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RAW : RAW 6/1/04
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/1/2006 1:06 AM

Results 6/01/04 Live From Chicargo, Illinois

Photo's From Last Week's RAW are Shown:

 opens up with Lillian Garcia singing the National Anthem

RAW's Pyro Then Explodes!!

Dark Matches Before RAW

Dark Match #1: None

Dark Match #2: None

JR: Welcome everybody to SCWE, Night of the Champions. Im Jim Ross alongside Jerry the King Lawler!

King: 6 title defenses here tonight. Every title could possibly change hands here tonight.

JR: People have been anticipating this one for awhile.

King: Well up first we have...

:Before King can finish, "So Far Away" hits and the crowd boos. Vince Russo steps out on the entrance ramp:

King: Well one of the General Managers is gracing us with his presence.

JR: Give me a break.

Vince: Hello Chicargo(Crowd cheers) And what a run down city this(Crowd boos)  Thank you for that warm welcome by the way, I enjoyed it. But lets stay on subject here. Tonight is the Night of the Champions and Charisma and myself hope that it goes over very well. But right now I'm here to talk to you about this week. At the end of this month, the King of the Ring will take place. Eric Bischoff already has his tournament set up and people have already qualified for Round 1. So after this week, we have to get our King of the Ring tournament up to speed. This bring us to next week. Every single match next week, eight of them, will be a King of the Ring First Round Match. The brackets have not been determined yet, only because we are going to wait and see what happens after tonight. But there are a few exceptions. The World and Intercontinental Champions, whoever they may be will NOT be involved in the tournament. That is all for now, please enjoy the Night of the Champions.

:"So Far Away" hits again, and Vince leaves:

JR: So next week begins the King of the Ring tournament, huh?

King: I cant wait to see who our General Managers have chosen to participate in it.

JR: First we have to wait and see who all the champions are from tonight.

King: Well we have to go to our first commercial break, but after the break, I can tell you that we will be seeing the first title defense, Brandon vs Lance Storm, European Title, Next.


JR: Welcome back everybody.

King: Before the break we learned a little about the King of the Ring tournament that will take place next week.

JR: And as promised, here is the first championship match.

Lilian: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE European Championship ("Lance Storm's theme" hits, Crowd boos) First, the challenger, From Calgary Alberta, Canada...Lance Storm!

King: I guarentee you that Lance Storm will kick Brandon's ass and take away his title.

JR: I think it's a tossup both of these superstars have a good chance of winning.

Lilian: ("Overnight Celebrity" hits, Crowd boos) Next from Knoxville, Tennessee, the SCWE European Champion...Brandon!

King: He has nothing on that true athlete, Lance Storm.

JR: There's a history on this one. Lance Storm became the number one contender awhile ago

Brandon and Lance Storm pace the ring before getting up in each other's faces. Brandon shoves Lance Storm and Lance turns away but then fires back with a Superkick! Lance picks up Brandon then throws his head off the turnbuckle padding. He whips him off the ropes and meets him with a big leg. He climbs up top and goes for a Moonsault, but Brandon moves at the last second. Brandon picks up Lance and throws him to the outside of the ring. He follows him outside but Lance kicks him in the head and throws him onto the Barricade. He picks Brandon up and throws him back in the ring. When he gets there, Brandon is waiting and Brandon kicks him in the gut and nails him with the Rush. He covers for a 1...2...but Lance just gets his foot on the ropes. Brandon cant believe this as he yells at the ref, but Lance Storm kicks him right into the ref. Lance Storm goes outside the ring and returns with a Steel Chair and is about to hit Brandon, but Brandon rolls out of the way and trips Lance causing him to drop the chair. Brandon grabs the chair, but Lance low blows him and he drops it. Lance turns Brandon over and locks him in a painfull Boston Crab and Brandon taps out wildly but there is no ref. Lance goes to get the ref, but Brandon recovers and takes Lance out the Rush again. Brandon shakes the ref and finally he gets up and Brandon goes over and makes a cover, 1....2....but Lance still kicks out. Brandon gets really aggrivated and sets him up for another one, but this time Lance shoves him away and delivers a perfect Superkick right to Brandon. He covers and the ref makes the count, 1.......2.......2.9........Brandon gets his foot on the bottom rope. Lance pulls him to the center of the ring and tries for another Boston Crab, but Brandon kicks him away and sets him up in perfect position for The Last Stop. He brings Lance up, but Lance counters in mid air into a pinfall, 1....2.....kickout by Brandon. Lance tries again for a Superkick, but Brandon ducks and catches Lance with a Fameasser. Both superstars are laid out and the ref begins the 10 count. At around 6 they both begin to get up and Brandon opens up on Lance and throws him off the ropes. He catches him in position for the Last Stop and lifts him up and lands it perfectly. Brandon crawls over to make the cover 1.......2.......3.

Lilian: Your Winner and still European Champion, Brandon!

King: WHAT? No, this cant be happening.

JR: It just did, Brandon is still the champ. Good match and good win by Brandon.

King: Lance should get a rematch!

:Backstage in the GMs office:

Charisma Adams: Well gentlemen, I have come to a conclusion. Tonight I'm going to have Chris defend the titles with Raven and after that, If you think its necessary then Raven and Jeff Corruption will defend the titles from now on. However tonight is Jeff's chance to become the RAWCore Champion and Raven and have a title defense of your own against a mystery team.

Raven: About that...when are we gonna find out who the mystery team is?

Charisma: Oh you'll find out...just as soon as everybody else does.

Chris Corruption: You cant even tell us who are opponents are?

Charisma: Am I not making myself clear? You will find out soon enough, now I hope thats all the questions you have, because thats all the answers I have. You know the way to the door.

:A Pissed of Never Ending Nightmare leaves the room. Back at Ringside:

King: Wow, Charisma sure does know how to handle her customers. We're lucky to have strong GM's who call it how they want it.

JR: Maybe we are. But we'll be right back.


After The Break

JR: And we're back

King: Guess we wont be having 6 new champions, since Brandon just retained his title.

JR: Yeah, but our next match there could be a possible title change.

King: The Intercontinenal Title is on the line, and it's on the ling right now.

JR: Mr Bullion vs Sonny Siaki.

Lilian: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the SCWE Intercontinental Championship ("In da Club" hits, Crowd boos) First the challenger, from the Isle of Samoa...Sonny Siaki!

JR: I think Sonny just may end up winning the title from Mr. Bullion.

King: First off, we're gonna show you how Mr. Bullion ended up winning that title.

:Footage is shown of Mikey G vs Mr. Bullion from last week:

Just as Mikey gets up, Josh Johnson comes to the top of the ring while Mikey looking at him, Bullion does a school boy..1-2-kickout! Mikey is getting upset and kicks Bullion in the gut and does the 3 handled cradenza on Bullion..then he gets up and flips off Josh and pins Bullion 1-2-Mikey is pulled out of the ring by Josh and Josh starts beating up Mikey as Maven comes down and attacks Josh from behind and helps Mikey get back in the ring. Maven goes to the other side and slides in as Josh is trying to tell the ref that both Mikey and Maven are in the ring...Mikey grabs hold of Bullion and Maven is getting ready to hit Bullion but Bullion breaks Mikeys hold and ducks real quick while Maven kicks Mikey in the head...Bullion pushes a stunned Maven out of the ring and quicky covers Mikey for the pin...1....2....3!

:Footage ends:

Lilian: ("Back in the Mudd" hits, Crowd cheers) And his opponent, From Cleveland, Ohio, the SCWE Intercontinental Champion...Mr Bullion!

JR: Here's our new IC Champ.

King: He's only the champ because of Maven's stupidity.

JR: Well that footage also leads to tonight's main event.

Mr Bullion and Sonny Siaki lock up. Sonny twists Bullion into an armbar. He whips Bullion off the ropes and catches him with a high knee. Sonny stays in control by throwing him into the corner and delivers some chops. He tries to throw Bullion into the opposite Corner, but Bullion holds on and clotheslines him back down to the ground. Bullion sets him up for a Powerbomb but Sonny backdrops him and makes  a quick cover/ 1--2--kickout/ Bullion gets up and works Bullion into the corner then takes out with some right hands. Siaki goes for a left of his own but Bullion blocks it and sets Siaki up for the Death Valley Driver. He drives Siaki's head right into the match and covers/ 1--2--kickout/ Bullion waits for Sonny to get up and when he does, he goes to spear him but Sonny moves and Bullion's head hits the steel post. Sonny tries to take advantage with a cover/ 1--2--2.9---kickout/ Sonny is shocked and he tries to cover again but Bullion trips him right into the post and locks him in a painful jackhammer. After awhile Sonny Siaki cant bear it anymore and taps out.

Lilian: Your Winner and Still Intercontinental Champion, Mr Bullion!

JR: God is with our champions tonight. Both the European and the IC Champions have retained.

King: I honestly want to see at least one title change here.


Vince Russo: Well you two are on next. Make me proud that I chose you.

:Back at ringside:

JR: I wonder who he's talking to?

King: Maybe we'll find out after our commercial break.


JR: And we're back. Ready to kick off our tag team title match.

Lilian: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Tag Team Championship. ("I stand Alone" hits, Crowd boos) The SCWE Tag Team Champions, First from Las Vegas Nevada...Chris Corruption! And from Short Hills, New Jersey...Raven!

King: I think these guys will retain their titles no matter who they face.

JR: You may be right King.

:"So Far Away" hits(Crowd boos) Vince Russo steps out:

Vince Russo: You people just cant get enough of me(Crowd boos, Vince laughs) But I'm here right now to talk about the tag title match. You see I was trying to come across the perfect team for Raven and Chris Corruption to defend against. And well, I came up with this. (Vince leaves)

:Raven and Chris Corruption look confused and dont notice two masked men come up behind them. The two men attack Raven and Corruption from behind. They take off the masks and reveal Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin.

JR: Oh my god King, it's the Worlds Greatest Tag Team.

King: Finally, some santity.

Shelton Benjamin and Chris Corruption start the match off and Chris Corruption immediately puts Shelton in a sleeper hold. Shelton elbows out and headbutt's Chris while nailing him with a DDT. Shelton taunts Corruption and throws him right into Raven. This causes Raven to get mad and go after him but the ref restrains Raven allowing Charlie Haas to hit the ring. The two of them stomp a mudhole in Corruption. Haas holds him up as Benjamin hits him with a shot right to the jaw. Shelton tags Charlie in. Charlie takes Corruption out with 3 German Suplexes in a row and goes for a cover, 1....2...but Raven breaks the pin up. Charlie throws Corruption off the ropes but Corruption reverses it into a kick to the head. He then takes him out with a Belly to Belly Suplex. He crawls to try to make the tag to Raven but Shelton Benjamin hits the ring and pulls him away. The ref sends Shelton away, but Charlie hits a low blow on Corruption. He goes into another cover, 1.....2.....but Raven breaks the pin up again. Charlie gives Raven a dirty look but Corruption sneaks him behind him and rolls him up 1....2....kickout by Haas. Haas goes to tag in Benjamin but out of nowhere Raven appears near Benjamin's corner and pulls him down. Corruption nails Haas in the head with a Superkick. Both superstars try to make it to their corner and tag in Raven and Shelton Benjamin. Raven fends Shelton off then takes Charlie out with a drop toehold right into the turnbuckle. Shelton tries to take out Raven with a Superkick of his own, but Raven ducks and Shantell hits the ropes walking right into a Raven effect. Raven makes the cover, 1....2...3!

Lilian: Your Winners and still tag team champions, Raven and Chris Corruption.

JR: That didnt work out too well for Haas and Benjamin.

King: We'll be right back after this break.


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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/1/2006 1:07 AM
Lilian: The following contest is a battle royal and it is for the SCWE RAWCore Championship. All challengers are already in the ring. ("You Can Do It" hits, Crowd boos) Making his way to the ring, from Miami Florida, he is the SCWE RAWCore Champion...Do or Die!
JR:It's time for the RAWCore battle royal. I cant wait to see this one. My money is on the Undertaker to pull out the win.
King: Honestly, I think that Do or Die is going to retain.
The Match starts off with the Dudley Boyz getting right into it with S.E.X. John Johnson, jeff Corruption and Shannon Moore get into their own fray. Do or Die and John Doe lock up and the Undertaker takes out David Warfield and Hank. Bobby Bulletz opens up on Bubba Ray Dudley and tries to eliminate him early, but Bubba turns the tables and lashes back with a clothesline of his own. Elsewhere in the ring John Doe is already trying to get rid of Die, but David Warfield comes up behind Doe and tries to dump him over the ropes. Doe holds on and gets back in the ring. The Undertaker takes out Hank with a big boot and goes to throw him over but Shannon Moore and Jeff Corruption try to get rid of Taker. Taker turns his attention to them and he throws Shannon onto Jeff. Hank jumps on the back of the Undertaker, but The Undertaker throws him out of the ring.
Lilian: Hank has been eliminated.
JR: Hank is the first to go.
King: Any question there?
The Undertaker goes over to Do or Die and Die backs off, but Jeff Corruption dropkicks the Undertaker down. The two throw him off the ropes and go for a double clothesline but Undertaker clotheslines both of them instead. Bubba and Dvon team up on David Warfield and together they backdrop him out of the ring.
Lilian: David Warfield has been eliminated.
JR: Warfield is gone.
The Dudleyz turn around only to meet up with S.E.X. members again. Bobby Bulletz works on Dvon well Lance Drake gets Bubba Ray. Dvon ends up throwing Bobby Bulletz out, but Lance Drake comes up behind Dvon and sends him out as well.
Lilian: Bobby Bulletz and Dvon Dudley have been eliminated.
King: One remaining Dudley and one remaining member of S.E.X.
It is now down to 8 as Shannon Moore gets out of the ring and comes back with a lead pipe. Shannon nails the Undertaker in the back of the head with it, however he isn't paying attention when John Doe comes up behind him, grabs the pipe and nails him with it as well. John Doe picks up Shannon Moore and tries to throw him out, but Shannon stands tall. Do or Die pushes John Doe into Shannon Moore and Shannon hits the floor below.
Lilian: Shannon Moore has been eliminated.
JR: I thought he had a pretty decent chance of winning.
Lance Drake and Bubba Ray are still getting into it, and Lance takes out Bubba with the Drake Break. Jeff Corruption comes up behind Lance and tries to throw him out but Lance battles him off. Bubba Ray comes up behind Lance and tries to throw him out once more but Drake hangs on and trips Bubba Ray. He then nails Bubba Ray with a Superkick sending him out of the ring.
Lilian: Bubba Ray Dudley has been eliminated.
King: Bad night for the Dudley'z.
Only 6 superstars remain in the ring. The Undertaker battles off anyone that comes at him and goes after Die. Jeff Corruption tries to help out his teammate but is effectless against the Undertaker. John Doe and Lance Drake form an alliance to try to get rid of Do or Die. John holds him and Drake goes to hit him, but Die ducks and Drake hits John Doe. This makes John try to nail Die, but Die hits a low blow on John Doe. Lance Drake goes to hit Die but he ducks and Drake walks right into a boot from the Undertaker. The Undertaker then effortlessly tosses Lance Drake out.
Lilian: Lance Drake has been eliminated.
JR: S.E.X. is gone as well.
King: Only 5 people left.
John Doe battles with Josh Johnson while Die and Corruption still try to throw the Undertaker out. Josh Johnson hits Doe with a big right hand but Doe returns with a right of his own. Josh kicks him in the gut and takes him out with a DDT. Josh climbs the ropes and goes for a moonsault but Doe moves at the last second. Josh is in pain and Doe tries to throw him out but Josh pulls Doe out with him and hangs on himself eliminating John Doe.
Lilian: John Doe has been eliminated.
JR: I am actually suprised at how well John Doe preformed.
King: We're now down to the final 4.
All 3 men work together to try to eliminate the Undertaker. Josh is the first to do anything and he runs straight at him, but Undertaker grabs him by the throat. Jeff Corruption comes up from behind with a steel chair and he nails Undertaker in the back of the head with it. The Undertaker turns around and goes right for Corruption but Do or Die and Josh Johnson try to dump Undertaker out from behind. The Undertaker almost gets himself eliminated but he hangs on. he gets up and follows with a boot to the face of Corruption and another one to Johnson. he then sets Die up for the Tombstone and connects with it. The Undertaker picks up the steel chair and goes to hit Die with it, but out of nowhere Jeff Corruption does a missle dropkick knocking the steel chair right into the head of the Undertaker. At this time Die is getting up. Josh Johnson goes to get a weapon from underneath the ring but Do or Die comes up from behind and throws him over the top ropes.
Lilian: Josh Johnson has been eliminated.
JR: Do or Die and Jeff Corruption tricked Johnson into helping them do their dirty work.
King: Good for them.
Do or Die smiles as Johnson looks really pissed. Die continues to mock  Johnson, without noticing the Undertaker right behind him. He turns around and gets a huge suprise as the Undertaker is waiting for him, and hits a massive big boot knocking him right out of the ring.
Lilian: Do or Die has been eliminated.
JR: Oh my god King, the Champion has been eliminated.
King: We're down to just Jeff Corruption and the Undertaker, and we're guarenteed to have a new champion.
Jeff Corruption is horrified that it is just him and the Undertaker left. He grabs the steel chair and hits Undertaker with it but Undertaker laughs like it had no effect on him. He tries to hit him again but this time Taker grabs the chair and throws it away. At this point, Kane begins to walk down the entrance way and everybody is confused, but the two people in the ring do not notice him. Undertaker tries to grab Jeff but Jeff slides underneath his legs. Kane grabs the attention of Undertaker and Undertaker turns around only to be grabbed by the throat by Kane. He lets go and begins to leave and Undertaker is about to follow but Jeff Corruption comes up from behind and dropkicks him knocking him over the ropes. The ref awards Jeff Corruption the title as he takes it and runs away through the crowd before Taker can catch up to him.
Lilian: Your Winner, and NEW SCWE RAWCore Champion, JEFF CORRUPTION!!
JR: What the hell was that all about?

King: Jeff Corruption just won the RAWCore title?
JR: We saw Kane come down to the ring and it looked like he was trying to make Undertaker lose.
King: well he accomplished his goal.
JR: We have to take a break now, but we'll be right back.

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/1/2006 1:07 AM
JR: Welcome back, 4 of our title matches have already taken place.
King: We only have one new champion, and that is Jeff Corruption is the new RAWCore Champion.
JR: I'm getting word that something is taking place backstage though.
:Jeff Corruption is walking through the halls when he runs into Vince Russo:
Vince: Jeff Corruption, just the man I was looking for. Nice win by the way. I have to hand it to you, even though you didn't have a snowballs chance in hell of winning if Kane didn't come down there with some unfinished business, you took advantage of it, and won anyway. But you know, the RAWcore title has been losing it's name as of late. So as of this moment, I am reinforcing the 24/7 rule. That's right Jeff, you have to defend your title anytime...wherever and whenever. Have fun.
:Back at ringside:
King: Wow, the 24/7 rule has been reinstated!
JR: This is good news for many superstars, but not for Jeff Corruption.
King: Coming up next though, I'm excited.
JR: Why is that?
King: The Womens Title match is up next. Not only are we gonna get to see some puppies, but its 3 divas who all want the title equally and will do anything to get it.
JR: Thats right. We've got the champion Shantell Angle and she has to defend against Jackie Gayda and Cynthia Diamond in a triple threat match, meaning there only has to be one pin-fall and the champion does not have to be pinned to lose her title.
King: I'm betting Cynthia Diamond wins this one, just because.
JR: I think all 3 have a good chance.
Lilian: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Womens Championship ("Toxic" hits, Crowd boos) Making her way to the ring from Tacoma, Washington...Cynthia Diamond!
King: There's your winner right there JR.
JR: Just watch the match King.
Lilian: ("The Way You Move" hits, Crowd cheers) Opponent #2, from Chattanooga Falls, Ohio...Jackie Gayda!
JR: Well the fans seem to be behind Jackie Gayda.
King: She's looking pretty fine tonight.
Lilian: ("Cant we dance" hits, Crowd boos) Lastly, from Toronto, Canada, the SCWE Womens Champion...Shantell Angle!
JR: She has a really bad attitude problem.
King: Her looks offset it though.
The bell rings and Jackie goes right for Shantell. Jackie clotheslines her down to the ground and picks her up again. Cynthia backs into the corner and watches this. Jackie pounds on Shantell in the corner and throws her to the ground. Cynthia comes over to Jackie and begins to choke her out with a sleeper hold, but Jackie battles out of it and tosses Cynthia right into Shantell. Jackie picks up Cynthia and hits a big reverse DDT. She covers for a 1...2...Cynthia kicks out. Shantell comes over to Jackie and throws her out of the ring. Shantell goes to work on Cynthia. She tosses her off the ropes and waits for a backdrop but Cynthia takes her out with a clothesline of her own. Jackie gets back in the ring and hits a jawbreaker on Cynthia and goes up top and hits a moonsault. She covers, 1...2...Shantell breaks it up, Shantell slaps Jackie right across the face and Jackie pushes Shantell right over Cynthia and Cynthia hits a D-Railer on Jackie gayda. She covers, 1......2.....kickout. Cynthia is shocked and she goes for another cover, 1......2.......Jackie kicks out again. Cynthia picks Jackie up and is about to go for another D-Railer but Shantell takes out both of them and she grabs Jackie by the throat, but Jackie kicks her in the gut and delivers a bulldog. She climbs to the top and waits for a Blockbuster and nails it! She is about to cover, when Cynthia out of nowhere picks her up and performs a Death Valley Driver. She goes to cover but Shantell Angle shows up behind her and takes her out with a chick kick. Shantell goes for Jackie but Cynthia rolls her up, 1...2...kickout. Cynthia tries to lock Shantell in the sharp shooter but Shantell kicks her right into the turnbuckle where Jackie is standing, causing Jackie to fall from the ring. Cynthia goes charging at Shantell, but Shantell ducks and nails Shantell with Babewatch! She covers for a 1.....2.....3!
Lilian: Your Winner and Still Womens Champion, Shantell Angle
JR: Wow King, just look at our womens Champion.
King: I had no doubt in mind Shantell would win.
JR: A big congratulations to her tonight for her huge win.
:"So Far Away" hits and the crowd boos. Vince Russo steps out with a clipboard:
Vince Russo: Ladies, how are you? Before you go anywhere tonight, I just wanted to let you in on a little something. Like I mentioned earlier tonight, KSCWE has a pay per view at the end of this month, King of the Ring. And we are scheduled to have 6 matches, as is WCW. But we dont have any yet. That is, until Charisma and I came up with this idea. At King of the Ring, The Womens Championship will be on the line in a match involving not 2, but 6 divas! (Crowd is confused) Shantell Angle, Jackie Gayda, and Cynthia Diamond...all 3 of you will be competing in it. And to add to that I am throwing Ivory and Molly Holly into the match. The 6th and final diva in the match will be Savanna Madison. But this will not be any ordinary match. No, this will be...for the second time in history, A Women's Elimination Chamber!!! (Crowd goes nuts) Good luck ladies. (Vince leaves)
JR: OH MY GOD KING, A Womens Elimination Chamber?!
King: What a move by our co-general manager, Vince Russo.
JR: We'll be right back after our commercial break.
After The Break
JR: Welcome back, and ladies and gentlemen, only one match remains here tonight, and it is the SCWE World Heavyweight title match.

King: Im sure everybody's been highly anticipating this match, and finally here it is.

JR: But first lets look at the history leading up to this match.

:Footage Rolls:

Maven: Well, look who it is?
Mikey: Save it Maven, I came here to talk strictly business.
Maven: OK, shoot.
Mikey: Listen tonight I know you got Johnson, and I want you to take him out for me.
Maven: Well that can be arranged but can I ask why?
Mikey: My match tonight, I want it to be 100% fair. And one thing I know is, Bullion wants this thing. So I have a feeling that he's gonna have Johnson with him, so i gotta know if you got my back?
Maven: Yeah, I got your back tonight, just consider it a favor for screwing up the match last night.
:Mikey Leaves:
Jackie: You're gonna help him out?
Maven: We'll see about that. If Johnson is there, you bet your ass he'll be hearing from me.
:Footage Continues:
Mikey is pulled out of the ring by Josh and Josh starts beating up Mikey as Maven comes down and attacks Josh from behind and helps Mikey get back in the ring. Maven goes to the other side and slides in as Josh is trying to tell the ref that both Mikey and Maven are in the ring...Mikey grabs hold of Bullion and Maven is getting ready to hit Bullion but Bullion breaks Mikeys hold and ducks real quick while Maven kicks Mikey in the head...Bullion pushes a stunned Maven out of the ring and quicky scrambles up the ladder and grabs the title!
:Footage Ends:
JR: Was it intentional?
King: I dont know but tonight both of them have a chance to settle their differences.
Lilian: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship (Crwod Goes Nuts) ("St Anger" hits, Crowd cheers) First making his way to the ring, from Bronx New York...Mikey G!
JR: This is Mikey G's chance to make it big.
King: Im betting you we have a new champion when the night is over.
Lilian: ("The Tough Enough Theme" hits, Crowd cheers) And his opponent, from Shendandoah Valley, Virgina, the SCWE World Heavyweight Champion...Maven!
JR: There's our champion now.
King: Our out of shape, lying, scumbag champion.

Maven and Mikey circle each other around the ring for a little bit�?Mikey G than jumps on the turnbuckle and the fans cheer�?Maven than laughs and jumps on the opposite turnbuckle and the fans cheer just as loud�?Both men jump down with a smile on there face. Mikey and Maven than lock up. Maven begins to over power Mikey but Mikey delivers a shot to the gut of Maven and than delivers a hip toss. Mikey then lays into Maven with a series of kicks to the ribs. Mikey puts Maven into a leg lock but Maven is quick to retreat to the ropes. Mikey gets up quick and hits an elbow to the throat of Maven. Mikey picks up Maven and throws him into the ropes. Maven comes back and ducks a clothesline. Mikey turns around and is layed out with a dropkick! Maven goes to cover Mikey 1�?…kickout! Maven jumps back to his feet. He picks up Mikey and brings him to the turnbukle he delivers a few european uppercuts and than goes to throw Mikey into the opposite turnbuckle but Mikey reverses it and hits a 3 Handed Cadenza! Both men are down on the mat as the ref begins his count 1�?�?�?�?�?Mikey crawls over to Maven and puts his arm over Maven for the pin 1�?…kickout! Mikey and Maven both struggle to there feet. Mave and Mikey than exchange lefts and rights. Maven gets the advantage and puts Mikey into a head lock�?Mikey than uses his body to throw Maven into the ropes and than takes Maven down with a hip toss. Maven gets back up but is met with another hip toss. Mikey than walks over to Maven and puts Mavens leg on the rope. Mikey than climbs to the middle turnbuckle and hits a leg-drop to Mavens leg. Maven grabs his leg in pain. Mikey goes for the cover 1�?…kickout! Mikey cant believe it. Mikey than kicks Maven in the knee a few times. Mikey puts Maven into the sharpshooter. Maven struggels to get to the ropes and when he is almost there Mikey pulls him back to the middle of the ring. Maven looks to tap out but starts to get the fans behind him. He makes another effort to the ropes and slowly crawls his way to the ropes. Maven than grabs them as the ref makes Mikey break the hold. Mikey pulls Maven to the middle of the ring and calls for his top rope elbow drop. Mikey climbs the ropes and reaches the top rope. Mikey leaps but Maven rolls out of the way as Mikey hits the mat hard. Maven than puts Mikey into a sharpshooter of his own. Mikey is very slow to make it to the ropes but eventually does. Maven hits an elbow drop to the back of Mikey and than picks Mike up. Maven throws Mikey into the ropes and than hits him with a cross body block. Maven goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Maven cant believe it! Maven picks up Mikey and puts him into an arm lock. He than yanks on the arm. Mikey is in pain and is holding his arm. Maven than clotheslines Mikey to the ground. Maven than goes to the top rope and waits for Mikey to get up. Mikey is slow to get up but does. He turns around and Maven goes for a cross body block but Mikey meets him with a dropkick to the gut! Maven is down and motionless. Mikey goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Mikeys face turns red! He than signals for the superkick. Mikey awaits for Maven to get up. Maven turns around�?Mikey goes for the superkick but Maven ducks it and than lays Mikey out with a neckbreaker. Maven goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Maven is fatigued as is Mikey and they both lay on the mat for a second. Maven is first to his feet followed by Mikey. They exchange punches and than exchange knife-edge chops. Mikey gets the upper hand and begins to lay into Maven with hard knife-edge chops. Than hits a few slaps to the chest. Mavens chest is red and Mikey hits a snap suplex into a pin 1�?…kickout! Mikey looks to be fed up and than gets to his feet. He calls for a Superkick. Maven gets up but sees Mikey in the corner of his eye. Mikey comes charging with the superkick but Maven drops and pulls the top rope down and Mikey gets stuck on the top rope. Maven than hits a dropkick that sends Mikey to the outside. Maven than lunges over and lands on Mikey. Maven picks up Mikey and throws him in the steel barrier. Maven picks up Mikey and drops his neck across the steel barrier. Mikey coughs up a little blood. Maven than jumps to the ring apron and he waits for Mikey to turn around. Mikey turns around and Maven goes for an axe handle but Mikey dodges it and Maven hits the steel barrier. Maven is bleeding from his chin. Mikey throws Maven back into the ring. Mikey picks up Maven and throws him into the turnbuckle. Mikey slowly walks over and lays into him with a few hard knees than goes to throw him into the opposite turnbuckle but Maven reverses it and hits a german suplex on Mikey. Maven is quick to his feet and gets to the top rope. Mikey is slow to his feet and when he turns around Maven meets him with a blockbuster. Maven pins Mikey 1�?�?!!!

Lilian: Your Winner and Still SCWE World Champion, Maven!

JR: Wow King, after all that, Maven is still the World champion!

King: I gotta give him credit there, he earned that win.

JR: Well congratulations to him, but we are out of time, see you next week.

: Comes to a close with Maven celebrating his win: