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RAW : RAW 11/28/05
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 Message 1 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 3:28 AM


Results 11/28/05 Live From Omaha, Nebraska

Dark Matches Air before RAW:

Dark Match #1: None

Dark Match #2: None

:Highlights From RAW's History are shown as Pyro then explodes opening up the show:

JR: Welcome to SCWE RAW coming to you live from Omaha, Nebraska

King: It's good to be in Omaha tonight

Coach: This place sucks

JR: Coach...

Coach: What?

JR: Nevermind, lets go to the ring where Lillian Garcia is waiting

Lillian: The Opening Contest of SCWE Monday Night RAW is scheduled for one fall, 1st already in the ring weighing in at a combined weight of 620 Pounds, The Team of Scar & Brian Mason

King: Scar and Brian Mason made there way to the ring right before we went on the air but they got a tough challenge tonight

"Line in The Sand" hits, Crowd Rises to there Feet and Boo's

Lillian: There opponents, Representing Evolution X, weighing in at a combined weight of 505 Pounds, He is one half of the SCWE Tag Team Champions Matt Hardy and he is the SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, The "Game" Triple H

Coach: Well here comes E-X

JR: Well Brian Mason and Scar definatly have there hands full and this is not the way to snap a losing streak

Triple H & Matt Hardy vs Brian Mason & Scar
The Bell Sounds as Scar starts things off with Matt Hardy as both men lock up with Scar shoving Hardy back into the corner as Scar then goes to hit Hardy but Hardy moves out of the way and goes to work on Scar with big boots to the gut of Scar as Scar then shoves Hardy down as Scar comes out of the corner and goes to pick up Hardy but Hardy hits a few right hands to the gut and Hardy then hits the Twist of Fate on Scar as Triple H comes in and knocks Brian Mason off the apron as Hardy covers for the 1---2--3.
Winners: Triple H & Matt Hardy

Lillian: Your winners, Triple H & Matt Hardy

Coach: Well that was easy enough

King: Brian Mason and Scar stood no chance

"I'm Back" hits, Crowd is mixed as Eric Bischoff walks out into the entry way with a microphone

Eric Bischoff: Now Congratulations you two on your great win tonight but Hunter I wouldn't change out of your gear tonight because you are wrestling later tonight in the Main Event(Crowd Cheers). You see you caused an injury to Hulk Hogan and now The Hulkster will be out of action for some time and Hulk Hogan is my best friend so payback will be coming not to meantion the fact that your little group laid there hands not only on me but my wife Marrisa and as a result of that I have asked Marrisa to remain at home with our children because as far as I am concerned this is a War Zone now and Hunter...I am not going to stop until I see that SCWE World Heavyweight away from you. I'll let you know your opponent later.

"I'm Back" hits as Eric heads to the back and Triple H is livid in the ring

JR: Eric Bischoff just laid the law done!!

Coach: I can't believe what Eric just said

King: Who will Triple H face tonight?


Todd Grisham: I am standing by right now with Lita, Tonight Lita you get a chance to become SCWE Women's Champion tonight but you must defeat Kelli Hardy and Trish Morris. How ready are you for this match?

Lita: Todd you should know that I am extremly ready for this match, I was the last WCW Women's Champion, I never lost the title and tonight I look forward to becoming SCWE Women's Champion

Todd Grisham: Well Kelli Hardy has been a Women's Champion for most of this year and most of last too for that matter, she has been very dominant for basically the last year and a half, Do you honestly think you can beat her knowing she has Evolution X behind her?

Lita: Well I think anything is possible and I haven't forgotten that little hair cut she gave me so payback is definatly coming to her

Todd Grisham: Well what about Trish Morris, she has been on a major role lately

Lita: I know Trish Morris has been red hott and I know she is ready for action but tonight its about me becoming The Next SCWE Women's Champion

:Lita walks away from Todd:

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JR: Well Lita seems ready for tonight

Coach: Lita can talk all she wants guys, she stands no chance of beating Trish Morris or Kelli Hardy

King: Well I just hope Trish Morris flashes us tonight

JR: I don't think anyone will get flashed tonight King, its all about business

King: I know JR, one can only hope though

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Detective" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, Represnting Evolution X, From Cleveland, Ohio, She is one half of the SCWE Women's Tag Team Champions, Alyssa Amidala

King: Well here comes Alyssa

Coach: Alyssa is going to dominate tonight just like Kelli will later

"International Woman" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: Her opponent, From Korea, Gail Kim

JR: Gail Kim is being given a big time chance here to score a major upset

Alyssa Amidala vs Gail Kim
Alyssa tells Gail she should just forfeit the match or else she will get hurt badly but Gail shakes her head no and then precedes to go to work on Alyssa!! Gail Kim hits several forearm shots to the face of Alyssa and Gail then whips Alyssa off the ropes and Gail goes for a Hurrincanrana but Alyssa catches her and Powerbombs her instead. Alyssa then picks up Gail Kim and Alyssa delivers a Spike DDT to Gail Kim as Alyssa rolls Gail over and Alyssa then hits a Standing Moonsault to Gail, Alyssa instead of covering though picks up Gail Kim and Alyssa knees Gail in the face before setting her up for the Widow's Peak and hits it as Alyssa rolls Gail over and covers for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Alyssa Amidala

Lillian: Your winner, Alyssa Amidala

King: Alyssa just picked up a huge win tonight over Gail Kim to keep rolling

Coach: Like there was any doubt Alyssa would win


Maria: I am standing by right now with Trish Morris, Trish tonight you are stepping into the ring with Lita and Kelli Hardy for a chance to become SCWE Women's Champion, What do you think your chances of walking out of here as Women's champion are?

Trish Morris: Maria I think I have a great chance to do just that, I know that Lita and Kelli are both going to be tough but I won the Leathal Lottery and that was no easy feat to do so tonight I like my chances especially since nobody thinks I can do it.

:Trish walks away:


King: Trish Morris seemed pumped up for action

JR: Well King its a big time chance for Trish Morris and Lita tonight and neither one wants to mess it up

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Can You Dig It" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, From Houston, Texas weighing in at 250 Pounds, Booker T

King: Here comes Booker T who tonight is going to try to do something that I know the bWo all wants done

"Simon Says" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: His opponent being accumpied to the ring by Lexus Carr, From Pensacola, Florida weighing in at 225 Pounds, Simon Dean

JR: Simon Dean should be ashamed of what he did last week and I hope Stevie Richards kicks his butt at Armageddon and Booker T does the same thing tonight

Coach: Simon Dean got tired of carrying Rico around and did what he had to do

Simon Dean W/Lexus Carr vs Booker T
Simon Dean tells Booker T that he is going to make short work of him here tonight as Booker tells Simon to bring it as Simon Dean and Booker lock up with Booker locking in a headlock and then flipping over Simon as Booker applies pressure but Lexus Carr gets on the apron as Mark Johnson goes over to get her down as Booker gets up as well and goes over as Lexus jumps off the apron as Simon then attacks Booker from behind as Simon pounds away at Booker with several right hands and Simon goes to send Booker off the ropes but Booker reverses sending Simon off the ropes and Booker then hits a Harlem Side Kick to Simon Dean as Simon gets back up and Booker kicks Simon in the gut and Booker hits the ropes and goes for the Ax Kick and hits it as Booker then does the Spinaroonie back to his feet and covers Simon for a 1---2--2.8-shoulder up. Booker T shakes his head in disbelief as Booker picks up Simon and Booker sets him up for the Bookend but Simon elbows Booker T in the head as Simon then locks in a Sleeper hold on Booker T but Booker rams Simon back into the corner, Booker then turns around and kicks Simon in the gut and hits a DDT on him as Booker T asks the crowd what they want to see as Booker T then goes up top and waits for Simon to get up but during that Lexus Carr goes into Simon's bag and pulls out a 10 pound weight and slides it into the ring to Simon Dean as Lexus gets on the apron distracting Mark Johnson as Booker T comes off once Simon gets off looking for a Double Ax blow but Simon hits Booker in the ribs with the weight instead as Booker T is hurting as Simon slides the weight to the floor as Simon then grabs his weight lifting belt and starts to whip Booker T over and over again as Booker can barely avoid it after being hit in the ribs with the weight as Mark Johnson finally tells Simon to stop as Simon then puts the weight belt down and picks up Booker T and Simon hits the Simon Effect and covers Booker T for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Simon Dean

Lillian: Your winner, Simon Dean

Coach: Another impressive win for Simon Dean

JR: Well Simon Dean gets a big win, not the classiest way to win but still a big win for Simon Dean

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 Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:29 AM

JR: Well things are just starting to heat up

King: Yeah we still got the SCWE Women's Title Match and we know Triple H will wrestle again later tonight against a Mystery Oppent Handpicked by GM Eric Bischoff plus we got Rose taking on Christy and Tara vs Stacy and Kurt Angle defending the IC Title against Stevie Richards

Coach: RAW tonight is off the hook and we also got Jericho vs Jerome Morris too but lets see what match will be next

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Feel Good Inc" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, From Telemuca, California, Christy Hemme

Coach: Here comes Christy who after talking with her earlier plans on taking out Rose

King: Well they have faced off before in the past and Rose came out on top

"I Bet You Look Good On the Dancefloor" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: Her opponent, From Austin, Texas, She is the SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion, Rose Thorn

JR: Rose Thorn better not be looking ahead to her Hell in a Cell Match at Armageddon against Stacy Flair because Christy is a heck of a diva

Rose Thorn vs Christy Hemme
The bell sounds and Rose and Christy lock up in the middle of the ring. The two women push and pull at one another, Christy manages to distract Rose with a big push into the ropes, Christy irish whips Rose to the opposite ropes, Rose bouces back and nails Christy with a tornado head scissors. Rose and Christy both get up, Hemme holds her head and stumbles about a little dizzy. Rose kicks Christy in the gut and sends her to the turnbuckle, Rose runs at Christy and nails her with a splash in the turnbuckle, Christy stumbles out of the turnbuckle and right into a Fisherwomans suplex from Rose, Rose flips herself up and jumps up to the top rope. She launches off with the Tranquil Insanity! Rose covers Christy 1...2...2.9 kick out by  Christy, Rose gets up, picking up Christy with her, Christy breaks free of Rose and nails her with three elbows to the face. Christy grabs Rose's head and flips her over with a headlock take over. Christy jumps up and nails Rose with a leg drop, Christy grabs a hold of Rose's hair and picks her up, Rose breaks free and goes for a clothesline on Christy but Hemme ducks it and as rose turns around Christy nails her with The Hemme Love! Christy covers Rose 1,..2...2.9 kick out by Thorn. Christy sits up and smacks the ring canvas. She gets up and starts to argue with the referee. Rose Thorn flips herself up and comes up behind Christy. Rose hoists her up and nails her with a Spinning Out Powerbomb! Rose picks up a near lifeless Christy and drags her to the turnbuckle. Rose jumps onto the top rope and picks up Christy Between her legs, Rose jumps off the turnbuckle hitting the Hardcore Pink and Frills! Rose flips Christy over and covers her 1...2...3!
Winner: Rose Thorn

Lillian: Your winner, Rose Thorn

JR: Rose Thorn gets the impressive win here over Christy Hemme

Coach: Rose got lucky thats all

:Afer the final bell, Stacy Flair hits the ring and attacks Rose from behind knocking her down as Stacy pounds away at Rose as Stacy picks up the Women's RAWCore Title and then blasts Rose in the face with the title laying her out as Stacy continues to pound away at Rose when AJ Styles finally hits the ring as Stacy bails out to the floor:

King: Thank goodness for AJ Styles there

Coach: Stacy Flair sent a message to Rose Thorn and thats what she wanted to do

:Backstage: Evolution X's Locker Room

:Triple H, Kelli Hardy, Matt Hardy, & Alyssa Amidala are shown:

Kelli Hardy: Alyssa you know what the gameplan is for tonight right?

Triple H: Whoa what gameplan

Kelli Hardy: We got a gameplan for me to retain

Triple H: Who said Alyssa is going with you tonight?s

Kelli Hardy: She always comes with me

Triple H: Not anymore

Kelli Hardy: What makes you boss

Triple H: I'm the World Heavyweight Champion

Kelli Hardy: Well I am the Women's Champion and I can take you out

Triple H: Please sis, we all know I am The Greatest Wrestler in KSCWE History

Kelli Hardy: Thats only because us divas cant wrestle the men and Hunter we both know that I am The Greatest Diva in the History of KSCWE even better then your precious Victoria

:Triple H looks a bit annoyed but then starts to laugh:

Triple H: Kelli don't you remember that I ki..

Kelli Hardy: Hunter don't even try to spin it, we both know you still carry some torch for her but now isn't the time nor the place for her, bottom line is I get Alyssa

Matt Hardy: Um guys how about you both use Alyssa?

Triple H: Our matches are back to back so that won't work

Kelli Hardy: I should get her, you take Matt

Triple H: You take Matt, I want Alyssa

Kelli Hardy: How about this, we let Alyssa decide

Triple H: Fine

:Triple H & Kelli both look at Alyssa:

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JR: Well that was a interesting segment between the Helmsley's

King: Well you can definatly see that Kelli is a Helmsley there by the fact she stood up to her older brother and I think got the upper hand on him with the Victoria comment

Coach: Well my question is who will Alyssa manage now

JR: I guess we will find out later tonight

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Intercontinental Championship

"One Step Closer" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, Being accumpied by Melinda and Representing the bWo, He is From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania weighing in at 220 Pounds, "Big Stevie Cool" Stevie Richards

JR: Well here comes Stevie Richards who looks to become IC Champion for the second time in his career tonight

King: Stevie Richards is going to have his hands full though

"I Don't Suck" hits, Crowd Chants You Suck

Lillian: His opponent, Representing Evolution X, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 237 Pounds, He is the SCWE Intercontinental Champion, Kurt Angle

Coach: Well here comes E-X's Olympic Hero

King: I notice Kurt has nobody with him

JR: Well from what I have heard, Kaylee Walker and Julianne Angle are both off planning Kaylee's upcoming wedding to Kurt

Coach: Kurt doesn't need help, he is that good

SCWE Intercontinental Championship: Kurt Angle(C) vs Stevie Richards W/Melinda
Referee Charles Robinson explains the rules as he rings the bell to start the match as Kurt Angle and Stevie Richards lock up with Angle going behind Richards and Angle goes to flip Richards over but Richards is able to hook his leg around Kurt's and Stevie then elbows Kurt a few times in the face as Kurt lets go of Stevie trying to shake off the effects and Stevie grabs Kurt and hits a neckbreaker on him, Stevie Richards then covers for a 1--2--kick out. Stevie then pounds away at Kurt as he gets up and Stevie goes to whip Kurt off the ropes but Kurt reverses sending Stevie off them and Kurt goes for a big clothesline but Stevie ducks it and kicks Kurt in the gut and Stevie hits the Stevie Suplex on Kurt. Stevie Richards then picks up Kurt Angle but Kurt grabs Stevie instead and Kurt hits a belly 2 belly suplex on Richards. Kurt Angle then gets up with a sick look on his face as Stevie gets up and Kurt grabs Stevie and Kurt hits a German Suplex and holds on for a Second German Suplex and Kurt then hits a Third one as Kurt holds on and hits a Fourth German Suplex and Kurt is still hanging on and hits a fifth German Suplex and Kurt is able to go for Number Six but Stevie ends up countering it into a Victory roll for a 1---2---2.9-kick out. Kurt Angle gets up and quickly attacks Richards knocking Stevie into the ropes as Kurt puts Stevie's neck over the middle rope as Kurt drives his knee into the back of Stevie choking Richards against the rope as Charles Robinson threatens to DQ Kurt Angle but Kurt won't stop and finally does right before the 5. Kurt Angle then backs up and charges looking to drive his weight over Stevie but Stevie moves as Kurt straddles the middle rope as Kurt is hurting from it and Stevie ends up hitting the Stevie Kick on Kurt Angle but Angle falls out to the floor as Richards is down in the ring. Referee Charles Robinson then starts a 10 count on Kurt. 1-2-3-4-5-6-Kurt Angle starts to get back up-7-8-Kurt finally rolls back into the ring as Stevie Richards attacks Kurt once he gets into the ring, Stevie picks up Kurt Angle and hits a few big chops on Angle against the ropes as Stevie grabs Kurt then and Stevie looks for a belly 2 belly suplex but Kurt rakes the eyes of Stevie instead as Kurt Angle then grabs Stevie and locks in a Crossface Chicken Wing on Stevie Richards but Stevie is able to reach the ropes forcing the break. Kurt Angle gets back up this feet and Kurt Angle stomps away at Stevie's lower back then as Kurt takes Stevie but Stevie pokes Kurt in the eyes and Stevie locks in a sleeper hold on Angle but Kurt backs up ramming Stevie into the corner. Kurt Angle then moves out as Stevie comes out and looks for a clothesline but Kurt ducks it and Kurt grabs Stevie and hits the Angle Slam, Kurt Angle then puts his straps down saying its over as Kurt Angle then grabs Stevie's ankle but Stevie quickly flips over sending Kurt Angle into the corner as Stevie then grabs Kurt coming out and Stevie kicks him in the gut and Stevie hits the Stevie T on Kurt and covers for a 1---2---2.9-shoulder up. Stevie Richards can not believe it as Stevie then gets up and goes to the corner and starts to pound his foot on the mat looking for the Stevie Kick as Kurt Angle gets back up and Stevie goes for it but Kurt grabs the Ankle and locks in the Angle Lock and Kurt is able to grapevine it but Stevie is able to flip Kurt into the ropes instead and Stevie rolls up Kurt then with a small package and Stevie has the tights for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Stevie Richards (SCWE IC)

Lillian: Your winner and The New SCWE Intercontinetal Champion, Stevie Richards

JR: Stevie Richards has done it, He has become IC Champion!!!

King: This has to be a major upset

:Kurt Angle is in the ring and can't believe it as Stevie Richards & Melinda leave through the crowd celebrating:

Coach: This is at travisty of justice, Stevie Richards cheated!!

JR: Well, "Big Stevie Cool" has just become the New IC Champion

:Backstage: bWo's Locker Room

:Mick Foley is shown watching the monitor as he is celebrating as AJ Styles & Rose Thorn then walk into the Locker Room:

Mick Foley: Stevie did it, did you guys see that

AJ Styles: Yeah thats more gold for the bWo

Mick Foley: Huh?

AJ Styles: Didn't Stevie tell you, Me and Rose have officially joined the bWo

Mick Foley: Thats awesome

:Stevie Richards & Melinda then enter the Locker Room:

Mick Foley: Party Time!!!

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 Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:29 AM

JR: Up next we are going to see Chris Jericho taking on Jerome Morris in what should be a great contest

Coach: Jerome Morris gets to take out Chris Jericho before Armageddon and thats great

King: Well Jericho looked good last week knocking off Randy Orton

JR: Before we get to this match though we must run down the Armageddon Card, You will Triple H defending the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship against Chris Jericho

King: Matt Hardy & Kurt Angle will defend the SCWE Tag Team Title's against Charlie Haas and a Myster Partner

Coach: Stevie Richards will defend his newly won Intercontinental Title against former bWo member Simon Dean

King: Tara Rayge will battle Lita plus Alyssa Amidala, Trish Morris, Christy Hemme, & Gail Kim will all do battle but Eric Bischoff has put a notation that these matches will be changing based upon the Women's Title Match tonight

JR: Rose Thorn defends her Women's RAWCore Championship against Stacy Flair in a Hell in a Cell

Coach: AJ defends the European Title against Jerome Morris in the First Ever Thrill Zone Assault

King: Mick Foley puts his RAWCore Title on the line against David Flair & Jason Morris

JR: Randy Orton battles Edge and Newcomer Ken Kennedy takes on Californian

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Stricken" hits, Crowd is mixed

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, From Denver, Colorado weighing in at 225 Pounds, Jerome Morris

Coach: Well here comes Jerome Morris and I think this will be the biggest win of Jerome's career tonight

King: Well that is if Jerome can win it but Jerome is getting a mixed reaction here in Omaha for some reason

Countdown Starts and then cuts into "Break The Walls Down", Crowd Cheers

Lillian: His opponent, From Winnepeg, Manitoba, Canada weighing in at 231 Pounds, Chris Jericho

JR: Well here comes Chris Jericho now

King: This is going to be good

Chris Jericho vs Jerome Morris
Jerome Morris attacks Chris Jericho as soon as Referee Rudy Charles rings the bell as Jerome pounds away at Jericho and then hits a few big chops to Jericho backing Jericho up but Jericho is able to hit a few chops to Jerome getting Jerome to back off as Jericho then hits a big chop knocking down Jerome as Jerome gets back up and Jericho kicks Jerome in the gut and Jericho hits the ropes and hits a running knee lift knocking Jerome back down again. Jerome then stalks behind Jerome as he gets up and Jericho hits a running bulldog on Jerome as Jerome rolls out of the ring then to regroup as Jason Morris comes down to the ring as Jericho goes up top as Jason is trying to help out Jerome and Jericho comes off taking out both Morris brothers. Jericho gets back up and picks up Jerome and Jericho picks up Jerome for a bodyslam but instead drops Jerome throat first over the guard rail as Jason Morris is back up and goes to hit Jericho back Jerome picks up Jerome and drops backwards doing the same thing to Jason Morris. Jericho then rolls in and out of the ring to restart the count as Jericho delivers a stiff kick to the ribs of Jerome as Jericho then grabs Jerome and hits a Snap Suplex on the floor as Jerome is grabbing his back as Jericho then grabs Jason Morris and rams him into the ring post as Jerome is getting back up and Jericho hits a running enziguri on Jerome taking him down as Jericho picks up Jerome and rolls him into the ring as Jericho gets into the ring as Jerome is rolling away as Jericho picks up Jerome but Jerome grabs Jericho and hits the Thrill Seekers as Jericho covers for a 1--2--kick out. Jerome gets back up and Jerome pounds away at Jericho and Jerome looks for the Cocky Cutter but Jericho counters into a backdrop on Jerome, Jericho then hits another bulldog on Jerome as he was getting up as Jericho then hits the ropes and hits the Lionsault on Jerome for the 1--2--2.8-Jason Morris pulls Jericho out of the ring as Jericho then knocks down Jason Morris as Jericho then locks in the Walls of Jericho on Jason Morris as Jerome rolls out to the floor as Jericho breaks the Walls and clotheslines Jerome down as Jericho picks up Jerome and rolls him into the ring as Jericho comes in as Jerome gets back but Jericho grabs Jerome's legs and takes him down as Jericho locks in the Walls of Jericho in the center of the ring as Jerome is screaming out in pain as Jason Morris is getting back up but Triple H then appears on the RAWVision as Jericho breaks the Walls of Jericho and goes over to the ropes and is telling Triple H to come out to the ring as Triple H tells Jericho that Armageddon is coming soon for him as Triple H disappears as Jericho turns around and walks right into the Cocky Cutter from Jerome Morris as Jerome covers quickly for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Jerome Morris

Lillian: Your winner, Jerome Morris

Coach: I told you Jerome would do it

King: Jerome Morris has just beaten Chris Jericho

JR: Thats not right, Jason Morris kept trying to get involved and Triple H's distraction cost Jericho the match

Coach: Bottom line is Jerome hit the Cocky Cutter and covered Jericho for the 1-2-3. Big Win for Jerome Morris

JR: This is just not fair

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JR: Well we still have three huge matches to come yet but I am still in shock over the last match

Coach: JR I told you Jerome would win and by god Jerome Morris won

King: It's a huge win for Jerome Morris but I don't think it hurts Jericho, I think it makes Jericho that much more dangerous come Armageddon

Coach: Well I was just told that Jericho was throwing a temper tantrom backstage and Eric Bischoff had Chris Jericho removed from the arena and told him to not come back until Armageddon so the King of Bling Bling is no more

JR: Well I think that could be a good thing because now that means Triple H can not set a trap for Jericho

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Everybody's Fool" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, From Los Angelos, California, Stacy Flair

Coach: Here comes the lovely Stacy Mason-Flair who we saw earlier tonight teaching Rose Thorn a lesson

JR: Well this should be a good contest

"Alive" hits, Crowd Keeps Booing

Lillian: Her opponent, From Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Tara Rayge

King: Now here comes Tara Rayge who isn't liked either

JR: Well these two divas are both less then popular but both can get the job done making this a interesting match

Tara Rayge vs Stacy Flair
The match starts off with Stacy charging at Tara and rushing her into the corner.  Tara gets stuck as Stacy starts to hit repetitive shoulder thrusts into the gut of Tara.  Stacy then backs out of the corner as Tara stands there and holds her ribs.  Stacy then rebounds off the ropes and goes to catch Tara in a bulldog but Tara counters it and reverses it into to  hitting a DDT on Stacy.  Tara then grabs Stacy by the hair and pulls her to her feet.  Tara then begins to hits repeat forearm shots to the face of Stacy.  Tara hits one blow that causes Stacy to take a seconds breathe.  Tara goes in for one final rush but Stacy catches her and kicks her in the midsection. Stacy then locks Tara up and nails a Fisherman's Suplex.  Stacy floats over and goes for the pin, 1--2--kick out.  Stacy gets to her feet and smirks as she steps on Tara's hair.  Stacy reaches over and grabs Tara's arms  Stacy then lifts Tara up by the arms as Tara screams at the pulling of her hair.  Stacy then drops Tara hard on the canvas.  as she bends over to get Tara's arms and do it again, Tara catches Stacy in a small package roll up.  1--2-kick out.  Tara breaks the fall as she quickly rolls to her feet and grabs Stacy by the hair and nails a Hair grab takeover.  Tara then looks down at Stacy as she points to the turnbuckle.  Tara then begins to climb the corner as Stacy gets to her feet.  Stacy gets up and nails some forearm shots to Tara's head.  Stacy then backs up as she run in catches Tara's head in between her legs.  Stacy goes to flip Tara out of the corner but Tara catches her and throws Stacy off of her as Stacy hits the mat.  Tara gets up and jumps off the corner and nails Stacy with a Moonsault.  Tara attempts the cover, 1--2--kick out.  Tara cant believe it as has gets to her feet.  She argues with the ref as she gets caught from behind with a quick roll up from Stacy.  Stacy covers her 1--2--kick out.  Tara breaks the fall as both divas get to their feet.  Stacy goes to catch Tara by the hair, but Tara kicks Stacy in the gut.  Tara goes for a Hurrincanrana but Stacy holds Tara up there and nails Tara with a modified power bomb.  Stacy then attempts the cover, 1--2--kick out.  Stacy cant believe it as she gets angry and starts pulling at her hair.  Stacy then stands above Tara and waits for her to get up.  Tara is up as Stacy hits a spinning chick kick.  Stacy looks at Tara on the mat as she looks to the corner.  Stacy climbs the corner and looks to go for the Broken Dreams when Rose is seen running down the ramp way.  Stacy is unaware of this as she stands up but Rose gets on the apron and then shoves Stacy off as Stacy hits the guard rail face first as Rose goes over and pounds away at Stacy as Tara gets out of the ring and ends up leaving a Security Races out to pull Rose off Stacy.
Winner: Stacy Flair by DQ

Lillian: Your winner as a result of a DQ, Stacy Flair

JR: Rose Thorn just got herself some of Stacy Flair

Coach: That was not right

King: It was payback for earlier

:Backstage: Jerome Morris's Locker Room

:Jerome is shown having a celebration as Jason Morris is dumping champagn over Jerome's head as Trish Morris walks out of the bathroom:

Trish Morris: What the hell are you two doing

Jerome Morris: Celebrating, this champagn to celebrate my big win was great

Trish Morris: That was for when I win the Women's Title

Jerome Morris: I'm sorry then but I beat Chris Jericho

Trish Morris: Good for you but you better save some for after I win the Women's Title

Jerome Morris: Fine

:Trish leaves the Locker Room as Jerome opens another bottle and starts to dump it over his head:

:Another Area Backstage: Evolution X's Locker Room

:Kurt Angle is shown with Triple H & Matt Hardy:

Kurt Angle: Where the hell were you two at? I Lost my IC Title

Triple H: Kurt look we were having some problems and we figured you could handle Stevie on your own

Matt Hardy: Yeah

Kurt Angle: Well I did have things in hand until that moron cheated by using my tights to win

Triple H: Kurt don't worry about it, we will get the bWo back for that, we got bigger fish to fry though like you two taking out Haas and tonight I apparantly have to wrestle some unknown opponent

Kurt Angle: We got your back

Matt Hardy: Yeah

Triple H: Good now lets watch Kelli beat Lita and Trish and retain her Women's Title

:All three men sit down as they watch the TV:

Commercial Ad for SCWE SmackDown!, SCWE OverDrive!, & SCWE Mayhem

 Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:30 AM

JR: Well guys its time for the SCWE Women's Title Match

Coach: Kelli Hardy is going to walk out of here still Champion

King: I don't know Lita and Trish are both focused and ready

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Women's Championship

"Did My Time" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, From Denver, Colorado, Trish Morris

King: Well here comes the very lovely Trish Morris

"LoveFuryEnergyPassion" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: Her opponent, From Sanford, North Carolina, Lita

JR: Well here comes Lita now who I have just been told will face Stacy Flair Next Monday on RAW and Rose Thorn will take on Tara Rayge

King: Two big matches

"Figured You Out" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: And finally, Represneting Evolution X, From Greenwich, Connecticut, She is the SCWE Women's Champion, Kelli Hardy

Coach: Well here comes the Greatest Diva in KSCWE History

King: I guess Triple H got Alyssa

JR: Well I don't know about that

Coach: Well we heard what Kelli said earlier

SCWE Women's Championship: Kelli Hardy(C) vs Trish Morris vs Lita
Kelli Hardy & Trish Morris both seem to agree right away as both divas then attack Lita as Lita tries to fight back and Lita knocks down Trish but Kelli knees Lita in the gut as Kelli then hair tosses Lita across the ring as Trish then stomps away at Lita and Trish picks up Lita and whips her off the ropes as Trish puts her head down for backdrop but Lita kicks Trish in the chest and Lita grabs Trish then and hits a big DDT on her but Kelli Hardy hits Lita from behind as Kelli then takes Lita and rams her head off the top turnbuckle and does so repeatedly as the crowd counts along to 10 as Kelli then sets up Lita for a Kelli Bomb but Lita counters into a Hurrincanrana as Lita hooks the legs for the 1---2--2.7-Trish Morris kicks Lita in the face. Trish then stomps away at Lita as Trish picks up Lita and Trish goes for the Stratusfaction but Lita sends up setting Trish on the top turnbuckle instead as Lita climbs up for a backdrop but Kelli comes over and hits Lita as Trish turns herself around and Trish pounds away at Lita but Lita ends up kicking Kelli back and Lita hits a big right hand on Trish and Lita hooks Trish for a superplex but Kelli grabs Lita as Kelli has Lita hooked as Kelli goes to fall back with Lita but Lita hangs on and hits the Super plex on Trish Morris as the Crowd is chanting Holy Shit as all three divas are down. Kelli is the first diva up as Kelli goes over and kicks Lita hard in the ribs as Kelli then picks up Lita and sets up Lita for a Twist of Fate and Kelli hits it as Kelli covers for a 1---2--Trish Morris pulls Kelli off and covers Lita but Kelli pulls Trish off as both divas get up and argue as Kelli then hits a big slap to Trish as Trish then spears down Kelli and both divas take turns with the right hands as Kelli gets back up to her feet as does Trish but Trish & Lita then both hit a double clothesline sending Kelli over the top to the floor as Trish quickly hits Lita and Trish then trips Lita down and Trish locks in the Blonde Bitch Walls but Lita is able to get the ropes as Trish breaks the hold but stomps away at Lita's lower back. Trish then picks up Lita as Trish sets up Lita for the Blonde Bitch Ride but Lita is able to backdrop Trish as Lita then kicks Trish in the gut as she gets up and Lita hits a Modified Twist of Fate as Lita covers for a 1---2--2.8-Kelli breaks it up, Kelli then takes Lita and Kelli rams Lita shoulder first into the ring post as Kelli grabs Lita out of the corner and Kelli sets up Lita for a Pedigree near the ropes but Lita ends up backdropping Kelli as Kelli goes over the ropes and Kelli lands right on her head as Kelli is hurting from the hold and grabbing her neck as Lita looks out in concern and is calling for somebody to help when Trish Morris attacks Lita from behind as Trish then turns Lita around and Trish hits a slingshot as Lita bounce right up into the top rope as Lita is hurting and grabbing her back as Trish then drags Lita to the center of the ring and Trish goes for the Blonde Bitch Walls again but Lita grabs Trish and gets her with a small package for a 1---2--3.
Winner: Lita (SCWE Women's)

Lillian: Your winner and The New SCWE Women's Champion, Lita

JR: Lita has just become Women's Champion but I hope Kelli Hardy is ok

Coach: Kelli took a nasty fall there as Matt Hardy and The Paramedics are tending to her and Trish Morris is not happy in the ring

:The Paramedics put a neckbrace on Kelli and then put her on a stretcher and take her out of the arena as Matt Hardy is by her side:

King: Well like Kelli or not nobody deserves to get hurt and she could have a broken neck or something along those lines

:Footage is shown on how Kelli got hurt:

JR: Well lets go backstage to check on her

:Paramedics are shown putting Kelli into an Ambulance as Triple H, Alyssa, & Kurt Angle are all standing there as Matt Hardy gets into the Ambulance:

Triple H: Kurt go with him

Kurt Angle: What? Who will watch your back

Triple H: I got Alyssa thats all I need, you go make sure everything goes ok because Matt is going to be nuts

Kurt Angle: Alright

:Kurt Angle gets into the Ambulance on the other side as The Doors close and the Ambulance Pulls out:

Final Commercial Ad for SCWE Aramageddon-Long Ad

JR: Well I hope Kelli will be ok

Coach: I just hope Triple H will be ok because now he has no back up

King: He has Alyssa

Coach: I mean but Matt Hardy and Kurt Angle are both gone

JR: Well I don't like Triple H much but I guess because thats his sister he did the right thing by having Kurt go along with Matt

Lillian: The Main Event of the Evening is scheduled for one fall

"Game" hits, Crowd Rises to there feet and Boo's

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring being accumpied by Alyssa Amidala, He is the Leader of Evolution X, From Greenwich, Connecticut, weighing in at 265 Pounds, He is the SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, The "Game" Triple H

Coach: This isn't fair, Triple H wrestled earlier tonight, now he is worried about his sister and yet he still must wrestle some unknown opponent

King: He made his bed and now he has to lay in it

"I'm Back" hits as Eric Bischoff walks out into the entry way with a microphone

Eric Bischoff: Now Hunter before I get to you, I just wanted to take this time to announce that Lita will be defending the Women's Title at Armageddon against not only Tara Rayge but now Trish Morris as well. Now Hunter I do send you my deepest sympathay's about what happened to Kelli earlier tonight but you will still be wrestling tonight but look on the bright side this next match is not for your the World Heavyweight Title.

Coach: Phew

Eric Bischoff: However....It is a Handicap Match and your opponents are KSCWE Legends....

:Eric looks at his Watch:

Eric Bischoff: 3 Minute Warning

King: Jamal and Rosie are one of the Greatest Tag Teams in History!!

:Triple H shakes his head in disbelief as Jamal & Rosie come out from the crowd and enter the ring and attack Triple H from behind:

JR: Well here we go

Handicap Match: Triple H W/Alyssa Amidala vs Jamal & Rosie
Jamal & Rosie continue to put the boots to Triple H as both men pick up the game and whip him into the corner as Jamal charges in hitting a big body splash as Jamal sends Triple H out as Rosie grabs the Game and hits a Samoan Drop on him as Jamal then hits a big Splash on Triple H and hooks the leg for a 1---2--2.6-kick out. Jamal & Rosie then pick up Triple H and both guys hit a double suplex on him as Jamal tells Rosie to go up top as Rosie does as Jamal then goes over ready to throw Rosie from the top and does but Triple H is able to move avoiding the big splash as Triple H gets back up and catches Jamal with a boot to the gut and Triple H then drives Jamal's face down into his knees as Triple H picks up big Jamal and hits a spinebuster as Rosie then goes to hit Triple H but The Game kicks Rosie in the gut and Triple H hits the Pedigree as Triple H then clotheslines Jamal over the top to the floor as Triple H covers Rosie for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Triple H

Lillian: Your winner, Triple H

Coach: Well so much for them

JR: Triple H just beat the legendary Jamal & Rosie

:Eric Bischoff is smiling in the entry way:

Eric Bischoff: Congratulations Hunter, but your not done yet because Now You are going to Defend your SCWE World Heavyweight Title

Coach: He can't do that

JR: He just did

Eric Bischoff: It will be a No DQ Match against a Former SCWE World Heavyweight Champion and somebody who was very very dominant.....GOLDBERG

King: Uh oh

"Invasion" hits as the Crowd Starts Chanting Goldberg as Goldberg is shown leaving his Locker Room towards the ring

JR: Business is about to pick up and Triple H may not be SCWE World Champion for much longer

:Crowd Cheers again as Goldberg makes his way into the arena and towards the ring as Triple H is telling Alyssa something as Alyssa goes under the ring and gets out a Sledgehammer and is holding on to it:

King: The war is going to be on

SCWE World Heavyweight Championship: No DQ: Triple H(C) W/Alyssa Amidala vs Goldberg
Triple H gets the Sledige from Alyssa as Goldberg enters the ring and Triple H goes to hit Goldberg but Goldberg blocks it and then shoves Triple H down as Goldberg throws the Sledgehammer down as Triple H gets back up as both men lock up with Goldberg picking up Triple H and shoving him down to the mat as Triple H is a bit surprised as Goldberg tells Triple H he's next as The Game then goes to lock up but goes for a cheap shot but Goldberg instead grabs Triple H and bench presses him and then drops him and catches him for a powerslam as Triple H is riving in pain, Triple H is struggling up as Goldberg is waiting as Goldberg then hits the Spear on Triple H once he turns around as Goldberg picks up Triple H and sets him up for the Jackhammer and hits a one handed Jackhammer as Goldberg hooks the leg for the 1---2--David Flair, Jason Morris, & Jerome Morris all attack Goldberg breaking up the pin as the three men pound away at Goldberg but Goldberg gets up and grabs Flair & Jason by there throats and shove them away as Goldberg then picks up Jerome and bench presses him but Stacy Flair hits the ring and low blows Goldberg which allows for David Flair & Jason Morris to put the boots to Goldberg but then the crowd starts to cheer as Rose Thorn hits the ring and spears Stacy Flair out of the ring as Mick Foley, AJ Styles, & Stevie Richards also hit the ring as Richards and Jerome go at while AJ and Jason Morris and Mick Foley and David Flair brawl it out on the floor leaving Goldberg and Triple H in the ring as Goldberg is back up and is stalking Triple H as The Game struggles up but Triple H grabs the Sledgehammer as Goldberg charges once Triple H turns around and Triple H hits Goldberg in the head knocking out Goldberg instantly as Triple H then picks up Goldberg and hits the Pedigree as The Game covers for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Triple H

Lillian: Your winner and still SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H

 Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:30 AM

Coach: Mark up another win for Triple H

JR: Well Goldberg had the title won until Jerome Morris, Jason Morris, David Flair, & Stacy Flair got involved but now the bWo is handling that

King: I don't think Eric is done yet

:Eric Bischoff starts to clap:

Eric Bischoff: Well Hunter you did exactly what I figured you would do so now that the warm up matches are done...Lets get serious here

King: Warm up matches?

:Triple H grabs a microphone:

Triple H: Bischoff I have wrestled three freaking matches tonight, I have defended my World Title, fought in Handicap Matches, Enough is enough

Eric Bischoff: Oh no Hunter you have one more match but its a Non-Title Match but your opponent is somebody you have never faced one on one before and now that the bWo have taken your back up away from the ring that means your all alone except for Alyssa and I have somebody in the back ready to come get her if she tries to get involved and since I am in the mood to referee....I will be the Special Referee for this next match

:Eric starts to walk towards the ring:

JR: Well I guess Triple H has one more match but who will he face?

Eric Bischoff: Hunter your opponent is RAW's Newest Signee....

"No Easy Way Out" hits, Crowd Erupts

Lillian: His opponent, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 220 Pounds, Scott Walker

JR: Scott Walker is here on RAW

King: I thought he was SmackDown!

Coach: He is SmackDown!

JR: Obivously not because he has a RAW Shirt on and is here on Monday Night RAW!!!

:Triple H is livid in the ring as Eric Bischoff is smiling at the ring steps as Scott Walker and Eric then shake hands before getting into the ring:

Coach: This is going to be a screw job

Triple H W/Alyssa Amidala vs Scott Walker; Special Referee: Eric Bischoff
Triple H tries to reason with Eric about doing this match but Eric rings the bell to start the match as Triple H then grabs Eric by his shirt pushing him into the corner but Scott Walker hits The Game from behind and then opens up on him with right hands as Scott whips Triple H off the ropes and Scott puts his head down but Triple H stops and then drives Walker's face into his knee as Triple H then hits a big clothesline on Walker knocking him down. Triple H then backs off showing the effects of wrestling several matches in a row as Scott Walker gets back up as Triple H knees Walker in the head knocking him back down as Triple H then stomps away at Scott as Scott tries to get up in the ropes and Triple H puts Walker's head on the middle rope and starts to choke him off it as Triple H then backs up and Triple H charges and drives his body over Walker's upper back as Triple H is smiling as Scott Walker is hurting. Triple H then picks up Scott and Triple H whips Scott off the ropes as Triple H hits a high knee to the face of Walker as Triple H tells Eric that if this is the best he got then he better start getting more people as Triple H picks up Scott Walker and sets him up for the Pedigree but Scott backdrops Triple H, Triple H gets back up to his feet as Scott Walker hits a flying elbow to the face of Triple H knocking him back down as The Game gets back up as Walker kicks The Game in the gut and Scott then goes for the Walk of Fate but Triple H shoves Scott off the ropes and Triple H then hits a desperation Spinebuster, Triple H then covers Walker for a 1---2--shoulder up. Triple H tells Eric to count faster as Eric then gets in Triple H's face as the two are nose to nose arguing when Scott Walker rolls up Triple H for a 1---2--kick out. Triple H gets up and goes to hit Scott but Scott ducks it and then grabs Triple H and hits a Side Effect as Scott then picks up Triple H and Scott hits a Scottplex for the 1---2--2.8-Triple H is able to get free. Scott Walker then picks up Triple H as Scott hits Triple H in the back a few times as Scott then attempts to go for the Pittfall but Triple H elbows Walker in the head a few times breaking it up as Triple H then turns around and grabs Scott and hits a big DDT on him as Triple H then picks up Scott and sets him up for a Pedigree but Scott gets free and trips down Triple H as Scott then locks in the Walls of Walker as Triple H is screaming out as he tries to get to the ropes but is unable to but Alyssa then reaches into the ring and grabs Triple H and tries to help him to the ropes as Eric Bischoff then smiles and signals to the back as Marrisa Bischoff races out and pulls Alyssa off and knocks Alyssa down with the right hand as Marrisa is not Marrisa and turns out to be Mickie James dressed up as Marrisa!! Mickie James then goes to work on Alyssa knocking Alyssa into entry ramp as the two ladies continue to fight it out as Scott Walker breaks the walls and Scott then goes to the corner and instead says its time for the Walkerkick but Randy Orton comes out of the crowd and ends up grabbing Scott's foot tripping him down when he went for it as Eric tells Orton to get out of here as Randy Orton gets on the apron to get into the ring when Charlie Haas hits the ring and pulls Orton off driving Orton's face off the apron as Haas then takes Orton and throws him into the crowd as Charlie Haas follows after Orton pounding away at Orton leaving Scott and Triple H in the ring as Triple H picks up Scott and The Game whips him off the ropes and Triple H hits another High Knee as Triple H then waits as Scott gets up an Triple H goes to kick him in the gut but Scott grabs the foot and swings around Triple H and Scott hits a big clothesline knocking him down as Scott then waits as Triple H gets up and Scott goes for the Walkerkick again but Triple H bails out to the floor as Triple H then goes over and grabs the SCWE World Title away from Lillian Garcia as Triple H tells Eric he is out of here and starts to leave when Eric gets a microphone and tells Triple H if he walks out then he will be stripped of the SCWE World Title as Triple H stops dead in his tracks and Triple H is livid as he heads back to the ring and Triple H keeps the World Title as he gets into the ring as Eric goes to take the title but Triple H attempts to hit Eric with it instead but Scott then turns Triple H around and hits the Walkerkick on The Game as Triple H is out cold as Scott covers Triple H for the 1---2---3.
Winner: Scott Walker

Lillian: Your winner, Scott Walker

JR: Scott Walker has just beaten the Game

King: I can't believe this

Coach: Mickie James cut Alyssa off from interfering and Charlie Haas took Randy Orton out of the equation and as a result of wrestling so much tonight, Triple H just ran out of gas I guess

JR: Well I don't think it matters if Triple H was fresh, getting hit with a Walkerkick is a lights out move but we are out of time here, We Hope you have Enjoyed RAW, Don't Miss The Debut Edition of Mayhem this Thursday, See you Next Monday

:RAW Goes off the Air:

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