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RAW : RAW 7/20/04
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/3/2006 10:50 PM

Results 7/20/04 Live From Charlotte, North Carolina

::Photo's From Last Week's RAW are Shown::

::RAW opens up with Lillian Garcia singing the National Anthem::

::RAW's Pyro Then Explodes!

Dark Matches Before RAW

Dark Match #1: Spazz defeats Debra

Dark Match #2: Karissa Laryss defeats Sammy Risen and Alyssa Cullen

 Jim Ross: Hello everyone and welcome to Tuesday Night SCWE RAW in Charlotte, North Carolina!  I'm here along side my announcing partner, Jerry "The King" Lawler!

Jerry Lawler: Hello to everyone out there!  Curse of the Game was a huge success!  And we have now have a new SCWE Commissioner, which is sure to cause more tension backstage.

Jim Ross: That it was King, and we have new champions!  Cynthia Diamond defeated Shantell Angle for the Woman's title.  Let's take you back to Curse of the Game folks.

(Replay is show)

Cynthia turns around and goes to clothesline Shantell. Shantell ducks and than kicks Cynthia in the gut and hits a dangerous DDT on her. Shantell puts an arm on Cynthia for the pin 1�?…kickout! Shantell gets up slowly as does Cynthia. Shantell goes for the Babewatch Slam but Cynthia counters it into a Diamond Buffer! Cynthia goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Cynthia looks pissed. She picks up Shantell and throws her into the turnbuckle and picks her up onto the top rope. She goes for a frankensteiner but Shantell holds onto the ropes and grabs Cynthias legs and powerbombs her down to the mat. Shantell isnt able to make a pin though. Both Divas lay on the mat as the ref begins the 10 count 1�?�?�?�?�?�?�?…Both Divas struggle to there feet. Shantell gets the upper hand and throws Cynthia into the ropes. Cynthia comes back and hits a hurricanrana on Shantell. Cynthia than locks in the Single leg Boston Crab. Shantell struggles to get to the ropes she is almost there but Cynthia pulls her all the way back to the middle of the ring. Shantell taps out in frustration.

Winner: Cynthia Diamond

(Replay Ends)

Jerry Lawler: Two times the puppies in one week!

Jim Ross: What an exciting matchup that was, and shortly after we found out that Paul Heyman is our new Commissioner. 

Jerry Lawler: Also, we saw Goldberg become champion as he pinned Maven.

Jim Ross: Let's take a look back at that match shall we.

(Replay is shown)

 Maven gets up and goes over to the turnbuckle.  Maven turns around and Goldberg gets up and hits Maven in the back with a right hand, and Maven is in sitting position on the turnbuckle.  Goldberg goes for a backdrop off the turnbuckle, but Maven elbows Goldberg in the head, and Goldberg gets off the turnbuckle.  Maven goes to stand again but Goldberg knocks him down into sitting position again.  Goldberg nails Maven in the back with a few right hands again and goes for the backdrop from the top rope again, but Maven shoves Goldberg down to the canvas.  Maven collects himself and stands up.  As the ref goes to check on Goldberg, the lights go out in the arena, and when they turn back on, the referee is down, and Goldberg is down.  Lightning then flashes and a bell rings and Undertaker appears in the ring.  Maven turns around and is met with Taker’s hand on Maven’s throat.  Taker climbs the turnbuckle too, and chokeslams Maven right off it.  Taker then moves to the middle of the ring and the lights go out, lightning strikes the turnbuckles and when they turn back on, the Undertaker is gone.  After about a minute of no movement, Goldberg comes to and sees that Maven is down.  He picks up Maven and whips him into the turnbuckle, and Goldberg waits for Maven to turn around.  Maven does and Goldberg runs at him and hits him with a huge spear.  Goldberg then does the sign that he is going to go for the Jackhammer.  Goldberg picks up Maven and sets him up for the Jackhammer.  Goldberg lifts Maven in the air, leaves him there for a second, and hits the Jackhammer.  The ref comes to it as Goldberg is pinning, and counts, 1……�?……�?.

Winner: Goldberg

(Replay ends)

Jerry Lawler: All I have to say is wow.  Both men put up a terrific effort, but Goldberg didn't earn that win.

Jim Ross: Well Taker did have a hand in Goldberg's victory, which, grants Undertaker a match at Vengeance against Goldberg.  We also found out that Maven and Shantell were traded to wCw in the transaction a couple of week back.

 ("Invasion" hits the P.A. system and the crowd chants "Goldberg" as Goldberg makes his way into the ring and gets a microphone.)

Goldberg- Sunday night, with unneeded help from the Undertaker, I became the World Champion.  Listen Undertaker, everyone knows you wanted that #1 contender shot, but all you succeeded in is setting the stage for me kicking your ass at Vengeance! *Crowd cheers*  So Undertaker, I have two words to say to you.  You're next!

(Invasion hits the P.A. system but is soon cut off as the lights go off, and the Titantron lights up.  A tombstone is shown on the screen, saying Goldberg, Rest In Peace.  The lights go on, and Goldberg looks around and sees no one there.)

Jim Ross: What the hell?

Jerry Lawler: Well it looks like Undertaker has already set up the Tombstone, but can the dead man make Goldberg rest in peace?

Jim Ross: We'll have to wait for Vengeance, but right now we have to take a commercial break, we'll be back soon!

-Commercial break-

Jim Ross: Welcome back to RAW folks.

Jerry Lawler: What a beginning to RAW that was.

Jim Ross: I'll say.  A big fued is brewing between Goldberg and the Undertaker.

Jerry Lawler: Well, our first match is coming up, and it's going to be puppies galore!  Woohoo!

Jim Ross: Oh will you stop that?

(Slither By Velvet Revolver hits the P.A. system and the crowd boos)

Lillian Garcia: The following match is scheduled for one fall! Making her way to the ring from Ottawa, Canada, Christine Corruption!

Jim Ross: Well Christine emerged as a new diva here in SCWE, and is the sister of Jeff and Chris Corruption.

("Foxy Lady" By Jimi Hendrix hits and crowd boos)

Lillian Garcia: And her opponent, making her way to the ring being accompanied by Twister-X, from London, England, Scarlett!

Jerry Lawler: Here we go! 

Scarlett vs. Christina Corruption

The Bell rings and the match starts Scarlett and Christine both lock up and Scarlett gets Christine in a headlock. Christine trys to push Scarlett off and into the ropes. Scarlett bounces off the ropes and hits Christine with a flying forearm. Scarlett jumps up to her feet as Christine gets up and Christine turns around right into a  hard clothesline from Scarlett leaving Christine stunned. Christine gets up as Scarlett trys for the Scarlett Kiss. Christine ducks and then hits Scarlett with the sweet chin music and covers her 1...............2.........2.3/Scarlett kicksout. Christine gets up and grabs Scarlett and tosses her into the ropes. Scarlett bounces off the ropes as Christine lowers her head. Scarlett gets her with the piledriver. Scarlett waits for Christine to get up as Christine gets up she turns around right into the Scarlett Kiss and Scarlett covers Christine as the ref counts 1..........2.........3.

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner Scarlett!

Jim Ross: Well Scarlett emerged with an impressive victory.

Jerry Lawler: Wow, what a match.  Too bad it wasn't longer.

Jim Ross: Oh will you stop?

(Paul Heyman's theme hits the P.A. system and Paul steps out onto the ramp.)

Jerry Lawler: What the hell does he want now?

Paul Heyman: Let me start off by saying that you all have the privelege of seeing me, Paul Heyman, in a crap town like this.  I don't know why RAW would be booked in a hell hole like this, *crowd boos* with a bunch of slack jawed yokels *crowd boos*, and a team that couldn't win the Super Bowl! *Crowd chants asshole*. But sadly, I don't control the book making.  Twister-X!  Show these people here that the letter X stands for Extreme.

(Twister X looks at Christine Corruption.  Twister smirks and goes out of the ring and grabs a chair and slides it into the ring.  He picks up Christine and pulls her over to the chair and sets her up for a Piledriver onto the chair.  Paul Heyman is screaming drop her, but Tre 2 runs in from the crowd and attacks Twister-X from behind.  Scarlett begins to attack Tre and its a 2-on-1 when "Hit Me" hits the P.A. system and Ernest "The Cat" Miller comes out onto the ramp.)

Ernest: I am not going to have this kind of mayhem on my show.  So next week, it's going to be Tre 2 and Christina Corruption versus Twister-X and Scarlett in a mixed tag team match! *Crowd cheers*  And, as a measure of security, AJ Styles will be the special referee! *Crowd cheers* 

("Hit Me" hits the P.A. system as Ernest goes into the back and Twister-X and Heyman are pissed off.)

-Commercial Break-

Jim Ross: Welcome back everyone to RAW, and if you're just tuning in, Ernest Miller has just announced a mixed tag team match for next week, with Twister X and Scarlett facing off against Tre 2 and Christine Corruption with special referee AJ Styles!
Jerry Lawler: It's going to be one hell of a match!  Everyone in that ring hates each other, so all hell is bound to break loose!

Jim Ross: And this happened during the break.

-During the Break-


Paul Heyman: Twister, it's ok, it's ok.  You know why?

Twister-X: Why the hell is it ok?  I got all my enemies in that ring, except Scarlett!

Paul Heyman: After your match at Vengeance, Tre 2 Osbourne and AJ Styles are going to need a stretcher to get out of there!

(Twister-X chuckles evily.)


Jerry Lawler: That Paul Heyman is one manipulative person, am I right J.R.?

Jim Ross: That you are King.  Well our next match is about to take place.

("Shoot To Thrill" By: AC/DC hits the P.A. system and the crowd boos.)

Lillian Garcia: The following match is scheduled for one fall!  Making his way to the ring from Knoxville, Tennessee, weighing in at 241 pounds, Brandon!

Jim Ross: Brandon will be featured in a match at Vengeance, pitting him against Billy Gunn and the champion Damien Rage in a triple threat match!

Jerry Lawler: I can't wait!  Brandon was never officially pinned so he'll be looking for some pay back.

("In Da Club" By 50 Cent hits the P.A. system and the crowd boos.  Raven appears on the TitanTron and Sonny Siaki looks up at the Titantron like he's seen a ghost.)

Raven: Sonny, you disappointed me at King of the Ring.  Now you are going to pay.

(All of a sudden Joey Ryan assualts Sonny from behind and begins mounting punches in his face.  Joey ryan picks up Sonny and hits him with the influentuel, and then goes up the ramp and leaves.)

Jim Ross: Well I guess this match isn't happening anytime soon.

Jerry Lawler: Who the hell does Raven think he is asserting himself like that?

(Referees and EMTs come over to help up Sonny, but Sonny pushes them away refusing help.)


(Sonny is shown walking down the hall into Ernest Miller's room.)

Sonny: Ernest!  I want Joey Ryan in a match!

Ernest: Well I see we have enough room on the PPV card.  Ok, you got it, you versus Joey Ryan.  And it better be a damned good match, or it will be your last.

Sonny: You bet your ass it will be good.

(Sonny leaves the room and passes by Goldberg as he is walking down the hall and stops and looks in Ernest's room where the Rocket pushes passed Goldberg and walks into the room and begins talking to Ernest.)

Rocket: Ernest, as you know, in the wCw King of the Ring tournament, I eliminated Goldberg by pinning him, which should make me the champion.

Ernest: I'm a cat of my word, I said Undertaker get's the shot at Vengeance because of his match.  You just aren't ready.

Rocket: I can take his ass, he's just a little bitch!

(Goldberg pushes the door open.)

Goldberg: What did you say boy?

Rocket: You heard me. 

(Rocket slaps Goldberg across the face.)

Rocket: Whatcha going to do now punk?  Huh?

(Goldberg grabs Rocket by the shirt.)

Goldberg: You just made a huge mistake there.

(Goldberg lifts up Rocket by the shirt and throws him through the wall.)

Goldberg: Who's the little bitch now?

(Goldberg walks out as referees rush to help the Rocket.)


Jerry Lawler: Well Goldberg means business, doesn't he?

Jim Ross: I'll say, I'd hate to be in his path tonight.

Jerry Lawler: Another diva match coming up! 

("It's About Us" hits the P.A. system and the crowd cheers.)

Lillian Garcia: The following match is scheduled for one fall!  Making her way to the ring being accompanied by JJ Stallion, from Inglewood, California, Ivory!

Jim Ross: Ivory is an up and coming superstar in the Women's division.

("Haunting" By Evanescence hits the P.A. system and the crowd boos)

Lillian Garcia: And her opponent, from Orleans, France, Joan Holly!

Jerry Lawler: One of our newer divas making her debut match here on RAW!

Ivory vs. Joan Holly

The bell rings and both divas circle the ring.  Ivory and Joan lock up, but neither one can over power the other so they break apart.  Ivory then charges at Joan and knocks her down with a clothesline.  Ivory then turns Joan over on her stomach and locks in a Boston Crab early.  Joan is in pain, but not a whole lot, and tries to crawl her way over to the ropes, but Ivory pulls her away, and continues to apply pressure.  Joan tries to crawl to the ropes a second time, and is successful.  The ref begins to count, 1...2...3...4.  Ivory releases the hold.  Ivory stomps on the back of Joan Holly, and lifts her up, and sets her up for a backbreaker.  Ivory hits it, but doesn't let go of Joan Holly.  Ivory lifts her up and hits her with another backbreaker, and covers, 1...2...2.1.  Ivory gets onto the top turnbuckle, and waits for Joan to get up.  Ivory jumps off going for an Axe Handle Smash, but Joan kicks Ivory in the gut at the last second.  Joan then quickly hits a DDT.  Joan covers, 1...2..., Ivory kicks out.  Joan picks up Ivory, but Ivory reverses and bitch slaps Joan.  Joan is pissed and she bitch slaps Ivory back.  Ivory tackles Joan down and both women begin to roll around the ring grabbing each others hair and slapping each other.  The ref tries to break it up, but gets caught in the fight.  The ref gets out and throws his hands up in the air as the crowd cheers.  Joan and Ivory get up, and tap on his shoulder, and both women slap him right across the face.  They shake hands, and continue the match.  Ivory and Joan lock up.  Ivory overpowers Joan and gets her into a headlock.  Joan battles out by elbowing Ivory in the stomach.  Joan runs into the ropes, but JJ Stallion catches her foot.  Joan turns around and yells at him, but JJ plays dumb.  Ivory stands ready behind Joan waiting for her to turn around.  Joan turns around and Ivory kicks her in the gut and hits her with a Face Buster.  Ivory covers, 1...2...3.

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner, Ivory!

Jim Ross: Well Ivory scored the win there, with a little help from JJ Stallion.

Jerry Lawler: What do you mean a little?  JJ grabbed her foot.  He's a cheater J.R.  A cheater!

(All of a sudden the sound of a raven cawing fills the arena and the lights flicker and both women scramble out of the ring, and the lights go out and back on and Raven appears in the middle of the ring.)

Raven: RAW is filled with sinners, and I plan to expose them all, and mame those who dare commit the 7 deadly sins.  Rocket!  You just committed one.  Greed.  You think the world is to be handed down to you on a silver platter.  Well next week your Judgement day has arrived, because I will strike you down, in this ring!


(Mikey G. is shown watching Raven's message.  Mike is shaking his head and laughing.)

Mike: *talking to the TV* Raven man, I would kick your ass right now but-

(Crowd boos as Mike turns around and sees Raven in his face.)

Raven: But what?

Mike: But I get my oppurtunity to kick your ass tonight.

Raven: At Vengeance, you will pay for your sin.

Mike: And what's that?  Brushing my teeth?  Taking a shower?  Using soap and shampoo?

Raven: Pride. And if you want to keep your arms then you'd best shut your trap before I rip them off and beat you to death with them.

(Mike and Raven stare each other down and Mike walks away and Raven spits after him.)

-Commercial break-

Jim Ross: Welcome back to RAW and let me say that the fued between Mikey and Raven is beginning to reach the boiling point!

Jerry Lawler: Who knows what is going to happen later tonight?

Jim Ross: It's going to be one hell of a slobberknocker!

("Closure" By Unjust hits the P.A. system and the crowd boos.)

Lillian Garcia: The following match is scheduled for one fall!  Making his way to the ring from New York weighing in at 230 pounds, he's the Intercontinental champion, Jamie Gunz!

Jim Ross: Jamie Gunz had an impressive victory last week over Maven becoming a two time Intercontinental Champion.  Take a look here.

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/3/2006 10:51 PM


Maven looks around and signals for the Blockbuster. Maven climbs to the top rope as Jamie gets up slowly. Jamie sees Maven on the ropes and speeds over and dropkicks his legs out. Maven lands hard on the turnbcukle. Jamie gets up and throws him off the top turnbuckle. Jamie than climbs to the top rope and hits a Gunz Saul. Jamie goes for the pin and grabs a handfull of tights 1...2...3!!!

Winner: Jamie Gunz

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner... and your new SCWE Intercontinental Champion!!! Jamie Gunz!!!

Jim Ross: Jamie Gunz did it! In the end it was the Gunz Saul and the tights that did it for Jamie to grab that belt.
Jerry Lawler: I told you he would win. Jamie Gunz is back and is larger than life! Hahaha.

(End replay)

Jim Ross: As you can see there, Jamie cheated to win that title.

Jerry Lawler: It isn't cheating if you get caught.

Jim Ross: Well...

("The Way You Like It" By Adema hits the P.A. system and the crowd boos.)

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent from Los Angeles California, weighing in at 210 pounds, Joey Ryan!

Jerry Lawler: Well this is certain to be a great matchup.

Jim Ross: Yes, Joey Ryan and Jamie Gunz making their RAW returns recently, and both of them are out to prove themselves here tonight.

Joey Ryan vs. Jamie Gunz

Ryan and Gunz Lock up, Gunz tosses Ryan to the mat with a hip toss, then Gunz goes for and early kill with the Osaka Street Crusher, but Ryan slips out of hit and connects with a DDT.

Gunz Head hits the mat hard. Ryan whips against the ropes and delivers a leg drop. Ryan picks Jamie up but Jamie counters with a clothesline knocking Ryan down. Jamie then goes to the to rope and hits a missile dropkick sending Ryan to the outside. Jamie follows Ryan to the outside.  Jamie takes Ryan and crashes him into the steel stairs.  Jamie Picks Ryan up and delivers neckbraker on the outside, Jamie rolls in the ring ands waits for Ryan to get up. Ryan gets up and slides into the ring to met Gunz Big boot. Jamie picks Ryan up but Ryan counters with a piledriver. Ryan pins 1 - 2 Jamie gets the shoulder up.  Joey gets up and lifts up Jamie, but Jamie drives his shoulder into Joey’s gut, and lifts him into the air and slams him down in a Spine buster.  Jamie covers, 1�?�?.1.  Joey just gets the shoulder up.  Jamie looks mad.  He lifts up Joey and whips him into the ropes.  Jamie bends over but Joey does a sunset flip over Jamie, and goes for the pin, but Jamie battles out of it.  Joey springs to his feet but is met with a huge clothesline.  Jamie then begins to mount punches on Joey, but Joey puts his arms up and blocks the punches.  Jamie gets up and lifts up Joey, but Joey slaps Jamie’s hands away and kicks him in the midsection and goes for a suplex but Jamie stops him and goes for one himself but Joey slips out and nails Jamie in the back and hits a reverse DDT.  Joey covers, 1�?�?.3.  Joey can’t believe it.  Jamie gets up as Joey is arguing with the referee.  Jamie seizes the opportunity and hits an Osaka Street Cutter on Joey while his back is turned.  Jamie then turns Joey over onto his back and drags him over to the closest turnbuckle.  Jamie goes over to the turnbuckle and climbs it.  He signals for a Shooting Star Press, and connects!  Jamie covers, 1�?�?.

Lillian Garcia: And your winner Jamie Gunz!

Jim Ross: Wow, Jamie picked up the clean win.

Jerry Lawler: Yeah, he must be sending a message to Shawn Michaels, who is his opponent at Vengeance.

("Sexy Boy" by WWE hits the P.A. system and the crowd cheers as Shawn Michael makes his way into the ring with a microphone.)

Shawn Michaels: Jamie, forget vengeance, why don't you and I finish what we started last week?  What do you say?

(Crowd cheers but before Jamie could answer Paul Heyman's theme hits and the crowd boos as Heyman makes his way onto the stage.)

Paul Heyman: I'm afraid that won't be happening, for you see, if Shawn, you and Jamie fight right here, not only will Jamie be stripped of the title, Shawn you will lose your number contendership for the title.  That is all.

(Paul Heyman's theme hits the P.A. system and the crowd boos and chants asshole as he walks out, and Jamie and HBK stare each other down. Jamie makes his way to the back as so does Shawn right after him, and Jamie watches his back.)

Jerry Lawler: Well, we almost witnessed a huge fight between HBK and Jamie Gunz.

Jim Ross: Yeah, but Heyman was right in what he was saying.

Jerry Lawler: It would've been a good fight too.

("Back in the Mudd" by Bubba Sparxxx hits the P.A. system and the crowd boos as Josh Johnson and Mr. Bullion make their way down the ramp into the ring.  Josh and Bullion both have a microphone and Josh begins to speak.)

Josh: Now that Mr. Bullion and I destroyed Raven and Jeff for the Tag Team titles, that means that we have to face Coach T, and John Doe. 

Mr. Bullion: So that means we'll have to destroy them at Vengeance to retain our titles as well to prove we are the greatest Tag champs in RAW history.

Josh: So we wanted to set up a "little" interview with the number #1 contenders.

Mr. Bullion: Come on out here so we can make this "short" for interest of time.

("When Worlds Collide" By: Powerman 5000 hits the P.A. system and midget versions of Coach T and John Doe make their way down to the ring.  They get in the ring and stare down Mr. Bullion and Josh Johnson.)

Jerry Lawler: Midgets!  Hey look, it's midgets playing Crimson Calling!

Jim Ross: This is total disrespect by Team Styles.

Josh: *talking to the midgets* Listen here Coach Wee and John Dope, you two think you have what it takes to beat Team Styles?

Jerry Lawler: Coach Wee! Haha!

Mr. Bullion: Yeah, you two don't have anything on us.

(Coach Wee takes the microphone from Josh.)

Coach Wee: Listen here you tall s***, John Dope and I are going to kick you two so hard in the shins, that you'll be our height before the match is over, isn't that right John?

John: Duh, duh, duh, uh huh *smiles stupidly*

Jerry Lawler: Hey J.R., he makes more sense then you do!

Jim Ross: Ha ha, very funny.

Coach Wee: And then, we are going to-

(Mr. Bullion cuts off Coach Wee.)

Mr. Bullion: Listen, why don't you two put your money where your crap hole is and fight us, right here right now!

(Crowd boos as Bullion and Josh laugh.)

Coach Wee: You two think you are so big.

Josh: Think?  Listen squirt, we know we are bigger than you.  And smarter than you, isn't that right John Dope?

(Josh puts the microphone down to John Dope.)

John: Duh... ya huh!

Coach Wee: Ok, you two asked for it!

(Coach Wee kicks Josh in the shin and John Dope headbutts Bullion in the groin.  Both midgets jump on Josh and hang on to his arms.  Josh flings them off him and both men begin stomping on both midgets, and they kick them out of the ring.)

Jerry Lawler: Hey look, the midgets assualted Mr. Bullion and Josh Johnson!

Jim Ross: They're standing up for their pride.

Jerry Lawler: Pride, shmide.  This was a set up.

Mr. Bullion- See that John and Coach?  That's what we're going to do to-

(Bullion is cut off as "When Worlds Collide" By: Powerman 5000 and the real John Doe and Coach T come out of the back and charge the ring as the crowd cheers.)

Jim Ross: It's the real John Doe and Coach T.

Jerry Lawler- Regular size too!

(Josh goes to the outside and grabs a chair and nails Coach T with it as John and Bullion are fighting on the outside.  Josh drags Coach T into the ring.)

Josh: Ring the bell!  Damnit I said ring the bell!

Jerry Lawler: What the hell is going on here?

Jim Ross: I think the match is starting!

Coach T vs. Josh Johnson

Josh covers Coach 1...2..., Coach kicks out!  Josh gets pissed, so he goes outside the ring, grabs a chair, and nails Coach T with it.  The ref calls for the bell.

Lillian Garcia: Here's your winner by disqualification, Coach T.

Jerry Lawler: Well Coach T just defeated Josh Johnson in one the quickest matches ever.

Jim Ross: I'll say King.  Josh took the cowardly way out of the match.

(Mr. Bullion knocks down John Doe on the outside with a clothesline and throws him into the ring.  The bell rings.)

Mr. Bullion vs. John Doe

Mr. Bullion pins John Doe, 1...2... John kicks out!  Bullion is pissed and goes to pick up John but John punches him in the gut and hits him with a DDT.  He knocks down Josh Johnson with a clothesline, and throws him out of the ring.  John and Bullion lock up and John kicks Bullion in the midsection and hits him with Amnesia Attack.  John covers, 1...2...2.3.  Bullion kicks out.  John can't believe it.  John lifts up Bullion and kicks him in the gut and does a go around and tries to go for a German suplex, but Bullion blocks it using his foot, and Bullion does a switch around and does a German suplex.  He lifts up Doe and hits him with another German Suplex, and again with a third.  Bullion goes for a fourth but Doe does a switch around and goes for a German Suplex but fakes into a School Boy pin, and the ref counts, 1...2...2.1.  Doe gets up and goes to a turnbuckle and climbs to the top and waits for Mr. Bullion to get up.  Bullion gets up and Doe jumps off and goes for a Cross Body and connects, but Bullion rolls through it and puts his feet on the ropes and covers, 1...2..., the ref stops the count because he sees Bullions legs on the ropes and tells him to get off before Bullion is disqualified.  Bullion gets up and begins to argue with the ref, not realizing John Doe getting up.  John dropkicks Bullion and Bullion knocks down the referee.  Josh Johnson gets into the ring and he and Bullion lift up John and whip him into the ropes.  John bounces back and ducks the double clothesline, and hits both of them with a clothesline.  Coach T climbs the turnbuckle and John Doe lifts up Bullion, who is dazed.  Coach T jumps off and goes for a Missile Dropkick but Bullion moves away and Coach hits John.  Bullion wakes up the ref as Josh and Coach get out of the ring and fight on the outside, and Bullion covers, 1……�?……�?.1.  Bullion can’t believe it.  He lifts up Doe, but Doe counters and he and Bullion begin exchanging right hands.  John whips Bullion into the ropes and Coach trips Bullion as he bounces off the ropes.  The ref yells at Coach, who is then attacked from behind by Josh.  Doe begins stomping on the back of Bullion.  Josh knocks down Coach T and begins to distract the ref as John is lifting up Bullion.  Bullion hits a low blow on John.  John falls down to the mat.  Bullion goes to lift him up but John hits a small package and the referee sees this and counts, 1�?�?.9.  John can’t believe it.  He yells at the ref saying it was a 3 count, but the ref says no.  Bullion hits John in the head with an elbow from behind and goes for a Bullion Bulldozer but John slips out and hits Bullion with Amnesia Attack, and covers, 1�?�?.  Josh runs into the ring but John slips out and he and Coach walk backwards up the ramp motioning that they are going to be tag team champions.

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner, John Doe!

Jim Ross: What an exciting match!

Jerry Lawler: I thought Bullion was going to win in the beginning, but wow, John Doe kept fighting to the end.

Jim Ross: I take my hat off to both competetors.  Well, we'll be back after this commercial break.  Don't go anywhere!

-Commercial Break-

Jim Ross: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen to SCWE RAW!
Jerry Lawler: Before the break we witnessed one of the funniest things put on by Mr. Bullion and Josh Johnson, using midgets to play Coach T and John Doe.

Jim Ross: Well, I don't think the real John Doe and Coach T found it funny.

Jerry Lawler: Who cares?  Haha, Coach Wee!

Jim Ross: Sometimes I don't know with you, King.


(Terri is shown interviewing the Undertaker.)

Terri: I'm here with the Undertaker.  Undertaker, at Curse of the Game, you helped out Goldberg by costing Maven the match, and the question is why?

Undertaker: What kind of question is that?  It's simple.  I wanted that #1 Contendership, and so I took advantage of a situation.

Terri: I see, well, tonight you face off against the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels.

Undertaker: Shawn better learn tonight to respect the Undertaker.  You know what happens to people who don't respect the Undertaker?

Terri: No, what?

Undertaker: They rest, in, peace. 

Terri: I see.

Undertaker: Terri, let me ask you something.  Do you respect the Undertaker?

Terri: Well... of course I-

(Undertaker grabs Terri by the throat and makes her look into his eyes.)



(Undertaker shoves Terri away.  Terri has a feared look in her eyes as she watches the Undertaker leave.)

-RAW set-

(Kings theme is playing as King is in the ring with a microphone.)

King: As a treat for all you people out here in Charlotte, North Carolina, I think it's appropriate that we have an impromptu bikini contest! *Crowd roars*.  So would our contestants come on out here!

("I Wanna Be Bad" By Willa Ford hits the P.A. system and the crowd cheers)

King: Please welcome, Duchess!

(The crowd cheers as Duchess teases them with her robe.)

("Suga, Suga" hits the P.A. system and the crowd cheers)

King: And her opponent, Trisha Helmsley!

(Crowd cheers as Trisha gets in the ring and dances a little in her robe as the crowd cheers.)

King: Ok ladies, the rules are simple.  You two will have 30 seconds to strut your stuff.  The crowd is the judge.  Let's get started.  Duchess, you are up first.

(Music plays as Duchess takes off her robe and dances for a roaring crowd for 30 seconds.  The music then cuts.)

Jerry: WOW!  I must be in heaven!  Ok, Trisha, you're up.

(Music starts to play and Trisha teases the crowd and finally takes off her robe and struts her stuff and the crowd cheers just as loud.  Jerry Lawler's jaw is dropped.)

Jerry: Oh my!  Well, who is our winner here?  Is it Duchess? *Crowd goes crazy*.  Or is it Trisha? *Crowd cheers equally as loud.*  Well, it looks like we have a tie!  *Duchess and Trisha both high five each other*.

Jim Ross: Well that was a good treat for all of us here, now wasn't it?  Well, the night isn't completely over as we have two more matches left.  Stay tuned!

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/3/2006 10:51 PM

-Commercial break-

Jim Ross: Welcome back and what a contest that was.

Jerry Lawler: I'll say, woo hoo, I must be the luckiest man on the face of the Earth.

("I Stand Alone by Godsmack hits the P.A. system, crowd boos.)

Lillian Garcia: The following mixed tag team match is scheduled for one fall!  Making their way to the ring being accompanied by Shay Dawg, Raven and Cynthia Diamond!

Jim Ross: Well last week during the crowing ceremony, Raven crashed it and comepletely disrespected Mikey G.


.::Just than the lights go out and "The Flocks Theme" hits. Mikey G gives an evil glare up the ramp as Raven and ShayDawg slowly walk to the middle of the ramp and Raven begins to talk.::.

Raven: Mikey gets this... Mikey gets that... You know Mikey I am sick of seeing you get handed things week after week while I dont get anything. I am a true Champion I fight for everything I get. As far as I am concerned you only won that crown because you never faced me in the tournament! What about me? Waht about Raven?

Mikey G: You know what Raven how about me and you face off at Vengeance for the SCWE RAWCore Championship!

Raven: Thats an intriguing offer... Well heres my answer...  Yes!

.::Lights go out as when they reappear Mikey is suurounded by Damian Rage, Joey Ryan and Raven. All men attack Mikey G as they soon throw him over the top rope. Raven than leads his Flock members up the ramp way.::.

(end replay)

Jerry Lawler: Well, Mike wasn't a real king, but he'll be looking for revenge tonight.

("St. Anger" hits the P.A. system and the crowd cheers.)

Lillian Garcia: And their opponents, Mikey G. and Kristin Styles!

-Parking Lot-

Jim Ross: It seems like a few limos have pulled up.  I wonder who is inside?

Jerry Lawler: Well, that'll have to wait, the next match is starting!

Raven and Cynthia Diamond w/ Shay Dawg vs. Mikey G. and Kristin Styles

Kristin and cynthia diamond starts things off, cynthia takes Kristin down with a clothesline, Cynthia then goes over to the corner climbs the second turnbuckle and atempts the leg drop by kristin geto ut of the way and Cynthina crashes into the mat. styles kicks cynthia in the gut and connects with a ddt. stylesa covers 1 - 2 - But cynthi get the sholder up.styles tags Mikey G in and diamond goes and tags raven i.mikey G fires Raven down with a clothesline , Raven gets right back up to be a flying forearm by mikey g. mikey sttempts a superkick but rvaen moves away and ctaches mikey g in a scoop slam. Raven tosses mikey g into the corner and then Drives his knee into mikes abodmen, mikey pops out of the corner and Raven connects with a Diamond Cutter. Raven gets the cover  1 - 2 - mikey gets his sholder up, Ravenlooks a.ittle surprised as he pciks mikey g up but mikey nailsa left then a ight to raven then nailing him with the superkick. mikey pins 1 - 2 -Cynthia diamond interupts the count. Kristin styles from the outherside oft he ring gets in and takes out diamond. cynthia counters kristin move and delievrs a diamond buffer. Raven gets up and kciks mmikey in the gut and nails a Raven Effect. Raven covers 1 -2 - mikey gets the sholder up. raven picks mikey up but mikey gets a low blow in then a Three handed cadenza to Raven. mikey cover 1 -2 Cynthia goes for he Break up but Kristin grabbs her foot and shee falls but raven kicks out.  mikey picks rave n up and clotheslines him over the top rope to the floor.  Mikey Turns around and shes diamond, mikey G lays her out with a superkick, Raven slides back in the ring and takles out mikey and tosses him over the top rope. from behind kritin styles low blows raven. raven falls to the mat, and kristin pins diamond 1 - 2 - Cynthia gets the sholder up. Kristin picks up cynthia but cynthia counters and goes for the diamond buffer but Kristina counters and raven gets up and goes to hit kristin but she moves raven nails cynthia down. Raven turns around and meets a superkick from Mikey g, mikey pins 1 -2 -3

Lillian Garcia: Here are your winners, Mikey G. and Kristin Styles! 

Jim Ross: Mikey G. and Kristin worked as a team and picked up an impressive win!

Jerry Lawler: I'd say.  Well, I don't think Mikey G. and Raven's fued is over, it still has a long way to go, and Vengeance is it's next stop!

(Paul Heyman's theme hits the P.A. system and the crowd boos.  Raven gets up and stays in the ring.)

Paul Heyman: Well, I don't know who the hell is in this building right now, the ones who showed up before this match, but I want you people to leave right this minute!

("Hit Me" hits the P.A. system and the crowd cheers as Ernest comes out from the back.)

Ernest: Now Paul, the people you saw just before the match can't leave, they are my guests.  They will leave when they want to.  But, I would like you to meet them, I think you've mentioned them before.

Paul: What the hell are you talking about?

Ernest: I'll show you.

(The crowd goes nuts as the Carolina Panthers step onto the stage.) 

John Fox: You have something to say to us Heyman?  Well, I think it's time that we do something that hasn't been done tonight.  Come on team.

(The Carolina Panthers make their way down to the ring and circle it, Heyman is shocked.)

John Fox: Team, let's say we kick some ass and show them in the back how it's done.

(The team screams "yeah" and they bum rush the ring. Jake Delhomme and Steve Smith grab Raven and Heyman, while Kris Jenkins and Stephen Davis punch Raven and Heyman in their guts.  Mushin Muhammed climbs the turnbuckle and jumps off and dropkicks Raven.  Kris Jenkins goes for a pin, 1...2..., but Ricky Manning kicks Kris Jenkins.  Kris gets up and he and Manning begin to fight.  Delhomme elbows Jenkins in the head and Ricky Proehl and DeShaun Foster pull Manning away from Jenkins, but Jenkins and Delhomme begin to fight, when Raven slips out of the ring and runs away.  THe Panthers then begin to beat the living hell out of Heyman, as security finally comes down to break up the Carolina Panthers and escort them out.)

Jerry Lawler: Wow. The Panthers couldn't win the Super Bowl, let alone the RAWCore Title.

Jim Ross: I thought I've seen it all, but after tonight, I have.

Jerry Lawler: Well, this is Tuesday Night RAW.  Anything's possible.

Jim Ross: Well now with the Panthers gone, and this being our last stop before Vengeance, let's roll down the matches.

Jerry Lawler: Joey Ryan will be facing off in a grudge match against Sonny Siaki, which was requested by Sonny.

Jim Ross: As we mentioned earlier, Damien Rage will defend his European Title against Brandon and Billy Gunn in a triple threat match!

Jerry Lawler: The spot for the #1 contender for the tag team titles is up for grabs as J and JJ Stallion go against Eminem and Billy Kidman!

Jim Ross: Four men will battle it out in a Fatal Fourway match for the Juniorweight Championship, with the champion to be named at Vengeance.  It will be AJ Styles vs. Tre 2 Osbourne vs. Twister-X vs. Jeff Corruption!

Jerry Lawler: We're going to see 7 sets of puppies as 7 divas will battle in an over the top rope battle royal for the #1 contender shot at the Women's title, with Alyssa Cullen vs. Christine Corruption vs. Ivory vs. Joan Holly vs. Karissa Laryss vs. Sammy Risen vs. Scarlett!  Woo hoo!

Jim Ross: Jamie Gunz will defend his Intercontinental Title against the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels!

Jerry Lawler: Team Styles will defend their tag team titles against the #1 contenders Coach T and John Doe!

Jim Ross: Raven and Mikey G. will go one-on-one for the RAWCore title!

Jerry Lawler: Kristin Styles will battle Cynthia Diamond in a cage match!  Woo hoo, puppies galore!

Jim Ross: And last but definately not least, Goldberg and the Undertaker will clash in what is bound be a historic match up.

("Sexy Boy" hits the P.A. system and the crowd cheers)

Lillian Garcia: The following match is scheduled for one fall!  Making his way to the ring from San Antonio, Texas, weighing in at 225 pounds, The Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels!

Jerry Lawler: I'd really like to see HBK beat the living hell out of Undertaker tonight after what he did to Terri.

Jim Ross: Well, whoever wins will have great momentum going into Vengeance.

("Da Ministry" By WWE hits the P.A. system and the crowd is mixed.)

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent from Death Valley, Texas, weighing in at 328 pounds, the Undertaker!

Undertaker vs. HBK

Taker and Shawn lock up, Taker over powers Hbk tossing Hbk to the mat, Hbk shoots up and taker and Hbk stare each other down. Hbk goes to lock up with taker, but taker goes for a left hook but Hbk dodges hit and takes Taker down with a Super Kick. Taker hits the mat hard, but Taker gets right back up as Shawn taunts around the ring. Taker gets up Hbk goes for kick to the mid area but taker delivers a Knee to the mid area taker whips a cross the ropes and hits a swinging neck-breaker. Taker sits up, he gets up and picks Shawn up and whips him into the corner then Splashes him, Hbk is dizzy then taker big boots him to the floor. Taker pins HBK 1 - 2 - Hbk gets the shoulder up. Taker picks HBK up and sets him up for a last ride power-bomb, Hbk slides out and delivers Sweet Chin Music, knocking taker to the mat. HBK goes for the pin 1 - 2 - Taker gets the shoulder up, Hbk gets up and starts kicking taker, then he picks taker up and scoop slams taker down. Shawn climbs to the top rope and delivers an elbow drop on taker. Shawn gets up and goes to the corner and taunts for another sweet chin music, Taker gets up Shawn goes for another one but taker ducks then grabs Shawn by the neck and delivers a chokeslam. Taker pins 1 - 2 - Hbk gets the shoulder up. Taker gets frustrated, taker picks HBK up and whips him across the rope and delivers a "classic Undertaker" clothesline.  Taker gets up and lifts HBK up and goes for a tombstone but Hbk counters and kicks taker in the gut and delivers a piledriver and pins 1 - 2 - 2 1/2 but taker gets the shoulder up. Hbk gets up and tosses taker against the rope and clotheslines him over the top rope. To the floor into the baracade, Hbk suicide dives over the top rope but Taker moves and Hbk crashes into the Baracade. Taker grabs a chair from underneath the ring and swings at Hbk and knocks Hbk lights out. The crowd boos taker as Hbk is busted open. Taker picks Hbk up but Hbk delivers a low blow from nowhere, taker bents over and Hbk gets he chair and takes Taker out with a shot to the head. Hbk takers taker and smashes his head into the ring post, Taker then rolls onto the announcers table. Hbk hits taker with a chair, Hbk climbs the turnbuckle and goes off the turnbuckle and Hbk Hits the elbow drop threw the announcers table. Taker and Hbk lay motionless outside the ring a bloody mess. Hbk starts to move and get up and rolls taker into the ring. Hbk gets in the ring and taunts around the ring all of a sudden taker sits up, taker gets up but Hbk sends taker back down with a sweet chin music, Taker sits up again this time grabs HBK by the throat lifts him but Hbk counter and goes for another sweet chin but Taker counters into a tombstone, taker hits folds up HBK arms 1 - 2 - HBK gets the shoulder up.  All of a sudden Goldberg runs down to the ring but stays on the outside.  Taker yells at Goldberg, and doesn’t notice HBK getting up.  HBK gets Taker with a schoolboy pin and covers, 1�?�?.5.  HBK is pissed, and goes to pick up Taker when Jamie Gunz steps onto the ramp.  HBK looks up and gives Taker enough time to get up and set HBK up for the tombstone.  Taker covers, 1�?�?.

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner, The Undertaker!

Jim Ross: It was a great match until Jamie Gunz and Goldberg ruined it.

Jerry Lawler: Look, Undertaker has taken the microphone.

Undertaker: Goldberg, I'm tired of you meddling in my business.  You want in my business so bad, well, I'm going to make you Rest... In... Peace!

(Undertaker and Goldberg stare each other down, until lightning strikes, and smoke fills the ring.)

  (When the smoke clears Goldberg looks around, but the Undertaker is nowhere to be seen.  But, in his place is a dirt pile and a tombstone that says Goldberg; July 25th, 2004, REST IN PEACE as RAW goes off the air.)