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RAW : RAW 1 Night Only 5/5/05
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/10/2006 10:17 PM

05-05-05 SCWE RAW Results

(Lillian starts off RAW by singing the National Anthem, then the pryos go off) 

(The Crowd is roaring as the camaras zoom in on JR and The King)

 JR: King, dont it feel great to be back on SCWE RAW? Its like Old Times again

King: Oh yeah JR, Who would have thought that we would be working for Brandon again for 1 more night?! Hahaha

JR: Folks, we have a very actioned packed RAW to present to you. We have AJ Styles, John Cena, and Raven taking on each other in a Tables, Ladders and Chairs match. We also have a Flash Backs of Old RAW Footage tonight and Brandon takes on Billy Gunn in a NO DQ Match and I have just been informed that there is no rules for any of the matches tonight

King: No rules? I bet that will be a "slobber knocker" but you cant forget about Matt Matlock taking on JJ Stallion, Jerome Morris vs Coach T,and we will be seeing puppies JR! Stacy Mason vs Scarlett in a Bra and Panties Match! I want to be the ref in that!

(American Made hits the PA system as Brandon comes walking down the ramp)

Lillian: Please welcome to the ring...He is the SCWE RAW General Manager and the WCW United States Champion...."The Badass American" Brandon Davis!

(Brandon slides in the ring and grabs a mic then poses)

JR:Looks like we will be hearing a few words for our General Manager

Brandon: How is all the people in the ATL doing tonight?!(crowd pops) Thats good to hear. Man it feels great being back here on RAW, dont get me wrong, WCW is kickass but this is my old proving grounds! this is where I made my debut and this where memories were held. I will promise each and every one of you one hell of a show and that this RAW will be the most talked about for years to come! Now with that said..

(Chop Suey hits the PA system as Billy Gunn comes down the ramp and gets in the ring. Billy stares at Brandon and then gets a mic)

Billy: Hello Brandon, Are you ready to get your ass handed to you?

(Brandon looks at the crowd, then at Billy and speaks)

Brandon: What?!

Billy: I said, are you ready..

Brandon: What?!

(Brandon laughs at Billy when Billy gets in Brandons face)

Billy: Dont you ever do that again!

(Brandon steps back and looks at Billy)

Brandon: I see why they call you Mr Ass...Your breath really smells like Ass

(Billy gets mad and then slaps Brandon across the face. Brandon looks at the crowd then slowly turns his head to look at Billy)

Brandon: Is that all you got?!

(Brandon begins to open up on Billy and delivers a big right hand and laughs at Billy while hes down on the mat)

Brandon: Ring the damn bell!

Match 1: Brandon Davis vs Billy Gunn..No DQ

Ding Ding Ding! Brandon starts off the match by giving the boots to Billy Gunn. Brandon helps up Billy Gunn and then whips him to the ropes. Billy counters with a clothesline to Brandon. Billy pins Brandon-1..2..kickout. Billy returns the favor and gives Brandon the boots. Billy lets up and slaps Brandon in the back of the head. Billy slides out of the ring and gets a chair. Billy slides in the ring abd bangs the chair against the mat. Billy stalks Brandon while he gets up. Brandon gets up and turns around but quickly ducks when Billy swings the chair. Brandon kicks Billy in the groin, making Billy fall down. Brandon rolls Billy on his back and starts giving him right and left handers. Brandon lets up and lifts up Billy. Brandon throws Billy into the corner. Brandon then runs at Billy, squashing him in the corner. Brandon then taunts the crowd and sees the chair. Brandon picks up the chair and looks at it. Brandon sees that Billy is on his hands and knees. Brandon then takes the chair and hits Billy in the back with it. Brandon drops the chair and pins Billy-1...2...kickout! Brandon looks at the ref and the ref says it was a 2. Brandon gets up and picks up Billy again. Brandon delivers a combo to Billy, knocking him down again. Brandon gets in the corner and waits for Billy to get up. Billy slowly starts to get up and makes it to his feet, Billy turns around and goes for The Rush but Billy moves and quickly trips Brandon. Billy laughs at Brandon when Brandon quickly gets up and gets in Billys face. Brandon starts delivering some chops to Billy, sending him to the turnbuckle, but Billy counters the last one and gives Brandon a few chops of his own. Billy quickly kicks Brandon in the stomach and goes for the fame-ass-er but Brandon counters and sends Billy flying into the air. Brandon laughs at Billy who looks shocked. Billy gets up and locks up with Brandon, but Brandon is able to overpower Billy and pushes him down to the mat. Brandon starts giving the boots to Billy and pins him-1...2...kickout. Brandon gets mad and goes outside and gets a trash can lid. Brandon slides back in the ring and stands Billy up. Brandon flips off Billy and is about to hit Billy with the trashcan lid but Billy counters and kicks Brandon in the stomach and hits the fame-ass-er. Billy pins Brandon-1...2...

(Footage is shown on the titantron)

Billy starts kicking Raven. Billy gets a chair and waits for Raven to get up, Raven gets up and Billy swings the chair but Raven ducks. Raven calls for a Evendflow DDT when Chris Corruptions music hits and Chris walks slowly down the ramp. Raven looks up at Chris as Billy rolls up Raven-1....2....3!

Lillian: Here is your winner and NEW World Heavyweight Champion...Billy Gunn!

Brandon: Raven, I seen how Billy Gunn basically stole that Victory...So lets say you have a rematch....RIGHT NOW!

(Brandon fades off the tron as Raven smiles)

Raven looks at Billy. Raven stands Billy up and yells at him. Raven then delivers a right hand blow to Billy. Raven starts kicking Billy. Raven gets a chair and throws it next to Billy. Raven picks up Billy and hits a Evenflow DDT on the chair..Raven pins Billy-1....2....3!

Lillian: Here is your winner and NEW World Heavyweight Champion...Raven!

(footage ends)

Billy looks up at the titantron with a pissed off look. Billy then turns around and looks at Brandon who is standing up. Billy swings at Brandon and connects. Brandon looks at Billy and points his finger at Billy. Billy goes for another shot but Brandon blocks Billy and gives him a right hander. Brandon then flips off Billy and delivers The Extreme Shudder. Brandon pins Billy-1.....2....3!

Lillian: Here is your winner..."The Badass American" Brandon Davis!

King: Billy would have beaten Brandon if that flashback didnt come on!

JR: That wasnt supossed to have came on yet, but congradulations to Brandon for picking up the win over Billy Gunn

King: Billy was cheated! Rematch!

JR: Oh King! Well folks, coming up next is Coach T vs Jerome Morris.

Backstage: Brandon is shown walking around with his US title around his shoulder then sees Coach T getting ready for his match up.

Brandon: Hello Coach T, Long time no talk

Coach T: Oh hey Brandon, Nice match by the way

Brandon: Thanks, I would wish you luck but you dont need it. Youre facing Jerome Morris, he is easy to beat. Hes my bitch over on WCW and hes basically yours too.

Coach T: I dont look at it that way Brandon, I just look at it as a win

Brandon: Whatever you want to do, Im just telling you the truth

(Brandon walks away from Coach T as Coach T has a puzzled look on his face, then camaras go back on JR and The King)

JR: King we have already have a great night so far and theres still 4 matches left to go.

King: I only care about one of those and thats Scarlett and Stacy Mason!

(See you in the future hits the PA as the crowd cheers)

Lillian: Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 230 Pounds..Coach T!

JR: This should be a good match, Jerome Morris and Coach T has had alot of history and maybe they can settle it once and for all.

(Wake Up hits the PA as the arena fills up with boos)

Lillian: Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 195 Pounds, he is the WCW Television Champion...Jerome Morris!

King: Jerome will beat Coach T and end it all

Match 2: Coach T vs Jerome Morris...No Holds Barred

Ding Ding Ding! Coach T and Jerome Morris start off the match by staring down each other. Jerome tells Coach T that he is Jerome F'in Morris. Coach T laughs and then charges at him. Coach T knocks down Jerome and starts giving him the boots, then Coach T lifts up Jerome and whips him to the corner. Coach T runs at Jerome but is met by Jeromes boot. Jerome spins Coach T around and knees him in the stomach. Jerome knees Coach T in the stomach once more then shoves him down. Jerome then slaps Coach T in the back of the head, laughing at him. Coach T is grabbing his stomach as Jerome pins him-1...2...kickout. Jerome looks at the ref but the ref tell Jerome thats a 2 count. Jerome lifts up Coach T and starts delivering chops to him, but Coach T gives Jerome a few chops of his own, sending Jerome into the corner. Coach T starts delievering right and left handers to Jerome. Coach T lets off and then splashes Jerome. Jerome falls down then Coach T slaps him in the back of the head. Coach T goes for a pin-1...2...kickout. Coach T gets back up and kicks Jerome again. Jerome slowly gets up and gets on his feet. Jerome turns around and faces Coach T. Coach T goes for a whip but Jerome counters it and sends Coach T flying towards the ropes. Coach T bounces off the ropes and Jerome meets Coach T with a clothesline. Jerome gets on top of Coach T and starts giving him right and left handers. Jerome then pins Coach T-1...2...kickout. Jerome gets pissed and pins Coach T again-1...2..kickout. Jerome then gets up and slides out of the ring, walking around it. Jerome gets the TV title from Lillian and gets back in the ring. Coach T is getting to his feet and turns around to face Jerome and Jerome hits Coach T with the TV Title. Jerome orders the ref to count as Jerome pins Coach T-1...2...

(I predict a riot hits the PA as the crowd is shocked)

Jerome breaks the pin and gets up looking at the ramp. Jerome glares at the ramp. Jamie Gunz sneaks in through the crowd and gets in the ring. Jamie is waiting for Jerome to turn around. Jerome turns around and sees Jamie. Jamie and Jerome start exchanging right and left hand blows but Jamie gets the best of Jerome and knocks him down. Jamie helps up Jerome and sets him up for the Last Breath. Jamie hits the Last Breath on Jerome. Jamie leaves the ring and backs up the ramp as Coach T crawls over to Jerome and pins him-1....2....3!

Lillian: Here is your winner....Coach T!

JR: Hats off to Coach T for a big win

King: He only won because of Jamie Gunz making a surprise visit to RAW

JR: A win is a win King

King: Well..

JR: Folks we are going to take our 1st commerical break, but before we do, there is going to be a RAW Flashback, so dont touch that dial

RAW Flashback 2: 6/1/04

Lance pulls him to the center of the ring and tries for another Boston Crab, but Brandon kicks him away and sets him up in perfect position for The Last Stop. He brings Lance up, but Lance counters in mid air into a pinfall, 1....2.....kickout by Brandon. Lance tries again for a Superkick, but Brandon ducks and catches Lance with a Fameasser. Both superstars are laid out and the ref begins the 10 count. At around 6 they both begin to get up and Brandon opens up on Lance and throws him off the ropes. He catches him in position for the Last Stop and lifts him up and lands it perfectly. Brandon crawls over to make the cover 1.......2.......3.

Lilian: Your Winner and still European Champion, Brandon!

King: WHAT? No, this cant be happening.

JR: It just did, Brandon is still the champ. Good match and good win by Brandon.

King: Lance should get a rematch!


Lime Coke


Pizza Hut



WCW Nitro Preview

(RAW comes back on the air and camaras zoom in backstage as Brandon is talking to Scarlett)

Brandon: Feels like old times dont it?

Scarlett: Yep, I kind of missed RAW

Brandon: This has been one hell of a fun night

Scarlett: I seen what you did to Billy Gunn, funny stuff

Brandon: Yeah, well he is a jackass. Now I dont want him to be bitching to everyone in the Nitro lockeroom next week

Scarlett: Hes just a loser

Brandon: Yep, once a loser always one

Scarlett: Haha

(A Stage hand comes up to Brandon)

Stage Hand: Excuse me sir, A fight has broken out

Brandon: Ok, Scarlett, Ill catch you later and good luck with your match

Scarlett: Ok and Thanks

(Brandon follows the Stagehand to where Jerome and Jamie are brawling it out, then Brandon seperates them)

Brandon: What the hell do you think you 2 are doing?! This is a special night and we dont need this tonight.

(Jamie and Jerome dont adknowledge Brandon and start to fight as the stagehands are seperating them)

Brandon: Damn it, I am the boss here tonight so you know what..Get them out of my arena, they can settle it back on WCW but not here tonight, get them out of here

(Security escorts Jerome and Jamie out of Brandons sight as the camaras go back on JR and The King)

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 10:18 PM

 JR: This is turning out to be a RAW that I think no one will ever forget about.

King: You said it.

JR: Folks if you are just now joing us, This is not Smackdown, This is in fact RAW and we have already had 2 big matches and a surprise visit from Jamie Gunz

King: I want to see puppies!

(Everybodies fool hits the PA as the crowd cheers)

Lillian: Making her way to the ring, she is the queen of RAWCore...Stacy Mason!

King: Yes! about time!

(Foxy Lady hits the PA system as the crowd continues to cheer)

Lillian: Making her way to the ring...Scarlett!

King: Puppies JR, Puppies!

Match 3: Scarlett vs Stacy Mason...Bra and Panties

Ding Ding Ding! Both ladies stare at each other, then Stacy extends her hand for a hand shake. Scarlett shakes Stacys hand then Stacy pulls her close and attacks her and tries to get her shirt off. Scarlett slaps Stacy and fixes her shirt. Stacy attacks Scarlett from behind and gives kicks her. Stacy takes a deep breath and then starts wailing on Scarlett again. Stacy tries to take Scarletts pants off but Scarlett fights back and resists. Scarlett manages to get off her back and kicks Stacy off her. Scarlett gets up quickly whips her to the ropes. Stacy bounces off the ropes and Scarlett clotheslines her. Scarlett then does goes to take off Stacys Shirt. Scarlett manages to get Stacys shirt off and tosses it to the crowd. Stacy quickly gets up and charges at Scarlett, knocking her down. Stacy starts to choke Scarlett and then slaps her across the face. Stacy tries to take off Scarletts pants again. Stacy barely manages to get off Scarletts pants. Scarlett gets up and quickly delivers a chop to Stacy, Scarlett keeps deliverings chops to Stacy, slowly sending her into the corner. Scarlett then asks Stacy if she thinks hes better then her then slaps her across the face. Scarlett turns around and taunts the crowd but Stacy pushes Scarlett down. Stacy goes to take off Scarletts shirt but Scarlett fights back and gets up. Stacy gets up fast too and slaps Scarlett, Scarlett gets mad and slaps Stacy back. Stacy shakes it off and goes to hit Scarlett again but Scarlett catches her fist and spins her around. Scarlett the whips Stacy to the ropes and Stacy bounces off them. Scarlett gives Stacy a Scarlett Kiss. Scarlett starts to undo Stacys pants and pulls them off Stacy

Lillian: Here is your winner...Scarlett

King: Now my night is complete JR, I seen puppies

JR: DOnt forget King, theres 2 more matches left on this 1 night return

King: Thats right, We have still have Matlock taking on JJ Stallion and a big main event...The TLC match

JR: Folks its time for a few flash backs of RAW, so we hope you enjoy them.

RAW Flashback 3: 11/3/03

Angle then hits the Angle Slam on Steiner as he gets up & covers Steiner for a 1---2-----2.9999-Bischoff then opens up his coat to reveal an nWo Shirt as Angle can't believe it.  Angle chases Bisch around the ring but Lacy delivers a lead pipe shot to Angle's face busting Angle open as Angle is knocked out. Steiner picks up Angle & delivers The Freakliner & then locks in the Steiner Recliner as Bischoff raises & drops Angle's arm for the 1st time, then the 2nd time, and finally the 3rd time. Steiner breaks the hold as Lacy gets Spary Paint & Eric Bischoff spray paints nWo on the back of Kurt Angle.

Lillian: Your winner and New SCWE World Champion, Scott Steiner!!

Coach: Our Boss Just Set Up Kurt Angle and  Cost him the World Title

RAW Flashback 4: 3/18/04

Bullion knocks Maven down witth a big boot, Then Lifts Mevn over his sholder and quickly connects with the Bullion bulldozer, then bullion slowly covers  1 - 2 - 2.999 Mavn gets the sholder up!  Bullion goes outside the ring and grabbs the IC Title,  Bullion gets back in the ring and Maven up and Bullion wacks maven into another century with the belt, Bullion covers 1 - 2 - 2.9999 Maven gets his foot on the rope , bullion gets up in shock and picks maven up but maven low blows bullion and maven Goes to the top rope and connects with the block buster right onto the IC Title, The cover 1 - 2 - 3!

Lillian: Your winner and New Intercontinental Champion, Maven

JR: Maven's ability to beat Mr Bullion has once agains occured

King: I can't believe it and I don't think Mr Bullion can either



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SCWE Smackdown Preview

(RAW comes back on the air and the camaras focus on JR and The King)

JR: Welcome back folks to the 1 night RAW. We have had a wild night, Our GM Brandon defeated Billy Gunn, Coach T defeated Jerome Morris..

King: And Scarlett won the pra and panties match! what a night!

(Getting Away With Murder hits the PA as the crowd boos)

Lillian: Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 225 Pounds...Please welcome Matt Matlock!

King: Right there is your winner JR

JR: I beg to differ, I believe JJ Stallion will pull this one off

(Metalingus hits the PA as the crowd cheers)

Lillian: Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 250 Pounds, Please welcome JJ Stallion

JR: JJ Stallion is a former SCWE Tag Champion and a former Intercontinental Champion, Matlock has nothing on JJ

King: We'll see JR!

Match 4: Matt Matlock vs JJ Stallion...I quit match

Ding Ding Ding! The bell rings as Matlock and JJ lock up. Matlock catches JJ in a headlock but JJ battles his way out and throws Matlock off the ropes and kicks him in the gut. He goes for a DDT but Matlock reverses into a German suplex. He picks JJ up and delivers an Orange Crush Drop. Then he leaves the ring and grabs a trash can under the ring. He gets back into the ring and throws the Trash Can down. He lifts JJ high up in the air and is about to drop him when AJ delivers a hurricanranna to him. JJ quickly grabs the trashcan and nails Matlock with it. He does a few more shots for good measure and then grabs the microphone. He puts it up to Matlock's mouth but Matlock says nothing. JJ goes over and grabs the trash can again giving Matlock time to get up. As JJ turns around, Matlock kicks it back into his face. He then picks up JJ by the hair and drags him up the ramp. On top of the ramp Matlock powerslams JJ down. He grabs the microphone and holds it up to JJ but there is nothing. Matlock picks JJ up and he is about to drop him off the ramp down to the floor below but JJ battles out of it and trips Matlock down. He picks Matlock up and calls for the J-Crush but Matlock low blows him. Matlock once again picks JJ up by the hair and drags him into the backstage area. Matlock throws JJ right into one of the camera men as the screen goes blank for a minute but comes back and Matlock is standing on the top of a ladder. He goes for a move like the money shot but at the last minute JJ leaves and Matlock hits the concrete ground. This gives JJ a chance to recover as he helps himself up using the boxes. He finally catches his breathe and goes over to matlock. He picks him up and delivers the J-Crush onto him. He grabs the microphone and gets nothing. he picks Matlock up and delivers another J-Crush. He grabs the mic again and holds it up to him and then very softly Matlock says "I quit" as the ref raises JJ's hand in victory.

Lillian: Here is your winner...JJ Stallion!

JR: I told you he would do it King

King: JJ Stallion just got lucky, thats all

JR: Well folks we are down to 1 more match but before we go to them, We are going to have a RAW Flashback

RAW Flashback 5: 8/3/04

Goldberg into the ring and hits a 3 handed cadenza on Goldberg. DDP than comes into the ring and clotheslines Mikey G over the top rope. They than begin to battle it out. DDP hits an eye rake and goes for the Diamond Cutter but Mikey pushes DDP into the stel pole. Mikey than finds a pair of handcuffs and handcuffs DDP to the pole. Mikey than exits throught the crowd. Taker and Goldberg are in the ring exchanging punches. Goldberg pokes Takers eyes and than bench presses Taker over his head and drops him. Goldberg than calls for a spear as Taker slowly gets up and turns around. Goldberg than meets him with a spear and Goldberg jumps up and spits into the crowd. Goldberg than picks Taker up and puts Taker into the casket. Goldberg walks away taunting the crowd. He turns around and walks back to the casket and goes to close it. Takers arm holds the casket door. Goldberg than goes to punch Taker but Taker grabs him by the throat. Taker gets up and than chokeslams Goldberg into the casket! Taker goes to close it but decides not to. Taker picks Goldberg up and than brings him back into the ring and tombstones him in the middle of it. Taker than puts goldberg back into the Casket and shuts the door!

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner...and still the SCWE World Champion!!! The Undertaker!!!

Jim Ross: What a match that was. The Undertaker has done it and he is still the SCWE World Champion!

RAW Flashback 6: 7-6-04

Coach T is getting fed up and grabs Rico and hits three german suplexes and they are both down as the ref counts 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..they both get up. Rico gets up a little earlier so he gets up on the top rope and Coach T than stands up and Rico hits a hurricarana onto Coach T and hes knocked out as Rico gets down and kisses him and pins 1..2..3.

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner! And advancing to round 2 of the SCWE Juniorweight tournament... Rico!!!

Jim Ross: Rico picked up one of the freakiest wins ever.

JR: Folks dont go anywhere because we are going to be taking a final commerical break before the main even so stay tuned!


Dr Pepper

Dell Computer



SCWE RAW 1 Night Only Recap

(RAW comes back on the air when the arena gets quiet and Lillian announces the match)

Lillian: Ladies and Gentlemen, The following is our main event for the evening. It is a 3 way TLC match

(I Am hits the PA as the crowd cheers)

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring...Weighing in at 202 Pounds, he is AJ Styles

JR: AJ Styles has been successful on RAW and I bet that he will be the winner tonight

(My Time is now hits as the crowd continues to cheer)

Lillian: Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 240 Pounds...He is John Cena

King: John Cena is going to lose tonight

JR: John Cena has been pretty successful on RAW also and may pick up the win also

(Man in the box hits the PA as the crowd boos)

Lillian: Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 237 Pounds..He is the Hardcore Legend...Raven!

King: That is the man right there that is going to win

Match 5: AJ Styles vs John Cena vs Raven...TLC Match

The three men wait for the bell to ring, when it does they start to circle each other each glancing to the outside of the ring at the three ladders, three tables and three chairs. Each man slides out of the ring and grabs an object and slides back into the ring. John Cena holds a ladder, Raven has a table and AJ Styles has a chair. John Cena places the ladder in one of the turnbuckles then he and AJ walk closer to Raven, Raven swings the table at AJ but he dodges it, John Cena kicks Raven in the gut, John pushes Raven into the turnbuckle and starts hitting some stiff rights and lefts to ravens stomach and chest area. While Raven and cena are distracted AJ sets up the table raven had brought into the ring. AJ climbs onto the table, he jumps off doing some sort of a turnbuckle splash on both Cena and Raven. Cena falls down and shortly after Raven falls down, his head landing right between Cena's legs, headbutting Cena's 'sensitive' area. AJ laughs at Cena who holds himself as he rolls around the ring in pain.

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 10:18 PM

AJ turns around and raises his arms to the crowd, Raven gets up and runs at AJ and hits a clothesline to the back of AJ head and neck. Raven starts stomping on AJ with his right foot. Raven pulls AJ so he is in a sitting position, Raven then locks in a tight octopus stretch. AJ starts getting the crowd behind him and starts getting to his feet but Raven lifts AJ off the floor and slams him down in a bubba bomb type move, Raven continues the tight octopus stretch on Styles. John Cena gets up and runs over to Raven and hits a snapmere on him. John locks in a sleeper hold on Raven. AJ styles gets up now and grabs the steel chair from before and smashes it over the back of John Cena. Cena rolls out of the ring holding is back, AJ throws the chair down and grabs a hold of Raven's head and helps him up, AJ hits some chops to AJ's chest, with every shot the crowd cheer 'woooo'. Straight after the chops AJ starts kicking the sides of Raven, AJ then jumps up and hits a beautiful Hurricanrana on Raven. AJ looks outside and see's John Cena just getting up, AJ Styles runs towards the ropes and uses the to bounce off with a shooting star press from the ring to John Cena on the floor. Raven is now up, he slides out the ring and grabs a metal sign from under the ring. AJ gets up and receives a shot to the head from the metal sign post. Raven throws the sign down and grabs an iron from under the ring, Raven turns around and smashes the iron over John Cena's head. Cena's head is cut open as Raven rolls him into the ring. Raven covers Cena 1....2...2.7 AJ pulls Raven out of the ring. AJ climbs into the ring and covers Cena 1....2...2.5 Raven pulls AJ out of the ring now and the two start brawling. Raven throws AJ into the ring barrier, as AJ stumbles out Raven hits a russian leg sweep on him. Raven starts stomping on AJ, John Cena rols out the ring and runs up behind Raven and hits a Throwback on him. Cena pulls out the ladder from the ring, Cena places Raven against the ring post and then smashes the ladder against Raven. John cena then rests the ladder against the ring and lifts Styles up, coliding AJ's body with the ladder, Cena locks in AJ's legs on one of the steps so AJ is dangling against the ladder upside down. Cena starts punching at AJ's stomach, he headbuts Styles, Cena turns around and is attacked by Raven. Raven throws Cena into the ring barrier. Raven then looks under the ring for another weapon, he comes out with a sledge hammer! Raven walks over to the dangling AJ Styles. Raven smirks as he raises the sledgehammer. Raven swings the weapon hard at AJ but AJ lifts himself up to miss the attack, The sledge hammer dents one of the steps, the shear force sends shivers down Raven's arms and he drops the hammer, AJ grabs Ravens head and smashes it off the ladder, AJ manages to unhook his legs and swing them around hitting some sort of head scissors take down to Raven. AJ's foot is now a little hurt, John Cena comes along and knocks AJ down by kicking the back of AJ's left foot. Cena rolls AJ into the ring, Cena sets up a table in the centre of the ring, While Cena is fiddeling with the table AJ starts to climb the turnbuckle closet, Cena turns around and spots AJ on the top rope, Cena runs up and starts punching Styles, Cena climbs to the top rope too and after a struggle he manages to hit a superplex to AJ Styles, AJ's body crashes through the recently set up table. AJ's body is broken up as he rolls around in the ring before falling to the outside. Within this time Raven has been able to get in the ring, Cena and Raven lock up, Raven sends Cena to the ropes, Cena bounces back and hits a sunset flip to Raven 1...2...2.7 kick out by Raven. Both men get up, Cena grabs Raven and manages to spin behind him, Raven hits an elbow to the face of Cena and then hits a back kick low blow to Cena. Raven turns around and hits an evenflow DDT to Cena 1...2...2.9 Cena gets his foot on the rope. Raven smashes his hand off the ring canvas in anger, He drags cena away from the ropes and covers him once again 1....2...2.8 kick out by John Cena. Raven grabs the chair from before and sets it up in the ring, Raven grabs Cena and throws him to the ropes, Cena bounces back and Raven hits a drop toe hold, Cena's face flies towards the steel chair but he just manages to ger his hands in front of him and stops his face from hitting the chair. Raven raises his arms thinking he just knocking out Cena, Cena stands up and laughs at Raven, Cena notices a set up table on the outside of the ring so when Raven turns around Cena kicks Raven in the gut and lifts him up for the FU. But instead of finnishing the move, Cena throws Raven over the top rope onto the table just outside the ring, Raven smashes through the table and is clearly knocked out a bit. Cena shouts out to his fans and they cheer but when Cena turns around he is now kicked in the gut and AJ Styles manages to hit the Styles Clash to Cena! AJ flips cena over and gets the pin 1....2....3.

Lillian: Here is your winner...AJ Styles!

JR: AJ had over come the obsticules and done it

King: He just gotten lucky, thats all

JR: Folks, thank you for joining us on this special night...For The King, I am Jim Ross and we will see you back on Smackdown next week!

RAW goes off the air