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RAW : RAW 2/20/06
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 2:31 PM

Results 2/20/06 Live From Montreal, Canada

Dark Matches Air before RAW:

Dark Match #1: None

Dark Match #2: None

:Highlights From The Last RAW are shown as Pyro then explodes opening up the show:

Joey Styles: Welcome once again to SCWE Monday Night RAW and what a star studded RAW we have for you tonight with Six Pick Your Poision Matches plus the ring return of Christian

King: Yeah but right now thanks to a certain superstars big mouth during the week we have a Lumberjack Match to kick off RAW

Coach: That's right the first Pick Your Poison Match which is going to be SCWE World Heavyweight Champion Triple H taking on Stanley Ryan Tiger has been changed to a Lumberjack match after SRT put down the company during the week

Joey Styles: Its a crazy site guys because the Lumberjacks are already at ringside and there all wearing Triple H shirts even The Triple Threat and The Walker's.

King: For those at home wondering we have 16 Lumberjacks out here. There is Billy Gunn, Nick Helmsley, Kurt Angle, Matt Hardy on one side, Shane Douglas, Matt Walker, Jerome Morris, and David Flair on another side

Coach: Scott Walker, Chris Walker, Californian, and The Rock on another side and finally Christian, Test, Tyson Tomko, and Adam Smith is on the final side and I got a feeling this could be a bad night for SRT

Lillian: The Opening Contest of SCWE Monday Night RAW is a Pick Your Poison Match and is scheduled for one fall and it is a Lumberjack Match

"You Can Run" hits, Crowd Boo's and Chants Asshole

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, From San Antonio, Texas weighing in at 328 Pounds, Stanley Ryan Tiger

Coach: SRT is getting booed badly tonight by these Canadian fans

King: Does anyone like SRT?

Joey Styles: I think SRT has aliented himself from just about everyone

"Game" hits, Crowd Rises to there Feer and Erupts

Lillian: And his opponent, Representing Evolution X, From Greenwich, Connecticut, weighing in at 265 Pounds, He is the SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, He is the "Game" Triple H

King: Triple H is getting a huge ovation here and I am stunned

Joey Styles: I think the Game is even shocked by it but look at who he is facing, Public Enemy #1 and I think from all of us announcers, we can all say...Let's Go H

Lumberjack Match: Triple H vs Stanley Ryan Tiger
Both men look around as SRT see's each and every male member of the RAW Locker Room at ringside all wearing a Triple H shirt even people with questionable pasts with Triple H as The Bell Sounds. SRT and Triple H lock up as Triple H shoves SRT back into the corner and Triple H tells SRT to bring it as SRT charges at Triple H but the Game picks up SRT and hits a big spinebuster on him. Triple H then goes over as SRT is trying to get up and Triple H slaps SRT a few times in the head as Triple H tells the "legend" to get up and prove he is the man as Triple H stands back up and H tells the superstars around ringside to watch this as SRT gets up and Triple H goes over and starts to mock SRT behind his back as Triple H taps SRT on the shoulder as SRT turns around and Triple H slaps him across the face and tells SRT to do something as SRT kicks Triple H in the gut and SRT picks up Triple H and goes for the Tiger Strike and hits it as SRT covers Triple H for a 1-kick out. SRT looks at Referee Earl Hebner and asks him what was up with that count as Triple H gets back up and Triple H starts to laugh as SRT turns around and Triple H tells SRT that's the last thing he will do as The Game opens up on SRT and sends him off the ropes as Triple H delivers another big spinebuster on him. Triple H then picks up SRT and hits a knee smash as The Game takes SRT and whips him off the ropes and this a high knee to the face knocking SRT down as Triple H hits the ropes and drops a big knee drop on SRT as SRT rolls out to the floor as none of the Lumberjacks touch SRT as they tell Triple H they don't want to give SRT any excuses as SRT gets back up and SRT tries to leave but Billy Gunn, Nick Helmsley, Kurt Angle, & Matt Hardy block the path as SRT goes towards the barricade but The Triple Threat blocks it as SRT moves to the other side as Christian, Test, Tyson Tomko block it as several other RAW superstars block SRT in and they all tell SRT the only way to go is in the ring as SRT starts to complain this isn't fair as SRT finally gets back into the ring as Triple H locks up with SRT as The Game locks in a headlock but SRT picks up Triple H but The Game counters into a headlock take down as Triple H quickly lets go and gets back up as Triple H waits for SRT to get up and Triple H spits in the face of SRT and tells him that's for all of the legends as Triple H kicks SRT in the gut and sets him up for the Pedigree and hits it as Triple H covers for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Triple H

Lillian: Your winner, Triple H

Coach: So much for SRT and those lumberjacks did not touch SRT at all during the match but I don't think the post match is going to hold up.

:All 16 Lumberjacks enter the ring as SRT is trying to get up as they all start to take turns pounding away at SRT and knock him down as they all stomp away at SRT as the group picks up SRT and throws him over the top to the floor as they then leave the ring after SRT who is trying to crawl away as The Triple Threat, E-X, Christian, Test, & Tomko all take a hold of SRT and drag him towards the back:

Joey Styles: Where are they taking SRT?

King: I don't know

:The Camera follows the men as they carry SRT through the backstage as the rest of the Superstars and all of the divas line up and start to clap as they take him towards the Parking Lot Area where Eric Bischoff is awaiting as Eric opens the Door as they then throw SRT out of the arena and gets ready to shut the door:

Eric Bischoff: That's how you take out the trash and SRT I hope this is a lesson learned for you.

:Eric shuts the door:


Joey Styles: Now thats what you call an ass kicking

King: The RAW Locker Room united like never before in there common goal and that was to get rid of Mr. Ego Maniac himself SRT and I hope SRT learned a lesson or else I have a feeling, his time is going to be very rough

Coach: I've never seen anything like that, this is worse then Coach T getting thrown in the dumpster

Joey Styles: Well we have to take a short break and when we return, It will be back to normal RAW

Commercial Ad for SCWE SmackDown!, SCWE OverDrive!, & SCWE Mayhem

Joey Styles: Well things have calmed down in the arena and things we hope are back to normal

King: Well at least we got the SRT thing behind us now and I really hope Stanley learned the lesson and stops trying to say he is better then the guys who built this company or claiming he is the top star and a Legend because to be honest with you guys, I think Scar is more of a legend then Stanley

Coach: I agree with you King but lets go to the ring now

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Pick Your Poison Match

"I Don't Suck" hits, Crowd Chants You Suck

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, Representing Evolution X and being accumpied by Kaylee Angle, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 230 Pounds, Kurt Angle

King: Well here comes Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle for his Pick Your Poison Match

Joey Styles: Well I don't think this is gong to be like Triple H vs SRT, this is a match featuring two legit KSCWE Legends

"This is a Test" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: And his opponent, From Toronto, Canada weighing in at 280 Pounds, He is the SCWE Intercontinental Champion, Test

Coach: This is a Non-Title Match for those at home wondering

Joey Styles: This should be a good match, Test has been rolling lately

Kurt Angle W/Kaylee Angle vs Test
Kurt Angle and Test both circle each other before locking up with Test overpowering Kurt and shoving him down to the mat as Kurt gets up slowly as Referee Mark Johnson makes sure Kurt is ok as Kurt goes to lock up with Test but goes behind Test as Test tries to elbow Kurt but Kurt ducks it as Test is turned around and Kurt hits a big belly 2 belly suplex on Test as Kurt quickly goes for the Angle Lock but Test kicks Kurt back through the ropes sending Kurt to the floor as Test gets back up as Kaylee checks on Kurt who gets back into the ring as Test drops a big elbow on Kurt as Test picks up Kurt but Kurt goes behind Test and Kurt hits a German suplex on him as Kurt holds it and hits a Second German Suplex and hits a third release German Suplex as Test is grabbing his head as Kurt Angle waits and then grabs Test and locks in a Crossface Chicken Wing on Test but Test is able to get his foot in the rope to force the break. Kurt gets off Test and starts to stomp away at Test as Kurt hits a Few European Uppercuts on Test knocking Test back into the ropes as Kurt pounds away at Test before going to send Test off the ropes but Test reverses sending Kurt off the ropes as Test grabs Kurt and hits a Sidewalk slam on him as Test gets up and Test waits for Kurt to get up and Test goes for a Big Boot but Kurt ducks it as Kurt grabs Test and hits the Angle Slam as Kurt then puts his straps down and Kurt grabs Test and goes for the Angle Lock but Test rolls through sending Kurt crashing into Referee Mark Johnson knocking Johnson out as Test rolls up Kurt with a school boy but no referee as Test lets Kurt go and waits as Kurt gets up and Test hits a Big Boot Laying out Kurt as Test goes over to check on Mark Johnson when Kaylee gets a chair and slides it into the ring to Kurt Angle who is starting to get up as Kurt grabs the chair and Kurt hits Test right in the right leg taking down Test as Kurt hits Test over the ankle a few times with the chair as Test is screaming out as Kurt throws the chair out to the floor as Mark Johnson is starting to come to as Kurt grabs Test's right ankle but Test kicks Kurt in the face knocking Kurt down as Test struggles up and Test kicks Kurt in the gut as Test goes for a Pumphandle Slam but Kurt wiggles free and Kurt hits another Angle Slam on the wounded Test as Kurt then grabs The Right Ankle of Test and locks in the Angle Lock as Kurt quickly grapevines it in the center of the ring as Test is screaming out from the pain and has no other choice but to tap out.
Winner: Kurt Angle

Lillian: Your winner, Kurt Angle

Joey Styles: Kurt Angle gets the win over Test but not without using that damn steel chair

Coach: Kurt took advantage of a situation when he saw Mark Johnson down he took a short cut to chop the big man down and win

King: I think Test could have beaten Kurt if it wasn't for the chair

Joey Styles: None the less Kurt Angle picks up the big win tonight in the second Pick Your Poison Match of the night and now Triple H and Kurt Angle have both lived up to there words by winning tonight

:Backstage: Owner's Office

:Scott Hill is shown in his office holding his son Nick as Candice is also in his office:

Scott Hill: Candice what do you think of RAW so far

Candice: So far so good, I love the SRT thing

Scott Hill: Yeah I did too

:Scott puts Nick down on the floor as little KSCWE Action Figures are laid out on the floor as Nick goes to play with them:

Scott Hill: Babe can you do me a favor and have somebody get Eric Bischoff for me

Candice: Yeah but I need to talk to you about something important too

Scott Hill: What is it

Candice: Well Scott....

Scott Hill: Can it wait? I really have to talk to Bischoff and I don't want to be at the arena all night, I want to get Nick back to the hotel before it gets really late

Candice: Yeah sure

:Candice leaves the office as Scott sits down on the couch as Nick brings some wrestlers over and sets them down:

:Another Area Backstage:

Maria: I am standing here with one half of the SCWE Tag Team Champions Scott Walker. Now Scott you and your brother Chris have the night off tonight but why are you here then?

Scott Walker: Well Maria we came to watch Stanley Ryan Tiger get his ass kicked by Triple H. Now we don't see eye to eye with Triple H and Evolution X on many things heck on next to nothing but SRT thinks he was a big shot and put down the entire company with his recent comments so we just had to be here to watch him get his

Maria: Well Wrestlemania IV is just around the corner and alot of matches are being made, who will you be fighting?

Scott Walker: I'm not sure yet Maria but whoever it is, we are going to bring the house down, I can promise you that much but if you will excuse me, I have to go meet with my brothers

Commercial Ad for KSCWE Wrestlemania III-Long Ad

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:31 PM

Joey Styles: Well how cute was that earlier with Scott Hill bringing his son to work tonight

Coach: Well I don't know, a KSCWE Arena is no place for a child

King: Well I don't think anyone is stupid enough to mess with a two year old Coach

Joey Styles: Well I can see Coach's point but I don't think its a problem but Scott Walker also had some interesting comments too but lets go to the ring for our next match

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Chop Suey" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, Representing Evolution X and being accumpied by Nick Helmsley, From Houston, Texas weighing in at 268 Pounds, Billy Gunn

Coach: Here comes Billy Gunn now who will be looking to send a message to Christian for Wrestlemania IV

"Sexy Boy" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: And his opponent, From San Antonio, Texas weighing in at 225 Pounds, The "Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels

King: HBK is going to need to pull out all the stops tonight to pull this upset off

Billy Gunn W/Nick Helmsley vs Shawn Michaels
Billy Gunn attacks HBK as he gets into the ring as Billy takes HBK and rams his head 10 times off the top turnbuckle as Billy takes HBK and throws him through the ropes to the floor as Referee Rudy Charles has words with Billy as Nick Helmsley goes over and takes HBK and rams his head off the ring post as Nick picks up HBK for a slam but rams his back into the ring post and then falls down frontward's driving HBK into the floor as Nick picks up HBK and rolls him into the ring as HBK is grabbing his lower back as Billy goes over and stomps away at HBK as Billy picks up HBK and Billy delivers a belly 2 belly suplex to him as Billy then locks in the Walls of Pain on HBK who is screaming out in pain as HBK is trying to reach the ropes but Billy sits down applying more pressure as Christian and Tyson Tomko then walk out to the top of the entry way watching on as Billy Gunn spots them and Billy lets go of HBK as Billy gets on the ropes and tells Christian to bring it as Nick Helmsley also comes over and tells them to bring it as Christian and Tyson start to walk towards the ring but stop half way as HBK gets back up and HBK hits Billy in the back as HBK sends Gunn off the ropes as HBK hits the ropes to and hits a flying elbow to the face of Gunn as HBK nips back up and HBK slams Billy down as HBK goes up top in a hurry and HBK comes off and hits a flying elbow on Billy Gunn as HBK waits in the corner as he motions for Sweet Chin Music as he goes for it but Billy ducks it and grabs HBK and hits the No Intro's Needed as Billy Gunn picks up Shawn Michaels and sets him up for a Jackhammer as Billy points to Christian but HBK gets Billy with a small package for a 1--2--2.9-kick out. Both guys get up as HBK hits a deep arm drag on Billy gunn as HBK kicks Billy in the gut and HBK delivers a high knee lift to Billy knocking Gunn down as HBK goes up top once again but Nick reaches up and grabs HBK's foot as HBK then kicks Nick away but during that, Billy was able to get back up and Billy grabs HBK and throws him off the top roe as Billy Gunn then says its Fameasser time and goes to do it but HBK hits a few big chops to the chest of Billy instead knocking Billy down as HBK opens up on Billy as HBK goes to send Billy off the ropes but Billy reverses sending HBK as Nick pulls the top rope down as HBK crashes out to the floor as Rudy Charles holds Billy back as Nick Helmsley grabs HBK and Nick sets up HBK and hits a Big Powerbomb on the floor to him as HBK is not moving as Nick picks up HBK and rolls him into the ring as Billy picks up HBK and hits a Fameasser on him as Billy hooks the legs for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Billy Gunn

Lillian: Your winner, Billy Gunn

Coach: Billy Gunn gets the win over Shawn Michaels and that sent a message to Christian I think

Joey Styles: Well Nick Helmsley was definatly a major force in Billy's win but at Wrestlemania, Christian will have Tyson to counter act Nick

King: It should be a great match and Christian will be in action later tonight taking on David Flair

:Backstage: Owner's Office

:Scott Hill is shown sitting on a couch as Baby Nick is playing with two KSCWE Wrestlers when the Door opens up as Triple H, Kurt Angle, & Matt Hardy walk into the office as Scott gets up to meet them:

Scott Hill: What can I do for you gentlemen

Triple H: Well Scott we just wanted to come and talk to you about Wrestlemania and your whole fued with your brother

:Matt Hardy leans down as Nick comes over and shows him his wrestlers:

Matt Hardy: Aww are you playing with your KSCWE Action Figures

:Nick nods his head as he hand Matt the figures:

Scott Hill: Anyway go ahead

Triple H: Yeah like I was saying, I just wanted to let you know that we support you and we hope that you kick Stevie's ass and get 100% control at Wrestlemania

Kurt Angle: Look Nick is drinking milk

Triple H: So?

:Kurt walks over to Nick who has a cup of milk:

Kurt Angle: You like milk to huh, I love milk, Do you like pie?

Matt Hardy: Kurt

:Matt slaps Kurt in the head:

Triple H: Alright Scott we just wanted to say that and sorry about Kurt, we will let you go. Bye Nick

:E-X leave the Locker Room:

Scott Hill: Ok then

:Candice then walks back into the office:

Candice: Eric's on his way up right now

Scott Hill: Good

Commercial Ad for KSCWE Wrestlemania IV-Long Ad

Joey Styles: Well King things are getting interesting

Coach: Yeah E-X has stated they are supporting Scott Hill in his quest to defeat his brother Stevie for full control of KSCWE and I guess thats a great thing

King: Well teh three biggest stars in this company's history just said they support you, I would think so that its a good thing

Joey Styles: Well guys lets focus on the ring because up next we are going to have another Pick Your Poison Match

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Pick Your Poison Match

"Did My Time" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, From Denver, Colorado, Trish Morris

Joey Styles: Well here comes Trish Morris who had a rough RAW last week after taking that Big Boot from Tyson Tomko

King: Well luckily Trish is ok but she got a tough test tonight facing Kelli Hardy

"Figured You Out" hits, Crowd Rises to there Feet and Boo's Louder

Lillian: And her opponent, Representing Evolution X, From Greenwich, Connecticut, She is one half of the SCWE Women's Tag Team Champions and the SCWE Women's Champion, Kelli Hardy

Coach: Well here comes E-X's Queen so to speak

Joey Styles: Well Kelli is definatly Queen diva in E-X but Trish is no push over so Kelli better be careful here

Kelli Hardy vs Trish Morris
Kelli and Trish both have words as Referee Rudy Charles rings the bell to start the match off as Kelli and Trish lock up with Trish backing Kelli into the corner as Rudy Charles gets in there to order a clean break which is granted as Trish though goes for a cheap shot but Kelli ducks out of the way and Kelli hits a few right hands to Trish in the corner as Kelli grabs Trish by her hair and snap mares her down by her hair as Trish gets up grabbing her head and Kelli grabs Trish from behind and Kelli goes for a Fate Twister but Trish hits Kelli in the face with a few right hands to prevent the hold as Trish then hits a Chick Kick on Kelli knocking Kelli back into the corner as Trish goes over and hits a few side kicks to the ribs of Kelli as Trish picks up Kelli and sits her on the top turnbuckle as Trish backs up and Trish goes for the Stratusphere and hits it on Kelli. Trish gets back up to her feet and Trish picks up Kelli as Trish slams her down as Trish then delivers a big elbow on her as Trish gets on top of Kelli and starts to pound away at her with right hands but Kelli knocks Trish off as Kelli starts to get up as Trish goes to hit Kelli but Kelli delivers a right hand to the gut of Trish and Kelli grabs Trish and hits a Side Effect on her as Kelli covers for a 1--2--shoulder up. Kelli then gets back up and picks up Trish and Kelli sets up Trish for a Kellibomb but Trish trips Kelli down and Trish goes for the Blonde Bitch Walls and locks it in on Kelli as Trish sits back as Kelli is in pain from the hold as she is trying to reach the ropes but Trish pulls Kelli back to the center of the ring as Kelli is grabbing her head from the pain of the hold as Kelli tries to power and starts to do so but Trish breaks the hold then and Trish delivers a jumping knee into the lower back of Kelli as Kelli screams out from the move as Trish then picks up Kelli and Trish sets up Kelli for a Blonde Bitch Ride but Kelli backdrops Trish some how as Kelli falls down and rolls out to the floor to regroup as Kelli is holding her lower back as Kelli goes over and grabs her titles from the time keepers table as Kelli starts to leave as Trish reaches through the ropes and grabs Kelli by her hair and pulls her back into the ring as Kelli drops her title inside the ring as Trish chops away at Kelli a few times as Trish then looks for a Chick Kick but Kelli ducks and shoves Trish into Rudy Charles knocking him down as Kelli picks up her Women's Tag Title belt and then blasts Trish in the face laying her out as Kelli drops the title and picks up Trish and takes her to the center of the ring and Kelli hits a Twist of Fate on her as Kelli covers as Rudy Charles is back up and counts the 1----2---3.
Winner: Kelli Hardy

Lillian: Your winner, Kelli Hardy

Joey Styles: Kelli Hardy scores the win thanks to using that title

Coach: Well Kelli took advantage of a situation to pick up the win here over Trish Morris

King: Well I am sure Alyssa was watching this and taking notes on what to avoid come Wrestlemania but then again Alyssa is Kelli's half sister and former partner so I am sure she knows what Kelli is capable of doing

:Backstage: Eric Bischoff's Office

:Eric is shown with Marrisa:

Marrisa Bischoff: What did Scott want?

Eric Bischoff: Well he wanted to inform me of our Wrestlemania III Match

Marrisa Bischoff: Our match?

Eric Bischoff: Yes it seems we are going to be wrestling in a General Manager's Match

Marrisa Bischoff: What's the teams?

Eric Bischoff: It's going to be us, Mickie James, and a Superstar of my choice to take on Vince, Paul Heyman, Sable, and Holly Mathews

Marrisa Bischoff: Seems easy enough, what guy are you going to get to team up with us?

Eric Bischoff: I have a few ideas, The only catch is it must be a KSCWE Legend and well there are plenty of great choices on that list

Marrisa Bischoff: Well I had an idea for a match for Next Monday's RAW

Eric Bischoff: Oh?

Marrisa Bischoff: Why not have a Double Main Event next week, I was thinking we give Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy there rematch against the Walker's for the Tag Title's and we also book Triple H and Billy Gunn against Matt Walker and Jerome Morris

Eric Bischoff: I like it

Marrisa Bischoff: Good

:Mickie James then walks into the picture:

Mickie James: I'm sorry I couldn't help but overhere, I get to wrestle at Wrestlemania!

Eric Bischoff: Yes Mickie

Mickie James: Oh My God thats awesome, I get to team up with my two favorite people in the whole wide world

:Mickie hugs Marrisa and then Eric as she starts to jump up and down:

Marrisa Bischoff: Mickie its not a big deal. We just have to train a litlte bit before the match and we can kick there ass like we did at Massacre on 34th Street

Eric Bischoff: Exactly

Commercial Ad for KSCWE Wrestlemania IV-Long Ad

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:31 PM

Joey Styles: Well you heard it right there, Now there will be a 8 Person GM Match at Wrestlemania III as RAW's Eric Bischoff, Marrisa Bischoff, Mickie James, and a KSCWE Legend of there choice battle SmackDown!'s Vince McMahon, Holly Mathews, Sable, and Paul Heyman

Coach: Let's go Team RAW

King: Well both Wrestlemania III and Wrestlemania IV are shaping up to be great shows

Joey Styles: No kidding there but lets go to the ring for yet another Pick Your Poison Match

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Pick Your Poison Match

"Perfect Strangers" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, Representing The Triple Threat and being accumpied by The "Franchise" Shane Douglas, From Denver, Colorado weighing in at 225 Pounds, The SCWE Impact Champion, Jerome Morris

Coach: Well here comes Jerome Morris along with the "Franchise" Shane Douglas

King: Well this could be bad for Matt Hardy with Shane Douglas out here too

"Danger Zone" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Lillian: And his opponent, Representing Evolution X, From Cameron, North Carolina weighing in at 230 Pounds, Matt Hardy

Joey Styles: Well here comes Matt Hardy and if anyone can overcome these odds its Matt Hardy

King: Well for those who are wondering why Triple H or Kurt Angle don't come out here, All the participants in the Pick Your Poison Matches are banned from ringside during the match

Matt Hardy vs Jerome Morris W/Shane Douglas
Matt and Jerome have words with each other as Jerome tells Matt he is the future and Matt smirks and slaps Jerome across the face as Jerome goes to say something and Matt slaps Jerome again as Matt then pie faces Jerome knocking him down to the mat as Matt Hardy looks at Shane Douglas and tells him that he would be more of a challenge then Jerome as Jerome gets up and goes to hit Matt Hardy but Hardy hits Jerome in the gut and Hardy grabs Jerome and hits a Side Effect on Jerome as Matt then picks up Jerome and slams him down by the corner as Hardy gets on the middle rope and hits the Mattitude Leg Drop on Jerome as Matt covers Jerome for a 1---2--Matt breaks up the pin as Matt picks up Jerome and Matt throws Jerome out to the floor as Matt tells Shane Douglas to bring it as Shane Douglas thinks about it and starts to get into the ring as Matt Hardy is begging him to get in as Jerome slides back into the ring and Jerome hits Hardy from behind as Shane Douglas jumps down as Jerome pounds away at Matt Hardy and Jerome sends Hardy into the corner as Jerome charges in but Hardy gets his feet up into the face of Jerome as Hardy gets on the middle rope and grabs Jerome and Matt Hardy hits a Tornado DDT on him as Matt Hardy gets back up and waits for Jerome to get up and kicks Jerome in the gut and Matt Hardy goes for a Twist of Fate but Shane Douglas gets on the apron as Matt lets Jerome go to go after Shane but Shane gets down again as Hardy goes back to Jerome but Jerome grabs Hardy and hits the Thrill Seekers as Jerome quickly goes up top and goes for the Ride of Your Life and hits it as Jerome covers for a 1---2--shoulder up. Jerome smacks the mat in disgust. Jerome then goes for a LionTamer on Matt Hardy but Hardy kicks Jerome back into the corner as Matt Hardy then rolls up Jerome in a small package for a 1--2--2.8-kick out. Both men get back up as Jerome catches Hardy with a thumb to the eyes as Jerome throws Hardy out to the floor as Jerome distracts Referee Charles Robinson as Shane Douglas goes over and delivers a right hand knocking down Hardy as Shane Douglas takes off his belt and wraps it around his fist as Shane Douglas opens up on Hardy with it busting Matt Hardy open in the process as Shane rolls Hardy back into the ring as Jerome Morris goes over to the bloody Hardy and picks him up as Jerome sets up Jerome for a Fatal IMPACT but Hardy backdrops Jerome out to the floor landing on top of Shane Douglas in the process. Matt Hardy starts to catch his breath and wipes some of the blood away as Jerome gets back up and gets on the apron but Matt Hardy grabs Jerome and is ready to suplex him back into the ring and has him up when Shane Douglas grabs the legs of Matt Hardy causing Hardy to fall as Jerome lands on top of Hardy and Shane holds the legs down for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Jerome Morris

Lillian: Your winner Jerome Morri...

:Referee Charles Robinson is telling Lillian to stop due to him spotting Shane Douglas holding Hardy's legs as Jerome and Shane Douglas is celebrating as Matt Hardy is livid:

Lillian: I have just been told by Referee Charles Robinson that due to Shane Douglas holding Matt Hardy's legs down the match must be restarted and Shane Douglas is no ejected from ringside

:Shane Douglas and Jerome Morris are now livid as Matt Hardy is telling Shane bye bye:

Coach: That's not very fair

Joey Styles: Well Charles Robinson I think is doing the right thing, like Matt Hardy or not he got screwed and Charles Robinson is doing the right thing by restarting the match

Jerome goes to attack Hardy right away as Shane Douglas is leaving but Hardy elbows Jerome in the face instead as Matt Hardy then goes for a Twist of Fate but Jerome counters into the Cocky Cutter as Jerome covers Hardy for a 1---2--2.9-Matt Hardy gets his foot on the bottom rope as Jerome once again starts to celebrate as Charles Robinson tells Jerome Matt Hardy got his foot on the bottom rope as Jerome grabs Charles Robinson like he is going to hit him but Matt Hardy low blows Jerome as Charles Robinson didn't see that as Matt Hardy then grabs Jerome and hits a Twist of Fate on him as Hardy covers for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Matt Hardy

Lillian: Your winner, Matt Hardy

Coach: Matt Hardy just cheated to win now

King: Charles Robinson didn't see the low blow because Jerome had Charles Robinson by his shirt so Charles was looking at Jerome instead of Hardy

Joey Styles: Well what goes around comes around and Jerome got what he deserved if you ask me

Coach: Well this was a case of the cagey veteran outsmarting the younger star and Jerome still has alot to learn

:Jerome gets back as Shane Douglas returns to ringside to check on Jerome as The Lights Start to Flicker again as "Sting's Theme" hits as a Scorpion Appears on the RAW Tron and says 20 Days Until Jerome's Demise as Jerome rolls out of the ring and leaves through the Crowd as Shane Douglas is in the ring still telling Jerome to come back when "Real American" hits as The Place Erupts:

King: Well Sting just sent a message to Jerome that freaked Jerome out but now we got Hulk Hogan's Music hitting

:Hulk Hogan then starts to make his way towards the ring:

Joey Styles: It's not mind games on Hogan's part, HULK HOGAN IS HERE!!!

:Hulk Hogan gets into the ring as Shane Douglas attacks him as he comes into the ring but Hogan gets up as he blocks a right hand Hogan opens up on The "Franchise" as Hogan sends Shane off the ropes but Jerome who has returned to the ringside area yanks Shane's legs tripping him as Jerome pulls Shane out of the ring as Jerome Morris and Shane Douglas retreat towards the back as "Real American" restarts as Hulk Hogan rips his shirt off and starts to pose:

Joey Styles: We got a little Wrestlemania IV preview as Hogan was going to lay out Shane Douglas until Jerome saved him but now these fans are treated to a Hulk Hogan Show

Coach: I hate Hogan, I really do

Commercial Ad for SCWE SmackDown!, SCWE OverDrive!, & SCWE Mayhem

Joey Styles: Well during the commercial break, Hulk Hogan entertained this packed Arena

King: Yeah and they didn't want him to leave, whats the obsession with The Hulkster

Coach: I wish I knew because I can't stand the guy

Joey Styles: Well Hulk Hogan is just loved anywhere he goes plain and simple, he is like Santa Claus but up next King we got another Pick Your Poison Match and its a Diva Match

King: Puppies!

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Pick Your Poison Match

"Everybody's Fool" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, From Los Angelos, California, She is one half of the SCWE Women's Tag Team Champions and also is the SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion, Stacy Flair

Coach: Well here comes Stacy Flair

King: Well this is a case of former friends and partners doing battle here tonight

"Stronger" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: And her opponent, From Cleveland, Ohio, Alyssa Amidala

Joey Styles: Well here comes the #1 Contender right now

King: Alyssa better be on her A game to beat Stacy Flair tonight

Alyssa Amidala vs Stacy Flair
Stacy attacks Alyssa as she enters the ring as Stacy opens up on Alyssa with right hands and chops as Stacy knocks Alyssa into the ropes as Stacy kicks Alyssa hard in the gut knocking Alyssa through the ropes and to the floor as Stacy rolls out to the floor after Alyssa but Alyssa catches Stacy with a uppercut as Alyssa then clotheslines Stacy down as Alyssa picks up Stacy and Alyssa rams Stacy face first off the barricade before rolling Stacy into the ring as Alyssa gets into the ring and Alyssa picks up Stacy and Alyssa whips her off the ropes as Alyssa hits a Lou Thez Press on Stacy and starts to pound away at her but Stacy knocks Alyssa off as Alyssa goes to hit Stacy but Stacy hits a dropkick knocking Alyssa down as Stacy gets back up and Stacy kicks Alyssa in the gut and Stacy goes for a Fisherman's Suplex and hits it for a 1---2--2.7-kick out. Stacy gets up and Stacy goes for a Chick Kick but Alyssa ducks it and Alyssa spears Stacy down instead as Alyssa then hits a Standing Moonsault on Stacy as Alyssa hooks the legs for a 1--2--kick out. Alyssa gets back up and Alyssa waits for Stacy to get up and Alyssa goes for a Chick Kick of her own but Stacy ducks that and Stacy grabs Alyssa and locks in the Sleeping Beauty on her as Alyssa is screaming out from the hold as Stacy wrenches back but Alyssa reaches the ropes as Stacy breaks the hold as Stacy stomps away at Alyssa and Stacy goes to hit Alyssa but Alyssa backdrops Stacy over the top to the floor. Alyssa then rolls out to the floor after Stacy as Stacy catches Alyssa with a forarm shot as Stacy goes to ram Alyssa into the ring post but Alyssa blocks it and instead rams Stacy into the ring post as Alyssa kicks Stacy in the gut and sets up Stacy for a Pedigree as Alyssa says she can be just as RAWCore as Stacy but Stacy backdrops Alyssa instead as Stacy chases Lillian Garcia out of her chair as Stacy picks up the Steel Chair and Stacy hits Alyssa over the head with it as Alyssa got back up as Rudy Charles rings the bell.
Winner: Alyssa Amidala by DQ

Lillian: Your winner as a result of a Disqualification, Alyssa Amidala

Joey Styles: Alyssa wins by DQ thanks to that chair shot from Stacy

:Stacy rolls Alyssa back into the ring as Stacy brings her titles into the ring as Alyssa is trying to get back up and Stacy hits Alyssa in the head again laying her out as Kelli Hardy comes out to the ring with her titles and a Pair of Scissors as Kelli enters the ring as Stacy picks up Alyssa and Kelli lays the SCWE Women's Title down as Kelli grabs Alyssa and delivers a Twist of Fate right onto the title as Kelli rolls Alyssa over to reveal her busted wide open as Kelli then grabs Alyssa's head and thinks about if she should cut a piece of her hair or not:

King: Don't do it Kelli

Joey Styles: Enough is enough

:Stacy is telling Kelli to do it but Kelli drops Alyssa down as Kelli tells Stacy to get out the ring as Stacy obliges as Kelli picks up Alyssa and looks like she is going to help her but instead sets her up for a Pedigree which Kelli delivers as Kelli goes back over and picks up the scissors and cuts a very small piece of hair from Alyssa as Kelli smiles as she demands a microphone:

Kelli Hardy: Sis I could have done so much more to you if I wanted but I didn't, well not yet anyway, let this be a warning to you.

:Kelli puts Alyssa's hair into a baggie as Kelli puts it in her pocket as Kelli picks her titles and leaves the ring as Several Referee's come out to tend to the bloody Alyssa:

Coach: Kelli sent a message to Alyssa tonight in a big way

King: There is something seriously wrong with Kelli

Coach: The whole family is crazy including Alyssa so one crazy taking out another nut is fine by me

Joey Styles: Well I just hope this doesn't send Alyssa back over that ledge that all Helmsley's seem to be on


:Scott and Chris Walker along with a Pregnant Kendra and Skylar Manning are shown leaving when they walk past Test who is in the Medical Room as Scott Walker pokes his head:

Scott Walker: How's the ankle?

Test: Shut up

Scott Walker: Hey I know you don't like my brother Matt much and I know your not a big fan of Jason or Chris or even me or anyone with the Last Name Walker but you can at least be nice

Test: If my Ankle wasn't hurt right now, I would come out there and make the Walker Family Instinct

Scott Walker: Is that so?

Test: Yeah thats right

Scott Walker: I tell you what big man, since I don't have a match yet for Wrestlemania IV, how about Scott Walker vs Test for the first time ever since I know you just love facing us Walker's

Test: Fine

Scott Walker: For the SCWE Intercontinental Championship

Test: Whatever you want

Scott Walker: Sounds good to me.

:Scott leaves the Room as he high fives Chris:

Scott Walker: See Chris, its like taking candy from a baby

Commercial Ad For KSCWE Extras, KSCWE Vacation, KSCWE Archives

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:32 PM

Joey Styles: Well we just found out that Test will defend the SCWE Intercontinental Title at Wrestlemania IV now against Scott Walker

Coach: He suckered Test into the match thats not right

King: Well it was a smart move if you ask me

Joey Styles: Well guys we have recieved word that Alyssa has refused Medical Treatment and has left the arena on her own accord which I don't think is good news for Kelli or Stacy for that matter

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Wooo" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, From Charlotte, North Carolina weighing in at 220 Pounds, David Flair

Coach: David Flair is a former European Champion so he could pull off a big upset win here

"King of My World" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Lillian: And his opponent being accumpied by Trish Strautus and Tyson Tomko, From Toronto, Canada weighing in at 235 Pounds, Christian

Joey Styles: Well here comes Christian to a great ovation

King: This is Christian's first match in sometime

Christian W/Tyson Tomko & Trish Stratus vs David Flair
Christian and David Flair lock up with Christian going behind Flair and locking a arm lock but David elbows Christian in the face as David then hits a few big chops on Christian backing Christian up into the ropes as David hits a few more as David goes to send Christian out of the corner but Christian reverses sending David across the ring into the corner upside down as David lands on the floor as Christian distracts Referee Chris Kay as David is getting back up, Tyson Tomko hits a Big Boot laying out David Flair as Tyson picks up David as he holds him as Trish delivers a Chick Kick to David as Tyson then rolls David back into the ring as Christian goes over and picks up David Flair and Christian hits a snap suplex on David as Billy Gunn & Nick Helmsley make there way out to the top of the entry way to watch the match as Christian see's them and points to them as he picks up David Flair and Christian then delivers a Fameasser to David as Christian covers with his foot on David's chest for a 1--2--2.7-shoulder up. Christian smirks as Christian picks up David and hits The Triple Suplex's on David as Christian gets up and sits on the middle ropes inviting Billy Gunn down as Billy wants to go but Nick holds Billy back as Kaylee Angle then comes out and tells Billy and Nick something as the two leave with her as Christian shakes his head and goes back towards David but David catches Christian with a poke in the eyes as David delivers a few chops and then delivers a chop block to Christian taking him down as David quickly goes for the Figure 4 Leg Lock and locks it in as Christian yells out from it as Referee Chris Kay is checking on Christian as Trish Stratus gets on the apron attempting to enter the ring as Chris Kay goes to stop her as Tyson Tomko slides into the ring and then kicks David Flair breaking up the hold as Tyson picks up David and hits the Problem Solved on him as Tyson gets out of the ring as Trish jumps down as Christian picks up David and Christian hits the UnPrettier to him as Christian covers David Flair for the 1--2--3.
Winner: Christian

Lillian: Your winner, Christian

Coach: Christian's Return is a Complete Success

Joey Styles: Tyson Tomko and Trish Stratus kept interfering, how is this a success

King: Joey, a win is a win and Christian got the win, I know Christian could have done it the hard way but he took the short cut because well he can

Joey Styles: Well I still don't like it


:Charlie Haas and Jaime Lavelle are shown leaving the Evolution X Locker Room as Todd Grisham races up to them:

Todd Grisham: Charlie can I have a quick word with you

Charlie Haas: What is it, my match is next

Todd Grisham: What were you doing in the E-X Locker Room

Charlie Haas: That's none of your business

Todd Grisham: Are you back in E-X?

Charlie Haas: That's none of your business

Todd Grisham: Why are you being so secretive about this?

Charlie Haas: Listen Todd, your starting to get on my nerves, I have a match thats next against a very good wrestler so stop with the stupid questions or else I'll have a warm up right now kicking your ass

:Charlie Haas and Jaime Lavelle continue to walk down the hall when they bump into Scott, Chris, & Kendra Walker along with Skylar Manning:

Charlie Haas: Move

Chris Walker: You could be nicer about it and ask me

Charlie Haas: Just move guys

Chris Walker: Ok fine I guess Mr. E-X wants us to move

Charlie Haas: What did you just say?

Chris Walker: Mr. E-X it seems that you went back to them

Charlie Haas: And so what if I did, as I recall you two seem to be buddy buddy with your brother Matt again and maybe if I did make a deal with E-X it was to cover my own ass since Matt has Jerome Morris, Shane Douglas, and now you two watching his

Chris Walker: So thats how it is then huh

Charlie Haas: Yeah thats how it is

:Chris and Scott move aside as Charlie and Jaime walk through them:

Chris Walker: Jackass

Scott Walker: Well baby brother if he thinks we are aligned with Matt then maybe we should give him what he wants

Chris Walker: But we aren't

Scott Walker: We owe Matt for last week

Chris Walker: True

Scott Walker: Plus it will give you that much wanted Wrestlemania opponent

Chris Walker: Alright lets do it

Kendra Walker: Be careful Chris

Skylar Manning: Yeah you two Scott

Scott Walker: We are Walker's....Would could happen

:Scott and Chris head off towards the ring:

Final Commercial Ad for KSCWE Wrestlemania III & Wrestlemania IV-Long Ads

Joey Styles: Well King what about what we just saw

Coach: Scott and Chris Walker are going to screw over Charlie Haas from the way they talked because Haas thinks there in with Matt Walker and everyone including myself thinks Haas has made a deal with E-X

King: I don't know whats going on, I just know this whole situation is getting crazier by the second and the Main Event is coming up shortly

Joey Styles: Yes it is so lets go to the ring for the Main Event

Lillian: The Main Event of SCWE Monday Night RAW is scheduled for one fall and it is a Pick Your Poison Match

King: Matt Hardy, Kurt Angle, and Triple H all have been successful in there Pick Your Poison Matches so alot of pressure on Matt Walker here to win this one

"Just Close Your Eyes" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, being accumpied by Jaime Lavelle, From Edmond, Oklahoma weighing in at 242 Pounds, The "World's Greatest Athlete" Charlie Haas

Joey Styles: Well these fans are believing Haas isn't in E-X by there reaction

King: Either that or they just don't like Walker's very much

"Holding Out for a Hero" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: And his opponent, Representing The Triple Threat and being accumpied by Mallory Maddox, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 225 Pounds, The "Real Deal, No Gimmicks Needed" Matt Walker

Coach: Here comes Matt Walker for what should be a huge Main Event

King: This is going to be a good match I think

Matt Walker W/Mallory Maddox vs Charlie Haas W/Jaime Lavelle
Both Haas and Walker have words with each other before finally locking up. Walker backs Haas up towards the corner but Haas goes behind Walker and Haas goes for a German Suplex but Walker attempts to elbow Haas but Haas ducks it and grabs Walker and hits a Northern Lights Suplex on Walker as Haas gets up and Haas then hits a big dropkick knocking Matt Walker back down as Haas grabs Walker and Haas hits a big belly 2 belly suplex on Walker as Haas goes for the Haas of Pain but Walker gets into the ropes as Earl Hebner backs Haas off as Matt Walker gets back up to his feet. Charlie Haas goes to lock up with Matt Walker but Walker kicks Haas in the gut as Walker delivers a big right hand to Haas backing him up as Matt then delivers a big running knee to Haas knocking him down as Matt Walker stomps away at Haas as Haas is getting up, Matt takes Haas and hits a Side Effect on him as Matt Walker covers for a 1--2--kick out. Matt Walker quickly picks up Haas as Matt Walker goes for a twist of Fate but Haas counters into the Worlds Greatest Slam but Matt Walker counters that before hitting the group as Matt Walker lands on his knees as he gets back up but Haas kicks Walker in the gut and Haas goes for a Pedigree but Walker trips Haas down and goes for the Walls of Walker but Haas grabs Walker and gets him with a small package for a 1---2--2.9-kick out. Both guys get back up and hit a clothesline knocking each other down as both guys get back up as Matt Walker goes to hit Haas but Haas blocks it and hits a few forarm shots to Matt Walker as Haas then sends Walker off the ropes as Haas puts his head down for a backdrop but Walker stops and goes for the Walkerflip but Haas backdrops Matt Walker instead as Charlie Haas then waits as Matt Walker gets up and grabs him from behind and hits a Big German Suplex as Haas holds on and hits a Second German Suplex and Haas hits a third one that he releases as Matt Walker gets up grabbing his neck as Charlie Haas charges clotheslining Matt Walker out to the floor. Referee Earl Hebner holds Charlie Haas back as Billy Gunn & Nick Helmsley race out to the ringside area and Nick hits Matt Walker from behind as Billy Gunn picks up Matt Walker and slams him throat first over the barricade but Jerome Morris and Shane Douglas then come running out as Shane Douglas and Nick Helmsley go at it as does Jerome Morris and Billy Gunn as Charlie Haas rolls out to the floor and rolls Matt Walker back into the ring as Haas stalks Matt Walker as he gets up and Haas hits the World's Greatest Slam on him as Haas then flips Matt Walker over as Haas locks in the Haas of Pain on Matt Walker who is screaming out in pain from it as Mallory is telling him to hold on as Scott Walker then comes out towards the ringside area and Scott Walker gets on the apron to enter the ring as Earl Hebner stops Scott Walker as Matt Walker starts to tap out as Jaime Lavelle is trying to tell Earl Hebner but Mallory Maddox hits Jaime from behind which prompts Kaylee Angle and Kelli Hardy to come out to the ring as Trish Morris comes out as Trish and Kelli start to go at it and Jenn Hardy comes out as she gets into a fight with Kaylee Angle as Haas lets go of Matt Walker to get Earl Hebner's attention but Chris Walker comes out of the crowd and into the ring and turns Haas around and kicks him in the gut and Chris Walker hits a Walkerflip on him as Chris gets out of the ring as Scott Walker gets off the apron as Matt Walker is getting back up as Matt Walker picks up Charlie Haas and Matt Walker hits the Pittfall on Haas as Matt Walker then covers Charlie Haas for the 1--2--3.
Winner: Matt Walker

Lillian: Your winner, Matt Walker

Joey Styles: Matt Walker just beat Charlie Haas

King: Thanks to Scott and Chris Walker, Matt Walker beats Charlie Haas but business is picking up

:Triple H, Kurt Angle, & Matt Hardy hit the ring as Scott, Matt, & Chris Walker all meet them as The Game and Matt Walker go at it while Kurt and Scott and Matt and Chris fight with each other:

Coach: This is out of control here

:Charlie Haas gets back up as Haas attacks Matt walker from behind as Scott, Chris, & Matt Walker all bail out to the floor as the Walker's and The Triple Threat retreat from the ring as Kaylee, Kelli, Jaime, Billy, & Nick get back into the ring with Haas, H, Hardy, & Angle:

Joey Styles: The Battle Lines have been drawn

Coach: Yeah and I think we got the answer to where Haas's loyality is because he is in the ring with E-X

King: What a crazy way to end RAW and whats going to happen next week when these men all fight each other!

Joey Styles: I don't know King but we are out of time, Good Night

:RAW Goes off the Air:

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