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RAW : RAW 3/20/06
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 Message 1 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 3:09 PM

Results 3/20/06 Live From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Dark Matches Air before RAW:

Dark Match #1: Shawn Michaels defeated The Blue Meanie

Dark Match #2: None

:Highlights From The Last RAW are shown as The RAW Opening Video is played to the "Welcome to The Jungle" as Pyro then explodes opening up the show:

Joey Styles: Welcome to SCWE Monday Night RAW live from the KSCWE Arena in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

King: Yeah and we are less then 24 hours removed from Wrestlemania IV and 48 hours removed from Wrestlemania III and both shows were great

Coach: Yeah and its a new day in KSCWE starting tonight

Joey Styles: Exactly and boy do we have a stacked show tonight for the new era of RAW

"Game" hits, Crowd Rises to there Feet and are mixed

Coach: Speaking of things here comes the SCWE World Champion

Lillian: Please welcome the SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, The "Game" Triple H

King: Triple H had quiet the interesting night last night at Wrestlemania

Joey Styles: No kidding and E-X is officially dead now

:Triple H does his trademark taunts before getting into the ring and grabbing a microphone:

Triple H: Last night was a interesting night in KSCWE History. It was Wrestlemania IV, the second straight night of Wrestlemania's after a great Wrestlemania III. Last night saw the demise of Evolution X though but as I promised, I am still SCWE World Heavyweight Champion and that is despite the fact my former allies Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy after being eliminated attempted to screw me over and help Matt Walker win the title. Now I do admit I didn't win on my own, I watched the replay and I saw those who helped and I apperciate there assistance but let me make something clear right now. Kurt Angle, Matt Hardy, Matt Walker, or any other RAW Superstar in the back, you may think I am beatable now that I don't have E-X watching my back but I didn't become a 17 Time World Heavyweight Champion by having E-X watching my back, I became a 17 Time World Heavyweight Champion because I am That Damn Good an...

"No Chance" hits over the PA as the Crowd Boo's as Vince McMahon makes his way to the ring

Coach: Now we are being joined by Vince McMahon

Joey Styles: Vince McMahon turned his back on SmackDown! last night and became a member of the RAW Roster

King: Yeah but why is Vince here now?

:Vince enters the ring and gets a microphone:

Vince McMahon: Triple H..

Triple H: Vince what the hell do you want?

Vince McMahon: Hunter let me say what I need to say

Triple H: Fine

Vince McMahon: I am out here right now to make a few announcements. You see after Wrestlemania last night as I was sitting there talking about how great of a night it was to Eric and my daughter Marrisa, I suggested to them that they take a much needed vacation. Eric has been running this company since it opened so I convinced them to take a few weeks off and while they are off, I am going to run RAW

Coach: Vince McMahon is the new Fill in RAW GM

Vince McMahon: Now I know what your thinking, Vince McMahon ran SmackDown!, who says he won't turn on RAW to help SmackDown!? Well I won't because at this stage RAW is the place to be, I am going to be a real father to my daughter Marrisa and a grandfather to my grand children and I view this as a great opportunity to be on the #1 Show. Now as GM for the time being, I am unable to enjoy watching RAW like I would have normally but thats perfectly fine with me

Triple H: Vince not to interupt you but whats your point because if you dont have one then get out of the ring

Vince McMahon: Triple H I'll get to one of my points, I was going to save this for later but since your so impatient I'll do it now. We have alot of history together right

Triple H: Yeah so

Vince McMahon: So when I took over RAW, I signed a legend...a legend your quiet familier with and I am going to bring that legend out here right now

Joey Styles: Who did Vince sign?

"All The Things She Said" hits, Crowd Erupts

King: It's Victoria!!!

:Triple H looks to the entrance but looks annoyed as Fake Steph emerges dressed up as Victoria:

Joey Styles: That's not Victoria

Coach: Yeah it is look

Joey Styles: Its Fake Steph

Coach: No its Victoria

King: Coach thats Fake Steph and what is Vince trying to prove with this

:Triple H turns his attention to Vince as Vince is laughing as Triple H grabs Vince by his jacket:

Vince McMahon: Hunter do you even think about touching me because I will stri...

:Triple H delivers a big right hand knocking down Vince as The Game gets on top of Vince and starts to open up on him when Matt Hardy & Kurt Angle hit the ring as Triple H gets off Vince and The Game knocks down Hardy and spears Kurt down as Triple H opens up on Kurt Angle when Hardy hits The Game as Vince gets up:


:Charlie Haas hits the ring as Haas and Hardy start to exchange words as Haas hits a belly 2 belly suplex on Hardy out to the floor as Triple H clothelsines Kurt Angle out to the floor as Vince bails out of the ring:


"No Chance" hits again as Vince, Kurt, & Matt head towards the back as Triple H looks irate in the ring along with Charlie Haas

Joey Styles: I don't know why Vince hates Triple H so much but now Triple H has the boss after him

Coach: Yeah and that is not good for Triple H

King: Well the Main Event tonight is Triple H, Charlie Haas, & Alyssa Amidala taking on Matt Hardy, Kurt Angle, & Kelli Hardy so we should see more later I'm sure

:Backstage: Todd Grisham is shown with Matt Walker & Mallory Maddox

Todd Grisham: I am standing here with Matt Walker and Mallory Maddox. Now Matt last night at Wrestlemania IV you came up short.

Matt Walker: Todd shut up right there, last night I walked into the night as a huge underdog, no way could I overcome E-X and yet I outlasted Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy and I would be SCWE World Heavyweight Champion if it was not for Charlie Haas and Victo...

:Matt Walker stops talking as Matt Walker and Mallory both look irate as Matt Walker takes his guitar and smashes it over somebody's head as the Camera turns around to reveal Vince McMahon laid out:

Todd Grisham: We need some help now

Matt Walker: You stupid Son of a bitch, I told you I would take you out for getting Mallory fired as GM

:Security comes and restrains Matt Walker and Mallory Maddox as Paramedics check on Vince McMahon as Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy race over to check on him:


Joey Styles: What about what we just saw

Coach: Matt Walker is going to be in trouble for that

King: Well Vince McMahon got Mallory Maddox fired when she was SmackDown! GM and Matt Walker did vow revenge and talk about getting your revenge, I suppose Mr. McMahon was just walking past after what happend with Triple H out here and the next thing he knows, he is smashed over the head with a guitar

Joey Styles: I can't believe how RAW has started and we haven't even had our first match yet

Coach: Yeah but lets go to the ring now for that opening match

Lillian: The Opening Contest of SCWE Monday Night RAW is scheduled for one fall

"Wooo" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, From Charlotte, North Carolina weighing in at 220 Pounds, David Flair

Coach: Well here comes David Flair who is lookign to get back on the winning side of things on RAW

King: Yeah but in order to do that he is going to have to put up a good performance and score a major upset

"One Step Closer" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: And his opponent being accumpied by Melinda and Representing the bWo, From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, He is "Big Stevie Cool" Stevie Richards

Joey Styles: Here comes Stevie Richards who was acquired from SmackDown! at Wrestlemania III just minutes after winning the SmackDown! World Heavyweight Championship from Brandon Davis and Stevie as you can tell was stripped of the title but at Wrestlemania IV in Stevie's RAW Brand Return, he teamed up with KSCWE Legend Rico to defeat Jason and Ryan Walker and tonight he makes his official RAW Return

King: Yeah and Stevie should be a great edition to the RAW Roster seeing how he did become SD! World Champion

Stevie Richards W/Melinda vs David Flair
David and Stevie are staring each other down as Brian Hebner signals for the bell. David and Stevie both lock up. David breaks the hold and then knees Stevie in the stomach. David then opens up on Stevie with right hands. David then hits Stevie with a big chop as the crowd whoooos. David goes for another one but Stevie ducks it and then hits David with a DDT. Stevie then picks David up and whips him into the corner. Stevie then sets David up for a Superplex and hits it. Stevie then covers David for the---1---2---2.3---kick out. Stevie then goes to pick David up but David punches him in the stomach. David then hits Stevie with a Suplex. David then picks Stevie and whips him off of the ropes and hits him with a Powerslam. David then covers for the---1---2---2.3---kick out. David then puts Stevie in a Boston Crab. Stevie pulls himself to the ropes and Brian Hebner forces David to break the hold. David then picks Stevie up and locks up with him but Stevie knocks David's arms away and then jumps on top of him. Stevie then opens up on David with right and left hands. Stevie then gets up. Stevie picks David up and whips him off of the ropes. Stevie goes for a clothesline but David ducks it. Stevie then goes for a drop kick but David holds onto the ropes. David laughs as Stevie gets back up. David and Stevie then start to circle each other. David kicks Stevie in the gut and goes for a DDT but Stevie pushes David off of him. Stevie then hits David with a Belly to Belly Suplex. Stevie then picks David up but David thumbs Stevie in the eye. David then hits Stevie with a Knee Buster. David then hits Stevie with a Piledriver. David then gets back up and locks Stevie in the Figure Four Leg Lock. Stevie is in pain as David is applying pressure. Stevie inches his way to the ropes. Stevie gets hold of the bottom rope and David has to break the hold. David then picks up Stevie and goes for a clothesline but Stevie ducks it and hits David with a Stevie Kick. Stevie then pins David for the---1---2---3.
Winner: Stevie Richards

Lillian: Your winner, Stevie Richards

Joey Styles: Stevie Richards scores an impressive win in his RAW Return

King: David Flair put up a good effort but tonight, he just ran into a red hot superstar named Stevie Richards

Coach: Well Stevie is going to find out that all of the RAW Superstars are not like David Flair and Stevie will be in for a rough time

:Backstage: Vince McMahon's Office

Maria: Mr. McMahon, how are you feeling after that guitar shot?
Vince McMahon: Maria what do you mean, how am I feeling, I got smashed over the head with a guitar, HOW THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM FEELING
Maria: In pain?
:Vince gets ready to throw his ice pack but stops:
Vince McMahon: Maria since your here I want you to pass a little message along for me, can you do that
Maria: Sure
Vince McMahon: I want you to tell Matt Walker that while he pissed me off by doing what he did, I also respect it, it shows Ruthless Aggression which is why I am changing Matt Walker's match tonight, he is no longer facing Simon Dean, instead since this is his hometown tonight and since he does have a rightful claim to being screwed last night, I am going to book Matt Walker in a #1 contender's match for the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship
Maria: Against who?
Vince McMahon: Against that KSCWE Legend I was talking about earlier now run along Maria and pass that along

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 Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:10 PM

Joey Styles: Well King what an explosive RAW it has been thus far and during the break, Maria caught up with Vince McMahon in his office

King: Yeah and I was a little suprised with what Vince did

Coach: Well Mr. McMahon was a little upset at first but did settle down and showed that he can be a fair man

Joey Styles: Well lets take a look at the footage at home for those who did not get to see it

:Footage From Commercial Break Airs, Joined In Progress:

Vince McMahon: Maria what do you mean, how am I feeling, I got smashed over the head with a guitar, HOW THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM FEELING
Maria: In pain?
:Vince gets ready to throw his ice pack but stops:
Vince McMahon: Maria since your here I want you to pass a little message along for me, can you do that
Maria: Sure
Vince McMahon: I want you to tell Matt Walker that while he pissed me off by doing what he did, I also respect it, it shows Ruthless Aggression which is why I am changing Matt Walker's match tonight, he is no longer facing Simon Dean, instead since this is his hometown tonight and since he does have a rightful claim to being screwed last night, I am going to book Matt Walker in a #1 contender's match for the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship
Maria: Against who?
Vince McMahon: Against that KSCWE Legend I was talking about earlier now run along Maria and pass that along

:Footage Ends:

King: Who do you think that KSCWE Legend is?

Coach: Scott Steiner, it has to be Scott Steiner, he has plenty of history with Triple H

Joey Styles: Well whoever it will have a tough test is Matt Walker but lets go to the ring for our next match

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"This is a Test" hits, Crowd is mixed

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, From Toronto, Canada weighing in at 280 Pounds, he is the SCWE Intercontinental Champion, Test

King: Test was successful last night at Wrestlemania retaining the IC title over Scott Walker and Simon Dean when Test took advantage of Scott Walker's Walker Kick and pinned Simon Dean

"King of My World" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: And his partner being accumpied by his Problem Solver Tyson Tomko, From Toronto, Canada weighing in at 235 Pounds, Christian

Coach: Here comes Christian who also had a good Wrestlemania and Joey how was that afterparty with Celine?

Joey Styles: The after party was great, normally I don't like Christian but I did have fun with him last night

"Hero" hits, Crowd Erupts

Lillian: And there opponents being accumpied by Skylar Manning, From Right Here in Pittsburgh, weighing in at 435 Pounds, The Team of Scott and Chris, The Walker Brothers

King: Well here come the Walker's, Pittsburgh's own

Joey Styles: To a great ovation too and both of these teams are former Tag Team Champions so this should be an excellent contest

Scott & Chris Walker W/Skylar Manning vs Christian & Test W/Tyson Tomko
Scott and Chris are discussing strategy as Christian and Test are doing the same thing. Earl Hebner then signals for the bell. Chris gets out onto the apron as does Christian leaving Test and Scott in the ring. Both men then begin to circle each other. Test and Scott lock up but Test overpowers Scott and hits him with a quick Snap Suplex. Scott then goes to get up but Test kicks him in the head. Test then picks Scott up and whips him into the corner. Test then drapes Scott's arms over the ropes and delivers a huge chop to his chest. Test smirks a bit and hits Scott with another big chop. Test goes for a third one but Scott ducks it and kicks Test in the stomach. Scott then opens up on Test with right hands. Scott then whips Test off of the ropes and hits him with a Clothesline. Test gets up but Scott kicks him in the stomach and hits him with his own Snap Suplex. Scott then waits for Test to get up. As soon as Test rises to his feet Scott hits him with a dropkick. Test gets back up but Scott gets Test with an Arm Drag. Test looks disgusted and tags out to Christian. Christian is reluctant to get into the ring but does. Scott and Christian begin to circle each other. Both men lock up. Christian goes around and looks for a German Suplex but Scott wraps his leg around Christian's. Scott then delievers several elbows to Christian. Scott geets out of Christian's grasp. Scott goes for a clothesline but Christian ducks it. Christian then goes to kick Scott but Scott grabs Christian's foot and flips him over. Christian then crawls back to his corner and tags Test in. Test looks a bit annoyed but goes in. Scott comes running at Test and goes for a Clothesline but Test ducks it. Test then knocks Scott down with a big right hand. Test then picks Scott up and hits him with a Stalling Suplex. Test then covers for the---1---2---2.3---kick out. Test then picks Scott up and whips him off of the ropes. Test hits Scott with a Powerslam. Test then immediately covers for the---1---2---2.6---kick out. Test then goes over to his corner and is waiting for Scott to get up but Christian tags himself in. Christian comes in and goes right to work on Scott as Test looks annoyed again but gets onto the apron. Christian then whips Scott into the corner. Christian then sets Scott up for a Superplex but Scott fights out of it and knocks Christian to the mat. Scott then delievers a Big Elbow to Christian. Both men are down as Chris is in his corner ready for the tag. Christian is slowly getting up and Scott is crawling towards Chris. Christian goes to grab Scott but Scott makes the tag to Chris. Chris then comes in but Christian retreats to his corner and tags out. Test tells Christian to be a man and stay in there but Christian says that you have something to prove against the Walkers and he goes out to the floor. As soon as Test turns around he is met with a kick to the stomach from Chris. Chris then hits him with a Suplex. Chris then locks Test in the Walls of Walker. Christian comes in but Chris lets go and Christian goes right back out. Chris then picks Test back up and goes for the Walk of Fate but Test punches Chris in the stomach. Test then hits Chris with a Belly to Belly Suplex, sending Chris out to the floor. Christian leans down and whispers something to Tyson as Christian then tries to come into the ring. Earl Hebner is argueing with Christian as Tyson goes over and picks Chris up. Tyson then rams Chris into the ring post. Tyson goes to roll Chris into the ring but Scott kicks him in the face and then hits him with a Crossbody. Test then goes out to the floor and gets Chris and rolls him into the ring. Christian gets out onto the apron. Earl Hebner then sees the pin and counts---1---2---2.8---kick out. Test then looks at Christian and says that he doesn't need his lacky to win this match. Test then goes to pick Chris up but Chris hits him with a DDT. Chris then tags out to Scott. Scott comes in as Test gets up. Test then goes over to his corner and tags out to Christian. Christian comes in and looks ready to run at Scott but tags back out. Christian then rolls out to the floor. Test asks what he is doing and Christian says finish the job yourself. Just then Scott Suplexs Test into the ring. Test gets up but is met with a clothesline. Scott then picks Test up and hits him with a Scottplex. Scott is getting ready for the Walker Kick as Christian just looks on. Scott connects. Scott then pins Test cautiously for the---1---2---3.
Winners: Scott & Chris Walker

Lillian: Your winners, Scott & Chris Walker

Joey Styles: Scott & Chris Walker get the big win here over Test and Christian as Scott gets his revenge from Wrestlemania

Coach: Why didn't Christian make the save

King: I would personally like to know that too
:Christian and Tyson help up Test as Christian tells Test its ok when Tyson backs up and hits a Big Boot on Test knocking Test back down as Christian gets a microphone:
Joey Styles: What the hell is Christian doing?
Christian: Test you moron, you think I would accept losing? You have gone soft and I am done carrying no talent losers like yourself, Tyson pick him up
:Tyson picks up Test as he holds him for Christian as Christian slaps Test in the face as Christian then delivers the Unprettier to Test as Christian picks up the IC Title and holds it up before throwing it down on Test as "King of my World" hits as Christian & Tyson leave:
:Footage Airs Promoting The Return of ECW:

Joey Styles: I'm speechless at what we saw during the break

King: Yeah so am I, The referee's are helping Test to the back right now and it isn't as a result of the Tag Match we just saw

Coach: Well lets take a look back then at what happened during the break

:Footage Airs from the Break:

:Christian and Tyson help up Test as Christian tells Test its ok when Tyson backs up and hits a Big Boot on Test knocking Test back down as Christian gets a microphone:
Joey Styles: What the hell is Christian doing?
Christian: Test you moron, you think I would accept losing? You have gone soft and I am done carrying no talent losers like yourself, Tyson pick him up
:Tyson picks up Test as he holds him for Christian as Christian slaps Test in the face as Christian then delivers the Unprettier to Test as Christian picks up the IC Title and holds it up before throwing it down on Test as "King of my World" hits as Christian & Tyson leave:

:Footage Ends:


:Fake Steph still dressed in her Victoria outfit is shown getting a drink of water when Kelli Hardy approaches the table:

Fake Steph: Oh hello Kelli

Kelli Hardy: VICTORIA

Fake Steph: Oh no Kelli, It's me Fake Steph not Victoria

:Kelli slaps Fake Steph across the face knocking her into the table:

Fake Steph: Kelli its not Victoria

Kelli Hardy: LIAR

:Kelli hits Fake Steph again in the head as Kelli takes Fake Steph and rams her head off the food gatering table as Kelli then rams Fake Steph into a Water Cooler knocking it over as Kelli drags Fake Steph and rams her into a wall as Scar is seen as he grabs Kelli back as Kelli then kicks Scar south of the border and Kelli rams Scar into a wall as Kelli goes back to work on Fake Steph as Matt Hardy is seen entering the scene as Hardy attacks Scar as Matt Hardy looks at Kelli as the couple then smile as they take there respective people next to the concession area as Matt Hardy hits a Twist of Fate on the Concrete Floor to Scar as Kelli delivers a Pedigree to Fake Steph as Matt and Kelli both go next to a Mountain Dew Machine and push it over as it comes crashing on top of Scar and Fake Steph as Paramedics come rushing to the aid of Scar and Fake Steph as Matt and Kelli both have a sick smile on there face:


Coach: My god what did we just see

King: Back in Matt Hardy's early days he used to do this

Joey Styles: Yeah and apparently Matt picked the trait back up and Matt's wife Kelli has also inherited the trait too

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"All The Small Things" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, From New York, New York, Brianna

Coach: Well here comes Brianna in what is her RAW Debut tonight

King: Yeah but she didn't draw an easy opponent

"Everybody's Fool" hits, Crowd Continues To Boo

Lillian: And her opponent, From Los Angelos, California, She is one half of the SCWE Women's Tag Team Champions, Stacy Flair

Joey Styles: Here comes Stacy Flair who last night at Wrestlemania IV earned a SCWE Women's Title Shot by winning a Divas Battle Royal

King: Yeah so at Backlash it will be Alyssa defending against Stacy

Stacy Flair vs Brianna
Stacy and Brianna lock up to start the match out as Stacy shoves Brianna down and Stacy tells Brianna to go back to SmackDown! as Brianna gets back up and Brianna goes to lock up with Stacy but Stacy kicks Brianna in the gut as Stacy opens up on Brianna with right hands as Stacy sends Brianna off the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Brianna ducks it and Brianna kicks Stacy in the gut and Brianna hits a Swinging DDT on Stacy as Brianna covers for a 1--2--kick out. Brianna gets back up and hits a dropkick knocking Stacy down as Brianna comes charging at Stacy who is getting up near the ropes and Stacy ends up back dropping Brianna over the top to the floor as Brianna hits hard on the floor as Stacy backs up and Stacy hits a baseball slide into Brianna's back as Stacy then gets out to the floor and Stacy takes Brianna and rams her head first off the barricade as Stacy picks up Brianna and slams her down on the floor as Stacy then picks up Brianna and rolls her into the ring as Stacy goes up top but Brianna is able to get back up and Brianna catches Stacy up top and climbs up as Brianna hip tosses Stacy from the top as Brianna gets positioned up top then and goes for the Perfect Splash but Stacy moves out of the way at the last second as Brianna hits hard as Stacy gets up and connects with a Chick Kick on Brianna laying her out as Stacy then goes up top once again as Stacy comes off and hits the Broken Dreams on Brianna as Stacy hooks the legs for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Stacy Flair

Lillian: Your winner, Stacy Flair

Joey Styles: Well Stacy Flair gets the win here over Brianna

Coach: Brianna tried but Stacy was motivated to win so its back to the drawing board for Brianna

King: Well we have to take another break here but if you go to KSCWE Archives right now you can read what happens during the break

"I Love You" hits over the PA as Brother Love walks out to the top of the entry ramp
Coach: It's Brother Love, what is he doing here
King: I don't know but I am sure we are going to find out
Brother Love: I LOVE YOU(Crowd is mixed). Now I am out here to host my new show in titled The Love Connection
Joey Styles: Wasn't that an 80's Dating Show?
Brother Love: Now what The Love Connection is going to be giving me opinion on who should be together and feel the love so can we bring the first ever Love Connection up on the Titan Tron
:A Picture of Rose Thorn & Brian Mason is shown:
Brother Love: Now I know Rose is engaged but in my mind, Rose and Brian are destined to be together. Together they would be in love for all time. Both have had bad relationships in the past. Rose with Rob Van Dam and Mr Bullion and Brian with Torrie Wilson but together they would could produce little Thorn-Mason Children and it would be a great thing with a lot of Love. Thank You
:Brother Love heads to the back:

 Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:10 PM

Joey Styles: Welcome back and boy how RAW is going fast

King: Well when your show is as good as ours is that tends to happen, you know time flies when your having fun

Coach: Joey would you get to the announcement

Joey Styles: Ok then, As you all know SCWE Mayhem has been the Subshow for the RAW Brand but we have found out earlier that when the Subshows return, It will no longer be SCWE Mayhem but instead will be the return of SCWE Heat

King: You know Heat has always been the most popular minor show in KSCWE History and Heat has went from SCWE to WCW and now its back under the SCWE Brand and thats great news

Coach: Keep checking KSCWE.Com for details about Heat's return

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Women's RAWCore Championship

Coach: Well King its your favorite time now

King: Yeah RAWCore Diva Action, Wooohooo

"Did My Time" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, The Challenger, From Denver, Colorado, Trish Morris

Joey Styles: Here comes Trish Morris who won this title shot at No Way Out in a EYOB Elimination Match

Coach: Yeah and I think we are going to be seeing a new Women's RAWCore Champion

"Walk This Way" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: And her opponent, From Las Vegas, Nevada, She is the SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion, Jezebel

King: Well Jezebel defeated Stacy Flair a few weeks ago and is a very fine Women's RAWCore Champion

Joey Styles: Well Jezebel and Trish have quiet the history and tonight they meet in the center of this ring for the Women's RAWCore title

SCWE Women's RAWCore Championship: Jezebel(C) vs Trish Morris
Trish Morris attacks Jezebel as the bell sounds as Trish rips the Women's RAWCore title from around Jezebel's waist as Trish picks up Jezebel and slams her down as Trish stomps away at Jezebel and Trish takes the Women's RAWCore title and tells Jezebel to get up as Trish goes to hit Jezebel with it but Jezebel kicks Trish in the gut as Jezebel opens up on Trish with some big chops as Jezebel then kicks Trish in the gut and hits a big DDT on her as Jezebel gets up and waits for Trish to get up as Jezebel hits the ropes and hits a big clothesline from hell on Trish as Jezebel covers for a 1---2--shoulder up. Jezebel then picks up Trish as Jezebel gets Trish in position for a bulldog and hits it as Jezebel rolls out to the floor as Jezebel grabs a Steel Chair and re-enters the ring as Jezebel hits Trish in the back as Trish was getting up as Trish is wrenching out from the hit as Jezebel hits Trish again as Jezebel screams at Trish this is personal because she hasn't forgotten what Trish did to her in the EYOB Matches as Jezebel hits Trish again. Jezebel then picks up Trish but Trish hits a forarm shot to the head of Jezebel as Trish then hits a Chick Kick on Jezebel knocking her down as Trish is grabbing her lower back as Trish picks up the chair and Trish hits Jezebel in the head with the chair laying her out as Trish covers for a 1---2--shoulder up. Trish has words with referee Brian Hebner as Trish then picks up Jezebel and Trish sets her up for Stratusfaction but Jezebel instead pushes Trish into the corner chest first as Jezebel rolls up Trish with a school boy for a 1---2--kick out. Both ladies get back up as Trish goes to hit Jezebel but Jezebel grabs Trish by the throat and hits the Close Call on her. Jezebel then covers Trish for a 1---2--2.8-Trish gets her shoulder up as Jezebel smiles a bit as Jezebel kicks Trish in the ribs as she is getting up as Jezebel then whips Trish off the ropes as Jezebel hits a big powerslam on Trish as Jezebel gets up and grabs the steel chair as Jezebel waits as Trish gets up and Jezebel goes to hit Trish but Trish hits a chick kick to the gut of Jezebel as Trish trips Jezebel down and goes for the Blonde Bitch Walls but Jezebel smacks Trish in the head with the chair knocking Trish down as Jezebel gets up and Jezebel goes over to Trish who is still down and Jezebel grabs Trish's shirt and pulls it off Trish revealing Trish's red bra as Jezebel screams at Trish that she is going to embarrass her before beating her as Jezebel then goes to grab Trish's bra but Trish hits a few right hands to the gut of Jezebel as Trish hits a European Uppercut to Jezebel as Trish goes to hit Jezebel but Jezebel kicks Trish in the gut and Jezebel then hits the Bombshell on Trish as Jezebel reaches down for Trish's bra when Stacy Flair hits the ring as Stacy gets into the ring behind Jezebel and hits her from behind as Jezebel turns around and the two ladies exchange right hands back and forth as Trish gets up and grabs the chair as Trish hits Jezebel in the back as Stacy then hits a Chick Kick to Jezebel knocking her down as Stacy picks up Jezebel and feeds her to Trish Morris who delivers the Blonde Bitch Ride as Trish covers Jezebel for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Trish Morris (SCWE Women's RAWCore)

Lillian: Your winner and New SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion, Trish Morris

Coach: New Champion, we got a new SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion!!

Joey Styles: Thanks to Stacy Flair's interference, Trish Morris is the new Women's RAWCore champion

King: I guess this was Stacy's payback for Jezebel defeating Stacy a few weeks back

:Backstage: Outside Triple H's Locker Room

Maria: I am standing here with Julianne Helmsley. Now Julianne last night we saw the shocking return of Victoria who as we all know is your husband's ex wife and they have had quite the history and a lot of people think Triple H is not over Victoria yet. I just wanted to get your thoughts on what happened last night
Julianne Helmsley: I know Hunter and Victoria have a history and I have heard the stories but Maria I have to believe what Hunter tells me and he has told me it was nothing, it was him doing the right thing and I respect that. His sister Alyssa was out there too and I could have been more proud to see him doing what he felt was right
Maria: So your not mad at him?
Julianne Helmsley: Of course not, he is my husband and the father of my unborn child, what is there to be mad about.
Maria: Well what about what your brother Kurt has said about wanting to take out Triple H?
Julianne Helmsley: Kurt needs to get out of my business and leave me alone or else he is going to get himself hurt. It's my life to live anyway I see fit. He thinks I am making a mistake but he has been saying that since Hunter and I got together and the simple fact is Hunter has yet to let me down at all unlike Kurt.
Maria: So you support your husband over your brother?
Julianne Helmsley: That's exactly what I am saying but if you will excuse me now.
:Julianne goes back into her Locker Room:
King: Well Julianne Helmsley just answered all of the questions we had
Joey Styles: Well I am glad to see that she is standing by her man
Coach: I am extremely disappointed by her dodging of the important things
Joey Styles: What are you talking about Coach?
"Simon Says" hits, Crowd Boo's as Simon Dean along with Lexus Carr make there way to the ring
Coach: It looks like we are being joined by Simon Dean
Joey Styles: Simon was originally scheduled to face Matt Walker but Mr. McMahon changed that match but I guess he gave Simon time to promote his Simon System tonight
:Simon Dean and Lexus enter the ring as Simon gets a microphone:

Joey Styles: During the break we were joined by Simon Dean although if you are tuning into RAW Unlimited you saw that

Coach: Shut up so we can hear what Simon has to say

Simon Dean: Hello Pittsburgh(Crowd Boo's) I am very happy to be in the fat city capital of Pennsylvania(Crowd Boo's Louder). I think you all need to buy my Patentied Simon System because this is surely not the greatest city anymore. I mean just look at some of your hereos. Matt Walker for instance was afraid to face me so he attacks our General Manager in a sneak attack. Now I worked for Mr. McMahon on SmackDown! and he is a very fair man and Matt Walker is lucky that Mr. McMahon changed his match because I was looking forward to teaching all of those Walker's a lesson because a hero he is not and Matt I think you and your whole family could use my Patentied Simon System because your all quiet fa....

:Just then a fan comes out from the crowd and into the ring and dropkicks Simon from behind knocking Simon into the ropes as Simon turns around and goes to hit hte fan but fan hits a Walkerkick as the fan takes off his Pittsburgh Pirate hat to reveal Jason Walker as Jason gets on top of Simon and opens up on Simon Dean as Several Referee's get into the ring and restrain Jason Walker off Simon Dean as Simon gets out of the ring as Jason wants to go after Simon:

King: Jason Walker is here on RAW, I thought he wasn't medically cleared to return

Coach: Yeah thats not fair

Joey Styles: Well I think Jason Walker is now medically cleared and he did not take kindly to Simon bad mouthing his hometown and his family

:"Learn To Fly" hits as Jason Walker is telling Simon that if he ever opens his mouth up again he will be more then happy to shut it up:

:Backstage: Vince McMahon's Office

Kurt Angle: Vince you promised me a World Title Shot and now your promising some KSCWE Legend MY TITLE SHOT

Vince McMahon: will still get a World Title Shot, its just not going to happen here tonight or at Backlash

Kurt Angle: Then when Vince

Vince McMahon: Soon I promise but Kurt I need you to be a good soldier and work with me to help me get that SCWE World Heavyweight title from Triple H


Vince McMahon: I tell you what Kurt, you do the right thing tonight and you do what I say and then I'll give you a SCWE World Heavyweight Title Match, anytime you want

Kurt Angle: Fine Vince, I'll do what you want tonight but Im telling you, you screw me and I will BREAK YOUR FREAKING ANKLE

:Kurt storms out of the locker room slamming the door as Candice then opens the door and walks in:

Candice: So how is things going

Vince McMahon: Besides the future minor set backs earlier, The Plan is working out perfectly

Candice: Excellent

Vince McMahon: Yeah but remember Candice, I scratch your back and you...

Candice: Oh don't you worry Vince, I will defentialy scratch your back

:Candice rubs her finger down Vince's shirt and smiles at him as Vince gets a big smile on his face:

Vince McMahon: Tonight we start the destruction of Triple H


King: Why does Candice want Triple H taken out?

Coach: Who cares, I see why Vince is doing it

Joey Styles: Well I would love to know the reasons and Kurt Angle is obviously upset as well with Vince McMahon because I guess Vince had promised Kurt the Backlash Title Shot and now whatever legend is returning to face Matt Walker gets that chance

King: Well Matt Walker better have back up because if Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy are going to insure this legend a win, then Matt better have The Triple Threat or his brothers ready to counter it

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Fire" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making there way to the ring being accumpied by DDP and weighing in at a combined weight of 470 Pounds, The Team of Nathan Wright and JJ Stallion

Coach: Well here comes JJ Stallion and Nathan Wright who well to be honest are facing an uphill battle here

"Perfect Strangers" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: And there opponents being accumpied by Jenn Hardy and Representing The Triple Threat weighing in at a combined weight of 465 Pounds, The SCWE Impact Champion Jerome Morris and Pittsburgh's Own, The "Franchise" Shane Douglas

King: Its not often The Triple Threat gets cheered but Shane Douglas tonight is a hometown hero and The Triple Threat have to be the favorites tonight

Shane Douglas & Jerome Morris W/Jenn Hardy vs JJ Stallion & Nathan Wright W/DDP
Earl Hebner signals for the bell. Jerome starts the match off with JJ. JJ goes for a clothesline but Jerome ducks it and kicks JJ in the gut. Jerome then hits JJ with a Snap Suplex. Nathan comes in but Shane cuts him off and hits him with a clothesline. Shane then kicks Nathan out to the floor. JJ gets up and goes to hit Jerome but Jerome blocks it and opens up on JJ with right hands. Jerome then whips JJ into the corner and hits him with a Superplex. Jerome waits for JJ to get up. Jerome connects with the Cocky Cutter as Nathan tries to come back in but Shane comes in and hits him with the Pittsburgh Plunge. Jerome and Shane then both cover their guys for the---1---2---3
Winners: Shane Douglas & Jerome Morris

Lillian: Your winners, Shane Douglas and Jerome Morris

Joey Styles: The Triple Threat makes very short work of JJ and Nathan Wright

Coach: I told you there is no stopping Jerome Morris and Shane Douglas

:RAW History Moment:
5/5/05-AJ Styles vs Raven vs John Cena-TLC
Raven turns around and hits an evenflow DDT to Cena 1...2...2.9 Cena gets his foot on the rope. Raven smashes his hand off the ring canvas in anger, He drags cena away from the ropes and covers him once again 1....2...2.8 kick out by John Cena. Raven grabs the chair from before and sets it up in the ring, Raven grabs Cena and throws him to the ropes, Cena bounces back and Raven hits a drop toe hold, Cena's face flies towards the steel chair but he just manages to ger his hands in front of him and stops his face from hitting the chair. Raven raises his arms thinking he just knocking out Cena, Cena stands up and laughs at Raven, Cena notices a set up table on the outside of the ring so when Raven turns around Cena kicks Raven in the gut and lifts him up for the FU. But instead of finnishing the move, Cena throws Raven over the top rope onto the table just outside the ring, Raven smashes through the table and is clearly knocked out a bit. Cena shouts out to his fans and they cheer but when Cena turns around he is now kicked in the gut and AJ Styles manages to hit the Styles Clash to Cena! AJ flips cena over and gets the pin 1....2....3.
:RAW History Moment Ends:

 Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:11 PM

Joey Styles: Well King up next we are going to have that big #1 Contender's Match

King: Yeah it should be interesting to say the least but who do you think it is that will be facing Matt Walker

Coach: Well Hulk Hogan is the best bet since he is a Legend

King: Hulk Hogan won't do the dirty work for Vince McMahon, I think its Scott Steiner who looked awesome at Wrestlemania III and IV

Joey Styles: Maybe its somebody like Rico who has some history with Matt Walker or The Hurricane

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and the Winner will become the #1 Contender at SCWE Backlash for the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship

"Holding Out for a Hero" hits, Crowd Erupts

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, Representing The Triple Threat and being accumpied by Mallorie Maddox weighing in at 225 Pounds, The "Real Deal, No Gimmicks Needed" Matt Walker

Joey Styles: Well here comes Matt Walker who came within mere seconds of winning the SCWE World Title Last Night

Coach: Matt Walker had things well in hand until Victoria got involved but earlier tonight, Matt Walker delivered a Guitar shot to Mr. McMahon that shockingly got him into this match

King: Yeah I don't get that but then again Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy are watching this ready to strike so maybe this is just a big set up

"No Chance" hits, Crowd Boo's as Vince McMahon walks out to the top of the entry ramp with a microphone

Coach: Mr. McMahon is out here I guess ready to personally introduce Matt Walker's opponent

Vince McMahon: Now Matt Walker, I hope you are ready for this match because I know I am ready to watch you get your ass handed to you. You think this is a reward, Yes you have a chance to become #1 Contender for the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship and I know Matt that your gold in Pittsburgh well except last night when you came up short in your quest but this is your second chance...or your end. I guess we will just have to wait and see but since I know you just want to get this match over with, Without Further Ado....Your Opponent...

Coach: It's Steiner, I'm telling you

:Sirens Sound in the areana as "Giving In" hits as The Crowd Boo's as Scott Steiner and Shayn Flair emerge:

Coach: It is Scott Steiner, I TOLD YOU ALL

King: Scott Steiner is back full time now

Joey Styles: Here comes Big Poppa Pump

King: Where is Lacy at?

Coach: Maybe she couldn't be here tonight but he still has his #2 Freak Shayn Flair

Lillian: And his opponent, Being accumpied by his #2 Freak Shayn Flair, From Detroit, Michigan weighing in at 255 Pounds, "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner

Joey Styles: This is going to be a great match between two former World Champions

Coach: And we all saw how dominate Scott Steiner was at Wrestlemania III and IV

#1 Contender for SCWE World Heavyweight Championship: Matt Walker W/Mallory Maddox vs Scott Steiner W/Shayn Flair
Matt Walker attacks Scott Steiner as he enters the ring as Walker opens up on Steiner with right hands as Matt Walker goes to whip Steiner off the ropes but Steiner reverses sending Walker off the ropes as Steiner hits a big powerslam on Matt Walker. Steiner gets back up as Steiner picks up Matt Walker and Steiner delivers a big belly 2 belly suplex on Walker as Steiner does a few push ups before getting back up as Steiner picks up Matt Walker as Steiner goes for the Freakliner but Walker elbows Steiner in the head as Matt Walker opens up on Steiner with right hands as Matt Walker charges at Steiner but gets nailed with a Steinerline. Scott Steiner then picks up Matt Walker again as Steiner whips Walker off the ropes as Steiner hits a Frankensteiner on Matt Walker as Steiner gets up and says its over as Steiner grabs Matt Walker and looks ready to go for the Steiner Recliner when Shane Douglas comes running out to the ring with a steel chain as Shane gets on the apron and throws the chain into the ring as Steiner knocks Shane Douglas down off the apron as Mallory gets up and distracts Charles Robinson as Matt Walker takes the chain and goes to hit Steiner but Steiner catches Walker instead with a Freakliner as Shayn Flair yanks Mallory down and Shayn hits a big clothesline knocking down Mallory as Steiner flips Matt Walker over and says its done as Steiner locks in the Steiner Recliner on Matt Walker but Shane Douglas gets on the apron and tries to enter the ring as Steiner lets it go as Steiner grabs Douglas as he comes into the ring and Steiner hits a T-Bone Suplex on Douglas as Shane gets up and Steiner Steinerlines Shane Douglas out to the floor as Matt Walker gets back up and goes to hit Steiner but Steiner kicks Walker in the gut and Gorilla Presses Matt Walker as Steiner bench presses him a few times before slamming him down as Steiner says its done for good as Steiner grabs Matt Walker from behind and hits a Reverse DDT on Walker as Steiner covers Matt Walker for a 1---2--2.9-Shane Douglas yanks Steiner out to the floor as Steiner delivers a big right hand knocking down Shane Douglas as Steiner pounds away at Douglas before getting back into the ring but Matt Walker catches him coming in as Matt Walker opens up on Steiner with right hands as Matt Walker goes for a Walkerflip but Steiner backdrops Matt Walker as Steiner see's Shane Douglas getting on the apron again as Steiner knocks him down as Matt Walker grabs his guitar and looks ready to hit Steiner as Shayn  gets on the apron distracting Charles Robinson when Jerome Morris hits the ring as Jerome turns Walker around and Jerome hits the Cocky Cutter on Matt Walker!! Jerome and Steiner look at each other as Jerome tells Steiner that he is the man as Jerome gets out of the ring as Steiner flips Matt Walker over and locks in the Steiner Recliner in the center of the ring as Charles Robinson is checking on Matt Walker as Shane Douglas attempts to get into the ring but Jerome attacks Shane from behind as Matt Walker has no choice and taps out.
Winner: Scott Steiner

Lillian: Your winner, Scott Steiner

Coach: Scott Steiner is going to Backlash to face Triple H

Joey Styles: I don't believe what we saw here, Jerome Morris turned his back on The Triple Threat

King: Jerome Morris sold out Matt Walker and Shane Douglas to align with Scott Steiner and Vince McMahon

:Vince McMahon gets into the ring as Vince picks up Matt Walker's guitar as Jerome Morris and Scott Steiner hold Matt Walker up as Vince tells Matt Walker that nobody gets the upper hand on him and Vince then smashes the guitar over Matt Walker's head as Shane Douglas gets into the ring but Steiner and Jerome attack him when Scott & Chris Walker hit the ring as Jerome bails out to the floor as Vince gets Steiner out of the ring as Steiner wants to go after them but Vince holds him back:

Joey Styles: Thank goodness for Scott and Chris Walker

Coach: Yeah but Steiner wanted at them

King: Scott Steiner back on RAW means uncertain times because Steiner is a loose cannon and him being aligned with Mr. McMahon could mean bad times for RAW Superstars

 :Backstage: Hardy/Angle Locker Room

:Kurt Angle & Matt Hardy are shown watching the monitor:
Kurt Angle: Scott Steiner!! I get pushed out for Scott Steiner
Matt Hardy: Settle down Kurt, Steiner can soften up H for you
Kurt Angle: I want to take out H, not some has been like Steiner
Matt Hardy: Yeah that's a good point, we should take him out
:Kelli Hardy walks into the scene:
Kelli Hardy: Listen up and listen up good, You boys will keep your mouth shut, as long as Vince gets what he wants in the Main Event we all get what we want right
Kurt Angle: No
Matt Hardy: Actually I'm not getting nothing Kel
Kelli Hardy: Oh well then you two are taking one for the team because I'm getting my hands on my no good sister again at Backlash because if Vince gets what he wants then at Backlash its Alyssa vs Stacy vs Me and Quiet Frankly, I am looking forward to becoming SCWE Women's Champion again
Matt Hardy: You heard her Kurt

Joey Styles: I am still in shock at what we saw before the break

King: Scott Steiner's return to RAW and well dominating Matt Walker despite Shane Douglas's attempted help but then when Matt Walker had things in hand, Jerome Morris another Triple Threat member hit the Cocky Cutter on Matt and aligned with Mr. McMahon and his hired gun Scott Steiner

Joey Styles: My question is how did Mr. McMahon get Scott Steiner on his side, Scott Steiner is a loose cannon and it is a great move having him though

Coach: I guess not and lets not forget, Kurt Angle and The Hardy's are in with Mr. McMahon too

Joey Styles: Yeah I wonder how well that will go especially seeing as Kurt Angle wanted the SCWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Coach: If Kurt is smart he will do as he is told

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

King: Guys shut up now, its Puppy Time!

"Don't Cha" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, From Houston, Texas, Alexis Adams

Joey Styles: Here comes Alexis Adams fresh off a very successful run on SmackDown! and Alexis should fit in great on RAW

King: Yeah she should, I wonder if she is single

Coach: King you got no chance with her

"Time To Rock N Roll" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: And her opponent, Being accumpied by her Problem Solver Tyson Tomko, From Toronto, Canada, Trish Stratus

Joey Styles: Here comes the former Women's Champion Trish Stratus who is out to send a message tonight that she is back

Coach: Yeah I would not want to be Alexis Adams tonight against the legendary Trish Stratus

Alexis Adams vs Trish Stratus W/Tyson Tomko
Trish and Alexis are staring each other down as Earl Hebner signals for the bell. Alexis and Trish lock up with each other. Trish breaks the hold and rakes Alexis in the eyes. Trish then opens up on Alexis with right hands. Trish then whips Alexis into the corner. Trish runs at Alexis but Trish is met with a boot to the face. Alexis then jumps up onto the turnbuckle. When Trish turns back around she is met with a dropkick. Alexis then quickly covers for the---1---2---2.3---kick out. Alexis picks Trish up but Trish punches her in the stomach. Trish then hits Alexis with a Snap Suplex. Trish then locks Alexis in the Boston Crab. Trish applies pressure but Alexis is able to pull herself to the ropes. Trish is forced to break the hold. Trish then picks Alexis up and whips her into the ropes. Trish then hits her with a clothesline. Trish then picks Alexis up and throws her out to the floor. Trish distracts Earl Hebner as Tyson makes his way over to Alexis. Tyson picks Alexis up but she kicks him south of the border and then gets back into the ring. Trish goes to punch her but Alexis blocks it and hits Trish with a big right hand of her own. Alexis then opens up on Trish with right hands. Alexis then hits Trish with a Modified DDT. Alexis then covers Trish for the---1---2---2.5---kick out. Alexis picks Trish up. Alexis whips her off of the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Trish ducks it. Trish comes back off of the ropes and hits Alexis with a Crossbody. Trish then opens up on Alexis. Trish then picks Alexis up and goes for the Chick Kick but Alexis ducks it. Alexis kicks Trish in the gut and hits her with a Suplex. Alexis goes to cover Trish but Trish kicks her away. Trish then gets back up and the two women start to circle each other. Trish goes for a right hand but Alexis ducks it and kicks her in the gut. Alexis goes for another Modified DDT but Trish pushes her away. As Alexis turns around she is met with a Chick Kick from Trish. Trish then covers for the---1---2---2.9---kick out. Trish can't believe. She starts to argue with Earl Hebner as Alexis gets back to her feet. Alexis then turns Trish around and hits her with a Stalling Suplex. Alexis then picks Trish up but Trish pushes her arms away and goes for a clothesline but Alexis ducks it and Trish clothesline Earl Hebner. Trish turns back around but is met with a kick to the gut. Alexis then hits Trish with the Closed Eyes. Trish is laid out as Alexis puts her in the Fixed Sensation. Tyson comes into the ring, as Earl Hebner is getting back up. Tyson pushes Alexis off of Trish but Earl Hebner sees it and signals for the bell.
Winner: Alexis Adams by DQ

Lillian: Your winner as a result of a Disqualification, Alexis Adams

Joey Styles: Alexis Adams gets the win thanks to a DQ

Coach: Well I don't like that call, Tyson was just trying to be helpeful for Trish

King: Tyson was interfering

:After The Bell, Tyson grabs Alexis and holds her as Trish hits a Chick Kick to Alexis laying her out as Trish puts the boots to Alexis Adams until Stevie Richards hits the ring as Tyson goes to hit Stevie but Stevie blocks it and opens up on Tyson as Christian hits the ring and attacks Christian from behind but The Blue Meanie htis the ring as The Blue Meanie attempts to hit Christian but Christian knocks Meanie down but Stevie goes for a Stevie Kick on Christian but Christian bails out to the floor instead as Christian tells Stevie he is to smart for him as Christian, Trish, & Tyson walk away as Stevie is telling them to come back as The Blue Meanie & Melinda check on Alexis Adams:

Joey Styles: Stevie Richards made sure that Trish, Christian, & Tyson didn't take anyone else out

King: Yeah after Christian turned on his former friend Test and sent Test to a local medical facility, they wanted to do the same to Alexis Adams but Stevie Richards stopped that


:Triple H is shown with Julianne Helmsley:
Julianne Helmsley: Hunter you better be careful out there
Triple H: Babe don't worry about it, I have Charlie watching my back along with Alyssa, nothing can go wrong
Julianne Helmsley: I just don't want you to get hurt, my brother wants to hurt you, Matt wants to hurt you and now you got Scott Steiner coming after you
Triple H: Babe, I'm the World Heavyweight Champion, I am the Greatest Wrestler in this company, I have the Largest Bulls eye on my chest, I can manage
Julianne Helmsley: Just be careful out there
Triple H: I will be and after we kick butt, I'm going to take you out for dinner at any restaurant you like
Julianne Helmsley: You don't have to
Triple H: I want to babe and I have to make sure our baby is getting enough food too
:Julez smiles as Triple H leans in and kisses her:
Triple H: I love you so much
Julianne Helmsley: Aww Hunter I love you too
:Triple H then leans down and kisses Julez's stomach:
Triple H: And I love you too
:Triple H gets back up as H and Julez smile at each other before Triple H grabs his SCWE World Heavyweight Championship and leaves the Locker Room:
:Christian, Trish, & Tyson are shown entering the backstage area when Todd Grisham stops them:
Todd Grisham: Christian can I get a word with you?
Christian: Make it quick jackass
Todd Grisham: Well I just found out that as a result of what we just saw that next week its going to be you and Trish taking on Stevie Richards and Alexis Adams
Christian: That's fine with me because Stevie you stuck your nose where it doesn't belong. This isn't SmackDown! or ECW, This is Monday Night RAW and My Name is not Simon Dean or Brandon Davis, I am not some pushover who you can beat, I am CHRISTIAN one of the greatest athletes in this company and The SINGLE BIGGEST NAME FROM CANADA EVER.
Trish Stratus: Todd, next week Alexis Adams gets the beating she was going to get tonight and Stevie you just got yourself a beating lined up now too
Christian: That's right Stevie, if you think what I did to Test was bad, just wait for yours and if your buddy The Blue Meanie wants to get involved, I am sure Tyson will be more then happy to solve that problem
Tyson Tomko: .....
:Christian, Trish, & Tyson laugh before leaving:

 Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:11 PM

Joey Styles: Well King its main event time now

King: Yeah and what a crazy RAW it has already been, we saw Matt Walker smash his guitar over Vince McMahon's head after learning Vince is running RAW for the next few weeks while Eric and Marrisa Bischoff take a vacation

Coach: Matt and Kelli Hardy snapped and dump a Pop Machine over on top of Scar and Fake Steph

Joey Styles: And Scott Steiner made his return to RAW and earned a SCWE World Heavyweight Championship Match at Backlash

Lillian: The Main Event of SCWE Monday Night RAW is scheduled for one fall

"Danger Zone" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making there way to the ring, From Greenwich, Connecticut, She is one half of the SCWE Women's Tag Team Champions, Kelli Hardy and her partner From Cameron, North Carolina weighing in at 230 Pounds, He is one half of the SCWE Tag Team Champions, Matt Hardy

Coach: Here comes The Hardy's who are going to send a message tonight

King: I don't know about that Coach

"I Don't Suck" hits, Crowd Chants Angle

Lillian: And there partner, Being accumpied by Kaylee Angle From Right here in Pittsburgh weighing in at 230 Pounds, He is one half of the SCWE Tag Team Champions, Kurt Angle

Joey Styles: Here comes Pittsburgh's own Kurt Angle now

King: Pittsburgh sure does like Kurt Angle

"Just Close Your Eyes" hits, Crowd is mixed

Lillian: And there opponents, 1st being accumpied by Jaime Lavelle, From Edmond, Oklahoma weighing in at 242 Pounds, He is the "World's Greatest Athlete" Charlie Haas

King: Well here comes Charlie Haas now

"Stronger" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: His partner, From Cleveland, Ohio, She is the SCWE Women's Champion, Alyssa Amidala

Joey Styles: Here comes Alyssa Amidala who last night defeated Kelli Hardy at Wrestlemania IV to become the Women's Champion

Coach: Yeah but Victoria made sure of that

King: It was the Kelli/Alyssa match that caused all of these problems to occur

"Game" hits as The Crowd Rises to there Feet and are Mixed

Lillian: And finally, From Greenwich, Connecticut weighing in at 265 Pounds, He is the SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, He is the "Game" Triple H

Joey Styles: Well here comes the champ who seems to be taking on a new kind of attitude

King: I guess the fact that he is ready to become a father has changed Triple H

Triple H, Charlie Haas, & Alyssa Amidala W/Jaime Lavelle vs Kurt Angle, Matt Hardy, & Kelli Hardy W/Kaylee Angle
Charlie Haas starts things off with Matt Hardy as the two men have words with each other before locking up with Haas going behind Hardy but Hardy goes to elbow Haas but Haas ducks it and grabs Hardy as Haas hits a overhead belly 2 belly suplex on him as Charlie Haas gets back up and Haas opens up on Hardy with right hands as Haas goes to grab Hardy but Hardy kicks Haas in the gut as Hardy hits a Side Effect on Haas as Hardy covers for a 1---2--kick out. Matt Hardy gets up and kicks Haas in the gut as Hardy takes Haas and rams him into the corner as Hardy stomps away at Haas as Hardy grabs Haas and holds him as he tags out to Kurt Angle as Kurt enters and delivers a kick to the gut of Charlie Haas as Kurt opens on Haas with right hands as Kurt and Hardy then deliver a double suplex to Haas as Kurt Angle then stalks Haas as Haas gets up and Angle hits a German Suplex and holds it for a second German and goes for a third but Haas blocks it as Angle tries again but Haas hits a elbow to Kurt's head as Haas goes to move but Kurt trips Haas down and locks in the Angle Lock and Grapevines it but while falling, Haas made the tag to Triple H as The Game enters the ring and drops a big elbow on Kurt Angle breaking it as The Game opens up on Kurt with right hands as Matt Hardy enters but Triple H gets up and The Game catches Hardy with a spinebuster as Kurt gets whipped off the ropes as Triple H hits a high knee to Kurt Angle as Triple H does his trademark taunt as he sets up Hardy for a Pedigree when Kelli enters the ring and Kelli rakes Triple H in the eyes as Matt Hardy kicks Triple H in the gut and goes for a Twist of Fate but Alyssa enters and hits Matt Hardy as Kelli Hardy and Alyssa then start to brawl with each other as both ladies knock each other out to the floor as they continue to fight into the crowd as Kurt Angle puts his straps down as Kurt Angle opens up on Triple H with right hands as Kurt goes for the Angle Slam but Triple H eludes it and The game kicks Kurt in the gut and sets him up for a Pedigree when Charlie Haas enters and knocks Hardy down from hitting Triple H as The Game says its Game Over but Haas hits Triple H in the back! Haas then hits the World's Greatest Slam to Triple H as Haas puts Kurt Angle on top of Triple H for the 1---2--3.
Winners: Kurt Angle, Matt Hardy, & Kelli Hardy

Lillian: Your winners, Kurt Angle, Matt Hardy, & Kelli Hardy

Joey Styles: What the hell did we just see

King: Chalrie Haas just turned on Triple H

:Vince McMahon makes his way to the ring followed by Jerome Morris & Scott Steiner as Jerome enters the ring and Jerome stomps away at Triple H as Haas tells Jerome to pick him up which he does as Haas gets in Triple H's face and tells him he is aligned with Vince McMahon and that Vince can do more for his career then he ever did as Haas slaps Triple H in the face as Haas then kicks Triple H in the gut as Haas delivers a Pedigree to Triple H as Scott Steiner gets into the ring as Jerome and Haas back off as Steiner says he is going to break Triple H:

King: I can't believe what we are seeing

Coach: Vince McMahon is putting together an Army of Superstars and he got Scott Steiner, Kurt Angle, Matt Hardy, Jerome Morris, and Charlie Haas all working for him

King: Triple H is going to need somebody to help him

:Scott Steiner goes to lock in the Steiner Recliner when the crowd erupts as Matt Walker hits the ring as Matt Walker gets in the ring and Walker goes to work on Steiner knocking him down with a right hand as Matt Walker hits a clothesline on Charlie Haas as Jerome attacks Matt Walker from behind but Walker turns around and opens up on Jerome with right hands when Scott Steiner hits Matt Walker from behind as Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy look at each other and Kurt Angle grabs Scott Steiner and turns him around as Kurt Angle goes to work on Scott Steiner with right hands as Matt Hardy hits a clothesline on Charlie Haas sending him out to the floor as Matt Walker throws Jerome Morris out to the floor as Triple H gets back up as Triple H and Kurt Angle deliver a Double Clothesline sending Scott Steiner crashing out to the floor as Triple H, Kurt Angle, Matt Hardy, & Matt Walker all look at each other as Vince regroups with his boys as Vince gets a microphone:

Joey Styles: I can't believe what we just saw here

King: Yeah neither can I, The four guys who last night went to hell and back over the SCWE World Heavyweight Title are now working together!

Coach: Let's hear what Vince McMahon has to say

Vince McMahon: Next Week Kurt and Matt get ready to defend those Tag Titles because its you two vs Charlie Haas and Jerome Morris and Triple H your defending your World Heavyweight Title against....Simon Dean and Matt Walker....I'll need a week to think up what I am going to do with you

"No Chance" hits as Vince, Scott Steiner, Charlie Haas, & Jerome Morris head towards the back as all four men look at each other in the ring with uneasyness

Coach: Well Mr. McMahon is going ot make there lives a living hell and I would not want to be any of them

Joey Styles: The New Era of RAW is definatly upon us and boy are things just getting good now, See you Next Monday Night on RAW

:RAW Goes Off The Air:

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