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RAW : RAW 11/21/05
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 3:19 AM


Results 11/21/05 Live From Cincinnati, Ohio

Dark Matches Air before RAW:

Dark Match #1: Ken Kennedy defeated Scar

Dark Match #2: Jai & Gail Kim defeated Christy Hemme & Torrie Wilson

:Highlights From RAW's History are shown as Pyro then explodes opening up the show:

JR: Welcome to SCWE Monday Night RAW, we are less then 24 Hours Removed from Survivor Series and boy what suprises occured there

King: Yeah the Women's Division is now exclusivly on RAW

Coach: Yes but what about Chris Jericho's return too

JR: Chris Jericho is here tonight on RAW and will be in action taking on Randy Orton plus several huge Armageddon Matches will be announced too but lets get things started

Lillian: The Opening Contest of SCWE RAW is scheduled for one fall and it is a 10 Diva Tag Match

"My Immortal" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, From Flamming Starr, Massachusetts, Flame

JR: Well here comes the Psychotic Flame

"Did My Time" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Lillian: Her partner, From Denver, Colorado, Trish Morris

King: Well here comes Trish Morris now who did good last night at The Survivor Series

"These Boots Were Made For Walking" hits, Crowd is mixed

Lillian: There Partner, From Toronto, Canada, Leyla

Coach: Here comes the very fiesty Leyla

"Everybody's Fool" hits, Crowd Boo's Loudly

Lillian: And there partner, From Los Angelos, Californian, Stacy Flair

JR: Here comes Stacy Flair whose rivalry with Rose Thorn continues to escalate by the week

"Alive" hits, Crowd Keeps Booing

Lillian: And finally, From Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Tara Rayge

King: Well here comes Tara now and business is about to pick up I think

"LoveFuryEnergyPassion" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: And there opponents, Scarlett, Jezebel, Mickie James, Lita, and the SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion Rose Thorn

JR: This is a sign of Team Unity here by them all coming out as a team

Coach: Big deal

Lita, Scarlett, Jezebel, Mickie James, & Rose Thorn vs Tara Rayge, Trish Morris, Flame, Leyla, & Stacy Flair
Mickie James and Flame start the match off with a lock up. Flame manages to spin behind the inexperienced Mickie and clubs down on James back with her forearm. Flame grabs a hold of Mickie's hair and pulls her backwards sending Mickie to crash right against Flame's knee. Flame locks in a sleeper hold to a sitting Mickie. Flame applies pressure as mickie kicks about trying to flee from Flame's grasp. Flame stops the submission and grabs a hold of Mickie's hair, Flame lifts her up and slams her back down. Flame kicks Mickie in the face and then drags Mickie to her teams corner. Flame tags in Leyla and the two women lock their arms around Mickie's head and nail her with a double suplex. Leyla covers Mickie 1...2... Rose dives itno the ring and stops the count. The ref tells Rose to go back on the apron and Rose nods and pats the ref's back, but just as she is about to go she runs towards Stacy flair and punches her right in the kisser knocking her off the apron. Rose laughs and heads back to her teams corner. Leyla picks up Mickie but James nails some forearm smashes into Leyla's stomach. Mickie nails Leyla with a DDT. Mickie James gets up and climbs up to the middle rope, she launches off with a crossbody taking down Leyla. Mickie covers leyla 1...2... kick out by Leyla, Leyla rolls over and tags in Tara Rayge while Leyla tags in Rose Thorn. Tara runs at Rose and goes for a clothesline but Rose does the matrix move, Tara turns and kicks one of Rose's legs out from under her. Tara covers Rose 1.. kick out by Thorn. Tara picks up Rose but Rose pushes Tara into the turnbuckle, Rose hits a dropsault to Tara's face, As Tara falls forward Rose locks her up into a small package 1...2.. kick out  by Tara. Both women get up and lock up, Tara sends Rose to the ropes, Rose bounces back and ducks a clothesline from Tara, Rose bounces back and leapfrogs over Tara, Rose runs to the ropes and springboards off the middle rope with a moonsault but instead of hitting a moonsault to Tara she nals Rayge with a reverse DDT. Rose climbs out to the apron, she hits a superwoman on Tara and hooks Tara's leg 1...2... Stacy Flair gets into the ring and breaks the cover, Stacy turns to the crowd and taunts them getting heavy boos. Rose gets up and tags herself out to Scarlett. Rose waits for Stacy Flair to turn around, Rose hits a drop kick to Stacy Flair knocking her through the middle ropes to the mats. Rose runs towards the ropes and launches off them with a suicide diva knocking down Stacy Flair. Rose and Stacy roll around on the mats punching and slapping at one another. Mickie James gets off the apron and tries to break the two women up but Stacy pushes Mickie down, Rose and Stacy still fight it out as Trish Morris comes over and tries to break them up but Rose pushes Trish down into the ring barrier. Stacy FLair has started to make her way backstage but Rose charges after her and hits her with a bulldog right onto the steel ramp. The two women brawl their way backstage but meanwhile inside the ring Scarlett has Tara in a headlock, she takes her over and then jumps up, SHe falls back down with a leg drop. Scarlett picks up Tara and sends her to the turnbuckle, Scarlett runs at Tara but Rayge gets her foot up, booting Scarlett in the face. Tara climbs up to the top rope and launches off with a moonsault, taking down the standing scarlett. Tara rolls over and tags in Trish Morris, Trish runs at Scarlett but Scarlett arm drags Trish. Both women get up and Scarlett hits a hurricanrana on Morris, Trish is luckily laid out before the turnbuckle and Scarlett jumps up top and nails Trish with a split-legged moonsault. Scarlett hocks the leg 1... 2... kick out by Trish Morris. Scarlett picks up Trish and pulls her over to her teams corner, Scarlett tags in Jezebel and the two women irish whip Trish to the ropes, Morris bounces back and both Scarlett and jezebel nail a falling elbow drop to Morris's chest. Jezebel covers Morris 1...2.. kick out by Trish. Jezebel picks up Trish and goes for a backdrop but Morris flips out of it, Trish sends Jezebel to the turnbuck;le, Morris hits a clothesline to Jezebel, Trish Morris picks up Jezebel and puts her onto the top rope, Trish Morris flips Jezebel over with a Stratusphere. As Trish MOrris gets up Leyla leans over and tags herself in, Trish Morris glares at Leyla and Leyla smirks and runs at Jezebel, Leyla rolls her up 1...2.. kick out by Jezebel. Leyla picks up Jezebel but Jezxebel pushes Leyla away and Jeze tags in Lita. Lita jumps into the ring and runs at Leyla, Lita clotheslines Leyla down, Lita picks up Leyla and nails her with a snap suplex. Lita flips herself up and runs over to the three other opponants standing on the apron and Lta slap each one in the fac getting them itno the ring. but Trish Morris is cut off by Scarlett, Tara Rayge is taken down by Jezebel and Mickie James brings the action to Flame. All those six divas brawl it out on the outside of the ring while inside Lita is stalking Leyla, As Leyla gets up Lita locks her arm around Leyla's head and Lita nails her with an inverted Twist Of fate! Lita pulls Leyla in front of the turnbuckle. Lita climbs up top and launches off with a Litasault. And with the crowd cheering for her, she covers Leyla 1...2...3
Winners: Lita, Scarlett, Jezebel, Mickie James, & Rose Thorn

Lillian: Your winners, Lita, Rose Thorn, Scarlett, Jezebel, & Mickie James

JR: An amazing match there that Lita pulls out for her team

King: Yeah it was a grea...

:Mallory Maddox then comes out through the entry ramp with a paper in her hand as Eric Bischoff follows right behind her as the two are arguing:

JR: What the heck is going on, Thats Mallory Maddox who is Smackdown!'s GM along with our GM Eric Bischoff

:Mallory gets a microphone:

Mallory Maddox: I just wanted to come out here and inform everyone that the Diva Divsion is NOT Exclusive to RAW because Eric and I never signed a Formal Binding Contract(Crowd Boo's) so after taking the matter up with Scott and Stevie Hill, they have informed me that the right thing to fix the situation so Torrie Wilson, Scarlett, Jezebel, Flame, Leyla, and Gail Kim are once again Smackdown! Divas so ladies I expect to see each and every one of you Next week, you can take tomarrow night off but Welcome back to Smackdown!

:Mallory drops the microphone as Eric looks pissed:

JR: The Divas Division is no longer RAW Only now

King: Noooooo The Puppies are gone

Coach: That just isn't fair

:Backstage: Evolution X's Locker Room

:Triple H, Matt Hardy, & Kurt Angle are shown:

Triple H: Now I have already gotten it cleared with Bischoff, Matt you are going to replace me in the Tag Team Title Match tonight

Matt Hardy: You sure?

Triple H: Yeah and I have asked for a match with Hulk Hogan tonight so our plan can go off without a hitch

Matt Hardy: Great but what about Chris Jericho

Triple H: See I agreed to put the SCWE World Title on the line against Hogan but Chris Jericho is now banned from ringside

Kurt Angle: That means no Jericho and that means we can take out Hogan

Triple H: Not two are also banned from ringside

Matt Hardy: What!!!!

Triple H: Don't worry, even though Julez, Kaylee, and Kelli aren't here tonight. Alyssa is here tonight so she will come to ringside with me and besides that we still got our Ace in the Hole

Matt Hardy: Very True

Triple H: So lets just sit back boys and relax and who knows maybe another RAW diva will come in here tonight and get naked for us

:All three men start to laugh:


JR: Well how about that, Matt Hardy and Kurt Angle will now challenge for the SCWE Tag Title's and Triple H will defend the SCWE World Heavyweight Title tonight against Hulk Hogan

King: RAW is definatly heating up

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"To Fold" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, From Los Angelos, California, weighing in at 220 Pounds, Brian Mason

Coach: Here comes Brian Mason to the ring who is looking to finally snap that big long losing streak of his

"Machine" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: His opponent, From Los Angelos, California weighing in at 227 Pounds and being accumpied by Teddy Long, The Love Machine

King: Here comes The Love Machine

JR: If Brian Mason can somehow beat The Love Machine it will be a huge win for him

The Love Machine W/Teddy Long vs Brian Mason
Brian Mason offers to shake TLM's hand as TLM takes the offer up and then pulls Brian into a clothesline as TLM then stomps away at Brian as TLM then picks up Brian Mason as TLM hits a belly 2 belly suplex on Brian Mason as TLM then picks him up again and The Love Machine sets him up for the Pepsi Plunge but Brian Mason hits a right hand to TLM backing him off as Mason charges in but TLM grabs Mason and hits the Pepsi Plunge as he holds the shoulders down for the 1---2--3.
Winner: The Love Machine

Lillian: Your winner, The Love Machine

JR: An impressive win here for The Love Machine

King: Well The Love Machine continues to roll

Coach: Back the drawing board for Brian Mason

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:20 AM

JR: Well so far tonight we have seen the Divas Compete in a 10 Diva Tag Match only to find out that half of the Divas are still Smackdown! Property and we also found out that Hulk Hogan will challenge SCWE World Champion Triple H tonight

King: That should be an awesome match too

Coach: Yeah but Hulk Hogan is going down tonight

JR: Plus we still have to announce some of the Armageddon Matches that have been signed

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"One Step Closer" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring being accumpied by Melinda and Representing the bWo, From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania weighing in at 220 Pounds, "Big Stevie Cool" Stevie Richards

JR: Well here comes Big Stevie Cool here who will have his hands full with a former Multi Time European Champion

"Wooo" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: His opponent, From Charlotte, North Carolina weighing in at 220 Pounds, David Flair

King: Well here is David Flair

Coach: David Flair is going to score the big upset tonight over Stevie Richards

Stevie Richards W/Melinda vs David Flair
Stevie Richards and David Flair lock up with David shoving Stevie back into the ropes as David then woo's at Stevie as Stevie then slaps David across the face. David Flair then goes to hit Stevie but Stevie ducks a right hand and Stevie kicks David in the gut as Stevie whips David off the ropes as Stevie puts his head down but David stops and David then kicks Stevie in the shoulder as David then hits a few big chops to Stevie backing him up as David Flair then grabs Stevie and goes for a DDT but Stevie shoves David back into the ropes and Stevie goes for a Stevie kick but David catches the foot and then kicks Stevie's other leg out from under him as David Flair then goes to work on the leg of Stevie Richards stomping away at it but Stevie ends up kicking David down as Stevie gets back up but David hits a chop block taking down Stevie Richards, David then sets up Stevie for the Figure 4 but Stevie grabs David and gets him with a small package for a 1---2--2.7-kick out. Both men get back up to there feet as David goes to hit Stevie but Stevie kicks David in the gut and then grabs Flair and says its time as Stevie then hits a big Stevie Suplex on David as Stevie covers for the 1---2--shoulder up. Stevie Richards then picks up David and knees him in the gut as Stevie sets up David for the Stevie T but David ends up countering by picking up Stevie and has him ready for the Nature Shock but Stevie escapes it and then hits the Stevie Kick as Stevie covers Flair for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Stevie Richards

Lillian: Your winner, Stevie Richards

JR: Well Stevie Richards picks up a big win here tonight

King: David Flair gave it his best effort but the bWo's Leader was to much for him tonight

Coach: Somebody will give Stevie his just wait and see

:Backstage: Hulk Hogan's Locker Room

Eric Bischoff: You wanted to see me?

Hulk Hogan: Yeah I did brother. Now we go way back dude so I just wanted to know whats up with me getting this SCWE World Title Shot

Eric Bischoff: Well I figured that if anyone on RAW deserved a chance to be SCWE World Heavyweight Champion its you my friend

Hulk Hogan: I apperciate that but I just want to know, am I being set up or what, I think you owe it to me to tell me that much

Eric Bischoff: If I was setting you up, I wouldn't have banned Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy from ringside. The fact is my relationship with E-X is just business but me and you....We are like brothers and you have my word that I would not stab you in the back

Hulk Hogan: Alright brother, I will take your word for it but you better not be lieing to me

Eric Bischoff: I'm not

:Hulk Hogan walks out of the Locker Room past Eric:


JR: Well Eric Bischoff just gave his long time friend Hulk Hogan his word that everything was on the up and up

King: Yeah but is Eric's word that good

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Can You Dig It" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, From Houston, Texas weighing in at 250 Pounds, Booker T

King: Here comes Booker T

JR: This should be a good contest

"Colors" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: His opponent, From Toronto, Canada weighing in at 278 Pounds, Edge

King: Here comes Edge now

Edge vs Booker T
The bell sounds. Edge and booker lock up with a collar and elbow tie up. The two men push and pull at one another before Booker manages to send Edge to the ropes. Edge bounces off the ropes and is fliped over by edge with a back bdy drop. Booker drops to the floor and does the spinnaroonie. By the time he gets up Edge is ready and waiting. Edge charges at Booker, looking to perform a spear but booker dodges out of the way causing Edge to crash into the turnbuckle. Edge stumbles backwards out of the corner and is taken down by booker with a bulldog. T covers Edge but only b arely manages to a two count. Boker gets up to his feet and puts the boots to Edge. Boker picks up Edge and rests him against the ropes. Booker hits a few chops to the chest of Edge before whipping him to the opposite ropes, Edge boucnes back and ducks a harlem side kick by booker, Edge ends up behind booker and hits the edgeo'matic. Edge pulls booker's legs up for the pin 1...2.. kick out by Booker. Edge picks up booker and sends him to the turnbuckle. Edge sets Booker on the top rope and performs a superplex off the top rope. Both men are down and the referee starts the 10 count. 1...2...3...4... both men start to stirr ...5....6.... Both are at their knee's.  7.....8.... Edge is now up quickly followed by Booker T. Edge runs at Booker and oes for a clothesline but Booker ducks its, Booker grabs Edge and goes for the book end but Edge starts to elbow bookers head. Edge kicks booker in the gut and goes for the edgacution but Booker pushes Edge to the ropes, Edge bounces back and is kicked in the gut by T. Edge bends over holding his gut as Booker runs and boucnes off the ropes, he runs back towards edge and goes for a scissor kick but Edge moves out of the way. Boker crash lands but gets up straight aay only to receive the edgacution from Edge. Edge gets up to his feet and stalks Booker, After a few moments Booker gets up but is taken down with a huge spear from edge! Edge covers Booker T 1..2...3
Winner: Edge

Lillian: Your winner, Edge

JR: Edge gets the impressive win here over Booker T in a great contest

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After The Break

JR: Well what a great RAW it has been so far and we still have Chris Jericho's In Ring Return, The SCWE Tag Title Match and of course The SCWE World Heavyweight Title Match

King: Yeah but up next we are going to see Jerome Morris in Action taking on the RAWCore Champion Mick Foley

Coach: It is Not RAWCore Rules though so Mick Foley will be out of his element if you ask me

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Stricken" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, From Denver, Colorado weighing in at 225 Pounds, Jerome Morris

Coach: Here comes Mr. IMPACT

"Wreck" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: His opponent, Representing the bWo, From Long Island, New York weighing in at 287 Pounds, He is the SCWE RAWCore Champion, Mick Foley

JR: Here comes Mrs. Foley's baby boy

King: This should be a good one

Jerome Morris vs Mick Foley

Jerome attacks Mick Foley as he enters the ring as Jerome knocks Foley into the corner and Jerome then hits a few big chops to Mick Foley in the corner as Jerome then takes Foley and rams his head off the top turnbuckle as the crowd counts along up to 5 when Foley elbows Jerome in the gut and Foley then rams Jerome's head off the turnbuckle 10 times as Jerome then staggers out of the corner as Mick Foley then hits a running clothesline on Jerome knocking him down as Jerome rolls out to the floor as Mick Foley follows Jerome outside and Foley grabs Jerome and rams his head into the Steel Ring Post as Mick Foley then pulls up the padding off the floor as Mick Foley drags Jerome over by the concrete but Jerome out of nowhere hits the Cocky Cutter on Foley right into the Concrete Floor as Jerome picks up Mick who is busted wide open and not moving as Jerome rolls Foley into the ring as Jerome then mocks Chris Jericho and AJ Styles as Jerome picks up Mick Foley and Jerome then sets up Foley for a Styles Clash but somehow Foley backdrops Jerome, Jerome Morris can't believe it as Mick Foley kicks Jerome in the gut and Foley then goes to work on Jerome with big rights and lefts backing jerome into the ropes as Foley knocks Jerome outside as Mick Foley gets on the apron and dives off hitting a Ax to head of Jerome knocking him down as Mick Foley picks up Jerome and rams his head off the barricade several times as Mick Foley then picks up Jerome and slams him down as Jerome is riving in pain as Mick Foley then does a Bang Bang thing as Mick Foley picks up Jerome and takes him to the concrete and sets him up for a PileDriver but Jerome is able to lowblow Foley and Jerome rolls into the ring and back out again as Jerome goes to pick up Foley but Mick grabs Jerome by his nether regions as Foley won't let go as Jerome is screaming out in pain as Mick Foley continues to hold on as Mick Foley then digs down his pants and pulls out Mr. Socko as Foley lets go of Jerome as Jerome rolls into the ring holding himself down there from the pain as Mick Foley puts Mr. Socko on and rolls into the ring as Mick Foley waits as Jerome ends up walking right into Mr. Socko as Jerome though is able to kick Foley in the gut and Jerome hits another Cocky Cutter as Jerome hooks the legs for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Jerome Morris

Lillian: Your winner, Jerome Morris

JR: Jerome Morris gets the win but I think Mick Foley gave Jerome more then he bargained for

King: How does Mick Foley do that, he got cocky cuttered on the concrete and was a bloody mess but kept coming

Coach: As Much as I love Jerome, he is lucky to escape with a win tonight

:Backstage: Eric Bischoff's Office

:Eric Bischoff is shown with Stacy Flair, Trish Morris, Tara Rayge, Christy Hemme, Lita, & Rose Thorn as Several Security Guards are also in the Office keeping Lita & Rose away from the rest:

Eric Bischoff: I called you ladies into my Office Right now to announce a few matches for Next Monday Night. You see Christy Hemme you will be taking on your former rival Rose Thorn in a Non-Title Match next week

:Rose smiles as Christy just glares at Rose:

Eric Bischoff: Stacy you will be taking on Tara Rayge Next Monday Night

:Stacy and Tara both just look at one another:

Eric Bischoff: And finally, Kelli Hardy will defend the SCWE Women's Title against...Trish Morris and Lita in a Triple Threat Match

:Trish & Lita both smile:

Eric Bischoff: So ladies please exit my Office in a orderly fashion becuase if you don't then your matches are off


JR: Eric Bischoff just announced three Huge Diva Matches for Next Monday Night

King: It's good to be on RAW

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the SCWE Tag Team Championship

"One Step Closer" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st making there way to the ring being accumpied by Lexus Carr and Representing the bWo, Weighing in at a Combined weight of 453 Pounds, They are the SCWE Tag Team Champions, Simon Dean & Rico

JR: The Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in KSCWE History

King: This should be a great contest between two solid teams

"Line In The Sand" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: There Opponents, Representing Evolution X, weighing in at a combined weight of 477 Pounds, The Team of Matt Hardy & The SCWE Intercontinental Champion, Kurt Angle

Coach: Here come the Next Tag Team Champions

King: Matt Hardy is no stranger to Tag Team Gold, being the most successul Tag Team Superstar in KSCWE History

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:20 AM

SCWE Tag Team Championship: Simon Dean & Rico(C) W/Lexus Carr vs Matt Hardy & Kurt Angle

Rico starts things off with Matt Hardy as both men lock up with Hardy locking in a headlock but Rico ends up grabbing Hardy's butt as Hardy ends up breaking away as Rico gets up and blows a kiss to Hardy as Matt Hardy goes to hit Rico but Rico blocks it and kicks Hardy in the gut and Rico then grabs Hardy's arm and goes over it and Rico kicks Hardy in the face taking him down as Rico then picks up Matt Hardy and slams him down as Rico drops a big elbow on Hardy. Rico then picks up Matt Hardy but Hardy ends up grabbing Rico and Hardy hits a Side Effect on Rico as Matt Hardy then makes the tag to Kurt Angle as Kurt Angle comes in and Angle cuts Rico off from making the tag out as Kurt Angle stomps away at Rico's gut as Kurt picks up Rico and Kurt then hits a belly 2 belly suplex as Kurt Angle then waits as Rico struggles up and Kurt Angle grabs Rico and hits a German Suplex and holds it for a Second German Suplex and then a third German Suplex as Kurt Angle gets back up to his feet as Kurt waits as Rico struggles up and Kurt goes for the Angle Slam but Rico escapes it and hits a Spinning Kick to Kurt Angle as Rico then goes to tag out to Simon Dean but Simon gets off the apron for some reason as Simon looks at Rico who is telling Simon to tag out and Simon smiles at Rico and tells Rico he got a new Simon System Sponsor and its E-X so good luck to him as Simon and Lexus then start to leave as Rico gets up to his feet and tells Simon to get back as Kurt then hits Rico from behind as Kurt then hits the Angle Slam on Rico as Kurt Angle then puts down his straps as Kurt Angle then locks in the Angle Lock with the Grapevine as Rico starts to tap out immediately.
Winners: Kurt Angle & Matt Hardy (SCWE Tag)

Lillian: Your winners and New SCWE Tag Team Champions, Kurt Angle & Matt Hardy

JR: We got new Tag Team Champions but why did Simon Dean just walk out on the person who is supposed to be his best friend

King: I don't know JR but I don't think Kurt & Matt Hardy are done yet

:Kurt Angle does not break the Angle Lock as Matt Hardy gets a Steel Chair and Matt Hardy delivers several Chair Shots to the back of Rico's head as Referee's try to get Anlge and Hardy to stop but to no avail as the place then erupts as Charlie Haas hits the ring as Matt Hardy goes to hit Haas with the chair but Haas kicks Hardy in the gut and grabs the chair as Matt Hardy rolls out to the floor as does Kurt Angle:

JR: We need some medical attention out here for Rico

King: Charlie Haas made the save to prevent any further damage but I think its a little to late

Coach: Evolution just passed Rico by


:Maria is shown chasing after Simon & Lexus and finally gets them to stop before the entrance itno the Parking Lot:

Maria: Simon why did you walk out on Rico? I thought he was your best friend?

Simon Dean: That idiot my best friend? Please Maria, I am all about my Patented Simon System and the fact is the bWo was holding me down and Rico was holding me back, Now with the Backing of my new Financial Supporters Evolution X, The Simon System can get back on track and  I will pick up right where I left off but if you will excuse me, I think I gotta go

:Simon & Lexus retreat into the Parking Lot as Stevie Richards is then shown coming up:

Maria: Stevie what do you think of all this?

Stevie Richards: Simon is going to pay for what he has done

:Stevie then walks away:


JR: Well they just got Rico out of here and I hope Stevie Richards does make Simon Dean pay

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Non-Title Match

"Immortal Corrupter" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, From Denver, Colorado weighing in at 235 Pounds, Jason Morris

Coach: Here comes Jerome's little brother

King: Well Jerome was victorious earlier so lets see if Jason Morris can score the big upset

"Take This" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: His opponent, From Gainsville, Georgia weighing in at 212 Pounds, He is the SCWE European Champion, The "Phenominal" AJ Styles

JR: AJ Styles will defend his European Title against Jerome Morris at Armageddon in the First Ever Thrill Zone Assault Match

King: That should be a great match as should this one

AJ Styles vs Jason Morris
AJ Styles and Jason Morris lock up in the centre of the ring. They push and pull at one another but AJ manages to spin behind Jason, bringng Jason's right arm around. AJ twists on Jason's arm and then headbuts the back of Jason's head. AJ locks his arm around Jason's neck and hits him with a reverse DDT. AJ jumps up to his feet and into the air nd lands down on Jason's neck with a leg drop. AJ gets back up and runs to the ropes, he bunces off the ropes and runs back towards Jason Morris. AJ jumps up and nails a standing shooting styles press. AJ hooks Jason's leg 1...2... kick out by Jason Morris. AJ gets up and climbs up to the top rope, he jumps off with a diving crossbody but Jason turns it into a powerslam, causing AJ to crash into the ring canvas. Jason picks up AJ and nails him with a suplex. Jason gets AJ once again and puts him over his shoulder, Jason goes for a steam roller but AJ counters it into an arm drag. AJ gets up and waits for Jason Morris to get up. When Morris does AJ Runs at him and looks to go for a crucifix pin but instead AJ turns the move at mid point into a head scissors. Aj stalks Jason, when Jason gets up Styles kicks him in the gut and nails him with the styles clash! AJ spins Jason over and pins him 1...2... Jerome Morris comes from out of nowhere and kicks AJ in the back. Jerome starts putting the boots to Aj as the ref calls for the bell. Jerome then picks up AJ but AJ delivers a few right hands to the gut and knocks down Jerome with a right hand knocking him down as Jerome gets out of the ring
Winner: AJ Styles by DQ

Lillian: Your winner by DQ, AJ Styles

JR: Damn that Jerome Morris

King: Jerome Morris just saved his brother for being beaten by AJ Styles

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JR: Well we still have two huge matches to go tonight in what has been a shocking night

King: Yeah it really has been from Mallory Maddox taking away some of the RAW Divas to Simon Dean walking out on his friendship and partnership with Rico which led to Rico being brutally injured to finding out that Triple H will defend the World Title tonight against Hulk Hogan

Coach: Yes but up next guys we are going to see Randy Orton add another Legend to his list of Legends Killed

JR: Well we are going to go backstage right now but after that, Chris Jericho will make his Long Anticipated KSCWE Return when he battles Randy Orton

:Backstage: Evolution X's Locker Room

:Kurt Angle, Matt Hardy, Alyssa Amidala, & Triple H are shown as Kurt & Matt are celebrating there Title win as Kurt is drinking a big glass of milk:

Triple H: Guys as great as it is that you two did what we set out to do tonight, We still have another Mission Tonight and that is to take out Hulk Hogan once and for all

:Jerome Morris then walks into the Locker Room:

Jerome Morris: Hunter I just wanted to congratulate Matt and Kurt for there win and just say if you need me tonight I will be there to help you take out that SOB Hulk Hogan

Triple H: I apperciate that Jerome bu....

Matt Hardy: Jerome I want you to send a message to your wife....She best not do anything to try to win that SCWE Women's Title next week or loss the match to Lita, her role better to be to help Kelli

Jerome Morris: Um...

Triple H: Hold up here, Matt calm down. We will worry about Next Monday later. Right now our Main Focus is to take out Hogan and we will. Jerome why don't you have a seat and we will discuss some strategy here while we watch Chris Jericho's Big Return Match

Jerome Morris: Great


JR: Jerome Morris is suck a kiss up

Coach: He is not, Jerome is just a big Triple H fan and has alot of respect for him

King: Well I don't know about all that now but anyway its time to see what everyone wants to see

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Whatever It Takes" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring being accumpied by Dawn Marie, From St. Louis, Missouri weighing in at 245 Pounds, The "Legend Killer" Randy Orton

Coach: Here comes The Legend Killer along with the lovely Dawn Marie

King: Randy Orton has taken out several big name legends in the past and Chris Jericho could very well be another name to the list

Coach: Jericho will get stopped before he even gets going

A Countdown Starts when..."Break Down The Walls" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Lillian: His opponent, Making his KSCWE Return, From Winnepeg Manitoba, Canada weighing in at 231 Pounds, Chris Jericho

JR: Y2J has returned to RAW

King: Chris Jericho is getting a great ovation here

Chris Jericho vs Randy Orton W/Dawn Marie
Orton and Jericho exchange words with one another as Orton then slaps Jericho across the face and Jericho grabs his face and smiles and tells Orton he just made a fatal mistake as Orton and Jericho lock up with Orton getting a headlock on but Jericho sends Orton off the ropes as Jericho drops down with Orton jumping over Jericho and Orton hits the other side but Jericho then connects with a dropkick knocking down Orton as Orton gets up near the ropes and Jericho hits a charging clothesline sending Orton up and over to the floor. Jericho then slingshots himself over the ropes onto Orton. Jericho picks up Randy Orton and Jericho rams Orton's head off the steel steps as Jericho then rolls Orton back into the ring as Jericho goes to get into the ring but Dawn Marie grabs Jericho's foot as Orton then ends up kicking Jericho in the head as he comes into the ring taking Jericho down as Orton picks up Jericho and hits a few European Uppercuts to Jericho backing him into the corner as Orton stomps away at Jericho in the corner and Orton then takes Jericho and whips him off the ropes as Orton hits a big dropkick of his own on Jericho as Orton then grabs Jericho from behind and drives Jericho back right into the knee of Orton as Jericho is grabbing his back as Orton then stomps away at Jericho and Orton makes the signal for the RKO as he waits as Jericho gets up and Orton goes for the RKO but Jericho sends Orton into the ropes instead and Jericho then kicks Orton coming back and Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho but Orton hits a few right hands knocking Jericho back as Orton gets up and goes to hit Jericho but Jericho ducks it and Jericho then hits a bulldog and Jericho gets up quickly and hits the ropes and goes for the Lionsault and hits it as he hooks the legs but Dawn Marie gets on the apron as Jericho then goes over and grabs Dawn and Jericho pulls Dawn over the ropes into the ring as Jericho then grabs Dawn and locks in the Walls of Jericho on her but Orton then goes for the RKO again but Jericho ends up shoving Orton away again and Jericho then grabs Orton on the way back and takes him down as Jericho then locks in the Walls of Jericho in the center of the ring as Orton has no choice and taps out.
Winner: Chris Jericho

Lillian: Your winner, Chris Jericho

JR: Chris Jericho has just made an impressive return by knocking off Randy Orton

:Chris Jericho is celebrating his win when Jerome Morris hits the ring and attacks Jericho from behind as Jerome pounds away at Jericho but Jericho fights back and knocks down Jerome with a right hand and Jericho then grabs Jerome and goes for the Walls of Jericho but Jason Morris hits the ring and attacks Jericho but AJ Styles then hits the ring as AJ hits a dropkick on Jason Morris as Jerome rolls out to the floor as Jason Morris also gets out of the ring as Jericho and AJ look at one another and Jericho puts his hand out to AJ as AJ shakes hands with Jericho:

King: A good show of sportsmanship by AJ Styles and Chris Jericho there

JR: Well The Morris Brothers were obviously sent out here to take out Jericho by Triple H but there plan backfired here

Coach: You don't know that

Final Commercial Ad for KSCWE Survivor Series Replay

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:21 AM

JR: Well guys its now time for our Main Event

King: Hulk Hogan will challenge Triple H for the SCWE World Heavyweight Title and Chris Jericho, Matt Hardy, and Kurt Angle are all banned from ringside

Coach: Triple H will live up to his word tonight and take Hogan out

JR: Well that has yet to be seen

Lillian: The Main Event of the Evening is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship(Crowd Cheers)

"Game" hits, Crowd Rises To There Feet and Boo's

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, Being accumpied by Alyssa Amidala, He is the Leader of Evolution X, From Greenwich, Connecticut weighing in at 265 Pounds, The SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, The "Game" Triple H

Coach: The greatest of all time

King: The Game has a mission to take out Hogan but lets see if he can do it

"Real American" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Lillian: His opponent, From Tampa, Florida weighing in at 275 Pounds, Hulk Hogan!!

JR: The Roof has just come off  this place

King: Everyone loves Hulk Hogan but can The Power of Hulkamania overcome Evolution X

SCWE World Heavyweight Championship: Triple H(C) W/Alyssa Amidala vs Hulk Hogan
Referee Earl Hebner explains the rules as Triple H & Hogan have words before locking up with both men trying to overpower the other but to no avail as the two men break off and then lock up again with Triple H backing Hogan into the ropes but Hogan is able to fight back and shoves Triple H into the corner as Earl Hebner orders a break which is granted as Triple H and Hulk Hogan both stare at each other as Triple H and Hogan lock up once again with Triple H then locking in a headlock on Hogan but Hogan sends Triple H off the ropes as Hogan then hits a shoulder block into Triple H as neither guy goes down as Triple H hits the ropes and the same thing again and Triple H then goes to hit the ropes again and comes off and goes for a cheap clothesline but Hogan is able to block it and opens up on Triple H with right hands as Hogan whips Triple H off the ropes and Hogan hits a big backdrop on Triple H as Triple H gets up as Hogan hits a few chops to Triple H backing him into the ropes as Hogan whips Triple H off the ropes and follows as Hogan hits a big clothesline knocking down Triple H as The Game rolls out to the floor as Hogan follows Triple H outside and Hogan knocks Triple H down with a clubbing blow as Hogan then gets a smile on his face as he grabs a camera cord and wraps it around Triple's throat and starts to choke Triple H as the crowd cheers it as Hogan continues to choke Triple H until Alyssa comes over and tries to get off as Hogan then lets go of the camera cord and turns his attention to Alyssa who backs up into the entry way as Hogan looks Alyssa's way but Triple H then hits Hogan from behind knocking him down as Triple H goes back and rolls in and out of the ring as Triple H then takes Hogan and rams his head off the barricade and Triple H then takes Hogan  runs with him and rams Hogan into the Steel Steps. Triple H then picks up Hogan and rolls him into the ring as Triple H tells Alyssa to get it as Triple H gets into the ring as Triple H then delivers a kick to the ribs of Hogan as he is getting up and Triple H then takes Hogan and whips him off the ropes and Triple H hits a big spinebuster on Hogan as Alyssa goes under the ring and pulls out a Sledgehammer and sets it next to the ring as Triple H goes for a Figure 4 Leg Lock and locks it in as Triple H reaches back a little bit and Alyssa grabs Triple H's hands for extra leverage as Hogan is screaming out as Earl Hebner looks at Triple H who has let go as Earl Hebner goes back to Hogan and Triple H does it again as Earl Hebner looks again but still can't catch Triple H and once earl turns back away Triple H does it again but this time Hogan is able to fight back and Hogan sits up and points to Triple H who is still holding Alyssa's hands as Earl Hebner see's and tells Triple H to let go but Hogan is trying to turn it over as Alyssa is trying desperatly to help Triple H to keep it locked in but Hogan does turn it as Alyssa ends up in the ring as a result as Triple H quickly lets it go and gets out of it as Hogan struggles up as Earl Hebner is trying to get Alyssa out as Triple H rolls over and grabs the sledgehammer and Triple H goes to hit Hogan with it but Hogan blocks it and shoves Triple H back as Triple H ends up hitting into Earl Hebner knocking Hebner down as Hogan is holding the Sledgehammer and Hogan then hits a shot right to the ribs of Triple H as The Game goes down hard as Hogan goes to hit him again but Alyssa snatches it away and throws it out to the floor as Hogan then grabs Alyssa by her hair and Hogan tells Alyssa that she has been a bad girl when Jerome Morris hits the ring and Jerome clips the bad leg of Hogan out taking him down as Jason Morris also hits the ring as Jerome & Jason Morris both put the boots to Hogan when The Crowd Cheers as AJ Styles & Stevie Richards race out to the ring as AJ attacks Jason Morris while Stevie Richards and Jerome go at it clearing them away from the ring as Alyssa is trying to help up Triple H and does as Triple H see's Hogan getting up and Triple H grabs Hogan and hits the Pedigree as Earl Hebner then counts the 1-----2-----2.9-Hogan Powers Out, Triple H can't believe it as Triple H goes to hit Hogan but Hogan just sits there and takes the punishment and then starts to get up shaking as Triple H continues to try to hit Hogan and Hogan finally stops and points to Triple H as the Crowd Yells out You. Triple H goes for a right hand but Hogan blocks it and Hogan opens up on The Game with several big right hands and Hogan whips Triple H off the ropes and Hogan hits a Big Boot on Triple H and Hogan then asks the crowd and they want the big leg as Hogan bounces off the ropes and drops The Big Leg Drop on Triple H as Hogan covers The Game and hooks the leg for the 1---2--2.9-Alyssa yanks Earl Hebner out to the floor. Alyssa tells Earl that he will not count the 3 but Hulk Hogan reaches through the ropes then and grabs Alyssa by her hair and pulls her up onto the apron but Triple H then low blows Hogan from behind as Triple H then grabs Hogan and Triple H hits a Face Buster to Hogan as Triple H then grabs Hogan and sets him up for another Pedigree but Hogan backdrops Triple H over the ropes and onto Earl Hebner who was still on the floor. Hogan can't believe what he just did as Hogan gets out to the floor and Hogan picks up Triple H and Hogan rolls The Game back into the ring and Hogan then tries to help up Earl Hebner and rolls him into the ring as Alyssa slides the Sledgehammer back into the ring to Triple H as The Game is holding it as Hogan is checking on Earl Hebner in the ring and starts to get him to wake up as Triple H then delivers a Shot to the bad leg of Hogan with the Sledgehammer taking Hogan down again as Triple H then slides it seeing Earl Hebner getting up and Triple H then locks in a Indian Death Lock on Hogan as Hogan is screaming out from the pain of it but Hogan is refusing to tap out as Earl Hebner is asking Hogan but Hogan tries to power up and Triple H can't believe it as Hogan muscles his way into the ropes as Triple H is forced to break the hold. Triple H looks very frustrated as Triple H stomps away at Hogan as he tries to get up and Triple H backs up as Hogan gets up and Triple H then hits a Chop Block to Hogan taking his leg out as Triple H then picks up Hogan and sets him up for the Pedigree again but Hogan trips Triple H down and then Slingshots Triple H into the corner as Hogan has a hard time getting up but grabs Triple H and does hit a Rock Bottom on him, Hogan then gets up and asks the Crowd what they want as Hogan then tries to bounce off the ropes and goes for The Big Leg Drop and hits it as Hogan is hurting though from it and grabbing his leg as he is unable to make the pin as both Triple H & Hulk Hogan are down as Earl Hebner is counting. Triple H finally starts to get back up as does Hogan as Triple H kicks Hogan in the gut and Triple H then sets up Hogan for another Pedigree and hits it, Triple H shakes his head though and picks up Hogan and hits a Second Consecutive Pedigree and Triple H tells Alyssa that he needs one more to feel safe as Triple H struggles to pick up the lifeless Hogan and Triple H delivers a Third Consecutive Pedigree as Triple H then turns Hogan over and covers him for the 1---2--2.9-Hogan Powers Out again!!! Triple H grabs his head in disbelief as Hogan gets up to his knees and starts to Hulk Up yet Again!! Triple H goes to work on Hogan with everything he got but Hogan just shakes it off as his bad leg's effects also seem to not be a problem now as Hogan stops and points to Triple H again as Triple H goes to hit Hogan again and Hogan blocks it and whips Triple H off the ropes and Hogan hits another Big Boot and Hogan then hits the ropes and Drops another big Leg Drop and Hogan covers this time for the 1---2--2.9-Shoulder Up. Hulk Hogan now can't believe it as Triple H starts to get up as Hogan picks up Triple H and Hogan whips Triple H into the corner and Hogan charges in and hits a big clothesline on Triple H who staggers out of the corner and then falls face first into the mat. Hogan then picks up Triple H as Hogan slams Triple H down and Hogan hits a few big elbows to Triple H as Hogan then picks up Triple H and Hogan whips Triple H off the ropes again and Hogan goes for a backdrop but Triple H stops and hits another Face Buster to Hogan as Triple H grabs Hogan and Triple H sets up Hogan for another Pedigree but Hogan shoves Triple H backwards as Triple H elbows Earl Hebner knocking him down again as Hogan then hits a spinebuster on Triple H!! Hogan then bounces off the ropes and drops another Big Leg Drop as Hogan covers Triple H as Chris Kay races out to the ring and counts the 1---2--3.
Winner: Hulk Hogan (SCWE World)

Lillian: Your winner And New SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, Hulk Hogan


Coach: I can't believe it

JR: That was a Match of the Year Canidate if you ask me and Hulk Hogan pulled out the win

:Eric Bischoff makes his way to the ring and looks a bit on the sad side as Triple H who is on the floor with Alyssa starts yelling at Eric who gets a microphone:

Eric Bischoff: As much as I hate to do this....The only way this match can end is the assigned Referee Earl Hebner makes the Decision meaning that Triple H is still The World Champion(Crowd Boo's)

JR: That's a big load of B/S

Eric Bischoff: However....This Match is not over yet and will there for continue so ring the bell

JR: A Restart

Coach: That's not fair

Triple H is refusing to enter the ring as he has words with Eric Bischoff when Hogan reaches over the ropes and grabs Triple H by his hair and yanks him onto the apron and hogan then pulls Triple H over the top and back into the ring as Triple H is begging off as Alyssa comes into the ring and hits Hogan from behind with the SCWE World Title as Earl Hebner rings the bell for the DQ.
Winner: Hulk Hogan by DQ

Lillian: Your winner as a Result of a DQ, Hulk Hogan

JR: Triple H just got himself DQ'ed to save his damn title

Coach: It got the job done

Eric Bischoff: Hold up right now, This is not going to end like this. The Match will be Restarted Yet again and if Triple H is Counted Out or Disqualfied then The SCWE World Title WILL Change Hands, There Must be a Winner

:Triple H is screaming at Eric Bischoff about the decision as Hogan is getting back up:

JR: Eric Bischoff is doing the right thing

King: For the third time tonight, Hogan vs Triple H!!!

Triple H turns around and goes to hit Hogan but Hogan blocks it and opens up on Triple H with right hands and Hogan whips Triple H off the ropes and hits a big boot on Triple H as Hogan asks the Crowd if they want a Leg Drop and Hogan then goes for the Big Leg Drop but Triple H rolls out of the way as Triple H gets back up and grabs Hogan and Triple H sets him up for another Pedigree but Hogan backdrops Triple H as Alyssa then gets on the apron as Hogan turns his attention to Alyssa when Triple H hits a Chop Block on Hogan as Hogan goes down hard and Hogan is grabbing his leg as Eric Bischoff ends up pulling Alyssa off the apron as Alyssa then knocks down Eric with a right hand which brings Marrisa Bischoff to the ringside area as Marrisa attacks Alyssa knocking her down as Marrisa goes to work on Alyssa as Triple H instead of working on Hogan goes outside to the floor and grabs Marrisa from behind when Mickie James races out to the ringside area and jumps on Triple H's back!! Triple H flips Mickie off her back as Alyssa picks up her Women's Tag Title back and hits Marrisa in the back of the head with it as Triple H grabs Eric Bischoff and rams him into the ring post as Triple H then gets back into the ring as Hogan is trying to get back up and Triple H kicks out Hogan's back leg and Triple H then goes to work on it by stomping away at it as Triple H then picks up Hogan but Hogan fights back and Hogan whips Triple H off the ropes and goes for a Big Boot but Triple H held the ropes as Hogan hurt himself trying to do it and Triple H then kicks Hogan in the gut and Triple H hits another Pedigree and covers for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Triple H

Lillian: Your winner and Still SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H

JR: Finally we have an outcome

Coach: I hope Eric and Marrisa are ok

JR: Eric Bischoff and Marrisa both got laid out thanks to Triple H and Hulk Hogan's leg may be injured here

:Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy make there way to the ring but instead of attacking Hogan, help Triple H out of the ring and both guys help Triple H to the back as Alyssa carries her Tag Title and Triple H's World Title:

King: Triple H was out of gas I think

JR: That was one of the very best matches I think in KSCWE History but its just a shame that somebody had to get injured during it

:Eric Bischoff who is now busted open gets into the ring after checking on Marrisa and checks on Hulk Hogan as the Paremedics are coming out to check on him:

JR: We hope you have enjoyed RAW and what a RAW it was, See You Next Monday.

:RAW Goes off The Air:

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