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PPV : Bash At The Beach 6/15/08
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname×Eric_Bischoff×  (Original Message)Sent: 10/7/2008 8:03 AM

WHW Bash At The Beach

06/15/2008 American Airlines Arena-Miami, Florida

Dark Matches

:"Black Hole Sun" plays as a opening WHW Promo Video Airs:

:Pyro Goes off to open up Bash At The Beach as The Camera then reveals the announcers sitting at ringside:

Cody: Welcome folks to the American Airlines Arena in the sunny Miami, Florida for WHW Bash At The Beach.

Hoak: I am Matt Hoak here with Cody James and Zach Murphy to bring you action here tonight.

Cody: Tonight is the third installement in the WHW PPV Saga.

Murphy: This PPV is going to top Slamboree and Spring Stampede because we have a line up of match that you guys.

Hoak: Our main event is going to feature 6 of the top superstars we have in WHW in a Hell in The Cell for the WHW Heavyweight Championship.

Murphy: The WHW women will be in action in a over the top rope battle royal for the WHW Women's Championship.

Cody: We have other great matches coming at you tonight but right now we have to get ready for out first match.

Peter: The next match schudled for one fall

Hoak: Here we go.

"Wasn't Me" hits as the crowd has mixed reaction as Mini Scar makes his way down to the ring.

Peter: Please welcome to the ring from Las Vegas, Nevada weighing in at 75 pounds-Mini Scar!

Hoak: Mini Scar suffered a painful lose to Melanie Thomas last week, but now he has to deal wit hthe 7 foot monster

Murphy: He is not the odds on favorite to win this match.

Cody: Of course not, he realisticially has no chance at beating Kane.

"Slow Chemical" hits as the crowd cheers as Kane makes his way down to the ring.

Peter: And his opponant weighing in at 328 pounds-Kane!

Murphy: Kane was saying how he was not happy about this match.

Cody: He wishes he could be involved in one of the other matches that involves a championship at stake.

Hoak: Dont forget Cody that he is one half of the WHW Tag Team Champions.

Kane vs Mini Scar

Kane looks at Mini Scar then laughs the bell sounds. Kane walks toward Mini Scar as Mini backs into the corner, and Kane grabs him by the neck and sends him across the ring. Mini lands on his back then pops up holding his lower back. Mini turns around and Kane catches him with a big boot. Mini is on the mat laid out as Kane steps on Mini applying all of the pressure on his abdomen. Kane picks Mini Scar by the throat but Scar comes down to the ring and Kane lets go of the Mini and starts to battle Scar in the ring. Kane gets the advantage and sends Scar into the ropes then whips him and hits a big boot but Scar doesnt hit the mat. Kane then hits a european uppercut then a big clothesline sending Scar over the top rope to the floor. Kane looks back at Mini Scar on the mat then heads to the outside and starts to do battle with Scar on the outside. Kane smacks Scar's face off the announcer's booth. Kane then grabs Scar by the throat but Scar pushes his arm away then shoves Kane. Scar catches Kane and sends him to the mat with a belly to belly slam. Scar then sends Kane back in to the ring. Scar whips against the ropes and goes for a big splash but Kane rolls out of the way. Scar hits the mat hard, then Kane throws him out of the ring. Mini Scar gets up and Kane grabbs him by the throat and hits the chokeslam from hell. Kane gets the cover 1- 2- 3.

Winner: Kane

"Slow Chemical" hits as the referee raises Kane's hand

Peter: Here is your winner-Kane!

Cody: Kane had to do battle with Mini Scar and Scar but picked up the win any way.

Hoak: For a second I thought that Scar was going to be able to put Kane out and have Mini Scar pick up the the win but thta was not the case.

Murphy: Kane showed once again that he showed be more inviolved in this company but then again he did beat Mini Scar.

Cody: He will gets his chances, he doesnt have to worry about that.

Hoak: In a moment where going to have Chance Jones  in our interview session.

Murphy: Do you have any idea who he is going to be talking to?

Cody: I have no clue, but Chane you there?


Chance Jones: Folks How are you tonight? I am Chance Jones standing here with the WHW Women's Champion-Cherry Devine. Cherry we haven't talk very much since you have won your Women's Championship, so how does it feel to finally capture the Women's Championship?

Cherry Devine: Chance it has been an honor to finally hold this title, I have been working very, very hard to win it and I finally did.

Chance Jones: Cherry tonight you will defend your title in your toughest defense yet. You will be in a battle royal featuring all of the other diva's in the WHW and the winner will be the new Women's Champion. What are thoughts on your match tonight at Bash at the Beach?

Cherry Devine: I am going to be ready for this match Chance, you make it seem that I am going to be uncapable of winning this match.

Chance Jones: The odds are against you tonight Cherry.

Cherry Devine: Ah no shit but tonight is where I evolve into the women's champion that no one has ever seen before. Iam going to be bigger than Melanie Thomas ever was as a Women's Champion. I am going to show all of them that I am no Joke.

Chance Jones: Thank You Cherry and good luck tonight.


Cody: Cherry got a little angry there but she made a good point and she wants to show everyone that she is capable of carrying the women's title.

Hoak: All of us will be looking foward to that battle royal tonight.

Murphy: Cherry is going to have her hands full thought but she is going to have to be eliminiated to lose her title.

Cody: The WHW Women's battle royal will be going on later tonight but now we have to start getting ready for our next match.

::SKCW King Of The Ring Promo Ad::

Murphy: Our brother brands will be in action in a few weeks where they will bring you another fantastic PPV, SKCW King of the Ring.

Hoak: I know for a fact that I am going to be watching from where ever I am and I am excited for it. 

Cody: The SKCW will be crowning a new King and Queen of the ring at The King of The RIng so we are all curious wh ois going to be the fresh royalty

Murphy: Good luck to all of the superstars on Genocide and Overdrive in their respective matches at the King of the Ring.

Peter: The next match is schduled for one fall and is for the WHW Hardcore Championship.

Cody: It's time for our Hardcore Championship match.

"This Ain't A Scene, It's an Arm Race" hits as the crowd boo's as Quinton Murphy makes his way down to the ring.

Peter: Please welcome to the ring from Raleigh, North Carolina weighing in at 221 pounds- Quinton Murphy

Murphy: Quinton is going to have to be at his best to win this one.

Cody: This is a hardcore match and this is the first one he is going to be in.

Hoak: A fact is that this is not Raven's first and most likey not  the last.

"I Stand Alone" hits as the crowd cheers as Raven makes his way down to the ring.

Peter: Please welcome to the ring from Short Hills, New Jersey the WHW Hardcore Championship-Raven!

Cody: The Hardcore Icon is here in Miami, Florida.

Hoak: He is going to try to teach the new blood how things are done here in the WHW.

WHW Hardcore Championship: Raven (C) vs Quinton Murphy

Raven and Quinton circle each other in the ring then they lock up and Raven immediatley sends Quinton down to the mat hurting. Raven then picks Quinton up and delivers a few knife edge slaps across the chest until Quinton retreats back into the corner. Raven then takes him and sends him across the ring into the opposite corner then runs at him at hits a clothesline on him. Quinton stumbles out of the corner as Raven whips off the ropes and connects with a running knee to the face. Raven looks down at Quinton as the crowd cheers for him. Raven picks him up again and scoops slams him down to the mat, then runs into the ropes and goe sfor a leg drop but Murphy moves out of the way. Raven holds his back side as he gets up to his knees but Murphy kicks him across the chest and sends down to he mat. Quinton picks him up and delivers a few shot to the face then bounces off the rope but Raven catches him with back body drop sending him to the mat. Raven the gets back to his feet and hits a standing elbow drop on him. Raven then gets the quick cover 1-  2- Quinton gets the shoulder up. Raven gets to his knees then drives his forarem into the head of Quinton as he sqiurms for the ropes. Raven then gets to his feet and stomps away at Murphy on the mat. Raven goes to the turnbuckle and removes the pad now exposing the steel. Raven picks Quinton up and goes to whip him into to it but Murphy counters and sends Raven into the corner. Raven pops out and Quinton catches with a Muprhy Law. Raven hits the mat hard as Murphy gets to his feet and looks down at Raven as the crowd Boo.s Murphy goes to picks Raven up but Raven counters with a small package 1- 2- Quinton breaks the pin. Both men get to their feet at the same time. Raven delivers a few blows to the side of Quinton's head but Quinton gets a quick knee into the abdomen then a european uppercut. Raven bounces into the rope but Quinton follows up with a clohtesline over the top rope to the floor. Quinton follows Raven to the outside and continues to hit him with shots to the head. Quinton then whips Raven right into the steel steps sends him over them. Quinton follows up and kicks away at Raven on the floor. Quinton picks Raven up and punches him square in the forhead then sends himinto the guard rail on the entrance ramp. Quinton then pounds away at the head of Raven until Raven gets down to the floor. Murphy goes toward the ring lifts up the ring apron an gets a kendo stick. Quinton brings it over to Raven and goes to hit him in the head with it but Raven kicks Quinton right in between the legs. Raven gets to his feet and grabs the Kendo stick and goes to hit Murphy but Murphy catches it then kicks Raven in the gut. Quinton steals the stick and cracks the stick over Ravens head. Raven is opened up as he falls to the floor. Murphy throws the kendo stick away and rolls Raven over and gets the cover 1-  2 - Raven gets the shoulder up. Murphy looks up in fustration but then gets to his feet again and drags Raven up with. They continue to exchange hands until they are at the beginnning of the ramp. Raven hits a few right hands then goes for a russian leg sweep but Murphy catches him in the head with the back of elbow, and Quinto sends Raven off the stage on to the floor below. Quinton looks down at Raven as Raven is motoinless. Quinton looks around at the crowd as they boo him, Quinton then tries to get down to the are below but he can not find a path. Quinton realizes that he is going to have to jump so he goes for an elbow drop but Raven moves out of the way and Quinton falls to the floor. Both Raven and Quinton are motoinless ofr about 3 minutes or so until both men start to get up. Raven is still bleeding from the forehead and Quinton gets to his feet both now exchanging hands. Raven gets the advantage and goes to whip him into the barricade but Quinton reverses it and sends Raven into the metal gate. Quinton falls to his knees then gets back up and starts stomping away Raven as the crowd start to chee boo. Raven starts to fight back against Quinton and gets the momentum and they keep battling into the backstage area. The camera's follow them as the are in the back stage areas and Raven sends Quinton into the brick wall and then Raven starts to stomp away him. Raven picks Quinton up and sends him into the stack of pipes, then Raven hits a big suplex on him. Raven gets the cover 1- 2 - 2.8 Quinton gets the shoulder up. Raven gets back to his feet and looks over to the wagon full of basketballs as he opens it up and grabs one of them and pegs in at the mid section. Raven then picks him up and kicks him in the gut and hits a swinging neckbreaker. Raven then gets the cover on him again 1 - 2- Quinton kicks out. Raven seems upset then picks Quintin up and sends him back into the brick wall again. Raven runs at him but Quinton moves out of the way and Raven slams into the wall. Quinton then catches Raven with a school boy 1- 2- 2.9 Raven rolls through the school boy. Both men gets to their feet both Quinton catches Raven with a clothesline. Quinton then finds the chair and folds it up. He slams the chair into the side of Raven. Quinton then throws the chair a side and picks Raven up and hits him in the face with a left hand. Quinton keeps laying the hands on him until they both appear on the entrance ramp exchanging hands. Quinton gets the  advantage and sends Raven in the barricade again. Quinton drives his knee into the sternum then takes Raven by the hair and brings him to the outside of the ring area. Quinton goes to whip him into the ring pole but Raven counters and clotheslines him down. Raven looks under the ring and brings out a garbage can and sends it into the ring. Raven picks Quinton and smacks his face against the ring pole and then sends him into the ring. Raven gets back in the ring and takes the garbage can and waits for Quinton to get up, He gets up and Raven dents the garbage can over his head. Quinton hits the mat as Raven tosses the can to the outside of the ring and picks Quinton up. Raven talks shit to him then kicks him in the gut and sets him up for the Even flow but Quinton counters and hits his own DDT on Raven. Quinton gets the cover 1 - 2 - Raven gets the shoulder up. Quinton looks up in fustartion and gets to his feet. Quinton picks Raven up and sets him up for the Murpy's Law but Raven counters it then hits the Even Flow. Raven is out and so is Quinton. Quinton get up s and so does Raven. Quinton goes for a clothesline but Raven ducks it then goes for a Reverse Suplex but Quinton flipsover the back and hits a school boy 1- 2- Raven rolls through it. Both men get to there feet but Quint tries to lock in the Murphy's law again but Raven revereses spins him around and connects with a Diamond Cutter. Raven rolls Quinton over and hooks the leg 1- 2 - 3.

Winner: Raven (WHW Hardcore Champion)

"I Stand Alone" hits as the referee raises Raven's  hand

Peter: Here is your winner and Still WHW Hardcore Champion- Raven!

Hoak: Raven does it again, but not easily.

Cody: Quinton put up one hell of a fight, but was unable to captalize when he really needed too.

Murphy: Right now we are going to head backstage.

:DDP's Office:

Diamond Dallas Page: I called you three in here for a reason, I dont want Chris Kleen, Jakob King, nor Matt Stevenson to win the title. I am sick and tired of having this crowd not behind the champion so you, you or you better win this title.

Jay Steve: You dont need to worry DDP, I am your man I am going to walk out of the Hell in The Cell with that title wrapped around my waist.

Scott Wright: Cool it Jay, you have it all wrong. It's going to be me who walks out of Bash at the Beach the new WHW World Heavyweight Champion

The Undertaker: Both of you dont know what your talking about, It's going to be me who walks out the new champion

Diamond Dallas Page: I dont care who it is, it has to be one of you. I made this match to strength the odds that there will be a new champion that these fans will look up too. I am the people's champion and now I must give the people what they want.

Scott Wright: Listen DDP, I showed in that Battle Royal last week that I am worthy of holding the WHW Heavyweight title.

Jay Steve: You luckily won that shot last week, and look where we are now.

Diamond Dallas Page: I was disrespected this last week by Chris Kleen, and your last resort is to make him leave Miami with out thtat title around his waist no matter who wins.

::WHW Rampage 6/18/08 Ad::


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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname×Eric_Bischoff×Sent: 10/7/2008 8:04 AM

Hoak: We have just heard from our general manager that he wants one of three "good guys" you can say to win the belt tonight.

Cody: Chris Kleen, Jakob King or Matt Stevenson do not want that to happen.

Murphy: DDP really made it known that he doesnt want either of those three to win the belt.

Peter: The next match is schduled for one fall and if for the WHW Mid-Atlantic Championship.

Cody: It's now time for the next championship match scheduled for tonight.

"Burn" hits as the crowd boo's as Aaron Omen makes his way down to the ring.

Peter: Please welcome to the ring weighing in at 310 pounds-Aaron Omen!

Murphy: Aaron has been in the hunt for this title for a month now, and tonight he gets another shot

Cody: John Cena is going to be tough for him to beat.

"Basic Thugonomics" hits as the crowd cheers as John Cena makes his way down to the ring.

Peter: Please welcome to the ring from West Newberry, Mass the WHW Mid Atlantic Champion-John Cena!

Cody: John looking to retain the title since winning it at WHW Slamboree two months ago.

Hoak: This may be the night where Cena loses his gold.

WHW Mid Atlantic Championship: John Cena (C) vs Aaron Omen

Cena gets the Miami crowd wilded up as the bell sounds and Aaron and Cena start battling each other in the middle of the ring. Cena gets the momentum as the crowd starts to cheer behind him, Cena pushes Aaron in to the rope then whips him across the ring and hits a big shoulder block. Cena then runs over Aaron as he gets up and hits a flying shoulder block on Aaron. Aaron hits the mad hard then Cena picks him up and slaps him across the face then continues to battle him into the corner. Cena delivers a few chops across the chest. Cena then taunts to the crowd as they cheer him on. Cena then pulls out Aaron of the corner then hits a suplex on him. Cena then gets to his and the crowd sitll buzzing as Cena picks Aaron up, Cena whips himself int othe rope but Aaron catches him with a big spinebuster. The crowd boos as Aaron gets to his feet and Cena holds his back in pain. Aaron picks him up and hip tosses him to the mat then Aaron picks him up again and delivers another hip toss on Cena. Aaron looks at the crowd as he boo him more, but Aaron flips them off as the crowd pours on the heat. Cena starts to get to his feet but Aaron turns him around and kicks hi mthe gut and goes for a powerbomb but Cena back body drops him to the mat. Cena falls down to one knee, then gets up. Cena catches Omen with a big uppercut then starts laying some big hands on him. Aaron blocks one of Cena's shots then picks him for a powerslam but Cena falls down the back the catches Omen with a school boy 1-  2- Omen breaks the pinfall. Both of them get to there feet at once but Omen drives his hip into the mid section of Cena  then gorilla presses slams him. Aaron looks confident as he stalks Cena, Cena gets to his feet and turns around and Omen goes for the rock bottom but Cena smacks him in the back of the head with his elbow. Aaron stumbles alittle but Cena goes for the FU but Aaron counters it and picks Cena up on his shoulders then hits a big samoan drop. Aaron rolls Cena over and gets the cover 1- 2- Cena gets the shoulder up. Aaron picks Cena up and sends him into the corner and Aaron goes for a spear in the corner but Cena dodge sit and Aaron hits the turnbuckle hard. Aaron gets up from runnin into the turnbuckle and cena takes hm down with a chop block. Cena then goes to lock in the STFU but Aaron gets out of hit and gets his arm around the rope. Cena lets go and stomps away at Aaron. Cena picks Aaron up and goes to pick him up on his shoulders and goes for the FU but Aaron holds onto the ropes. Cena tries tries to pull him away but doesnt work. Cena throws him over the apron and Aaron lands on the apron. Cena turns around and Aaron catches him in the face. Aaron steps through the ropes and gets back into the ring and hits a big cltothesline on Cena. Aaron picks him up and slaps him across the face, as the crowd boos Aaron sets him between his legs and picks him up for an Omen Bomb and he does but Cena clubs him in the face. Cena falls right ontop of Aaron has the cover 1 - 2 - Aaron gets the shoulder up. Cena gets to his feet and goes knocks Aaron down to the mat with a drop kick. Cena whips off the rope and hits the five knuckle shuffle. Cena stalks Aaron again as Aaron starts to get back to his feet. Cena turns Aaron around but Aaron catches Cena in the gut with a kick then side walk slams him in the middle of the ring. Aaron gets to his feet and picks Cena up and whips him inot the corner and follows up with a splash. Aaron then puts Cena on the top rope and goes up there and goes for a super plex but Cena counters and pushes Aaron off the top rope. Aaron falls to the mat and Cena comes off with a flying forearm. Cena gets the cover on Aaron 1-  2- 2.8 Aaron gets the shoulder up. Cena looks up in shock then puts Aaron in a sleeper hold. Aaron is fading but he gets his second wind and starts to get to his feet. Cena tries to knock him down to the mat but Aaron doesnt fall. Cena runs at him and Aaron his a big spear on him. Aaron rolls over and gets the cover 1- 2-  Cena gets the shoulder up. Aaron has a hard time getting to his feet but he doesnt and so does Cena both of them start to exchange hands again until Cena ducks one of Omen's then picks him up for FU. Cena connects with its and gets the cover 1- 2- Aaron got his foot on the bottom rope. Cena look  s up at his foot on the rope then covers him again this time hooking the leg 1 - 2- 2.9 Aaron kicks out. Cena gets mad and gets to his feet and confront the referee then he picks Aaron up and goes to lift him up again but Aaron counters it then kicks him in the gut and goes for an Omen Bomb but Cena drops to his knees then hits an uppercut sending Aaron into the rope. Cena then clotheslines him over the top rope to the floor. Cena follows Aaron to the outside and hits him with a double axe handle off the apron. Aaron stumbles a bit as Cena then whips him into the ring apron. Aaron then catches Cena in the mid section with a kick and sends Cena right into the announcer's booth. Aaron then picks Cena up and sends him back into the ring. Aaron picks Cena up and goes for his own FU but Cena counters it and picks him up for another FU. Cena spins around and goes to hit it but Aaron falls to his feet and catches Cena and hits a big Omen Bomb. Aaron gets the cover 1- 2- Cena gets the shoulder up. Aaron gets to his feet angr yand pushes the referee into the corner, the ref hits the back of his head on the turnbuckle and gets knocked out. Aaron goes to the outside and gets the championship belt from the time keeper and brings it into the ring. Cena gets to his feet and turns around Omen goes to hit him but Cena ducks then grabs the belt away from him. Aaron and Cena wrestle over the belt until Cena grabs the belt and goes to hit Aaron and cracks him in the head with it. Cena throws the championship to the outside and Cena makes sure the referee is conscious as Aaron starts to get up. Aaron turns around and Cena goes to pick him up for but Omen counters again. Omen kicks Cena in the gut and sets him for an Omen Bomb but Cena drops down the back turns Omen arouund. Cena picks him up hits the FU. Cena gets the cover 1- 2 - 3.

Winner: John Cena (WHW Mid Atlantinc Champion)

"Basic Thugonomics" hits as the referee raises John Cena's hand

Peter: Here is your winner and still WHW Mid Atlantic Champion-John Cena!

Cody: John wins one of those big grueling matches between himself and Aaron Omen.

Hoak: I thought for sure Aaron was going to pick up the win tonight but I was wrong.

Murphy: I was impressed with Aaron's effort but Cena really picked it up tonight.

Hoak: Cena has not been beaten for his title in a while, since winning in at Slamboree.

::WHW Rampage and Carnage Debut::

Hoak: After two great championship matches we now have a very unique matchup coming you way.

Murphy: Two weeks ago Jay Rock was defeated by The Insanity in a singles match.

Cody: However, after the match Jay Rock slammed his guitar over the head.

Peter: The next match is scheduled for one fall and is a boiler room brawl. In a moment the WHW cameras will take you back stage in the boiler room located here in the American Airlines Arena.

Hoak: Insanity was not to happy about what happened to him after his match

Murphy: That was why DDP made this boiler room brawl match.

Cody: Jay is going to have to wrestle his best to beat the Insanity in this enviorment.

Murphy: I am going to be taking the Insanity in this one, He is to big to be beaten by Jay Rock especially in a boiler room.

The camera's show the Insanity standing on one side of the boiler room seperated by the referee then Jay Rock. The referee sounds for the bell as the bell sounds in the arena.

:Boiler Room:

Boiler Room Brawl: Jay ROCK vs The Insanity

The Insanity walks over to Jay and Jay looks up at him. Insanity goes for a big right hand but Jay ducks it then gets some shots in the Insanity from behind. Insanity spins around and goes to wack Jay in the side of the head, but Jay ducks it again and stomps at the lower section of the Insanity. Insanity starts to falter alittle but then gains his stamina and grabs Jay and crushes him in the head with a headbutt. Insanity picks Jay up and goes to send him into the wall. Jay turns around then starts back Insanity but he delivers a big boot knocking Jay to the floor. Insanity picks him up and picks him up on his shoulders and goes to drop Jay head first into the boiler but Jay pops out and comes down the back. Jay low blows Insanity from the back then spins Insanity around and starts landing a few right and lefts hands into the face of the Insanity. Jay keeps landing big right hands on The Insanity sends him into the wall. Jay then kicks him in the gut then connects with a big DDT. Jay rolls Insanity's big body over and gets the cover 1- 2- Insanity kicks out. Jay gets to his feet and starts stomping away at him on the floor as the Insanity starts to get up. Jay tries to kick him down but he keeps trying to get up. Insanity pushes Jay away from him, then Insanity catches Jay going for a cross body block then hits a big fall away slam on him. Insanity gets up to his feet and picks Jay up and sends him into the pile of pipes in the corner. Jay hits the pile of pipes and the pipes hit the floor and they rattle. Insanity grabs one of the pipes and goes to his Jay on the floor. Jay moves out of the way and Insanity smacks the floor with pipe. He drops it then shakes his hands but Jay turns around and grabs a pipe. Jay smacks Insanity in the back of the leg with the pipe, then hits him square in the back. Insanity arches his back in pain. Jay then turns him around kicks him in the gut and goes for the Velvet Revolver but Insanity does not let him. Insanity then catches Jay by the throat and goes for a Insanity becomes reality but Jay kicks him in the chest and Jay drops to the floor then connects with a Velvet Revolver. Jay gets the cover on the Insanity 1- 2- 2.9 Insanity gets his shoulder up. Jay looks at the ref in shock as Jay gets up and looks around and grabs a fire extinguisher. He aims the hose at Insanity and uses it on him. Insanity gets shaken up with the mist in his face, then Jay grabs one of the steel pipes on the floor and whacks Insanity in forehead with it. Jay throws the pipe away then gets the cover on him 1- 2- 3.

Winner: Jay ROCK

Jay gets off the Insanity and the referee raises his hand

Peter: The Winner of the Boiler room brawl match is Jay Rock!

Cody: Jay Rock picks up the much needed win here tonight.

Hoak: One thing that made me shocked was that the Insanity would not go down, even atfer Jay's finisher.

Murphy: It took a baseball swing from one of those metal pipes to slay the beast.

Cody: A great win by Jay Rock, and he is going to try to further his career in the upcoming weeks.

Hoak: Well earlier today our EJ Dark caught up to Jakob King before he got into the arena.

Murphy: I am curious to see how he is thinking before his big match tonight.

:Earlier Today:

EJ Dark: Jakob can I get a word with you before you get into the arena.

Jakob King: Yeal, whats going on?

EJ Dark: I wanted to ask you how you feel going into that hell in the cell later tonight with 6 other men?

Jakob King: I am feeling alright, but everyone's going to have their nervousness and I am going to have to try to overcome those fears. I think I can win this match, and It's going to be the beginning of Jakob King's era in WHW.

EJ Dark: Lastly, who do you think is going to be the most difficult to eliminate in this match?

Jakob King: It would make sense that it Scott Wright and Chris Kleen because they have two lives and that is a major advantage in  a match like this. I am not going to take it easy on anyone, not Jay Steve, Matty Stevenson, or the Undertaker.

EJ Dark: Thank You Jakob, good luck tonight.


 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname×Eric_Bischoff×Sent: 10/7/2008 8:04 AM
Hoak: Jakob seems to be in a good mood today and maybe he will be the one who takes the gold home later tonight.

Cody: Jakob King is going to be a part of our main event which is a 6 man elimination hell in the cell match for the WHW Heavyweight Championship. It will feature The Undertaker, Jay Steve Matt Stevenson, Scott Wright, Jakob and Chris Kleen.

Murphy:  Right now we are going to be having our WHW Women's Championship match

Hoak: A battle royal featuring 6 women in the hunt for one title

Cody: We heard from the champion Cherry Devine earlier tonight, but no were going to see if she can live up to what she says.

Peter: The next match is a battle royal and is for the WHW Womens Championship!

"Sweet Dreams" hits as the crowd boo's as Cherry Devine makes her way down to the ring

Peter: Please welcome from Rochester, New York the WHW Women's Champion-Cherry Devine!

Murphy: The women's champion won her title at the last PPV by pining Alaina Cole.

Hoak: Tonight is going to be a little harder task for her.

"Snakes On A Plane" hits as the crowd boo's as Alaina Cole makes her way down to the ring

Peter: Please welcome to the ring from New York City- Alaina Cole!

Cody: Alaina is going to try to rebound from her last performance at Spring Stampede

"Coming Undone" hits as the crowd continues to boo as Kalia Jayne makes her way down to the ring

Peter: Please welcome to the ring, from Harlem, New York-Kalia Jayne!

Murphy: Kalia trying to get her hands on the piece of gold.

"Baby Got Back" hits as the crowd has a mixed reaction as Angel makes her way down to the ring

Peter: Please welcome to the ring from Las Vegas, Nevada-Angel!

"Supergirl" hits as the crowd goes to their feet and Melanie Thomas makes her way down to the ring

Peter: Please welcome to the ring from Verona, Winsconsin- Melanie Thomas!

Cody: Melanie was in her transitional stage to the male division but DDP decided to place her in this match tonight.

Hoak: She should be the favorite in this match despite not being the Women's Champion

"Angel On My Shoulder" hits as the crowd continues to cheer as Angel Williams makes her way down to the ring

Peter: Now please welcome to the ring Toronto, Ontario, Canada-Angel Williams!

Murphy: Angel Williams is greated very warmly as she makes her way down to the ring.

Hoak: I like the ay she addressed this crowd in the last week, she may be able to win this one.

Peter: Already in the ring Maria Lima!

Cody: Maria is making her debut tonight and she can make a big impact tonight by winning this royal.

Hoak: Anything can happen tonight.

WHW Women's Championship Battle Royal: Cherry Devine (C) vs Melanie Thomas vs Angel Williams vs Maria Lima vs Kalia Jayne vs Alaina Cole vs Angel

All of the seven women keep looking at each other until the bell rings. Cherry and Melanie go right out eafter each other exchanging hands. Angel Williams and Alaina Cole do battle as does Kalia and Angel. Cherry gets the advantage and sends Melanie into the ropes and takes her down with a big shoulder block. Maria Lima turns Cherry around and goes to slap her across the face but Cherry ducks it then tackles Maria to the mat and starts to smack her in the face. Melanie Thomas gets to her feet and kicks Cherry right off of Maria. Alaina Cole takes Williams and sends her into the rope and goes for a rop kcik but Williams holds onto the rope and causes Alaina to hit the mat. Williams picks Alaina up and sends her into the corner. Williams laces Alaina arms into the ropes and starts delivering knife edge chops across the chest of her. Kalia takes Angel and sends her over the top rope but Angel blocks it then dlivers a back elbow into the gut of Kalia then takes her down with a chop block. Both Maria and Melanie are stomping away at Cherry who is on the mat. Maria keeps stomping away at her and Melanie stops and backs away and lets Maria kepp going. Melanie takes  Maria by the back of the head and sends her over the top rope to  the floor. (Eliminated: Maria Lima) Melanie laughs at Maria on the outside then Melanie picks Cherry up and throws her into the corner then drives her knee into the side of Cherry. Kalia scoops slams Angel then whips herself off the ropes and hits a big leg drop ontop of her. Kalia picks Angel up and clotheslines her back to the mat. Kalia sees Alaina getting pounded on by Williams so Kalia makes her way to the other side of the ring and attacks Angel Williams from behind. Kalia then starts to exchange hands with Williams but Williams gets the advantage then sends Kalia to the mat with a head but. Williams picks Kalia and goes to send her over the top rope but Alaina attacks her from behind. Alaina tries to put Williams over the top rope but Williams holds on. Kalia gets back to her feet and her and Alaina hit a double suplex on her. Angel comes from behind Alaina and sends her over the top rope but Alaina holds onto the rope. Angel tries to stomp away at her and tries to kick her to the floor but Kalia knocks Angel down from behind. Melanie Thomas comes from behind Kalia turns her around and kicks her in the gut an goes for a Melanie Bomb and connects with it. Melanie then picks Kalia up and tosses her over the top rope to the floor. (Eliminated: Kalia Jayne) Melanie turns around and takes own Angel with a shoulder block. Cherry gets to her feet and starts to do battle with Angel Williams. Alaina Cole gets back into the ring and goes after Melanie. She knocks Melanie down from behind then sets her up for an Ice Queen but Melanie counters it and takes her down with a DDT. Melanie gets to her feet and avoides a takedown attempt by Angel then nails a big clothesline over the top rope to the floor. (Eliminated: Angel) Melanie turns around and Alaina connects with a big superkick on her. Cherry picks Angel Williams up and sends her into the rope and goes for a clothesline but Angel Williams ducks it then bounces off the opposite rope and connects with a running shoulder block. Williams picks Cherry up and slaps her to the face, Cherry turns around and goes for her own slap but Angel ducks it then hits a reverse suplex. Williams gets up and sees Alaina trying to eliminate Melanie, but Angel Williams comes from behind and sends Alaina Cole over the top rope to the floor. (Eliminated: Alaina Cole) Williams then starts to stomp away Melanie. Williams then sends Melanie over the top rope and Willaims tries to push her off the ropes with her feet but it doesnt work as Melanie gets right back into the ring. Melanie gets to her feet as Williams does so also. Williams goes for a chic kick but Melanie ducks it then hits a neckbreaker on her. Melanie gets to her feet but Cherry catches her and connects with Sugar Lips DDT. Cherry sits up as the crowd boos, Angel Williams gets to her feet and tur ns around and Cherry kicks her in the gut an connects with Cherry Drop. Cherry gets to her feet and picks up Angel Williams and sends her over the top rope to the floor. (Eliminated: Angel Williams) Angel Williams gets up on the outside and gets livid. She starts flipping out on one of the referee's on the outside then she goes to gets the Women's Championship belt. Cherry turns around and picks Melanie Thomas and sends her into the rope and goes for a big boot, but Melanie ducks then hits a big spear on Cherry. Angel gets back into the ring somehow and gives the belt to Melanie Thomas and tell her to use it well. Angel leaves the ring then Cherry gets to her feet. Melanie goes to hit her in the head but Cherry kicks Melanie in the gut before she does it. Cherry grabs the belt and smacks Melanie in the head with the belt. Cherry takes Melanie and sends her over the top rope to the floor. (Eliminated: Melanie Thomas)

Winner: Cherry Devine  (WHW Women's Champion)

Peter: Here is your winner and still WHW Women's Champion-Cherry Devine!

Cody: What a win by Cherry, but Melanie really had a chance until that savage hit to the head.

Hoak: She really knew what she had to do, and she used her strategy to win this match and - the women's championship. She also used the belt which really helped her win this match.

Murphy: This is was a great match and I was impressed by all of the diva's that took part in it but Cherry showed all of us that she may be the next figure head in the WHW Women's Division.

Hoak: They all wreslted well, but in the end Cherry  walked out the women's champion.

Cody: Our next pay per view will be taking place in July 13, 2008 the WHW will be in New Mexico for our next PPV Heatwave.

Murphy: Its going to be tough to follow up this PPV, but I know DDP will make us regret that.

::WHW Heatwave Promo:: 

:DDP's Office:

Diamond Dallas Page: I dont know who to put against you, You seem to beat everyone I put against you.

Raven: Do you want me to lose on purpose?

Diamond Dallas Page: No, no you see I loved our you finished your match tonight, brings back some good memories of when I was in that ring.

Raven: I knew you would like that, So what's up?

Diamond Dallas Page: I am going to make a really big decesion next week on Rampage and its going to be about one of our Championship.

Raven: Do what you need to do.

Diamond Dallas Page: I am going to need you to enforce it, You got it?

Raven: Yep

Diamond Dallas Page: Good.


Hoak: Well some news going on for next week Rampage addressed by our GM and Raven but now its time for main event.

Cody: As the hell in the cell is lowering, we are getting ready for the biggest match ever to take place here in the WHW.

Murphy:  Its going to be one of thos matches that you dont want to end.

Hoak: This match is going to feature 6 men, However Chris Kleen and Scott Wright need to be pinned twice to be eliminated from the match giving them double the chances at winning this match.

Cody: That was ordered by our GM DDP, giving  an advantage to the winner of the battle royal and the current World Champion.

Murphy: Its time to get started with this 6 man elimination hell in the cell match.

"Bleed It Out" hits as the crowd cheers as Jay Steve  makes his way down to the ring.

Peter: Please welcome to the ring from Daytona, Florida weighing in at 225 pounds-Jay Steve!

Cody: Jay Steve exploded onto the scene and tonight with only three weeks in the company can win the WHW Heavyweight Championship.

"Im Not Jesus" hits as the crowd cheers as Scott Wright makes his way down to the ring.

Peter: Please welcome to the ring from Atlanta, Georgia weighing in at 240 pounds-Scott Wright!

Hoak: Scott is the one that everyone thinks is going to be able to pull this off, will he?

"The Dakest Side" hits as the crowd cheers as The Undertaker makes his way down to the ring.

Peter: Please welcome to the ring from Death Valley weighing in at 300 pounds-The Undertaker!

Hoak: The big man in this match and were going to be looking for things that The Undertaker normally does in this one.

Murphy: Its going to be something that causes alot of pain.

"To Be Loved" hits as the crowd boo's as Matt Stevenson makes his way down to the ring.

Peter: Please welcome to the ring from Austin, Texas weighing in at 225 pounds-Matt Stevenson!

Cody: Matty is going to have his hand full because he knows that he is going to be looked as being the under dog.

Murphy: I dont know about that one cody.

"Everything I Touch" hits as the crowd boo's as Jakob King makes his way down to the ring.

Peter: Please welcome to the ring from New York City weighing in at 250 pounds-Jakob King!

Cody: Jakob King looking to be the next WHW Heavyweight Champion tonight.

"Kleen Sweep" hits as the crowd boo's as Matt Stevenson makes his way down to the ring.

Peter: Please welcome to the ring from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada the WHW Heavyweight Champion-Chris Kleen!

Cody: The current champion is going to have to dig and claw to win his title back.

Hoak: This may be the last time he carries that gold to the ring

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname×Eric_Bischoff×Sent: 10/7/2008 8:04 AM

WHW Heavyweight Championship; Six Man Hell In The Cell Elimination: Chris Kleen (C) vs Jakob King vs Jay Steve vs Matt Stevenson vs Scott Wright vs The Undertaker

All six men look at each other and stare each other down as the crowd is going wild. The bell sounds and the crowd erupts with cheers as all the men stay in their spots and are still staring each other down. The Undertaker then lays a big right hand on Matt Stevenson and all of the guys starting battling. Jay and Chris are going at it and so is Scott and King. Taker knocks Matt into the corner and then starts laying some big shots in on his abdomen then drives his hip into Matt. Taker then pulls Matt out of the corner and grabs his arm and sets him up for an old school. Taker gets onto the rope but Matt pulls Taker off the top rope and Taker falls to the mat. Chris is delivering a few knife edge chops across the chest. Chris then taunts to the crowd as they boo him, but Jay then stars to fight back and they are exchanging hands until they get into the middle of the ring. Jay then ducks one of Chris’s hand connects with a spinning heel kick. King as the advantage on Scott then hit’s a big clothesline sending them both to the floor. Both of them get up on the outside and Scott hits King across the face with a right hand then he goes to sends King into the steel cage but King block it and hits and eye poke on him. King then whips Scott into the ring apron. King the stomps away at him as he is laying against the ring apron. Matt and The Undertaker are battling in the ring still until the Undertaker gabs Matt by the throat and stares at him but Matt catches him between the leg then Matt whips himself of the rope and goes for a long-horn charge but Taker evades it. Matt falls to the mat, but Jay then picks him up and scoops slams him down to the mat. Jay then stomps away at Matt on the mat as Chris comes from behind Jay and hit’s a reverse DDT on him. Chris gets the cover on Jay 1- 2- Jay gets his shoulder up. The Undertaker picks Chris off of Jay then sends him across the ring with a big hip toss. Taker follows up on Chris and puts Chris into the corner and starts knocking him up in the air with big punches to the abdomen. Jay comes form behind the Undertaker and takes him down with a chop block. Taker falls to the mat but Jay goes after Chris and sets him on the top rope. Jay climbs the rope and goes for a super plex and hits it. Jay gets up from hitting the move off the top rope but Matt takes him down with a drop kick. Matt then picks Jay up whips him into the rope and hit’s a power slam on the returning Jay Steve. Matt gets to his knee’s then goes to Jay’s legs and tries to apply the Texas Tap Out but Jay counters it into a small package 1- 2- Matt gets out of the pin. Both Matt and Jay get to the their feet and Matt takes him down with a shoulder block. King and Scott are keep battling on the outside. King goes to whip Scott into the steel stairs but Scott counters and sends King crashing into the steps. Scott then slides back into the ring and stalks Matt. Matt turns around and Scott goes to pick him up for a Wright Mission but Matt swings out of it, then catches Scott with a reverse Suplex on him. Matt gets up and gets a pin fall on Scott 1- 2- Scott gets his shoulder up. Matt gets up and gets met with a big boot from the Undertaker. Taker then picks Matt up and whips him into the rope and connects with a side walk slam. Taker gets to his feet again but Chris attacks him from behind. Chris then kicks him in the gut and goes for swinging neck breaker and connects. Jay Steve gets up from the shoulder block by Matt but Chris Catches him and tosses him throws him over the top rope to the floor. Jay gets up kind of quickly but King gets and attacks Jay from behind. King gets a few shot in on Jay then sends him to the steel fence. King picks Jay up and delivers a big scoop slam on the outside. Matt gets back to his feet on and hits Kleen from behind and turns him around and hits a stalling suplex. Scott Wright gets up and starts to work on the Undertaker in the corner. Scott gets a few shots in but Taker then fires back with his own right hand. Scott stumbles back, but then Scott goes for splash in the corner but Undertaker moves. Scott hits against the turnbuckle then stumbles out. Taker hits off the turnbuckle and connects with a classic taker clothesline. Undertaker gets to his feet but Matt knocks him to the mat. King looks under the ring and grabs a steel chair. King gets back into the ring then waits for Matt to turn around. Matt pulls The Undertaker up and turns around. Jakob goes to whack Matt in the head with the chair but he ducks and Jakob hits The Undertaker square in the head. Matt then connects with a long horn charge on Taker sending through the ropes to the outside of the ring. Matt turns around and evades another chair shot from King then wails him in the face with a super kick. Kleen gets to his feet and turns around and Matt connects with a Long Horn Charge on him. Matt gets the pin on Chris Kleen 1- 2- 3. (First Pinfall: Chris Kleen) Matt gets up and looks down at Kleen as he knows Chris is not eliminated. Scott gets up from Taker clothesline and takes Matt and sends him over the top rope to the floor. Scott then picks Chris Kleen up and goes for a Wright Mission but Chris gets out of it, then hits a jaw breaker on Scott. Scott hits the mat, but Chris turn around and Jay comes off the top rope and connects with a missile drop kick. Chris flies to the outside of the ring, and Jay follows him to the outside. Jakob King and Scott Wright get into it as King kicks him in the gut and hits a piledriver. Jakob gets the pin on Scott 1- 2- Scott gets the shoulder up. The Undertaker notices that Matt is on the outside of the ring then grabs him and runs himacross the outside and sends him head first into the steel fence. Undertaker then takes Matt's forehead and rakes it against it the steel fencing of the hell in the cell. Chris gets up on the outside but Jay Steve is stomping away at him. Jay puts Chirs over shoulders and goes to ram him head first into the cage but Chris falls down the back then turn Jay around and goes for the Kleen Sweep but Jay counters it and gets backslide for pin 1- 2- Chris breaks the pinfall. Chris gets up, and ducks a superkick from Jay then connects with a lowblow on him. Jakob picks Scott up and sends him into the corner, Scott slams into the corner and Jakob goes for a stinger splash but Scott moves out of the corner and Jakob hits off the turnbuckle. Scott turns Jakob around but Jakob ducks the clothesline then sets him up for a Sucide and connects. Jakob gets the  cover on Scott 1- 2- 3. (First Pinfall: Scott Wright) Jakob gets to his feet and The Undertaker is behind him. He turns around and Taker lays him out with a big boot. Taker picks Jakob up and twist his arm and climbs the turnbuckle and hits the and Old School. Taker stalks Jakob and signals for a tombstone as Jakob gets to his feet turns around and taker picks Jakob up for a tombstone but Jakob falls off Taker's shoulder. Matt gets into the ring and grabs the chair and dents it over The Undertaker's head. Matt falls ontop of Undertaker and gets the cover 1- 2- 2.9 Undertaker gets the shoulder up. Matt sits up and looks at the ref as he signals two. Matt gets to his feet starts to exchange with Matt in the ring, as then Jakob gets the advantage then whips him into the rope and takes him down with a spinebuster. Jay Steve and Chris Kleen gets back in the ring and Chris whips jay in the rope. Jay stops himself on the rope as Kleen stumbles bit. Jay runs at Kleen but KLeen ducks it. JAy spins aorund Kleen hits a Kleen Sweep. Chris gets the cover 1- 2- 3. (Eliminated: Jay Steve) Chris rolls off Jay but Jakob pikcs him up immediatley and starts to pound away at his face. The Undertaker sits up from that chair shot from Matt Stevenson and gets to his feet.  Undertaker gets a hold of Matt Stevenson then throws him to the outside of the ring. Taker follows him out there and whips him hard into the the fence. Taker then goes to whip him in to the same spot again but Matt counters and tosses Taker right in to the same spot and the fence gives way. Matt and Taker battle outside the hell in the cell then Matt starts to climb to the top. Undertaker realizes where he is going so he climbs up there as well. Taker and Matt are exchanging big hands right and lefts. Jakob King and Scott Wright are both stomping away at Chris Kleen, then Scott takes Jakob down with a big right clothesline. Undertaker hits a DDT on Matt ontop of the  cell, then Taker gets to his feet and looks down and he picks Matt up and goes for a chokeslam but Matt gets out of it then connects with a spear ontop of the cage. Matt falls the floor on the top of the cell and Taker is hurting in pain. Scott whips Jakob in the mat and goes for a back body drop but  Jakob kicks him across the chest then takes him down with a clothesline. Matt and Taker get back to their feet and Matt sets him up for a suplex but Taker doesnt let him pick him up. Taker then grabs Matt by the throat again and delivers a chokeslam through the top of the cell and Matt falls to the mat. Jakob saw Matt falls to the mat and gets a cover on him 1- 2- 3. (Eliminated: Matt Stevenson) Taker starts to climb down from the top of the cel.. Jakob gets to his feet and takes Chris Kleen and puts him in the corner and slaps him across his bare chest. Jakob then takes Chris and kicks him in the gut and sets with double underhooks then picks him up and hits a big back breaker. Jakob then gets the cover on Chris 1- 2- Chris gets his shoulder up. The Undertaker makes his way back in to cell and catches Scott Wright jumping off the apron. Taker then slams Scott's back in to the ring post. Taker drops Scott to the floor then picks him up immediatley and sends him crashing into the fence. Jakob keeps woirking on Chris in the ring. Jakob picks Chris up and goes for a suicide but Chris counters it with a clutch DDT. Undertaker brings Scott into the ring and stalks him with a chokeslam. Scott gets up and turns around and Undertaker grabs him by the throat lifts him up and delives a big chokeslam. Undertaker gets the cover 1- 2- Scott kicks out. Undertaker looks up not to happy then gets back to his feet. Taker and Chris Kleen starts exchanging hands an Kleen gets the quick advantage but the crowd cheers as Jay Steve makes his way down to the ring with the steel chair. He comes back into the cage through the opening and gets into the ring. Chris Kleen turns around and Jay Steve smacks him in the head with the chair. Chris stumbles back and turns around and The Undertaker picks him up and hits a tombstone piledriver. Taker gets the cover 1- 2 -3. (Eliminated: Chris Kleen) Undertaker sits back and the crowd cheers but Scott Wright stalks the Undertaker from behind. Taker gets up and turns around and Scott picks him up and connects with the Wright Mission. Scott gets the cover on the Undertaker 1- 2- 3. (Eliminated: The Undertaker) Scott gets to his feet and so does Jakob King and they both stare each other down. They both exchange each hands with each other and Scott gets the advantage and whips Jakob into the rope and hits a spining shoulder block. Scott climbs to the top rope and connects with a Wright Elbow. Scott gets the cover on Jakob 1- 2- Jakob gets his shoulder up. Scott gets to his feet and The Undertaker sits up from the Wright Mission. Taker turns Scott around and pushes him acorss the ring. Jakob gets to his feet and turns around and Taker hits him with a big boot. Taker looks at Scott and points to Jakob and signals the for the tombstone. Undertaker then starts to leave the ring as Scott stalks Jakob. Jakob turns around and Scott picks him on his shoulders and hits a Wright Mission. Scott gets the cover 1- 2- 2.999 Jakob gets his shoulder up. Scott doesnt realize that Jakob kicked out. Scott gets to his feet and walks over towards the ref and starts to shout out at him then grabs him by the shirt and shoves him in to the corner. Jakob King gets to his feet stumbling a bit. Scott turns aorund and goes for a clothesline but Jakob ducks it then spins Scott around and sets him up for a Sucide. The crowd cheers as Chris Wright makes his way down to the ring and enters the ring through the broken fence. He slides into the ring with the Heavyweight Championship and crushes Jakob King in the back of the head with it. Jakob falls to the mat as Chris pulls Scott ontop of him 1- 2- 3. (Eliminated: Jakob King)

Winner: Scott Wright (WHW World Heavyweight Champion)

"I'm Not Jesus" hits as Chris Wright pulls Scott up to his feet and hands him the title.

Peter: Here is your winner and new WHW Heavyweight Champioin-Scott Wright!

Murphy: Scott Wright Has one it all.

Hoak: One of the best matches in this companies history, and it took place here tonight at WHW bash at the beach.

Murphy: He did everything he had to do, and he picked up a long awaited win and now he is the WHW Heavyweight Campion with some help from his brother.

Cody: Congradulations to Scott on his sucessfull win here tonight, and it looked like he needed his second chance to win this match.

Hoak: We will be back next week with another edition of WHW Rampage!

::Scott Wright Celebrates in the Ring as Bash At The Beach Goes Off The Air::

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