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PPV : Slamboree 4/27/08
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From: MSN Nickname×Eric_Bischoff×  (Original Message)Sent: 10/7/2008 8:00 AM

WHW Slamboree Results

04/27/08: Seattle, Washington

::Dark Match::

:"What I Want" plays as a opening WHW Slamboree Preview Airs:

:Pyro Goes off to open up Slamboree as The Camera then reveals the announcers sitting at ringside:

Jason: Welcome to WHW Slamboree, I am Jason Hurley, and I am here with Matt Hoak and Zack Murphy

Hoak: I am excited to have our first WHW PPV under the management of Diamond Dallas Page

Jason: DDP has done alot for WHW so far, and tongiht would have not been able to happen with out him. Now since WHW will be a brand just like Genocide and Overdrive, I can not wait to see what happens in WHW.

Murphy: We have alot great matches tongiht, and for our openning match we have a hardcore maych between SKCW legend Raven and Aaron Omen.

Hoak: Omen is going to have to have to wrestle above and beyond tongiht to be able to beat Raven, especially in a hardcore match

Jason: Aaron is thought to have a little to no chance in this match

"Bang" by SKCW hits as the Crowd Cheers as DDP comes out from behind the curtain

Murphy: I guess where going to here from our General Manager before we kick things off

Diamond "Dallas" Page: Thank you for the warm welcome, Seattle. Let me first off by saying that I am honored to be the General Manager of WHW, and especially now that we are a full brand in the SKCW. No more minor leagues for these guys, I kept telling them that they will once be honored and now they are. Seattle, Washington you guys will witness the first time WHW will be no more developmental. Tongiht, is WHW Slamboree, and I am going to be at ringside the entire night to make sure everything goes well.  

"I Stand Alone" by Godsmack  hits as the crowd cheers as Raven heads down to the ring


Peter: The opening contest is for one fall, and is a Hardcore Match, Introducing first from Short Hills, NJ, weighing in at 230 pounds, Raven!

Jason: Let's Welcome our GM to ringside DDP, Welcome

DDP: Thank You, Jason. Matt, Zach how are you?

Hoak: Good Thank You

Murphy: Great, Thank You, DDP do you think that Raven is going to mind that you put him in this match?

DDP: I don't see why he would be. He is a hardcore perfectionist, and many of fans want to see him in action

Jason: Do you think that Omen is going to have a chance to beat Raven?

DDP: I guess where going to have to find out?

"Burn" hits as the Crowd Boos as Aaron Omen makes his way to the ring

Peter: From the pits of hell, weighing in at 310 pounds, Aaron Omen!

Hoak: Omen looks like he is ready to take on Raven

Jason: Omen use to be a former WHW Heavyweight Champion, but he has fallen a bit

DDP: That's what happens when you dont keep trying every week

Murphy: You gave him many of chances to regain the title but he has failed a few times.

Hardcore Match: Raven vs Aaron Omen

Raven and Aaron stare at each other in the ring, then both men go towards each other and get in each other's face. Aaron pushes Raven away from him, then Raven gets back in Aaron's face and slaps him across the face. Aaron goes for a right hand but Raven ducks hit and starts hitting a few left hands, and whips against the ropes but Aaron catches him in a big spinebuster. Aaron gets to his feet and taunts to the crowd as Raven rolls on the mat in pain. Aaron goes to the outside of the ring and grabbs a steel chair from under the ring and puts into the ring. He goes into the ring and Raven catches Omen with a right hand then takes Omen's head and tries to bounce it off the turnbuckle but Omen stops it then headbutts Raven. Omen steps through the ropes and gets back into the ring. Raven grabbs the steel chair and goes to hit Omen, but he catches it ,but Raven kicks Omen in the gut and then hits a neckbreaker. Raven sets up the chair and whips Omen across the ropes and hits a drop toe hold on Omen who goes head first into the chair. Raven then folds the chair back up and hits Aaron in the back in the steel chair. Omen squirms a  bit then Raven hits him again. Raven puts the chair on the mat, and picks Omen up to his feet. He goes for a suplex on him but Omen counters it and throws Raven down stomach first on to the chair. Omen picks the chair up from under Raven then waits for Raven to get up. Omen goes to hit Raven in the head but Raven kicks Omen in the gut before he does it and connects with a snap suplex. Raven goes to the outside and flips the ring curtain up and grabs a table out from under the ring and sends it into the ring. Raven then pulls out a ladder as the crowd cheers. Raven pushes the ladder in the ring, and then a garbage can. Raven slides back into the ring but gets speared by Omen. Omen then sets the ladder up, then grabbs the garbage can and whacks Raven in the back with the garbage can. He hits Raven again as Raven tries to get back to his feet. Omen sets Raven up for an Omen Bomb but Raven back body drops Omen on the garbage can then gets the cover 1  - 2 - Omen get's his shoulder up. Raven gets back to his feet and sets the table up. Omen gets back to his feet and Raven grapples him and gets thrown on to the table. Raven climbs the turnbuckle and goes for an elbow drop but Omen moves off the table. Raven crashes through the table, then Omen picks him up and connects with an Omen Bomb. Omen gets the cover 1  -  2- Raven kicks out. Aaron cant believe it as he goes back to the outside and grabs a kendo stick from under the ring. Omen the grabbs the steel steps and pushes those in the ring. Raven takes the kendo stick that Omen threw in the ring and hits Omen square in head. Omen is opened up and starts to bleed from the head, as Raven grabbs Omen and clothesline him down. Raven then whips off the ropes and drives his forarm into Omen's opened up forehead. Raven grabs Omen and sits him up and dropkics the back of Omen. Raven then climbs the ladder and goes for a splash. Raven connects with the splash off the ladder and gets the cover 1 - 2 - 2.8 Omen gets the shoulder up. Raven gets back to his feet breathing a little heavy. Raven picks Omen up and sends him out of the ring. Raven then follows him out, and takes Omen and battles him up then entrance ramp. Raven gets picked up by Omen for a fall a way slam and Omen connects with it. Raven arches his back in pain, as Aaron taunts to the crowd as they boo him more. Raven gets to his knee's and low blows Aaron, then  a european uppercut that sends Omen backstage. The camera's follow Raven and Omen backstage and raven starts hammering on Omen and then whips him into the wall. Raven goes to drive is shoulder in to Omen but Omen moves and Raven crashes into the wall. Then Omen grabs Ravens head and throws it through a glass window. Raven hangs his head through the windows frame now bloody. Omen falls to his but and rests for a second as Raven doesnt move. Omen pulls Ravens head out of the window, but Raven counters and connects with a Diamond Cutter out of no where. Both men are motoin less on the floor. Raven starts to move first then Omen. They both get to there feet at the same time and exchange hands, Raven gets a knee in the abdomen then starts to drag him back towards the arena. They appear in the entrance way as Raven keeps pounding's Omen's open wounds on his head. R aven sends Omen into the side Barricade where the fans where, Raven runs at him for a splash but Omen  ducks and drops him into the fans knocking a few of them over. Omen follows Raven into the crowd, and the Omen and starts to knock Raven in the face on the floor. Omen bench presses Raven and throws him back on steel ramp. Omen follows Raven as Raven stumbles into the rail. Omen goes to his Raven but Raven eye pokes him, then clothesline's Omen down. Raven climbs into the ring as does Omen, who his holding his head. Omen catches Raven and hits another spinebuster. Omen picks up the steel steps and waits for Raven to get up. Raven gets back to his feet and dropkicks the steel steps back in to Omen's face. Raven gets the cover on Omen 1 - 2 - 2.9 Omen gets the shoulder up. Raven looks fustarted but then Gets Omen back to his feet and whips him into the corner, and starts to get the 10 punches. Omen out of desperation hits an Omen Bomb . Raven flops outside the ring as Omen tries to recooperate in the ring. After about a minute Omen follows Raven out to the floor. Omen goes to set Raven up for another Omen Bomb on the outside, but Raven goes to his knees low blows Omen, then hits the even flow DDT on Omen. Raven gets the cover 1  - 2 - 3.

Winner: Raven

"I Stand Alone" hits as Raven gets to his feet with a bloody face and gets his hand raised by the referee

Peter: Your Winner, Raven!

Jason: I do not think it is possible to beat Raven in a Hardcore match

Hoak: If you base it on this match, No one.

Murphy: Aaron did everything right, and his losing streak continues through Slamboree

Jason: That was a great way to start of Slamboree but next is the women's bra and panties match for the number one contender

Hoak: I love these matches.

Peter: The next match is a triple threat, Bra and Panties Match!

"Sweet Dreams" hits as the Crowd Reaction is mixed as Cherry Divine makes her way to the ring

Peter: From Rochester, New York, weighing in 155 pounds, Cherry Divine.

Jason: Cherry looking to get back on track here at Slamboree

Hoak: I think she will be able too

"Bring It" hits as the crowd boo's as Alaina Cole makes her way to the ring

Peter: From New York City, New York, weighing in at 125 pounds, Alaina Cole!

Murphy: Alaina had a great match two weeks ago on Rampage

Hoak: I want to see what happens if it come down to her and her tag team partner in this match

Jason: We'll find out in a few moments

"Coming Undone" hits as the crowd continues boo's as Kalia Jayne makes her way to the ring

Peter: From Hells Kitchen, New York,  weighing In at 125 pounds, Kalia Jayne!

Jason: Kalia and Alaina are going to have to get together then they will have to face off with each other.

Hoak: Your so confusing Jason

Diamond "Dallas" Page: Leave him alone, he does his job well

Hoak: Sorry

Diamond "Dallas" Page: I am kidding

Bra & Panties Match: Cherry Devine vs Alaina Cole vs Kaila Jayne

Cherry tightens her wrist bands as Kaila and Alaina make sure there on the same page. Cherry clothesline both of them doe as the bell sounds and the crowd cheers. Cherry picks Alain up and clubs her across her beast then she sends her across the ropes and hits a shoulder block. Kaila gets to her feet but Cherry sends her back down to mat with a right hand. Cherry then picks her back up and scoops slams her. Cherry goes to try to take Kaila's top off but Kaila kicks her in the head. Cherry backs off holding her forehead, Alaina chop blocks Cherry to the mat. Alaina whips off the rope and hits the splash. Alaina goes to get Cherry's top off but Cherry kicks Alaina away then gets to her knees, but Kalia dropkicks Cherry in the ribs sending her across the ring. Kaila helps Alaina to her feet, then they continue over towards Cherry. Both start stomping at her as then Alaina picks Cherry up and holds her arms and Kaila winds up and smacks her across the face. The crowd boos as she does it again. Cherry kicks Alaina in between the legs then throws an elbow her in the gut. Cherry then kicks Kaila in the gut and throws her into the corner and starts laying a few hands on her. Alaina charges at herr, but Cherry moves and Alaina flies right into Kaila in the corner. Cherry grabs Alaina by her hair and throws her down to the mat. Cherry then Takes Kaila and throws her over the top rope to the floor. Cherry turns around picks Alaina up and sets her in the corner, then she goes to the other side of the ring and hits the Handspring back elbow. Alaina is weary out of the corner as Cherry then rips Alaina's top off as the crowd cheers. Alaina cover's her chest but starts to giht Cherry still. She gets the advantage until Cherry kicks her in the gut and delivers her Sugar Lips. Cherry gets to her feet and goes to remove Alaina's bottom but Kaila comes back into the ring and takes down Cherry with a breathtaking then stays ontop of her delivering a few hands, but Cherry rolls ontop of Kaila and she starts delivering a few hands. Cherry gets to her feet and picks Kaila from her hair but Kalia hits the Hellraiser as she was getting up. Cherry hits the mat hard. Kaila checks on Alaina, then Kalia and Alaina gets to there feet and remove Cherry's top. They go to get her bottem but from behind Alaina rips Kalia's top off. Kalia turns around and looks at Alaina with an akward face. Kalia then starts to battle with Alaina. Kalia gets the advangtage and goes for a Hellraiser but Alaina catches her foot bu Kaila hits a enziguri. Cherry gets to her feet and notices that Kaila and Alaina were going at it. Cherry turns Kalia around and sets up for a suplex. Cherry connects with then sits up and goes over to Alaina but Alaina trips Cherry into the middle rope ringing her neck. Alaina gets to her feet and picks Cherry up but then drops her down and goes over to Kaila and connects with the Ice Queen. Alaina stares at Kaila out cold on the mat, then she goes to remove her bottom but she doesnt then goes over to Cherry and starts stomping away at her. Alaina picks Cherry sends her into the rope and hits knee to her abdomen, then snapmare's her over and puts her in a headlock. Cherry gets to her feet with Alaina hanging on her back, Cherry wiggles Alaina off her and goes for the Cherry drop but Alaina gets out of hit s a drop kick sending her to the outside. Alaina gets up and turns around and gets Chick Kicked from Kaila. Kaila yells at Alaina and picks her up and sends her into the corner and puts her ontop of the turnbuckle. Kalia goes for a hurricanrana but Alaina Blocks hit and Kaila falls backwards on to the mat. Alaina comes off the apron connecting with an elbow drop. Alaina gets to her feet but Cherry gets back in the ring and knocks her down. Cherry tries to wrestle off Alaina's Shorts but Alaina is able to keep them on and delivers a kick to the side of her head. Alaina gets to her feet and goes to Kaila and starts to talk to her as Kaila gets back to her feet and she nods her head. Alaina heads over to Cherry but Kaila nails Alaina from behind and sends her shoulder first through the turnbuckle into the steel post. Alaina gets stuck in the corner for alittle but Kalia pulls her out and goes for Hell Raiser but Alaina counters it again and Alaina hits a Hell Raiser on Kaila. Cherry grabs Alaina from behind and hits a Sugar Lips. Cherry rolls Alaina over and goes to remove her pants. Kaila sees Cherry going over to Alaina so she gets to her feet and dives at her pushing her through ropes to the outside. Kaila recovers and goes to the outside, but Cherry immediatley grabs her and sends her right into the steel post. Cherry then picks her up and sets her rp for a Cherry Drop but Alaina spring boards over the top rope taken all of them out All three women are slowly getting to their feet. Alaina recovers first and tries to hits a clothesline on Cherry but Cherry ducks and Alaina whacks Kaila. Alaina looks down at Kalia as Cherry tosses Alaina back into the ring, and Cherry removes Kaila bottem as she is eliminated. (Eliminated: Kaila Jayne) Cherry throws her pants into the Safeco Field crowd, then Cherry goes back in to the ring. Cherry starts to pick up Alaina but Alaina gets a few shots in nailing her in the abdomen. Cherry walks to the rope, as Alaina gets to her feet. Kaila gets to her feet, and looks angry as she gets a chair from the underneath the ring as stands on the outside. Alaina goes for a Chick Kick but Cherry blocks it, Then Cherry goes for her DDT but Alaina pushes her into the rope and Kaila whacks Cherry in the back with the chair. Alaina then northen light suplex then looks at Kaila as she tell her to go to the turnbuckle. Alaina then goes for her winter wonderlsand but Cherry moves out of the way, as Alaina hits face first on themat. Kaila gets into the ring but Cherry kicks her in the gut and delivers a suger lipps on her. Alaina gets to her feet and turns around as Cherry takes her down with a double leg takedowm, she then yanks her bottoms off as the ref calls for the bell. (Eliminated: Alaina Cole)

Your Winner: Cherry Divine

Peter: And Your Winner, Cherry Divine!

Jason: Cherry took both of them out, and she deserved to win this match

Murphy: She did a great job, and Kalia and Alaina are going to be kicking themselves when they realize they neither of them won the match

Hoak: No one expected to Cherry to be able to pull this off, but she did and congradulations to her, we'll be back after this break

::Commercial::Spring Stampede::

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname×Eric_Bischoff×Sent: 10/7/2008 8:00 AM


Chance Jones: Hii, I am Chance Jones and I am standing by with two men who are going to be in the WHW Tag Team Match, Vinny Hererra and Nilfheim Norgaard. Tonight you guys will be facing two teams that are going to make sure that they win the titles?

Vinny Hererra: Well Chance, It doesnt matter who we are facing time. Nilf and I are going to beat The Undertaker, Kane, Chad Chaos, and Tyler Punk or whoever else wants to come down to the ring.

Chance Jones: Nilfheim, you haven't been in action that much on Rampage. Are you nervous stepping in the ring for only your second or third time?

Nilfheim Norgaard: No Chance, Vinny knows what I am capable of. I am going to show all of you that Nilfheim Norgaard is a force to be reckonned with.

Chance Jones: Thank You, Vinny and Niflheim, back to you Jason.


Jason: It's going to be inetresting to finally see Vinny and Nilfheim team up.

Diamond "Dallas" Page: I am also, I am sure that they will work well together.

Hoak: They may be the new tag team champions by the end of the night

Murphy: I am taking The Undertaker and Kane

Jason: Well the WHW Tag Team Title Match will be coming up later, but now it will the time for WHW history. The WHW Mid-Atlantic title will be brought into this company for the first time in a ladder match between four men.

Murphy: We have to give you props DDP for this match

Diamond "Dallas" Page: It was a last minute thing, and I thought it would make a great fit for tonight

Peter: The next match is a fatal four way ladder match, and for the WHW Mid-Atlantic Championship!

"2 Wars" hits as the Crowd Boos as Astice Federov  makes his way to the ring

Peter: From Moscow, Russia weighing in 215 pounds, Astice Federov.

Jason: Astice can make an imediate impact tonight by becoming the first WHW Mid-Atlantic Champion

Diamond "Dallas" Page: This guy makes me believe that he can be a big player in this company.

Hoak: Were going to see if he can become that big player tonight

"Without Me" hits as the Crowd is mixed as Mixmaster Festus  makes his way to the ring

Peter: From Hendersonville, North Carolina weighing in 333 pounds, Mixmaster Festus.

Murphy: Both of these men, Astice and Mixmaster have faced each other off TV, and Festus had a good showing.

"Impossible" hits as the Crowd Cheers as Aaron Young makes his way to the ring

Peter: From Austin, Texas weighing in 175 pounds, Aaron Young.

Jason: Aaron Young is one of the guys that was sent here from Overdrive!

Murphy: Aaron is looking to make his instant impact here on Rampage

"House of Horrors" hits as the Crowd Boo's as The Insanity makes his way to the ring

Peter: From Parts Unknown, weighing in 354 pounds, The Insanity.

Murphy: He is the other guy that WHW has been assigned from Overdrive.

Hoak: With his size, he should be able to win this match.

Diamond "Dallas" Page: I am happy to have Insanity back on WHW

WHW Mid-Atlantic Championship: Fatal Four Way Ladder Match: The Insanity vs Aaron Young vs Mixmaster Festus vs Astice Federov

Insanity taunts all three of the superstars who are on different sides of the ring. The bell sounds as Aaron Young goes right after the Insanity. Aaron Young delivers a few lefts to the Insanity's upper chest but Insanity doesnt seemed to be fazed by them and pushes Aaron Young back. Aaron runs at the Insanity and tries for a flying shoulder block but Insanity still doesnt seemed fazed. Mixmaster comes from behind the Insanity and delivers a club to the back. Insanity budges and turns around. Mixmaster taunts Insanity then hits Insanity with a clothesline. Mixmaster picks Insanity up then drops Insanity again with a right hand. Mixmaster goes to whip off the rope but Astice catches Mixmaster's foot from the outside. Mixmaster turns around and yells out at Astice, but Young dropkicks Mixmaster's back sending him over the top rope to the floor. Young then whips off the rope and cross body block himself over the top rope. He crashes down on both of the superstars. Aaron Young gets to his feet and grabs one of the ladders and sends it into the ring, then stomps away at Mixmaster on floor. Young then takes the recovering Astice and sends him into the barracade. Young sees Insanity getting to his feet so Young climbs to the apron then to the turnbuckle and waits for Insanity to get up. Insanity turns around and hits met with a double axe handle, but Insanity grabs Aaron but the neck and delivers a Insanity Becomes Reality. Insanity yells out something at Aaron who is motionless on the mat then takes the ladder and sets it up. Insanity goes to climb it but Mixmaster gets back into the ring. Mixmaster knocks Insanity off the ladder then picks him up for a scoop slam. Mixmaster whips off the ropes and goes for a splash but Insanitu moves out of the way. Mixmaster hits the mat hard then gets back to his feet but Insanity grabs him by the throat and connects with the Insanity Becomes Reality. Insanity looks down in Festus face as he is knocked out. Astice comes from behind the Insanity with a steel chair and hits him over the back with it. Insanity seems unaffetced as he turns around and gets belted in the head with the chair. Insanity shakes it off as he growls at Astice. Astice looks around not knowing what to do, then throws the chair at the Insanity. Insanity grabbs hit before it hits his face but Astice dropkicks hits right back in his face. Insanity hits the mat, then Astice goes to the ladder and starts to climb it. Before he can get to the rope Aaron Young starts to climb the other side of the ladder. They meet each other at the top and start echanging hands at the top of the ladder. Astice hits a big right having Aaron fade a liitle off the ladder. Astice Grabs Aaron then sets him up for the Astice Bomb, and tries to hit off the ladder but Aaron hits Astice in the side. Insanity gets to his feet and see's the two at the top of the ladder and goes over to the ladder, but Aaron kicks him away. Insanity goes into the rope then charges at the ladder knocking it down sending Astice and Aaron crashing to the mat. Insanity folds the ladder then picks it up then charges at both recovering Astice and Aaron. He hits both of them with the ladder then, turns around and Mixmaster big boots the ladder right ontop of the Insanity. Insanity falls to the mat with the ladder laid across his stomach. Mixmaster whips off the ropes and hits a splash ontop of the ladder ontop of the Insanity. Mixmaster gets up and taunts as the crowd cheers. Mixmaster picks the ladder puts it over his head and starts whirling around with. He knocks Aaron in the face with it then Astice as both get openned up from it. Mixmaster takes the ladder takes it off is head then falls to the mat because of his dizziness. He regains his normal state and goes to set up the ladder. Insanity gets to his feet and grabs Mixmaster, he flips him around and goes for a clothesline but Mixmaster duck it and hits hooks INsanity and hits the Broken Record. Mixmaster gets up in excitement and starts rapping in Insanity's face, he turns around and Aaron his the Slice of Bread #2 as the croed cheers. Aaron sits up and looks at the set up ladder and climbs it. Astice notices it and pushes the ladder over and Aaron goes belly first onto the ropes. Astice pushe shim over the top rope. Then sets the ladder back up. Astice starts to climbs the ladder, as he gets to the top Insanity sits up from Mixmaster's finsiher. Astice tries to hurry up the ladder but Insanity grabs his foot and yanks him off the ladder as the ladder tips over. Insanity sends Astice in the corner then goes for a splash but Astice moves out of the way. Insanity hits the corner hard turns around and his met with a ladder to the face, Insanity gets sets backinto the corner then Astice lays the ladder leaning on him. Astice runs across the ring and hits the Iron Curtain into the ladder in the corner. Mixmaster grabs AStice out of the corner and sends him over the top rope to the floor. Mixmaster grabs the ladder of Insanity who is still in the corner. He sets the ladder, but Aaron Young gets into a grapple with Mixmaster, but Mixmaster over powers him and throws him across the ring. Aaron gets to his knees then runs at Mix. Mix goes for a clohtesline but, Aaron runs under then hits a codebreaker from behind. Aaron gets to hiss feet and pushes Mixmaster out tothe outside. Aaron gets to his knees, then turns around and gets grabbed by the neck again but Aaron gets out of his finisher and hits a superkick on Insanity. He wobbles back then hits another superkicks again sending Insanity into the ropes. Astice pushes a chair in the ring and Aaron grabs hit and hits Insanity in the head with it sending him to the outside of the ring. Aaron turns around and ducks Astice Iron Curtain. Aaron goes to hit Astice in the head but Astice grabs the chair out of his hand. Aaron superkicks the chair right backinto Astice face but only got some of it. Aaron goes over to the ladder and sets it up, he climbs the ladder and starts to climb the ladder as Mixmaster comes back into the ring with another ladder. He sets it up right next to the other one, and starts to climb that oone. Astice sees both ladders and grabs the chair on the mat and whacks Aaron in  the back first that stop him in his tracks. He goes to the other side of the ring and hits Mixmaster in the back. Astice drops the chair and climbs Aaron's ladder then gets to the top. Insanity gets in  the ring and climbs the ladder that Mixmaster was on. They all get to the top at the same time, and there all exchanging hands. Insanity gets the best of Mixmaster and sends him off the top of the ladder to the outside of the ring. Master slams ontop of the barracade and breaks it in half. Insanity goes to grab the belt, but Aaron and Astice both knock Insanity in the face, but then they got back at it with each other. Astice grabs Aaron and goes for a suplex off the ladder, but Aaron block its again and shoves Astice off the ladder onto the mat. He quickly notices Insanity grabbing the belt so he spears the Insanity off the ladder onto the mat as the crod cheers. Aaron and Insanity both land softly on the mat. After about a minute or two of them out they start to get back to their feet. Astice starts hitting Aaron in the heads with rights but then Aaron ducks one and goes behind him. Aaron then hits a german suplex on to him, then gets to his feet but Insanity hits a big boot on him. Insanity picks Aaron up and headbutt's his open wound. Insanity then picks Aaron up and tosses him over the top rope to the floor. Mixmaster seems to be getting back to his feet on the outside. Insanity picks Astice up and sends him against the rope then hits a powerslam. Insanity gets up to his feet and Mixmaster goes back into the ring and knocks Insanity in the gut and sets him up for a Powerbomb. Mixmaster goes to pick him up, but his back doesnt let him from the fall he took earlier. He goes to pick him up again, but it doesnt work and Insanity back body drops him. Insanity gets to his feet and sets the ladder up and starts to climb it. Astice gets to his feet and goes to knock Insanity off the ladder, but Aaron whips him around and hits the slice of bread #2. Aaron immediatley gets to his feet and see's Mixmaster getting to his feet, he drop kicks him through the ropes to the outside. Insanity gets to the top of the ladder and Aaron hurries over to the other side of the ladder. Aaron rushes up the ladder and immediatley knocks him in the face. Insanity fires back with a shot and almost knocks Aaron off the ladder. Insanity goes for another punch but Aaron blocks it and goes for his shot but Insanity grabs him by the throat and delivers a Insanity become's reality of the top of the ladder. Insanity reaches up and grabs the title

Your Winner: The Insanity (WHW Mid-Atlantic Champion)

Jason: The First, and new WHW Mid-Atlantic Champion, is the Insanity

Diamond "Dallas" Page: What do you know, he just came here this week and now he is leaving with the Mid-Atlantic Championship

Hoak: You have to hand it to him, he did what he had to do.

Murphy: Congradulations to the Insanity, but all of the men in this match did very well. Now we are going to go Sarah Campbell backstage


Sarah Campbell: I am standing by with one of the contenders in the WHW Fatal Four Way elimination WHW Heavyweight Title match, Matt Stevenson. Matt you got here by defeating three women, with the help of the WHW women's champion. What are your thoughts on your match last week?

Matt Stevenson: Sarah, you seem like you didnt like the fact that I faced three girls to be in this match tonight. Well, It doesnt matter what you think, I am in this match tongiht for one reason- and thats to finally win the WHW Heavyweight Championship. I dont care how I got here.

Sarah Campbell: Are you in any concern that The Undertaker may come out during your match?

Matt Stevenson:  The Undertaker? You see the GM DDP thought that putting me in a match with three women wasa punishment. I knew that it  was going to backfire on him, and look where the Undertaker ended up. In a tag team title match. He is out of my way for now

Sarah Campbell: Thank You Matt, Good Luck In Your Match Tongiht, To You EJ 

:Another Backstage Area:

EJ Dark: Thank You Sarah, I am standing by here with the WHW Heavyweight Champion Chris Kleen. Chris you had your ongoing sucess here in the WHW, and now you are the Champion of a major brand here in the SKCW, How do you feel about that?

Chris Kleen: I am honored to be on of the top men in this business finally. Now people can respect me, like I should have been respected the whole time.

EJ Dark: Tongiht you will be in a fatal four way elimination match for your WHW Heavyweight Title, are you nervous about your chances?

Chris Kleen: Have you ever seen me worried? I dont think so. Tonihgt is just going to be like the rest of those nights, were not matter how the match goes, I always prevail the WHW Champion.

EJ Dark: Thank you Chris, and good luck in your match tonight, Jason back to you


Jason: Thank You EJ, some confident words from both competitors tonight

Hoak: Chris is always as confident as he is, and Matt is always is determined to win the title.

Murphy: We are all looking foward to that match, but now we have the WHW Women's Title match

Peter: The next match is schduled for one fall and his for the WHW Womens Championship!

"Pal. Laughter" hits as the Crowd Boos as Tai Cooper makes her way to the ring

Peter: Introducing first from San Antonio, Texas, weighing in at 134 pounds, Tai Cooper!

Jason: Tai was awarded by you DDP, to have the chance to face Melanie Thomas for the WHW Women's Championship

Diamond "Dallas" Page: I believed she had the best performance two weeks ago, so here she is

Hoak: I agree with you DDP

"Runaway" hits as the Crowd Cheers as Melani Thomas makes her way to the ring

Peter: From Verona Winsconsin, weighing in at 140 pounds, The WHW Women's Champion, Melanie Thomas!

Jason: Melanie has not defended her title that much since winning it a few weeks ago on Rampage. But she has test for herself tongiht

Diamond "Dallas" Page: Melanie is not going to be pushed over, Tai thinks that she is going to be able to defeat her easily.

Hoak: I put my money on Tai, I think she has the right attitude going into this match

Murphy: Who are you to determine whose attidue is better?

WHW Womens Title Match: Tai Cooper vs Melanie Thomas

Tai and Melanie circle each other in the ring as the bell sounds. They get into a front grapple and  Melanie gets a quick advantage by getting around Tai and taking her down with a backwards takedown. Melanie gets back to her feet as does Tai and Melanie taunts her. Tai runs at Melanie, but Melanie takes her down with a spear like move. Melanie gets ontop of her and goes to slap her but Tai bridges Melanie off her and both girls get to their feet staring each other down. Melanie grapples with her again takes her down with a snapmare takedown, she then dropkicks the back of Tai. Tai lays on the mat arching her back atfer the drop kic. Melanie whips off the ropes and hits a splash on Tai and gets the cover 1- 2 Tai kicks out of the pin. Melanie pulls Tai into a a sleeper hold and starts to apply it on her. Tai gets to her feet and pulls around Melanie and hits a reverse suplex. Melanie hits the mat hard, and Tai immediatley gets on top of her and starts whacking her in the head with her hands. Tai pulls Melanie up by her hair and drags her into the corner. Tai laces her arms in the ropes and starts slapping Melanie across the chest. Tai then drives his knee into Melanies side then goes for a scoop slam but Melanie drives her elbow into Tai's head. Melanie thens grabs Tai and throws her head into the middle turnbuckle. Tai bounces off the corner and gets put into a school boy. 1  2 - Tai rolls through the pin. Both women gets to there feet but Tai takes her down with a drop kick. Melanie quickly gets back to her fee but Tai hits another drop kick on her sending Melanie to the outside. Tai immediatley follows up with herself launching herself over the top rope ontop of Melanie. Tai gets to her feet and grabs Melanie and sends her into where the time keeper is. Tai grabs the WHW Womens title and goes to hit Melanie but she reverses it and hits a Melanie Bomb on the outside as the crowd cheers. Melanie rolls into the ring to break the ref's count, then rolls to the outside and grabs her women's championship snd throws it into the ring. Melanie picks Tai up and throws her into the ring and pins her 1 - 2 - Tai gets her shoulder up. Melanie seems alittle shocked but picks her up and sends her into the ropes and then hits a bulldogg on her. Melanie flips her over and gets another pin 1  - 2  -Tai gets the shoulder up. Melanie signals for her Enlightenment, as she climbs the turnbuckle. Tai gets to her feet, Melanie goes for it but Tai moves out of the way. Melanie crashes onto the mat, but she gets up and Tai hits the Tai Dropper. The Crowd boos as Tao rolls Melanie over 1  - 2  - 2.8 Melanie gets the shoulder up. Tai picks Melanie up and goes for antoher Tai Dropper and connects with it again. She rolls Melanie Thomas over and gets another cover 1-  2  -2.9 Melanie gets her shoulder up again. Tai gets in the ref's face and yells at him until Melanie gets to her feet, Tai turns around and Melanie goes for a Melanie Bomb but Tai drops down the other side grabs the WHW Womens Championship Belt and smacks Melanie in the head with the belt. The referee calls for the bell.

Your Winner: Melanie Thomas (WHW Women's Champion)

Peter: Your Winner, Via DQ and Still the WHW Women's Champion, Melanie Thomas!

Jason: Tai just got her self DQ'ed

Hoak: I am totally shocked

Murphy: I dont think she is done yet either

Tai yells at Melanie who was opened up with the belt shot to the head. Tai stomps away at her then picks her up and scoopslams her back down to the mat. Tai picks the WHW Women's Belt, and waits for Melanie to get back up. She gets up and Tai levels her with the title again. The crowd boo's as Tai goes outside the ring and grabs the a chair out from under the ring, she slides it into the ring . Tai gets back into the ring and lies the chair on the mat and helps Melanie Thomas to her feet, and delivers a Tai Dropper ontop of the steel chair. Tai lays the WHW Women's Championship out ontop of Melanie and she starts to exit the ring, but then she goes back in the ring as the referee's pour out from the entrance ramp. Tai picks Melanie up but the referee's break it up and Tai gets to the outside of the ring and starts heading up the ramp as the ref's help Melanie outside the ring and up the ramp.

::Commercial::American Idol::WHW Spring Stampede::SKCW Beach Brawl

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname×Eric_Bischoff×Sent: 10/7/2008 8:01 AM

Jason: Welcome back to WHW Slamboree, So Far tonight we had alot of action. Just recently we saw Tai Cooper DQ herself so she could potientially hurt the WHW Women's Champion Melanie Thomas.

Diamond "Dallas" Page: I am just as shocked as you guys were. Tai totally went out of line, and she wlill get whats coming to her.

Hoak: However, Melanie walks out of Slamboree the WHW Women's Champion

Murphy: The next match is going to be another great one

Diamond "Dallas" Page: The WHW Tag Team Title Match

Jason: Before we get into that match, lets welcome WHW Enforcer Raven to ringside

Raven: Thank you Jason

Diamond "Dallas" Page: Raven good job on taking care of business tonight 

Raven: You know you can always count on me

Hoak: Lets recap what we have seen so far. Raven, who just joined us defeated Aaron Omen in a Hardcore match. Alaina Cole won the triple threat bra and panties match. The first WHW Mid-Atlantic Champion is the Insanity after winning the fatal four way ladder match earlier. The last match we just saw, Melanie Thomas retained her title by a DQ over Tai Cooper

Jason: Good Job Matt, But now it's time for the WHW Tag Team Title Match, featuring three teams that have been involved with each other for the past few weeks

Raven: I am glad DDP made this match, it's going to be a good one.


Sarah Campbell: Hi Jason, I am have breaking news. I dont know if our G/M or anyone  knew about this but we have just recieved word that SKCW star John Cena and Jakob King were seen entering the WHW arena.


Jason: What, How could they, Oh man this could only be one thing.

Diamond "Dallas" Page: You guys are going to have to excuse me, I have something to take care off

DDP and Raven leave the announcer's booth and hurry up the ramp to the back.

Murphy: Something is proably going to happen later tongiht, but its time to get ready for the WHW Tag Team Title Match.

Peter: The next match is schduled for one fall and his for the WHW Tag Team Championships

"Nordland" hits as the Crowd Boos as Vinny Hererra and Nilfheim Norgaard make their way to the ring

Peter: Introducing first the team Fire & Ice, Vinny Hererra and Nilfheim Norgaard!

Murphy: These two had there recent probems with both The Undertaker, Kane and Chad Chaos, Tyler Punk

Hoak: These two better live up to their hype, because if they don't, its going to be a long night for them

"Darkest Side, Slow Chemical Remix" hits as the Crowd Cheers loudly as Kane and The Undertaker make their way to the ring


Peter: Introducing next The Brothers of Destruction, Kane and The Undertaker!

Jason: Kane looks like he is going with out the mask tonight

Murphy: They are looking to just purely dominate this match tongiht, and they want to get right after those two in the ring

Hoak: These two have to be the fans favortite tonight, and I would put my money on them

"Born of a Broken Man" hits as the Crowd Boo's  as Chad Chaos and Tyler Punk  make their way to the ring

Peter: Introducing next the tag team of Chad Chaos and Tyler Punk!

Jason: As mush as I dont like these, two they can easily win this match

Hoak: Exactly Jason, anything can happen in any match

Murphy: I guess where going to see right now

WHW Tag Team Titles: The Undertaker & Kane vs Chad Chaos & Tyler Punk vs Vinny Hererra & Nilfheim Norgaard

All six men starts on their aprons until Chad Chaos and Vinny Hererra enter the ring to start it off. Chad and Vinny lock up and Vinny immediatley pushes Chad away from the grapple. Vinny taunts at Chad as Chad gets back to his feet shaking his head, then they goes for another grapple but Chad goes behind Vinny then hits drop kick on the back of one of his knees. Chad then whips across the rope and takes Vinny down with a clothesline. Chad taunts to the crowd as they boo him, he flips off the crowd as they boo lounder then goes to picj Vinny up but Vinny hits a few shots in the abdomen knocking Chad away from him. Vinny gets to his feet and Chad runs at him but Vinny catches him in a sidewalk slam. Vinny gets the cover 1 Chad kicks out. Vinny picks Chad up and sends him into his corner. Her puts his forearm on Chad's throat then tags in Niflfheim. Nilfheim gets in the ring and hits a big uppercut on Chad. Nilfheim then hits a open handed slap on Chad's chest then sends him into the opposite corner, Nilf signals for a splash but The Undertaker tags Chad's shoulder. Taker steps through the ropes and Nilfheim looks back at Vinny as Vinny tell hims to go at him. Nilfheim runs at him but Taker connects with a big boot. Taker then picks Nilfheim up and sends him into the corner and hits shot in the abdomen then the finals on an uppercut sending Niflheim down to the mat. Taker picks Nilfheim up on his shoulder and drops him headfirst on turnbuckle, then whips across the ropes and goes for another big boot but Taker misses as Nilf ducks and hurries over and tags Tyler Punk with out him noticing. The referee signals for Punk to get into the ring as Undertaker is waiting for him. Tyler gets into the ring and Taker and himself lock up. Tyle ruses his quickness to get around taker and tries to pick him up but Taker doesnt let him, then hits a back elbow knocking Tyler back. Taker then whips off the rope and goes for a classic Taker clothesline but Tyler ducks out of the way and Taker hits the mat. Tyler gets back to his feet and starts stomping away at Taker. Tyler then picks Undertaker up and delivers a DDT. Tyler whips across the rope and drvies hir foreram into the face of the Undertaker. Tyler goes and tags Vinny Hererra in as the crowd boos. Vinny goes over to Taker and steps on Taker's head as the crowd boo's. Kane tries to get into the ring, but the ref holds him back as Nilfheim gets into the ring and they both hit a double suplex on The Undertaker. Vinny gets the cover 1 - 2 Chad breaks the count. Chad takes Vinny by the head lifts him up and delivers a Chaos Theory inside the ring. Chad gets the count as the ref counts 1 - 2 - Nilfheim breaks the count. Tyler gets into the ring and drop kicks Nilfheim down. Tyler picks him up and deliversa right then a left, then kicks him the gut and hits a snap suplex. The Undertaker sits up in the middle of the ring. He gets to his feet and signals for the chokeslam of Chad. Chad turns around and Taker grabs him but Chad kicks him in the gut then scoop slams the Undertaker. Chad tells Punk to hold him down but Kane enters the ring and Grabbs Tyler and hits a big uppercut sending him to the mat. Chad who climbed the to the top rope gets thrown off by Kane. Chad gets back to his feet but Kane takes him down with a big boot. Tyler gets up and Kane grabs him by the throat and delivers a huge chokeslam. Nilfheim clotheslines Kane over the top rope, as the n he gets the cover on Tyler 1 - 2 The Undertaker drags Nilfheim to his feet and delivers a big soup bone punch to his forehead knocking him down. Taker turns around and Vinny kicks him inthe gut and goes for a penagram bomb but Taker back body drops Vinny. Taker then delivers a right to Vinny who got back to his feet, then Taker takes Vinny by the head and launches him over the top rope to the floor. Kane picks Vinny up on the outside and goes to whip into the steel steps but Vinny revereses and sends Kane into the steel steps. Vinny then picks Kane up and hits a sidewalk slams on the outside. Chad gets back to his feet and his battling the Undertaker in the ring. Undertaker goes for a big right hand but Chad ducks it goes behind Taker and hits a german suplex. Chad goes over and gets the cover on the Undertaker 1 - 2 - Taker kicks out. Chad climbs to the top rope as Punk sets The Undertaker up for his Punk Theory but Taker counters it and hits his big DDT. Taker then hits the top rope causing Chad to get caught on the top. Undertaker turns around and gets hits with a Lamme from Nilfheim Norgaard. Taker falls to the mat and Nilfheim gets the cover  1  - 2 - 2.8 Taker gets the shoulder up. Nilfheim looks up at the referee and yells at him, but then he picks The Undertaker back to his feet and goes for it again and he hits it. Nilf drops down to his knees again and gets the cover 1  - 2- Chad launches himself off the top rope at hits the 630 Splash on top of Nilfheim who was on top of the Undertaker. Chad rolls Nilfheim over and he gets the cover 1 - 2 - Vinny grabs Chad's foot from the outside of the ring and pulls him out. Chad goes for a right hand but Vinny block it and hits a headbut knocking him out. Kane comes from behind Vinny and sends him into the barricade. Tyler punk gets to his feet as does The Undertaker, Taker goes a for a big boot but Tyler ducks and delivers his Punk Theory right in the middle of the ring. Tyler rolls over and gets the cover on The Undertaker 1 -  2 - 2.9 Taker gets his shoulder up. Tyler gets to his knees and holds his head in fustration. He looks at Niflheim getting up. Nilfheim struggles to get to his feet, but the Undertaker gets up from behind Tyler Punk. Chad Chaos ges up on the outside and grabbs a steel chair from under the ring. Kane pulls on Nilfheim ankles sending him back to the mat, then Kane pulls Nilfheim out of the ring to avoid Tyler's finisher. Kane uppercuts Nilfheim on the outside. Tyler turns around and gets picked up for the tombstone. From behind the Undertaker gets hit with the chair from Chad Chaos. Taker drops Tyler off him, then turns around and before Chad can hit with the chair, Taker grabs hit and throws it to the floor. Taker grabs Chad's hand then he went to hit him with then he grabs him by the throat. A recovering Tyler picks the chair up and goes to hit Taker but Taker instinctibley ducks and Tyler whacked Chad in the face. Chad goes to the outside. Tyler turns  around and gets the chair big booted back into his face. Taker tosses the chair out of the ring then grabs Tyler and sets him up for the last ride, but Vinny gets into the ring and clothesline the Undertaker down. Vinny then puts Tyler and connects with the Pentagram Bomb. Vinny gets the cover 1 -  2 - 2.8 Kane breaks up the count. Kane grabs Vinny by the neck and hits a big chokeslam on him. Kane gets the cover 1 - 2 - 2.9 Nilfheim breaks the count, Nilfheim hits Kane with a steel chair, but Kane did not hit the mat then Niflheim hits the Lamme. Kane falls through the ropes to the outside. Nilfehim checks on Vinny then he turns around and gets picked up for the tombstone piledriver, but he wiggles out of it. He goes for a Lamme on Taker but Taker blocks it and big boots him. Tyler gets back to his feet and goes to hits Taker from behind but Taker sees Tyler and lifts him up and connects with the tombstone Piledriver. Undertaker folds his arms and gets the pin 1 - 2 - 2.9 Nilfheim breaks the count. Taker gets to his feet and starts exchanging hands with Nilfheim, until Chad gets back to the apron. Nilfheim goes to whip Taker into the rope but Taker reverses hit and sends Nilfheim into Chad knocking him off the apron. Nilfheim wobbles back, as Vinny gets up. Vinny goes to clohtesline Taker but Taker ducks and Vinny his Nilfheim. Vinny turns around and gets chokeslammed. Taker gets the pin 1 - 2 -  Vinny gets the shoulder up. Taker stares down the referee, then he picks Vinny up but Vinny counters and goes for  Pentegram Bomb and he connects with it. Vinny goes to roll the Undertaker over but Kane picks him up and delivers his own tombstone piledriver. Tyler gets to his feet but Kane grabs him by the throat and delivers a chokeslam, and Nilfheim rolls ontop of Tyler who just got chokeslammed 1 - 2 - Kane picks Nilfheim up and Kane catches his Lamme attempt and hits a chokeslam on him and gets the cover 1 - 2 - 3.

Your Winner: The Undertaker and Kane (WHW Tag Team Champions)

"Slow Chemical" hits as the referee gets the Tag Team Titles and hands them over to Kane and The Undertaker

Peter: Your Winner, and New WHW Tag Team Champions Kane and The Undertaker!

Jason: The brothers of destruction picked up a big win tonight, and now they are the WHW tag team champions

Murphy: You just had a feeling that they were going to pick up the win tonight

Hoak It was a great match put on by all of the participents

Jason: Kane and The Undertaker finally got ahold of Vinny and Nilfheim and they made them pay

"Basic Thuganomic's" hits as the crowd goes to there feet as John Cena makes his way down to the ring

Jason: John Cena is here tonight, on WHW Slamboree

Hoak: I am sure that everyone in this arena is shocked right now

John Cena: What's Going on Seattle Washington? I came out here for two reasons, one being that now since I am going to be full time on WHW (Crowd Cheers) and for the second, I was thinking that you guys want to see me in action? (Crowd Cheers)

"House of Horrors" hits as the Crowd Boo's as The Insanity makes his way to the ring

John Cena: What is this? You have something to say Insanity?

Jason: What is the new WHW Mid-Atlantic Champion doing out here?

Murphy: I am not sure

"Bang" hits  as DDP comes out from behind the curtain and the crowd cheers

Diamond "Dallas" Page: Time Out. Insanity, I can only imagine why you are out here. You had grueling match earlier tongiht, but since you decided to bring you ass out here, now your going to defend your WHW Mid-Atlantic Championship for the first time against- that man in the, John Cena!

"Bang" hits as DDP goes back stage

Hoak: Were going to see the WHW Mid-Atlantic Champion defend his championship only an hour after he one the thing

Murphy: The odds would usually be against the Insanity, but someone of his size- I dont think so.

WHW Mid-Atlantic Championship: John Cena vs The Insanity (C)

Cena and the Insanity lock up and Insanity over powers Cena into the corner, then goes for a big club on Cena's chest but Cena evades it and Insanity falls into the corner. Cena hits a few shots to the abdomen then goees up for the ten punch. He gets 5 in but then Insanity pushes him off, but Cena goes right back on him and does it again. Insanity pushes him off. Insanity comes out of the corner anf goes for a clothesline, but Cena ducks into the FU but Insanity gets out of it. Insanity whips Cena into the ropes and hits a big sidewalk slam. Insanity signals for his finisher, Cena gets to his feet and the Insanity goes for it but Cena catches his arms, then whips across the ropes and hits a flying shoulder block. He whips off the rope and hits the five knuckle shuffle, then signals for the FU. Insanity gets to his feet and Cena goes for it again, but INsanity counters once again. Insanity sets Cena up for a powerbomb, but Cena low blows the Insanity but the referee did not see. Cena then delivers the FU and gets the cover 1 - 2  -3

Your Winner: John Cena (WHW Mid-Atlantic Champion)

"Basic Thuganomic's" hits as the crowd cheers and Cena gets his arm rasied by the referee and gets handed the belt

Peter: Your Winner, and New WHW Mid-Atlantic Champion, John Cena!

Jason: Cena just beat the Insanity, and now is the new Mid-Atlantic Champion!

Murphy: Insanity must be regreting that he came out here.

Hoak Cena, just came over here and already he is wearing a piece of gold.

Jason: Folks we have seen alot of action tonight, so lets recap whats has happened.

Murphy: Raven defeated Aaron Omen in a Hardcore match

Hoak: Cherry Divine, ened up defeating both Alaina Cole and Kalia Jayne in the bra and panties match

Jason: The Insanity wound up being the first WHW Mid-Atlantic Champion, but then he just lost it to John Cena

Murphy: Melanie Thomas defeated Tai Cooper by DQ where Tai made it known that she is not done with Melanie yet

Jason: The Undertaker and Kane won the WHW Tag Team Titles by defeating both teams that were in the match

Murphy: When we get back it is time for WHW Heavyweight Championship Match.

::Commercial::Spring Stampede::Beach Brawl::Overdrive::Genocide

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname×Eric_Bischoff×Sent: 10/7/2008 8:01 AM

Jason: Welcome Back To Slamboree, so far tongiht we have had alot of action happening. Now it is time for the fatal four way elimination match for the WHW Heavyweight Titile.

Murphy:  These four guys have been at each other's throat for the last few weeks

Hoak: Its tough to pick who is going to be the winner

Jason: Chris Kleen WHW Heavyweight Champion, will have the odds stacked against him

Murphy:  Especially if they team up against him

Hoak: Were going to see what happens, Now

Peter: The Main Event is a Fatal Four Elimination Match, For the WHW Heavyweight Championship

"Tribe" hits as the crowd cheers and Henny Bear makes his way down to the ring

Peter: Please welcome to the ring, Henny Bear!

Jason: Henny is looking his best tongiht, I think he is going to be the one that wins it tonight

Murphy: Well, you make a good point Jason

"To Be Loved" hits as the crowd boos and Matt Stevenson makes his way down to the ring

Peter: Next, From Austin, Texas Matt Stevenson!

Murphy: Matt made it here by sucessfully beating four diva's

Hoak: He took the easier path to get into this match

"Im Not Jesus" hits as the crowd continues to boo and Scott Wright makes his way down to the ring

Peter: Please Welcome To The Ring, From Atlanta, Georgia- Scott Wright!

Hoak Scott picked up a big win on Rampage three weeks ago against Henny Bear.

Jason: Scott Definitley has a chance to win the belt tongiht

"Kleen Sweep" hits as the crowd continues to boo and Chris Kleen makes his way down to the ring

Peter: Finally, From Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, The WHW Heavyweight Champion- Chris Kleen!

Hoak: IF Chris pulls this off tonight, then he will finally be the best there is on Rampage

Murphy: I agree with you 100%

Jason: Here we go, This is it.

WHW Heavyweight Championship: Fatal Four Way Elimination Match; Chris Kleen (C) vs Henny Bear vs Scott Wright vs Matt Stevenson

Scott goes immedialty goes after Kleen as both of them start thrwoing blows at each other as Henny and Matt lock up. Henny over powers Matt and launches him across the ring, as Henny Bear taunts to the crowd. Kleen gets the quick addvantage on Scott then presses him against the rope then whips him across then hits a big clothesline. Chris gets to his knees and taunts to the crowd as the boo. Henny gets Matt into a powerslam and connects with it as Matt hits the mat hard. Henny sees Chris taunting to the crowd, then gets to his feet and picks Kleen up by the head and delivers a big scoop slam. Chris arches his back in pain, as Henny picks him up sends him into the rope and goes for a clothesline but Chris ducks it, then whips off the opposite rope and goes for a shoulder block, but Henny doesnt budge and Chris hits the mat. Scott hits henny from behind, them spinds him around and starts slapping him across the chest then kicks him the gut and goes fora ddt, but Henny throws his elbow into Scott's ribs then, he picks Scott up and delivers a spinebuster. Henny gets to his feet but gets low-blowed from Matt. Matt gets to his feet whips across then rope and hits a bulldog on Henny. Matt gets cover 1 - 2 - Henny gets the shoulder up. Matt gets to his feet and starts stomping away at Henny until Chirs hits a neckbreaker from behind on Matt. Chris picks Matt back up then gets him in a back head lock and tightens his grip. Matt ends up throwing Chris into the rope and attempts to go for a drop kick but Chris holds on to the rope sending Matt to the mat. Chris points to his head as the crowd boos. Scott gets to his feet, but his clotheslined over the top rope to the floor. Chris follows Scott to the floor then hits him in the head with a straight punch, sending Scott into the barracade. Chris pushes up against him then goes to send him into the steel steps but Scott reverses sending Chris flying into the steel steps. Both Matt and Henny Bear gets to there feet in the ring. Henny goes for a big right hand but Matt ducks in then hits a big backwards suplex on him. Matt rolls over onto Henny 1 - 2 Henny kicks out. Matt gets to his feet and picks up Henny Bear kicks him in the gut and goes for a suplex, but Henny revereses into his own suplex. On the outside Scott picks Chirs up and drops him with a right hand. Scott then pulls Chris up to his feet and picks him up on his shoulder and goes for his Wright Mission on the outside, but Chris holds on to the bottom rope of the ring. Scott puts him down and goes to kick him in the gut but Chris catches it then hits a leg drag on him. Henny picks Matt up and sets him up between his legs hits a piledriver on him. Henny rolls Matt over and gets another pin 1 - 2 - Matt kicks out. Chris gets into the ring and takes Henny down with a chop block. Chris picks Henny's leg up and kicks him the hamstring, then does it again. Matt gets to his feet and chris tell him to get on Henny Bear. Both men picks Henny up and nails a double suplex on him. Matt then whips off the ropes and hits a splash on top of him. Matt gets the cover 1-  2 - Henny gets his shoulder up, as Matt gets to his feet Kleen goes for his Kleen sweep but Matt pushes Chris away from him. Matt then looks at Chris as then they lock up. Matt hits a snapmare on Chris then whips off the rope and hits a blockbuster on Chris. Matt gets to his feet and pins him 1 - 2 - but Chris gets his shoulder up. Matt doesnt stop then he picks Chris up and sends him into the corner, Matt goes for a splash but Chris moves out of the way. Matt head bounces off the top turnbuckle then turns around and Chris connects with the Kleen Sweep. Chris goes over and pins him 1  - 2 - 2.9 Matt barely gets the shoulder up. The crowd cheers as Kleen looks at the ref mysteriously. Scott gets into the ring and goes to hit Chris but Chris catches him with an uppercut, then hits a stalling suplex. Chris sits up and taunts to the crowd as Henny gets up from behind him. Henny gets to his feet and stalks Chris from behind, Chris turns around and hit the Bethlem Steel Shot as the crowd cheers. Henny flips Chris over and gets the pin 1 - 2 - 2.8 Chris gets the shoulder up. Bear gets fustrated then gets to his feet turns around and Scott picks Henny up and connects with a Wright Mission. Scott looks shocked as he gets the pin on Henny 1 - 2 - 2.9 Henny gets his shoulder up. Scott gets to his feet and gets in the ref's face. Scott turns around to be met with a long-horn charge from Matt. Matt gets to his feet and gets the cover on him 1 - 2 - Scott gets the shoulder up. Matt gets to his knee and starts to grip his head in fustration. Matt goes to the outside of the rind and grabs a steel chair from under the ring and slides it into the ring. Matt climbs the steel steps then heads into the ring. Chris gets to his feet and gets met with a right hand from Matt, then Matt picks Chris up and hits a piledriver. Matt gets up to his feet and grabbs the steel chair off the mat. Matt looks at Henny who is getting to his feet and then he levels Henny Bear in the head with the chair. Scott starts to get to his feet, but Matt levels him with the chair too. Chris gets up from the piledriver, and gets hit with the chair also as the crowd boos. Matt throws the chair out of the ring, and paces around the ring looking at all four competitors out on the mat. Matt taunts in the ring as the boo him more, then he picks Scott up and slaps him across the face. Scott looks back at Matt, then starts delivering a few right hands, Scott gets the advanatge then hits a chicken wing piledriver. Scott gets the cover on Matt 1 - 2 - Matt gets the shoulder up. Scott is slow to get to his feet as does Chris who was opened from the chair shot. Scott and Chris start exchanging  hands , Scott gets the advantage and whips Chris off the rope and takes him down with a kitchen sink. Scott gets met with a Stump Shot from Henny. Scott falls through the ropes to the outside of the ring as Bear hold s on to the rope. Bear looks at Scott, on the outside of the ring then he looks at Chris who was getting up from the shot Henny runs at Chris but Chris hits a drop toe hold on Henny who goes face first into the mat. Chris gets to his feet and goes to pick Henny up but Henny hits him the face with a big left hand. Henny gets to his feet and picks Chirs up for a powerbomb. He Picks him up but Matt hits off the rope and hits Henny with Long-Horn Charge. Henny hits the mat hard as the Chris falls down. Matt is about get the cover on Henny but Scott gets back in to the ring with the steel chair. Matt turns around and Scott goes to hit him in the face but Matt ducks it. Scott spins around and gets super kicked from Matt. Scott drops the chair as Matt tries to recover. Chris gets to his feet and Matt goes for a quick long-horn charge but Chris sends him into the turnbuckle. Matt gets stuck in the turnbuckle, then Chris pulls him out and goes for a Snow Storm- But Matt falls down the other side, and goes for another Long-Horn Charge, but Chris moves out of the way but Matt Connects with Scott. Matt gets the cover on Matt 1 - 2  - 3. (Eliminated: Scott Wright) Matt gets off of Scott smilin, but Chris is behind him waitng. Matt turns around and blocks Chris attempt for a Kleen Sweep. Henny grabs Matt from behind and hits a reverse DDT. Henny gets the cover on Matt 1  - 2 - 2.8  Matt gets the shoudler up. Henny picks Matt up and sends him into the rope and goes for a back body drop but  Matt hops over him and gets a pin 1 - 2 - 2.9 Henny gets out of the pinning move. Both men gets to there feet and Henny goes for a stump shot, but Matt ducks hit then hits a Long-Horn Charge out of no where. He gets the pin 1 - 2- The lights in the arena go off, as the crowd cheers. The lights flash on as The Undertaker is in the ring. Matt turns around and gets grabs by the neck and The Undertaker chokeslams him. Taker exits the ring  as Chris Kleen gets to his feet and so does Henny. Henny gets kicked in the gut by Chris and Chris goes for a Kleen Sweep but Henny pushes him away, Chris hits in to the ropes and comes back and Henny goes for his Stump Shot but Chirs ducks hit then hits a drop kick from behind and sends Henny gets caught up in the rope. Matt gets to his feet stumbling  Chris turns  around and connects with the Kleen Sweep on him, Chris gets the pin 1 - 2 - 2.9999 Matt gets his foot on the rope. Chris looks up at the ref, then Henny turns around and Chris connects with a Kleen Sweep. Chris gets the cover on him 1 - 2 - 2.9999 Henny gets his shoulder up. The Crowd cheers as Chris at the ref again. All of a sudden the crowd boos as Jakob King is seen coming through the crowd. Chris gets to his feet and goes to pick Matt up to his feet but Matt hits a small package 1- 2 - Chris breaks it up. Jakob grabbs the WHW Championship from the ring keeper and goes over to ringside. Matt and Chris are exchanging hands, Then Matt goes to whip Chris into the ropes but he stops. Jakob gets to the apron as Chris then reverses Matt into the rope and Jakob hits Matt in the back on the head with the title. Matt goes down and Chris gets the cover 1- 2 - 3. (Eliminated: Matt Stevenson) Chris gets to his feet and looks at Jakob as he smirks. Henny comes from behind and pushes Chris into Jakob knocking him off the apron. Chris turns around and gets Stumped Shot. Henny falls over him 1- 2 - 3. (Eliminated: Chris Kleen)

Your Winner: Henny Bear (WHW Heavyweight Championship)

"Tribe" Hits as the crowd cheers and Henny gets to his feet and the ref hands him the belt

Peter: Your Winner and New WHW Heavyweight Champion - Henny Bear

Jason: We have a new WHW Champion!

Hoak: What a match, Henny finnaly became the champion

Murphy: We ran out of time, we will see you on Rampage!

::Rampage Goes Off The Air::

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