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PPV : Royal Rumble 1/15/06
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 Message 1 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 1:35 PM

Royal Rumble

Results 1/15/06 Live From Houston, Texas

Promo's for the PPV Air:

Pyro Then Explodes!! as "Wanted: Dead or Alive" plays to open up Royal Rumble

Tenay: Welcome to KSCWE Royal Rumble coming to you live tonight from Houston, Texas. I am Mike Tenay and this is Mark Madden next to me and a little later on you will see Jerry "The King" Lawler and Jonathan Coachman who will be calling the RAW Side of things but we get the honor of calling the opening match

Madden: Yeah and we are going to kick things off with a bang tonight because we have the SmackDown! World Heavyweight and SmackDown! Women's Championship on the line to start things off

Miss Shannon: The Opening Contest of KSCWE Royal Rumble is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SmackDown! World Heavyweight Championship and the SmackDown! Women's Championship

"Foxy Lady" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making her way to the ring, From London, England, Scarlett

Tenay: Here comes the former Women's Champion who wants to reclaim her title tonight

"Escape Artists Never Die" hits, Crowd Continues to Cheer

Miss Shannon: And her partner, From New York, New York weighing in at 242 Pounds, Jamie Gunz

Madden: Can Jamie Gunz finally win the big match?

Tenay: Well I think Jamie has all the tools to do it tonight

"Planet Hell" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: And there opponents, 1st From Boise, Idaho, She is the SmackDown! Women's Champion, Torrie Wilson

Madden: Well I don't see anyway Torrie and Brandon are going to lose this match

"Shoot To Thrill" hits, Crowd Boo's Loudly

Miss Shannon: And her partner, From Knoxville, Tennessee weighing in at 252 Pounds, He is The SmackDown! World Heavyweight Champion, The "Badass American" Brandon Davis

Tenay: Well these fans here tonight do not like Brandon Davis not one bit

Madden: What do they know

SmackDown! World Heavyweight/SmackDown! Women's Championship: Brandon Davis(C) & Torrie Wilson(C) vs Jamie Gunz & Scarlett
Referee Nick Patrick explains the rules as he shows off both titles as Brandon and Jamie start things off as Brandon tells Jamie that he should jump to RAW to avoid more ass kicking's and Jamie precedes to slap Brandon across the face as Brandon is livid and goes to hit Jamie but Jamie slaps Brandon again as Brandon then goes to punch Jamie but Jamie blocks it and Jamie opens up on Brandon with right hands as Jamie then pokes Brandon in the eyes as Jamie picks up Brandon and slams him down as Jamie then drops a big elbow on Brandon. Jamie then picks up Brandon and Jamie hits a Suplex and holds on for a second one and then a third one. Jamie then gets up and waits as Brandon gets up and Jamie grabs Brandon and Jamie hits the Hallow Bullets on Brandon as Jamie then goes for the Gunz Stretch and locks it in but Torrie comes in and rakes the eyes of Jamie breaking the hold as Scarlett starts to come in but Nick Patrick holds Scarlett back as Torrie then goes to hit Jamie again but Jamie blocks Torrie and Jamie smiles as he forcefully kisses Torrie as Torrie tries to get free but Jamie instead knocks Torrie over his knee as Jamie then smacks Torrie on the butt but Brandon then hits Jamie from behind knocking him down as Torrie gets out of the ring as Brandon gets on top of Jamie and starts to open up on Jamie with right hands as Brandon gets up off Jamie as Brandon then picks up Jamie and Brandon hits a belly 2 belly suplex on Jamie as Jamie is getting up as Brandon grabs Jamie and goes for a Crossface but Jamie elbows Brandon in the face as jamie then goes for Shooting The Gunz but Brandon pushes Jamie back and then hits a boot to the gut as Brandon hits a DDT on him as Brandon quickly goes for the legs and tries to lock in a sharpshooter but Jamie kicks Brandon back as Jamie gets up and Jamie catches Brandon with a blackhole slam as Jamie hooks the leg for a 1---2--2.7-shoulder up. Jamie shakes his head in disbelief as Jamie picks up Brandon but Brandon hits a chop to the chest of Jamie and Brandon then goes for the Lights Out but Jamie shoves Brandon off the ropes as Torrie does a blind tag as Jamie kicks Brandon in the gut as he comes back and Jamie picks up Brandon for the Last Breath and hits it as Jamie covers but Nick Patrick informs Jamie that Brandon tagged out as Jamie stands up and Torrie kicks Jamie in the gut as Torrie slaps Jamie across the face as Jamie goes to grab Torrie but Nick Patrick blocks it and orders Jamie out as Jamie tags out to Scarlett. Scarlett enters the ring as Torrie attacks her coming in as Torrie takes Scarlett and rams her head off the top turnbuckle and goes for a second one but Scarlett puts her foot on the middle turnbuckle to block it and then rams Torrie face first into the turnbuckle as Scarlett then hits a Chick Kick knocking Torrie down as Scarlett goes for the cover but Brandon comes in and yanks Scarlett off Torrie as Jamie Gunz re-enters the ring and Jamie knocks down Brandon with a right hand as Scarlett gets up and waits as Torrie starts to get up and Scarlett kicks Torrie in the gut and hits the Scarlett Stunner as Scarlett goes for the pin for a 1---2--Sable comes running out and yanks Scarlett off as Scarlett gets out on the floor and Scarlett knocks Sable down with a right hand as Holly Mathews and Raven also race out to the ring as Raven goes to hit Jamie but Jamie knocks down Raven which allows Brandon to hit a chop block on Jamie Gunz as Jamie is grabbing his right knee as Scarlett knocks Holly down as Scarlett then gets on the apron to get back into the ring as Torrie is getting back up but Sable grabs Scarlett's leg as Scarlett was half in the ring and Scarlett turns her attention and kicks Sable off but Torrie grabs Scarlett while in the ropes and Torrie hits the Deadly Vixen on Scarlett as Torrie drags Scarlett away from the ropes and covers for the 1---2--3.
Winners: Brandon Davis & Torrie Wilson

Miss Shannon: Your winners and still SmackDown! World Heavyweight and SmackDown! Women's Champions, Brandon Davis and Torrie Wilson

Madden: A Successful defense for Torrie and Brandon

Tenay: Damn The Corperation

Madden: Tenay shut up you are just jealous

:Torrie Wilson, Holly Mathews, & Sable all start to put the boots to Scarlett as Brandon grabs a steel chair a Raven works over Jamie Gunz and Brandon has Raven roll Jamie into the ring as Brandon gets into the ring as Jamie tries to get up and Brandon hits Jamie's right knee with the chair as Jamie goes down holding it as Brandon tells the divas to pick up Scarlett which they do and Brandon tells Scarlett this is going to hurt him more then it will her as he lifts the chair up to smash it over her head when "Real American" hits over the PA:

Tenay: Finally some help

Madden: Oh got not him

:Hulk Hogan appears in the Entry way and is coming towards the ring pointing at the Corperation as the Place is going nuts:

Tenay: The roof has come off the Astrodome here

:Hogan slides into the ring as Raven attacks Hogan with the Chair but Hogan gets up and shakes it off as Hogan blocks another Chair shot and takes it away and throws it to the floor as Hogan then opens up on Raven with right hands and sends Raven flying over the top when Brandon Davis hits the Rush on Hogan as Brandon gets up and turns around as Hogan is also getting up as Brandon goes to hit Hogan but Hogan just continues to move around and is "Hulking Up" as Brandon stops as Hogan points at Brandon as Brandon then shoves Torrie into Hogan as Holly & Sable get out of the ring along with Brandon as Hogan grabs Torrie by her hair as Hogan looks ready to hit her but instead Hogan picks up Torrie and slams her down as Hogan asks the Crowd if they want the Leg Drop as the place is erupting as Hogan then bounces off the ropes when The Hurricane comes running out and slides into the ring and gets in Hogan's way blocking it as The Hurricane asks Hogan not to do it as Torrie rolls out to the floor as Hogan and The Hurricane have words before Hogan puts his hand out to The Hurricane which he takes:

Tenay: Hulk Hogan was going to give Torrie what he deserved but for some reason The Hurricane makes the save

Madden: Well The Hurricane and Torrie did have that fling a while back

:The Hurricane & Hulk Hogan check on Scarlett and Jamie Gunz as Jamie is unable to get up on his own as Hulk Hogan helps Jamie up and gets him out of the ring as Hogan helps Jamie to the back as "Real American" hits again as The Hurricane helps Scarlett out:

Tenay: Well Jamie Gunz could be hurt but it could have been alot worse for Scarlett if not for The Hulkster

Madden: Well Hogan makes me sick here but at least he didn't Leg Drop Torrie


:Todd Grisham is shown outside of Triple H's Locker Room:

Todd Grisham: I standing here outside of Triple H's Locker Room hoping to get a word with the SCWE World Heavyweight Champion about what happend two weeks ago but so far I have been unable to

:The Door then opens up as Ric Flair walks out closing it behind him:

Todd Grisham: is Triple H?

Ric Flair: The Game is just fine Todd, Triple H is going to walk that aisle tonight and kick some major ass and when its time for payback Matt Hardy and Kurt Angle are going to wish they were never born, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

:Another Area Backstage:

:Kurt, Kaylee, & Julianne Angle are all seen sitting watching the Monitor when Kelli Hardy walks into the Locker Room:

Kelli Hardy: Kurt, we're having a E-X meeting for our matches tonight

:Kurt & Kaylee Angle both stand up ready to leave:

Kurt Angle: Kaylee, sweetie, you have to stay here to watch Julez. I do not want her sneaking out to see that no good sob Triple H

:Kaylee sits back down as Kurt kisses her on the cheek as he then leaves with Kelli:

Julianne Angle: You know that Kurt is doing the same exact thing to me that your brothers did to you

:Kaylee is silent:

Julianne Angle: I wouldn't tell Kurt if you let me go see Hunter even for a little while just so I can see if he is ok and to let him know that I am ok

:Kaylee turns towards Julez but is still silent:

Julianne Angle: By you keeping me here you're just as guilty as your brothers. I know how you feel now, you know I was always on your side. Please just let me see Hunter while Kurt is wrestling in the Royal Rumble later on. You know you'll be stuck here either way. I just...

Kaylee Angle: alright...alright. You'll have five minutes. If you don't make it back by the time Kurt does, Dn't even bother coming back. But I know Kurt, he'll make sure to find you and keep you apart from him. So you'll have 5 minutes thats it!

:Julianne hugs Kaylee:

Julianne Angle: Thank you this means so much

:Promo for the SCWE/WHW Royal Rumble:

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 Message 2 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 1:36 PM

Tenay: Well up next we are going to get to announce a very interesting match Mark

Madden: That's right Mike, we are going to be announcing the first ever SCWE/WHW Royal Rumble. There will be Superstars from SCWE RAW, SCWE SmackDown!, and even our Developmental League WHW. There is no word on what the winner will get I guess just pride here but one must think if a WHW Superstar gets the win, he will be called up to RAW or SmackDown!

Tenay: Well lets go down to the ring to Shannon Michaels

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is the SCWE/WHW Royal Rumble Match(Crowd Cheers).

"You can't run" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #1, Stanley Ryan Tiger

Tenay: Well here comes SRT

Madden: SRT is the favorite in this match if you ask me, he has the most experience and the best win loss record

Tenay: But he also has the biggest bullseye

"3750" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Miss Shannon: Drawing #2, Representing Simon Inc., Doug Basham

Madden: Well here comes Doug Basham now formally of the Cabinet but now a proud member of Simon Inc

SCWE/WHW Royal Rumble: #1 SRT vs #2 Doug Basham
The Bell Sounds as SRT attacks Doug Basham, SRT takes Doug Basham and whips him off the ropes as SRT goes for a Big Boot but Doug ducks it and Doug opens up on SRT with right hands and Doug backs up and then hits a clothesline knocking SRT back as Doug backs up and goes for another one but SRT hits a Big Boot on Doug this time knocking Doug down as SRT then picks up Doug and goes for the Tiger Trap but Doug fights away and Doug picks up SRT and slams him down as Doug then drops a elbow on SRT as Doug then goes for another one but SRT moves out of the way as The Buzzer Sounds...

"Still Tippin" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #3, Orlando Jordan

Madden: Here comes OJ who used to be in the Cabinet with The Basham's so we could see an alliance here

Orlando gets into the ring as OJ attacks SRT from behind as Doug and OJ then both start to double team SRT as OJ & Doug send SRT off the ropes but SRT hits a double clothesline knocking both men down as SRT then knocks Doug down as he gets up but OJ then attacks SRT as OJ goes for a Flatliner but SRT shoves OJ back and SRT then clotheslines OJ down as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"The Seduction" hits, Crowd is mixed

Miss Shannon: Drawing #4, Corey Lustra

Tenay: Well here comes the first WHW Superstar

Corey Lustra slides into the ring as Corey goes right for SRT but SRT kicks Corey in the gut and SRT hits the Tiger Trap on him as Doug Basham goes to hit SRT but SRT grabs Doug by the throat and hits a chokeslam on him and SRT then kicks OJ in the gut and hits a Powerbomb on him. Corey Lustra is starting to get back up in the ropes as SRT smiles as SRT then goes and delivers a big clothesline sending Lustra flying over the top and to the floor. Corey Lustra has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Corey Lustra has been eliminated

Madden: The 1st Elimination here tonight thanks to SRT who has been dominant

SRT starts to pose to the crowd about the elimination as Doug and OJ are both trying to get back up as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Metalingus" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Drawing #5, The Jackal

Tenay: Well here comes The Jackal now

The Jackal hits the ring as SRT attacks him coming into the ring as SRT takes The Jackal and tries to throw him right back out but The Jackal holds the ropes as OJ and Doug Basham then attack SRT from behind as OJ & Basham deliver a double backdrop on SRT when The Jackal kicks OJ in the gut and The Jackal hits the Jackal Effect on Orlando. Doug Basham then goes to hit The Jackal but The Jackal catches Doug with the Jackal's Claw as The Jackal gets up and The Jackal eyes up SRT as he gets up and The Jackal goes for the Jackal Effect but SRT picks up The Jackal and rams him back into the corner as SRT then rams his shoulder into the gut several times as the Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Thank You" hits, Crowd is mixed

Miss Shannon: Drawing #6, Blake Cena

Madden: Here comes the second WHW Superstar and hopefully Blake can last longer then Corey Lustra

Blake Cena gets into the ring as he tells SRT that he can't see him as SRT goes to hit Blake but Blake blocks it and opens up on SRT when The Jackal attacks Blake from behind as The Jackal then takes Blake Cena and The Jackal whips Blake off the ropes but Blake hits a big shoulder block knocking the Jackal down but SRT grabs Blake and goes for a Chokeslam but Blake pokes SRT in the eyes as Blake goes for the Screw You but Orlando Jordan low blows Blake as Doug Basham then hits a big neckbreaker on him. Doug Basham & Orlando then both start to put the boots to Blake Cena as SRT gets up and SRT and The Jackal start to go at it again as the Next Buzzer Sounds...

"I Wanna Know" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #7, Matt Orton

Madden: Here comes another WHW Superstar

Matt Orton hits the ring as OJ goes to hit Orton but Orton opens up on Orlando and knocks him down as Matt Orton then dropkicks Doug Basham down but SRT grabs Orton and chokeslams him as Blake Cena is getting up and The Jackal grabs Blake Cena and sends him over the top to the floor. Blake Cena has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Blake Cena has been eliminated

Tenay: The second elimination of the night this one coming via The Jackal

SRT then picks up Matt Orton and SRT sends Orton flying over the top to the floor as well. Matt Orton has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Matt Orton has been elimianted

Madden: Well there is elimination #3 and this one is SRT's second one of the night

SRT & The Jackal then have some words once again and start to go at it as Doug and OJ watch on as SRT whips The Jackal off the ropes and SRT goes for a big boot but The Jackal ducks it and The Jackal goes for the Jackal's Claw and hits it as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"The Future" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #8, Frankie Kazarian

Madden: Finally another established star

Tenay: Well here comes Frankie Kazarian who recently had a falling out with SRT

Kazarian hits the ring as Kazarian immediately attacks SRT while he is on the ground as Kazarian pounds away at SRT but The Jackal yanks Kazarian off which causes Kazarian to trip Jackal down and Kazarian goes to work on The Jackal as Doug and OJ continue to watch on and laugh as Kazarian see's SRT getting up and Kazarian knocks SRT back into the corner and Kazarian climbs up on SRT and pounds away with 10 punches but SRT staggers out with Kazarian and SRT drops backwards driving Kazarian face first into the top turnbuckle as Kazarian is rolling around the ring hurting as The Jackal stomps away at SRT as he gets up as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"War Pigs" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Drawing #9, The Californian

Tenay: Another established star here

Madden: He may have a bullseye on his chest

The Californian gets into the ring as The Jackal goes to greet him but Cali knocks The Jackal down with a right hand but Doug Basham hits The Californian from behind and Doug Basham goes to send him out but Cali elbows Doug in the gut and Cali slams Doug down but Orlando hits a dropkick knocking Cali into the ropes as The Jackal then clotheslines The Californian over the top and to the floor. Californian has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: The Californian has been eliminated

Madden: The Jackal strikes again

The Jackal is gloating about his second elimination as SRT gets back up as SRT tells The Jackal he will toss him out but Kazarian attacks SRT again as SRT shoves Kazarian down as Doug Basham attacks The Jackal as Orlando attacks SRT as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Wake Me Up" hits, Crowd is mixed

Miss Shannon: Drawing #10, Inforcer

Tenay: Well we are half way through now as The Inforcer comes out and he is another WHW Superstar

Inforcer hits the ring as The Inforcer knocks Orlando down with a right hand and Inforcer then hits a double clothesline taking down The Jackal and Doug Basham as SRT continues to go after SRT but SRT catches Kazarian with a chokeslam as Inforcer then catches SRT with the IOU as Inforcer is gloating when Orlando Jordan goes to eliminate Inforcer but Inforcer elbows OJ in the face and Inforcer sends Orlando flying over the top to the floor. Orlando Jordan has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Orlando Jordan has been eliminated

Tenay: Orlando Jordan did well but Inforcer ends his night here

Inforcer is gloating about his elimination when Doug Basham attacks Inforcer as Doug Basham pounds away at Inforcer with big right hands as Doug tries to get Inforcer out but Inforcer holds the ropes as The Jackal comes over and hits Doug from behind as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Rock" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Drawing #11, The Rock

Tenay: It's The Rock!!

Madden: Business is about to pick up

The Rock hits the ring as The Jackal goes to hit The Rock but The Rock opens up on The Jackal with big right hands and The Rock then grabs The Jackal and hits The Rock Bottom as The Inforcer goes to attack The Rock but The Rock side steps The Inforcer and then knocks him flying over the top and to the floor. Inforcer has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Inforcer has been eliminated

Tenay: Well Inforcer lasted a bit but The Rock ends his night

The Rock then goes over and The Rock knocks Kazarian down with a right hand as SRT is getting back up and The Rock whips SRT off the ropes and The Rock hits a Big Spinebuster on SRT as The Rock hopes up and The Rock says its time for the People's Elbow and throws his elbow as he hits the ropes and then drops the Elbow on SRT as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Immortal Corrupter" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #12, Jason Morris

Madden: Here comes Jerome's little brother

Jason Morris gets into the ring as The Rock goes to attack him immediately as The Rock picks up Jason and opens up on him as SRT and Kazarian are still going at it and Kazarian as SRT on the ropes as Kazarian charges for the elimination but SRT ducks and backdrops Kazarian out to the floor. Frankie Kazarian has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Frankie Kazarian has been eliminated

Tenay: Kazarian's night is over thanks to SRT

 Message 3 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 1:36 PM
The Jackal then goes to eliminate SRT but SRT lands on the apron and is holding on as The Jackal is trying to get him out when Doug Basham comes over and grabs The Jackal and dumps him over the top to the floor. The Jackal has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: The Jackal has been eliminated

Madden: The Jackal's great night is over

SRT then picks up Doug and tries to get him out but Doug elbows SRT in the face knocking him back as The Rock grabs SRT and hits a DDT on him as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Welcome to Detroit City" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Drawing #13, Vince Montana

Tenay: Another WHW Superstar here

Vince Montana enters the ring as Doug Basham greets him as Monatana knocks Doug Basham down. Jason Morris then attacks Monatana from behind as Jason Morris works over Monana as The Rock and SRT continue to go at it as this goes on until the Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Diamonds and Rust" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #14, Alex Shelley

Tenay: Well here comes Alex Shelley just another WHW Superstar

Alex Shelley hits the ring as Doug Basham drops a elbow on him as he comes in. Basham continues to work over Shelley as Monatana has Jason Morris in the corner and opens up on him with right hands when Alex Shelley attacks Montana and Shelley dumps Montana over the top to the floor. Vince Montana has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Vince Montana has been eliminated

Madden: Well Alex Shelley took advantage of a situation

Alex Shelley is gloating when he walks right into a Rock Bottom from The Rock as The Rock gets up and walks into a Big Boot from SRT as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"1...2...Scar Coming For You" hits, Crowd is mixed

Miss Shannon: Drawing #15, Scar

Madden: Here comes the Most Feared Man in KSCWE

Scar gets into the ring as Doug Basham goes to hit Scar but Scar knocks Basham down as Scar then knocks Jason Morris down as Scar grabs SRT and hits a bodyslam on him as Scar also clotheslines The Rock down as Scar then picks up shelley and gorrilla press slams Shelley and is about to toss him out when Doug Basham low blows Scar causing him to drop Shelley on the ropes as Shelley rolls back into the ring and is rolling around hurting as Doug Basham then clotheslines Scar over the top to the floor as The Next Buzzer Sounds... Scar has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Scar has been eliminated

Madden: Scar is gone via Doug Basham

"Kleen Sweep" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #16, Chris Kleen

Tenay: Well here comes Chris Kleen now

Chris Kleen enters the ring as Doug Basham opens up on Kleen as Jason Morris attacks Kleen from behind as Jason Morris and Doug Basham double team Kleen as The Rock and SRT go at it once more. This action would continue until the Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Cool" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #17, Carlito

Madden: Well here comes Carlito now

Carlito comes into the ring as Carlito attacks Jason Morris from behind as Jason tries to fight back but Alex Shelley gets back up and Shelley attacks Jason as well as Jason Morris knocks Carlito down as Shelley goes to eliminate Jason Morris but Jason grabs Shelley and sends him flying over the top to the floor but right after that, Carlito dumps Jason Morris over the top to the floor as well. Alex Shelley & Jason Morris have been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Alex Shelley and Jason Morris have been eliminated

Tenay: Jason Morris dumped Alex Shelley but Carlito then dumped Jason Morris

Madden: That lowers the number down once again here

Carlito then goes to work on Doug Basham as Chris Kleen goes over and Kleen hits the Rock from behind as Kleen holds The Rock as SRT works over The Rock as this continues until the Next Buzzer Sounds...

"When Animals Attack" hits, Crowd is mixed

Miss Shannon: Drawing #18, Thunder

Tenay: Thunder debuted this past week on SmackDown! Brand and is a guy with alot of potential

Thunder gets into the ring as SRT goes to attack Thunder but Thunder opens up on SRT with forarm shots as Thunder knocks SRT down as Thunder then knocks Carlito down as well as The Rock knocks down Chris Kleen as The Rock and Thunder then start to exchange rights and lefts as Thunder knees The Rock in the gut and Thunder goes for the Thunder Strike but The Rock counters into a DDT. The Rock then catches Kleen with a Spinebuster as The Rock sets up Kleen for another People's Elbow and goes for it but when he hits the Ropes, Thunder pops up and hits a Dropkick knocking The Rock over the top to the floor. The Rock has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: The Rock has been eliminated

Tenay: Well The Rock is gone via Thunder

Thunder is gloating about his elimination when SRT catches Thunder with a big Clothseline as SRT then takes down Kleen with a Big Boot as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"My Way" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Drawing #19, Diego Sanchez

Tenay: Well here comes a real up and comer in Diego Sanchez

Diego Sanchez slides into the ring as Diego knocks down Carlito as Diego goes over and knocks down Kleen as Diego opens up on Kleen with big right hands but SRT grabs Diego off of Kleen as Diego then delivers a big kick to the gut of SRT backing SRT up as Thunder then attempts to pick up SRT and does so as he backdrops SRT over the top to the floor. SRT has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Stanley Ryan Tiger has been eliminated

Madden: Well SRT was very dominant but ultimatly his night is over

Thunder gets up as Diego then opens up on Thunder with big right hands but Chris Kleen gets back up and attacks Diego from behind as The Final Buzzer Sounds...

"3750" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #20, Representing Simon Inc., Danny Basham

Madden: The Final Entrant and shockingly Doug Basham is still here so now the Basham's can work together

Tenay: Well this is the final 6 Superstars

Danny Basham enters the ring and knocks Carlito down who was trying to get Doug out as The Basham's then double team Carlito as Diego is getting double teamed by Kleen & Thunder as Diego knocks down Kleen but when Diego goes to get Thunder, Thunder picks up Diego and backdrops him over the top to the floor. Diego Sanchez has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Diego Sanchez has been eliminated

Madden: Well Diego Sanchez did well for himself but wasn't good enough

Thunder and Kleen then watch on as The Basham's pick up Carlito but Carlito pokes Doug in the eyes and Danny goes to get rid of Carlito but Carlito ducks as Danny hits the ropes and Carlito clotheslines Danny over the top to the floor. Danny Basham has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Danny Basham has been eliminated

Tenay: Danny Basham is gone meaning the final four is Doug Basham, Carlito, Chris Kleen, and Thunder

Madden: Doug Basham has been here from the start yet Danny couldn't last very long

Thunder and Kleen immediately go and attack Doug Basham and Carlito as Kleen works over Carlito as Thunder works over Doug. Kleen goes to try to get Carlito out but Carlito elbows Kleen in the gut as Carlito picks up Kleen and  Carlito has Kleen ready to go out as Thunder goes to save him but Doug shoves Thunder into Carlito which causes Kleen to lose his balance and fly out to the floor. Chris Kleen has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Chris Kleen has been eliminated

Tenay: So much for Kleen

Thunder can't believe it as Doug Basham goes to work on Thunder as Carlito joins in as  Carlito and Doug Basham both take Thunder and send him flying over the top but Thunder lands on the apron as Carlito and Doug both try to get him out but Carlito moves behind Doug and Carlito dumps Doug Basham out to the floor. Doug Basham has been elimianted.

Miss Shannon: Doug Basham has been eliminated

Madden: Now that was cool

Tenay: The final two are Carlito and Thunder

Thunder & Carlito both back off as they exchange some words before locking up. Thunder backs Carlito into the ropes as Thunder goes to hit Carlito but Carlito ducks it as Thunder goes into the ropes as Carlito picks up Thunder trying to get him out but Thunder delivers a few right hands to Carlito but Carlito knocks Thunder over the top but Thunder is holding on and wraps his legs around Carlito's head as Carlito tries to get Thunder off Thunder uses his body strength to pull Carlito over the top as Carlito wraps his arms around the top rope as Carlito delivers a punch right to the groan area of Thunder which causes him to lose his control as Carlito then flips Thunder off to the floor.
Winner: Carlito

Miss Shannon: Your winner, Carlito

Tenay: I thought Thunder had this won but Carlito uses a underhanded move to win

Madden: Well Carlito did what he had to do to win and thats all that matters

:Backstage: Eric Bischoff's Office

:Eric & Marrisa Bischoff along with Mickie James are all shown stretching:

Eric Bischoff: Babe you ready for action

Mickie James: Yes I am

Marrisa Bischoff: Mickie I think my husband was talking to me

Mickie James: Sorry

Eric Bischoff: Um yeah well I'm glad you're ready too Mickie. Just make sure to watch Marrisa's back

Mickie James: Oh I could watch her back all day

:Eric stops what he is doing and just stares at Mickie as does Marrisa:

Mickie James: I love being her assistant, Its alot of fun helping her

Eric Bischoff: Ok....good. You two got your numbers right

Marrisa Bischoff: But of course

Mickie James: Yep I'm so excited to be in this match with my hero

:Another Area Backstage:

:AJ Styles is shown kissing Rose Thorn as Rose heads towards the ring when The bWo approaches AJ:

Stevie Richards: AJ

AJ Styles: Hey Stevie, long time no see

Stevie Richards: Yeah I know can we talk

AJ Styles: Sure

:AJ walks off with the bWo:

:Promo for KSCWE No Way Out:

 Message 4 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 1:45 PM

King: Well Coach, up next we are going to see the SCWE Divas Royal Rumble

Coach: Well there is going to be RAW and SmackDown! Divas taking part in this Royal Rumble and some past winners are also taking part such as the 2004 Winner Rose Thorn and last year's Co-Winners Stacy Flair and Kaylee Angle

King: Well lets go to the ring to get this started

Lillian: The Following Contest is the SCWE Divas Royal Rumble(Crowd Cheers)

"I Bet You Look Good On the Dancefloor" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: Drawing #1, Rose Thorn

King: Well Marrisa Bischoff ordered Rose Thorn and Stacy Flair, Numbers 1 and 2 due to there long standing rivalry

"Everybody's Fool" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: Drawing #2, She is the SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion, Stacy Flair

Coach: Well here comes Stacy Flair who co won it last year but with her and Rose going at it who knows what will happen

SCWE Divas Royal Rumble: #1 Rose Thorn vs #2 Stacy Flair
The Bell Sounds as Rose and Stacy have words with one another as Stacy then slaps Rose across the face as Rose then responds by spearing down Stacy as Rose opens up on Stacy with right hands as Stacy knocks Rose off. Stacy gets back up as Rose charges and jumps on Stacy with a Lou Thez as Rose once again opens up on Stacy. Stacy once again knocks Rose off as Rose gets up again and Rose knocks Stacy back into the corner as Rose opens up on Stacy with several big chops to Stacy as Rose then climbs up on the corner and opens up on Stacy with right hands but Stacy grabs Rose and flips Rose over the corner and out towards the floor but Rose is able to grab onto the ring post and starts to hug it to stay in as Stacy moves out of the corner thinking she eliminated Rose but Rose is able to climb up the ring post and gets on the top rope as Rose then comes off and hits a crossbody taking down Stacy as The Buzzer Sounds...

"LoveFuryEnergyPassion" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: Drawing #3, Lita

King: Well here comes the former Women's Champion Lita which should add another dynamic

Lita slides into the ring as Lita gets up as Rose tells Lita that they should work together to get rid of Stacy as lita agrees as Stacy is getting up and Rose and Lita both attack Stacy and knock her into the ropes as Rose and Lita whip Stacy off the ropes but Stacy hits a double clothesline knocking both ladies down. Stacy then opens up on Rose as she gets up and Stacy picks up Rose and slams her down but Lita kicks Stacy in the gut and Lita hits a big DDT on Stacy as Rose is getting up and lita kicks Rose in the gut and Lita hits a Spike DDT on Rose as the Next Buzzer sounds...

"My Immortal" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: Drawing #4, She is the SCWE Women's Xtreme Champion, Flame

Coach: Well here comes Flame now who is the first SmackDown! diva of the night

Flame gets into the ring as Lita goes to hit Flame but Flame throws something in the eyes of Lita which turns out to be powder blinding Lita as Flame then pulls a whip out of her pants! Flame takes the whip and hits Lita in the back as Lita screams out in pain as Flame whips Lita again with it as Rose is trying to get up and Flame uses the whip and hits it over Rose's back as Rose rolls around from the pain as Flame then hits Stacy Flair as well with it for good measure but Lita then spears down Flame as Lita then goes to grab the whip but Flame knocks Lita down as the whip becomes free and Stacy grabs it as Stacy then hits both Flame and Lita with it as Flame smiles out from the whip and Lita rives out as Stacy then see's Rose and goes to hit her with it but Rose is able to block it and Rose grabs it away and hits Stacy with it as the next buzzer sounds...

"Don't Cha" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: Drawing #5, Alexis Adams

King: Here comes SmackDown!'s undefeated Alexis Adams

Alexis Adams enters the ring as Alexis immediately goes to work on Flame as Lexi whips Flame off the ropes and Alexis hits a big backdrop on Flame. Alexis then picks up Flame and Alexis sets Flame up for a Powerbomb and hits a Sit down Powerbomb on Flame as Rose Thorn and Stacy Flair exchange rights and lefts as Lita goes over and joins in with Alexis as the pair double team Flame as they pick up flame and hits a double suplex on her as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Easy Target" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: Drawing #6, Holly Mathews

Coach: Here comes SmackDown!'s Holly Mathews

Holly Mathews enters the ring as Lita goes over and Lita kicks Holly in the gut and Lita delivers a Snap suplex on her as Alexis takes Flame and Alexis hits a Closed Eyes on Flame as Stacy Flair knocks Rose down and Stacy picks up the whip and Stacy goes over and hits Alexis in the back with the whip as Alexis rives in pain as Stacy hits her again knocking Alexis against the ropes as Stacy goes for another one but Lita grabs it away from Stacy and Lita then opens up on Stacy with right hands as Alexis then grabs Stacy and holds her as Lita delivers a big right hand to Stacy as Stacy and Alexis then take Stacy and signal that there going to send her out but Rose attacks Alexis and Lita knocking them both down as Rose tells them she wants to eliminate Stacy not them as Stacy then goes to work on Alexis as Rose goes to town on Lita as Flame and Holly are both down as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Beyond Beautiful" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: Drawing #7, Christine

King: Well here comes Christine

Christine gets into the ring as Christine looks around and Christine attacks Holly as she is getting up and Christine takes Holly and rams her head off the top turnbuckle several times but Flame is back up and Flame hits Christine from behind as Flame then takes Christine and Flame sends her flying over the top to the floor. Christine has been eliminated.

Lillian: Christine has been eliminated

Madden: The 1st elimination of the night is Christine via Flame

Flame then looks at Holly as Holly tries to beg off as Flame kicks Holly in the gut and Flame hits a big DDT on Holly as Flame picks up the whip as Flame then pulls Holly's shirt up a little bit exposing some skin as Flame starts to whip away at Holly's bare back as Holly is screaming out as she rolls around the ring but Lita then grabs the whip away as Lita throws it out to the floor as Flame shoves Lita and Lita opens up on Flame with forarm shots as the Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Bitch" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: Drawing #8, Representing The Triple Threat, Mallory Maddox

King: Here comes Matt Walker's girlfriend and the former SmackDown! General Manager

Lita knocks Flame down as Mallory gets into the ring as Mallory just goes into a corner and watches on as Lita gets on top of Flame and opens up on her as Rose Thorn and Stacy Flair actually start to work together as the two stomp away at Alexis Adams in a opposite corner as Holly regroups grabbing her back as Holly then starts to cheer on Lita telling her to beat Flame's butt as Lita looks at Holly and Lita gets off Flame and tells Holly to have her as Lita goes over and hits Rose Thorn as Lita and Rose go at it once more as Holly then gets on top of Flame and pounds away but Flame quickly shoves Holly off as The Next Buzzer Sounds....

"Walk This Way" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: Drawing #9, Jezebel

Coach: Well here comes another SmackDown! Diva

Jezebel gets into the ring as Jezebel goes right for Flame as Jezebel knocks Flame down as Jezebel goes to work on Flame and starts to kick away at her as Lita and Rose continue to brawl it out as well as Stacy & Alexis as Holly watches on from a corner along with Mallory as Holly then tells Mallory they should work together and Mallory just ignores her as Holly then goes and tries to attack Rose Thorn but Lita knocks Holly down as Lita and Rose then both pick up Holly and Lita and Rose deliver a Double Suplex to Holly as Holly is hurting as Lita then kicks Holly in the gut and hits a Twist of Fate on her as Rose goes up top and hits the Tranquil Insanity on Holly as Mallory then runs over and double clotheslines Lita and Rose down as Mallory moves away as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"It's My Life" hits, Crowd is mixed

Lillian: Drawing #10, Representing Evolution X, Kaylee Angle

King: Well here comes Kaylee Walker-Angle who was a Co-Winner Last Year and is a member of E-X

Kaylee Angle gets into the ring as Mallory attacks Kaylee as she comes in as Mallory picks up Kaylee but Kaylee chops Mallory back as Kaylee then clotheslines Mallory down as Holly is getting up and Kaylee grabs Holly and Kaylee sends Holly flying over the top to the floor. Holly Mathews has been eliminated.

Lillian: Holly Mathews has been elimianted

Coach: Well Holly is gone via Kaylee Angle

Kaylee is celebrating the elimination when Rose Thorn attacks Kaylee as Rose opens up on Kaylee with right hands but Mallory hits Rose from behind as Lita comes over and Lita knocks down Mallory with a right hand but Flame hits Lita from behind as Jezebel goes to hit Flame but Flame moves as Jezebel knocks down Lita as Flame then clotheslines Jezebel down as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"These Boots Were Made For Walking" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: Drawing #11, Leyla

King: Alexis Adams is going to go right for Leyla you watch

Leyla makes her way to the ring and gets in as Alexis Adams attacks Leyla right as she comes into the ring as Alexis pounds away at Leyla as Leyla tries to cover up as Flame attacks Alexis from behind which prompts Lita to attack Flame as Lita goes to work on Flame while Rose Thorn and Stacy Flair rekindle there fight as Jezebel goes to work on Kaylee Angle in the corner as Mallory attacks Jezebel as Mallory and Kaylee start to actually work together on Jezebel. Leyla delivers a few right hands to Alexis but Alexis kicks Leyla in the gut as Alexis then goes to clotheslines Leyla out but Leyla pokes Alexis in the eye as Leyla picks up Alexis and slams her down as Leyla drops a few big elbows as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Wild Cat" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: Drawing #12, Sable

Coach: Well here comes Sable now

Sable makes her way towards the ring as Leyla picks up Alexis and Leyla sends Alexis into the ropes but Lexi holds on as Leyla tries her best to get rid of her as Sable enters the ring and Sable goes over and Sable joins in trying to dump out Alexis Adams as they nearly have her over when Mallory hits Sable from behind as Mallory goes to work on Sable with forarm shots as Mallory then clothesline Sable over the top to the floor. Sable has been eliminated.

Lillian: Sable has been eliminated

Coach: Sable is the third elimination this one via Mallory Maddox

Mallory then hits Leyla which frees up Alexis Adams as Mallory rakes the eyes of Leyla as Mallory picks up Leyla and slams her down as Jezebel knocks down Kaylee and Jezebel then clotheslines Mallory down as the Next Buzzer Sounds...

No Music hits as Fake Steph races towards the ring

Lillian: Drawing #13, Fake Steph

Coach: Well here comes Fake Steph

Fake Steph slides into the ring and Fake Steph goes to hit Jezebel but Jezebel opens up on Fake Steph knocking her back as Jezebel clotheslines her over the top to the floor. Fake Steph has been eliminated.

Lillian: Fake Steph has been eliminated.

Coach: So much for Fake Steph, Jezebel makes short work of her

 Message 5 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 1:45 PM
Jezebel then turns her attention and Jezebel attacks Leyla from behind as Jezebel takes Leyla and whips her into the ropes as Jezebel goes to clothesline her but Leyla ducks it and Leyla opens up on Jezebel with right hands as Leyla has Jezebel in the ropes but Alexis goes to hit Leyla but leyla moves as Alexis hits Jezebel knocking Jezebel over the top to the floor as Alexis turns around and Leyla clotheslines Alexis over the top to the floor as well. Jezebel & Alexis Adams have been eliminated.

Lillian: Jezebel and Alexis Adams have been eliminated

King: Alexis accidently eliminated Jezebel and then Leyla took advantage and dumped out her arch rival

Alexis is livid on the floor as Leyla gets on the ropes mocking Alexis when Kaylee Angle flips Leyla over the ropes to the floor. Leyla has been eliminated.

Lillian: Leyla has been eliminated

Coach: Leyla got cocky and it cost her the Royal Rumble as Kaylee dumps her out

:Alexis and Leyla both try to go at each other as several referee's restrain each lady as the Next Buzzer Sounds...:

"Hit Me With Your Best Shot" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: Drawing #14, She is the Personal Assistant for Marrisa Bischoff, She is Mickie James

King: Well here comes Marrisa's Personal Assistant

Coach: Mickie James is one odd ball thats for sure

Mickie James gets into the ring as Kaylee and Mallory both attack Mickie immediately but Mickie springs up and Mickie grabs both ladies and rams there heads together. Mickie then goes over and Mickie knocks down Lita as Mickie also kicks Flame in the gut and Mickie hits a big DDT as Stacy Flair goes to hit Mickie but Mickie does a back kick to Stacy as Mickie turns around and knocks Stacy down with a right hand as Rose gets up and Mickie and Rose pick up Stacy and hit a Double Suplex on her as Lita then opens up on Mickie with right hands but Rose hits Lita from behind as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Touniquet" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: Drawing #15, SuIcide

King: This SuIcide has a weird obsession with Flame

SuIcide gets into the ring as she goes over to check on Flame as she helps up Flame but Flame grabs SuIcide and Flame sends SuIcide flying over the top to the floor as Flame then realizes what she did and Flame smiles and tells her thanks but no thanks. SuIcide has been elimianted.

Lillian: SuIcide has been eliminated

Coach: Flame just got rid of her #1 Fan

King: Well it is every diva for themselves

SuIcide has to be restrained as she is upset as Flame goes over and attacks Lita as Mallory & Kaylee join in as the three divas work over Lita as Mickie and Rose double team Stacy as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"All Grown Up" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: Drawing #16, Stephanie McMahon

Coach: Well here comes The Billion Dollar Princess now

Stephanie McMahon enters the ring as Kaylee attacks Stephanie as Mallory joins in on the Double Team as Flame fights back and Flame knocks Lita down as Flame goes over and Flame hits Rose Thorn from behind as Flame takes Rose and rams her head off the top turnbuckle but Mickie James then jumps on Flame knocking her down as Mickie opens up on Flame until Mallory yanks Mickie off but Mickie hits Mallory in the gut and Mickie picks up Mallory and slams her down as Stephanie catches Kaylee with an RKO as Stacy Flair then goes to work on Rose Thorn as Flame joins in with Stacy as the two double team Rose as Stephanie battles with Lita as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Pour Some Sugar On Me" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: Drawing #17, She is the SCWE Assistant General Manager, Marrisa Bischoff

King: Here comes Marrisa Bischoff!!

Marrisa gets into the ring as Mickie runs over and hugs Marrisa as Marrisa tells Mickie to settle down because they have work to do as Marrisa and Mickie then go over and both ladies attack Flame from behind as Marrisa and Mickie whip Flame off the ropes and hit a double clothesline knocking her down when Stephanie attacks her sister as Stephanie goes for an RKO but Mickie but Mickie kicks Steph in the gut as Marrisa then knocks Stephanie down with a right hand as Stacy Flair picks up Rose Thorn and Stacy sends Rose flying over the top but Rose lands on the apron as Rose then does a spring board dropkick knocking Stacy into Lita as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"International Woman" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: Drawing #18, Gail Kim

King: Well here comes Gail Kim now

Gail Kim slides into the ring as Gail goes to pick up Stephanie but Stephanie rakes Gail in the eyes as Stephanie then knocks Gail back as Stephanie goes to eliminate Gail but Gail Kicks Steph in the gut and Gail knocks Stephanie down with a right hand but Marrisa Bischoff comes over and hits Gail Kim from behind as Marrisa then takes Gail and throws her flying over the top rope to the floor. Gail Kim has been eliminated.

Lillian: Gail Kim has been eliminated

Coach: So much for Gail Kim as Marrisa Bischoff gets rid of her

Mickie tells Marrisa great job when Flame hits Mickie from behind as Flame takes Mickie and is trying to get her out when Marrisa hits Flame from behind as Marrisa then picks up Flame and drops her over the top to the floor. Flame has been eliminated.

Lillian: Flame has been eliminated

King: Well Flame's great run is over thanks to Marrisa

Stephanie then attacks her sister again as Stephanie goes to work on Marrisa but Mickie attacks Stephanie as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Stronger" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: Drawing #19, She is one half of the SCWE Women's Tag Team Champions, Alyssa Amidala

King: We have not seen Alyssa since she was attacked by E-X and it was revealed she was the half sister of Triple H and Kelli but here comes Alyssa now and she looks focused

Alyssa gets into the ring as Kaylee moves to the opposite side of the ring as Mallory goes to hit Alyssa but Alyssa kicks Mallory in the gut and Alyssa sends Mallory flying over the top to the floor. Mallory Maddox has been eliminated.

Lillian: Mallory Maddox has been eliminated

Coach: Alyssa gets rid of Mallory Maddox

Meanwhile, Marrisa takes Stephanie as Mickie was attacking her and Marrisa tells Mickie to back off as Marrisa takes her sister and throws her over the top to the floor. Stephanie McMahon has been eliminated.

Lillian: Stephanie McMahon has been eliminated

King: Stephanie is gone via Marrisa

Alyssa tells Kaylee she will get her as Kaylee slides out under the bottom rope as Alyssa slides out after Kaylee and Alyssa chases Kaylee around the ring as Marrisa and Mickie watch on as Lita and Rose meanwhile have Stacy in the ropes and Lita is trying to get Stacy out when Rose goes behind Lita and dumps Lita over the top to the floor! Lita has been eliminated.

Lillian: Lita has been eliminated

Coach: Lita is gone thanks to Rose Thorn double crossing her but it is every woman for themseleves

Lita can't believe it as Rose is trying to get out Stacy still and Lita then gets back into the ring as Lita attacks Rose Thorn as Lita turns Rose around and hits a Twist of Fate on Rose as Referee's are telling Lita to get out as Lita helps pick up Rose as Stacy then sends Rose over the top to the floor as Lita then kicks Stacy in the gut as Marrisa comes over and sends Stacy over the top to the floor as well as Lita rolls out smiling. Rose Thorn & Stacy Flair have been eliminated.

Lillian: Rose Thorn and Stacy Flair have been eliminated

King: Lita came back in and attacked Rose allowing for Stacy to eliminate Rose but then Lita attacked Stacy allowing for Marrisa to take advantage and eliminate Stacy

Coach: I think Lita was a little upset about getting eliminated

:The Final Buzzer Sounds...:

"Feel Good Inc" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: Drawing #20, Christy Hemme

Coach: Well here is the last entrant

Christy makes her way to the ring as Kaylee rolls back into the ring as Alyssa follows and Kaylee attacks her as Christy enters the ring as Christy then joins in with Kaylee as the two double team Alyssa until Mickie James and Marrisa go over as Mickie and Marrisa both double team Christy as Christy knocks down Mickie but Marrisa hits a Chick Kick to Christy knocking Christy into the ropes as Marrisa clotheslines Christy over the top to the floor. Christy Hemme has been eliminated.

Lillian: Christy Hemme has been eliminated

King: Another elimination for Marrisa as we are also in our final four

Coach: Kaylee could repeat!

Mickie and Marrisa then both back off as Kaylee picks up Alyssa but Alyssa shoves Kaylee back as Alyssa spears down Kaylee and Alyssa starts to pound away at Kaylee as Mickie then hits a dropkick to the back of Alyssa knocking her off as Mickie gets up jumping around as Alyssa gets up and Alyssa grabs Mickie by her hair and yanks her down hard as Alyssa look at Marrisa who tells Alyssa she is just watching as Alyssa then goes over as Kaylee is getting up and Alyssa kicks Kaylee in the gut and Alyssa hits a Pedigree on Kaylee Angle as Alyssa picks up Kaylee ready to throw her out when Marrisa turns Alyssa around and Marrisa opens up on Alyssa with right hands as Marrisa has Alyssa in the ropes but Alyssa fights back but Marrisa knocks Alyssa into the ropes as Marrisa then tries to get Alyssa out but Alyssa is holding on and trying to fight back as Mickie comes over and Mickie tries to help out but Alyssa pokes Mickie in the eyes as Mickie is upset and swings wildly and ends up hitting Marrisa with a clothesline knocking Marrisa over the top and onto the apron as Mickie then apologizes to Marrisa as Marrisa is about to re-enter the ring but Kaylee hits a dropkick to Mickie knocking Mickie into Marrisa sending Marrisa off the apron to the floor. Marrisa Bischoff has been eliminated.

Lillian: Marrisa Bischoff has been eliminated

King: Mickie James just accidently eliminated her idol

Mickie can't believe it as she gets on the ropes and tells Marrisa she is so sorry when Kaylee then dumps Mickie over to the top to the floor. Mickie James has been eliminated.

Lillian: Mickie James has been eliminated

King: Well Mickie took her eye off the ball and it cost her

Coach: The final two are Alyssa and Kaylee and Kaylee is looking to repeat and lets not forget she is a Walker and Walker's always do great in the Royal Rumble

Alyssa and Kaylee both look at each other as Alyssa tells Kaylee that she is going to pay for the sins of Kelli as Kaylee tries to beg off when Kelli Hardy hits the ring and attacks Alyssa from behind knocking her down as Kelli pounds away at Alyssa as several official try to get Kelli out of the ring as Kaylee then goes over and picks up Alyssa as Kaylee tries to throw out Alyssa but Alyssa holds onto the ropes as Kelli leaves the ring as Kaylee delivers a few kicks to Alyssa and gets Alyssa over the ropes but Alyssa is on the apron. Kaylee then goes to get rid of Alyssa but Alyssa grabs Kaylee and Alyssa goes for a suplex on Kaylee but Kaylee blocks it as Kaylee then suplex's Alyssa back into the ring. Kaylee then grabs Alyssa and Kaylee goes for a Walkerflip but Alyssa counters into a backdrop as Kaylee gets back up, Alyssa kicks Kaylee in the gut and Alyssa then hits a Widow's Peak on Kaylee as Alyssa gets up smiling as she picks up Kaylee and takes Kaylee over to the ropes and throws her out to the floor.
Winner: Alyssa Amidala

Lillian: The winner of the 2006 SCWE Divas Royal Rumble, Alyssa Amidala

King: Alyssa Amidala is going to Wrestlemania

Coach: I can't believe this, its just not fair, I thought Kaylee was going to win for sure

:Video Preview for Triple H/Kelli Hardy vs Chris Walker/Trish Morris:

 Message 6 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 1:46 PM

King: Well up next we are going to see the SCWE World Heavyweight and the SCWE Women's Championships both on the line

Coach: Yeah and unlike The SmackDown! Match earlier tonight, a Title is guaranteed to change hands

King: Well before we go to this match, we have been given word we are going backstage for the RAW Drawing for the RAW Royal Rumble

:Backstage: Royal Rumble Entry Room:

:Scott Hill is shown standing next to the tumbler as Ken Kennedy is leaving the area as The Triple Threat walk up to the Tumbler:

Scott Hill: Alright gentlemen take your pick

:Matt Walker picks a number out and looks at it and then hands it to Ryan Walker and grabs another number and looks at it and shakes his head and hands it to Shane Douglas and goes for another number:

Scott Hill: Let me guess you're going to pick Jerome's number next

Matt Walker: What?

Scott Hill: Look Matt I know you want to have a good number but really you don't need one if you can recapture that Killer Instinct that you once had

Matt Walker: What are you talking about, I am still The...

Scott Hill: I know Real Deal, No Gimmicks Needed but Matt your not the same guy you were two years ago. Back then you wanted to prove something, you had hunger in your eyes, you were a different man then and now your....Corperate

Matt Walker: Do you want a guitar over your head?

Scott Hill: Oh a guitar, two years ago you would be wanting to break my neck

Matt Walker: Well what should I do then

:Scott goes under the table and pulls out a bag and gives it to Matt Walker:

Matt Walker: What's this

Scott Hill: The gear you wore two years ago when you won the Royal Rumble, I also have arranged for you to have your old music and just so you can complete the transition back to the Matt Walker everyone loved to hate, Your Entry Number will be Number Six just like two years ago

Matt Walker: Fine works for me

:Jerome then picks his number as The Triple Threat leaves as Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy walk in:

Scott Hill: Gentlemen pick your numbers

:Matt Hardy picks a number out of the tumbler as does Kurt Angle as Kurt throws the number down in disgust as Ric Flair comes over and see's the number Kurt threw down:

Ric Flair: Great number Kurt

Kurt Angle: Old man I should break yo..

Scott Hill: If you touch anyone before the Rumble Kurt and that includes Triple H, you are disqualified from taking part in it and that goes for you too Matt

Kurt Angle: Fine

:Kurt and Matt storm off as Ric Flair goes to pick a number but stops:

Ric Flair: Can I actually request something

Scott Hill: Sure


King: Well Matt Walker just got motivated by Scott Hill

Coach: Yeah and what about Kurt Angle not liking his number but I don't care what number Kurt has he will do well I think

King: Well lets go to the ring because its time for the big match now

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE World Heavyweight and SCWE Women's Championships

"Did My Time" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, From Denver, Colorado, She is the SCWE Women's Champion, Trish Morris

Coach: Well here comes the Women's Champion, Trish Morris and I guess she is a member of The Triple Threat since Jerome joined

"Hearts on Fire" hits, Crowd Erupts

Lillian: And her partner, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 215 Pounds, Chris Walker

King: Well here comes Trish's partner, Chris Walker a man that Triple H has never beaten on his own

Coach: Well I don't know if tonight is the night because Triple H and Kelli normally a Dream Team that would work great has become heated enemies now and they may not be able to function as a team so I'm saying we are going to have a New World Champion tonight

"Figured You Out" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: And there opponents, 1st she is the Leader of Evolution X, From Greenwich, Connecticut, Kelli Hardy

King: Here comes the witch herself

Coach: You better watch out King, she may kick your ass too

"Game" hits, Crowd Rises to there Feet and Cheers

Lillian: And her partner....From Greenwich, Connecticut weighing in at 260 Pounds, He is the SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, he is the "Game" Triple H

King: Triple H is getting cheered tonight in Houston

Coach: Must be sympathy

SCWE World Heavyweight/SCWE Women's Championship: Triple H(C) & Kelli Hardy vs Chris Walker & Trish Morris(C)
Triple H and Kelli have a few words as Triple H starts things out with Chris Walker as both men lock up as Triple H backs Walker into a corner as Earl Hebner orders a clean break which is granted as Walker and The Game go to lock up again and Triple H then locks in a headlock but Walker sends Triple H off the ropes as Walker drops down as Triple H leaps over Walker and Walker gets up and Walker hits a hip toss on Triple H as Chris Walker then kicks Triple H in the gut and Walker goes for a Twist of Fate but Triple H shoves Walker off the ropes and Triple H then hits a High Knee to the face of Walker knocking Chris down as Triple H waits as Chris gets up and Triple H kicks Walker in the gut and hits a knee smash to Walker as Chris flies backwards as Triple H then picks up Walker but Walker grabs Triple H and hits a Side Effect on him as Chris Walker then picks up Triple H and Walker hits a big DDT on Triple H as Chris gets up and waits as Triple H gets up and Walker goes for a Walker kick but Triple H ducks it and then grabs Chris and Triple H hits a big DDT on Walker as Triple H then tags out to Kelli Hardy as Kelli comes into the ring as Chris tags out to Trish Morris. Kelli and Trish have words with each other as Trish goes to lock up with Kelli but Kelli instead kicks Trish in the gut as Kelli opens up on Trish with right hands. Kelli then picks up Trish and slams her down as Kelli drops a few big elbows to Trish as Kelli then starts to choke Trish as Earl Hebner starts to count as Kelli gets up and then tells Earl Hebner she will knock him out as Kelli goes to pick up Trish but Trish hits a few right hands to the gut of Kelli as Trish then uppercuts Kelli as Trish kicks Kelli in the gut and Trish goes for the Stratusfaction but Kelli shoves Trish into the corner as Kelli then picks up Trish from behind and hits a backdrop on her as Kelli then picks up Trish and sets her up for a Pedigree but Trish backdrops Kelli instead as Trish then waits as Trish kicks Kelli in the gut and Trish goes for the Blonde Bitch Ride and hits it as Trish then locks in the Blonde Bitch Walls on Kelli but Triple H comes into the ring as Trish breaks the hold then as Earl Hebner gets Triple H out of the ring as Trish picks up Kelli and Trish goes for a Cocky Cutter but Kelli counters into a Fate Twister on Trish as Kelli covers for a 1---2--2.8-Chris Walker yanks Kelli off. Earl Hebner then gets Chris out of the ring as Kelli picks up Trish and Kelli kicks Trish in the gut and Kelli goes for a Twist of Fate but Trish backs Kelli into the corner instead and Trish then makes the tag out to Chris Walker meaning Kelli must tag out to Triple H which she does as Triple H comes back into the ring as Triple H and Chris Walker lock up once more and Triple H shoves Walker back as Triple H then goes to hit Chris but Chris gets a drop toe hold on Triple H. Chris Walker then waits as Triple H gets up and walker hits a Walker Kick to Triple H laying out Triple H as Walker covers for a 1---2--2.7-Triple H gets a shoulder up. Chris Walker then picks up Triple H and says its Walkerflip time but Triple H backdrops Walker. Triple H then waits as Walker gets up and Triple H kicks Chris in the gut and sets him up for a Pedigree but Walker trips Triple H down and Walker then slingshots Triple H into the corner as Walker then rolls up Triple H for a 1---2--kick out. Chris then waits as Triple H gets up and Walker hits a Drop Toe Hold on Triple H sending The Game into the ropes as Walker gets up and says its a Face Full of panCAKE's time as Walker runs over and goes between the ropes kicking Triple H in the face knocking The Game back as Walker stands on the apron and then spring boards himself off the ropes looking for it but Triple H catches Walker and hits a Big Spinebuster on Walker instead! Triple H then gets back up and picks up Chris Walker and sets him up for a Pedigree and hits it as Trish Morris comes into the ring then but Kelli cuts her off knocking Trish down as Triple H hooks Walker's leg for the 1---2--3.
Winners: Triple H & Kelli Hardy (SCWE Women's)

Lillian: Your winners and Still SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H and The New SCWE Women's Champion, Kelli Hardy

King: Triple H retains and Kelli has become the New Women's Champion as a result

Coach: How did Triple H catch Walker in mid move

King: Well The Game got a big monkey off his back tonight by proving he can beat Chris Walker

:Trish Morris is irate as Trish goes after Kelli some more when Alyssa hits the ring and Alyssa shockingly attacks Trish Morris as Alyssa knocks Trish down as Kelli gets out of the ring with the SCWE Women's Title as Kelli and Alyssa then have a stare down as Triple H raises Alyssa's hand and Alyssa makes a motion that the Women's title will soon be hers:

Coach: Alyssa came to Kelli's defense I guess because Alyssa wants to be the one to take out Kelli but then again this whole situation is very weird

King: That it is Coach

Coach: Well lets take a look back now at some of the Royal Rumble History

:Video Highlights of all The Past Royal Rumble Matches:

 Message 7 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 1:46 PM

Tenay: Well up next we are going to have the SCWE SmackDown! Royal Rumble

Madden: 25 of SmackDown!'s finest, well I guess 20 with 5 Legends making there returns tonight

Tenay: 2003 RAW Royal Rumble Champion, Jeff Hardy will be in tonight's SmackDown! Royal Rumble as well as William Regal, Legendary Tag Team Jamal and Rosey plus Val Venis

Madden: Mr. McMahon is also going to be in this match too

Tenay: Well lets not waste anymore time and go to the ring

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is the SCWE SmackDown! Royal Rumble(Crowd Goes Nuts). The only way to be eliminated is for you to go over the top rope and both feet must touch the floor

"Chop Suey" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #1, From Knoxville, Tennessee, Billy Gunn

Madden: Billy Gunn has gotten the unlucky draw of #1

"Longhorns" hits, Crowd Cheers as The Limo Pulls out

Miss Shannon: And Drawing #2...From New York City, He is the SCWE United States Champion, John Bradshaw Layfield

Tenay: JBL has drawn #2, It's going to be JBL and Billy Gunn to start things off

SCWE SmackDown! Royal Rumble: #1 Billy Gunn vs #2 JBL
JBL and Billy Gunn have words as the bell sounds to start the Royal Rumble as Gunn and JBL lock up with JBL locking in a headlock but Billy sends JBL off the ropes as Gunn drops down and JBL goes over JBL and Gunn gets up and Gunn hits a dropkick knocking down JBL as Billy attacks JBL immediately as Billy picks up JBL and tries to throw him out but JBL elbows Billy in the face and JBL then pounds away at Gunn with right hands and JBL whips Billy off the ropes and JBL hits a Big Boot on Billy as JBL then picks up Gunn but Gunn lowblows JBL as Billy then picks up JBL and Billy hits a Jackhammer on him as Billy then locks in the Walls of Pain as The First Buzzer Sounds...

"Wreck" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Drawing #3, Representing the bWo, From Long Island, New York, Mick Foley

Tenay: Here comes the bWo's Mick Foley!

Mick Foley slides into the ring as Billy lets go of JBL to meet Foley but Foley opens up on Gunn with right hands as Foley backs Gunn into a corner and Foley picks up Gunn and hangs him upside down in the corner as Foley backs up and does his bang bang thing as he charges and then drives a knee into the gut of Billy as Billy falls out of the corner. JBL is getting back up as well as Foley goes over and opens up on JBL as Foley kicks JBL in the gut as Foley backs up and then hits a high knee lift knocking JBL down as Foley then charges at Gunn but Gunn picks up Foley and drops him over the top rope as Foley is down now and Billy shakes his head trying to regroup as Billy then goes to work on Foley as JBL gets back up and JBL hits Billy from behind as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Lose Yourself" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #4, He is from Detroit, Michigan, He is one half of the SmackDown! Tag Team Champions, Tom Armetta

Madden: Here comes Big Tom Armetta

Tom Armetta enters the ring as Armetta tells JBL to bring it as JBL goes over as Armetta & JBL start to exchange rights and lefts when Billy Gunn hits JBL from behind as Gunn & Armetta both start to work over JBL knocking JBL into a corner as both men stomp away at him when Mick Foley gets up and Foley knocks Gunn down as Foley also goes to work on Armetta but Armetta knees Foley in the gut and Armetta hits a big elbow to the back of Foley's head knocking him down but JBL then grabs Armetta and hits a big DDT on him as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"I Stand Alone" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #5, Representing The Corperation, From Short Hills, New Jersey, He is the SCWE Xtreme Champion, Raven

Tenay: Well here comes The Corperation's Raven

Raven enters the ring next as Raven goes right for Mick Foley as Raven and Foley both start to go at it exchange rights and lefts back and forth as Raven kicks Foley in the gut and Raven looks for the Evenflow but Foley backs Raven into the corner but Billy then hits Foley again as Billy Gunn and Raven then both work over Foley as JBL has Tom Armetta in the corner pounding away at him as JBL then takes Armetta and whips him off the ropes as JBL hits the Ropes and JBL hits a Clothesline From Hell as JBL gets up gloating when Billy Gunn hits JBL from behind knocking JBL into the ropes as Billy tries to get JBL out but JBL kicks Gunn in the gut as JBL then grabs Billy and JBL tries to throw Billy out but Billy holds the ropes blocking it as JBL hits Gunn a few times but Raven comes over and this JBL from behind as Mick Foley then comes over and hits Raven as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Meant To Live" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Drawing #6, From Atlanta, Georgia, Scott Wright

Coach: Well here comes the first of three Wright Brothers

Scott Wright gets into the ring as Tom Armetta is getting up and Armetta goes to attack Wright but Wright ducks a clothesline as Wright opens up on Armetta backing him up into the ropes and Wright then hits a big dropkick sending Armetta over the top to the floor. Tom Armetta has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Tom Armetta has been eliminated

Coach: Tom Armetta is the first elimination via Scott Wright

Tenay: Well we both know there will be plenty more

Scott Wright then goes over and Wright hits Raven as Wright and Foley both start to double team Raven as JBL and Billy Gunn exchange rights and lefts as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"William Regal Theme" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #7, From Blackpool, England, William Regal

Madden: Here comes our first Legend!

William Regal makes his way towards the ring slowly as he pulls out a pair of Brass Knuckles and puts them on his right hand as he gets into the ring as Scott Wright goes to greet Regal but Regal delivers a right hand to Wright laying him out as Regal then hits Foley in the head knocking Foley out as Raven goes to thank Regal but Regal hits Raven as well as Regal then goes over and hits Billy in the back of the head knocking Billy down as Regal goes to hit JBL but JBL blocks it and JBL picks Regal in the gut and JBL takes the knucks off Regal's hand and JBL then throws them out to the floor as Regal opens up on JBL with rights and lefts to the gut of JBL backing JBL into the corner as Regal goes to elbow JBL but JBL knees him in the gut as JBL throws Regal in the corner as JBL opens up on Regal with right hands as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Simon Says" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #8, Representing Simon Inc. From Pensacola, Florida, Simon Dean

Madden: Well here is Simon Dean now

Simon Dean races to the ring as Simon slides in as Simon Dean goes and attacks Mick Foley right away as Foley was trying to get up as Simon pounds away at Foley as JBL takes William Regal and JBL throws William Regal over the top to the floor. William Regal has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: William Regal has been eliminated

Tenay: JBL gets rid of William Regal for the second elimination in this match

JBL then goes over and JBL goes to work on Billy Gunn again as Raven gets up and Raven and Scott Wright exchange rights and lefts as Simon Dean picks up Foley and Simon tries to get Foley out but Foley grabs a hold of little Simon as Simon tries to get away but Foley keeps a hold as Simon finally pokes Foley in the eye to get free as Simon bends over from the pain as Foley then kicks Simon in the butt knocking Simon right into JBL as JBL turns around and JBL delivers a big Clothesline knocking Simon down as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Broken Man" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #9, From Milwaukee, Wisconsin, He is the SCWE Juniorweight Champion, Chad Chaos

Madden: Here comes Chad Chaos who may be over his head a little bit in this match

Chad Chaos races to the ring and slides right in as Chad Chaos goes right after JBL as Chad pounds away at JBL and whips JBL off the ropes but when JBL comes back, JBL hits the Clothesline From Hell laying out Chaos but Billy Gunn then kicks JBL in the gut as he gets up and Gunn hits a Fameasser on him as Raven then grabs Gunn and hits the Evenflow DDT as Scott Wright then hits a dropkick to Raven knocking Raven down as Simon kicks Wright in the gut and hits the Simon Effect as Simon gets up gloating but turns around right into The Mandible Claw from Mick Foley with Mr. Socko as Simon is trying to get free but can't as he starts to go down as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"One Step Closer" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Drawing #10, Representing The bWo, From Atlantic City, New Jersey, The Blue Meanie

Tenay: Well here comes another bWo member in the Blue Meanie

The Blue Meanie slides into the ring as The Blue Meanie goes over to Foley as Foley lets go of Simon as Foley and Meanie both pick up Simon and say its time to eliminate him when Billy Gunn and Raven both attack The Blue Meanie and Foley respectively as Billy Gunn pounds away at The Blue Meanie as Foley is worked over by Raven as Billy Gunn takes The Blue Meanie and sends him over the top to the floor. The Blue Meanie has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: The Blue Meanie has been eliminated

Madden: The Blue Meanie is the third man eliminated

Billy Gunn then goes over and works on Scott Wright as Wright fights back on Gunn and backs Gunn into the ropes as Wright backs up looking to eliminate Gunn when Simon hits Wright from behind which causes JBL to get involved as JBL takes down Billy Gunn. Chad Chaos meanwhile is getting back up and Chad Chaos is looking around the ring at all the fighting and decides to just wait as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Venus" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #11, Represnting Simon Inc. From Las Vegas, Nevada, Rico

Tenay: Here comes the Sell Out Rico

Madden: I happen to like the new and improved Rico

Rico comes running to the ring and gets in as Chad Chaos attacks Rico as he comes in as Chaos stomps away at Rico. Simon Dean comes over then and hits Chaos from behind as Simon takes Chaos and tries to throw him out but Chaos holds on as Rico comes over and hits Chaos as well when Mick Foley comes over and Foley opens up on Rico and Simon with right hands but Simon hits Foley in the back as Rico joins in as the two take Foley and send Mick Foley over the top to the floor. Mick Foley has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Mick Foley has been eliminated

Madden: Simon Dean and Rico just took out Mick Foley

Simon and Rico then go back to work on Chaos as JBL and Billy Gunn fight with each other and Raven is fighting with Scott Wright as Well as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Basic Thuganomics" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #12, From West Newberry, Massachusetts, John Cena

Tenay: Here comes the Sell Out now

 Message 8 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 1:47 PM
John Cena makes his way to the ring as JBL eyes up Cena as JBL knocks Billy down as JBL tells Cena to bring it as Cena is slow to get in the ring and starts to circle the ring telling JBL that he can't see him as Billy Gunn then attacks JBL from behind as Cena rolls into the ring then and Cena goes right to work on JBL as Billy Gunn and Cena both stomp away at JBL until Simon Dean and Rico come over and Simon and Rico both attack John Cena as Simon and Rico whip Cena off the ropes but Cena hits a shoulder block taking down both men. Cena then gets back up as Billy Gunn attacks Cena, Gunn pounds away at Cena but Cena ends up knocking Gunn down as Chad Chaos charges at Cena but Cena kicks Chaos in the gut and Cena picks up Chad and Cena hits the FU on him but Cena then walks right into a Clothesline From Hell as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"St. Anger" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Drawing #13, From The Bronx, New York, Mikey G

Tenay: Here comes the Legendary Mikey G

Mikey G hits the ring as Mikey takes down Raven with a right hand and then Scott Wright but Rico hits Mikey from behind as Rico takes Mikey G and then throws him over the top to the floor. Mikey G has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Mikey G has been eliminated

Madden: Mikey G didn't last too long as Rico caught him and tossed him

John Cena meanwhile picks up Chad Chaos as Cena takes Chaos and sends him flying over the top to the floor. Chad Chaos has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Chad Chaos has been eliminated

Tenay: Chad Chaos is now gone via John Cena

Simon Dean and Rico then go over and attack Scott Wright who had Raven in the ropes as Simon, Rico, & Raven all put the boots to Wright as JBL gets up and JBL goes to work on John Cena until Billy Gunn attacks JBL once more as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Dragula" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #14, From Atlanta, Georgia, The "Iceman" Nathan Wright

Madden: Well Nathan Wright has adopted a new attitude to seperate himself from his brothers so lets see how he does

Nathan Wright hits the ring and Nathan knocks down Rico and then Raven as Nathan then grabs Simon and hits a T-Bone Suplex on him as Nathan helps up his brother as Nathan then locks in the Ice Cold on Scott Wright as The Crowd Boo's loudly as Raven, Simon, & Rico then turn there attention as they all attack Billy, Cena, & JBL. Simon works over Cena as Rico works over Billy while Raven goes to work on JBL and this goes on until the Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Piggybank" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #15, From New Haven, Connecticut, He is one half of the SmackDown! Tag Team Champions, Tim Wilkins

Madden: Well here comes the former Coach T now

Tim Wilkins gets into the ring as Tim Wilkins breaks up the Ice Cold on Scott Wright as Nathan gets up and Nathan and Tim get into a slug fest back and forth until Raven hits Nathan from behind as Raven turns Nathan around and this a Evenflow DDT on him as Tim goes up top and Tim hits the Sling Blade on Nathan Wright as Tim gets up gloating when Scott Wright hits a big dropkick knocking Wilkins down but Raven grabs Wright and hits another Evenflow on him but JBL then hits a Clothesline From Hell on Raven and JBL kicks Wilkins in the gut and JBL hits a Big Powerbomb on Wilkins as JBL then goes over and grabs Billy Gunn and Rico and rams there heads together and does the same to Simon and Cena as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"3 Minute Warning" hits, Crowd is mixed

Miss Shannon: Drawing #16, Jamal

Tenay: I am sure these fans want to see where Jamal and Rosey's alliances are seeing as 3 Minute Warning used to be made up of Jamal, Rosey, and Rico

Jamal enters the ring and goes right over and hits JBL from behind as Jamal takes JBL and picks him up and hits a big Dropping Front Slam on JBL as Rico goes over and tells Jamal to go up top which Jamal does and Jamal hits a Big Body Splash as Rico & Simon hold JBL out as JBL rolls and is spitting up blood from the hold as Rico, Simon, & Jamal all put the boots to JBL as Billy Gunn and John Cena the join in making it a 5 on 1 attack as Scott Wright goes over and Wright knocks down Billy Gunn but Cena hits Wright as Nathan comes over and attacks Cena as Nathan and Cena go at it while Gunn & Scott Wright do well as Raven joins in on the attack on JBL as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"3 Minute Warning" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #17, Rosey

Madden: Well here comes Rosey now the other half of 3 Minute Warning

Rosey enters the ring as Rosey and Jamal look at each other and they then attack Simon Dean! Rosey and Jamal start to pound away at Simon as Rico tells them to stop but they ignore Rico as Jamal whips Simon off the ropes as Rosey grabs Simon coming back and hits a Samoan Drop on him as Raven then attacks Jamal but Rosey attacks Raven as well as 3 Minute Warning sends Raven off the ropes and both men grab Raven coming back and hit a Front Slam on Raven as Raven rolls away hurting as Rico gets in Jamal & Rosey's faces and tells them he is upset with them and slaps them both as Jamal and Rosey look at each other and then both grab Rico as Rico tries to beg off when Simon low blows both men as Rico then takes Jamal and sends Jamal over the top to the floor as Simon sends Rosey over the top to the floor as well. Jamal and Rosey have been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Jamal and Rosey have been eliminated

Madden: I guess you just can't find good help these days

Simon and Rico seem relieved when Tim Wilkins attacks Simon Dean as Wilkins has Simon on the ropes but Rico hits Wilkins as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Think" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Drawing #18, From Greenwich, Connecticut, Nick Helmsley

Tenay: Uh oh, here comes Big Nick Helmsley now

Madden: Here comes Trouble

Nick Helmsley makes his way to the ring as everyone in the ring stops fighting as Nick climbs over the top rope as Simon, Rico, Raven, Tim Wilkins, Scott Wright, Nathan Wright, & John Cena all go and attack Nick Helmsley as Billy Gunn comes over and tries to help out his bodyguard as Gunn knocks down Cena but JBL gets back up and JBL hits Billy Gunn as Nick Helmsley grabs Nathan Wright and Nick sends Nathan Wright flying over the top to the floor as Nick also grabs Scott Wright and sends Scott over the top to the floor as well. Nathan & Scott Wright have been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Nathan and Scott Wright have been eliminated

Coach: Nick Helmsley just eliminated two of the Wright's with ease

Nick Helmsley then grabs a hold of Raven but Raven kicks Nick south of the border as Simon Dean, Rico, & Raven all pick up Nick Helmsley and try to dump him out as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Take This" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Drawing #19, Representing the bWo, The "Phenominal" AJ Styles

Tenay: Mark look its AJ Styles!!

Madden: What is RAW's AJ Styles doing here

Tenay: I guess he jumped to SmackDown! and he must be the Mystery Superstar

AJ Styles slides into the ring as AJ knocks down Simon Dean with a right hand and then Rico as Nick Helmsley then knocks Raven down as Nick delivers a big clothesline laying out AJ Styles. Meanwhile, Cena, JBL, & Billy Gunn are all going at it as Nick Helmsley walks over and Nick grabs Cena from behind and lays him out with a clothesline but JBL opens up on Nick Helmsley with right hands knocking Nick back as JBL backs up and then hits a clothesline sending Nick Helmsley over the top to the floor. Nick Helmsley has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Nick Helmsley has been eliminated

Tenay: Big Nick Helmsley is gone thanks to JBL

Billy Gunn then attacks JBL as Billy Gunn goes to eliminate JBL as John Cena comes over to help but JBL fights back and knocks both men backwards as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"One Step Closer" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Drawing #20, He is the leader of the bWo, From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, "Big Stevie Cool" Stevie Richards

Tenay: Here comes the bWo's leader now

Stevie Richards gets into the ring as Simon Dean and Rico both attack Stevie immediately but Raven goes over and grabs Rico away as Raven opens up on Rico as Stevie works on Simon. Cena, Billy Gunn, & JBL all continue to fight as Tim Wilkins and AJ Styles go at it exchanging rights and lefts. Cena and Billy Gunn go to eliminate JBL once more when Billy Gunn hits Cena from behind as Billy Gunn then dumps John Cena over the top to the floor. John Cena has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: John Cena has been eliminated

Madden: John Cena is now gone thanks to Billy stabbing him in the back but I guess there is no honor amoung thieves

AJ Styles and Tim Wilkins continue to fight as Stevie Richards and Simon Dean go at it still as does Raven and Rico leaving JBL with Billy Gunn as Billy Gunn is still trying to get JBL out as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"New Age Of Total Warfare" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Drawing #21, From Fayetteville, North Carolina, The "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels

Tenay: Here comes Christopher Daniels now

Christopher Daniels gets into the ring as Daniels knocks down Rico with a right hand as Raven goes to hit Daniels but Daniels opens up on Raven with right hands backing Raven up against the ropes as Daniels then hits a big clothesline sending Raven over the top to the floor. Raven has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Raven has been eliminated

Tenay: Christopher Daniels came in with one purpose to get rid of Raven and he accomplished that goal

Christopher Daniels then goes and hits Simon Dean in the back getting him from Stevie as Daniels then goes over and hits Tim Wilkins in the back as Daniels holds Wilkins for AJ as AJ opens up on Wilkins as AJ and Daniels hit a double suplex on Wilkins as JBL and Billy are still brawling with each other as Billy low blows JBL and hits a Fameasser on him as Billy tries to pick up JBL but can't due to being tired from wrestling so long as AJ Styles then hits Billy Gunn with a forarm shot as AJ whips Gunn off the ropes and AJ hits a flying forarm to the face knocking Gunn down as Daniels works over Wilkins as Stevie pounds away at Rico and AJ goes back to work on Simon Dean as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"No Chance" hits, Crowd Chants Asshole

Miss Shannon: Drawing #22, Representing The Corperation, Mr. McMahon

Madden: Well here comes Mr. McMahon now and I just hope he stays ok

Vince McMahon slowly makes his way towards the ring as Christopher Daniels see's Vince and Daniels tells Vince to come on because he has payback for him when Billy Gunn hits Daniels from behind and Vince enters the ring as Vince attacks Daniels as Billy holds him up as AJ Styles comes over but Tim Wilkins knocks AJ down as Wilkins, McMahon, & Gunn all put the boots to Daniels as Rico and Simon Dean keep Stevie Richards & AJ Styles busy fighting with them as Vince tells Billy & Wilkins to throw out Daniels and both men do just that sending Christopher Daniels over the top but Daniels holds onto the ropes and lands on the apron as Vince then stomps away trying to kick him out as Billy and Wilkins both join in trying to get rid of him as Vince moves away to bark out the orders but JBL gets up and JBL goes over and grabs Gunn and dumps him over the top to the floor. Billy Gunn has been eliminated. JBL then knocks down Wilkins with a right hand as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

Miss Shannon: Billy Gunn has been elimianted

Madden: Billy Gunn is gone thanks to JBL

"Hello Ladies" hits, Women Go Nuts

Miss Shannon: Drawing #23, From Las Vegas, Nevada, Val Venis

Tenay: Here comes The Big Valbowski now

Val Venis gets into the ring as JBL works on Wilkins as Val Venis attacks AJ Styles from behind as the Crowd Boo's realizing that Val is going to work with his former members as Val Venis holds AJ as Rico kicks AJ in the ribs several times but Stevie knocks Simon down and Stevie hits a Stevie Kick laying out Rico as Stevie then goes to work on Val Venis with right hands as Stevie and AJ send Val off the rope and hit a double hip toss on Val as Vince McMahon then hits Stevie Richards from behind as AJ then grabs Vince but Vince kicks AJ south of the border and hits a McMahon Stunner on AJ Styles as Vince gets up gloating when JBL hits a Clothesline From Hell on Vince as JBL picks up Vince McMahon and throws him over the top to the floor. Vince McMahon has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Vince McMahon has been eliminated

Madden: JBL can't do that

Tenay: He just did, Vince McMahon is eliminated thanks to JBL

 Message 9 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 1:48 PM
JBL then gets greeted with a right hand from Val Venis as Venis goes to work on JBL with right hands as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Meant To Live" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Drawing #24, From Atlanta, Georgia, Chris Wright

Tenay: Here comes the Final Wright Brother and that just leaves one final entrant

Madden: It has to be Jeff Hardy

Chris Wright enters the ring and goes to work on The Fallen Angel as Wright pounds away at Daniels as Stevie Richards, Simon Dean, Rico, & AJ Styles all regroup as Tim Wilkins gets up and attacks Daniels along with Chris Wright as Wilkins and Wright send Daniels off the ropes but Daniels hits a clothesline taking down both men as Christopher Daniels kicks Wright in the gut and The Fallen Angel takes Chris Wright and throws him over the top to the floor but Tim Wilkins dropkicks Christopher Daniels over the top right after Chris Wright. Chris Wright & Christopher Daniels have been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Chris Wright and Christopher Daniels have been eliminated

Tenay: Chris Wright goes out via Christopher Daniels but Tim Wilkins takes advantage to get rid of the Fallen Angel

Daniels is livid on the floor as Tim Wilkins waves good bye but Wilkins turns around right into a Stevie Kick laying him out as The Final Buzzer Sounds...

"Hardy Boyz Theme" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Drawing #25, From Cameron, North Carolina, Jeff Hardy!!!

Tenay: Mark here comes the very first Royal Rumble Winner in history

Madden: Yeah but Jeff Hardy hasn't been seen in years

Jeff Hardy slides into the ring as everyone stops fighting realizing that he was the last guy to come out as AJ Styles and Stevie Richards retreat into a corner as does Simon and Rico along with Val Venis as JBL gets in another corner as Tim Wilkins gets in his own corner leaving Jeff Hardy in the center of the ring as Jeff tells them to bring it as Tim Wilkins charges out first but Jeff Hardy kicks Wilkins in the gut and hits a Twist of Fate on Wilkins as Jeff gets up saying he is back when JBL hits a Clothesline From Hell taking Jeff's head nearly off as JBL picks up Jeff Hardy and sends him over the top to the floor. Jeff Hardy has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Jeff Hardy has been eliminated

Tenay: So much for a Storybook return

Fabulously Fit then come out and attack JBL as all three men put the boots to JBL as The remaining bWo members attack Fabulously Fit as Stevie works over Rico as AJ works over Val Venis as Tim Wilkins comes in and helps Simon Dean out as the two men double team JBL but JBL knocks down Simon Dean as JBL also lays out Wilkins with a clothesline as Tim rolls to the corner as JBL pounds away at Simon and has him in the ropes ready to go out when Lexus Carr races out to the ring with Simon's Fitness Bag and throws Powder into the face of JBL blinding him as JBL lets go of Simon to try to get rid of the powder as Simon then takes JBL and dumps him over the top rope to the floor. JBL has been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: JBL has been elimianted

Madden: What a smart move there by Lexus Carr to save Simon Dean and also get rid of the biggest threat

Tenay: It was wrong but we are down to our final Six now

Simon Dean then goes into his bag and gets out his weight lifting belt as Simon hits AJ in the back with it as Val Venis and Tim Wilkins then take AJ and hold him as Simon wraps the belt around his fist and opens up on AJ busting AJ open as Stevie knocks down Simon but Val Venis attacks Stevie as AJ is out cold from the repeating right hands with the belt, Simon then picks up AJ as Tim begs Simon to let him throw him out as Simon says fine as Tim Wilkins takes AJ and throws him out to the floor but as Tim does that and turns around, Simon Dean clotheslines Tim Wilkins out to the floor. AJ Styles & Tim Wilkins have been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: AJ Styles and Tim Wilkins have been eliminated

Madden: Simon Dean showed his brains there, he let Tim Wilkins get rid of AJ and then got rid of Tim when he wasnt expecting it

Tenay: The final four are Fabulously Fit and Stevie Richards, I don't like Stevie's odds here

Stevie is trying to fight Rico and Val off but the numbers are to great as Simon Dean then goes over as they hold him and Simon throws the belt out not wanting it and Simon slaps Stevie across the face and tells him that there is no stopping Simon Inc. as Simon then takes Stevie and goes for the Simon Effect but Stevie ends up shoving Simon away and Stevie hits a Stevie Kick on Simon as Stevie elbows Rico in the face as Val goes to hit Stevie and Stevie ducks it and Stevie clotheslines Val Venis over the top to the floor as Rico goes to hit Stevie and Stevie kicks Rico in the gut and Stevie throws Rico out as well. Val Venis & Rico have been eliminated.

Miss Shannon: Val Venis and Rico have been eliminated

Tenay: Somehow, some way, Stevie Richards just evened the playing field and got rid of Val Venis and Rico leaving it Stevie Richards vs Simon Dean

Madden: How did he do it

Simon Dean gets back up as Stevie Richards tells Simon that he is going to Wrestlemania as Simon backs up as Lexus goes to give Simon his back but Melinda comes running out and attacks Lexus as Melinda throws the back in the entry way as Melinda and Lexus knock each other down and start to roll around as Simon tells them to stop as The Basham's come running out but The Blue Meanie and Mick Foley stop them as Rico tries to get back into the ring but AJ Styles comes back out and stops Rico as Stevie Richards grabs Simon and opens up on Simon with right hands as Stevie then kicks Rico in the gut and goes for the Stevie T but Simon fights out and grabs Stevie by the throat and hits the Simon Says as Simon then picks up Stevie Richards and goes to throw Stevie out but Stevie holds onto the ropes as Simon is pounding away trying to get him out but Stevie won't go as Simon lets go as Stevie lets himself free and Simon then charges but walks into another Stevie Kick. Stevie Richards then picks up the unconscious Simon Dean and Stevie says the bWo have taken over as Stevie sends Simon flying over  the top to the floor.
Winner: Stevie Richards

Miss Shannon: The Winner of the 2006 SCWE SmackDown! Royal Rumble is Stevie Richards

Tenay: Stevie Richards is going to Wrestlemania!!!!

Madden: No!!! Simon had this thing won

Tenay: Congratulations to Stevie Richards and now we send it over to RAW see you on Tuesday

:The bWo gets into the ring with Stevie as Stevie can't believe he won it as Mick and AJ pick up Stevie on there shoulders to celebrate as Simon is crying on the floor:

:Preview for The RAW Royal Rumble:

King: Well Coach, Stevie Richards just won the SmackDown! Royal Rumble and now its time for the RAW Royal Rumble

Coach: 25 Superstars are set to go through hell to get the right to go to Wrestlemania III to challenge for the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship which is held by Triple H

King: Well lets go to the ring now for the Royal Rumble

Lillian: The Main Event of the Evening is the SCWE RAW Royal Rumble(Crowd Goes Nuts). The Only way you can be eliminated is by going over the top rope and both feet touching the floor

"I Don't Suck" hits, Crowd Chants You Suck

Lillian: Drawing #1....Representing Evolution X, being Accumpied to the ring by Julianne Angle, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, He is one half of the SCWE Tag Team Champions, Kurt Angle

King: Here comes Kurt Angle who is litterally dragging his pregnant Sister to the ring

Coach: I guess he heard about Julez wanting to sneak off to be Triple H

Lillian: And Drawing #2.....

King: Who is it?

"Woo" hits, Crowd Starts to Woo

King: It's Ric Flair

Lillian: From Charlotte, North Carolina, The "Nature Boy" Ric Flair

:Ric Flair walks out into the entry way still in his suit and has a microphone:

Coach: Why isn't Flair ready to wrestle?

Ric Flair: I could walk down that aisle and get into the Royal Rumble right now but I'm not, I talked to Scott Hill earlier and he approved a replacement for me so without further ado, My Replacement.....

"Game" hits, Crowd Rises to there Feet and Cheers

Coach: He can't enter, He is the World Champion!!

Ric Flair: He is the SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, He is THE "GAME" TRIPLE H

King: He just did

:Triple H comes out and hands Flair the SCWE World Title as Triple H comes towards the ring as Kurt Angle starts to scream at Triple H that he will not go near Julez ever again:

King: This is not going to be for the weak of heart

SCWE RAW Royal Rumble: #1 Kurt Angle vs #2 Triple H
Triple H looks at Julez before getting into the ring as Kurt Angle attacks Triple H immediately as Kurt pounds away at Triple H with right hands as Kurt grabs Triple H and hits a belly 2 belly suplex on him as Kurt Angle gets up and starts to stomp away at Triple H as Kurt picks up The Game and Kurt goes for the Angle Slam but Triple H gets out of it and kicks Kurt in the gut as Triple H then hits a knee smash to Kurt as Triple H then grabs Kurt and sets up Kurt for the Pedigree when...

"Danger Zone" hits, Crowd Boo's

King: What the hell, The Time is not up yet

Coach: Well you tell Matt Hardy not to come out

Triple H lets Kurt go as Matt Hardy hits the ring as Triple H goes to work on Hardy with big right hands as Kurt then attacks Triple H as Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy start to double team Triple H when....

"Just Close Your Eyes" hits, Crowd is mixed

Coach: Now here comes Charlie Haas

King: Once again its not even time for the third guy yet we have four guys out already, these guys are jumping the Buzzer

Charlie Haas gets into the ring as Hardy and Angle still work over Triple H as Matt Hardy tells Haas he can have his licks as Haas goes to hit Triple H but instead opens up on Matt Hardy as Kurt Angle goes to hit Haas but Triple H then works over Kurt Angle as Triple H sends Kurt Angle off the ropes as Triple H hits a Big Spinebuster on Kurt as Charlie Haas takes Matt Hardy and throws him through the ropes to the floor as Haas gets out of the ring after Hardy as Kurt Angle rolls out to the floor and grabs Julez and starts to leave as Triple H gets out of the ring and goes after Kurt as Matt Hardy and Charlie Haas brawl up the entry way as Triple H and Kurt Angle also fight up the entry way as all four men plus Julez journey to the backstage area

Coach: Are they eliminated?

King: I don't know but they are gone now and we got a empty ring

Coach: What a way to start off the Royal Rumble though

The Buzzer Sounds as..."Not Gonna Get Us(RAW Theme)" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: Drawing #5, J-Win

King: Well here comes J-Win now to a empty ring

J-Win gets into the ring and waits as The Camera goes backstage to reveal Triple H and Kurt Angle still going at it as Matt Hardy and Charlie Haas are still brawl as they enter the Parking Lot and are still fighting as Security is trying to separate them but are getting beat down as the action goes back to the arena as the Buzzer Sounds...

"Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: Drawing #6, Representing The Triple Threat, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, The "Real Deal, No Gimmicks Needed" Matt Walker

Coach: Matt Walker who got motivated by Scott Hill earlier is looking for the the unprecidented 3 Peat

King: Matt Walker two years ago entered #6 in the RAW Royal Rumble and once again enters at #6

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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 1:48 PM
Matt Walker takes off his jacket as he sets his guitar down as he enters the ring as J-Win goes to attack Walker coming but Matt Walker delivers a big right hand to J-Win knocking down J-Win as Matt Walker picks him up and delivers a few big chops to him as Matt Walker tells J-Win that he will never again have a jobber partner like him as Matt Walker then knees J-Win in the gut as Matt Walker sets up J-Win for the Pittfall and hits it as Matt Walker picks up J-Win and sends him over the top to the floor. J-Win has been eliminated.

Lillian: J-Win has been eliminated

King: J-Win is the first elimination

:The Next Buzzer Sounds as..."To Fold" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: Drawing #7, From Los Angelos, California, Brian Mason

King: Well Brian Mason is going to have his hands full here

Brian Mason slides into the ring as Matt Walker attacks him right away at Matt Walker picks up Mason and knocks him back down with a big right hand as Matt Walker then picks up Mason again as Matt Walker takes Brian Mason and sends him flying over the top to the floor as Matt Walker then yells out that he needs a real challenge. Brian Mason has been eliminated.

Lillian: Brian Mason has been eliminated

Coach: Matt Walker makes short work of him as Matt Walker now has another rest period

:The Remaining Period passes as The Next Buzzer Sounds..."Not Gonna Get Us" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: Drawing #8, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Dark Marine

King: Well here comes another Matt Walker past partner, Dark Marine and KSCWE Legend

Dark Marine races to the ring and doesn't slide in the ring but instead enters the ring right as Matt Walker and Dark Marine have some words as Matt Walker and Dark Marine lock up then as Dark Marine locks in a headlock as he is smiling but Walker escapes it and hits Dark Marine in the back as Matt Walker then picks up Dark Marine and hits The Pittfall on him as Matt Walker makes the motion that its done by wiping his hands together as Matt Walker picks up Dark Marine and dumps him out as Matt Walker then stands on the ropes pointing to the back for more people. Dark Marine has been eliminated.

Lillian: Dark Marine has been eliminated

Coach: Matt Walker goes through another guy, he needs some competion

:The Next Buzzer Sounds as..."Woo" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: Drawing #9, From Charlotte, North Carolina, David Flair

Coach: Well here comes David Flair now, he could give Matt Walker a challenge maybe

David Flair gets into the ring as Matt Walker goes to hit Flair but Flair catches Walker with a chop to the chest as David hits a few more big chops to Matt walker back Walker up as David then whips Walker off the ropes as David puts his head down but Matt Walker stops and kicks David in the chest as Matt Walker then delivers a few chops to David but David pokes Matt in the eyes as David Flair picks up Matt Walker for the Nature Shock but Walker escapes it and then catches David with a Walkerkick as Matt Walker picks up David Flair and throws him out to the floor. David Flair has been eliminated.

Lillian: David Flair has been eliminated

King: Well David Flair put up a little fight

:The Next Buzzer Sounds as..."Break Down The Walls" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: Drawing #10, From Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, Chris Jericho

King: Now if anyone can give Walker a challenge, here is the man, a Living Legend

Chris Jericho gets into the ring as Matt Walker attacks Jericho right away as Matt Walker pounds away at Jericho with right hands as Matt Walker tries to get Jericho into the ropes but Jericho elbows Walker in the face as Jericho then hits a Bulldog on Walker as Jericho gets up in a hurry and goes for a Lionsault but Walker gets his knees up into the gut of Jericho as Matt Walker then hits Jericho in the back as he is getting up as Walker tries to go for the Pittfall but Jericho counters by doing a Drop Toe hold sending Walker into the middle ropes as Jericho then gets up and charges jumping on the back of Matt Walker causing Walker's neck to straddle the middle rope as Jericho gets up as Jericho then grabs Walker and hits a Snap Suplex on him as Jericho then waits as Matt Walker gets up and Jericho grabs Walker's legs and locks in the Walls of Jericho as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Perfect Strangers" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: Drawing #11, Representing The Triple Threat, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, He is the SCWE Intercontinental Champion, The "Franchise" Shane Douglas

Coach: Here comes the cavilry now

Shane Douglas gets into the ring as Douglas goes to hit Jericho but Jericho lets go of Walker and then grabs Douglas's legs out from under him as Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho on Douglas but Matt Walker is back up and Walker hits a Walkerkick on Jericho laying Jericho out as Matt Walker and Shane Douglas both start to put the boots to Chris Jericho as Douglas picks up Jericho and Douglas hits the Franchiser on Jericho as Matt Walker takes Chris Jericho and throws him over the top to the floor. Chris Jericho has been eliminated.

Lillian: Chris Jericho has been eliminated

Coach: Chris Jericho is now gone

:The Next Buzzer Sounds as..."Mr Kennedy" hits, Crowd Boo's

Ken Kennedy: Drawing #12...I am From Green Bay, Wisconsin, I am Mr.....Kennedy.....Kennedy

King: Great here comes Ken Kennedy now

Ken Kennedy gets into the ring as Matt Walker and Shane Douglas both circle him as Ken Kennedy tells them both to just eliminate themselves to save themselves from the embarrassment of being tosses out as Matt and Shane stare at each other and both start to laugh as Ken Kennedy demands to know whats so funny as Kennedy then slaps Shane Douglas in the face and tells him to know his roll as Shane Douglas then opens up on Kennedy with right hands as Matt Walker hits Kennedy from behind as Walker and Douglas both take Kennedy and send him flying over the top to the floor. Ken Kennedy has been eliminated.

Lillian: Ken Kennedy has been eliminated

Coach: Mr. Kennedy pushed the wrong buttons here and got himself tossed in a hurry

:The Next Buzzer Sounds as..."My World" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: Drawing #13, From Hendersonville, Tennessee, He is the SCWE RAWCore Champion, Jeff Jarrett

King: Well here comes The RAWCore Champion now

Jeff Jarrett enters the ring as Jarrett immediately tries to make a deal telling Matt Walker and Shane Douglas he has no beef with them and he just wants a fair chance to win the Royal Rumble as Matt Walker tells Jeff Jarrett then that he should shake his hand to prove it as Jarrett isn't sure on it as Matt Walker tells Jarrett he promises that he won't backstab him as Jarrett comes to the center of the ring with Walker and shakes his hand when Shane Douglas hits Jarrett from behind as Matt Walker tells Jarrett, he never said nothing about The Franchise as Shane Douglas pounds away at Jarrett but Jarrett fights back and opens up on Shane with right hands when Matt Walker hits Jarrett from behind as Shane Douglas then takes Jarrett and throws him over the top to the floor. Jeff Jarrett has been eliminated.

Lillian: Jeff Jarrett has been eliminated

King: So Much for The Chosen One

Coach: Jeff Jarrett though he was going to make a deal but instead got eliminated. Shane Douglas and Matt Walker are dominating this thing

:The Next Buzzer Sounds as..."Mighty Wings" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: Drawing #14, From Cleveland, Ohio, Representing The Triple Threat, Ryan Walker

Coach: Here is the Inforcer now for The Triple Threat, Big Ryan Walker, Matt's cousin

King: The Triple Threat has the strength in numbers now, Matt Walker has this thing in the bag

:Matt Walker, Shane Douglas, & Ryan Walker all wait in the ring until The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Real American" hits, Crowd Erupts

Lillian: Drawing #15, From Tampa, Florida, HULK HOGAN

King: This Place is Rocking now and here comes The Hulkster!!!

Hulk Hogan gets into the ring as Matt Walker, Shane Douglas, & Ryan Walker all circle Hogan as all three men charge but Hogan knocks down Walker and Douglas with right hands as Ryan Walker catches Hogan with a Big Boot knocking Hogan down as Matt Walker grabs his guitar from the floor and Walker waits as Hogan gets up and Walker hits Hogan over the head with the guitar laying out Hogan as Matt Walker smiles saying that even the Hulkster goes down to the Triple Threat when Hogan starts to "Hulk Up" as Matt tells Ryan to get him as Ryan Walker hits Hogan as Shane Douglas also tries to as Hogan gets up and starts to move around the ring as Hogan stops and points at all three as Ryan Walker, Shane Douglas, & Matt Walker all go to hit Hogan but Hogan blocks it as Hogan knocks down Matt Walker with a right hand and then Shane Douglas as Hogan grabs Ryan Walker and Hogan sends Ryan over the top to the floor. Ryan Walker has been eliminated.

Lillian: Ryan Walker has been eliminated

King: The Triple Threat could be in trouble

Hogan then grabs Shane Douglas and Matt Walker and ram there heads together as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Colors" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: Drawing #16, From Toronto, Canada, Edge

King: Here comes Edge now

As Edge is making his way towards the ring, Hogan takes Shane Douglas and throws him over the top to the floor. Shane Douglas has been eliminated.

Lillian: Shane Douglas has been eliminated

Coach: Shane Douglas is now gone via Hulk Hogan

Hulk Hogan then gets hit by Matt Walker as Edge gets into the ring and just stands in a corner as Hogan blocks Walker's right hand attempt and opens up on Matt Walker and whips Walker off the ropes as Hogan hits a Big Boot to Walker as Hogan then asks the Crowd if they want the Leg Drop as they Erupt as Hogan then hits the Ropes and Drops The Big Leg Drop on Matt Walker as Hogan then picks up Matt Walker and tells the Crowd he is going to bench press him as Hulk Hogan takes Matt Walker and bench presses Walker over his head as Hogan takes Walker towards the floor and Hogan throws Walker out of the ring crashing through the Spanish Announce Table. Matt Walker has been eliminated.

Lillian: Matt Walker has been eliminated

Coach: Oh My God, Matt Walker got eliminated

King: Matt Walker's stranglehold on the Royal Rumble is over as Hogan just threw him out of the ring litterally as Walker is laying in the remains of the Spanish Announce Table

Hulk Hogan starts to taunt for the Crowd when Edge hits a Spear on Hogan out of nowhere as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Peep Show" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: Drawing #17, Now Residing in Toronto, Canada, The "Problem Solver" Tyson Tomko

Coach: Here comes Christian's Former Problem Solver

King: These people are booing Edge now for Spearing Hulk Hogan

Tyson Tomko gets into the ring as Edge is pounding away at Hogan as Edge gets up and charges at Tyson as Tyson hits a Big Boot laying out Edge as Tyson then picks up Edge but Edge low blows Tyson as Edge then hits a Spear on Tyson as Edge goes to work on Tyson as Edge waits as Hogan is trying to get up and Edge charges and hits another Spear knocking Hogan back into the corner as Edge pounds away at Hogan with right hands as Tyson is trying to get up and Edge hits a second spear on Tyson as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Eye of The Hurricane" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: Drawing #18, From Raleigh, North Carolina, The Hurricane

King: Well here comes The Hurricane now as Edge is playing Spear Pinball in the ring and Paramedics are coming out to tend to Matt Walker who could be hurt because he has not moved at all since coming out here

Coach: He hasn't once tried to get up, he is just laying there

The Hurricane gets into the ring as Edge goes to spear The Hurricane but Hurricane moves as Edge nearly runs through the ropes but stops as he stands up but Hurricane hits a big clothesline knocking Edge over the top but Edge uses the ropes to land on the apron as Hurricane didn't realize that as The Hurricane goes over and checks on Hulk Hogan as Edge gets back into the ring as Edge is waiting as Hurricane turns around and Edge hits a Spear nearly Folding Hurricane in two as Edge gets up and starts to beat on his chest from it when Edge turns around and walks into a Big Boot from Tyson Tomko and Tyson yells out that it was for Christian as he does a Christian taunt as Tyson picks up Edge and Tyson goes to throw out Edge but Edge holds the ropes trying to stay in as Tyson is still trying as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Stricken" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: Drawing #19, Representing The Triple Threat, From Denver, Colorado, He is the SCWE Impact Champion, Jerome Morris

Coach: Well here is the Triple Threat's last hope, its newest member, Jerome Morris

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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 1:54 PM

Jerome checks on Matt Walker first before Jerome gets into the ring as Tyson is still trying to get Edge out as Jerome smiles as Jerome goes over and Jerome helps Tyson dump Edge to the apron but Edge is holding no as Jerome then clotheslines Tyson over the top to the floor. Tyson Tomko has been eliminated.

Lillian: Tyson Tomko has been eliminated

Coach: Tyson Tomko is now gone thanks to Jerome Morris

Jerome Morris then goes to work stomping away at Edge as The Hurricane gets up and The Hurricane goes over and hits Jerome in the back as Hurricane opens up on Jerome with right hands as Hulk Hogan is getting up as well as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"No Easy Way Out" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: Drawing #20, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Scott Walker

King: Here comes Scott Walker now

Scott Walker gets into the ring as Edge rolls back into the ring and Edge goes to hit Scott Walker but Walker catches Edge with a Walkerkick laying out Edge as Scott Walker then picks up Edge as Hulk Hogan stops Walker as Hogan takes Edge and whips him off the ropes as Hogan hits a Big Boot to Edge as Hogan then says its Leg Drop time as Hogan hits the ropes and then Drops The Big Leg Drop on Edge as Scott Walker picks up Edge as Scott Walker throws Edge over the top to the floor. Edge has been eliminated.

Lillian: Edge has been eliminated

Coach: Well Edge did pretty good but is now gone

Hogan and Walker then go over and hit Jerome Morris as Scott Walker and Hulk Hogan deliver a Double Suplex to Jerome as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"This is a Test" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: Drawing #21, From Toronto, Canada, Test

Coach: Here comes Test who every year is near the end but unfortunatly for Test, Matt Walker is gone already

King: Well Matt Walker is still at ringside laying as he refused the Paramedics held and who knows why

:Test circles the ring as he tries to go near Matt Walker but The Referee's block his path and tell him to get into the ring:

Coach: Look at Test, he is a sick man, Matt Walker is hurt on the floor, he can't move yet Test wants to go after him

Test gets into the ring as Test tells Scott Walker he wanted to take out his brother but he will do just fine as Test and Scott Walker then start to exchange rights and lefts as Hogan watches on as The Hurricane also watches on as Jerome Morris then low blows The Hurricane and Jerome hits a Cocky Cutter on the Hurricane as Hogan then opens up on Jerome and Hogan slams Jerome down and drops a few big elbows on Jerome as Test knees Scott in the gut and Test goes for a Pumphandle on Walker but Walker gets free and Walker goes for a Walker Kick but Test catches the foot and swings Walker around and clotheslines him down as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Hearts On Fire" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: Drawing #22, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Chris Walker

King: Chris Walker is coming out now!!

Coach: He is not supposed to be in this Royal Rumble, he had a World Title Match earlier and lost

King: Well Chris Walker won last year's WCW Royal Rumble and here he is trying to repeat as champion

Chris Walker gets into the ring as Chris Walker goes and attacks Test as Scott and Chris both start to work over Test in a corner as Hulk Hogan goes over to make it a three on one as The Hurricane goes over to make it a 4 on 1 against Test but Jerome Morris hits The group from behind as Jerome takes The Hurricane and throws him over the top to the floor. The Hurricane has been eliminated.

Lillian: The Hurricane has been eliminated

Coach: The Hurricane is now gone thanks to Jerome Morris

Jerome then gets met with a few right hands from Hogan as Hogan sends Jerome off the ropes and Hogan hits a Big Boot on Jerome as Test knocks down Chris Walker with a right hand and then Scott as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

"Whatever It Takes" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: Drawing #23, From St. Louis, Missouri, The "Legend Killer" Randy Orton

Coach: Well here comes the man that took out JR

King: Yeah and when the next buzzer sounds if Orton is in the ring still, I have a suprise for him

Randy Orton gets into the ring as Orton attacks Hogan right away as Orton hits a few uppercuts on Hogan as Jerome goes to work on Chris Walker as Test and Scott Walker go at it. Orton goes for an RKO on Hogan but Hogan counters into a backdrop as Chris Walker hits a Side Effect on Jerome as Scott Walker also hits one on Test as The Walker's and Hogan stare at each other and all smile as Hogan then opens up on Orton with right hands as Hogan whips Orton off the ropes but Orton holds the ropes as Orton tells Hogan he is to smart for it as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

King: If you will excuse me *King takes off his headset*

"King's Theme" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: Drawing #24, Jerry "The King" Lawler

Coach: Jerry "The King" Lawler has just left the announce table and is now heading towards the ring!

Jerry Lawler races and gets into the ring as The King tells Orton he is going to pay for taking out JR as Orton goes to hit The King as The King opens up on Orton with jabs as the whole ring stops fighting and watches as The King picks up Orton and slams him down as The King then drops a fist to the face of Orton as Randy Orton is getting up and The King then kicks Orton in the gut and sets up Orton for a Piledriver and hits it as The King then picks up Orton once more when Jerome Morris hits a Cocky Cutter on The King as The Walker's then both attack Jerome Morris as Orton takes The King and sends him over the top to the floor. Jerry Lawler has been eliminated.

Lillian: Jerry "The King" Lawler has been eliminated

Coach: Nice Try King but Jerome Morris made sure The King didnt get his revenge

Randy Orton then gets opened up on by Hulk Hogan as Hogan takes The Legend Killer and Hogan throws Orton into the corner as Hogan stomps away at him as Chris Walker works over Jerome as Scott Walker and Test brawl it out as The Final Buzzer Sounds...

"I'm Back" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: Drawing #25, From Detroit, Michigan, He is the SCWE General Manager, Eric Bischoff

Coach: Well here comes our boss now

King: I hope Eric eliminates Randy Orton and Jerome Morris

Coach: You did a good job King, you tried your best

Eric Bischoff gets into the ring slowly as Hogan takes Randy Orton as Orton pokes Hogan in the eyes as Orton goes for another RKO but Hogan pushes Orton away as Eric Bischoff then Karate Kicks Orton in the gut as Eric then takes Randy Orton and throws Randy Orton over the top to the floor. Randy Orton has been eliminated.

Lillian: Randy Orton has been eliminated

King: That a boy, Randy Orton gets tossed out by Eric Bischoff!

Eric Bischoff and Hogan high five each other when Brandon Davis hits the ring and Brandon hits a Rush on Hulk Hogan as Brandon gets up and Brandon knocks down Eric Bischoff with a right hand as The Crowd is booing as Brandon picks up Hogan and hits a Lights Out Stunner on him as well as Brandon then tells Hogan that he owed him that as Brandon gets out of the ring and leaves through the crowd to avoid security as Jerome Morris knocks down Chris Walker and Jerome picks up Hogan who is trying to get up and Jerome throws Hulk Hogan over the top rope to the floor. Hulk Hogan has been eliminated.

Lillian: Hulk Hogan has been eliminated

Coach: That damn Brandon Davis, he is a SmackDown! Guy

King: The SmackDown! World Champion just screwed Hulk Hogan over in the RAW Royal Rumble, How can Brandon do that to his own mentor

Eric Bischoff then gets up as Jerome Morris helps up Eric as Jerome tells Eric he won't Cocky Cut him and Jerome then hugs Eric as Jerome then turns his attention to Chris Walker as Jerome then attacks Chris Walker and is trying to get Chris out when Eric Bischoff comes over and dumps Jerome over the top rope to the floor. Jerome Morris has been eliminated.

Lillian: Jerome Morris has been eliminated

King: Bye Bye Jerome

Coach: Jerome just helped up Eric and Eric turned around and tossed him out

King: We got our final four now of Scott Walker, Chris Walker, Test, & Eric Bischoff

Scott & Chris Walker both start to double team Test as Eric Bischoff watches on as The Walker's take Test and try to get him over the top but Test is holding on and fighting for dear life as Eric Bischoff even gets involved trying to get Test out but Test won't go as Eric then turns his attentions and tries to dump out Chris Walker but Chris lands on the apron as Scott Walker then delivers a right hand knocking Eric into the ropes as Scott Walker clotheslines Eric Bischoff over the top to the floor. Eric Bischoff has been eliminated.

Lillian: Eric Bischoff has been eliminated

Coach: Eric Bischoff thought he was a regular wrestler I guess and it cost him dearly

The Walker's are still working over Test when Matt Hardy re-appears and gets into the ring as Hardy attacks Chris Walker and Scott Walker as Charlie Haas is not far behind and gets back into the ring as Haas goes after Hardy as Haas and Hardy exchange rights and lefts as Chris Walker and Scott Walker look on in disbelief at this and Test then hits a Big Boot taking down Chris Walker as Scott Walker charges at Test and works him over as Scott has Test in the ropes and Scott clotheslines Test over the top rope to the floor. Test has been eliminated.

Lillian: Test has been eliminated

King: Test is gone now thanks to Scott Walker

Scott Walker smiles at the elimination but Matt Hardy then hits a clothesline sending Scott Walker over the top rope to the floor. Scott Walker has been eliminated.

Lillian: Scott Walker has been eliminated

Coach: Scott Walker is out courtesy of Matt Hardy who just came back into the ring along with Charlie Haas leaving three guys now in the ring

Matt Hardy throws up his V1 sign when Haas grabs Hardy from behind and Haas hits a Release German Suplex on Hardy as Haas gets up but Chris Walker kicks Haas in the gut as Chris Walker sets up Haas for the Walkerflip but Haas backdrops Walker but Matt Hardy then kicks Haas in the gut and Hardy hits a Twist of Fate on him when the crowd starts to cheer as a bloody Kurt Angle is knocked through the entry way as a bloody Triple H walks out stalking after Kurt who gets up to his feet and runs towards the ring always checking on Triple H who slowly makes his way after him as Kurt Angle rolls into the ring as Matt Hardy tells Kurt he got his back as Hardy & Angle wait as Triple H gets on the ring apron and enters the ring as Hardy and Angle both attack Triple H as Chris Walker gets up and attacks Matt Hardy as Triple H knocks down Kurt Angle with a right hand and Triple H then grabs Chris Walker and shoves him down as Triple H opens up on Hardy knocking Hardy back into the ropes and Triple H hits a big clothesline sending Matt Hardy over the top to the floor. Matt Hardy has been eliminated.

Lillian: Matt Hardy has been eliminated

King: Matt Hardy is now gone thanks to Triple H

Kurt Angle is trying to pull himself up in the ropes as Triple H charges clotheslining Kurt Angle over the top to the floor but Triple H goes over as well with the momentum. Kurt Angle & Triple H have been eliminated.

Lillian: Kurt Angle and Triple H have been eliminated

Coach: Triple H just took himself out in order to get rid of Kurt Angle

King: That leaves the final two of Chris Walker and Charlie Haas

 Message 12 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 1:54 PM
Chris Walker watches on as does Charlie Haas as Triple H and Kurt Angle continue to fight it out in the entry way as Triple H knees Angle in the ribs as The Game then takes Kurt Angle and rams his head off the barricades as Triple H picks up Angle and slams him down as Matt Hardy races back out and Triple H kicks Hardy in the gut and The Game hits a DDT on the entry ramp as Hardy is busted wide open as Triple H gets back up and Triple H then see's Julez at the top of the ramp as Triple H grabs Julez arm and the two take off as Kurt Angle is getting back up and Kurt Angle gives chase as Matt Hardy also struggles up to follow

King: This is all out fight between them

Coach: Yeah and Triple H and Julez are together at least for now but we got two guys ready to fight it out for the Royal Rumble

King: Chris Walker who already wrestled Triple H earlier tonight and wasn't supposed to be in the Royal Rumble and Charlie Haas who jumped the Gun and came out early and then disappeared until just now

Chris Walker and Charlie Haas circle one another before locking up as Haas goes behind Walker and Haas goes for a German Suplex but Walker ends up counter into a victory roll type move but instead sends Haas into the ropes as Chris Walker gets up and see's it as Chris Walker then runs and goes between the ropes kicking Haas in the face knocking him back as Walker jumps on the apron and Walker goes for a Face full of panCAKE's and hits it as Chris Walker waits as Haas gets up and Walker kicks Haas in the gut and Walker sets him up for a Walkerflip but Haas counters into a backdrop as Haas then grabs Walker and goes for the World's Greatest Slam but Walker counters with an arm drag sending Haas across the ring as Chris Walker then opens up on Haas with right hands but Haas grabs Walker and goes to belly 2 belly him over the top rope but Walker holds the ropes and ends up headbutting Haas in the head as Walker reverses it and Walker hits a belly 2 belly suplex on Haas sending Haas over the top to the floor.
Winner: Chris Walker

Lillian: The winner of the 2006 SCWE RAW Royal Rumble is Chris Walker

King: Chris Walker is the Royal Rumble Champion!!

Coach: I don't believe it, he has repeated it

:Chris is celebrating in the ring when Matt Walker is being helped into the ring by Shane Douglas and Mallory Maddox as Matt Walker once he gets on the apron re-enters the ring as Chris Walker is unaware and Matt Walker hits his brother from behind as Matt Walker then throws Chris over the top to the floor:

Coach: Matt Walker has got back into the ring and just ended his brothers victory celebration

:Matt Walker then starts to yell at the referee's that his feet never touched the floor so that he should be the winner:

King: Matt Walker is saying he won this thing

Coach: His feet must have not touched because he refused medical treatment and refused to move period and his feet were always elevated, he just outsmarted the system!

King: This is not going to count, he was on the floor, thats good enough

:Scott & Stevie Hill come out to the ring and concur with RAW Referee's as The Reply is shown of Matt Walker being eliminated:

King: Well I don't know but Matt Walker was announced as being eliminated

:Scott Hill gets the microphone as Chris Walker is on the floor waiting for the decision as Matt Walker is in the ring as both men are saying they won:

Scott Hill: After talking with the RAW Referee's and looking at the Replay, It is clear that Matt Walker's feet never at any point touched the floor therefor(Crowd Starts to Boo). The winner of the 2006 SCWE RAW Royal Rumble is....Matt Walker

King: Oh My God

Coach: 3 PEAT!!!

King: He won it with a loophole, he is the luckiest SOB going

"Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck" hits over the PA as Jerome Morris comes out to the ring to join in the celebration as Chris Walker is consoled by Scott Walker as they talk to Scott & Stevie Hill

Coach: Matt Walker's going to Wrestlemania!!

King: What a way to end an amazing night, Matt Walker has for the third year in a Row won the Royal Rumble but not without major controversey, See you tomarrow night

:Royal Rumble Goes off the Air:

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