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RAW : RAW 6/22/04
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/3/2006 10:19 PM

Results 6/22/04 Live From Minneapolis, Minnesota

Photo's From Last Week's RAW are Shown:

 opens up with Lillian Garcia singing the National Anthem

RAW's Pyro Then Explodes!!

Dark Matches Before RAW

Dark Match #1: Cynthia Diamond defeated Trisha Helmsely and Moolah by pinning Moolah.

Dark Match #2: J won... Throw out order was... Chris Corruption, Shwan T, Edge, Do or Die, Mortis, Mordecai, Kensauki Leigh, Eminem, Lil Jon

JR: Hello ladies and gentelmen and welcome to SCWE RAW!!! We are here live in the home of the Minnesota Timberwolves, the Target Center!!!
Jerry Lawler: Thats right we are in the home of the NBA's MVP... Kevin Garnett... And he is in the crowd along with Sam Cassel and Randy Moss!!!
JR: We are glad to have them but lets talk about what went down last week.
Jerry Lawler: Last week was a histroic night in the SCWE as Ernest Miller announced that for the King of the Ring finals it will feature Sonny Siaki, The Undertaker, Mikey G and Charlie Haas!!!
JR: I have no idea on how two members of Never Ending Nightmare will be able to do that... But we will see whats stronger. Also lets not forget about how Mr. Bullion and Mavens special guest referee.
Jerry Lawler: Well suprisingly Vince Russo was named as the special guest referee for that match... I was completely shocked when it was announced!
JR: As was I... Well King lets head to the ring for our first match up of the evening as one half of Team Style, Josh Johnson will face new member Perfection. Perfection is already in the ring and he looks ready to start this match.

("What More Can I Say" hits and fans fill the arena with boo's)

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Making his way to the ring from Cleveland, Ohio. Weighing in at 180 pounds. Josh Johnson!!!

JR: Well the crowd seems to just love Josh Johnson! Hahahaha
Jerry Lawler: Yea they love him as much as I love sushi! Hahaha

Perfection vs Josh Johnson

Perfection walks up to Josh Johnson and makes fun of his side. Josh Johnson than slaps Perfection. Perfections face turns red and kicks Josh in the gut. Perfection than lays him down with a axe handle smash on his back. Perfection begins to lay into Josh Johnson with boots to the back. Perfection than puts Josh into a rear chin lock. Perfection yanks back on Josh. Josh tries to get free but Perfection doesn’t budge. Josh than delivers an eye rake as Perfection releases the hold. Josh begins to get up but Perfection kicks him in the head and than goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Josh than rolls out to the outside. Perfection taunts him and follows after him. Perfection runs after Josh as Josh gets back in the ring. Perfection slides into the ring and is met with an elbow drop to the back. Josh than kicks Perfection hard in the gut. Josh picks up Perfection and hits a few European uppercuts. Josh than throws Perfection into the turnbuckle and follows after. Josh hits him with a splash and than takes him down with a ddt. Josh jumps up to the top turnbuckle and hits a moonsault. Josh goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Josh starts to hit Perfection with quick kicks to the back of Perfection. Josh Johnson picks up Perfection and hits a few knife edge chops. Josh than throws Perfection into the ropes. Perfection comes back and knocks Josh down with a shoulder block. Perfection than picks Josh up with ease and throws him into the ropes. Josh comes back and ducks a clothesline he than takes Perfection down with a hurricanrana. Josh and Perfection are both slow to there feet. Josh and Perfection explain blows to the head. Perfection gets the upper hand and drops Josh with a firemans carry. Perfection goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Perfections face is red and he hits the mat complaining and yelling a the ref. Perfection gives Josh enough time to get up and when Perfection turns around he is met with a dropkick. Perfection bounces off the ropes and than is dropped with a Fisherman Suplex. Josh runs to the top rope and hits a Moonsault! Josh goes for the pin 1�?�?!!!

Winner: Josh Johnson

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner by pinfall... Josh Johnson!!!

JR: Josh Johnson showed us all a little something there. He took out a stronger and more powerful man... What a big win for Josh Johnson.
Jerry Lawler: You gotta love Josh Johnson after all he is one half of Team Style! Hahaha... I should be in Team Style. I have more style than anyone here! Haha
JR: Whats going on backstage? Look at the titantron King!


-A camera shows Perfection throwing a temper tantrum as he runs off and jumps into his limo. The driver speeds away-

Jerry Lawler: What is Perfection doing? Die he just quit SCWE RAW?
JR: I think the lost to Josh Johnson he took pretty hard... O well good riddin to him!
Jerry Lawler: Well ladies and gentelmen we have to go to a commercial break.

(scene fades to black)

*commercials are shown*

JR: Welcome back ladies and gentelmen. We habe just started RAW and Perfection has reportedly quit the KSCWE!
Jerry Lawler: He is no good to us anyways. Some people can cut it and others jst cant.
JR: I couldnt agree with you more King, But in that match Perfection got a big win over a what it looked to be tough man.
Jerry Lawler: He did but Perfection was obviously not perfect.
JR: Well our next match is going to be Brandon verse Crimson Calling member Coach T!
Jerry Lawler: Brandon is going to win this match JR. No doubt in my mind.
JR: Well King its next so lets head down to the ring.


("Overnight Celebrity" hits and fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. First making his way to the ring. Being accompanied by Molly Holly weighing in at 241 pounds... Brandon!!!

JR: Here comes Brandon. Brandon has a big match at King of the Ring where he will defend his European title against both Do or Die and Jeff Corruption which will be a Triple Threat Match.
Jerry Lawler: Molly Holly will also be in action as she is one of the five divas in that Fatal Five Way Diva TLC match!

("Wanksta" hits and fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent from New Haven, Connecticut... Weighing in at 220 pounds, representing the Crimson Calling... Coach T!!!

Brandon w/ Molly Holly vs Coach T

Brandon and Coach get face to face as Brandon makes fun of Coach’s name. Coach laughs at Brandon and Brandon slaps Coach. Coach answers back with a punch. They exchange lefts and rights until Coach hits a kick to the gut than a ddt. Coach hits a leg drop than goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Coach picks up Brandon and hits him with a few knife edge chops than throws him into the ropes. Brandon comes back and hits a cross body on Coach. Brandon goes for the pin 1�?�?!! Brandon than gets up and picks up Coach. He throws Coach into the turnbuckle and follows him. Brandon goes for a 10 punch count�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?…after 8 Coach punches Brandon off of him and drops him with a spine buster. Coach falls onto Brandon for a pin 1�?…kickout! Coach and Brandon lye on the ground for a bit as the ref checks them and they both get to here knees. Coach and Brandon exchange lefts and rights. Brandon hits an eye rake on Coach. Coach is than hit with a DDT. Brandon pulls back and calls for The Rush. Coach is slow to get up and when he does Brandon darts towards him. Coach dodges Brandon and Brandon hits the steel post hard. Coach than picks up Brandon and hits him with a few European uppercuts and than turns Brandon around and delivers a German suplex, than another German Suplex than a third one into a pin 1�?…Molly gets on the apron and distracts the ref before a 3 count is made. Coach lets go of Brandon and walks over to Molly. He yells at Molly and threatens to slap her as she jumps down. Brandon comes from behind and rolls up Coach and grabs the tight 1�?…kickout! Brandon yells at the ref saying that it was a 3 count. Brandon picks up Coach and hits a few knife edge chop sand than throws him into the ropes. Coach comes back and ducks a clothesline he than bounces back and hits a cross body block. Coach goes to the top rope and hits a moonsault on Brandon. He goes for the pin 1�?…Brandon puts his foot on the rope and the ref stops the count. Coach than picks up Brandon and throws him into the turnbuckle. Coach comes running at Brandon and hits him with a clothesline. Coach than puts Brandon on the top rope and than goes for a Top Rope Suplex. Brand holds the ropes and delivers a few punches to the gut of Coach and Coach falls to the mat. Brandon is standing on the second rope and waits for Coach to get up. Coach gets up and turns around he is met with The Rush from the top rope! Brandon goes for the pin 1�?�?!!!

Winner: Brandon

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner... Brandon!

JR: Brandon won. But Molly Holly helped him stay in that match.
Jerry Lawler: What are you talking about? Stop being so paranoid Brandon would have won anyways. He was just playing with Coach's mind.
JR: Well all I can say is that it looked like Brandon was going to be down for a 3 but Molly distracted the ref.

-Crimson Callings locker room-

(A camera shows John Doe pacing. Mark Jindrak with his arm around Lexi Collins. Coach T than walks in and John Doe stops pacing...)

John Doe: What was that? And where the hell is The Cheat he was suppose to be down there with you. I want perfection Coach! I thought we were on the same page.

Coach T: I dont know where Cheat is. He went to the bathroom and told me to go ahead and he would catch up.

John Doe: Ok so you still lost your match. Losing is not what The Crimson Calling is all about Damn it!

Coach T: I know... Mol-

John Doe: Dont make excuses! Yo uneed to rise above factors like Molly Holly! Distractions will always be there! You have a big chance at redemption at King of the Ring.

Coach T: I know and I am going to help us win that number one contendership for the tag team titles!

John Doe: Ok good. But we need to go look for Cheat. Mark get up and help us!

Mark Jindrak: How about you guys go and I will stay here with Lexi and gaurd the locker room.

John Doe: Mark get up and help! Lexi is comming to. Coach can gaurd the locker room.

(Coach grabs a bat and sits down on a bench as Mark and Lexi stand up and walk out the door following John Doe's lead)

JR: John Doe is not happy about Coach T losing thats for sure.
Jerry Lawler: Yes not only did he lose but now The cheat is missing.
JR: I have no idea where The Cheat could possibly be but John Doe is not having a good night it seems.
Jerry Lawler: Well JR, Im sure The Cheat is fine maybe he had to go number two you never know! Hahaha!!!
JR: Well lets head down to the ring for our next match where Lance Storm, Scar and Jeff Corruption will do battle in a Triple Threat Match.


("Lance Storm Theme" hits and fans give mix reaction)

Lillian Garcia: The Following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Triple Threat match! First making his way to the ring from Calgary, Canada. Weighing in at 240 pounds... Lance Storm!!!

JR: Lance Storm will have his hands filled in this match with a 400 pound beast named Scar.
Jerry Lawler: Yea but Lance is Mr. Canada. He is invincable!!!

("VooDoo" hits and fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: And now making his way to the ring weighing in at 400 pounds... Scar!!!

JR: Oh my god! Look at this beast!
Jerry Lawler: He visits McDonalds often I take it. Haha

 ("Down With The Sickness" hits and fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: And now making his way to the ring from Calgary, Canada... weighing in at 185 pounds... Jeff Corruption!!!

Lance Storm vs Scar vs Jeff Corruption

Lance, Scar and Jeff all look cautiously on who to go after. Lance and Jeff decided to make a quick truce and take down Scar with a double dropkick. Scar gets right back up and delivers a head butt to Lance and than pushes Jeff down. Jeff and Lance get back up and both run towards Scar going for clotheslines but scar ducks them and knocks them both down with a double clothesline. Scar than does a body splash to Jeff and goes for he pin 1�?…Lance breaks up the pin. Scar gets up and Lance meets him with knife edge chops and European uppercuts. Lance goes to throw him into the turnbuckle but Scar reverses it and charges after Lance. Lance dodges it and Scar hits the turnbuckle hard. Scar than falls back a bit. Lance runs to the turnbuckle and jumps onto the second turnbuckle than delivers a clothesline that sends Scar back even farther. Scar begins to fall and Lance goes for the Superkick. Scar catches his foot and throws Lance to the ground. Scar than picks up Lance and puts him in tombstone position. Jeff creeps up from behind and hits a dropkick into Scars leg. Scar drops Lance and Jeff than hits a dropkick into Scars back. Scar falls into the ropes where Jeff clotheslines him but he doesn’t go over the top rope. Jeff and Lance than hit a double dropkick into Scar and Scar goes over the top rope ad hits the mat hard. Jeff and Lance show a sign of relief and than look at each other. They lock up and Jeff gets the upper hand with a hammer lock. Jeff than hits him with a reverse DDT. Jeff goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Jeff picks up Lance and throws him into the turnbuckle and delivers a tornado DDT. Jeff goes for the pin 1�?…Scar pulls Jeff out of the ring and than throws him into the steel steps. Jeff is motionless. Scar than picks up Jeff and throws him into the ropes. Lance ducks a clothesline and than Scar turns around and is met with a Superkick! Scar bounces off the ropes and is met with another Superkick! Scar drops to the ground and Lance pins him 1�?�?!!!

Winner: Lance Storm

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner... Lance Storm!!!

JR: Lance Storm picked up a very nice win there heading into King of the Ring!
Jerry Lawler: I told you Mr. Canada would pull through in the end! Haha.
JR: He has momentum heading into the tag match at King of the Ring and maybe it will carry over.
Jerry Lawler: Well Mr. Canada never loses so Im sure he will take Jamie Gunz to the top of this fed!
JR: Well ladies and gentelmen we have to take a commercial break now!

-Backstage Area-

Ernest Miller is shown making his way to the ring.

(scene fades to black)

*commercials are shown*

JR: Welcome back Ladies and gentelmen. We are about to hear from RAWs  Co-GM Ernest Miller. I wonder what he has to say.
Jerry Lawler: I dont know maybe he will get beat down again from Bullion if he doesnt watch his attitude out here!
JR: What Mr. Bullion did last week was un called for lets take a look back at last week.

-Footage from last week is shown-

-Ernest Miller: Whoa! Whoa! Bullion how dare you interupt me. And did you call me a Kitty? Well Bullion thats Mr. General Manager Kitty to you! (crowd laughs) Dont you evre come down here an-

(Josh Johnson appears from behind Ernest Miller and knocks him falt out with a chair. Bullion comes running down to the ring and locks Ernest into a sharp shooter. Ernest is unable to break the hold and eventually passes out to the pain. The scene fades as a camera zooms into Bullions face which is highly intesned...)-

Jerry Lawler: Haha that was great

("Hit Me" hits and fans cheer.)

JR: Well here comes Ernest Miller now.
Jerry Lawler: Im sick of this guy. Wheres Vince when you need him!?

Ernest Miller: Hello Minnesota! We are here for the second week in arow to entertain you great fans! (crowd cheers) Now I have been thinking and well last week Mr. Bullion saw it necesarry to attack me along with Josh Johnson. Well now thats very interesting and they will get what is comming to them but tonight I am not going to get into that. Tonight is pre King of the Ring! So I want to talk about our Main Event of the evening and it will be a very different type of 6 man tag tables match than you have ever witnessed. It will start off as a 6 man tag... Tag in tag out. But once the first person is put through a table it becomes a 5 man 2 on 3 tornado tables match elimination style! So whoever gets the first man through that team will have a huge advantage! Well enjoy the show! Hit Me!

JR: What the hell type of match is that. It will be an interesting one for sure.
Jerry Lawler: Not only that but it could cause a huge problem for whoever loses there team mate first.
JR: It will be a one of a kind match.
Jerry Lawler: Well JR up next we have Freak verse Freak.
JR: Haha King. It is going to be the odd Tre2 Ozbourne verse the odd Rico! Lets head down to the ring.

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/3/2006 10:20 PM

("You Look So Good To Me" hits and fans give mix reaction)

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! First making his way to the ring. From Las Vegas, Nevada. Weighing in at 228 pounds... Rico!!!

JR: Tre2 Ozbourne scares me. Even more than Rico scares me.
Jerry Lawler: Well I figured that since your hiding behind your desk! Haha.
JR: I am not!

 ("Duality" hits and fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: And now making his way to the ring from West Minster, Colorado... weighing in at 160 pounds... Tre2 Ozbourne!!!

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! First making his way to the ring. From Las Vegas, Nevada. Weighing in at 228 pounds... Rico!!!

JR: Tre2 Ozbourne scares me. Even more than Rico scares me.
Jerry Lawler: Well I figured that since your hiding behind your desk! Haha.
JR: I am not!

 ("Duality" hits and fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: And now making his way to the ring from West Minster, Colorado... weighing in at 160 pounds... Tre2 Ozbourne!!!

Rico vs Tre2 Ozbourne

Tre goes to lock up with Rico but Rico goes in for a kiss. Tre stops and jumps back. Tre than goes for a clothesline but Rico ducks it and smacks Tre’s ass. Rico than does a fairy jump and kicks Tre in the face. Rico than hits a leg drop and rubs his leg across Tre into a pin 1�?…kickout! Tre gets up and looks disgusted. Tre charges after Rico but Rico ducks and does a courtesy. Tre than clotheslines Rico down hard. Tre hits Rico with a few boots to the face of Rico. Tre hits an elbow and goes for a pin 1�?…kickout! Tre picks up Rico and throws him into the corner. Tre than hits Rico with a elbow to the face. Tre than puts Rico on the top rope and delivers a super plex. Tre tan goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Tre gets up and grabs Ricos legs. Rico puts a big smile on his face Tre than kicks him in the gut and puts him in a sharpshooter. Rico yells in pain and slowly crawl to the ropes. Rico eventually grabs the ropes and Tre is forced to let go by the ref. Tre than pulls Rico to the middle of the ring and goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Tre yells at the ref. Tre picks up Rico and throws him down to the mat head first. Tre than hits an elbow to the face. Tre picks up Rico again and throws him into the ropes. Rico comes back and ducks a Te clothesline. Rico knocks Tre down with a roundhouse kick. Rico falls to the ground and covers Tre hooking both legs 1�?…kickout! Rico picks up Tre and hits a few slaps to the face and than goes for a kick but Tre cathes his leg. Rico drops him with an enzeguri. Rico than grabs Tre�?sarm and hits a leg drop onto it. He picks Tre up and goes for  Rico Spinning Kick. Tre ducks it and pushes Rico away. Rico turns towards Tre and is met with the X of Blood! Tre goes for the pin 1�?�?!!!

Winner: Tre2 Ozbourne

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner... Tre2 Ozbourne!!!

JR: What a shot Tre2 gave Rico. Rico was knocked out from the X of blood!
Jerry Lawler: What the hell was Rico doing? He slapped that freaks ass!? O my god that was to much gay for me.
JR: Hahaha. King is homo phobic.
Jerry Lawler: Yes and Im freak a phobic. I dont know how i can stand sitting with you night after night!
JR: Ok well lets go to a commercial break and give King a rest. Haha.

(scene fades to black)

*commercials are shown*

-Backstage Area-

(A camera shows John Doe, Mark Jindrak, and Lexi Collins standing in the hallway)

John Doe: I have no idea where the hell Cheat is but if he is playing a joke I am going to kill him.

Mark Jindrak: Man Doe I dont know. We have checked everywhere. I even looked in the girls showers.

Lexi Collins: What did you say Mark?

Mark Jindrak: Nothing hun.

John Doe: Thats what I thought! Heehee...

John Doe: Shut up we have bigger problems right now. We need to find Cheat!

(A camera shows Lil Jon and Eminem walking up.)

Lil Jon: Yeah!!!

John Doe: Finally. You guys take your sweet time to show up.

Eminem: Yo man chill. We are here.

John Doe: You guys see Cheat on your way in?

Eminem: No man.

Mark Jindrak: Maybe hes back at the locker room lets go check.

Lil Jon: Yeah!!!

John Doe: Ok lets head back there than.

Lil Jon: Ok!!!

(scene fades to announce table)

JR: Wow things are really not going Crimson Callings way. cheat is still missing. But Eminem and Lil Jon are here.
Jerry Lawler: Yea!!! Haha... Did you see Lexi's reaction to when she found out Mark was in the girls shower.
JR: Yea he changed his answer right around. Haha.
Jerry Lawler: Thats because hes whipped! Haha.
JR: I dont know about that King but lets head to the ring where we have our RAWCore match. It will be Raven verse Jamie Gunz verse a Mystery Man.... I wonder who it is.


("I Stand Alone" hits and fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: The Following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE RAWCore Championship! First making his way to the ring from Short Hill New Jersey. The SCWE RAWCore Champion!!! RAVEN!!!

JR: Raven is a RAWCore legend but I dont know if he can retain his belt tonight. I wonder who the mystery man is.

("Closure" hits and fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: And now making his way to the ring weighing in at 230 pounds. From New York, New York... Jamie Gunz!!!

Jerry Lawler: Jamie Gunz is making his in ring return and is looking for gold.

 ("Dudes Shack" hits and fans goe CRAZY)

Lillian Garcia: And now making his way to the ring from Knoxville, Tennessee... weighing in at 287 pounds... MICK FOLEY!!!

JR: Oh My God Mick Foley is here! We are going to have Hardcore Legend verse Hardcore legend!
Jerry Lawler: Yea, and poor Jamie Gunz is in there to haha.

Raven(C) vs Jamie Gunz vs Mick Foley

Jamie has a look of worry on his face as he climbs out of the ring. Raven and Mick walk up to each other toe to toe. Both saying they are the hardcore legend. Raven and Mick than exchange lefts and rights. Raven delivers a kick to the gut but Mick than hits an elbow to the head of Raven. Mick than hits a few hard rights to the head of Raven. Mick than hits him in the gut with a knee. Mick drops Raven with a Russian Leg Sweep. Jamie than comes into the ring and goes to hit Mick with a chair but Mick ducks it and grabs the chair out of Jamies hands. Mick than kicks Jamie in the gut and hits him in the back with the chair. Raven than gets up and grabs a chair of his own. Mick and Raven than pound away on Jamie with the chairs and than Raven goes to the outside and gets a pair of handcuffs. Raven and Mick lock Jamie to the steel post.  Mick and Raven than start to unleash on each other with kicks and punches. Raven gets the upper hand with an eye rake he than clotheslines Mick to the ground. Raven grabs a stop sign and waits for Mick to get up. Mick gets up and Raven hits him with the stop sign. Mick drops to the ground and Raven than throws him into the steel barrier. Raven than hits a elbow drop. Raven goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Raven picks up Mick and throws him into the turnbuckle. Raven follows Mick and goes for a clothesline but Mick stops him with his elbow. Mick than hits a swinging neckbreaker onto Raven. Mick gets up and pulls out Mr. Socko as the crowd begins to go nuts. Mick waits for Raven to get up. Raven turns around and Mick goes for the mandible Claw. Raven drops to the ground before Mick can reach him. Raven than kicks Mick in the gut and clotheslines him down. Raven gets a chair and puts it up in the middle of the ring. He than throws Mick into the ropes. Raven goes for the drop toe hold but Mick holds onto the ropes. Mick than hits an elbow drop on Ravens legs. Mick goes to the outside and he than pulls out his 2 by 4 covered with barbed wire. Mick raises it in the air and enters the ring. He waits for Raven to get up. Raven gets up and Mick goes to hit Raven but Raven puts his arms up to block it from his head. Ravens arms r busted open and he drops to the ground in pain. Mick drops his weapon and goes to pin Raven 1�?…Shoulder up! Mick looks shocked. Mick than gets up and gets a trash can. Mick sets the trash can up in a turnbuckle. He picks up Raven and throws him into the trash can. Raven hits it hard. Mick than goes to pin Raven again 1�?…shoulder up! Mick is in complete shock. Mick than picks up Raven and hits him with a few hard knife edge chops. Mick than throws Raven into the ropes. Raven ducks under Micks clothesline and comes back with a spear. Both men are down. They both are slow to crawl up to there feet. Mick and Raven exchange lazy lefts and rights. Mick gets the advantage and drops Raven down with a spinebuster. Mick than hits Raven with a elbow drop. Mick goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Mick gets up slowly and gets a chair. Mick drops the chair next to Raven. Mick picks up Raven and goes for a double arm DDT. Raven reverses it into a back body drop. Raven picks up Mick and hits Mick with a right hand. Mick goes for a right hand but Raven ducks it and than drops Mick with an Evenflow DDT into the chair! Miks is busted wide open. Raven goes for the pin 1�?�?!!!

Winner: Raven

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner and still SCWE RAWCore Champion... Raven!!!

JR: That was a great effort and a great match put on.
Jerry Lawler: Someone needs to help Jamie Gunz he is just locked up. Haha
JR: Well we need to take a quick commercial break.
Jerry Lawler: I cant believe Mick is back! Haha.

(scene fades to black)

*commercials are shown*

JR: Hello ladies and gentelmen and welcome back to RAW!
Jerry: Up next we have PUPPIES teaming with PUPPIES verse PUUPIES that are teamping with PUPPIES!!!
JR: JR calm down. Up next we have a diva tag match that features Molly Holly and Shantell Angle verse Ivory and JAckie Gayda.
Jerry Lawler: Thats what I said.
JR: Yea right.
Jerry Lawler: Lets head to the ring JR.


("Ita bout Us" hits fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: The Following contest is a scheduled for one fall and it is a tag team match. First making her way to the ring from Inglewood, California... Ivory!!!

JR: Ivory I know cannot wait to get her hands on Shantell Angle and tongiht she will have the chance to do just that!

("The Way You Move" hits fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: And her partner making her way to the ring from Chatanooga Falls, Ohio... Jackie Gayda!!!

Jerry Lawler: Hey JR. If Jackie wins the TLC match and Maven beats Bullion they will hold three belts total! That will be impressive.

 ("Can't We Dance" hits fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: And their opponents... First making her way to the ring... She is the SCWE Womens Champion!!! Shantell Angle!!!

JR: Shantell Angle has made an impressive womens champion so far in the SCWE! However her hands will be full come King of The Ring.

 ("Headstrong" hits fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: And her partner making her way to the ring from Forest Lake, Minnesota... Molly Holly!!!

Jerry Lawler: Molly Holly has already helped Brandon win tonight now lets see how she can fair with the WCW womens Champion tonight!

Ivory and Jackie Gayda vs Shantell Angle and Molly Holly

Match starts off with Shantell Angle and Ivory facing off in the ring. Ivory slaps Shantell. Shantell retaliates with a toe kick to the gut of Ivory. Shantell lifts Ivory up, snap suplex, Shantell with another snap suplex as Shantell makes the tag to Molly Holly. Molly gets in the ring as she Irish whips Ivory blind tag by Jackie Gayda. Jackie clotheslines Molly, Molly up as Jackie hits her with a dropkick Molly charges at Jackie but goes face first as Jackie ties her up with a trip up. Jackie tags Ivory. Ivory lifts up Molly by the hair, but Molly gets out with an eye rake then tags Shantell. Angel comes in with lefts and rights forcing Ivory into the corner. Ivory switches up as Shantell now is in the corner, SLAP! Ivory nails a knife edge chop to the chest of Shantell, SLAP! Another knife-edge chop, the crowd WOOS after the second chop. Ivory puts Shantell on the top off the turnbuckle, Shantell locks her legs around Ivory’s neck nailing a hurricarana. Ivory holds her neck as Shantell hits a dropkick to the back of the neck of Ivory. Cynthia Diamond is shown walking down to the ring. Shantell refuses to tag in Molly Holly. Shantell than goes towards Jackie and is about to punch her but Molly clotheslines her down. Molly than hits Jackie. All the divas start to fight as Cynthia enters the ring with a chair. Cynthia waits for Shantell to get up and than knocks her down with a chair shot. Cynthia than knocks down Jackie with a chair shot. Cynthia than knoks down Ivory with a chair shot. Cynthia than knocks down Molly Holly with a chair shot.

Winner: Double DQ

Lillian Garcia: The result of this match is a double DQ!

Jerry Lawler: Wow JR. What the hell happened?
JR: Ummmm... I think they just all beat the hell out of each other than Cynthia Diamond came down and beat the hell out of everyone with that chair. signaling that the TLC match is going to b a great one indeed.

Jerry Lawler: Wow you got all that from seeing that? Ok than. Haha
JR: Well all I know is that all hell just broke lose and now we are going backstage... What can happen next!?

-Crimson Calling Locker Room-

(A camera shows Coach T and The Cheat layed out a complete bloody mess...)

John Doe: What the hell!?

Mark Jindrak: This must have been Raven and his goons!

Lexi Collins: Oh my god... We need to get some paramedics!

Lil Jon: Yeah!!!

Mark Jindrak: Lil Jon go get help.

Lil Jon: Ok!!!

John Doe: No wait. Eminem go with him. Never Ending Nightmare is on the hunt.

Eminem: Iight man whatever... Ill go with him.

(John Doe throws a lamp into the wall and it shatters...)

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/3/2006 10:20 PM

JR: What the hell is going on! Both Coach T and The Cheat are a bloddy mess!!! We need to take a quick commercial break.

(scene fades to black)

*commercials are shown*
JR: Welcome back ladies and gentelmen. Before the break Crimson Calling found The Cheat only to be seen in a bloody mess with Coach T.
Jerry Lawler: Thats right JR and John Doe was not happy. But Crimson Calling is now in more trouble because they ohave had 5 of there members leave the building while all 7 members of Never Ending Nightmare are still here.
JR: John Doe is just trying to keep people safe.
Jerry Lawler: Well Jr up next we have a six man tag team match.
JR: Lets head to the ring.

("Step Up" hits fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: The Following contest is a scheduled for one fall and it is a six man tag team match. First making his way to the ring from Dallas, Texas... Cerebral!!!

("Closure" hits fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: And his partner partner making his way to the ring from Albany, New York... Twister-X!!!

("Foxy Lady" hits fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: And their partner. Making her way to thing ring from London, England... Scarlett!!!

JR: These three superstars have been very impressive in there new carrers in the KSCWE.
Jerry Lawler: But last week Scarlett was kicked out of Crimson cAlling and replaced by Lexi Collins. Scarlett is not happy about this at all.
JR: Nope. I have a bad feeling for Lexi Collins in this match.

 ("When Worlds Collide" hits fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: And there opponents... representing Crimson Calling!!! John Doe, Mark Jindrak and Lexi Collins!!!

Cerebral, Twister-X and Scarlett vs John Doe, Mark Jindrak and Lexi Collins

Cerebral and Mark start the match off. They go toe to toe with each other and Mar punches Cerebral. Cerebral looks at him and than punches Mark. Mark looks back and hits Cerebral hard. Cerebral than delivers a big boot to Mark. Cerebral picks up Mark and delivers a body slam. Cerebral than kicks Mark in the head and goes for a pin 1�?…kickout! Cerebral picks up Mark and delivers a elbow to Marks head. Cerebral than goes for the Depths of Hell but Mark kicks him in the gut a few times and Cerebral lets go. Mark than clotheslines Cerebral down. Mark gets up and tags in John Doe. John waits for Cerebral to get up and han knocks Cerebral back down with a hurricanrana. John Doe picks up Cerebral and throws him into Crimsons corner. John tags Mark back in and they throw Cerebral into the ropes and knock him down with a double dropkick. Mark than picks up Cerebral and calls for a Full Nelson Slam. Mark sets up Cerebral but Twister comes in and delivers a super kick to the side of Mark. Mark drops Cerebral and both men fall to the ground as the ref makes Twister retreat to his corner. Mark and Cerebral slowly crawl to there respected corners. Cerebral dives and tags in Scarlett, Mark dives and tags in Lexi. Scarlett charges after Lexi and clotheslines her down. Scarlett than picks up Lexi and tosses her across the ring by her hair. Scarlett than hits Lexi with several boots to the face. Scarlett picks up Lexi and drops her with a shoulder breaker. Lexi goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Scarlett picks up Lexi and throws her into the turnbuckle. Scarlett hits her with a dropkick that sends Lexi to the lower rope. Scarlett than chokes Lexi with her boot and pulling on the ropes. The ref makes Scarlett release the hold and Lexi is coughing. Scarlett than kicks Lexi in the face. Scarlett than throws Lexi into Crimsons corner and puts Lexi on the top rope. Mark hits Lexi’s back to make a tag. Scarlett than drops Lexi with a Frankensteiner. Mark gets in the ring and Scarlett walks up to him. Scarlett than hits him with a bitch slap and Mark laughs. Scarlett than knocks him down with a drop kick. Scarlett picks up Mark and throws him into the turnbuckle. Scarlett tags in Twister. Twister and Scarlett kick Mark repeatedly. Twister picks up Mark and throws him into the ropes and tan hits him with a clothesline. Twister picks up Mark and throws him into the ropes. Twister than hits Mark with a Twister Splash. Twister than goes for another but Mark catches him in mid air and drops him with a rib breaker. Mark and Twister crawl to there respective corners. Mark tags in John and Twister tags in Cerebral. Scarlett jumps off the apron and goes to Crimsons apron and pulls Lexi down. She than starts to unleash on Lexi with lefts and rights and just continues to punish her. John ducks a Cerebral clothesline and hits Cerebral with a head scissors takedown. John than climbs to the top rope and hits a 450 splash. John goes for the pin 1�?�?Twister breaks up the count. Mark comes in and clotheslines Twister over the top rope. Mark than gaurds the ring as John picks up Cerebral and throws him into the ropes and hits him with the Amnesia Attack. John goes for the cover 1�?�?!!!

Winner: John Doe, Mark Jindrak and Lexi Collins

Lillian Garcia: Here are your winners... John Doe, Mark Jindrak and Lexi Collins... Crimson Calling!!!

JR: Up till now Crimson Callings night was hell.
Jerry Lawler: Maybe this win will give them the motivation back and get them to win that big match at King of the Ring!
JR: Well up next we are going to have our big six man table match.
Jerry Lawler: But we have to take our last commercial break. Dont go away we will be right back!

-Backstage Area-

(A Camera shows Sonny Siaki and Undertaker heading to the ring)

(A Camera shows Mikey G heading to the ring)

(A Camera shows Charlie Haas heading to the ring)

(A Camera shows Mr. Bullion heading to the ring)

(A Camera shows Mr. Bullion heading to the ring)

*commercials are shown*

JR: Hello Ladies and gentelmen and Welcome back. Before we get to our main event. Lets look at our King of the Ring card.
Jerry Lawler: Well we will have a Triple Threat European Championship match that will feature the European Champion, Brandon against Jeff Corruption and Do or Die!
JR: Also we will have a Triple Threat Tag Team match up where Jamie Gunz will team up with Lance Storm, to face Twister-X and Cerebral and another team of John Doe and Coach T.
Jerry Lawler: I dont know how good of shape Coach T will be in for that match. But the winners do a get a shot at the tag belts at Vegence!
JR: We will also see a SCWE over the top rope battle Royal for the RAWCore belt that will consist of Raven, Mortis, Eminem, Rico, Scar, Tre2 Ozbourne, Mark Jindrak, Chris Corruption, Edge and Mick Foley!!!
Jerry Lawler: I cant believe Mick is back! We will have our SCWE King of the Ring finals match where it will be a Fatal Four Way match! The competitors will be Charlie Haas, Sonny Siaki, The Undertaker and Mikey G! It will be interesting on how two Never Ending Nightmare members will work in that match.
JR: Lets not forget about the TLC mat-
Jerry Lawler: Puppies!!! the TLC match will be a 5 Diva match where Puppies will be all over the ring. Shantell Angle will defend her belt against Molly Holly, Ivory, Jackie Gayda and Cynthia Diamond!
JR: Haha. Calm down King. And Our Main Event will be a First Blood Match, Title for Title. The World Champ, Maven will put his gold against Mr. Bullions IC title in a First Blood match up! Where Vince Russo will be the special referee!!
Jerry Lawler: It looks like King of the Ring will be a great card but we are now ready for our Main Event Tables match and lets head to the ring.

("Never Ending Nightmare Theme" hits fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a six man tag team TABLES match!!! First making there way to the ring represeting Never Ending Nightmare! Sonny Siaki and The Undertaker!!!

JR: The Never Ending Nightmare is responsible for what has happened to both Coach T and Cheat tonight. Now we wil lsee if they can add more damage to there night.

("Back in the Mudd" hits fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: And there partner. From Cleveland, Ohio. Weighing in at 265 pounds. Mr. Bullion!!!

Jerry Lawler: Mr. Bullion could use a big win heading into the title for title match at King of the Ring.

 ("Worlds Greatest" hits fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: And there opponents... First making his way to the ring from Edmond, Oklahoma. Weighing in at 242 pounds... Charlie Haas!!!

 ("St. Anger" hits fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: And his partner... First making his way to the ring from Bronx, New York. Weighing in at 200 pounds... Mikey G!!!

 ("Tough Enough Theme" hits fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: And his partner... First making his way to the ring from Shendandoah Valley, Virginia. Weighing in at 220 pounds... Maven!!!

JR: Maven will be headed into King of the Rign to face his greatest challenger yet! A win here could be huge.

The Undertaker, Sonny Siaki and Mr. Bullion vs Charlie Haas, Mikey G and Maven

Mikey G and Bullion face off to start the match. Bullion and Mikey G lock up. Bullion puts Mikey into a head lock but Mikey pushes Bullion into the ropes. Mikey than takes Bullion down with a drop toe hold. Mikey picks up Bullion and lays into him with lefts and rights. Mikey throws Bullion towards the turnbuckle. Mikey chases after and hits high knee into Bullion. Mikey than takes Bullion down with a snap suplex. Mikey than goes to the outside and brings in a table into the ring. Mikey sets it up. He begins to deliver lefts and rights to Bullion and than throws him into the ropes. Bullion ducks a clothesline and hits a neckbreaker on Mikey. Mikey and Bullion are slow to get to there respected corners but they both make tags. Bullion tags in Sonny and Mikey tags in Maven. Sonny charges towards Maven and goes for a clothesline. Maven ducks it and hits him with a dropkick. Maven picks up Sonny and throws him into the ropes, with the table behind Maven. Sonny bounces back and Maven picks him up but Bullion comes out of his corner and jumps onto the table breaking it before Sonny gets to it. Sonny his Bullion hard and both men are hurt. Charlie Haas gets a table and chucks it in and than goes back to his corner. Maven sets up the table in the corner and than tags in Mikey G. Mikey G nails a 3 handed cadenza on Sonny and than kicks Bullion out of the ring. He clotheslines Taker off the turnbuckle. Mikey than goes to throw Sonny into the turnbuckle but Sonny reverses it and throws Mikey into the table and he than breaks it! (Mikey G is eliminated via. Sonny Siaki) Charlie Haas enters into the ring and he charges after Sonny and takes him down with a clothesline. Maven than enters and walks into a Taker Chokeslam. Charlie than turns around and walks into a Taker Chokeslam. Bullion, Sonny and Taker all go to the outside and sets up tables. Taker pulls out Charlie and he starts to beat him down. Sonny comes over and sets his table up right next to Takers table. On the other side of the ring Maven and Bullion are battling it out. Bullion has Maven in a headlock ad than does a judo type takedown. Bullion picks up Maven and goes to do a suplex onto the table. Bullion picks Mavn up a little but Maven fights it. Maven than hits a suplex onto Bullion. Maven turns around and is layed out with a big boot from Sid Vicious! Sid Vicious delivers a big powerbomb to Maven through the table. (Maven is eliminated) Bullion goes to shake Sid’s hand but Sid lays him out with a big boot and than powerbombs him through a near by table. (Bullion is eliminated) Sid than goes to Takers and Sonny side where Charlie is starting to fight back. Taker goes to chokeslam Charlie but Sid Vicious breaks it up. Sid Vicious than chokeslams Taker through a table! (The Undertaker is eliminated) Sid Vicious than takes off his shirt and reveals a Never Ending Nightmare shirt on! Him and sonny shake hands as Charlie is on the ground they pick him up. Sid Vicious sets up a table. Sid Vicious than picks up Charlie. Sonny than grabs a chair and goes to hit Charlie but Charlie ducks and Sonny lays out Sid Vicious. Sony turns around and ducks a Charlie sidekick and clotheslines him down. Suddely the lights go out and a Scott Steiner promo is shown. Sony is distracted and Charlie sneaks up behind him and delivers a German Suplex that sends Sonny through the table! (Sonny Siaki is eliminated via Charlie Haas)

Winner: Charlie Haas, Maven and Mikey G

Lillian Garcia: Here are your winners... Charlie Haas, Maven and Mikey G!!!

JR: Wow Sid Vicious is back and he has joined the Never Ending Nightmare!!!
Jerry Lawler: Thats right and Taker was kicked out!
JR: Well we are out of time. Dont miss King of the Ring ladies and gentelmen!!!

(A Camera shows The Destruction all over the ring)

-goes off the air-