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PPV : Armageddon 12/11/05
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 Message 1 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 3:45 AM

Results 12/11/05 Live From Chicago, Illinois

Promo's for the PPV Air:

Pyro Then Explodes!! as "The End is Here" plays to open up Armageddon

JR: Welcome to SCWE Armageddon coming to you live from Chicago

King: Well another SCWE Pay Per View has rolled around and what a great one this should be

Coach: KSCWE Legend Chris Jericho returns and challenges long time rival and at times friend Triple H for the SCWE World Heavyeight Championship. Remember Chris Jericho won the very first World Title in KSCWE History, Can Jericho win another World Title tonight?

JR: Plus we got the Thrill Zone Assault making its debut and a Hell in a Cell Match and many other great matches but lets go to the ring

Lillian: The Opening Contest of SCWE Armageddon is scheduled for one fall

"War Pigs" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, From La Jolla, California weighing in at 339 Pounds, The Californian

King: Well here comes Californian

JR: He is a former SCWE European Champion and can easily get another impressive win tonight

"Mr Kennedy" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: And his opponent...

:Lillian's Microphone cuts off:

Ken Kennedy: I come from Green Bay, Wisconsin and I weigh in at 243 Pounds, I am Mr. Kennedy...............................KENNEDY

JR: What a egotistical SOB

Coach: I liked that, he did his own ring announcing

Ken Kennedy vs Californian

The match starts out with Ken hollering about himself as Cali rushes in on him.  Ken ducks a clothesline and connects Cali with a neckbreaker.  Ken gets up and grabs Cali and lifts him to his feet.  Ken kicks Cali in the gut and nails a quick DDT.  Ken gets on his knees as he boasts to the crowd.  Ken then grabs Cali by the head and locks in a chin lock.  Ken then breaks the hold after a few moments.  He gets up as he drops a quick knee to Cali's face.  Ken then grabs Cali and picks hoi and sends him flying across the ring.  Cali bounces off the ropes Ken bends down to go for a back body toss, but Cali kicks Ken in the Jaw.  Ken grabs his jaw in agony as Cali bounces off the ropes again and goes for a clothesline take down but Ken reverses it and swings behind Cali and lands a release German plex.  Ken then covers Cali, 1--2--kick out.  Ken grabs Cali once again and says its overs as he whips Cali into the corner.  Ken then charges at him and hits a shoulder trust.  Ken then places Cali in a suplex position as he places Cali on the top rope.  Ken climbs the turnbuckle as he lifts Cali up onto his shoulder.  Ken lifts Cali up as he hollers to the crowd as he then jumps from the corner and spin in the ait and nails Cali with the Kennedy Drop.  Ken then taunts as then pins Cali, 1--2--3
Winner: Ken Kennedy

Lillian: Your winner, Mr. Ken Kennedy

Coach: Mr Kennedy gets an impressive win here in his first Single's Pay Per View Match

King: Ken Kennedy put a very good Californian down with ease

JR: Well this Kennedy has a bright future if you ask me

:Backstage: Evolution X's Locker Room

:Triple H, Matt Hardy, Kurt Angle, & Alyssa Amidala are shown:

Triple H: Tonight we go out there with a directive and we are all going to do that directive correct?

Matt Hardy: Hell yeah

Alyssa Amidala: Of course

Kurt Angle: YES!!!

Triple H: Kurt you can calm down a bit

Kurt Angle: Sorry, its just I am ready for this match

Matt Hardy: Why are you so prepared? you were on your honeymoon all week

Kurt Angle: Exactly, I have never had so much milk and pie in my life

Alyssa Amidala: Milk and Pie really gets you that ready?

Kurt Angle: Hell yeah

Alyssa Amidala: I should try some then

Triple H: Alyssa you don't want that trust me

Matt Hardy: Maybe she does Hunter, that could be kinda hott

Alyssa Amidala: What is so hott about milk and pie?

:Triple H whispers in Alyssa's ear as she looks shocked:

Alyssa Amidala: Shame on you boys

:Alyssa storms out of the Locker Room:

Kurt Angle: I guess she is lack tose and tolerant

:Video Preview for Randy Orton vs Edge:

JR: Well Alyssa found out what Milk and Pie really is

King: I would love some milk and pie right now

Coach: King get your head out of the gutter

JR: Well you both better focus soon because up next we are going to see a very good match between two superstars who are trying to get back on a role tonight

King: That's right you got Edge taking on Randy Orton this is going to be good

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Colors" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, From Toronto, Canada weighing in at 278 Pounds, Edge

JR: Well here comes Edge who would benefit from a big win over a superstar the caliber of Randy Orton

"Whatever It Takes" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: And his opponent, From St. Louis, Missouri weighing in at 245 Pounds, The "Legend Killer" Randy Orton

Coach: Well here comes Randy Orton now

King: This is going to be a good match and whoever comes out on top should get some sort of title match

Edge vs Randy Orton
The Bell rings. Edge and Randy Orton circle each other before colliding with a collar and elbow tie up. The two men, who are pretty evenly matched, push and pull at one another. Orton manages to spin behind Edge and locks his arm around Edge's head. Randy applies pressure to Edge but Edge just lifts up Orton and nails him with a backdrop suplex. Edge gets up and up as does Randy Orton, They look to lock up again but Edge grabs Ortons arm and whips him to the ropes. Orton bounces back, Orton nails Edge with a neckbreaker. Orton quickly grabs Edge and locks in a sleeper to the fallen edge. Orton applies pressure as the referee lifts Edge's arm and drops it, he lifts Edge's arm again and once again the arm fails to stay up. The crowd starts to cheer for Edge as the ref drops his arm and this time he keeps it up! Edge starts to get to his feet where he drives his elbow into orton's gut before flipping him over with a snapmare type move. Edge picks up Orton and irish whips him to the turnbuckle, Edge charges at orton but Randy gets his foot up, connecting it with Edge's head. Orton pulls himself up onto the middle rope. He jumps off with a clothesline knocking down edge. Orton covers Edge 1...2... kick out by Edge. Orton lifts up Edge but Edge nails a couple of elbows to Orton's gut. Edge steps back and looks to go for a spear but Orton dodges it causing Edge to fly through the ropes and out to the floor. Orton rolls out to the floor where edge is. Orton kicks Edge in the chest and then sits on Edge and starts to pound aaway at his face as the referee begins the 10 ring out count. 1...2...3.. Orton gets off Edge and picks him up 4... Orton irish whips Edge into the ring barrier 5... Orton kicks Edge in the gut and looks to send Edge flying into the ring steps 6... Edge counters and sends Orton head first into the steel ring steps. Edge rolls into the ring and back out causing the ring out count to be refreshed. 1... Edge kicks at Orton. 2...3... Edge picks up Orton and smashes Randy's head off the ring post before rolling him back into the ring. Edge slides in too and climbs up to the middle rope. As Orton gets up Edge grabs his head and hits a reverse tornado DDT to Orton from the middle rope. Edge covers orton 1...2... kick out by Randy. Edge grabs Orton and picks him up, but Orton breaks free from Edge and goes for a clothesline but Edge ducks it and ends up behind Orton, he grabs Ortons head and hits the Edge-o-matic! Edge hooks the leg 1...2..2.9 kick out by Orton. Edge pounds the ring canvas as he gets up, slowly followed by Orton. Edge stalks Orton and As Orton turns around Edge charges at him for the spear but Orton moves out the way. Edge collides with the ring's turnbuckle. Edge stumbles out of the turnbuckle, dazed and confused. He turns around to receive a RKO from Randy Orton! Orton covers Edge 1...2...3
Winner: Randy Orton

Lillian: Your winner, Randy Orton

JR: Randy Orton gets the win here over Edge

King: A good match but The Legend Killer strikes again

Coach: Randy Orton deserves a Title Match

:Backstage: Outside Eric Bischoff's Office

Maria: I am standing here right now with SCWE General Manager Eric Bischoff. Now Eric I understand that you have a big announcement to make

Eric Bischoff: Maria I have a huge announcement to make. You see SCWE Assistant General Manager Vince McMahon is on his way to the arena right now

Maria: Why is Vince McMahon coming to the arena, this is RAW not SmackDown!?

Eric Bischoff: Maria...Vince is coming to RAW tonight to talk about a trade between RAW and SmackDown! and Maria if this trade goes down, it will reshake the rosters up quiet a bit

Maria: Who is rumored to be going?

Eric Bischoff: I can't say right now Maria but lets juts say....Anyone Can Be Traded

Maria: Why is Vince coming and not Mallory?

Eric Bischoff: Because if Mallory comes then Matt Walker will show up and I don't want Matt Walker on my show besides I have a good working relationship with Vince now if will excuse me

:Eric goes back into his office:

Maria: Well there you have it

:All of a Sudden The Boogeyman appears behind Maria and Maria turns around:

Maria: Hi who are you?

Boogeyman: I Am The Boogeyman

Maria: Oh hello Boogeyman why are you here at Armageddon?

Boogeyman: I am coming to get ya

Maria: I am right here silly but I have to interview more people but its been nice talking to you

:Maria walks away as The Boogeyman tilts his head to the side and vanishes:

:Video Preview for Simon Dean vs Stevie Richards:

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 Message 2 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:46 AM

JR: Well Vince McMahon is on his way to the arena to talk about some trade with our GM Eric Bischoff

Coach: Did you see what we just saw, The Boogeyman is here!!

King: I saw him on SmackDown! last Tuesday and now he is here at Armageddon, why is he here?

JR: Who knows but up next we are going to see a grudge match over the SCWE Intercontinental Championship

King: That's right two former friends fighting now thanks to Simon Dean selling out

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Intercontinental Championship

"Simon Says" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, being accumpied by Lexus Carr, From Pensacola, Florida weighing in at 225 Pounds, Simon Dean

Coach: Well here the next IC Champion

King: I don't know about that

Coach: Simon Dean has been held back since he arrived but tonight that ends

"One Step Closer" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: And his opponent, being accumpied by Melinda, He is the Leader of the bWo, From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania weighing in at 220 Pounds, He is the SCWE Intercontinental Champion, "Big Stevie Cool" Stevie Richards

JR: Well here comes The Champ who won the title by upsetting Kurt Angle

King: Yeah and I know Stevie plans on winning this match for Rico

SCWE Intercontinental Championship: Stevie Richards(C) W/Melinda vs Simon Dean W/Lexus Carr
Referee Chris Kay rings the bell to start the match out as Stevie Richards  goes to attack Simon but Simon ducks between the ropes as Chris Kay orders Stevie back. Stevie backs up as Simon comes out and Stevie attacks Simon knocking Simon into the corner as Stevie opens up on Simon knocking him down in the corner as Stevie continues to pound away at him as Chris Kay backs up Stevie as Simon then gets handed a weight from his bag from Lexus as Stevie goes in and Simon gets up and tries to hit Stevie but Stevie ducks it and then kicks Simon in the gut and Stevie then hits the Stevie T on Simon and covers for a 1---2--2.8-Stevie pulls Simon up and Stevie tells Simon he got more payback coming. Stevie then takes Simon and throws him outside to the floor as Stevie follows Simon out and Simon attacks Stevie as Simon rams Stevie into the guardrail face first as Simon then takes Stevie and slams him down as Simon goes into his bag and gets out his weight lifting belt but Stevie is back up and hits Simon down as Stevie takes a Camera Cord and wraps it around Simon's neck  choking him as Stevie then rams Simon into the ring post as Stevie takes Simon's belt and starts to whip him as Simon gets into the ring as Stevie follows and Stevie continues to whip Simon as Stevie then goes for another shot when Lexus Carr gets into the ring and grabs the belt away from Stevie as Stevie turns his attention to Lexus who tells Stevie enough when Melinda attacks Lexus from behind as Melinda and Lexus start to fight as Chris Kay tries to get them broken up when Simon picks up the weight still in the ring and Simon hits Stevie in the back of the head as Simon throws it to the floor as Simon then covers as Chris Kay counts a 1---2--2.5-shoulder up. Simon Dean can't believe it as Melinda and Lexus fight up the entry way towards the back as Simon picks up Stevie and slams him down as Simon then hits a big elbow on Stevie and Simon picks up Stevie and sets him up for the Simon Effect but Stevie rams Simon back into the corner and goes to work on him as Stevie then puts Simon up top as Stevie climbs up looking for a super plex and Stevie hits it as Stevie then gets up and says its time for the Stevie Kick as Simon gets up and Stevie goes for it but Simon ducks and then grabs Stevie and hits the Simon Effect for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Simon Dean (SCWE IC)

Lillian: Your winner and New SCWE Intercontinental Champion, Simon Dean

JR: We have a new Intercontinental Champion

King: This has to be a upset

Coach: I told you all Simon Dean would do it and Simon is now a IC Champion for the first time in his career

:Backstage: Eric Bischoff's Office

:Eric is shown with Vince:

Eric Bischoff: Hello Vince

Vince McMahon: Eric

Eric Bischoff: Now Vince I am glad that you decided to come to Armageddon tonight because I am definatly looking forward to making some trades with SmackDown!

Vince McMahon: Well Eric I am always looking for a way to improve SmackDown!

Eric Bischoff: Well Vince let me tell you the superstars from SmackDown! I am interested in.

Vince McMahon: Fine

Eric Bischoff: Billy Gunn, JBL, John Cena, Jamie Gunz, Tim Wilkins, Raven, Scarl..

Vince McMahon: Eric I can see that you are going to run down basically every big name on SmackDown! yet let me guess your going to offer Brian Mason or Scar

Eric Bischoff: Well yeah

Vince McMahon: Eric I can see this is a waste of my time

:Vince starts to leave when Eric stops him:

Eric Bischoff: Have a seat Vince lets actually be serious about this

:Video Preview for SCWE RAWCore Championship Match:

JR: Well I can see that talks between Eric and Vince are not going well

King: Yeah no kidding JR but I am still in shock about Simon Dean winning the IC Title

Coach: Simon Dean shocked the world and the bWo is going to lose some more gold up next because Mick Foley's time as RAWCore Champion is over

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE RAWCore Championship

"Woo" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, From Charlotte, North Carolina weighing in at 220 Pounds, David Flair

Coach: Well here comes David Flair who is a former RAWCore Champion and tonight I think David takes back that title

"Immortal Corrupter" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Lillian: His opponent, From Denver, Colorado weighing in at 235 Pounds, Jason Morris

King: Well here comes Jason Morris now to the ring who has been looking good since arriving on the scene

"Wreck" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: And finally, Representing the bWo, From Long Island, New York weighing in at 287 Pounds, He is the SCWE RAWCore Champion, Mick Foley

JR: Well here comes Mick Foley now who has been very impressive as RAWCore Champion

King: Mick Foley has definatly earned his spot

SCWE RAWCore Championship: Mick Foley(C) vs Jason Morris vs David Flair
The match starts as all men circle one another to see who will make the first move.  Jason looks over at David as they both nod in agreement and charge at Foley.  Foley begins to fight them both off.  He nails David in the jaw with a sharp right jabs and then knees Jason in the gut.  Mick then charges at David and takes him down with a clothesline.  Mick then turns around and is met with a dropkick from Jason.  Jason begins pounding away at Mick as he stops for a second and yells for David to go and get something from under the ring.  David slides out of the ring as Jason continues the assault.  David goes under the ring apron and slides out a table.  He gets the table and sets it up vertically against the barricade as he goes back under the ring apron.  Back in the ring Jason stops punching Mick as he lifts him to his feet.  Jason throws Mick into the corner and charges at him but Foley ducks at the last second as Jason catches himself inches before hitting the corner.  Jason turns around and is met with a knee to the gut and quick DDT from Foley.  Foley gets up in time to see David coming at him with a trash can.  Foley kicks David in the gut as David drops the trash can.  Foley then places David above the trash can as he drives Davis head through the trash can with a jumping pile driver.  Foley then slides out the ring as he searches under the ring apron.  Foley then is seen with a sadistic smile on his face as he slowly gets to his feet.  Foley then raises the ever popular barbed wire covered 2x4 in the air.  The crowd cheers as Foley slides into the ring.  He then starts spinning the weapon as he awaits Jason to get up.  Jason is up Foley swings at him and catches him in the gut.  Foley then stands above Jason and goes to bring it down on him when David comes from No were and nails a low blow taking Foley to his knees.  Jason then gets up and whips the blood from his face as David  hits a leg sweep on Foley and takes him down.  Jason then rolls out of the ring as he starts sliding objects from under the ring.  He grab Garbage cans, Singapore cans and starts throwing them into the ring.  Jason then goes back under as he smiles and pulls out a bed of barbed wire.    Jason then picks up the bed and goes to slide it into the ring.  Jason then enters the ring as he grabs the Singapore cane and tells Foley to get. up.  Foley gets to his feet as Jason places the Singapore cane between his legs and lifts Foley up with the cane and slams Foley down on it.  Foley stands in the ring holding himself as Jason takes the cane and  catches Foley in the middle of the back with it.  Foley arches back as he drop to the mat.  Jason then goes to cover Foley 1--kick out David rips Jason off as Jason gets to his feet and the two exchange words.  David punches Jason as Jason punches back.  They both then stops as Foley starts to get up.  Foley is on his knees as David and Jason picks him up.  They then grabs Foley and whip out of the ring into the set up table on the barricade.  Jason smiles at the carnage as David spins him around and lands a quick DDT.  David then picks up the trash can and waits for Jason to get up.  Jason is up as David brings the trash can down on his head.  David then throws the trash can as he looks over at the bed of barbed wire.  David then slides it into the middle of the ring as David then grabs Jason.  David knees Jason in the gut and places him up on his shoulders.  in the Nature Shock position but Jason regains consciousness as he rolls off of David and spins him around.  Jason then kicks David as he nails an X-Factor.  Jason then looks to the turnbuckle as he slides the barbed wire over close to it.  Jason then grabs David and whips him int the corner.  Jason grabs David and places him on the top rope as he climbs the turnbuckle.  Jason then places David in the Superplex position as he lifts David up and nails the Superplex onto the bed of wire.  David rears in agony as he spins off the bed and shows that he is bleeding profusely.  Jason then smirks as he looks down to were Foley went through the table but he doesn't see Foley.  Jason wonders for a second and hollers to the crowd were he is when Foley charges up behind him and tackles him to the outside of the ring.  Foley and Jason begins brawling on the outside as Jason gets the upper hand and suplex Foley onto the barricade.  Jason then climbs the on the apron and looks at Foley, Jason jumps off looking to hit Foley with a Moonsault,  but Foley rolls off as Jason hits the barricade hard.  Foley then grabs Jason and whips him into the barricade.  Foley then looks into the ring and whips the blood from his eyes as he looks under the ring.  Foley then slides a barbed wire draped steels chair from underneath as he slides into the ring.  Foley puts the chair up and tells David to gets up.  David slowly grabs the ropes and spits out blood as he gets to hi feet.  Foley then crashes David across the head with the chair.  Foley then goes to pin David but before he can Jason grabs his feet and rips out of the ring.  Foley and Jason begin fighting again as they both flip over the barricade.  Both men are fighting in the crowd as they reach a vacant place in the crowd.  Jason then whips Foley into the stairwell as Foley lands hard on the cement floor.  Jason then walks over to were they keep the extra tables as Jason slides one off and sets it up.  Jason then turns to Foley but suddenly from nowhere David comes flying up with his last bit of energy as he raps the chair against Jason skull.  Jason stumbles backwards as he can be seen busted open.  Flair then grabs Jason and lifts him and nails the Nature Shock.  David then picks Jason up and slides him on the table.  David then gets spun around as Foley cracks him into the back with a Singapore cane ushering more damage to David's open wounds on his back.  Foley then nails David with a Double Arm DDT.  Foley then looks over at the table with Jason.  Foley then gets another table and places it besides the one with Jason as Foley then slides  David on top of it.  Foley then looks up at the crowd area as Foley begins climbing the stair well.  Foley gets to the very top as crawls over the stair way barricade.  Foley then looks down at David and Jason on the tables as Foley jumps off the stair well and crashes on David and Jason with a flying elbow.  Foley then places his arm over David as the referee counts, 1--2--3
Winner: Mick Foley

Lillian: Your winner and Still SCWE RAWCore Champion, Mick Foley

JR: Mick Foley picks up a win in this hellacious match

King: Well David and Jason just came up a little short against the RAWCore Legend

:Preview for Alyssa vs Christy vs Gail Kim Airs:

 Message 3 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:46 AM

JR: Well up next we are going to see a Triple Threat Match featuring three of RAW's top divas

King: Well you got two former Women's Champions in the match

Coach: This should be a good contest but my money is on Christy Hemme, I think Christy has all of the tools to win this

King: I like Alyssa Amidala

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Feel Good Inc."  hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, From Telemuca, California, Christy Hemme

King: Here comes that fiesty red hed Christy Hemme

Coach: This is going to be interesting

"International Woman" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: Her opponent, From Korea, Gail Kim

JR: Well here comes Gail Kim who is looking to take a big step in the right direction for her career

"Detective" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: And finally, Representing Evolution X, From Cleveland, Ohio she is one half of the SCWE Women's Tag Team Champions, Alyssa Amidala

Coach: Alyssa has the E-X ties which could help her out here

JR: It should be a good contest no matter what

Alyssa Amidala vs Christy Hemme vs Gail Kim
The match starts off with Gail Kim wasting no time as she charges at Alyssa.  Alyssa ducks the charge by grabbing Gail and ramming her into the corner.  Alyssa then turns Gail around as she starts punching her.  Alyssa then whips Gail into the ropes as Gail comes back Alyssa catches her in a Lou Thez press and starts punching her until Christy Hemme grabs Alyssa by the hair and rips her off.  Alyssa then gets to her feet as Alyssa and Christy stare each other down.  They both then notice Gail getting up as they both agree and grab a hold of her and whip her out of the ring.  Alyssa taunts off to Gail on the outside as she turns around and is met with a dropkick from Christy.  Christy then picks Alyssa up as she whips her across the ring.  Alyssa comes back as Christy tackles her and starts slapping her.  Gail then finally recovers as she slowly gets on her hands and knees and crawls over to the ring apron to pick her self up.  Christy sees this and quickly nails a baseball slide kick to her to take Gail back out.  Christy turns around and goes to pick Alyssa up, but Alyssa catches her in a small package roll up. 1--2--kick out.  Alyssa breaks the fall as both divas roll away.  Alyssa then charges at Christy and kicks her in the gut.  Alyssa lifts her up and nails a suplex.  Alyssa then still holds onto the maneuver as she rolls around and picks Christy up.  Alyssa goes for a second one but Christy counters out of it as she catches Alyssa in a snap suplex.  Christy gets up as she grabs Alyssa by the hair and picks her up.  Christy then starts slapping and punching Alyssa until Alyssa starts countering back.  Alyssa starts up a rush as knees Christy in the gut and places her in the right place and lifts her like she is going for the Alyssa bomb, when Gail Kim comes from nowhere and clips the knees of Alyssa as she drops Christy.  Gail then grabs Alyssa and picks her up.  Gail then gets some backup room as she runs at Alyssa and spins her in a head scissors and brings her to the mat and locks in the Kim-Stretch.  Alyssa starts reaching for the ropes, she looks like she is about to tap when Christy kicks Gail in the mid back.  Christy then picks Gail up and kicks her in the gut.  Christy then blows a kiss to the crowd as she lands the Hemme Letdown.  Christy covers Gail, 1--2--Alyssa breaks the fall.  Alyssa grabs Christy and whips her into the corner.  Alyssa then grabs Gail and whips into the same corner as Christy.  Alyssa backs up as she runs full speed into the corner.  At the last second Christy punches Gail into Alyssa as the two divas met head first.  Christy then looks as she smiles and grabs Gail Kim and lifts her up.  Christy then stands Gail up as Christy nails the Hemme Love.  Christy then goes for the cover, 1--2--Alyssa once again breaks he fall as she grabs Christy and knees her in the gut sets her up and nails the Pedigree.  Alyssa then rolls Christy out of the ring as she looks over at Gail.  Alyssa then grabs Gail and picks her up.  Alyssa kicks Christy in the gut and lifts her up as she drops Gail with the Widows Peak.  Alyssa then smiles as she covers Gail, 1--2--3
Winner: Alyssa Amidala

Lillian: Your winner, Alyssa Amidala

JR: Alyssa just picked up the impressive win

King: Christy looked good too but Alyssa gets the win

Coach: Well I don't think this is the end of Christy Hemme though, she proved that she is back with a Vengeance, this looked like the old Christy that we all knew and loved


Maria: I am standing here right now with SCWE European Champion AJ Styles and SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion Rose Thorn. Now tonight you both have big matches with you AJ stepping into the first ever Thrill Zone Assault Match against Jerome Morris and you Rose Thorn going into Hell in a Cell with Stacy Mason-Flair. What are your thoughts on these matches

Rose Thorn: Well Maria I can't wait to get locked in the cell with Stacy Flair, She has been a pain in the butt for a very long time and I am going to show my former best friend that what happened to her at No Mercy was not a fluke and that I really am the better diva

Maria: Well what about you AJ?

AJ Styles: Well Maria I know nothing about this Thrill Zone Assault Match but knowing that Jerome made it up, it will probably be crazy and to his advantage but thats ok with me because when I beat Jerome tonight there will be no excuses for the little cry baby to use and Maria, Jerome will lose tonight because the bWo as our leader Stevie Richards says is Taking Over

Maria: But Stevie lost tonight

AJ Styles: Stevie did lose tonight but don't worry Maria, Stevie gets a rematch and Stevie will get back his IC Title but if you ladies will excuse me I am up next

:AJ kisses Rose before heading towards the ring:

:Promo For AJ Styles vs Jerome Morris in a Thrill Zone Assault Airs:

JR: Well King, I think Jerome and Rose are ready for there matches

King: Yeah I think so too but look at this thing going around the ring

Coach: Well its the Thrill Zone Assault as you can see its like a Ultimate X Match except its surrounded by a Steel Cage which has weapons all around it

King: It's a very hellacious looking structure and is that a bra I see on the cage

JR: I do see a bra, I see a cheese grinder, I see a chair, a biker's chain there is alot of stuff there to be used and anything goes inside the cage

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is the Thrill Zone Assault Match for the SCWE European Championship(Crowd Cheers)

"Stricken" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, From Denver, Colorado, weighing in at 225 Pounds, Jerome Morris

Coach: Here comes the Creater of the Thrill Zone Assault

King: Well can Jerome Morris win the European Title here tonight

"Take This" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: And His Opponent, Representing The bWo, From Gainsville, Georgia weighing in at 212 Pounds, He is the SCWE European Champion, The "Phenominal" AJ Styles

JR: Well here comes AJ Styles who is looking to retain his title in this very unorthodox looking match

SCWE European Championship: Thrill Zone Assault: AJ Styles(C) vs Jerome Morris
AJ Styles and Jerome both look around the TZA as Jerome tells AJ welcome to my house bitch and AJ just smiles and tells Jerome that he will make it his house. AJ and Jerome then lock up with AJ getting a headlock on Jerome and taking him down as AJ gets up and AJ  grabs a steel chair from the cage and pulls it down as AJ then goes to hit Jerome but Jerome low blows AJ and Jerome pulls out mace and sprays AJ in the face blinding AJ as Jerome then pulls out a screwdriver from his boot and Jerome grinds it into the top of AJ's head busting AJ open in the process before Jerome finally throws the weapon outside of the cage as AJ is down trying to rub his eyes as Referee Charles Robinson gives AJ some water to flush his eyes out as Jerome grabs a framed picture of Tim "Coach T" Wilkins which is shown as being signed and Jerome then waits as AJ gets up and Jerome goes to hit AJ but AJ blocks it and grabs it and smashes it over Jerome's head as AJ then grabs a bra off the cage and AJ starts to choke Jerome with it as AJ then whips Jerome into the cage face first as AJ grabs a biker chain and AJ then wraps the chain around Jerome's neck as AJ climbs up the cage still holding Jerome and AJ gets on the Wires and AJ wraps the chain around the wires as Jerome is raised up a little bit and is hanging as AJ is making his way towards the European Title but Jerome is able to grab AJ and yanks him down as Jerome also gets free, Jerome is grabbing his throat though from being choked as the chain is still hanging from the wires as AJ gets up and AJ grabs the chair and AJ hits Jerome in the back knocking Jerome into the cage as AJ goes to hit Jerome over the head but Jerome moves as AJ hits the cage and bounces the chair back into his face as AJ goes down as Jerome gets up and Jerome sets the chair down on the mat and waits as AJ gets back up and Jerome hits the Cocky Cutter then on the Chair as AJ is out cold as Jerome Morris then picks up a lifeless and bloody AJ and Jerome sets up AJ for the Fatal Impact on the Chair and Jerome hits it as Jerome Morris gets up and Jerome says its over as Jerome goes over and climbs up the cage and gets onto the wires when AJ somehow gets back up and AJ jumps up grabbing the biker chain and AJ swings over drop kicking Jerome off the wires to the mat below. AJ Styles gets up and grabs a cheese grinder from the cage as Jerome is getting up grabbing his back and AJ then grinds the cheese grinder against Jerome's forehead busting Jerome open as Jerome finally elbows AJ in the gut as Jerome rubs his head and can't believe he is bleeding and Jerome goes to hit AJ but AJ kicks Jerome in the gut instead and AJ then sets up Jerome for the Styles Clash and hits it as AJ then gets back up and AJ climbs up the cage and gets on the wires and AJ then leaps off the wires looking for the Spiral Tap but Jerome moves out of the way as AJ hits the mat hard and Jerome then waits and hits the Cocky Cutter on AJ again as Jerome climbs up the cage and gets onto the wires as Jerome then moves across them and reaches the European Title and pulls it down for the win.
Winner: Jerome Morris (SCWE European)

Lillian: Your winner and New SCWE European Champion, Jerome Morris

Coach: I told you Jerome would do it

King: What a crazy match

JR: Jerome Morris pulled out a hard fought win here tonight over AJ Styles but I wonder if either guy will be the same after this match

Coach: It was crazy and both guys are going to be hurting from this match thats for sure


Todd Grisham: I am standing by right now with Scott Walker, Now Scott tonight you are teaming up with  Charlie Haas to challenge Matt Hardy and your new brother in law Kurt Angle

Scott Walker: Todd I think I know what you are going to ask me, What are you my thoughts on facing Matt and Kurt. Well to answer that question I feel great, I am looking forward to becoming a SCWE Tag Team Champion tonight and I have to admit I am looking forward to getting to Triple H after the beating I put on Matt Hardy and well Kurt if you get in my way, I appologize to Kaylee for her new husband getting the ass kicking of a lifetime

Todd Grisham: Well I was also going to ask you about what you thought of Matt Walker on SmackDown!?

Scott Walker: Time will tell where Matt's heart is so thats all I will say about that but if you will excuse me now

:Video Preview for SCWE Women's Championship Match:

 Message 4 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:47 AM

JR: Well Scott Walker is ready to go for the big SCWE Tag Team Title Match coming up in a bit

Coach: Yeah but he wouldn't comment on his brother Matt

King: Well thats a SmackDown! matter so who cares

JR: Well up next we are going to see the new SCWE Women's Champion Lita in action defending her title against Trish Morris who she defeated to win the title in a triple threat match in which Kelli Hardy was injured and Tara Rayge another Former Women's Champion will also be involved and Lita and Tara have had quiet the history

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Women's Championship

"Did My Time" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, From Denver, Colorado, Trish Morris

Coach: Well here comes Trish Morris who I think will finally achieve her destiny and become the SCWE Women's Champion

"Alive" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Lillian: Her opponent, From Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Tara Rayge

King: Now Tara Rayge though is somebody who I think will regain her title, Tara was dominant before and will be dominant again

"LoveFuryEnergyPassion" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: And finally, From Sanford, North Carolina, She is the SCWE Women's Champion, Lita!!

JR: Well here comes the champ who by the way never lost the WCW Women's Champion which was her other Women's Title

SCWE Women's Championship: Lita(C) vs Trish Morris vs Tara Rayge
Lita, Tara Rayge and Trish Morris all watch as the referee raises the women's championship belt in the air. Their eyes all fix on each others, all three need to leave the winner tonight. But there can only be one. Trish and Tara look at one another and nod. They both charge at Lita and back her into one of the turnbuckle the two challengers start to stomp and kick at Lita as she falls into the bottom of the turnbuckle. The referee tries to stop the two women but they ignore him. Trish Morris turns to the referee and distracts him as Tara Rayge chokes Lita on the bottom rope. Tara stops the choke as she and Trish Morris pick up Lita and hit her with a double suplex but mid way through the move Lita wriggles out of it and hits a reverse DDT on both of her opponents. Lita climbs up top and launches off with a Moonsault landing on both Tara Rayge and Trish Morris. Lita covers 1... kick out by both divas. Lita gets up as both Trish and Tara get up, Lita slaps Trish and then punches Tara. Lita kicks Trish in the gut and clotheslines Tara. Lita grabs Tara and Trish's heads and knocks their heads together. Trish Morris rolls out to the floor as Lita grabs Tara Rayge and nails her with a snap suplex. Lita covers Tara 1...2... Trish Morris pulls Lita out to the floor. Trish jumps on Lita and starts to pound away at her. Trish gets up and calls for Tara to come out, Tara slides out to the floor and she and trish gets Lita up and send her flying into the steel steps. Tara Rayge is stomping on the fallen Lita when Trish Morris clubs her forearm down onto Tara's back. Trish grabs a hold of Trish's hair and slams her down back first onto the ground. Trish picks up Lita and rolls her into the ring. Trish climbs up top and jumps off with a leg drop to Lita. Trish Morris covers Lita 1...2... kick out. Trish Morris grabs Lita's legs and locks in a Blonde Bitch Walls. Lita is struggling but Tara Rayge  gets into the ring and hits a dropkick to the back of Trish Morris's head. Tara grabs Trish and plants her with a powerbomb! Tara sets up for the sola-nero but before she can lock it in, Lita kicks Tara in the gut and plants her with a big DDT. Trish Morris gets up and charges at Lita. Lita hits a big powerslam to Trish Morris. Lita turns back and spots Tara getting back up, Lita grabs Tara and hits her with the inverted twist of fate. Lita drags Tara's body over to one of the corners. Lita raises her arm and climbs up to the top rope she looks to launch off the top rope for a moonsault but before she can even perform the move Trish Morris gets up and pushes lita off the turnbuckle and Lita falls to the floor outside the ring. Trish covers Tara 1...2...3
Winner: Trish Morris (SCWE Women's)

Lillian: Your winner and New SCWE Women's Champion, Trish Morris

JR: Trish Morris has just taken advantage of Lita taking Tara down and Trish stole this win and the title

Coach: It was a triple threat and Trish Morris has become our New Women's Champion

King: Well I know Lita is not happy about this and I think Lita deserves a match with Trish Morris

Coach: I am sure Trish Morris will be more then happy to give Lita a title shot


Maria: I am standing by right now with the SCWE World Heavyweight Champion Triple H. Now Hunter tonight you are going to defend the SCWE World Title against Chris Jericho. Chris used to be one of your best friends what happened?

Triple H: Chris Jericho one of my best friends? Please Maria, Y2J has never been nothing more then a stooge to me. You see I used Jericho to get big and then I dropped Jericho like a bad habit, now I know everyone is saying it will be so great for the "1st" World Heavyweight Champion in KSCWE History to reclaim the title but bottom line is that won't happen, Jericho was first World Champion because I was a General Manager at the time, I am the Greatest World Champion in KSCWE History and tonight just like I have done with nearly every other KSCWE Legend, I retire Jericho once and for all. This interview is over

:Video Preview for Rose Thorn vs Stacy Flair:

JR: I hope Chris Jericho does beat Triple H tonight, somebody needs to put Triple H in his place

Coach: Well that won't happen, Jericho has been away for too long and even when he was here before he wasn't that good

King: Jericho was only a multi time World Champion but thats not impressive huh

Coach: Triple H's name is not Rob Van Dam need I say more

JR: Well moving on, we are going to see another chapter in the hellacious fued between Rose Thorn and Stacy Flair as Rose beat Stacy at No Mercy in a Ladder Match and now tonight the two will battle inside The Hell in a Cell

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Women's RAWCore Championship and It is a Hell in a Cell Match

King: This is going to be violent

"Everybody's Fool" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, The Challenger, From Los Angelos, California, Stacy Flair

Coach: I saw Stacy earlier, she is one focused diva guys, she wants her title back and will do anything to get it

King: Well I know Rose won't lay down for Stacy so this is going to be a big time fight

"I bet you look good on the dance floor" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: And her opponent, From Austin, Texas she is the SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion, Rose Thorn

JR: Well here comes Rose Thorn now who I think wants to prove that she is the better diva by beating Stacy Flair once and for all

King: It will never happen

SCWE Women's RAWCore Championship: Hell in a Cell: Rose Thorn(C) vs Stacy Flair
The bell sounds. Rose Thorn and Stacy Flair circle each other in the ring. The two women surrounded by steel. They start to have words with each other ending with a bitch slap from Stacy Flair right to Rose's face. Rose holds her cheek and looks at Stacy, Rose hits a big right hand to Stacy knocking Flair down. When Stacy gets up the two women lock up, they push and pull each other all around the ring, into the turnbuckle into the ropes. They push each other so much they fall through the ropes to the limit amount of floor outside the ring. Rose lands on Stacy and starts to pound away at Stacy's face, Stacy manages to push Rose off and gets on top of Rose and starts to beat Rose's head off the floor. Stacy gets up  and looks to pick up Rose but Rose kicks Stacy in the stomach sending Stacy flying into one of the steel walls of the cell. Rose grabs Stacy and rolls her into the ring. Rose climbs up top, Stacy gets up and runs towards Rose on the top rope. Rose jumps over Stacy. When Flair turns around Rose kicks her in the gut and irish whips Stacy but Flair counters out of it, sending Rose to the ropes. Rose bounces off the ropes and charges back at Stacy, Thorn jumps on Stacy with a Lou Thez Press. Rose starts to punch away at Stacy's head, Stacy manages to push Rose off. Both women get up and look at one another. They start shouting at each other again. Stacy shouts out "I am the queen of RAWcore! You're Nothing Rose!" Rose charges at Stacy and spears her down. Rose starts to open up on Stacy with vicious rights and lefts. The two women roll around the ring punching, kicking and slapping at one another. You can hear them both screaming out in anger as they brutally brawl with one another. Stacy pushes Rose off her and Stacy rolls out to the floor. She leans against the steel wall of the cage taking a breather before looking under the and taking out a steel chair. Stacy slides into the ring and smashes the steel chair over the head of Rose Thorn. Stacy drops the chair and covers Rose 1... kick out by Rose. Stacy gets up and grabs a hold of Rose's hair, Stacy picks up Rose and tosses Rose by her hair across the ring. Stacy picks up the steel chair again and waits for Rose to get back up. When Rose gets up Stacy swings the Chair at Rose but Thorn ducks it. Rose kicks Stacy in the gut and grabs the chair from her. Rose smashes the chair over Stacy's back. Rose stomps on Stacy's gut and then runs to the ropes, Rose bounces off the ropes and runs toward Stacy Flair and nails her with a running shooting star press. Rose covers Stacy 1... kick out by Stacy Flair. Rose drags Stacy Flair over to the turnbuckle. Rose climbs up top and launches off with the Tranquil Insanity! Rose hooks Stacy's leg 1...2... kick out by Stacy Flair. Rose gets up and helps Stacy up, Rose looks to nail Stacy with suplex but Stacy hooks her leg around Rose's. Stacy then lifts Rose up with a suplex. Stacy holds Rose up but Rose manages to wriggle out and land behind Stacy. Rose goes for a neckbreaker but Stacy elbows Rose in the head. Stacy pushes Rose through the ropes and out to the floor. Stacy climbes out to the floor and goes to pick up Rose but Thorn breaks free from Stacy. Rose headbuts Stacy. Rose grabs Stacy's hair and drives Stacy's head into the cell wall, Rose 'grates' Stacy's face along the cell wall. When Rose lets go Stacy falls down clutching her face. Rose climbs ontop of the steel ring steps and looks to jump off them onto Stacy but Stacy gets up and manages to catch Rose with a spinebuster onto the ring steps. Rose rolls off holding her back. Stacy gets up and goes under the ring again this time pulling out a mirror. Stacy walks over to Rose, the mirror in hand. Stacy smashes the mirror over Rose's head. The camera zooms in on Rose's head blood now dripping from her forehead. Stacy rolls Rose into the ring, Stacy climbs into the ring and stands looking at Rose. Stacy unbuckles her belt around her waist, she pulls her belt off and whips Rose's back with her leather belt. Rose screams out with each whip of the belt. Stacy backs Rose up into one of the turnbuckles, Rose manages to kick out and knocks one of Stacy's legs from under her. Rose drop toe holds Stacy, making Stacy's head collide with the turnbuckle pad. Rose gets up and peels Stacy's shirt off revealing Stacy's black bra. Rose takes the belt that Stacy had and Rose now takes revenge by whipping Stacy's bare back with the leather belt. Rose leaves red marks on Stacy's back before tossing the belt away. Rose picks up Stacy and nails her with a picture perfect fisherwomans suplex. Rose rolls onto Stacy and hooks her leg 1...2.. kick out by Stacy. Rose climbs up to the top rope and launches off with a diving cross body but Stacy Manages to catch Rose and drop Rose neck first onto the top rope. Rose slingshots back smashing her head off the ring canvas. Stacy Flair climbs up to the top rope and launches off with the Broken Dreams! Stacy covers Rose 1...2... kick out by Thorn. Rose rolls out of the ring as Stacy falls out of the ring too. They both slowly get up, Stacy goes for a spinning chick kick but Rose ducks it. Rose looks to whip Stacy but Stacy counters it sending Rose crashing into the cell's wall. Stacy walks over to the cell's door she screams at the referee's to open the door but they are telling her no. Stacy starts kicking and kicking at the steel door causing the door to bend and break slightly. Stacy notices Rose getting back up and Flair starts to kick the door more furiously trying to escape. She manages to break the door open and leave the cell, shortly followed by Rose. As Rose stumbles out of the cell Stacy nails her with a dropkick. Stacy starts to walk up the steel ramp looking to leave the arena but Rose quickly persue's Stacy Flair. Rose catches up with Stacy on the stage, Stacy turns and manages to block a right hand from Rose, Stacy goes for her own punch but Rose ducks it and nails Stacy with a spinning out powerbomb. The two women lay on the stage, both breathing deeply. They both start to get up. Both women get up but Stacy catchs Rose off guard with a clothesline. Stacy grabs Rose's legs and tosses Rose into the metal titan tron but Rose manages to land on a ledge within the titan tron. Rose climbs a little further up the titan tron. Stacy Flair turns around and looks at Rose and Thorn dives off with a beautiful moonsault! Rose knocks down the standing Stacy Flair and once again both women are out of it. They once again breath heavily before both slowly getting up. Stacy grabs Rose's head and both women move back down towards the ring. Instead of taking Rose back into the cell, Stacy pulls Rose to the spanish anounce table. Stacy Sets up Rose for a powerbomb on the anounce table but Rose flips Stacy off the announce table. Stacy gets up and is taken down with a diving hurricanrana from Rose. Stacy gets up pretty fast and quickly tries to escape from Rose by climbing up the cell. Rose quickly follows Stacy up the cell wall. When Rose gets up Stacy has had enough time to plan her attack. Stacy grabs Rose's hair and sets up Rose for a powerbomb from the top of the cell to the floor below. Stacy lifts up Rose and Stacy goes to drop Rose off the edge of the cell but Rose catches the edge of the cell with her hands, and with her legs still over Stacy's shoulder, Rose is stretched out. Stacy is trying to pull Rose back up to powerbomb her but Rose manages to flip Stacy over with her legs off the cell. Both women crash down onto the spanish announce table breaking it into peices. Both women look knocked out as the crowd begin a "Holy Shit" chant. Rose's face is covered in blood now. Neither diva is moving as the referee's check on both of them. Very slowly they begin to stir. They have both been down for about a minute now before Stacy Flair starts to get up with the aid of the ring barrier. Stacy slowly stumbles over to Rose. Stacy picks up Rose and goes to slap her but Rose blocks it and drives her forearm into Stacy's head. Rose screams at Stacy "You really wanna be RAWcore? Then come and get me!" Rose shoves Stacy down and Rose starts to slowly make her way back up to the top of the cell. Stacy gets up and takes a steel chair that one of the spanish announcers were sitting on. Stacy takes the steel chair up to the top with her. She gets up and see's Rose standing in the middle of the roof of the cell. Rose tells Stacy to come on. Stacy walks over to Rose with the steel chair, Stacy swings the chair and Rose but Thorn ducks it. Stacy swings it at Rose's head again but Rose ducks it once more and then Rose kicks Stacy in the gut. Rose grabs Stacy's head and looks for a big DDT but Stacy pushes Rose away. Stacy grabs Rose's arm and looks for a Sleeping Beauty but Rose manages to counter it into a russian leg sweep. Rose slowly gets back up and Rose picks up Stacy, placing Stacy's head between Rose's legs. Rose lifts Stacy up and Rose jumps up nailing Stacy with the Hardcore Pink & Frills. The move causes both women to crash through the roof of the cell and down to the ring canvas below. Once again both women are knocked out.

 Message 5 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:47 AM
The referee gets back into the ring and starts the ten count. 1.....2....3....4....5....6.... both women are still not moving 7....8.....9... Stacy Flair drapes her arm across Rose's chest 1...2...2.99 Rose Thorn kicks out! Stacy gets up and tries to pick up Rose but Rose jumps up and nails Stacy with a hurricanrana. Stacy lands with her upper chest resting on the middle rope. Rose gets up and chargest at Stacy. Rose nails Stacy with a 619 type move. Stacy falls back. Rose hits a superwoman on Stacy! Rose covers Stacy 1...2...2.9 Stacy gets her foot on the rope. Rose slowly gets back up and grabs a hold of Stacy's hair, Rose tries to pick up Stacy but Thorn is getting weaker by the second. Stacy jumps up and nails Rose with a powerful DDT. Stacy covers Rose 1....2....2.999 Rose gets her shoulder up. Stacy rolls off Rose and rolls out to the floor. Stacy goes under the ring and drags out a ladder. Stacy slides the ladder into the ring and slowly follows it in. Stacy gets up but is taken down with a dropsault from Rose. Thorn picks up the ladder and sets it up in the centre of the ring. Rose grabs Stacy and smashes her head off the steel ring step, Rose grabs Stacy's hair and slams Stacy back. Rose starts to climb up the steel ladder, Rose has climbed about half way and Stacy gets up. Stacy grabs Rose and gets under Rose who is standing on the ladder, Stacy sets Rose up on her shoulders, Stacy slams Rose down with a HUGE powerbomb into the turnbuckle! Stacy grabs both of Rose's legs and hooks them as the referee begins to count 1...2...3
Winner: Stacy Flair (SCWE Women's RAWCore)

Lillian: Your winner and The New SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion, Stacy Flair

Coach: I told you Stacy would do it

King: Stacy Flair has just won back her Women's RAWCore Title here

JR: Well that evens the series and I would love to see Stacy and Rose do battle once again

:Parking Lot:

:Eric & Vince are shown together:

Vince McMahon: Eric it was nice talking with you tonight, its just a shame that we couldn't reach any kind of deal but Eric I apperciate your offer

Eric Bischoff: Just remember Vince despite everything we have been through you are still my father in law I would love to have join my RAW Creative staff

Vince McMahon: I will definatly take it under advicement and give those babies a kiss from there grandpa and tell Marrisa I said hello

Eric Bischoff: Will do Vince


:Simon Dean is shown at the catering table along with Lexus Carr as Simon is wearing the IC title:

Simon Dean: Lexus where is all of my Simon Products I had put out here

Lexus Carr: I don't know there must be a thief

:Lexus then looks over and starts to back up and goes into the Women's Shower Door as Simon looks at Lexus and then looks over:

Simon Dean: Hey I hope you are going to pay for those

:The Boogeyman is then shown eating Simon's Chocalet Bars and there is a big pile of other Simon products on the floor already used:

Boogeyman: I am The Boogeyman and I am coming to get ya

:Simon goes to walk up to The Boogeyman when Lexus comes out of the door and drags Simon into the Women's Shower Room where a bunch of screams are heard as The Camera goes into the Room as Simon Dean is smiling as Tara Rayge, Christy Hemme, Gail Kim, and Fake Steph are covered up in towel's:

Tara Rayge: This is the Women's Shower Room Lexus don't bring your man in here

Lexus Carr: The Boogeyman is out there

Simon Dean: Look ladies as I just saw you all could use a little work on your bodies and Christy what happened to you, I had you looking great nak...

:Lexus smacks Simon in the back of the head:

Simon Dean: Why did you do that

Lexus Carr: Simon I didn't bring you in here to sell your product to these sluts

Tara Rayge: Who are you calling slut

Lexus Carr: Well if the shoe fits...

:Tara then slaps Lexus as Lexus pushes Tara behind a Shower Wall as Simon Dean goes behind it and comes up with a towel as Christy runs over and then can be shown taknig her towel off as Tara backs up with a towel on as Simon has Lexus held back as Simon is smiling:

Christy Hemme: Simon quit your smiling its not like you haven't seen it before

:Lexus then covers Simon's eyes and pushes him backwards as Lexus drops the towel down as Tara picks up the towel and goes over and appears to cover Christy up as the two get very close as Lexus then can be shown pushing Simon out the door s The Boogeyman is standing right there:

Boogeyman: I am the Boogeyman and I am coming to get ya

:Lexus takes off running and screaming as Simon Dean looks at him:

Simon Dean: You will be getting a bill in the mail buster

:Simon then walks away as The Boogeyman starts to laugh with Chocalet coming out of his mouth:

:Video Preview for SCWE Tag Team Championship Match featuring Matt Hardy/Kurt Angle vs Scott Walker/Charlie Haas:

JR: Well that was crazy there

King: Yes all those Puppies and Pie back there!!! Simon Dean saw all those divas in there birthday suits and yet he tried to sell them The Simon System

JR: Well I was talking about The Boogeyman who seems to have found a taste for Simon's Simon System

Coach: Well how about Mr. McMahon getting offered a job here on RAW

King: Well Vince McMahon is Eric Bischoff's Father-In-Law which I am sure most people didn't know so I guess it only makes sense

JR: Well anyways guys lets move on because we are going to see the SCWE Tag Team Title's on the line in a match with alot of history

King: Yeah Charlie Haas was trained by Triple H, Matt Hardy, & Kurt Angle and was a long time member of The Triple H and Evolution X and Scott Walker is the brother in law of Kurt Angle so anything can happen here tonight

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Tag Team Championship

"Just Close Your Eyes" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, From Edmond, Oklahoma weighing in at 242 Pounds, He is being accumpied by Jaime Lavelle, He is the "World's Greatest Athlete" Charlie Haas

JR: Well here comes Charlie Haas who is a really great superstar and I think tonight will be come one half of the Tag Team Champions

Coach: Dream on JR

"No Easy Way Out" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Lillian: And his partner, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 220 Pounds, Scott Walker

King: Well here comes Scott Walker who seemed focused tonight

Coach: Scott Walker will not get the job done, he can't hurt Kurt Angle because that would be hurting his sister and Scott Walker is a Family Man

"Danger Zone" hits, Crowd Boo's as The Pyro goes off

Lillian: And there opponents, 1st being accumpied by Alyssa Amidala and Representing Evolution X, He is From Cameron, North Carolina but no residing in Greenwich, Connecticut weighing in at 230 Pounds, He is one half of the SCWE Tag Team Champions, Matt Hardy

Coach: Now here comes a Real Champion

King: I notice with Kelli out of action, Alyssa will be out here but I figured Alyssa would come out with Triple H

JR: Well Julianne Angle is backstage so I guess Julez will be back in her man's corner tonight

"I Don't Suck" hits, Crowd Chants You Suck

Lillian: And his partner, Also Representing Evolution X and being accumpied by his Wife, Kaylee, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 230 Pounds, He is the other half of the SCWE Tag Team Champions, Kurt Angle

JR: Kurt Angle is bringing Kaylee to the ring

Coach: He can thats his wife

King: That will effect Scott Walker's performance though

SCWE Tag Team Championship: Kurt Angle & Matt Hardy(C) W/Kaylee Walker-Angle & Alyssa Amidala vs Charlie Haas & Scott Walker W/Jaime Lavelle
Matt Hardy starts things off with Scott Walker as both men lock up with Hardy backing Walker into the corner as Walker quickly counters and gets Hardy into the corner as Referee Chris Kay orders a break which is granted clean. Matt Hardy then goes to cheap shot Scott but Scott hits a hip top on Hardy instead as Scott then charges and hits a flying elbow to the face of Hardy knocking him down as Walker nips up and Scott Walker grabs Hardy and goes for the Side Effect but Hardy elbows Walker in the head and Matt Hardy then grabs Walker and hits his own Side Effect as Matt Hardy tells Scott Walker he invented that move and no Walker will ever do it better as Matt Hardy goes up top and looks for the Mattitude Leg Drop but Scott Walker moves as Hardy is grabbing his butt as Scott Walker hits Hardy from behind and Scott Walker sets up Hardy for the Fate Twister but Kurt Angle comes in and grabs Walker and Angle hits a big release German Suplex as Chris Kay gets Kurt Angle out of the ring, Matt Hardy is back up though and Hardy stomps away at Walker as Matt Hardy picks up Scott Walker and Hardy hits a snap suplex on Walker as Matt Hardy then goes up top and Matt waits as Scott Walker gets up and Hardy hits a moonsault taking down Scott Walker as Hardy hooks the legs for a 1---2--shoulder up. Matt Hardy then gets back up and hits Walker a few times as he gets up and Hardy sets up Scott for the Twist of Fate but Walker hits Hardy instead and Walker sets up Hardy for the Pittfall and hits it as Scott Walker turns Hardy over for a 1--2--2.8-Kurt Angle comes in and yanks Scott Walker off as Charlie Haas then enters the ring and Haas knocks down Kurt Angle with a clothesline as Chris Kay is trying to get Haas out of the ring as Kurt Angle gets back up and Angle goes to hit Scott Walker but Walker ducks a right hand and Walker then hits the Walkerkick on Kurt Angle laying out Kurt Angle but Scott then walks right into a kick to the gut and Matt Hardy hits the Twist of Fate as Hardy covers for the 1---2--2.9-Charlie Haas breaks up the pin. Matt Hardy gets back up and has words with Charlie Haas who is being held back by Chris Kay. Matt Hardy then picks up Scott Walker and Hardy sets up Walker for another Twist of Fate but Scott ends up pushing Hardy back into the corner as Scott Walker then hits a big right hand to Hardy knocking Hardy down in the corner as Scott Walker goes over and tags out to Charlie Haas as Matt Hardy gets back up and Hardy moves over and tags out to Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle and Charlie Haas both get face to face and both guys exchange words before locking up with Angle going behind Haas but Haas quickly reverses and goes behind Angle and Angle then drops down tripping Haas as Angle locks in the Angle Lock but Haas is able to roll through sending Angle into the corner as both guys smile as the two men lock up again with Kurt Angle locking in a headlock but Haas is able to escape and gets a arm bar locked in on Angle but Kurt reaches back and elbows Haas in the face as Kurt Angle then goes to hit Haas but Haas ducks and grabs Angle and Haas hits a German Suplex and Haas holds on for a second German Suplex and Haas holds on for a third German Suplex as Haas is about to do a fourth one but Matt Hardy hits Charlie Haas which brings in Scott Walker who knocks down Hardy as Chris Kay gets Walker out of the ring as Matt Hardy then hits Haas again as Matt Hardy & Kurt Angle then deliver a double suplex to Charlie Haas as Matt Hardy makes the tag sound as Matt Hardy then stomps away at Charlie Haas as Hardy picks up Haas and pushes him into the ropes and Hardy slaps Haas in the face and Matt Hardy tells Haas that he is a nobody and Matt Hardy then goes for a right hand but Haas gets free and ducks it and Haas grabs Hardy and hits the World's Greatest Slam right over the top rope as Matt Hardy is hurting on the floor as Alyssa Amidala and Kurt Angle both go over to check on Hardy who is in a lot of pain as Chris Kay holds Charlie Haas back. Kurt Angle and Alyssa both try to help up Matt Hardy but Hardy appears to be in to much pain as Scott Walker even goes over and offers to help up Matt Hardy as Matt Hardy finally is able to get up with the help of Kurt, Scott, & Alyssa and Matt Hardy gets back into the ring as Chris Kay is trying to hold back Haas

 Message 6 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:48 AM
but Haas goes over and attacks Hardy immediately stomping away at Hardy's lower back. Charlie Haas then picks up Hardy and Haas hits a big Belly 2 Belly Suplex to him as Haas then motions its time for the Haas of Pain but Kurt Angle comes in and attacks Charlie Haas opening up on Haas with right hands knocking Haas backwards and Angle goes to hit Haas but Haas ducks it and Haas grabs Angle for a Belly 2 Belly but Angle headbutts Haas and Angle then grabs Haas and hits a German Suplex and Angle holds it for a second German Suplex and then a third one as Kurt Angle gets up and puts his straps down when Scott Walker comes in and Walker goes for another Walkerkick and hits it on Kurt Angle laying him out. Charlie Haas then goes over and stomps away at Kurt Angle and pushes him out of the ring but as Chris Kay is getting Scott Walker out, Alyssa slides a pair of brass knuckes into the ring to Matt Hardy who puts them on as Charlie Haas goes over picks up Hardy who was getting up and Hardy delivers a brass knuckel shot to Haas laying Haas out cold as Hardy stashes the knuckes in his pants, Matt Hardy then covers Haas for a 1--2--2.8-Scott Walker breaks up the pin. Scott Walker then picks up Hardy and slams him down as Matt Hardy is grabbing his back as Scott Walker goes up top and Scott Walker comes off hitting a Big Elbow from the Top as Walker gets back up and says its time for the Walkerkick when Kurt Angle comes out of nowhere and hits the Angle Slam on Walker as Kurt Angle is gloating when Haas kicks Angle in the gut and Haas sets up Kurt for the Pedigree but Kurt backdrops Charlie Haas as Kurt Angle then goes over and clotheslines Haas over the top to the floor as Kurt Angle goes outside and starts to work on Charlie Haas as the two battle up the entry ramp as Matt Hardy and Scott Walker are both getting up and Scott Walker opens up on Hardy and goes to whip him off hte ropes when Hardy doesn't go and kicks Walker in the gut and Hardy hits a big DDT on Walker as Hardy then nips up to his feet and is smiling as the crowd starts to boo realizing he was faking the injury as Matt Hardy then waits as Scott Walker gets up and Hardy grabs Scott and goes for another Twist of Fate but Walker blocks it sending Hardy into Chris Kay laying him out as Hardy turns around right into the Walkerkick as Scott Walker covers but no referee as The Crowd counts the 1--2--3 but the match is obviously not over as Scott Walker goes over to check on Chris Kay, when Alyssa comes into the ring with her SCWE Women's Tag Title and Alyssa goes to hit Scott in the head but Scott blocks it and Scott then pushes Alyssa down to the mat as Alyssa is livid and gets up and Alyssa goes to hit Scott but Scott blocks it and tries to keep Alyssa away without attacking her when Jaime Lavelle finally gets into the ring and attacks Alyssa from behind which brings Kaylee Walker-Angle into the ring as Kaylee & Jaime start to go at it as Scott Walker tries to break up the fighting when Alyssa then low blows Scott and Alyssa blasts Scott in the head with the Women's Tag Title as Scott Walker is out cold as Alyssa then hits Jaime in the back as Kaylee tells Alyssa that wasn't very nice and Alyssa and Kaylee are nose to nose then when Charlie Haas returns to the ring as Haas trips Alyssa down and yanks her out to the floor as Charlie has Alyssa by her hair and Haas tells Alyssa nobody attacks his woman but Kurt Angle hits Charlie Haas as Kurt then holds Haas as Alyssa takes the Women's tag Title and goes to hit Charlie but Charlie gets free and Alyssa blasts Kurt Angle in the face as Charlie then clotheslines Alyssa down as Kaylee gets out to the floor and checks on Kurt. Charlie Haas then gets into the ring and is checking on Jaime helping her up when Matt Hardy attacks Haas from behind and Hardy sets up Haas for a Fate Twister when Scott Walker hits The Walkerkick laying out Hardy as Scott covers as Chris Kay is moving around now and is about to count the 1-----2----Charlie Haas yanks Scott Walker off and Haas covers Hardy for the 1-----2----Scott Walker yanks Haas off then and Scott Walker and Charlie Haas both have words as Charlie Haas then delivers a few right hands to Scott Walker!! Scott Walker then knee's Haas in the gut and Walker opens up on Haas as Walker and Haas end up fighting with each other as Haas grabs Walker and looks for a belly 2 belly but Walker elbows Haas and Scott then connects with the Walkerkick on Haas when Kurt Angle enters the ring and Scott goes to hit Angle but Angle grabs the Ankle and Angle grapevines it into the Angle Lock as Scott Walker can't reach the ropes and Scott Walker has no choice and taps out.
Winners: Kurt Angle & Matt Hardy

Lillian: Your winners and still SCWE Tag Team Champions, Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy

JR: What a great match put on by these superstars but its just a shame that Charlie Haas and Scott Walker couldn't work together in the end

King: They self destructed before our eyes

Coach: Well I told you that Kurt and Matt were the better team and they proved it tonight

JR: Well chalk up another win for Evolution X tonight who are having a great night


:Triple H & Julianne Angle are shown leaving there Locker Room when Stevie Richards walks past as Triple H smirks:

Triple H: Well there is the IC....I mean former IC Champion. Boy Stevie your title reign didn't last very long now did it and the they are taking over huh

Stevie Richards: Hunter I wouldn't talk just yet, you haven't faced Chris Jericho yet tonight

Triple H: Please Stevie we both know that Jericho is nothing more then a push over. You know me, I am all about being serious for a match and yet here it is time for My Match and I am talking to you, That should tell you right now that Jericho is nothing

Stevie Richards: Jericho may be nothing to you but what about...him

Triple H: Who?

:Triple H looks to his left and Triple H looks sickened as Stevie backs away as well:

Triple H: Who the hell are you?

:The Camera then turns to show the Boogeyman:

Boogeyman: I am The Boogeyman

Triple H: Oh great another freak, First Stephanie, then The Masked ICON and Pennywise and now this weirdo

Boogeyman: Who you callilng weirdo Big Nose

Triple H: What did you just say?

Boogeyman: I am The Boogeyman

Triple H: Julez lets go

:Triple H looks to his right to see Julez way down the hall:

Triple H: Babe this guy is a joke

Julianne Angle: Hunter lets just go

Triple H: Yeah maybe thats a good idea

:The Boogeyman then moves in front of Triple H blocking his path:

Triple H: Hey jackass move

Boogeyman: I am The Boogeyman and I am coming to ya

:Triple H goes to hit The Boogeyman but smoke fills the hall and when the smoke clears The Boogeyman is gone as Triple H looks dumbfounded and takes off his shirt and moves quickly down the hall:

:Promo Airs for SCWE Massacre on 34th Street:

JR: That was weird

Coach: How is this Boogeyman doing this

King: I don't know but Triple H didn't look afraid that is until The Boogeyman just vanished

JR: Well Triple H better be focused because its time now for Chris Jericho and Triple H to finally settle there long standing history

:Video Preview Highlighting Chris Jericho and Triple H's history:

Lillian: The Main Event of SCWE Armageddon is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship(Crowd Goes Nuts)

Milenium Clock Starts to Countdown until it reaches 1 and then "Break The Walls Down" hits as Pyro goes off as The Crowd Goes Nuts

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, From Winnepeg, Manitoba, Canada weighing in at 231 Pounds, Chris Jericho!!!

King: Well here comes Chris Jericho who seems ready

Coach: I am suprised Chris Jericho showed up

JR: Well Chris Jericho is a former four time World Heavyweight Champion and is looking to become a 5 time Champion and it would also be his first reign as SCWE World Champion

"Game" hits, Crowd Rises to there Feet and Boo's

Lillian: And his opponent, Being accumpied by Julianne Angle, He is the Leader of Evolution X, From Greenwich, Connecticut weighing in at 260 Pounds, He is the SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, The "Game" Triple H!!!

Coach: Now here comes the Man himself

King: Triple H looks ready for war now

JR: Triple H is a 17 Time World Heavyweight Champion and is currently in his 5th reign as SCWE World Champion

King: I have to say I have been looking forward to this one

SCWE World Heavyweight Championship: Triple H(C) W/Julianne Angle vs Chris Jericho
Referee Earl Hebner shows off the SCWE World Title to both men as Triple H and Jericho stare at one another as Triple H tells Jericho he should go back into the nursing home he was in and Jericho laughs and then slaps Triple H across the face as Earl Hebner rings the bell to start the match and Triple H goes to hit Jericho but Jericho blocks it and opens up on Triple H with rights and lefts and delivers a few chops to Triple H getting him into the ropes as Jericho then whips Triple H off the ropes and Jericho hits a big backdrop on Triple H as The Game gets up near the ropes and Jericho clotheslines Triple H over the top to the floor. Jericho waits as Triple H gets up and Jericho slingshots himself over the ropes onto Triple H. Jericho then opens up on Triple H with big right hands as Triple H gets up and tries to get away as Jericho jumps on Triple H knocking him into the guard rail as Jericho gets up and stomps away at Triple H as Jericho then picks up Triple H and slams him down face first over the guard rail as Jericho then picks up Triple H and Jericho slams The Game down. Jericho then goes to pick up Triple H when the bell sounds as Earl Hebner says its a Double Count Out.
Double Count Out

Lillian: The Result of this match is a Double Count Out

JR: Oh this is not the way I wanted to see this thing end

King: This thing barely  got started

:Triple H grabs the SCWE World Title and starts to leave with Julianne Angle when "I'm Back" hits as Eric Bischoff walks out into the entry way:

Coach: Uh oh

JR: Maybe Eric Bischoff will restart this thing

:Eric Bischoff pulls out a microphone:

Eric Bischoff: Now Triple H I know you would love to escape this match with a Double Count Out but that will not happen(Crowd Cheers). I am here by ordering a restart of this match and the match will now a be a No Count Out, No Disqualification Match and just to make sure that Triple H you don't get any help, Matt Hardy and Kurt Angle are banned from getting near this match and if they do get involved then Triple H you will be stripped of the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship(Crowd Goes Nuts) so ring the damn bell and lets get this match started back up

:Eric Bischoff stands in the entry way telling Triple H to get into the ring as Triple H is livid as Julianne Angle tries to keep Triple H calm as Jericho is in the ring waiting:

King: Eric Bischoff just laid the law down

JR: Eric Bischoff did the right thing and now E-X has been taken care of this match will have a winner

Coach: This just isn't fair

:Triple H is irate and slowy makes his way back towards the ring:

 Message 7 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:48 AM

SCWE World Heavyweight Championship: No Count Out, No DQ: Triple H(C) W/Julianne Angle vs Chris Jericho

Triple H gets back into the ring as Jericho is waiting for him and Triple H tells Jericho that he is dead now for sure and Jericho then charges in at Triple H as the two men start to go at it with rights and lefts as Jericho gets Triple H against the ropes but the game reverses getting Jericho into the corner as Triple H then hits a few knees to the gut of Jericho and Triple H delivers a big right hand knocking down Jericho as Triple H drives his knee into the throat of Jericho choking him as Earl Hebner is trying to get Triple H to break it but The Game refuses knowing he can't be DQ'ed for it and Triple H finally stops and Triple H picks up Jericho and whips Jericho off the ropes and Triple H hits a big Spinebuster on Jericho as Triple H tells Julez to get him a chair which she does and hands it into the ring to Triple H as Triple H waits as Jericho is getting up and Triple H then smashes the chair over Jericho's back as Jericho is riving in pain as Triple H hits Jericho again knocking Jericho to the mat and Triple H then hits Jericho again in the back as Chris Jericho rolls out of the ring grabbing his back as Triple H goes outside after Jericho and Triple H goes to hit Jericho again but Jericho turns around and blocks the chair and Jericho kicks Triple H south of the border and gets the chair and smashes it over Triple H's face laying Triple H out. Jericho then throws the chair down and Jericho gets a sick smile on his face as Jericho pulls up the floor pads as Jericho picks up Triple H but Triple H delivers a few right hands to the guts of Jericho and Triple H takes Jericho and rams Jericho face first into the ring post as Triple H then throws Jericho over the barricade into the crowd as Triple H follows Jericho as Jericho and Triple H exchange rights and lefts while in the crowd as Triple H knees Jericho in the ribs and Triple H then rams Jericho into a wall as the two men are nearing the backstage area as Triple H then drags Jericho over by the pyro set up and Triple H goes to whip Jericho into it but Jericho blocks it and Jericho then rams Triple H's head off a switch setting off a ton of pyro in the arena as Jericho then takes Triple H into the backstage area and Jericho rams Triple H's head off a wall as Jericho then picks up The Game and slams him down as Jericho goes over and grabs a steel chair and Jericho goes to hit Triple H but The Game moves as Jericho hits the wall and Triple H then clotheslines Jericho down as Triple H then moves away from Jericho towards a buffet table as Jericho follows and Triple H grabs the hot coffee pot and throws it at Jericho who is able to duck out of the way but Triple H then kicks Jericho in the gut and Triple H rams Jericho into a pop machine as Triple H then has Jericho and backs up with him and rams him in hard to the machine as Jericho is down hurting as Triple H then gets a smile on his face as Triple H grabs the pop machine and pulls it down but Jericho moves out of the way at the last second. Triple H can't  believe it and Triple H then stomps away at Jericho as he is getting up and Triple H drags Jericho towards a Locker Room door and Triple H then rams Jericho through the door as Triple H walks in the locker room after Jericho as Triple H tells whoever is in the Locker Room to get him as Jerome Morris & Jason Morris then both start to attack Chris Jericho as Triple H tells them to take him out as Jerome and Jason pick up Jericho but Jericho fights back and Jericho rams Jerome into Jason Morris and Jericho then rams Jerome into the wall and Jericho pushes Jason into a lazy boy knocking that over but Triple H attacks Jericho as Triple H then takes Jericho and rams him into the wall putting a big hole in the wall back out into the hall way. Triple H then goes back out and Triple H picks up Jericho but Jericho fights back and Jericho trips Triple H down and Jericho locks in the Walls of Jericho right in the Hall Way as Triple H is screaming out as Jerome Morris attacks Jericho again breaking up the hold as Jerome stomps away at Jericho as Julez checks on Triple H as Jerome takes Jericho and Jerome throws Jericho into the wall as Jerome then pounds away at Jericho when AJ Styles comes out of nowhere and AJ goes to work on Jerome Morris as Jason Morris then comes out but Mick Foley appears and attacks Jason Morris as Stevie Richards comes in and Stevie attacks Triple H as Stevie is pounding away at Triple H as Jericho now gets a chance to regroup as Julez is screaming for more help as Matt Hardy & Kurt Angle come out and Angle attacks Stevie Richards as Angle & Richards brawl at it as Matt Hardy tries to help up Triple H when Scott Walker comes over and Walker attacks Matt Hardy as Hardy & Walker are now going at it as Triple H gets up and Triple H starts to go back out into the arena telling Julez he wants to get this match over with before something else happens as Jericho gets up and Jericho grabs a metal pipe and starts to stalk after Triple H as Triple H goes out through the "gorilla position" with Jericho in pursuit as Jericho emerges Triple H attacks Jericho knocking him down as Triple H then takes Jericho and drags him to the announce table as JR, King, & Coach move out of the way as Triple H throws the monitors off and gets Jericho on the Announce Table as Triple H says its time for the Pedigree but Jericho instead is able to drop Triple H down as Jericho locks in the Walls of Jericho on the Announce Table as Triple H is tapping out as Jericho gets off the table thinking he won as Jericho goes back to the ring after the World Title as Earl Hebner is trying to tell Jericho the match must end in the ring as Jericho finally is told this as Triple H gets off the Announce Table and The Game is trying to get up as Jericho goes back up and Jericho stomps away at Triple H and Jericho drags Triple H down towards the ring and Jericho see's the exposed floor still and Jericho then takes Triple H over by the area and Jericho sets up Triple H for a Piledriver but Triple H is able to backdrop Jericho onto the exposed floor as Jericho wrenches in pain as Triple H rolls back into the ring as Jericho is starting to get up and Jericho goes under the ring while grabbing his back still and Jericho pulls out a Sledgehammer!! Triple H who is in the ring see's Jericho get a sledige as Jericho gets back into the ring as Triple H attacks Jericho as the Sledgehammer lays on the ground and Triple H whips Jericho off the ropes and Triple H hits a high knee to the face of Jericho but Jericho gets back up and Triple H then kicks Jericho in the gut and Triple H sets up Jericho for the Pedigree but Jericho takes Triple H's legs out and Jericho then goes for the Walls of Jericho and Jericho locks it in the center of the ring as Triple H is screaming out in pain as Julianne Angle gets into the ring and picks up the Sledgehammer and goes to hit Jericho but Jericho lets H go and grabs Julianne's legs and Jericho then goes for the Walls of Jericho on her but Triple H is starting to get up so Jericho lets her go as Julez rolls out of the ring as Jericho picks up the Sledgehammer and eyes up Triple H who is getting up in the ropes when Charlie Haas comes out to the ring and Haas grabs the Sledgehammer away from Jericho as he went to use it as Jericho turns around and Haas then smashes Jericho in the face with the Sledgehammer busting Jericho wide open and knocking him out as Triple H looks at Haas who is standing there with the Sledgehammer and Haas and Triple H have a stare off for a few seconds before Haas leaves the ring with the Sledgehammer in hand as the crowd is stunned as Triple H picks up the bloody Jericho and Triple H delivers the Pedigree and rolls Jericho over and covers for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Triple H

Lillian: Your winner and Still SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H

Coach: Triple H has done it, he has successfully retained his SCWE World Title

King: Why did Charlie Haas do that? Is he back in E-X?

JR: I don't know why Charlie Haas just helped Triple H retain his World Title but I am sure we will find out tomarrow night on RAW and I can bet Chris Jericho will not be a happy camper about it but we are out of time here tonight

:The Rest of E-X come out to the ring to celebrate with Triple H as...

:Armageddon Goes off the Air:

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