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PPV : Survivor Series 11/20/05
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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 3:15 AM

Results 11/20/05 Live From Cleveland, Ohio

Promo's for the PPV Air:

Pyro Then Explodes!! as "November Rain" plays to open up Survivor Series

JR: Welcome to KSCWE Survivor Series coming to you life tonight from Cleveland, Ohio!!

King: Boy what a great night of action we have for you too

JR: Well without further ado lets go to the ring for the opening contest

Lillian: The Opening Contest of KSCWE Survivor Series is scheduled for one fall and is Survivor Series Rules

"Broken Man" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making there way to the ring, Team #1, Scar, Doug Basham, Danny Basham, and being accumpied by Bliss, Team Captain, Chad Chaos

Coach: Well here comes Team Chaos

King: The Basham's and Chad Chaos are Smackdown! Superstars where as Scar is now a RAW Superstar after coming over in a deal

"One Step Closer" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: There opponents, being accumpied by Melinda and Lexus Carr, They are the team of SCWE RAWCore Champion Mick Foley, SCWE Tag Team Champions Simon Dean and Rico and Team Captain, "Big Stevie Cool" Stevie Richards better known as the bWo

JR: Well here is the bWo

Survivor Series Rules: Stevie Richards, Simon Dean, Rico, & Mick Foley W/Melinda & Lexus Carr vs Chad Chaos, Doug Basham, Danny Basham, & Scar W/Bliss
Mick Foley starts things off with Chad Chaos as Chad Chaos goes up to Foley and says he isn't impressed and then precedes to slap Foley across the head as Mick just smiles and then opens up on Chaos with right hands backing up Chaos as Foley gets him into the corner and opens up with big right hands to the top of the head as Foley then picks up Chaos and hangs him upside down in the corner as Mick backs up and then charges in hitting a knee into Chaos as Foley pulls him out of the corner then as Mick picks up Chaos and takes him towards the corner as Mick tags out to Stevie Richards who enters the ring and then kicks him in the ribs as Foley held him as Stevie then locks in a arm bar on Chaos but  Chad is able to send Stevie off the ropes and Chad goes for a dropkick but Stevie holds the ropes as Chaos hits the mat and Stevie then kicks Chaos in the gut as he is getting up and Stevie then goes for the Stevie Suplex and hits it as Stevie covers for a 1---2--Doug Basham breaks up the pin. Stevie then picks up Chaos and whips him off the ropes but during that Scar tags himself in as Stevie hits a big powerslam on Chaos as Stevie gets back up, Scar hits him from behind knocking him down as Scar then bounces off the ropes and goes for a big splash but Stevie moves as Stevie then hits the Stevie Kick on Scar as Stevie covers quickly for the 1---2--3. Scar has been eliminated. Danny Basham enters quickly and attacks Stevie before he can get up as Danny Basham pounds away at Stevie and shoves him back into the corner as Danny then hits a few shoulder blocks to Stevie as Danny then tags out to Doug Basham. Doug comes into the ring as both Basham's take turns stomping away at Stevie in the corner as Referee Brian Hebner warns The Basham's to stop as Simon Dean finally comes into the ring and attacks both Basham's knocking them away as Chad Chaos then comes into the ring and attacks Stevie Richards which gets Mick Foley to enter the ring as Foley knocks down Chaos as Brian Hebner is trying to get order back and gets everyone out of the ring as Stevie Richards makes the tag out to Rico during the confusion as Rico comes into the ring and Rico attacks Doug as Rico goes to whip Doug off the ropes but Doug reverses sending Rico off the ropes as Doug puts his head down for a backdrop but Rico stops and Rico then kicks Doug in the face as Doug gets up grabbing his face as Rico then kicks Doug in the butt as Doug turns around swinging as Rico ducks it and Rico then hits the Fashion Changes on Doug and hooks the leg for the 1---2--3. Doug Basham has been eliminated. Danny comes in and kicks Rico in the back as Danny picks up Rico and Danny hits a neckbreaker on Rico as Danny covers for a 1---2--Simon breaks up the pin. Danny then picks up Rico and whips him into the corner as Danny tags out to Chad Chaos as Chaos comes into the ring and Chaos delivers a few kicks to the gut of Rico as Chad climbs up and then this a Tornado Arm drag on Rico as Chaos is back up quickly and charges at Rico and hits a running Hurracanrana taking Rico down as Chad Chaos then kicks Rico in the gut and goes for a Fisherman's Suplex but Mick Foley comes in and hits Chaos as Rico then hits a knee lift to Chaos knocking him down as Rico then stalks after Chaos and goes for the Fashion Changes but Chad is able to counter by jumping up and kicking Rico in the face knocking Rico down as Chad and Rico both go to tag out and Chaos tags out to Danny Basham as Rico reaches the corner and tags out to Simon Dean. Danny attacks Simon as he comes in and Danny shoves Simon into the corner and Danny hits a few big shoulder blocks to Simon as Danny then puts Simon up top as Simon then tags out though to Mick Foley as Danny climbs up and is about to hit a Superplex as Simon is blocking it as Mick Foley comes in and Mick grabs Danny and ends up powerbombing Danny down to the mat, Mick Foley then goes down his pants and pulls out Mr. Socko as he waits as Danny gets up and Mick locks in Mr. Socko on Danny Basham who goes down and Danny ends up tapping out. Danny Basham has been eliminated. This leaves only Chad Chaos as Chad Chaos slowly enters the ring as Mick Foley is waiting and Chad Chaos tells the bWo that he can take them all out as Chaos then goes to lock up with Foley but Chaos instead pokes Mick in the eye as Chad goes to work on Mick with right hands but Chad then whips Mick off the ropes as Chad hits a big dropkick on Foley putting him down as Chad gets up and goes behind Mick and hits a backdrop on him as Chaos quickly goes up top and goes for the 630 Splash but Mick is able to move out of the way as Chaos wipes out as Mick then goes for the Mandible Claw with Mr Socko still on but Chaos kicks Mick in the gut breaking it as Chad then hits a European uppercut as Chad Chaos then goes over and starts to spit from the effects as Chaos then sneaks up behind Mick and ends up hitting the Snap Crucifix on Foley as Chad Chaos covers Mick for the 1---2--3. Mick Foley has been eliminated. Simon Dean then enters the ring next as Chaos and Simon have some words as Simon tells Chaos he could use the Simon System and Chaos tells Simon to shove it as Simon then slaps Chaos across the face as Chad and Simon both start to exchange rights and lefts as Rico comes into the ring and attacks Chaos from behind as Brian Hebner tries to get Rico out allowing for Simon to kick Chaos in the gut and Simon goes for the Simon Effect but Chaos shoves Simon back and knocks him down with a right hand but  Chaos walks into a Stevie Kick then as Simon then covers Chaos for the 1---2--3.
Survivors: Stevie Richards, Simon Dean, & Rico

Lillian: The Survivor's, Stevie Richards, Simon Dean, & Rico!!

JR: The bWo picks up the win here

King: Chad Chaos was able to eliminate Mick Foley but that was it as the bWo rolled here

:Backstage: Triple H's Locker Room

:Matt Hardy, Triple H, & Kurt Angle are shown:

Matt Hardy: Hunter I just found out some great news

Triple H: What?

Matt Hardy: I'm RAW!!!

Triple H: How

Matt Hardy: I got my release just now as did Kelli and Alyssa and Eric has officially signed us to RAW

Triple H: That's great welcome home

Kurt Angle: Group hug guys

:Triple H and Matt Hardy quickly leave the room as Kurt looks puzzled:

:Video Preview for Team Lita vs Team Tara:

JR: Well up next we are going to see some Diva Survivor Series Action

King: How about what we just heard, Matt Hardy, Kelli Hardy, and Alyssa Amidala are now RAW Superstars!!

Coach: Thats great news for RAW

Lillian: The Following Contest is a Survivor Series Rules Match

"Alive" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: The 1st Team Making there way to the ring, Being led by Team Captain Tara Rayge, The Remaining Team is...Christy Hemme, Leyla, and Flame

Coach: Well here comes Team Rayge

King: Tara has a unique team here but can they get along

"LoveFuryEnergyPassion" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: There opponents...The Team of Gail Kim, Jai, SCWE Women's Xtreme Champion Tapanga Britt, and Team Captain, Lita

JR: Well here comes Team Lita who I think should have the advantage here

Survivor Series Rules: Lita, Tapanga Britt, Jai, & Gail Kim vs Tara Rayge, Christy Hemme, Flame, & Leyla
Referee Rudy Charles sounds for the bell to start the match as Flame starts things off with Lita as both divas lock up with Flame shoving Lita down the mat and Flame tells Lita she is tired of being screwed with as Flame then stomps delivers a stiff kick to the ribs of Lita. Flame then picks up Lita and Flame hairtosses Lita back down to the mat as Flame goes over and grabs Lita again and picks her up and Flame rams Lita's head off the top turnbuckle several times until Lita elbows Flame in the ribs and Lita then rams Flame's head off the turnbuckle and Lita then whips Flame off the ropes and Lita hits a big hip toss on flame as she gets up and Lita clotheslines Flame down as Flame gets up and Lita goes to hit Flame but Flame kicks Lita in the gut and Flame picks up Lita and slams her down as Flame tags out to Tara Rayge as Tara comes in with a sick smile on her face as Tara sneaks up behind Lita as she is getting up and Tara hits a neckbreaker on Lita. Tara then picks up Lita and Tara delivers a big backdrop on Lita near the ropes as Tara goes up top but Lita is able to get back up as Tara ends up hitting a Missile Drop Kick on Lita sending Lita across the ring as Tara gets up and Lita though is able to tag out to Gail Kim as Gail comes in and Gail knocks down Tara with a right hand and Gail goes over and knocks Flame and Leyla off the apron as well and then goes for Christy but Christy gets off the apron but Gail ends up walking into a kick to the gut as Tara then trips Gail down and locks in the Sola Nero on her as Gail is screaming out in pain and Gail taps out. Gail Kim has been eliminated. Tapanga Britt rushes into the ring next as Tapanga clotheslines Tara down as Tapanga then waits as Tara gets up and hits a dropkick on Tara as Tara ends up reaching up then and tags out to Leyla who enters the ring and Leyla goes to hit Tapanga but Tapanga ends up hitting a Hurracanrana on Leyla as Tapanga gets up and Tapanga takes Leyla down with a arm drag and Tapanga then starts to deliver the Brittapiatize and hits it as she hooks the leg for a 1--2--Flame breaks up the pin. Tapanga gets up as Flame and Tapanga exchange rights and lefts back and forth as Tapanga gets the upper hand and Tapanga then clotheslines Flame over the top to the floor as Leyla though is waiting and grabs Tapanga and goes for the Leyla go boom and hits it for a 1---2--2.9-Jai breaks it up. Leyla gets back up and Leyla picks up Tapanga again but Flame comes into the ring with a Steel Chair and Flame hits Tapanga in the back with the chair several times as Rudy Charles rings the bell and Disqualfies Flame from the match. Flame has been eliminated. Leyla quickly covers Tapanga for the 1---2--2.9-Lita breaks up the pin. Leyla is upset about it and goes to hit Lita but Lita kicks Leyla in the gut and Lita hits a Twist of Fate on leyla as Tapanga crawls over and puts her arm over Leyla for the 1---2--3. Leyla has been eliminated. Christy Hemme is quickly into the ring as Christy hits Tapanga in the back several times as Christy picks up Tapanga and Christy hits the Hemme Letdown on Tapanga as Christy knocks Lita and Jai off the apron then as Christy hooks the leg for the 1--2--3. Tapanga Britt has been eliminated. This leaves Tara & Christy vs Jai & Lita as Jai comes into the ring first as Jai and Christy lock up with Jai getting a headlock on Christy but Christy sends Jai off the ropes as Tara then knees Jai in the back as Jai turns around and Jai knocks tara down but Jai then walks right into the Hemme Love as Christy is about to cover when Lita comes in and Lita knocks Christy down from behind as Rudy Charles tries to get Lita out of the ring, Tara gets a steel chair and comes into the ring and Tara hits Jai in the back with the chair as she was getting up as Tara and Christy then hit a Double DDT on the chair as Jai is out cold and busted open as Lita was trying to tell Rudy Charles but he wasn't having it as Tara gets the chair out of the ring as Christy hooks the leg for the 1---2--3. Jai has been eliminated. Lita is right into the ring and Lita kicks Christy in the ribs as Lita then knocks Tara off the apron as Lita tells Tara she got payback coming as Lita then goes to hit  Christy but Christy pokes Lita in the eyes as Christy hits a snap suplex on Lita and Christy waits as Lita is getting up and Christy goes for the Hemme Love but Lita ducks it and rolls up Christy for a 1---2--3. Christy Hemme has been eliminated. Christy can't believe it as Lita tells her bye as Tara comes into the ring and Lita knocks Tara down with a right hand but Christy attacks Lita from behind as Rudy Charles tries to get Christy out as she is arguing as Lita is distracted, Tara grabs her chair from the floor and Tara goes to hit Lita but Lita kicks Tara in the gut and Lita takes the chair and then smashes the chair over the back of Tara but Rudy Charles saw it and rings the bell.
Survivor: Tara Rayge by DQ

Lillian: Your Survivor, Tara Rayge

JR: That is not right

Coach: Lita just hit Tara with a chair she should be DQ'ed

King: I don't know, Christy tried to get back involved and Tara was going to use the chair but Lita took it and got her revenge and got busted for it

:Backstage: Eric Bischoff's Office

:Eric is seen with Marrisa and Mickie James:

Eric Bischoff: Marrisa are you sure this is what you want

Marrisa Bischoff: Yes Eric it is

Eric Bischoff: Ok then, your Assistant Serve as Specail Refere for that match

Marrisa Bischoff: Mickie you do know what to do right

Mickie James: Yes I do boss!! I will be honored to do that too

Marrisa Bischoff: Good now get your Refere Stuff on because that match will be coming up in a little bit

:Video Promo For The Conspiracy vs Team Kane/Wright:

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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:16 AM

Tenay: Well up next we are going to see The Reunited Conspiracy which are all on Smackdown! now taking on Kane and The Wright Brothers

Madden: Well this is a Smackdown! Exclusive match seeing as all 8 Men are on Smackdown!

Tenay: Well lets go to the ring for this big match now

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is a Survivor Series Rules Match

"Meant To Live" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making there way to the ring, From Atlanta, Georgia, Scott, Chris, & Nathan Wright!!

Tenay: Here comes three of the four members of the first team

Madden: Well the Wright Brothers are going to have to work well as a team to win this match

"Slow Chemical" hits as The Pyro Goes Off

Miss Shannon: And there Partner, He is the SCWE Xtreme Champion, Kane!!!

Tenay: Well here comes the Monster Kane

Madden: How can Kane and the Wright's get along though

"The End of Heartache" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: There opponents being accumpied by Holly Mathews, The Team of Frankie Kazarian, Raven, and the SD! Tag Team Champions Stanley Ryan Tiger and Christopher Daniels better known as The Conspiracy

Tenay: Well here comes The Conspiracy now

Madden: They are going to make short work of this match

Survivor Series Rules: Raven, Christopher Daniels, SRT, & Frankie Kazarian W/Holly Mathews vs Kane, Scott Wright, Chris Wright, & Nathan Wright
The match starts with Holly Telling her boys what to do. The bell sounds and Holly gets out of the ring as Frankie Kazarian and Chris Wright start the match off. They lock up and Chris gets the upper hand by sending Kazarian to the ropes, Frankie bounces back and jumps at Chris taking him down with a cross body. Kazarian jumps up and nails a leg drop to Chris. Frankie grabs a handful of Chris's hair and pulls him over to his teams turnbuckle .Kazarian tags in Christopher Daniels. Daniels locks his arms around Chris Wright's waist, Kazarian nails a super kick helping Daniels with a German Suplex. Daniels sends Wright to the ropes, Nathan Wright makes a blind tag, When Chris bounces back he nails Daniels with a huge clothesline! Holly Mathews gets onto the ring apron and distracts Chris Wright and The ref. Daniels low blows Nathan Wright from behind and rolls him up with a pin the ref turns and counts it 1...2... Daniels holds the ropes ...3! Nathan Wright has been eliminated. Holly gets off the ring apron as Chris Wright turns back around and is taken down by Christopher Daniels with a drop kick. Nathan Wright rolls out the ring to leave the arena and see's Holly Mathews laughing and pointing at him. Nathan walks up to Holly and pushes her down, but Nathan backs away as SRT checks on Holly. In the ring: Chris Wright performs a DDT on Daniels and covers 1... kick out by Christopher Daniels. Chris goes to pick up Daniels but the fallen angel kicks Wright away and rolls over tagging in Kazarian once again. Kazarian charges at Chris and nails him with a running enziguri. Scott Wright is seen shaking his head on the ring apron as Kazarian smirks at him. Scott Wright tries to get in the ring but the referee holds him back as SRT, Daniels and Raven all get into the ring and stomp away at Chris Wright. Raven nails Chris with a big evenflow DDT! Kazarian dropkicks Scott Wright off the apron as Kazarian's team mates get back out on the Apron. Kzarian climbs up top and launches off with a 450 nailing Chris Wright 1...2...3! Chris Wright has been eliminated. Kane gets into the ring and knocks Kazarian down with a big clothesline. Kane picks up Kazarian and nails him with a big back breaker. Kane picks up Frankie and sends him to the ropes, Kazarian bounces back and is knocked down with a big boot right to the face! Kane runs to the ropes but Holly Mathews grabs his foot. Scott Wright gets into the ring and charges at Christopher Daniels, Scott knocks him off the apron with a big right hand, Scott then knocks down SRT with a clothesline. Raven gets in the ring, He and Scott fight it out but Kane gets out of the ring and stalks Holly Mathews. Holly walks right into the ring barrier, Kane grabs Holly by the throat and lifts her up, he slams her down with a huge choke slam! Frankie Kazarian climbs the top rope and launches off with a senton type move but Kane jumps out the way causing Kazarian to come crashing down on the already lifeless body of Holly Mathews! SRT runs over and knocks Kane down with a big clothesline. SRT checks on Holly but Kane grabs SRT and throws him head first into the ring steps. Kane picks up the ring steps and smashes them over SRT's head, the referee not seeing. Kane picks up SRT and manages to nail him with a tombstone right on the steel ring steps! Kane turns around and catches the foot of Kazarian, who attempted a kick. Kane throws Kazarian into the ring and quickly follows him back in. Kane picks up Kazarian and nails him with a big power bomb! Before Kane can even think of pinning Kazarian, Daniels and Raven both get back into the ring, They both run at Kane and start to club on his back hard with heir forearms. Scott Wright gets into the ring and spears Daniels down. The two men start pounding away at one another as Raven attempts The Retribution but Kane counters it into a clothesline! Kane picks up Raven and wraps his hand around Ravens throat. Scott grabs Daniels by the head and throws him to Kane, Kane catches him with his free hand and Kane lifts both the conspiracy members up choke slamming them both! Kane raises his arms in the air, the crowd cheering but all of a sudden SRT comes into the ring, he spears Kane and himself out of the ring. Kane and SRT brawl it out of the ring gradually going up the steel ramp and to the back, eliminating themselves. Kane & SRT have been eliminated. Scott Wright, now the only member of his team, Climbs up to the top and lands on Frankie Kazarian! Scott hooks the leg 1...2...3! Frankie Kazarian has been eliminated. Scott stands up and looks at Raven and Daniels both starting to get up, Raven is first up and runs at Scott but Wright nails him with a high impact dropkick. Daniels gets up and runs at Scott but the ref holds him back and tells him to get on the apron. Scott Wright works over Raven with stomps and kicks as Daniels get onto the ring apron. Scott goes to pick up Raven but Raven drives his elbow into Scott's stomach. Raven sends Scott to the ropes and Raven powerslam's Wright. Raven covers 1...2... kick out by Scott Wright. Raven locks in a octopus stretch on Scott. Scott struggles about but manages to flip Raven over, pinning his shoulders against the mat, Scott wraps his legs around the bottom rope aiding his pin 1...2...3! Raven has been eliminated. Raven and Scott both jump to their feet and start to argue with one another, they push each other and Scott is heard shouting "I want him!" Scott points to Daniels as Christopher gets into the ring.The referee tells Raven to get out of the ring as Christopher Daniels and Scott Wright stare each other down, exchanging words. Christopher goes for a sneaky punch but Scott Wright blocks it and kicks Daniels in the gut. Scott nails Daniels with a stunner type move. Scott Wright nails Daniels with a Tornado DDT and covers Daniels but Holly puts Christopher's foot on the bottom rope. Holly turns away to face the crowd. Scott Wright grabs Holly by the hair and pulls her into the ring. She holds Holly by her hair and shouts at the woman. Scott goes to punch Holly but Daniel's grabs Scott's arm and spins him around but Wright just head buts Daniels and turns back to Holly. Scott picks up Holly and plants her with The Wright Bomb! Scott picks up Holly and throws her out of the ring but when he turns around he is taken down with The Angel Wings! Daniels covers Scott 1...2...3
Survivor: Christopher Daniels

Miss Shannon: The Survivor of this match, Christopher Daniels

Tenay: Christopher Daniels has pulled out the win only after Holly Mathews sacrafised herself to get the win

Madden: Well its still a win for The Conspiracy and thats all that matters

Tenay: Well hats off to Scott Wright for doing a great job

:Promo for WHW Showcase Airs:

Cole: Well Tazz did you ever think we would be back on Pay Per View

Tazz: No I didn't Cole and its great to be here at Survivor Series for this WHW Showcase Match

Cole: Well before we go to the ring, lets just point out that alot of these WHW Guys are familier to you such as Tim Wilkins who is the former Coach T, Chris Kleen has spent a brief time on Smackdown!, The Rock and Jeff Jarrett are also both former Superstars

Tony: The Following Contest is a Survivor Series Rules WHW Showcase Match

"Piggybank" hits, Crowd Boo's

Tony: First making there way to the ring, They are the Champions of WHW, First The WHW Tag Team Champions Mr. Kennedy & Tom Armetta, Next he is the WHW United States Champion Chris Kleen and The WHW World Heavyweight Champion Tim Wilkins

Tazz: Well here comes the Champions of WHW

"My World" hits, Crowd is mixed

Tony: There opponents, The Team of The Rock, Jeff Jarrett, Trevor Murdoch, & Carlito

Cole: Well Ken Kennedy has been called up to RAW after this match and Carlito is going to Smackdown! as is Chris Kleen but Kleen and Kennedy are set to stay in WHW as well

Survivor Series Rules: WHW Showcase: Tim Wilkins, Chris Kleen, Tom Armetta, & Ken Kennedy vs Jeff Jarrett, The Rock, Trevor Murdoch, & Carlito
All of the stars are fighting over who should start so they can make them selves a name, when Tom Armetta and Trevor are decided as the first to start!  Trevor and Tom lock up as Trevor takes the early advantage by placing Tom in a side headlock and rearing back on him!  Tom then grabs back and pushes Trevor forward but Trevor stops as Tom rush=es at him and Trevor spins clotheslines him down.  Trevor then picks Tom up and nails a jawbreaker.  Tom stumbles backwards holding his jaw as looks to make a tag but looks up and sees he is the wrong corner.  Trevor then moves in and picks up Tom, but Tom fights back.  He begins hitting Trevor with relentless punches as Trevor catches the one and spins Tom around when Tom stops spinning  Trevor lifts him up in the air and nails a Full Nelson Slam!  Trevor gives a holler as he gets a blind tagged by Carlito.  Carlito hops into the ring as Trevor doesn't know what's going on.  The ref tells Trevor to get in his corner as Carlito begins to work on Tom.  Carlito picks Tom and ails an Inverted DDT.  Carlito, covers, 1--Tim breaks the fall and drags Carlito off of Tom.  Carlito gets up and gets in Tim's face as the ref separates them and gets Tim in his corner.  Carlito then turns around and is met with a Big Boot from Tom Armetta.  Tom then begins to crawl over to his corner  When Jeff Jarrett quickly enters the ring and kicks Tom in the back of the head.  Chris Kleen tries to enter the ring but the ref stops him and yells for Jarrett to get back in the corner.  Carlito gets up and sees Tom laid out in the middle of the ring.  Carlito then picks up Tom but Tom rushes at Carlito and charges him back into Carlito's corner, The Rock makes a quick tag as he kicks Tom in the gut.  Rocky starts to work over Tom as Carlito, Trevor, and Jeff quickly enter the ring and take out the opposing team as back in the ring the Rock throws Tom to the ropes, he lifts Tom up and nails a Peoples Spine buster!  The Rock then stands at the head of Tom and throws his elbow pad to the crowd, Rocky runs to the one side of the ring as Kleen trips him and drags him out side the ring.  Back in the ring, Tom begins to get up as he is then lifted to his feet and nailed with the Stroke!  Jarrett then quickly covers, 1--2--3! Tom Armetta has been eliminated.  Rocky then throws Kleen into the steps as he gets in the ring and argues with Jarrett about eliminating Tom.  As they are arguing suddenly Ken Kennedy jumps from the top rope and takes out Rocky as Tim jumps off the opposite turnbuckle and takes out Jarrett!  Jarrett then rolls to the outside of the ring as Tim jumps over the top rope and nails a springboard plancha!  Back in the ring Chris Kleen picks the Rock up and nails a kick to the gut followed by a rushing head first shot into the turnbuckle.  The ref tells Chris to get back in his corner as Ken  tell Chris he'll take of the Rock.  Rocky gets out of the corner as Ken charges at him and clotheslines him into the corner.  Ken then places the Rock on the top rope as Ken climbs up.  Kennedy gets ahoy,d of the Rock and places him across his shoulders.  Kennedy then stands up and jumps off the turnbuckles nailing a Kennedy Drop.  Ken quickly covers the rock, 1--2--3! The Rock has been eliminated.  Ken raises his arms as Jeff Jarrett enters the ring and hits a swift kick to the back of his head.  Jeff then turns in time to see Kleen rush at him and tackle to the outside of the ring.  Back in the ring Ken crawls over to his corner and tags in Tim who enters the ring and wonders who is the legal man when Trevor enters the ring.  Tim quickly tackles Trevor.  Tim begins pounding away at Trevor as he gets back up to his feet.  Tim then hunches over and awaits for Trevor to rise, Trevor gets his feet as It  runs at him, Trevor puts his hands to stop Tim as he then hits a cheap eye pock and knocks Tim down.  Trevor smiles as he picks Tim up and carries him tot he turnbuckle, He then locks Tim in a bulldog position as he jumps from the corner, Trevor the quickly covers Tim, 1--2--kick out, Ken makes the save.  Trevor gets in Kens face and yells at him as Trevor is turned around and Chris Kleen nails Trevor in the gut and hits Trevor with the Kleen Sweep!  Tim then throws his arm over Trevor as the ref counts, 1--2--3! Trevor Murdoch has been eliminated.  Carlito and Jarrett cant believe it as Ken , Tim, and Chris yell for them to get in the ring.  Jarrett tells to Carlito that at the count of three they will charge, the count out as Jarrett takes a step forward and Carlito runs into the ring.  Carlito gets his feet and looks for Jarrett who is still outside the ring, Carlito ask him what's up as Jarrett yells for him to watch out as Carlito gets a puzzled look and turns into the other team.  Carlito gets a look of sparrow  Carlito tries to reason with them as they all move in a take turns punching him around the ring.  Chris then takes the advantage as knees Carlito in the gut and nails a Kleensider!  Tim and Ken then slide out of the ring and they chase Jarrett down as Jarrett then catches both stars and rushes their heads together.  Jarrett then slides into the ring in time to see Kleen nail the Another Exposure as the ref counts, just as the ref begins Tim grabs Jarrett's foot and holds him out of the ring as the count begins 1--2--3! Carlito has been eliminated. Jarrett then slides back out of the ring and kicks Tim in the jaw.  Tim bounces off holding his jaw as Ken runs up on Jarrett but Jarrett hits a drop toe hold forcing  Ken to hit the mat.  Jeff then rolls into the ring and gets behind Chris waiting for him to stand.  Chris gets to his feet as Jeff quickly nails the Stroke and covers him, 1--2--3!  Chris Kleen has been eliminated.  Jeff gets to his knees and sees Tim and Ken still out.  Jarrett yells that he can do this as he goes out and slides Ken back into the ring.  Jarrett picks Ken up and nails the Stroke as he covers him 1--2--kick out, Tim breaks the fall at the last second.  Tim and Jeff begin exchanging punches when Jeff gets the advantage and takes down Tim, Jeff then turns around to finish the job on Ken when Ken punches Jarrett square in the jaw.  Jarrett bounces back and walks into a Tilt-A- Whirl Slam from Tim.  Tim then yells for Ken not finish this as Ken climbs the one turnbuckle with Jarrett on his shoulders as Tim climbs the Opposite corner.  Ken stands up on the corner and jumps off with Jarrett on his shoulders nailing a Kennedy Drop!  Ken then rolls away as Tim jumps from the turnbuckles nailing the Sling Blade, Tim covers Jeff, 1--2--3
Survivors: Tim Wilkins & Ken Kennedy

Tony: The Survivors, Tim Wilkins and Ken Kennedy

Cole: Tim Wilkins and Ken Kennedy are the Survivors here tonight

Tazz: Well we hope you enjoyed this WHW Showcase Match

:Backstage: Outside Eric Bischoff's Office

:Eric is seen finishing up a Conversation with Dawn Marie:

Eric Bischoff: Good luck tonight

:Eric then walks into his office and see's Marrisa and Eric walks up behind her and smacks her butt but then Marrisa turns around to reveal its not Marrisa but instead Mickie James:

Eric Bischoff: What the hell are you doing dressed like my wife

Mickie James: What? She is my hero so I wanted to be like her

 Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:16 AM

Eric Bischoff: You should not be dressing up like my wife and besides that you are Special Guest Referee Tonight

Mickie James: Sorry then

Eric Bischoff: Get the hell out of my office right now

Mickie James: Fine but I'm telling Marrisa

:Mickie leaves the office:


Tenay: Well we just found out that Scott and Stevie Hill have signed another Interpromotional Match tonight and it will be a Gravey Bowl Contest where RAW's Dawn Marie will take on Smackdown!'s Holly Mathews

Madden: That should be a fun match too

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is a Survivor Series Rules Match

"Machine" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making there way to the ring being accumpied by Dawn Marie and Teddy Long, The Team of Matt Matlock, David Flair, Randy Orton, and The Love Machine

Madden: Well here comes Team Love Machine

"Gangsta's Paradise" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: There opponents, The Team of Brian Mason, Booker T, and John Cena

Tenay: Cena's team will have a Mystery opponent but lets see who it is

Miss Shannon: And there partner....

"Eye of the Hurricane" hits, Crowd Cheers Loudly

Miss Shannon: The Hurricane!!!

Tenay: It's KSCWE Legend, The Hurricane!!

Survivor Series Rules: The Love Machine, Randy Orton, David Flair, & Matt Matlock W/Teddy Long & Dawn Marie vs John Cena, The Hurricane, Booker T, & Brian Mason
The bell tolls as Matt Matlock and Booker T both enter the ring to start things off for their teams.  They lock up as Booker gets the early advantage.  Booker places Matt in a side headlock.  Matt rears back towards the ropes as he grabs the rope and sends booker across the ring.  Booker bounces off the ropes and comes back at Matlock looking for a flying forearm but Matt ducks and spins Booker around and nails a side neckbreaker.  Matlock then picks Booker up and walks him over to his corner as he tags Randy Orton in.  Randy kicks Booker in the gut as Orton then sends Booker across the ring and takes him down and begins to pound away at him.  Randy then gets up and taunts to the crowd as he goes to pick Booker up but Booker starts to fight back until Orton hits a European Uppercut.  Orton then tags TLM in as TLM takes the advantage of Booker T and begins to work him into the corner.  TLM pounds away at Booker until the ref breaks it up.  TLM goes over to Booker's corner and taunts his team as he turns towards Booker and is met with a straight arm clothesline!  Booker and TLM then both get up as Booker kicks TLM in the gut and nails a suplex.  Booker then crawls over to his corner and tags John Cena in as Cena chargers at TLM and takes him down.  Cena then turns and clotheslines Orton before he can get in the ring.  David and Matt try to interfere but the ref stops it and regains control as Cena begins to work on TLM.  Cena then gets TLM in a side headlock and drags him to his corner.  Cena throws him up on the top rope as Cena tags Brian Mason in.  Mason quickly takes control of TLM as he  dropkicks TLM into the corner.  Mason then gets cocky as he mocks TLM's team.  Mason turns around as he met with a kick to the gut as TLM lifts him and holds for a few seconds then drops him in a suplex.  TLM pins him, 1--2--kick out, Cena breaks the fall.  TLM tells Cena to watch himself as Cena tells TLM he Can't See Him!  TLM then turns his attention back on Mason as he whips Mason into his corner.  TLM tags in Orton as Orton quickly takes on the assault of Mason.  As Orton is pounding away at Mason in the corner,. TLM jumps down and walks over to the opposite corner as drags Cena down and TLM and Cena begin to duke it out on the outside, as David, Matt, Booker, and Hurricane watch on and then try to help their teammates.  Back in the ring Orton takes Brian down with a swift shot to the head.  Orton then nails another European Uppercut as Mason goes down.  Randy climbs the turnbuckle as He awaits Mason to get up.  Mason is up on one knee when the Hurricane grabs hold of Orton and punches him into the ring.  David and Matt then tackle Hurricane out of the ring as TLM slides in and Picks up Brian.  TLM then nails Mason with the Pepsi Plunge as TLM slides Orton over top of him and the ref counts, 1--2---3. Brian Mason has been eliminated.  TLM then drags Orton to their corner as he tags in.  TLM goes to take down Cena but Booker comes from nowhere and begins to bawl with him.  Booker and TLM are punching back and forth, when Booker takes the advantage and throws TLM into the ropes, TLM bounces back as Booker lifts him and nails a back bloody toss.  Booker then turns around as Randy Orton jumps from the top turnbuckle nailing a Flying Cross body, Orton then covers Booker, 1--2--3. Booker T has been eliminated.  Cena then gets in as Randy Orton quickly gets to his feet and tags in David Flair.  David enters the ring as Cena charges and Tackles him down.  Cena begins to pound away at David as Matlock tries to break it up, But the Hurricane clotheslines Matlock down as Orton and TLM quickly enter the ring as the four men put their boots to Hurricane and Cena!  The ref then gets control as he forces TLM, Orton, and Matlock out the ring as Hurricane goes back to his corner.  David then gets up and tags in Orton as Orton begins working on Cena.  Orton lifts Cena up and nails a snap suplex.  Orton then picks Cena up and throws him into the corner.  Orton then walks over to his corner and tags in Matlock, as Matt enters the ring he charges at Cena who at the last second ducks and rolls as Matlock charges into the corner.  Matt backs away holding his shoulder as he turns around and is met with the Throws back maneuvers from Cena!  Cena covers, 1--2--kick out by TLM and Orton.  they picks Cena up as Cena fights them off.  Cena then backs them into the ropes as he charges and clotheslines them outside the ring.  Cena is in the ring yelling at them as Hurricane quickly gets in the ring and valets over Cena and crashes on top of TLM and Orton on the outside of the ring.  Cena then goes over and picks Matlock up as Cena turns to face David right before he enters the ring.  Cena and David have a stare down until David backs up and goes back to the ring apron.  Cena then lifts Matlock up and nails an F-U!  Cena covers Matlock, 1--2--3 Matt Matlock has been eliminated.  Cena then gets up and tells David to get in the ring, David says he wants no part of this as he hops off the apron he stars walking backwards away from the ring as he walk into the Hurricane, Hurricane spins him around and punches Flair.  Hurricane then throws David into the ring as David quickly gets to his feet.  David is backing from the Hurricane as He runs into Cena.  Cena spins him around and punches him.  David turns as Hurricane punches him also.  David turns back into Cena as Cena lifts him up and nails the FU.  Cena yell to Hurricane to finish him off as Hurricane lifts him up and nails the Eye of the Hurricane.  Hurricane covers David, 1--2--3 David Flair has been eliminated.  Hurricane and Cena then celebrate as Orton and TLM rush back into the ring and charge at them,.  TLM tackles Cena to the outside of the ring as Orton and Hurricane go at it on the inside.  Hurricane takes the advantage as TLM throws Cena into the steps and quickly slides back into the ring.  Hurricane lifts Orton up and goes for a suplex but TLM chops at Hurricanes knee, breaking the move.  TLM and Orton then both kick Hurricane in the gut and nail a Double DDT.  The referee tells TLM to get out of the ring as he does and Cena slowly climbs up the apron on his side.  Back in the ring Orton picks Hurricane up as Hurricane begins to fight back.  Hurricane rushes at Orton but Orton quickly catches Hurricane in a headlock as Orton drags him into his corner.  Orton tags TLM in as TLM kicks Hurricane in the gut.  TLM then spins and twists Hurricanes arm.  TLM then whips Hurricane towards his corner but holds onto Hurricanes arm and bring him's back to his corner as TLM lifts Hurricane up and nails a Bell 2 Belly with hurricane crashing in the corner of TLM and Orton.  TLM then brags about the move as he lifts Hurricane up.    He lets hurricane stand for a while begin him to punch him, Hurricane goes for a punch but TLM backs away as the Hurricane pulls a trick out and rolls past TLM and lunges up and catches the eager tag from Cena.  Cena charges in and catches TLM with a clothesline.  Orton enters but Hurricane gets up and tackles Orton to the outside of the ring.  Back in the ring, Cena and TLM are exchanging punches as TLM takes a cheap shot and nails Cena in the gut.  TLM then nails Cena with a with modified DDT.  TLM then climbs the top rope as he taunts to the crowd and motions for a frog splash.  TLM gets up as  Hurricane comes from nowhere and nails TLM with a step up shinning wizard.  TLM is on the top rope in a dazed state as he then tucks into the ring.  TLM then shakes his head as he gets to one knee.  He gets in a full stance as he sees the Hurricane, he charges at him but the Hurricane tells him to stop.  TLM stops suddenly as the Hurricane spins TLM around and purchase him into Cena as Cena lifts him up and nails the FU!  Cena covers, 1--2--3 The Love Machine has been eliminated. Orton then gets back up on the apron in time to see TLM being covered.  Orton quickly runs into the ring as he charges at Cena.  Cena ducks as Orton runs into a Step side kick from the hurricane!  Orton stumbles backwards as Cena charges and tackles him down.  Cena gets up and the Hurricane yell over to Cena for the Five Knuckle Shuffle.  Cena then raises his hand high as he brings it down and yells that Orton can't see him.  Cena bounces off the ropes comes back brushes his shoulder off, he then quickly brushes Hurricanes off as Cena nails the Five Knuckle Shuffle!  Orton then catches his face and gets to his feet as Hurricane jumps off the top rope and nails Orton's with a Blockbuster.  Orton is in pain as he slowly grabs a hold of the bottom rope and lifts himself up.  He looks over at Cena as Cena tells him to come get some.  Orton charges at Cena as Cena ducks but Orton catches this and spins Cena around goes for what looks like the RKO, but Cena pushes Orton away as Orton runs into a Shinning Wizard from the hurricane, Orton stumbles backwards as Cena lifts him up and nails the FU!  Cena then yells to the Hurricane to finish things as Hurricane gets in his standing position as Randy slowly gets his knees.  Orton gets up and Looks over at Cena as Hurricane quickly grapples Orton from behind and nails the Eye of the Hurricane!  The Hurricane then quickly covers Randy, 1--2--3
Survivors: John Cena & The Hurricane

Miss Shannon: The Survivors, The Hurricane & John Cena

Tenay: John Cena and The Hurricane have just picked up the win

Madden: The Hurricane shouldn't have been allowed to wrestle in this match

Tenay: Well he did and he and Cena got the win

:Backstage: Eric's Office

:Eric and Marrisa are shown at a distance talking and the two then embrace in a hug:

:Another Area Backstage: Triple H's Locker Room

Maria: I am standing here with SCWE World Heavyweight Champion Triple H. Now Triple H, Tonight your leading your team into The Main event  but Matt Walker has stated he won't wrestle, what is going ot happen then?

Triple H: Maria nothing will happen, we don't want or need Matt Walker so as far as I am concerned Matt Walker can straight to hell

Maria: So your going to be in a handicap match then?

Triple H: Sure looks that way doesn't it Maria

:Matt Hardy then walks into the scene:

Matt Hardy: Hunter, Kurt, and I don't need anyone to help us, We can get the job done because we are That Damn Good


JR: Well up next we are going to see some diva action

King: It's another RAW/Smackdown! Mixed Match with one team being made up of all RAW Divas but the other team having 1 RAW Diva and 3 Smackdown! Divas

Coach: Well lets get this match under way

Lillian: The Following Contest is a Survivor Series Rules Match

"I Bet You Look Good on the Dance Floor" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, From Austin, Texas, She is the SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion, Rose Thorn

JR: Here comes the lovely Rose Thorn who has already been signed to face Stacy Flair at Armageddon in December in a Hell in a Cell Match

"Planet Hell" hits, Crowd Continues to Cheer

Lillian: Her partner, From Boise, Idaho, Torrie Wilson

King: Torrie was traded over the week to Smackdown! from RAW thus making her a Smackdown! Diva in this match

"Walk This Way" hits, Crowd Keeps Cheering

Lillian: There partner, From Las Vegas, Nevada, Jezebel

JR: Jezebel is the type of diva I would have loved to see come to RAW but Smackdown! got a real keeper in her

"Foxy Lady" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: And finally, The Team Captain, From London, England, Scarlett

King: How is Scarlett Team Captain

JR: She just is and I think its a great choice

"Did My Time" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: There opponents, 1st From Denver, Colorado, Trish Morris

Coach: Here comes Trish Morris who still has a Women's Title Shot coming for winning the Lethal Lottery

King: Yeah but I just hope Trish keeps her trend and that means flashing somebody hopefully me tonight!!

Coach: Trish Morris since losing EYOB last month has taken up flashing and as a result has also been on a major winning streak

"Everybody's Fool" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Lillian: Her partner, From Los Angelos, California, Stacy Mason-Flair

King: Here comes Stacy Flair

JR: Stacy Flair is obsessed with being Women's RAWCore Title and I got a feeling if Rose and Stacy get at each other tonight in this match its not going to be pretty

"Figured You Out" hits, Crowd Rises to there feet and Boo's

Lillian: Next, She is the Team Captain of this team from Greenwich, Connecticut, She is the SCWE Women's Champion and one half of the SCWE Women's Tag Team Championship, Kelli Hardy

Coach: Why is Kelli coming out third?

King: I guess save the hometown girl for last

"Detective" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Lillian: Finally, From Right here in Cleveland, Ohio. She is one half of the SCWE Women's Tag Team Championship, Alyssa Amidala

JR: Listen to this ovation for Alyssa

King: Alyssa who normally is booed but tonight Alyssa is the hometown hero I guess

 Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:16 AM
Survivor Series Rules: Kelli Hardy, Alyssa Amidala, Trish Morris, & Stacy Flair vs Scarlett, Jezebel, Torrie Wilson, & Rose Thorn
Stacy Flair starts things off with Jezebel as both divas lock up with Stacy getting a headlock in but Jezebel sends Stacy off the ropes and Jezebel then waits and hits a powerslam on Stacy, Jezebel then grabs Stacy as she is getting up and Jezebel hits a DDT on her as Stacy rolls over and tags out to Alyssa Amidala. Jezebel smiles as Alyssa comes in and Jezebel and Alyssa lock up with Alyssa shoving Jezebel back into the corner as Charles Robinson orders a break but Alyssa goes for a right hand but Jezebel ducks out of the way and gets Alyssa into the corner and Jezebel hits a few big chops to Alyssa and Jezebel then picks up Alyssa and puts her up top and Jezebel climbs up looking for a super plex but Kelli Hardy grabs Alyssa's feet keeping her down as Trish Morris then hits a right and to the gut of Jezebel as Alyssa knocks Jezebel off and Alyssa turns herself around and goes for a top rope moonsault but Jezebel is able to move out of the way as Alyssa hits hard and Jezebel gets up and grabs Alyssa and hits the Close Call on her as she covers for a 1---2--2.8-Kelli Hardy breaks up the pin. Jezebel then picks up Alyssa and takes her towards the corner as Jezebel tags out to Rose Thorn who comes in and Rose kicks Alyssa in the gut and Rose tells Alyssa payback is a bitch as Rose goes for the Tarantula and locks it in as Alyssa is screaming out but Kelli goes over and hits Rose in the back knocking her off Alyssa as Rose hits the apron as Kelli then starts to choke her as Scarlett jumps down and goes after Kelli who retreats as Charles Robinson is telling Scarlett and Kelli to get back but during that, Stacy Flair enters the ring and makes the tag sound as Alyssa rolls out to the floor and Stacy Flair then picks up Rose but Rose hits a right hand to the gut and Rose pulls Stacy out to the floor as Rose gets up and Rose then slingshots herself over the ropes to the floor taking out Stacy Flair as Charles Robinson starts his count. Both divas get back up as Stacy & Rose exchange right hands back and forth and Stacy knees Rose in the gut and rams her head off the barricade and then throws her into the crowd as both divas fight through the crowd as Charles Robinson reaches his 10 Count and calls for the bell. Stacy Flair & Rose Thorn have been eliminated. Jezebel enters the ring next as Jezebel and Trish go at it with Jezebel knocking down Trish as Trish gets up and Jezebel kicks Trish in the gut and Jezebel hits the Close Call on Trish as Jezebel is about to cover but doesn't as Jezebel then removes Trish Morris's shirt revealing her pink bra and Jezebel then starts to choke Trish Morris with it as Charles Robinson is warning Jezebel to stop and finally she does as Jezebel picks up Trish and then sets her up for the Bombshell but Alyssa comes in and hits Jezebel from behind as Jezebel turns her attention to Alyssa who gets back out of the ring but Trish then rolls up Jezebel with a handful of tights for the 1---2--3. Jezebel has been eliminated. Trish Morris is gloating when Scarlett hits Trish down from behind. Scarlett then shoves Trish into the corner as Scarlett hits several chick kicks to the ribs of Trish and Scarlett then hair tosses Trish across the ring but Trish tags out to Alyssa who comes back into the ring as Alyssa and Scarlett exchange some words before locking up with Alyssa sending Scarlett down as Alyssa turns around and tells Kelli that is how she does it. Scarlett though is back up as Kelli tells Alyssa to watch out and Alyssa walks right into the Scarlett Kiss as Scarlett is about to cover but Kelli comes into the ring as Scarlett knocks Kelli down and then knocks Trish Morris off the apron as Torrie enters the ring and spears down Kelli keeping her out of the way but Alyssa is back up and Alyssa kicks Scarlett in the gut and Alyssa hits a Pedigree on her as Alyssa covers Scarlett for the 1---2--3. Scarlett has been eliminated. This leaves only Torrie Wilson as Alyssa tags out to Kelli Hardy as Torrie and Kelli lock up with Kelli shoving Torrie back into the ropes and Torrie then comes out and hits a right hand knocking down Kelli as Torrie then kicks Kelli in the gut and picks her up and slams her down but Alyssa comes in and hits Torrie from behind as Trish Morris also enters the ring as the three divas then put the boots to Torrie Wilson as Charles Robinson tries to get Alyssa and Trish out of the ring but the 3 on 1 attack left Torrie prone as Kelli then hits the Twist of Fate on her as Kelli rolls Torrie over and covers for the 1---2--3.
Survivors: Kelli Hardy, Alyssa Amidala, & Trish Morris

Lillian: Your survivors, Kelli Hardy, Alyssa Amidala, & Trish Morris

JR: Well Torrie attempted to put up a fight but the numbers game was too much for her tonight

King: Yeah and as a result, Kelli, Alyssa, and Trish Morris get the big win

Coach: Was there any doubt


Rue: I am standing here with Mickie James. Mickie I thought you were going to referee the last match?

Mickie James: I was supposed to but Eric Bischoff wouldn't let me

Rue: Why not?

Mickie James: Because he doesn't understand how much I admire Marrisa

Rue: Why did you dress up like Marrisa tonight?

Mickie James: I wasn't dressed up like Marrisa, I just wanted to see how I would look with blonde hair thats all but being accused of looking like the greatest most amazing diva in the world is quiet the honor

Rue: Well whats next for you then?

Mickie James: Being the best assistant to Marrisa I can be and continuing to wrestle and make marrisa proud of course as a matter of fact I am going to go watch some old Marrisa footage right now

:Another Area Backstage:

Josh Mathews: I am standing here right now with Matt Walker. Now Matt you have stated that you will not take part in tonight's Main Event is that your stance still?

Matt Walker: Well Josh it was until I was ordered to wrestle tonight by The Hill Brothers

Josh Mathews: So you will take part in the Main Event?

Matt Walker: Yes nimrod I will, I can't even walk out on the match like I wanted to either becuase they forced me to wrestle tonight so tonight I would not want to be Charlie Haas, Hulk Hogan or even my brothers because now you got a Pissed off Streaker so get the hell out of my way so I can get ready for this bogus match

:Matt Walker storms off:

Josh Mathews: Back to you guys

:Highlights of Past Gravey Bowl Matches Air:

JR: Well up next we got the Fourth Annual Gravey Bowl Match

King: This has become staple of KSCWE around Thanksgiving time and tonight will be no different

JR: In 2002, The Gravey Bowl Match never got under way when Destiny attacked Trish Stratus before the contest, in 2003, Sara defeated Kristin Styles and Nidia and just last year, Tara Rayge and Alexandria Michaels never got under way when Stacy Mason interfered and took out both divas but hopefully tonight this match will be able to happen

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Gravey Bowl Match

"The End of Heartache" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, From Melbourne, Australia, Holly Mathews

King: Well here comes Holly Mathews

Coach: Holly is probably still hurting a little bit after what Scott Wright did to her

"Strip Tease" hits, Crowd Keeps Booing

Lillian: Her opponent, From Brooklyn, New York, Dawn Marie

Coach: Well here comes RAW's own Dawn Marie

JR: The First Ever Women's Champion in KSCWE History

Gravey Bowl: Dawn Marie vs Holly Mathews
The two divas step into the gravey bowl as the ref tells them the rules of the match, the bell rings as Holly charges at Dawn knocking her down into the Gravey. The two divas make the gravey go all over the place as Holly starts to pull Dawn's hair as Dawn screams as Dawn grabs a hold of Holly's hair as Dawn breaks Holly's grasp. Dawn and Holly then start to roll around in the gravey as Dawn gets the advantage once again grabbing ahold of Holly's hair, Dawn then lets go as Holly catches her breathe as Dawn then runs at Holly trying to clothesline her as Holly moves as Dawn slips falling smack dab into the gravey. Holly laughs at this as she jumps on Dawn starting to bang her head into the pool of gravey. As Dawn sputters Holly is about to punch Dawn as she inadvertly hits the ref as the ref goes down. Holly smirks as she starts to lean over toward one of the chairs. Holly grabs the chair as she stands with it raised above her head as she is about to finish Dawn off. Trish Morris comes out of nowhere chick kicking Holly as Holly falls face first on the chair, Trish then leans over making sure Dawn is ok as Dawn looks down at the knocked down Holly, Trish quickly runs away as the ref comes down as Dawn punches Holly one more time to make sure she is down as the ref starts to count. 1....2....3
Winner: Dawn Marie

Lillian: Your winner, Dawn Marie

JR: Dawn Marie gets the win thanks to an assist from Trish Morris

Coach: That's Brand Unity right there

King: I can't believe it, I never expected this to happen


:Rose Thorn and Stacy Flair are shown still trying to fight with each other as several Security Guards are trying to restrain them as Stacy finally quits fighting and goes to walk away but Rose Thorn then jumps over the pile onto Stacy Flair knocking her down as Security pulls Rose off of Stacy as Stacy tries to retreat into a Locker Room but Rose grabs Stacy by her pants and ends up knocking Stacy through the door as Security pulls Rose back and Rose has in her hands Stacy's pants and a pair of underwear as well!! Rose Thorn then throws them down and goes into the locker room as the camera eventually follows in but Rose Thorn is down on the ground then as Kelli Hardy and Alyssa Amidala are then putting the boots to Rose as Stacy Flair then comes over with a robe wrapped her waist and starts to stomp away at Rose as well as Triple H, Matt Hardy, Kurt Angle, Kaylee Walker, & Julianne Angle watch on as Kelli and Alyssa hold Rose up as Stacy Flair then slaps Rose across the face several times until more security comes into the locker room and finally breaks up the mayhem:

Triple H: See guys you never know what you could see

Kurt Angle: I must say that since we have started hanging out together, I have never seen more Milk and Pie in my life

Triple H: Kurt like I have always said women just are dieing to get naked for us and as you can see that clearly is the case

:Julianne Angle then stares at Triple H:

Triple H: But that doesn't mean we enjoy it

Julianne Angle:....Sure

:Julianne leaves the Locker Room as does Kaylee Walker, Alyssa Amidala, & Kelli Hardy:


Madden: How do those people luck out like that?

Tenay: What?

Madden: Well its obvious that Stacy Mason had no underwear on so Triple H, Matt Hardy, and Kurt Angle saw something on Stacy Flair. Man I hate being stuck out here

Tenay: Well moving on we have a big Survivor Series Rules Match

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest a Survivor Series Rules Match

:All of a Sudden a Milenium clock starts to countdown:

Tenay: What the heck was that about

Madden: I don't know, that was kind of like what Y2J used to have but Chris Jericho is off in some retirement home now

"Chop Suey" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, From Houston, Texas weighing in at 268 Pounds, Billy Gunn

Madden: Here comes Billy Gunn from Smackdown!

"Stricken" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Miss Shannon: His partners, From Denver, Colorado, Jerome and Jason Morris

Tenay: Here come the Morris Brothers

Madden: Well Jason Morris is a newcomer where as Jerome Morris has been red hott

"Longhorns" hits, Crowd Boo's as The Limo Pulls Out

Miss Shannon: Finally, He is the Team Captain, JBL

Tenay: Well here comes the Team Captain JBL

 Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:17 AM

"Colors" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: There opponents, 1st From Toronto, Canada, weighing in at 278 Pounds, Edge

Tenay: Here comes Edge

"Take This" hits, Crowd Keeps Cheering

Miss Shannon: His partner, From Gainsville, Geogia weighing in at 212 Pounds, He is the SCWE European Champion, AJ Styles

Madden: Well here is AJ Styles now

"Escape Artists Never Die" hits, Crowd Continues to Cheer

Miss Shannon: There Partner, From New York, New York weighing in at 242 Pounds, Jamie Gunz

Tenay: Here is Jamie Gunz and that leaves only one person

"For Whom The Bell Tolls" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: And Finally, The Team Captain, From Knoxville, Tennessee weighing in at 252 Pounds, The "Badass American" Brandon Davis

Madden: Well here is the Dumbass American

Tenay: You better not say that to loud Mark, he may come and take you out

Survivor Series Rules: Brandon Davis, Jamie Gunz, Edge, & AJ Styles vs JBL, Billy Gunn, Jerome Morris, & Jason Morris
Brandon Davis starts things off with Billy Gunn as both men have some words with each other as Brandon tells Billy that he still owns him and Billy then shoves Brandon back telling him to prove it then and Brandon smiles and then delivers a big right hand to Billy knocking him down as Billy gets up and is not happy as Billy then goes to hit Brandon but Brandon picks up Billy and hits a atomic drop and then Brandon grabs Billy's legs taking him down as Brandon goes for the Walls of America and locks it in as Billy though is able to quickly get into the ropes as Billy reaches up and tags out to Jason Morris. Jason Morris enters the ring and tells Brandon that he doesn't like his attitude and Jason goes to slap Brandon but Brandon blocks it and ends up getting Jason into the corner by his arm as Brandon then slaps Jason in the head very hard as Jason Morris turns around and charges at Brandon who ends up hitting a hip toss on Jason. Jason quickly moves into his corner and tags out to Billy Gunn again. Billy Gunn enters the ring and tells Brandon he wants Jamie Gunz and Brandon looks at Jamie and nods as Brandon goes to tag but Billy then attacks Brandon from behind as Billy pounds away at Brandon and whips Brandon off the ropes but Brandon hits the Rush on the way back as Brandon covers then for the 1--2--3. Billy Gunn has been eliminated. JBL & The Morris Brothers are stunned by the elimination as Jerome and JBL argue over who should go in next but Brandon goes over and grabs both guys and smack there heads together taking them both off the apron but Jason comes in and kicks Brandon in the ribs as Jason pounds away at Brandon and Jason goes to whip Brandon off the ropes but Brandon reverses sending Jason off them as Brandon then hits a big spine buster on Jason Morris. Brandon then is waiting for Jason to get up when Edge makes a blind tag into the ring as Edge comes in and Edge attacks Jason as he is getting up but Brandon grabs Edge and turns him around asking him what he is doing as Edge tells him he wants some and Brandon then shoves Edge back telling him he is going to handle it as Referee Earl Hebner gets in between telling them to cool it as Jamie Gunz and AJ also enter the ring trying to keep the cool as Jason Morris then makes the tag out to JBL as Earl Hebner saw it as JBL comes into the ring and waits as Jamie & AJ finally get Brandon out of the ring as Brandon and Edge continue to argue but JBL then bounces off the ropes and hits Edge with the clothesline from hell as JBL covers quickly for the 1---2--3. Edge has been eliminated. Brandon starts to clap as AJ Styles goes up top and comes in and goes for a cross body but JBL catches AJ and hits a fall away slam on him as Jamie and Brandon have words on the apron, AJ is getting back up hurting as JBL then goes for a Clothessline From Hell on AJ but AJ is able to counter into the Palay as AJ then gets up but Jerome Morris hits AJ down from behind as Earl Hebner gets Jerome out as JBL picks up AJ and goes for the Power bomb but AJ is able to counter into a Hurracanrana instead as AJ then is able to leap across the ring and make the tag out to Jamie Gunz. Jamie Gunz enters the ring and charges at JBL but JBL goes for a Big Boot but Jamie ducks it and Jamie then picks up JBL for the Last Breath but Jason Morris comes in and kicks Jamie in the gut as JBL then hits a DDT on Jamie Gunz. JBL picks up Jamie and pounds away at him with big right hands as JBL then whips Jamie off the ropes and JBL puts his head down but Jamie stops and grabs it and hits Shooting the Gunz as Jamie covers JBL for a 1---2--Jerome breaks up the pin. Earl Hebner tells Jerome to get out of the ring as Jason goes over and yanks AJ down off the apron as Jamie Gunz and JBL are both getting up and Brandon goes into the ring and Brandon knocks down JBL with a right hand and Brandon then looks ready to hit the Rush but instead of going for JBL, Brandon takes out Jamie Gunz with the Rush!! Brandon then gets out of the ring and watches from the apron as JBL covers Jamie for the 1--2--3. Jamie Gunz has been eliminated. Brandon then gets into the ring making himself legal and then leaves the ring and walks out as Earl Hebner counts to 10 and rings the bell as AJ Styles looks on in disbelief. Brandon Davis has been eliminated. This leaves AJ Styles only to take on JBL and The Morris Brothers as JBL tags out to Jason Morris who begged for the chance. Jason and AJ both lock up with Jason locking in a headlock on AJ but AJ sends Jason off the ropes as AJ then goes for a backdrop but Jason is able to grab AJ And Jason hits a DDT on him. Jason then picks up AJ and sets him up for the Downsizer but AJ elbows Jason in the head and AJ then grabs Jason quickly and sets him up for the Styles Clash and hits it for the 1---2--3. Jason Morris has been eliminated. Jerome Morris comes in and attacks AJ quickly. Jerome picks up AJ and Jerome whips AJ off the ropes but AJ hits a flying elbow to the face of Jerome knocking him down as AJ gets up and AJ is waiting for Jerome when JBL comes in and hits a Clothesline From Hell to the back of AJ's head laying him out cold as Jerome then picks up AJ and hits the Fatal IMPACT and covers AJ for the 1---2--3.
Survivors: JBL & Jerome Morris

Miss Shannon: Your Survivors, JBL & Jerome Morris

Tenay: JBL and Jerome Morris are the Soul Survivors here but that isn't the big story

Madden: Yes Brandon is my new hero after finally seeing the light

Tenay: I don't know what got into Brandon here tonight but he has definatly went off the deep end

:Backstage: Outside of the SD! Divas Locker Room

:Eric Bischoff is shown as Eric knocks on the Diva's Door before entering with the camera:

Eric Bischoff: Hello ladies

:All of the SD! Divas minus Kendra Walker and Holly Mathews are there:

Eric Bischoff: You see ladies, in the Gravey Bowl Match there was a Bet made between RAW and Smackdown! and the winning brand which was RAW and you see that bet is that the Women's Divison becomes exclusive to the winning brand so that means after this week. Scarlett, Jezebel, Flame, Leyla, Gail Kim, and Torrie Wilson are exclusive to RAW. Thank you ladies

:Eric leaves the Locker Room as the Divas are stunned:

:Milenium Countdown is Shown Again:

:Promo for SCWE Armageddon is shown:

:Backstage: Mallory's Office

:Mallory Maddox is shown with Holly Mathews:

Holly Mathews: You wanted to see me Ms Maddox?

Mallory Maddox: Holly do you realize that Smackdown! no longer has a Women's Division as a result of you

Holly Mathews: I'm sorry Ms Maddox but Trish Morris got involved

Mallory Maddox: No Excuses Holly you let us all down

Holly Mathews: I'm sorry I really am

Mallory Maddox: Well Holly you can expect some sort of punishment to be coming your dismissed

:Holly leaves the Locker Room:

:Promo Airs for Main Event:

JR: Well its time now for our Main Event and this should be a slobber knocker

King: It sure should be

Lillian: The Main Event of the Evening is a Survivor Series Rules Match

"Holding Out for a Hero" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 225 Pounds, The "Real Deal, No Gimmicks Needed" Matt Walker

Coach: Well here comes a disgruntled Matt Walker who does not want to wrestle in this match but must

"Line In The Sand" hits, Crowd Rises to there Feet and Boo's

Lillian: His partners, Being accumpied by Julianne Angle and Kaylee Walker, The Team of Matt Hardy, The SCWE Intercontinental Champion Kurt Angle and the SCWE World Heavyweight Champion Triple H, Better known as Evolution X!!!

Coach: My God E-X is back!!!

JR: The most dominating stable in KSCWE History has returned!!

King: Evolution X is alive and well

"Just Close Your Eyes" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: There opponents, 1st From Edmond, Oklahoma weighing in at 242 Pounds, The "World's Greatest Athlete" Charlie Haas

King: Here comes Charlie Haas a former E-X member who wants at Triple H in the worst way

"Eye of The Tiger" hits, Crowd Continues to Cheer

Lillian: His partners, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Scott Walker and the Smackdown! World Heavyweight Champion Chris Walker

JR: We only have one more guy now

"Real American" hits, Place Erupts

Lillian: Finally, From Tampa, Florida weighing in at 275 Pounds, Hulk Hogan!!!

King: Here comes The Hulkster

JR: This is a Huge Main Event

Survivor Series Rules: Triple H, Matt Hardy, Kurt Angle, & Matt Walker W/Julianne Angle & Kaylee Walker vs Chris Walker, Charlie Haas, Hulk Hogan, & Scott Walker
Matt Hardy starts things off with Scott Walker as both guys lock up with Hardy locking in a headlock as Scott sends him off the ropes as Matt goes down as Scott leaps over Hardy and Scott hits the ropes and Scott hits a flying lariet to Hardy taking him down as Scott Walker gets back up and Scott then grabs Hardy and suplexs him down as Scott tags out to Charlie Haas who comes into the ring but Hardy rolls to the corner and tags out to Kurt Angle. Haas and Angle both smile at each other before locking up with Angle going behind Haas but Haas counters by going behind Angle and Angle then goes behind Haas and Haas goes down to the mat taking Angle down in the process and Haas then locks in a Ankle Lock and quickly grapevines it on Kurt Angle!!! Kurt is screaming out as Charlie Haas continues to apply pressure but Triple H comes into the ring and kicks Haas in the face breaking the hold up as Chris Walker comes in and Chris Walker spears down Triple H as Matt Hardy comes in but Scott knocks him down as Matt Walker stands on the apron watching on as does Hulk Hogan as Kurt Angle gets up and goes over and makes the tag to Matt Walker as Earl Hebner regains control and gets everyone out of the ring as Matt Walker goes to work on Haas with ax handle shots to the back of Haas as Matt Walker shoves Haas into the corner and stomps away at him but Triple H then tags himself in as Triple H and Matt Walker have words as Triple H then grabs Haas and is about to him but Haas gets Triple H in the corner and Haas opens up on The Game with right hands knocking Triple H down as Haas then takes his boot and sticks into the throat of Triple H choking him as Matt Hardy and Kurt Angle come in and attack Haas which gets Hulk Hogan into the ring as Hogan grabs Angle and Hardy and rams there heads together. Hulk Hogan then picks up Kurt Angle and throws Angle out to the floor as Hogan follows after Kurt Angle as Hogan and Angle brawl into the crowd as Earl Hebner tells both guys to return but to no answer as Earl Hebner then says there both eliminated. Kurt Angle & Hulk Hogan have been eliminated. Triple H is back up now and goes to hit Charlie Haas but Haas catches The Game with a belly 2 belly suplex. Charlie Haas then stalks behind Triple H and Haas goes for the World's Greatest Slam but Triple H is able to avoid it and The Game then kicks Haas in the gut and goes for the Pedigree but Haas trips down Triple H and then slingshots him into the corner but Matt Hardy tags himself in as Haas grabs Triple H coming out and Haas hits the World's Greatest Slam and covers but Earl Hebner tells Haas that Triple H tagged out as Matt Hardy kicks Haas in the gut and Hardy hits the Twist of Fate and covers for the 1---2--3. Charlie Haas has been eliminated. Matt Hardy is gloating about the elimination when he walks right into a Walkerkick from Scott Walker who covers quickly for a 1---2--2.7-Triple H breaks up the pinfall. Triple H then exchanges rights and lefts with Scott Walker but Scott knocks down Triple H with a right hand as Scott Walker then kicks The Game in the gut and whips him off the ropes and Scott hits a backdrop on Triple H and waits as he gets up and clotheslines him over the top rope but then walks into a Side Effect from Matt Hardy as Matt Hardy covers for a 1---2--Chris Walker breaks up the pin. Matt Hardy then picks up Scott again and takes him over to the corner as Matt Hardy offers to tag out to Matt Walker who takes the tag as Matt Walker comes in and kicks his brother in the gut as Matt Walker then knocks Scott down with a right hand as Matt tells Scott this is payback for everything he has ever done to him as Matt gets on top of Scott and pounds away at him with right hands as Matt then picks up Scott and sets him up for the Pittfall but Scott somehow flips out of it as Matt turns around and walks right into a Walkerkick as Scott Walker covers Matt for the 1---2--3. Matt Walker has been eliminated. Triple H enters the ring next and tells Scott he wants Chris as Scott says fine and tags out to Chris Walker. The Game and Chris lock up with Triple H shoving Chris down as Triple H then tells Chris if he has his number then prove it as Chris gets back up and Chris smiles as the two men go to lock up again but Chris kicks Triple H in the gut instead as Chris whips Triple H off the ropes and trips Triple H down into the ropes on the way back as Chris gets up and runs and hits the 412 and Chris then waits for Triple H to get up and Chris goes for the Face full of panCAKE's but Triple H instead lowblows Chris as Chris Walker is rolling around hurting as Triple H picks up Chris and sets him up for the Pedigree and hits it as Matt hardy comes in and knocks Scott down off the apron as Triple H hooks the leg for the 1---2--3. Chris Walker has been eliminated. This leaves only Scott Walker now as Triple H & Matt Hardy wait for Scott to get up when The Millennium Clock Appers again on the Tron and Strikes Zero as Pyro Explodes in the entry way as Chris Jericho then appears!!! Jericho then makes his way towards the ring as Triple H ends up getting out of the ring and meets Jericho in the entry way as The two men exchange rights and lefts as Earl Hebner reaches 10 and rings the bell counting out Triple H. Triple H has been eliminated. Matt Hardy is about to leave the ringside area but Jerome Morris comes out and attacks Jericho from behind allowing for Triple H to escape as Jericho then knocks down Jerome but Jason Morris comes out and gets knocked down as well as Jericho goes after Triple H. Matt Hardy is not paying attention to Scott Walker in the ring who is waiting for him as Hardy turns around and walks right into a Walkerkick as Scott covers for the 1---2--3.
Survivor: Scott Walker

Lillian: Your Survivor, Scott Walker

JR: Scott Walker has done it but Chris Jericho is back!!

Coach: What a crazy way to end this Pay Per View

JR: Good Night

:Survivor Series Goes off the Air:

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