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RAW : RAW 12/19/05
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 Message 1 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 4:13 AM


Results 12/19/05 Live From Hartford, Connecticut

Dark Matches Air before RAW:

Dark Match #1: Gail Kim defeated Christine

Dark Match #2: The Jackal defeated Scar

:Highlights From The Last RAW are shown as Pyro then explodes opening up the show:

:Vince McMahon Appears on the SCWE RAW Tron:

Vince McMahon: I am sure you are all wondering why Vince McMahon is appearing on SCWE RAW especially after I became SCWE SmackDown! General Manager. Well there are two reasons why. The First Reason is about The Royal Rumble. Now every year there is always a Joint Royal Rumble and that Tradition will continue as RAW and SmackDown! will have a Joint Diva Rumble but this year there will be a Joint RAW/SmackDown! Male Royal Rumble as well which will be made up of superstars that do not crack the Regular Royal Rumble. More Info will be coming on that in the weeks. Now the Second Reason I am doing this and I was granted this time by Eric Bischoff is because I have an announcement that you RAW fans will want to hear. At Massacre on 34th Street This Sunday Night, At least One if not more RAW Superstars will be making there SmackDown! Debut's or Returns to complete all previous Debts that RAW owes SmackDown! so enjoy Monday Night RAW and don't forget about Tuesday Night SmackDown! or Massacre on 34th Street because the superstars coming to SmackDown! are not exactly Scar or Brian Mason.

:Vince disappears from the SCWE Tron:

King: What a way to kick off Monday Night RAW here

JR: Well tonight's RAW should be one that goes down in history because we have a stacked show which will end with the RAWDome

Coach: Well it is the final RAW of 2005 seeing as Next Week there will be no RAW due to the Christmas Holiday so lets go out with a bang

JR: Well my points exactly so lets go to the ring

Lillian: The Opening Contest of SCWE Monday Night RAW is scheduled for one fall

"Whatever It Takes" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, From St. Louis, Missouri weighing in at 245 Pounds, The "Legend Killer" Randy Orton

Coach: Well here comes Randy Orton who did very well last week

JR: Randy Orton defeated The Rock in a hard fought contest and Orton impressed by RKOing several superstars in the RAW Rumble but Orton did not eliminate anyone and was soon dumped out by Chris Jericho which to me shows lack of smarts

Coach: You better hope Randy Orton doesn't hear about that

"One Step Closer" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: And his opponent, Representing the bWo, From Atlantic City, New Jersey weighing in at 285 Pounds, The Blue Meanie

JR: Well here comes The Blue Meanie now

King: This guy is weird

Coach: And no match for Randy Orton

Randy Orton vs The Blue Meanie
Randy Orton attacks The Blue Meanie as he comes into the ring as Orton takes Meanie and smashes his face off the top turnbuckle several times before turning Meanie around and Orton then stomps away at Meanie knocking Meanie down in the corner. Randy Orton then picks up The Blue Meanie and Orton whips Meanie off the ropes but Meanie stops and kicks Orton in the face as Meanie then hits a Fameasser on Orton and Meanie covers for a 1---2--2.5-shoulder up. Meanie then picks up Orton and sets him up for a Stevie T but Orton rams Meanie back into the corner as Orton then hits several shoulder blocks to Meanie as Orton then hits a few European Uppercuts to Meanie as Orton whips Meanie off the ropes again and Orton puts his head down but Meanie stops and Meanie then hits a DDT on Orton as Randy Orton gets up, Meanie charges and clotheslines Orton down as Meanie then does The Blue Meanie dance as Randy Orton gets back up and Meanie then delivers a big Running Bulldog to Orton as The Blue Meanie waits as Orton gets up and Meanie hits a big spinebuster on Orton as Meanie climbs up top and says its time for the Meaniesault and goes for it but Orton rolls out of the way as Meanie hits the mat hard as Orton then waits and hits the RKO on The Blue Meanie a Orton covers Meanie for the 1--2--3.
Winner: Randy Orton

Lillian: Your winner, Randy Orton

JR: Randy Orton gets the win here over The Blue Meanie but I think Orton is lucky to get the win tonight

King: Well I don't know, I think Orton suckered The Blue Meanie in and when he had him where he wanted him it was game over for The Blue Meanie

Coach: Randy Orton has been on a major role, The Legend Killer of Old has returned

:Randy Orton is making his way up the entry ramp and stops by the Announce Table and walks over to it:

Coach: Well here comes Randy Orton now

:Randy Orton then has some words with the Announcers as all three stand up and Orton smacks the Cowboy hat off JR as JR goes to pick it up when Orton hits the RKO on JR as The King then knocks Orton down with a right hand as Several Referee's come out and seperate the action:

Coach: JR just got RKO'ed and now its going crazy we need a commercial break right now

Commercial Ad for SCWE SmackDown!, SCWE OverDrive!, & SCWE Mayhem

Coach: Welcome back to Monday Night RAW and as you can see, JR is not here now thanks to Randy Orton's RKO

King: That little punk needs to be taught a lesson for doing that to JR

Coach: King calm down, Randy Orton has been escorted out of the arena and JR is being tended to now and is probably on his way to a local medical facility

King: JR's head bounces off our steps here thanks to Randy Orton, JR could have a broken neck or worse thanks to that little...

Coach: King just relax and lets move on, we have a job to do

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Rock" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, From Miami, Florida weighing in at 280 Pounds, The Rock

King: Here comes The Rock who looked very very good last week in a loss against that SOB Randy Orton

Coach: And tonight The Rock is taking the Ken Kennedy Challenge

"Mr. Kennedy" hits, Crowd Boo's

Ken Kennedy: And The Opponent....I weigh in tonight at 243 Pounds and I am from Green Bay, Wisconsin, I am Mr....Kennedy.......................Kennedy

Coach: I love his entrance

King: Well he sure does have an ego but has been impressive as he remains undefeated

Ken Kennedy vs The Rock
The bell rings as Mr Kennedy wastes no time opening The Rock with right and left handers. Kennedy keeps hitting The Rock when both me slowly make their way into the corner. The ref tells Kennedy to let off and he does and then poses for the crowd. Kennedy goes to grab The Rock but The Rock elbows Kennedy in the mouth. The Rock goes to give Kennedy a right hander but Kennedy catches it and rakes The Rocks eyes. The ref yells at Kennedy as he laughs and then grabs The Rocks head. Kennedy looks around and then knees The Rock in the stomach. Kennedy then kicks The Rock and The Rock rolls over to the ropes. Kennedy grabs on the ropes and starts choking The Rock with his boots, grabbing the rope for leverage. The ref yells at Kennedy and starts counting-1...2...3...4...Kennedy lets off as The Rock grabs his throat. Kennedy smirks and then covers The Rock-1...2...kickout. Kennedy looks at the ref and then covers The Rock again-1...2...kickout. Kennedy gets up and helps up The Rock. Kennedy then whips The Rock into the ropes but The Rock grabs on to them. The Rock runs at Kennedy and both men lock up. Kennedy overpowers The Rock and pushes him down. The Rock gets back up and Kennedy quickly hits The Rock with a right hander, knocking him down once again. Kennedy then lifts up The Rock once again and whips him into the corner. Kennedy runs at The Rock and connects with a splash, Kennedy covers The Rock-1...2...kickout. Kennedy lifts up The Rock once again and sets him up for a German Suplex and hits it on The Rock. Kennedy laughs as the crowd boos and then lifts up The Rock again. Kennedy sets The Rock up for a Kennedy Drop and connects it. Kennedy quickly covers The Rock-1...2...3
Winner: Ken Kennedy

Lillian: Your winner...Ken K...

:Ken Kennedy gets out of the ring and grabs the microphone from Lillian:

Ken Kennedy: Your winner....Mr. Kennedy...................Kennedy and if any other RAW Superstars want to fight me, you just let me know because The Ken Kennedy Challenge is open to all Superstars

Coach: Mr Kennedy continues to roll

King: Well The Rock gave it his all but this Kennedy is very impressive


:Simon Dean is shown with Lexus Carr:

Simon Dean: Lexus can you believe these people here on RAW. I am The SCWE Intercontinental Champion yet they make me team up with a lunatic who loves Rose Fatty to face the bWo yet again. I am tired of beating the bWo.

Lexus Carr: Well Simon look at it this way, you just keep making these so called "big names" look bad by beating them down

Simon Dean: Yeah I own Stevie Richards and I will own Rico and as a matter of fact I could own any of Evolution X or the Walker Brothers

:Just then Shane Douglas appears behind Simon Dean:

Shane Douglas: Is that so

:Simon turns around:

Simon Dean: Yeah it is Shane Douglas, The "Franchise" what are you the Franchise of? Being fat and washed up?

:Shane Douglas starts to laugh:

Shane Douglas: Well Simon if I am washed up and over the hill then why don't you put your IC Title on the line against me to prove yourself of course

Lexus Carr: Simon don't do it

Simon Dean: Lexus I know what I am doing. Shane anytime you want to go for my IC Title you got it because Shane I will Simonize Your Ass

:Simon Dean then takes his stuff and heads towards the ring with Lexus as Shane Douglas smiles:

Shane Douglas: Well tonight I am going to become the Next SCWE IC Champion

:Shane Douglas then walks out of the scene:

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 Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 4:13 AM

King: Well Shane Douglas just suckered Simon Dean into putting the IC title on the line right here tonight

Coach: Yes I think The ever smart Simon Dean just got himself "Franchised" backstage because Simon must wrestle in a Tag Team Match and I am sure as soon as that match is over, The "Franchise" will be out here to collect

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Simon Says" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, being accumpied by Lexus Carr, From Pensacola, Florida weighing in at 225 Pounds, He is the SCWE Intercontinental Champion, Simon Dean

Coach: Well here comes Simon Dean and for his sake, I hope Jerome Morris wrestles this whole match or else Simon's IC title Reign could be in major jepardy

"Stricken" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Lillian: And his opponent from Denver, Colorado weighing in at 225 Pounds, He is the SCWE European Champion, Jerome Morris

Coach: That's Impact Champion

King: It's European Champion not Impact Coach

"One Step Closer" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: And there opponents being accumpied by Melinda and Representing the bWo weighing in at a combined weight of 432 Pounds, The "Phenominal" AJ Styles and "Big Stevie Cool" Stevie Richards

King: Well here comes the bWo who I think will have no problem getting along

Coach: Well AJ and Stevie used to have problems

King: They are bWo now together and they have a common respect for each other, any problems they had with each other they buried along time ago

Simon Dean & Jerome Morris W/Lexus Carr vs Stevie Richards & AJ Styles W/Melinda
Referee Rudy Charles rings the bell as Simon Dean starts things off with AJ Styles as both men lock up with AJ locking in a headlock but Simon sends AJ off the ropes and AJ comes back and AJ hits a flying clothesline knocking down Simon as AJ gets up and AJ then hits a Spinning Crescent Kick to Simon as Simon rolls over and tags out to Jerome Morris. Jerome looks livid that Simon tagged out to him as Jerome enters the ring slowly as AJ goes after Jerome who gets back on the apron as Rudy Charles restrains AJ as Jerome gets into the ring then and AJ goes after Jerome but Jerome pokes his head between the ropes as Rudy Charles once again stops AJ and Jerome quickly gets out of the ropes and pokes Jerome in the eyes as Jerome then opens up on AJ with right hands as Jerome then grabs AJ and looks for the Thrill Seekers but AJ elbows Jerome in the head as AJ then kicks Jerome in the gut and AJ goes for the Styles Clash but Simon Dean comes in and hits AJ from behind as Simon takes AJ and whips him off the ropes but AJ hits a crossbody taking down both Jerome and Simon as Stevie Richards then comes into the ring and Stevie hits the Stevie Kick on Jerome Morris knocking Jerome out but Simon kicks Stevie in the gut and Simon hits the Simon Effect on Stevie as Simon is gloating when AJ kicks Simon in the gut and AJ sets up Simon for the Styles Clash and hits it but Rudy Charles tells AJ that Simon is not legal as AJ lets go of Simon and AJ gets up only to walk into a Cocky cutter from Jerome Morris as Jerome covers AJ for a 1---2--2.9-Stevie Richards yanks Jerome off AJ as Rudy Charles tries to get Stevie back out but Jerome charges at Stevie as Stevie moves and Jerome hits the top rope as Stevie then clotheslines Jerome over the top to the floor as AJ is back up and Stevie gets down on the mat as AJ runs and jumps on Stevie's back causing AJ to go flying as AJ comes crashing into Jerome on the floor as The Crowd goes nuts with the daredevil move but as Stevie gets up, Lexus Carr slides Simon's bag into the ring as Simon pulls out some Simon Powder as Simon then throws it into the eyes of Stevie blinding him as Simon then hits another Simon Effect on Richards but Simon instead gets his weight lifting belt out and Simon starts to whip Stevie's midsection with it as Stevie rolls around the ring as Simon continues to whip Stevie when Melinda attacks Lexus on the floor which causes for Simon to become distracted as Simon goes over and tries to get Melinda away but during that Stevie Richards gets back up and Stevie gets ready as Melinda leaves Lexus and walks away as Simon turns around back into the ring and Simon walks right into a Stevie Kick as Stevie covers Simon for the 1---2--3.
Winners: Stevie Richards & AJ Styles

Lillian: Your winners, Stevie Richards & AJ Styles

King: Stevie and AJ get the impressive win here

Coach: Poor Simon

"Perfect Strangers" hits as the Crowd Starts to Boo as Shane Douglas makes his way to the ring

Coach: I think The "Franchise" is coming to collect his title shot

King: Yeah and Simon Dean is still kind of out of it

:Shane Douglas gets a microphone:

Shane Douglas: Simon I've decided to take my IC Title shot....Now

Coach: Yep he wants it now

:Simon Dean gets a microphone as Simon is still holding his jaw:

Simon Dean: Shane I just wrestled a tough match I am not fighting you now wait another night

Shane Douglas: Oh no Simon you said anytime anywhere and if I am such a washed up fatass then you should have no problem beating me

Simon Dean: On a normal night I would gladly beat you Shane but not tonight

"Pour Some Sugar On Me" hits, Crowd Cheers as Marrisa Bischoff walks out on the entry way

Marrisa Bischoff: Now as much as I hate to do this, I saw the footage Simon and you did say anytime anywhere so after a short commercial break, It will be The "Franchise" Shane Douglas challenging Simon Dean for the SCWE Intercontinental Championship

:Marrisa heads to the back as Shane Douglas is smiling as Simon looks worried:

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King: Well both superstars are in the ring now ready for action

SCWE Intercontinental Championship: Simon Dean(C) W/Lexus Carr vs Shane Douglas
Simon Dean attacks Shane Douglas right at the sound of the bell as Simon pounds away at Douglas but The Franchise pokes Simon in the eyes as Shane Douglas then opens up on Simon with right hands and Shane whips Simon off the ropes and Shane Douglas hits a big backdrop on Simon Dean as Shane then kicks Simon in the gut and Shane hits the Franchiser on Simon Dean as Shane then covers Simon but Lexus Carr gets on the apron distracting Rudy Charles as Shane Douglas gets up and Shane goes over and grabs Lexus by her hair and Shane then forcefully kisses Lexus!! Simon Dean gets up and gets into his bag and Simon pulls out a weight and Simon then goes to hit Shane once he turns around but Shane ducks it and Simon then kicks Simon in the gut and Shane hits the Pittsburgh Plunge for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Shane Douglas (SCWE IC)

Lillian: Your winner and The New SCWE Intercontinental Champion, The "Franchise" Shane Douglas

King: The Franchise just brought home the IC Title once again

Coach: Well Simon Dean got himself in a mess that he could not get out of

:Backstage: Evolution X's Locker Room

:Triple H is shown getting ready for his RAWDome Match later on as Julianne Angle watches on:

Julianne Angle: Hunter isn't there any way you can get out of this match

Triple H: What?

Julianne Angle: I don't want you fighting in the RAWDome

Triple H: Why not? You think I can't beat this punk

Julianne Angle: Hunter I know you can beat him, I just think this is a dangerous match and I don't want to see you getting hurt

Triple H: Julez I am going to wrestle this match, just stay in the back if you think I can't get the job done, I don't want you at ringside

Julianne Angle: Yeah I wasn't planning on going to the ring which is kinda what I am getting at. Hunter I have something we need to talk about

Triple H: Julez nows not the time

:Triple H gets up and grabs the SCWE World Title and leaves the Locker Room as Kurt Angle walks into the Locker Room:

Kurt Angle: Where's he going

Julianne Angle: I don't know

Kurt Angle: You alright sis

Julianne Angle: I don't know

Kurt Angle: What's the matter

:Matt Hardy and Alyssa Amidala then Walk into the Locker Room as well so Julianne Angle whispers something into Kurt's ear as Kurt's mouth flies open:

Kurt Angle: Uh oh

Matt Hardy: What?

Julianne Angle: Kurt don't you dare say anything to anyone

Matt Hardy: What is going on?

Julianne Angle: Nothing I am just a little under the weather

:Julianne Angle then runs into the Bathroom Area:

Matt Hardy: Is she alright

Kurt Angle: Depends on what Hunter says I guess

Matt Hardy: What's going on

:Kurt then whispers something into Matt's ear as Matt's eyes widen:

Matt Hardy: Uh oh, how did it happen

Kurt Angle: I don't know i'm not asking my sister that

Matt Hardy: Hunter's gonna be pissed

Alyssa Amidala: About what?

Matt Hardy: The weather...its very cold outside

Alyssa Amidala: You boys are weird but my match is coming up very soon so I should start to head towards the ring for it

:Alyssa then leaves the Locker Room as Kurt Angle goes over and knocks on the Bathroom door to check on his sister as Kaylee Angle then walks into the Locker Room as Matt Hardy whispers something to her:

Commercial Ad for SCWE SmackDown!, SCWE OverDrive!, & SCWE Mayhem

 Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 4:14 AM

King: Well I would love to know whats going on there

Coach: Yeah me too

King: Well Coach up next we got my favorite thing and thats Puppies!!!

Coach: Yes King thats right we got a big SCWE Diva Tag Team Contest coming up as two hated rivals must team together

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Feel Good Inc" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, From Telemuca, California, Christy Hemme

Coach: Well here comes The Lovely Christy Hemme who is looking for revenge for what happened last week to Tara Rayge who from all indictations was an attack from Alyssa Amidala

King: Well Alyssa has only said she had a part in it so who knows if Stacy Flair was involved or not

"I bet you look good on the dance floor" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: And her partner, Representing the bWo, From Austin, Texas, Rose Thorn

King: Well here comes Christy's partner Rose Thorn as these two should make for a interesting team

Coach: Rose and Christy hate each other where as Alyssa and Stacy are former Women's Tag Team Champions

"Everybody's Fool" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: And there opponents, 1st from Los Angelos, California, She is the SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion, Stacy Flair

Coach: Well I don't see any way Stacy and Alyssa lose tonight

"Detective" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Lillian: And her partner, Representing Evolution X, From Cleveland, Ohio, She is one half of the SCWE Women's Tag Team Champions, Alyssa Amidala

King: Well here comes the Psycho from E-X

Coach: Alyssa has been on a major role lately too so that makes things even though to Rose and Christy if you ask me

Stacy Flair & Alyssa Amidala vs Rose Thorn & Christy Hemme
The bell rings. Rose Thorn and Alyssa Amidala start the match off with a collar and elbow tie up. The two women push and pull at one another with Rose easily over powering Alyssa. Rose pushes Alyssa into the ropes and thorn whips Alyssa off the ropes, Amidala bounces back and is taken down with a big powerslam by Rose. Rose holds her ribs because of the pain she still feels from her hell in a cell match and her womens championship match last week. Alyssa gets up and spots Rose's pain, Alyssa looks to slap Rose but instead hits a knee into Rose's ribs. Rose is heard screaming out loud from the pain. Alyssa smirks as she pushes Rose into the turnbuckle. Alyssa starts driving her shoulders into the ribs of Rose causing Rose to scream out in pain each time. Rose falls and Alyssa starts kicking at Rose's ribs. Alyssa sets up Rose for the widows peak but Rose wriggles out of it and hits a big pele back dropkick to Alyssa. Rose gets up and takes off her shirt revealing a black bra. Rose laughs as she rips off her bandages taped around ribs. Alyssa looks around in confusion as Rose gives Alyssa the finger. Alyssa gets up and runs at Rose but Thorn ducks the attack. Rose starts smashing Alyssa's head with forearm smashes. Rose nails a viscious european uppercut on Alyssa taking her down. Stacy Flair gets into the ring but Rose clocks her and kicks her in the gut. Rose grabs a hold of Stacy's hair and tells Stacy that she isnt hurting any more. Rose picks up Stacy and slams her down with a powerbomb. Stacy rolls out of the ring as Alyssa creeps up behind Rose and rolls her up with a school boy 1...2.. kick out by Rose. Both women get up, Alyssa attempts a punch to Rose but Rose blocks it and headbuts Alyssa. Rose irish whips Alyssa to the turnbuckle. Rose charges at her and nails Alyssa with a turnbuckle clothesline. Rose grabs Alyssa as she stumbles out of the turnbuckle and Rose nails her with a big snap suplex! Rose tags in Christy and the two red heads walk over to Alyssa. Rose picks up Alyssa and the two women  grabs a hold of Alyssa's hair and slam Alyssa face first into the ring canvas. Rose climbs out of the ring as Christy covers Alyssa 1...2.. kick out by Amidala. Christy grabs a handful of Alyssa's hair but Alyssa nails Hemme with a jawbreaker. Alyssa tags out to Stacy Flair.Stacy Flair walks over to Christy but before Flair can do anything Christy has speared her down and has started to slap repeatedly at Stacy. Stacy manages to push Christy off and gets on top of Christy. Stacy begins to beat Christy's head off the ring floor. Stacy gets up and picks Christy up, Flair nails her with a monkey flip. Stacy shouts some bad words to Rose and Thorn tries to get into the ring but the referee is hlding Rose back. Stacy gets close and starts taunting Rose but some how Rose manages to jump over the ref and takes Stacy down. Rose pounds away at Stacy the referee pulls Rose off Stacy and Flair quickly tags herself out to Alyssa. Alyssa grabs Rose and irish whips her, Rose ducks an attack by Alyssa and Rose runs at the ropes and launches over them with a suicide diva taking out Stacy on the outside of the ring. inside the ring Christy rolls up Alyssa with a pin 1...2... kick out by Alyssa. Outside the ring Stacy and Rose are seen brawling their way through the audience into the back. Alyssa and Christy get up inside the ring. Christy goes for the Hemme Love but Alyssa grabs Christy's foot. Alyssa spins Christy around and then kicks her in the gut. Alyssa sets Christy up for the widows peak and nails it! Alyssa covers Christy 1...2... Alyssa smirks and lifts Christys shoulder up. Alyssa picks Christy up and plants her with the Pedigree! Alyssa covers her 1...2...3
Winners: Stacy Flair & Alyssa Amidala

Lillian: Your winners, Alyssa Amidala and Stacy Flair

Coach: Alyssa gets another win

King: Alyssa took care of a former Women's Champion in Christy Hemme but I see the bad blood between Rose and Stacy continues on

Coach: We are going to go backstage right now where Stacy and Rose are fighting

:Security is trying to break up Rose & Stacy as both divas are still trying to fight at one another when Marrisa Bischoff appears on the Scene as both divas stop trying to fight:

Marrisa Bischoff: Listen up you two. I know you both hate each other's guts which is why I have decided that at The Royal Rumble and with my father's ok for The SmackDown! side already, Drawing #1 Rose Thorn and Drawing #2 Stacy Flair so you two will get to tear each other apart come The Royal Rumble but just to prove that I am a fair GM, The First RAW of 2006, Stacy you will be defending your SCWE Women's RAWCore Championship against....Christy Hemme and Rose Thorn you will be facing whatever diva does not win the SCWE Women's Title Tonight on that same Monday Night RAW. Good luck ladies

:Marrisa walks away as Stacy and Rose glare at each other as Security escorts them both away in seperate directions:

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Coach: Well we have learned four matches now for the First RAW of 2006 as there will be no RAW Next Week Due to Christmas

King: Yeah AJ Styles vs Jerome Morris for the SCWE European Title in The Thrill Zone Assault 2, Stacy Mason defending her SCWE Women's RAWCore Title against Christy Hemme, Rose Thorn vs the Loser of Trish Morris/Lita later on and plus we can announce that Stephanie McMahon will make her return as she faces Marrisa's assistant Mickie James in a Bra and Panties Match!!!

Coach: 2006 is going to kick off with a bang but speaking of a bang up next we are going to see The "World's Greatest Athlete" Charlie Haas taking on KSCWE Legend Chris Jericho in a Grudge Match

King: Yeah thanks to Haas screwing Jericho over at Armageddon

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

Milenium Clock Starts into "Break The Walls Down", Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, From Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada weighing in at 231 Pounds, Chris Jeri...

:As Jericho is in the entry starting to come down, Charlie Haas attacks Jericho from behind as Jaime Lavelle follows Charlie out:

Coach: Haas has just taken the fight right to Jericho

Charlie Haas W/Jaime Lavelle vs Chris Jericho
Charlie Haas continues to work over Jericho in the entry way as Haas takes Jericho and rams his head off the barricade as Charlie Haas then drags Jericho down by the ring and Haas whips Jericho into the ring steps as Jericho is grabbing his shoulder as Haas picks up Jericho and rams him face first into the ring post as Haas then rolls Jericho into the ring as Charlie gets in after Jericho as the bell sounds to start the match officially as Haas continues to work over Jericho with several kicks to the ribs. Haas then picks up Jericho and Haas delivers a big belly 2 belly suplex to Jericho as Charlie Haas then waits as Jericho tries to get up and Haas grabs Jericho and Haas hits a Big German Suplex to Jericho as Haas holds on and hits a Second German and Haas holds on and is about to do a third one but Jericho hits a mule kick to Haas as Charlie Haas backs off Jericho and falls down riving in pain from the low blow as Jericho is asked and denies doing it. Jericho then waits as Haas gets back up and Jericho chops away at Haas backing Haas into the ropes as Jericho then whips Haas off the ropes and Jericho hits a big backdrop on Haas as Haas gets up near the ropes and Jericho clotheslines Haas over the top to the floor. Chris Jericho then goes up top in a hurry as Charlie Haas gets back up and Jericho comes off looking for a crossbody but Haas ducks it as Jericho hits the floor hard. Charlie Haas then waits as Jericho gets back up and Charlie Haas grabs Jericho and Haas hits a German suplex on the floor!!! Chris Jericho is grabbing the back of his head as Charlie Haas starts to laugh as Haas picks up Jericho and rolls him back into the ring as Jericho is still grabbing his head as Charlie Haas then stalks after Jericho as Haas then hits the World's Greatest Slam on Jericho as Haas then locks in the Haas of Pain on Jericho as Jericho has no choice and taps out.
Winner: Charlie Haas

Lillian: Your winner, Charlie Haas

Coach: Charlie Haas scores the impressive win over Chris Jericho

King: Chris Jericho never got a chance to get going seeing as Charlie Haas ambushed him

Coach: Well take your hats off to Haas for knowing what he had to do to get the job done


:Eric Bischoff is shown with Triple H:

Eric Bischoff: Hunter despite all of our problems I just wanted to say Congratulations, I heard the news

Triple H: Um...yeah well Eric you booked the match but thanks for the Early Congratulations for me kicking Chris Walker's ass in the RAWDome, It's Great to know the GM believes in me

Eric Bischoff: That's not what I was congratulating you on

Triple H: Yeah right Bisch but anyway Eric I have to get going because my boys are going to do like me later and thats take out the Walker's and I want to watch it on the monitor plus I have to give Julez something since she is apparantly pissed at me

:Triple H walks away as Eric looks confused:

:Another Area Backstage:

:Jerome Morris shown outside the Women's Locker Room as Jerome gets a smirk on his face as Jerome opens the door and peeks inside before going in as The Camera Follows Jerome inside as Jerome goes over and peeks into the Shower Area and Jerome looks in there for a few seconds before carefully shutting the door back up as Jerome then goes over to a Locker Section and Jerome starts to dig through the Divas Clothes as the Shower can be heard turning off as Jerome then quickly grabs a bunch of stuff from the bag and takes off running out as the shower door opens as Rose Thorn walks out wearing a towel:

:Another Area Backstage:

:Simon Dean & Lexus Carr are shown as Simon is packing up his Simon System Gear when Smoke begins to fill the room:

Simon Dean: Now what

Boogeyman: I am The Boogeyman and I am coming to get ya

:Simon turns around:

Simon Dean: You again. I am still waiting to get paid mister

:The Boogeyman then grabs Simon's Products away and opens up the Powder and The Boogeyman starts to eat it:

Simon Dean: Um you have to pay for that and thats not the right way you use it

Boogeyman: I will eat it anyway I like because I am the Boogeyman!!

Lexus Carr: Simon lets just go and get out of here, tonight's been a bad night lets go

:Lexus grabs Simon's arm and drags him from the room as The Boogeyman continues to eat Simon's Products:

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 Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 4:15 AM

King: Well Coach I see The Boogeyman is hear yet again

Coach: Yeah and he sure does love Simon's Simon System

King: Well Simon Dean's night went from bad to worse there as The Boogeyman stole his Products

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Tag Team Championship

King: Well this as JR would say would be a Slobberknocker

"Eye of The Tiger" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st making there way to the ring being accumpied by Mallory Maddox, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at a combined weight of 445 Pounds, The "Real Deal, No Gimmicks Needed" Matt Walker and Scott Walker

King: Well here comes the Reunited Walker Brothers

Coach: Can Matt and Scott Walker really work together though?

"Line In The Sand" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: And there opponents being accumpied by Kaylee Walker-Angle, Represetning Evolution X weighing n at a combined weight of 460 Pounds, They are the SCWE Tag Team Champions, Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy

Coach: Well here comes E-X now

King: Kaylee Angle could play a big role in this match seeing as she is the sister of Matt and Scott Walker yet is married to Kurt Angle

SCWE Tag Team Championship: Kurt Angle & Matt Hardy(C) W/Kaylee Angle vs Matt & Scott Walker W/Mallory Maddox
Scott Walker starts things off with Matt Hardy as both superstars lock up with Hardy backing Walker into the ropes but Walker quickly reverses it and gets Hardy into the corner as Earl Hebner orders a break which is granted as Matt Hardy then slaps Scott Walker across the face as Scott grabs his mouth and smiles before knocking Hardy down with a right hand as Matt Hardy rolls out to the floor to regroup as Hardy finally gets on the apron and re-enters the ring as Scott Walker waits as Matt Hardy gets in and the two men go to lock up again but Hardy pokes Scott in the eyes as Matt Hardy then delivers a few jabs to Scott as Hardy then grabs Walker and Matt hits a Side Effect on him as Hardy gets up quickly and Hardy goes up top and Hardy looks for a Leg Drop from the middle rope but Scott Walker is able to move out of the way as Walker is up then and grabs Hardy as he gets up and Scott hits a big backdrop on Hardy as Matt Hardy gets up grabbing his head as Scott Walker goes for a Walker Kick but Hardy ducks it and Matt Hardy then grabs Scott for a Twist of Fate but Walker sends Hardy off the ropes and Scott goes for another Walker Kick but Hardy holds onto the ropes instead as Matt Hardy then tags out to Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle enters the ring as Scott Walker and Kurt Angle lock up with Angle going behind Walker and Kurt goes for a German Suplex but Scott wraps his legs around Kurt's to block it as Scott then goes to elbow Kurt but Kurt ducks as Scott turns around and Kurt then hits a overhead belly 2 belly suplex as Scott Walker gets up and tags out to Matt Walker. Matt Walker enters the ring as he and Kurt Angle then lock up with Walker getting a headlock on Angle but Kurt sends Walker off the ropes and Kurt puts his head down but Matt stops and kicks Kurt in the face as Matt Walker then goes for a clothesline but Kurt ducks it and Grabs Matt and Kurt then hits a Big German Suplex and holds on for a Second German Suplex and then a third one as Kurt lets Matt go and Kurt gets up and is waiting to go for an Angle Slam when Scott Walker re-enters the ring and Walker turns Angle around and opens up on him knocking Angle down which brings Matt Hardy back into the ring as Hardy knocks down Scott Walker as all Matt Walker gets back up as Mallory slides Matt Walker's guitar into the ring as Matt Walker is about to use the guitar when Kaylee Walker grabs the guitar away from Matt as Matt turns around and yells at his sister which allows for Kurt Angle to hit the Angle Slam as Kurt Angle then puts his straps down and says its Angle Lock time but Kurt turns around right into a Walker Kick as Scott Walker then gets kicked in the gut as Matt Hardy hits a Twist of Fate as Matt Hardy then rolls Kurt over to Matt Walker when Shane Douglas hits the ring and The "Franchise" has a steel chain on his hand and Shane turns Matt Hardy around and Shane Douglas blasts Hardy in the face knocking out Matt Hardy!!.
Winners: Matt Hardy & Kurt Angle by DQ

Lillian: Your winners by DQ, Matt Hardy & Kurt Angle

King: Why did Shane Douglas just attack Matt Hardy

:Shane Douglas pounds away at Hardy and then at Kurt Angle as Scott Walker gets back up and Scott Walker knocks Shane Douglas off Angle when Matt Walker then smashes his guitar over Scott Walker's head:

Coach: Matt Walker just laid out his own brother, I smell a Set Up

King: Yeah I hate to agree with you but I do too

:Shane Douglas and Matt Walker continue to work over Hardy and Angle when Chris Walker hits the ring as Chris Walker knocks down Shane Douglas with a right hand and then Matt Walker but Ryan Walker gets into the ring and attacks Chris from behind:

King: Well Chris Walker tried to make the save but now Ryan Walker is out here

:Triple H then races out to the ring with a Slegehammer in hand as Matt Walker, Ryan Walker, & Shane Douglas bail out of the ring as Triple H checks on Matt Hardy and Kurt Angle while Chris Walker checks on Scott Walker:

Coach: Well Triple H makes the save for E-X here

King: Who would have thought this, Triple H and Chris Walker bitter enemies who are facing off in the RAWDome tonight both in the ring next to each other and not fighthing

Coach: Well tonight's be a crazy night and this is just another example

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King: Well a crazy and unpredictable RAW continues to heat up tonight as we still have two more title matches to come

Coach: Yeah the RAWDome as everyone knows and of course The SCWE Women's Title Match which is up next

King: Lita wants back her title which she was not pinned to lose, Tara Rayge got pinned after Lita took out Tara but Trish snuck in the backdoor and got the pinfall to become champion

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Women's Championship

"LoveFuryEnergyPassion" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, The Challenger, From Sanford, North Carolina, Lita

King: Well here comes the Former Women's Champion

"Did My Time" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: And her opponent, From Denver, Colorado, She is the SCWE Women's Champion, Trish Morris

Coach: Well here comes the Champion now who I think is unbeatable

King: We will see

SCWE Women's Championship: Trish Morris(C) vs Lita
The bell sounds. Lita and Trish Morris lock up, Lita pushes Trish away and then lunges forward and knocks her down with a clothesline. Lita flips over with a senton landing on Trish's gut. Lita covers 1...2.. kick out by Trish. Lita picks up Trish but Morris spears Lita into the turnbuckle. Trish drives her shoulder into lita's stomach and then plants her with a DDT. Trish covers Lita 1...2... kick out by Lita. Trish Morris picks up Lita and goes for a Blonde Bitch Ride but Lita manages to headbut Trish while on Morris's shoulders. Lita hits a picture perfect hurricanrana on Trish. Trish rolls out of the ring to take a breather. Lita walks over to the ropes and grabs Trish's hair to pull her into the ring. Morris turns around and nails Lita with a big right hand. Lita stumbles backwards holding her head as Trish Morris gets in the ring and charges at Lita. Lita ducks a clothesline from Trish Morris and Lita locks her arm around Trish's neck. Lita nails Trish with an inverted twist of fate and raises her arm in the air signaling for a moonsault. But before Lita can reach the turnbuckle Alyssa Amidala slides into the ring and smashes her womens tag team championship off the back of Lita's head. Alyssa starts to stomp away at Lita as the ref calls for the bell
Winner: Lita by DQ

Lillian: Your winner by DQ, Lita

King: Lita wins by DQ but this thing is not over yet

:Alyssa continues to work over Lita as Trish Morris then joins in making it a two on one attack when a woman comes out of the crowd as the woman goes under the ring and pulls out a bag and slides it into the ring as Alyssa backs up before then attacking Trish Morris!! The Woman takes off her hat to reveal Kelli Hardy as Alyssa takes Trish Morris and throws her out to the floor as Kelli tells Alyssa to pick up Lita which Alyssa does as Kelli then opens up on Lita with right hands as Kelli and Alyssa then pick up Lita and deliver a double suplex and just drop Lita over the top as Lita hits the ring apron head first as Lita is grabbing her head as Kelli Hardy gets a microphone:

Kelli Hardy: Lita I let you off easy tonight but your not of importance to me anymore....Trish Morris you are and at The Royal Rumble I am using my Rematch Clause to get my rightful rematch so keep my title warm for me

"Line in the Sand" hits as Kelli and Alyssa both hold up there Women's Tag Titles before leaving the ring

King: Kelli Hardy has returned and caused Lita to be laid out and Trish Morris has been issued her warning

Coach: I would not want to be Trish Morris come Royal Rumble


:Triple H is shown about to leave towards the ring when Julianne Angle walks up to him:

Julianne Angle: Hunter you ok?

Triple H: I'm fine babe, everything is perfect

Julianne Angle: Your not mad anymore?

Triple H: Nope

Julianne Angle: You don't want to kill anyone for what happened earlier with Kurt and Matt

Triple H: Well of course I do but there is a time and place for that but if you will excuse me babe, I got the RAWDome Match now

:Triple H starts to walk away but stops:

Triple H: You sure you don't want to come with?

Julianne Angle: I would love to Hunter but I don't think I should in my condition

:Triple H starts to laugh:

Triple H: Alright then I'll see you later babe

:Triple H kisses Julez and then takes off his shirt as he picks up the SCWE World Title Belt and starts to walk away:

Julianne Angle: Hunter....I'm Pregnant

:Triple H stops for a few seconds and then puts the SCWE World Title Around his waste and continues towards the ring as Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy walk into the scene:

Julianne Angle: Guys keep an eye out to make sure he doesn't get hurt

Kurt Angle: What did he say when you told him

Julianne Angle: Nothing he just kept walking

Final Commercial Ad for SCWE Massacre on 34th Street-Long Ad

 Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 4:15 AM

King: Oh my goodness, Julianne Angle is pregnant

Coach: Yeah but we have no idea how Triple H took that news

King: Well normally I would assume the guy is happy but it is Triple H and one never knows whats going on through the mind of The Game

Coach: Well Triple H better get in the right state of mind now because up next is the Hellacious RAWDome against a Superstar who he has lets just say has had his number in Chris Walker

Lillian: The Main Event of th Evening is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship and Will be fought inside the RAWDome

"Game" hits, Crowd Rises to there Feet and Boo's

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, From Greenwich, Connecticut weighing in at 260 Pounds, He is the Leader of Evolution X and the SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, He is the "Game" Triple H

Coach: Well Triple H looks ready for war now

:As Triple H is going towards the ring, Matt Walker, Shane Douglas, & Ryan Walker come running out and attack Triple H from behind as all three men start to put the boots to The Game when Chris Walker races out the entry way as Chris Walker attacks Shane Douglas as Matt Hardy and Kurt Angle also come out as does Scott Walker as Several Referee's also rush out:

King: All hell has broken loose before this match could even get under way

Coach: We got Chris, Scott, Matt, & Ryan Walker, Shane Douglas, Kurt Angle, Matt Hardy, & Triple H right now and here comes Charlie Haas

:Charlie Haas races out the entry ramp and Haas attacks Triple H, Haas starts to go to work on Triple H as Matt Walker and Scott Walker are going it while Chris Walker and Ryan Walker go at it as Chris Jericho races out and Jericho attacks Triple H and Charlie Haas as Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy make there way over and get involved in the action as Haas and Hardy brawl at it while Angle and Jericho go at it as Triple H goes back over and The Game attacks Matt Walker knocking him down as Scott Walker then goes to work with Chris on Ryan Walker as Triple H takes Matt Walker and rolls him into the ring but Mallory Maddox races out to the ring with a guitar in her hand as Mallory goes to hit Triple H from behind but Julianne Angle comes out and Julianne Angle grabs the guitar away from Mallory:

King: Julianne Angle should not be out here in this melee if she is pregnant

:Mallory turns around and is about to hit Julianne when Triple H blocks her hand as Triple H holds Mallory as Julianne picks up the guitar and Julez then smashes the guitar over Mallory's head knocking Mallory out cold as Matt Walker then attacks Triple H from behind as Matt Walker knocks The Game down as Matt gets up and then stalks towards Julianne Angle when Triple H gets back up and The Game attacks Walker from behind as Several Officials come out as Eric Bischoff comes out as well and stands on the entry way as Security has all of the action broken up as Matt Walker is screaming that Triple H will pay for Mallory getting laid out with a guitar as Matt helps Mallory to the back as Triple H and Julez are staring at each other as Eric is ready to speak:

Coach: Well The Boss wants to talk now and I want to see how Triple H reacts to Julianne Angle too

Eric Bischoff: Well it seems like the Big RAWDome Main Event has been ruined for tonight(Crowd Boo's) but I will make it up to the fans of RAW becuase on the first RAW of 2006, The SCWE World Title will be on the line inside of a.....Elimination Chamber(Crowd Cheers). That's right the first time ever on Any Regular Show, The Elimination Chamber will be used as Triple H defends against Chris Walker, Scott Walker, Matt Walker, Charlie Haas, and....Shane Douglas. And let me make this point clear as well, If any RAW Superstar even attempts to attack a Pregnant Diva from now on, I will not hesitate to fire them no matter who it is.

King: Way to go Eric

Eric Bischoff: Thank you

:Eric leaves as Triple H, Matt Hardy, Kurt Angle, & Julianne Angle are still in the entry way as Triple H can be seen asking Julez something as she nods her head and Triple H looks pissed at first as Matt and Kurt both go to talk to Triple H but Then Triple H starts to smile and then embraces Julez:

King: Well I think the father to be is happy

Coach: Aww how cute, Can I get a barf bag now, This isn't The Triple H we all know and love, The Triple H we know and love would be pissed about the Chamber Annoucement

King: Well Triple H will have a few weeks to prepare for it and can also celebrate because he will be a daddy now

Coach: This makes me sick but we are out of time, See you on January 2nd

:Kelli Hardy, Alyssa Amidala, & Kaylee Angle all make there way out to meet Triple H, Julianne Angle, Matt Hardy, & Kurt Angle as....

:RAW Goes off the Air:

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