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RAW : RAW 1/30/06
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 Message 1 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 2:07 PM

Results 1/30/06 Live From Phoenix, Arizona

Dark Matches Air before RAW:

Dark Match #1: None

Dark Match #2: None

:Highlights From The Last RAW are shown as Pyro then explodes opening up the show:

Coach: Welcome to SCWE Monday Night RAW coming to you live tonight from Phoenix, Arizona and what a night we got for you here

King: Yeah plenty of developing issues based on last week's RAW plus even last week's SmackDown! because of the controversey created there when RAW's Hulk Hogan beat SmackDown! World Heavyweight Champion Brandon Davis for the title but SD! GM Vince McMahon changed the decision but The Hulkster still has the belt and now Brandon Davis is going to be live on RAW for the first time in well over a year to get back his title

Coach: Plus we are expected to get an update on the whole D-X/E-X Situation involving Julianne Angle which has really been taken to a new level now but lets go to the ring where SCWE General Manager Eric Bischoff is standing

Eric Bischoff: I'm out here right now because I have a few things I need to address. The first one is No Way Out where the Expose Your Opponents Breast Match shall return(Crowd Cheers) in a #1 Contender's RAWCore Elimination Match. But thats the not the only reason I am out here. You see I have to address whats going on with Triple H and Kurt Angle over Julianne Angle. Now Kurt my personal feeling is that you have no right to hold your own sister captive but there isn't much I can do about that seeing as its a personal matter but what I can do is book a match for RAW tonight. It will be Kurt Angle, Matt Hardy, and Shane Douglas taking on Charlie Haas, Scott Walker, and Chris Waker(Crowd Cheers) and Julianne Angle since she is under contract must be at ringside for the match. Now thats tonight's Main Event but what I want to do right now is welcome to the ring the SmackDown! World Heavyweight Champion......HULK HOGAN

"Real American" hits, Place Erupts

Coach: He isn't the champ!

King: Why don't you tell him that then

:Hulk Hogan makes his way to the ring and gets into the ring doing his signiture poses before Eric gives him the mic:

Hulk Hogan: Now you know something Maniacs, I never thought I would be standing in this ring as a World Heavyweight Champion again but I have to say what an honor it is to be the World Champion once more(Crowd Cheers).

Coach: He isn't the champion!!

Hulk Hogan: Now I know Brandon is coming to the arena tonight to try to steal back this title and I'll be ready for the bald headed idiot tonight dude. I beat Brandon last week on SmackDown! fair and square and if it comes down to it again tonight, I will be more then happy to do so once more brother

"Shoot To Thrill" hits, Crowd Boo's as Brandon Davis walks out to the top of the entry way with a microphone

Brandon Davis: Well its great to be home on RAW....On Second Thought no its not this place is still a dump(Crowd Boo's). Hogan you didn't beat me, we both know that so why don't you be a good little Brandonmaniac and hand the belt back over to me before you get hurt

Hulk Hogan: Why don't you come down here and take it brother

Brandon Davis: We both know the only person leaving on a stretcher would be you

:Hulk Hogan lays the SD! World Title out in front of him as Brandon starts to walk towards the ring but stops:

Brandon Davis: Do you think I'm stupid? I walk into the ring and then the RAW Locker Room hits the ring. I thought this may happen so I had Vince make a few phone calls and well I have a Video Message for you and your boy Eric Bitchoff

:A Video Message Plays on the SCWE Tron:

Stevie Hill: Hello Eric and Hulk. I know you understand whats going to happen now. So lets just get to the point. Either you hand over the SmackDown! World Heavyweight Championship and let Brandon leave peacefully or....Both of you are Fired. The Choice is yours.

:The Video Stops Playing:

Brandon Davis: Well there you have it

:Brandon walks to the ring and reaches in and pulls the SD! Title out of the ring and starts to leave when...:

Hulk Hogan: Hold up brother, I have a message for you

:Another Video Message Appears on the SCWE Tron:

Scott Hill: Hello gentlemen, I just wanted to take this time since I know it won't be able to be agreed upon but I am ordering a special match tonight for RAW. It will be Brandon Davis making his RAW return defending his SmackDown! World Heavyweight Championship against.....The SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H in a Title vs Title Unification Match and just for the record, No SmackDown! Talent is permitted in the building or else Brandon forfits his title. Enjoy the Show

:The Message Disappears as Brandon is pissed:

King: Brandon vs Triple H title vs title what a RAW this is going to be

Commercial Ad for KSCWE No Way Out-Long Ad

King: Two big Main Event Matches have now been announced for RAW

Coach: Yeah Brandon Davis in his RAW returning putting his World Title on the line against our World Champion Triple H, I smell another Triple H World Title

King: Plus we got EYOB returning at No Way Out, How great is that!!!

Coach: Well lets not waste anymore time and go to the ring for our opening contest

Lillian: The Opening Contest of SCWE RAW is scheduled for one fall

"All Grown Up" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, From Greenwich, Connecticut, Stephanie McMahon

Coach: Well here comes Stephanie McMahon who will be in the EYOB RAWCore Match at No Way Out

"Hit Me With Your Best Shot" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: Her opponent, being accumpied by Marrisa Bischoff, From Richmond, Virginia, Mickie James

King: Well here comes the very intersting Mickie James

Mickie James W/Marrisa Bischoff vs Stephanie McMahon
Mickie and Stephanie square off as they size each other up. Mickie strikes first and locks up with Stephanie. Stephanie gets the upper hand and twists Mickie's arm behind her back. Stephanie then pushes Mickie into the ropes and hits a clothesline taking Mickie down. Stephanie gets up and stand in the corner waiting for Mickie to get up. Mickie gets up as Marrisa tries to warn her, but she turns around and Stephanie spears her to the mat. Stephanie taunts the crowd as Marrisa gets on the apron. The referee is arguing with Marrisa to get down as Stephanie joins in. Stephanie turns back to Mickie who is getting up slowly and then goes to slap Marrisa but Mickie grabs her arm while Marrisa gets off the apron. Mickie flips Stephanie over to her back with an arm drag. Mickie stomps around the ring and delivers an elbow drop to Stephanie. Mickie jumps around the ring and points to Marrisa. Stephanie staggers to her feet as Mickie just smiles. Stephanie tells Mickie that she's nothing just like Marrisa. Mickie stares at her as her smile turns into a glare. Mickie and Stephanie lock up again as Mickie gets the upper hand this time. Mickie gets Stephanie into a head lock. Stephanie pushes Mickie into the ropes and then ducks. Mickie stops herself and then runs into the opposite ropes and hits a huge scissor kick on Stephanie. Mickie sits there and stares into the crowd. Marrisa is yelling at her to go for the pin, but Mickie keeps staring. Mickie finally goes for the pin 1...2...2.4 Stephanie kicks out. Mickie gets a crazy grin on her face and grabs Stephanie by her hair and throws her to the other corner of the ring. Mickie tells Stephanie to get up. Stephanie slowly gets to her feet and turns towards Mickie who hits her with a Mick Kick. Mickie then points up. She climbs up to the top turnbuckle and then points to Marrisa as she hits a Lights Out on Stephanie. Mickie covers her for the 1...2...3!
Winner: Mickie James

Lillian: Your winner, Mickie James

King: Mickie James remains undefeated

Coach: Well Stephanie came up the hard lock loser


:Brandon Davis is shown on the phone as the Camera's move up closer Brandon walks into a Locker Room and slams the door:


King: Well Brandon is trying to work something out and doesn't want to let anyone know what I guess but lets not waste time and move on to the next match

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Feel Good Inc" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, From Telemuca, California, Christy Hemme

Coach: Well here comes Christy Hemme another person in the EYOB Match

"Foxy Lady" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: And her opponent, From London, England, Scarlett

King: Scarlett will be in the EYOB Match as well!!

Scarlett vs Christy Hemme
The bell rings three times as Scarlett and Christy circle one another. The two Raw diva's collide with one another. Scarlett catches Christy with an arm drag, Christy gets up and runs right into another arm drag, and then another and then another. She runs at Scarlett again but this time block the arm drag and catches Scarlett with a Snap mare. Christy jumps up for a leg drop but Scarlett rolls out the way and jumps to her feet, she jumps up and goes for a elbow drop to Christy but Hemme moves out the way. Both divas jump to their feet and look at one another. Christy looks a little frustrated and she charges forward at Scarlett but Scarlett dodges out the way causing christy to crash into the turnbuckle. Scarlett jumps up and nails a dropkick to Christy sending her flying threw the middle ropes. Scarlett springboards over the ropes and takes Christy down with a diving cross body to the outside of the ring. Both diva's lay on the ground as the referee begins the ring out count. 1...2...3....4....5... Scarlett gets up 6... she picks up Christy 7....8.... Scarlett rolls Christy into the ring and follows her in. Christy gets up and is met with the Scarlett Kiss!! Scarlett quickly covers Christy 1...2...3
Winner: Scarlett

Lillian: Your winner, Scarlett

King: Scarlett picks up the impressive win here over Christy Hemme

Coach: Yeah but at No Way Out its going to be a different story you watch


Maria: I am standing here with Alyssa Amidala and Alyssa the question on everyone's mind is who have you gotten to team up with you at No Way Out

Alyssa Amidala: Well Maria I have gotten...Well I'll fill you in on that later actually

Maria: Ok thats fair but when will we find out, I think the whole world is tired of waiting

Alyssa Amidala: Maria I promise that the announcement will be made tonight very soon.

Commercial Ad for SCWE SmackDown!, SCWE OverDrive!, & SCWE Mayhem

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 Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:08 PM

King: Well Coach I can't wait to find out who exactly Alyssa got

Coach: It was odd seeing Maria and Alyssa together, I mean two beautiful women together, they almost looked like twins

King: What were you looking at? and I wouldn't let Triple H hear you say that about Alyssa, we know how Hunter is about his family

Coach: I'm more afraid of Alyssa and Kelli then Hunter but don't tell Hunter that

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Dragula" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, From Atlanta, Georgia weighing in at 270 Pounds, and being accumpied by Christine Tiger, Nathan Wright

Coach: Well here comes Nathan Wright to the ring who has a big chance

"Chop Suey" hits, Crowd Boo's Louder

Lillian: And his opponent, being accumpied by Nick Helmsley and Representing Evolution X, From Houston, Texas weighing in at 268 Pounds, Billy Gunn

King: Well here comes Billy Gunn who better not be looking ahead to No Way Out and his Impact Title Shot against Jerome Morris

Billy Gunn W/Nick Helmsley vs Nathan Wright W/Christine Tiger
Both men start the match up with a lock up, followed by a Gunn side headlock. Nathan pushes out of it, and send Billy into the ropes. Billy stops himself, and the two lock up again. Nathan gets the better of Billy, and locks in a side headlock of his own. Nathan wrenches away, but Billy fights out of it with elbows to Nathan's midsection. Billy runs to the ropes, and ducks a Nathan Clothesline, and follows up with one of his own. Nathan walks into a arm drag, and then another arm drag. Billy taunts Nathan, and Nathan chases after him as they both head to the outside. Billy runs around the ring, with Nathan following. Billy turns a corner and when Nathan does as well, he gets leveled by Nick Helmsley with a clothesline. Billy taunts to the crowd that he's smart, and he rolls Nathan into the ring. He puts Nathan in the corner, and hits him with a few chops to the chest. He puts hit boot under Nathan's chin, and starts choking away. The ref calls for him to break the hold, and he does so. Billy clotheslines Nathan, and follows up with a DDT. He's in control right now. Billy walks over to Nathan's legs and starts stomping away at his left leg. He grabs it and drops an elbow on it. And then follows up with another elbow. He grabs the leg and starts twisting it in a lock. Billy turns and twists, hoping to put as much pressure on the leg, and pain into it as possible. Nathan doesn't look to comfortable, and trys to get to the ropes. But Billy pulls him back in, and drops another elbow on the leg. Billy puts in a sharpshooter, and Nathan is in pain. But he doesn't tap. He try's working his way to the ropes, and he does. Billy lets go, and pulls Nathan over to the turnbuckle, were he smashes Nathan's left leg against the turnbuckle post. Billy does it two more times before getting back into the ring. Billy locks in a leg lock on the injured leg of Nathan, and Nathan try's fighting back. He hits Billy with elbows, and clubbing blows. He fights Billy off, and try's to re cooperate, but Billy comes back with a chop block on the left leg. Nathan is holding his leg, and Billy taunts the crowd once again. He pulls Nathan to the middle of the ring, and locks in the sharpshooter once more. Billy puts pressure on the lowerback and that hurt leg of Nathan's. Nathan looks to be in trouble, and appears to tap...but he doesn't give up yet. Billy let's go, frustrated that he can't get Nathan to tap. He argues with the ref, and doesn't see that Nathan Wright is back up. He turns around and gets pummeled by Nathan, as he goes to town with rights and lefts. Nathan goes for the superkick, but his left leg gives out on him and he falls to the mat. He tries getting up, but Billy hits the Fameasser out of nowhere! Billy covers, One....Two....Th-No! Nathan kicks out. Billy calls for the end, and picks Nathan up. He grabs him from behind and hits the N.I.N, and covers for the one, two, three.
Winner: Billy Gunn

Lillian: Your winner, Billy Gunn

King: Well Billy Gunn picks up the impressive win

Coach: Nathan Wright just isn't in Billy Gunn's league


Todd Grisham: I am standing here with the SCWE World Heavyweight Champion Triple H. Now Hunter alot of people are wondering what you are going to do involving the Julianne Angle situation?

Triple H: Todd don't worry about that, By Tonight, Everything will be taken care of

Todd Grisham: Well tonight your putting your SCWE World Heavyweight Title against Brandon Davis's SmackDown! World Heavyweight Championship. What are your feelnigs about that?

Triple H: My feelings? I don't want to wrestle Brandon Davis tonight, I could care less about The SmackDown! World Heavyweight Title, Been There Done that sort of deal. I know Eric wants to take over SmackDown! but he should have put Hogan in that match or something. I have my mind someplace else tonight so me vs Brandon since my title is on the line will happen I suppose but the match won't be long nor will it be pretty and I would not want to be Brandon Davis but Todd you know who I really wouldn't want to be?

Todd Grisham: Who?

Triple H: Evolution X. E-X is gonna pay. You see I told the rest of D-X to do there own thing earlier, As far as I am concerned, D-Generation X is a thing of the past, I am not going to be held responsbile for anyone else getting hurt, I don't need help to get ahead, I am Triple H, the very best in this business.

Todd Grisham: How are your going to take out E-X without D-X?

Triple H: Like I took out everyone else that stood before me. You see Billy Gunn and my brother Nick they get passes as of right now, I won't take them out, they haven't done anything for or against me but the rest of the pack of idots will be paying and paying dearly and it begins tonight. Because I am The Game And I am That Damn Good

:Triple H walks off:

Todd Grisham: There you heard it from Triple H who seems really focused and ready for action

:A Video Preview Airs Announcing Christian's Return at No Way Out:

Commercial Ad for KSCWE Extras, KSCWE Archives, & KSCWE Vacation

King: Well Coach, Triple H is ready for war

Coach: Tell me about it King but D-X is done now, I don't know how smart of an idea that is

King: Well I don't know either

Coach: Well King up next we are going to see the new Intercontinental Champion in action

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Intercontinental Championship

"Whatever It Takes" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, From St. Louis, Missouri weighing in at 245 Pounds, The "Legend Killer" Randy Orton

Coach: Well here comes Randy Orton who is looking to become the Intercontinental Champion tonight

"This is a Test" hits, Crowd is mixed

Lillian: And his opponent, From Toronto, Canada weighing in at 280 Pounds, He is the SCWE Intercontinental Champion, Test

King: Well here comes Test who defeated Shane Douglas last week to win the IC title

Coach: This is going to be a good match

SCWE Intercontinental Championship: Test(C) vs Randy Orton
The bell tolls as Test holds up his I.C. title telling Orton he'll never get off him as the ref gets the belt and raises high above.  as both men circle one another trying to see who make the first move, when Test finally charges in as the two lock up.  Orton takes advantage as he places Test in a side headlock.  Orton then grabs Test and quickly whips him across the ring as Test rebounds into the ropes, Orton catches him with a strong arm clothesline taking him down.  Orton then gets back to his feet as he grabs Test and whips him into the corner.  Orton then taunts the crowd as he takes off running into the corner, but Test quickly gets out of the way as Orton rams straight into the corner post.  Test turns Orton around as he picks Orton up and nails a side slam.  Test then gets back to his feet as he grabs Orton by the hair and lifts him up.  Test then knees Orton in the ribs as he goes to lock up the Pump Handle Slam.  Test has Orton up, but in mid air Orton reverse it into a Russian leg sweep taking test out.  Orton then slowly crawls over and pins Test, 1......1.7, kick out.  Orton gets back up as he takes a few steps back then nails test with a running knee drop.  Orton then distracts the referee as he tells him to look at the ramp as Orton quickly locks in a choke hold.  The ref then turns back as he breaks the choke up.  Orton gets up saying he didn't do anything as Test is slowly getting on his knees, Test is on all fours when Randy comes in and goes to kick Test in the gut, but Test catches Orton's foot and trips him to the mat.  Test then grabs Orton and  rams him into the corner.  Test then takes off as he nails Orton with a knee shot to the gut.  Test then lifts Orton up to the top rope.  Test climbs up as well as he goes for a superplex, but Orton fights back as he pushes Test off the turnbuckle.  Test lands hard on the mat as Orton gets to his feet on the corner as tells Test to get up.  Test is on his one foot as he stands and turns towards Orton's direction as Orton jumps from the corner and hits the Flying Crossbody, Orton covers Test, 1.........2....2.5, kick out Orton can't believe it as he grabs Test by his hair and lifts up to his feet.  Orton then kicks Test in the gut as Orton hits Test with a European uppercut causing test to back up.  Orton then grabs Test and goes for a suplex as he raises Test up in the hair and holds him there for a few seconds, and then slams him down to the mat.  Orton then does a float over motion as he covers Test, 1........2.....2.7, kick out.  Orton cant believe it as he yells at the ref.  While Orton is yelling Test quickly rolls him, 1.........2......2.7, kick out.  Test gets to his feet as Orton quickly gets up.  Orton runs at Test and hits another European uppercut.  Orton then runs to the ropes as he rebounds's off he runs at Test, and goes for a neckbreaker, but Test counters out and nails Orton with a sidewalk slam.  Test then gets up as he calls for the boot.  Test gets in the corner as he awaits Orton to get up.  Orton's up as Test runs at him Orton catches Test by the tights as he sends him straight into the corner,.  Orton then gets low as he looks like he going for the RKO.  Test gets up as he shakes his head, he turns around as Orton jumps up looking for his signature move, but Test pushes him away as Orton rebounds into the ropes, as Orton comes back he is met with a big boot by Test!  Test then quickly covers Orton, 1.........2.........3
Winner: Test

Lillian: Your winner and still SCWE Intercontinental Champion, Test

King: Well Test picks up the win over Randy Orton

Coach: Damn it, I thought Randy was going to pull the win out

King: Well Test is now set for No Way Out and well Randy Orton will be at No Way Out too because he is set to go head to head with Stanley Ryan Tiger


:Jerome Morris is shown heading towards the ring when Billy Gunn approaches Jerome Morris:

Billy Gunn: Well if it isn't Jerome Morris

Jerome Morris: Billy

Billy Gunn: You keeping my title polished up nice son

Jerome Morris: Your title, I am THE F'N IMPACT CHAMPION BITCH

Billy Gunn: Calm down son don't have a heart attack

Jerome Morris: Don't call me son

Billy Gunn: I'll be calling you my bitch after No Way Out

Jerome Morris: In your dreams jackass

:Jerome starts to walk away as Billy is about to turn the corner but stops:

Billy Gunn: Oh yeah tell Trish that she left her panties in my hotel room

:Jerome stops walking and turns around as Billy takes off as several Referee's stop Jerome as Shane Douglas rushes over and whispers something in Jerome's ear which causes Jerome to settle down and nod his head:

Commercial Ad for KSCWE No Way Out-Hightlights Christian's Return

 Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:09 PM

King: Well Jerome and Billy had yet another confrontation and Jerome is going to explode

Coach: Well Billy is definatly playing mind games with Jerome but Shane Douglas seemed to have told Jerome something which has Jerome smiling and I wonder what that is

King: I don't know but up next we are going to see Jerome Morris in action, Non-Title Action taking on the very large and powerful Stanley Ryan Tiger

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Non-Title Match

"You Can't Run" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, From San Antonio, Texas weighing in at 328 Pounds, Stanley Ryan Tiger

Coach: Well here comes SRT now who could be primed for the upset win

King: Well SRT some weeks is on fire and some weeks isn't, one of the more streaky guys but when he is on, he is really on

"Stricken" hits, Crowd Boo's Louder

Lillian: And his opponent, Representing The Triple Threat, From Denver, Colorado, weighing in at 225 Pounds, He is the SCWE Impact Champion, Jerome Morris

Coach: Well here comes Jerome Morris who looks set to knock off SRT

Jerome Morris vs Stanley Ryan Tiger
The bell rings as both men start the match down by staring at each other. Jerome tells SRT that he is the Imact God but SRT shoves Jerome down. Jerome quickly gets back up and opens up on SRT. SRT slowly backs into the corner as Jerome wails on him some more but SRT blocks the a shot and shoves Jerome down. SRT then goes over to Jerome and kicks him. SRT gets on the mat and rubs his forarm in Jeromes face as the ref starts his count, SRT eases off and pins Jerome-1...2...kickout. Jerome gets up as does SRT. Jerome and SRT start exchanging licks but Jerome overpowers and knocks the big man down. Jerome slaps SRT in the back of the head and then gets down and pins him-1...2...kickout. Jerome looks at the ref and covers again, 1...2...kickout. Jerome gets up and lifts up SRT. SRT quickly hits a clothesline on Jerome. SRT lifts up Jerome and irish whips him into the ropes, Jerome bounces off them and SRT connects a big boot. SRT then pins Jerome-1...2...kickout. SRT gets back up and stands Jerome up. SRT hits Jerome in the jaw, Jerome walks over to the ropes grabbing his chin as SRT laughs. SRT walks over to Jerome but Jerome elbows SRT in the stomach. SRT walks away grabbing his stomach as Jerome then bounces off the rope and slides into SRTs leg. SRT falls down and grabs his leg as Jerome kicks SRT in the stomach. The ref yells at Jerome as he smirks. Jerome then waits for SRT to get up. Jerome walks around SRT waiting for him to get up, SRT gets up and stands on his leg and turns around into a drop kick from Jerome. Jerome then stalks SRT. SRT then raises up and gets up and stares at Jerome. Jerome runs and hits SRT in the face. SRT grabs his chin and then looks at Jerome. Jerome goes for another hit but SRT grabs Jeromes fist and pushes him down. SRT starts choking Jerome with his foot as the ref is yelling at SRT. SRT stops and then lifts up Jerome. SRT sets up Jerome for a Chokeslam. SRT raises Jerome up but Jerome counters into a DDT and yells at SRT. Jerome goes for a liontamer and connects with it. Jerome pins SRT-1....2....3
Winner: Jerome Morris

Lillian: Your winner, Jerome Morris

Coach: Jerome Morris scores the big win over the much larger SRT

King: Well Jerome Morris continues on his road to No Way Out


Todd Grisham: I am standing here with Evolution X's Kurt Angle. Now Kurt first off thanks for doing this interview

Kurt Angle: Yeah Todd hurry up

Todd Grisham: Well Kurt I just wanted to get your feelings on your Six Man Tag Match later tonight

Kurt Angle: My feelings? I'm not jumping up and down about it, I have to team up with Shane Douglas thats not fun but whatever. I do get to take out Charlie Haas, Scott Walker, and Chris Walker and that is going to be fun

Todd Grisham: Well what about Triple H?

Kurt Angle: Triple H? You think I am worried about him. I am Kurt Freaking Angle, I do not worry about him

Todd Grisham: He said he is coming for Julianne his girlfriend and your sister

Kurt Angle: I know who she is moron and I know why he wants her but Hunter isn't going to accomplish that goal, You know why Todd?

Todd Grisham: Why?

Kurt Angle: Because Triple H disbanded D-X, he is one man against E-X there is no way he can topple us just like at No Way Out he and Haas are going to go down hard and that my friends is True

:Another Area Backstage: Hulk Hogan's Locker Room

Eric Bischoff: We need a plan in case this Triple H vs Brandon match doesn't go according to plan

Hulk Hogan: Don't worry brother, I'll be watching the monitor and if anything out of the ordinary occurs, I'll be the first guy out there to kick some butt brother

Eric Bischoff: That's good to hear

Hulk Hogan: But Eric, I'm not worried about Triple H losing the title tonight, I'm more concerned about Brandon being able to walk out of the arena because Triple H is in a fowl mood tonight dude

Eric Bischoff: I know and thats why I booked this match, I knew Hunter wouldn't face Brandon if I asked him so I made him by putting his title on the line, you see I don't care if Triple H pins Brandon tonight, I want him to injured Brandon tonight. We both know his temper and with Kurt Angle taking Julianne away its the perfect time to milk the situation

Hulk Hogan: I don't know dude this feels wrong

Eric Bischoff: Don't worry, I am going to repay Triple H tonight too in my own way of course but I promise you that he will love the payback.

Hulk Hogan: Alright brother.

:Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff shake hands:

Commercial Ad for SCWE SmackDown!, SCWE OverDrive!, & SCWE Mayhem

Coach: Well King up next we are going to have the big Title vs Title Match

King: I can't wait, this is huge, Triple H vs Brandon Davis first time ever!! I can't wait to have the SCWE and SD! World Title's on RAW

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship and The SmackDown! World Heavyweight Championship

Coach: I can't believe this match is so early in the show

"Shoot To Thrill" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, Representing SmackDown!, From Knoxville, Tennessee weighing in at 252 Pounds, He is the SmackDown! World Heavyweight Champion, The "Badass American" Brandon Davis

Coach: These RAW fans don't like the former RAW GM very much

King: RAW did die before on Brandon's watch though

Coach: Very true

"Game" hits, Crowd Rises to there feet and cheers

Lillian: And his opponent, Representing RAW, From Greenwich, Connecticut weighing in at 260 Pounds, He is the SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, The "Game" Triple H

King: These titles have been unified before and could be once again and Triple H has held them both at the same time

Coach: This is going to be an all out fight if you ask me

SCWE World Heavyweight Championship/SmackDown! World Heavyweight Championship: Triple H(C) vs Brandon Davis(C)
Triple H and Brandon get nose to nose as Brandon shoves Triple H back telling him he will take him out as Triple H doesn't look impressed and Triple H delivers a big right hand knocking down Brandon as Triple H then gets on top of Brandon and opens up on him with right hands as Triple H gets off Brandon and Triple H taunts to the crowd as he waits for Brandon to get up and Triple H kicks Brandon in the gut and Triple H delivers a face buster to Brandon as Triple H then picks up Brandon and hits a spinebuster on him as Triple H then goes for a Figure 4 but Brandon kicks Triple H away as Brandon gets back up to his feet and Brandon grabs Triple H and hits a belly 2 belly suplex on Triple H. Brandon then picks up Triple H and Brandon pounds away at him with a few right hands as Brandon kicks Triple H in the gut and Brandon goes for the Lights Out but Triple H pushes Brandon off the ropes and Triple H hits a high knee on Brandon knocking him down as Triple H then waits as Brandon gets up and Triple H goes for the Pedigree but Brandon trips Triple H down and Brandon then locks in the Sharpshooter on Triple H as The Game is screaming out as Brandon sits back and tells Triple H to tap out but Triple H reaches the ropes as Brandon is forced to break the hold as Brandon shakes his head in disgust as Brandon stomps away at Triple H as Brandon picks up Triple H and Brandon delivers a few chops to The Game but Triple H knees Brandon in the gut as Triple H throws brandon into the corner and Triple H opens up on Brandon with right hands as Triple H goes to whip Brandon across the ring but Brandon reverses sending Triple H into the corner as The Game goes into the corner upside down and Triple H lands on the apron and Brandon charges and knocks Triple H down with a clothesline as Triple H hits the apron and falls to the floor as Brandon starts to gloat in the ring as Triple H gets back into the ring and rolls into the ring as Brandon attacks Triple H as he is trying to get up and Brandon goes for a Fameasser but Triple H shoves Brandon off and Triple H catches Brandon with a right hand when he comes back as Triple H goes to hit Brandon again but Brandon kicks The game in the gut and Brandon hits the Lights Out as Brandon quickly covers for a 1---2--2.8-kick out. Brandon can't believe it and Brandon gets up and argues with Earl Hebner about the slow count as Brandon then goes to work on Triple H once more as The game was trying to get up as Brandon takes Triple H and rams him into the corner as Brandon pounds The Game's head off the top of the corner several times but Triple H elbows Brandon in the gut and The Game then rams Brandon's head off the top turnbuckle several times as Triple H then picks up Brandon and hits a big suplex on him. Triple H then gets back up as Triple H picks up Brandon but Brandon low blow The Game as Brandon then stands and waits as Triple H turns around from grimacing in pain and Brandon hits the Rush on Triple H as Brandon covers for the 1---2--2.9-shoulder up. Brandon can't believe it again as Brandon gets up and waits in the corner as Triple H struggles up and Brandon goes for another Rush but Triple H moves out of the way as Brandon nearly hits the corner but stops and turns around and walks into a kick to the gut as Triple H hits the Pedigree and covers for a 1---2--2.9-Kurt Angle hits the ring out of nowhere and attacks Triple H as Earl Hebner rings the bell.
Winner: Triple H by DQ

Lillian: Your winner as a result of a Disqualification, Triple H

King: Damn Kurt Angle

:Kurt Angle continues to pound away at Triple H as Kurt goes for the Angle Lock but Hulk Hogan hits the ring as Kurt gets out of the ring and Brandon rolls out as well as Hogan checks on Triple H as Hogan tells Brandon to bring it but Brandon just grabs his SD! World Title and leaves through the crowd as hte place boo's:

Coach: Well Kurt Angle saved Brandon Davis's World Title if you ask me

King: Well Brandon also put his tail between his legs there and ran from the Hulkster but so did Kurt Angle

Coach: Well I don't blame Brandon for leaving, he just wrestled a hard fought match, he isn't stupid and neither is Kurt Angle who knows he has a match later on tonight yet

King: Well I don't like it


Maria: I am standing here with Matt Walker. Now Matt tonight your going to face Brian Mason once more, what are your thoughts on this?

Matt Walker: Brian Mason? Didn't the little jobber punk learn his lesson last week? I whipped his ass so bad he couldn't fight me and now he wants more? I am already in a fowl mood from last week so Brian Mason is a dead little jobber tonight

Maria: Well he did ask for this match, are you concerned he may upset you?

Matt Walker: Maria....if Brian Mason pins me tonight, I'll go back to being panCAKEman. Brian Mason stands no chance in hell of beating me its that clear

:Matt Walker walks away:

Maria: Well there you heard it, if Brian Mason beats Matt Walker, he will be panCAKEman once again so....Go Brian!

Commercial Ad for KSCWE No Way Out-Long Ad

 Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:10 PM

King: Well Brian Mason challenged Matt Walker this week after the attack Matt gave Brian last week and what about what we heard

Coach: Matt Walker wasn't being serious about that, I mean its not like it matters but still he wasn't being serious

King: Well I think everyone took him as serious so I think the world will hold him to it if Brian Mason can somehow beat him tonight

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Holding Out for a Hero" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, Representing The Triple Threat and being accumpied by Mallory Maddox, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in a...

:As Matt Walker was coming out, Brian Mason attacks Matt Walker from behind as Mason pounds away at Walker towards the ring:

King: Brian Mason is doing the smart thing and attacking Matt Walker early

Coach: That's major duty cheating here

:Brian Mason takes Walker and rams him into the ring post before rolling him into the ring:

Matt Walker W/Mallory Maddox vs Brian Mason
Brian Mason goes up top as Matt Walker is getting back up and Brian comes off hitting a flying crossbody on Walker as Brian gets up quickly and Brian kicks Matt in the gut and Brian bounces off the ropes and hits an Ax Kick to Walker as Brian Mason gets up and Brian picks up Walker as Brian whips Walker off the ropes and Mason goes for a Hurrincanrana and hits it as Brian Mason waits as Matt Walker gets up in the ropes and Mason hits a big clothesline knocking Walker over the top to the floor as Brian goes up top in a hurry as Matt Walker is getting up and Brian leaps off the top and hits a missile dropkick knocking Matt backwards into the guard rail. Brian gets up and grabs Matt Walker as Brian picks up Walker and slams him down as Brian drops a big elbow on him as Brian picks up Walker and rolls him into the ring as Brian goes up top again as Brian is waiting but Mallory gets on the apron and in the process causes Brian to lose his balance and fall off the top to straddle the top rope as Mallory gets down as Brian falls into the ring and is hurting as Matt Walker gets back up and Walker picks up Mason and Matt opens up on Mason with right hands as Walker tells Mason to never try to do that again as Matt whips Brian off the ropes and Matt goes for a clothesline but Brian ducks and hits the ropes but Mallory trips him as Brian falls face first to the mat as Matt Walker then stomps away at Brian Mason as Matt picks up Mason and Matt Walker hits a Twist of Fate on Mason as Matt Walker then leans through the ropes to kiss Mallory as Matt Walker tells her its all over as Matt Walker picks up Brian Mason and Matt Walker says its Pittfall time but Mason quickly goes behind Walker as Mason hits a German Suplex on Matt Walker followed by a second one and then goes for a third one and hits it as Mason stays down and locks in the Black Dawn as Matt Walker is frantically trying to get to the ropes and gets his foot in them as Brian Mason breaks the hold as Brian picks up Matt Walker and sets him up for the Black Mail but Mallory gets on the apron again as Brian Mason lets Matt go and goes to grab Mallory and catches her by her hair as Brian Mason looks ready to hit her when Matt Walker hits Mason from behind as Mallory gets down as Matt Walker picks up Mason and hits the Pittfall on Mason as Matt Walker covers for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Matt Walker

Lillian: Your winner, Matt Walker

King: Matt Walker narrowly escapes with the win thanks to Mallory

Coach: I disagree, Matt Walker played along with Brian Mason and when the time was right he ended the fun

King: I disagree but you have to admit this was Brian Mason's best showing

Coach: Yeah Brian Mason showed alot of heart tonight for a change but a blind squarl does find a nut now and again and tonight was Brian's nut but still couldn't get the win


Maria: I am standing here with SCWE Women's Champion Kelli Hardy. Kelli two questions if I may?

Kelli Hardy: Fine

Maria: Why did you help take Julianne last week?

Kelli Hardy: Because Maria....I can

Maria: Ok next question is who do you think Alyssa will get as her partner and are you worried about it?

Kelli Hardy: No I'm not worried about it and as far as who I think. I would say Stephanie McMahon looks like a good canidate she is probably the only diva dumb enough to step into the ring with me

Maria: Well I kinda doubt its Stephanie McMahon

Kelli Hardy: Oh I see how you are. You interviewed Alyssa earlier right

Maria: Yeah she was very nice

Kelli Hardy: Was she now Maria, well you see I am not that nice and I don't like friends of Alyssa's so are you a friend of Alyssa's?

Maria: Yes I am

:Kelli starts to laugh:

Kelli Hardy: Stupid bitch

:Kelli then slaps Maria in the head as Maria tries to cover up as Kelli knocks her down as Kelli starts to stomp away at Maria as Kelli then pulls out a pair of scissors from her pocket but several Referee's and Security members rush over and pull Kelli away:

Kelli Hardy: Your lucky Maria or else you would have gotten a little hair cut

Commercial Ad for SCWE SmackDown!, SCWE OverDrive!, & SCWE Mayhem

King: Well Coach up next we have another diva match

Coach: Oh great I'm sure your excited about that

King: Damn right thats more puppy power!!

Coach: Well lets go to the ring then for this next match

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Walk This Way" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, From Las Vegas, Nevada, Jezebel

King: Well here comes Jezebel now who will be squaring off against one of her long time rivals

"Did My Time" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: And her opponent, Representing The Triple Threat, From Denver, Colorado, Trish Morris

Coach: Both of these ladies will be in the EYOB Match at No Way Out but tonight it is all about finding out who is better

Trish Morris vs Jezebel
The two women stare at each other, both exchanging bad words. They get closer and closer and the insults get worse and worse. Trish Morris calls Jezebel a fat whore, which causes Jezebel to furiously bitch slap the smirk off Trish Morris's face. The force of the slap sends Trish stumbling backward into the ropes. Trish rests against the ropes and Jezebel starts to chop hard at Trish's chest. Jezebel connects with another chop getting a 'woooooo' from the crowd. Jezebel nods to the crowd as she 'winds up' her arm and hits a huge chop on Trish's chest causing Trish to fall through the ropes. Jezebel climbs out of the ring and picks up Trish Morris and power slams her. Jezebel grabs Trish Morris by the hair and picks her up but Trish manages to spear Jezebel into the ring barrier. Trish slaps Jezebel and then kicks her in the stomach. Trish rolls Jezebel into the ring and Morris climbs up to the top rope. Jezebel stands up and is taken down with a diving crossbody. Morris holds on for the pin 1...2.. kick out by Jezebel. Trish Morris gets up and picks up Jezebel, Trish looks for a tornado DDT but Jezebel blocks the attempt into a northern lights suplex. Jezebel keeps a hold of Trish and picks her up onto her shoulders and slams her down with a death valley driver type move. Jezebel gets up and waits for Trish Morris to get up, Morris gets up and Jezebel wraps her hand around Trish's neck. Jezebel looks for The Close Call but Trish kicks Jezebel in the gut and rolls her up with a small package. Trish grabs the middle rope as the referee counts the pin 1...2...3
Winner: Trish Morris

Lillian: Your winner, Trish Morris

King: An impressive win here tonight for Trish Morris

Coach: Well Jezebel put up a good fight but Trish Morris was to much for her on this night

:A Video Airs Highlighting Christian's Return once more at No Way Out:

King: Well I can't wait to see Christian once again at No Way Out but Coach we got more divas action up next!!

Coach: That's right the SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion Stacy Mason is in Non-Title Action

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Non-Title Match

"Beyond Beautiful" hits, Crowd is mixed

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, From St. John's Newfoundland, Canada, Christine

King: Christine has been on a role as of late and looks to continue that against Stacy Flair

"Everybody's Fool" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: Her opponent, She is the SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion, Stacy Flair

Coach: Well here comes Stacy Flair now

King: Well Stacy is set to team up with Kelli at No Way Out so she better not be worried about who Alyssa's partner is going to be or else she could be beaten tonight

Stacy Flair vs Christine
The bell sounds. The two women lock up in the centre of the ring. They push and pull at one another. Christine, being the bigger of the two women, backs Stacy into the turnbuckle. The referee pulls Christine from Stacy and in that moment of distraction Stacy Flair nails a sneaky kick to Christine's gut. Stacy grabs a handful of Christines hair and throws Christine, shoulder first, into the turnbuckle. Stacy quickly rolls Christine up for a school girl pin 1...2.. kick out by Christine. Christine holds her shoulder as Stacy picks her up. Flair sends Christine to the ropes, Christine bounces back and ducks a kick from Stacy. Christine bounces off the opposite ropes and nails a big cross body taking down Stacy. Christine gets up still holding her shoulder. She bends over to grabs a hold of Stacy but flair rolls Christine up with a small package 1...2... kick out by Christine. Both women get up to their feet, Stacy manages to nail Christine in the face with a couple if hard forearm smashes. She then head buts Christine and flips her over with a monkey flip type move. Stacy rolls through and on top of Christine and Stacy starts to hit harsh elbows to Christine's face. Stacy viscously grabs Christine's hair and shouts "How do you like that Christine!?" Christine screams out loud as Stacy wickedly bitch slaps Christine. Stacy gets off and picks up Christine and sets her up for a fishermans suplex but Christine manages to block it, Stacy attempts the suplex once again but again Christine blocks it, Christine lifts Stacy up for a suplex but places Stacy over her shoulder and then powerfully slams Stacy down! Christine covers Stacy 1...2... kick out by the womens rawcore champion. Christine gets up and awaits for Stacy to get up and Christine goes for the wrath of the woman but Stacy pushes Christine off into the ropes. Christine bounces back only to be taken down with a beautiful spinning chick kick. Stacy covers Christine 1...2...3.
Winner: Stacy Flair

Lillian: Your winner, Stacy Flair

King: Stacy Flair gets the impressive win here over Christine

Coach: Like there was any doubt

:Stacy after the bell continues to work over Christine as Stacy pounds away at Christine until Alyssa Amidala hits the ring as Stacy goes to hit Alyssa but Alyssa blocks it and opens up on Stacy but Kelli Hardy hits the ring and attacks Alyssa from behind:

Coach: Alyssa's in trouble now

King: Well I just hope Alyssa's partner is watching this

Coach: She doesn't have a partner

:As Kelli and Stacy pound away at Alyssa, "Time To Rock N Roll" hits as the Place is stunned as Trish Stratus comes running to the ring:


:Trish gets into the ring and knocks down Kelli with a forarm shot as Stacy goes to hit Trish but Trish does the matrix as Trish then gets up and hits a Chick Kick knocking Stacy out to the floor as Kelli rolls out of the ring as Alyssa was getting up as Trish and Alyssa look at each other and shake hands:

King: I think we just found out Alyssa's partner!! It's The Returning Trish Stratus

Final Commercial Ad for KSCWE No Way Oug-Long Ad

 Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:10 PM

King: Well we got it confirmed now, It will be Kelli Hardy and Stacy Flair taking on Alyssa Amidala and Trish Stratus at No Way Out

Coach: Yeah and thats great to have Trish because Trish dated Christian so we have the inside track on getting Christian now

King: Maybe but are Christian and Trish even still dating? I hope not because I want to date Trish

Coach: King she is out of your league but we got our big Six Man Tag Main Event now

Lillian: The Main Event of the Evening is scheduled for one fall

"Perfect Strangers" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, Representing The Triple Threat and being accumpied by Jenn Hardy, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 240 Pounds, The "Franchise" Shane Douglas

King: Well there is Shane Douglas and look who is with him!! It's Jenn Hardy we haven't seen her in a while

"Bodies" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Lillian: There opponents Representing Evolution X, Being accumpied by Kaylee Angle and Julianne Angle, Weighing in at a combined weight of 460 Pounds, They are the SCWE Tag Team Champions, Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy

Coach: Well here comes E-X now and Julianne Angle is coming out here against her will

King: Well Eric Bischoff ordered it

"Just Close Your Eyes" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: There opponents, 1st being accumpied by Jaime Lavelle, From Edmond, Oklahoma weighing in at 242 Poudnds, The "World's Greatest Athlete" Charlie Haas

King: Well here comes Charlie Haas formally of D-X but D-X is no more thanks to Triple H

"Hero" hits, Crowd Cheers Louder

Lillian: And his partners, being accumpied by Skylar Manning, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at a combined weight of 435 Pounds, Scott and Chris Walker

King: Well here comes the Walker brothers now too

Coach: Well this should be a great match

Kurt Angle, Matt Hardy, & Shane Douglas W/Kaylee Angle, Julianne Angle, & Jenn Hardy vs Charlie Haas, Scott Walker, & Chris Walker W/Jaime Lavelle & Skylar Manning
Angle, Hardy, & Douglas argue from the very beginning as Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy tell Shane Douglas to just leave to which Shane Douglas agrees as Shane Douglas gets out of the ring and he and Jenn leave! Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy then start to smile as they play rock, paper, scissors to decide who starts things with Chris Walker as Matt Hardy wins. Matt Hardy and Chris Walker then lock up with Walker going behind Hardy but Hardy drops down taking Chris down as Matt Hardy then locks in a ankle lock on Chris but Chris rolls through it nearly knocking Hardy into Kurt Angle but Matt Hardy stops as he goes to hit Chris but Chris hits a drop toe hold taking down Hardy as Walker gets up and Chris Walker delivers a few hard side kicks to Hardy as Matt Hardy is jumping from them as Chris Walker then kicks Hardy in the gut and Walker goes for a Twist of Fate but Matt Hardy picks up Walker and throws him down as Matt Hardy quickly attacks with several knees knocking Walker into the ropes as Matt Hardy then goes to pick up Walker but Walker trips Hardy into the ropes as Walker gets up quickly and goes between the ropes hitting the 412 knocking Hardy backwards as Walker gets on the apron and Walker spring boards off the ropes hitting the face full of panCAKE's on Hardy but Kurt Angle comes in and kicks Walker in the face which brings Charlie Haas into the ring as Haas and Angle get into it as both men exchange rights and lefts as Scott Walker enters the ring as well as the Walker brothers grab Matt Hardy and hit a Double suplex on him when Billy Gunn comes running out but Scott Walker then sling shots himself out to the floor taking out Billy Gunn. Referee Earl Hebner is trying to regain control but Kurt Angle and Charlie Haas end knocking Hebner down as he calls for the bell.
No Contest

Lillian: The result of this match is a No Contest

King: All hell has broken loose here

:All six men continue to go at it when Triple H makes his way to the ring with a Sledgehammer in hand:

Coach: Uh oh

:Triple H gets into the ring as Kurt Angle see's him coming as Haas lets Angle go as Haas tells Triple H he is all his as Triple H backs Kurt into the corner and Triple H looks ready to hit Kurt with the Sledgie but instead nails Haas in the ribs and then again in the head!!:

King: What the hell!!!

:Triple H then turns around and hits Chris Walker in the back with the Sledgie as Scott Walker gets into the ring but Matt Hardy and Kurt Angle attack him as Triple H comes over and hits Scott in the head laying him out as well as Triple H holds the Sledgie as Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy look at Triple H and all three men start to smile as they all then hug!!:

Coach: There back together!!

King: I am going to be sick

:Triple H goes over as Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy pick up a bloody Charlie Haas and Triple H hits Haas again as Triple H then takes Haas and Pedigree's him as Kaylee Angle and Julianne Angle get into the ring as Kelli comes out as Kelli and Triple H stare at each other before hugging as Nick Helmsley also comes out as Billy & Nick are welcomed into the ring:

Coach: Triple H has returned home

King: This is not what I had in mind Coach

"Real American" hits as the Place Erupts over the PA as Hulk Hogan comes out pointing at the ring as Eric Bischoff is not far behind

King: Now there going to pay for there crimes

:Hulk Hogan gets into the ring as Billy Gunn and Nick go to attack Hogan but Hogan blocks it and grabs them and hits them together as Hogan knocks down Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy with right hands and blocks the sledgie from Triple H as Hogan knocks it down and Hogan points at Triple H as Eric Bischoff then kicks Hogan from behind right between the legs as Hogan falls instantly to his knees as Triple H hits a big knee to the head of Hogan as Eric Bischoff starts to scream at Hogan:

Coach: This is Awesome!!

King: Now Eric Bischoff turned on Hulk Hogan, What the hell is going on here

:Triple H, Matt Hardy, Kurt Angle, Billy Gunn, & Nick Helmsley all work over Charlie Haas, Scott Walker, Chris Walker, & Hulk Hogan as Hardy and Angle throw the Walker's to the floor as Triple H throws out Charlie Haas but Eric tells Hogan to be left in the ring as Eric Bischoff gets a microphone:

Eric Bischoff: I know you people are not happy about this but its just to damn bad. This is how RAW is going to be run from now. Now as you can tell things have changed. No Way Out can't be the same so The New No Way Out Main Event is Triple H, Matt Hardy, and Kurt Angle taking on whats left of Charlie Haas, Scott Walker, and Chris Walker and....I am also booking Hulk Hogan in a match against.....ME

Coach: Um I don't know if thats a wise idea Mr. Bischoff

Eric Bischoff: Eric Bischoff vs Hulk Hogan at No Way Out with....Marrisa Bischoff as the Special Guest Referee(Crowd Boo's) and Mickie James as the Special Guest Timekeeper so hit Hogan's music so we can end RAW the right away

King: This is sickening but we are out of time now

"Real American" hits as Eric places his foot on top of a bloody Hulk Hogan and starts to do the Hogan taunts as Triple H, Matt Hardy, & Kurt Angle show off there titles as Kelli stands next to Matt holding up her two titles as Julianne Angle hugs Triple H while Kaylee does the same with Kurt as...

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