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RAW : RAW 2/13/06
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 2:28 PM

Results 2/13/06 Live From Toronto, Canada

Dark Matches Air before RAW:

Dark Match #1: None

Dark Match #2: None

:Highlights From The Last RAW are shown as Pyro then explodes opening up the show:

Joey Styles: Welcome to SCWE Monday Night RAW, I am Joey Styles the newest member of the RAW Announce Team

King: Joey its great to have you here tonight on RAW and you did a great job last night at No Way Out

Joey Styles: Thanks King but what a night we have for you tonight on RAW

Coach: Well last night's No Way Out was shocking seeing how Kurt Angle walked out on Triple H and Matt Hardy and Christian who many thought was a SmackDown! Superstar turned his back on SmackDown! and revealed he had indeed signed with RAW and while he is not booked for RAW tonight, My Sources tell me Christian will in deed be in the house tonight

Joey Styles: Well lets go to the ring for our opening contest

Lillian: The Opening Contest of SCWE Monday Night RAW is scheduled for one fall

"Just Close Your Eyes" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring being accumpied by Jaime Lavelle, From Edmond, Oklahoma weighing in at 242 Pounds, The "World's Greatest Athlete" Charlie Haas

Joey Styles: Last Night at No Way Out, Charlie Haas made Triple H tap out in the Haas of Pain

Coach: After Kurt Angle walked out on the Game

"Whatever It Takes" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: And his opponent, From St. Louis, Missouri weighing in at 245 Pounds, The "Legend Killer" Randy Orton

King: Well here comes Randy Orton who did good in the RAWCore Invitational

Coach: Randy Orton said tonight is the start of Randy's re-emergence as a major player he is done being pushed aside

Joey Styles: Well he has a tough task in Charlie Haas

Charlie Haas W/Jaime Lavelle vs Randy Orton
Charlie Haas and Randy Orton have words as Referee Mark Johnson checks both men for weapons as he then rings the bell to start the match as Orton slaps Haas across the face and Orton tells Haas that he was the original chosen one and will prove tonight that he is still the chosen one as Haas stands there and tells Orton to prove it as Orton goes to hit Haas but Haas grabs Orton and hits a overhead belly 2 belly suplex as Orton gets up and Haas grabs Orton and hits a Release German Suplex as Orton gets up near the ropes and Haas hits a big clothesline sending Orton out to the floor as Mark Johnson holds Haas back as Orton is irate on the floor and knocks the steel steps over as Orton gets back into the ring as Haas and Orton lock up with Haas going behind Orton but Orton elbows Haas in the face knocking him off as Orton then whips Haas off the ropes and Orton hits a big dropkick on Haas. Orton then kicks Haas as he is getting up and Orton hits a few European Uppercuts to him as Orton sends Haas into the corner as Orton charges in but Haas gets his feet up into the face of Orton as Haas then gets on the middle turnbuckle and then the top rope as Haas then looks to come off but Orton backs into the ropes causing Haas to straddle the top turnbuckle as Orton then goes up and grabs Haas and Orton hits a big Superplex on Haas as Orton gets back up and Orton goes up top and Orton waits as Haas gets back up and Orton comes off and hits a big missile dropkick knocking Haas down as Orton covers for a 1--2--kick out. Orton beats Haas up and Orton sends Haas off the ropes and Orton hits a big powerslam on Haas as Orton picks up Haas and Orton then delivers a big reverse DDT into a knee as Haas is grabbing his lower back as Orton goes up top again and Orton is perched up top waiting for Haas to get up as Orton comes off looking for Haas but Haas ducks as Orton takes out Referee Mark Johnson instead as Charlie Haas then grabs Orton and goes for the World's Greatest Slam but Orton escapes it and Orton hits the RKO on Charlie Haas as Orton covers Haas but Mark Johnson is out cold as Orton rolls out to the floor and Orton grabs a Steel Chair as Orton brings the chair into the ring as Charlie is getting up and Orton blasts the chair over the head of Charlie Haas laying him out as Orton then drops the chair as Orton picks up Charlie Haas for the RKO but Haas grabs Orton and hits the World's Greatest Slam as Haas covers Orton but Mark Johnson is still down as Haas gets up. Charlie goes over to check on Mark Johnson when Orton rolls over and Orton low blows Haas as Orton then goes for another RKO but Haas grabs Orton and hits a German Suplex and holds on for a second German Suplex and holds it for a third German Suplex as Haas goes for a 4th one but Orton does a mule kick to Haas as Orton falls into the ropes to regroup as Mark Johnson is getting as Orton goes over and grabs Haas and Orton goes for the RKO on the chair but Haas pushes Orton off the ropes instead and Haas grabs Orton on the way back and hits a big belly 2 belly suplex onto the chair as Orton is riving in pain as Haas waits for Orton to get as Mark Johnson moves the chair out as Haas grabs Orton and hits another World's Greatest Slam as Haas then locks in the Haas of Pain in the center of the ring to Randy Orton and Randy Orton has no choice and taps out.
Winner: Charlie Haas

Lillian: Your winner, Charlie Haas

Joey Styles: An impressive win here for Charlie Haas over Randy Orton

King: Well Randy Orton brought the fight but Charlie Haas was just to much for the Legend Killer to overcome tonight

Coach: Well Charlie Haas got lucky if you ask me


:Chrstian, Trish Stratus, & Tyson Tomko are shown with Todd Grisham:

Todd Grisahm: Christian first off welcome back into the company and welcome to RAW

Christian: Thank you moron

Todd Grisham: 1st question is why did you turn on SmackDown! and join RAW?

Christian: Moron I never signed with SmackDown!, I signed my RAW Contract back before the Royal Rumble, Remember Tyson returning for the Royal Rumble, well I signed on as did Trish, we just waited for the right moment to strike and along with Eric Bischoff, we set up SmackDown! because thats how we roll but Moron this interview is over now, if you want to hear more from me then just wait until later tonight.

Commercial Ad for SCWE SmackDown!, SCWE OverDrive!, & SCWE Mayhem

Joey Styles: Well its good to see Christian back and on RAW

King: Well I am shocked what we just heard, Christian's been signed to RAW all this time

Coach: Eric Bischoff is a mastermind and while Christian and Eric don't always see eye to eye, it does not suprise one bit that they worked together to take out SmackDown! and yes Christian will be coming out here later tonight to address these Toronto fans that sure do love there Canadian Hero

Joey Styles: Well I hope we can find out why Trish Stratus walked out on Alyssa last night too

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Non-Title Match

"1.....2....Scar Coming For You" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, From Las Vegas, Nevada weighing in at 400 Pounds, Scar

Coach: Well here comes the big man Scar who will have a tough task

"This is a Test" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Lillian: And his opponent, From Right Here in Toronto, weighing in at 280 Pounds, He is the SCWE Intercontinental Champion, Test

Joey Styles: Last night at No Way Out, Test finally got that big win over his arch rival Matt Walker beating him cleanly in the center of the ring

King: Well Test better not be on to much of a high though from the win or else Scar may upset him tonight

Test vs Scar
Referee Chris Kay sounds for the bell to start the match as Scar attacks Test right off the bat as Scar pounds away at Test but Test delivers a few forarm shots to Scar as Test then goes to send Scar off the ropes but Scar reverses sending Test off the ropes but Test ducks a clothesline as Test backs up a few steps and Test then takes out Scar with a Big Boot as Test doesn't cover and picks up Scar and sets him up for a Pumphandle Slam and hits it as Test hooks the leg for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Test

Lillian: Your winner, Test

Joey Styles: Test continues his winning ways making short work of Scar

King: I tell you what, whoever faces Test better be ready for a fight because Test has been on a major roll

:Promo Airs for KSCWE Wrestlemania III & KSCWE Wrestlemania IV:

"I'm Back" hits, Crowd Boo's as Eric Bischoff starts to make his way to the ring

Joey Styles: Well here comes SCWE RAW General Manager Eric Bischoff

Coach: Well if Eric is coming out here in the middle of RAW, there must be a good reason

King: Maybe Eric wants to talk about his screwjob win over Hulk Hogan last night via DQ

Coach: Hulk Hogan cheated last night, he deserved to lose

Joey Styles: Well in everyone's eyes it was a screw job win

:Eric gets into the ring and gets a microphone:

Eric Bischoff: Now I am out here tonight for a reason. You see I have some Wrestlemania matches that need to be announced and why wait a few weeks to announce these. It will be my good buddy Hulk Hogan and the returning Sting to join foraces to take on...The "Franchise" Shane Douglas and Jerome Morris. Now thats not all though because The SCWE World Heavyweight Title Match at Wrestlemania IV is being changed to a Four Way Elimination Match where Triple H will defend against not only Matt Walker but now against Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy

Joey Styles: A four way Elimination Match at Wrestlemania!

Eric Bischoff: Now thats Wrestlemania but next Monday Night right here on RAW. All four men will be in action. Except with a twist, You see all four men will be able to choose a superstar to face one of there opponents. Now I have already selected the order. Kurt Angle will choose an opponent for Triple H, Triple H will select Matt Walker's opponent, Matt Walker will choose Matt Hardy's opponent and Matt Hardy will pick Kurt Angle's opponent.

"Holding Out for a Hero" hits, Crowd Boo's as Matt Walker along with Mallory Maddox makes there way towards the ring

Joey Styles: Well here comes one of those four men Matt Walker

Coach: Matt Walker has been in a fowl mood all day

:Matt and Mallory get into the ring as Matt gets a microphone:

Matt Walker: stupid little SOB, I earned a chance to fight for the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship by winning the Royal Rumble, Last Year I did the same thing and my brother Chris got in my match and cost me the title and now this year, your throwing in in Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy

Eric Bischoff: Yes I am

Matt Walker: That's fine, at least its elimination and when I win the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship, Nobody can knock it because I will have beaten the three biggest names going. Now as far as your Pick Your Poison Matches for next week. I have chosen Matt Hardy's opponent

Eric Bischoff: Oh?

Matt Walker: I want Matt Hardy to face....The "Impact Player" Jerome Morris

Eric Bischoff: Ok next Monday on RAW it will be Jerome Morris taking on Matt Hardy in a Non-Title Match

Matt Walker: Good

:Matt and Mallory go to leave:

Eric Bischoff: Matt don't you want to know who Triple H selected for you?

:Matt stops:

Matt Walker: Who?

Eric Bischoff: Triple H has chosen......The "World's Greatest Athlete" Charlie Haas to face you

:Matt Walker looks upset with the choice but throws the mic down and leaves with Mallory as "I'm Back" hits as Eric also leaves:

Joey Styles: Next week we have learned two of the four Pick Your Poison Matches as it will be Matt Walker going head to head with Charlie Haas and Matt Hardy will face Jerome Morris.

Commercial Ad for KSCWE Wrestlemania III-Long Ad

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:29 PM

Joey Styles: Well things are heating up already tonight

King: Yeah plus we still have to hear from Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy about who they are going to pick

Coach: Plus Christian will be addressing the crowd live and the SCWE Tag Team Title's are on the line as Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy defend against Chris and Scott Walker

Joey Styles: The SCWE Women's Tag Team Title's are also on the line tonight as Kelli and Stacy defend against Scarlett and Jezebel

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"You Can Run" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, From San Antonio, Texas weighing in at 328 Pounds, Stanley Ryan Tiger

Coach:Well here comes SRT

King: SRT has been upsetting alot of the bigger stars lately on RAW with SRT's claims to actually be a KSCWE Legend which to me is the funniest thing I have ever heard, SRT may have had a few big wins but he has never beaten a legend in this company

"Chop Suey" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Lillian: And his opponent, Representing Evolution X and being accumpied by Nick Helmsley, From Houston, Texas weighing in at 268 Pounds, The "Outlaw" Billy Gunn

Joey Styles: Well here comes Billy Gunn who is a "big name" so to speak

Coach: Yeah and Billy is upset after losing last night to Jerome Morris

Billy Gunn W/Nick Helmsley vs Stanley Ryan Tiger
SRT attacks Billy Gunn as soon as he gets into the ring as SRT pounds away at Gunn and SRT then sends Billy off the ropes as SRT goes for a big boot but Billy ducks it and hits the ropes as Billy hits a big shoulder block knocking SRT back into the ropes and out to the floor as SRT gets up as Billy Gunn distracts Rudy Charles as Nick Helmsley goes over and knocks SRT down with a clothesline. Nick then picks up SRT and rams him into the ring post before sending him back into the ring as Billy Gunn goes over and stomps away at SRT as Billy goes to pick up SRT but SRT grabs Billy and locks in a bear hug on him as SRT starts to shake Billy back and forth before Billy pokes SRT in the eye as SRT goes down as Billy then hits a few jabs on SRT as Billy goes to send SRT off the ropes but SRT reverses sending Billy off the ropes as SRT hits a big boot knocking down Billy Gunn. SRT then picks up Billy and Gorilla Press Slams him as Billy is hurting as SRT is waiting for Billy to get up and SRT grabs Billy and goes for the Tiger Trap but Billy elbows SRT in the face knocking SRT away as Billy Gunn then delivers a chop block to the right knee taking down SRT. Billy Gunn then stomps away at SRT's leg as Billy grabs it and goes for a Figure 4 but SRT kicks Billy away into the corner as SRT then gets up and grabs Billy and hits a big chokeslam on him as SRT picks up Billy and SRT sets up Billy for the Tiger Strike but Billy is able to get out of it as Billy pushes SRT into the corner as Billy grabs SRT and hits the No Intro's Needed as Billy covers SRT for a 1---2--3.
Winner: Billy Gunn

Lillian: Your winner, Billy Gunn

Coach: Billy Gunn picks up the impressive win here tonight

Joey Styles: Well SRT tried but its back to the drawing board for the wanna be legend

King: It's a good bounce back win for Billy Gunn

:Backstage: Eric Bischoff's Office

:Eric is shown with Marrisa and Mickie:

Eric Bischoff: You know babe tomarrow night is our Anniversery

Marrisa Bischoff: I know

Eric Bischoff: I was thinking since we are in Toronto after all, maybe we could stay a few extra days and have a second honeymoon

Marrisa Bischoff: Sounds like a plan to me

Mickie James: Yay!!!

Eric Bischoff: Mickie why are you happy

Mickie James: I never was invited to be on a honeymoon before

Marrisa Bischoff: Mickie this is for me and Eric...

Mickie James: Aww but I want to come with you two

Eric Bischoff: and Marrisa won't be leaving a hotel room if you get my drift

Mickie James: two hardly leave your bedroom either so its settled im coming with you two because somebody has to watch the babies

Marrisa Bischoff: She has a point we will need a babysitter

Eric Bischoff: Fine

:Randy Orton and Stephanie McMahon then barge into the office:

Eric Bischoff: Randy what the hell are you doing

Randy Orton: Eric I am sick of this

Eric Bischoff: Sick of what

Randy Orton: Being screwed, I am Randy Orton, I am a "Legend Killer" yet I am stuck in a rut again

Eric Bischoff: What do you want me to do Randy

Stephanie McMahon: Trade us to SmackDown!

Randy Orton: Wait Steph thats not what I was going to say

Eric Bischoff: Fine you two want out of RAW so badly, I'll call Vince and Heyman tonight now if you two wouldn't mind getting the hell out of my office

:Randy Orton and Stephanie leave as Orton looks a bit confused by what just happened:

Eric Bischoff: Stupid people

:Another Area Backstage:

Maria: I am standing here with Charlie Haas. Now Charlie congratulations on your big win tonight over Randy Orton

Charlie Haas: Thank you Maria

Maria: Now Triple H has chosen you to wrestle Matt Walker next week on RAW, what are your feelings on being picked by Triple H?

Charlie Haas: I figured it was coming as soon as I heard the match and you know what, I don't mind beating Matt Walker because it will be just another notch in my belt so Matt Walker better be ready for war next week

Commercial Ad for KSCWE Wrestlemania IV-Long Ad

Joey Styles: I think Stephanie McMahon just got herself and Randy Orton traded to SmackDown! and Orton didn't look happy about it

King: Well I think Randy was going to complain to Eric but Stephanie opend her mouth and wanted traded and now Orton and Stephanie are gone just like that

Coach: Well don't cross the boss especially now, Eric may not look like it but he is still pissed off about last night at No Way Out

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Immortal Corrupter" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, From Denver, Colorado weighing in at 235 Pounds, Jason Morris

Coach: Well here comes Jason Morris

Joey Styles: Well Jason Morris has been running into some bad luck as of late but looks to improve that tonight

"Don't Tread On Me" hits, Crowd is mixed

Lillian: And his opponent, From St. John's Newfoundland, Canada weighing in at 215 Pounds, Adam Smith

King: Here comes the Former Jackal

Joey Styles: Adam "The Jackal" Smith has been on a tear as of late and looks to continue his winning ways tonight

Adam Smith vs Jason Morris
The bell sounds and Morris runs in grappling up with Smith quickly but Smith flip his body weight over with an arm bar.  As Morris hits the ground Smith drop kicks him in the back.  Smith automatically goes to hit the Big Game Hunt but Jason then flips him connecting with a suplex.  Morris taking the opportunity gives Smith a few hard kicks in the gut. Jason grins picking up Smith and Irish whipping him into the ropes and as he comes back, Morris jumps up connecting with a hard dropkick on Smith.  Smith hits the matt hard as Morris bends over picking him up but then decides to drop down and go for a figure four leg lock but Smith fights out pushing back with his legs and Morris stumbles backwards bumping into the ref.  The ref falls down holding his bock as Smith rolls up and gets a school boy on Morris and the fans count 1�?2�?3�?4�?5 Smith breaks it.  He walks over to the ref shaking him but the ref does not get up.  Morris rolls out of the ring going over grabbing a chair as Smith turns around he just barely ducks out of the hit and the chair bounces off the ropes and comes back hitting him in the face.  Morris stumbles backwards stunned from the shot as Smith rolls him up but again it’s the fans counting 1�?�?3�?�?�?.  Smith gets up now pissed off and shakes the ref who now starts to stir.  Out of nowhere Morris arm fly’s up connecting with a low blow on Smith and he rolls him up and the ref weakly counts 1�?2�?Smith manages to kick out.  Morris fights up as does Smith.  The ref now up also after using the ropes to pull himself up.  Morris runs over to Smith jumping up connecting with a tornado DDT on him.  Morris grins and bends down pulling up Smith and goes to Irish whip him but Smith reverses and just as Morris comes back they both have the same thing in their mind throwing their legs up connecting the super kick on each other at the same moment.  Morris and Smith stumble on their feet and Morris falls down onto his back and Smith falls on top of him and the ref counts 1�?�?3
Winner: Adam Smith

Lillian: Your winner Adam Smith

Joey Styles: Well Adam Smith gets the win

Coach: See it doesn't matter if he is the Jackal or Adam Smith, he is still getting the job done

King: Well Jason Morris impressed me and I could see a bright future instore for Jerome's little brother too


Todd Grisham: I am standing here with Kurt Angle, Now Kurt everyone wants to know why you did what you did last night?

Kurt Angle: Todd I've already tried to explain myself, I want a chance to become SCWE World Heavyweight Champion and a chance to Main Event Wrestlemania so I did what I had to get noticed and I don't regret it, I am still a member of Evolution X and I still have Hunter and Matt's backs,  we are a tight knit unit and I am sure us three could have a friendly match

Todd Grisham: So you will be teaming with Matt Hardy tonight?

Kurt Angle: No duh idiot

Todd Grisham: Well who have you picked for Triple H to face and who do you think Matt Hardy is going to pick for you?

Kurt Angle: I haven't decided on Triple H's opponent and Matt Hardy can pick anyone he wants because I am Kurt Freaking Angle, I can beat any man

Todd Grisham: Well Kurt I have one more question

Kurt Angle: What is it?

Todd Grisham: What are your feelings on your sister and Triple H?

Kurt Angle: Trying to beat a dead horse again huh Todd. Well its none of your business what my thoughts are on the matter. After talking with Kaylee, she convinced me that I should let Julez run her own life so I am going to try and do that and I have talked to Hunter already about our problems and we have worked everything out but if you will excuse me now moron

:Kurt Angle walks away:

:Another Area Backstage:

:Randy Orton and Stephanie McMahon are shown with there gear leaving the arena:

Randy Orton: Stephanie I still can't believe you got us traded, what were you thinking, I love it here on RAW

Stephanie McMahon: Randy I know you like it here because of your hero's being here but its time we move on, My Father is the Co-General Manager of SmackDown!, he will take care of us and you could become a SmackDown! World Heavyweight Champion there or at worse a SCWE United States Champion

Randy Orton: You think?

Stephanie McMahon: I know it

:Randy starts to smile as he and Stephanie leave to the parking lot:

Commercial Ad for KSCWE Extras, KSCWE Archives, & KSCWE Vacation

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:29 PM

Joey Styles: Well Kurt Angle seems to be ready for tonight

King: I'm still kind of sad personally that Stephanie and Randy are leaving RAW

Coach: Well obviously has been made and I am sure we are going to find out who is coming to RAW tomarrow night on SmackDown!

Joey Styles: Well lets keep the trend of good matches going because up next we have The Impact Champion in a Non-Title Match

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Non-Title Match

"Rock" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, From Miami, Florida weighing in at 280 Pounds, The Rock

Joey Styles: Well here comes The Rock now who is looking to score a big upset win tonight

King: Well I suppose The Rock could pull it off

"Stricken" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: And his opponent Representing The Triple Threat and being accumpied to the ring by the "Franchise" Shane Douglas, From Denver, Colorado weighing in at 225 Pounds, He is the SCWE Impact Champion, Jerome Morris

Coach: Jerome Morris has been on a major winning streak and did retain last night over Billy Gunn

Joey Styles: Jerome also found out tonight that at Wrestlemania IV he will team up with Shane Douglas to face KSCWE Legends Hulk Hogan and the Returning Sting plus Next week Jerome battles Matt Hardy in a Pick Your Poision Match

Jerome Morris W/Shane Douglas vs The Rock
The bell rings as both men lock up. The Rock overpowers Jerome and sends him backing into the corner. The Rock puts his forearm into Jerome's face and the ref yells. The Rock stops and looks at the ref and then looks at Jerome, who kicks The Rock in the stomach. Jerome puts his hand over his mouth to see if he is bleeding and then kicks The Rock until he rolls out of the ring. The ref starts counting as Jerome calls The Rock a coward. Jerome then gets out of his ring and grabs The Rock from behind, pushing him down. Jerome then grabs The Rock and puts him in the ring and gets in the ring himself. Jerome goes for a quick pin-1...2...kickout. Jerome gets up and helps up The Rock who pushes Jerome away from him, but Jerome quickly rakes the eyes of The Rock. The ref yells at Jerome and checks on The Rock. Jerome does a school boy pin-1....2....kick out. Jerome looks at the ref and says that was a 3. Jerome gets up and slaps the back of The Rocks head as the crowd boos. Jerome drags The Rock in the middle of the ring and signals for a Liontamer. Jerome goes for it and The Rock gets out of the way and Jerome lands on the mat. The Rock starts working over Jerome and rolls over Jerome on his stomach. The Rock then locks in a sharpshooter on Jerome. Jerome screams in pain and quickly crawls over to the ropes and grabs them. The ref tells The Rock to let go and The Rock does. The Rock drags Jerome into the middle of the ring and sets him up for the Peoples Elbow. The Rock gets ready but Shane Douglas gets up on the apron and distracts the ref. The Rock looks at Shane as Jerome gets up and knocks down The Rock. Jerome starts kicking The Rock once more as Shane jumps down. Jerome lifts up The Rock and irish whips him into the ropes. The Rock bounces off the ropes and runs towards Jerome as Jerome knocks him down. Jerome quickly picks up The Rock and hits the Cocky Cutter on him. Jerome pins The Rock-1....2....3
Winner: Jerome Morris

Lillian: Your winner, Jerome Morris

Coach: Jerome Morris picks up another big win tonight over The Rock

"Real American" hits as The Crowd Erupts but on the RAW Tron it says 27 Days until Wrestlemania IV as a Bat Appears pointing towards the ring at Jerome Morris and Shane Douglas as "Sting's Theme" then hits over the PA as the lights flicker before finally stopping:

King: The mind games have begun I think

Joey Styles: Hulk Hogan and Sting both former members of the nWo together and long time friends are working together I believe to get under the skin of Jerome Morris and Shane Douglas and I think its working

:Backstage: Evolution X's Locker Room

:Matt Hardy is shown lacing up his boots as Triple H is also in the Locker Room:

Triple H: You got anyone in mind for Kurt?

Matt Hardy: Yeah I got a few choices in mind

Triple H: Good

Matt Hardy: Do you actually believe what Kurt said earlier?

Triple H: I don't know but you know if he bails on you tonight, I have your back

Matt Hardy: Yeah I know, I apperciate you sticking around tonight, I know you and Julez have something romantic planned

Triple H: Yeah well somebody has to have your back tonight

:Matt Hardy finishes with the boots and stands up next to Triple H as the pound fists together before getting ready to leave when Kurt Angle walks in:

Kurt Angle: Listen guys I know you two are pissed at me and I can see why you are

Triple H: What do you want Kurt

Kurt Angle: I thought I had to do what I did last night, I didn't know that you would be so willing to put the title on the line, I mean Matt just asked and was granted a title shot, you have to believe if I knew it was that easy I would have done the same thing

Triple H: Sure Kurt

Kurt Angle: Look Hunter I know the whole Julez thing is still a sore subject too but I am going to prove to you that we are a family

Triple H: And hows that Kurt

Kurt Angle: I just told Bischoff your opponent you want to know who I picked

Triple H: Sure Kurt who did you pick? Chris Walker? Scott Walker? Test?

Kurt Angle: Stanley Ryan Tiger

Matt Hardy: You picked SRT?

Kurt Angle: I told you I would prove to you that I was a team player, now you got a week off basically

Triple H: Alright Kurt I apperciate that I guess you do have our back

Kurt Angle: Hug?

Triple H: Sure

:Matt Hardy, Kurt Angle, & Triple H all embrace in a Group Hug:

Commercial Ad for KSCWE No Way Out Replay-Long Ad

Joey Styles: Well before the break we learned that SRT will face Triple H in a Pick Your Poision Match

King: That will be a Non-Title Match for those at home

Coach: Yeah and now we just need to learn who Matt Hardy has chosen for Kurt Angle to face

Joey Styles: You don't think Kurt picked SRT for H to get Matt to pick an easy opponent for him

King: Nah, I think Kurt was legit in what he said

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Women's Tag Team Championship

King: It's time for the Puppies!!!

"Foxy Lady" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st making there way to the ring, The Challengers, The Team of Scarlett and Jezebel

Joey Styles: Last night Scarlett and Jezebel both took part in the EYOB Elimination Match with Jezebel being the fourth diva eliminated and Scarlett being the last although Scarlett's breasts were not technically exposed

Coach: These two have been Women's Tag Team Champions before and look to take back there gold

"Everybody's Fool" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: And there opponets, They are the SCWE Women's Tag Team Champions, 1st From Los Angelos, California, She is also the SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion, Stacy Flair

Coach: Well here comes Stacy

Joey Styles: Both Stacy and Kelli are double champions and are looking to keep that trend going

"Figured You Out" hits, Crowd Rises to there Feet and Boo's

Lillian: And her opponent, Representing Evolution X, From Greenwich, Connecticut, She is the SCWE Women's Champion, Kelli Hardy

King: Kelli and Stacy defeated Alyssa and Trish last night after Trish walked out on Alyssa leaving her high and dry but tonight I don't think Scarlett and Jezebel are going to walk out

SCWE Women's Tag Team Championship: Kelli Hardy & Stacy Flair(C) vs Scarlett & Jezebel
Scarlett starts things off with Stacy Flair as both ladies lock up with Scarlett backing Stacy up but Stacy knees Scarlett in the gut as Stacy then opens up on Scarlett with right hands as Stacy takes Scarlett and sends her off the ropes as Stacy goes for a Chick Kick on Scarlett on the way back but Scarlett ducks and Scarlett then connects with the Scarlett Kiss on Stacy laying her out as Scarlett covers for a 1---2--Kelli breaks up the pin as Jezebel also comes into the ring and Jezebel knocks Kelli down as Referee Charles Robinson gets Jezebel out as Kelli gets back up and hits Scarlett from behind as Stacy and Kelli deliver a double DDT to Scarlett as Kelli makes a tagging sound as Kelli then picks up Scarlett and delivers a snap mare takeover to Scarlett as Scarlett is sitting on her butt as Kelli delivers a stiff kick to the back of Scarlett's head. Kelli then picks up Scarlett and Kelli knees Scarlett in the face knocking her back as Kelli grabs Scarlett and delivers a big Spiking DDT to Scarlett as Scarlett is not moving as Kelli gets up and picks up Scarlett and sets her up for a Twist of Fate but scarlett out of nowhere comes alive and picks up Kelli and rams her back into the corner as Scarlett delivers a few big chops to Kelli as Scarlett then hip tosses her out of the corner and Scarlett kicks Kelli in the gut and Scarlett in hits a DDT on her as Scarlett gets up and goes over and tags out to Jezebel as Kelli tags out to Stacy as Stacy comes in and goes to hit Jezebel but Jezebel blocks it and opens up on Stacy with right hands as Jezebel whips Stacy off the ropes and Jezebel hits a big powerslam on her as Jezebel then catches Kelli with a clothesline from hell as Kelli was coming into the ring as Jezebel hits a bulldog on Stacy as she was getting up and Jezebel then grabs Stacy by the throat and Jezebel hits the Close Call on her. Jezebel covers Stacy for a 1---2--Kelli breaks up the pin as Scarlett comes into the ring and Scarlett goes to grab Kelli but Charles Robinson restrains Scarlett as Kelli gets up and Kelli goes to hit Jezebel but Jezebel knocks Kelli down but Stacy gets back up and Stacy grabs Jezebel and locks in the Sleeping Beauty on her as Jezebel screams out in pain but Scarlett comes in and kicks Stacy in the face knocking her off. Scarlett then picks up Stacy and hits the Scarlett Stunner on her as Jezebel gets up and Jezebel covers Stacy for a 1---2--Kelli comes in and yanks Jezebel off as Scarlett goes to hit Kelli but Kelli backdrops Scarlett over the top to the floor as Kelli then kicks Jezebel in the gut and Kelli goes for a Pedigree but Jezebel backdrops Kelli but Stacy then rolls up Jezebel with a handful of tights for a 1---2--2.8-Referee Charles Robinson stops counting noticing Stacy has the tights as he stops as Stacy gets up and pushes Charles Robinson who warns Stacy but Jezebel then grabs Stacy and rolls her up for a 1--2--Kelli kicks Jezebel and grabs her and Kelli hits a Twist of Fate on her as Kelli then knocks Scarlett off the apron as Stacy goes up top and Stacy hits The Broken Dreams on Jezebel and hooks the leg as Kelli is on the floor now and rams Scarlett into the ring post as Charles Robinson counts the 1---2--3.
Winners: Kelli Hardy & Stacy Flair

Lillian: Your winners and still SCWE Women's Tag Team Champions, Kelli Hardy and Stacy Flair

King: Kelli and Stacy retain in a hard fought match

Coach: Scarlett and Jezebel brought the fight to the champs but Kelli and Stacy get the win

Joey Styles: Well Kelli to me was the MVP of this match having hit the Pedigree to take Jezebel out and then keeping Scarlett at bay allowing Stacy to get the pinfall

Coach: I don't think there done yet

:Stacy is in the ring and is holding Jezebel as Kelli enters the ring and gets a pair of scissors out of a bag she brought into the ring as Kelli then looks ready to cut Jezebel's hair as Scarlett is laid out on the floor when Alyssa hits the ring as Kelli bails out to the floor and Stacy goes to hit Alyssa but Alyssa ducks a right hand and Alyssa opens up on Stacy and Alyssa clotheslines Stacy over the top to the floor as Scarlett gets back up and rolls into the ring as Alyssa is begging Kelli to come into the ring but Kelli holds up her two titles and tells Alyssa she can wait for Wrestlemania:

King: Kelli was going to give Jezebel a hair cut but Alyssa makes the save tonight

Joey Styles: Well Kelli wouldn't fight Alyssa tonight

Coach: She is waiting for Wrestlemania

Commercial Ad for SCWE SmackDown!, SCWE OverDrive!, & SCWE Mayhem

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:30 PM

Joey Styles: Well before we go to the ring for our next match we want to run down what you can see this Thursday Night on Mayhem

King: Well you will see Californian and Shawn Michaels teaming up to battle The Chosen Ones Jeff Jarrett and Nathan Wright

Coach: Christine is in action against Stephanie McMahon in her last RAW Brand Apperance

Joey Styles: Plus Alyssa Amidala takes on Fake Steph and Matt Walker is in the Mayhem Main Event taking on David Flair

King: It should be another good Mayhem

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Did My Time" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, From Denver, Colorado, Trish Morris

King: Trish Morris fresh off a EYOB win last night at No Way Out

Joey Styles: Trish has a upcoming Women's RAWCore Match against Stacy Flair

"Time To Rock N Roll" hits, Crowd Erupts

Lillian: And her opponent, From Right here in Toronto, Canada, Trish Stratus

Joey Styles: The hometown girl Trish Strauts getting a great ovotion in Toronto

King: I doubt she would get that elsewhere though after leaving Alyssa high and dry

Trish Stratus vs Trish Morris
The two blondes circle one another then they lock up. They push and pull at one another all over the ring before releasing and trying again. This time Trish Morris overpowers Trish Stratus. Morris gets Stratus in a headlock and applies Pressure. Stratus tries to lift Morris up but Trish Morris manages to wriggle free and flips Stratus over. Trish Morris then locks in a sleeper on the sitting Stratus. Stratus manages to get elbows up into Morris's stomach and pushes Morris off. Both women get up to a standing position and Stratus kicks Morris in the stomach. Trish Stratus takes down Morris with a spear and starts to pound away at her head. Morris kicks Stratus off and starts to beat Stratus's head off the ring canvas, Stratus kicks Morris away. Morris runs at Stratus and goes for a clothesline but Trish does the matrix move ducking the attack, Morris quickly turns round and kicks Stratus's legs from beneat her and Morris covers Stratus quickly 1...2... kick out by Stratus. Morris picks up Stratus but Trish nails a jawbreaker to Morris sending Morris flying into the turnbuckle. Stratus gets up and sets Morris up for the stratusfaction! But Morris flips Stratus over mid move and catches her with a back kick. Morris grabs Stratus's legs and locks in the blonde bitch walls! Morris pulls Stratus into the middle of the ring and applies more pressure as Stratus looks close to tapping but from out of nowhere Tyson Tomko gets into the ring and nails a big boot to Trish Morris's face! The referee calls for the bell.
Winner: Trish Morris by DQ

Lillian: Your winner as a Result of a Disqualification, Trish Morris

Coach: Trish Morris gets the win tonight thanks to Tyson Tomko taking out Trish

Joey Styles: This is wrong if you ask me, Tyson should not hit a woman

:Trish picks up Trish Morris and throws her out to the floor as Christian enters the ring with a microphone:

King: Well here is the leader of this army so lets hear from Christian

Christian: Hello my Canadian Peeps(Crowd Cheers). Now as you just saw Trish and Tyson took care of a Trailer Park Whore and if Trish Morris's husband Jerome has a problem with it then he can just bring his ass out here now or else I better not hear his big mouth bitching because if he does, The King will have to take him out.

King: Hey I'm the King

Coach: No if Christian says he is the King then he is the King

Christian: Now alot of people are asking questions about last night. Yes I was signed to RAW along time ago and I worked along with Eric Bischoff to set up SmackDown! and boy did it work perfectly and as far as that stupid idiot Brandon Davis goes, your lucky your not a RAW Superstar or else I would make you my bitch again(Crowd Cheers some more). Now since I am on RAW I do have some goals I look to accomplish and one of those goals is to become SCWE....

"Chop Suey" hits, Crowd Boo's Loudly as Billy Gunn and Nick Helmsley walk out to the top of the entry way

Joey Styles: Billy Gunn has just interupted Christian

Billy Gunn: Now sorry to interupt you Christian....actually no I'm not

Christian: Billy why are you out here

Billy Gunn: Christian I am out here to inform you that this may be your big homecoming and your grand return but your yesterday's news, I am the new big shot here and with MY Problem Solver Nick Helmsley, I am going to become a SCWE World Heavyweight Champion

:Christian starts to laugh before speaking:

Christian: You a World Champion, thats one of the funniest things I've ever heard. You think because you've gotten some Cheap Tyson Tomko wanna be that your a big shot? I don't care if your in Evolution X or not, your still on my show and this is my show.

Billy Gunn: Prove it

Christian: Prove what

Billy Gunn: That your a big shot, Wrestlemania IV how about it

Christian: You want Billy Gunn with Nick Helmsley taking on Christian with Tyson Tomko?

Billy Gunn: Yes if you got the guts

Christian: Your on

Billy Gunn: Good

:"King of My World" hits as Billy Gunn and Nick Helmsley leave as Christian, Tyson, & Trish also leave the ring:

Joey Styles: We just found another Wrestlemania Match, Christian will take on Billy Gunn

Final Commercial Ad for KSCWE No Way Out Replay-Long Ad

Joey Styles: Well King and Coach its almost time for our Main Event

Coach: Yeah it is but before that we are going to hear from Eric Bischoff about who Matt Hardy has chosen to face Kurt Angle next week on RAW

King: Well where is the boss at then?

"I'm Back" hits, Crowd Boo's as Eric Bischoff walks out to the top of the entry way with a microphone

Eric Bischoff: Now I am out here right now to officially announce Christian taking on Billy Gunn at Wrestlemania IV with Tyson Tomko in Christian's corner and Nick Helmsley in Billy's corner(Crowd Cheers) plus I am also out here to announce that since I love the idea of Pick Your Poison, my wife Marrisa suggest that we allow Kelli and Alyssa the same rights so Kelli Hardy has chosen SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion Stacy Flair to face Alyssa next week on RAW while Alyssa has chosen Trish Morris to battle Kelli Hardy in a Non-Title Match. Now on the male side, Kurt Angle has chosen Stanley Ryan Tiger to face SCWE World Heavyweight Champion Triple H in a Non-Title Match while Matt Hardy has chosen....SCWE Intercontinental Champion Test to face Kurt Angle Next Monday Night live on RAW so enjoy tonight's Main Event

"I'm Back" hits as Eric heads to the back

Joey Styles: Well we just learned more matches for next week's RAW

King: Kelli Hardy vs Trish Morris, Alyssa Amidala vs Stacy Flair, Triple H vs SRT, Kurt Angle vs Test, Matt Hardy vs Jerome Morris, and Matt Walker vs Charlie Haas all on RAW next week. What a RAW it should be

Coach: Well leave it to Eric Bischoff to make a great RAW

Lillian: The Main Event of the Evening is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Tag Team Championship

"Hero" hits, Crowd Chers

Lillian: 1st making there way to the ring being accumpied by Skylar Manning, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at a combined weight of 435 Pounds, The team of Scott and Chris Walker

King: Well here comes the Walker Brothers

Joey Styles: Scott and Chris Walker have never been Tag Team Champions together and tonight look to accomplish that feat

"Bodies" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: And there opponents being accumpied by Kaylee Angle, Representing Evolution X and weighing in at a combined weight of 460 Pounds, They are the SCWE Tag Team Champions, Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy

Coach: Here comes the Champs and if they can be on the same page tonight there is no stopping them in my book

Joey Styles: Well I don't know about that but this should be an outstanding match

SCWE Tag Team Championship: Kurt Angle & Matt Hardy W/Kaylee Angle vs Scott & Chris Walker W/Skylar Manning
Referee Earl Hebner shows off the Tag Titles as Kurt Angle and Scott Walker start things off as both men lock up with Angle going behind Walker and Kurt goes for a German right off the bat but Scott hooks his legs around Kurt's and Scott manages to bulldog Kurt down as Scott gets up and Scott opens up on Kurt with a few big chops as Scott sends Kurt off the ropes and Scott delivers a big backdrop on Kurt as Scott knocks down Matt Hardy as he enters the ring but Kurt grabs Scott and hits a Release German Suplex on him as Kurt Angle attacks Scott as he is getting up hitting him with a few European Uppercuts knocking Scott into the corner as Kurt opens up with right hands as Kurt picks up Scott and puts him up top as Kurt climbs up and looks for a superplex but Scott delivers a few right hands knocking Kurt down as Scott then comes off and hits a big elbow on Kurt as Scott gets back up and looks ready for a Walkerkick but Hardy hits Scott from behind and Matt Hardy hits a Fate Twister on Scott Walker as Chris Walker races in and knocks Matt Hardy down as Hardy rolls out to the floor as Chris then backs up and charges and uses the ropes as a catapult to the floor as he lands on Hardy as both men are laid out as Kurt Angle gets up and Kurt picks up Scott Walker and Kurt delivers a overhead belly 2 belly suplex as Kurt Angle then picks up Scott and Kurt hits a German Suplex and holds it for a Second German Suplex and then a then a third German Suplex as Kurt lets go as Kurt gets up and puts his straps down as Kurt is waiting on Scott to get up as Kurt goes for the Angle Slam but Scott counters into an arm drag instead as Kurt gets up and goes to hit Scott but Scott hits the Walkerkick out of nowhere taking down Kurt as Scott covers for a 1---2--2.9-Matt Hardy yanks Scott off as Chris Walker meanwhile is on the apron now and Chris springboards himself off the ropes to hit the Face full of panCAKE's on Matt Hardy as Chris gets up and Chris is gloating as Kurt is getting back up and Chris and Scott Walker hit a double clothesline taking Kurt over the top to the floor as Matt Hardy gets him in a corner as Scott lays down as Chris charges and uses Scott to catapult himself as Chris hits the Poetry in Motion on Matt Hardy as Scott grabs Hardy and slams him down as Scott then spreads Matt Hardy's legs as Chris Walker goes up top and Chris comes off and hits a Leg Drop right into the crotch of Matt Hardy as Matt Hardy is rolling around from the pain as he rolls to the floor as Kurt Angle gets into the ring and Kurt knocks Scott down from behind as Kurt starts to stomp away at Scott as Chris grabs Kurt but Kurt elbows Chris in the face and Kurt grabs Chris and hits the Angle Slam on him as Kurt Angle then locks in the Angle Lock on Chris Walker as Kurt is screaming at Chris to tap out when Scott Walker grabs Kurt and kicks him in the gut as Scott goes for a Twist of Fate but Kurt hits an Angle Slam on him as Kurt Angle then grabs Scott's Ankle and goes for the Angle Lock but Scott rolls through sending Kurt forward right into Chris Walker who kicks Kurt in the gut and Chris hits the Walkerflip on Kurt as Kurt is staying on his feet an gets nailed with the Walkerkick from Scott Walker as Chris hits a baseball slide on Matt Hardy as Scott covers Kurt for the 1---2--2.9-Triple H yanks Scott Walker off Kurt Angle and out to the floor as The Game goes to hit Scott but Scott Walker knocks Triple H down with a right hand as Scott Walker gets back into the ring as Scott picks up Kurt but Kurt grabs the ankle of Scott Walker and grapevines The Angle Lock on him as Triple H gets up and tells Scott Walker to just tap out as Matt Hardy and Chris Walker are fighting on the floor as Scott Walker is screaming out from the Angle Lock when Matt Walker hits the ring as Matt Walker slides his guitar into the ring as he goes to enter the ring but Triple H yanks Matt down as Matt Walker and Triple H start to exchange rights and lefts as Kurt Angle breaks the Angle Lock as Kurt is about to leave the ring as Skylar Manning distracts Earl Hebner as Scott Walker grabs the Guitar and Scott Walker yells for Kurt as Kurt turns around right into the Guitar shot laying him out as Scott covers Kurt as Skylar gets down as Earl Hebner counts the 1---2--3.
Winners: Scott & Chris Walker (SCWE Tag)

Lillian: Your winners and New SCWE Tag Team Champions, Scott & Chris Walker

Joey Styles: We have new Tag Team Champions thanks to an assist from Matt Walker of all people

Coach: Matt Walker just helped his brothers cheat, I can't believe this

:All Six men continue to go at it as finally Triple H, Matt Hardy, & Kurt Angle retreat away as Matt Walker, Scott Walker, & Chris Walker all stand in the ring as the three of them look at each other as Matt smiles at them before leaving:

King: Well for tonight at least, The Walker's were on the same page and the dream team that was Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy are no longer Tag Team Champions

Joey Styles: We hoped you have enjoyed RAW, See you Next Monday

:RAW goes off the Air:

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