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RAW : RAW 8/17/04
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/3/2006 11:25 PM

Results 8/17/04 Live From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Photo's From Last Week are shown

RAW opens up with Lillian Garcia singing the National Anthem

RAW's Pyros Then Explode

Dark Matches

Rey Mysterio, Ricky benoit, and Jeff defeated Vader, John Cena, and Fallen Angel when Mysterio pinned Fallen Angel after a 619

JR: Hello everybody and welcome to SCWE RAW IS WAR. This is Good Ole' JR alongside Jerry "The King" Lawler. And what a night of action we have planned for you tonight.

The King:That's right JR, we have a lot of great matches coming your way tonight, and an extra amount of puppies this evening!

JR: And tonight we are live from Philadelphia, an arena which is very famous to the K&SCWE.

The King: How about our tag team turmoil main event. Do you think that Tr3ple J can compare to teams like Goldberg and DDP, and Mikey G and Shawn Michaels?

JR: They will have their hands full tonight, thats for sure.

The King: Our opening contest is...

(Before The King can finish, So Far Away by Staind hits. The crowd begins to boo as Vince Russo steps out, mic in hand. He walks down to the ring and gets in it, then finally he begins to speak)

Vince Russo:Hey, why so angry? Did I do something wrong? Anyways tonight I come to you with nothing but good news. News so good, you will have trouble sleeping tonight. Last night there was a meeting held about the SCWE and Scott Hill made the smartest decision of his life. He named me 100% in charge of the SCWE brand. (Crowd is confused) That's right, you heard correctly, Ernest "The Cat" Miller has been FIRED! (Crowd boos) But luckily enough, he has given me the responsibility of General Manager and well you can bet your asses that RAW will be number one in no time. My first act as general manager of the SCWE brand involves Twister-X. I never liked the guy to start with, he walks around acting like he owns the place, when he really is a nothing. He only hurt SCWE. Which is why i can officially say that Twister-X has also been fired! (Crowd doesn't know what to think) And as far as that match here tonight, it will now be Scarlett taking on Anna Kourikova one on one. And the Ultimate X match at Summerslam, well it is obviously cancelled. AJ's opponent and other Summerslam matches will be named throughout the night. Thank you, that is all for tonight.

(Vince tosses the mic down and leaves a confused crowd behind)

The King: Ernest Miller was fired. YES! Finally some santity!

JR: I'm not too happy about that decision. Vince Russo is an evil manipulative man.

The King: Admit it JR, Vince is the man that will save SCWE.

JR: I dont know what to think. After the break we will have Sammy Risen taking on Cynthia Diamond though.

The King: Woohoo!

(Commercials are shown)


Scarlett is shown throwing things around the locker room, destroying it as Paul heyman is trying to calm her down about the loss of Twister-X.

Back at Ringside:

JR: Scarlett is not happy about her boyfriend Twister-X being fired.

The King: Well if Scarlett needs somebody to cheer her up, I'd be happy to get the job done.

JR: Only you King, only you.

Lilian Garcia: The following non-title contest is scheduled for one fall, first already in the ring...Sammy Risen!

(R.P.M. by Sugar Rey hits and the Crowd boos)

Lilian Garcia: Her opponent, from Tacoma Washington, she is the SCWE Womens Champion...Cynthia Diamond!

JR: Cynthia has held the title since Curse of the Game, but she will defend it against Scarlett at Summerslam in a highly anticipated match.

The King: Puppies all around me.

Non-title: Cynthia Diamond vs Sammy Risen
Cynthia and Sammy lock up, Cynthia catches Sammy in an armbar. She lets her go and Sammy runs at her but Cynthia clotheslines her down to the ground. Sammy lands on her knees and Cynthia begins to stomp on her and rolls her over for a quick cover, 1.......2......Sammy kicks out. Cynthia picks her up and sets her up in Powerbomb formation but Sammy backdrops her. Sammy climbs up top and hits Cynthia with the Sunrise. She crawls over and makes the cover, 1..........2........Cynthia kicks out. Sammy is suprised and she picks Cynthia up and takes her out with some right hands, but finally Cynthia blocks her shot and DDT's her. Sammy gets up, only to be taken out by a Russian Leg sweep from Cynthia and Cynthia locks her in the Boston Crab. Sammy tries to reach the ropes, but cant do so and is forced to tap out. The ref rings the bell and awards Cynthia the win.

Lilian Garcia: Here is your winner, Cynthia Diamond!!

JR: There's a big win for Cynthia heading into Summerslam. This match really looks to be in Cynthia's favor.

The King: Sammy didn't really stand a chance against Cynthia, but hey she's hot.


(Cameras pick up JJ Stallion and Ivory talking backstage in the hallway)

JJ Stallion: It just pisses me off, he's mad because I happened to do better than him for once. I think he just needs to suck it up.

Ivory: That may be true but we dont wanna hurt this team. He's just upset that's all.

JJ Stallion: Still, if he keeps going around complaining that he is better than me then this team isn't going to work out.

Ivory: But JJ, we want this team to work out. You guys are the new tag team champions and if you even want to survive tag team turmoil then you're going to have to get along.

(As JJ and Ivory talk they are approached by Terri)

Terri: Ivory...JJ...I was wondering if I could get an interview about your matches tonight.

Ivory: Well whadda ya wanna know?

Terri: I just wanted to know is there any animosity going on In Tr3ple J?

Ivory: I really dont think that's any of your business.

Terri: Ok well, Ivory do you think you're going to come out on top in the battle royal tonight?

Ivory: What kind of question is that. Of course I am. I've got a match against a group of whores and you add in a couple lesbians. My opponents aren't wrestlers, they're jokes.

Terri: And JJ, tonight you and J defend your newly won tag titles in tag team turmoil. Are you at all nervous about the match?

JJ: Haha, Ivory this girl really is as dumb as she looks. Nervous. I'm JJ Stallion. And as bad as things look, Tr3ple J is not going down that easy. I hope J can get over his jealousy and if he does, tonight we will all walk away happy. And as far as All the members of tag team turmoil go, I'm better than them and they know it.

Terri: Thanks for your..

(Ivory and JJ walk away leaving Terri alone)

(Commercials are shown)

JR:L Welcome back, we just saw Terri interviewing the couple of JJ stallion and Ivory. A rather weird stable if you ask me. It looks like they are having a few problems.

The King: It happens to every team. They go through a phase of who is better than who. Its J's problem really.

JR: Never the less, Im not so sure if these guys are ready to head into tag team turmoil. But we'll soon find out. As of now, well we got Eminem taking on Jeff Corruption.

(My Band by D12 hits and the crowd cheers)

Lilian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. First making his way to the ring, from Rockford Illinois, weighing in at 235 pounds....Eminem!

JR: Eminem hasn't had the best of luck lately, and neither has his opponent. Both men are out to prove something here tonight.

(Down with the sickness by Disturbed hits and the crowd is mixed)

Lilian Garcia: His opponent, from Ottawa Canada, weighing in at 185 pounds...Jeff Corruption!

The King: I think Jeff has this one in the bags.

Eminem vs Jeff Corruption
Jeff Corruption makes the first move and begins to open up on Eminem. He whips him off the ropes and waits for Eminem to return but Eminem holds on to the ropes. Jeff goes running at him, but Eminem backdrops him over the top ropes and catches his breath. Jeff slowly makes his way to his feet and slides back into the ring only to be stomped into the ground by Eminem. Eminem picks up Jeff and delivers a huge powerslam, he covers 1.......2......Jeff kicks out. Eminem stays on the offensive with a few elbow drops and finally he climbs up top. he goes for a moonsault but at the last second Jeff moves out of the way and Eminem hits the mat hard. Both men are struggling to get up and Jeff is the first one up. He dropkicks Eminem back down to the ground. He picks him up and goes for the InVertal Krash, but Eminem reverses into his own DDT. Eminem covers 1........2.......Jeff barely kicks out. Eminem picks him up and goes for a powerbomb. He lifts Jeff up, but Jeff counters into a Head Scissors take down followed by a pin, 1........2.......2.9....Eminem breaks free at the last second. Jeff is pissed and he picks him up and delivers his own DDT to Eminem. Jeff climbs up top and lands a perfect Limit Breaker on Eminem. He covers, 1...........2........2.9........Eminem just kicks out. Jeff is really pissed now and he goes for another cover, 1.........2........Eminem kicks out again. Jeff goes outside the ring and grabs a chair. Jeff gets back in the ring and as Eminem gets up, Jeff hits him with the chair causing the DQ.

Lilian Garcia:Your Winner by Disqualification...Eminem.

(After the match, Jeff takes several more chair shots to Eminem. Then he picks him up and DDT's him on to the chair. He goes up top and delivers the InVection Starr to a lifeless and bloody Eminem. Then he gets up and walks away as paramedics tend to Eminem)

JR: Jeff Corruption has lost it.

The King: Wow, what happened to him?

JR: I think he was sick and tired of this losing streak he was on that he took it out on Eminem. Hopefully Eminem is fine and I know he will be looking for Jeff Corruption the first chance he gets.

The King: It's time for a commercial, but after the break it's PUPPY TIME!

(Commercials are shown)

JR: Well we're back and were ready for the 6 diva battle royal. The Winner will get a Womens RAWCore title shot at Summerslam.

The King: 6 divas means 6 times the puppies. I've been looking forward to this one all night. I hope some tops go flyin'

JR: Keep dreaming.

Lilian Garcia:The following contest is the 6 diva battle royal(Crowd cheers)

(Holler hits and the crowd gives no reaction)

Lilian Garcia: First...Alyssa Cullen!

(Jazz by WWE hits and the fans boo)

Lilian Garcia: Opponent #2...Jazz!

(Slither by Velvet Revolver hits and the crowd continues to boo)

Lilian Garcia: Opponent #3...Christene Corruption!

(Aint Love Grand by Atreyu hits and the fans are mixed)

Lilian Garcia: Opponent #4...Karissa Laryss.

JR: I think Karissa has a good chance of winning tonight.

The King: I hope she engages in some HLA tonight!

(Hotel by Cassidy and R. Kelly hits and the fans cheer loudly)

Lilian Garcia: Making hey way to the ring, from Knoxville Tennesee...Brish Ness!

The King: Brish is the hottest diva in this match!

JR: I also think she has a good chance of winning.

(It's About Us hits and the fans come to their feet in boos. Ivory comes out and flips them off)

Lilian Garcia: And the final opponent, from Inglewood, California...Ivory!

JR: These people really hate Ivory now.

The King: I dont! She is hott and a good wrestler.

Battle Royal: Alyssa Cullen vs Jazz vs Christene Corruption vs Karissa Laryss vs Brish Ness vs Ivory
The bell rings and Karissa Laryss and Christene Corruption go after Alyssa Cullen and Jazz and Ivory just hangs out in the corner until Brish Ness comes after her. Brish tries to take Ivory out but Ivory ducks and trips her. Then she starts to choke her out with a sleeper hold. Meanwhile, Karissa Laryss backs Alyssa Cullen into the turnbuckle. Alyssa reverses but Karissa stops and spanks Alyssa Cullen! Alyssa begins to freak out, and Karissa dumps her over the ropes. (Alyssa Cullen is eliminated via Karissa Laryss) Christene Corruption comes up behind Karissa and kicks her in the back of the head. Jazz comes over to Ivory and tries to throw her over, but Ivory slaps her in the face and Jazz runs at her, but Ivory ducks and backdrops Jazz right over the top rope! (Jazz is eliminated via Ivory) Ivory is shocked at eliminating Jazz, but smiles. Then she turns around and gets clocked in the head by Brish Ness. Meanwhile, Christene Corruption is trying to eliminate Karissa Laryss, but Karissa holds on. Brish whips Ivory and she crashes right into Christene, which pisses Christene off and she delivers a Dangerous DDT to Ivory. Brish Ness tries to clothesline Karissa over the ropes, but Karissa ducks and Brish sends her self over, but she hangs on and saves herself from getting eliminated. Christene picks Ivory up again and goes for a powerbomb, but Ivory counters it, and takes Christene out, but she walks right into a clothesline from Brish Ness. Brish delivers a chick kick to Karissa Laryss and she picks up Christene and throws her over the ropes. (Christene Corruption is eliminated via Brish Ness) Brish turns around and Karissa is waiting for her, Karissa goes for a clothesline but Brish Ness moves. At this time Ivory is getting up. She walks up behind Karissa Laryss and dumps her over the top rope but Karissa holds on. Brish takes Ivory down with a right hand, Brish picks her up, but Ivory headbutt's her and delivers the Facebuster to her. Both women are down and Ivory makes her way to her feet. She picks up Brish and tries to throw her over, But Brish pushes her away and spears her down. Then Karissa Laryss comes over and clotheslines Ivory down and then Brish down. She punches Ivory left and right. Brish takes out Karissa with a Chick Kick. Brish then goes up top and delivers a top rope Legdrop to Karissa. As she goes to throw Karissa over, Ivory comes up behind her and tries to throw her over but fails in doing so. She picks Ivory up and sets her up on the turnbuckle for a Superplex, but Ivory pushes her down. When Brish gets up, Ivory takes her out with a Flying Crossbody. Once again both women are down, and Ivory is the first to her feet again. Karissa though comes up behind Ivory and throws her over the top rope and Brish Ness is shocked. (Ivory is eliminated via Karissa Laryss) She struggles getting up, as does Brish. Karissa runs at her, but Brish moves and Karissa sends herself over the top, but hangs on again. Brish however thinks that she won and she begins to celebrate, as Karissa gets control and goes behind her and is about to hit Brish, but Brish moves and clotheslines Karissa over the top ropes! Karissa is pissed as Brish celebrates in the ring.(Karissa Laryss is eliminated via Brish Ness)

Lilian Garcia: Here is your winner....Brish Ness!

JR: What the hell just happened?

The King: Hahaha.

JR: Brish thought she had it won, but Karissa actually did hold on and she thought Brish didnt know, but Brish made it seem that way and she was ready for Karissa's attack. She took advantage of it and took Karrisa out for the win.

The King: That match was great all around. Brish has to be very proud of herself, as she has a Womens RAWCore title shot at Summerslam.

JR: That was very strange, but we have to go to a commercial break.

(Commercials are shown)


(A limo is shown ariving and Mikey G and Torres Davis get out of the limo)

Another part Backstage:

(Vince Russo is standing outside of his office with Sammy Risen, Alyssa Cullen, and Jazz)

Vince Russo: Im guessing that you three ladies have know idea why I brought you here. Of course, you guys dont seem to notice anything thats going on lately. Sammy Risen, what was that tonight? I book you in a match with the Womens Champion and THAT is what you give me. That's a disgrace. And you two, Alyssa Cullen and Jazz, what kind of performance was that in the battle royal. You guys barely lasted a minute in that battle royal. And that's something I just cant allow. The thing is you guys have done absolutely nothing here to make me proud of having you in my brand and I'm going to have to let you go. (The girls stand there shocked) And no Im not letting you go to WCW. As of right now you three are FIRED!! Now get the hell out of my arena!

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/3/2006 11:26 PM

Back at Ringside:


JR: I'm shocked, Vince Russo has just let three RAW divas go. My only question is why.

The King: He cant do that!

JR: I'm still suprised but right now, we got the SCWE World Champion in action.

The King: He cant do that!

JR: The Undertaker will defend his title against Mikey G at Summerslam in a match that everybody is looking forward to to say the least. But tonight he has his hands full with Mark Jindrak.

Lilian Garcia: The following Non-title contest is scheduled for one fall.

(No problem by Lil' Scrappy hits and the fans cheer)

Lilian Garcia: First making his way to the ring, from Auburn New York, weighing in at 253 pounds....Mark Jindrak!

JR: Mark Jindrak is certainly impressive in my eyes. He left to WCW and now he's back on RAW and ready to kick some ass.

(Da Ministry by WWE hits and the crowd goes absolutely nuts and breaks out into an Undertaker chant)

Lilian Garcia: And his opponent, from Death Valley, Texas, weighing in at 328 pounds, he is the SCWE World Heavyweight Champion....The Undertaker!!!

JR: Undertaker has held the World title since Vengeance and he will have the challenge of his life when he defends it against Mikey G at Summerslam.

Non-title: The Undertaker vs Mark Jindrak
Mark Jindrak looks a little concerned about going up against the Undertaker, and is hesitant, but locks up with Taker. Taker puts him into a Sleeper Hold. Mark breaks out of it and tosses Taker off the ropes, but Taker follows back with a clothesline. Taker picks Jindrak up, but Jindrak low blows him and Taker goes down. Jindrak twists Taker's arm into an armbar and tosses him off the ropes again and meets Taker with a knee shot to his ribs. Jindrak continues the assault with some right hands and he bounces off the ropes, but to everybodys shock, Taker delivers a boot to the face. He covers, 1........2........Jindrak kicks out. Undertaker delivers a few stomps to Jindrak, then he picks him up and sets him up for the Last Ride. Jindrak though, unexpectedly backdrops him!! Jindrak locks him in a Sharpshooter and Taker refuses to let go and finally makes it to the ropes. Jindrak is forced to let go. Undertaker is struggling to get him, and Jindrak takes a boot to the head. He picks up Undertaker and goes for a Scoop Slam, but Undertaker stays put and pushes Jindrak away. He runs at Jindrak to clothesline him, but Jindrak does too and they both knock each other out. Taker is the first up, soon followed by Jindrak and Taker locks him in a Dragon Sleeper. Jindrak looks like he is going to give up, but he doesn't and eventually Taker must break the hold. Taker lets go and Jindrak falls on the mat and Taker signals for the Chokeslam. Jindrak gets up, and is grabbed by the throat by Taker. Undertaker lifts him up and delivers the Choke Slam! Taker covers, 1...........2...........2.9............Jindrak kicks out. Undertaker looks pissed and he picks Jindrak up and delivers another one! He covers again, 1.............2...............2.9............Jindrak kicks out again. Taker is pissed and he goes to pick Jindrak up again but this time Jindrak akes him out with a lariat. Both men are down again. They both get up, Jindrak is first. Jindrak kicks Taker in the gut and DDT's him. Undertaker though just sets up and Jindrak gets a concerned look on his face. Taker, sitting grabs Jindrak by the throat, but Jindrak low blows Him. Jindrak bounces off the ropes but Taker punches him and lifts him up for a Last ride and nails it! He covers for the 1............2.........3.

Lilian Garcia: Here is your winner...The Undertaker!

JR: And just like we all thought, Taker wins this one. He really has to focus on Mikey G though, who we know is now here.

The King: I hope Mikey G wins the World title and sends that old man to the retirement home.

JR: We gotta take another break but when we get back, it's time for Scarlett to go one on one with Anna Kourikova.

(Commercials are shown)

JR: Welcome back, and we got diva action ready for you right now.

The King: This is what I live for.

JR: Scarlett who recently lost her boyfriend is definately in a bad mood and I would not want to be in Anna Kourikova's shoes right now.

Lilian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, first already in the ring Anna Kourikova!

JR: Anna is the new girl here on RAW.

The King: She's looking pretty fine already.

(Foxy lady by Jimi Hendrx hits and the fans come to their feet in boos. A very pissed off Scarlett comes out and pays no attention to them)

Lilian Garcia: And her opponent from London England....Scarlett!

JR: Scarlett is the number one contender to the Womens Championship and At Summerslam she will challenge Cynthia Diamond in one of the most brutal diva matches we may ever see. Intolerable Cruelty! The only way to win is to make your opponent say "I quit!"

Scarlett vs Anna Kournikova
Scarlett circles Anna in the ring , scarett attacks anna but anna counters attack and takes Scarlett down with a forearm smash. Scarlett gtes up and delivers a shot to anna's abdomen, scarlett then lays down a ddt. Scarlett gets up and Stick anna between her legs and delivers a fierce power bomb, Anna hits hard scarlett laughs as she pick up anna, anna tries to geta move in Scarlett kciks ann in the gut and elivers a piledriver, then followed up by a Scoop Slam, then a leg drop. Scarlett goes for the  pin 1 -2 - anna gets the shoulder up. anna get up and delivers a boot to scralett's face , anna gets Pumped then scarlettcomes back and takes anna down with a clothesline. scarlett goes to the top rope and Nails a Double axe handle. anna goes back to the mat, scarllet hits a splash from the second turnbuckle and pins  1 -2  - 3!

Lilian Garcia: The winner of this match...Scarlett!

JR: That was a total squash.

The King: I hope Anna's ok.

JR: I think Scarlett took her frustrations out on Anna.

(As Scarlett is celebrating in the ring with her back turned, Cynthia Diamond hits the ring with a Kendo Stick. Scarlett turns around and Cynthia nails her square in the head with it. Scarlett begins to break as Cynthia takes a few more shots at her. Then she picks her up and delivers the D-Railer to a now lifeless Scarlett. Cynthia goes outside the ring and she snatches a microphone. She stands over Scarlett's body and begins to talk)

Cynthia Diamond: Listen here Scarface, there is no way in hell you can make me say "I quit." Nobody can! So quit thinking you have a chance, because I have never quit at anything before and at Summerslam, it will be no different!!! Look at you, you're pathetic! I hope you can hear me now.

(Cynthia gets on her knees with the microphone and goes right up to Scarlett's ear)

Cynthia Diamond: At Summerslam, two words will come out of your mouth, and you know what they are? I QUIT!!!!!!

(Cynthia drops the mic as Toxic plays and she poses for a bit. She looks at Scarlett then laughs. Then she leaves the ring and goes backstage)

JR: What the hell did we just see?

The King: Scarlett absolutely destroyed Anna Kournikova, but Cynthia Diamond came out here and did the exact same thing to Scarlett.

JR: I'll tell you this Incredible Cruelty match will be one to watch.

The King: We got to take another commercial break, but stay right where you are, SCWE will be back in a second.

(Commercials are shown)

JR: Welcome back, we've had a great night of acton here tonight and we still got three matches to go. Our next match is the RAWCore title battle royal, which many people have been looking forward to.

The King: My money has to be on Jamie Gunz here tonight. WXW's most successful superstar will prevail.

JR: I disagree King, I think that tonight is Mick Foley's night, and he will win it.

Lilian Garcia:The Following Contest is the RAWCore Battle royal and it is for the SCWE RAWCore Championship.

(I Stand Alone by Godsmack hits and Raven comes out with a shopping cart full of weapons)

Lilian Garcia: First making his way to the ring from Short Hills, New Jersey, weighing 237 pounds, he is the SCWE RAWCore Champion......Raven!!

JR: The current champion right there. It seems like however many times he looses it, he always gets it back.

(Dudes Shack by WWE hits and the crowd comes to their feet in cheers)

Lilian Garcia: Opponent #1, from Knoxville Tennesee, weighing 287 pounds....Mick Foley!

The King: I think i'll be fine tonight, as long as he doesn't win.

(Closure by Unjust hits and the crowd boos)

Lilian Garcia: Opponent #2, from New York, New York, weighing 230 pounds...Jamie Gunz!

The King: There's your winner right there, JR.

JR: I beg to differ.

(Thoughtless by KoRn hits and the fans continue to boo)

Lilian Garcia: Opponent #3, from Denver Colorodo, weighing 195 pounds...Jerome Morris!

(Trying to find a balance by Atmosphere hits and the crowd begins to cheer)

Lilian Garcia: Opponent #4, from Los Angelos California, weighing 210 pounds, being accompanied to the ring by Amber Dream....Joey Ryan!

JR: I think Joey has a good chance of winning this match also.

(Slow Chemical by Finger Eleven hits and the crowd is mixed)

Lilian Garcia: Opponent #5, weighing 326 pounds....Kane!

(Duality ADD remix by Slipknot hits and the crowd comes to their feet in boos)

Lilian Garcia: Opponent #6, weighing 160 pounds....Tre2 Ozbourne!

JR: That Tre2 Ozbourne is one weird guy, King.

The King: Just imagine if he and Spazz both win tonight!

(Dragula by Rob Zombie hits and the crowd continues to boo)

Lilian Garcia: And lastly, from Thunder Bay, Ontarion, weighing 220 pounds....Vampiro!

JR: The match is about to start. All 8 guys look determined.

SCWE RAWCore Championship Battle Royal: Raven(C) vs Mick Foley vs Jamie Gunz vs Jerome Morris vs Joey Ryan vs Kane vs Tre2 Osbourne vs Vampiro
The bell rings and all 8 of the competitors stare each other down. Raven, Tre2, and Vampiro stick together and Mick Foley and Joey Ryan seem to form and alliance. Joey and Mick attack Carnival members and the battle begins. Joey delivers several forearm shots to Tre2, while Mick takes out Raven with a shot to the head. Vampiro tries to pull Mick off Raven, but Mick clotheslines him down. Right away, Jamie Gunz tries to dump Jerome Morris over the ropes, but Jerome doesn't budge and instead knocks Jamie down. Kane climbs the turnbuckle and does a diving clothesline taking out Foley, Joey Ryan, Raven, Vampiro, and Tre2 Ozbourne. Jerome Morris comes up behind Kane and tries to throw him over, but he cant move Kane and Kane delivers a boot to the face. Jamie Gunz then jumps on Kane's back and tries to knock him over, but Kane flips him over the top of his head. Joey Ryan delivers an Influential to Vampiro and tries to throw him over, but Raven knocks Joey down. Jamie delivers a low blow to Kane and goes for the Last Breath, but Kane picks him up by the throat and tosses him over the top rope. (Jamie Gunz is eliminated via Kane) Kane turns around only to recieve a Superkick from Jerome and finally the big red machine goes down. Raven begins to work over Jerome as Kane exits the ring and comes back with a fire extinguisher. He re-enters the ring and just as Vampiro turns around, Kane blinds him using the fire extinguisher. Mick Foley then steals the fire extinguisher from Kane and hits him over the head with it. Meanwhile, Raven delivers an Evenflow DDT onto Jerome and sends him over the ropes. (Jerome Morris is eliminated via Raven) Raven comes up behind Mick and delivers a DDT onto him. Joey Ryan locks Vampiro in a painful submission and Kane works over Tre2. Joey Ryan exits the ring and comes back with a steel chair. Vampiro turns around only to get a shot straight in the head from the chairshot, and actually stumbles over the ropes to the ground. (Vampiro is eliminated via Joey Ryan) Joey smiles and turns around, but Kane delivers a boot to him, knocking the chair into his face. Tre2 grabs the chair and hits Kane in the back of the head with it. Kane falls down but then sits right up and Tre2 is shocked. He then hits Kane square in the head once more and tries to lift Kane up but Kane chokes him into the corner. Tre2 escapes with a low blow and once again attempts to eliminate Kane, but Kane does not go over. Raven tries to help Tre2 get Kane over, but Kane wont budge, until Joey Ryan hits him with a missle dropkick, and finally Kane goes over the ropes. (Kane is eliminated via Tre2 Ozbourne, Raven, and Joey Ryan) Only 4 people remain now and Raven and Tre back off from Joey, but Mick gets up behind them with a 2 x 4 block of wood and hits Tre in the head with it. Raven turns around and Foley takes him out with a Double Armed DDT. Mick and Joey then double team Tre2 and takes him out with a double suplex. Suddenly, Goldberg appears on the entrance way and begins to walk down to the ring. He gets into the ring and waits for Raven to get up. When Raven does, he spears him! Then he lifts Raven high in the air and delivers the Jackhammer. He gets out of the ring and walks up the entrance way and smiles. Mick Foley comes over to Raven and tosses him over the top rope, unaware of what just happened. (Raven is eliminated via Mick Foley) Tre2 Ozbourne and Joey Ryan continue to battle it out as Mick goes outside of the ring and comes back with a stick wrapped in Barbed Wire. Joey bounces off the ropes, as Mick hits Tre2 in the head with "Barbie" but Joey comes back and accidently clotheslines Mick over the top rope! (Mick Foley is eliminated via Joey Ryan) Joey grabs "Barbie" and is about to hit Tre with it, but Tre knocks it out of his hands. Tre grabs the chair and low blows Joey Ryan with the chair. Joey is in severe pain now and Tre grabs the stick with barbed wire and nails Joey square in the head with it. As Joey struggles to get up, Tre2 nails Joey with the X of Blood and Joey goes right over the top ropes and hits the ground. (Joey Ryan is eliminated via Tre2 Ozbourne)

Lilian Garcia: Here is your winner and the new SCWE RAWCore Champion...Tre2 Ozbourne!!

JR: What did we just see go down?

The King: Goldberg attacked Raven and eliminated him and then we knew that there was gonna be a new champion. Thanks to Spazz though, Tre2 is the new champion and I know Joey Ryan and Mick Foley are gonna be upset.

JR: That was all out chaos, but I still wonder...what was Goldberg doing out there?

The King: Maybe we'll find out after we take this commercial break.

(Commercials are shown)


(Raven is shown destroying things in the backstage area)

Raven: Russo! Where the hell are you?

(Vince Russo then enters on the scene)

Vince Russo: What do you want Raven?

Raven: I wanna know why the hell Goldberg was out there in my match.

Vince Russo: I...I...I dont know.

(Raven grabs Russo by the throat and pins him up against the wall)

Raven: Tell me NOW!

Vince: Look I dont want any trouble. Now let me go or you'll regret it.

(Raven drops Vince Russo)

Vince Russo: Later tonight I'm going to the ring and then you will find out and trust me, I think you will like it so if you just let this go, then I will make my announcement later tonight.

Raven: This better be good.

(Raven storms off and Vince Russo stands there with a smile on his face)

Back At Ringside:

JR: Vince has something up his sleeve. And Raven is not too happy about what Goldberg did.

The King: I wonder what it could be?

JR: I have just gotten word that something else has taken place backstage.


(The cameras pick up Mikey G on the ground motionless and Torres Davis is there screaming)

Torres Davis: Oh my god! Somebody help!!

(paramedics rush over to Mikey G and see that he is bleeding badly)

Paramedic: What happened here?

Torres Davis: I dont know, I came back and found him lying here!

(As all of this is happening HBK walks by and sees what's going on)

Shawn Michaels: Shit! What the hell happened?

Torres Davis:We dont know, nobody saw what happened.

Shawn Michaels:He cant fight like this.

(Everybody continues to check on Mikey and the scene goes back to the announcer table)

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/3/2006 11:27 PM

JR: Well it seems like Mikey G is in very bad condition and it doesn't look like he will be able to compete in tag team turmoil tonight.

The King: it sure does look that way but right now, it's time for the finals of the Womens RAWCore title tournament.

JR: Stacy Mason takes on Spazz, and its right now.

Lilian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Womens RAWCore Championship. (Crowd cheers)

(Duality, the ADD Remix by Slipknot hits and the crowd boos loudly)

Lilian Garcia: First making her way to the ring from West Minster, Tennesee...Spazz!

JR: That Spazz is one sinister woman, JR.

The King: She beat Alyssa Cullen in round 1, and Christene Corruption in Round 2 to get here.

JR: She had it a little easier than her opponent.

(Everybody's fool by Evanescense hits and the crowd is mixed)

Lilian Garcia: And her opponent, from Los Angelos, California....Stacy Mason!

JR: Stacy is a 2 time champion and tonight she has a chance to become a three time champion.

The King: She had to beat Karissa Laryss and then Brish Ness and ivory to get to the finals.

JR: In my mind, she is going to be the victor here tonight.

SCWE Womens RAWCore Championship: Spazz vs Stacy Mason
The bell rings and Spazz runs right over to Stacy and starts to pull her by the hair. Stacy kicks Spazz away and she goes to hit Spazz, but Spazz grabs her arm and begins to bite it! Stacy Mason is disgusted and she goes outside the ring and she grabs a plunger. She hits Spazz with the plunger but it has no effect and Spazz grabs it from her and tosses it away. Stacy locks Spazz in a headlock. She lets go and she throws Spazz into the ringpost. She searches under the ring for a weapon, and finally comes out with a steel chair. As she turns around, Spazz dropkicks it back into the face of Stacy Mason. Spazz picks up Stacy and Scoop Slams her onto the hard ground. She makes the first cover, 1...........2........Stacy kicks out. Stacy is trying to get up and she wipes the blood off of her face. Spazz is meanwhile searching for a weapon. She comes up with a baseball bat and runs after Stacy who runs towards the backstage area. Stacy disappears behind the curtain and as Spazz follows Stacy is waiting and clotheslines her down, causing her to drop the bat. Stacy throws Spazz into a wall. Stacy then knocks a pile of boxes onto Spazz. Stacy picks up Spazz and tries to throw her into the wall again, but Spazz ends up throwing her into it! Spazz pick up Stacy Mason and takes her out with the X of blood!! Spazz covers, 1.......2........Stacy just kicks out. Spazz stays in control and she stomps a mudhole in Stacy. Spazz walks around the backstage area and finally she comes across a lead pipe. When she comes over to Stacy, Stacy trips her into a quick roll-up, 1.......2........Spazz breaks free. Stacy grabs the lead pipe just as Spazz goes to pick her up, and hits Spazz in the head with it. She covers again, 1.........2.........2.9.........Spazz kicks out. Stacy is pissed at Spazz's resilliance and she delivers a few more shots with the lead pipe. Both ladies are bleeding now, but Spazz is hurt more. Spazz has trouble getting up, and Stacy takes advantage of this by spearing her. Stacy then sees a ladder and she climbs it. She goes for the Broken Dreams, but Spazz moves at the last second and Stacy hits the solid floor. There is a 20 second period of no movement and finally Spazz starts to get up. Spazz picks Stacy up and delivers a piledriver to her! She crawls over, and covers, 1..........2........Stacy kicks out again. Spazz is shocked as she picks Stacy up again. She pulls her by the hair back towards the ring. At about halfway down the entrance way, she rolls Stacy down the ramp and Stacy hits the ring. Spazz picks her up again but this time Stacy battles back with some right hands. She hits Spazz's head off the ringpost again and tosses her in the ring. As she is looking for another weapon, Tre2 Ozbourne hits the ring and delivers the X of Blood to Stacy Mason!!! He picks her up and tosses her lifeless body in the ring. Spazz comes to it and crawls over. She drapes an arm over Stacy Mason and the ref starts the long count, 1.................2...............3!!!

Lilian Garcia:Here is your winner and the NEW SCWE Womens RAWCore Champion...SPAZZ!!!

JR: Oh my god King, I think I am gonna be sick.

The King: That, that....Spazz is the champion?

JR: Both Tre2 and Spazz now hold two different RAWCore belts, and Im not sure I am happy about this.

The King: Stacy seemed to overall fight a better match, but in the end Tre2 Ozbourne came out and helped out his....well he helped out Spazz and took Stacy Mason out with the devistating X of Blood and that allowed Spazz to finish her off. But it's a RAWCore Match, thats legal.

JR: Tre2 had no right being out here and I just hope Stacy is ok.

Backstage: The Alliance's locker room.

Goldberg: Where you going boss?

Vince Russo: I have some business to take care of in the ring.

Goldberg: You need me out there? I dont want Raven trying anything on you.

Vince Russo: Sure you and Duchess can go with me. It's only right for your fiancee to come. But you and DDP should really be focused on winning tag team turmoil tonight.

Goldberg: It's in the bag. Im just mad that we have to win the titles in this dump of a city.

Vince Russo: Haha, well where's Duchess?

(Duchess comes out of the bathroom with a robe on)

Duchess: Ready to go.

Vince Russo: Wow, ....I...

Goldberg: Vince....

Vince Russo: Sorry, Let's go take care of this.

Back at Ringside:

The King: Duchess is coming out, and look what she's got on!!

JR: Im anxious to see what Mr. Russo has to say?

(So Far Away by Staind hits and the fans come to their feet in boos. Vince Russo comes out to the ring)

Vince Russo: Now before I get started I want to introduce to you "The Man" The best damn guy in the business today. Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Goldberg and the best looking woman in K&SCWE, Duchess!

(Invasion by WWE hits and the fans break out into a loud set of boos as Goldberg and Duchess come out. Goldberg flips off the crowd then he lets Duchess into the ring)

Vince Russo: Well hello Philadelphia, how are you all doing tonight? (Crowd cheers) Oh shut up, you know I dont give a damn how you're doing!! (Crowd boos loudly) Tonight I'm here on a few matters. And i'd like to discuss Summerslam, some title matches. But first up I want to talk to one certain individual and that is Raven. Let me make this short and sweet. Raven you have impressed me lately and that is why at Summerslam I am going to make a number one contenders match and the winner of the match will face the World Champion at Autumn Annihilation. It will be Raven going up against...Goldberg, and Raven I know there's no way you can be disappointed. Now Tre2 Ozbourne and Spazz, the new RAWCore and Womens RAWCore champions. Well congratulations guys, but the party stops now. At Summerslam both of you will be defending your titles in fatal four way matches. I know that Brish Ness won the Number one contender slot but I am going to give Ivory and Karissa Laryss a second chance at getting the title. And as for you Tre, you will defend against Joey Ryan, Mick Foley....and John Doe! One last thing. With the "departure" of Twister-X from RAW, AJ Styles must defend his title against a guy that may be new, but I think has a lot of talent and that guy is none other than Rey Mysterio. And I have one more announcement. You all know about the bikini contest that is to take place next week, between Duchess and Jai(Crowd goes wild) Well Duchess has requested to give you a little preview. Hit it Duchess.

(I wanna be bad by willa ford plays and Duchess removes her robe and begins to dance)

(So Far Away hits as Goldberg picks up Duchess and they all leave)

The King: Oh my god! Im speechless.

JR: So am I, but we'll be right back!

(Commercials are shown)

The King: Welcome back everybody. im still shocked as to what we just saw. Duchess showed off her stuff for us!

JR: I think it was a preview of the bikini contest she is going to be in next week.

The King: I cant wait for that!

JR: Well it is finally time for our main event, Tag Team turmoil. Teams are randomly picked to come out here at the time they chose. Every time a team is eliminated, another one comes out until finally it is down to the last team, in which J and JJ Stallion will come out. Mikey G and Shawn Michaels are no longer in the match due to an attack on Mikey G.

The King: Just 5 teams, now and it's time to get it started.

Lilian Garcia: The following contest is the tag team turmoil match(Crowd cheers) 2 teams will fight until one is eliminated, and then another one comes out. The last team standing is the winner.

(When Worlds Collide by Powerman 5000 hits and the fans boo)

Lilian Garcia: First making their way to the ring, at a combined weight of 430 pounds, being accompanied by the Cheat....John Doe and Coach T, the Crimson Calling!

JR: Bad pick for the Crimson Calling.

(Invasion hits and the crowd continues to boo)

Lilian Garcia: Their opponents, at a combined weight of 523 pounds, being accompanied by Duchess....Goldberg and Diamond Dallas Page, The Alliance!

The King: These guys will win tonight, easy.

SCWE Tag Team Turmoil: Coach T and John Doe vs Goldberg and DDP
John Doe and DDP start off and DDP immediately locks a headlock in on Doe. Doe elbows out of it and takes some forearm shots. He bounces off the ropes, but Goldberg hits him down. Doe exchanges words with Goldberg but DDP comes up behind him, swings him around, and delivers the Diamond cutter. He covers, 1.......2.......John Doe kicks out. DDP tags in Goldberg, and the two double team him but Coach T hits the ring and clotheslines DDP over the ropes. John Doe rolls up Goldberg, 1........2......Goldberg kicks out. John Doe picks up Goldberg and hits his head off the turnbuckle and he goes for his own Diamond Cutter, but Goldberg shoves him away right into Coach T, who tags in. Coach T hits the ring only to get kicked in the stomach by Goldberg. Goldberg goes to spear Coach T, but Coach T moves and Goldberg hits the turnbuckle. Duchess then gets up on the ring apron distracting Coach T and Coach T likes what he sees, but he turns around and Goldberg spears him! Goldberg covers, 1.......2.....3!

Lilian Garcia: Coach T and John Doe have been eliminated.

JR:Not a happy ending for the Crimson Calling.

(Soon to thrill by ACDC hits and the fans cheer)

Lilian Garcia: Making their way to the ring, at a combined weight of 487 pounds, the team of Brandon and the SCWE European Champion, Billy Gunn!

JR: Billy Gunn looking to become a double champion and to get his first piece of tag gold as is brandon.

SCWE Tag Team Turmoil: Goldberg and DDP vs Brandon and Billy Gunn
Billy and Brandon hit the ring and exchange punches with DDP and Goldberg. Billy and DDP get out of the ring as Brandon and Goldberg continue to hit each other. Brandon puts the boots to Goldberg until DDP tries to get involved. Brandon has words with DDP as Goldberg spears him! Goldberg tags in DDP. DDP picks up Brandon and body slams him. Meanwhile, Raven comes down from the crowd unnoticed and he attacks Goldberg from behind. He delivers the Raven Effect to him and throws him over the barricade. DDP turns around looking for a tag, but Goldberg isnt there and when he turns around, Brandon is waiting and he kicks him in the gut. Brandon then delivers the Last Stop and covers, 1............2.........3!

Lilian Garcia:Goldberg and Diamond Dallas Page have been eliminated.

JR: Well I have to be honest, I was not expecting that.

The King: Raven got his revenge from earlier on Goldberg.

(Enemie by the Mage Mob hits and the fans boo)

Lilian Garcia: Next, making their way to the ring at a combined weight of 445 pounds, Mr. Bullion and Josh Johnson, Point Blank Range!

The King: Im routing for these guys or Tr3ple J to win.

SCWE Tag Team Turmoil: Brandon and Billy Gunn vs Mr. Bullion and Josh Johnson
Brandon waits for Bullion to get in, but Bullion sends Josh Johnson in. Josh gets in the ring, but is immediately attacked by Brandon. Brandon picks up Johnson and delivers a powerfull Clothesline. He tags in Billy Gunn and they deliver a double suplex. Brandon leaves, and Billy picks up Josh. He goes for a Fameasser, but Josh moves and Billy hits the ground. Josh hits a dropkick to the head of Billy Gunn and he covers, 1.........2......Billy kicks out. Billy gets pissed and he runs at Josh but Josh moves and Billy sends himself out of the ring. Josh then does a moonsault from inside the ring to the outside, knocking Gunn down. Both men get up and Billy blocks a right hand from Josh and takes him down with one of his own. He throws Josh back into the ring, but Josh is waiting for him and delivers a high kick. Josh makes the tag to Mr. Bullion who immediately takes control. He knocks down Gunn with a powerful right hand and follows up with an elbow drop. He covers, 1.........2.........Billy kicks out. Bullion has words with the ref as Gunn tags in Brandon. Bullion turns around right into the Rush from Brandon. Brandon covers, 1..........2.........2.9........Bullion somehow kicks out leaving Gunn and Brandon both shocked. Brandon picks Bullion up again and goes for the Last Stop but Bullion backdrops him. Bullion tags in Josh, who goes up top and hits Brandon with a moonsault. He covers, 1............2...........Brandon kicks out. brandon trips Josh into the ropes and he tags in Gunn once again. Bullion then makes a blind tag to Josh Johnson. Billy takes out Josh with a fameasser and covers, but the ref tells him that Josh isnt the legal man. Gunn turns around, walking right into the Bullion Bulldozer. Josh then dropkicks brandon from the ring apron and the ref counts, 1............2..........Brandon tries to break it up, but doesnt make it in time.....3!

Lilian: Brandon and Billy Gunn have been eliminated.

The King: You gotta admit, that was a big win from Point Blank Range.

JR: Yeah it was. Now it looks like they will be getting the tag title shots tonight.

(Immortal by Adema hits and the crowd boos loudly)

Lilian Garcia: Finally making their way to the ring, at a combined weight of 535 pounds, being accompanied to the ring by Ivory and Jai, the SCWE Tag Team Champions, J and JJ Stallion, 42J!!

The King: With the recent addition of Jai, they are no longer Tr3ple J but 42J.

SCWE Tag Team Championship: J and JJ Stallion vs Mr. Bullion and Josh Johnson
J and JJ take their time getting in the ring. Pissed off, Bullion and Johnson get out and throw them both in the ring and get right to work. Josh puts the boots to Stallion while Bullion does the same to J. Bullion clotheslines J over the ropes and goes to his corner. Josh is in control of Stallion and he whips him off the ropes but Stallion clotheslines him down. JJ then takes out Josh Johnson with multiple running lariats before he tags in J. J picks up Johnson and goes to powerbomb him, but Josh reverses into a head scissors take down. He covers, 1.........2...........J kicks out. Josh dropkicks J back down and finally makes the tag to Mr. Bullion. Bullion is hurting when he gets in the ring and when he goes to pick up J, J takes him out with a right hand. J delivers a German Suplex, and covers 1..........2.......Bullion kicks out. J picks up Bullion and goes for the Olympic Slam, but Bullion tries to clothesline him but instead, J clotheslines him over the ropes. J has words with the ref as ivory and J kick Bullion on the outside, but Bullion stands up and walks towards them as Ivory and Jai back off, but JJ Stallion comes up from behind him and throws him head first into the ring post. He then tosses Bullion back in the ring, and J covers, 1.............2..........Bullion still kicks out as the ladies are shocked. J picks up Bullion and inadvertanly throws him right into the ref! JJ Stallion then hits the ring, but Josh Johnson soon follows and dropkicks JJ out of the ring. Josh Johnson then goes up to ivory and begins to kiss her as Ivory looks completely disgusted, but JJ comes up behind him and hits him with a steel chair. JJ is pissed off and he throws Josh over the barricade and goes to see if Ivory is okay. In the ring Bullion knocks J down but picks him right back up and goes for the Bullion Bulldozer, but J counters and ends up hitting Bullion with the Knockout. He covers, and the ref comes to it, 1............2..........3!

Lilian Garcia: Here are your winners and still SCWE Tag Team Champions....J and JJ Stallion!

JR: When Josh went after Ivory, JJ made sure he paid so he left Bullion alone. Bullion almost had him with the Bullion Bulldozer, but J proved powerful and ended up getting the win in the end. I dont like how they did it, but my hats off to 42J in the end.

The King: I knew one of those teams would win, and 42J did retain in the end.

JR: Well what a night this has been, but time is up, and we'll see you next week. Same place, same time, here on SCWE RAW.

 goes off the air