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RAW : RAW 7/6/04
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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/3/2006 10:37 PM

Results 7/6/04 Live From Orlando, Florida

::Photo's From Last Week's RAW are Shown::

::opens up with Lillian Garcia singing the National Anthem::




::RAW's Pyro Then Explodes!!::

Dark Matches Before RAW

Dark Match #1: Scar, Lil Jon and J won the Fatal Four way 12 man tag.

Dark Match #2: Scarlett won the over the top rope elimination... Throw out order was... Faia Mitsauki, Trisha Helmsely, Joan Holly, Ivory, Shantell Angle

Jim Ross: Welcome ladies and gentelmen to SCWE RAW!!! We are here live in the great state of Florida. I am here along with Jerry "The King" Lawler!
Jerry Lawler: Hey JR, Tonight we have an action packed show! Rumors have been spectalating all over the KSCWE about what Ernest Millers big announcements are going to be.
Jim Ross: Well King I can safely say that I have no clue what they will be. Ernest Miller has promised a SCWE RAW that will shake the world.
Jerry Lawler: We have some pretty big matches tonight. We will kickoff our first 4 matches of the SCWE Juniorweight tournament.
Jim Ross: Also Brandon will defend his title in a Triple Threat natch against Damian Rage, who we aqcuired in the KSCWE mini draft from WCW. And his other opponent will be Charlie Haas who was in the King of the Ring finals but lost.
Jerry Lawler: What!? Hahaha... Brandon isnt going to lose his European title anytime soon. But we also have a number one contenders match for the SCWE Womens Championship. Freakzillas freak will take on Cynthia Diamond for a shot at Shantell Angle at Vengeance.
Jim Ross: And the main event will feature Freakzilla himself, Raven, The Undertaker and Goldberg all going after one another in a Fatal Four Way match also to declare the number one contender for the SCWE World Title. Winner gets Maven at Vengeance.
Jerry Lawler: What a night we are going to have. Lets get into our first match which will be a first round tourny for the Juniorweight title.

("My Band" hits and fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is a scheduled Juniorweight Round one match! First making his way to the ring from Rockford, Illinois... Weighing in at 235 pounds... Eminem!!!

Jim Ross: Eminem has had a rough week. Him and Lil Jon left Crimson Calling to go for the tag titles but earlier today Lil Jon had some medical difficulties and will be out of action for awhile.

("Closure" hits and fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent... Making his way to the ring from Albany, New York... Being accumpanied by Scarlett... Twister-X!!!

Jerry Lawler: Eminem is going to have his hands full with Twister-X he may be 0-4 but he has the look to win especially with Scarlett in his corner.

Eminem vs. Twister-X w/ Scarlett

Twister-X and Eminem lock up. Twister-X starts things off with a wrist lock. Eminem summersaults forward pulling Twister over him with a judo flip. Eminem than grabs Twister's arm and hits a leg drop on it. Eminem than hits a summersault splash onto Twister. Eminem picks up Twister and throws him into the ropes. Eminem goes for a cross body but Twister catches him and slams him down to the mat hard. Twister than picks up Eminem and hits a vertical suplex on him. Eminem land on the ropes. Twister goes to the turnbuckle and jumps off hitting a leg drop on the back of Eminems head. Twister throws Eminem into the turnbuckle and hits him with a hard elbow into a bulldog. Twister goes for a pin on Eminem 1...2...kickout! Twister than picks up Eminem and throws him over the top rope. Twister catapults over and takes Eminem down with a hurricanrana. Twister is slow to get up. Twister picks up Eminem and throws him into the steel barricade. Twister bench presses Eminem over him and drops Eminem throat first over the barricade. Twister than laughs and taunts the crowd. Scarlett yells at him to not get distracted. Twister than picks up Eminem and rolls him back into the ring. Twister slides in and hits a few hard kicks on Eminems head. Twister picks up Eminem and sets him up for the X-Effect. Twister lifts him up and drops him hard with the X-Effect. Twister than picks up Eminem and bench presses him over his head. Twister holds him up for a while screaming at the crowd showing his power. Twister than drops Eminem, stomach first across his knee. Twister-X than locks in a sharpshooter. Eminem is motionless and the ref checks to see if Eminem is ok. The ref picks up Eminems hand 1 and drops it. Than picks it up a 2nd time and drops it. Ref raises his hand for the third time and drops it.

Winner: Twister-X

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner! And advancing to round 2 of the Juniorweight tournament... Twister-X!!!

.::Twister-X and Scarlett celebrate as they hug and Twister-X kisses Scarlett on the cheek::.

Jim Ross: Twister-X just got his first taste of victory. It looks like Scarlett is putting this kids mind on the winning track. Twister-X really made an example out of Eminem and is looking for that Juniorweight title.
Jerry Lawler: It looks to me as if Scarlett and Twister-X are doing a little bit more than managing. Hahaha.
Jim Ross: Come on King it was just a hug and a kiss on the cheek. We are getting word that a limo has just pulled into the parking lot. I wonder who it may be.

Parking Lot

Jerry Lawler: Whose in that limo JR?
Jim Ross: I dont know but I think we will find out after we take a quick commercial break.

*commercials are shown*

Parking Lot

.::The limo driver opens the door as Ernest Miller steps out of the limo. Ernest Miller begins to make his way to his locker room as he is stopped by Terri::.

Terri Runnels: Mr. Miller can I have a few words with you?

Ernest Miller: Let me stop you before we get into this. I am not going to tell you any of my major announcements that I have just yet. But I am about to go visit my fellow General Manager and have a little chat with her.

.::Ernest Miller walks away as Terri Runnels looks a little suprised::.


Jim Ross: Well how about that? Ernest Miller has just arrived and is going to go pay a visit to Charisma Adams.
Jerry Lawler: Maybe hes quitting! I hope so. Charisma Adams will put him in his place. Dont worry JR everything will be ok.
Jim Ross: I doubt that is one of his announcements.
Jerry Lawler: I hope he quits. Im sick of Ernest Miller. He is always ruining Charisma Adams fun.
Jim Ross: Well King lets head down to the ring where we will continue our first round of the SCWE Juniorweight tournament.


("Duality(ADD Remix)" hits and most fans boo but there are a few fans who cheer)

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is a scheduled Juniorweight Round one match! First making his way to the ring from West Minster, Colorado... Weighing in at 160 pounds... Tre2 Ozbourne!!!

Jim Ross: This guy is the lead singer of the AttentionDeficits! He has been on a role as a wrestler as well even with his bizare actions and crazy attitude. He kinda freaks me out a bit but hes showing us something as he has been climbing up the SCWE ladder.

("What More Can I Say" hits and fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent... Making his way to the ring from Cleveland, Ohio... Weighing in at 180 pounds... Josh Johnson!!!

Jerry Lawler: Josh Johnson has one major upperhand in this match and that is the style he shows over Tre2 Ozbourne! Hahaha.

Tre2 Ozbourne vs. Josh Johnson

Tre2 and Josh Johnson circle each other. Josh turns his back and taunts the crowd about his "style" Tre2 clotheslines him down from behind and starts to lay into him with several boots to the face. Tre2 than bends over and screams in Josh's face. Tre2 picks up Josh and throws him into the turnbuckle. Tre2 chases after him and goes for a clothesline but Josh dodges it and Tre2 hits the turnbuckle hard. Josh rolls Tre2 up and puts his feet on the ropes 1...2...kickout! Josh argues with the ref as Tre2 gets to his feet. Josh and Tre2 look each other down and exchange lefts and rights. Tre2 gets the upper hand with a knee to the gut. He than takes Josh down with a ddt. Tre2 goes for the pin 1...2...kickout! Tre2 puts Josh into a boston crab and pulls back. Josh easily grabs the ropes as Tre2 is forced to release the hold.Tre2 picks up Josh Johnson and hits a dropkick into Josh Johnsons knees. Josh Johnson drops drops down as Tre2 grabs Josh's legs and bridges him into a pin 1...2...kickout! Tre2 looks a bit angry and waits for Josh to get up. Josh turns around and ducks The X of Blood. Josh than hits him with a German suplex. Josh than hits him with another German Suplex. Josh than nails a third one into a German Suplex pin. 1...2...kickout! Josh than takes Tre2 and slams his leg against the mat. Josh walks away and waits for Tre2 to get up. Tre2 gets up and catches Josh's attempt at the JSCM. Tre2 delivers a dragonscrew and than runs to the top rope. Tre2 goes to the top rope and hits a 450 splash into a pin 1...2...3!

Winner: Tre2 Ozbourne

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner! And advancing to round 2 of the Juniorweight tournament... Tre2 Ozbourne!!!

Jim Ross: Tre2 Ozbourne continues to win. He is advancing to round 2 along with Twister-X.
Jerry Lawler: Poor Josh Johnson. Tre2 cramped his style.
Jim Ross: Well we have to go take a quick commercial break.

Charisma Adam's Locker Room

.::There is a knock at the door::.

Charisma Adams: I got to go I will call you later. (hangs up phone) Yea come in!

.::Scene fades to black::.

*commercials are shown*

Jim Ross: Welcome back ladies and gentelmen to SCWE RAW.
Jerry Lawler: What happened in Charisma Adams locker room? I hope shes ok.
Jim Ross: I dont know King but lets head down to thew ring where we have a big match up next.
Jerry Lawler: Its going to be a six man tag. Maven, Jackie and Mikey G will take on John Doe, Mark Jindrak and Lexi Collins.

("Crimson Calling" hits and fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is a scheduled six man tag team match first representing Crimson Calling...

Jim Ross: Where is Crimson Calling there not showing up. Wait we are being told something is wrong backstage.


.::Mikey G and John Doe are shown backstage fighting. Mikey G has the advantage and goes to grab a chair. Mikey G picks it up and cracks it over the back of John Doe. Mikey than picks up John Doe and brings him over to a table. Mikey G goes back and grabs the chair. He goes to hit John Doe with it but John Doe ducks it. John Doe than hits a German suplex on Mikey G that sends him through the table.::.


Jim Ross: What was that all about? Well we know why that match isnt happening but where is everyone else?

(Charisma Adams is shown on the titantron walking down a hall talking into the camera.)

Charisma Adams: Well well well... I have decided that SCWE isnt going anywhere. I have quit the SCWE and I will be going to the WCW. But before I leave let me inform you that after tonight you will see two superstars leave to the WCW brand that I just so happened to trade to Eric Bischoff. Also after Curse of the Game two more will follow. Hahahaha... Have fun Ernest Miller trying to make the SCWE as good as WCW... You just dont have it in you! Hahahaha... SCWE is dead cuz Charisma is gone for good!!!

Jerry Lawler: Well what the hell is going on tonight?
Jim Ross: Charisma Adams has stabbed the SCWE brand in the back! Ernest Miller has got to be dying to know who is going to be leaving him. We are taking a commercial break. Dont change the channel.

*commercials are shown*

Jim Ross: What a night Charisma Admas has just quit the SCWE. She said that the SCWE has no chance on making it big now that Ernest Miller is here.
Jerry Lawler: Well I hope shes not right. I cant believe she just turned her back on the SCWE. I lost all the respect I had for her.
Jim Ross: Lets head down to the ring for our next match.
Jerry Lawler: It will feature AJ Styles versus Jeff Corruption in match three of round one for the Juniorweight tournament.

("I AM" hits and fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is a scheduled Juniorweight Round one match! First making his way to the ring from Gainsville, Georgia... Weighing in at 202 pounds... AJ Styles!!!

Jim Ross: Here is one of SCWE's newest members. We got AJ Styles in the recent mini-draft. I hope he can make a big impact here.

("Down With The Sickness" hits and fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent... Making his way to the ring from Ottawa, Canada... Weighing in at 185 pounds... Jeff Corruption!!!

Jerry Lawler: Jeff Corruption is holding current Tag Team Gold and will be a problem for AJ Styles here tonight!

AJ Styles vs Jeff Corruption

AJ and Jeff lock up. AJ starts out with a headlock but JEff throws him into the ropes and AJ goes over the top when he recieves a clothesline. Jeff throws AJ into the steel barricade. Jeff than bangs his own head against the barricade and laughs. JEff throws Lillian Garcia off her chair and he grabs it. Jeff than smacks AJ in the head with the chair. The ref calls for the bell.

Winner: AJ Styles

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner! And advancing to round 2 of the Juniorweight tournament... AJ Styles!!!

.::Jeff Corruption continues the assault. Jeff picks up AJ and puts him on the spanish announce table. He hits him with the chair a few times before running to the turnbuckle. Jeff Corruption climbs the turnbuckle and than launches off hitting a successful Invertal Krash onto AJ Styles abdoman. The table break as paramedics rush down and refs pull Jeff away from AJ. AJ is unconcious with blood running out of his mouth.::.

Jim Ross: Oh my god! The poor kid needs help. AJ has just been destroyed. I dont think he will be able to compete next week.
Jerry Lawler: Hes going to have t suck it up JR. He got his way into Round 2 at least. HAha.
Jim Ross: Something is going on backstage... What the hell can happen next.


.::Raven is shown walking down the hall. Mark Jindrak appears from behind and hits him with a chair her grabs the tights and pins 1...2...3!!!::.

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and gentelemn we have a new SCWE RAWCore Champion... Mark Jindrak!!!

*commercials are shown*

Jim Ross: Welcome back ladies and gentelmen to SCWE RAW.
Jerry Lawler: Last night at King of the Ring the SCWE King of the Ring was decided
Jim Ross: Thats right King! Last night in a Fatal Four Way. Mikey G was the victorious man and will get to face the champ at SummerSlam.
Jerry Lawler: Lets take a look back at what happened at King of the Ring!

Footage from King of the Ring

.::Mikey looks amazed and slowly gets up. He goes to pick up Taker but is tackled down from behind from Sonny Siaki. Sonny picks up Mikey and kicks him in the gut. He than puts him on his shoulders and delivers the Sex Drive! Sonny goes for the pin 1�?…Charlie dive with an axe handle smash onto Sonnys back to break up the pin just in time! All four men are layed out. Undertaker, Sonny and Charlie all get up slowly. Charlie and Sonny go after Taker who catches them by the throat. Taker calls for a double chokeslam but both men kick Taker in the gut and than deliver a double DDT. Both men get up and look at each other. They than open up with lefts and rights. Sonny gets the advantage with a rear wrist lock. Charlie reverses it into a reverse DDT. Charlie than picks up Sonny and hits him with a few European uppercuts. Charlie than goes to throw Sonny into the ropes but Sonny reverses it and throws Charlie into the ropes. Charlie chases after and hits Sonny with a Splash! Sonny than runs back and hits another splash! Charlie falls to the ground as Sonny calls for a Sex Drive. He taunts the crowd for a bit. Undertaker than slowly walks up behind Sonny. Sonny walks backwards and bumps into Taker. Sonny turns around and is met with a Tombstone! Taker goes for the pin 1�?…Mikey G breaks it up. Mikey and Taker both get up and exchange slow blows to the head. Mikey blocks Takers right hand and than hits Take with a few consecutive punches. Mikey is than about to go for a 3 Handed Cadenza but Charlie Haas hits a drop kick to the side of Mikey’s head. Charlie Haas than ducks a Big Boot from Taker and hits him with a German Suplex. Charlie gets up and turns towards Mikey G. Charlie goes for a German Suplex on Mikey but Mikey fights it and kicks Charlie in the gut. Mikey goes for a 3 handed cadenza but Charlie pushes Mikey away and than goes for a clothesline but Mikey ducks it. Charlie turns around and is met with a Superkick! Mikey sees Sony and goes for a Superkick but Sonny catches Mikey’s foot. Sonny than goes for the Sex Drive but Mikey fights out of it and drops Sonny with a reverse DDT. Mikey climbs to the top rope and Delivers a Top Rope Elbow Drop into a pin. 1�?�?!!! Taker just misses breaking up the pin.

Winner: Mikey G

Lillian Garcia: Here are your winner and he is your 2004 King of the Ring... Mikey G!!!::.

Footage ends

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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/3/2006 10:38 PM
Jim Ross: Congratulations Mikey G. We will be holding his crowning ceremony next week live when we hit Atlanta, Georgia.
Jerry Lawler: Next week Rampage finnaly makes its return as well.
Jim Ross: Well lets head to the ring
Jerry Lawler: Poor Brandon has to defend his title against two people! This is unfair! What!? Haha.

("Shoot to Thrill" hits and fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is a scheduled Triple Threat match and it is for the SCWE European Championship! First Making his way to the ring... From Knoxville, Tennessee. He is the SCWE European Champion!!! Brandon!!!

Jim Ross: Brandon has held this title for quite some time now. He had a huge qwin at King of the ring over Do or Die who now is on WCW and Jeff Corruption.

("Sinner" hits and fans give mix reaction)

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent... Making his way to the ring from Chicago, Illinois.Weighing in at 255 pounds...Damian Rage!!!

Jerry Lawler: Damian Rage has graced us with his skill on the SCWE brand. He was aquired in the recent mini draft.

("Worlds Greatest" hits and fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: And finally making his way to the ring from Edmond, Oklahoma... Weighing in at 242 pounds. Charlie Haas!!!

Jim Ross: Charlie Haas has been having a huge run on the SCWE for the last 6 weeks and has been proving himself night after night.

Brandon(C) vs Damian Rage vs Charlie Haas

Bell rings and all three men eye each other waiting for one to make a move. Brandon goes over to Charlie but Damien Rage knocks him down with a clothesline, and begins punching away. Charlie backs up watching this. Damien gets up and begins to stomp away at Brandon, and Charlie joins him. Brandon rolls out of the ring and Charlie quickly takes down Damien with a headlock. Charlie keeps the hold on but Brandon pulls Damien out of the ring. Brandon begins punching the hell out of Damien. He then whips Damien into the ring post and Damien collides head first with it. Charlie comes up from behind Brandon and punches him in the head. Brandon turns around and he and Charlie exchange right hands. Charlie gets the upper hand and delivers two right hands knocking down Brandon. Meanwhile, Damien slides into the ring and waits on the turnbuckle for Charlie to turn around. Charlie sees Damien, but Damien jumps off the turnbuckle and hits a huge Cross Body Block. Brandon gets back into the ring with a chair in his hand and Damien gets back in and is met with a face full of steel as Brandon nails Damien over the head with the chair and covers, 1�?�?.1, Charlie breaks up the pin. Charlie picks up the chair, looks at it and then nails Brandon in the head with the chair. Charlie throws it out of the ring and goes to work on Damien. He lifts up Damien and hits him with a German Suplex. He picks up Damien and hits another suplex. He goes for a third, but Damien battles out of it, does a switch around, and hits Charlie with a German Suplex of his own. Damien then focuses on Charlie, not noticing Brandon. Brandon nails Damien from behind with a clothesline and covers, 1�?�?.4, Damien kicks out. Brandon lifts up Damien, and Charlie gets up, and Charlie and Brandon hit a double team suplex on Damien. Brandon then kicks Charlie in the gut and goes behind him and hits a back body drop. Brandon goes to lift up Charlie, but Charlie punches Brandon in the gut and hits him with a spine buster and covers quickly, 1�?�?.0, Damien breaks up the pin and Brandon rolls out of the ring. Charlie is pissed and whips Damien into the turnbuckle. Charlie lifts Damien onto the turnbuckle, and tries to go for a suplex, but Damien pushes him off. Damien stands on top of the turnbuckle and is about to jump off when Brandon gets on the apron and pushes him off. Brandon gets into the ring and then lifts up Charlie and hits a suplex on him. Brandon goes over to Damien and lifts him up. Damien is groggy and Brandon gives him the finger and hits the Rush on Damien. Brandon goes for the pin 1...2...Charlie Haas breaks the pin up. Charlie Haas picks up Brandon and throws him into the ropes. Charlie Haas hits a swinging neckbreaker onto Brandond. Charlie Haas than goes for the pin 1...2...kickout! Charlie Haas picks up Brandond and hits a Vertcal suplex. Charlie Haas hits a superkick on Brandond and than locks in the Haas of Pain! Brandon is yelling in pain. Brandon is nearing tapping out but Damian Rage breaks it up and kicks Charlie Haas in the head. Damian Rage grabs Charlies tights and rolls him up 1...2...3!!!

Winner: Damian Rage

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner! And your new SCWE European Champion... Damian Rage!!!

Jim Ross: Damian Rage just stole that title out of Charlie Haas's hands.
Jerry Lawler: O come on JR he won it fair in square. Charlioe Haas just didnt want it bad enough to pay close attention to Damian Rage.


.::Raven is shown throwing a fit and looking for Mark Jindrak::.

Jim Ross: Raven for one does not look very happy at all King. He wants the SCWE RAWCore belt back in the worse way possible!
Jerry Lawler: Well Jindrak stole it from him! That cheap shot he took at him! I would be outraged if I was Raven too. Well lets take a quick commercial break.

*commercials are shown*

("Hit Me" hits and fans cheer)

Jim Ross: Welcome back ladies and gentelmen we are just about to be graced with Ernest Millers presence
Jerry Lawler: I wonder what he will have to say. He is now 100% GM.

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentelmen please welcome the SCWE General Manager... Ernest "The Cat" Miller!!!

Ernext Miller: Hello Florida!!! Well I dont have much time so let me just say what I came out here to say. First off Good Riddins Charisma. The SCWE will be rocking the whole KSCWE. Now lets move on to Curse of the Game. I have decided that in the intrest of fairness that the winners of the #1 contender matches shouldnt have to wait till Vengeance to get a title shot. They should get them at Curse of the Game. So Shantell Angle will defend her Womens Championship against the winner of the Lacy Alexander and Cynthia Diamond battle tonight! And the SCWE World Champion will be facing the winner of Freakzilla, The Dead Man, Raven and Goldberg! (crowd cheers) Also concerning Maven. Next week live in Atlanta, Georgia he will defend his SCWE Interconinental championship against a Mystery opponent!!! Now I know its about 6 weeks away. But when the KSCWE holds Friday Night Main Event.... Mikey G will be facing John Doe in a Steel Cage Match!!! The winner of that match will be granted an SCWE IC title shot at the following RAW! Goodnight everyone and enjoy the show!!! Hit Me!

(Cat Dances as we head back to the announce table)

Jim Ross: Ernest Miller has changed up tonights stips for our last two matches. The winners will recieve title shots at Curse of the Game!.
Jerry Lawler: Yes and also we will be seeing Maven defend his IC title against a mystery opponent. I wonder who it may be.
Jim Ross: I couldnt tell ya... Thats why they call it a Mystery Opponent though King. But also we now know one match for when Friday Night Main Event returns. Due to John Doe and Mikey G's actions they will be facing off in a steel cage match.
Jerry Lawler: That should be very bizzare.It will be a six sided steel cage. I cant wait JR.
Jim Ross: Well we have to head backstage with only god knows what is going on back there.


.::Mark Jindrak is shown getting into his limo. He gets in and than his head is smashed through the limo window. His door opens and he falls out. Raven is shown walking out as well with an evil look on his face. Raven picks up Jindrak over his shoulder and puts him down underneath a garage door. Raven than grabs the handle and throws the garage door down! MArk Jindrak is coughing up blood. Raven than picks him up and throws him into the wall. Raven pins Mark Jindrak 1...2...3::.

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and gentelemn we have a new SCWE RAWCore Champion... Raven!!!

.:: Raven than jumps in a limo and hightails it::. 

Jim Ross: Raven is the champion once again and I think he has started showing us his 7 deadly sins scheme. This week it was Mark Jindrak receiving what looked to be Sloth.
Jerry Lawler: That was awesome! Jindrak deserved everything he got!
Jim Ross: I dont think so King, hes on his way to the hospital along with AJ Styles. Never Ending Nightmare is just doing damage to everyone!
Jerry Lawler: Well lets head to the ring for our final Round one match of our Juniorweight tournament. Both competiors are already in the ring.

Rico vs Coach T

Rico is locking up with Coach T and goes to french kiss him but Coach T knocks him down, Rico gets up and Coach T is knocked down and Rico rides on his back, Coach T and hits Rico with a huge clothesline and Rico gets up and Coach T hits a right arm takedown. Rico is down and Coach T pins and Rico kisses him and hes laying down whiping it off and Rico pins 1..2..kickout. Coach T gets up after the pin and throws Rico into the ropes but Rico reverses into a Backdrop Slam, Coach T is laying down grabbing his back and Rico goes over and slaps his butt and Coach T gets up and punches him in the face and Rico laughs and hits a major bug slap into the face and goes off. the ropes and goes under the legs and slaps his butt. Coach T is getting fed up and grabs Rico and hits three german suplexes and they are both down as the ref counts 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..they both get up. Rico gets up a little earlier so he gets up on the top rope and Coach T than stands up and Rico hits a hurricarana onto Coach T and hes knocked out as Rico gets down and kisses him and pins 1..2..3.

Winner: Rico

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner! And advancing to round 2 of the SCWE Juniorweight tournament... Rico!!!

Jim Ross: Rico picked up one of the freakiest wins ever.
Jerry Lawler: OK i am about to be sick. That was the gayest thing since well I dunno what is gayer than that so lets go take a commercial break.

*commercials are shown*

-Rest is in summary form Im sorry but I cant use PC for rest of the day and I know you guys would prefer to have this than wait... Sorry for the delay everyone-

Lacy Alexander vs Cynthia Diamond

Lacy Alexander and Cynthia Diamond are locked up in the ring and than Cynthai goes first towards Lacy and picks her by her hair and throws her across the ring, Lacy stands up shocked. She than looks at Cynthia and runs towards her and kicks her in the mid section. Than Lacy throws Cynthia out of the ring as the referee begins to count. Lacy tries to throw Cynthia into the stairs but Cynthia revereses and throws Lacy into them. Lacy knocks over all of the stairs and lays there and she starts bleeding as Cynthia begins laughing. Cynthia gets up and gets back in the ring and the ref is at 8 Lacy gets up and gets in the ring at 9, Cynthia takes Lacy and throws her aganist the rope and than Cynthia goes for a clothesline but Lacy ducks and comes back and hits a diving mid-section head butt. Lacy knocks Cynthia down and than Lacy gets up and goes up on the top rope and goes for a flying head butt but Cynthia moves out of the way as Lacy is coming off the turnbuckle. Lacy picks Cynthia over her shoulders and than lets her go and than she pins her 1...2..kickout by Cynthia. Lacy than gets up and picks Cynthia up and hits a kick right under her chin knocking her on her butt. Cynthia gets up slowly and gets in a grapple with Lacy but Lacy goes for a DDT but Cynthia reveres pushing her breast first into the ropes and Lacy hangs on. Cynthia comes up and grabs her hair and throws her on the mat. Cynthia runs from one side of the ring to the other and goes a leg drop and pins Lacy. 1...2�?.8 kick out by Lacy. Lacy gets up after a few moments and runs after Cynthia. Cynthia is standing in the corner on the right side of the ring and Lacy runs underneath her as Cynthia goes for a Hurricarana and knocks Lacy down. Cynthia pins Lacy 1...2...kickout by Lacy. Lacy wont stay down for the 3. Lacy gets up and Cynthia goes to punch her by Lacy blocks and punches back, she goes to do it again but the same thing happens once more. And another time and it happens again, than Lacy keeps ounching her in her head as Cynthia walks around unconcious and falls face first on the mat. Lacy pins her 1...2…kickout by Cynthia Diamond. Lacy goes to catapoult her into the ring corner and lifts her legs up but Cynthia puts enough effort into and uses her feet and pushes her into the corner. Cynthia gets up and goes to the corner and stands on the second rope and goes for the 10 punches and gets to 8 and Lacy takes her on her shoulders and goes for a powerbomb, but Cynthia goes and reverses into a roll-up pin and the ref counts 1..2...3!!!

Winner: Cynthia Diamond!

Scott Steiner vs Goldberg vs Taker vs Raven

(Raven left the arena so he isnt in this match anymore)

Goldberg wins by pinning Taker after Scott Steiner revealed he is going to WCW and left. Lacy wen with him.

After the match Ernest Miller came down and got attacked by Taker as RAW goes off the air.