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PPV : Psychotic Games 9/18/05
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 Message 1 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 2:30 AM

Psychotic Games

Results 9/18/05 Live From Lubbock, Texas

Dark Match: Chris Copeland defeated Goldberg

Dark Match: Viscera & Gangrel defeated Batista & Scar

Promo's for the PPV Air:

Pyro Then Explodes!! as "Deadly Game" plays to open up Psychotic Games

Tony: Welcome to KSCWE Psychotic Games!!

Tenay: We have 14 Major Hitting Contests scheduled for you tonight

Madden: Yeah like Maven taking on Brandon Davis for the WCW World Title and I got a feeling we are going to see a Title Change

Tony: Plus SCWE Has a huge Main Event with a 8 Man Elimination Chamber but lets not waste anymore time and go to the ring for the opening contest

Penser: The Opening Contest of KSCWE Psychotic Games is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Women's Championship

"LoveFuryEnergyPassion" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, From Sanford, North Carolina, Lita!!!

Tony: Here comes the lovely Lita who defeated Flame to get this title shot

"My Immortal" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: Her opponent, From Flamming Starr, Massachusetts, Flame

Madden: Well here comes Flame now who got this title shot by defeating Jackie Gayda in a Non-Title Match

"The Way You Move" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Finally, From Cleveland, Ohio, She is the WCW Women's Champion, Jackie Gayda

Tenay: Well here comes the champion

WCW Women's Championship: Jackie Gayda(C) vs Lita vs Flame
Referee Charles Robinson shows off the Women's Title as Jackie and Lita shake hands but Flame goes to attack both of them but Lita and Jackie catch Flame and both divas kick Flame in the gut and Jackie and Lita then hit a double snap suplex to Flame as Flame rolls out to the floor grabbing her back as Lita tells Flame that she got more when Jackie attacks Lita from behind. Jackie then takes Lita and whips her off the ropes and Jackie puts her head down but Lita stops and grabs Jackie and hits a big DDT when Flame re-enters the ring and knocks down Lita as Flame grabs Lita and starts to ram her head off the mat several times as Flame then picks up Lita and rams her head off the turnbuckle several times as Flame then pulls Lita out and rams her shoulder first in to the ring post. Flame then takes Lita and locks in the Flamming Ambition but Jackie Gayda quickly hits Flame from behind as Jackie turns Flame around and Jackie goes for a Modified Twist of Fate but Flame ends up hitting Jackie in the back and Flame then hits a reverse DDT on Jackie as Flame goes up top and comes off looking for the Flame Bomb but Jackie moves out of the way as flame hits hard as Jackie then hits a modified RKO on Flame as Jackie covers for a 1---2--Lita breaks up the pin. Lita hits a few chops to Jackie as Lita then whips Jackie off the ropes and Lita then hits a kick to the gut stopping Jackie in her place and Lita goes for a Twist of Fate but Jackie counters into a backslide pin for a 1---2--2.8-kick out. Both ladies get back up but Flame takes them both down with a clothesline. Flame then waits as Jackie gets up first and Flame opens up on Jackie with right hands and Flame picks up Jackie and slams her down when Lita then hits a clothesline knocking Flame through the ropes and out to the floor as Jackie gets back up and Lita kicks Jackie in the gut and Lita then hits a Twist of Fate a Flame gets back on the apron but Lita knocks Flame down with a right hand as Lita climbs up top and hits a Litasault for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Lita (WCW Womens)

Penser: Your winner and New WCW Women's Champion, Lita!!!

Tony: We got a new Women's Champion and its Lita!!!

Madden: Flame got robbed

Tenay: Flame tried to get back in to the ring but Lita knocked her off the apron before finishing the job on Jackie

:Video Preview for WCW Women's Hardcore Championship Battle Royal:

Tony: Well up next we are going to have another WCW Contest and this time its  a Over The Top Rope Battle Royal for the WCW Women's Hardcore Championship

Tenay: Some of WCW's best divas taking part in this match so lets go to the ring and David Penser

Madden: I am looking forward to this

Penser: The Following Contest is a Over The Top Rope Battle Royal for the WCW Women's Hardcore Championship

"I Break Things" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, Tapanga Britt

Tony: Tapanga Britt is coming off an impressive showing on Nitro against Lita

"These Boots Were Made For Walking" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: The 2nd Entrant, Leyla

Madden: I like Leyla's chances in this match

"Bring Me To Life" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Penser: The 3rd Entrant is Phoenix Silvermoon

Tenay: Phoenix has looked good in her recent matches as well

"You Shook Me All Night Long" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: The 4th Entrant, Brish

Tony: Well Brish is looking to walk out as champion tonight

"All Grown Up" hits, Crowd Continues to Cheer

Penser: The 5th Entrant, Stephanie McMahon

Tenay: The former multi-time Women's Champion is back and looking to recapture some gold

"Planet Hell" hits, Crowd Continues Goes Nuts

Penser: The 6th Entrant, From Boise, Idaho, Torrie Wilson

Tony: Torrie is getting met with a great reaction here

"The Only" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: Finally, She is the WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Jai

Madden: I don't see Jai losing

WCW Women's Hardcore Championship Battle Royal: Jai(C) vs Brish vs Leyla vs Phoenix Silvermoon vs Stephanie McMahon vs Tapanga Britt vs Torrie Wilson
The Bell Sounds as all the divas gang up and go after Jai but Phoenix Silvermoon ends up knocking down Torrie with a right hand and Stephanie grabs Leyla and throws her into the corner as Steph goes to work on Leyla but Leyla reverses and gets Steph in the corner and Leyla opens up on Steph. Tapanga Britt then attacks Brish from behind as Tapanga takes Brish and sends her over the top but Brish lands on the apron as Tapanga turned her attention and attacked Leyla from behind as Tapanga and Steph then double team Leyla. Brish meanwhile gets back into the ring and attacks Jai as Brish takes Jai and sends her over the top but Jai nips the cat and comes back up and grabs Brish with her legs and flips Brish over the ropes to the floor as Jai gets back in the ring. Brish has been eliminated. Jai is gloating over the elimination when Phoenix Silvermoon attacks her from behind as Phoenix goes for the Phoenix wing but Jai pushes Phoenix away right into to Torrie Wilson who hits a big spinebuster on her as Tapanga then hits the Brittpatize on Phoenix as Tapanga gets back up when Leyla attacks her from behind and Leyla goes for the Leyla Go Boom but Tapanga hits Leyla a few times in the gut and Tapanga hits a big slap knocking down Leyla but Stephanie goes for the RKO but Tapanga sends Stephanie off the ropes and Tapanga hits a big hip toss as Stephanie gets back up and Torrie grabs Stephanie and sends her flying over the top to the floor. Stephanie McMahon has been eliminated. Leyla gets back up as Phoenix hits a clothesline sending Leyla over the top to the floor. Leyla has been eliminated. All 4 Divas then look at each other as Tapanga goes after Jai while Torrie and Phoenix go at it. Tapanga catches Jai with a kick to the gut and Tapanga then grabs Jai and hits a big snap suplex as Tapanga goes up top but Torrie shakes the ropes causing Tapanga to straddle the top turnbuckle as Phoenix then goes over and knocks Tapanga off the top turnbuckle and onto the apron as Tapanga is holding on for dear life as Phoenix kicks away at Tapanga who gets back up but Phoenix grabs her and hits the Phoenix Wing over the ropes which sends Tapanga from the apron to the floor as Phoenix is gloating when Torrie clotheslines Phoenix over the top to the floor. Tapanga Britt & Phoenix Silvermoon has been eliminated. This leaves only Torrie Wilson & Jai as both divas have some words with each other before locking up with Jai getting a headlock but Torrie picks up Jai and hits a big backdrop on her as Jai gets up and Torrie kicks Jai in the gut and takes her down with a hip toss and then locks in an arm bar on Jai but Jai is able to escape it and Jai goes behind Torrie and Jai pushes Torrie into the ropes as Jai goes for a clothesline but Torrie ducks it and Torrie then goes for a Chick Kick but Jai ducks it and Jai hits a super kick on Torrie, Jai then picks up Torrie and sets her up for the Mind-Eraser and hits it on Torrie as Jai picks up Torrie and Jai says its over but Torrie grabs the ropes preventing her from going over as Torrie then flips Jai over the top but Jai lands on the apron as Torrie delivers a right hand dazing Jai as Torrie tries to get Jai but Jai ends up hitting Torrie in the gut as Jai then grabs Torrie and hip tosses her over the top to the floor.
Winner: Jai

Penser: Your winner and still WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Jai

Madden: I told you Jai would do it

Tenay: A great showing by Tapanga, Phoenix, and Torrie but Jai pulls it out in the end to retain

:Video Preview for WCW Tag Team Championship Match:

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 Message 2 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:30 AM

Tony: Well two matches down 12 to go and if your a WCW Fan then 2 down and 5 to go and the next match is ready to go for WCW

Madden: Yeah its a really suprising match too

Tenay: Two weeks ago on Nitro Rob Conway and Chris Kage made there debuts and shocked the world by winning the tag titles from Team Canada and tonight Team Canada goes for the gold again but this time another new Team MNM is set to debut can they debut with a big win

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Tag Team Championship

"American Idiot" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: 1st Making there way to the ring, being accumpied by Scott D'Amore weighing in at a combined weight of 452 Pounds, Bobby Roode & Johnny Devine better known as Team Canada

Tony: The former Tag Champs trying to regain there gold tonight

"Just Look At Me" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: There opponents weighing in at a combined weight of 470 Pounds, They are the WCW Tag Team Champions, Rob Conway and Chris Kage!!!

Tenay: Conway and Kage have looked good so far in there first two matches especially Conway

Tony: They shocked the world when they won the WCW Tag Title's on there debut night

"MNM Theme" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: Finally being accumpied by Melina weighing in at a combined weight of 436 Pounds, The Team of Joey Mercury and Johnny Nitro, MNM!!!

Madden: Now these guys here I like

Tenay: They come with alot of hype but can they live up to it?

WCW Tag Team Championship: Rob Conway & Chris Kage(C) vs Bobby Roode & Johnny Devine W/Scott D'Amore vs Johnny Nitro & Joey Mercury W/Melina
The Bell Sounds as Conway starts things off with Devine as both guys lock up with Devine getting a headlock but Conway shoves Devine off the ropes as Conway goes down with Devine leaping over Conway and Devine then comes off the other side as Conway grabs Devine and hip tosses him down as Conway then goes for a super kick on Devine but Devine ducks and Devine then kicks Conway in the gut and hits a big DDT on Conway, Devine then tags out quickly to Bobby Roode who comes in and Roode puts the boots to Conway as Roode picks up Conway and Roode goes for the Roode Awakening and hits it as he covers Conway but Chris Kage enters the ring and breaks up the pin right away as Johnny Devine comes back into the ring as Chris Kage opens up on Devine with right hands and Kage clotheslines Devine over the top to the floor as Chris Kage then gets clotheslined over the top himself by Bobby Roode as Devine and Kage go at it on the floor while Conway gets back up as Joey Mercury tags himself in and Mercury comes into the ring and attacks Roode from behind as Nitro also enters the ring as MNM double teams Roode and sends him off the ropes and Roode hits a big clothesline taking down both guys but Conway enters the ring and goes to hit Roode but Roode ducks and backdrops Conway over the top to the floor as Roode then walks into the Snap Shot as Mercury covers Roode for the 1---2--Nitro keeps Conway out from breaking the hold up--3.
Winners: Johnny Nitro & Joey Mercury (WCW Tag)

Penser: Your winners and new WCW Tag Team Champions, Johnny Nitro and Joey Mercury, MNM!!!


Tony: MNM stole the titles

Madden: They outsmarted the other teams and got the job done

Tenay: For the second time in three weeks a debuting Tag Team has come in and captured the Tag Team Title's

:Backstage: Christian's Office

:Christian & Tyson are shown:

Christian: Tyson tonight is going to be perfect, we are going to take care of all the loose ends

Tyson Tomko: .....

Christian: Jason Walker is going down, Edge is going down and Brandon Davis is going down, It's a Perfect Night

Tyson Tomko: . .....

:Just then Holly Mathews walks into the office:

Holly Mathews: Hello boys

Christian: What can I do for you Holly

Holly Mathews: Well I just wanted to thank you for the title chances for my boys and if you ever need a favor, just ask

Christian: Ok, Thats the kind of thing I like to hear which is why I respect your skills as a manager

:Holly smiles before leaving the locker room:

Christian: Stupid slut

:Tyson starts to chuckle:

:Video Preview for WCW Cruiserweight Championship Battle Royal:

Tony: Well up next we are going to see the return of the WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Tenay: The Cruiserweight Title has a longstanding history with such big names as Jamie Noble, Matt Walker, Chris Walker, Charlie Haas, and even Christian holding the title just to name a few

Madden: Well I must say I am looking forward to this match

Penser: The Following Contest is a Over The Top Rope battle Royal for the Vacant WCW Cruiserweight Championship

"To Fold" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Los Angelos, California, Brian Mason

Tony: Well here comes Brian Mason out

"Broken Man" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: The 2nd Entrant, From Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Chad Chaos

Madden: I like this Chad Chaos

"Viva La Raza" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: The 3rd Entrant, Juventud

Tenay: Well here comes The Juice now

"The End of Heartache" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: Finally, Representing The Conspiracy, Frankie Kazarian and Christopher Daniels

Madden: Well here comes two of Holly's boys

Tony: They have the strength in numbers here

WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Brian Mason vs Christopher Daniels vs Chad Chaos vs Juventud vs Frankie Kazarian
The Bell rings as all five men look at one another in the ring. All the men stare each other down then boom! they all run at one another and exchange punches and kicks. Frankie Kazarian and Christopher Daniels team together to take down Juventud with a double clothesline. The two men stomp away on Juvi as he attempts to get away. Brian Mason and Chad Chaos lock up with a collar and elbow tie up. Brian Mason manages to get Chad into a headlock, Chaos lifts up Brian and attempts a backdrop but Brian flips out of it and lands on his feet behind Chaos. Brian Mason grabs Chad and lifts him up for a backdrop but Chad flips out and lands on the turnbuckle. Brian Mason turns around and see's Chad Chaos launch off the top rope with a diving crossbody but Brian Mason catches Chad with a powerslam! Meanwhile on the other side of the ring Juvi is starting to fight his way back with a low blow to Christopher Daniels and a high impact drop kick which knocks down Frankie. Daniels charges at Juvi but Juvi flips him over with a arm drag, Daniels runs at Juvi again and Juventud hits the same move on Daniels. Frankie gets up and runs at Juvi, but Juvi kicks him in the gut and hooks his arm around Frankie's neck. Juvi nails Frankie with a DDT but as he was coming down he manages to hit an elbow drop to Chris Daniels. Juvi climbs up top and launches off with a moonsault nailing it on both Daniels and Kazarian. Back over with Brian Mason and Chad Chaos, Brian picks up Chad and tries to push him over the top rope but Chad Chaos is having none of it! Chad clutches onto the ropes. Juvi comes on over and helps Brian Mason push Chad over the top rope but now Chad locks his legs around the top rope as well as his arms. Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian get up and walk over to Juvi and Brian. Daniels clubs down on Juvi's back while Kazarian clubs down on Brian's. Daniels lifts up Juvi, and Kazarian lifts up Brian with a suplex, both men hold their opponents up for around thirty seconds but Juvi and Brian counter it by both wriggling out and landing behind Daniels and Kazarian. Juvi and Mason both connect with Daniels and Kazarian with a neck breaker. Juvi pulls Daniels in front of one of the turnbuckles while Brian Mason pulls Kazarian in front of the opposite turnbuckle to Juvi. Mason and Juvi climb the opposite turnbuckles to each other. In unison the two men launch off the turnbuckles; Brian Mason nailing a diving leg drop on Kazarian and Juvi connecting with a 450 splash to Daniels. Brian Mason and Juvi high five each other in celebration when from out  of nowhere Chad Chaos hits a huge crescent kick to Brian Mason's head sending Mason over the top rope to the mats below. (Brian Mason is eliminated). Chad Chaos spins around and clotheslines down Juvi. Juventud gets up and Chaos attempts to Irish whip Juvi but Juventud counters it and sends Chaos to the ropes, Chad bounces back and Juvi lifts up Chad with what looks like a Samoan drop but Chaos counters it into a snap crucifix.  Chaos rolls out of the move and grabs Juvi's legs. Chaos sets Juvi up for a toss, he tosses's Juvi and Juvi flies over the top rope but he manages to hold on and pulls himself up. Chaos attempts to knock Juvi off the ring apron with a clothesline but Juvi ducks it and pulls Chaos over the top rope but Chaos lands in the ring apron to. Juvi stomps away on Chaos trying to get him to fall but Chaos is having none of it. Chaos grabs a hold of Juvi's leg and pushes him back, Juvi nearly falls off but keeps his grip around the top rope. Chad Chaos stands up and now both Juvi and Chad are standing on the ring apron both exchanging punches. Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian both get up and have a few words, the two Conspiracy members run over to Chaos and Juvi who are still fighting it out on the ring apron. Daniels and Kazarian attempt to attack Chaos and Juvi but the two men on the ring apron see it just in time and both men hit shoulders to Daniels and Kazarian. Chad Chaos flips over Christopher Daniels and Juvi flips over Kazarian. Chaos and Juvi both look at one another and nod, they run to the ropes and bounce back. Juvi jumps up and hits a hurricanrana on Kazarian while Chad Chaos nails Daniels with a running tornado DDT. Chad and Juvi high five one another but straight after Chad's face turns from a smile to an evil smirk as he kicks Juvi in the gut and nails him with a fisherman's suplex. As Chaos gets up he viscously knocked down with a running enziguri. Frankie picks up Chaos and nails her with a german suplex. Juvi gets up now and runs up behind Kazarian and hits him with a bulldog. Juvi climbs out to the ring apron and waits for Frankie to get up, As Frankie does it seems as if Juvi is going for a springboard dropkick but both Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian charge at Juvi and nail him with a double shoulder block knocking Juvi off the top rope and to the mats outside the ring. (Juvi has been eliminated). Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian hug each other as they compliment each other on eliminating Juvi. They both turn to Chad Chaos who is just getting up from the suplex from Kazarian earlier. Chad runs at Frankie and Chris and jumps up with a running cross body. Kazarian and Daniels, though, catch him. They hit a double fall away slam on Chad, aiming to sending him over the top rope but Chad Chaos goes through the middle rope and is thus, not eliminated. Chad Chaos rolls around on the mats clutching his shoulder. He eventually gets up and climbs up to the top rope. Daniels and Kazarian turn around to him as Chaos launches off with a moonsault hitting a standing Frankie Kazarian. Chaos gets up and is kicked in the gut by Daniels. Christopher spins Chaos around and lifts him up for a backdrop but Chad counters it into a bulldog to Daniels. As Chaos gets back up he is knocked down with a shining wizard from Frankie. Then Kazarian lifts up Chad Chaos into the air with what looks like a suplex but Chaos wriggles out of it and lands behind Frankie. Daniels gets up and spins Chaos around to have his back to Kazarian and his face to Daniels. Christopher steps back and launches his foot up with a super kick but Chad Chaos just ducks it causing Daniels to super kick Frankie in the head sending him over the top rope! (Frankie Kazarian is eliminated). Christopher Daniels looks shocked as he looks over the ropes down at Frankie who glares at Daniels. Frankie is escorted backstage as Chad Chaos attempts to push Daniels over the top rope but Daniels holds on to the ropes and is going nowhere! Chad Chaos steps back and shakes his head at Daniels, Chad kicks Chris in the head. Daniels lets go of the ropes and he falls onto the ring apron and rolls back into the ring. Chad Chaos walks up to Daniels and attempts to lift him up but Daniels hits an elbow to Chad's gut. Daniels gets up fully and kicks Chad in the gut and sets him up for the Angel Wings. But from out of no where Frankie Kazarian nails Christopher Daniels with a jumping bike kick to the back of Daniels Head. Kazarian rolls out of the ring shouting at Daniels as Chris is laid out before one of the turnbuckles. Chad Chaos climbs up top and launches off with the 630 splash! he connects with Daniels and starts to pick Daniels up. Chad Chaos slowly pushes Christopher Daniels over the top rope and to the floor!
Winner: Chad Chaos (WCW Cruiserweight)

Penser: Your winner and New WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Chad Chaos

 Message 3 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:30 AM

Tony: Chad Chaos has done it!!

Tenay: Yeah but There may be some problems with the Conspiracy group

Madden: They will fix it in the end but what about Chad Chaos

Tony: Chad Chaos scored an impressive win thats for sure

:Backstage: Jason Walker's Locker Room

:Jason Walker is shown getting ready when Kaylee Walker walks into the office:

Jason Walker: Hey Kaylee

Kaylee Walker: Jason

Jason Walker: Congrats sis on the engagement

Kaylee Walker: Thank....

:Just then Matt Walker and Shane Douglas walk into the locker room:

Matt Walker: Well looky what we got here

Kaylee Walker: Matt just leave

Matt Walker: Kaylee shut up, this isn't about you this time, its about you Jason

Jason Walker: Me?

Matt Walker: Yeah you went soft

Jason Walker: I'm the US Champion ain't I

Matt Walker: You still wen't soft and I think its time you return to your roots

Jason Walker: Sorry Matt but I can't do that

:Matt smirks as he looks ready to strike when Scott and Chris Walker appear as Matt and Shane back off:

Scott Walker: Smart move there brother

:Matt and Shane are ready to leave when Matt says...

Matt Walker: Don't worry, I got a big suprise in store for all of you later tonight

:Matt and Shane leave the locker room as Scott, Chris, and Jason all start to laugh:


JR: Well up next we are going to see the SCWE Women's RAWCore Championship in a battle royal

Coach: Shouldn't you introduce us to everyone

King: Yeah, I am the King, this is the Coach and thats JR and its about time the A Brand got some attention

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is a Over The Top Rope Battle Royal for the SCWE Women's RAWCore Championship

"International Woman" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making her way to the ring, From Korea, Gail Kim

King: Well here is Gail Kim

"Toxic" hits, Crowd is mixed

Miss Shannon: The 2nd Entrant, From Green Bay, Wisconsin, Brianna

JR: Brianna has looked good in recent weeks and could suprise here

"Did My Time" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: The 3rd Entrant, From Denver, Colorado, Trish Morris

Coach: Well I think Trish Morris is going to win this match

"Walk This Way" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: The 4th Entrant, From Las Vegas, Nevada, She is one half of the SCWE Women's Tag Team Champions, Jezebel

JR: Well here comes Jezebel who has to be a favorite

"Everybody's Fool" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Finally, From Los Angelos, California, She is the SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion, Stacy Mason

JR: Here comes Stacy Mason now

Coach: The greatest Women's RAWCore Champion in history if you ask me

SCWE Women's Hardcore Championship Battle Royal: Stacy Mason(C) vs Brianna vs Gail Kim vs Jezebel vs Trish Morris
The Bell Sounds as all 5 divas have words with each other with Jezebel and Stacy Mason going at it as Trish Morris and Brianna lock up as Gail Kim then attacks Trish as well as Gail Kim and Brianna start to double team Trish Morris as Jezebel knocks down Stacy with a right hand as Jezebel then hits Brianna from behind as Jezebel hits a big DDT on Brianna while Gail Kim and Trish Morris are going at it and Gail knocks Trish back into the ropes as Gail goes for a clothesline but Trish moves out of the way and Trish then clotheslines Gail Kim over the top to the floor. Gail Kim has been eliminated. Trish then attacks Jezebel from behind as Trish pounds away at her and holds Jezebel in place as Stacy Mason joins in kicking her a few times in the gut as Stacy and Trish then whip Jezebel off the ropes but Jezebel hits a double clothesline taking down both divas when Brianna attacks Jezebel from behind as Brianna takes Jezebel and whips her off the ropes and Brianna puts her head down but Jezebel stops and grabs Brianna and Jezebel goes for The Bombshell but Stacy Mason takes out Jezebel's right knee as Brianna lands on top of Jezebel as Stacy Mason then grabs Jezebel and locks in a STF as Brianna kicks away at Jezebel while in the hold when Trish Morris grabs Brianna from behind and Trish takes Brianna and sends her flying over the top to the floor. Brianna has been eliminated. Trish Morris is gloating as Brianna is pissed as Trish then goes over and kicks Stacy Mason in the face breaking up the STF as Trish Morris then stomps away at Stacy Mason as Stacy gets up, Trish grabs Stacy and goes for the Blonde Bitch Walls but Stacy is able to fight out of it and knocks Trish back into Jezebel who was getting up knocking Jezebel back down as Trish turns around and Trish kicks Jezebel hard in the ribs as Trish turns around right into the Sleeping Beauty as Trish is screaming out in pain as Stacy reaches back for more pressure when Jezebel gets up and hits a kick to the face of Stacy Mason. Jezebel then picks up Stacy and Jezebel goes for the Close Call and hits it as Trish Morris is getting up in the ropes and Jezebel then goes over and goes for a clothesline but Trish ducks trying to get Jezebel out but Jezebel is holding on to the ropes and Trish as Stacy Mason is able to get back up as Trish and Jezebel are both fighting with each other and Stacy goes over and dumps Trish Morris over the top as both Trish and Jezebel then hit the floor.
Winner: Stacy Mason

Miss Shannon: Your winner and still SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion, Stacy Mason

Coach: Stacy Mason just showed you how smart she really is

King: I gotta give Stacy credit there, she did out smart Jezebel and Trish Morris by letting them try to eliminate each other and Stacy took advantage to win

:Video Preview for Rose Thorn vs Christy Hemme:

JR: Well guys the next match is going to be a major grudge match between two big name divas

King: It's not about titles, its about ego

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Feel Good Inc" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making her way to the ring, From Telemuca, California, Representing The Cabinet, Christy Hemme

Coach: Well here comes Christy who I think is going to take Rose Thorn to school

"Rock & Roll Queens" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Her opponent, From Austin, Texas, Rose Thorn

JR: Well here comes the #1 Contender

King: Well if Christy beats Rose tonight I think Christy should be #1 Contender

Rose Thorn vs Christy Hemme
The bell sounds as a silence hits the arena. Rose Thorn and Christy Hemme get right up close, nose against nose, they tell each other exactly what they think of the other. Christy Hemme then bitch slaps Rose, causing Rose to step back. Rose holds her face with her left hand. Rose looks up and glares at Christy who is smirking. Rose punches Christy with a hard right hand. The two woman then start exchanging rights and lefts. Christy gets the upper hand by kicking Rose in the gut. Hemme Irish whips Rose to the ropes, when Rose bounces back she hits a tilt-O-whirl head scissors to Christy Hemme, sending Christy half way across the ring. Rose flips herself up and watches as Christy rolls out of the ring. Christy starts to walks up the steel ramp, as if, to go back to the backstage area. Rose Thorn slides out of the ring and runs up the steel ramp and clubs down on Christy's back, stopping her from getting away. The ref begins the ring out count 1.... Rose clubs down once again on Christy's back 2.... Christy manages to drive her elbow into Rose's stomach 3.... Christy grabs a handful of Rose's hair and slams Rose face first into the steel ramp 4.... 5.... Christy stomps on Rose 6.... Christy then picks up Rose and takes Rose back down to the ring, occasionally punching Rose along the way 7.... 8.... Christy rolls Rose into the ring and automatically covers her with a pin 1... kick out by Rose Thorn. Christy gets up and starts to stomp away furiously at Rose, causing Rose to have to crawl into the turnbuckle where Christy still stomps away on her. The referee tries to pull Christy away but she ignores him and carries on the attack. The referee starts the five count 1....2....3....4... Christy steps back from Rose. Thorn uses the ropes to get up but Christy Hemme goes right back at her with a big elbow fro Rose's throat. Rose falls to her knee's and holds her throat, she coughs as Christy kicks Rose in the chest knocking Rose back. Christy picks up Rose and sends her to the ropes, Rose bounces back and Christy flap jack's Rose, Thorn's throat smashes off the top rope. Rose is flung backwards and she rolls on the floor holding her throat. Christy quickly covers Rose 1...2... kick out by Rose Thorn. Christy sits on Rose's stomach and drives her elbow into Rose's throat and holds it there choking Rose out. Christy uses her free arm and waves it in front of the referee's face to distract him from the choke. Rose is seen struggling, kicking out with her legs in panic. After about 45 seconds the referee notices what Christy is doing and he pulls Hemme off from Rose

 Message 4 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:31 AM
Rose gasps for air as the referee checks on her. Christy Hemme grabs the referee's arm and the two start to argue. Rose gets up and climbs the turnbuckle behind Christy, Rose waits on the top turnbuckle. The referee tells Christy to turn around, Hemme does and is taken down with a big diving hurricanrana from Rose Thorn! Rose grab's Christy's hair and picks her up, Thorn kicks Hemme in the gut and nails her with a snap suplex. Rose flips herself up and turns back to Christy. Rose runs to the ropes and bounces off them she runs back to Christy and hits a standing shooting star press. Rose covers Christy 1...2... kick out by Hemme. Rose Thorn picks up Christy and sends her to the turnbuckle, Rose runs at Christy and attempts a turnbuckle clothesline but Christy flips Rose up and over onto the ring apron. Christy turns around and goes to punch Rose but Thorn blocks it and head buts Christy. Rose then drives her shoulder through the middle rope into Christy's gut. Hemme bends over slightly allowing Rose to set her up for a suplex from inside the ring to the outside but Christy manages to grab a hold of the top rope stopping the suplex, Christy then manages to lift up Rose for a suplex but half way through she drops Rose causing Rose to fall face first to the mats outside the ring. Rose rolls over holding her nose, when she moves her hands revealing a very bloody nose. Christy Hemme rolls out of the ring and picks up Rose, Christy drops Rose onto the ring barrier as the referee begins a ring out count. 1.... Hemme sits on Rose and bitch slaps her face 2.... Christy looks at her hand that she slapped Rose with and notices Rose's blood on her hand. 3.... Christy smirks as she shows a few people in the crowd Rose's blood. 4.... Christy goes back to Rose and picks her up 5.... Christy whips Rose to the ring steps but Rose counters it and Christy goes flying into the ring steps 6.... Rose gets up and rolls into the ring and back out, breaking the ring out count and creating a new one. Rose walks over to Christy who is just getting up. Rose kicks Christy in the gut and pulls her over to the ring steps. 1.... Rose nails Christy with a DDT onto the ring steps 2.... Rose rolls back into the ring and climbs up to the top rope. She looks down at Christy who is laid out on the mats outside the ring and Rose launches off with a moonsault! After Rose connects with the moonsault she rolls off from Christy and clutches her stomach. Rose and Christy are both warn down as the referee once again begins the ring out count. 1....2....3....4....5.... Rose and Christy both start to get up 6....7.... Rose starts to get up quickly followed by Christy. 8.... Rose rolls into the ring 9.... Christy rolls into the ring. Both women get up and start to exchange punches to one another, Christy manages to drive her knee into Rose's stomach. Christy sends Rose to the ropes, Rose bounces off the ropes and back to a stiff kick to the gut from Christy. Christy locks her arm around Rose's neck. Christy smirks and blows a kiss to the crowd as they boo her. She nails Rose with the Hemme Letdown. Christy quickly covers Rose 1...2...2.7 Rose get's her foot on the bottom rope. Christy sits up and screams out "What!" Christy gets up and stomps on the floor with her foot, she reaches down and picks up Rose. Christy nails Rose right in the face with the Hemme love. Christy picks up Rose's legs and covers her during the pin Christy grabs a hold of the middle rope to ensure the victoria 1... 2... 2.9 Rose just kicks out! Christy sits up and looks in complete shock! She lies back and takes in some few deep breaths. Christy gets back up and picks up Rose, Hemme drags Rose over to the turnbuckle and sets up Rose for Rose's finisher The Hardcore Pink & Frills as Christy lifts up Rose, Thorn wriggles her legs and stops the move, Christy attempts it again and Rose does the exact same, blocking the move. Rose breaks away from Christy. Rose punches Christy who is still sat on the top rope. Rose climbs up to the top and nails Christy with a top rope spinning out powerbomb! Rose slowly gets up and pulls Christy closer to the turnbuckle. Rose raises her arm in the air getting cheers from the crowd. Rose climbs up top and launches off with a Tranquil Insanity! Rose lays over Christy's chest and hooks her leg for the cover 1....2....3! Rose sits up with a big smile on her face, blood, still comming from her nose
Winner: Rose Thorn

Miss Shannon: Your winner, Rose Thorn

JR: What a match!! and what a win for Rose Thorn

King: This match I think just stole the show!!!

Coach: Christy got nothing to be ashamed of here tonight

:Backstage: Scott Hill's Office

:Christian is shown standing before Scott:

Christian: You wanted to see me?

Scott Hill: Yes Christian, as you know I fired Mallory Maddox for showing extreme favortism and it seems that you do the same thing towards Maven

Christian: It...

Scott Hill: Shut up when im talking

:Christian closes his mouth:

Scott Hill: You see we have a problem now as a result.

Christian: What is it?

Scott Hill: I should fire you

Christian: Please don't

Scott Hill: I'm not as of right now, I am going to give you another chance to earn your keep which is why I am making you the Special Referee for the Brandon Davis vs Maven WCW World Title Match but Christian if you don't call it right down the middle, You're FIRED now get the hell out of here

Christian: Yes sir

:Christian leaves the office as a mystery girl walks in:

Scott Hill: Hey babe

Candice: This place sucks

Scott Hill: I know but this is our final visit ever to this crap hole of a town

Candice: Do you think Christian is going to do what you told him?

Scott Hill: Honestly.....Not a chance in hell but I already got a new GM lined up who will be at Nitro tomarrow night

Candice: Oh who

:Scott whispers something in to her ear as Candice looks a little suprised:

Candice: I can't believe you would hire that person

:Video Preview for SCWE European Title Match:

JR: Well its now time for the SCWE European Championship to be on the line here

King: Things should be very good I think in this next match

Coach: Yeah I smell a title change

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE European Championship

"St. Anger" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, From The Bronx, New York weighing in at 202 Pounds, Mikey G

Coach: I think Mikey finally gets back on the roll he should be

"Raise Your Hands" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: His opponent, From New Haven, Connecticut weighing in at 230 Pounds, Coach T

King: Coach T has been looking pretty good until he ran into Jerome Morris of course and now Coach T has a bumb knee

"Line In The Sand" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: There opponent, From Charlotte, North Carolina, weighing in at 220 Pounds, David Flair

JR: The son of The Nature Boy Ric Flair and a former E-X member

Coach: If Mikey doesn't win, David will

"Take This" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Finally, From Gainsville, Georgia weighing in at 212 Pounds, The SCWE European Champion, The "Phenominal" AJ Styles

King: Well here comes AJ Styles now

JR: This is going to be one heck of a slobberknocker

SCWE European Championship: AJ Styles(C) vs Mikey G vs Coach T vs David Flair
Referee Chad Patton shows off the European Title as the bell sounds with AJ Styles starting things off with Coach T. Both guys lock up with AJ locking in a headlock but Coach T sends AJ off the ropes as Coach T jumps up but AJ catches Coach T and ends up spine bustering him down as Coach T is riving in pain as AJ quickly grabs Coach T's injured knee and locks in the Styling Crab on him as Coach T is screaming out in pain when Mikey G comes and goes to hit AJ but AJ ducks it and AJ hits spinning crescent kick to Mikey laying him out. AJ gets back up but David Flair comes in and knocks AJ down from behind but Chad Patton orders David back out but Coach T is able to get back up and Coach T kicks AJ in the gut and Coach T trips AJ down and goes for the Sharpshooter but AJ gets Coach T with a small package for a 1---2--kick out. Both guys get back up as AJ hits a big dropkick sending Coach T back into the corner as Mikey G tags himself in as Mikey comes in telling AJ he is going to get his revenge on him and Mikey goes to hit AJ but AJ ducks and opens up on Mikey with right hands and AJ then whips Mikey off the ropes and AJ hits a big backdrop on Mikey G as AJ then gets back up and AJ hits a big dropkick knocking Mikey down as AJ goes outside to the apron and waits as Mikey gets up and AJ bounces up on the ropes hitting a springboard crossbody on Mikey for a 1---2--David Flair breaks up the pin as David takes AJ and rams him into the ring post shoulder first as Chad Patton orders David out to the apron as Mikey G goes over and grabs AJ out and Mikey starts to stomp away at AJ in the corner as Mikey starts to taunt and talk about how he is the "G" when AJ gets back up in the corner and AJ gets up top and AJ comes off hitting a missile dropkick knocking Mikey down as AJ gets back up and AJ kicks Mikey in the gut and whips him off the ropes and AJ hits another big backdrop on Mikey as he gets up, David Flair tags himself in as Coach T then tags himself in as well as Coach T comes in and attacks David coming in and Coach T chops away at David but Mikey goes to hit Coach T as Coach T then takes Mikey down with a right hand but David then hits a chop block to Coach T taking him down as Coach T is riving in pain and grabbing his knee as David grabs the leg when AJ comes in and AJ knocks David back into the corner as AJ pounds away at David as Mikey goes to hit AJ but AJ moves as Mikey hits into David as AJ then kicks Mikey in the gut and sets him up for the Styles Clash but Mikey grips down AJ and Mikey spreads his legs and Mikey then delivers a knee to the nether regions of AJ as David comes out of the corner but Mikey hits the Super Kick on David as David stays up on his feet before falling face first into the mat and David rolls out to the floor as Mikey picks up Coach T and hits a 3 Handled Cradenza on Coach T as Mikey covers but Chad Patton tells Mikey he isn't legal as Mikey gets up and shoves Chad Patton but then walks into a spinning heel kick from AJ styles as AJ gets up and picks up Mikey and gets him ready for a Styles Clash when David Flair re-enters the ring and David locks in the Figure 4 Leg Lock on Coach T as Coach T is screaming out as AJ hits the Styles Clash on Mikey as Chad Patton goes down and counts the 1---2--3. AJ gets up and celebrates but Chad Patton raises David Flair's arm instead as AJ is not happy as David takes the European Title and leaves the ring.
Winner: David Flair (SCWE European)

Miss Shannon: Your winner and the new SCWE European Champion, David Flair

Coach: David Flair has done it!!

JR: AJ Styles should still be champion

Coach: The referee's decision is final

King: We got a problem here that Eric Bischoff needs to address

:Promo for SCWE No Mercy:

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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:31 AM

JR: All the superstars are still out here as an argument is going on between AJ Styles and David Flair

:Coach T is helped to the back as Mikey G gets up to leave when Jerome Morris hits the ring with a chair and Jerome attacks Mikey as Jerome puts the chair around Mikey's neck and Jerome gets a sick smile on his face as Jerome then does the Cocky Cutter to Mikey G as referee's stop trying to seperate AJ and David and go to check on Mikey G as Jerome gets up smiling as AJ goes over to even check on Mikey as David takes a cheap shot knocking out AJ with the title before leaving:

Coach: Even I think that ain't right

King: Mikey G is hurt badly

JR: What is wrong with Jerome Morris, he wasn't even in this match and what is up with David Flair taking that cheap shot

King: I don't know JR

JR: While the paramedics check on Mikey, lets look forward to our next match

:Promo for WCW Halloween Havoc Airs and then a Video Preview for JBL vs John Cena:

JR: Well I am really looking forward to this next match

King: JBL taking on John Cena is going to be a great match

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Intercontinental Championship

"Gangsta's Paradise" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring being accumpied by Gangrel and Viscera, From West Newberry, Massachusetts weighing in at 240 Pounds, John Cena!!

JR: John Cena is getting a golden opportunity here tonight

King: Yeah but can he beat JBL

"Longhorns" hits, Crowd Boo's as the Limo pulls out

Miss Shannon: His opponent being accumpied to the ring by Orlando Jordan and The Basham's, From New York, New York weighing in at 290 Pounds, He is the SCWE Intercontinental Champion, John Bradshaw Layfield

Coach: JBL is going to teach Cena a lesson tonight

King: It should be good thats for sure

SCWE Intercontinental Championship: JBL(C) W/Orlando Jordan, Doug, & Danny Basham vs John Cena W/Gangrel & Viscera
Referee Brian Hebner is about to ring the bell when he ejects The Basham's and The Brood from ringside but Orlando is able to stay since he has a manager's licenses as JBL and Cena are both unhappy about the decision but Brian Hebner says the orders came from Eric Bischoff as Cena pleads his case when JBL attacks Cena from behind and JBL knocks Cena into the corner as JBL pounds away at Cena with big right hands as JBL then takes Cena and puts him up top as JBL climbs up top and JBL sets up Cena for a superplex but Cena fights back and knocks JBL off as Cena stands up and waits and Cena comes off hitting a flying lariat taking down JBL. JBL gets back up as Cena kicks JBL in the gut and Cena then bounces off the ropes and hits a high knee to JBL sending JBL down to the mat as JBL rolls out to the floor to regroup but Cena backs up and then hits a baseball slide in to JBL knocking JBL down as Cena gets on the floor and Cena picks up JBL and rams JBL off the ring apron and then takes him over by the steps but JBL blocks it and JBL then rams Cena face first off the steps as JBL then picks up Cena and drives him down throat first over the barricade as JBL picks up Cena again and rolls him back in to the ring as JBL gets back into the ring and JBL tells Orlando he got things in hand as he goes to pick up Cena but Cena opens up on JBL and Cena whips JBL off the ropes and Cena hits a big Samoan drop on JBL, Cena then gets back up as JBL does as well and Cena kicks JBL in the gut and Cena hits a big DDT on JBL as Cena covers for a 1--kick out. Cena then hits a few big chops to JBL but JBL knees Cena in the gut as JBL whips Cena off the ropes and JBL goes for a big clothesline but Cena ducks and comes off the other side and hits a big shoulder block taking down JBL as OJ gets on the apron and Cena knocks Orlando off the apron but JBL is back up and JBL hits a big boot taking down Cena as JBL then moves Cena's head under the ropes and JBL then slingshots Cena which drives Cena's neck into the bottom rope. Cena is hurting as JBL is being told not to do it again by Brian Hebner as Orlando comes over and then delivers a elbow to the face of Cena as JBL then takes Cena and picks him up as JBL sets him up for a fall away slam and hits it as JBL says its over as he gets back up and JBL picks up Cena and sets him up for the Powerbomb but Cena backdrops JBL as JBL gets back up, Cena kicks him in the gut and Cena hits the throwback and Cena covers but Orlando Jordan gets on the apron again as Cena grabs Jordan and yanks him into the ring as Cena picks up Orlando and Cena sets him up for the FU but JBL then hits another Big Boot to Cena as Cena drops OJ before hitting the mat as JBL covers for a 1---2--2.7-shoulder up. JBL tells Brian Hebner to count faster as JBL covers again for a 1--2---2.6-kick out. JBL is frustrated as he picks up Cena and JBL whips Cena off the ropes and JBL goes for a clothesline from hell but Cena stops and ducks and Cena then picks up JBL and hits the FU as Cena quickly covers for a 1--2--2.8-Cena moves as Orlando went for a elbow drop but ends up hitting JBL as Cena then picks up Orlando and hits an FU on him as well but JBL is getting back up and JBL then hits the Clothesline from hell on Cena but JBL is unable to cover right away but JBL finally does for a 1---2--2.9-kick out. JBL gets back up and is livid as JBL picks up Cena again and JBL sets up Cena for another powerbomb but Cena counters while in the air by pounding away at JBL's head knocking him down as Cena then gets up quickly and bounces off the ropes and tells JBL he can't see him as he hits the 5 Knuckle Shuffle on him as Cena gets back up to his feet and Cena see's Orlando getting up and Cena charges clotheslining Orlando over the top as Cena then picks up JBL for the FU and hits it as Cena hooks the leg for the 1---2--2.9-shoulder up. Cena now can't believe it as Cena picks up JBL again and hits another FU and covers for a 1---2--2.9-kick out. Cena is in shock at another kick out as Cena picks up JBL once more and Cena goes for another FU but JBL wiggles free and bounces back off the ropes and JBL hits a clothesline from hell on Cena laying him out as JBL puts his arm over Cena for a 1---2--2.9-Cena now gets his arm up. JBL now is not happy as JBL tells Orlando to get the IC Title which Orlando does as JBL gets a sick smile on his face when the lights go out in the arena and when the return, JBL is laid out and covered in blood as Cena then picks up JBL and hits another FU when The Basham's hit the ring but The lights go out again and when they return, Viscera & Gangrel are blocking the way into the ring for The basham's as all four men start to go at it as Brian Hebner is distracted as Orlando attacks Cena from behind and OJ pounds away at Cena when JBL gets back up and JBL goes to hit Cena but Cena moves as JBL lays out Orlando and Cena picks up the IC Title and Cena then lays out JBL with the title belt as Cena then covers JBL as Brian Hebner counts the 1---2--3.
Winner: John Cena (SCWE IC)

Miss Shannon: Your winner and new SCWE Intercontinental Champion, John Cena

JR: John Cena has done it!!

Coach: Cena cheated this isn't fair

JR: Bottom line we got a new IC Champion

:Video Preview for #1 Contender WCW US Battle Royal:

Tony: Well congratulations to John Cena for winning the IC Title

Tenay: That has to be a upset

Madden: I'm shocked JBL lost to a punk like that although Cena did cheat and Eric Bischoff lets stuff like that happen which is why Christian is a better GM

Tenay: Are you high?

Tony: Guys enough, lets move on to a big 10 Man Battle Royal

Penser: The Following Contest is a #1 Contender's Over The Top Rope Battle Royal for the WCW United States Championship

"The End of Heartache" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, Representing The Conspiracy, Scott Wright and the WCW Hardcore Champion Stanley Ryan Tiger

Madden: Two of Holly's men are in this match and I think they can do it

"American Idiot" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Penser: The 3rd Participant, Representing Team Canada, Petey Williams

Tenay: The Captain of Team Canada, Petey may be small but Petey can very easily shock the world tonight

"War Pigs" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: The 4th Participant, The Californian

Tony: The Californian is a big man and does have a good history in these types of matches

"Getting Away With Murder" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: The 5th Entrant, Matt Matlock

Madden: Here is the former TV Champion

"Lie, Cheat, Steal" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: The 6th Entrant, He is the WCW Television Champion, Eddie Guerrero

Tenay: Eddie Guerrero defeated Matt Matlock for the TV Title on this week's past Nitro

"Lance Storm Theme" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: The 7th Entrant, Lance Storm

Madden: Lance Storm is a former US Champion and Lance has a great win loss record so I like him too

"Rock" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: The 8th Participant, The Rock

Tony: Well here comes The Rock now

"Chop Suey" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: the 9th Participant, The "Outlaw" Billy Gunn

Madden: Now here comes Billy Gunn

"You Think You Know Me" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Finally, Edge

Tenay: Well all 10 guys are now out here so who knows what will happen

#1 Contender WCW United States Championship Battle Royal: Billy Gunn vs Petey Williams vs Edge vs Scott Wright vs Stanley Ryan Tiger vs Eddie Guerrero vs Matt Matlock vs The Rock vs Californian vs Lance Storm
The bell sounds as all 10 men collide with attacks on one another. Straight away SRT and Scott Wright eliminate The Rock with a  double clothesline (The Rock is eliminated). SRT think's he and Scott are teaming up but Scott Wright knocks down SRT with a big left hand. Edge and Billy Gunn are seen pounding away at one another while Eddie Guerrero flips Matt Matlock over with a hurricanrana. Petey Williams kicks Lance Storm in the gut and hits him with a DDT Californian picks up Lance Storm and they lock up in the middle of the ring. Californian sends Lance to the ropes, Storm bounces back and is flipped over the top rope by Californian (Lance Storm is eliminated). Californian and Eddie Guerrero team together to start to beat down Matt Matlock while Scott wright charges at Petey and knocks him down with a big boot. Scott Wright gets on top of Petey and starts to punch away on his head. SRT comes up behind Scott and clubs down on his back. SRT picks up Scott Wright and wraps his hand around Scott's throat. SRT chokeslam's Scott! Matt Matlock pushes Eddie and Californian away from him, Matlock big boot's Cali and then grabs Eddie and throws Guerrero to the turnbuckle. Matlock picks up Californian and Irish whips Cali into the turnbuckle Eddie is in causing the two men to collide with one another. Matt Matlock is standing laughing at what he did but Petey Williams comes out of nowhere and dropkicks Matlock over the top rope. (Matt Matlock is eliminated) Billy Gunn comes on up and kicks Petey in the stomach, Gunn nails Petey with a Fameasser. When Gunn gets back up he is speared down by Edge. Edge starts to pound away on Billy Gunn while SRT and Scott Wright lock up in the middle of the ring. Scott Wright gets SRT in a headlock, he applies pressure but SRT lifts up Scott Wright in a backdrop position. SRT walks over to the ropes and tries to dump Wright over the ropes but Scott manages to grab the ropes, keeping himself in. SRT tries to push Scott over the rope while we see Eddie and Californian get back up. Eddie walks over to Edge and Billy Gunn, Eddie pulls Edge off from Gunn, Eddie nails Edge with some knife edge chops causing the crowd to shout 'woooooo' with each chop. Eddie tries to throw Edge over but Edge manages to grab a hold of the top rope and flip him self back over only to be knocked down with a leg lariat. Californian walks over to SRT and Cali helps Stanley to push Scott over the top rope to the floor. (Scott Wright is eliminated). Over the other side of the ring we see Petey Williams climbing up to the top rope, he launches off with a diving cross body knocking down Edge, Eddie Guerrero and Billy Gunn. Petey stomps on Edge and hits him with a leg drop. SRT and Californian are exchanging rights and lefts at one another. Petey grabs Eddie Guerrero and nails him with a snap suplex but when he gets up he is nailed with a big clothesline from Billy Gunn. Gunn throws Petey over the top rope but Williams holds onto the ropes. Gunn tries to pull Petey's hands off the ropes but Williams  flips himself over and manages to nail Billy Gunn with a hurricanrana. Eddie Guerrero gets up from the snap suplex and manages to grab edge and kick him in the stomach. Eddie punches Edge in the head and hits 1 amigo, 2 amigo's and finally the 3 amigos! Eddie jumps up to the top rope and looks as if to perform the frog splash but Petey William's knocks the ropes causing Eddie to straddle the top turnbuckle. Petey climbs up there too and attempts to knock Eddie off the top rope. Guerrero holds on and starts to fight back. SRT sends Cali to the ropes, Californian bounces back and is powerslam down by SRT. Billy Gunn walks over to Eddie and Petey who are on the top rope, Gunn climbs up top and tries to knock the two men off but Eddie and Petey starts to slap and chop at Gunn, Petey Williams manages to move over and nails a Canadian Destroyer from the top rope! Billy Gunn is laid out before the turnbuckle. Eddie launches off with a Frog splash right to Billy Gunn! Petey and Eddie get up, All of a sudden Edge runs over to them and spears Eddie, Guerrero falls over the top rope, knocking Petey over with him! (Petey Williams & Eddie Guerrero are eliminated). Edge looks down at Eddie and Petey, he laughs at them and turns around, he ducks a big boot from SRT. Edge hits a reverse DDT to SRT. Edge neels down and starts to punch at SRT's head, Edge picks up SRT and nails him with a big Edgeacution! Edge gets up, when he turns around he is taken down with a La Jolla Style! Californian jumps up to his feet and manages to duck a big kick from SRT, SRT's foot goes over the top rope causing SRT to stradle the top rope, Californian gets up from underneath SRT and manages to push him over with ease! (SRT is eliminated). Then there were three. Billy Gunn and Edge are both laid out while Californian looks at them both, trying to decide which to eliminate first. Californian walks over to Billy Gunn, he lifts him up and takes him over to the ropes. Billy Gunn is draped over Californian's shoulder as Cali attempts to drop Billy over the top rope but Billy wriggles free and lands behind Cali, Gunn pushes Cali who topples over the top rope, a big shock. (The Californian is eliminated). Billy Gunn is looking around a little suprised and still dazed from the double whammy from Petey and Eddie earlier. Billy watches as Edge starts to get up. The two men look at one another, knowing the winner will get a chance for the United States championship. The two men lock up in the middle of the ring, Billy dirves his knee into Edge's gut and sends Edge to the ropes. Edge bounces back and is powerslamed by Billy Gunn.

 Message 6 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:32 AM
Billy Gunn picks up Edge and attempts to throw edge over the top rope but Edge elbows Billy in the face. Edge hits Billy with a snap fishermans suplex, Edge climbs up to the top rope and watches as Billy gets up, Edge looks as if to go for a diving spear but Billy falls into the ropes causing Edge to stumble on the top rope. Billy slowly climbs up to the top with Edge and the two men slowly start to exchange punches to one anothers faces. Billy seems to get in controll as he sets up Edge for a a superplex but when Billy attempts the move, Edge holds on to the turnbuckle, blocking the move.  Billy atempts it once again but Edge blocks it. Billy lets go of Edge and nails him iwth a viscious elbow to Edge's face causing Edge to fall backwards and dangle off the back of the turnbuckle. Billy tries to push Edge off, Edge falls off but just manages to land on the ring apron! Billy jumps off the turnbuckle and kicks Edge in the gut, Billy runs to the ropes, bounces off them and charges towards Edge on the ring apron, he attempts a shoulder block but Edge dodges out of the way and Billy goes crashing over the top rope
Winner: Edge

Penser: Your winner, Edge

Tony: An impressive win for Edge as he just earned a US Title Shot

Madden: Billy Gunn got robbed

Tenay: Well our next scheduled match will find out who Edge will face

:Video Preview for Jason Walker vs Jamie Gunz:

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW United States Championship

"Escape Artists Never Die" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, Being accumpied by Tara Rayge, From New York, New York weighing in at 242 Pounds, Jamie Gunz

Madden: Here comes Jamie Gunz who I think will regain his US Title

Tony: Well Jamie Gunz has been on a role lately

"Learn To Fly" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 220 Pounds, He is the WCW United States Champion, Jason Walker

Tenay: Talking about guys on a role, Jason Walker has been unbeatable since coming to WCW

Madden: Yeah but Jason Walker is going to end all that tonight

WCW United States Championship: Jason Walker(C) vs Jamie Gunz W/Tara Rayge
The Bell Sounds as Jamie Gunz attacks Jason Walker right from the go as Jamie goes to work on Jason Walker with right hands as Jamie then whips Jason off the ropes and Jamie puts his head down but Jason is able to stop and Jason kicks Jamie in the face as Jason then grabs Jamie and goes for the Walls of Walker but Jamie kicks Jason down to the mat as Jamie gets back up as does Jason and Jason Walker hits a big dropkick sending Jamie out to the floor as Jamie gets up as Jason Walker slingshots himself over the ropes to the floor crashing into Jamie Gunz. Jason Walker then pounds away at Jamie with several big right hands as Jason Walker then picks up Jamie and rolls him back into the ring as Jason Walker goes up top as Jamie gets up, Jason comes off hitting a crossbody as Jason gets back up and picks up Jamie and whips him off the ropes and Jason hits a big powerslam on Jamie as Jamie then gets up and Jamie goes for the Walls of Walker again but Jamie Gunz delivers a few right hands to Jason backing him up as Jamie gets back up and Jamie then catches Jason with a big blackhole slam as Jamie hooks the leg for a 1---2--kick out. Jamie Gunz then picks up Jason and Jamie goes for the Hallow Bullets and hits it as Jamie smirks and tells Tara the US Title is coming home to him as Jamie goes for the Gunz-Stretch and locks it in but Jason Walker is able to get to the ropes as Jamie breaks the hold and Jamie goes back to work on Jason's lower back as Jamie picks up Jason and Jamie goes for the three amigo's and hits the first suplex followed by the second and then the third one as Jamie gets back up and Jamie is smiling as he goes to pick up Jason but Jason pokes Jamie in the eyes as Jason then trips Jamie up driving him between the ropes as Jason Walker gets back up and Jason then goes between the ropes kicking Jamie back as Jason gets on the apron and Jason bounces up and instead of hitting the face full of panCAKE's, Jason hits a dropkick sending Jamie back down as Jason gets back up and Jason picks up Jamie and Jason sets up Jamie for a Walkerdriver and hits it as Jason Walker isn't done yet and Jason picks up Jamie and Jason goes for the Walk of Fate but Jamie shoves Jason off the ropes but Jason comes off and hits the Walkerkick laying out Jason Walker as Jason covers Jamie but Tara Rayge gets on the apron distracting Charles Robinson as Jason gets up and Jason grabs Tara and Jason looks ready to hit her but Jason then grabs her and kisses her as Jamie gets up and Jamie goes to hit Jason but Jason moves as Jamie is about to hit Tara but stops and Jamie then turns around as Jason trips Jaime down and Jason locks in the Walls of Walker on Jamie as Jamie is reaching for the ropes but Jason moves to the center of the ring and sits down as Jamie is screaming out in pain as he is begging Tara for help but Tara tells Jamie he has to do it on his own as Jamie can't move and has to tap out.
Winner: Jason Walker

Penser: Your winner and still WCW United States Champion, Jason Walker

Tony: Jason Walker has done it

Madden: Damn it anyway

:After the bell Tara gets in the ring to help up Jamie when Tara all of a sudden kicks him between the legs as Tara then delivers a DDT to Jamie before leaving the ring:

Tenay: I'm speechless

Madden: Tara just turned on Jamie I guess because Jamie lost!!

:Video Preview for SCWE Women's Title Match:

JR: Well guys up next we are going to see the SCWE Women's Championship on the line

King: That's great lots of puppies mind you puppies I would never go near because I'm afraid of what may happen

Coach: Yeah you got two psycho's in this match

JR: Well it should be a heck of a fight

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Women's Championship

"Figured You Out" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making her way to the ring, From Greenwich, Connecticut, Representing The Triple H, Kelli Hardy

Coach: Kelli Hardy a multi-time former Women's Champion and Kelli I think may do it one more time tonight

"Foxy Lady" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Her opponent, From London, England, She is one half of the SCWE Women's Tag Team Champions, Scarlett

JR: Here comes Scarlett who is a former Women's Champion herself and has looked good in recent weeks

"Detective" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Finally, From Cleveland, Ohio, Representing The Triple H, She is the SCWE Women's Champion, Alyssa Amidala

King: This Alyssa is just as nutty as Kelli now but is damn good in that ring

JR: It's anyones guess as who can win this

SCWE Women's Championship: Alyssa Amidala(C) vs Kelli Hardy vs Scarlett
Alyssa and Kelli seem to be in agreement about what to do as Miles Lane calls for the bell. Scarlett doesn't wait around and attacks Alyssa right from the go but Kelli attacks Scarlett from behind as Kelli holds Scarlett as Alyssa hits a few right hands to the face of Scarlett as Alyssa then takes Scarlett and holds her as Kelli opens up on Scarlett. Kelli then grabs Scarlett's hair as Alyssa lets go and Kelli rams Scarlett's head off the turnbuckle several times as Kelli then picks up Scarlett and hair tosses her down to the mat. Kelli then goes over and stomps away at Scarlett as Kelli picks up Scarlett but Scarlett delivers a few right hands to Kelli as Alyssa then comes over and attacks Scarlett as Kelli takes Scarlett and hits a Fate Twister on her as Alyssa then stomps away at Scarlett as Alyssa rams Scarlett's head off the mat several times as Kelli pushes Alyssa out of the way as Kelli picks up Scarlett and throws her out to the floor as Kelli goes outside and Kelli grabs the camera cord and Kelli then wraps it around Scarlett's neck choking her when Scarlett delivers a few elbows to the gut of Kelli and Scarlett then takes Kelli and rams her into the ring post. Scarlett then takes Kelli but Alyssa attacks her from behind as Scarlett turns around and hits a right hand to Alyssa and Scarlett then goes for another one but Alyssa blocks it and Alyssa kicks Scarlett in the gut and Alyssa picks up Scarlett and slams her down on the floor as Alyssa gets a sick smile on her face as Alyssa then pulls up the floor padding when Kelli Hardy stops Alyssa and Kelli picks up Scarlett and Kelli tells Alyssa that they should do a double team move as Alyssa agrees and Alyssa and Kelli deliver a double DDT on the concrete floor as Scarlett is laid out as Mills Lane comes out to the floor and tells Kelli and Alyssa to stop as he checks on Scarlett but Kelli goes under the ring and pulls out a bag and Kelli ends up pulling out a pair of scissors as Kelli shoves Mills Lane away as Kelli grabs Scarlett and starts to cut away at her hair when Alyssa stops Kelli and tells her to let Scarlett get some help and Kelli then shoves Alyssa back when Alyssa then kicks Kelli in the side of the head knocking her down as Alyssa then even checks on Scarlett when Kelli gets back up and Kelli grabs Alyssa by her hair and rams her into the ring steps as Kelli then goes over and picks up Alyssa and rolls her back into the ring as Kelli gets into the ring but Alyssa cuts her off and Alyssa goes to work on Kelli as Alyssa whips Kelli off the ropes and Alyssa then locks in a sleeper hold on Kelli but Kelli drops down driving Alyssa's chin off her head as Alyssa moves back grabbing her face as Kelli gets back up and Kelli kicks Alyssa in the gut and Kelli goes for a Kellibomb but Alyssa backdrops Kelli as Alyssa then waits as Kelli gets back up and Alyssa hits a chick kick laying out Kelli as Alyssa then goes for a standing moonsault but Kelli gets her knees up as Alyssa grabs her ribs while moving around as Kelli gets back up and Kelli grabs Alyssa but Alyssa delivers a uppercut to Kelli and Alyssa then grabs Kelli and goes for the Widow's Peak but Kelli is able to get out of it and Kelli then kicks Alyssa in the gut and goes for a Pedigree but Alyssa trips Kelli down and Alyssa then slingshots Kelli across the ring into the turnbuckle as Alyssa then goes to hit Kelli with a clothesline but Kelli ducks and Kelli then clotheslines Alyssa over the top to the floor as Scarlett somehow is back into the ring and Scarlett goes for the Scarlett kiss but Kelli catches the foot and swings Scarlett around and kicks her in the gut and Kelli then hits a Twist of Fate on Scarlett as Kelli hooks the leg for the 1---2--3 as Alyssa gets into the ring a split second to late.
Winner: Kelli Hardy (SCWE Women's)

Miss Shannon: Your winner and New SCWE Women's Champion, Kelli Hardy

Coach: Kelli has done it!!

King: Yeah but Alyssa and Kelli fell apart here before our eyes

:Kelli is celebrating in the entry way with her title as Alyssa looks on in disgust as Alyssa and Kelli exchange words:

JR: I think the Alyssa/Kelli alliance is definatly over

King: Yeah no kidding there

:Video Preview for Stevie Richards/Mick Foley vs Jerome Morris/Ryan Cage:

 Message 7 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:32 AM

JR: Well Psychotic Games has been crazy tonight

King: It sure has JR and I think its only going to get crazier

Coach: Yeah up next we get to see my boy Jerome Morris in action and Jerome since coming to SCWE has been unbeatable and unstoppable

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Just Like You" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring being accumpied by Lindsay Stratus & The Dudley Boys, From Boston, Massachusetts weighing in at 255 Pounds, Ryan Cage

Coach: Well here comes Ryan Cage who I think should get a shot at Cena's IC Title now

"Stricken" hits, Crowd Continuse to Boo

Miss Shannon: His partner, From Denver, Colorado weighing in at 195 Pounds, Jerome Morris

King: Well here comes the red hot Jerome Morris who took out Mikey G earlier

Coach: That was a thing of beauty too

"One Step Closer" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Miss Shannon: There opponents being accumpied by Lexus Carr and the SCWE Tag Team Champions, Rico and Simon Dean, weighing in at a combined weight of 507 Pounds, The Team of Stevie Richards and the SCWE RAWCore Champion, Mick Foley better known as the bWo

:Stevie Richards comes out dressed as Ryan Cage, Lexus Carr is Lindsay Stratus, Mick Foley is Bubba Ray Dudley, Simon Dean is D-Von Dudley, with Rico being Jerome Morris:

King: Look its there opponents!!

Coach: What the hell are they thinking that isn't funny

JR: The Crowd sure loves it though

Ryan Cage & Jerome Morris W/Lindsay Stratus, Bubba Ray, & D-Von Dudley vs Stevie Richards & Mick Foley W/Lexus Carr, Simon Dean, & Rico
Referee Chad Patton has to hold back Jerome Morris as the bWo gets into the ring as Mick Foley starts things off with Ryan Cage as the two men lock up with Cage locking in a headlock but Foley sends Cage off the ropes and Foley then charges and clotheslines Ryan down as Ryan gets back up, Foley opens up with right jabs knocking Ryan back into the corner as Mick picks up Ryan and hangs him upside down as Mick backs up and then charges in with a big knee as Mick lets Ryan out of the corner as Mick then takes Ryan and whips him off the ropes again and Mick puts his head down but Ryan is able to stop and Ryan then hits a neckbreaker on Foley. Ryan then covers Foley for a 1--kick out. Ryan Cage then picks up Foley and sets him up for a Side Effect but Foley delivers a few elbows and Foley then sets up Cage and hits a Double arm DDT to him as Foley covers but Jerome attacks Mick Foley and drives a few big elbows to him as Stevie comes into the ring and Richards knocks Jerome down as Ryan gets back up and Stevie goes for the Stevie Kick and hits it as Mick Foley then pulls out Mr. Socko as Mick Foley then applies it to Ryan Cage but Chad Patton is getting Stevie out of the ring as Jerome goes over and kicks Foley from behind between the legs as Jerome then hits the Thrill Seekers on Foley as Ryan then gets back up and Ryan covers Foley but Stevie still has Chad Patton as Simon Dean then comes in with his weight lifting belt and hits Ryan over the back with it as Ryan rives in pain as D-Von yanks Simon out to the floor and Simon and D-Von go at it as Bubba goes to attack Simon but Rico gets involved as the four men brawl towards the back as Foley is getting up as Ryan then goes for the RKO but Foley sends Ryan into the corner and Mick gets Ryan again with Mr. Socko as Chad Patton is now in position as Ryan is trying to get out of it but can't as he is going down when Jerome comes in as Foley lets go of Ryan and gets Jerome with Mr. Socko but Jerome pokes Foley in the eye and Jerome then hits the Cocky Cutter on Foley as Stevie comes into the ring and Stevie lays out Jerome knocking him out to the floor but Ryan  clotheslines Stevie out to the floor as well as Ryan covers Foley for the 1---2--3
Winners: Ryan Cage & Jerome Morris

Miss Shannon: Your winners, Jerome Morris and Ryan Cage

Coach: YES!!! They did it

King: Jerome wasn't the legal man but he sure made his impact felt

:Ryan Cage and Jerome Morris leave the ring as the other bWo members get in to check on Foley as Jerome and Ryan have words about who won the match for there team:

:Video Preview for Brandon Davis vs Maven:

Tony: Well its now time for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Tenay: Yeah and Christian is going to be forced to call it right down the middle or else he is no longer WCW GM

Madden: That isn't fair

Penser: The Main Event for the WCW Side of Psychotic Games is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

"King of My World" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, The Special Guest Referee, He is the WCW General Manager, Christian

Tony: Christian looks none to happy to be out here right now

"Tough Enough" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Penser: Now making his way to the ring, From Charlestown, Virginia weighing in at 220 Pounds, Maven!!!

Madden: Maven is going to get the job done tonight, I guarantee it

"For Whom The Bell Tolls" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Penser: His opponent, From Knoxville, Tennessee weighing in at 252 Pounds, He is the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, The "Badass American" Brandon Davis

Tenay: Well here comes the Champ

Tony: This place loves Brandon

Madden: Yeah but I hope they love a loser then becuase thats what he is going to be

WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Brandon Davis(C) vs Maven; Special Referee: Christian
Brandon and Maven have some words before locking up with Brandon backing Maven into the corner as Christian orders a clean break which is granted as Brandon tells Christian he better not do anything and Maven then takes a cheap right hand to Brandon dazing him as Maven then goes to hit Brandon again but Brandon kicks Maven in the gut and Brandon opens up on Maven with right hands and whips Maven off the ropes as Brandon then hits a big powerslam on Maven as Brandon then goes for a Sharpshooter on Maven and locks it in as Christian asks Maven if he wants to quit but Maven refuses as Maven is able to get into the ropes as Christian orders a break and Brandon gets up and flips off Christian as Brandon stomps away at Maven as Brandon picks up Maven and hits a few very big chops to Maven as Maven grimaces in pain as Brandon then whips Maven off the ropes and Brandon puts his head down but Maven stops and kicks Brandon in the chest as Maven then hits a big dropkick knocking down Brandon as Maven gets and looks down at his beat red chest and Maven then pounds away at Brandon with right hands and Maven goes for a suplex but Brandon blocks it and picks up Maven and Brandon then throws Maven over the top rope straddling him as Brandon then delivers a big right hand knocking Maven out to the floor as Brandon taunts the crowd. Maven gets back up and is not happy as he gets back on the apron but Brandon catches maven and Brandon then suplex's Maven back into the ring as Maven gets up grabbing his lower back as Brandon kicks him in the gut and Brandon hits a Fameasser on Maven as Brandon then picks up Maven and hits a belly 2 belly suplex on him as Brandon taunts to the crowd again as Maven gets back up and Brandon grabs Maven and takes him down and goes for the Walls of America but maven kicks Brandon back into Christian knocking Christian down as Maven gets back up and Brandon tells Christian to watch out as Brandon goes to hit Maven but Maven kicks Brandon in the gut and Maven then hits a big short arm clothesline knocking down Brandon as Maven then gets on top of Brandon and pounds away at Brandon as Maven then gets up and Maven goes up top as Brandon gets up and Maven comes off looking for a missile dropkick and hits it. Maven then covers Brandon for a 1---2--kick out. Maven then tells Christian that he should count faster as Maven delivers a few more right hands to Brandon and Maven whips Brandon into the corner and Maven charges in but Brandon gets his foot up into the face of Maven as Brandon then kicks Maven in the gut and goes for the Extreme Shudder but Maven shoves Brandon away and Maven then hits a powerslam on Brandon, Maven then goes outside and goes up top again as he waits for Brandon to get up and Maven comes off and hits the Blockbuster as Maven then covers Brandon for the 1---2--2.9-Brandon powers out as Brandon starts to "Hulk Up" as Maven delivers a few right hands to Brandon but Brandon just gets up and moves around and Maven continues to hit Brandon and Brandon finally stops as he blocks Maven and opens up on Maven with a few big right hands and Brandon whips Maven off the ropes and Brandon hits the Rush on Maven as Brandon then covers Maven for the 1---2--2.9-Christian is about to count 3 but stops and Christian tells Brandon to screw himself and gets up as Brandon gets up as well and grabs Christian when Tyson Tomko hits the ring and attacks Brandon from behind as Tyson goes to whip Brandon off the ropes and Tyson goes for a Big Boot but Brandon ducks it and hits the ropes on the other side and then hits the Rush on Tyson. Brandon then gets back up as Christian now has the WCW World Title and Christian hits Brandon in the face with the WCW World Title as Christian throws it down and Christian then sets up Brandon for the UnPrettier and hits it over the WCW World Title as Maven covers Brandon for the 1-2-3.
Winner: Maven (WCW World)

Penser: Your winner and new WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Maven


Tenay: This isn't right, Brandon just got screwed

Madden: Hey all that matters is that we got a new World Champion

:Maven and Christian are celebrating when Scott Hill appears on the Tron:

Scott Hill: Well Christian, I warned you so Christian, your days of being WCW General Manager are OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:Christian can't believe it as Brandon Davis is getting back and Brandon then attacks Christian knocking him out to the floor and Brandon knocks Maven down as well as all three men bail out to the floor as Brandon looks pissed:

Scott Hill: Now the new WCW General Manager has already been hired and has already completed a trade with SCWE General Manager Eric Bischoff and that trade that will be announced after Psychotic Games. Enjoy the show

:Scott disappears from the Tron:

Tony: Christian is out as WCW GM and we are going to have a new one and new superstars tomarrow on Nitro!!

Madden: This isn't fair

Tenay: Well we are done here but SCWE Still has one more match to go so see you tomarrow night on Nitro

:Video Preview for SCWE World Title Elimination Chamber:

JR: Well its now time for our big main event

King: For the first time ever, 8 Men inside of the Elimination Chamber!!

Coach: This is going to be good

Miss Shannon: The Main Event of the evening is a Elimination Chamber Match and it is for the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship

"Perfect Strangers" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 240 Pounds, The "Franchise" Shane Douglas

King: It's great to see Shane Douglas back

"No Easy Way Out" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: The 2nd Participant, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 220 Pounds, Scott Walker

JR: Well here comes Scott Walker and the interesting thing about this match is all 8 men are former World Champions

"Just Close Your Eyes" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: The 3rd Participant, Representing The Triple H, From Edmond, Oklahoma weighing in at 242 Pounds, The "World's Greatest Athlete" Charlie Haas

Coach: Charlie Haas will have an advantage since his allies are in this match

 Message 8 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:33 AM

"Hearts On Fire" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: The 4th Participant, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 215 Pounds, Chris Walker

King: Well here comes everyone's favorite streaker now

"Danger Zone" hits as The Crowd Boo's with a ton of pyro going off

Miss Shannon: The 5th Participant, Representing The Triple H, From Cameron, North Carolina weighing in at 240 Pounds, Matt Hardy

Coach: Matt Hardy got the golden seat coming in last out of the 6 Chambers

"I Don't Suck" hits, Crowd Chants You Suck

Miss Shannon: The 6th Participant, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 237 Pounds, Kurt Angle

JR: Well here comes Kurt Angle who in my mind should be SCWE World Champion

"Game" hits, Crowd Rises to there feet and are mixed

Miss Shannon: The 7th Entrant, Representing The Triple H, From Greenwich, Connecticut weighing in at 265 Pounds, The "Game" Triple H!!!

King: The Game is getting a nice ovation in what is his last match

JR: Like Triple H or not you gotta respect him and what he has done

"Holding Out for a Hero" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Finally, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 225 Pounds, He is the SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, The "Real Deal, No Gimmicks Needed" Matt Walker

King: Well here is Matt Walker

Coach: He is going to leave still champion

JR: Well there are two chambers on the sides as you can see which allows for 8 men to be in this making this match that much more crowded

SCWE World Heavyweight Championship: Elimination Chamber: Matt Walker(C) vs Triple H vs Kurt Angle vs Chris Walker vs Scott Walker vs Matt Hardy vs Charlie Haas vs Shane Douglas
Kurt Angle and Charlie Haas are chosen to start the match out as both guys circle each other and Angle offers his hand and Haas shockingly takes it as the two men shake hands before locking up with Angle going behind Haas but Haas quickly goes behind Angle to counter it and Haas picks up Angle and takes him down as Haas then locks in a front face lock but Angle is able to get out of it as both men get back up to there feet and lock up again with Angle going behind Haas and Angle goes for a German Suplex but Haas blocks it and gets Angle with a victory roll for a 1---2--kick out, Angle gets back but Haas takes him down with a arm drag take down and Haas then locks in an arm bar on Angle with his knee in the back of Angle's head but Angle is able to get up and elbows Haas in the head as Haas is dazed and then walks right into Angle who hits a belly 2 belly suplex on him as The Buzzer Sounds as Scott Walker is let out. Scott Walker then goes into the ring as Angle and Walker have some words before both agreeing and both men then start to work over Haas knocking him back into the corner as Angle and Walker both stomp away at Haas in the corner. Angle then picks up Haas but Scott Walker turns Angle around and Scott Walker then opens up on Angle with some right hands as Scott whips Kurt off the ropes and Scott hits a big backdrop on Angle as Scott then backs off the ropes and Scott hits a flying forarm to the face of Angle knocking him down as Haas goes to hit Walker but Scott Walker backdrops Haas and Scott Walker then hip tosses Angle down. Scott Walker then hits a clothesline knocking down Haas as Angle gets back up and Angle grabs Walker from behind and hits a big German Suplex on him as Kurt Angle gets up shaking off all the effects but Haas grabs Angle and hits a German Suplex. Scott Walker then takes down Haas with a big right hand as The Next Buzzer Sounds as Shane Douglas exits and enters the ring but walks right into a Walkerkick as Scott Walker covers for the 1---2--3. Shane Douglas has been eliminated. Matt Walker is livid in his chamber as Scott Walker smiles at his brother when Angle grabs Scott from behind and goes for the Angle Slam but Scott is able to avoid it and Scott then goes for the Walkerkick but Angle grabs the ankle and locks in the Angle Lock but Scott Walker is able to roll through knocking Angle into the corner as Scott then rolls up Angle for a 1--2---kick out. Angle gets back up but Charlie Haas hits him from behind as Haas then goes for a German Suplex but Angle blocks it and Angle elbows Haas in the head a few times as Kurt Angle turns around and Angle goes for another Belly 2 Belly Suplex but Haas elbows Angle in the head and Haas then goes for an Angle Lock of his own and gets it locked in but Angle is able to counter it into his own Angle Lock and Kurt then grapevines the leg right in the center of the ring as Haas is screaming out as Scott Walker is telling Haas to tap out and Haas is shaking his head no as Angle keeps grinding at the ankle as Triple H is going nuts in his chamber and is telling Haas to hang on as The Buzzer Starts Finally Starts to Count Down as Scott Walker realizes Triple H is next to come out as he goes over to greet him as The Buzzer Sounds as Triple H is indeed let out and The Game knocks down Walker with a right hand as Triple H gets into the ring but right before he can make the save, Haas taps out. Charlie Haas has been eliminated. Triple H though does take Angle down as Triple H starts to pound away at Kurt Angle with viscous right hands as Scott Walker gets back into the ring and hits a running bulldog taking Triple H down again. Scott Walker then picks up Triple H but The Game picks up Walker and hits a big spinebuster on him and Triple H then kicks Angle coming in and hits a face buster as Triple H then whips Angle off the ropes and hits a high knee smash to the face of Angle and Triple H kicks Scott Walker in the gut and sets him up for the Pedigree but Walker trips Triple H down and sling shots him right into a chamber as Triple H comes back and Angle grabs him and this a German Suplex followed by a Second German Suplex and then a third one and Angle picks him up for another one as Scott Walker goes for the Walkerkick but Triple H is able to duck as Walker lays out Angle and Triple H then grabs Scott and hits a big DDT as Triple H covers Angle for the 1---2--3. Kurt Angle has been eliminated. The Next Buzzer Then Sounds as Chris Walker is let out of his chamber. Chris Walker then goes over and immediately attacks Triple H as Chris and Scott Walker then whip Triple H off the ropes and hit a double clothesline knocking down the Game. Chris Walker picks up Triple H and sets him up for a Walkerflip but Triple H backdrops Walker as Scott Walker then goes for a Walkerkick but Triple H catches the foot and swings him around as Triple H then clotheslines Scott down with a big clothesline. Triple H then catches Chris as well with a kick to the gut and Triple H then picks up Walker and hits a big bodyslam on him as Scott Walker hits Triple H from behind as Walker takes Triple H whips him off the ropes and Walker locks in a sleeper hold on Triple H but The Game backs Walker into the corner as The Next Buzzer Sounds as Matt Walker is let out and Walker comes in and takes down Chris Walker from behind. Triple H takes Scott Walker and throws him out to the concrete floor as Triple H and Matt Walker then start to work over Chris Walker a The Game holds Chris as Matt Walker pounds away at his little brother with big right hands as Triple H and Matt then send Chris off the ropes but Chris hits a double clothesline taking both men down as Scott Walker re-enters the ring and Scott Walker hits a flying forarm taking down Triple H as Chris Walker kicks Matt Walker in the gut and Chris goes for a Walkerflip but Matt lowblows Chris and Matt Walker then hits a Side Effect on Chris as the final Buzzer Sounds as Matt Hardy exits his chamber and enters the ring and Hardy attacks Scott Walker joining Triple H in a double team on him as Matt Walker covers Chris for a 1---2--shoulder up. Matt is not happy when Matt Hardy grabs Matt walker from behind and Matt goes for a Fate twister and hits it as Matt hooks the leg for a 1---2--Chris breaks it up as Chris knocks Matt Hardy down as Triple H goes over and grabs Chris Walker and Triple H delivers a DDT to Chris and Triple H gets up gloating as Scott Walker goes for a Walkerkick but Triple H ducks it and Triple H then kicks him in the gut and Triple H then delivers the Pedigree and The Game covers Scott Walker for the 1---2--3. Scott Walker has been eliminated. Chris Walker gets back up and Chris opens up on Triple H knocking The Game back into the corner when Matt Hardy then attacks Chris Walker from behind but Chris turns around and Chris knocks Matt Hardy down but Matt Walker then hits Chris as Matt Walker then picks up Chris for a Pittfall but Chris is able to get out of it and Chris then rolls up Matt Walker for the 1---2--2.7-kick out. Matt Hardy then grabs Chris Walker and goes for a Twist of Fate but Chris shoves Hardy into Triple H and Chris rolls up Hardy with a handful of tights for the 1---2--3. Matt Hardy has been eliminated. Matt Hardy and Triple H are both livid as Triple H clotheslines Chris Walker down as Triple H starts to pound away at Chris with big right hands. Matt Walker though then attacks Triple H as Matt Walker takes Triple H and whips him off the ropes as Matt Walker puts his head down but Triple H stops and then hits a knee smash to Walker and then gets him and hits the Pedigree as Triple H covers for the 1---2--3. Matt Walker has been eliminated. This leaves only Chris Walker and Triple H as the two men have some words and both guys lock up with Triple H overpowering Chris shoving him down as Chris gets back up as Triple H tells Chris Walker he is going to retire World Champion and The Game then goes to work on Chris with right hands and whips him off the ropes and Triple H hits a high knee to the face of Chris as Triple H then picks up Chris Walker and sets him up for a Pedigree but Chris Walker trips Triple H down and slingshots him into the corner as Triple H comes out, Chris kicks him in the gut and then hits a Walkerflip on Triple H as Chris Walker covers The Game for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Chris Walker (SCWE World)

Miss Shannon: Your winner and New SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Walker!!!

JR: Chris Walker has done it!!

King: Chris Walker ended Triple H's dream of retiring World Champion

Coach: This isn't right

:Chris Walker is celebrating his win when Matt Walker comes back into the ring and attacks Chris Walker from behind as when Scott Walker hits the ring and Scott knocks down Matt with a right hand but a mystery 7 Foot guy the enters the ring and grabs Scott and shoves him away as Scott looks stunned as the 7 Footer gets told to get out of the ring by Matt as Scott checks on Chris:

King: Who the hell is that guy?

JR: I don't know

Coach: Matt walker promised a big suprise earlier and I think thats it and I reckon Scott knows who it is too

JR: Well we are out of time, we hope you have enjoyed Psychotic Games, See you on Tuesday for Smackdown!

:Psychotic Games Goes Off The Air:

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