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RAW : RAW 8/3/04
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/3/2006 11:17 PM

Results 8/3/04 Live From Albany, New York

::Photo's From Last Week are shown::

::opens up with Lillian Garcia singing the National Anthem::

::RAW's Pyro Then Explodes!!:

.::Dark Matches Before RAW::.

Josh Johnson defeated Eminem

Jim Ross: Hello everyone and welcome to SCWE Raw! We are here live in the Pepsi Arena in Albany, New York! I am here along side The King!
Jerry Lawler: Thank you JR. Ladies and gentelmen we have an action packed night for all of you here in Albany!
Jim Ross: We do King. tongiht we will begin the SCWE Womens RAWCore Championship tournament! We have theree first round matches tonight.
Jerry Lawler: There are ten Divas enrolled in the whole tournament.
Jim Ross: Tonight we also have DDP's return to RAW action. He will be taking on John Doe in what will be one hell of a match up I can guranttee you that!
Jerry Lawler: Raven will be defending his title against the man who made a huge statement last week. That man is Tre2 Ozbourne!
Jim Ross: Lets not forget about the SCWE World Championship Match tonight! It will be Goldberg and Undertaker in a Casket Match! These two men will battle it out one last time and the winner will be facing off against Mikey G at SummerSlam.
Jerry Lawler: All hell will break lose tonight in that match!
Jim Ross: Well lets get ready for our first match. It will be Jeff Corruption taking on JJ Stallion!

("Down With The Sickness" By: Disturbed blares over the PA system as the fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentelmen the following contest is scheduled for one fall! First making his way to the ring. From Ottawa, Canada. Weighing in at 180 pounds. Jeff Corruption!!!

Jerry Lawler: JR, Look at this clown. He has been on a losing streak and I think tonight it will continue.
Jim Ross: Jeff Corruption has the chance to end his losing streak and put an end to JJ Stallions winning streak right here.

("No Leaf Clover" By: Metallica hits and fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: And now making his way to the ring. From Long Island, New York. Weighing in at 225 pounds. Being accumpanied by Ivory! Representing Triple J! JJ Stallion!!!

Jim Ross: Here comes one half of the number one contenders for the SCWE Tag Team Championship!
Jerry Lawler: And look who he is with. The beautiful Ivory! Lets head to the ring.

Jeff Corruption vs JJ Stallion w/Ivory

Jeff Corruption and JJ Stallion circle each other and than lock up. They struggle to get the upperhand and than break it up. They than go to lock up again but JJ kicks Jeff in the gut and than hits him with a few knife edge chops and tosses him into the ropes. Jeff ducks a clothesline and takes JJ down with a spinning heel kick. Jeff and JJ get up quickly but Jeff takes JJ right back down with a lariat followed by another lariat. Jeff hits a leg drop and than goes for the pin 1...2...kickout! JJ than picks up Jeff and hits some european uppercuts and throws him into the turnbuckle. Jeff runs towards JJ but JJ moves out of the way. Jeff jumps up onto the 2nd rope and gains his balance and than hits a Limit Breaker onto JJ. Jeff goes for the pin 1...2...kickout! Jeff gets back up and picks J up. Jeff goes for a vertical suplex but J hooks his leg and stops it. JJ than delivers a vertical suplex of his own. JJ is slow to get up but soon does. JJ picks up Jeff and throws him into the turnbuckle. JJ runs after and is met with Jeffs elbow. Jeff than buldogs JJ down and Jeff goes to the top rope signaling for the InVection Starr. Jeff takes off but JJ rolls out of the way and Jeff meets the mat. JJ gets up and picks up Jeff. He sets him up for the J Crush. JJ picks Jeff up but Jeff struggles out of it and puts JJ in a small package 1...2...kickout! Jeff and JJ both get up quickly and than knock each other down with clotheslines. The ref begins the ten count 1...2...3...4...5...6...Both men get to there feet and exchange lefts and rights. JJ gets the upperhand with a few gut shots. He than throws Jeff into the turnbuckle and chases after him. Jeff moves and JJ hits the turnbuckle. Jeff than signals for the InVertal Krash as he picks up JJ Stallion. Jeff than kicks JJ in the gut and goes for it but JJ punches Jeffs ribs and than flips him over with a back body drop. JJ goes for the pin 1...2...kickout! JJ picks up Jeff and goes for the J-Crush but Jeff reverses it and goes for the InVertal Krash but JJ reverse that and than hits a Angle Pick Slam and locks in the No Leaf Clover and Jeff quickly taps out to the pain!

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner...JJ Stallion!!!

Jim Ross: JJ picks up the win there. That was one hell of a way to kick of this edition of SCWE Raw.
Jerry Lawler: My eyes are still boggeling from the reverse after reverse we saw in that ring. That was a fast and technical match.
Jim Ross: That it was King, Lets head backstage.

.::Parking Lot Area::.

Jim Ross: I wonder who is in that limo. I guess we will find out when we return from our commercial break.

(...commercials are shown...)

.::Parking Lot Area::.

(...Limo driver steps out of his limo and walks over towards the limo door and opens it. Out steps Vince Russo... Vince grabs his bags and walks down the hall way when he is stopped by Lollipop...)

Lollipop: Hey Vince Russo. Welcome back if you dont mind me asking where have you been all this time? No one has seen you since Ernest Miller took over the SCWE.

Vince Russo: You know what Lollipop just hold on right there! I am here for one reason and one reason over! And that is to make Ernest Miller pay for what he took from me. You see Ernest Miller took my life away from me and quite frankly I am not going to watchin him run the SCWE brand into the ground any longer! You know whats going on Lollipop. You have seen it. He comes out here and dances around like he is some fool! Well I am not going to take it anymore.

Lollipop: Well Vince, Those are some strong words. What do you plan on doing about it?

Vince Russo: Well since we are here in the great state of New York I am going to give the people what they want and go out to that very ring and explain my plan to them all! See you later toots!


Jim Ross: Well how about that King. It seems that Vince Russo has some pretty big and important news to inform us on. I wonder what it is.
Jerry Lawler: Well I hope he takes SCWE back over Im sick of SCWE being ran by Ernest Miller. He is running SCWE into the ground just like Vince said!
Jim Ross: Well Vince is in his home-state so his ego should be bigger than ever. I must say though I am dying to know why he is here.
Jerry Lawler: Lets just hope for the best and he is going to take SCWE back over! O I hope so!
Jim Ross: You do know that at anytime Ernest Miller can fire you. Dont you King?
Jerry Lawler: Why would he fire me. I didnt say anything wrong. I love The Cat! Haha. Moving on we have our first match of the SCWE Womens RAWCore Tournament on its way.
Jim Ross: It will be a brutal match that two Divas will go through all sorts of hell to try and make it to round two. This match will consist of Kristin Styles and Christine Corrupion. Lets head to Lillian Garcia.

("Sweetest Sin" By: Jessica Simpson blares over the PA system as the fans cheer when Kristin Styles along with AJ Styles come out.)

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentelmen the following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Round one match for the SCWE Womens RAWCore Tournament! First making her way to the ring. From Las Vegas, Nevada. Being accumpanied by AJ Styles! Kristin Styles!!!

Jerry Lawler: These two people make me sick beyond all possible belief. Look JR! Its the not so phenomenal Connection! Hahaha.
Jim Ross: Well The Styles Connection could very well be holding two titles come SummerSlam. Kristin Styles is definitely not to be taken lightly by any means!

("Slither" By: Velvet Revolver hits and fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: And now making her way to the ring. From Ottawa, Canada. Christine Corruption!!!

Jim Ross: Last week Christine Corruption received quite a beating by Tre2 Ozbourne it seems. She was one of many who were knocked out by The Straight Edge Satan and his mistress.
Jerry Lawler: Well tonight Christine gets some retribution! She will be going one on one with The Not So Phenomenal Kristin Styles! Course it unfair that AJ Styles is at ringside. Lets head down to the ring.

Kristin Styles w/AJ Styles vs Christine Corruption

Kristin and Christine cicle each other and than lock up. Christine powers Kristin into the turnbuckle and begins to unleash on her with a series of knife edge chops and kicks to the mid section. Christine than takes Kristin down with a firemans carry. Christine jumps up on the second turnbuckle and stomps down onto Kristins gut. Christine hooks the leg and goes for the pin 1...2...kickout! Christine gets up and throws Kristin into the ropes Kristin ducks a clothesline and than takes Christine down with a neckbreaker. Kristin than goes for the cover 1...2...kickout! Kristin picks up Christine and throws her into the turnbuckle. Kristin chases after and hits Christine with an elbow. Than takes her down with a headlock takedown. Kristin goes to the top rope and hits an elbow drop on Christine than goes for the cover 1...2...kickout! Kristin picks up Christine and throws her into the topes. Christine holds her gorund and than throws Kristin over the top rope and she hits the floor. Christine than springboards to the floor and hits Kristin with a corckscrew type maneuver. Christine hurt herself on the impact and she is slow to get up. She gets a chair and hits Kristins back with it. AJ Styles walks up from behind Christine and grabs the chair out of her hands. Christine turns around and yells at AJ and than goes to slap him. AJ catches her hand and than yells at her as Kristin grabs a fire extinguisher. AJ lets go and Christine turns around and is sprayed with the fire extinguisher. Kristin picks up Christine and slides her into the ring and than slides in after. Kristin goes for the pin 1...2...kickout! Kristin than signals for the Styles! She picks up Christine and kicks her in the gut. Kristin goes for the Styles but Christine gives a few shots to the ribs and than suplexs Kristin over into a bridge pin. 1...2...kickout! Christine picks up Kristin and throws her into the turnbuckle. Christine hits a clothesline onto Kristin and than follows it up with a Spike DDT. Christine goes for the pin 1...2...kickout! Christine rolls to the outside and grabs a chair. She slides back into the ring and waits for Kristin to get up Kristin turns around and ducks the chair shot. But is than hit in the gut with the chair and than Christine drops Kristin with the Bitch Drop. Christine goes for the pin 1...2...3!!!

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner...and advancing to round two of the SCWE Womens RAWCore Tournament!Christine Corruption!!!

Jim Ross: Christine Corruption had a huge upset there. She will be heading into ROund two of the tournament!
Jerry Lawler: Like I said The not so phenomenal Styles Connection has failed again!
Jim Ross: Well King lets take a quick commercial break.

.::Backstage Area::.

(Ernest Miller is shown making his way towards the ring)

Jim Ross: It looks like Ernest Miller will be making his way to the ring and we will hear from him next!

(...commercials are shown...)

Jim Ross: Welcome back ladies and gentelmen. We have already had two great contests and we still have a Casket Match to come!
Jerry Lawler: Goldberg and The Undertaker will be putting on one hell of a show for us tonight. I have to say Goldberg seems pretty intense about this match up.
Jim Ross: Ernest Miller will be joining us very shortly and Im sure he will have some very interesting news for us and I for one cannot wait!
Jerry Lawler: I hope he leaves the SCWE. I think Vince is a much better General Manager.

("Hit Me" By: James Brown blares over the PA system as the fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentelmen please welcome the SCWE General Manager... Ernest "The Cat" Miller!!!

Jerry Lawler: Well here he comes to wreck the day! Haha.
Jim Ross: Shut up King! Lets listen to what he has to say.

Ernest Miller: Hows everyone doing tonight? Someone betta call my momma because I have some important stuff to inform you on! (crowd cheers) Well lets get right into buisness. The first thing I want to adress is the SCWE World Championship match that we have scheduled tonight. When Goldberg and The Undertaker step into this very ring and the Casket will be hauled out here. This match will mark one of the greatest matches in the history of RAW! But due to Goldbergs actions of last week. I am barring Duchess from ringside! (crowd gives mix reaction) Now I know all of you would like to-

("Invasion" By: WWE hits and fans give a mix reaction as Goldberg comes out with Duchess by his side.)

Jim Ross: Buisness is just about to pick up!
Jerry Lawler: Goldberg cannot be happy with this and he is going straight down to the ring. Ernest if I were you I would run. Haha.

Ernest Miller: Whoa whoa whoa big boy! I didnt ask for you to come out here. Your match is not till later tonight. So go backstage and bring Duchess with you!

Goldberg: What do you think you are doing? You think you scare me Ernest? I will knock you-

Ernest Miller: Goldberg dont even think about it. If you lay one finger on me I will take that title shot away from you faster than you can count to 3!

Goldberg: You know what Ernest your right. My fault.

Ernest Miller: You better back up. Well have a nice day every-

("So Far Away" By: Staind hits and fans boo as Vince makes his way down to the ring.)

Jim Ross: O great here comes Vince Russo. I dont knwow what he has up his sleeve but I think we are just about to find out!
Jerry Lawler: This is great!

Vince Russo: Well well well Look what the Cat brought in. Hahaha (crowd boo's) You see Ernest we are in my homestate tonight. Which means quite simply is that things are to be going my way tonight! Tonight things go Vince Russo's way. Now do you want to know why Ernest? Its because I had a meeting with a certain someone today and that certain someone is Scott Hill! Would you like to know what we talked about? We talked about SCWE and how it is in need of help. So guess what? Yours Truly has this thing called a contract in his hands and when I signed it. It gave me 50% of SCWE control! Now thats right Ernest we are Co-GM's. And by the way someone is about to hit you. Haha.

.::Vince points for Ernest to turn around as Goldberg nails him with a spear. Vince tells Goldberg to hit the Jackhammer and Goldberg picks up Ernest and than lifts him up in the air and drops Ernest like a bad habit! Vince, Goldberg and Duchess than laugh as they walk out of the ring and up the ramp and scene fades::.

(...commercials are shown...)

Jim Ross: Welcome back ladies and gentelmen. During the break Ernest Miller was taken away after a devastating attack from Goldberg.
Jerry Lawler: Its a happy day for the SCWE! Vince is back in buisness and he has 50% control and well tonight he has 100% control. Hell Ernest may be out for a while maybe he will never return!
Jim Ross: What Vince did was sneaky and Goldberg followed along with it. Goldberg is still not allowed to have Duchess at ring side but with Vince around who knows what will happen.
Jerry Lawler: Well JR. Our next match is going to be for the RAWCore championship!
Jim Ross: Raven will defned his title against the sedistice Tre2 Ozbourne! Lets head down to Lillian Garcia.

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/3/2006 11:18 PM

("I Stand Alone" By: Godsmack blares over the PA system as the fans boo when Raven comes out with Shaydawg by his side...)

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentelmen the following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE RAWCore Championship! First making his way to the ring from Short Hills, New Jersey! Weighing in at 237 pounds! Being accumpanied to the ring by ShayDawg! Representing The Flock! The SCWE RAWCore champion! Raven!!!

Jerry Lawler: I hope Raven puts Tre2 Ozbourne out of his misery here tonight! I am sick of this sedistic freak doing crazy things all the time. Just put him six feet under so his problems are solved!
Jim Ross: Tre2 Ozbourne along with his band will be performing at SummerSlam. The Attention Defecits will be performingthere hit single Blind Them, Torture Them, Kill Them!

("Duality (ADD Remix)" By: Slipknot hits and fans give mix reaction...)

Lillian Garcia: And the challenger! Making his way to the ring from West Minster, Colorado! Weighing in at 160 pounds! Being accumapnied to the ring by Spazz. The Straight Edge Satan himself! Tre2 Ozbourne!!!

Jim Ross: Both these men have a very good resiliency for pain. So I expect this to be one hell of a match!
Jerry Lawler: I know JR. Its gonna be a slobberknocker! Haha. Lets head to the ring.

Raven(C) w/ShayDawg vs Tre2 Ozbourne w/Spazz

Raven and Tre2 go to lock up but Raven sucker kicks him in the gut. Raven than hits a few elbows to the back of Tre2s head and than takes him down with a russian leg sweep. Raven than lays into Tre2 with some hard boots to the abdoman. Raven hits an aelbow drop and goes for the cover 1...2...kickout! Raven picks up Tre2 and throws him into the ropes and than takes Tre2 down with a spinning elbow. Raven than goes to the outside and Shay hands him a trash can. Raven chucks it into the ring and than throws in a chair as well. Raven slides back in and picks up Tre2. Tre2 pushes Raven off and begins to unleash with lefts and rights and than takes Raven down with a hard dropkick! Tre2 grabs the chaird and starts delivering several gut shots to Ravens abdoman. Tre2 than grabs the trash can and lodges it into a turnbuckle. Tre2 picks up Raven and throws him into the trash can and dents it. Raven falls to the mat as Tre2 is about to go for the pin but ShayDawg gets on the ring apron and taunts Tre2. Spazz sees this and races over to ShayDawg. ShayDawg grabs Ravens title and hides behind the steps and than smacks Spazz in the head with it. ShayDawg than looks like shes going to be sick as she holds her pregnant stomach and sits down next to the knocked out Spazz. Tre2 turns around and is taken down with a spear from Raven. Raven than delivers a few forearms to Tre2 and goes for the pin 1...2...kickout! Raven yells at the ref and than picks up Tre2 and hits him with a few punches and than a knife edge chop before throwing him into the ropes. Tre2 comes back and Raven hits him with a lariat. Raven rolls to the outside and checks on ShayDawg. ShayDawg signals shes ok as Raven grabs a chair and rolls back into the ring. Raven sets the chair up in the middle of the ring. He picks up Tre2 and throws him into the ropes. Raven than goes for a drop toe hold but Tre2 jumps over Raven and lands on the chair. He than hits a corkscrew type manuever off of it and lands an elbow drop into a pin 1...2...kickout! Tre2 and Raven both get up quickly pickin up chairs and they than both swing at teach other and knock each other down. The ref begins his ten count 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...Both men just make it in time to continue the match. Raven and Tre2 exchange slow punches as Tre2 soon fires up and gets the advantage. Tre2 takes him down with a DDT. Tre2 than goes to the opposite side of the ring and waits for Raven to get up. Raven gets up and turns around he is than drilled with a spear! Tre2 signals for the Unhopeful as he goes up to the top rope. AJ Styles suddenly comes out from the crowd and hits Tre2 in the back of the head with a chair shot and than hits the Styles Clash onto a chair. AJ than jumps back into the crowd laughing. Raven slowly crawls over to Tre2 and throws his arm over him for the pin 1...2...3!!!

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner...Raven!!!

Jim Ross: AJ Styles just got some retirbution on Tre2 Ozbourne for his actions of last week.
Jerry Lawler: That was a brutal match. The outcome though has Tre2 bleeding and Raven walking away with the SCWE RAWCore Championship!

.::Lights flash off than go back on Tre2 Ozbourne and Spazz are nowhere to be found as Raven looks around confused and than makes his way back up the ramp::.

Jim Ross: Well where the hell did Tre2 go? Him and Spazz have disappeared. We have to head backstage.

.::Vince Russo's Office::.

(...Vince Russo is in his locker room along with Goldberg and Duchess...)

Vince Russo: That was great. Ernest Miller will be out for a long time!

Goldberg: He sure will be and I will be able to get that strap back that The Undertaker stole from me at SummerSlam. To think he was going to bar Duchess from ring side.

Duchess: Haha. I will definitely be out there your whole match and when you win we will go celebrate. (Duchess winks at Goldberg)

Vince Russo: Well about that. Um Goldberg. Duchess is not going to be at ringside.

(...Goldberg jumps up and gets in Vince's face...)

Goldberg: What did you say?

Vince Russo: Goldberg.... Let me finish.... What I was going to say is that Duchess will be back here but I have an idea that you might like.

Goldberg: It better be good.

(...Knock at the door... Goldberg moves to the side...)

Vince Russo: Come in!

(...stage hand comes in and escorts DDP into the locker room...)

Vince Russo: Hahaha...

Jerry Lawler: JR, What the hell is going on in there? Vince has some sort of plan in his head and I for one think I am goiong to like it! Haha.
Jim Ross: I have no idea what is going on. But we have to take a commercial break!

(...commercials are shown...)

Jim Ross: Welcome back ladies and gentelmen. Right before the break Vince Russo had Trisha Helmsely brought into the locker room and I must say they have to have something up there sleeves for tonights match!
Jerry Lawler: Well the Main Event will be a match to remember when Goldberg challenges the SCWE World Champion, The Undertaker in a casket match!
Jim Ross: I dont like how tonight is shaping up for The Undertaker one bit. I dont like it at all and I dont think tonight is going to end pretty for The Undertaker!
Jerry Lawler: Dont worry JR. The right will be done. But our next match is another SCWE Womens RAWCore tournament match! It will be the newly aquired Jazz taken on Brish Ness! Lets take it down to Lillian Garcia.

("Jazz" By: WWE hits as fans boo.)

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentelmen the following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Round one match for the SCWE Womens RAWCore Tournament! First making her way to the ring. From New Orleans, Louisiana. Jazz!!!

Jerry Lawler: Here comes Jazz who will make her SCWE in ring debut.
Jim Ross: She will be facing Brish Ness who has made her impression before in this ring but she is recntly traded to the SCWE brand. Lets see if she still has it.

("Hotel" By: R.Kell & Cassidy hits and fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: And now making her way to the ring. From Knoxville, Tennessee. Brish Ness!!!

Jazz vs Brish Ness

Jazz and Brish lock up. Jazz over powers Brish into the corner and begins to choke her as the ref tries to break it up. She than throws Brish across the ring by her throat. Jazz walks slowly over and stomps on Brish's head a little and than hits a hard elbow across the throat. Jazz than goes for the pin 1...2...kickout! Jazz picks Brish up by her hair and tosses her to the other side by her hair. Jazz than plants her self over Brish and delivers hard fore arms across the face to Brish. Jazz hits an elbow to Brish's back and than rolls her over and goes for a pin 1...2...kickout! Jazz picks up Brish and puts her in an arm lock. Jazz than spins out nad clotheslines Brish hard to the mat. Jazz goes to the outside and grabs a stop sign. Jazz throws it into the ring and slides in. Jazz picks up Brish and drops the stop sign right next to them. Jazz picks up Brish and goes for a powerbomb. Brish counters it into a back body drop and Jazz hits the stop sign hard. Brish falls to the mat unable to make a pin.The ref begins a ten count 1...2...3...4...5...Brish gets up to her feet as Jazz is still struggling. Brish dropkicks Jazz to the outside of the ring. Brish slides under the ropes and picks up Jazz. Brish bounces Jazz's head off of the ring apron and than off of the steel barricade. Brish than throws goes to throw Jazz into the steel steps but Jazz holds her ground and throws Brish into the steel pole. Jazz than throws Brish back into the ring and slowly makes her way back into the ring herself. Jazz calls for the Jazz Stinger. She picks up Brish. Brish struggles out of it and than puts Jazz in small package 1...2...kickout! Jazz gets up looking pissed as she picks up Brish and delivers a few hard slaps to the face. Jazz than dropkicks Brish down. Jazz picks Brish back up and throws her into the ropes. Jazz goes for a back body drop that will have Brish land on the stop sign. Brish counters it though and nails Jazz with the Brish Bomb onto the stop sign. Brish goes for the pin 1...2...3!!!

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner...and advancing to round two of the SCWE Womens RAWCore Tournament!Brish Ness!!!

Jim Ross: Brish Ness is moving onto Round two of this tournament and in a well deserving effort!
Jerry Lawler: It looked like Jazz was going to win this match. She was dominating the whole way but she made a mistake and the sexy Brish Ness countered it!
Jim Ross: Lets head backstage where Terri is interviewing Hank

Terri Runnels: Thank JR, Well Hank tonight is a big night for you. Last week you defeated Goldberg and this week it looks as if you are going to have a chance to take out another big name. Being Shawn Michaels.

Hank: Well Terri you are right! Last week I beat that little bitch Goldberg and well this week I plan on doing the same to Shawn Michaels. You see once I win tonight I will finally have the respect I deserve and it will show everyone that I can rumble with the big boys!

Terri Runnels: Well last week most people believe you beat Goldberg out of pure luck. And if it wasnt for him being distracted he would of beaten you.

Hank: Well most people are dumb. Goldberg is just worthless. He gave me an opening and I dont let oppurtunites go with proper use!

Terri Runnels: Well your match is up next. Good Luck!

Jim Ross: Some strong words by Hank there. He and HBK get it on next!

.::Backstage Area::.

(...Shawn Michaels is shown making his way to the ring...)

(...commercials are shown...)

Jim Ross: Welcome back ladies and gentelmen. We are just about ready for our next match. It will feature The Heart Break Kid...Shawn Michales facing off against Hank.
Jerry Lawler: I like Hank. He defeated Goldberg last week and Hank should be the number one contender! But he will proove why he is the best when he faces off with HBK tonight!
Jim Ross: Hank will definitely leave an impression on everyone here tonight if he can take out the SCWE IC Champion!
Jerry Lawler: And he will. Hank is a man who is on his way to the top! People like Goldberg and Shwan Michaels wont be able to stop them. They are going to just make the name Hank bigger and bigger by every passing week!

.::Titan Tron::.

(...Vince Russo appears on the titan tron...)

Vince Russo: You know I think it is only fair since last week Hank beat Goldberg that he should be granted a title shot at some title. And well Shawn Michaels you have the SCWE Intercontinental title. So guess what? This match went from Non-title to a title match! Have a nice day! Haha.



Jerry Lawler: Haha. Yes Hank will leave tonight with his first piece of SCWE Championship gold!!!
Jim Ross: King, Shawn Michaels is no easy win. Lets head down to Lillian Garcia.

("Sexy Boy" By: WWE blares over the PA system as the fans cheer...)

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentelmen the following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Intercontinental Championship! First making his way to the ring from San Antonio, Texas! Weighing in at 225 pounds! He is the SCWE Intercontinental Champion! The Heart Break Kid!!! Shawn Michaels!!!

Jerry Lawler: Wow the fans in Albany, New York just love this guy. I guess they will be sadly awoken when Hank takes that title from HBK tonight!
Jim Ross: Shawn Michaels has the respect of the fans and for good reason too.

("A Day At A Time" By: TuPac hits and fans boo...)

Lillian Garcia: And the challenger! Making his way to the ring from Missourri! Weighing in at 254 pounds! Hank!!!

Jim Ross: Here comes Hank to try and add to his winning ways with a nice title shot here. This shouldnt be happening but HBK realizes who is incharge tonight.
Jerry Lawler: Stop your complaining lets head to the ring JR.

Shawn Michaels(C) vs Hank

Shawn Michaels and Hank circle each other and they than go to lock up. HBK and Hank struggle for the upper hand but they than break it up. HBK and Hank circle around each other again and than go to lock up. Hank sucker kicks HBK and than hits a few hard fore arms across HBK's back. Hank than knees HBK in the gut and than takes him down with a knee across the face. Hank than hits an elbow and drops a fist across HBK's throat. Hank picks up HBK and throws HBK into the corner. HBK chases after and hits Hank with an elbow to HBK's face. Hank than drops him with a fisherman suplex pin 1...2...kickout! Hank picks up HBK and throws him into the ropes. Hank goes for a clothesline but HBK ducks it and than hits Hank with a school boy 1...2...kickout! HBKand Hank are both very quick to there feet and they exchange blows. HBK gets the advatage and fires up. He than forces Hank into the turnbuckl and hits a few knife edge chops and than throws him into the opposite turnbuckle. HBK than hits Hank with a splash in the turnbuckle and takes Hank down with a bulldog. HBK than grabs Hanks legs and catapults Hank into the turnbuckle. HBK than begins to pummel Hank with boots before going for the cover 1...2...kickout! HBK looks suprised as he picks Hank back up and puts him in an arm lock. HBK yanks on Hanks arm and than throws him into the turnbuckle. HBK chases after and misses a splash as Hank moves. Hank picks HBK up and puts him on the top turnbuckle and than hits a beely to back super plex. Hank slowly crawls over to HBK and throws an arm over for the cover 1...2...kickout! HBK and Hank both slowly make it to there feet with Hank kicking HBK before he gets up. Hank than takes HBK down with a big DDT. Hank goes for the pin 1...2...kickout! Hank looks pissed as he goes over to a turnbuckle and takes the padding off of it. Hank picks up HBK and goes to throw him into the exposed turnbuckle but HBK counters it and kicks Hank in the gut than hits a vertical suplex. HBK and Hank lay on the mat and HBK slowly hooks Hanks leg and goes for the pin 1...2...kickout! HBK than gets up and picks Hank up. HBK throws Hank into the ropes but HAnk holds onto the ropes and HBK chases after and Hank pulls down the ropes and HBK goes over the ropes but lands on the turnbuckle pad. HBK than grabs Hank by the head and forces him down to the mat hard. HBK climbs to the top rope and  waits for Hank to get up. HAnk gets up and turns around as HBK nails him with a missle toe dropkick. Hank hits the mat and HBK gets the fans rild up as he stomps his foot calling for Sweet Chin Music. Hank gets up and turns around as he is met with HBKs foot as HBK hits Sweet Chin Music! HBK hooks the leg and goes for the cover 1...2...3!!!

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner...and still the SCWE Intercontinental Champion! Shawn Michaels!!!

Jim Ross: Shawn Michaels is a true Champion! He showed it there and hopefully now Hank will shut his mouth.
Jerry Lawler: O that was a cheap win HBK just pulled out!

("So Far Away" By: Staind hits and fans boo as vince makes his way down to the ring where Hank is struggling to get to his feet and HBK is standing in the ring look at Vince...)

Vince Russo: Now congratulations HBK on retaining your title. But you know what... Wait Hank? Why are you still here? You lost. Get your ass out of here!

.::Hank rolls out of the ring and walks slowly up the ramp... Just than "Invasion" hit as Hank jumps. He looks around as Goldberg is nowhere to be found. Hank than continues to walk back up. He is just about to go behind the curtain where Goldberg comes out and spears him down. HBK looks on confused as DDP comes from the crowd and turns HBK around and delivers a Diamon Cutter to him! Goldberg, Duchess, DDP and Vince Russo are all in the ring laughing as Vince speaks.::.

Vince Russo: Hank! You have now been shown what happens to people when they open there big mouth! You really think you are better than Goldberg? Well look whose on the ground and look who is laughing now! And HBK you have just met your new opponenet for Summer Slam! Welcome to The Alliance!!! Have a nice day everyone!

Jim Ross: What the hell does Vince Russo think he is doing? And what is this. It seems that Vince Russo has aligned himself with Goldberg, Duchess and Diamond Dallas Page!
Jerry Lawler: Well you heard Vince earlier he said he had a plan and it looks like his plan is comming through!
Jim Ross: Well we have to take a quick commercial break.

(...commercials are shown...)

Jim Ross: Welcome back ladies and gentelmen. Before the break we leanred that Vince  Russo, Goldberg, Duchess and DDP are all the same page quite frankly. And well there is a good chance that DDP and Goldberg will make one devestating tag team here in the SCWE. And tonight goldberg will be accumpanied to the ring by DDP in this casket match
Jerry Lawler: Well Goldberg should have someone down there with him. It is only fair! Ernest Miller took Duchess away from him so now goldberg will bring Diamond Dallas Page!
Jim Ross: DDP is not taking Jamie Gunz place at Summer Slam to face Shawn Michaels for the Intercontinental Championship!
Jerry Lawler: Which he will win. Becuse at summer Slam. Just like he did tonight. HBK will feel the BANG! Haha.
Jim Ross: Well King lets get right into our next match up. It is our final first round SCWE Womens RAWCore Tournament match of the evening. The Divas competing will be Alyssa Cullen with the sick and sedistic Spazz. Who will be accompanied by the Straight Edge Satan himself, Tre2 Ozbourne!

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/3/2006 11:19 PM

("Holler" blares over the PA system as the fans give a mix reaction...)

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentelmen the following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Round one match for the SCWE Womens RAWCore Tournament! First making her way to the ring. From Hartford, Connecticut. Alyssa Cullen!!!

Jerry Lawler: Alyssa Cullen is one fine looking women and she will be looking to join Brish Ness and Christine Corruption in Round Two of this tournament!
Jim Ross: She cold definitely be the Diva that takes it too Spazz here tonight!

("Duality (ADD Remix)" By: Slipknot hits and fans give mix reaction as Spazz comes out by herself...)

Lillian Garcia: And now making her way to the ring. From West Minster, Colorado. Spazz!!!

Jim Ross: Where is Tre2 Ozbourne? He is nowehre to be seen. Spazz is all alone.
Jerry Lawler: Im scared JR. I have never seen them alone before. This cant be good.

Alyssa Cullen vs Spazz

Alyssa Cullen and Spazz lock up. Spazz right away puts Alyssa in an arm lock. Spazz than flips Alyssa down and bens her arm. Spazz continues to tighten her hold and continues to turn it. Spazz than pulls Alyssa back up by her arm and flips her back over and than hits a leg drop across Alyssa's arm. Spazz than kicks Alyssa's arm a few times and than picks her up by the arm and  flips her back over. Spazz than goes for the pin 1...2...kickout! Spazz picks up Alyssa and throws her into the ropes and drops her with a hip toss and goes back to work on the arm. Spazz yanks back on the arm and begins to twist it. Alyssa flips forward and delivers a hip toss to Spazz. Alyssa and Spazz get up and than Alyssa drops Spazz with another hip toss. Alyssa goes to pick up Spazz but drops her as she favors her arm. Spazz than slaps Alyssa. Alyssa slaps back and they exchange right hands. Alyssa gets the upperhand and than kicks Spazz and DDT's her to the mat and goes for a pin 1...2...kickout! Alyssa goes for the cover 1...2...kickout! Alyssa than picks up Spazz and hits a few knife edge chops and than throws her into the ropes. Alyssa drops her with a back body drop and than hits a back flip splash into a pin 1...2...kickout! Spazz rolls to the outside. Alyssa follows Spazz and clotheslines her down. Alyssa than throws Spazz into the steel steps and than hits a drop kick to the kneeling Spazz. Spazz falls to the floor and Alyssa hits her with a leg drop. Alyssa than climbs onto the barricade and looks to go for a drop kick when she is suddenly pushed off by a masked fan who reveals himself as Tre2 Ozbourne. Tre2 than throws her down to the msat and climbs the barricade and than hits the Unhopeful! Tre2 than throws Alyssa back into the ring and helps Spazz back in. Spazz than pins Alyssa for the 1...2...kickout! Tre2 yells at the ref. The ref than sends Tre2 to the back and Tre2 sliowly walks off. Spazz is yelling at the ref and is than quickly rolled up by Alyssa for a 1..2...Spazz counters the pin and bridges Alyssa and holds the ropes 1...2...3!!!

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner...and advancing to round two of the SCWE Womens RAWCore Tournament!Spazz!!!

Jim Ross: How about that? The sick and sedistic Tre2 Ozbourne got in the middle of things and he found his way to the back.
Jerry Lawler: That didnt matter though because Spazz still got the win!
Jim Ross: She is lucky to win this one. She was holding the ropes and the ref just didnt see it. We are getting word that something is going on backstage concering Crimson Calling.

.::Backstage Area::.

(...Crimson Calling is shown walking down the hall way laughing with there titles on there shoulders and The Cheat laughing and talking about how DDP will feel John Doe's BANG tonight!...They than enter there locker room and turn on the lights...)

John Doe: What the hell?!

(...There locker room is a complete disgrace and a message on the wall is shownn saying...)

"Good Luck Tonight because next week those little tag titles come home with Tr3ple J"

(...All Three members throw a fit as John Doe leaves and slams the door on his way out. The Cheat follows...)

Jerry Lawler: Haha. Look at what happened to Crimson Callings locker room from  the hands of Tr3ple J! And John Doe has a match up next!
Jim Ross: John Doe will be facing DDP tonight and next week on RAW Him and Coach T will defend there titles against J and JJ Stallion! But we need to take a quick commercial break!

(...commercials are shown...)

Jim Ross: Welcome back ladies and gentelmen. Before the break we were in Crimson Callings locker room and well Triple J had a little suttn they needed to say.
Jerry Lawler: And they said it by destroying Crimson Callings locker room! Triple J is showing the tag champs that they are not oging to be any push overs. I think Triple J will suprise the world and defeat the tag team champs next week!
Jim Ross: It will be a match up that I for one will not want to miss! But John Doe is going to have to forget that right now and worry more about Diamond Dallas Page here tonight.
Jerry Lawler: Diamond Dallas Page is going to do exactly what he did earlier today to Shawn Michaels and that is make him feel the BANG! Haha.
Jim Ross: We will see momentarily. Lets head to the ring.

("When Worlds Collide" By: Powerman 5000 blares over the PA system as the fans cheer...)

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentelmen the following contest is scheduled for one fall! First making his way to the ring. Weighing in at 200 pounds. One half of the SCWE Tag Team Champions. Being accumpanied to the ring by The Cheat! Representing Crimson Calling! John Doe!!!

Jerry Lawler: Look at John Doe. He is bring The cheat out here because he fears what will happen to him tonight.
Jim Ross: Well thats why he is there manager King. He is the man who points them in the right direction!

("So Far Away" By: Staind hits and fans give boo as Vince Russo walks out to the top of the ramp...)

Jim Ross: What the hell does Vince want?

Vince Russo: The Cheat... What the hell do you think you are doing out here? I am not going to sit back here and watch you make DDP lose. You are barred from ring side here tonight. So get out of here! Get! I said leave! (The Cheat walks up and walks by Vince Russo and just than Goldberg comes out of nowhere and spears him.) Haha. Thank you! Have fun John Doe! By the way Goldberg and Duchess will be at ring side to keep things in order. (Vince Russo exits)

Jim Ross: Well it looks like this match is going to start right now!

John Doe vs. Diamond Dallas Page w/Duchess & Goldberg

John Doe and DDP circle each other. John Doe looks at Goldberg as Goldberg jumps on the ring apron. DDP than hits Doe from behind. DDP than begins to unleash on doe with lefts and rights and a few knees to the gut. DDP throws Doe into the ropes and takes him down with a swinging neckbreaker. DDP picks Doe back up and throws him into the ropes and takes him down with a drop toe hold. DDP than begins to stomp away on Doe. DDP than picks up Doe and throws him to the outside and than distracts the ref as Goldberg begins to put the boots to Doe's face. Goldberg puts Doe back in the ring as DDP than hits a hard knee onto Doe. DDP goes for the pin 1...2...kickout! DDP argues with the ref.  DDP picks up Goldberg and puts him in abdoman stretch. Doe struggles and tries to fight off the pain. DDP grabs Goldbergs arm who pulls back and Doe's pain increases. The ref kicks DDPs arm off of Goldbergs and warns him. Doe continues to struggle in the pain as DDP continues the hold. Duchess walks to the other side and distracts the ref. Goldberg than jumps up and hits a few shots to the abdoman of Doe and than exits over the top rope as DDP continues the hold. Duchess jumps down and the ref checks on Doe who is now motionless. The ref raises Doe's hand and drops it once. Than he raises it a second time and drops it again. The ref raises it a third time but Doe holds his hand up. The crowd gets behind him as he begins to muscle out of it. He turns DDP around and kicks him inthe gut. DDP punches Doe in the ribs than hits a spinning clothesline which sends Doe down. DDP picks Doe back up and throws him into the turnbuckle. DDP chases after and hits a clothesline. DDP than goes for a ten count punch 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10! DDP jumps down ad Doe falls to the mat. DDP picks up Doe and hits him with a snapmare and than puts his knee on the rope and jumps on it twice. DDP goes for a cocky pin 1...2...kickout! DDP picks up Doe and throws him over the top rope. DDP distracts the ref as Goldberg goes to pick up Doe. Coach T than jumps from out of the crowd and over the barricade and smacks Goldberg over the head with a chair. Duchess slaps him as Coach T shoves her down to the mat. Coach T than jumps back over the barricade and laughs at a furious DDP. DDP goes to the ring apron and goes for an axe handle smash on Doe. Doe catches him and than hits an atomic drop. Doe than clotheslines DDP down. Doe rolls into the ring to stop the countout. Doe gets back out and picks up DDP and hits a few fore arms to the back of DDP. Doe than picks up DDP and hits a spinebuster. Doe picks up DDP and rolls him back into the ring and than follows him back in. Doe goes for the pin on DDP 1...2...kickout! Doe picks up DDP and goes for a STF. DDP delivers a few punches and goes for a clothesline but Doe ducks it and catches DDP with a chokeslam. Doe goes for the pin 1...2...DDP hooks his leg on the rope and the ref stops the count. Duchess and Goldberg are back up on the outside. Doe signals for the Amnesia Attack. He picks up DDP and throws him into the ropes and goes for the Amnesia Attack but DDP reverses it and hits a Diamond Cutter! DDP goes for the pin 1...2...kickout! DDP cant believe it! DDP picks up Doe and calls for another Diamond Cutter. DDP goes for it but Doe pushes DDP off and hits a reverse DDT and throws an arm over for a pin 1...2...kickout! DDP and Doe lay on the mat as the ref begins the ten count 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...Both men get up. They exchange blows. Doe gets the upperhand and than hits DDP in the gut and throws him into the ropes and than hits the Amnesia Attack! Doe goes for the pin but Duchess jumps on the ring apron and the ref is distracted and doesnt make a count. Duchess drops down as the ref turns around and sees Doe get speared by Goldberg! the ref calls for the bell.

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner by DQ John Doe!!!

(...Goldberg picks up John Doe and hits a Jackhammer on John Doe... As Goldberg, Duchess and Diamond Dallas Page all laugh suddenly The Cheat and Coach T come running down to the ramp and begin to fight it out with Goldberg and Page... Triple J than comes running down and hits Coach T and The Cheat from behind. Goldberg than spears Coach T and DDP hits a Diamond Cutter on The Cheat as Triple J flees the scene through the crowd. The Alliance takes turns taunting Crimson Calling as they raise there arms in triumph in the ring...)

Jim Ross: This has not been a good night at all for John Doe and the rest of Crimson Calling.
Jerry Lawler: All of the members of Crimson Calling are just laid out and they have The Alliance along with Triple J to thank for that. I dont feel to good for The Undertaker tonight.
Jim Ross: You know what King, Either do I. Lets head backstage. Where Marc Lloyd is with the manager of Triple J.

.::Backstage Area::.

(...Ivory is with interviewer, Mark Lloyd...)

Marc Lloyd: I am back here with the manager of Triple J. Ivory, Tiple J has a tag team title shot next week on RAW. Do you think they are ready?

Ivory: Are you kidding me? Marc. Did you just see what they did out there to the Crimson Calling. They destroyed the Crimson Calling! And guess what. They will do the same exact thing come RAW next week. They are the greatest tag team ever in the history of the KSCWE! And the whole world will see them in all of there glory once they defeat the Crimson Calling and walk away with there precious tag team titles!

Marc Lloyd: Well Triple J did have a little help by The Alliance members of Goldberg and DDP.

Ivory: Marc please! is it our fault that we no what were doing and that we just know how to beat people? Crimson Calling is weak and Triple J is strong. Thats the difference here. Dont go making excuses for them because you feel sorry for them. I know whats going to happen to them at this upcoming RAW and you are in denail just like John Doe and coach T are. But we will all see the truth come RAW. I have to go Marc.

Jim Ross: It sounds like Ivory is positive Triple J will win the tag team gold come RAW. We need to take a commercial break we will be back momentarily.

(...commercials are shown...)

Jim Ross: Welcome back ladies and gentelmen. We have had one hell of a night and we have one match left. And it is a big one!
Jerry Lawler: Dont forget it is for the SCWE World Championship! And quite frankly my money is on Goldberg to win this match tonight.
Jim Ross: Well The Undertaker is one up on Goldberg and he beat Goldberg at Vengeance.
Jerry Lawler: That was one hell of a match that we saw at Vengeance. I must admit The Undertaker got lucky that night but it wont happen again here tonight.
Jim Ross: Well lets take a quick look back at Summer Slam.

.::Summer Slam footage is shown::.

Both men are laid out as the ref makes his ten count 1�?�?�?�?�?�?…Both men struggle to get up. Taker clotheslines Goldberg over the top rope but Takers momentum sends him over as well. Taker gets up and picks up Goldberg. Taker throws Goldberg into the steel steps. Taker than slams Goldbergs head against the ring apron. Taker slides Goldberg back into the ring and slides back in himself. Taker goes for a pin 1�?…kickout! Taker gets up and hits Goldberg with a few knees to the gut. Taker than grabs Goldberg by the arm and flips him over. Taker than puts pressure on his arm as Goldberg looks to be in pain. Taker than lets go and picks Goldberg up. Taker throws Goldberg into the ropes and misses a big boot. Goldberg than comes back and hits a falling scoop slam. Goldberg slowly gets up as does Taker. Taker walks towards Goldberg but walks right into a Goldberg press slam. Taker picks up Goldberg and lays into him with kicks and punches. He throws Taker into the ropes and hits a runing powerslam. Taker hits the mat hard! Goldberg than gets amped and sets up for the Spear! Goldberg goes for the spear but Taker dodges it. Goldberg hits the ring post and turns around dazed. Taker takes him down with a big boot. Taker than signals that its over. Goldberg gets up and turns around. Taker than puts Goldberg in Tombstone form and Taker drops Goldberg hard. Taker hooks the leg and goes for the pin 1�?�?!!!

.::Summer Slam footage ends::.

Jim Ross: Well ladies and gentelmen the casket is at ring side and well I think it is time to get this match on!

 ("Invasion" By: WWE blares over the PA system as the fans boo. Goldberg comes out followed by DDP.)

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentelmen the following contest is scheduled for one fall. And it is for the SCWE World Championship! First making his way to the ring. From Atlanta, Georgia. Weighing in at 287 pounds. Being accumpanied to the ring by Diamond Dallas Page! Representing The Alliance! Goldberg!!!

Jerry Lawler: Goldberg is the man who will win this match tonight. He has The Alliance watching his back. The Unmdertaker is lonely and has no one. Haha.
Jim Ross: Well this match is one of Takers specialty.

("Da Ministry" By: WWE hits and fans erupt with cheers)

Lillian Garcia: And now making his way to the ring. From Death Valley, Texas. Weighing in at 328 pounds. The SCWEE World Champion! The Undertaker!!!

Jim Ross: Buisness has just picked up and to tell you the truth Goldberg and DDP both look very unhappy.
Jerry Lawler: Well Goldberg will come through lets get this match started.

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/3/2006 11:19 PM

Goldberg w/Diamond Dallas Page vs The Undertaker(C)

Taker gives DDP an evil look as DDP backs away. Taker than looks at Goldberg and they go to lock up but Goldberg kicks him in the gut. and than knees him in the gut. Goldberg holds Taker and pushes him into the turnbuckle Goldberg delivers a few houlders to the gut of Taker and than a few right hands. Goldberg throws Taker into the other turnbuckle with velocity as Taker drops down to one knee. Goldberg kicks Takers face  and picks him up. Goldberg than Power slams Taker over his head. Goldberg picks Taker back up and throws him to the outside and distracts the ref as DDP goes to work by laying into Taker with boots to the face. DDP picks up Taker and throws him into the steel steps. DDP than picks Taker back up and slides him into the ring. Goldberg stops distracting the ref and goes to pick up Taker. Goldberg picks Taker up and brings him towards The Casket. Taker hits Goldberg with a few elbows as Goldberg than low blows him and takes Taker down with a vertical suplex. Goldberg taunts the crowd as Taker sits up and stands up behind Goldberg. Goldberg back pedals and bumps into Taker. fear strikes goldbergs face as he slowly turns around and is met with a boot to the gut followed by several throat thrusts. Taker throws Goldberg into the ropes and than takes him down with a lariat. Taker than bounces off the ropes and hits a leg drop on Goldberg. Taker picks up Goldberg as DDP jumps onto the ring apron and taunts Taker. Taker drops Goldberg and walks slowly over to DDP. DDP wpits in Takers face. Taker grabs DDP by his throat and signlas for a chokeslam but Goldberg hits an axe handle from behind. Goldberg thanunleashes with kicks and punches and than throws Goldberg into the ropes and kicks Taker in the face. Taker goes down to one knee as Goldberg grabs his head and begins to pound away. Goldberg than kicks him down. Goldberg picks up Taker and hits a few kidney shots. Goldberg than goes for a vertical suplex but Taker hooks his leg. Taker counters it and Vertical suplex's Goldberg. Taker gets up slowly. He helps goldberg to his feet and throws him into the ropes. Goldberg ducks a big boot and than eye rakes Taker and DDTs him to the mat. Goldberg than lays into Taker with several boots. Goldberg kicks Taker to the outside of the ring and than Goldberg and DDP double team Taker on the outside. Shawn Michaels comes running down the Ramp Way and hits Goldberg in the back with a chair. HBK than throws the chair at DDP who catches it and HBK nails Sweet Chin Music knocking DDP clean out. HBK than exits back up the ramp way laughing as Taker gets up and stares HBK down. Taker picks up Goldberg and brings him to the casket. Taker puts Goldberg in it and goes to close it as Goldbers arm stretches out and stops it from closing. Taker grabs the door and goes to close it again but Goldberg sprays Taker with a fire extinguisher! Taker walks around trying to clear his eyes as Goldberg gets out of the casket and clotheslines Taker down. Goldberg laughs and picks up Tqaker he than throws him into the turnbuckle and drives a few shoulders into Taker. Goldberg than hits a hard elbow and body slams Taker down to the mat. Goldberg goes to the outside and grabs the chair that lays next to DDP who is just beginning to move. Goldberg brings the chair into the ring and goes to hit Takerwith it but Taker ducks and Goldberg drops the chair. Taker than hits a big boot on Goldberg. Goldberg lays against the ropes for support and Taker grabs Goldbergs arm than climbs the turnbuckle and goes old school on him. Goldberg goes down as Taker looks at the chair and grabs it. Taker drops the chair in the middle of the ring and picks up Goldberg. Taker brings Goldberg to the chair and sets him up for a tombstone. DDP hits Taker from behind. Taker drops Goldberg and turns around to DDP who begs for mercy. Taker goes for a big boot but DDP ducks and Taker gets caught up on the ropes and DDP than yanks the ropes up and down. The ref tries to regain order as he sends DDP to the outside! Goldberg slowly gets up and clotheslines Taker over the top rope to the outside. DDP and goldberg than exchange boots to the gut of of Taker. Mikey G than comes out from the crowd with a kendo stick in hand. Mikey hits DDP in the back and than hits Goldberg in the back. Mikey throws Goldberg into the ring and hits a 3 handed cadenza on Goldberg. DDP than comes into the ring and clotheslines Mikey G over the top rope. They than begin to battle it out. DDP hits an eye rake and goes for the Diamond Cutter but Mikey pushes DDP into the stel pole. Mikey than finds a pair of handcuffs and handcuffs DDP to the pole. Mikey than exits throught the crowd. Taker and Goldberg are in the ring exchanging punches. Goldberg pokes Takers eyes and than bench presses Taker over his head and drops him. Goldberg than calls for a spear as Taker slowly gets up and turns around. Goldberg than meets him with a spear and Goldberg jumps up and spits into the crowd. Goldberg than picks Taker up and puts Taker into the casket. Goldberg walks away taunting the crowd. He turns around and walks back to the casket and goes to close it. Takers arm holds the casket door. Goldberg than goes to punch Taker but Taker grabs him by the throat. Taker gets up and than chokeslams Goldberg into the casket! Taker goes to close it but decides not to. Taker picks Goldberg up and than brings him back into the ring and tombstones him in the middle of it. Taker than puts goldberg back into the Casket and shuts the door!

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner...and still the SCWE World Champion!!! The Undertaker!!!

Jim Ross: What a match that was. The Undertaker has done it and he is still the SCWE World Champion!

("St. Anger" By: Metallica hits and fans erupt with cheers as Mikey G walks out to the top of the ramp and stares down The Undertaker and shows he is the next champion... Taker gives an evil glare back...)

Jerry Lawler: Oh my god JR. These two men will collide at Summer Slam!
Jim Ross: I cant wait! Thats all we have. Tune into SCWE Rampage!!!

.::SCWE RAW Goes off the air::

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