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RAW : RAW 11/7/05
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 Message 1 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 3:07 AM


Results 11/7/05 Live From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Dark Matches Air before RAW:

Dark Match #1: Jason Morris defeated Triple J

Dark Match #2: Edge defeated Jack

:Highlights From RAW's History are shown as Pyro then explodes opening up the show:

JR: Welcome to The Return of Monday Night RAW!!!

King: It's good to be home

Coach: I can't believe it, RAW has returned and boy what a action packed night of action we got for you too

JR: The RAWDome is hanging over our heads as we are in the Famous KSCWE Arena in Pittsburgh, PA better known as Homebase to KSCWE so who knows what we can expect tonight

"I Don't Suck" hits, Crowd Chants You Suck

JR: Well here comes the IC Champion Kurt Angle

Lillian: Please Welcome Along with Kaylee Walker, He is The SCWE Intercontinental Champion and Pittsburgh's Own, Kurt Angle

Coach: I wonder what Kurt Angle is doing out here already

:Kurt enters the ring along with Kaylee as Kurt gets a microphone:

Kurt Angle: I am sure all of you are wondering why Kurt Angle is opening up RAW's Grand Return and why not me, I am one of the Greatest guys in this company and I am also Your Hometown Hero(Crowd Cheers). See I also won a game of Rock Paper Scissors backstage to come out here but since this is RAW's Grand Return, I said why wait until later to defend my IC Title, why not get it out of the way right now so whoever I am supposed to face get your butt out here right now

King: Kurt Angle is calling out his opponent

"Can You Dig It" hits, Crowd Cheers


Coach: My god its Booker T

Lillian: The Following Contest is for the SCWE Intercontinental Championship, 1st already in the ring along with Kaylee Walker, He is The SCWE Intercontinental Champion, Kurt Angle and his oppponent Booker T!!!

JR: I guess this match is going to happen right now

SCWE Intercontinental Championship: Kurt Angle(C) W/Kaylee Walker vs Booker T
Kurt Angle tells Booker that he should just go back to wherever he came from as Booker just smiles as the two men lock up with Booker shoving Kurt back into the corner as Booker then taunts to the crowd as Angle goes to hit Booker but Booker hip tosses Kurt down as Kurt gets back up, Booker charges and clotheslines Kurt down again as Booker waits as Kurt gets up and Booker hits a few big chops to Kurt backing him up as Booker then whips Kurt off the ropes and Booker hits a big spinebuster on Kurt as Booker says its almost time as Kurt gets back up and Booker goes for a side kick but Kurt ducks it and Kurt then grabs Booker and hits a German Suplex and Kurt holds on for a Second German and then hangs on for a third one before letting go as Kurt Angle gets back up and stalks Booker and Kurt goes for the Angle Slam but Booker is able to get out of it and Booker then kicks Kurt in the gut and Booker bounces off the ropes and goes for the Ax Kick but Kurt is able to move out of the way and Kurt grabs Booker and hits a overhead release belly 2 belly suplex. Kurt then goes over and stomps away at Booker as he gets up and Kurt Angle then opens up right hands backing Booker into the corner as Kurt stomps away at Booker's gut  before lifting Booker up and placing him up top as Kurt then climbs up top and Kurt goes for a suplex plex but Booker is able to block it and Booker then knocks Kurt off the top as Booker stands up top and then comes off hitting a missile dropkick on Kurt Angle as Booker covers Kurt for a 1---2--2.8-shoulder up. Booker T asks Referee Charles Robinson if he is sure and Booker then opens up on Kurt with right hands as Booker picks up Kurt and Booker sets up Kurt for a big suplex but Kurt is able to block it and Kurt knee's Booker in the gut and Kurt then hits a big uppercut on Booker T backing Booker into the ropes as Kurt charges but Booker backdrops Kurt sending Kurt out to the floor. Booker then follows Kurt out to the floor as Kurt is getting up and Booker takes Kurt and rams his head off the steel steps as Booker T then rolls Kurt back into the ring as Booker goes to get back in but Kaylee comes over and grabs Booker's foot distracting Booker as Booker looks at Kaylee who lets go quickly and Booker tells her to stay out of the match as he gets back in the ring but Kurt Angle then attacks Booker as Kurt then grabs Booker and goes for the Angle Slam again but Booker once again escapes it and Booker then grabs Kurt and hits the Book End as Booker hooks the leg for the 1--2--2.9-Kurt gets his foot on the bottom rope. Booker T thinks he won it until finally realzing he hasn't as Booker picks up Kurt and kicks him in the gut as Booker bounces off the ropes but Kaylee grabs Booker's foot as Booker stops and then turns his attention to the floor and is telling Kaylee to quit trying to interfere but during that, Kurt Angle then grabs Booker and connects with the Angle Slam as Kurt Angle gets back up and Kurt puts his straps down saying its over as Kurt grabs Booker's ankle and locks in the Angle Lock as Kurt quickly goes down and grapevines the ankle as Booker T is screaming out in pain and can not reach the ropes as Booker finally taps out.
Winner: Kurt Angle

Lillian: Your winner and Still SCWE Intercontinental Champion, Kurt Angle

Coach: Another impressive win for Kurt Angle

JR: Booker T returned and looked good but Kaylee Walker constant interference allowed for Kurt to get the win

King: Well we have to take our first commercial break of the evening

Commercial Ad for KSCWE Survivor Series-Long Ad

JR: Well Kurt Angle is still in the ring for some reason and now has a microphone

:Kurt and Kaylee are shown in the ring as Kurt has put his straps back up now:

Kurt Angle: I know this is the grand RAW Return and I just ruined Booker T's return but I know another so called Legend is backstage and that man is Hulk Hogan so Hogan if you have a problem with me and my best friend....Eric Bischoff then why don't you get your butt out here so we can settle this

Coach: Hulk Hogan is yellow he won't show

JR: Hulk Hogan is Yellow and Red but I think The Hulkster will show

Kurt Angle: Come on Hog....

"Real American" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

King: Ask and you shall recieve

:Hulk Hogan comes down the entry way pointing towards the ring when Jerome Morris comes running behind Hogan attacking him as Jerome then rolls Hogan into the ring where Kurt Angle starts to stomp away at him as Jerome Morris gets in as Jerome and Kurt both put the boots to Hogan but Hogan starts to Hulk Up as Hogan then stops and points to both men as Kurt and Jerome both go to hit Hogan but Hogan grabs both men and rams there heads together when Triple H then hits the ring as The Game attacks Hogan from behind knocking him down as Kurt Angle and Jerome get back up and all three men start to put the boots to Hulk Hogan when Charlie Haas hits the ring as Haas goes to work on Triple H knocking down The Game as Haas then clotheslines Kurt Angle down as Haas & Jerome have a face off:

King: Charlie Haas is suspended

JR: Well he is here right now

:"Danger Zone" then hits over the PA has Charlie Haas turns his attention to the entry way when Matt Hardy then comes out of the crowd wearing a Triple H shirt as Matt Hardy attacks Haas from behind as Matt Hardy knocks Haas into the corner as Triple H is back up and Matt Hardy & Triple H start to double Team Haas in the corner as Jerome & Kurt go back to double teaming Hulk Hogan:

Coach: Matt Hardy is on RAW!!!

JR: What is he doing here, he was drafted to Smackdown!

King: I guess you just can't keep Hardy and H seperated

:The double teaming continues until the KSCWE Arena Goes Nuts as Chris Walker & Scott Walker are then shown jumping over the barricades as both men enter the ring as Jerome goes to cut them off but Scott Walker catches Jerome wtih a Walker kick laying Jerome out who rolls out to the floor as Chris Walker goes over and knocks down Matt Hardy as Kurt Angle gets clotheslined over the top but Scott Walker as Chris knocks Matt Hardy out to the floor as Triple H thinks better of the situation and gets out of the ring as Scott & Chris Walker check on Hulk Hogan and Charlie Haas as Kurt helps up Jerome on the floor when Eric Bischoff marches out into the entry way:

JR: Chris and Scott Walker from Smackdown! are also here and here is the boss

Eric Bischoff: What the hell are you three doing here. Chris and Scott you are both Smackdown! and Haas I suspended your ass yet you dare show up here tonight, I should fire you and I should call Mallory Maddox up and tell her to suspend you two for this  but I'm not going to do that but Security is going to make sure you three leave the arena and if I see you again tonight then I will follow through with my threat.

:Security is shown by the ring and are ready to escore Chris & Scott Walker along with Charlie Haas as they are complaining about Matt Hardy who is near Eric now with the rest of them:

Eric Bischoff: Get them out of my arena right now and Hulk, I am seriously disappointed in you

:Eric Bischoff then heads to the back along with Triple H, Kurt Angle, Matt Hardy, & Jerome Morris as Camera's Follow Charlie Haas, Chris Walker, & Scott Walker being escorted to the back and into Police Cars:

JR: This is not right

Coach: They shouldn't have been here

King: Why didn't Matt Hardy get in trouble?

Coach: I think I saw a backstage pass on him, he came out through the entry way, I think he is allowed to be here

JR: It's just not right


:Marrisa is seen backstage getting a cup of coffee from the snack table. She is reading assorted KSCWE papers as she walks away from the table. Suddenly, she turns the corner without looking as an unknown runs into her spilling her coffee all over her:
Marrisa Bischoff: What the hell are you doing?
:The diva picks up the scattered papers.:
Marrisa Bischoff: Hello?! Who the hell are you?
Diva: My name is Mickie James, I'm new here to KSCWE.
Marrisa Bischoff: Oh yes, I remember now. I just signed you yesterday.
Mickie James: Yes, ma'am you did.
Marrisa Bischoff: Did you ever decide what you wanted to do here?
Mickie James: Well, I was hoping you could help me...
Marrisa Bischoff: know, I have been looking for a person assistant around here, so this incident doesn't happen again.
Mickie James: ...
Marrisa Bischoff: would you like to do that? You would have to do whatever I told you to, ya know.
Mickie James: Why, Mrs. Bischoff, I would be honored to be your assistant, but...
Marrisa Bischoff: ...but you want to wrestle, right? How about this, you become my assistant and I'll help you learn to wrestle and win. You scratch my back and I'll help you in the ring.
Mickie James: ...
:Marrisa Bischoff walks off before Mickie can answer her.:
Marrisa Bischoff: (clears her throat) Well...come on, you're my assistant now. Get me a new shirt to wear.

Commercial Ad for SCWE Smackdown!-Long Ad

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 Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:08 AM

JR: Well I see Marrisa has a new personal Assistant

Coach: She sure got off on the wrong foot with Mrs Bischoff

King: Boy Eric is lucky

JR: Why is Eric lucky?

King: He is married to Marrisa who is just amazing looking and now Marrisa's new Personal Assistant is a real looker too

JR: Well as much fun as this convo has been we have to move on to the next match

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Tag Team Championship

"Line In The Sand" hits, Crowd is mixed

Lillian: 1st making there way to the ring, weighing in at a combined weight of 440 Pounds, The Challengers, David Flair and Brian Mason

Coach: It's good to see David Flair again but Brian Mason may hurt this team

"One Step Closer" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: There opponents being accumpied by Lexus Carr and Representing The bWo, Weighing in at a combined weight of 453 Pounds, They are the SCWE Tag Team Champions, Simon Dean & Rico

JR: Well here comes the Champs who are now the longest reigning Tag Team Champions in KSCWE History

King: They have been very dominating as a Tag Team

SCWE Tag Team Championship: Simon Dean & Rico(C) W/Lexus Carr vs David Flair & Brian Mason
Simon and David start things off as both guys lock up with David backing Simon into the corner as David then hits a big chop to Simon and then a second and then a third one as Simon is hurting as David goes for a fourth but Simon knees David in the gut and Simon then puts David in the corner and Simon hits a big chop to David and Simon then hip tosses David out of the corner. David gets back up as Simon goes to hit David but David pokes Simon in the eyes as David then picks up Simon and slams him down as David backs up and hits the ropes and then drives a big knee to the face of Simon as David covers for a 1--2--kick out. David then hits a chop to Simon and then a big right hand knocking down Simon as David then grabs Simon's legs and spreads them open but Rico comes in and grabs David from behind and Rico hits the Fashion Changes on David as Brian Mason then comes in and Brian Mason knocks down Rico as Referee Rudy Charles orders Brian Mason out of the ring which he does leave as Simon tags in Rico as Rico comes into the ring and Rico see's David getting up and Rico goes over and slaps David's backside as David is not happy about it and goes to hit Rico but Rico ends up blocking it and Rico kicks David in the gut and Rico then takes David's arm and spins it around and kicks David in the face as Rico covers for a 1---2--Brian MAson comes in and goes for a big elbow but Rico moves as Mason hits Flair and Rico then hits a Side Kick taking down Brian Mason as Rico grabs David and goes for the Fashion Changes but David is able to elbow Rico in the face and David then hits a DDT on him as David goes over and knocks Simon off the apron as David then tags out to Brian Mason as Brian Mason goes up top and he comes off looking for a crossbody but Rico ends up countering into a powerslam as Simon goes over and yanks David off the apron as Rudy Charles counts the 1---2--3.
Winners: Rico & Simon Dean

Lillian: Your winners and still SCWE Tag Team Champions, Simon Dean & Rico

JR: Simon Dean and Rico score another win

Coach: I have to say this, this team is pretty good

:Backstage: Bischoff's Office

:Eric is shown on the phone:

Eric Bischoff: really have to keep your people in check.

:Eric appears to be listening:

Eric Bischoff: Its your problem there in Jail now they shouldnt have shown up.......Matt Hardy is not here.

:Eric takes the phone away from his ear for a second:

Eric Bischoff: That was not Mallory but I think your breaking up now so bye

:Eric hangs up the phone:


JR: Well Eric just lied to Mallory there

Coach: Hey she is the enemy now

JR: Well I don't think its fair that The Walker's got arrested while Matt Hardy didn't

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE RAWCore Championship

"I Stand Alone" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, From Short Hills, New Jersey weighing in at 237 Pounds, Raven!!

Coach: Here comes the RAWCore Legend Raven

JR: Raven is no stranger to this environment having been SCWE Xtreme Champion, a Nine Time WCW Hardcore Champion and an Eleven Time SCWE RAWCore Champion

King: Tonight Raven looks for number twelve

"Wreck" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: His opponent, Representing the bWo, From Long Island, New York weighing in at 287 Pounds, He is the SCWE RAWCore Champion, Mick Foley!!

JR: Mick is a Seven Time RAWCore Champion and doesn't want to lose it tonight

Coach: Well he is going to because nobody will beat Raven

SCWE RAWCore Championship: Mick Foley(C) vs Raven
Mick Foley and Raven both have some words about who is better in the RAWCore environment and Raven then slaps Foley across the face and Mick smiles and then opens up on Raven with right hands and jabs with his left hand as Foley backs up Raven in the ropes and Foley then backs up and charges clotheslining both himself and Raven over the top to the floor as Mick Foley then knocks Raven down as he tires to get up and Foley pounds away at him some more. Mick then goes over and pulls up the padding off the floor as Mick Foley gets a smile on his face and goes over to get Raven but Raven ends up grabbing a steel chair from under the ring and Raven then hits Foley in the head with it backing up Foley as Raven then smashes the chair over Foley's head again laying him out. Raven then goes under the ring and pulls out a fire extengsher and Raven then goes over and starts to spray Mick Foley with it as he gets back up and Raven then hits Foley in the head with it busting Mick open as Raven drops it and covers Foley for a 1--2--kick out. Raven then gets upset and picks up Mick and Raven whips Mick into the steel steps as Raven knocks the top portion off and drags Mick onto the base and Raven says its time for the end as he goes for the Evenflow but Mick is able to pick up Raven and Mick instead spinebusters Raven down as Raven screams out in pain and rolls off grabbing his back. Mick Foley goes over and grabs the Steel Chair and slides it into the ring as Mick Foley then picks up Raven and rolls him back into the ring as Mick Foley gets into the ring and Foley goes to get Raven but Raven low blows Mick and Raven then hits a knee smash to Foley putting him down as Raven the sets the chair up as Raven picks up Mick and whips him off the ropes and Raven hits a drop toe hold as Mick's face smashes off the chair as Raven quickly covers for a 1--2--2.7-shoulder up. Raven can't believe it and pounds the mat several times. Raven then lays the chair down as Raven picks up Mick for the evenflow but Mick shoves Raven back as Mick kicks Raven in the gut and Mick then hits a Double Arm DDT on the Chair as Mick covers Raven for the 1---2--2.7-shoulder up. Mick foley then picks up Raven and throws him out to the floor as Mick goes outside and picks up Raven and slams him down on the exposed concrete as Raven is hurting as Mick gets on the apron and Mick backs up to the end and charges and goes for a elbow but Raven moves as Foley hits the concrete hard. Mick Foley is having a hard time getting up as Raven grabs Mick and Raven then goes for the Retribution and hits it on the floor as Mick Foley is out cold but instead of covering Mick. Raven says he wants to send a message and Raven goes under the ring and pulls out a pillow case full of something and puts it in the ring as Raven picks up Mick and rolls him into the ring as Raven gets into the ring and then gets the pillow case and dumps it out in the center of the ring to reveal thumbtacks. Raven then goes to pick up Mick but Mick ends up grabbing Raven by his nether regions and Mick grabs Raven and picks him up and Mick then slams Raven down into the Thumbtacks as Raven rolls around riving in pain as Raven has his whole back filled with them as Mick Foley pulls out Mr Socko and waits as Raven gets up and Mick then sticks Mr. Socko down raven's throat but Raven is trying to fight out as Mick knees Raven in the gut and Mick then hits a Double Arm DDT into a little pile of the tacks that didn't get effected as Mick rolls Raven over to reveal Raven's bloody face covered in them as Mick hooks the leg for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Mick Foley

Lillian: Your winner and still SCWE RAWCore Champion, Mick Foley

JR: What a great match there

King: Mick Foley just retained his RAWCore Title in a hellacious match

Coach: That match was awesome!!

JR: Both Mick and Raven are bleeding all over the place thanks to those Thumbtacks

:Backstage: Triple H's Locker Room

:Triple H, Matt Hardy, & Kurt Angle are shown:

Kurt Angle: Matt its great to see you here but I thought you were on Smackdown!

Matt Hardy: I technically am but I am going to get to RAW, I have done it before when I was stuck with Charisma and I wound up getting my way and went to WCW

Kurt Angle: What about Kelli and Alyssa?

Matt Hardy: They will come too

Triple H: Kurt don't worry about it, Matt's got it all figured out

Matt Hardy: Exactly

Kurt Angle: Is Kelli and Alyssa here too then tonight?

Matt Hardy: I don't know

Kurt Angle: How can you not know?

Matt Hardy: Well....I kinda forgot to tell them I was coming

Kurt Angle: Oh boy you're going to be in the dog house

Matt Hardy: Nah and besides even if I am, I can't be as bad as Hunter was in

Triple H: I was never in the dog house

Kurt Angle: Oh so you just bought Julez a new car for nothing huh

Triple H: Kurt....Shut Up

Matt Hardy: Yeah Kurt Shut Up

Kurt Angle: Fine...Fine but you better get ready for your RAWDome Match tonight because we can't help you

Triple H: Yeah I know but its Stevie Richards...No Help Required

:Julianne Angle & Kaylee Walker then walk into the locker room:

Kurt Angle: Hunnie!!

:Kurt runs over and hugs Kaylee:

Kurt Angle: I've missed you so much

Kaylee Walker: I've missed you too

Triple H: God you two were seperated five minutes

:Kurt and Kaylee continue to kiss as they head through another door:

Matt Hardy: I miss Kelli now...

Triple H: Thats my sister, I don't want to hear it

Matt Hardy: Sorry

Julianne Angle: How soon is your match babe

Triple H: Main Event

Julianne Angle: So what are we going to do until then?

Triple H: Get ready for my match of course

:Julez then walks over and sits on the couch in the Locker Room as Triple H sits down next to her as Matt Hardy sits in a chair as all 3 watch the Monitors:

:Promo Airs Highlighting Triple H & Stevie Richards history:

 Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:08 AM

JR: Well Matt Hardy apparantly is trying to get to RAW

King: I guess so but he forgot to tell Kelli and Alyssa he was coming to RAW!!

Coach: I hope all three can come to RAW because that would make RAW that much better

JR: Well I don't think its going to be as easy as they think because Mallory is not going to let her top stars just walk away

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Planet Hell" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, From Boise, Idaho, Torrie Wilson

JR: Well here comes Torrie Wilson now

King: This is gr

JR: King I hate to cut you off but something is going on backstage


:Teal Moore is shown laid out cold as Trish Morris is right next to her holding a Steel Chair and Stacy Mason-Flair is then spotted with a tire iron as Torrie Wilson then is shown running into the area as Trish and Stacy leave as Paremdics come and tend to Teal Moore


JR: Those cowards

King: Teal Moore is hurt and hurt badly

Coach: Well don't cross Stacy and Trish then

JR: Well lets go backstage for something else I guess


:Marrisa Bischoff is seen with Mickie James following her with the new shirt she found backstage. Marrisa is unbuttoning her shirt and throws it back to Mickie as she puts on the back-up shirt.:

Marrisa Bischoff: Mickie, be a dear and get Eric on the phone.
:Mickie pulls out Marrisa's cell phone and dials Eric for her and then hands Marrisa the phone.:
Marrisa Bischoff: Hey, babe, can I get a match.... No, not for me, for my new assistant.... No, that's great! She can beat her, hands down! Thanks, babe, love ya.
:Marrisa hangs up the phone and hands it back to Mickie who was smelling Marrisa's coffee stained shirt, but Marrisa doesn't notice.:
Marrisa Bischoff: Alright, Mickie, you have a match. Next week against Fake Steph.
Mickie James: Than...
Marrisa Bischoff: ...go to the video room and ask for my old wrestling tapes, study them and you'll do fine. I'll call if I need you again.
:Mickie has a huge smile on her face as Marrisa just walks away. Mickie then runs off:


King: That Mickie James sure is um...interesting

Coach: No kidding

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Women's RAWCore Championship

"The Only" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, The Challenger, From Baltimore, Maryland, Jai

King: Here comes Jai

JR: Jai is a former Women's RAWCore Champion and is looking to regain the gold tonight

"I Bet you Look good on the dancefloor" hits, Crowd Continues to Cheer

Lillian: Her opponent, From Austin, Texas, She is the SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion, Rose Thorn

Coach: Oh god

King: Rose Thorn is back home on RAW

JR: Well this should be a great contest in my opionion

SCWE Women's RAWCore Championship: Rose Thorn(C) vs Jai
Both Rose and Jai have some words but shake hands as the two ladies then lock up with Jai backing Rose into the corner as Jai gives a clean break as Rose and Jai both lock up again with Rose then turning Jai around and putting her into the corner and Rose goes to give a clean break but Jai slaps Rose across the face as Rose turns around grabbing her face and when Rose turns back towards Jai, Jai hits a big spear on Rose taking her down as Jai starts to choke Rose until Rudy Charles pulls Jai off Rose as Jai then waits as Rose gets back up and Jai goes for a Super kick but Rose ducks it as Rose then kicks Jai in the gut and Rose hits a spinning out powerbomb on Jai as Rose hooks the leg for a 1--2--Jai kicks Rose in the face breaking up the pin. Jai then gets back up as does Rose and Rose goes for a right hand but Jai catches Rose and Jai hits a Side Effect as Jai covers again for a 1---2--shoulder up. Jai smacks the mat in disgust as Jai gets back up and Jai waits as Rose gets up and Jai grabs Rose and goes for a X-Factor but Rose shoves Jai away as Rose then hits a big right hand knocking down Jai when Stacy Flair hits the ring as Stacy gets on the apron to enter the ring but Rose knocks her off the apron as Jai is back up and Jai kicks Rose in the gut and Jai then goes for the Mind-Eraser but Rose is able to counter into a small package for a 1--2--3.
Winner: Rose Thorn

Lillian: Your winner and still SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion, Rose Thorn

JR: Rose Thorn retains but Stacy Flair tried to get involved here

:After the bell, Stacy gets into the ring as Rose cuts her off as Stacy & Rose exchange rights and lefts when Trish Morris hits the ring and goes to hit Rose but Jai who is back up knocks down Trish as Jai takes Trish out to the floor as both divas battle it out up the entry way as Rose Thorn kicks Stacy in the gut and Rose then clotheslines Stacy through the ropes to the floor when Alyssa Amidala jumps over the barricade and enters the ring as Rose turns around and gets hit in the face with Alyssa's SCWE Tag Title Belt knocking her out cold as Alyssa then hurries out of the ring and into the crowd:

King: What the heck is Alyssa doing here now

Coach: I guess Alyssa decided she wanted to visit RAW

JR: Well Rose Thorn who has her hands full as it is with Stacy and Trish just got attacked now by Smackdown!'s Alyssa Amidala and Rose is out cold but thankfully Security is keeping Stacy Flair away from her


:Eric Bischoff is shown with Jerome Morris:

Jerome Morris: Boss where is Billy at?

Eric Bischoff: Jerome thats why I wanted to see you, Billy is a little under the weather tonight so he was unable to make it so I am cancelling tonight's Thrill Zone

Jerome Morris: Darn it, these people need to see me

Eric Bischoff: Well they saw you earlier for a little bit and I am sure that your going to want to do some scouting work of AJ Styles later on

Jerome Morris: Good idea, Thank You Boss


Coach: Darn it, no Thrill Zone tonight

JR: Well The Thrill Zone is off but the SCWE European Title Match isn't

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE European Championship

"The Future" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, From Palm Springs, California weighing in at 220 Pounds, The "Future" Frankie Kazarian

Coach: I think we are seeing the next European Champion right here

King: Well Kazarian had been a red hot superstar

"Take This" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: His opponent, From Gainsville, Georgia weighing in at 202 Pounds, He is the SCWE European Champion, The "Phenominal" AJ Styles

JR: Well here comes AJ Styles

King: AJ Styles has already been signed to do battle with Jerome Morris at Armageddon, the first Armageddon Match signed

Coach: Yeah and its going to be a TZA Match meaning Thrill Zone Assault a new kind of match made up by Jerome Morris

 Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:09 AM

SCWE European Championship: AJ Styles(C) vs Frankie Kazarian

AJ and Kazarian both exchanges words before locking up with Kazarian getting a headlock but AJ shoves Kazarian off the ropes and AJ hits a dropkick on Kazarian taking him down as Kazarian gets back up and AJ charges at Kazarian and hits a big forarm to his face taking him down as AJ gets back up and AJ picks up Kazarian and kicks him in the gut and AJ goes for the Styles Clash but Kazarian backdrops AJ instead. AJ gets back up as Kazarian kicks AJ in the gut and Kazarian connects with the Back to the future as Kazarian then covers for a 1---2--kick out. Kazarian then waits as AJ gets up and Kazarian grabs AJ and hits a STO as Kazarian covers again for a 1---2--kick out. Kazarian then gets up and Kazarian picks up AJ and Kazarian slams AJ down near the corner as Kazarian climbs up and goes for a top rope moonsault but AJ moves out of the way as Kazarian hits the mat face first and AJ gets up and AJ then this a enziguri on Kazarian. AJ then gets up and says its time for the Styles Clash when "Stricken" hits over the PA as Jerome Morris walks out into the entry way as Jerome and AJ stare at each other and Jerome motions he is coming for the European title and during that, Kazarian gets back up and Kazarian grabs AJ from behind and goes for the Future Lock but AJ is able to counter into a chinbreaker. AJ then gets back up as Kazarian is struggling up and AJ then hits a spinning crescant kick to Kazarian as AJ gets up and goes up top and AJ comes off hitting Shooting Styles Press and Aj hooks the leg for a 1--2--2.6-kick out. AJ gets up quickly and kicks Kazarian in the ribs as Kazarian backs up into the corner as AJ then charges in and hits a Stinger Splash as AJ kicks Kazarian coming out and AJ is about to go for the Styles Clash again when Jerome Morris makes his way towards the ring as AJ lets Kazarian go as AJ then charges and hits a Running No Hands Summersault Plancha over the ropes and crashing into Jerome on the floor as both guys are down. AJ gets back up and AJ goes to pick up Jerome when Jason Morris runs down as AJ moves over and AJ knocks down Jason with a right hand as Jerome is back up and is about to hit AJ but stops and Jerome tells AJ that he will take care of him at Armageddon as AJ then shoves Jerome back and Jerome thinks better of it as AJ walks past Jerome and gets back into the ring but Kazarian attacks AJ coming in and Kazarian whips AJ off the ropes as Kazarian then hits a big powerslam on AJ when Jason Morris gets on the apron distracting the ref as Jerome Morris enters the ring and Jerome turns Kazarian around and hits a cocky cutter on Kazarian as Jerome gets out of the ring as Jason gets off the apron as AJ Styles starts to get back up as does Kazarian and AJ kicks Kazarian in the gut and AJ then hits the Styles Clash for the 1---2--3.
Winner: AJ Styles

Lillian: Your winner and still SCWE European Champion, AJ Styles

JR: AJ Styles just retained the European Title thanks in large part to The Morris Brothers

King: Why would Jerome help AJ?

:After the bell, Jerome and Jason Morris both enter the ring and attack both AJ and Kazarian as Jason Morris throws Kazarian out to the floor as in the ring, Jerome pouts the boots to AJ but AJ is able to fight back with forarm shots to Jerome but Jason goes to hit AJ and AJ hit a big dropkick on Jason but AJ then gets up and walks into the Cocky Cutter from Jerome as Jerome then picks up the European Title and stares at it before kissing it and throwing it down on AJ as Jason Morris gets up as Kazarian ends up getting on the apron and Kazarian hits a springboard dropkick on Jason Morris putting him down as Jerome just leaves the ring as Jason gets back up and Kazarian clotheslines Jason over the top to the floor as Kazarian is telling Jerome to bring it on but Jerome never turns around as he walks up the entry way:

Coach: Jerome is just ignoring Kazarian after taking out AJ Styles

JR: Well Jerome and Jason Morris did what they wanted and Jason did pay a little price thanks to an angry Kazarian but AJ is out cold thanks to that Cocky Cutter

King: I think Jerome wants to beat AJ Styles thats why Jerome helped AJ tonight

:Backstage: GM's Office

:Eric Bischoff is shown with Triple H with Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy also in the Office:

Eric Bischoff: Hunter I thought you said only Matt was here and now we got Alyssa lurking

Triple H: Well I guess Alyssa decided to show up

Eric Bischoff: Where is Kelli at, I know she is here

Triple H: Kelli is not here

Eric Bischoff: Why do I have a feeling she is going to interfere in the Women's Title Match

Triple H: I don't know Eric but I think you're a little stressed out maybe you should go sit down

Eric Bischoff: Hunter I have been very easy going with things heck I am even letting a Smackdown! Superstar

:Eric looks at Matt:

Eric Bischoff: Stay here and I've suspended the man that wants to kill you

Triple H: Eric and we provide you ratings, we make you #1, I know your the Best GM and all that but come on Eric, you know that together we make an unstoppable team

Eric Bischoff: True

:Just then there is a knock on the door:

Kurt Angle: Must be the girls, I'm hungry and thristy too for some milk and pie

:Kurt opens the door to find Trish Morris standing there:

Trish Morris: Eric I want to know when I am getting my Women's Title Shot, I earned it

Eric Bischoff: I am not sure Trish but soon

Trish Morris: Fine and Jer...

Eric Bischoff: Good bye Trish

:Trish then leaves the room and as she leaves, Julianne Angle, Kaylee Walker, & Alyssa Amidala walk into the Office:

Kurt Angle: Girls!!

Alyssa Amidala: Where is Kelli at?

:Eric looks at Hunter as Triple H just smiles:

Triple H: Eric relax and just enjoy the show

Commercial Ad for KSCWE Survivor Series-Long Ad

JR: Well I guess Kelli Hardy is lurking someplace in the arena

King: Just great another psycho on the loose

Coach: Well Kelli being on RAW is great

JR: Well hopefully she does not mess up our Next Match which is to crown a New SCWE Women's Champion since Kelli had to vacate the title due to her being drafted to Smackdown!

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Women's Championship

"Feel Good Inc" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, From Telemuca, California, Christy Hemme

JR: Here comes Christy now

Coach: Christy is going to become the new SCWE Women's Champion right here tonight

King: Well Christy has been a Women's Champion in the past and looks to do so again tonight

"LoveFuryEnergyPassion" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: Her opponent, From Sanford, North Carolina, Lita

JR: Well here comes Lita now

King: Lita was the last WCW Women's Champion and tonight Lita looks to take home the SCWE Women's Title

Coach: She won't do it, not against Christy

SCWE Women's Championship: Lita vs Christy Hemme
Referee Charles Robinson shows off the SCWE Women's Title as he calls for the bell as Lita and Christy have words as Christy slaps Lita across the face and tells her she is the dominant bitch and Lita then spears down Christy and pounds her head off the mat a few times before Lita opens up with right hands on Christy as Lita gets up and waits as Christy gets up and Lita kicks Christy in the gut and Lita then hits a snap suplex on Christy. Lita then waits as Christy gets up and Lita hits a few big chops to Christy backing her into the ropes as Lita takes Christy and whips her off the ropes but Christy ends up hitting a Spear on Lita and slaps away at Lita but Lita kicks Christy off as both ladies get back up to there feet and Lita goes to hit Christy but Christy kicks lita in the gut and Christy then goes for a Powerbomb but Lita counters into a Litacanarna as Lita hooks the legs for the 1---2--2.7-kick out. Lita gets back up and waits as she kicks Christy in the gut and Lita goes for a Twist of Fate but Christy ends up rolling up Lita with a handful of her pants for a 1---2--2.8-kick out. Christy then waits and Christy goes for the Hemme Love but Lita ducks it and kicks Christy in the gut and Lita hits a Spike DDT as Lita hooks the leg for a 1---2--2.9-Charles Robinson gets yanked out to the floor and then knocked down with a right hand by Tara Rayge. Tara then enters the ring and Tara goes to hit Lita but Lita blocks a right hand and Lita picks up Tara and slams her down as Lita starts to pound away at her when Christy gets back up and Christy grabs Lita up but Lita punches Christy in the face knocking her down as Torrie Wilson comes out to the ringside area and Torrie yanks Tara out to the floor as Torrie and Tara exchange rights and lefts as Torrie takes Tara and throws her into the crowd as Torrie then follows Tara into the crowd when Lita gets up and picks up Christy as Charles Robinson is getting up but Kelli Hardy comes out of the crowd and into the ring and knocks down Lita from behind and then attacks Christy as well as Charles Robinson has no choice and rings the bell.
No Contest

Lillian: The Result of this Match is a No Contest

JR: Kelli Hardy just ruined this match

Coach: We saw Tara Rayge make her long anticipated return and she is a RAW Diva by the way but Torrie Wilson cut her off before she could do anything and then Smackdown!'s Kelli Hardy just made an impact by taking out both Lita and Christy and Kelli has the SCWE Women's Title

:Kelli is holding the SCWE Women's Title as she is smiling and puts the title over her shoulder as she leaves the ring and heads to the back:

"I'm Back" hits as Eric Bischoff then walks out with a microphone

Eric Bischoff: Now enough is enough because I am tired of seeing you Smackdown! people interupt my show and now your trying to take back The SCWE Women's Title. See Kelli I know that Hunter is going to be upset about this but right now your a Smackdown! Diva so hand over the title and I am going to have to ask you to leave the arena as well as asking your husband Matt Hardy and your little psycho friend Alyssa Amidala to leave the arena as well. Now if you three can work something out to get here on RAW then great and you can take back your Women's Title but until then...Get the hell out of my arena

:Kelli goes after Eric but Security Steps in as Kelli knocks down several Security Officers before Matt Hardy & Alyssa come out and restrain Kelli as Matt whispers something to Kelli as Kelli throws the SCWE Women's Title at Eric as the three leave to the backstage then:

JR: Finally Eric Bischoff does something

King: Welll Kelli was none to happy about that but Matt Hardy, Kelli Hardy, & Alyssa Amidala are now out of here

Coach: Well I guess Eric had to do what Eric had to do

Final Commercial Ad for KSCWE Survivor Series-Long Ad

 Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:09 AM

JR: Well its time now for our Main Event

King: Yeah and I wonder what kind of mood Triple H is going to be in now

Coach: Well its the RAWDome so hopefully he is in a bad mood because this is a hellacious match

JR: This will be the 24th RAWDome in KSCWE History and first one since August 1st of this year

Lillian: The Main Event of The Evening is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship and will be fought inside of the RAWDome(Crowd Goes Nuts)

"One Step Closer" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger Representing The bWo and being accumpied by Melinda, From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania weighing in at 220 Pounds, "Big Stevie Cool" Stevie Richards

JR: Well here comes Stevie Richards now who is looking to become SCWE World Champion for the first time in his career

Coach: Stevie is going to lose his Virginity tonight

King: What?

Coach: Stevie has never been in a RAWDome before

King: Oh thats a good one

"Game" hits, Crowd Rises to there feet and Boo's

Lillian: His opponent, Being accumpied by Julianne Angle, From Greenwich, Connecticut, weighing in at 265 Pounds, He is the SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, The "Game" Triple H!!!

Coach: Here comes the 17 Time World Heavyweight Champion

JR: Triple H is 4-0 in one on one RAWDome Matches and this will be his sixth RAWDome Appearance Overall

King: So Hunter definatly has the advantage then seeing as nobody even comes close to how many appearances Hunter has made

RAWDome: SCWE World Heavyweight Championship: Triple H(C) W/Julianne Angle vs Stevie Richards W/Melinda
Triple H smirks at Stevie and tells him that the RAWDome is his home and tonight he is going to send a message to everyone on RAW as Stevie just smirks and tells Hunter to bring it as the two men lock up with Triple H backing Stevie into the corner and Triple H then goes for a cheap shot but Stevie is able to move as Hunter puts himself in the corner and Stevie goes off on Triple H with rights and lefts knocking Triple H down as Stevie then stomps away at Triple H as Nick Patrick gets in there to get Stevie away but Stevie shoves him down as Stevie continues to assault Triple H as Triple H finally is able to get out to the floor as Stevie backs up and waits and then does a suicide dive through the ropes sending Triple H back into the side of the RAWDome as the crowd is stunned at that as both guys are down. Stevie is the first one back up and Stevie picks up Triple H and Stevie then rams Triple H's head off the RAWDome as Stevie then rolls Triple H back into the ring as Stevie goes under the ring and pulls out a Kendo Stick as Stevie gets into the ring as Triple H is trying to get up and Stevie then hits Hunter in the gut with it and Stevie then grabs Triple H and puts the Kendo Stick around his throat and Stevie hits a Russian Leg Sweep as Stevie then gets up and spreads Triple H's legs and delivers a Kendo Stick shot between them as Triple H screams out in pain and rolls around as Stevie then hits Triple H again with the stick this time breaking it over his back. Stevie then picks up Triple H and Stevie sets up Triple H for the Stevie suplex and hits it as Stevie quickly covers for a 1---2--shoulder up. Stevie then opens up on Triple H as he gets up with right hands and Stevie goes to whip The Game off the ropes but Hunter reverses sending Stevie off them as Triple H then hits a running knee lift to Stevie as Triple H then grabs Stevie and hits a Knee smash to him as Stevie hits the mat as Triple H grabs Stevie and Triple H goes for a Figure 4 but Stevie kicks The Game away as Triple H flies into the corner and Stevie then rolls up Triple H for a 1---2--kick out. Stevie gets back up and Stevie charges at Triple H but Triple H is able to grab Stevie and hits a Spinebuster, Triple H then looks at Julez who goes under the ring and pulls out a Steel Chair and slides it into the ring as Triple H picks up the Chair and Triple H waits as Stevie gets up and Triple H smashes the chair over Stevie's head as Stevie goes down hard and Triple H waits as Stevie struggles up and Triple H smashes it again over his head as Stevie is now busted wide open as Triple H hits Stevie in the back with it as Triple H finally throws it down and Triple H picks up Stevie and sets him up over the chair for the Pedigree but Stevie is able to backdrop Triple H, Triple H gets back up in a hurry but Stevie ends up catching Triple H with the Stevie Kick but The Game falls into the ropes and out to the floor as Stevie then grabs the chair and rolls out to the floor after Triple H and Stevie hits Triple H in the back as he is getting up as Triple H is riving in pain from the chair shot as Stevie hits him again and then goes for another shot but Julianne Angle comes over and grabs the chair away as Stevie then turns his attention to Julianne who goes to hit Stevie but Stevie blocks the chair and Melinda comes over and attacks Julianne from behind and knocks her into the RAWDome as Julez is out cold from the impact. Stevie then goes to hit Triple H again with the Chair but Triple H lowblows Stevie as Triple H then takes Stevie and rams him into the RAWDome Structure again as Triple H then rams Stevie into the Steel Steps as Triple H walks over to Stevie and picks him up as Triple H rams Stevie's face off the ring post as Stevie falls down as Triple H then takes upper portion of the steps and moves them away as Triple H then picks up Stevie and drags him over to the base and Triple H sets up Stevie for a Pedigree but Melinda comes over with the chair and Melinda hits Triple H in the back with it as Triple H lets Stevie go as Melinda then goes to hit Triple H again but The Game blocks the chair and throws it into the ring as Triple H then grabs Melinda by her hair as Melinda then tries to kick Triple H below the belt but Triple H avoids it and shoves her back right into a clothesline from Julianne Angle, Triple H then goes back to Stevie Richards and rolls him into the ring as Triple H goes under the ring and pulls Out a Sledgehammer and slides it into the ring as Triple H gets on the apron and gets into the ring but Stevie picks up the chair and smacks Triple H in the head with it as Triple H gets back up and is busted open now as Stevie then goes to hit Triple H again and does so as Triple H is somehow still moving around as Stevie is waiting for Triple H to get up and telling him to get up but Triple H grabs the Sledgehammer as he is getting up and Triple H then hits Stevie right in the ribs with it as he went to hit him with the chair as Stevie drops the chair and Triple H then hits like a uppercut with the Sledgehammer as Stevie falls down and is not moving as Triple H throws the Sledige down and Triple H picks up a lifeless Stevie and then hits the Pedigree, Triple H then rolls Stevie over and hooks the legs for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Triple H

Lillian: Your winner and still SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H

JR: The Game just retained the SCWE World Title in a hellacious contest

Coach: Stevie Richards gave Triple H all he could handle but Triple H being the man he is overcame it and walks out still SCWE World Champion

JR: Well we hope you have enjoyed the RAW Return and Make sure to tune in Next Monday, Good Night

:RAW goes off the Air:

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