniels away allowing Matlock to get the win

:Scott Wright helps Holly back up as Holly tells Scott she is sorry and she will fix this as Scott helps her to the back:

Tenay: Well thats good to see that Scott Wright is being a gentlemen about things

:Video Preview for WCW Hardcore Championship Match:

Tony: Well we are going to hopefully put an end to this rivalry between Mick Foley and Lance Storm

Tenay: It started back on ECW when Mick Foley gained the #1 Contendership for the ECW World Title and Lance Storm was not to happy about it but with Stevie Richards leaving for SCWE, Lance Storm was booked against Mick Foley for the Vacant ECW World Heavyweight Championship but as we all know ECW ended up shutting down so the match never happened

Madden: Yeah and now Foley is going to try and steal Lance's Hardcore Title

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Hardcore Championship

"Wreck" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, From Long Island, New York weighing in at 287 Pounds, Mick Foley

Tony: Here comes Mick Foley who is right in his element here

"Lance Storm Theme" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: His opponent, From Calgalry, Alberta, Canada weighing in at 240 Pounds, He is the WCW Hardcore Champion, Lance Storm

Madden: Where is Kristen

Tenay: Lance is leaving her in the back for her own safety becuase this thing could be bloody

WCW Hardcore Championship: Lance Storm(C) vs Mick Foley
The match starts with Storm telling Foley how great he is, with Storm being from Canada and Foley being from White Trash America, Foley then rushes in at Storm, but Lance side steps and catches Foley in a drop toe hold.  Lance gets up and starts pounding away at Foley.  Lance then stops and grabs Foley as he picks him up.  Storm whips Foley into the ropes as he goes for a running clothline but Foley ducks stops turns Storm around and nails a thumb to the eye followed by a neckbreaker.  Foley then gets Storm and rams him into the corner tournbuckle.  Foley then hops up and starts punching Lance, then stops and drops down with an axe handle drop.  Storm then stumbles out of the corner and falls to the mat as Foley slides out of the ring and goes under the ring apron.  Foley then starts sliding trash cans, signapore canes, a tool box among other things.  Foley then starts throwing them in the ring.  He then bends down again and slowly rises with 'Barbie'  Foley then turns to the crowd as he smiles sadistically.  Foley then turns back to the ring, but is caught off by surprise with Storm jumping from the top rope nailing a cross body.  The ref then slides out of the ring as Lance covers Foley, 1.....1.6, kickout.  Lance gets up and grabs Foley and whips him into the steps but Foley counters and rams Storm as he goes up and over the steps crashing into the barracade.  Foley then grabs Storm and picks him up and drops him on the barracade.  As Lance rolls to the other side of the barracade and begins to crawl through the crowd.  Foley then hops over the barrcade as he slowly stocks behind Storm.  Storm eventually gets up to an exit way in the arena when Foley comes from no where and rams him into the door.  Foley then grabs Storm and runs him head first 8into the door as Storm goes crashing through it.  Foley then oipens up what is left of the dor as he finds Sotrm.  He gfoes to nail Storm but Lance counters with a jawbreaker to Foley.  Foley stumbles backwards as Lance gets up and nails a spinning wheel kcik taking Foley.  Lance then begins throwing crates around trying to find something.  He eventually gets halfway through the hallway when he sees an open pannel in the roof with a ladder standing below it.  Lance takes the ladder and waits for Foley to get up.  Foley is on one knee and Lance rams the ladder into him.  Lance then hits Foley in the gut with ladder as Foley starts spitting blood.  Lance smiles as he throws the ladder aside and covers Foley, 1.........2...2.4, kickout.  Lance cant beleive it as he looks around for something else.  Lance cant find anything. He then climbs ontop somenearby crates as Foley gets to one knee then stands.  Lance then jumps from the crates and goes for  a missle dropkick but Foley cathes him and slams Storm hard into the concrete.  Foley then picks up Lance and rams him into the wall, as LAnce is busted open.  Foley then grabs Storm and begins rubing the open cut against the wall making Lance scream in agony. Foley then stops as he picks up Storm and nails a sidewalk slam with Storms head smacking agains tht econcrete instead of covering Storm foley picks him and drapes him over his shoulder as he carries him to a differnt part of the arnea.  Lance then starts regaining consciouness as he startes puching Foley in the back to let him go.  Lance then a straight knee shot to foleys face as he cuts Foley mouth and Foley drops him.  Lance then regains balance as he rams hard into Foley knocking him through an open door.  As the door swings back cloes it is revealed as the 'Boiler Room'  Lance then grabs Foley and rams him hard into a water heater.  Lance then picks Foley un again as Foley starts punching back but Lance hits a low blow to Foley as he dfrops to his knees.  Lance then whips the blood and sweat from his face as grabs Foley and whips him into the side of the furnace.  Foley then screams as the side is still hot enough to burn him.  Foley then bends over and screams in agony as Lance runs up and nails a bulldog.  Storm then manges to cover, 1.........2......2.7, kcikout.  Lance cant beleive it as he sits the stunned, Lance then covers again, 1.........2......2.6, kickout.  Lance then gets pissed as he grabs FDoley and rams him into a nearby wall.  Storm then grabs Foley agains and this time he rams him into the electrical cupoard as the lights in the arena dim and sparks are seen comming from it.  Lance then continues his assualt by fgoing to the furnace and picking a coal poker.  He waits for Foley to getup.  Foley is up and Storm hits a side shot at Foley with the poker.  Storm then drops the weapon and covers Foley, 1.........2......2.8, kcikout.  Lance gets up and looks around the arena for where he sees some folding chairs and tables in the nearby corner.  Lance kicks Foley as he goes over and kncok the stacks overs as he slides two tables and throws a few chairs in the pile and drags to whwere FOley lay.  LKance then grabs the one chair and swings hard in Foleys back.  Lance then grabs tohe one table as he sets it up. He then looks at Foley laying there motionless as he grabs the other table and sets it up aswell.  Lance then grabs the chair and goes to hit FOley but Foley rolls away, as Lance hits the steel chair against the concrete.  Foley then gets up and starts hitting lefts and rights.  Lance then hits him with aknee to the gut and goes to hit a suplex taking Foley through the table but Foley counters and takes Lance down.  Foley then picks up storm and places him on the table.  FOley then gets up on the table aswell as he carefully picks Storm up and sets him up and FOley takes Lance through the table with a Double Arm DDT.  Mick then drapes an arm over Lance, 1.........2.........2.9, kickout.  Foley cant beleive it as he slowlyt gets to ne knee and drags Lance over to the other table.  Foley picks up Lance as they are both standing there on one knee trying to catch their breath.  Lance gets his first as he quickly runs at Foley and spins him around and nails a belly to belly suplex as Foley crashes through the other table.  Lance then gets up and says he isnt done yet.  He then grabs Foleys legs as he locks iunt the Maple Leaf.  But before Mick can tap storm releases the hold.  Storm then picks back up his chair as he grabs Foley and lifts him up to.  Foley is standing bloodied and sweating as is Lance when Lance throws the chair at DFOley, Mick catches it as Lance hits a superkick knocking the chair into Foley face.  Lance then quickly covers, 1.........2.........3
Winner: Lance Storm

Penser: Your winner and still WCW Hardcore Champion, Lance Storm

 Message 3 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:11 AM

Tony: Lance Storm just picked up a very big win here

Madden: I knew Lance could do it

Tenay: He survived plain and simple

:Backstage: Christian's Office

:Christian, Tyson, & Trish are shown as Holly Mathews walks into the office:

Christian: What can I do for you Holly

Holly Mathews: Did you see what happened out there?

Christian: Yes

Holly Mathews: I think Scott deserves a rematch

Christian: I see, I tell you what Holly. I am going to give you a chance to earn that title shot for Scott

Holly Mathews: How?

:Tyson goes in drawer and pulls out some mardi gras beads:

Christian: No Tyson we are not Vince. Holly I am going to book you in a match a match that I think you can win at, It will be Ashley vs Leyla vs Christine vs Holly Mathews in a Four Way Bra and Panties Elimination Match

Holly Mathews: Fine works for me

:Holly leaves the office as Trish gets up to go shut the door as Christian whispers something to Tyson:

Christian: If Trish wasn't here we would have done the Beads things

:Tyson smirks as Christian puts the beads back in his drawer:


Tony: Well Holly Mathews will now be in the Bra and Panties Match which will be coming up later on tonight

Madden: I can't wait for that one

Tenay: Yeah but up next we are going to see the WCW Women's Hardcore Championship being defended

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Women's Hardcore Championship

"You Shook Me All Night Long" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, from Baltimore, Maryland, Brish!!!

Tony: Brish has finally made her return and is looking to bring home some Women's Hardcore Gold

"Spade" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: Her opponent, From Baltimore, Maryland, Jai!!!

Tenay: Here comes Jai who is the former Women's Hardcore Champion and is looking to regain her title

"Did My Time" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: There opponent, From Denver, Colorado, Trish Morris

Madden: Here comes Trish Morris who has been looking great lately and I wouldn't be shocked if Trish won this match

"My Immortal" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Penser: Finally, From Flamming Starr, Massachusetts, She is the WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Flame

Tony: Here comes the Psychotic Flame

Tenay: Flame is in her element in these kind of matches

Madden: Yeah and I think Flame is gong to retain her title here

WCW Women's Hardcore Championship: Flame(C) vs Jai vs Brish vs Trish Morris
The bell sounds as Trish Morris, Jai and Brish stare at the women's hardcore champion. They all walk closer and closer to Flame as she stands her ground and doesn't flinch. Jai and Brish step forward again getting closer to Flame but Trish Morris hits Jai in the back of her head knocking her down, Brish turns to Morris and is kicked in the gut. Trish sends Brish into the ropes, Brish bounces back and is power slamed by Trish Morris. By this time Flame has left the ring and is rummaging underneath it looking for various weapons to use on her opponents. Flame begins picking out the weapons she likes while Jai gets up in the ring and grabs Trish Morris from behind, she hits a reverse DDT to Trish and covers her 1...2... kick out by Morris. Brish gets up and Grabs Jai by her hair, Brish turns Jai around so she is facing her and hits her with a simple suplex. Meanwhile Flame is sorting through all the weapons she has, she picks up kendo stick and starts swinging it furiously at thin air. She then cackles uncontrollably as Trish Morris stands in the ring staring at Flame like she's a complete freak. Morris climbs out of the ring and walks up to Flame and bitch slaps Flame right across the face. Flame holds her cheek and stares at Trish Morris with evil intent. Morris goes for another slap but Flame grabs her hand. Flame kicks Trish in the gut three times before driving Trish's head onto the ring apron. Flame picks up the kendo stick she had a few moments earlier and begins to choke Trish with it. The ref rolls out of the ring and asks Flame to stop but she just glares at the ref. He rolls back into the ring a little scared as inside the ring Brish hits a fame-asser on Jai and covers her 1...2...2.7 Flame pulls Brish off of Jai and smacks her over the head with a stop sign. Flame climbs onto the ring apron and goes to get into the ring but Jai jumps up to her feet and hits a drop kick to Flame knocking her off the apron and down to the mats. Jai climbs out to the ring apron and jumps off with a diving cross body to Flame on the outside. The ref rolls out of the ring to call the cover 1...2... Flame kicks out. Jai gets up and ducks a clothesline from Trish Morris who has now recovered from being choked. Jai kicks at Trish's back and performs a side Russian leg sweep on Trish. Brish gets up and grabs Jai from behind. Brish throws Jai over the ring barrier and into the crowd, she quickly follows. Brish sits on Jai and starts to smash her head off the concrete floor. Brish lifts up Jai and nails her with a DDT right on the concrete. Brish covers her 1...2...2.8 the pin is broken by Flame who hit a drop kick to the back of Brish's head. Flame pushes one of the fans in the crowd down and takes their steel chair. Flame smashes the steel chair off the head of Brish near knocking her out. Trish Morris gets on the ring apron and looks to jump down on Flame but the champ catches her with a chair shot also. Flame laughs as Trish Morris falls back to the mats. Flame turns to Jai but Jai catches her with an enziguri smashing Flame's head off the steel chair. Jai jumps over the ring barrier away from the crowd and see's Trish Morris laid out. Jai picks up the steel steps and places them in a new position. Jai lifts up Trish Morris and hits her with a Mind-Eraser. She hits the finisher right on the steel steps. Jai covers Trish Morris 1...2...3
Winner: Jai (WCW Women's Hardcore)

Penser: Your winner and New WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Jai!!!

Tony: Jai just recaptured her Women's Hardcore title!!!

Madden: Flame is not going to be happy

:Backstage: Christian's Office

:Christian, Trish, Tyson, & Maven are shown in the office:

Maven: You wanted to see me?

Christian: Yes Maven, I know we have not always seen eye to eye on things but Maven I just wanted to let you know that you have my full support tonight in Toronto because that Cheating Low down Dirty American Brandon Davis is not a good Champion and I am confident the people of Toronto will cheer for the right man tonight and that is you Maven

Maven: I agree with you Christian, I always loved coming to Canada where as brandon hates Canada and tonight I am confident with you as the referee the match will be called right down the middle and there is no way Brandon can win

Christian: Exactly

:Maven and Christian shake hands:


Tony: Things are not looking good for Brandon later tonight

Madden: I smell a new World Champion

Penser: The Following Contest is a Bra and Panties Match(Crowd Cheers)

"Beyond Beautiful" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, From St. John's Newfoundland, Canada, Christine

Tenay: Based on experience, Christine is the favorite although Bra and Panties Matches are not about wrestling ability its about avoiding your clothing being torn off

"99 Problems" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: The 2nd Participant, From Atlanta, Georgia, Holly Mathews

Tony: If Holly Mathews wins this match, Scott Wright will get another WCW TV Title Shot

Madden: Holly is going to step in to the ring to try to help her man out

"Gasolina" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: The 3rd Participant, From New York, New York, Ashley!!

Tenay: Here comes one of the newer divas signed to WCW, Ashley

"These Boots are Made For Walking" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Penser: Finally, From Right Here in Toronto, Leyla!!

Tony: The Hometown Leyla getting a huge ovation here

Tenay: Leyla like Ashley is a new diva here for WCW and what a way to make her Pay Per View Debut

Bra & Panties: Ashley vs Christine vs Holly Mathews vs Leyla
Christine and Ashley start things off in the ring as both ladies lock up with Ashley getting a headlock applied but Christine picks up Ashley and backdrops her down as Ashley grabs her head as Christine gets up and grabs Ashley by her hair and hair tosses her across the ring as Ashley tags out to Leyla as Leyla comes into the ring but Christine attacks her coming into the ring as Christine immediately rips Leyla's pants off revealing Leyla's pink pair of panties as Christine smirks as Christine then takes Leyla and chops her a few times in the corner and Christine grabs Leyla's shirt and tries to rip it off but Leyla is trying to avoid it when Ashley comes into the ring and attacks Christine from behind as Ashley then holds Christine as Leyla slaps Christine a few times as Leyla then rips off Christine's shirt to reveal a red bra as Leyla then goes for her pants but Christine knee's Leyla in the face and elbows Ashley in the face as well as Christine then hits the Wrath of a Woman on Leyla and goes for it on Ashley but Ashley shoves Christine off the ropes but Christine spears down Ashley as she opens up on her with right hands as Leyla goes to hit Christine again but Christine knocks Leyla down with a right hand as Christine then kicks Ashley in the gut as she got up and Christine rips off Ashley's shirt to reveal a black bra as Christine then goes for the Beaufitful and Deadly but Leyla ends up grabbing Christine's pants while setting up Ashley and Leyla rips them off revealing Christine's red panties. Christine has been eliminated. Christine is not happy as she knocks down Leyla and tries to rip off her shirt but Referee Rudy Charles stops Christine and orders her to the back as Christine leaves pissed off. Holly comes into the ring seeing Leyla down and Holly tries to get her shirt off but Ashley hits Holly from behind as Ashley then goes for the Ashley Rump Shaker her and hits it on Holly as Ashley then takes Holly's pants and removes them to reveal Holly's blue thong!! Holly is out cold as Leyla then picks up Holly and is about to take her shirt off when Scott Wright makes his way to the ring as Ashley & Leyla turn there attention to Scott Wright and tell him to get out of here as Rudy Charles orders Scott Wright to the back but the distraction allowed Holly to get up as Holly goes over and rips Ashley's pants off revealing Ashley's black pair of panties. Ashley is eliminated. This leaves Leyla and Holly now as both ladies go to lock up as Holly kicks Leyla in the gut though as Holly goes for the Downward Spiral but Leyla ends up getting free and grabs Holly's shirt and rips it off revealing Holly's blue bra to end the match
Winner: Leyla

Penser: Your winner, Leyla

Tony: Leyla scores the impressive win here

Madden: Poor Holly

:Video Preview for Jackie Gayda vs Tara Rayge:

 Message 4 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:12 AM

Tony: Well Leyla got the win in the Bra and Panties Match and Holly did not leave in a good mood

Madden: I don't blame her for being angry

Tenay: Well no title shot for Scott Wright now

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Women's Championship

"The Way You Move" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, The Challenger, From Cleveland, Ohio, She is the 2005 WCW Queen of The Ring, Jackie Gayda

Tenay: Here comes the reigning Queen of The Ring Champion

Tony: Jackie has never been WCW Women's Champion and has only been SCWE Women's Champion and hasn't held the title since Wrestlemania 1 which was back on March 14th 2004

"Alive" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Penser: Her opponent, From Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, She is the WCW Women's Champion, Tara Rayge

Tenay: A great ovation for The Women's Champion

Madden: I don't care who wins this match

Tony: This should be a good fair contest between these two ladies

WCW Women's Championship: Tara Rayge(C) vs Jackie Gayda
Referee Charles Robinson shows off the WCW Women's Title as the bell then sounds as Jackie and Tara shake hands. Both ladies then circle each other before locking up with Tara backing Jackie against the ropes as Tara gives Jackie a clean break as both ladies then lock up again with Jackie getting Tara in a corner and Jackie gives Tara a clean break as both ladies seem appreciative as they lock up again with Tara locking in a headlock on Jackie but Jackie sends Tara off the ropes and Jackie goes down as Tara goes over top of Jackie and Tara comes back and Tara shoulder blocks Jackie down as Jackie gets up as Tara hits a few chops to Jackie backing Jackie up as Tara then takes Jackie and hip tosses her down as Jackie gets up, Tara hits a running clothesline knocking Jackie back down as Jackie gets up once more, Tara kicks her in the gut and Tara goes for a snap suplex which she hits as Jackie gets up grabbing her lower back as Tara hits a running bulldog on Jackie then as Tara covers Jackie for a 1--2--kick out, both ladies get back up as Tara kicks Jackie in the gut and Tara hits a DDT on Jackie as Tara then goes for the Sola-Nero but Jackie pulls Tara in with a small package for a 1---2--kick out. Both Ladies up as Jackie catches Tara with a backslide pin for a 1---2--2.7-kick out, Jackie then goes to hit Tara but Tara ducks and gets Jackie with a backslide pin of her own for a 1---2--2.6-kick out. Both ladies get up as Tara kicks Jackie in the gut and goes for a small package for a 1--2--2.7-kick out, Jackie gets up and rolls up Tara for a 1---2--kick out. Jackie then goes to hit Tara but Tara ducks it and rolls up Jackie for a 1--2--2.6-kick out. Both ladies get back up and back away from each other as they go to lock up with Tara kicking Jackie in the gut as Tara then knocks down Jackie with a big right hand as Tara gets on top of Jackie and opens up on her with a few right hands to the head but Jackie flips Tara off her as Jackie gets up as Tara comes at Jackie but Jackie catches Tara with a hip toss taking Tara down as Tara is getting up and Jackie hits a dropkick knocking Tara into the corner as Jackie then rolls up Tara again for a 1---2--2.6-kick out. Tara gets up as Jackie kicks her in the gut and Jackie hits a running knee lift to the face of Tara taking Tara down as Jackie picks up Tara and Jackie slams her down near the corner as Jackie goes up top and Jackie comes off looking for a moonsault but Tara gets her knee's up as Jackie hits hard as Jackie is grabbing her stomach as Tara goes up top as Jackie is getting up and Tara hits a missile dropkick on Jackie as Tara then picks up Jackie and slams her down in the corner as Tara goes up top and Tara comes off looking for The Rayge Effect and hits it as she hooks the leg for the 1--2--2.9-Jackie gets her foot on the bottom rope. Tara can't believe that Jackie kicked out as Tara then picks up Jackie and slams her down in the center of the ring as Tara goes for the Sola-Nero but Jackie kicks Tara knocking her down as Jackie gets back up but Tara hits her in the back and whips her off the ropes as Tara goes for a Hurricanrana but Jackie catches Tara and power bombs her down as Jackie then picks up Tara and goes for a Twist of Fate but Tara shoves Jackie into the ropes as Jackie comes back as Tara goes for another Hurricanrana and this time hits sending Jackie across the ring as Tara goes to get Jackie but Jackie ends up picking Tara and drives her face first into the top turnbuckle knocking the wind out of Tara as Jackie goes up top and Jackie comes off hitting a Blockbuster on Tara as Jackie then goes up again and hits a Moonsault and hooks the leg for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Jackie Gayda (WCW Women's)

Penser: Your winner and new WCW Women's Champion, Jackie Gayda

Tony: Jackie Gayda has done it!!

Tenay: Jackie Gayda is the new WCW Women's Champion!!!

:Jackie is celebrating her win when Skylar Thomas comes from the crowd and gets into the ring and hits Jackie down from behind as Skylar takes Jackie and rams her head off the mat several times but Tara Rayge then grabs Skylar and throws her off as Skylar rolls out to the floor and Skylar tells Tara that she is going to dominate the WCW Women's Division as Skylar leaves through the crowd as Tara picks up the WCW Women's Title and helps up Jackie and Tara hands Jackie the title and Raises Jackie's arm:

Tony: Now that is a good sign of sportsmanship

Tenay: It sure was

Madden: That made me sick to my stomach

:Video Preview for Jamie Gunz vs Edge vs Jerome Morris vs Petey Williams:

Tony: Well we are going to see a #1 Contender's United States Championship Match Up Next

Tenay: This is going to be a great contest with four of the very best WCW Superstars

Madden: Yeah as long as Edge loses I'll be happy

Tony: Just to state before the thing starts, Scott D'Amore has been banned from ringside

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a #1 Contender's Match for the WCW United States Championship

"American Idiot" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Winsor, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 180 Pounds, Petey Williams

Tenay: Petey Williams getting a great response from these Toronto Fans and this is a golden chance for Petey

"Wake Up" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: The 2nd Participant, From Denver, Colorado, weighing in at 195 Pounds, Jerome Morris

Madden: Well here comes Jerome Morris who like Petey is getting a big chance

"I Predict A Riot" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: The 3rd Participant, From New York, New York weighing in at 242 Pounds, Jamie Gunz

Tony: Here comes Jamie Gunz who has been US Champion before and wants to get another shot

"You Think You Know Me" hits, Crowd Chants We Want Christian as They Boo

Penser: Finally, From Right Here in Toronto, Weighing in at 278 Pounds, Edge!!!

Madden: Wow Edge is getting booed here

Tenay: Edge is from here though

Madden: Well Edge and Christian are at odds and Toronto loves Christian so I guess they have chosen Christian

Tony: I guess so

#1 Contender for WCW US Title: Jerome Morris vs Jamie Gunz vs Edge vs Petey Williams
All four men are staring at each other as Charles Robinson signals for the bell. Edge and Jamie immediately go after each other exchanging right hands. Petey goes after Jamie but Jerome grabs him and says you want to screw my wife out of the Women's Title. Jerome and Petey then start to exchange blows. Petey goes for a big right hand but Jerome blocks it and hits Petey with The Thrill Seekers. Jerome then goes to cover but Jamie knocks Edge down with a big right hand and then hits Jerome from behind. Jamie then hits a backside pin on Jerome for the---1---2---2.5---Edge breaks it up. Jamie then gets up and goes to hit Edge but Edge hits a big boot on Jamie. Jerome then grabs Edge from behind but Edge elbows Jerome and then gets behind him and hits him with a German Suplex. Edge then starts to taunt as Petey gets up and hits Edge from behind. Petey then grabs Edge and hits a Russian Leg Sweep on him. Petey then goes to cover but Jamie gets back up and grabs Petey and hits a Stalling Suplex on him. Jerome then gets back up and runs at Jamie but Jamie sends him flying out to the floor. Edge then gets back up and Jamie hits him with a dropkick. Jamie then climbs the turnbuckle and goes for a Gunz Sault but Edge gets his knees up. Jamie his holding his ribs in pain as Edge gets back up. Petey gets up too and runs at Edge but Edge kicks him in the gut and hits a Snap Suplex on him. Edge then throws Petey out to the floor. Edge then locks Jamie in the Edgecater and is screaming for him to tap. Jamie is trying to get to the ropes as Jerome comes back in and kicks Edge in the back of the head. Jerome then picks Edge up and hits him with a Vertebreaker. Jerome then picks Jamie up and hits him with a Vertebreaker. Jerome then covers Jamie for the---1---2---2.8---kick out. Jerome then picks Jamie up and whips him into the corner. Edge is getting back up but Jerome kicks him in the stomach and goes for The Cocky Cutter but Edge pushes Jerome as he goes right into a drop kick from Petey who got back into the ring. Petey then runs at Edge and hits him down with a Flying Lariat. Petey then locks a the Boston Crab on Edge. Edge is inching his way to the ropes but Petey locks it in tighter. Edge is about to tap when Jamie kicks Petey in the face. Jamie then picks Petey up and hits him with a Blackhole Slam. Edge then gets up and goes after Jamie but Jamie kicks him in the gut and then hits The Hallow Bullets on him. Jamie goes to cover but Jerome hits Jamie with a big right hand. Jamie is on the mat as Jerome hits Jamie with a Lion Sault and covers for the---1---2---2.7---Petey breaks up the pin. Petey then grabs Jerome and whips him into the corner. Petey then goes over and chops Jerome in the chest as the crowd wooos. Petey goes to do it again but Edge rolls Petey up for the---1---2---2.7---Jerome breaks up the pin. Jerome then picks Edge up and goes for The Thrill Seekers but Edge elbows Jerome in the head. Edge then hits a Snap Suplex on Jerome. Edge picks Jerome up and hits another one on him. Edge then covers but Petey breaks up the pin. Edge then hits Petey with a big right hand. Petey stumbles right into a Last Breath from Jamie. Jamie then quickly covers for  the---1---2---2.9---Edge breaks the pin up. Jamie then gets up as him and Edge are circling each other. They both lock up but Edge gets the better of Jamie and hits a Suplex on him. Jamie then gets back up as Edge runs at him but Jamie kicks Edge in the stomach. Jamie then hits a Black hole Slam on Edge and covers for the---1---2---2.9---Edge gets his foot on the rope. Jamie is working over Edge as Petey and Jerome are exchanging right hands again. Petey then knocks Jerome out to the floor. Petey goes to go after Edge and Jamie but Jerome grabs Petey by the foot and drags him out to the ring. Jerome and Petey then start to go at it. Jamie then picks Edge up but Edge hits Jamie in the stomach. Edge then hits a Suplex on Jamie again. Edge then sets up for a Spear and when Jamie gets up Edge nails him with it but Jamie's arm flail and hit Charles Robinson knocking him out. Edge then covers but notices the ref is knocked out. Just then Tyson comes running down to the ring and turns Edge around and hits a Big Boot on him. Tyson then picks Edge up and hits the Problem Solved on him. Tyson then wakes Jamie and Charles Robinson up. Jerome and Petey are still brawling it out on the floor. Tyson then leaves the ring as Jamie picks Edge up and hits the Last Breath on him. Jamie then covers for the---1---2---Jerome and Petey both try to get back in to break it up but they're too late---3
Winner: Jamie Gunz

Penser: Your winner, Jamie Gunz

Tony: Jamie Gunz just got the win but thanks to Tyson Tomko's interference

Madden: I guess Edge talking trash on Christian caused Tyson to take revenge since Edge was a Problem

Tenay: Well it was a great match until Tyson getting involved

Madden: Well Jamie Gunz is now the #1 Contender and thats all that matters

Tony: Well since we have crowned a new #1 Contender for the WCW US Championship, The Next Contest is going to be for the WCW US Title when Billy Gunn defends it against Jason Walker but lets take a look at how it came about

:Video Preview for Jason Walker vs Billy Gunn:

 Message 5 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:12 AM

Tenay: This is going to be a very good match

"Learn To Fly" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st Making his Way To The Ring, The Challenger, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 210 Pounds, Jason Walker!!!

Tenay: Here comes Jason Walker who is trying to make the same rise as his brothers before him

Madden: I used to like Jason but he really disgraces Pittsburgh by being such a goodie too shoes

"Chop Suey" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: His opponent, From Houston, Texas weighing in at 268 Pounds, He is the WCW United States Champion, The "Outlaw" Billy Gunn

Tony: Well here comes The US Champion

Madden: Now Billy Gunn is a guy I can really get behind

WCW United States Championship: Billy Gunn(C) vs Jason Walker
Charles Robinson holds the United States Title up as Jason and Billy stare at each other. Charles Robinson then signals for the bell. Jason and Billy begin to circle each other. Billy comes in to lock up but Jason gets around Billy. Jason goes for a Backdrop but Billy wraps his leg around Jason's and then counters into a hip toss. Jason then gets up as Billy is running at him and Jason hits an arm drag on Billy. Billy then gets up as Jason is taunting. Billy then says you're mine. Billy and Jason then lock up. Billy uses his size and over powers Jason and shoves him down. Billy goes to stomp at Jason but Jason rolls out of the way and then gets up. Billy then comes over and tries to lock up with Jason but Jason quickly moves out of the way and hits Billy with a sidekick to the gut. Jason then starts to open up on Billy with right hands and then whips Billy into the corner. Jason runs at Billy but Billy moves out of the way but Jason jumps up onto the turnbuckle and comes off and hits Billy with a back elbow. Jason then gets up and gets an arm lock on Billy. Billy gets to his feet from his knees and then hits Jason with a knee to the stomach. Billy then hits a clothesline on Jason. Billy then starts to stomp away on Jason. Billy then taunts a bit. Billy picks Jason up and whips him into the corner. Billy then comes over and starts to hit Jason with right hands. Jason ends up falling to the mat as Billy starts to choke him. Charles Robinson then comes over and warns Billy to break the hold. Billy does then Billy goes to pick Jason up but Jason elbows Billy in the stomach and then hops up on the turnbuckle and hits Billy with a Blockbuster. Jason then crawls over and pins Billy for the---1---2---2.4---kick out. Jason and Billy then both start to get up. Billy gets up first and goes to hit Jason but Jason blocks his punch and swings at Billy. Billy then hits Jason right back as both men start exchanging right hands. Jason then ducks a big right hand from Billy and then hits Billy with a European Uppercut. Jason then kicks Billy in the stomach and hits the Walk of Fate. Jason then quickly covers for the---1---2---2.9---kick out. Jason can't believe it. Jason then picks Billy up but Billy hits Jason in the stomach with an elbow shot and then hits Jason with a Belly to Belly Suplex. Billy then gets back up and picks Jason up and hits him with another Belly to Belly. Billy then covers for the---1---2---2.8---kick out. Billy then picks Jason up and whips him off of the ropes and hits a Spinebuster on him. Billy then covers Jason but Jason gets his foot on the rope. Billy then picks Jason up and whips him into the corner. Billy then hits a big chop on Jason as the crowd Billy causing him to go face first into the turnbuckle. Billy is down as Jason is holding his chest in pain. Charles Robinson goes to start the count----1----2----3----Jason gets to his feet as Billy is still dazed in the corner. Jason then picks Billy up and throws him out to the floor. Jason then climbs the turnbuckle and then goes for a Shooting Star Press and hits it. The crowd goes nuts as both men are down. Charles Robinson then starts the count----1----2----3----4----5----6----7---8----Jason gets up and rolls into the ring stopping the count. Jason then rolls back out and rolls Billy into the ring. Jason then covers Billy for the---1---2---2.9999999999---kick out. Jason's jaw drops as Charles Robinson signals no three. Jason then picks Billy up but Billy hits Jason in the stomach. Billy then opens up on Jason with right hands. Billy then finishes the combo with a big boot to the face. Jason starts to bleed a bit from his nose as Billy picks Jason up and hits a Stalling Suplex on him. Billy then climbs the turnbuckle. Billy goes for a Frog Splash but Jason gets up and hits Billy with the Walker Kick. Jason then falls down and can't capitalize as both men are down. Charles Robinson then starts the count again----1----2----3----4----5----6----7----8----Billy and Jason both make it to their feet. Jason goes for a right hand but Billy gets behind him and hits a German Suplex on him. Billy then goes to cover but Jason gets his foot on the rope. Billy then tells Charles Robinson come on as he picks Jason up. Billy turns Jason around and goes for another German Suplex but Jason wraps his leg around Billy's and then rolls Billy up with a Small Package for the---1---2---2.7---kick out. Jason then picks Billy up and whips him into the corner. Jason then sets Billy up on the top turnbuckle and goes for the Walker 360 but in mid air Billy counters it into a DDT. The crowd goes nuts as Jason and Billy are both down again. Charles Robinson goes to start the count but Billy uses the ropes and gets up. Billy then picks Jason up and goes for the Fameasser but Jason grabs Billy's leg and then locks him in the Walls of Walker. Billy is screaming in pain as Jason locks it in tighter. Billy starts to inch his way to the ropes as Jason locks it in tighter and tighter. Jason then gets the leverage and Billy can't go anywhere. Billy holds on for as long as he can but he can't withstand the pain and finally taps out
Winner: Jason Walker (WCW US)

Penser: Your winner and New WCW United States Champion, Jason Walker

Tenay: We got a new US Champion!!!

Tony: A Great Wrestling Clinic was just put on and Jason Walker has emerged victorious

:Parking Lot:

:A Limo is shown arriving:

:Video Preview for Brandon Davis vs Maven:

Tony: Who was in the limo?

Tenay: I don't know but whoever it is sure got here late because its time for the Main Event

Madden: I don't know who it is and I don't really care because its time for Maven to achive his destiny here

Penser: The Main Event of WCW Starrcade is scheduled for one fall and is a No Disqualification Match and it is for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship(Crowd Goes Nuts)

"Peep Show" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st The Special Problem Solver, Tyson Tomko

Tony: Well here is The "Problem Solver" Tyson Tomko who I think is here for one reason and that is to make sure Brandon Davis does not leave Toronto as WCW World Champion

"Tough Enough" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, From Charlestown, Virginia weighing in at 220 Pounds, He is the 2005 WCW King of The Ring, Maven!!!!

Madden: Here comes Maven who is going to finally reclaim the World Title just like Jackie won the Women's Title earlier because it is Maven's destiny

"For Whom The Bell Toll's" hits, Crowd Boo's Loudly

Penser: His opponent, weighing in at 252 Pounds, From Knoxville, Tennessee, He is the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, The "Badass American" Brandon Davis

Tony: The World Champion is not liked in Canada

Madden: Finally us Canadians can agree on something

Tenay: Both Maven and Brandon Davis are former members of The Hulkamaniacs

"King of My World" hits, Crowd Goes Crazy

Penser: Finally, The Special Guest Referee, He is the WCW General Manager, CHRISTIAN!!!

Tony: The Loudest Ovation of the night is saved for the Special Referee!!

Madden: Well we are in the heart of Peepland

WCW World Heavyweight Championship: No DQ: Brandon Davis(C) vs Maven; Special Referee: Christian; Special Problem Solver: Tyson Tomko
Christian and Brandon both have some words as Maven goes to attack Brandon from behind but Brandon turns around and opens up on Maven with right hands knocking Maven back as Brandon knocks him down with a big right hand as Brandon then kicks Maven knocking him back into the corner as Brandon stomps away at Maven in the corner. Christian then tells Brandon to watch what he is doing as Brandon flips Christian off as Brandon stomps away at Maven some more as Christian grabs Brandon as Brandon turns around and knocks down Christian with a right hand as Tyson Tomko quickly gets into the ring as Brandon and Tyson have some words when Maven attacks Brandon from behind as Maven takes Brandon and Maven rams Brandon head first into the turnbuckle as Maven then rams Brandon's head off the mat several more times but Brandon elbows Maven in the gut and Brandon then rams Maven's head off it as Brandon keeps Maven in the corner and chops him a few times as Brandon then climbs up in the corner and opens up on Maven with 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-and finally a 10th Punch as Brandon jumps down and Maven wobbles out of the corner and Brandon grabs Maven and belly 2 belly suplex's him down to the mat. Brandon then spreads Maven's legs as Brandon kicks Maven between them as Maven rolls over in pain as Brandon is smiling as picks up Maven again and Brandon whips Maven off the ropes and Brandon puts his head down as he gets a big back body drop as Maven gets up grabbing his lower back when Brandon hits a clothesline knocking down Maven as Brandon then goes for the Sharpshooter but Maven kicks Brandon down to the mat as Maven tries to get up but Brandon attacks him while getting up as Brandon pulls Maven out but Maven does a mule kick to Brandon as Maven turns around then and Maven picks up Brandon and slams him down as Maven waits as Brandon gets up and Maven hits a picture perfect dropkick knocking down Brandon as Maven goes up top in a hurry as Brandon is getting back up and Maven comes off and hits a Missile Dropkick as Maven covers for a 1-2-shoulder up. Maven then starts to choke Brandon as Christian does not warn Brandon but Brandon hits Maven a few times in the head causing him to break it as Brandon starts to get up as Maven attacks Brandon knocking him back down as Maven then kicks Brandon a few times hard in the ribs as Maven picks up Brandon and throws him out to the floor as Tyson Tomko then waits as Brandon gets up and Tyson hits a Big Boot on Brandon laying him out as Tyson picks up Brandon and rolls him back into the ring as Maven covers Brandon for a 1-2-2.9-shoulder up. Maven pounds the mat in disgust of Brandon kicking out as Christian tells him to finish him off as Maven goes up top and waits a Brandon gets up and Maven comes off looking for the Blockbuster but Brandon moves out of the way as Maven hits the mat hard as Maven gets on his knees to get up but Brandon hits a Fameasser on him as Brandon then rolls out to the floor and grabs a Steel Chair but Tyson Tomko attacks Brandon and Tyson rams Brandon off the time keepers table as Tyson then grabs the Steel Chair and goes to hit Brandon with it but Brandon kicks Tyson in the gut and Brandon takes the chair back and hits Tyson over the head with the chair as Christian motions to the back as Jerome Morris comes running out to ringside and Jerome goes to hit Brandon but Brandon lays out Jerome with the Chair but Maven attacks Brandon from behind causing Brandon to drop the chair as Maven takes Brandon and rams him into the ring post as Christian is direction traffic when Edge comes into the ring as Christian is unaware and Christian turns around and walks right into a spear from Edge!!! Edge then starts to pound away at Christian when Jamie Gunz hits the ring and Jamie attacks Edge as Jamie then helps up Christian but Lita comes out and gets on the top rope and Lita comes off hitting a Hurricanrana on Jamie sending him across the ring as Edge then spears Jamie Gunz over the top rope to the floor but Christian attacks Edge from behind and Christian sets up Edge for a UnPrettier but Jason Walker hits the ring as Edge shoves Christian right into Jason Walker who goes for the Walls of Walker and locks it in on Christian!!! Maven though comes into the ring and breaks up the hold as Edge then knocks down Maven with a right hand but Lance Storm and Billy Gunn hit the ring and attack Edge and Jason Walker as Storm throws Edge to the floor as does Gunn with Jason Walker as Jamie Gunz goes over and attacks Jason Walker as Billy Gunn goes over and picks up Brandon and Billy slams Brandon down on the floor as Jamie Gunz and Jason Walker brawl to the backstage as does Edge and Lance Storm. Billy Gunn takes Brandon and rolls him into the ring as Maven goes up top as Brandon tries to get up and Maven comes off hitting the Blockbuster on Brandon as Maven covers Brandon for the 1-2-2.9-Brandon powers out. Christian, Maven, Tyson Tomko, & Billy Gunn are all in shock as Brandon starts to get up shaking around as Maven goes to hit Brandon but no effect as Billy Gunn gets into the ring and Billy attacks Brandon as he gets up and Brandon is moving around much like Hulk Hogan "Hulking Up" and Finally Brandon stops and Brandon points to Gunn and Maven and tells them its you that he wants as Billy and Maven both go to hit Brandon but Brandon blocks it and rams there heads together as Tyson Tomko comes in with the chair and hits Brandon in the back with it as Brandon goes down to the mat as Christian then grabs Brandon and sets him up for the UnPrettier and Christian hits it as Christian tells Maven to cover him as Maven does but "Real American" hits over the PA as The Place Erupts even louder then Christian's Entrance

 Message 6 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:13 AM

Tony: Oh My God!!!!!!


Madden: I thought he went to SCWE?

Tony: All I know he is he is coming for the ring

Hulk Hogan gets into the ring as Tyson Tomko goes to attack him but Hogan blocks it and opens up on Tyson with right hands as Hogan takes Tyson and throws him over the top to the floor as Billy Gunn goes to hit Hogan but Hogan backdrops Billy who lands into Tyson Tomko as both men are down as Maven goes to hit Hogan but Hogan blocks it and knocks down Maven when Christian hits Hogan in the back with the chair as Hogan goes down his knee as Christian drops the chair and goes for the UnPrettier and this it on The Steel Chair as Christian is gloating as Hogan rises up and is Hulking Up as The Place is Going Nuts and Christian is thanking the people thinking the ovation is for him as Maven goes to hit Hogan but Hogan Big Boots him down as Christian turns around and see's Hogan standing there as he goes to hit Hogan but Hogan blocks it and opens up on Christian with a few right hands and whips Christian off the ropes and Hogan hits a Big Boot as Maven gets up but Brandon hits the Rush on Maven taking him down as Hogan comes off the ropes and drops The Big Leg Drop on Christian as Hogan knocks Billy Gunn and Tyson off the apron as Brandon covers Maven as Hogan takes Christian's arm and pounds it off the mat for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Brandon Davis

Penser: Your winner and Still WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Brandon Davis!!!

Tony: Brandon Davis despite everything that was thrown at him has defied the odds and retained his title!!

Madden: No its not fair!!! HE CHEATED

Tenay: Like it or not though, Brandon Davis is still the WCW World Champion and these Toronto fans are now cheering for Brandon

Madden: Its because of Hogan

:Tyson helps Christian up the entry way as Christian looks pissed off as "Real American" hits as Brandon and Hulk Hogan start to pose as The Toronto Crowd is going nuts as Maven looks on the verge of tears about losing and Christian can be seen mouthing the words that this isn't over yet:

Tony: We hope you have enjoyed Starrcade and we will see you all tomarrow night for Nitro and who knows if Hulk Hogan will be there or not, Good Night

:Starrcade Goes off The Air:

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