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RAW : RAW 5/21/04
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/1/2006 12:59 AM

Results 5/21/04 Live From Atlanta, Georgia

Photo's From Last Week's RAW are Shown:

 opens up with Lillian Garcia singing the National Anthem

RAW's Pyro Then Explodes!!

Dark Matches Before RAW

Dark Match #1: The Dudley Boyz and David Warfield defeated Hank, John Doe, and Jason Stratus

Dark Match #2: Bobby Bulletz defeated Trevor Tyrance

JR: Welcome live to SCWE RAW! This is Jim Ross alongside Jerry, "The King" Lawler.

King: Welcome everybody, and JR what a night we have tonight! The Intercontinental Title is on the line in a ladder match!

JR: Dont forget about the Tag Team Title match.

King: Should be a great night of action! Let's get right into our first contest.

Lilian: The following contest is scheduled for one fall ("Gold-Lust" hits, Crowd Cheers) First making his way to the ring, from Hollywood, California...Goldust!

JR: In my opinion, Goldust was better on WCW.

King: Wherever he goes, he scares me.

Lilian: ("Shannnon Moore's theme" hits, Crowd cheers) His opponent, From Raleigh North Carolina...Shannon Moore!

The Match starts off as Goldust and Shannon Moore lock up. All of a sudden "Hysteria" by Muse hits the PA system and Charisma struts down the ramp holding a mic.

Charisma: Hold it right there fellas.

:Charisma begins to pace the outside of the ring while Goldust and Shannon Moore look out confused:

Charisma: I know you're wondering what the hell I am doing out here interrupting you're match. Well, let me tell you. You see Goldust. Lately, I have noticed how much you complain. RAW isn't up to your standards anymore. Which is perfectly well, since you're not performing as well as I hoped when I first got you back here on RAW. Now, I did some business with a very dear friend of mine who has agreed to a little trade. Goldust, I suggest you head backstage and pack your things.

:Goldust looks shocked as he glares at Charisma:

Charisma: You see, the trade I made was with Eric Bischoff, General Manager of WCW! Goldust, you are the newest superstar to WCW so go on. Get! As for the trade part, we now have gained a quickly up and coming superstar..The Rocket!

JR: Wow, King did you hear that? Charisma and Vince have released Goldust to WCW and gained The Rocket a current..well I shouldn't say current anymore but I former WCW Superstar.

King: What a way to start off RAW. Hate to do this but we have to head to a Commercial Break. Don't changed the channel!



:Vince Russo is walking backstage when he runs into Charisma Adams:

Vince Russo: Charisma, We need to talk.

Charisma: Ok Vince, shoot.

Vince: Well, I was thinking about next week. Night of the Champions. We want it to be a night to remember, dont we?

Charisma: Of course we do.

Vince: Then we gotta go big, we gotta go huge. And well I was thinking. We have 6 titles that got to be put on the line.

Charisma: Yep, and we already have some set. The European and Womens Matches are already booked.

Vince: Which leaves 4 more that we gotta book. And the first thing that came to my mind was the Intercontinental and Tag Titles situation.

Charisma: What about it?

Vince: For one thing, if Mr Bullion wins the IC title, then he has to defend it. But it was already said that Team Style would get a tag title shot.

Charisma: Yeah, that might screw things up.

Vince: But luckily I have a back-up plan. Lets suppose that Mr Bullion wins the IC title tonight. Well then i have the perfect solution to who should get the tag title shots. (Whispers something in Charisma's ear)

Charisma: I like the way you think Vince. And if he does win, well then I have the perfect opponent for him as well.

Vince: Aren't we just geniouses?

Charisma: Of course we are. The best in the business.

:Back at ringside:

JR: Looks like our Co General Manager's have some thoughts about next week.

King: I cant wait for them to reveal those ideas.

JR: But right now, we have a tag team match everybody!

Lilian: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall, (Lance Storm's theme hits, Crowd boos) Introducing first, From Calgary Alberta, Canada....Lance Storm!

JR: Next week at Night of the Champions, Lance Storm will get a shot at the European title.

King: I know Lance will have the gold again come next week,

Lilian: ("Jeff Corruption's theme" hits, Crowd boos) And his partner...Jeff Corruption!

JR: Jeff picked up a big win last week over Brandon, but I was more shocked when we saw him join the Never Ending Nightmare.

King: Im sure nobody expected that but hey, he's Chris Corruption's brother.

Lilian: ("sexy Boy" hits, Crowd boos) Their opponents, First from San Antonio, Texas...Shawn Michaels!

JR: Shawn hasn't been at his best lately, King.

King: He has a chance to make up for it right now.

Lilian: ("Overnight Celebrity" hits, Crowd Boos) And his partner, From Knoxville, Tennesse, The SCWE European Champion...Brandon!

JR: I am suprised at the sudden change of Brandon, and i dont really like it.

King: Especially since he kicked Brish Ness to the curb, hopefully she knows that Im available.

:Lance Jeff, and Brandon are in the ring waiting for Shawn Michaels when suddenly Vince Russo appears on the Titan Tron:
Vince: Sorry boys but you'll be one man short. Shawn Michaels has been released to WCW. The match will go on..but it is now a Handicap Match!!
Jeff Corruption and Brandon start things off. They lock up and Brandon backs Jeff into the corner then shoves him. Jeff locks up with Brandon again then Jeff takes down Brandon with a firemans carry. He hooks the leg for a 1...2..kick out. Jeff looks to be getting frustrated and puts Brandon into a headlock. Brandon struggles out of it then takes Jeff down with a hard right hand. Jeff locks the headlock in again but Brandon hits him with a shoulder block, getting out of the hold. Brandon then takes down Jeff with an arm drag. Brandon hooks the leg..1..2...kick out by Jeff. Brandon can't believe it as he stands and pulls Jeff up. Jeff elbows Brandon in the gut then tags in Lance Storm. Lance attacks Brandon down with a right hand then mounts him and begins to pound away. Brandon flips him putting him into a Boston Crab. Lance is screaming in pain and Jeff runs in and breaks it up. Brandon stands up and attempts to take down Jeff when suddenly Chris Corruption, Jeff's brother and NEN member, hits the ring. He distracts the ref while Jeff and Lance double team Brandon. Brandon fights back all he can but Jeff takes him down with a DDT as Lance pounds away at him. Jeff then rolls out of the ring as Lance hooks Brandon's leg. 1...2...3!!

Lilian: Your winners, Lance Storm and Jeff Corruption!

King: And just like I predicted, Lance Storm's team won.

JR: They worked pretty well together, Suprisingly. The real reason though was because HBK was released to WCW and Brandon was left without a partner.

King: Excuses excuses. Jeff and Lance were just to much for him. See you all after the break.


JR: Welcome back.

King: Well we still have 6 matches to go.

JR: Well I just got word that backstage, Miss Shannon is standing by with Raven and Chris Corruption.

King: Let's see what our tag champs have to say.

JR: Back to Shannon.


Shannon Michaels:Good evening everybody, I am backstage with the SCWE Tag Team Champions, Raven and Chris Corruption. Well boys, how do you feel about tonights match?

Raven: What do you mean how do I feel? I feel like Im gonna win. How do you feel about being a class A slut?

Shannon: Umm, ...

Raven: You know what dont answer that. Let's just get something straight right now. Sonny Siaki and his little followers stuck their noses where they didnt belong last week, and because of that they're going to pay. There's one thing you should know by now. And that is Dont Screw with the Never Ending Nightmare, or else you have to pay the price.

Shannon: Well do you...

Raven: Sorry, but this interview is over.

:The Never Ending Nightmare walks away as Shaydawg shoves Shannon Michaels down to the ground:

JR: Raven seems to have his thoughts set on revenge tonight.

King: I wouldnt want to be Sonny Siaki or his S.E.X. followers tonight.

Lilian: The following Non-Title Contest is Scheduled For one fall ("You Can Do It" hits, Crowd boos) First making his way to the ring, from Miami, Florida, the SCWE RAWCore Champion...Do or Die!

King: Speaking of the Never Ending Nightmare.

JR: They really are spreading. One thing I know is that tonight Die does not have to put his title on the line.

Lilian: ("Ministry" hits, Crowd Cheers) And his opponent, From Death Valley...The Undertaker!

JR: Undertaker picked up a huge victory over Mr Bullion last week.

King: I have a feeling he's gonna pick up another win tonight.

Bell rings and both men circle the ring.  Die charges at Take, but Taker lifts him up the air and does a back body drop to Die, but when he turns around Die is on his feet.  Die kicks Taker in the gut, and goes for a DDT, but Taker reverses it into a Spine buster.  Taker lifts up Die and knees him in the gut, and gets him in a bear lock.  He has the hold on for a minute, and then slams Die into the mat.  Taker covers, 1�?�?.6.  Taker goes to pick up Die again, but Die reverses into a Small Package, 1�?.5.  Die gets up, and Taker sits right out.  Die drop kicks Taker in the face, but Taker stands up again, and grabs Die's throat, but Die kicks Taker in the gut, and runs against the ropes, but Taker comes at him with a flying lariat.  Taker picks up Die, but out of desperation, Die hits the Death Drop on Taker, and covers, 1�?�?.5.  Taker then sits up, and looks pissed.  He grabs Die by the throat, and goes for a chokeslam, but Die slips off, and goes to punch Taker, but Taker blocks the punch, and sets him up for the Tombstone, and delivers it.  Taker crosses Die's hands over his heart and covers, 1...2�?!!
Lilian: Your Winner, The Undertaker!
King: Wow, JR.
JR: The Undertaker just pinned the RAWCore Champion.
King: I was actually a little suprised there, it looked pretty even.
:Backstage in Charisma's Office:
Vince: Did you see that, Charisma?
Charisma: Of course I did. Die is just lucky we decided to make it non-title.
Vince: But have you noticed that he hasn't defended the title that much since he became the champion?

Charisma: Yeah, I guess we've been giving him too many favors.
Vince: Well I have a way we can change that.
Charisma: Really, how so?
Vince: Next week is the night of the champions. And Do or Die is the RAWCore Champion. So he has to defend it.
Charisma: I see where this is going.
Vince: So what I propose, is a battle royal. Maybe an 8 man battle royal.
Charisma: I like that, but I'll do you one better. A 12 man battle royal for the SCWE RAWCore Championship next week.
Vince: I like the way you think Charisma. Now lets talk about who we want in it.
:Back at ringside:
JR: Wow, did you hear that?
King: 12 man battle royal for the RAWCore title, next week!
JR: it's shaping up to be a fairly decent card.
King: I really cant wait for it!
King: Welcome back.
JR: Lets get into our next match.
King: 4 divas, 4 times the action, 4 times the puppies!!
Lilian: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, ("The way you move" hits, Crowd cheers) First making her way to the ring, from Chattanooga Falls, Ohio...Jackie Gayda!
JR: Jackie will be one of 3 divas next week competing for the Womens Title along with Cynthia Diamond and Shantell Angle.
King: I think Jackie has the best chance of winning tonight, but we'll see how everything goes.
Lilian: ("Its about us" hits, Crowd cheers) next, making her way to the ring, from Inglewood, California...Ivory!
JR: Ivory has done some impressive things here in KSCWE. Not a long while before she becomes Women's Champion.
King: Jackie Gayda and Ivory are best friends, but tonight they will be competing against each other.
Lilian: ("Some Kind of Hate" hits, Crowd boos) Making her way to the ring, from Toronto, Canada...Savanna Madison!
JR: These fans dont really like Savanna Madison, JR.
King: Neither do I, but she is strong and has a good chance here tonight.
Lilian: ("Hotel" hits, Crowd cheers) And Lastly, From Knoxville, Tennesee....Brish Ness!
King: Brish is looking hot tonight.
JR: I feel bad, she was kicked to the curb by Brandon this past week.
King: Brandon is pretty stupid then.

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/1/2006 12:59 AM
All 4 ladies are in the ring as they eyeball each other. Savanna makes the first move and runs after Ivory. Jackie stops her and clotheslines her down. Ivory and Jackie team up and work on Savanna while Brish Ness watches everything observing the action. Savanna fights back then Brish Ness grabs Ivory by her hair taking her by surprise and knocks her face first into the turnbuckle. Savanna elbows Jackie in the face then DDT's her. Savanna hooks her leg. 1..2..Brish Ness breaks up the count. Brish Ness pulls up Savanna and flings her out of the ring. Brish turns around only to be met with a foot to the face by Ivory. Brish Ness falls over the ropes and outside the ring where Savanna attacks her and they battle it out on the outside. Only Jackie and Ivory are in the ring now left looking at each other. Jackie stretches a little then holds out her hand in good sportsman ship, for Ivory. They shake then Ivory attacks Jackie knocking her to the ground. Ivory delivers a right hand but Jackie blocks it and back rolls up Ivory. 1..2...kick out barely by Ivory. Jackie pulls Ivory up and whips her into the ropes but Ivory holds on and Jackie hits nothing but air. Jackie is left hanging on the ropes half in and half out. Ivory yanks her back in and rolls her up for the 1.2.3!!

Lilian: Your Winner, Ivory!!

JR: Big win here by Ivory.

King: I was actually suprised that she won it.

JR: Well my hats off to Ivory tonight.

King: We have to take a break, but we'll be right back.


:Backstage in Charisma's office a knock is heard:

Vince: Hold up, I'll get it.

:Vince answers the door, and you cant see who it is:

Vince: Wow, look who it is.

Charisma: Welcome boys. Here are your contracts. All you have to do is sign on the dotted line and you're officially on SCWE RAW.

:A 15 second pause:

Charisma: Thank you gentlemen, that will be all for now.

:The door is heard shutting and the camera goes back to Charisma and Vince:

Vince: I told you that we will make it to #1.

Charisma: And you just cant let me down Vince. So tell me, would that be your plan?

Vince: Of necissary, yes it is. I have a feeling it will work out.

Charisma: Well then in that case, Im all for it. Of course I have an idea of my own.

Vince: Whats that?

Charisma: I have some men who I want to add to the 12 man battle royal next week.

Vince: Go on...

Charisma: Well obviously Do or Die, because he is the champ, but for others, The Undertaker for one, because he beat Do or Die tonight, and also Shannon Moore and Jeff Corruption.

Vince: That's all fine with me. And for the others, well I have some ideas as well. So sit down and let me know what you think.

:Back at ringside:

JR: I wonder who that person was at the door?

King: I dont know JR, but I dont think it was one person. I think it was a couple of people. She did say boys.

JR: Maybe, who knows. But we did found out a few people who will be participating in the RAWCore title battle royal next week.

King: Yes we did, we now know that Do or Die will have to defend against the Undertaker, Jeff Corruption, and Shannon Moore but there are still 8 other superstars that have a chance to get into this match.

JR: Lets get into our next match.

:They get interrupted as the Titan-Tron flashes on and backstage Lance Drake, Sonny Siaki and Bobby Bulletz are seen hunting for the members of Never Ending Nightmare.:

Bobby: I think they went this way.

Sonny: Lance, you and Bobby go that way. I'll go alone this way.

:Back at ringside:

Lilian: The following non-title contest is scheduled for one fall ("Toxic" hits, Crowd boos) First making her way to the ring, from Tacoma, Washington...Cynthia Diamond!

JR: I don't know what that was all about but I suppose we'll know soon enough. They look determined though maybe it has something to do with their matches tonight. Speaking of matches, tonight it may be non-title, but Cynthia has a chance to win the title next week when she goes up against Shantell Angle and Jackie Gayda.

King: Tonight she has a chance to one-up Shantell though.

Lilian:("Cant we dance" Hits, Crowd boos) Her opponent, From Toronto, Canada, the SCWE Womens Champion...Shantell Angle!

JR: I really dont like her King.

King: She's hot though, JR.

Shantell goes right for Cynthia but Cynthia moves out of the way and catches Shantell in a sleeper hold. She whips Shantell from the ropes and goes to hit her but Shantell ducks and begins to open up on Cynthia. She catches her with some powerful right hands. Shantell backs Cynthia into the corner and she throws her into the opposite one. Shantell then does a backhand spring into her and follows up with a big bulldog! She covers for a 1...2...kickout by Cynthia. Shantell goes up top and calls for a moonsault and hits it! She covers again for a 1...2...Cynthia kicks out again and this time she springs to her feet and nails Shantell in the head with a clothesline. Cynthia follows up with her version of a rolling thunder and then she covers 1...2...Shantell kicks out. Cynthia picks Shantell up by the hair and she tries for a Diamond Buffer but Shantell delivers a Chick Kick to the head of Cynthia and Cynthia turns away in pain allowing Shantell to roll her up but Cynthia reverses it and flings Shantell to the outside of the ring. Shantell grabs her title unnoticed and when Cynthia goes to get her Shantell hits her in the head with it and she gets back in the ring and covers. The ref is conused but he makes the count 1...2...3.

Lilian: Your Winner, Shantell Angle!

JR: Well Shantell is walking out of Atlanta the winner tonight.

King: I wonder if this means anything about what may happen next week?

JR: We'll see, but if anything it means that Shantell cant get a clean win. We're gonna take a quick break now.


 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/1/2006 12:59 AM
JR: Welcome back, we still have 3 matches to go tonight!
King: Wow, the night's going by fast.
JR: Coming up pretty soon, we will be watching Maven vs Josh Johnson. Now as you know, last week Maven and Mikey G just couldnt cut it in their tag team match against the Never Ending Nightmare.
King: Let's take a look at that JR.
JR: Roll the footage.
:Footage is shown of Maven/Mikey vs Raven/Corruption from last week:
:Chris points to Maven and Raven turns around but yanks Mikey up in front of him. Maven accidently nails Mikey in the head. Raven then knocks Maven out of the ring again leaving Chris to work on Mikey again. Chris stands up gaining some of his strength back and gets his arms around Mikey for a German Suplex. Keeping his hold on Mikey, he German suplex's him again. Chris proves stronger and turns around knocking Mikey on his back. Chris hits the mat with Mikey, putting him into a tight sleeper hold. The ref hits the mat and raises Mikey's hand. It falls back to the mat. 1....the ref raises his hand again and again it falls to the mat. 2....the ref then raises Mikey's hand for the third and final time. His hand hits the mat for a 3!!!:
King: Not a good night for Maven or Mikey.

JR: Well tonight the two both have matches against different members of Team Style and im just hoping they redeem themselves from last week.
King: Now we're gonna show you some footage from earlier today. Roll it.
:Footage is shown of earlier today:
Maven: You'll do great relax.
Jackie: I just dont want Ivory to be all hurt over it.
Maven: She'll understand, trust me.
:All of the sudden Mikey G approaches:
Maven: Well, look who it is?
Mikey: Save it Maven, I came here to talk strictly business.
Maven: OK, shoot.
Mikey: Listen tonight I know you got Johnson, and I want you to take him out for me.
Maven: Well that can be arranged but can I ask why?
Mikey: My match tonight, I want it to be 100% fair. And one thing I know is, Bullion wants this thing. So I have a feeling that he's gonna have Johnson with him, so i gotta know if you got my back?
Maven: Yeah, I got your back tonight, just consider it a favor for screwing up the match last night.
:Mikey Leaves:
Jackie: You're gonna help him out?
Maven: We'll see about that. If Johnson is there, you bet your ass he'll be hearing from me.
:Footage Ends:
JR: Well, thats all we have from that encounter. But right now, we've got Maven live in action.
King: Maven vs Team Style's own Josh Johnson.
Lilian: The following Non-title contest is scheduled for one fall ("What More Can I say" hits, Crowd cheers) First making his way to the ring, From Cleveand, Ohio ....Josh Johnson!
King: Josh is going up against the SCWE World Champion tonight.
JR: Wouldnt it be huge if this kid could beat him?
Lilian: ("The Tough Enough Theme" hits, Crowd cheers) And his opponent, From Shendandoah, Valley, West Virginia..the SCWE World Heavyweight Champion....Maven!
JR: I still wonder who Maven will defend against next week.
King: I think he is firstly going to concentrate on Josh Johnson, then think about next week.
Josh Johnson climbs into the ring as Maven stares him down intently. Josh Johnson locks up with Maven and Josh backs Maven into the corner and goes for a right hand but Maven blocks it and hits a double right hand on Johnson. Josh slides out of the ring but Maven climbs out after him and chases him down knocking him hard to the ground. Maven continues throwing punches at Josh. Maven pulls Josh up and goes to whip him into the corner but Josh stops himself and Maven get's a boot to the face. Maven shakes it off quickly and gets back into it taking the lead again. He whips Josh into the steel stairs again then shoved him back into the ring. Maven pulls Johnson up once again and hits a backbody drop taking him once again to the outside of the ring. Maven nails Johnson across the back of the neck with his elbow and attempts to throw him into the steps again, but Johnson reverses it and sends Maven into the steps head first. Johnson grabs Maven by the back of the tights and throws him into the ring then locks in a reverse chin lock in the ropes. Maven manages to get out but Johnson pushes Maven's head into the turnbuckle and hits some hard right jabs. Maven tries to fight back with forearms but Johnson stops him. Maven finally gets ahold of Johnson's hand and Irish Whips him into the turnbuckle. Josh falls out onto the apron with his legs tangled in the ropes. Maven stomps on his mid-section a few times before backing up and charging at him. Johnson somehow got his legs out in time to avoid the blow by Maven who misses Johnson and crashes outside the ring. Johnson pulls up Maven and hits him with a hard blow across the back sending him face first into the apron. Johnson shoves Maven into the ring once again and begins to punch Maven on the back of the head. He hits a backbreaker then hooks Maven's leg for a pin. 1...2... kick out. Maven back fists Johnson then locks in a bearhug. The ref is circling them asking Johnson if he wants to give up. Johnson yells no then headbutts Maven who loosens his grip but quickly locks the bearhug back in. Johnson wiggles free and shoves Maven backwards knocking his head into the turnbuckle. Johnson then gets Maven into a bearhug of his own but Maven headbutts him. Johnson holds strong, and Maven begins to fight back with the help from the crowd. He hits a couple of forearms then manages and jawbreaker. Maven gets a clear shot to the mid-section and a right hand. Maven then whips Johnson into the ropes and hits a hard clothesling followed by a running back elbow. Maven hits a German Suplex, then hooks Johnson's leg for the 1..2..3!!
Lilian: Your Winner, Maven!!
JR: Nice win here by Maven.
King: Well of course I never had any doubts. We gotta go to a quick commercial though. Stay tuned.

JR: Welcome back, we still have 2 contests to go.

King: And both are for championships.

JR: Well, let's waste no time getting into this next one for the SCWE Tag Team Championship.

:Backstage Shannon Moore is shown laid out on the ground with paramedics surrounding him. Charisma and Vince are shown sprinting down the hall to the scene to investigate as now Shannon Moore is being loaded onto a stretcher and placed into the back of an ambulance.:

Lilian: The following Tag Team Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Tag Team Championship ("In Da Club" hits, Crowd is mixed) First, the challengers, from New York City New York, Lance Drake! And from the Isle of Samoa...Sonny Siaki!

JR: What in sam hell happened to Shannon Moore?!!? Someone attacked him! It has to be the work of either NEN or S.E.X. The Never Ending Nightmare has a big challenge ahead of them tonight.

King: This is all taking place because of what happened from last week JR. Don't you know that?

JR: Well, I suppose. But what did that boy ever do to them?! Anyway, A big chance tonight for these 2 young superstars.

Lilian: ("I stand along" hits, Crowd boos) And their opponents, the SCWE Tag Team Champions, first from Las Vegas Nevada..Chris Corruption! And from Short Hills New Jersey...Raven!

King: Sonny and Drake may look good at this point, but look who they're going up against!

JR: We should be in for a hell of a match!

Sonny attacks Raven as they start to beat on each other. Raven gets the upperhand and knocks down Sonny hard with a right hand. Sonny hits the mat but leg sweeps Raven down the mounts him and delivers countless right hands. Raven gets his legs around Sonny and rolls him up backwards into a pin. 1...2...kick out barely by Sonny. Sonny looks pissed and stands up. He pulls Raven up by his neck and Whips him hard into the ropes. On the outside Lance Drake grabs Raven's feet and yanks them out from under him. Raven hit's face first by Chris Corruption runs around and spears down Lance Drake. All four men are beating each other on the outside when finally Sonny manages to toss Raven back into the ring. Lance slides Sonny a chair then distracts the ref. Chris catches the slip and also shoves in a chair to Raven. Raven and Sonny both run at each other with the chair and end up busting the ref square in the face with them both. Chris and Lance enter the ring and start attacking each other. Suddenly Bobby Bulletz makes his way down to the ring, but Raven big boots him knocking him back down onto the outside. The bell rings for interference ending the match.

Lilian: Your Winners by default and Still SCWE Tag Team Champions, Raven and Chris Corruption!!

:After the match Raven and Chris Corruption have both Sonny Siaki and Lance Drake by the throats. The lights suddenly go out and when they finally flicker back on Sonny and Lance are layed out in the center of the ring with red paint splattered around them with the words NEN written sloppily above them and Bobby Bulletz standing over them in complete shock and red paint all over his hands:

JR: Wow King, that was all out chaos. What was with Bobby Bulletz? Was he the one that did it?

King: No JR. It had to have been NEN. I have to say..the more the weeks go on I like NEN a little bit more. Now, when we return, we have our final encounter of the night. So dont go away.

:A shot of the IC title hanging from the ceiling is shown:


JR: Well folks, it's time. Let's get into it.

Lilian: The following contest is a ladder match(Crowd cheers and it is for the SCWE Intercontinental Championship ("Back in the Mudd" hits, Crowd cheers) First, the challenger, From Cleveland, Ohio...Mr. Bullion!

JR: This is a big chance for Mr Bullion to gain the title back from Mikey G.

King: I bet you he wins it.

Lilian: ("St. Anger" hits, Crowd goes nuts) And his opponent, From Bronx, New York, he is the SCWE Intercontinental Champion...Mikey G!

JR: The fans seem to be behind Mikey in this one.

Mikey and Bullion start to lock up in the ring until Bullion pushes Mikey off of him and and does his taunt. Mikey gets up back up and does a russian leg sweep to Bullion and goes up the laddder.  Mikey quickly gets up and goes to the top turnbuckle and summons that he is going to do a frog splash and leaps off the turnbuckle but Bullion counters by raising his knees also falling off the ladder. Bullion slowly gets up and leans over Mikey while slapping him in the back of the head. Bullion picks up Mikey and starts whailing him with right hand blows until he falls down.. Bullion sets the ladder back up and starts up the ladder again. Bullion picks up Mikey and irish whips him onto the ropes but Mikey gets caught on the ropes..Bullion starts using the ropes to choke him..the ref starts counting..1-2-3-4, Bullion lets go of Mikey and laughs at him while he falls on the mat..Bullion goes up the ladder once again but Mikey shoves the ladder over knocking him off. Bullion goes out of the ring and gets a chair and goes back into the ring but the ref sees it and jerks the chair from him, Mikey lowblows Bullion when the ref isnt looking..Mikey gets halfway up the ladder just as Mikey gets up, Josh Johnson comes to the top of the ring while Mikey looking at him, Bullion does a school boy..and gets to the ladder. He gets almost to the top reaching for the title but Mikey reaches up and grabs Bullion down! Mikey is getting pissed and kicks Bullion in the gut and does the 3 handled cradenza on Bullion..then he gets up and flips off Josh and goes to the ladder again. Mikey is pulled out of the ring by Josh and Josh starts beating up Mikey as Maven comes down and attacks Josh from behind and helps Mikey get back in the ring. Maven goes to the other side and slides in as Josh is trying to tell the ref that both Mikey and Maven are in the ring...Mikey grabs hold of Bullion and Maven is getting ready to hit Bullion but Bullion breaks Mikeys hold and ducks real quick while Maven kicks Mikey in the head...Bullion pushes a stunned Maven out of the ring and quicky scrambles up the ladder and grabs the title!

Lilian: Your Winner and NEW Intercontinental Champion, MR BULLION!

JR: Wow King, I am at a loss for words.

King: Just like he said he would Maven came down here and tried to make things right, but they ended up backfiring right in his face.

:Maven tries to tell Mikey he's sorry and he extends his hand and Mikey takes it. Maven goes to leave when all of the sudden Mikey attacks him from behind. He picks Maven up and takes him out with a 3 handled Cradenza. Mikey then grabs the World Title and goes to hit Maven with it, when Vince Russo and Charisma Adams appear up on the titan tron:

Charisma: Ah ah ah, Mikey, I wouldnt want to do that if I were you.

Mikey: Why the hell not?

Vince: Trust me, you'll regret it. Because from what Charisma and I have decided, it only benefits you.

Charisma: Together, we have decided that at the Night of the Champions, Maven needs an opponent. And originally we though that there were not many people to choose from. You were going to have to defend your title, but thanks to a certain someone, that wont be happening anymore. So we decided that next week, the Night of the Champions, Maven will defend the SCWE World Heavyweight title against....Mikey G! Thank you, and that will be all.

:Mikey smiles and he throws the title onto a lifeless Maven. "St. Anger" plays and Mikey G leaves as RAW goes off the air: