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RAW : RAW 5/14/04
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/1/2006 12:51 AM

Results 5/14/04 Live From Richmond Virginia

Photo's From Last Week's RAW are Shown:

 opens up with Lillian Garcia singing the National Anthem

RAW's Pyro Then Explodes!!

Dark Matches Before RAW

Dark Match #1: David Warfield defeated Brock Lesnar, Hank, and John Doe

Dark Match #2: John Cena defeated Hunter Blackheart

JR: Welcome to SCWE RAW!!

King: We've got a great night of action for you here tonight.

JR: Yeah King, plus we've got a New World Champion, New Tag Team Champions, and a New European Champion.

King: I'm expecting a great night tonight, we're going to start off with.....

:King  is cut off by "So Far Away" by Staind. The Crowd doesn't know what to expect:

JR: What do you suppose this is?

King: I don't know JR, who could it be?

:The Music is still playing as Vince Russo steps out. The crowd goes into a chorus of boos as Vince makes his way down to the ring. He gets in the ring and takes a mic and begins to speak:

Vince Russo: Hello everybody! (Crowd boos horribly) Were'nt you expecting me? (Crowd chants asshole) Oh Shut Up! I demand respect from all of you! After all I am your new General Manager, and I can toss each and every single one of your asses out!! (Crowd is shocked) Yes it's true, I am the new Co-General Manager for SCWE RAW. And as for Charisma Adams, well she's still here. But I go where help is needed, and Charisma and I, we are going to turn RAW into the Number One Watched Television show together! Keep in touch, because you're going to be seein a lot of around here lately! And as for now, well let's get in to what you came here to see..Ladies and Gentleman, the Dudley Boyz vs Shannon Moore and Jason Stratus!!

:"So Far Away" hits again and vince Russo leaves:

Lilian:The following Tag Team Contest is scheduled for one fall (Bombshell hits, Crowd cheers) First making their way to the ring, From Dudleyville USA.... The Dudley Boyz!

JR: Well here come the Dudley Boyz, but I am more shocked about Vince Russo becoming the co-gm.

King: Yeah thats a scary thought.

Lilian: (Shannon Moore's theme hits, Crowd Cheers) And their opponents, First From Raleigh, North Carolina....Shannon Moore!

JR: Shannon Moore lost his European Title last week to Brandon.

King: Something tells me he'll get it back though.

Lilian: (Jason Stratus' theme hits, Crowd has no reaction) And His Partner..Jason Stratus!

JR: Well Jason is very new to the RAW Roster.

King: But he will be teaming up with a guy that has been here quite some time now, so it should be a fairly even match.

Bubba Ray and Shannon Moore start off the match. Bubba hits an uppercut to the throat of Shannon Moore. He throws Moore off the ropes, and meets him with a foot to the gut. He does a power DDT, and then makes the tag to his partner Dvon. Dvon runs at Shannon but Shannon ducks and hits a Superkick on D'von. Shannon quickly makes a tag to Jason Stratus. Jason leaps over the ropes and dropkicks Dvon down. He tosses Dvon off the ropes and meets him with a clothesline. Jason does his version of rolling thunder onto D'von and makes the first cover of the match 1......2......kickout by D'von Dudley. Jason once again tags in Shannon Moore who goes for a twist of fate to Shannon Moore, but Dvon turns it into his own pin 1.....2....kickout by Shannon Moore. D'von picks Shannon up but Shannon battles back with some right hands of his own and then he clotheslines D'von outside the ring! He gets outside and rams D'von's head off the ring post and throws him back in the ring. He goes for a cover 1.....2.....but Bubba Ray breaks it up at the last second. Both D'von and Shannon crawl towards their corners and tag in Bubba Ray and Jason Stratus. Bubba and Jason charge at each other and Bubba clotheslines Jason down to the ground. When Jason gets up, he goes for another one but this time Jason ducks and Bubba hits the ref! This allows Jason to nail the Stratusbreaker on Bubba. He covers but the ref is still down so he goes to get him. D'von gets up and throws Lance Storm from ringside, and when Jason turns around, Bubba and D'von catch him with a 3-d! D'von then leaves as Bubba covers and the ref gets up and counts the 1.......2.......3!

Lilian: Your Winners, The Dudley Boyz!

King: And the Dudley Boyz pull it off.

JR: Well you have to hand it to Shannon Moore and Jason Stratus, they put up a good fight.

King: All it took was one 3-d, and Jason Stratus was done for.


Vince Russo: Charisma, it's been long.

Charisma Adams: Oh too long Vince, so how are you?

Vince: I'm doing pretty damn good.

Charisma: That's great.

Vince: No, whats gonna be great is RAW, with the 2 of us in Charge, hell, we'll be better than WCW. I hope they're watching this, because I plan on giving them One hell of a show!

:Back at Ringside:

JR: Well, our GMs have met.

King: It looks like this isnt their first encounter.

JR: Well, we'll be back right after this.

Commercial Ad For: Nitro, KSCWE King of the Ring, SCWE Divas Package

After The break:

JR: Welcome back everybody.

King: Before the break the Dudley Boyz picked up a big win, and Vince Russo is our new RAW Co-GM.

JR: It's turning out to be quite a show.

King: Let's get right into our next contest.

JR: It's time to find out who is the number one contender to the SCWE European Title!

Lilian: The following contest is scheduled for one fall is a #1 Contenders Match ("Sexy Boy" hits, Crowd Cheers) First Making his way to the ring, From San Antonio, Texas....HBK Shawn Michaels!

JR: My money is on Michaels.

King: Are you kidding? He is going up against such a superior athlete.

Lilian: (Lance Storm's theme hits, Crowd boos) And his opponent, From Calgary Alberta, Canada....Lance Storm!

King: There's your winner right there JR.

JR: He lost the European Title awhile back to Shannon Moore, who just recently lost it to Brandon. So the winner of this match will get his title shot against Brandon in the near future.

Lance Storm and Shawn Michaels lock up, and Shawn takes Lance down with a Fireman's carry. Lance quickly gets up and tosses Michaels off the ropes and backdrops him down to the ground.Lance stays in control with a few elbow drops then he picks Shawn up again and catches him with a death valley driver. Lance makes the first cover off the match 1--2--kickout by Shawn Michaels. Lance goes up to the top and goes for a moonsault but misses. Shawn Michaels gets up and he picks Lance up and he DDT's him. He makes his own cover 1---2--Lance Storm kicks out. Shawn gets up and tries to lock Lance in a submission but lance kicks shawn in the head before he can and he nails him with a big clothesline. Lance goes up top and goes for another moonsault and this time he connects and covers 1--2--Shawn Michaels kicks out again. Lance is talking to the ref and Shawn catches him offguard with a quick superkick followed by a cover 1--2--Lance kicks out again. Shawn climbs up top and goes for a Diving Elbow Drop but lance gets his knees up in time and Shawn hits them. Lance locks Michaels in a Half Crab and Shawn Michaels looks like he is going to tap but he reaches the ropes in time and the ref forces Storm to let go. Lance Storm then calls for the Boston Crab and he drags Michaels towards the center of the ring but Michaels turns it into his own type of rollup 1--2--2.9--kickout. Lance escapes at the last second and rolls away but Michaels meets him with a few right hands and whips him off the ropes. He goes for the Superkick but Lance ducks and catches Michaels with a Superkick of his own. He makes the cover 1--2--3!
Lilian: Your Winner, Lance Storm!
King: Lance Storm has done it JR!
JR: Actually, I'm pretty impressed with Storm. That was a big win over Shawn Michaels. Very soon we're going to be seeing Lance Storm vs Brandon with the European Title on the Line!
King: And Speaking of Brandon, he's coming up next, so Dont go away!
JR: And we're back.
King: One Half of our next contest is already in the ring.
Lilian: The following Non-Title contest is scheduled for one fall, First already in the ring, Jeff Corruption! ("Overnight Celebrity" hits, Crowd Cheers) His opponent, From Knoxville, Tennesee, the SCWE European Champion...Brandon!
JR: Jeff Corruption is a tough competitor, but I dont know if he's ready for Brandon.
King: Brandon is probably thinking about his #1 contender Lance Storm.
As soon as Brandon gets in the ring, Jeff Corruption attacks him with some right hands and a drop kick. Brandon gets mad and goes to clothesline him but Jeff Corruption ducks and jumps on his back. He then does a fancy roll-up, but Brandon escapes and kicks him in the head. He then bashes his head off the turnbuckle. He then locks Jeff Corruption  in the Sharp Shooter, and Jeff screams in pain but makes it to the ropes and Brandon is forced to let go. Brandon delivers a Powerslam on Corruption 1....2....but Jeff kicks out. Brandon goes for the Rush but Jeff shoves him away and slides under his legs, followed by a big right hand. Brandon hits a rake to the eyes of Corruption, and he puts him in position for the Last Stop, but "The Never End Nightmare Theme" begins to play on the PA system, and Brandon drops Corruption wondering what it is, and Corruption comes up behind him with a School-Boy Rollup, 1....2....3! After getting the 3 count, Corruption flees the ring and runs up the entrance way leaving a confused Brandon in the ring.
Lilian: Your Winner, Jeff Corrupton!
JR: That was odd King.
King: Jeff Corruption wasn't really doing much against Brandon but then we heard the Never Ending Nightmare Music, and that allowed Him to get the HUGE upset.
JR: What does this mean though, hopefully we'll find out more soon.
Maven:Yeah, I hope so.
:A knock at the door is heard:
Jackie: Not this again!
:Maven gets the door only to be greeted by Mikey G:
Maven: Here to brag some more about your win over me?
Mikey: No Im done with that. Listen about tonights match..
Maven: How do I know I can trust you?
Mikey: You dont. But If you wanna win you're gonna have to.
Maven: I guess, I mean the NEN needs to get shut up by somebody.
Mikey: Ok, just for tonight. Then I'll be back to take your title next week.
Maven: You wish.
Mikey: Hey, I beat you once, whats another one?
Maven: Shut up and leave already.
:Back at Ringside:
King: That's not gonna be the best team.
JR: No kidding, these guys arent gonna cope well together.

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/1/2006 12:51 AM

JR: Welcome back everybody.

King: Tonight is turning out to be quite a night.

JR: And there are still 5 matches to go!

King: Let's get into our next one right now.

Lilian: The following Triple Threat Match is scheduled for one fall ("Its about Us" hits, Crowd cheers) First, From Inglewood, California...Ivory!

JR: I dont know, I could see Ivory winning this one.

King: Who cares who wins JR, it's three times the divas, which means three times the puppies!!

JR: Go Get a Life King.

Lilian: ("Hotel" Hits, Crowd Cheers) Her opponent, From Knoxville, Tennessee....Brish Ness!

King: Brish Ness is looking hot like always.

JR: She picked up a win last week, can she make it two in a row?

Lilian: ("Toxic" hits, Crowd boos) Lastly, From Tacoma, Washington....Cynthia Diamond!

JR: Out of the three of them, Cynthia probably has the best chance of winning.

King: Like I said, I dont care who wins, as long as some tops go flying.

All three divas begin to battle as the bell rings. Ivory grabs Brish Ness and throws her into the turnbuckle, but Cynthia Diamond grabs Ivory and throws her into the other turnbuckle. She delivers a clothesline to Ivory and tries to give one to Brish, but Brish ducks and does a clothesline of her own. Ivory rushes at her, but Brish backdrops her. Brish stays in control as she dumps Ivory over the ropes and goes back to work on Cynthia Diamond. She knocks her down in the corner and delivers a Bronco Buster on her! The male fans are going wild at this point, but Ivory gets back in the ring and grabs Brish by the hair and nails her with a Big DDT. She covers 1...2...but Cynthia Breaks it up. She lifts Ivory up for a Diamond Buffer, but Shantell dropkicks her and Ivory lands on top of her and the ref begins to count 1......2......Cynthia kicks out. Ivory tries to escape but Cynthia grabs her and tries to lock her in the Boston Crab but Brish Ness hits a flying crossbody for a 1....2....Cynthia kicks out again. Ivory goes to tackle Brish, but Brish ducks and Ivory hits the turnbuckle post. Brish then takes Ivory out with a Fameasser. She covers for a 1.......2.....Cynthia breaks the pin up and hits Brish with a Swinging Neckbreaker. At this Ivory spears Cynthia down, but Cynthia rolls on top of her and rips Ivory's top off! Ivory then runs backstage, and Cynthia turns around into a superkick attempt by Brish but Cynthia stands tall and connects with the Diamond Buffer on Brish. She makes the cover 1.......2......3!

Lilian: Your Winner, Cynthia Diamond!

JR: Just like I expected, Cynthia won it.

King: But it was fun to watch, wasn't it?

JR: I guess...

:"I stand Alone" By Godsmack hits as The Never Ending Nightmare make their way to the ring:

JR: Whats this about?

King: Why is the Never Ending Nightmare out here?

:Raven gets a mic and begins to speak:

Raven: You all Saw what happened last week. The Never Ending Nightmare now holds the Tag Titles. The never ending nightmare now holds the RAWCore title because the Never Ending Nightmare now has the one and only, Do or Die! The Never Ending Nightmare is the Number One Stable and the best thing going on RAW these days. And soon, very soon, we will have every single title their is, including the World Title, which Maven may have now, but Maven my friend, you're days are numbered as champion. Now there are a few other things that I....

:As Raven is talking, This shows up on the titan tron: 

Raven: What the hell?

:All of the Sudden "In Da Club" By 50 Cent hits the PA System. Raven and everybody is shocked:

JR: Ok, now Im lost.

King: What the hell is happening.

:The music is still playing, when all of the sudden lance Drake alongside Sonny Siaki step out:

King: Oh my god JR! It's Sonny Siaki!

Sonny Siaki: Raven, Raven, Raven. Never Ending Nightmare is the best thing going? I dont think so. How about Never Ending Nightmare WAS the best thing going. Wanna know why?

Raven: I wanna know why the hell you're out here and why you interrupted me.

Sonny: You really wanna know Raven? Because the truth is, I am the best thing going. And Im guessing you're wondering why. Well I'll tell you. Let's just say that....The SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT XTREME HAS RETURNED!!!

:Sonny and Lance Drake hit the ring, and Raven goes to hit Sonny, but Sonny ducks and clotheslines Raven down. Lance Drake fends off Do or Die, but Corruption nails him. This causes Siaki to nail Corruption from behind and hit him with a Powerslam. By this time Raven gets up and takes out Siaki with a Raven effect. Die takes out Lance Drake with a Death Trap. After this, Raven goes outside the ring and comes back in with a Steel Chair. He raises it high about his head and goes to hit Sonny, but Sonny rolls out of the way at the last second and grabs the chair and all of the Never Ending Nightmare get out of the ring: "So Far Away" hits and Vince Russo hurries out:

Vince: What the hell is going on out here. Sonny, Lance you stay right where you are, and guys stay out there. It seems to me like there's a little bit of a problem out here. What might this be? You guys are trying to figure out what's the number one thing going on RAW? Well we dont have to solve that by beating the crap out of each other just anytime we feel like it. So I, as always, have a proposal. Raven and Corruption, you guys have Mikey G and Maven tonight. But next week, I think I have the perfect match. Raven and Chris Corruption....vs Sonny Siaki and Lance Drake! (Crowd cheers) But it's a little different than this week, because in this match...The Tag Titles will be on the line! (NEN looks pissed) Oh and Sonny and Lance...I suggest you do not interfere with tonight's match, because if you do you will be suspended and the match will be off next week! Thank you, that is all.

:Vince Russo leaves, and The Never Ending Nightmare leave as well:


After The Break:

JR: Well, we've seen everything here tonight, haven't we?
King: It's turning out to be quite a night. I mean look what we have next. A RAWCore title match.
JR: It's the Never Ending Nightmare's own Do or Die defending his title against Team Style's Josh Johnson. Should be a Slobber Knocker!
King: Well I know we wont be seeing S.E.X. out here, because we know if they are, then they dont get the match next week, plus they're back on the Inactive list.
JR: Let's get to it.
Lilian: The following RAWCore Match is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE RAWCore Championship, ("You Can Do It hits", Crowd boos)First making his way to the ring, from Miami, Florida, the SCWE RAWCore Champion...Do or Die!
King: No Amy.

JR: Probably because it's a RAWCore Match and anything can happen.
King: I'm betting Die will retain.
Lilian: ("What More Can I say hits", Crowd cheers) The challenger, From Cleveland, Ohio...Josh Johnson!
JR: I think Johnson has what it takes to win the title!
King: No JR, Do or Die has More "Style" than Johnson ever will.
Do or Die and Josh Johnson lock up and Josh catches Die in an armbar. Die battles out and throws Josh off the ropes and tries to clothesline him but Josh ducks and dropkicks him down to the ground. Josh picks Die up and throws him in the corner and delivers chops in the corner. Die reverses it and throwd Johnson to the other corner and goes charging at him, but Josh meets him with a kick to the gut. Josh goes outside the ring and grabs a steel chair. When he gets back in the ring, he goes to hit Die, but Die dropkicks the chair back into his face! He covers for a 1........2........kickout by Josh. Die picks Josh up and throws him to the outside of the ring. Die takes the chair with him and he smacks Josh off the head with it. He bounces Josh's head off the steel ring post and covers again, 1........2........but Josh kicks out again. Die picks Josh up by the hair and takes him up the entrance way to the Backstage Area. When they reach the backstage, Josh begins battling back with punches of his own. He pushes Die into a wall and hits his head off it. Die goes for his own right hand, but Josh blocks it and throws him into one of the cars in the parking lot. Josh then catches Die with a Fisherman's Suplex and hooks the leg for a 1.........2.........kickout by Die. Josh then climbs to the top of a car and goes for a Diving Moonsault, but Die moves at the last second and Josh hits the hard ground. Josh is in pain as Die gets up. Die locks Josh in a painful Death Lock and Josh screams in pain. Die lets go and picks Josh up for a Death Trap but Josh shoves him away. Josh is still in pain from the missed moonsault and crawls over to Die, who meets him with a Superkick. Die covers, 1........2........2.5..........Josh just kicks out. Die cant believe it as he picks Josh up Again and then goes in search of a weapon. This gives Josh time to recover, and when Die returns with a wrench, Josh meets him with a low blow and Die drops it. Josh then delivers a painful DDT on Die and covers for a 1.........2..........kickout. Josh sets Die up for the JSCM but Die ducks. He then connects with the Death Trap onto the concrete ground and covers, 1......2.....3!
Lilian: Your Winner and Still SCWE RAWCore Champion, Do or Die!
JR: Both these guys put up a great fight.
King: But like we all knew would happen, Do or Die retained.
JR: Shut up king.
King: We'll be back in a sec.
JR: Welcome back. Can you believe we still have 3 matches left?
King: And coming up next is a divas match! My favorite!
JR: The Womens Champion and Savanna Madison vs the Number One Contender and Molly Holly.
Lilian: The following Tag Team contest is scheduled for one fall, ("Cant we Dance hits, Crowd boos) Making her way to the ring, both from Toronto Canada,the team of Savanna Madison, and the SCWE Womens Champion...Shantell Angle!
JR: I dont like Shantell's attitude, King.
King: It's about whats on the outside JR.
Lilian: ("I like the way you move" hits, Crowd cheers) And their opponents, First from Forest Lake Minesota...Molly Holly! And her partner, From Chattanooga Falls, Ohio...Jackie Gayda!
King: Now I love Jackie JR, but she just cant seem to beat Shantell.
JR: Who knows, tonight with Molly Holly, maybe she will.
Jackie and Molly are having a hard time deciding who to start off the match. Molly pushes Jackie in first. The match starts off with Jackie Gayda and Savanna Madison in the ring. Jackie locks up with Savanna then takes her down hard with an elbow the face. Savanna falls and Jackie wastes no time attacking her. Jackie grabs Savanna by the hair and hair tosses her across the ring. Savanna hits the turnbuckle right across the line of her back and falls back down onto the mat holding her side. Jackie pulls Savanna up holding her head between her legs then tags in Molly. Molly comes in and nails Savanna across the neck with the back of her arm. Jackie slides out and Molly works on Savanna. Molly Irish Whips Savanna into the turnbuckle again then back flips back into her knocking her on her face. Molly tags in Jackie again. Jackie climbs to the top rope and jumps off belly first but Savanna manages to move out of the way! Jackie hits face first and looks completly out of it. Savanna lays there trying to roll over to tag in Shantell. The ref begins to count them both out. 1...2..Molly hits the mat waiting for Jackie to get up..3..4..Savanna is closer to Shantell whose extended as far as she can out for a tag..5..6..Jackie crawls over to Molly about to tag her in as well. Savanna gets the tag first and she immediatly runs to Jackie yanking her legs back before she tags in Molly. Jackie tries to kick her off but Shantell stomps her legs away nailing her in the gut. Jackie rolls over in pain and Molly tries to get in to help her but the ref stops her which allows Shantell the distraction. She drags Jackie over to the rope choking her out an extra second while the refs back is turned. The ref turns back around and counts to 3 before Shantell lets her go. Shantell pulls Jackie up to her feet then DDT's her right back down. Shantell taunts but wastes to much time as Jackie gets to her feet and chick kicks Shantell in the gut then falls back down into the corner. Molly tags herself in shoving Jackie out of the ring and runs at Shantell. Shantell raises her feet and Molly slams right into the sending her flying backwards. Molly looks dizzy and shakes it off then attempts to go at Shantell again. Molly back handsprings towards Shantell wrapping her legs around her neck then flips her across to the other side of the ring. Molly goes for a pin. 1...2...Savanna on the outside puts Shantell's foot on the rope stopping the count. Molly stands up then baseball slides herself under the rope knocking Savanna into the guard barriers. Molly turns around but gets nailed by Shantell off the rope. Shantell pulls Molly back in as Jackie races around to the other side in an attempt to save Molly. Shantell back rolls up on Molly pinning her. 1...2...Molly reverses into a pin of her own. 1...2...Shantell reverses again only uses the ropes to hold her down pinning Molly. Jackie runs back around to knock Shantells feet off the rope but Savanna clotheslines her on the outside. 1..2...3!!
JR: Big win by Shantell and Savanna here.
King: I'll say.

JR: They did cheat, but they got the job done. I know Jackie will be disappointed.

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/1/2006 12:52 AM

JR:Well we're back and a little more time to go.

King: Still to come is our main event as well as Mr. Bullion vs the Undertaker.

: "Hysteria" by Muse plays on the pa system and Charisma Adams steps out. The fans boo but some of the male fans cheer. Charisma stops on the entrance ramp and begins to speak:

Charisma: Good evening. Right now I'm out here for a very important announcement. Now with Vince Russo as my co-general manager, a bunch of new things are happening to the RAW brand. Some changes. The announcement concerns SCWE Backlash. With all these changes we couldn't possibly have a ppv so soon. (Crowd boos) I know I hate to disappoint you, but SCWE Backlash is cancelled! (Crowd boos again) However, since Vince and I are sich fair people, we have a special treat for all of you to enjoy. And that is two weeks from tonight, we will be having a night of the champions. (Crowd cheers) Every single title will be defended. And as for the other two matches, well, I'll be sure to keep you guys entertained somehow. Some of the matches will be the following. Lance Storm is the number one contender to the European Championship, so Lance Storm vs Brandon will happen that night! As of now Jackie Gayda is the current number one contender to the Womens Title, and she will get her shot. HOWEVER, with her big win tonight, I want to throw Cynthia Diamond into the fray as well. Shantell Angle will defend against Jackie Gayda and Cynthia Diamond in a triple threat! (Crowd cheers) And as for the tag team champios, whomever they may be after next week, they will defend against...Team Style! That's all for now, more matches will be announce next week heading into our very own Night of the Champions. Thank you.

JR: Wow, Backlash was cancelled?

King: At least we got a night of the champions in its place.

JR: I look forward to that, but coming up next is Mr Bullion vs the Undertaker!

King: I have been waiting for this one all night.

Lilian: The following No Disqualification Match is scheduled for one fall, ("Back in the Mudd" hits, Crowd cheers) First making his way to the ring, from Cleveland, Ohio....Mr. Bullion!

JR: No disqualification?

King: Charisma and Vince really wanted to spice this match up.

Lilian: ("Ministry" hits, Crowd cheers) And his opponent, From Death Valley, California...The Undertaker!

JR: Team Style's Josh Johnson failed in his attempt to win the RAWCore title...will Team Style go 0-2 tonight?

King: Bullion had no problem with Taker last week, this week wont be any different.

Mr. Bullion and The Undertaker lock up. The Undertaker kicks Bullion in the gut and the two exchange blows. Taker backs Bullion up into the corner and chokes him out with his boot. He tries for old school right away but Bullion pushes him to the outside. Bullion gets out and rolls Taker back in the ring and covers 1....2....Kickout by the Undertaker. Bullion picks Taker up by the hair and bashes his head off the turnbuckle. He throws Undertaker off the ropes and goes at him but Taker clotheslines him over the top ropes! Outside the ring, Taker takes Bullion's head and smacks it off the announce table. He throws Bullion on the table, and he climbs on top of the guard rail and jumps, but Bullion rolls off. Taker hits the table, but it doesnt break. Bullion grabs Taker and tosses his head off the ring post. Bullion then grabs a block of wood, and nails Taker square in the head with it. He throws Taker back in the ring, and covers 1.....2......2.9.....Undertaker barely kicks out. Bullion goes to exchange words with the ref as a bloody Undertaker struggles to his feet. Bullion turns around and walks right into a chokeslam! Undertaker covers 1......2.....Bullion kicks out. Undertaker picks Bullion up and follows up with another Chokeslam. Instead of pinning, he picks Bullion up and puts him in perfect position for the Tombstone. He nails it and covers 1.....2.....3.

Lilian: Your Winner, The Undertaker!

JR: Well, that was all out chaos.

King: This has not been a good night for Team Style.

JR: Folks, we have to take our last commercial break of the evening..


After The Break:

JR: It's main event time!

King: Maven's come a long way to get where he is today, as the SCWE World Heavyweight Champion.

:Footage is shown of Maven vs Matt Hardy for the World title last week:

Lilian: The following Not-title Tag Team Contest is scheduled for one fall, ("I stand alone" hits, Crowd boos) First making their way to the ring, The SCWE Tag Team Champions, From Las Vegas, Nevada...Chris Corrution! And his partner, From Short Hills, New Jersey...Raven!

King: What a team, JR!

JR: They may be a good team but I do think Maven and Mikey can handle them.

Lilian: ("St. Anger" hits, Crowd cheers) And their opponents, first, From Bronx, New York, The SCWE Intercontinental Champion...Mikey G!

JR: Mikey is the current IC Champion.

King: I wonder who he'll be defending it against at the Night of the Champions?

Lilian: (The Tough Enough Theme hits, Crows goes nuts) His partner, From Shendandoah Valley, Virginia, The NEW SCWE World Heavyweight Champion....Maven!

JR: Last week Maven won the World Title.

King: I'm proud of the kid, he's come a long way. 

Maven and Mikey are in the ring deciding who to go first when Raven grabs Mikey pulling him into the ring. Mikey elbows Raven in the gut twice. Raven backs up shaking his head then grabs Mikey around the neck backing him towards the turnbuckle. Mikey uses his knee and knocks Raven away from him. Mikey wraps his arms around Raven's waist and German Suplex's him. Raven goes back and Mikey pins. 1..2..kick out by Raven. Raven gets to his feet and attacks Mikey down with right hands. Mikey manages to block a few but Raven over powers him. Raven yanks Mikey up and flings him hard into the ropes then takes him down with a hard clothesline nearly knocking his head off. Raven tags in Chris Corruption. Chris runs at Mikey and hits a Belly to Belly suplex then rolls him up for a pin. 1..2..Maven runs in and breaks up the count. Raven also gets in and attacks Maven but Maven kicks Raven out of the ring onto the hard floor outside. Maven and Raven are going at it outside the ring. Raven throws Maven over the barriers into the crowd as they start to exchange blows to the head. Back inside the ring Mikey has the upperhand and has Chris backed into the corner giving countless chops to the chest. Chris finally blocks Mikey's hand and elbows him in the face. Chris stomps him twice then twists his foot around putting him into a tight leg lock. Mikey rolls over sending Chris flying forward into a pin. 1...2...Chris reverses into a pin of his own. 1...2...Mikey rolls out. Chris and Mikey both stand a little wobbly. Mikey goes to kick Chris in the gut but Chris grabs his foot and slams him onto the mat. Chris goes to the top rope and jumps off with a powerful frog splash but Mikey gets his knee up and it hits Chris right across the rib cage. Chris rolls around the ring in pain and Mikey gets to his feet. He pulls Chris up and DDT's him back down. Mikey pulls Chris back up but gets hit in the eye with Chris's thumb. Chris whips Mikey into the ropes and as Mikey is coming back, they clothesline each other. Both are down on the mat. Mikey crawls over to Chris and pins. 1...2...kick out. Mikey can't believe it! Raven climbs back into the ring followed by Maven who has a chair clutched in his hands. Chris points to Maven and Raven turns around but yanks Mikey up in front of him. Maven accidently nails Mikey in the head. Raven then knocks Maven out of the ring again leaving Chris to work on Mikey again. Chris stands up gaining some of his strength back and gets his arms around Mikey for a German Suplex. Keeping his hold on Mikey, he German suplex's him again. Chris proves stronger and turns around knocking Mikey on his back. Chris hits the mat withMikey, putting him into a tight sleeper hold. The ref hits the mat and raises Mikey's hand. It falls back to the mat. 1....the ref raises his hand again and again it falls to the mat. 2....the ref then raises Mikey's hand for the third and final time. His hand hits the mat for a 3!!!

Lilian: Your Winners, Chris Corruption and Raven!

JR: What bad luck for Mikey G and Maven.

King: They wouldn't have won anyways.

JR: It looked like they had it won, but Mikey accidently nailed Maven allowing Raven to take advantage.

King: Well we're out of time, see you next week.

:Goes off the Air: