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RAW : RAW 12/12/05
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 Message 1 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 4:10 AM


Results 12/12/05 Live From St. Louis, Missouri

Dark Matches Air before RAW:

Dark Match #1: None

Dark Match #2: None

:Highlights From RAW's History are shown as Pyro then explodes opening up the show:

JR: Welcome to SCWE Monday Night RAW, we are coming to you live tonight from St. Louis, Missouri

King: We are less then 24 hours removed from a shocking and great Armageddon Show

Coach: Yeah and as shocking as Armageddon was tonight's RAW is expected to be full of suprises too

JR: We have learned that there has been a major shake up on SmackDown! which apperantly impacts RAW somehow so we are expecting to hear about that later on but lets go to the ring for the opening contest

Lillian: The Opening Contest of SCWE Monday Night RAW is scheduled for one fall and it is a Non-Title Match, 1st already in the ring, From La Jolla, California weighing in at 339 Pounds, Californian

King: Well here is the Californian who has been on a major losing skid lately

Coach: It does not get any better tonight

"Line in the Sand" hits, Crowd Rises to there Feet and Boo's

Lillian: And his opponent, Being accumpied by Evolution X members Kurt Angle, Matt Hardy, & Julianne Angle, From Greenwich, Connecticut weighing in at 260 Pounds, He is the SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, and the Leader of Evolution X, The "Game" Triple H

JR: Triple H is still SCWE World Champion after getting a big shocking assist from Charlie Haas last night

King: I want to know why Charlie did that too

Triple H W/Kurt Angle, Matt Hardy, & Julianne Angle vs Californian
Triple H and Californian lock up to start things off as Triple H backs Cali into the ropes as Referee Rudy Charles orders a break but Triple H instead knee's Cali in the gut and Triple H delivers a big clothesline knocking Cali out to the floor as Rudy Charles tells Triple H to not do it again as Matt Hardy and Kurt Angle both go over and put the boots to Californian while on the floor as Matt Hardy picks up Cali and Hardy hits a Twist of Fate on the floor as Kurt Angle then rolls Cali back into the ring as Triple H picks up the Californian and Triple H sets up Cali for the Pedigree and hits it and Triple H rolls over Cali and puts his foot on Cali's chest as he does his trademark taunt as Rudy Charles counts the 1---2--3.
Winner: Triple H

Lillian: Your winner, Triple H

Coach: Triple H makes short work of Californian

JR: Damn Matt Hardy hit the Twist of Fate on the floor to knock out Californian before this match could even really go anywhere, this is a shame

King: JR it wouldn't have made a difference, Californian was doomed to lose

"I'm Back" hits, Crowd cheers as Eric Bischoff walks out onto the stop of the Entry way

Eric Bischoff: Congratulations Triple H on defeating The Californian there, I bet you're very proud of yourself but Hunter I have some very important news for you that I will get to in a second but first I wanted to announce that later tonight I wll be named the First 15 RAW Superstars into the Royal Rumble(Crowd Cheers) and the first 8 RAW Divas into the RAW/SD! Diva Rumble and that will take place later tonight plus the big announcement which will remain a suprise but Hunter the suprise I have for you is for Next Monday Night. Next Monday Night you're defending the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship on the Final RAW of 2005 and you're opponent will be.....well I think I will keep that a surpise but just know that you're defending your title Next Monday Night and Hunter you can take the rest of the night off as well as Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy.

"I'm Back" hits as Eric Bischoff heads to the back as Security comes out to escort E-X out

Coach: He can't kick E-X out

JR: Eric Bischoff just did and later tonight the first names for the Royal Rumble will be announced and next week a World Title Match, I can tell this RAW is going to only get better

Commercial Ad for SCWE SmackDown!, SCWE OverDrive!, & SCWE Mayhem

JR: Welcome back to RAW and Eric Bischoff just dropped a few bombshells on us

Coach: I can't believe he kicked E-X out of the arena

King: Coach I just found out that E-X was not removed from the arena after all

Coach: Thats good then

JR: I personally think Eric Bischoff is having fun making E-X's life a living hell

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Mr Kennedy" hits, Crowd Boo's

JR: Oh great here comes Mr. Ego maniac himself

Ken Kennedy: I stand in tonight weighing in at 243 Pounds and I come to you tonight from Green Bay, Wisconsin, I am Mr.....Kennedy............Kennedy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Coach: I like his entrance

King: He does his own intro on his way to the ring for crying out loud

"Metalingus" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: And his opponent, From St. John's Newfoundland, Canada weighing in at 185 Pounds, The Jackal

JR: Well its good to see The Jackal back in KSCWE and taking part right here on RAW tonight

King: He will have his hands full though against the Undefeated Ken Kennedy

Ken Kennedy vs The Jackal
The match starts off with Ken Kennedy wasting no time to attack The Jackal.  Ken Kennedy busts out some hard rights.  Finally, Jackal catches Ken's last punch and twist his wrist into a Wristlock.  Ken somehow snapmares Jackal over his shoulder as Ken puts Jackal in a headlock.  Jackal gets up to his feet.  Ken then has no choice but to have Jackal in a headlock as Jackal shoves Ken towards the ropes.  Jackal jumps on his stomach as Ken hops over Jackal and runs toward the opposite side.  He bounches off the ropes as Jackal jumps in the air.  Again, Ken bounces off the ropes and Jackal delievers a Monkey Toss.  He then puts Ken Kennedy in an armbar, and quickly lets go.  Ken stands as well as Jackal as they both look at each other.  Fans give mixed reaction to the athleticism of both men.  Seconds later, both men tie up and it was on again.  Jackal is pushed toward the ropes and when he comes back, Kennedy delivers a back body drop followed by a count.  Jackal reverses and pins Ken, count.  Ken reverses it back, count.  Jackal then gets Kennedy in a school count.  Ken & Jackal stand again as the fans applaud.  Again, they tie up, but this time, Kennedy pulls a cheap shot and nails Jackal in the gut.  Kennedy then runs towards the ropes behind him, bounces off and nails Jackal with a clothesline.  He runs towards the ropes again and bounces off and goes for a jumping elbow drop, but Jackal sits up as Kennedy misses and hurts his elbow.  Jackal quickly hops up and gets on the offensive with a few chops to the chest.  Jackal then gets in a DDT and pins count!  Jackal picks Kennedy up by the head as the fans cheer for Jackal.  He takes Kennedy and delivers a suplex.  He pins him count.  Jackal, unfortunately getting frustrated, picks Kennedy up sets him up for a powerbomb.  Kennedy some how manages to flip Jackal over his head as Kennedy then falls down as well.  Both men are down as Kennedy starts to get back up.  He goes over to Jackal but is only yakuza kicked as Kennedy falls to the ground.  Jackal then gets Kennedy and puts him in the St. John's Stretch as Kennedy begins to scream in pain.  Kennedy looks to be tapping out but Jackal...for some reason...lets him go.  Jackal stares down at Kennedy with a sadistic smile as he picks Kennedy up and sets him up for the Jackal Effect.  Fans are up out  of there seats getting ready for Jackal's win.  All of a sudden, Kennedy gains power and shoves Jackal into the turnbuckle.  Kennedy then runs and clotheslines Jackal as Jackal stands motionless in the turnbuckle.  Kennedy then picks Jackal up on the turnbuckle.  Next thing we see is Kennedy executing the Kennedy Drop!  Ken puts his arm across the chest of Jackal and pins him...1...2..3
Winner: Ken Kennedy

Lillian: Your winner, Ken Kennedy

JR: An impressive win here for Mr. Kennedy

Coach: This Kennedy has a bright future ahead of him

:Backstage: bWo's Locker Room

:Stevie Richards, AJ Styles, Mick Foley, Melinda, Rose Thorn, & The Blue Meanie are shown:

Stevie Richards: This week is all about getting the bWo on the right track. Meanie up next you're making your debut against Simon Dean, Simon Dean is the bWo's #1 Target to eliminate so you do a good job tonight. AJ and Mick you two have to take out those Damn Morris brothers and Rose tonight you take out Trish and on Mayhem I will do my part this week. The bWo has been dragging its feet too long, It's time that the bWo....TAKES OVER

:The bWo members all kinda look freaked out a bit as Stevie Richards turns around:

Boogeyman: I am the Boogeyman and I am coming to get ya

Stevie Richards: Why are you here?

Boogeyman: I am the Boogeyman and I am com....

Stevie Richards: Yeah I know you're coming to get me, You need to be more original then that, you remember I used to associate myself with The Masked ICON and his pack of buddies, You don't scare me. You scare everyone else but not me

:The Boogeyman tilts his head:

Boogeyman: Stevie I could scare you if I wanted too....I am The Boogeyman after all and Stevie I will be coming to get you.

:The Boogeyman starts to laugh as smoke fills the room where he was standing and when the smoke finally stops, The Boogeyman has vanished:

Commercial Ad for SCWE Armageddon Replay-Long Ad

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 Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 4:11 AM

JR: Well The Boogeyman is here yet again

King: Why does that freak keep showing up

Coach: Well Big Stevie Cool was not afraid of him

JR: Well Stevie Richards was once partners with The Masked ICON who is the Most Feared and Destructive KSCWE Superstar in History so I can see that

King: The Boogeyman did not like hearing the Masked ICON's name not one bit either

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Non-Title Match

JR: Well its time to see our new IC Champion in action

"One Step Closer" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, Representing the bWo, From Atlantic City, New Jersey weighing in at 285 Pounds, The Blue Meanie

King: How the heck did this guy get a job here

JR: Well The Blue Meanie is making his KSCWE Debut and is already in the bWo having been long time friends with Stevie Richards

"Simon Says" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: And his opponent being accumpied by Lexus Carr, From Pensacola, Florida weighing in at 225 Pounds, He is the SCWE Intercontinental Champion, Simon Dean

Coach: Well here comes the man who beat Stevie Richards last night at Armageddon to win his first singles title

King: Then Simon actually tried to sell the Simon System to RAW Divas in the RAW Diva's Shower Area!!

JR: Well that was after he had a run in with The Boogeyman

King: But he saw Tara Rayge and Christy Hemme naked in the Shower!!! How lucky is that

JR: King I think we should let Simon's in ring work go for him rather then his out of ring stuff

Simon Dean W/Lexus Carr vs Blue Meanie
Simon Dean attacks Blue Meanie right at the bell as Simon pounds away at Meanie right at the go as Simon goes to whip Meanie off the ropes but Meanie sends Simon instead and Meanie hits a big powerslam on Simon Dean as Simon gets up grabbing his back as Meanie picks up Simon and slams him down as Meanie then goes up top and sets up Simon for a Meaniesault but Simon moves out of the way as Simon then kicks Meanie in the gut and Simon hits the Simon Effect on Meanie and covers him for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Simon Dean

Lillian: Your winner, Simon Dean

JR: Simon Dean gets the impressive win here over The Blue Meanie

Coach: Well Meanie needs to do some work before trying to fight Simon Dean again


:Randy Orton is shown heading towards the ring:


JR: Well up next we are going to see St. Louis's own Randy Orton in action

King: But he has to take on a superstar just acquired from SmackDown!

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Rock" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, From Miami, Florida weighing in at 280 Pounds, The Rock

King: Well here comes The Rock now

Coach: The Rock is going to find out he is no match for a red hot...

"Whatever It Takes" hits, Crowd is mixed

Lillian: And his opponent, From Right here in St. Louis, Missouri weighing in at 245 Pounds, The "Legend Killer" Randy Orton

JR: Here comes Randy Orton now

Coach: Orton is going to add another win to his resume tonight

Randy Orton vs The Rock
The match starts off with Randy Orton attacking The Rock while The Rock was still posing on the turnbuckle.  Randy Orton pushes The Rock a few times in the head as he then climbs up with The Rock.  Randy Orton tries to go for a Superplex, but The Rock punches Randy in the ribs a few times before pushing Randy Orton down to the mat.  The Rock then hops down off the turnbuckle and picks Randy up.  He punches Orton once...twice...a third...spits in his hand, and bam!  A fourth one.  Randy goes falling down as he rolls out of the ring.  The Rock follows behind him as the ref yells to the men to get back in the ring.  They refuse to hear what he has to say and The Rock continues with some right hands.  The ref counts...1.....2....  The Rock takes Randy Orton and tries to whip him to the pole, but Randy reverses and The Rock tastes the pole!  4......5.....Randy picks The Rock up and slams The Rock's face on the ring apron.  Randy then rolls in the ring, then rolls back out as the ref recounts.  2.....3....  Randy Orton takes the Rock by the head and goes to slam The Rock's face into the steel stairs, but The Rock blocks both attempts and grabs Randy and slams his face on the steel stairs instead.  Orton falls to the floor.  7....8....The Rock picks Orton up and rolls him into the ring.  Rocky follows behind as The Brahma Bull picks Orton up and scoop slams him.  He then puts Orton in a sleeper hold.  Orton looks to be gaining strength as he gets up and delivers a spinebuster to The People's Champion.  Rock favors his back as Orton falls to gain his breath.  Seconds later, Orton finally gets up and stomps on The Rock who was struggling to get up.  Orton continues stomping him before The Rock suddenly catches Orton's leg and delivers a Dragon Screw!  The Rock then snaps out of it and puts Orton in The Sharpshooter!!!!!  Orton yells in pain as The Rock holds it tighter.  The Rock then lean back as Orton screams and it can be heard throught the arena.  Orton looks like he's going to tap, but instead, Orton somehow gains strength and uses it all trying to get to the ropes, which he does!  Ref tells Rock to get off as The Rock does but he begins to argue with the ref.  Orton somehow gains momentum and goes for the RKO, but gets pushed toward the ropes.  The Rock then sets Randy up for the Rock Bottom!  Randy elbows the Rock on the side of the head.  Rock lets go as Randy runs toward the ropes, bounces off, and The Rock connects with the People's Spinebuster!!!!  The fans cheer as The Rock stands at Orton's head and kicks Orton's arm.  The Rock then takes off his elbow pad and slings it in the audience.  He swings his arms and then runs toward the ropes, bounces off and runs to the opposite side, he comes back to Orton and goes for the People's Elbow!  But wait!  Orton rolls to the side as The Rock misses.  Orton then stalks the Rock who is favoring his arm.  When The Rock turns around, Orton connects with a MASSIVE RKO!  He then pins The count!!  The Rock just kicked out of the RKO!  Randy Orton looks at the ref pissed off.  Randy then waits again for The Rock to get up to his feet.  Seconds later, The Rock manages to get to his feet.  When he turns around, Orton plans The Rock with ANOTHER RKO!  He pins The Rock count!!!!  HE KICKED OUT AGAIN!  Randy gets frustrated as he pins The Rock count.  He pins count.  The Legend Killer waits yet again for Orton to get up.  Rock gets up again and Randy delivers a...ROCK BOTTOM?!  He doesn't pin The Rock, instead, he picks the Rock up and delivers another RKO...he pins.  1.....2....3!!!  Finally, Randy Orton picks up the victory as he gets up and shakes his head confused as to why the Rock kept kicking out.
Winner: Randy Orton

Lillian: Your winner, Randy Orton

JR: Randy Orton gets the big win here over The Rock but what a great showing by The Rock

King: The Rock kept kicking out

Coach: Well Randy Orton got the win and thats all that matters


:Christy Hemme is shown heading towards the Women's Locker Room and Christy enters the Locker Room:

Christy Hemme: Tara you almost ready for our match

:Christy looks around and the notices Tara laying on the ground busted open with pieces of her hair laying all over the floor as Christy goes over and checks on Tara:

Christy Hemme: HELP!!! I need some help in here


JR: Well obvioulsy the Christy/Tara vs Stacy Flair/Alyssa match will not happen now but who would do that to Tara?

King: Well Tara does have her share of enemies

Coach: I don't want to say anything guys but its funny that Tara was busted open with hair being cut...smells like the M.O. of a certain diva

King: She is out injured though

Coach: Yeah but what about her partner in crime who was supposed to face Tara and Christy, we all know Alyssa takes after Kelli

JR: I hope you're wrong Coach

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Stricken" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lilian: 1st making there way to the ring, From Denver, Colorado weighing in at a combined weight of 460 Pounds, The Team of Jason Morris and the SCWE European Champion, Jerome Morris

Coach: Jerome wants to be known as The IMPACT! Champion now not the European Champion

JR: He is still the European Champion

King: Well Jerome deserves the right to call himself whatever he wants, he went through hell last night to get the title in the First Ever Thrill Zone Assault

"One Step Closer" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: And there opponents, Representing The bWo, weighing in at a combined weight of 499 Pounds, The Team of AJ Styles and the SCWE RAWCore Champion Mick Foley

JR: Well here comes the Former European Champion AJ Styles along with the longest reigning RAWCore Champion in history Mick Foley

Jerome & Jason Morris vs AJ Styles & Mick Foley
AJ starts the match as AJ wants Jerome but instead Jason Morris starts things off as AJ and Jason lock up with AJ shoving Jason down as AJ points at Jerome telling Jerome he wants him as Jerome tells AJ he can't handle him as AJ goes after Jerome who gets off the apron and Jason Morris attacks AJ from behind, Jason then locks in the Million Dollar Dream on AJ Styles as AJ is trying to escape it as Jerome gets on the apron again and Jerome tells AJ to tap out as AJ seems to come alive as AJ goes after Jerome and ducks down ramming Jason into the top turnbuckle breaking the hold as AJ then hits a standing enziguri to Jason Morris knocking Jason down as AJ gets up and AJ goes after Jerome who avoids AJ again as AJ Styles tells Jerome he will get back his European Title as Jason Morris attacks AJ again as Jason takes AJ and whips him off the ropes and AJ ends up hitting a Spinning Crescent Kick on the way back as AJ gets back up and AJ then delivers a big DDT on Jason Morris as AJ goes up top and AJ waits as Jason gets up and AJ hits a big Missile Dropkick as AJ gets on the apron and AJ waits as Jason gets up and AJ leaps up on the ropes and hits a Springboard Crossbody on Jason Morris taking him down as AJ gets up and AJ catches Jerome on the apron and AJ brings Jerome into the ring as AJ starts to take the right to Jerome with big right hands when Jason Morris attacks AJ again as Jason holds AJ as Jerome goes to hit AJ but AJ is able to get free and Jerome knocks down Jason and AJ goes to work on Jerome knocking Jerome down as Jerome rolls out to the floor as AJ then tags out to Mick Foley before AJ leaps over the ropes crashing on top of Jerome Morris as AJ continues to work over Jerome as Mick Foley comes in and Foley opens up on Jason Morris with big right hands and Mick whips Jason off the ropes and Mick hits a big powerslam on him as Mick Foley then goes down his pants and pulls out Mr. Socko as Jason gets up and Mick delivers Mr. Socko to Jason Morris as Jason goes down as Jerome hits a low blow on AJ and Jerome gets back into the ring and Jerome attacks Foley knocking him off Jason Morris as Jerome pounds away at Foley. Jerome then picks up Foley but Foley gets Jerome with Mr. Socko as AJ Styles comes back into the ring and AJ waits as Jerome turns around upon Foley letting go and Jerome walks right into a kick to the gut as AJ sets up Jerome for the Styles Clash as Foley hits a Double Arm DDT on Jason Morris at the same time as AJ and Mick have the Morris Brothers pinned for the 1---2--3.
Winners: AJ Styles & Mick Foley

Lillian: Your winners, AJ Styles & Mick Foley

JR: Well Mick Foley and AJ Styles just sent a big time message to the Morris Brothers

King: AJ Styles pinned Jerome Morris

Coach: No Jason Morris got pinned not Jerome

JR: Well Jerome still got pinned

"I'm Back" hits, Crowd Cheers as Eric Bischoff walks out with a microphone

Eric Bischoff: I just wanted to come out here right now to announce that The First Monday Night RAW of 2006 which will be January 2nd, Will Feature the 2nd Ever Thrill Zone Assault when Jerome Morris defends his European Title against....The "Phenominal" AJ Styles. So Jerome, AJ you got a few weeks to get ready for it because I have a feeling its gonna be a Hell of a Match.

"I'm Back" hits as Eric leaves

:Jerome Morris is in the entry way and starts to follow after Eric begging him to change it as AJ is in the ring smiling:

Commercial Ad for SCWE Armageddon Replay-Long Ad

 Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 4:11 AM

JR: Well the first RAW of 2006 Already has gotten a Huge Match announced for it

King: Yeah No Kidding but we still have tonight plus Next Week's RAW which will be the Final RAW of 2005

Coach: Well I just don't understand why AJ gets a Rematch in the TZA to begin with

JR: Well it was a great match the first time so why not do a second time

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"To Fold" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, From Los Angelos, California weighing in at 220 Pounds, Brian Mason

JR: Well here comes Brian Mason now to the ring

King: Brian Mason has a tough task in store for him

"Just Close Your Eyes" hits, Crowd Boo's and Chants You Sold Out

Lillian: And his opponent being accumpied to the ring by Jaime Lavellle, From Edmond, Oklahoma weighing in at 242 Pounds, The "World's Greatest Athlete" Charlie Haas

Coach: Well here comes Charlie Haas who has returned to his roots

JR: Charlie Haas makes me sick for what he did, he stabbed everyone in the back and I would love to know why

King: He already has said why, he wants to be the one to take out Triple H

Charlie Haas W/Jaime Lavelle vs Brian Mason

Brian Mason locks up with Charlie Haas to start things off as Haas gets backed up towards the ropes before Haas smiles and shoves Mason down as Brian Mason gets back up and Charlie Haas tells Brian that he should go back to the minors as Brian Mason becomes livid and goes right at Haas and opens up with big forarm shots to Haas backing Haas up as Brian then charges at Haas but Haas grabs Mason and hits a overhead belly 2 belly suplex sending Mason into the ropes as Brian is grabbing the back of his head as Haas goes behind Mason and Haas hits a Big German Suplex on him and then a second German and Haas hits a third German Suplex as Charlie Haas then mocks Chris Jericho before Haas hits a running bulldog to Mason and Haas then hits the ropes and hits the Lionsault off them as Haas covers Mason for a 1---2--2.7-Haas pulls Brian up saying he is not done with him yet as Charlie delivers a big snap suplex to Brian Mason as Brian is grabbing his lower back as Charlie Haas picks up Brian but Brian fights back with a few right hands to the gut but Haas knees Mason in the head knocking Brian back down as Charlie Haas then picks up Brian and Haas hits the World's Greatest Slam on Brian Mason as Charlie Haas then locks in the Haas of Pain on Brian Mason who taps out immediately.
Winner: Charlie Haas

Lillian: Your winner, Charlie Haas

JR: Well Charlie Haas gets the win but Brian Mason is not Scott Walker or Chris Jericho both guys Charlie screwed over last night

:Triple H, Matt Hardy, & Kurt Angle make there way to the ring as all three men get into the ring as Triple H gets a microphone:

Coach: It's E-X!!

Triple H: Congratulations Kid on another Great win

:Charlie Haas just looks at Triple H as Matt Hardy & Kurt Angle clap:

Triple H: You see Charlie beating Brian Mason is a work out but I am here about last night. Last Night you finally took the Step needed, You became a cold hearted bastard like me. Nobody forced you to do it, you did it because you were looking out for #1 and that was yourself and thats exactly what I trained you to do. You should be extremly proud of yourself and not listen to these moron fans booing you, They are just jealous an...

:Charlie Haas grabs the microphone away from Triple H:

Charlie Haas: Hunter I know what you're getting at and I know I have a open spot back in E-X waiting for me but I am going to have to say...No(Crowd Cheers). Hunter I am going to be the one that takes that SCWE World Heavyweight Title from you, I will take out Hardy, Angle, Walker, Jericho, Richards, Dean, Morris, Styles, Hogan, Foley, or whoever else gets in my way, Nobody will stand in my way

:Matt Hardy goes to get Haas but Triple H puts his arm up telling Hardy to stop as Kurt gets Triple H another microphone:

Triple H: I respect your heart kid but the bottom line is we are way to much alike and sooner then later you're going to be back in Evolution X, its just a matter of time

Charlie Haas: We'll see

"I'm Back" hits as Eric Bischoff comes out yet again

JR: Here comes the Boss to break up this party

Eric Bischoff: How cute, Evolution X and Charlie Haas making up. You see I just came out here to Announce Hunter that you're opponent next Monday on RAW will be decided via tonight's...First Ever RAW Rumble, Yes I know the Royal Rumble is just around the Corner but tonight htere will be a 15 Man Over The Top Rope RAW Rumble and all 15 Superstars Taking Part in tonight's RAW Rumble....Are Entered in the SCWE Royal Rumble but tonight's winner will get a chance to face you Next week and just so you know, Charlie Haas, Matt Hardy, and Kurt Angle you three are entered so I sugget you guys get ready for action because that Match is Our Main Event

"I'm Back" hits as Eric Bischoff leaves

Coach: He can't do that

King: He just did

JR: A 15 Man RAW Rumble to determine who faces Triple H Next Monday on RAW, thats a Huge Match

Commercial Ad for SCWE Massacre on 34th Street-Long Ad

JR: Well we just found out who the first few RAW Divas are in the SCWE Diva Royal Rumble. Alyssa Amidala, Stacy Flair, Christy Hemme, and Rose Thorn are the first four entrants. We have been told that Eric Bischoff's original plan to name eight divas will not happen now

King: Well four is still plenty

Coach: Well I am still suprised by this RAW Rumble idea, I wonder who the 15 Guys will be

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Women's Championship

"I bet you look good on the Dancefloor" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, From Austin, Texas, Rose Thorn

King: Rose Thorn went through hell last night in the Hell in a Cell Match against Stacy Flair but Stacy Flair emerged victorious

JR: Well Rose has a chance to earn the SCWE Women's Title if her injuries don't get in the way

"Did My Time" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lilian: And her opponent, From Denver, Colorado, She is the New SCWE Women's Champion, Trish Morris

Coach: Trish Morris won the Women's Title last night in the big triple threat match and does not want to be a one night wonder

SCWE Women's Championship: Trish Morris(C) vs Rose Thorn
Referee Charles Robinson explains the rules to both ladies and rings the bell as Trish delivers a kick to the ribs of Rose right off the bat as Rose goes down to her knees hurting and Trish opens up on Rose with big right hands as Trish whips Rose off the ropes and Trish puts her head down but Rose stops and Rose delivers a big kick to the chest of Rose and Rose then this a Enziguri on Trish knocking Trish down as Rose picks up Trish and Rose slams Trish down as Rose then goes out to the apron and hits the ropes and Rose goes for the Superwoman but Trish gets her knees up as Rose rolls around grabbing her ribs as Trish gets up and Trish kicks Rose in the ribs several times as Rose is screaming out in pain as Trish Morris then grabs Rose's shirt and rips it off Rose revealing Rose's blue bra but also Rose's tapped up ribs as Trish Morris smiles as Trish stomps away at Rose's ribs several times as Trish then picks up Rose and Trish whips her off the ropes and Trish hits a big powerslam on Rose as Trish then grabs Rose and drags her by the ropes and Trish puts Rose's body under the bottom rope and Trish then does the sling shot move sending Rose up into the bottom rope as Rose is screaming out from the pain and rolls out to the floor as Referee Charles Robinson keeps Trish back as Charles asks Rose if she wants to quit but Rose tells Charles to go to hell as Rose is trying to get up on the floor as Trish is about to go after Rose when Lita makes her way to the ring as Trish decides to stay in the ring instead as Lita checks on Rose on the floor as Rose gets back up and rolls into the ring as Trish Morris attacks Rose immediately as Trish picks up Rose but Rose fights back and Rose ends up catching Trish with a Fisherman's Suplex for a 1--2--Trish kicks out. Rose gets back up and Trish goes to hit Rose but Rose hits a Pele kick instead knocking Trish down as Rose gets back up and Rose opens up on Trish with right hands knocking Trish into the ropes as Rose goes to clothesline Trish out to the floor but Trish kicks Rose in the ribs as Trish then grabs Rose for the Stratusfaction but Rose is able to counter into a backdrop instead as Rose gets up and starts to climb up top but Trish catches Rose up top and Trish then hits the Stratusphere on Rose Thorn as Trish says its over as Trish picks up Rose for the Blonde Bitch Ride but Rose counters in the air into a sunset flip for a 1--2--2.9-kick out. Rose gets back up as Trish is livid and Trish hits a Chick Kick to the ribs of Rose as Trish then grabs Rose and locks in the Blonde Bitch Walls in the center of the ring as Rose Thorn is screaming out from the hold but is refusing to tap out as Trish applies more pressure to her as Rose is still refusing to tap out and appears to be passing out as Lita is telling Rose to hang on but Rose finally seems to be out cold as Charles Robinson raises Rose's arm up once and it hits the mat and a second time and hits the mat and is about to do it a third time when Lita gets into the ring and Lita attacks Trish Morris causing a DQ as Trish gets out of the ring as Lita checks on Rose Thorn.
Winner: Trish Morris by DQ

Lillian: Your winner as a result of a Disqualification, Trish Morris

Coach: JR why don't you blast Lita for getting involved here

JR: Well it was kind of wrong but Lita was trying to help out Rose who is obviously still hurting

:Lita is trying to help up Rose when Trish Morris re-enters the ring and attacks Lita from behind with the Women's Title as Trish pounds away at Lita when Rose gets back up and Rose opens up on Trish Morris until Stacy Flair hits the ring and Stacy attacks Rose but Christy Hemme comes out and attacks Stacy when Alyssa Amidala hits the ring then and attacks Christy!!:

King: All heck has broken loose here

"Pour Some Sugar On Me" hits, Crowd Cheers

JR: Well here comes Marrisa...wait thats not Marrisa its Mickie James

King: Why is Mickie James out here?

Mickie James: Hi you people, Marrisa could not be here tonight so I am filling in for her and just like Marrisa would do, I am going to here by announce that Next Monday Night, Lita will challenge Trish Morris for the SCWE Women's Championship(Crowd Cheers) and that Rose Thorn will team up with Christy Hemme to face Alyssa Amidala and Stacy Flair so enjoy the rest of the show now

:Mickie walks to the back as Trish, Alyssa, & Stacy leave as Rose and Christy stare at each other as Lita tells Trish she wants the Women's Titles:

JR: Mickie James just made two big matches for Next Week's RAW but when we come back its time for the RAW Rumble

Final Commercial Ad for SCWE SmackDown!, SCWE OverDrive!, & SCWE Mayhem

 Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 4:12 AM

JR: Well its now time for our Big Main Event

King: Who would have thought a Mini Royal Rumble before the Actual Royal Rumble!! What a great suprise

Coach: It should be a good match to say the least plus we are still expecting some kind of SmackDown! Announcement that concerns RAW

Lillian: The Following Contest is The RAW Rumble where the only way you can be eliminated is by going over the top rope and both feet touching the floor

JR: Well here we go

"I Don't Suck" hits, Crowd Chants You Suck

Lillian: Representing Evolution X, He is one half of the SCWE Tag Team Champions, Kurt Angle!!!

King: It's Kurt Angle, a great guy who could easily go the distance tonight

Lillian: Drawing #2....

"I'm Back" hits as Eric Bischoff walks out to the top of the stage

King: Eric Bischoff is #2!!!

JR: I don't think he has a microphone

Eric Bischoff: I just wanted to come out here right now to announce that the person who has drawn #2, is RAW's Newest Acquistion directly From SmackDown!....

JR: It's the SmackDown! announcement!!

Eric Bischoff: I give to you The "Real Deal, No Gimmicks Needed" MATT WALKER!!!!

"Holding Out for a Hero" hits, Crowd is mixed

King: Matt Walker is on RAW now!! I thought he was dating SD! GM Mallory Maddox and he was going to get a SD! World Title Shot at Massacre on 34th Street

JR: Well obviously he is on RAW now becuase here he comes

#1 Contender RAW Rumble: #1 Kurt Angle vs #2 Matt Walker
Kurt Angle and Matt Walker have words as the bell sounds as Matt and Kurt lock up with Kurt backing Matt into the corner and Kurt then goes to hit Matt but Matt ducks and Matt then opens up on Kurt with several big right hands in the corner as Matt Walker then whips Kurt out of the corner across the ring to the other corner and Matt charges in but Kurt gets his feet up ramming Matt in the face as Kurt then goes to hit Matt but Matt ducks a short clothesline and Matt then kicks Kurt in the gut and Matt hits a big DDT on Angle as Matt Walker stomps away at Kurt Angle as Matt picks up Kurt but Kurt grabs Walker and hits a belly 2 belly suplex on Walker as Kurt Angle quickly goes for the Angle Lock but Walker rolls through sending Angle into the corner as Matt Walker then grabs Angle on the way back and hits the Side Effect as The first Buzzer Sounds...

Lillian: Drawing #3....

"Danger Zone" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: Representing Evolution X, The other half of the SCWE Tag Team Champions, Matt Hardy

Coach: Here comes Matt Hardy now

Matt Hardy gets into the ring as Hardy attacks Matt Walker as Walker & Hardy exchange rights and lefts back and forth as Kurt Angle gets back up and Angle attacks Walker as well as Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy take Matt Walker and whip him off the ropes but Walker hits a double clothesline knocking down the SCWE Tag Team Champions as Matt Walker gets back up and Walker knocks Angle into the corner as Matt Walker stomps away at Kurt's gut but Matt Hardy attacks Walker from behind as Matt Hardy then goes for the Fate Twister but Walker delivers a few right hands to the face of Hardy freeing himself and Walker goes to hit Hardy but Hardy grabs Walker and hits The Side Effect on him as Kurt Angle stomps away at Matt Walker as Matt and Kurt pick up Matt Walker and Angle and Hardy hit a Double Suplex to Walker as The Next Buzzer Sounds....

Lillian: Drawing #4....

"No Easy Way Out" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: Scott Walker!!

JR: Here comes some help now for Matt Walker

Scott Walker hits the ring as Matt Hardy attacks him coming in but Scott fights back and hits a few right hands to the gut of Hardy and Scott Walker knocks down Hardy with a big right hand and Scott then hits a flying forarm knocking down Kurt Angle as Scott nips back up and Scott hits a backdrop on Hardy and then hits a clothesline knocking down Angle again as Matt Walker gets back and Matt and Scott look at each other before Matt Walker goes to work on Kurt Angle as Scott Walker and Matt Hardy go at it. The brawling between the four cornered off men would continue until the next buzzer...

Lillian: Drawing #5...

"Stricken" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: He is the SCWE European Champion, Jerome Morris

Coach: Well here comes The Impact Champion now

Jerome Morris slides into the ring and Jerome goes right after Scott Walker and attacks him as Matt Hardy and Jerome pound away at Scott as Jerome holds Scott as Matt Hardy goes up to the middle rope and comes off looking for a double ax but Scott gets free as Matt Hardy takes out Jerome Morris and Scott then hits the Walker Kick on Hardy laying him out as Scott Walker then hits Kurt Angle from behind as Scott & Matt Walker double team Kurt Angle as both Walker's try to get Kurt out but Kurt hugs the ropes as Jerome comes over and hits Scott Walker as Scott turns around and pokes Jerome in the eye as Scott Walker then goes for the Walker Kick but Jerome ducks it and Jerome hits the Cocky Cutter on Scott Walker as Jerome gets up and starts to celebrate but then gets kicked in the gut by Matt Walker as Matt Walker hits a Twist of Fate on Jerome but Matt then gets grabbed as Kurt Angle hits a big German Suplex and holds on for a Second German and then hits a Third German as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

Lillian: Drawing #6...

"One Step Closer" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: He is the Leader of the bWo, "Big Stevie Cool" Stevie Richards

JR: Here comes Stevie Richards now

Stevie Richards gets into the ring as Stevie then attacks Kurt Angle as Stevie goes to work on Kurt Angle in the corner as Matt Hardy is getting up and Hardy goes over and attacks Stevie from behind but Matt Walker is back up and Walker attacks Hardy as Jerome Morris then gets up and Jerome attacks Matt Walker but Scott Walker attacks Jerome. The Brawling would continue up until the Next Buzzer Sounds...

Lillian: Drawing #7...

"Take This" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: Representing The bWo, The "Phenominal" AJ Styles

King: Here comes AJ Styles now and I would not want to be Jerome Morris

AJ hits the ring and AJ goes right after Jerome Morris as AJ attacks Jerome as Jerome is trying to cover up in the corner but AJ is pounding away as the action just stops as everyone is watching AJ pound away at Jerome as Stevie Richards then goes over and joins in as AJ & Stevie double team Jerome in the corner as Stevie picks up Jerome and holds him as AJ delivers a big forarm shot to Jerome but Kurt Angle attacks AJ Styles from behind which causes Scott Walker to attack Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy hits Stevie Richards as Matt Walker joins in and attacks Matt Hardy. Jerome Morris gets up and Jerome opens up on AJ Styles as Jerome starts to choke AJ against the ropes as Jerome then tries to get AJ out but Stevie Richards hits Jerome saving AJ in the process as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

Lillian: Drawing #8...

"Simon Says" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: He is the SCWE Intercontinental Champion, Simon Dean

Coach: Now here comes Simon Dean

King: I can't believe there has been no elimiantions thus far

Simon Dean gets into the ring as Stevie Richards attacks Simon right from the go as Stevie knocks Simon into the corner and Stevie opens up on Simon with big right hands in the corner. Jerome then goes over and hits Stevie in the back as AJ Styles attacks Jerome again and AJ clotheslines Jerome over the top but Jerome lands on the apron as AJ Styles then kicks away at Jerome but Matt Hardy hits AJ from behind before Matt Walker goes to work on Hardy some more, Jerome rolls into the ring and Jerome grabs AJ and Jerome tries to throw out AJ but Stevie Richards hits Jerome saving AJ as Simon Dean then attacks Stevie Richards again as The Next Buzzer Sounds....

Lillian: Drawing #9...

"Just Close Your Eyes" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: The "World's Greatest Athlete" Charlie Haas

Coach: Here comes Charlie Haas

Charlie Haas gets into the ring as Charlie Haas goes right after Scott Walker as Haas & Angle double team Scott Walker as Matt Hardy & Matt Walker continue to fight it out as Simon Dean and Stevie are also brawling and Stevie gets Simon on the ropes and Stevie goes to eliminate Simon but Simon ducks back dropping Stevie Richards out to the floor. Stevie Richards has been eliminated.

Lillian: Stevie Richards has been eliminated

JR: Our first Elimination of the night

Stevie is livid on the floor as Simon smiles and tells him bye as Jerome Morris then goes to try to dump Simon out but Simon is able to hold on to the ropes to prevent going over when AJ Styles goes to get rid of Jerome but Jerome is able to move out of the way and gets AJ in the ropes and Jerome tries to get rid of AJ but AJ fights back and AJ nearly has Jerome over the ropes but Simon Dean attacks AJ saving Jerome when Charlie Haas comes over and dumps Jerome Morris followed by AJ Styles out to the floor. Jerome Morris & AJ Styles have been eliminated.

Lillian: Jerome Morris & AJ Styles have been eliminated

King: Well there is our Second and Third Eliminations of the night

Jerome & AJ continue to go at it as they are separated by referee's on the way out as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

Lillian: Drawing #10...

"Wreck" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: Representing The bWo, He is the SCWE RAWCore Champion, Mick Foley

King: Here comes our RAWCore Champion

Mick Foley gets into the ring and goes right after Simon Dean as Foley pounds away at Simon with big right hands as Foley gets Simon in the ropes and Foley charges at Simon but Simon ducks down and pulls the ropes down as Foley goes out to the floor. Mick Foley has been eliminated.

Lillian: Mick Foley has been eliminated

Coach: Thanks for coming Mick

Simon Dean is gloating about his elimination when Charlie Haas grabs Simon from behind and hits a big release German Suplex on him as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

Lillian: Drawing #11

"Whatever It Takes" hits, Crowd is mixed

Lillian: St. Louis's own....Randy Orton!!!

JR: Here comes the Legend Killer

Randy Orton hits the ring as Orton turns Matt Walker around and Orton hits the RKO on Matt Walker, Orton then smiles at Hardy and hits the RKO on him as well!!! Randy Orton then goes over and hits Scott Walker with the RKO as Kurt Angle goes to grab Orton for a German but Orton elbows Angle and hits the RKO on Kurt Angle as well. Charlie Haas looks at Randy Orton as does Simon Dean and Simon goes to hit Orton but Orton kicks Simon in the gut and Orton hits yet another RKO as Randy Orton gets up looking at all of the people laying out and Orton tells Haas he is the last one as Charlie Haas shakes his head at Orton and Haas instead picks up Scott Walker and Haas tries to get rid of Walker but Scott elbows Haas in the gut as Orton then goes over and grabs Haas and Orton this the RKO on Charlie Haas as Scott Walker falls back down to the mat as Randy Orton is celebrating and goes up top doing his trademark pose saying that The Legend Killer is back as The Crowd actually cheers for Orton as The Next Buzzer Sounds....

JR: Randy Orton just laid out 6 Guys with the RKO

Coach: But he is not eliminating anyone

Lillian: Drawing #12...

"Break The Walls Down" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: Chris Jericho!!!

King: It's Y2J!!! I Didn't think he would be here tonight

 Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 4:12 AM
Chris Jericho hits the ring as Orton goes to attack Jericho and does as Orton looks for the RKO but Jericho blocks the RKO off as Orton comes back and Jericho moves to the side and throws Orton over the top rope to the floor. Randy Orton has been eliminated.

Lillian: Randy Orton has been eliminated

JR: Randy Orton becomes the 5th Person eliminated here

Chris Jericho gets a smile on his face as Charlie Haas see's Jericho and Haas moves away from Jericho who stalks after Haas but Simon Dean attacks Chris Jericho as Simon Dean pounds away at Jericho but Jericho opens up on Simon with big chops but Haas then hits a chop block to Jericho's right knee as Charlie Haas goes to work on the knee as Simon Dean helps out Haas by working over Jericho as The Walker and E-X continue there fighting as the Next Buzzer Sounds...

Lillian: Drawing #13...

"Venus" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Lillian: RICO!!!

JR: It's Rico!! He is back

Rico hits the ring as Simon Dean starts to back up as Simon is begging off Rico as Rico charges at Simon and Rico clotheslines Simon over the top to the floor as Rico then flips himself over the top to the floor eliminating himself. Simon Dean & Rico have been eliminated.

Lillian: Simon Dean & Rico have been eliminated

JR: Rico just took care of Simon Dean and Simon Dean is getting the heck away from angry Rico!!

Coach: I can't believe this, Simon was doing so good

This leaves Six Guys in the ring again as Charlie Haas picks up Jericho and Haas tries to get Jericho out but Jericho is able to hang on to the ropes as Haas works over Jericho as Matt Hardy & Kurt Angle go over and join in as the three men are trying to get rid of Jericho but Jericho refuses to go as The Next Buzzer Sounds...

Lillian: Drawing #14...

"Perfect Strangers" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: The "Franchise" Shane Douglas


JR: Two thirds of The Triple Threat from SmackDown! are in this RAW Rumble, Does this mean Brandon Davis is #15?

Shane Douglas gets into the ring as Scott Walker and Matt Hardy start to go at it as does Matt Walker and Matt Hardy and Douglas instead of helping Matt Walker instead goes over and dumps Charlie Haas over the top to the floor as Chris Jericho follows right after Charlie Haas. Charlie Haas & Chris Jericho have been eliminated.

Lillian: Charlie Haas & Chris Jericho have been eliminated

JR: Shane Douglas just eliminated Charlie Haas and Chris Jericho

Shane Douglas is gloating as Charlie Haas has to be restrained from trying to get back into the ring as Douglas goes over and attacks Scott Walker as Shane Douglas and Matt Hardy double team Scott Walker as both Hardy & Douglas dump Scott Walker over the top as Walker is trying to hold on but Hardy and Douglas get Scott Walker out to the floor. Scott Walker has been eliminated.

Lillian: Scott Walker has been eliminated

JR: Scott Walker is now gone via Matt Hardy and Shane Douglas

Shane Douglas and Matt Hardy then both smile at each other as Hardy & Douglas go over and Hardy attacks Matt Walker as Shane Douglas then pushes Hardy away as Shane Douglas tells Matt Walker he has his back and Shane Douglas then opens up on Matt Walker!! Shane Douglas, Matt Hardy, & Kurt Angle start to triple team Matt Walker as The Final Buzzer Sounds...

King: Shane Douglas is working with E-X

JR: Well the orignal Evolution X was made up of Triple H, Matt Hardy, Kurt Angle, and Shane Douglas and I think we are seeing a reunion before our eyes and its a shame because I thought Shane Douglas and Matt Walker were like brothers

Lillian: Drawing #15...

"Hearts On Fire" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Lillian: CHRIS WALKER!!!

JR: Chris Walker is here on RAW!!! He is The SmackDown! Worl Heavyweight Champion

King: What the hell is happening here, Chris, Matt, and Shane Douglas were the Massacre on 34th Street Main Event and now there all in this Battle Royal

Chris Walker hits the ring as Shane Douglas attacks Chris Walker as Chris gets up and Chris opens up on Douglas and knocks him down as Matt Hardy goes to hit Chris Walker but Chris ducks it and Chris opens up on Hardy and Chris Walker clotheslines Matt Hardy over the top to the floor. Matt Hardy has been eliminated.

Lillian: Matt Hardy has been eliminated

JR: Matt Hardy is gone via Chris Walker and this evens things up now

Matt Hardy is livid on the floor as Chris Walker and Shane Douglas start to go at it as Kurt Angle works over Matt Walker as Matt Walker knees Angle in the gut and Matt Walker goes to throw Kurt Angle over the top but Angle holds the top rope as Matt Walker tries to get Angle out when Shane Douglas knocks down Chris with a right hand and Shane Douglas goes over and dumps Matt Walker over the top to the floor. Matt Walker has been eliminated.

Lillian: Matt Walker has been eliminated

Coach: Matt Walker gone via his I guess former Best Friend Shane Douglas

This leaves Shane Douglas, Chris Walker, & Kurt Angle as Matt Walker starts to leave but Matt Walker gets back into the ring and attacks Shane Douglas as Walker is finally restrained by several referee's as Shane Douglas goes after Matt Walker as Chris Walker then goes over and dropkicks Shane Douglas over the top to the floor. Shane Douglas has been eliminated.

Lillian: Shane Douglas has been eliminated

JR: Shane Douglas is now gone

Coach: That's not fair, Matt Walker played a big role in that

Kurt Angle attacks Chris Walker immediately and Kurt Angle goes for the Angle Slam but Walker escapes it and Chris Walker then hits a big dropkick to Kurt Angle knocking Kurt back into the ropes as Chris goes to hit Kurt but Kurt throws Walker over the top but Chris holds onto the ropes and pulls himself up as Kurt Angle goes over to grab Chris but Chris hooks his legs around Kurt and drags him over the top to the floor.
Winner: Chris Walker

Lillian: Your winner, Chris Walker!!

JR: Chris Walker has just won the right to face Triple H next week

King: The SD! World Champion will face the SCWE World Champion Next Monday!!

:Chris Walker is about to celebrate his win when Triple H hits the ring and attacks Chris Walker, Triple H pounds away at Chris Walker as Kurt Angle gets back into the ring and joins in on the attack when Scott Walker hits the ring and Scott Walker attacks Kurt Angle as Matt Hardy hits the ring and attacks Scott Walker which brings out Matt Walker as Shane Douglas also hits the ring when Ryan Walker comes out from the back and Ryan Walker joins as Charlie Haas comes out and attacks Chris Walker as Chris Jericho then races out as Several Referee's and Securiy comes out and tries to seperate the superstars:

JR: All hell has broken loose out here

:Eric Bischoff comes out to the entry way with a microphone:

Eric Bischoff: Since you superstars just can't get enough of each other then this is what will happen Next Monday Night on RAW. It will be Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy defending the SCWE Tag Team Championship against Scott Walker and Matt Walker(Crowd Cheers), Chris Jericho will go head to head with the man who cost him the SCWE World Title...Charlie Haas and Triple H since you will need help against Chris Walker a man you have never beaten on your own...It will be Triple H vs Chris Walker for the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship in the RAWDome(Crowd Erupts). That's right the final RAW of 2005 Will go in a major way and thats on a Pay Per View Caliber Night.

JR: What a huge RAW Next week we are out of time though Good Night

:RAW Goes off the Air:

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