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RAW : RAW 1/2/06
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 Message 1 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 1:24 PM


Results 1/2/06 Live From Boston, Massachusetts

Dark Matches Air before RAW:

Dark Match #1: None

Dark Match #2: None

:Highlights From The Last RAW are shown as Pyro then explodes opening up the show:

King: Welcome to SCWE Monday Night RAW

Coach: We hope you all had a good Holidays

King: Well tonight's RAW is going to be a late Holiday Treat because we have some great matches

Coach: Yeah including a 10 Man Battle Royal featuring 10 Superstars from the upcoming SCWE Royal Rumble where the winner will get #25

King: Well its 2006 so lets get 2006 Started in a Big Way with a Six Man Tag Match

Lillian: The Opening Contest of SCWE Monday Night RAW is scheduled for one fall

"Line in the Sand" hits, Crowd is mixed

Lillian: 1st making there way to the ring being accumpied by Kelli Hardy and Kaylee Angle, weighing in at a combined weight of 720 Pounds, They are the team of the SCWE Tag Team Champions Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy and the SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, The "Game" Triple H better known as Evolution X

Coach: Well here is E-X and I have to say they are going to be very hard to beat

King: What a way to kick off the new year then with Six of the Biggest Stars on RAW

"Perfect Strangers" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: And there opponents 1st being accumpied by Mallory Maddox, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at a combined weight of 465 Pounds, The "Real Deal, No Gimmicks Needed" Matt Walker and the SCWE Intercontinental Champion, The "Franchise" Shane Douglas

King: Well here is Shane Douglas and Matt Walker but how will they get along with there partner

Coach: I don't know because Haas is kinda pissed about the Elimination Chamber being canceled

"Just Close Your Eyes" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Lillian: And there partner being accumpied by Jaime Lavelle, From Edmond, Oklahoma weighing in at 242 Pounds, The "World's Greatest Athlete" Charlie Haas

King: As JR would say, this should be a Slobberknocker

Triple H, Matt Hardy, & Kurt Angle W/Kelli Hardy & Kaylee Angle vs Matt Walker, Shane Douglas, & Charlie Haas W/Mallory Maddox & Jaime Lavelle
Haas, Douglas, & Walker all argue over who should start things off as Charlie Haas finally gets into the ring to start it out as Triple H gets in as well. Triple H and Haas then lock up with Triple H locking in a headlock on Haas but Haas sends The Game off the ropes as Haas goes down as Triple H goes over Haas but Matt Walker then knees Triple H in the back as the Game turns around and knocks Walker off the apron but Haas runs up behind The Game and hits a Release German Suplex on him as Triple H gets back up grabbing his head as Haas grabs Triple H and hits another German Suplex and holds on and hits a second german suplex and then hits a third german suplex as Haas lets go and Haas quickly goes for the Haas of Pain but Triple H gets into the ropes as Referee Charles Robinson gets Haas back as Triple H gets up and tags out to Kurt Angle as Charlie Haas backs up and tags out to Matt Walker. Matt Walker and Kurt Angle then circle each other as Matt yells out to Kaylee about being married to a jackass which causes Kurt to attack Walker as Angle opens up on Matt with right hands as Angle whips Walker off the ropes and Angle grabs Walker on the way back and hits a overhead belly 2 belly suplex on Matt. Matt gets back up as Kurt Angle grabs Walker from behind and Angle goes for a german suplex but Walker holds the ropes preventing it as Walker then does a mule kick to Kurt as Kurt moves away hurting as Matt Walker then grabs Kurt and goes for a Twist of Fate but Kurt grabs Walker and Kurt hits a German Suplex and holds on and hits a Second German and then a third one as Kurt lets go of Matt Walker as Kurt Angle then grabs the Ankle for the Angle Lock but Matt Walker is able to roll through sending Kurt into the corner as Matt Walker tags out to Shane Douglas. Shane Douglas comes into the ring as Matt Hardy is begging for a tag which Kurt Angle gives to him as Matt Hardy enters the ring. Hardy and Douglas then lock up with Hardy backing Douglas into the corner as Charles Robinson orders a break which Hardy starts to give but Hardy then delivers a right hand to the face of Douglas knocking Shane down in the corner as Douglas goes to tag out to Charlie Haas but Haas jumps off the apron and Haas and Jaime then start to leave as Matt Walker gets off the apron to tell Haas to return as Shane Douglas is also yelling when Hardy attacks Douglas from behind as Matt Hardy pounds away at Shane Douglas as Matt Hardy whips Douglas into ropes and Hardy puts his head down but Douglas stops and kicks Hardy in the chest and Douglas then goes for the Franchiser but Triple H comes in and grabs Douglas and Kicks him in the gut and Triple H hits the Pedigree on Douglas as Matt Hardy then picks up Douglas and hits a Twist of Fate as Matt Hardy tags out to Kurt Angle who then locks in the Angle Lock as Shane Douglas starts to tap out immediately as Matt Walker makes his way back to the ring to late.
Winners: Triple H, Matt Hardy, & Kurt Angle

Lillian: Your winners, Triple H, Matt Hardy, and Kurt Angle

King: Evolution X gets another win here

Coach: Yeah because Charlie Haas walked out and Matt Walker went after him leaving poor Shane Douglas all alone

:Matt Walker comes back towards the ring as he gets his guitar and goes to get into the ring as Kelli slides a Sledgehammer into the ring as Triple H picks it up and begs for Matt Walker to enter the ring as Shane Douglas gets out of the ring as The Triple Threat retreats as E-X celebrates in the ring:

King: Matt Walker thinks better of going after Evolution X

Coach: Can you blame him

:Triple H, Kurt Angle, Matt Hardy, & Kelli Hardy all hold up there titles in the ring as Kaylee gives Matt Hardy his own Sledgehammer as Matt Hardy then hits Tripel H in the back with it!:

King: What the hell

Coach: I don't believe what I just saw

:Matt Hardy drops the sledgehammer as Triple H is laying on the mat as Hardy has a sick smile on his face as Kurt Angle asks Hardy what he is doing and shoves him away at Kurt Angle helps up Triple H only to Angle Slam him as Kelli Hardy and Kaylee Angle are screaming at Matt and Kurt to do more damage:

King: Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy have just turned there backs on Triple H

Coach: I never thought I would see this

:Hardy and Angle both put the boots to Triple H as Hardy picks up Triple H and hits a Twist of Fate on The Game as Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy then pick up Triple H as Alyssa makes her way to the ring and Alyssa gets into the ring and Alyssa gets in the way of Kurt and Hardy and tells them enough is enough as Alyssa tells Kelli to stop them as Kelli backs Hardy and Angle away as Alyssa is trying to help up Triple H when Kelli hits Alyssa in the back of the head with her SCWE Women's Tag Title Belt:

Coach: Now Kelli just attacked Alyssa!!

King: I don't know what is going on here

:Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy pick up Triple H as Kelli hits Triple H in the face with the Women's Tag Title Belt as Kurt Angle takes his Gold Medal and puts on his hand and gets on top of Triple H and opens up on him as Kurt finally gets off Triple H as The Game is busted wide open:

King: Somebody has to do something here

:Kaylee gets a microphone and hands it to Kurt Angle:

Kurt Angle: I am sure you are all wondering why we just turned on our "leader". Let me tell you why I did what I just did. Hunter you SOB, you are scum, you have used my sister and now you got her pregnant and when I say you should marry her you tell me "your not ready" well Hunter to me thats using her so as far as I am concerned you will never ever see my sister or her baby again, I don't even think these people will see you again

:Kurt Angle then spits on Triple H as Kurt goes and grabs Triple H's ankle and Locks in the Angle Lock on him as he grapevines as Triple H is screaming out from the pain as Matt Hardy gets the microphone:

Matt Hardy: I am tired of living in the shadow of Triple H. I am tired of being called a stooge to you Hunter. Enough is enough and from this moment on Evolution X is ours not yours.

:Kelli takes the microphone:

Kelli Hardy: Hunter I hope you learned a valuable lesson here tonight. I have proven to the world who the Dominant Helmsley is. It's not my brother....he has been taken care of and its certaintly not my sister either.

King: Sister?

Coach: King I have to agree with you this situation is wrong and all of them have lost there minds

Kelli Hardy: What you people don't know what I am talking about? Let me fill you in then

:Kaylee picks up Alyssa and holds her as Kelli hits her again with the SCWE Women's Tag Title in the face:

Kelli Hardy: Alyssa here is our sister

King: That can't be

Kelli Hardy: I know its a little unbelievable but its true. Alyssa is our half sister. It seems we all share the same mother but Alyssa you like Hunter have found out tonight that I am the dominant Helmsley. I will carry you two NO MORE. It's all about Evolution right. Well Evolution Just Passed You two by so hit our music

"Bodies" hits over the PA as Kurt Angle breaks the Angle Lock as Kurt Angle, Matt Hardy, Kaylee Angle, & Kelli Hardy pose before leaving the ring as Triple H crawls over to check on Alyssa

King: I am in total shock here of what we just saw

Coach: Triple H and Alyssa are going to need medical treatment and Alyssa is actually a Helmsley, who would have thought that

King: Well who would have thought Matt Hardy, Kurt Angle, and Kelli turning on Triple H. Matt Hardy and Triple H considered each other brothers, Kurt Angle called Hunter his best friend and Kelli is Triple H's actual sister

:Paramedics come to the ring to tend to Triple H and Alyssa:

King: Well lets go backstage where we have Maria standing by with Chris Walker


Maria: I am standing here with Chris Walker, Now Chris I know you just saw the attack on Triple H and Alyssa Amidala, what are your feelings on it?

Chris Walker: Well I'm torn on it. On one hand Alyssa and Triple H have done alot of evil things and what goes around comes around but on the other hand it was a brutal thing and they didn't deserve to be stabbed in the back like that. I know that Triple H is my Royal Rumble Opponent and now it looks like he won't be no where near 100% for the Royal Rumble which makes my odds better but I would rather beat a 100% Triple H then a injured one so Hunter get healthy soon because I want that SCWE World Title from you when your on top and if Kurt or Matt go after Triple H before our match then I guess I will have to intervine next time because I am not going to let them ruin what I want

Maria: Well tonight you are facing Chris Jericho, what are your feelings on that?

Chris Walker: Chris Jericho is a great star and a legend in the business, it will be a great warm up match to beat him here tonight but if you will excuse me

:Chris Walker goes into his Locker Room:

Commercial Ad for KSCWE Royal Rumble-Long Ad

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 Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 1:24 PM

King: Well I am still in shock about E-X turning there backs on Triple H and Alyssa

Coach: Well I can't believe Kelli would do that to her own brother and sister, Talk about being an Alpha Female

King: Well Alyssa's psycho side is explained now that she is Hunter and Kelli's sister

Coach: Well we hope to have word on Triple H and Alyssa later on tonight as they are on there way to a Medical Facility as we speak

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"To Fold" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, From Los Angelos, California weighing in at 220 Pounds, Brian Mason

King: Well we have to move on and do our jobs and here comes Brian Mason now who is looking to get a big upset win tonight

"Whatever It Takes" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: And his opponent, From St. Louis, Missouri weighing in at 245 Pounds, The "Legend Killer" Randy Orton

Coach: Well here comes The Legend Killer

King: Well JR is out now thanks to this SOB who I hope gets his soon enough

Randy Orton vs Brian Mason
Orton smirks at Brian Mason as the bell sounds as Brian Mason wants to lock up with Orton but Orton kicks Mason in the gut and Orton opens up on Mason with right hands knocking him down as Orton stomps away at Brian as Orton picks up Brian Mason and Orton takes over to the ropes and Orton picks up Mason and drops him throat first over the top rope as Brian Mason is grabbing his throat as Orton goes to pick up Orton but Mason grabs Orton and Mason hits a European Uppercut as Mason then delivers a few right hands as Brian Mason goes to whip Orton off the ropes but Orton reverses sending Mason off the ropes and Orton hits a big powerslam on Brian Mason as Brian is rolling around hurting as Orton waits as Brian Mason gets back up and Orton goes for the RKO but Mason grabs Orton instead and hits the Black Dawn as Orton is screaming out from the hold but Orton is able to get his feet into the ropes forcing the break as Brian Mason goes up top and waits as Orton gets back up but Orton grabs the ropes causing Mason to straddle the top turnbuckle as Orton goes up top then and Orton grabs Mason and Orton hits a RKO from the top rope as Orton covers for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Randy Orton

Lillian: Your winner, Randy Orton

Coach: Yet another win for the Legend Killer

King: One day Randy Orton will get his just wait

Coach: Well Randy Orton will be back out here later for that Royal Rumble #25 Battle Royal as will Matt Walker, Shane Douglas, Charlie Haas, and even Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy will be back out here

:Parking Lot:

:A Limo is shown arriving with a Canadian License Plate:


King: You don't think that could be....

Coach: No way it couldn't be him

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Women's RAWCore Championship

"Feel Good Inc" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, The Challenger, From Telemuca, California, Christy Hemme

Coach: Well here comes Christy Hemme who is getting a big chance here to reclaim some of her former magic

"Everybody's Fool" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Lillian: And her opponent, From Los Angelos, California, She is the SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion, Stacy Flair

King: Well here comes Stacy now who does not want to lose her gold

SCWE Women's RAWCore Championship: Stacy Flair(C) vs Christy Hemme
The bell rings. Stacy Flair and Christy Hemme lock up. Stacy Flair irish whips Christy to the ropes. Christy holds the ropes, Stacy runs at Christy and Hemme ducks the attack from Stacy and tosses her over the ropes.  Stacy lands on the floor, she gets up and catchs Christy who jumped over the ropes trying to take down Stacy. Flair powerslams Christy into the ring apron. Stacy flair goes under the ring and takes out a metal road sign and smashes it off Christy's head. Stacy rolls Christy into the ring. Flair covers Christy 1...2... kick out by Hemme. Stacy picks up Christy but Christy breaks free and nails Stacy with the Hemme Love! Christy covers Stacy 1...2.. Stacy kicks out and quickly rolls out of the ring. She grabs her womens rawcore championship and gets back in the ring, She hides it from Hemme's view and smashes it off Christy's head! Stacy covers Christy 1...2...3
Winner: Stacy Flair

Lillian: Your winner and still SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion, Stacy Flair

King: Stacy Flair retaines here over Christy Hemme

Coach: Christy needs to go back to the drawing board

Commercial Ad for SCWE SmackDown!, SCWE OverDrive!, & SCWE Mayhem

King: Well up next we are going to see a Bra and Panties Match Coach

Coach: Well Stephanie McMahon is back and she somehow got herself into a situation where she must now face Mickie James who as we all know is Marrisa Bischoff's Personal Assistant and no matter what the outcome is King, we are all winners

Lillian: The Following Contest is a Bra and Panties Match(Crowd Cheers)

"All Grown Up" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, From Greenwich, Connecticut, Stephanie McMahon

Coach: Well here comes Stephanie McMahon who I think is going to prove that she is back and back with a Vengeance tonight

"Pour Some Sugar On Me" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: And her opponent, being accumpied to the ring by SCWE Assistant General Manager Marrisa Bischoff, She is from Richmond, Virginia, Mickie James

King: Well Mickie James has looked good whenever she steps into the ring and Stephanie may be in for a long night tonight

Bra & Panties: Mickie James W/Marrisa Bischoff vs Stephanie McMahon
Mickie and Stephanie square off as they size each other up. Mickie strikes first and locks up with Stephanie. Stephanie gets the upper hand and twists Mickie's arm behind her back. Stephanie then pushes Mickie into the ropes and hits a clothesline taking Mickie down. Stephanie gets up and stand in the corner waiting for her to get up. Mickie gets up as Marrisa tries to warn her, but she turns around and Stephanie spears her to the mat. Stephanie taunts the crowd as Marrisa gets on the apron. The referee is arguing with Marrisa to get down as Stephanie joins in. Mickie regains herself comes up behind Stephanie and ribs off her shirt, revealing her black bra. Stephanie is mortified as Marrisa jumps off the apron. Mickie then bounces off the ropes and ducks under Stephanie's attempted clothesline. Mickie stops as Stephanie is met with a huge Chick Kick to her cheek. Mickie smiles and jumps up and down and tells Marrisa to watch this. Mickie climbs up to the top turnbuckle and Stephanie staggers to her feet. Stephanie stands up and turns to Mickie as Mickie hits a Mickiecanrana on her just like Marrisa would. Mickie grabs Stephanie by her hair and tosses her to the other side of the ring. Mickie then starts to stomp on Stephanie. Mickie goes over to Marrisa and tells her to keep watching. Just then Stephanie grabs Mickie's hair and slams her head to the mat. Stephanie gets up and points to Marrisa. Stephanie climbs up to the top turnbuckle but then Mickie climbs up with her and punches her. Mickie gets the upper hand and hits a Sugar & Spice on Stephanie. Mickie goes for a package pin but then rips off Stephanie's pants for the win
Winner: Mickie James

Lillian: Your winner, Mickie James

Coach: Poor Stephanie

King: Well Mickie James gets the win over Stephanie McMahon here tonight


:Eric Bischoff is shown with Jerome Morris:

Eric Bischoff: Jerome

Jerome Morris: Eric I haven't seen you in ages, where have you been hiding at man

Eric Bischoff: Relax Jerome I have some news for you

Jerome Morris: You are going to do a Jerome Morris Apperciation Night

Eric Bischoff: Um no actually I have been told that I must strip you of the SCWE European Championship

Jerome Morris: WHAT? WHY?

Eric Bischoff: It's officialy a SmackDown! Title now but...I have some good news for you

Jerome Morris: What is it

Eric Bischoff: Tonight a new championship debuts on RAW and the winner of the TZA 2 will get it.

Jerome Morris: What title?

Eric Bischoff: The SCWE Impact Championship

Jerome Morris: You're kidding me right

Eric Bischoff: No

Jerome Morris: Dude thats F'N awesome, I could kiss you right now

Eric Bischoff: Just don't

Jerome Morris: Thank you so much Eric, I knew you liked me

:Jerome hugs Eric before running off yelling for Trish:

:Another Area Backstage: Evolution X's Locker Room

:Kurt Angle, Matt Hardy, Kelli Hardy, & Kaylee Angle are shown celebrating as Julianne Angle is sitting and looks highly upset:

Kurt Angle: Julez it was for your own good. He did't love you

Julianne Angle: Kurt shut up, I am a grown woman I can make up my own decisions

Kurt Angle: Not in this case, I am doing this for your own good

Kelli Hardy: Don't worry Kurt, Kaylee will keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't try to leave

Kurt Angle: Yeah babe keep an eye on her

Julianne Angle: Kurt you can't keep me away from Hunter

Kurt Angle: We will see

Commercial Ad for KSCWE Royal Rumble-Long Ad

 Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 1:25 PM

King: Well I don't like what we just saw

Coach: Well Kurt is looking out for his sisters best interests

King: Well I still don't like it much

Coach: Well King what about Eric Bischoff telling Jerome Morris that he is no longer the SCWE European Title due to SmackDown! taking the title but instead tonight the SCWE Impact Championship will be crownded

King: Well that was interesting news

Coach: It sure was but lets go to Lillian Garcia for the next match

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

Milenium Clock Counts down to zero as "Break The Walls Down" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, From Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada weighing in at 231 Pounds, Chris Jericho

King: Well here comes Chris Jericho who will be taking on the #1 Contender

"Hearts On Fire" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Lillian: And his opponent, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 215 Pounds, Chris Walker

Coach: Well here comes Chris Walker who we heard from earlier and he better hope E-X didn't hear those comments

King: Well Chris Walker wants to win things the right way and you have to respect that

Chris Walker vs Chris Jericho
Chris Walker offers his hand to Chris Jericho as Jericho tells Walker to screw off as the two men then lock up with Jericho backing Chris Walker into the ropes as Jericho then gives a break as Jericho then goes to hit Walker but Walker moves as Jericho goes into the ropes and Chris Walker clotheslines Jericho over the top to the floor. Chris Walker then grabs the ropes and slingshots himself over them crashing onto Jericho. Both men are slow to get up as Chris Walker is first up and Walker kicks Jericho in the ribs and Walker takes Jericho and goes to ram his head off the barricade but Jericho blocks it and elbows Walker in the gut and Jericho rams Walker's face off the barricade as Jericho then takes Walker and rams him into the side of the ring as Jericho rolls in and out of the ring as Jericho then picks up Walker and takes him over to the barricade again and picks him up for a slam and instead drops Walker face first off the barricade as Chris Walker is hurting as Jericho then picks up Chris Walker and sets him against the barricade and Jericho hits several big chops to Walker as Jericho then backs up and goes to hit Walker but Chris kicks Jericho in the gut and Chris Walker picks up Jericho and drops him over the barricade as Chris Walker then picks up Jericho and rolls him back into the ring as Chris Walker goes up top as Jericho is getting back up and Walker comes off looking for a crossbody but Jericho ducks as Walker whips out and Jericho then hits a bulldog on Walker as Jericho goes for the Lionsault and hits it as Jericho doesn't cover and instead grabs Walker's legs and goes for the Walls of Jericho but Walker grabs Jericho and pulls him down into a small package for the 1--2--3.
Winner: Chris Walker

Lillian: Your winner, Chris Walker

King: Chris Walker gets the impressive win over Chris Jericho

Coach: Jericho was going for the Walls and Walker countered it into a Small Package for the win

:Chris Jericho grabs Chris Walker before he can leave the ring as Jericho then puts his hand out to Chris Walker who shakes it:

King: That was a classy thing there by Chris Jericho

Coach: Yeah I guess but it makes me sick

:Backstage: Eric Bischoff's Office

:Eric is shown tieing up a pair of wrestling boots when Marrisa walks in:

Marrisa Bischoff: Eric what are you doing?

Eric Bischoff: Getting ready for the Battle Royal

Marrisa Bischoff: Eric you're not going for #25

Eric Bischoff: Sure I am

Marrisa Bischoff: Eric I love you but lets be realistic here, you have no chance of winning it

Eric Bischoff: Well actually babe I have a very good chance of winning it because I have an Ace in the Hole in the Battle Royal

Marrisa Bischoff: And who would that be

:Eric whispers something in Marrisa's ear as Marrisa smiles:

Marrisa Bischoff: Well I don't think he will give you a win but he should keep you from getting killed

Eric Bischoff: Well he will have my back for this Battle Royal

Marrisa Bischoff: How many people are entered anyway

Eric Bischoff: 15 Superstars all together

Marrisa Bischoff: Well I know I can't talk you out of entering just don't get yourself killed

Eric Bischoff: I won't babe, you know me, I always have a plan

Marrisa Bischoff: That's what I like to hear

Commercial Ad for SCWE Massacre on 34th Street-Replay

Coach: Well Eric Bischoff is going to enter the 15 Man RAW Battle Royal for #25 in the RAW Royal Rumble

King: Eric has to be nuts

Coach: Well he told his wife he has a ace in the hole one she obviously approved of

King: I wonder who it could be

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, From Austin, Texas, Rose Thorn

King: Well here comes Rose Thorn to the ring now and Rose is going to have her hands full tonight

"LoveFuryEnergyPassion" hits, Crowd Continues to Cheer

Lillian: And her opponent, From Sanford, North Carolina, Lita

Coach: Two former Women's Champions going head to head here and both are very popular to boot

King: Well this should be a great match between two classy divas

Lita vs Rose Thorn
The Bell Rings. Lita and Rose Thorn circle each other as the crowd begins to settle down waiting for what should be an awesome match. Lita and Rose collide with a collar and elbow tie up. The two divas push and pull at one another before finally breaking free knowing they are evenly matched. Lita shakes out her wrists while Rose cracks her neck. The two women lock up once again this time Lita manages to push Rose into the ropes, Rose manages to push Lita away, Lita stumbles backwards as Rose jumps onto the middle rope and springboards off with a twisting cross body taking down Lita. Rose grabs Lita's leg and looks for some sort of submission but Lita kicks Rose away, Rose falls back into the ropes and falls forward and Lita catches Rose with a small package 1... Rose manages to roll out of it catching Lita with a small package of her own 1... Lita flips Rose over and manages to keep Rose in a pin 1... Rose kicks out and breaks free of the pinning predicament. Both women jump to their and feet and stare at one another. They take a few breaths, Lita catches Rose with a clothesline but Rose flips herself up and ducks a second clothesline from Lita, Rose grabs Lita and hits her with a Randy Orton style Backbreaker. Rose climbs up to the top rope and launches off at Lita, Rose nails Lita with a spinning DDT. Rose covers Lita 1...2... kick out by the extreme diva Lita. Both girls get up they start to exchange punches, Lita whips Rose to the ropes, Thorn bounces back and catchs Lita with a tornado head scissor take down. Rose climbs out to the ring apron and waits for Lita to get up, Rose uses the ropes and springboards over but Lita catchs Rose with a drop kick. Lita grabs Rose and nails her with a snap suplex. Lita picks up Rose and sends her to the turnbuckle, Lita runs at Rose but Rose elbows Lita. Thorn pushes Lita into the turnbuckle and takes a few steps back. Rose charges forward and nails Lita with a turnbuckle splash. Rose hooks Lita up and nails her with a fisherwomans suplex. Rose grabs Lita by her hair and pulls her to the turbuckle, Rose climbs up to the top rope and nails Lita with the Hardcore Pink and Frills. Rose covers Lita 1...2...2.9 Lita gets her foot on the bottom rope. Rose looks around and climbs up to the top rope. She looks to go for a big move but Lita climbs up and nails Rose with a superplex! Lita picks up Rose and hits her with a reverse of fate! Lita gets up to her feet and raises her arms signoling for something big. She climbs up to the top rope and looks to go for a moonsault but Rose manages to get up and push Lita off the top rope and down to the floor outside the ring. Rose, who is beat up from the reverse of fate, climbs up to the top rope and launches off with the tranquil insanity! She connects to a standing Lita outside the ring. Rose and Lita are both knocked out. They lay outside the ring as the referee begins the ring out count 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Double Count Out

Lillian: The Result of this match is a Double Count Out

King: Both ladies took the fight to each other and knocked each other out!

Coach: Yeah but here comes Stacy Flair now for what should be some good action

:Stacy Flair picks up Rose Thorn as Stacy takes Rose over and rams her face first off the steel steps as several referee's come out and try to get Stacy off Rose but Stacy knocks them away as Stacy then rams Rose's head off the steps once again but Lita somehow gets back up and Lita goes over and attacks Stacy and Lita knocks Stacy down as Stacy gets up and backs away as Lita is begging her to bring it as Lita then checks on Rose Thorn as Stacy goes behind Lita and her in the back of the head with the SCWE Women's RAWCore Title belt knocking Lita out cold as well as Several Referee's restrain Stacy:

Coach: Stacy Flair just left Rose Thorn and Lita laying, that sends a major message before The Royal Rumble if you ask me

:Mickie James then walks out to the top of the entry way with a microphone:

King: Well here is Marrisa's Personal Assistant now

Mickie James: I just wanted to let you know that Marrisa just made a match for Next Monday's RAW. It will be Stacy Flair taking on Lita in a Non-Title Match and Rose Thorn will face Trish Morris in a Non-Title Match as well in what are final Tune Ups for the Royal Rumble.

:Mickie heads to the back as Stacy Flair looks pissed off as Rose and Lita are both smiling:

King: Two big matches for Next Monday's RAW

Coach: That's not right

King: While we have time, we just wanted to also remind you to tune into SCWE Mayhem this Thursday Night where you will see SCWE RAWCore Champion Jeff Jarrett defending his title against Edge, SCWE Women's Champion Trish Morris takes on Gail Kim in a Non-Title Match, Scott Walker is in action taking on Scar and Ken Kennedy battles David Flair

Coach: It should be another great Mayhem if you ask me but after this next commercial break we are going to have the Second Ever Thrill Zone Assault to Crown the first ever SCWE Impact Champion

Commercial Ad for KSCWE Royal Rumble-Long Ad

 Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 1:25 PM

King: Well up next we are going to see the second ever Thrill Zone Assault and what a match it was at Armageddon in which Jerome Morris came out on top

Coach: Yeah Jerome got the win then but AJ Styles now knows what to expect, Remember this match came out of the mind of Jerome Morris so Jerome knows the make up where as AJ did not know what to expect although Jerome said every Thrill Zone Assault match is a different experience due to the weapons inside always changing and boy do we have some crazy weapons in this one

King: Well lets not waste any more time and go to Lillian Garcia for the match

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is the Thrill Zone Assault 2 Match for the SCWE Impact Championship

Coach: That Impact Title looks nice

"Take This" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, From Gainsville, Georgia weighing in at 212 Pounds, The "Phenominal" AJ Styles

King: Well here comes AJ Styles who wants to get revene against Jerome and what better way then winning Jerome's match and a title that Jerome himself named for hte most part seeing as Jerome has been calling the European Title the Impact Title for the last several weeks and now there is a Impact Title

"Stricken" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: And his opponent, From Denver, Colorado weighing in at 225 Pounds, Jerome Morris

Coach: Well I don't see any way Jerome Morris can lose his match against AJ Styles

SCWE Impact Championship: Thrill Zone Assault 2: Jerome Morris  vs AJ Styles
Both guys look around at all of the weapons as Jerome Morris grabs a Barbed wire baseball bat while AJ grabs a Steel chair as the bell sounds as Jerome goes to hit AJ with the bat but AJ blocks it with the chair and AJ then pokes Jerome in the eyes as AJ grabs some mace and sprays Jerome in the face with it as Jerome is blinded as AJ grabs a second Chair and AJ smashes the chair over Jerome's back knocking Jerome down as AJ then hits Jerome one more time over the head laying Jerome out as AJ drops the chair and AJ looks around and AJ picks up a Monkey Wrench and goes to hit Jerome but Jerome grabs some Salad Tongs and grabs AJ's nether regions with them causing AJ to drop the wrench as Jerome squeezes some more as AJ is riving in pain as Jerome tells AJ that he has him now but AJ grabs a Johnny Damon lifesize cut out and AJ hits Jerome with it causing Jerome to let go as Jerome looks at the Johnny Damon which is in a Yankee Uniform and Jerome snaps on it and starts to stomp away at it and destroy it as Jerome picks it up and Jerome hits a Cocky Cutter on it before grabbing the barbed wire baseball bat and Jerome starts to beat it repeatedly as AJ just looks on as AJ gets a pair of handcuffs and AJ puts them in his tights as AJ then grabs a Coal Minor's Glove and puts it on as AJ turns Jerome around and hits Jerome in the head knocking Jerome out cold as AJ then drags Jerome over and handcuffs his one arm to the cage as AJ then goes over and gets a Six Pack of beer and AJ opens up two cans and dumps them on Jerome to wake up Jerome as Jerome tries to go after AJ but can't as AJ then sprays another can on him as AJ then drinks a can himself as AJ then takes the last two cans and throws them at Jerome hitting Jerome with them as AJ picks up a Steel Chair then and goes to hit Jerome but Jerome kicks AJ south of the border as Jerome then reaches around looking for something most likely a key but AJ gets back up and AJ grabs a biker chain and AJ tells Jerome he remembers the last match and Jerome ends up telling AJ to bring it as AJ wraps it around his fist and goes to hit Jerome but Jerome grabs a Stun Gun and puts in the ribs of AJ stunning AJ as AJ falls down and starts to shake around from it as Jerome is laughing as Jerome then pulls out a key from his tights and unhandcuffs himself as Jerome then takes a bag and dumps it out revealing thousands of Thumbtacks as Jerome put it right under the SCWE Impact Title as Jerome then starts to climb the corner and gets on the cables but AJ Styles some how gets on the cables as well as AJ follows behind Jerome as Jerome see's AJ and Jerome and AJ both start to fight on the cables as Jerome and AJ both pull themselves up on the cables so they are sitting on the cables instead of hanging from them as the two men exchange rights and lefts as Jerome see's the thumbtacks and Jerome tells AJ he will meet them as Jerome goes to hit AJ but AJ sprays mace in Jerome's face again as Jerome is blinded as AJ see's the thumbtacks and somehow sets up Jerome for a Styles Clash and AJ takes Jerome and jumps off driving Jerome body first into the thumbtacks as the Crowd Chants Holy Shit as AJ then finishes the Styles Clash to reveal Jerome's whole front covered in thumbtacks as AJ looks at Jerome and AJ shakes his head from the site as AJ then goes over and picks up a ring bell and AJ goes to hit Jerome but Jerome grabs the Baseball bat and hits AJ right in the ribs with it as AJ goes down and starts to roll around from it as AJ's stomach is now bloody as Jerome starts to get the thumbtacks out to reveal Jerome is also a bloody mess as he gets a lot out as Jerome then goes over and takes the bat and puts it against AJ's head and grinds it as AJ knocks Jerome back as AJ's head is busted wide open as Jerome goes to hit AJ again but AJ kicks Jerome in the gut and AJ takes the bat and hits Jerome in the head with it laying out Jerome as Jerome is grabbing his head as AJ drops the bat and tries to climb up but is having a hard time due to his injured ribs as Jerome starts to get back up and Jerome see's AJ on the cables approaching the title as Jerome grabs the biker chain and Jerome throws it up by the Impact Title and Jerome then ties the chain together with a lock as Jerome starts to climb up the chain which is essentially a rope now as Jerome gets up top as AJ is about to reach the title but Jerome unhooks the SCWE Impact Title first and drops with it as AJ can't believe it.
Winner: Jerome Morris (SCWE Impact)

Lillian: Your winner and The New SCWE Impact Champion, Jerome Morris

King: Jerome Morris is the first ever Impact Champion but boy is he lucky

Coach: Jerome used his brain and turned that big long chain into a climbing thing to retrieve the SCWE Impact Title before AJ could

King: Well I hate to say this but I don't think this AJ Styles/Jerome Morris Fued is over yet

Coach: Yeah well I have to agree with you there King but its that time now, after this final Commercial Break we are going to have a 15 Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal where the winner will get #25 in the upcoming RAW Royal Rumble

Final Commercial Ad for KSCWE Royal Rumble-Long Ad

King: Well its now time for the Main Event

Coach: This should be a very good match with 15 of RAW's finest but AJ Styles and Jerome Morris will not be taking part in this battle royal for obvious reasons after the hell they just went through

King: I wonder what 15 Superstars got in

Lillian: The Following Contest is a Over The Top Rope Battle Royal where the winner will recieve #25 In the SCWE RAW Royal Rumble(Crowd Goes Nuts)

King: The people are ready for this

"Mr Kennedy" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: The First Superstar...

Ken Kennedy: The First Superstar making my way to the ring, From Green Bay, Wisconsin and I weigh in at 243 Pounds, I am.....Mr. Kennedy....................Kennedy

Coach: I love his entrance

"Colors" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: The Second Superstar, From Toronto, Canada, Edge

King: Well here comes Edge now

"Whatever It Takes" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: The 3rd Superstar, From St. Louis, Missouri, The "Legend Killer" Randy Orton

Coach: Here comes Randy Orton now

"Break The Walls Down" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: The 4th Superstar, From Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, Chris Jericho

King: Here is Chris Jericho now who lost a good match with Chris Walker earlier tonight

"Just Close Your Eyes" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: The 5th Superstar, From Edmond, Oklahoma, The "World's Greatest Athlete" Charlie Haas

Coach: Well here comes Charlie Haas now

"No Easy Way Out" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Lillian: The 6th Superstar, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Scott Walker

King: Well here comes a Fan Favorite in Scott Walker

"My World" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: The 7th Superstar, From Hendersville, Tennessee, He is the SCWE RAWCore Champion, The "Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett

Coach: Well Jeff Jarrett is trying to send a message tonight

"Perfect Strangers" hits, Crowd Boo's Louder

Lillian: The 8th and 9th Superstar, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, The "Real Deal, No Gimmicks Neded" Matt Walker and the SCWE Intercontinental Champion, The "Franchise" Shane Douglas

King: Well here comes The Triple Threat members

Coach: Well I can't wait to find out who the newest member of The Triple Threat is, I have it on good word that we are going to find out before we go off the air tonight

"I'm Back" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: The 10th Entrant, From Detroit, Michigan, He is the SCWE General Manager, Eric Bischoff

King: Well here comes the Boss

Coach: I hope Eric Bischoff knows what he is doing here

"Bodies" hits, Crowd Boo's Loudly

Lillian: The 11th and 12th Entrants, Representing Evolution X, 1st From Cameron, North Carolina, Matt Hardy and From Pittsburgh, Pennyslvania, Kurt Angle

Coach: Here comes the Tag Team Champions who shocked the world by taking out the SCWE World Heavyweight Champion Triple H earlier tonight

King: That may have been the single most shocking moment in KSCWE History

"Stricken" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Lillian: Drawing #13, From Denver, Colorado, He is the SCWE Impact Champion, Jerome Morris

Coach: How is Jerome Morris coming out here, I thought for sure he was injured

King: I thought so too but none the less Jerome is going to try to compete here

"This is a Test" hits, Crowd is mixed

Lillian: Drawing #14, From Toronto, Canada, Test!!!

King: It's Test!!!

Coach: Test must have been in that Canadian Limo earlier

King: Test is already staring right ahead at Matt Walker

"Whatever It Takes" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: And finally, From Gainsville, Georgia, The "Phenominal" AJ Styles

King: Well here comes AJ Styles now and I thought he wouldn't be competing either

Coach: Well I guess if Jerome goes then AJ is going to go too

"King of My World" hits, Crowd is stunned and starts to Cheer

King: It can't be

Coach: Well I guess its a 16 Man Battle Royal now

Lillian: #16, Residing in Toronto, Canada.....Tyson Tomko

King: It's Tyson Tomko

Coach: Well its not the person I thought it was but The Problem Solver is still here

 Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 1:26 PM
Battle Royal for #25 in the SCWE RAW RR: AJ Styles vs Charlie Haas vs Chris Jericho vs Edge vs Jeff Jarrett vs Jerome Morris vs Ken Kennedy vs Kurt Angle vs Matt Hardy vs Matt Walker vs Randy Orton vs Shane Douglas vs Scott Walker vs Tyson Tomko vs Test vs Eric Bischoff
The Bell Sounds as all 16 men start to move around the ring as Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy attack Matt Walker and Shane Douglas as Test makes his way after Matt Walker as Test knocks down AJ Styles and then Edge as Test tells Walker he is coming for him when Jerome Morris attacks Test from behind as Jerome pounds away at Test. Ken Kennedy meanwhile pounds away at Scott Walker as Tyson Tomko goes over and backs Eric Bischoff into a corner and Tyson then stands in front of Eric as Eric smiles and tells Tyson that's a good Problem Solver. Randy Orton attacks Charlie Haas as Orton pounds away at Haas when Haas kicks Orton in the gut and Haas hits a belly 2 belly suplex on him. Ken Kennedy then goes over and hits Jeff Jarrett knocking Jarrett down when Edge hits a Spear on Kennedy as Edge gets up telling Kennedy he just owned him when Randy Orton comes out of nowhere and sends Edge flying over the top to the floor. Edge has been eliminated. Ken Kennedy then gets back up as Jarrett grabs Kennedy and Jarrett goes for the Stroke and hits it on Kennedy as Jarrett gets up gloating when AJ Styles dropkicks Jarrett in the back sending Jarrett over the top and to the floor. Jeff Jarrett has been eliminated.  AJ then see's Jerome and AJ attacks Jerome as AJ opens up on Jerome as AJ backs Jerome into the ropes and AJ hits a clothesline on Jerome sending Jerome through the ropes and to the floor but Jerome is not eliminated as Jerome gets up and AJ dives through the ropes crashing into Jerome as AJ is also not eliminated as both men are down and hurting though. Meanwhile, Test goes over and knocks down Kurt Angle as Test grabs Matt Walker as Walker pokes Test in the eyes and Matt Walker moves away from Test as Matt Walker shoves Randy Orton into a right hand of Test as Matt Walker then walks right into a Scott Walker Walkerkick as Matt Walker is out cold as Test then goes after Scott Walker as Test and Walker exchange rights and lefts. Chris Jericho spots Ken Kennedy getting up and Jericho eyes up Kennedy and Jericho goes to hit him but Tyson Tomko hits a Big Boot out of nowhere laying out Jericho. Tyson then picks up Jericho as Eric Bischoff and Tyson send Jericho over the top and to the floor. Chris Jericho has been eliminated. Ken Kennedy is back up and Kennedy goes over and Kennedy grabs Eric from behind as Kennedy goes to throw out Bischoff but Tyson hits Kennedy as Tyson pounds away at Kennedy as Kennedy fights back but Eric hits a Karate Kick to the ribs as Tyson and Eric send Kennedy over the top to the floor. Ken Kennedy has been eliminated. Tyson & Eric high five each other over there second straight elimination. Eric goes back into his corner as Tyson blocks Eric in once again as Scott Walker and Test are still fighting it out as Matt Hardy and Shane Douglas are going it as Kurt Angle and Charlie Haas are going at it as well. AJ Styles and Jerome Morris are both laid out on the floor as Matt Walker is still out cold from the Walker Kick as Randy Orton is watching the action going on. Shane Douglas knocks Hardy down as Shane Douglas then goes over and attacks Test from behind as Matt Walker gets back up and Matt Walker joins in making it a three on one attack on Test as Tyson then goes over and attacks Matt Walker knocking him away at Tyson also knocks Scott Walker down as Shane Douglas is pounding away at Test when Test knee's Douglas in the gut and Test and Tyson then send Shane Douglas over the top and to the floor. Shane Douglas has been eliminated. Tyson is gloating when Randy Orton goes for an RKO but Tyson shoves it off as Randy then gets pushed into a Test Big Boot as Orton is laid out as Test and Tyson pick up The Legend Killer and dump him over the top as well. Randy Orton has been eliminated. This leaves 10 Guys now as Matt Walker backs away as Test stalks after Matt Walker and Matt tries to beg off but Test opens up on Walker with right hands knocking Matt down as Test goes down and pounds away at him. Scott Walker then goes to hit Test when Matt Hardy attacks Scott Walker as Matt Hardy tells Kurt he needs help as Kurt Angle joins in as does Charlie Haas as all three men attack Scott Walker who is trying to fight back but can't as AJ Styles then gets back into the ring and AJ charges in and attacks the men and AJ knocks down Angle and Haas but Hardy kicks AJ in the ribs as AJ goes down and is hurting as Charlie Haas then sending AJ Styles flying over the top to the floor. AJ Styles has been eliminated. Haas is gloating when Scott Walker gets a second wind and Walker knocks down Angle and Haas and then Hardy when Jerome Morris comes back into the ring and Jerome attacks Test from behind. Scott Walker then goes over and knocks down Jerome Morris as Eric sends Tyson over as Tyson gets involved in the melee as Tyson goes to eliminate Kurt Angle but Angle ducks as Tyson gets his legs caught over the top rope as Angle then hits a forarm shot knocking Tyson to the floor. Tyson Tomko has been eliminated. This leaves 8 Superstars now as everyone stops fighting as Kurt Angle, Matt Hardy, Charlie Haas, Matt Walker, & Jerome Morris agree to work together as the 5 men attack Test and Scott Walker as Matt Walker & Jerome double team Test as Angle, Hardy, & Haas work over Scott Walker. Test fights back and knocks down Walker and Jerome as Scott Walker also fights back but the numbers game is to much as Angle and Hardy send Scott Walker over the top and to the floor. Scott Walker has been eliminated. As Walker hits the floor he is still holding onto Hardy and Angle as they are trying to get free but Eric Bischoff comes over and picks up the legs of both men sending Hardy and Angle both out to the floor as well!! Kurt Angle & Matt Hardy have been eliminated. Kurt Angle & Matt Hardy are livid on the floor as Eric is smiling when Haas grabs Eric from behind and Haas hits a German Suplex on Eric as Haas holds on and hits a Second German Suplex on him and then a third one as Eric Bischoff is out cold as Test gets free and knocks down Jerome and Test comes out of nowhere and hits a Big Boot laying out Charlie Haas. Test then turns around as Jerome goes to hit Test but Test moves out of the way and sends Jerome Morris flying over the top to the floor. Jerome Morris has been eliminated. This leaves the final 4 of Test, Charlie Haas, Matt Walker, & Eric Bischoff. Matt Walker gets back up and see's Jerome on the floor as Matt Walker looks a bit irated for some reason as Matt Walker goes to hit Test but Test blocks it and opens up on Matt Walker when Jerome gets back into the ring and attacks Test from behind as Test turns his attention to Jerome and knocks Jerome through the ropes to the floor when Matt Walker takes Test then and sends him over the top to the floor. Test has been eliminated. Test is irate on the floor as Jerome Morris raises the three fingers in the air as Matt Walker points to Jerome telling him he is his boy as the crowd is stunned by that. Matt Walker then turns around and picks up Charlie Haas as Matt Walker goes to send Haas out but Haas holds onto the ropes as Matt Walker clubs away at Haas trying to get Haas out as Matt Walker finally lets go as Marrisa Bischoff comes out to the ring and starts to cheer on Eric who is trying to get up as Matt Walker goes over and grabs Eric and Matt Walker delivers a big right hand knocking down Eric Bischoff as Matt Walker tells Marrisa that she is going to be a widow soon enough when Charlie Haas grabs Matt and hits a German suplex on him and Haas is about to go for a second one but Walker low blows Haas as Matt Walker then whips Haas off the ropes as Matt Walker follows in looking for a clothesline but Haas ducks it as Walker hits the ropes and Haas clotheslines Matt Walker over the top but Walker lands on the apron as Haas then grabs Walker and tries to knock him off but Matt grabs Haas and pulls him over the top as Haas lands on the apron as both men exchange rights and lefts on the apron as Haas grabs Walker and looks to belly 2 belly him off but Walker pokes Haas in the eyes as matt shoves Haas off the apron thus eliminating him. Charlie Haas has been eliminated. Eric Bischoff then comes out of nowhere and hits A Karate Kick to the back of Matt Walker sending him of the apron and into the barricade.
Winner: Eric Bischoff

Lillian: Your winner and #25 in the SCWE RAW Royal Rumble, Eric Bischoff

King: Eric Bischoff has done it

Coach: I can't believe it!!

:Matt Walker is stunned as Eric Bischoff is celebrating in the ring with Marrisa as Matt Walker goes to get back into the ring but Security holds Matt Walker back:

King: Eric Bischoff will have #25 in the Rumble and thats despite the fact Jerome Morris turned out to be the newest member of The Triple Threat

Coach: Eric Bischoff's Ace in the hole was Tyson Tomko and Tyson paid dividends early to keep Eric around Eric stunned The SCWE Tag Team Champions Evolution X and Eric just kinda laid around and waited for the right time to strike and he stole this one

King: Well we hope you enjoyed Monday Night RAW Tonight, Good Night

:RAW Goes off the Air:

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