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RAW : RAW 7/27/04
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/3/2006 11:05 PM

Results 7/27/04 Live From New Haven, Connecticut

::Photo's From Last SCWE Vengeance are Shown::

::opens up with Lillian Garcia singing the National Anthem:

.::Dark Matches Before RAW::.

No Dark Matches this week

Jim Ross: Hello Everyone and welcome to SCWE RAW! We are here live in New Haven, Connecticut! I am here along side Jerry Lawler! Paul Heyman is not in the building. So Ernest Miller has complete control of things tonight!
Jerry Lawler: Thats right JR. And even though Vengeance was a great show. SCWE will be going The Cat's way tonight! This is pathetic!
Jim Ross: Well King. Its Paul Heymans own fault really. Twister-X hit him with a chair on accident and due to that he will be out this week. I for one could not be any happier bout it!
Jerry Lawler: Well JR! I still dont like it. But last night at Vengeance I did like it when Cynthia Diamond retained her SCWE Womens title.
Jim Ross: It was a Draw but in the end Cynthia retained her title. We had 12 RAWCore title changes at Vengeance. With Vengeance ending with Mick Foley raising the title.
Jerry Lawler: Raven had a rough night at Vengeance. He was beaten from one side of the arena to the other. But he also did his fair share ok ass kicking!
Jim Ross: We also have a new SCWE World Champion... That man would be The Undertaker! The Dead man came through and won the match.
Jerry Lawler: Goldberg will be looking for retribution when he faces off against Hank tonight! That should be a walk in the park for him.
Jim Ross: Well lets head into our first match. It will be Diva action!

("Debras Theme" By: WWE blares over the PA system as the fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentelmen the following contest is scheduled for one fall! First making her way to the ring from Victoria, Texas... Debra!!!

Jerry Lawler: Here comes Debra. She is one fine looking women JR!
Jim Ross: Put it away King. Debra will have her hands full with ALyssa Cullen tonight.

("Holler" hits and fans give a mix reaction)

Lillian Garcia: And now making her way to the ring... From Hartford, Connecticut... Alyssa Cullen!!!

Debra vs Alyssa Cullen

Bell rings and both divas circle the ring and lock up and the crowd boos as Stacy Mason runs down to the ring and assaults both divas.  She picks up Debra and sends her for a ride with a huge power bomb. Alyssa Cullen goes to punch Stacy but Stacy locks in the Sleeping Beauty and the ref calls for help as Alyssa taps the canvas.  Referees come down to break up the two but Jerome Morris runs down to the ring and attacks the referees and raises Stacy’s arm up in victory, and Stacy makes the sign that she is going to be a champion again.

Lillian Garcia: The result of this match is a draw!

Jerry Lawler: Is that Stacy Mason? Is she back in the SCWE?
Jim Ross: It looks to be Stacy Mason and she is teaming with Jerome Morris!
Jerry Lawler: Finally the SCWE Playboy Cover girl is back!

Stacy Mason: Hello to all of my fans! (Crowd boo's) The SCWE Playboy cover girl is back! I am ready to show all the Divas who the real deal is around here. But I didnt just want to come out here and give you all some boring speech so I showed to you that actions speak stronger than words! Which is why I came down here and I dominated everyone in this ring to show once agian who the dominate female is in this buisness! You see I am here to win gold and I talked to a special someone tonight who promised me an entry for a chance at some gold!

Jim Ross: What is she talking about King?
Jerry Lawler: I dont know but it sounds like Ernest Miller has something going on.
Jim Ross: I wouldnt doubt that one bit lets take a quick commercial break.

(...commercials are shown...)

Jim Ross: Welcome back ladies and gentelmen. We just had Stacy Mason make her SCWE retur. And she seems to be focused and powered.
Jerry Lawler: Also JR... She said something about a gold strap she is going after but to me it sounds like something is up. I new Ernest Miller was a no good dirty GM.
Jim Ross: Calm down King. Last night Goldberg lost his title to The Undertaker lets take a look back on how it ended.
Jerry Lawler: It was one hell of a match up but in the end The Undertaker got the pinfall and the World Title!

.::Footage is shown::.

Goldberg slowly gets up as does Taker. Taker walks towards Goldberg but walks right into a Goldberg press slam. Taker picks up Goldberg and lays into him with kicks and punches. He throws Taker into the ropes and hits a runing powerslam. Taker hits the mat hard! Goldberg than gets amped and sets up for the Spear! Goldberg goes for the spear but Taker dodges it. Goldberg hits the ring post and turns around dazed. Taker takes him down with a big boot. Taker than signals that its over. Goldberg gets up and turns around. Taker than puts Goldberg in Tombstone form and Taker drops Goldberg hard. Taker hooks the leg and goes for the pin 1�?�?!!!

.::Footage ends::.

Jim Ross: Thats how it happened. And its been heard that Goldberg is not a happy man after losing his ttile. Im sure he will make an impact out of Hank tonight!
Jerry Lawler: Lets head down to the ring and find out JR.

("A Day At A Time" By: Tupac blares over the PA system as the fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentelmen the following contest is scheduled for one fall! First making his way to the ring from Missourri!. Weighing in at 254 pounds! Hank!!!!!!

Jerry Lawler: Hank got in Goldbergs face at Vengeance before Goldbergs match and tonight he will make an impression.
Jim Ross: Well Im sure goldberg has revenge on his mind.

("InVasion" By: WWE hits and fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: And now making his way to the ring! From Atlanta, Georgia. Weighing in at 283 pounds... Being accumpanied to the ring by Duchess... Goldberg!!!

Hank vs Goldberg

The bell rings and both men lock up.  Hank goes for a punch but Goldberg ducks under and hits Hank with a Full Nelson Slam.  Goldberg lifts up Hank and knees him in the gut, and then does it again and Hank falls to one knee holding his gut.  Goldberg runs to the ropes, bounces off and goes for a clothesline but Hank ducks.  Goldberg spins around and Hank kicks Goldberg in the gut and hits him with a DDT.  Hank covers, 1�?�?.1, Goldberg powers out.  Hank and Goldberg get into a collar-elbow tie up, and this time, Hank gets Goldberg into a headlock, but Goldberg gets out of it by getting Hank with a backdrop.  Goldberg lifts up Hank and grabs him by the throat.  The ref is telling him to let go, but Goldberg lifts Hank up into the air and delivers a Gorilla Press Slam to him.  Goldberg begins to stomp on the back of Hank.  Hank rolls out of the ring.  Goldberg goes to go after Hank, but Hank jumps onto the apron and gives Goldberg a stunner off the ropes.  Goldberg walks dazed over to the middle of the ring.  Hank bounces off the ropes and hits Goldberg with a neck breaker.  Hank covers, 1�?�?.4.  Goldberg powers out again.  Hank grabs Goldberg and whips him into the turnbuckle, but Goldberg reverses and whips Hank into the turnbuckle.  Goldberg charges at Hank but Hank elbows Goldberg in the head.  Hank jumps onto the turnbuckle and goes for a cross body block but Goldberg catches Hank, and slams him down to the mat.  Goldberg lifts up Hank and goes for the Jackhammer but Hank slips out and hits Goldberg with a Reverse DDT.  Hank goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a diving elbow drop on Goldberg.  Hank goes for the Suicide Lock, but Goldberg turns onto his back and kicks Hank away.  Goldberg grabs Hank and hits him with a suplex.  Goldberg goes to the turnbuckle and waits for Hank to get up.  Hank does and is met with a huge spear.  Goldberg signals for the Jackhammer, but the lights go out and the Undertaker’s theme song hits the P.A. system and Goldberg looks to the ramp but no one is there.  The lights go back on and Goldberg is knocked out, and Hank is too but his arm is on top of Goldberg as the ref is awake and counts, 1�?�?.

Lillian Garcia: The winner of this match is Hank!!!

Jim Ross: What the hell just went on?
Jerry Lawler: I have no idea JR. The lights went out and Hank suddenly got the victory.
Jim Ross: Well we will find out more when we come back from a commercial break.

(...commercials are shown...)

Jim Ross: Welcome back everyone to Tuesday Night RAW!
Jerry Lawler: What an interesting night it's been.  We just witnessed the return of a playboy covergirl!
Jim Ross: I'll say King.  And there is still much more excitement sure to come as the night winds down.

(Sexy Boy hits the P.A. system and the crowd cheers.)

Shawn Michaels: Sunday Night, I went into Vengeance saying that I would be the NNNEEEWWW, Intercontinental Champion.  And that's just what I did.  I made Jamie Gunz tap in the middle of the ring that night, and it looks like the Reflection of Perfection was staring into a dirty window-

(HBK is cut off as "Closure" by Unjust hits the P.A. system and Jamie Gunz runs through the crowd and assualts HBK from behind.  He knocks down Shawn with a clothesline, and picks him up and hits him with the Osaka Street Cutter.  Jamie lifts up HBK again and hits him with another Osaka Street Cutter.  Jamie grabs the IC title and gets HBK to his feet and then blasts HBK with the IC title and throws it on top of a bloodied Shawn Michaels as Jamie walks up the ramp and into the back.)

Jim Ross: Well, it looks like Jamie Gunz is irate about losing his title.
Jerry Lawler: It looks like the fued between these two will never end!


Terri: I'm here with the man himself Goldberg, who just lost his match with Hank before thank to the Undertaker.  But, next week Goldberg, you get your rematch for the World Title.  How you do feel about that?

Goldberg: How do I feel?  Terri, I've been getting screwed by the Undertaker for how many weeks, and you're asking how I feel?  I can't wait to get my hands on the Undertaker, because when I'm through with him, he'll be nothing but ashes and dust.

Terri: How do you feel about Undertaker costing you those matches?

Goldberg: I think he's too scared to come down to the ring so he has to make the lights go off.  Undertaker is afraid of me.  And Undertaker, I'm going to tell you this, and I'm only going to say it once.  You're next.

(Undertaker appears behind Goldberg and Goldberg and the Undertaker begin exchanging right hands until Goldberg gets the upper hand, but his punches do nothing to the Undertaker as he grabs Goldberg and delivers a devestating chokeslam to Goldberg as referees rush over to help Goldberg.  Undertaker takes the microphone from a frightened Terri.)

Undertaker: Goldberg, you, me, next week.  REST.... IN.... PEACE!


Jim Ross: The Undertaker is one scary person, and he really means business.
Jerry Lawler: I'd hate to be Goldberg.  And Mikey G. even.  He might be facing the Undertaker at Summerslam.
Jim Ross: Well our next matchup is coming up.

("Ain't Love Grand" By Atreyu hits the P.A. system and the crowd is mixed.)

Lillian Garcia: The following match is scheduled for one fall!  Making her way to the ring from Orange County, California, Karissa Laryss!

Jim Ross: Karissa Laryss is an up and coming diva in the women's division and might be able to put this one away.

("Megalomaniac by Incubus hits and the crowd is mixed.)

Lillian Garcia: And her opponent, from Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, Sammy Risen!

Jerry Lawler: Woo hoo!  Look at those puppies J.R.!  This is going to be a good match!

Jim Ross: Settle down King.

 Karissa Laryss vs Sammy Risen

Bell rings and both divas charge at each other and Karissa clotheslines Sammy down.  Karissa goes over to Sammy and gets her to her feet.  Karissa and Sammy lock up and Karissa hits Sammy with a spine buster.  Karissa covers, 1�?�?.1.  Sammy gets to her feet and both divas lock up again, and Sammy goes to kick Karissa in the stomach, but Karissa grabs her foot and spins Sammy around and kicks her in the gut and hits Sammy with a DDT.  Karissa covers, 1�?�?.3.  Karissa then goes to pick up Sammy but Sammy kicks her away and gets up quick and spears Karissa down and begins mounting punches on her head.  The ref pulls Sammy off of Karissa, and Karissa gets up and grabs Sammy by the hair and hits her with a Reverse DDT.  Karissa turns Sammy onto her back and locks in a Camel Clutch.  Sammy is screaming in pain as Karissa is applying more pressure.  Sammy slowly makes her way to the ropes, and grabs them and the ref counts, 1�?�?�?�?.  Karissa releases the hold and picks up Sammy and hits the 6x6, and covers, 1�?�? 2.7.  Karissa can’t believe it.  She picks up Sammy, but Sammy bitch slaps Karissa, and both girls get into a bitch slapping fit until Sammy pushes Karissa down and goes to the turnbuckle and climbs to the top rope and goes for a Moonsault, but Karissa moves at the last second.  Karissa drags Sammy to the middle ring, and gets the top turnbuckle and hits the Light from Underneath, and covers 1�?�?.
Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner, Karissa Laryss!
Jim Ross: Well, Karissa pulled out an impressive victory here.
Jerry Lawler: Both divas put out a great match and should be proud of themselves, win or lose.  I know I sure won!
("Hit Me" hits the P.A. system and the crowd cheers as Ernest Miller steps out onto the ramp with a microphone.)
Ernest: Someone better call my momma!  Because this next announcement is going to kicking!  Seeing the intensity between the Undertaker and Goldberg, I was thinking what I could do.  And then it hit me.  Next RAW, to settle the score, Undertaker will be defending his world title against Goldberg in a No Disqualification match!  *Crowd cheers*.  And, at Summerslam, Shawn Michaels will be defending his Intercontinental Championship in a Vengeance Rematch against Jamie Gunz! *Crowd cheers*  And, AJ Styles will be defending his Juniorweight Title against Twister-X in an Ultimate X match!  More Summerslam matches will be announced as the weeks move on.  Hit me!
("Hit Me" hits the P.A. system as the Cat exits the stage and goes into the back.)
Jim Ross: Did you hear that King?  Next week, Undertaker vs. Goldberg in a no disqualification match! 
Jerry Lawler: All hell is going to break loose, and I think it's a good way for those two to finally settle the score.
Jim Ross: Well don't go anywhere folks, we still have a whole show left for you.  Stay tuned!
-Commercial break-

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/3/2006 11:05 PM

Jim Ross: Welcome back Ladies and Gentelmen. We are almost ready for our next match.
Jerry Lawler: Its been one hell of a night so far. We still have much more to come!
Jim Ross: Lets not forget that we still have Mikey taking on John Doe later on tonight.
Jerry Lawler: We will also see a mix tag team match! I cant wait to see Scarlett and Twister-X put an end to the insanity that lurks around here from Tre2 and Spazz!
Jim Ross: Well we are ready for our next match. Lets head to the ring.

("VooDoo" By: GodSmack blares over the PA system as the fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentelmen the following contest is scheduled for one fall! First making his way to the ring! Weighing in at 400 pounds! Scar!!!

Jerry Lawler: This man is huge... But he has a problem with winning.
Jim Ross: Josh Johnson is definitley going to have his hands full tonight with this monster!

("What More Can I Say" By: Jay-Z hits and fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: And now making her way to the ring... From Cleveland, Ohio Weighing in at 180 pounds! Josh Johnson!!!

Scar vs Josh Johnson

Bell rings and Josh and Scar circle the ring and Scar goes to grab Josh but Josh ducks and goes behind Scar and dropkicks him into the turnbuckle.  Scar turns around and Josh begins to punch him in the face but Scar pushes Josh down.  Josh gets to his feet and both men lock up.  Scar lifts up Josh in the air with one hand but Josh slips out and gets Scar into a hammerlock.  Scar can’t reach behind him because he is too fat, so instead he walks over to the ropes and the ref counts, 1�?�?�?�?.  Josh releases the hold and backs up and runs at Scar but Scar goes to launch him over the ropes but Josh lands on his feet.  Scar turns around and Josh head butts Scar in the gut and does a sunset flip, but Scar is too fat and goes to sit on Josh but Josh moves at the last second.  Scar turns around and is met with a drop kick to the face by Josh.  Josh goes to cover, 1�?but Scar powers out and Josh is launched over the top rope.  Scar gets out of the ring and Josh gets up and runs around and the ref is counting as well (1).  Josh hides under the ring and Scar comes running and Josh sticks his foot out and Scar falls right onto the steel steps (2).  Josh climbs back into the ring breaking up the count (1).  Josh is in the middle of the ring as Scar gets up Josh runs and hits Scar with a baseball slide knocking him down (2).  Scar gets up and Josh waits on the other side of the ring as Scar gets into the ring.  Josh charges at Scar and elbows him in the back of the head a few times but Scar pushes him away.  Josh runs at Scar and dropkicks him right in the knee and Scar falls to the mat.  Josh waits for Scar to get up and he goes over to Scar and Scar grabs him by the throat and delivers a Choke slam.  Scar goes to cover when “Back in the Mud�?hits the P.A. system and Bullion runs down to the ring and begins talking trash to Scar as Josh gets up and low blows Scar as the referee is yelling at Bullion.  Josh gets Scar with a Schoolboy Pin and the ref sees it and counts, 1�?�?.5.  Josh is pissed and Scar gets up and hits Josh from the back that knocks into the ref knocking him down.  As he is down Bullion grabs a chair and slides into the ring and waits for Scar to turn around.  Scar turns around and is met with a huge chair shot to the head.  Josh climbs the top rope and hits a Moonsault.  The ref is awake and sees the cover and counts, 1�?�?.

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner! Josh Johnson!!!

Jerry Lawler: What a huge upset!
Jim Ross: Josh Johnson deserves that victory!
Jerry Lawler: Scar wont be able to show himself anywhere anymore! We have to hear from the GM now. O this should be thrilling.

.::Ernest Miller's Office::.

Ernest Miller: Well I have an announcement to make concerning the SCWE Divas. Since the Womens title is already up for grabs at SummerSlam... I have decided to spice things up and bring back the SCWE Womens RAWCore Championship! (fans cheer) Now A tournament for the title will start next week when we hit Albany, New York! Enjoy the rest of  the show!

Jim Ross: Well how about that King. We are bringing back the SCWE Womens RAWCore title! And the tournament starts next week!
Jerry Lawler: I wonder if Cynthia and Scarlett will be entered into the torunament. What do you think?
Jim Ross: I dont know he didnt say. But we have to take a commercial break.

(...commercials are shown...)

Jim Ross: Welcome back Ladies and Gentelmen. We are almost ready for our next match.
Jerry Lawler: Before the break we found out that SCWE will bring back the SCWE Womens RAWCore title.
Jim Ross: Im sure you are happy about that.
Jerry Lawler: Of course I am. Puppies puppies and more puppies! All week long hell all month long JR! Arent you excited?
Jim Ross: O I am King. Are next match is going to be a slobberknocker lets head down to Lillian Garcia.

("I Stand Alone" By: GodSmack blares over the PA system as the fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentelmen the following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is Tag Team Action! First Making there way to the ring representing The Flock Joey Ryan and Jerome Morris!!!

Jerry Lawler: The Flock had a distaerous night last night. When Damian Rage lost his title and Raven lost his title.
Jim Ross: Well they dont have things any easier when they face off against Brandon and the new SCWE European Champion Billy Gunn!

("Shoot To Thrill" By: AC/DC hits and fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: And now making there way to the ring... The opponents... First making his way to the ring from Knoxville, Tennessee... Weighing in at 241 pounds... Brandon!!!

("Ass Man" By: WWE hits and fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: And now making his way to the ring... From Knoxville, Tennessee... Weighing in at 246 pounds.... The SCWE European Champion! "The One" Billy Gunn!!!

Joey Ryan & Jerome Morris vs Brandon & Billy Gunn

brandon starts of with ryan. Brandon takes ryan down with a front leg sweep and then he gets on top of ryan and delivers a few mounted punches, ryan rols over and ryan delivers a few mounted punches brando kicks ryan off him then gets up, ryan charges at brandon but brandon kicks ryani n the gut and tries to a deliver a stunner but Ryan counters and takes brandon down with a dropkick, brandon hits the mat hard. Ryan goes to the second turnbuckle and delivers a leg drop and connects. Ryan gets up and picks brandon up and throws him into the corner and tags Jerome Morris. Morris Comes in as the crowd cheers as he returned at Vengeance.M orris sets Brandon on the top rope and atempts a Suplex but brandon counters and tosses morris off the rope and then he jumps and drives his elbow into hismorris face. Morris cries in pain brandon picks him up whips him into the rope and catches him into a Spinebuster as the crowd cheers. Brando gets up and tags billy gunn in. Gunn picks Jerome up and kicks him in the gut whips across the ropes and connects with a fame-asser. Gunn picks Jerome up and connects with the one and only, gunn covers  1 - 2 - ryan gets the save. Gunn takes ryan kicks him in the gut goes off the ropes and hits a fame-asser again,gunn is on fire but as the ref gets ryan out of the ring Jerome Hits a low blow on gunn. Gunn goes to his knees. Jeorme slaps Gunn then picks im up and delivers a poerbomb. Jerome pins 1 - 2 - gunn gets the sholder up. Jerome whips Gunn into a corner, Gunn hits off the turnbuckles and jerome clothesline gunn back in to the turn buckle. Jerome goes for the 10 punshes 1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7But gunn grabbs and hits a sit down powerbomb,  gunn gets up slowly and tags brandon. Jerome gets up and meets brandon a kick in the gut and a stunner. Jeorme bounes off the mat and falls back into his corner and Ryan tags himself back in. Ryan goes after Brandon but brandon tosses him over the top rope into the baracade, Jerome morris from nehind Hits a Reverse DDT on brandon. Gunn goes on the outside and take Ryan and tosse shim into the ringpost ,making Ryan bloody mee. Jeorme Takes brandon and tosses him over the rope  and Brandon head hits the spanish announcers booth. Gunn slidesa in the ring to surprise Jeorme but jerome counters gunn punch and hits the thrill zone and pins 1 -2 - Gunn gets the sholder up. Jeorme slide sunder the rope and Grabbsa chair he sees brandon getting up jerome head s over and brandon grabbs the chair and there fighitng over it, Gunn ocmes over toward them brandon and Jerome fumble the chair and it its Gunn knocking gunn into the middle oft he ring out cold, Brand looks shocked then jerome gets the chair but brando ocunter his chair sho and grabbs the cahir and lays out Jerome, Brandon wiht the cahoir in hand see Ryan hit a shooting star press on gunnand pins 1 - 2 2 1/2 - but brand comes in with the cahir and wacks ryan, ref warns Brandon if he uses hit again, gunn gets up and Brandon goes to hit ryan but ryan moves and brandon hits gunn. Gunn flass back to the mat ,  ryan grabbs the chair, but brandon over power him and knckos joeys lights oout, Brandon pins 1 -2  - Jerome Break it up. Joey Ryan ducked when Billy gun went for a cloth line, when Billy turned around Joey Ryan gave Billy the DDT, which at this time Brandon came in leaving Jerome Morris outside the ring,  Brandon was standing behind Joey when all of a sudden Joey turn around and Brandon kicked him in the groins and picked up ready to do “The Last Stop�? but at of know where Jerome Morris came and speared Brandon and threw off Joey and took Brandon outside the ring, while they was outside the ring, Billy gun and Joey Ryan got up the same time and they both thru left and rights at each, finally with the referee back turn for a second, Billy game Joey a low blow and Joey fell to the ground, The Billy applied the sharpshooter to Joey, as Joey was about to tap, Billy notice Jerome was coming in, but Brandon pulled him back out, The ref finally comes and Joey than reverses the sharpshooter and puts Billy in a small package 1...2...3!!!

Lillian Garcia: Here are your winners... Joey Ryan and Jerome Morris!!!

Jerry Lawler: The Flock has gotten there revenge! And what a good night it has been now! Haha.
Jim Ross: Well they still have to deal with Mick Foley tonight and I wouldnt be so sure about that match.
Jerry Lawler: Lets take a commercial break JR

Jim Ross: Welcome back Ladies and Gentelmen. We have three matches still to come!
Jerry Lawler: Up next is a huge tag team match. We will see Twister-X, AJ Styles and Tre2 Ozbourne a ll in the same ring! This could lead to complete destruction!
Jim Ross: Lets take a look back on what happened when these three men got in the ring at Vengeance. That match was a slobberknocker to say the least!

.::Footage is shown::.

Twister is slowly getting up and he sees Kristin Styles. Twister picks up Kristin Styles and throws her into the ring. Twsiter slides in and looks to go for the X-Effect. Aj hits an axe handle on Twister to break it up. Kristin rolls out of the ring reluctantly. AJ than hits the Styles Clash on Twister and goes for the pin broken up by Tre2. Tre2 pounds on AJ with boots to the back. Tre2 than picks up AJ and unleashes with many knife edge chops. Tre2 than lays AJ down with a DDT and than hits a lionsault type manuever off the top rope but doesnt go for the pin. Tre2 than climbs to the top rope and hits the Unhopeful on AJ! Tre2 goes for the pin 1...2...Twister desperately just breaks up the pin. Scarlett and Spazz and Kristin Styles all begin to battle it out on the outside. Twister and Tre2 are slow to there feet. Tre2 goes for a clothesline but Twister ducks it and hits Tre2 with a belly to belly suplex. Twister goes for a roll up pin 1...2...kickout! Twister gets back up and picks up Tre2. Twister throws Tre into the ropes. Tre2 comes back and nails Twister with a spear! Tre2 jumps up and gets pumped. He motions for Twister to get up and signals for The X of Blood! Twister gets up and sees it comming. Twister pulls the ref into the way and the ref is than layed out. Tre2 looks down at the ref but when he turns around Twister meets hime with a superkick. Twister turns around and sees AJ getting up. Twister runs to him and hits a swinging neckbreaker. Twister than goes to the outside and grabs a chair. Twister waits for Tre2 to get up before he knocks Tre2 out with a chair. He than does the same to AJ! Twister wakes up the ref and helps him over to AJ. Twister than pins AJ for the 1...2...3!!!

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner and your new SCWE Juniorweight Champion! Twister-X!!!

("Hit Me" By: James Brown hits as Ernest Miller walks onto the top rampway and begins to talk)

Ernest Miller: Whoa whoa whoa! This match is not over! Twister-X used a chair in this match and therefore I am forced to restart this match. Also Scarlett, Spazz and Kristin Styles must all leave ring side. And Twister dont be looking for Paul Heyman to come out and save you because he is not here. He left in an ambulance due to that chair shot you gave him. Goodnight Twister! Haha Hit me!!!

Match continues as Scarlett eventually leaves and Twister looks down at AJ and goes for the pin in hope that hes still out from the chair shot 1...2...kickout! Twister looks pissed. Twister gets up and Tre2 is waiting patiently and nails Twister with a X of Blood! Tre2 taunts the crowd and he than turns aorund to go for the pin but AJ is standing by and hits the Styles Clash! AJ than goes to pin Tre2 1...2...3!!!

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner and still the SCWE Juniorweight Champion... AJ Styles!!!

.::Footage ends::.

Jim Ross: This fued is till growing and Twister-X will team up with Scarlett to face Tre2 Ozbourne and Christine Corruption! This match will be total mayhem because AJ Styles is the ref!
Jerry Lawler: AJ Styles wont be able to keep this hing fair. He will deliberatley make the Idol lose!
Jim Ross: Well Tre2 was all for the forgetting of the fued for this match but Twister-X was not in for it. Lets head to the ring!

 ("I Am" By: TNA blares over the PA system as the fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentelmen the following contest is a scheduled tag team match up! First making his way to the ring the special guest referee! The SCWE Juniorweight Champion! The Phenomenal AJ Styles!!!

Jerry Lawler: Here comes not so phenomenal AJ Styles to be the referee of this match!
Jim Ross: He retained the title last night lets see how things go tonight!

("Closure" By: Chevelle hits and fans boo heavily)

Lillian Garcia: And now making there way to the ring... Scarlett and Twister-X!!!

("Duality" By: Slipknot hits and fans give mix reaction)

Lillian Garcia: And now making there way to the ring... Being accumpanied to the ring by Spazz! Christine Corruption and Tre2 Ozbourne!!!

Jim Ross: Where the hell is Tre2 Ozbourne? and Spazz? They arent comming out. Only Christine is out here.
Jerry Lawler: I have no idea... Maybe they are scared of The Golden Couple!
Jim Ross: Well I dont-(lights go off)-What the hell? Whats going on out here? (lights go back on and Christine Corruption, AJ Styles, Scarlett and Twister-X are all layed out with a sign flashing on the titantron that reads..."THE STRAIGHTEDGE SATAN IS BACK!") Would you look at that? Well we need to take a quick commercial break!

(...commercials are shown...)

Jim Ross: Welcome back Ladies and Gentelmen. We are almost ready for our next match.
Jerry Lawler: It will be Raven vs Mick for the SCWE RAWCore title!
Jim Ross: These two men hate each other and at Vengeance Mick got the last laugh!
Jerry Lawler: JR. I just got word that Twister-X, Scarlett and AJ Styles are hurt. They might be out of action next week!
Jim Ross: The Straight Edge Satan made a huge message by taking all of them out!

 ("I Stand Alone" By: GodSmack blares over the PA system as the fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentelmen the following contest is a scheduled hardcore match and it is for the SCWE RAWCore championship! First making his way to the ring from Short Hills,  New Jersey! The challenger and lead member of The Flock! Raven!!!

Jerry Lawler: Raven took one hell of a beating last night but on the same hand he gave out one hell of a beating to many wrestlers!
Jim Ross: Well Mick had the last laugh and lets see if Raven can regain his ttile!

("Dude's Shack" By: WWE hits and fans go nuts)

Lillian Garcia: And now making there way to the ring... From Knoxville, Tennessee. Weighing in at 287 pounds. He is the SCWE RAWCore Champion! Mick Foley!!!

Raven vs Mick Foley(C)

Mick and Raven lock up. Raven puts Mick in an arm lock and yanks back. Mick than muscles out of it and delivers a few gut shots to Raven and than takes Raven down with a DDT. Mick goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Mick than picks up Raven and delivers lefts and rights knocking him back into the turnbuckle. Mick than hits a few knife-edge chops and launches Raven into the opposite turnbuckle hard. Mick chases and hits Raven with a hard elbow shot to the face. Mick than delivers shoulder shots to Ravens gut. Raven drops to the lower turnbuckle and Mick chokes him with his boot. Mick releases and drags Raven out and hits a few boots than goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Mick gets up and he picks up Raven and than Mick tosses Raven over the top rope. Mick goes to the outside and throws Raven into the steel barricade. Mick than tosses Raven into the steel steps. Mick picks up Raven and rams Ravens back into the ring apron. Mick than dumps the shopping cart over and picks up a trash can lid. He goes to hit Raven but Raven rolls out of the way. Mick goes to hit him again but once again Raven moves and Mick is than dropped with a drop toe-hold into the steel steps. Both men lay on the outside and they struggle to there feet slowly. Raven is the first one up and Mick shortly follows. They exchange lefts and rights Mick gets the advantage and goes to throw Raven into the steel pole but Raven holds his ground and throws Mick into the steel steps. Raven grabs the trash can lid and pounds on Mick’s back with a few shots. Raven than picks up Mick and throws him back into the ring. Raven tosses a few items in there such as a chair, trash can lid and Kendo stick. Raven slides in and picks up the Kendo Stick and waits for Mick to get up. Mick gets up and is hit in the face with the Kendo Stick. Than Raven hits him in the back and takes Mick down with a shot to the back of his knees. Raven goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Raven than picks Mick up and throws him into the turnbuckle. Raven goes for a back body drop but Mick reverses it and hits Raven with a desperation swinging neckbreaker. Mick gets up and grabs a chair. He hits Raven once he gets up than goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Mick looks to be in shock as he gets up and pulls out Mr. Socko! Mick puts Mr. Socko on and waits for Raven to get up. Mick goes to use Mr. Sock but Raven ducks Micks hands and kicks Mick in the gut and hits an Evenflow DDT onto the chair. Mick is busted open and Raven goes for the pin 1�?�?!!!

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner... and your nes SCWE RAWCore champion! Raven!!!

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/3/2006 11:06 PM

Jerry Lawler: Yea! Raven got the RAWCore title back and King this is his tenth reign!
Jim Ross: Well lets see how long he can hold it. He is running out of here tho with the Flock surrounding him. What are they doing?

.::Cameras show Raven and The Flock running down the halls into the parking lot and they than dive into a limo and drive away as scene fades::.

(...commercials are shown...)

Jim Ross: Welcome back Ladies and Gentelmen. We are just about ready to head into our Main Event!
Jerry Lawler: It will be John Doe vs Mikey G! It what should be one hell of a match up!
Jim Ross: Both men have a bunch of talent and it seems that both these men cant stand each other.
Jerry Lawler: Both men won at Vengeance. Mikey G won the RAWCore title which he only held for a minute or so and John Doe captured tag team gold along with Coach T!
Jim Ross: Well lets get into our main event!

("St. Anger" By: Mettalica blares over the PA system as the fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentelmen the following contest is scheduled for one fall! First making his way to the ring! weighing in at 200 pounds! From Bronx, New York... Mikey G!!!

Jerry Lawler: The Italian Stallion is on his way down to the ring! Haha.
Jim Ross: He will have his hand full with John Doe.

("When Worlds Collide" By: Powerman 5000  hits and fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: And now making his way to the ring! Weighing in at 200 pounds... HE is one half of the SCWE Tag Team Champions! Representing Crimson Calling! John Doe!

Mikey G vs John Doe

Mikey and John circle the ring and they than lock up. Mikey kicks John and takes him down with a dragon screw. Mikey than hits John with a 3 handed cadenza. "Invasion" hits as Goldberg and Duchess come out and Mikey and John Doe look at Goldberg who is making his way to the ring slowly. Mikey and John go back to batteling it out with lefts and rights. Mikey hits John with a neckbreaker and than goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Duchess gets on the ring apron and the ref is distracted as Goldberg grabs a chair and Mikey throws Doe into the ropes. Goldberg than cracks a steel chair across Johns back. Mikey didn’t realize what happened. So he than picks up John and hits another 3 handed cadenza and than goes up to the top rope and hits a top rope elbow drop and goes for the pin 1�?�?!!!

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner! Mikey G

Jerry Lawler: Mikey G comes out on top. But what is Goldberg doing? He has a mic.

Goldberg: I am sick of the way I get no respect around here! You will respect me and you will respect Duchess! And Taker come next week... Your Next!!!

Jim Ross: This speels trouble for next week for Taker! Its been a great show and we have a new SCWE RAWCore champion in Raven. What will happen next? Tune into Rampage to find out!

.::SCWE RAW Goes off the air::.