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RAW : RAW 10/12/04
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/5/2006 4:25 AM


Results 10/12/04 Live From Fresno, California

::Photo's From Last Week are shown::

::RAW opens up with Lillian Garcia singing the National Anthem::

::RAW's Pyro Then Explodes

.::Dark Matches Before RAW::

Sonny Siaki defeated Mr Bullion, Old School, Mankind, and Josh Johnson

Charli Baltimore & Thalia Guerrero defeated Alexis Kim & Lita

Jim Ross: Welcome to Tuesday Night RAW is WAR everybody, I am Jim Ross with Jerry The King Lawler:

Jerry Lawler: Boy o Boy we have a perfect line up for tonight. We crown two number one contenders, The debut of The Rocket and cant forget PUPPIES JR!

Jim Ross: Also we are live in Fresno California

Jerry Lawler: JR, Tonight will not be a happy visit here for some people, Hahaha!

(Basic Thuganomics hits as the crowd cheers)

Lillian: Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 240 Pounds, being accompaned by Brish Ness, and is the European Champion...John Cena!

Jerry Lawler: Look at Brish Ness!

(Wait and bleed hits as the crowd cheers)

Lillian: Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 330 Pounds....Drako!

John Cena vs Drako

Ding Ding Ding! John Cena and Drako circle each other and Drako goes for a clothesline which is ducked by Cena . Cena answers back with a few right hands and sends Drako into the ropes. Cena ducks too early and Drako nails a swinging neckbreaker on Cena followed by a pin 1....2.. kick out by Cena. Drako picks up John Cena and delivers a clubbing shot to the back and supplexes him back down. Drako follows Cena as he backs up into the corner and begins to choke him with his boot and ref begins to count 1...2....3...4.....Drako  breaks the hold. Drako  picks up Cena and whips him into the opposite turnbuckle and charges at him and Cena   moves and Drako goes flying into the turnbuckle chest first and stumbles into a flying  clothesline by Cena. Drako gets to his feet and walks right into a somoan drop by Cena and underhooks the leg for the pin 1..2.. Drako gets the shoulder up. Cena begins to put boots  to Drako when Drako grabs Cena by the trunks and throws him to the outside. Drako slides out of the ring  and makes pursuit of John Cena as he leans against the ring barrier. Drako then clotheslines Cena and sends him back into the ring. Drako sizes up Cena and delivers a elbow drop  into a pin 1..2.. Cena  gets his foot on the rope. Drako argues with the ref  as John Cena gets up  and Drako turns around gets met with a kick to the midsection and John Cena picks Drako up for the FU and nails the FU you on Drako and hooks the leg 1....2....3!

Lillian: Here is your winner....John Cena!

Jim Ross: What another amazing win by John Cena!

Backstage: AJ and Jai are talking

Jai: You know, I feel like a better diva since I started to team up with you

AJ: Hey, what can I say? Im basically the Undisputed Juniorweight Champion. Im better looking that J, and more man then he is..What more could you want?

Jai: Nothing else, these superstars cant even compare to you, Not even Goldberg

AJ: Speaking of Goldberg, Tonight I will show him how much more talented I am, and I will prove myself to all my fans...I will be walking away the number one contender tonight!

Jai: And I will show Shaydawg why she shouldnt mess with AJ's girl!

AJ: Thats right baby, Come on...I think your match is next.

AJ and Jai kiss as the camara goes back to JR and The King

 Jim Ross: What a amazing way to start off RAW. We had John Cena defeat the monster Drako, Next Jai vs Shaydawg is up next and plus many many more!

Jerry Lawler: I know JR. This will be the 2nd of 1st puppies match this evening!

Jim Ross: Gosh King, is that all you think about?! Start focusing on the matches!

(Physical Your So hits as the crowd cheers)

Lillian: Making her way to the ring, being accompaned to the ring by AJ Styles and is the Womens RAWCore Champion....Jai!

Jim Ross: This should be a very exciting match!

Jerry Lawler: You said it JR!

(18 Wheeler hits as the crowd boos)

Lillian: Making her way to the ring....ShayDawg!

Jai vs ShayDawg

Ding Ding Ding! Jai and Shaydawg lock up. Shaydawg gains the upper hand by backing Jai into the corner but Jai reverses and gets Shaydawg in the corner and Jai knee's Shaydawg in the gut and Jai hip tosses Shaydawg out of the corner. Jai then hits a running clothesline knocking Shaydawg down. Jai then picks up Shaydawg and Jai whips Shaydawg off the ropes and Jai puts her head down as Shaydawg stops and Shaydawg then kicks Jai in the face and then in the gut and Shaydawg goes for the Dawgpile  but Jai backdrops Shaydawg. Jai then waits for Shaydawg to get up and Jai hits a chick kick to the ribs of  Shaydawg and pins her 1�?.. Shaydawg get her foot on the rope and AJ Styles come down to the ring and runs around the ring and drops the Juniorweight title down on the ground next to the ring and then jumps on the apron and distracts the ref and Jai goes to the outside of the ring and grabs the juniorweight title and slides into the ring and Shaydawg is starting to get up  and Jai waits and then hits Shaydawg with the title belt and throws it to the outside of the ring and hooks the leg and calls the ref over for the count 1......2.......3!

Lillian: Here is your winner....Jai!

Jim Ross: Jai cheated!

Jerry Lawler: It doesnt matter King, Jai still won! hahahah!

WCW FLASH BACK AIRS, Then RAW goes into commericals

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RAW Comes back from Commericals, Camaras zoom in on AJ and Jai celebrating

AJ: I knew you could do it

Jai: Me to, ShayDawg didnt know what hit her!

AJ: Sooner or later you will be up in the Womens Title...

(Goldberg attacks AJ from behind and hits a Jackhammer on AJ)

Goldberg: Your Next AJ! You aint going no where but home, Boy!

(Goldberg walks away laughing as Jai checks on AJ)

 Jim Ross: That was undispictable of Goldberg!

Jerry Lawler: He was just giving AJ Styles a fair warning King!

Jim Ross: Fair warning nothing! Folks, if your just joining us, We had 2 very good match ups..John Cena beat the monster Drako

Jerry Lawler: And Jai defeated ShayDawg!

(Bawitaba hits as the crowd boos)

Lillian: Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 310 Pounds...J!

(Numb hits as the crowd cheers)

Lillian: Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 340 Pounds...The Cheat!

J vs The Cheat

Ding Ding Ding! Cheat starts the match off with some shots to the midriff of J. J is back against the ropes, Cheat swings him and J bounces off the other rope and Cheat goes for a clothesline, but J hits one first. J starts stomping into the stomach of The Cheat. Cheat grabs J’s foot and slams J to the ground. Cheat goes for the pin�?.1...1.5...J kicks out. Cheat and J get up slowly, J is slamming his elbow into the heart of The Cheat.  J goes up to the top rope and goes for an elbow drop, and hits it. J goes for pin�?1...2.…Cheat kicks out. J pulls The Cheat up and slaps his chest.  J swings Cheat against the ropes and  DDT’s him. J then picks up The Cheat and hit’s the Knock Out. J goes for the pin�?1...2...3

Lillian: Here is your winner...J!

Jerry Lawler: What a quick and easy win for J!

(Backstage: Jai is in AJs lockeroom as AJ is sore, but pissed off)

AJ: Can you believe the nerve of that son of a bitch?

Jai: Calm down, You will get him good tonight!

AJ: No, I wont just get him good, I will decimate him like I have every opponet Ive faced!

(I am hits as the crowd cheers)

Lillian: Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 202 Pounds, being accompaned to the ring by Jai and is the Juniorweight Champion...AJ Styles!

Jim Ross: AJ looks pissed off going into this match up

(Invasion hits as the crowd is mixed)

Lillian: Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 283 Pounds and is the Intercontinental Champion...Goldberg!

AJ Styles vs Goldberg

Ding Ding Ding! Goldberg and Styles lock up. Goldberg   overpowers Styles into the corner. Goldberg than releases the hold and walks back. They than lock up again and this time Styles over powers Goldberg  into the opposite turnbuckle. Styles lets go and walks back. They lock up again and struggle all over the ring until Styles gets an arm lock onto Goldberg and than he yanks on it hard. Goldberg than reverses it into a wrist-lock and he pushes down on Styles’s wrist. Goldberg than trips Style down and allows him to get up freely.Goldberg than clotheslines Styles right back down. Goldberg  than delivers a few hard right hands to Styles’s head. Goldberg gets up and hits Styles with a few boots before picking him up. Goldberg   takes Styles back down with a scoop slam. Goldberg   hits an knee drop to the gut of Styles and than goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Goldberg picks up Styles and throws him into the ropes. Styles comes back and ducks a clothesline he than takes Goldberg   down with a clothesline of his own. Styles picks up Goldberg and hits a right hand than throws him into the ropes and takes him down with a tilt a whirl sidewalk slam. Styles goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Styles helps Goldberg up and hits him wit ha few elbows followed by a throat thrust than another elbow. Styles throws Goldberg into the ropes. Goldberg ducks a clothesline and takes Styles down with a shoulder block. Goldberg than hits an elbow drop onto Styles and than puts Styles into a head lock. Goldberg cranks on Styles head but soon releases it and hits a few fore arm blows to Style’s  head. Goldberg than picks up Styles and hits him with a few tough kicks and than picks him up and drops him hard with a spinebuster. Goldberg goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Goldberg gets up and picks up Styles . Goldberg throws Styles into the turnbuckle and chases after and hits a elbow to Styles  head. Goldberg than climbs the ropes and delivers a ten punch count 1�?�?�?�?�?…Styles   punches Goldberg off of him and than delivers a 10 punches of his own on Goldberg. Styles than delivers a belly to belly suplex which lays both men out and the ref starts the ten count 1�?�?�?…Both men get up and begin to deliver lefts and rights. They lock up and Goldberg over powers Styles into the turnbuckle. Goldberg than unleashes with European uppercuts and elbows to the face of Styles. Goldberg than drives his shoulder into Styles’s  abdomen. Goldberg picks up Styles and puts him on the top turnbuckle. Goldberg than delivers a super-plex to Styles.  Goldberg slowly makes a cover 1�?…kickout! Goldberg picks up Styles and delivers a Press Slam to Styles.  Goldberg  than lays into Styles  with boots to the gut. Goldberg  hooks the leg and goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Goldberg picks up Styles  and throws him into the ropes. Styles  comes back and hits a swinging neckbreaker on Goldberg. Styles  than hits Goldberg with a powerful leg drop and goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Goldberg begins to get up and signal for the Jackhammer but Styles gives him a kick to the gut and Delivers a huge Styles Clash and hooks the leg for the pin 1......2......3!

Lillian: Here is your winner, and number one contender for the World Title....AJ Styles!

Jim Ross: AJ did it! Now hes gonna meet whoever the champ may be at Survivor Series!

SCWE Smackdown Preview is shown, then commericals


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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/5/2006 4:25 AM

(Backstage: Stacy Mason and Vince are seen)

Stacy: I cant believe that little slut beat me last week! She thinks shes big and bad, but I got something she will never get again! This Womens Title

Vince: Thats true.

Stacy: And where does that asshole thinks he can bar you from ringside?! If he does that again, I will give him a piece of my mind!

Vince: I know I know, But I dont think that will happen again Stacy, so no worries there

Stacy: I hope so

(Camaras go back to JR and The King)

 Jim Ross: What a another action packed night we are having here King. We had John Cena, Jai, J, and AJ all win tonight!

Jerry Lawler: And we cant forget about the diva tag team later on tonight!

Lillian: Already in the ring, at a combined weight of 455 Pounds..Dark Matter and Damien Rage!

(Bombshell hits as the crowd is mixed)

Lillian: Making their way to the ring, at a combined weight of 515 Pounds, and are the Tag Team Champions...Bubba Ray and D-Von Dudley!

The Dudley Boyz vs Dark Matter & Damien Rage

Ding Ding Ding! Dark Matter & Damien start off by double teaming The Dudleyz. Damien starts off by whipping Bubba into the corner as Dark Matter starts stomping on D-Von. Damien goes for a splash but Bubba moves and Damien hits the Turnbuckle. Bubba grabs Damien and starts stomping on Damien. Bubba then gives Damien some elbow pies and goes for a pin-1...2...2.3 Bubba gets up and drags Damien to his corner and tags in D-Von. Bubba and D-Von start stomping away at Damien. D-Von gets control of Damien and whips him into the rope but Damien meets D-Von with a DDT. Damien goes for a pin-1..2..Kickout! Damien slowly gets up and goes to his corner but D-Von quickly gets up and pulls Damiens leg out from under him, making him fall face down. D-Von runs to his corner and tags in Bubba. Bubba goes over to Damien and starts stomping on him once again. Bubba picks up Damien and hits the Bubba Cutter on Damien, Bubba goes for a pin-1..2..Dark Matter breaks up the pin. Bubba and Dark Matter start exchanging right hand blows but D-Von gets in the ring and starts attack Dark Matter as well. Bubba connects Dark Matter with a Bubba Cutter. Bubba and D-Von pick up Damien and 3Ds Damien!. Bubba and D-Von pick up Dark Matter and 3D him too. Bubba looks around and pushes D-Von. Bubba yells D-VON!!! GET THE TABLES!!! D-Von slides out of the ring and gets 2 tables. D-Von slides in the 2 tables and gets back in the ring. D-Von gets Damien Rage and signals Bubba for the WAZUP Headbutt. Bubba gets on the top turnbuckle and hits the WAZUP Headbutt. Bubba grabs Dark Matter and tells D-Von to get on the top rope. D-Von gets on the top rope and connects Dark Matter with a WAZUP Headbutt. Bubba pins Damien-1.......2......3!

Lillian: Here are your winners...The Dudley Boyz!

Bubba sets up a table. Bubba and D-Von pick up Damien Rage and 3D him through the table. Bubba and D-Von set up the other table and 3D Dark Matter through it, then head backstage laughing

Jim Ross: That was uncalled for King!

Camaras show The Rocket heading to the ring

Jim Ross: The Rocket makes his debut next!

Footage is shown of The Rockets last match then the scene comes back to the ring.

(Take whats mine hits as the crowd cheers)

Lillian: Making his way to the ring, Weighing in at 220 Pounds and is the RAWCore Champion....Coach T!

(Sinner hits as the crowd erupts)

Lillian: Making his RAW Debut, weighing in at 255 Pounds...The Rocket!

Coach T vs The Rocket

Ding Ding Ding! The Match started out with Coach T and the Rocket looking at each other; finally Coach T shoves the rocket on the ground.  The rocket got up but Coach T kicked him back down and started to kick at the rocket some more.  Then Coach T picked up the rocket and did a DDT.  Coach covered the rocket. 1�?.2�?Rocket kicked out.  Coach T picked up the rocket again and was about to body slam him, but rocket reverse it and did a DDT on coach T.  Rocket picked up coach t and thru him against the ropes and did a clothesline on him.  Then smirked at him and taunted the coach to get up, the coach slowly got up and when he did, Rocket was going to put the Blast off on him, but coach T kicked rocket in the stomach and went from behind and did 3 German suplex.  Then pin rocket. 1�?2�?. Rocket reverses the pin and did a pin on coach T, 1�?.. Coach got out of it quickly.  Coach T then picked up the rocket and thru him against the ropes, but when the rocket came back, he ducked coach t and came back flying off the rope with a clothesline.  Rocket, then picked up Coach T and delivered the Shut Down.  He proceeded to pin coach T. 1…�?�? Coach T barely gets out.  Rocket started to smell the end coming, so he looked at the crowd and waited for coach T to slowly get up.  As coach t was getting up, he turn around and saw rocket coming for a spear. But coach T moved and thru rocket into the corner post.  Rocket feels to the ground.  Coach T hurry up and got to the top corner turnbuckle and saluted the crowd as he was about to do the Play Call, but when he came down, Rocket moved and all of a sudden rocket got a second boost of energy,  This time, when coach T got up, he turn around and rocket speared him.  The rocket then picked up coach t thru him against the ropes and when Coach T came back, the Rocket put the Blast off on him.  Rocket pins him. 1�?.2…�?3

Lillian: Here is your winner....The Rocket!!

Jerry Lawler: What a amazing win by The Rocket

Jim Ross: Coach T gave his damnest...He is the true winner. Folks  we will be right back after these commerical breaks!


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Promo for Brish Ness/Scarlett vs Stacy Mason/Trish Morris

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/5/2006 4:26 AM

RAW Comes back with JR and The King

  Jim Ross: King, Tonight has been another action packed RAW. We are done to 2 more matches.

Jerry Lawler: Im looking forward to the main event JR!

(Assman hits as the crowd cheers)

Lillian: Making their way to the ring, at a combined weight of 411 Pounds...Billy Gunn and Rey Mysterio!

Jim Ross: I have a feeling that they will be the number one contenders for the Tag Team titles!

(My Band hits as the crowd continues cheering)

Lillian: Making their way to the ring, at a combined weight of 450 Pounds....Eminem and Sean Cameron

Billy Gunn & Rey Mysterio vs Eminem & Sean Cameron

Ding Ding Ding! Eminem & Billy start off the match. They lock up and Billy gets Eminem in a Sleeper hold but he breaks it off and throws Eminem off the ropes and follows up with a Shoulder take down. Billy stays in control with an armbar but Eminem quickly escapes that and delivers  a dropkick to Gunn and he makes the tag to Sean Cameron. Sean quickly hits the ring and begins to stomp a mudhole in Gunn and Gunn falls from the ring. Sean attempts a Suicide dive but Gunn moves at the last second and Sean hits the floor. Both have trouble getting up but Gunn is first to his feet and throws Cameron back in the ring before the 10 is counted. Gunn delivers a Piledriver to Cameron before tagging in Mysterio. Mysterio jumps into the ring and follows with a Quick Moonsault. He makes the first cover 1--------------2--------Cameron kicks out. Rey jumps onto the ropes and waits for Cameron to get up, and when he does Rey launches himself off the ropes with a Missle Dropkick knocking Cameron right into Eminem who falls from ringside. Mysterio picks him up and begins the 10 punches. With the crowd, 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10! Cameron falls onto the ground and Rey is about to cover, but Eminem who has gotten back up knocks Mysterio down. This causes Gunn to go after Eminem on the outside. He pulls him off the ring apron and delivers a Chop to his chest followed by the Fameasser!! Inside the ring Rey & Sean Cameron are both getting up and Sean is first. He picks up Rey and delivers a Poweslam and he covers Rey 1----------2------Rey kicks out. Rey trips Cameron into the turnbuckle and he is trying to make the tag to Gunn, but right before he can Sean pulls him away. The ref goes over to check on Eminem who is still down, and Sean Cameron goes for a Powerbomb but Rey Mysterio counters into a Head Scissors! He makes the tag to Gunn but the ref does not see it. Gunn begins to open up on Cameron and catches him with a Rock-Bottom like move. Then suddenly, the Dudley Boys appear at the top of the entrance way. They walk slowly down to the ring as Gunn delivers a Piledriver to Cameron. Gunn sees them and they get in the ring and he starts to fight back but he cant overpower them so D-Von knocks him down and they clear him from the ring. Mysterio climbs up top and goes for a flying Crossbody but he jumps right into D-Von's arms. D-Von lifts him up and Bubba follows with the 3d!! The Dudleys leave the ring and escape through the crowd. Earl Hebner turns around as Sean Cameron is crawling over and drapes an arm over Mysterio. Hebner makes the count, 1---------2------3.

Lillian: Here are your winners and Number One Contenders for the Tag Team Titles...Eminem and Sean Cameron!

Jim Ross: Why did the Dudleyz help out Eminem and Sean Cameron??

BackStage: Brish Ness is shown putting on her gear when Scarlett walks up

Scarlett: Hey Girl

Brish Ness: Hey, you ready to teach Stacy Mason another lesson tonight?

Scarlett: Oh you know it, I got that bitchs number girl!

Brish Ness: I wanna piece of her too, and whats her name

Scarlett: Hahaha, settle down sweetie, just wait for another few minutes

Brish Ness: Ok ok, You know after we win our titles back...we could go for the Tag Team titles maybe?

Scarlett: Hmmm, Well let me beat that bitch up 1st, but that sounds like a good idea

Brish Ness and Scarlett smile then are shown leaving their lockerooms

Another part backstage, Em and Sean are shown celebrating

Eminem: Hey man, I cant believe it. We will face The Dudleyz at Badd Blood! Man!

Sean: Believe it man. It wont be long til we hold some gold now

The Dudleyz walk over to Sean and Em

Bubba Ray: Hey, On behalf of D-Von and Me, We just wanna congradulate you and wish you the best of luck at Bad Blood.

Bubba Ray extends his hand and Em starts to shake it but D-Von attacks Sean and Bubba decks out Em with a right hand blow

D-Von: You aint gonna beat us you jobbers! Hahahah!

Bubba Ray and D-Von walk away laughing

Jim Ross: What a bad act by The Dudleyz!

Footage of Scarlett pinning Stacy Mason is aired, then it goes back to RAW Arena

(Foxy Lady hits as the crowd is mixed)

Lillian: Making their way to the ring, The team of Brish Ness and Scarlett

Jerry Lawler: Puppies JR! Puppies!

(Everybodys fool hits as the crowd boos)

Lillian: Making her way to the ring,Being acompaned to the ring by Vince Russo, she is the Womens Champion...Stacy Mason!

Jerry Lawler: More puppies!

(Did my time hits as the crowd boos)

Lillian: Making her way to the ring....Trish Morris!

Scarlett & Brish Ness vs Stacy Mason & Trish Morris

Ding Ding Ding: Brish Ness and Trish start bad mouthing each other....

Shoot To Thrill hits as Brandon comes out and all 4 ladies look up at the ramp

Brandon: I remember last time Vince was out her...He cost Scarlett her match. Now that isnt going to happen again you see. I am a retired wrestler, so that means...I will be in Scarlett and Brish Ness's corner. Now things will be fair Brish Ness and Trish start bad mouthing each other again when Brish Ness slaps Trish. Brish Ness and Trish start exchanging slaps. Brish Ness whips Trish into the ropes but Trish holds on to them. Trish quickly runs at Brish Ness but Brish Ness ducks and Trish runs into the ropes, knocking her down. Brish Ness starts kicking Trish and yells at her. Brish Ness tags in Scarlett and they both start double teaming Trish. Scarlett looks at Stacy and lets her know that her days are numbered. Scarlett picks up Trish and throws her into a corner. Scarlett starts choking Trish but the ref tells her to back off. Scarlett looks at Stacy again and laughs at her. Vince goes to the end of the ring and tries to get Scarletts attention but Brandon walks over there and Vince goes back to his side. Scarlett goes and tags in Brish Ness. Brish Ness goes and picks up Trish but Trish starts slapping Brish Ness and pushes her to the corner. Trish goes and tags in Stacy Mason. Stacy starts choking Brish Ness but Scarlett comes and attacks her from behind. Vince starts to get in the ring but Brandon stops him and tells Vince to go back to his corner. Scarlett starts kicking Stacy but Trish attacks Scarlett from behind and whips her into the corner. Trish goes for a splash and connects it. Stacy gets up and goes over to Scarlett and rolls her on her back. Stacy climbs the top rope and signals for the Broken Dreams but Brish Ness quickly runs and knocks Stacy off the top rope and starts kicking her. The ref tells Brish Ness to back off Stacy and orders Trish and Scarlett back to their corners. Brish Ness lifts up Stacy and hits the fameasser on her. Brish Ness goes for a pin-1.....2.....Kickout. Brish Ness gets up and picks up Stacy and sets her up for the Brish Bomb but Stacy counters into a DDT. Stacy pins Brish Ness-1....2....Kickout. Stacy gets up and points at Scarlett. Stacy rolls Brish Ness on her stomach and hits the Sleeping Beauty. Brish Ness crawls over to the rope but Stacy drags Brish Ness to the middle of the ring....Brish Ness raises her hand but Scarlett kicks Stacy in the face. Scarlett starts stomping on Stacy and then starts stalking Stacy. Scarlett gets into a corner but Vince grabs her leg. Brandon goes over and gives Vince The Rush. Scarlett laughs at Vince but Trish goes over and whips her into the ropes. Trish sets up Scarlett for the Stratusfaction but Scarlett counters into a DDT. The ref tells both Trish and Scarlett to get back into their corners again. Stacy goes in and tags Trish and they start stomping a mudhole into Brish Ness. Trish picks up Brish Ness and whips her into a corner but Brish Ness counters and whips Trish into the corner. Brish Ness goes and tags Scarlett. Scarlett runs over to Trish and starts slapping her then starts to choke her. The ref tells Scarlett to quit as he starts counting-1..2..3..4..Scarlett lets go of Trish. Scarlett points at Stacy again and laughs at her. Scarlett picks up Trish and connects Trish with the Scarlett Kiss. Stacy looks at Vince who is laying on the ground holding his stomach but as soon as she looks at Scarlett, Scarlett quickly runs over and knocks her off the apron. Brish Ness gets in and picks up Trish and gives her the fameasser. Brish Ness goes over and makes sure the coast is clear as Scarlett pins Trish-1..................2.....................3!!

Lillian: Here are your winners, Scarlett and Brish Ness!!

Jerry Lawler: What a team JR! What a team!

Jim Ross: Folks, It has been a action filled night! Please join us again next week. For The King, I am Jim Ross...Goodnight everybody!