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PPV : No Mercy 10/9/05
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 Message 1 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 2:44 AM

Results 10/9/05 Live From San Francisco, California

Promo's for the PPV Air:

Pyro Then Explodes!! as "Blaze of Glory" plays to open up No Mercy

JR: Welcome to SCWE No Mercy coming to you live from San Francisco!!!

King: Tonight we are going to see 10 Huge Matches including the return of EYOB!!!

Coach: That's right three divas breasts will be coming out tonight for the world to see but I can't wait to see Jerome Morris become SCWE World Champion

JR: No Mercy is stacked from top to bottom so without further ado lets get things started

Miss Shannon: The Opening Contest of SCWE No Mercy is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE European Championship

"Take This" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, From Gainsville, Georgia weighing in at 212 Pounds, The "Phenominal" AJ Styles

JR: Well here comes AJ Styles now to the ring

King: This match is going to be a good one

"Line In The Sand" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: His opponent, From Charlotte, North Carolina wieghing in at 220 Pounds, He is the SCWE European Champion, David Flair

Coach: There is no way AJ is beating David Flair

JR: Well David Flair won the title at Psychotic Games but AJ Styles has a legit case to still be champion and I am glad to see it finally being settled tonight

SCWE European Championship: David Flair(C) vs AJ Styles
Referee Chad Patton rings the bell to start the match out as David Flair goes up to AJ and wooo's at him telling him he is the next generation of the Nature Boy and AJ smiles and then kicks David in the gut as AJ then opens up on David with some forarm shots and AJ then jumps up kicking David in the back of the head knocking David down face first as David gets back up but AJ hits a running crossbody on David for a 1---2--kick out. AJ then waits as David is back up and AJ kicks David in the gut and AJ whips David off the ropes and AJ puts his head down but david kicks AJ in the shoulder and David then delivers a few big chops to AJ backing AJ up as David then trips AJ down and David then goes for the Figure 4 but AJ kicks David away as AJ gets back up but David hits a chop block to AJ's left knee taking him down as David then goes to work on the knee as David then goes for the Figure 4 again but AJ grabs David and gets a small package for a 1---2--David gets into the ropes to stop the count. AJ gets back up as does David and AJ kicks David in the gut and AJ whips David off the ropes and AJ drops down as David goes over top and AJ then hits a big dropkick to David knocking him down as AJ is back up first and AJ grabs David and whips him into the corner and AJ goes charging in but David moves as AJ hits the corner and David then hits a few big chops to AJ as David puts AJ up top but AJ is able to kick David down as AJ then gets ready up top and goes for the Spiral Tap but David moves out of the way as AJ misses and David then picks up AJ and sets him up for the Nature Shock but AJ is able to counter into a DDT as both men are down for a few seconds before AJ gets up first and AJ then goes to get David Flair but David rakes AJ in the eyes and David then goes to whip AJ off the ropes but AJ reverses sending David into the corner as David ends up flipping over the corner and lands on the apron as AJ then hits a dropkick sending David to the floor as he lands on his feet and then falls face first into the padding. AJ then gets up top and waits as David is struggling to get up and AJ comes off and hits a big Top Rope Bulldog on David  Flair as David is out cold as AJ picks up David and rolls him into the ring as AJ then goes up top and this time connects with the Spiral tap for the 1---2--3.
Winner: AJ Styles (SCWE European)

Miss Shannon: Your winner and new SCWE European Champion, AJ Styles

JR: AJ Styles has done it

Coach: No I can't believe it

King: AJ took a big risk and it paid off and it got him back his European Title

:Backstage: The Bischoff's Office

:Eric and Marrisa are shown sitting on the couch together watching the monitor when Randy Orton walks into the office as Eric gets up and shakes his hand:

Eric Bischoff: It's good to see you back Randy

Randy Orton: Well Mr. Bischoff I would like to thank you for this chance to be back on SCWE

Eric Bischoff: Well its not a problem

Randy Orton: I promise you Eric that tonight I will make an impact and I will also do a great job at refereeing the Expose Your Opponents Breasts Match

Eric Bischoff: I'm sure you will Randy and good luck

:Eric and Randy shake hands as Randy leaves the office:

:Another Area Backstage:

Maria: I am standing here right now with Jerome Morris, Tonight Jerome you have a chance to become SCWE World Heavyweight Champion for the first time in your career, how anxious are you for this match to get started?

Jerome Morris: Maria, I am actually very calm because I know its just a matter of time until I get into the ring with Chris Walker and when I do, its going to be over just like that because I am The Impact Player and tonight I become SCWE World Heavyweight Champion

:Jerome walks away smiling:

:Video Preview for Mick Foley vs Lance Storm:

JR: Well Randy Orton as you can see is back

Coach: That's great that The Legend Killer is back

King: Yeah and he gets the lucky honor of refereeing the EYOB Match

JR: Well up next we are going to see two guys whose rivalry started over the summer on ECW and then carried over to WCW and now is on SCWE

King: Yeah two guys who really hate each other

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE RAWCore Championship

"Lance Storm Theme" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, Being accumpied by Kristen Storm, From Calgary Alberta, Canada weighing in at 240 Pounds, Lance Storm

JR: Well here comes Lance Storm

Coach: I think Lance Storm is going to walk out of here as RAWCore Champion

"Wreck" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: His opponent representing the bWo, From Long Island, New York weighing in at 287 Pounds, He is the SCWE RAWCore Champion, Mick Foley

King: Well here comes the bWo's Mick Foley

JR: Mick Foley is the RAWCore Legend and I think he has the advantage over Lance Storm based on the RAWCore Rules element

SCWE RAWCore Championship: Mick Foley(C) vs Lance Storm W/Kristen Storm
Referee Chad Patton rings the bell as Lance Storm is then handed a Kendo Stick from Kristen Storm as Mick Foley smiles waiting as Storm then goes to hit Foley but Foley kicks Storm in the gut and opens up on Storm with right hands as Foley grabs the Kendo Stick and then hits Storm over the head with it knocking down Lance Storm. Storm then gets back up as Foley hits Storm in the ribs and Foley then grabs Storm and wraps the Kendo Stick around Storm's neck and hits a big Russian Leg Sweep as Foley then rolls out to the floor and goes under the ring and pulls out a Garbage Can and throws it into the ring as Foley rolls into the ring but Storm has the kendo stick and hits Foley with it as Storm breaks it over Foley's back as Lance Storm then picks up Mick Foley and slams him down as Storm then goes for a Sharpshooter but Foley kicks Storm back into the corner as Foley then grabs a sign out of the trash can as Storm comes back and goes to get Foley and Foley hits Storm over the head with it knocking down Storm as Mick Foley then picks up Storm and hangs him upside down in the corner as Mick Foley then dumps the garbage can out and Foley puts it in front of Lance's face as Foley backs up to the opposite corner and charges in and drives his knee into the garbage can as Storm then falls out of the corner and is busted wide open from it as Mick Foley is smiling as Mick Foley then goes outside under the ring and pulls out a Car Battery and some jumper cables as Mick Foley then kicks Storm in the gut as he gets up and hits a Double Arm DDT as Mick Foley then connects the jumper cables to Lance's nether regions and then Foley is smiling as he goes near the battery as Chad Patton is trying to stop him but Foley puts it on there as Storm screams out in pain as Chad Patton quickly separates them as Lance Storm is rolling around grabbing himself as Kristin looks like she is going to throw up as Mick Foley then picks up Storm and throws him outside to the floor as Mick Foley then goes outside as well and Foley pulls up the padding as Mick Foley then slams Storm on the concrete floor as Lance Storm is hurting badly as Mick Foley gets on the apron and then charges off hitting a big elbow as Mick Foley gets up and pulls out Mr. Socko then and waits as Lance Storm somehow struggles up and Foley then gives Lance, Mr Socko as Storm goes down as Chad Patton counts the 1---2--3.
Winner: Mick Foley

Miss Shannon: Your winner and still SCWE RAWCore Champion, Mick Foley

JR: Mick Foley has retained the RAWCore Title

King: Poor Lance Storm never got going

JR: Mick Foley just proved why he is the RAWCore Legend

Coach: Lance Storm is a real wrestler not some stupid RAWCore person, if weapons weren't involved, Lance Storm would have taken Foley out

:Backstage: The Bischoff's Office

:Eric & Marrisa are once again seen watching the monitor while on the couch when Jerome Morris barges into the office as Eric goes to get up:

Jerome Morris: Eric buddy

:Eric gets up off the couch:

Eric Bischoff: What can I do for you Jerome

Jerome Morris: Nothing really, I just wanted to thank you once again for giving me this chance

Eric Bischoff: No problem Jerome

Jerome Morris: Well as you can see I am already ready for action so I thought who better to hang out with on the biggest night of my career then the man who is responsible for it and my best friend and thats you Eric

:Eric and Marrisa both look a little freaked out as Jerome hugs Eric:

Eric Bischoff: Um...ok Jerome just take a seat I guess

:Eric sits back down on the couch as he puts his arm around Marrisa again when Jerome jumps on the couch next to Eric pushing Marrisa to the side of the couch:

Jerome Morris: Thank you for letting me stay here and might I say this couch is quiet comfortable

:Marrisa looks very annoyed as Eric just puts his hand on his forhead:

:Video Preview for Ryan Cage vs John Cena:

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 Message 2 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:45 AM

JR: Well Jerome Morris is hanging out with the Bischoff's now

King: Marrisa does not look happy about it either

Coach: Well I talked to Jerome earlier and Jerome said that he owes everything to Eric and that he really apperciates how Eric has always looked after him and I guess thats being shown here tonight and I do believe that Jerome when he wins the SCWE World Title may even dedicate to Eric Bischoff!

King: Oh great

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Intercontinental Championship

"Just Like You" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring being accumpied by The Dudley Boys and Lindsay Stratus, From Boston, Massachusetts weighing in at 265 Pounds, Ryan Cage

JR: Here comes Ryan Cage who is a former Intercontinental Champion

Coach: And soon to be a two time IC Champion tonight

"Gangsta's Paradise" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: His opponent, Being accumpied by Gangrel and Viscera, From West Newberry, Massachusetts, weighing in at 240 Pounds, He is the SCWE Intercontinental Champion, John Cena

King: Well here comes the Master of Thuganomics

JR: This is going to be a very good match

Coach: Why is Gangrel and Viscera out here

JR: To combat The Dudley's

SCWE Intercontinental Championship: John Cena(C) W/Gangrel & Viscera vs Ryan Cage W/Lindsay Stratus & The Dudley's
Referee Mills Lane shows off the IC title and calls for the bell as Cena and Ryan Cage have some words as Ryan tells Cena that is nothing and Cena smirks and tells Ryan he can't see him and Ryan Cage then goes to hit Cena but Cena blocks it and opens up on Ryan knocking Ryan back as Cena then whips Ryan off the ropes and Cena then hits a big hip toss on Cage as Ryan gets up and Cena hits a big running clothesline knocking down Cage as Ryan gets back up, Cena kicks him in the gut and Cena then hits a swinging neck breaker as Cena covers for a 1---2--kick out. Cena then picks up Ryan Cage and Cena whips him off the ropes and Cena then puts his head down but Ryan is able to stop and Ryan kicks Cena in the face and Ryan Cage then goes for the RKO but Cena shoves him off the ropes and Cena then hits a big Soman Drop on Cage as The Dudley's are about to get involved when Gangrel and Viscera attack them as Referee Mills Lane then throws The Dudley's & The Brood out from ringside as Cena smiles and tells Mills Lane good job but then walks right into the RKO from Ryan Cage as Cage covers Cena for a 1---2--2.9-shoulder up. Ryan Cage can not believe it and Ryan picks up Cena and Ryan sets him up for another RKO but Cena shoves Cage off the ropes and Cena then kicks Ryan in the gut and Cena picks up Cage for the FU but Ryan is able to escape it and counters into the Cage Crossface as Cena is screaming out in pain as Ryan wrenches back but Cena is able to get up as Ryan can't believe it and Cena picks up Cage for the FU and hits it!!! Cena then covers but Lindsay Stratus gets on the apron distracting Mills Lane as Cena gets up and goes over and grabs Lindsay by her hair but Ryan Cage then low blows Cena and Ryan then grabs Cena and hits a Side Effect as Ryan Cage then locks in a Boston Crab as Cena is screaming out once again but Cena is able to crawl into the ropes as mills lane orders a break and gets it at the last possible instance as Ryan Cage stomps away at Cena some more and Ryan Cage then picks up Cena and Ryan shoves Cena back into the corner as Ryan then delivers a few big chops to Cena and Ryan puts Cena up top and says its over as he sets up Cena for a Top Rope RKO but Cena is able to hold the ropes and counters into a Top Rope Throwback instead as Cena then waits as Cage struggles up and Cena hits a big spinebuster on Cage as Cena then gets in position and tells Ryan he can't see him as Cena then hits the ropes and comes back and hits the 5 knuckle shuffle as Cena is then waiting as Ryan Cage gets up to his feet and Cena sets up Ryan Cage for the FU and hits it as Cena covers again for a 1---2--Randy Orton then hits the ring but does not attack anyone as Cena gets up off Ryan Cage as Randy Orton then gets back in the ropes like he is going to leave and Orton tells Cena that he will get him later as Ryan Cage then hits Cena from behind and Ryan Cage then connects with the Infection and covers for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Ryan Cage (SCWE IC)

Miss Shannon: Your winner and new SCWE Intercontinental Champion, Ryan Cage

Coach: Ryan Cage is champ again!!!

JR: John Cena had Ryan Cage beat until Randy Orton distracted Cena but why did he do that

:John Cena is getting up in the ring as Randy Orton then gets into the ring again and Orton hits the RKO on Cena as Randy Orton then taunts over Cena's body until Gangrel and Viscera hit the ring as Orton bails out to the floor as The Brood members check on Cena:

JR: What is Randy Orton's problem with John Cena?

King: I don't know but Cena just got robbed of the IC Title as a result

Coach: Last time I checked, Randy Orton didn't touch John Cena, so Orton didn't screw nobody, Cena took his eye off the ball and Ryan Cage made him pay end of story

:Video Preview for SCWE Women's RAWCore Ladder Match between Stacy Mason & Rose Thorn:

JR: Well up next we are going to see two divas that have both had a great run in this company

King: Yeah Stacy Mason and Rose Thorn sometimes friends, sometimes enemies and tonight there enemies fighting over Stacy's Women's RAWCore Title

Coach: Yeah and Marrisa Bischoff being the genious she is has made this match a Ladder Match

JR: It should be a heck of a fight, thats for sure

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is a Ladder Match for the SCWE Women's RAWCore Championship

"Rock & Roll Queens" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making her way to the ring, The Challenger, From Austin, Texas, Rose Thorn

JR: Rose Thorn for the past few monthes has been put off course from getting her SCWE Women's Title Match and tonight if she wins the Women's RAWCore title then you gotta think she may never get that Women's Title Shot since she will be busy competing in the Women's RAWCore Division

Coach: Don't worry about that JR because Stacy Mason is the queen of RAWCore, she is not going to lose to Rose Thorn

"Everybody's Fool" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Her opponent, From Los Angelos, California, She is the SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion, Stacy Mason

King: Well here comes Stacy Mason

Coach: This is going to be short and sweet because Rose can't compete against Stacy Mason

JR: Well lets just see what happens because ladder matches are so unpredictable

SCWE Women's RAWCore Championship: Ladder Match: Stacy Mason(C) vs Rose Thorn
Both Stacy and Rose have words with each other before Stacy slaps Rose across the face and Stacy tells Rose she is the queen of RAWCore and Rose responds by spearing down Stacy and Rose opens up on Stacy with rights and lefts as Stacy tries to cover up and finally knocks Rose off as Stacy gets back up but Rose hits Stacy from behind knocking Stacy into the ropes as Rose then runs into the ropes and kicks Stacy in the face knocking Stacy back as Rose bounces up and then bounces off the ropes and hits Stacy with the Intense Power as Rose hooks the leg but no pin falls as Rose gets up and pounds away at Stacy and kicks her in the ribs knocking her back down as she tried to get up as Rose takes Stacy and whips her into the corner as Rose charges in but gets met with a big boot to the face from Stacy Mason as Stacy then goes up top and Stacy comes off the top and gets met with a powerslam as Rose Thorn then delivers a few right hands to Stacy and Rose picks up Stacy and slams her down by the corner as Rose goes up top and Rose comes off hitting the Tranquil Insanity as Rose then gets up and rolls out to the floor as Rose grabs the ladder in the entry way and starts to bring it back to the ring but when she reaches the ropes, Stacy is back up and Stacy ends up hitting a baseball slide into the ladder which hits Rose in the face knocking her down as Stacy gets out to the floor and Stacy picks up Rose who is now bleeding from her nose and Stacy rams Rose face first off the barricade and Stacy takes Rose and rams her face off the steps and then the ring post as Stacy Mason then picks up Rose and slams her down on the floor as Stacy then puts the ladder in the ring as Stacy gets into the ring and Stacy picks the ladder up and starts to set it up but does not see Rose Thorn get back on the apron and Rose bounces up on the ropes and comes in and hits a Diving Hurricanrana on Stacy sending her across the ring as Rose then connects with a enziguri on Stacy as well as Stacy hits the mat face first and Rose Thorn then goes over and fixes up the ladder and starts to climb up but Stacy hits Rose when she is half way up and Stacy powerbombs Rose off it!! Stacy then picks up Rose and Stacy hits a big Fisherman's Suplex but doesn't hook for the pin as Stacy then picks up Rose again and Stacy delivers a big piledriver on her. Stacy then starts to climb up the ladder but Rose is able to get back up and Rose climbs up the ladder as well as Stacy is near the top but Rose hits Stacy in the gut as Rose and Stacy are both up top fighting it out and Rose gets the upper hand as Rose ends up pulling Stacy on her side as Rose sets up Stacy for the Hardcore Pink and Frills and jumps off going for it but Stacy is able to counter in midair into a DDT on both divas though are laid out as the crowd is chanting holy shit. Stacy Mason is the first one to start to get up as Stacy grabs the ladder and starts to climb up it but Rose is also starting to get up as Rose hits Stacy in the back as Stacy was climbing up and Rose ends up grabbing Stacy and hitting a spinning out powerbomb on her as both divas are still down and hurting. Rose is the first one up pulling herself in the ropes and Rose then staggers to the ladder and climbs up it as Stacy Mason is still down and Rose is able to reach the top but instead of grabbing the title, Rose gets a big smile on her face as Rose stands up on top of the ladder and Rose comes off hitting the Tranquil Insanity as Rose rolls around the ring grabbing her ribs as Stacy Mason is not moving at all. Rose pulls herself up once again and Rose says that's it and Rose starts to climb up the ladder but Stacy Mason gets back up as Rose is near the top and Stacy pulls the ladder out as Rose drops from the ladder and Rose ends up hitting the top rope chest first as Rose bounces back and Stacy Mason then picks up Rose and Stacy hits a big brainbuster on Rose as Stacy then sets up the ladder and climbs up it and Stacy is about to grab the Women's RAWCore Title but Stacy looks around and then gets in position and Stacy comes off looking for a Broken Dreams but Rose rolls out of the way at the last second as Stacy Mason hits the mat hard and Stacy is not moving as Rose then kicks Stacy out to the floor as Rose climbs up the ladder and is able to grab the SCWE Women's RAWCore Title as Stacy Mason is just trying to get back into the ring as Rose pulls it down.
Winner: Rose Thorn (SCWE Women's RAWCore)

Miss Shannon: Your winner and new SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion, Rose Thorn

JR: Rose Thorn has done it

King: We have a new Champion!!

Coach: I can't believe it

JR: Both of these ladies put there bodies on the line and Stacy Mason's gamble looking for the Broken Dreams off the ladder did not pay off and it cost her the match and the title

Coach: She went all or nothing and got nothing

:Video Preview for #1 Contender's Women's RAWCore Match:

 Message 3 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:45 AM

JR: Well guys up next we are going to find out who is next in line for Rose's newly won Women's RAWCore Title

King: This should be a good contest between three divas who have not been looking so good lately but are getting a big chance tonight to showcase there talents on a Pay Per View and also earning a Title Shot

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a #1 Contender's Match for the SCWE Women's RAWCore Championship and will be fought under RAWCore Rules

"International Woman" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making her way to the ring, From Korea, Gail Kim

JR: Well here comes Gail Kim now who is looking to get a big win

"These Boots are Made For Walking" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Her opponent, From Toronto, Canada, Leyla

Coach: I think Leyla is the favorite in this match because Leyla has won some big matches in the past

"You Shook Me All Night Long" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Finally, From Baltimore, Maryland, Brish

King: Brish has been a Women's RAWCore Champion before so in my mind she is the favorite because she has been a champion unlike Gail and Leyla

RAWCore Rules: Leyla vs Brish vs Gail Kim
The bell sounds as Leyla, Gail Kim and Brish look around the ring as it is filled with weapons. Gail Kim and Brish both nod at one another and run over to Leyla, Gail and Brish lock hands and attempt to nail Leyla with a double clothesline but Leyla ducks it and nails both Gail and Brish with neckbreakers. Leyla gets up and laughs at Brish and Gail. Leyla turns her back to her opponants and picks up a mop. Gail Kim and Brish flip them selves up and the crowd begin to cheer. Leyla turns back to Brish and Gail but her smirk is taken off her face when she see's Gail and Brish walking towards her. Leyla attempts to smash the mop over Brish's head but Brish catches it and kicks Leyla in the gut. Gail climbs up to the top rope as Brish nails Leyla with a big hair toss. Gail looks to launch off the top rope with a diving leg drop to Leyla but Gail changes her mind and nails Brish with a diving cross body. Gail gets up and picks up a ironing board she places it in the turnbuckle. Gail grabs Leyla and irish whips her into the ironing board. Gail then picks up a iron and drives it into the gut of Leyla. Gail Kim nails Leyla with a snap suplex and quickly covers her 1...2... Brish breaks up the pin. Brish grabs Gail and grabs a handful of Gail's hair. Brish takes Gail and smashes her head off the ironing board. Brish picks up gail and irish whips her to the ropes, Gail bounces back and manages to lock in the Kim-Stretch. The submission move brings Brish to her knee's, Brish is close to taping out but Leyla gets up with a aluminium sheet and smashes it over Gail Kim's head. Gail lets go of Brish. Brish rolls out to the floor. Leyla picks up Gail but Kim manages to elbow Leyla in the gut. Gail hits a Leyla with a big DDT and covers her 1...2... kick out by Leyla. Gail picks up Leyla and goes for another big DDT this time onto the aluminium sheet but Leyla grabs a hold of the top rope causing Gail to slam herself down. Leyla picks up gail and nails her with the Leyla-Go-Boom! Leyla rolls out of the ring and shakes her head, she turns around and ducks a high kick from Brish, Leyla manages to catch Brish with the Razzari Rumble right on the outside mats! Leyla covers Brish 1...2...3
Winner: Leyla

Miss Shannon: Your winner, Leyla

JR: Leyla scores the impressive win here to wrap up #1 Contender rights to Rose Thorn's Women's RAWCore Title

Coach: I called Leyla winning

King: I just wish Leyla would have been in the EYOB Match, I think she has nice puppies

JR: Well speaking of EYOB, that is our next match but lets go backstage first

:Backstage: Bischoff's Office

:Jerome, Eric, & Marrisa are shown on the couch as Marrisa still looks very much annoyed while Jerome is sprawled out somewhat on the couch and looks relaxed:

Jerome Morris: I tell you, being in this office is so much better then being in a regular locker room

Marrisa Bischoff: Um yeah thats good then but Jerome your wife's match is up next, maybe you should go to ringside and get a better view of it

Jerome Morris: Nah, Trish isn't going to lose

Marrisa Bischoff: But if she does, her breasts will be out for the world to see

Jerome Morris: I'm not worried about it Marrisa, Trish can handle things herself

Eric Bischoff: Um Jerome maybe you should go because me and Marrisa want to watch this match together... if you get my drift

Jerome Morris: Oh yeah I get you, don't mind me, I'll just stay here you two do whatever

:Marrisa looks pissed and storms out of the office as Eric hurries up and follows her as Jerome just sits in the middle of the couch then:

Jerome Morris: Geez whats her problem

:Another Area Backstage:

:Stacy Mason is shown throwing a fit backstage as David Flair is also not happy as Stacy Mason is screaming that she is going to pay Rose back for stealing her title as Stacy is upsetting food tables and David Flair picks up a coffee pot and smashes it as Several Referee's and Security Guards come and start to restrain Stacy and David as AJ Styles with the SCWE European and Rose with the SCWE Women's RAWCore are shown watching on and start to wave as David and Stacy are escorted form the arena as Rose kisses the Women's RAWCore Title which causes Stacy to flip out even more:

:Video Preview for EYOB:

JR: Well guys its time for your favorite match now

King: I love EYOB Matches!!!

Coach: Stephanie McMahon is the only person in this match that has appeared in them and she is 1-1 in them

King: I just hope this match is a draw and all four have to have a Overtime and what would they do then

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is the Expose Your Opponents Breasts Match(Crowd Goes Nuts).

"Whatever It Takes" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, The Special Guest Referee, Randy Orton

JR: Here comes The Returning Legend Killer who we already saw get involved and RKO John Cena

King: This assignment is right up Randy Orton's alley

"Walk This Way" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: The 1st Participant, From Las Vegas, Nevada, Jezebel

King: Here comes Jezebel who I wouldn't mind seeing losing, her puppies are huge!!

"All Grown Up" hits, Crowd Continues to Cheer

Miss Shannon: The 2nd Participant, From Greenwich, Connecticut, Stephanie McMahon

Coach: Well we have already seen Stephanie's breasts before but I tell you what guys, I would love to see them again

King: I know!!

"Did My Time" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: The 3rd Participant, From Denver, Colorado, Trish Morris

Coach: Well here comes Trish Morris who I have to say I don't think we are going to see her breasts because she is going to dominant this match

JR: Well only time can tell that

"Foxy Lady" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Finally, From London, England, Scarlett

King: Well here comes the very hott Scarlett

JR: This match is very interesting

EYOB: Scarlett vs Jezebel vs Trish Morris vs Stephanie McMahon; Special Referee: Randy Orton
Randy Orton is smiling in the ring as he then sounds for the bell as Jezebel goes right after Trish Morris and Trish catches Jezebel with a big slap to the face but Scarlett hits Trish as well until Stephanie attacks Scarlett as Stephanie takes Scarlett and hair tosses her down while Jezebel and Trish Morris exchange rights and lefts and Stephanie then goes and hits Jezebel from behind as Steph then holds Jezebel as Trish Morris then opens up on Jezebel with big right hands and Trish then grabs Jezebel's shirt and rips it off revealing Jezebel's red bra but Scarlett hits Stephanie  which free's Jezebel as Jezebel then kicks Trish in the gut and Jezebel hits a DDT on Trish Morris as Scarlett goes for the Scarlett Stunner on Steph but Steph is able to shove Scarlett into Jezebel and Stephanie then hits the RKO on Scarlett as Stephanie then pulls Scarlett's shirt off revealing a blue bra as Stephanie then goes to grab her bra but Jezebel hits a running bulldog taking down Stephanie as Trish Morris then goes to hit Jezebel but Jezebel catches her by her throat and Jezebel hits the Close Call as Jezebel then takes Trish Morris's shirt off revealing a pink bra. Jezebel though is not done yet and picks up Trish and Jezebel sets up Trish for The Bombshell but Trish ends up hitting Jezebel in the gut and Trish yanks Jezebel's pants off revealing Jezebel red panties as Trish clotheslines her down and rips the pants completely off when Scarlett hits the Scarlett Kiss on Trish out of nowhere as Scarlett and Jezebel then take Trish Morris's pants off revealing Trish's pink pair of panties as Stephanie McMahon is just watching from a corner and Stephanie then makes her move and knocks Jezebel down from behind and Stephanie goes to hit Scarlett but Scarlett blocks it and then kicks her in the gut and hits the Scarlett Stunner as Jezebel ends up catching Stephanie and rips her shirt off as Scarlett then yanks Steph's pants off as well revealing Stephanie's black bra and panties as Randy Orton is looking around at all the divas in there bra and all of them except Scarlett in there panties. Scarlett and Jezebel then go to get Trish Morris but Trish hits a double clothesline taking both divas down as Trish then gets on top of Jezebel and starts to pound away as Scarlett gets back up but Stephanie spears down Scarlett and Stephanie then yanks Scarlett's pants off but Scarlett kicks Steph down in the process as Scarlett is revealed to be wearing blue panties. Randy Orton stops the action as Orton gets all of the clothes out of the ring as all four divas retreat to a separate corner as Jezebel comes out first going right after Trish Morris while Stephanie and Jezebel go after it as Jezebel & trish are exchanging chops back and forth while Stephanie and Scarlett are exchanging rights and lefts and Stephanie gets the upper hand on Scarlett and Stephanie goes for the RKO and hits it but Scarlett ends up pulling Stephanie's panties down exposing Stephanie's bottom area's as Randy Orton's eyes go wide as Stephanie gets up unknowing that her panties are down and Stephanie finally looks down after the Crowd is going nuts and Stephanie pulls them back up but in the meantime, Jezebel is waiting and Jezebel ends up hitting a kick to the gut and Jezebel hits the Bombshell on Stephanie as Jezebel then pulls Stephanie's bra off exposing Stephanie's breasts the Crowd goes nuts as Stephanie rolls out of the ring and gets a towel on from Brian Hebner. Stephanie McMahon is eliminated. Trish Morris after Stephanie's elimination immediately went to work on Jezebel and Trish kicks Jezebel in the gut and Trish sets up Jezebel for the Blonde Bitch Ride but Jezebel back drops Trish as Trish gets up as Jezebel grabs her as Scarlett then goes for the Scarlett kiss but Trish breaks free as Scarlett lays out Jezebel and Trish hits a Chick Kick on Scarlett as Jezebel is not out and is trying to get up but Trish Morris is waiting and grabs Jezebel's bra and rips it off revealing Jezebel's breasts as the place erupts again. Jezebel exits the ring and gets a towel. Jezebel has been eliminated. This leaves Scarlett & Trish Morris to fight it out as Trish and Scarlett lock up as Trish knees Scarlett in the gut and Trish tries to get Scarlett's bra off but Scarlet grabs Trish's panties and threatens to pull them down as Trish lets go of Scarlett to grab Scarlett's panties as both divas are now at a stand still when Trish ends up headbutting Scarlett in the face stopping all that as Trish then grabs Scarlett tripping her down as Trish then goes for the Blonde Bitch Walls but Scarlett kicks Trish back as Trish is back up and goes to hit Scarlett goes for the Scarlett Kiss but Trish ducks it and kicks Scarlett in the gut and sets up Scarlett for the Blonde Bitch Ride and goes for it but while picking up Scarlett in the air, Scarlett rips off Trish's bra exposing Trish's breasts as Trish hits the hold but realizes what has happened as she covers up.
Winner: Scarlett

Miss Shannon: Your winner, Scarlett!!

King: That match was GREAT!!!!!!!!!!

Coach: We saw Trish Morris and Jezebel's breasts and poor Stephanie got fully exposed but I'm not complaining

JR: Well Scarlett now has a SCWE Women's Championship Shot coming up and thats the important thing

:Video Preview for The Triple H vs bWo:

 Message 4 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:45 AM

JR: Well guys up next we are going to see some Six Man Tag Action

King: Yeah the bWo taking on The Triple H

Coach: The bWo may have been big in ECW but this ain't ECW, this is SCWE and everyone knows That Triple H runs SCWE

JR: Well it should be a heck of a slobber knocker

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Kings" hits, Crowd Rises To There Feet and Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making there way to the ring being accumpied by Jaime Lavelle, Julianne Angle, & The "Nature Boy" Ric Flair, weighing in at a combined weight of 747 Pounds, They are the Triple H better known as Matt Hardy, The "World's Greatest Athlete" Charlie Haas, and the "Game" Triple H!!!

Coach: Well here they come, three of the greatest wrestlers alive today

King: I hope the bWo knows what they went and got themselves in to

"Kings" restarts as The Crowd is puzzled but then goes nuts when the bWo appears dressed up as The Triple H with Stevie being Triple H, Rico being Matt Hardy and Simon Dean being Charlie Haas with Lexus Carr dressed as Julianne Angle

Miss Shannon: There opponents weighing in at a combined weight of 673 Pounds, being accumpied by Lexus Carr, The bWo better known as The SCWE Tag Team Champions Simon Dean and Rico and "Big Stevie Cool" Stevie Richards

JR: Here comes the bWo or should I say The Triple H part 2

Coach: That is not funny and they are going to pay for doing that

:In The Ring, The Triple H members don't look upset and are actually laughing and clapping:

King: Um The Triple H doesn't seem upset

JR: Well lets see what happens once its go time

Triple H, Matt Hardy, & Charlie Haas W/Julianne Angle, Jaime Lavelle, & Ric Flair vs Stevie Richards, Simon Dean, & Rico W/Lexus Carr
The Bell Sounds as Matt Hardy starts things off with Rico as both men go to lock up but Rico goes behind Hardy and smacks his ass as Matt Hardy looks ready to explode but doesn't and instead just turns around and claps and tells Rico that he should be proud of himself as Matt Hardy and Rico then go to lock up again as Rico goes behind Hardy again but Hardy catches Rico with a kick to the gut and Matt Hardy turns around and knocks Rico down with a big right hand as Matt Hardy then gets on the mat and starts to choke Rico as Earl Hebner warns Matt Hardy that he will DQ him as Matt Hardy stops and walks away talking to Earl Hebner as Ric Flair reaches in then and starts to pound away at Rico with several right hands as Stevie Richards jumps off the apron and goes after Flair who moves away as Earl Hebner tells Stevie to get back on the apron as Matt Hardy picks up Rico and whips him off the ropes and Matt Hardy hits a back drop on Rico as Matt Hardy waits as Rico gets up and Hardy grabs Rico and sets him up for a Side Effect but Rico elbows Hardy in the head and Rico then kicks Hardy in the gut and Rico grabs hardy's arm and wraps around and it kicks Hardy in the face knocking him down as Rico goes over and tags out to Simon Dean. Simon comes into the ring and tells Matt Hardy what an honor it is to be in the ring with him as Matt Hardy tells Simon to just lock up which both men do as Hardy locks in a headlock but Simon trips Hardy down by his legs and Simon then leaps up and locks in a headlock on Hardy who quickly escapes into an arm bar but Simon goes down tripping Hardy as Simon then locks in a STF on Hardy which is quickly broken up by Charlie Haas who kicks Simon in the face which brings Stevie Richards into the ring as Stevie knocks down Haas as Earl Hebner quickly gets in and separates everything and gets Stevie and Haas out of the ring but Matt Hardy is back up and Hardy kicks Simon in the gut and Hardy whips Simon into the corner as Hardy charges in but Simon gets his boot up into the face of Hardy as Simon then charges out looking for a clothesline but Hardy ducks it and then catches Simon with a kick to the gut and Hardy hits the Side Effect on Simon Dean as Matt Hardy covers but Rico comes in and breaks it up right from the go. Charlie Haas then re-enters the ring as Haas knocks down Rico with a right hand as Stevie Richards comes in and goes after Haas as Triple H then gets into the ring and Triple H attacks Stevie Richards as The Game and Stevie exchange rights and lefts and Stevie ends up knocking Triple H down with a right hand as Rico catches  Charlie Haas with a spinning Rico kick knocking Haas out to the floor as Triple H rolls out to the floor and Simon Dean clotheslines Matt Hardy over the top to the floor as well. The bWo is telling The Triple H to come back into the ring as The Triple H are regrouping and not very happy. Rico & Stevie get back out on the apron as Matt Hardy re-enters the ring and Hardy tells Simon he wants a test of strength which Simon goes to give him but Hardy kicks Simon in the gut and Hardy throws Simon in the Triple H corner as Hardy kicks away at Simon and then distracts Earl Hebner as Triple H starts to choke Simon as Ric Flair grabs Simon's legs and starts to pull on him as Stevie Richards gets off the apron and runs over and knocks down Ric Flair as Triple H jumps down and hits Stevie Richards as The Game and Stevie start to go at it again as Matt Hardy kicks Simon in the gut coming out and Hardy hits a Twist of Fate as he covers for the 1---2--2.8-Rico breaks up the pin as Charlie Haas comes into the ring and Haas knocks down Rico as Earl Hebner is trying to regain control as Ric Flair ends up attacking Stevie Richards then as Triple H and Ric Flair are double teaming Stevie on the floor until Mick Foley hits the ringside area and Foley knocks down Ric Flair and Foley then goes to hit Triple H but The Game hits a backdrop on the charging Foley but Stevie Richards then hits the Stevie Kick on Triple H laying him out. Meanwhile in the ring, Charlie Haas and Rico knock each other out to the floor as they are going at it and Matt Hardy picks up Simon and sets him up for another Twist of Fate but Stevie Richards hits the Stevie Kick on Hardy laying him out as Simon covers Hardy for the 1----2---2.9-Ric Flair yanks Earl Hebner out of the ring as Earl Hebner then ejects Mick Foley & Ric Flair from ringside as Flair is throwing a fit as in the ring, Stevie Richards is pounding away at Matt Hardy until Charlie Haas comes up and picks up Stevie and Haas hits the World's Greatest Slam on Richards and Simon goes to hit Haas but Haas ducks and then hits A German Suplex followed by a second one and then a third one but Rico comes into the ring and breaks that up and Rico catches Haas with the Fashion Changes and Rico is gloating when Triple H gets into the ring and The game kicks Rico in the gut and Triple H hits the Pedigree on Rico and covers as Earl Hebner counts the 1---2--3.
Winners: Triple H, Matt Hardy, & Charlie Haas

Miss Shannon: Your winners, The Triple H

Coach: I told you the bWo would go down

JR: Earl Hebner lost control of this match and thats what lead to what happened

King: Well its still a win for The Triple H and an impressive one at that

:Promo for WCW Halloween Havoc Airs:

 Message 5 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:46 AM

:Promo for KSCWE Survivor Series Airs:

:Backstage: Bischoff's Office

:Eric is shown sitting in a chair as Jerome is relaxing on the couch when Trish Morris walks into the office wearing a robe:

Jerome Morris: Hey bab...

Trish Morris: Jerome don't you give me that, did you see what happened out there

Jerome Morris: Yes I'm sorry

Trish Morris: My breasts were seen by everyone!!!

Jerome Morris: I know I'm sorry

Trish Morris: Well Jerome I had her beat, I should be #1 Contender

Jerome Morris: Honey, Eric is right here, he can give you a title shot right Eric

Eric Bischoff: Um...

Jerome Morris: Come on Eric give her a title shot, she deserves it

Eric Bischoff: Yes but she lost the match

Trish Morris: That skank cheated, I was hitting a move when she pulled my bra off, these

:Trish opens her robe up as Eric's eyes widen but the camera is behind Trish so doesnt see anything:

Trish Morris: shouldn't have been seen by anyone

Eric Bischoff: Um....ok then you may want to get some clothes on your kinda naked under there

Jerome Morris: Eric how soon is my match

Eric Bischoff: After the Women's Title Match why?

Jerome Morris: Come on Trish, lets go back to our locker room, I want a little more warm up

:Jerome and Trish leave the office as Marrisa walks back in smiling:

Eric Bischoff: What are you so happy about

Marrisa Bischoff: Good he left

Eric Bischoff: Yeah Trish just flashed us both

:Marrisa looks at Eric:

Eric Bischoff: I wasn't expecting it, she got carried away because she was pissed about losing and besides that I didn't like what I saw

Marrisa Bischoff: Right but since there gone, maybe now we can get to what I was wanting to do

Eric Bischoff: Which is?

:Marrisa walks over to the bathroom and opens the door as a Shower can be seen as Marrisa motions with her finger for Eric to follow:

Eric Bischoff: Ah so I see

:Eric hurries up and runs into the bathroom joining Marrisa as the door is shut:

:Another Area Backstage:

Maria: I am standing here right now with Matt and Ryan Walker. Guys why are you so against Kaylee marrying Kurt Angle?

Matt Walker: You know why Maria because Kurt Angle is an ass, he is not right for Kaylee

Maria: But Kaylee is old enough to make up her own decisions?

Matt Walker: Maria shut your mouth before I take my guitar and take you out understand me

:Mallory and Rian then back Maria into the wall as Matt Walker grabs the microphone:

Matt Walker: It's like this, Kurt I know your watching the monitor right now, Tonight I will do whatever I need to do to take you out because I am not going to let you marry Kaylee, understand me

:Matt then hands the microphone to Ryan Walker:

Ryan Walker: Scott you may be family but tonight I do something to you that I've wanted to do all along, blood or not tonight I'm taking you out

:Ryan throws the mic down on the floor as Matt, Ryan, Rian, & Mallory all walk away:

:Another Area Backstage:

Josh Mathews: Well I am standing here right now with SCWE World Heavyweight Champion Chris Walker along with his lovely wife Kendra. Chris I am sure you heard Jerome earlier and seen how his night has been, what are your thoughts on facing Jerome tonight?

Chris Walker: Jerome Morris does not worry me, I am ready for anything, I am going to Expect the Unexpected so with that being said, Jerome get ready to get sticky in the StreakerZone

Josh Mathews: Well Jerome has been tight with SCWE GM Eric Bischoff who your history has been less then good with so does that worry you at all?

Chris Walker: Well it could but its not, I am confident in the fact Eric seems to be about pleasing these fans so as long as it stays one on one then I'll be just fine

Josh Mathews: Anything else?

Chris Walker: Actually yes, Jerome if you see this, might I just say your wife Trish has some amazing breasts so anytime Trish wants to go streaking with me and Kendra, just let us know

:Chris and Kendra walk away:

Josh Mathews: Back to you guys

:Video Preview for Alyssa vs Kelli for SCWE Women's Championship:

 Message 6 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:47 AM

JR: Well we got three matches to go

King: Eric Bischoff got a up close look at Trish Morris and I guess she was completly naked that time!!

Coach: Yeah and then Eric got lucky with Marrisa, Thats my boy

JR: Well I don't know what that was all about but Matt and Ryan Walker seem ready as does Chris Walker but up next we are going to see the SCWE Women's Championship

"Detective" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making her way to the ring, Representing The Triple H, From Cleveland, Ohio, She is one half of the SCWE Women's Tag Team Champions, Alyssa Amidala

JR: Well here comes the former Women's Champion Alyssa Amidala

King: Yeah and she is one half of the Women's Tag Team Champions

"Figured You Out" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Miss Shannon: Her opponent, Also Representing The Triple H, From Greenwich, Connecticut, She is one half of the SCWE Women's Tag Team Champions and also is the SCWE Women's Champion, Kelli Hardy

Coach: Well here comes the Champ

King: Kelli and Alyssa have quiet the history

JR: Yes and Kelli and Alyssa are also Women's Tag Team Champions together but yet are going to go to war over the Women's Title

SCWE Women's Championship: Kelli Hardy(C) vs Alyssa Amidala
Referee Earl Hebner explains the rules as he sounds for the bell as Kelli and Alyssa get face to face and are both having words with each other as both ladies end up hitting a right hand on each other at the same time as Kelli and Alyssa both then back up and then lock up with Alyssa backing Kelli into the ropes but Kelli moves out of the way and gets Alyssa into the corner as Earl Hebner orders a break and Kelli looks like she is going to obey but Kelli then slaps Alyssa across the face and Kelli tells Alyssa that she is the dominant diva and Alyssa then charges out of the corner spearing Kelli down as Alyssa pounds away at kelli with right hands but Kelli knocks Alyssa off as Kelli gets back up to her feet as Alyssa then goes to hit her again but Kelli kicks Alyssa in the gut and Kelli then goes for the Kelli Bomb but Alyssa trips Kelli down and Alyssa then sling shots Kelli into the corner as Kelli hits the turnbuckle face first and Alyssa then kicks Kelli in the gut and Alyssa hits a big DDT on Kelli as Alyssa then hits a standing moonsault on Kelli for a 1---2--shoulder up. Alyssa then picks up Kelli but Kelli hits a few right hands to the gut and Kelli then hits a big Chick Kick to Alyssa laying her out and Kelli tells Kelli that she can do a standing moonsault too and Kelli goes for it but Alyssa moves out of the way as Kelli hits the mat hard. Alyssa gets back up her feet then and Alyssa grabs Kelli's hair and throws her into the corner as Alyssa hits a few big kicks to the ribs of Kelli and Alyssa then hair tosses Kelli out of the corner. Kelli gets up pissed as Alyssa charges and jumps on top of Kelli for a Lou Thez Press and Alyssa pounds away at Kelli but Kelli pokes Alyssa in the eyes as Kelli gets back up and grabs Alyssa by her hair and Kelli then hair tosses Alyssa across the ring sending Alyssa all the way out to the floor!! Alyssa gets back up as Kelli then hits a baseball slide to the back of Alyssa knocking her down as Kelli gets on the floor and Kelli picks up Alyssa and rams her face off the barricade and goes for it again but Alyssa stops it and Alyssa hits Kelli in the gut and Alyssa rams Kelli's face off the barricade as Alyssa then takes Kelli and rolls her back into the ring as Alyssa gets into the ring as well as Alyssa goes to pick up kelli but kelli catches Alyssa with a uppercut and Kelli then sets up Alyssa for a Kellibomb and hits it, Kelli then covers for a 1---2--kick out. Kelli then picks up Alyssa and Kelli sets up Alyssa and then hits a Side Effect as Kelli says that's it as Kelli picks up Alyssa again and sets her up for a Twist of Fate but Alyssa pushes Kelli off the ropes and Alyssa kicks Kelli in the gut and Alyssa then sets up Kelli for the Widow's Peak and hits it as Alyssa quickly covers Kelli for a 1---2--2.9-Kelli gets her foot on the bottom rope some how as Alyssa thinks she has won the title but is finally told that she hasn't and Alyssa seems to snap as she shoves Earl Hebner down and Alyssa goes over and picks up Kelli and Alyssa then rams Kelli down to the mat and Alyssa starts to pound Kelli's face off it several times as Alyssa then picks up Kelli and sets her up for A Pedigree but Kelli holds the ropes and ends up back dropping Alyssa over the ropes to the floor as Kelli rolls out to the floor as Alyssa is getting up and Kelli knocks Alyssa into the barricade as Kelli then kicks away at Alyssa before whipping her into the ring steps as Kelli tells Alyssa that she is the dominant diva once again as Kelli then picks up Alyssa and rolls her into the ring as Kelli gets into the ring and Kelli says its over as Alyssa gets up and Kelli goes for another Twist of Fate but Alyssa counters into a backslide pin for a 1---2---2.6-kick out. Alyssa then goes for a Chick Kick but Kelli ducks and kicks Alyssa in the gut and Kelli hits the Pedigree on Alyssa and covers for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Kelli Hardy

Miss Shannon: Your winner and still SCWE Women's Champion, Kelli Hardy

JR: Kelli Hardy has just retained her Women's Title

Coach: It was a great match and I think the better diva won

King: Well Alyssa gave it her all but Kelli was just too good tonight

:Alyssa gets up and grabs the Women's Title from Earl Hebner as Kelli and Alyssa have words and Alyssa finally hands the Women's Title to Kelli and Alyssa tells Kelli that she was better tonight before leaving the ring:

King: Well I am glad to see that Kelli and Alyssa are still getting along

JR: Well just a reminder that this Tuesday Night on Smackdown!, The Lethal Lottery Tournament is going to start so stay tuned for that

:Video Preview for Chris Walker vs Jerome Morris for SCWE World Heavyweight Championship:

JR: Well up next we are going to see the big SCWE World Heavyweight Championship Match

King: Well alot of people don't think Jerome deserves a SCWE World Title Match but I'm interested to see if Jerome proves everyone wrong

Coach: I think Jerome Morris is very underated and I think Jerome is going to walk out as SCWE World Champion

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship

"Stricken" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, From Denver, Colorado weighing in at 195 Pounds, Jerome Morris

Coach: Here comes Jerome Morris who is the next SCWE World Champion

King: Well Jerome better not have worn himself out with his "prematch warmup" with Trish Morris

"Hearts On Fire" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Miss Shannon: His opponent, Being accumpied to the ring by Kendra Walker, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 215 Pounds, He is the SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Walker!!

JR: Well here comes the Champ

King: This is going to be a fight I think

:Just before Chris enters the ring, Eric Bischoff appears on the SCWE Tron:

Eric Bischoff: I just wanted to inform you both before this match starts that at my wife's request, This Match is now a No Disqualification Contest

:Eric disappears from the SCWE Tron:

JR: This World Title Match is now No DQ!

Coach: Even better

King: That's to Jerome's advantage now because we know how Jerome is with a Chair

SCWE World Heavyweight Championship: No DQ: Chris Walker(C) W/Kendra Walker vs Jerome Morris
Referee Brian Hebner shows off the SCWE World Title as Jerome and Chris Walker have words and Jerome grabs the World Title and shows it off the crowd as Chris Walker just nods his head as Jerome then goes to hit Chris Walker with the title but Chris ducks and Chris opens up on Jerome with right hands knocking the title out of Jerome's hands and Chris Walker then whips Jerome off the ropes and Chris Walker hits a big backdrop on Jerome. Jerome gets back up as Chris Walker kicks Jerome in the gut and Chris Walker then hits a few chops to Jerome and Chris whips Jerome off the ropes and Chris hits a big running clothesline on Jerome knocking Jerome down as Jerome gets up in the ropes as Chris charges in and clotheslines Jerome over the top to the floor. Jerome gets up slowly as Chris grabs the ropes and slingshots himself over the ropes onto Jerome laying Jerome out. Chris Walker gets back up and picks up Jerome and Chris slams Jerome's head off the barricade as Chris then rolls Jerome back into the ring as Chris Walker gets back into the ring and Chris picks up Jerome and sets him up for the Walkerflip but Jerome is able to backdrop Chris Walker as Chris gets back up, Jerome kicks Chris in the gut and Jerome delivers a few right hands and Jerome then goes to hit Walker again but Chris catches Jerome and hits the Side Effect on Jerome as Chris Walker then picks Jerome up and Chris then goes for and hits a Twist of Fate on Jerome as Chris covers Jerome for a 1---2--kick out. Chris Walker smiles as he picks up Jerome and says its time for the Walkerflip but Jerome then lowblows Chris Walker and grabs Chris and sets him up for a Tiger Driver and hits it as Jerome hooks the leg for the 1---2-Chris kicks Jerome in the face. Both guys get back up as Chris goes to hit Jerome but Jerome catches Chris and hits the Thrill Seekers as Jerome covers for a 1---2--kick out. Jerome then picks up Chris and Jerome delivers a few right hands to Chris and Jerome then grabs Chris's legs taking him down as Jerome is looking for the Liontamer but Chris grabs Jerome and gets him with a small package for a 1---2--2.6-kick out. Both guys get back up as Jerome goes to hit Chris but Chris ducks and Chris opens up on Jerome and Chris then trips Jerome into the ropes as Chris smiles as he then goes and kicks Jerome in the face knocking him back and Chris then bounces off the ropes and hits the Face full of panCAKE's and hooks the legs for a 1---2--Jerome ends up countering into his own pinfall for a 1---2--2.7-kick out. Both guys get back up as Chris goes to hit Jerome but Jerome ducks it and then catches Chris with the Cocky Cutter as Jerome quickly covers for the 1---2--2.9-Shoulder up. Jerome can't believe it as Jerome though smiles and rolls out to the floor and gets a steel chair and Jerome rolls back into the ring with the chair as Chris Walker is trying to get up and Jerome goes over and hits the chair over Chris's back as Chris wrenches in pain and Jerome then puts the chair down on the mat and waits and grabs Chris and Jerome says its time for another Cocky Cutter but Chris pushes Jerome off the ropes and Chris then kicks Jerome in the gut when he comes back and Chris sets up Jerome for the Walkerflip and hits it on Jerome as Chris goes to cover when Charlie Haas, Matt Hardy, & Triple H the ring and attack Chris Walker. The Triple H start to pound away at Chris Walker as Chris Haas hits the World's Greatest Slam on Walker and Matt Hardy then picks up Chris and takes him by the chair and hits a Twist of Fate on the Chair which busts Chris Walker open as Triple H then picks up Chris Walker and sets up Chris for the Pedigree and hits it on the Steel Chair as well. Charlie Haas then helps up Jerome as Triple H tells Jerome that its his time when The Lights Go Out in the arena and when they come back on, The Masked ICON is standing in the ring as Triple H, Matt Hardy, & Charlie Haas all bail out of the ring immediately and start to go towards the back as The Masked ICON looks at The Triple H and looks to follow as Jerome then starts yelling at ICON telling him to get out of the ring as ICON turns around quickly and Jerome asks him if he is stupid or something because he will break his neck and ICON then grabs Jerome by the throat as Jerome kicks ICON but ICON doesn't even feel it and ICON then hits a big time chokeslam on Jerome as Jerome is not moving as ICON then leaves the ring and goes after The Triple H who are now gone as Chris Walker rolls over and covers Jerome for the 1--2--3.
Winner: Chris Walker

Miss Shannon: Your winner and still SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Walker

JR: Chris Walker is still SCWE World Champion but the bigger story here is The Masked ICON's Shocking Return

King: Yes The Masked ICON is back and he took out Jerome Morris like he was nothing

Coach: Jerome deserves a rematch because he had this thing won until that psychopath showed up

JR: We have gotten word something is going on backstage in the parking lot

 Message 7 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:47 AM

King: What's going on?

:Parking Lot:

:Triple H, Matt Hardy, Charlie Haas, Ric Flair, Kelli Hardy, Julianne Angle, Jaime Lavelle, & Alyssa Amidala are shown getting in the limo with nothing more then there titles and wrestling gear as the limo speeds off as the Camera reveals The Masked ICON standing at the start of the garage as The ICON tilts his head before heading back into the arena:

:Backstage: Bischoff's Office

:Eric and Marrisa are shown as both of them have wet hair:

Eric Bischoff: What the hell is The Masked ICON doing back

Marrisa Bischoff: Well um...I hired him

Eric Bischoff: WHAT

Marrisa Bischoff: Well I didn't like how Jerome was always butting into our business so now Jerome learned a valueable lesson and thats don't come between me and you time

Eric Bischoff: You do know you just unleashed hell upon SCWE

Marrisa Bischoff: Woops, we can always go back to WCW but besides I'm not worried because I already got it worked out with ICON, he wants revenge against The Triple H and then he is leaving thats all

Eric Bischoff: I hope your right


JR: Well I can't believe what we just heard

King: Marrisa Bischoff hired The Masked ICON!!

Coach: Why didn't ICON Leave though when The Triple H left

JR: I don't know but we got our big main event right now

:Video Preview for Kurt Angle/Scott Walker vs Matt Walker/Ryan Walker:

Miss Shannon: The Main Event of the Evening is scheduled for one fall

"Holding Out for a Hero"  hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making there way to the ring being accumpied by Mallory Maddox and Rian Walker, weighing in at a combined weight of 575 Pounds, The Team of Ryan Walker and The "Real Deal, No Gimmicks Needed" Matt Walker

Coach: There is no chance that nobody is beating Matt Walker and Ryan Walker

JR: Well Ryan Walker is making his in ring debut here

King: But the guy is a monster, I don't think it matters besides the Walker's all have blood in there system, look at Scott Walker and the rise he took in such a short time

"No Easy Way Out" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: There opponents, 1st From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 220 Pounds, Scott Walker

JR: Here comes Scott Walker to the ring

King: Scott Walker has been great but Ryan Walker is bigger and stronger then Scott so he could be in trouble

"I Don't Suck" hits, Crowd Chants You Suck

Miss Shannon: His partner, being accumpied to the ring by Kaylee Walker, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 237 Pounds, Kurt Angle!!!

Coach: Oh god, I hope Matt Walker kills him

JR: Here comes Kurt Angle who has been in a struggle with Matt Walker ever since Kurt started to see Kaylee and it only got worse once Kurt and Kaylee got engaged

Kurt Angle & Scott Walker W/Kaylee Walker vs Matt & Ryan Walker W/Rian Walker & Mallory Maddox
The Bell sounds as Scott Walker starts things off with Matt Walker as Matt tells Scott he wants to fight Kurt not him but Scott tells Matt he has to pay for everything and the two brothers lock up with Scott backing Matt into the corner as Earl Hebner orders a break which is granted and Matt then sucker punches Scott and Matt Walker opens up on Scott with a few more and Matt grabs Scott and goes for the Side Effect but Scott elbows his way out and Scott Walker then whips Matt off the ropes and Scott hits a big backdrop on Matt. Matt Walker then gets back up as Scott Walker charges in and kicks Matt in the gut and whips him into the corner as Scott charges in but Matt is able to move and Matt then delivers a big right hand to Scott and Matt kicks Scott in the gut and Matt then goes for the Pittfall but Scott shoves him off the ropes and Matt holds the ropes as Scott was going for the Walkerkick and Matt Walker tags out to Ryan Walker. Ryan then enters the ring as Scott and Ryan have some words with each other as Scott then goes and delivers a big right hand to Ryan but Ryan knees Scott in the ribs and Ryan then picks up Scott and slams him down with ease as Ryan then delivers a big knee to the face of Scott as Ryan then starts to choke Scott until Kurt Angle enters the ring and Angle opens up on Ryan with right hands as Ryan goes to hit Kurt but Kurt ducks and grabs Ryan and hits a German Suplex and holds on for a second German and then a third one when Matt Walker hits Angle as Matt Walker then goes to hit Angle again when Angle ducks and grabs Walker and Angle hits The Angle Slam as Earl Hebner is trying to get him out of the ring as Scott Walker is back up and Scott Walker and Ryan Walker are exchanging rights and lefts as Scott Walker gets Ryan near the ropes and Scott hits a clothesline sending the big man over as Scott then leaps over the top onto Ryan Walker as Kurt Angle re-enters the ring and attacks Matt Walker again as Scott & Ryan Walker continue to fight into the crowd as Earl Hebner just allows Kurt and Matt Walker as Angle goes for the Angle lock but Matt Walker rolls through it sending Angle into Earl Hebner as Matt Walker then gets back up and goes to hit Angle but Angle ducks and grabs Matt and hits a big Release German Suplex as Angle gets up and puts his straps down and Angle grabs Walker a he is getting up and Kurt is about to hit the Angle Slam again when The Lights Go Out and then come back on as The Masked ICON is in the ring as Kurt Angle turns around and looks at ICON who just stands there as Kurt Angle tells Matt Walker that they gotta work together as Matt Walker is not moving as Kurt Angle charges at ICON and starts to pound away at ICON but ICON delivers a big right hand to Angle knocking Angle down as ICON reaches down then and picks up Angle by his throat and with one hand yanks him up and chokeslams him back down as Matt Walker is not moving as ICON then turns his back to Matt Walker and leaves the ring as Matt Walker see's Earl Hebner getting up and Matt Walker covers Kurt for the 1----2------3.
Winners: Matt Walker & Ryan Walker

Miss Shannon: Your winners, Matt Walker & Ryan Walker

JR: The Masked ICON just took out Kurt Angle but why

King: I don't know but ICON ain't leaving

Coach: Well I am sure we are going to find out

:Matt Walker is gloating about his win when he see's The Masked ICON going after Kaylee and backs Kaylee into the corner of the floor as Matt Walker then grabs his guitar and goes behind ICON and smashes it over ICON's head as ICON quickly turns around and grabs Matt by the throat and ICON then throws Matt back into the ring post knocking out Matt Walker as Chris Walker then hits the ring with a Steel Chair and smashes it over ICON's back but ICON then turns around as Chris goes to hit him again but ICON punches the chair denting it and knocking it back into Chris's face as Kaylee tries to run but ICON grabs her by her hair as Scott Walker & Ryan Walker return to the ringside area as the Lights Go Out and when they return, ICON & Kaylee are both gone:

JR: What the hell did ICON just do

King: Kaylee Walker is gone after ICON took out Kurt Angle, Matt Walker, & Chris Walker like nothing

Coach: I don't know what to say

JR: I hope we can find Kaylee soon but we are out of time, I am sure we are going to know more by Tuesday, Good Night

:No Mercy Goes off the Air:

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