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RAW : RAW 3/27/06
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 Message 1 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 3:12 PM

Results 3/27/06 Live From Cleveland, Ohio

Dark Matches Air before RAW:

Dark Match #1: Test defeated Triple J

Dark Match #2: David Flair defeated The Blue Meanie

:Highlights From The Last RAW are shown as The RAW Opening Video is played to the "Welcome to The Jungle" as Pyro then explodes opening up the show:

Joey Styles: Welcome to SCWE Monday Night RAW, Tonight we are coming to you live from Cleveland, Ohio

King: Last week's RAW was one to remember and this week's RAW should be just as good

Coach: Yeah tonight Triple H defends the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship against Simon Dean, SCWE Tag Team Champions Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy defend against Jerome Morris and Charlie Haas plus SCWE Women's Champion Alyssa Amidala defends her title against newcomer Samantha Hart

King: Yes and we are going to hear from Scott Steiner tonight as well

"No Chance" hits, Crowd Boo's as The Entire Corporation makes there way to the ring

Coach: Well I guess Mr. McMahon wants to open up RAW

Joey Styles: Well we are being joined by Mr. McMahon, Candice, Scott Steiner, Charlie Haas, Jerome Morris, Shayn Flair, Trish Morris, and Jaime Lavelle

King: I wonder what they want

:The Corporation gets into the ring as Mr. McMahon gets a microphone:

Vince McMahon: If you thought last week's RAW was shocking, You have not seen nothing yet(Crowd Chants Asshole). It's not nice to call Triple H that(Crowd Boo's). You see last week was the beginning, last week the most dominant version of the Corporation was formed and tonight, We add to what you already see. Tonight we add a few more pieces to the puzzle and tonight continues to the distruction of Triple H.

:Candice asks Vince for the microphine which he gives her:

Candice: And this could have all been avoided if only Scott Hill would have done what I told him so Triple H, you can thank your good friend for the unholy hell your being put through.

Joey Styles: What does Scott Hill have to do with this?

:Candice gives the microphone to Scott Steiner:

King: Uh oh, Steiner got the microphone

Scott Steiner: Everyone wants to know why I came back, why after saying at Wrestlemania I wasn't going to return, I returned. Well I came back because Vince McMahon promised me a chance to kick Triple H's ass. I have never liked that big nosed jackass and now that Triple H is not being protected by the GM's, I finally can take him out the way I want to. Triple H the odds are in my favor now. You have nobody to protect you, nobody to help you so when I decide to take my shot at you, there will be nobody to save you. At Backlash, I'm going to make you my bitch so enjoy your career while you still have it.

:"I Don't Suck" hits over the PA as The Crowd Cheers

King: It's Kurt Angle!

:Kurt Angle walks out to the top of the entry ramp with a microphone:

Kurt Angle: Do you actually think these people want to hear you run your mouths about what your going to do? I don't think they do, heck they probably want to see There Olympic Hero come down to that ring and Angle Slam each and every one of you(Crowd Cheers).

:Scott Steiner gets on the ropes and is telling Kurt Angle to bring it:

Kurt Angle: Oh you want some of Your Olympic Hero Scott, well I would normally come down there to kick your ass but the thing is, I'm out numbered which is why I have a few friends in the back who want to come with me

:Kurt drops the microphone and heads down towards the ring as Matt Hardy comes out behind Kurt Angle:

Joey Styles: Here comes Matt Hardy now

:Vince grabs a microphone:

Vince McMahon: You know what since everyone wants to fight so much, right here right now the SCWE Tag Team Title Match, Scott, Shayn, Candice, Trish, go ahead to the back, we are going to open up RAW with a Tag Title Match, Right Now

Coach: I guess we are going ourselves the SCWE Tag Title Match to open up RAW

King: What a great way to kick off this week's RAW then with a Tag Team Title Match

:Kaylee Angle joins Kurt & Matt as they come towards the ring as Jerome & Charlie get ready as Vince McMahon,  Candice, Shayn Flair, Scott Steiner, & Trish Morris leave to the back:

Joey Styles: Well Chris Kay has also come out so lets get to this match

SCWE Tag Team Championship: Kurt Angle & Matt Hardy(C) W/Kaylee Angle vs Charlie Haas & Jerome Morris W/Jaime Lavelle
Referee Chris Kay sounds for the bell as Charlie Haas starts things off with Kurt Angle as the two men lock up with Angle going behind Haas but Haas counters by going behind Angle and Angle goes behind Haas again as Angle goes for a German Suplex but Haas rolls through and gets an Ankle Lock on Kurt Angle but Kurt rolls through it sending Haas into the ropes as both men get back up and look ready to fight. Angle tells Haas to bring it as both lock up again with Haas locking in a headlock but Kurt sends Haas off the ropes as Kurt hits a hip toss on the way back sending Haas down as Charlie gets up and tags out to Jerome Morris. Jerome enters the ring and runs at Kurt who ducks a right hand and Kurt grabs Jerome and hits a German Suplex and holds it for a second german suplex. Kurt then holds it and hits a third German Suplex on Jerome Morris. Kurt lets Jerome go as Jerome is grabbing his head as Kurt gets behind Jerome is stalking Jerome as Jerome starts to get up as Kurt grabs Jerome and hits another German Suplex and Kurt holds it for a second german followed by a third release one as Kurt gets up and Kurt puts his straps down as Kurt waits for Jerome to get up as Kurt hits the Angle Slam on Jerome Morris as Kurt covers for a 1---2--Charlie Haas makes the save. Chris Kay gets Charlie Haas out of the ring as Kurt picks up Jerome but Jerome low blows Kurt as Jerome takes Kurt then and hits the Thrill Seekers as Jerome goes up top and goes for the Ride of Your Life but Kurt rolls out of the way as Jerome hits the mat hard as Jerome tags out to Charlie Haas as Charlie enters the ring as Charlie goes to hit Kurt but Kurt catches Haas and hits a belly 2 belly suplex as Kurt gets up and Kurt hits a clothesline knocking down Haas as Jerome comes back into hte ring and goes to hit Kurt but Kurt ducks and hits another German Suplex on Jerome as Kurt gets up but Haas hits a chop block on Kurt taking him down as Haas goes to work on the left leg of Kurt as Haas goes for the Ankle Lock but Kurt kicks Haas down as Kurt goes to tag out but Jerome goes to hit Kurt but Kurt sends Jerome into Matt Hardy as Hardy knocks Jerome down with a right hand as Kurt goes to tag but Matt Hardy jumps off the apron instead as Kurt asks Matt what he is doing as Matt Hardy smiles at Kurt and tells him Vince paid him well as Kurt then gets hit from behind as Haas hits the World's Greatest Slam on Kurt Angle as Charlie goes for the Haas of Pain but Kurt is able to get into the ropes as Jerome Morris gets back into the ring as Jerome and Charlie both put the boots to Kurt Angle as Matt Hardy walks over to Kurt and tells Kurt that he should just quit as Kurt tries to grab Hardy but Hardy backs up as Jerome and Haas pound away at Kurt as they pick up Kurt as Kurt tries to fight back and Kurt knocks Jerome down with a elbow to the face and opens up on Haas but Matt Hardy hits Kurt from behind as Hardy grabs Kurt and hits the Twist of Fate on Kurt Angle. Charlie then covers Kurt Angle for the 1---2--3.
Winners: Charlie Haas & Jerome Morris (SCWE Tag)

Lillian: Your winners and New SCWE Tag Team Champions, Jerome Morris and Charlie Haas

Joey Styles: We got new Tag Team Champions here thanks to Matt Hardy turning his back on Kurt Angle

King: I can't believe Matt Hardy

Coach: Mr. McMahon promised a new member and boy did he deliver

:Charlie Haas and Jerome pick up Kurt as Matt Hardy tells Kurt that he is going to teach him a lesson as Kaylee runs to the back as Matt tells Kurt even his wife abandoned him:

Coach: Look at that, Kaylee Angle just left her own husband high and dry

King: I don't know about that, I think she was just getting out of harms way

:Matt Hardy slaps Kurt Angle a few times as Matt sets up Kurt for another Twist of Fate when the place erupts as Matt, Scott, & Chris Walker hit the ring with Kaylee behind them as all 3 Walker's get into the ring as Matt Walker knocks down Matt Hardy as Scott takes down Charlie Haas while Chris Walker knocks Jerome down as the Corporation members retreat out of the ring as Kaylee checks on Kurt:

Joey Styles: Kaylee Angle ran to the back to get her brothers

Coach: Mr. McMahon is not going to like this

King: Well the Walker's have vowed to get revenge and I guess they just started

:The Walker's help up Kurt thanks them as "I Don't Suck" plays:

Joey Styles: Well I think The Walker's and Kurt realize while they may not be the best of friends, the only way to get what they want is to work together

Coach: I don't think this new found friendship between the wrestlers is going to last


Todd Grisham: I am here with The bWo's Stevie Richards and Melinda, Now Stevie my first question is how are you enjoying life on RAW since coming back?

Stevie Richards: RAW has been great, The bWo will take over RAW just like it had done on SmackDown!

Todd Grisham: Now last week you saved Alexis Adams from a beating at the hands of Christian and Trish Stratus, why did you do that and what are your feelings on teaming with Alexis tonight to face Christian and Trish?

Stevie Richards: Well Todd, I am looking forward to it actually. I would be SmackDown! World Heavyweight Champion if I were still on SmackDown! yet since I've been traded to RAW, I've been put against guys like David Flair and have been completly forgotten about, So to be in the ring with one of RAW's best tonight is a good thing for me and tonight Alexis and I are going to show those Canadian's a lesson or two because like I said before, We are Taking Over

Todd Grisham: There you heard it from Stevie Richards, back to you guys


Joey Styles: Well its now time for a new segment that started last week on RAW

King: Yes its time for Brother Love's Love Connection

"I Love You" hits as the Crowd is mixed as Brother Love walks out to the top of the entry way

Brother Love: I LOVE YOU ALL(Crowd is mixed). Now Tonight I am out here to spread the love once again.

King: Please put me with a RAW Diva

Brother Love: Like last wee's Love Connection in which I said Rose Thorn and Brian Mason should get together, this week's Love Connection will not disappoint so without further ado, my picks for a couple that should get together.

:Stephanie McMahon's Picture Appears on the Tron:

Brother Love: Stephanie McMahon is a former Women's Champion and had bad luck in the men department but never fear for Stephanie I have found you the perfect man

:Jerome Morris's Picture Appears:

Brother Love: Now I am not the kind to promote breaking up a marriage but I believe its destiny that Stephanie and Jerome end together. Thank You and I hope enjoyed this week's Love Connection

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 Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:13 PM

King: Well Stevie Richards definatly seems ready

Joey Styles: That he does but what about that Love Connection

Coach: Well Brother Love was just telling it like it is and  I happen to agree with him

King: Yeah me too, Jerome and Stephanie are meant for each other and since Jerome is leaving Trish Morris, I guess I can move in with her

Coach: No King, I'll take Trish Morris

Joey Styles: Guys enough fighting about Trish Morris, we have a job to do

King: Oh right

Coach: Yeah lets go to the ring then

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Walk This Way" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st there way to the ring, team #1, 1st from Las Vegas, Nevada, Jezebel and her partner, from Grenwich, Connecticut, Jenna McMahon

Coach: Well here comes Jezebel and a newcomer Jenna McMahon to the ring

King: No realtion to Mr. McMahon that we know of

Joey Styles: Well Jezebel wants revenge for what happened last week where thanks to Stacy Flair, Trish Morris became Women's RAWCore Champion

"Did My time" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: And there opponents, 1st from Denver, Colorado and Representing The Corporation, She is the SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion, Trish Morris

King: Well here comes Trish Morris who is the Women's RAWCore Champion as you can see having beat Jezebel last week and now is a member of The Corporation

"Everybody's Fool" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Lillian: And her partner, From Los Angelos, California, She is one half of the SCWE Women's Tag Team Champions, Stacy Flair

King: Here comes Stacy Flair who at Backlash will be challenging Alyssa Amidala for the SCWE Women's Championship in what we learned earlier will be a Triple Threat match with Kelli Hardy also in it

Joey Styles: Yes but right now its about this divas tag match

Stacy Flair & Trish Morris vs Jezebel & Jenna McMahon
Stacy and Jezebel start things off, as Jezebel hits a few elbows and some rights and left that catch Stacy off gaurd. Stacy fights back though, hitting Jezebel with punches and forearm shots of her own. The two divas lock up, and Stacy executes a nice arm drag on Jezebel, but Jezebel gets up and runs after Stacy. Stacy flips Jezebel over with another Arm drag, and follows up with another one. Jezebel, not deterred, gets up and runs at Stacy, knocking her down with a clothesline. Jezebel stomps away at Stacy, and drags her over to Jezebel's corner. Jezebel puts Stacy on the turnbuckle, and starts stomping away. Jezebel tags Jenna in, and Jenna joins in on the stomping. Stacy hits an eye rake, and dropkicks Jenna, knocking her down. Stacy picks Jenna up by the hair, and flings her across the ring. Jenna lands hard, and Stacy doesn't let up. She stands on Jenna's hair, and pulls her arms up, stretching her hair and pulling it out. Jenna screams in pain, and the ref tells Stacy to let go. She does, and steps away, but once the ref gives her a little bit of room Stacy comes back in and stomps away at Jenna. She picks Jenna up and scoop slams her. She goes over, and tags in Trish, who climbs the top rope. She jumps, and lands a perfect Elbow Drop right on Jenna. The ref counts, 1.....2...No, Jezebel runs in and stomps at Trish, breaking the count. Jezebel fights off Trish, hitting her with Forearm shots, and a powerslam. Stacy runs in and knocks Jezebel down, but Jezebel quickly gets up and fights Stacy off. She kicks Stacy in the gut, and looks to go for the Close Call, but Trish gets back in and knocks Jezebel out of the ring. They have Jenna all alone, and she tries getting away, but Stacy kicks her in the gut and Trish hits the Blonde Bitch Ride. Stacy goes up top rope, and nails the Broken Dreams. Trish, smugly, walks over to Jenna and pins her. Stacy covers the ropes, as the ref counts the 1....2....3
Winners: Stacy Flair & Trish Morris

Lillian: Your winners, Stacy Flair & Trish Morris

Coach: Stacy and Trish get the win here

Joey Styles: Jezebel did all she could but Jenna just couldn't hold her own against Stacy and Trish

King: Well one day Jezebel will get her revenge on Trish Morris and Stacy Flair


:Maria is shown with Alyssa Amidala and a Mystery Woman:

Maria: I am standing here with SCWE Women's Champion Alyssa Amidala. Now Alyssa tonight your defending your SCWE Women's Title in your hometown of Cleveland against newcomer Samantha Hart and this is your first title defense since winning the title at Wrestlemania IV, how ready or nervous are you?

Alyssa Amidala: Well I am a little worried about it since its my hometown but Samantha Hart is a newcomer and unless I missed something, I don't expect her to be in the league of Kelli Hardy or Stacy Flair so I think I should be ok for the match

Maria: Well Alyssa who is your friend right now?

Alyssa Amidala: Oh this is my very best friend in the whole world Lindsey Moore. We have known each other since like forever

Maria: Oh well welcome to SCWE RAW Lindsey

Lindsey Moore: Thanks, I can't wait to watch Alyssa in the ring tonight doing what she is good at

Maria: Now Alyssa one more question before you go, Next week its been signed already that your going to be teaming up with Alexis Adams to challenge SCWE Women's Tag Team Champions Stacy Flair and Kelli Hardy. Now both of those ladies are your opponents at Backlash, what do you think of that?

Alyssa Amidala: I can't wait to get my Women's Tag Title back, its been away from me for far to long and I look forward to teaming up with Alexis Adams to take back whats rightfully mine

Maria: Well good luck Alyssa and nice meeting you Lindsey

:Alyssa & Lindsey head off towards Alyssa's Locker Room:

:Another Area Backstage:

:Brother Love is shown getting ready to leave the arena when Jerome Morris approaches him:

Jerome Morris: Who the hell do you think you are?

Brother Love: Why hello Brother Jerome, Can You Feel the Love

Jerome Morris: Shut up, how dare you say I belong with Stephanie McMahon

Brother Love: Because Brother Jerome you do, you and her are both great at making an Impact, you in the ring and her outside the ring, you two are meant for each other

Jerome Morris: Like hell

Brother Love: Brother Jerome, you will come to realize in the future that I am right, Now I must go and Spread The Love

:Brother Love leaves as Jerome looks down at his two titles:

Jerome Morris: Me with Stephanie McMahon.....Nah I don't think so jackass

:Jerome walks off towards the Corporation Locker Room:

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Joey Styles: Well up next we are going to be seeing former Women's Champion Kelli Hardy in action

Coach: Yeah Kelli is facing Fake Steph after the beating Kelli put on Fake Steph last week

King: Well I'm looking forward to it because its Bra & Panties, Wooo hooo

Lillian: The Following Contest is a Bra & Panties Match(Crowd Cheers)

"Shake It Fast" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, From Los Angelos, California, Fake Steph

Joey Styles: Here comes Fake Steph who is a former Women's Champion

Coach: Yeah but Fake Steph hasn't won a match since

"Figured You Out" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: And her opponent, Representing The Corporation, From Greenwich, Connecticut, She is one half of the SCWE Women's Tag Team Champions, Kelli Hardy

King: Kelli Hardy who we found out earlier will be teaming with Stacy Flair to defend the SCWE Women's Tag Team Title's next week against SCWE Women's Champion Alyssa Amidala and Alexis Adams

Joey Styles: Yeah and Kelli is now in the Corporation which explains her rematch now at Backlash

Coach: Well I can't wait to see what Kelli does to Fake Steph because I know Kelli will be wanting to send a message

Bra & Panties: Kelli Hardy vs Fake Steph
Kelli Hardy and Fake Steph instantly lock up, with Kelli getting the obvious upper hand. Kelli puts Fake Steph into a head lock and gets a sick smile on her face. Kelli whips Fake Steph into the ropes, Kelli then delivers a huge clothesline sending Fake Steph to the mat hard. Kelli grabs Fake Steph by her hair and tosses her to the opposite side of the ring. Kelli pulls out a pair of scissors from her top. She puts her foot on Fake Steph's head and bends over and cuts a huge chuck of her hair. She shows it off to the crowd and scatters it around Fake Steph. Kelli throws her scissors to the outside of the ring as Fake Steph staggers up, realizing what Kelli has just done to her. Fake Steph turns to Kelli but Kelli hits a huge drop kick to her sending her out of the ring as the referee begins to count ...1 Kelli climbs out of the ring ...2...3... she grabs Fake Steph and whips her into the steel stairs ...4...5... Kelli stares at the referee and grabs Fake Steph and slides her into the ring. Kelli climbs up to the top turnbuckle. Fake Steph turns towards Kelli and is hit with a High Cross Body. Kelli then rips off Fake Steph's shirt reveling her green bra. Kelli gets up and taunts the crowd telling them that this is only the beginning for Alyssa Amidala. Fake Steph staggers up and uses the rope to hold her balance. Kelli turns to her and grabs her hair from behind. Kelli then hits a bulldog on Fake Steph. Kelli then gets on top of Fake Steph and delivers huge right hands. Kelli stands up and tells off the booing crowd. She grabs Fake Kelli and sets up a pedigree. Kelli connects and then rips off Fake Steph's wrestling shorts to show her green underwear for the win
Winner: Kelli Hardy

Lillian: Your winner, Kelli Hardy

Joey Styles: Kelli Hardy picks up the win here tonight over Fake Steph but I got a feeling it won't be this easy next week

King: Poor Fake Steph though, she got her hair cut, stripped down

Coach: Well Kelli is just that damn good

Joey Styles: Like I said lets see what happens next week

:A Promo Airs Announcing That Next Week The "Masterpiece" Chris Masters Will Make his KSCWE Debut:

King: Who is that guy

Coach: Chris Masters, The Masterpiece is coming to KSCWE and more importantly SCWE Monday Night RAW and if you haven't seen that guy, your in for a treat

Joey Styles: Well Masters will debut next week on RAW but right now we got more important matters

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Mixed Tag Contest

"King of My World" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making there way to the ring, Being accumpied by There Problem Solver, Tyson Tomko, From Toronto, Canada, The Team of Trish Stratus and Christian

Coach: Here comes Canada's favorite couple

King: This should be an interesting match and I hope Christian gets his for what he did to Test last week

"One Step Closer" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: And there opponents, 1st being accumpied by Melinda and Representing the bWo, From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania weighing in at 220 Pounds, "Big Stevie Cool" Stevie Richards

Joey Styles: Here is the former SD! World Heavyweight Champion

"Don't Cha" hits, Crowd Continues to Cheer

Lillian: And his partner, From Houston, Texas, Alexis Adams

King: And here comes Alexis Adams now who will be busy next week too when she teams with Alyssa Amidala to challenge SCWE Women's Tag Champions Kelli Hardy and Stacy Flair

Christian & Trish Stratus W/Tyson Tomko vs Stevie Richards & Alexis Adams W/Melinda
Christian and Stevie Richards start things off by locking up as Stevie shoves Christian back as Christian responds by shoving Stevie back as Stevie then shoves Christian down on his butt as Stevie tells Christian the bWo are taking over as Christian gets up back up to his feet and Christian complains to referee Mark Johnson about Stevie pushing him as Mark Johnson tells Christian there is nothing he can do as Christian shakes his head and locks up with Stevie again as Stevie is starting to get the upper hand when Christian breaks off and pokes Stevie in the eyes as Christian opens up on Stevie with a few right hands to the head as Christian then hooks Stevie and hits a Suplex followed by a second suplex and then a third one as Christian gets up and smacks his chest and points to Tyson telling him that was for his peeps as Christian goes for a Texas Cloverleaf but Stevie kicks Christian down as both men get back up as Christian goes to hit Stevie but Stevie hip tosses Christian down as Christian gets back up, Stevie grabs Christian and hits an Atomic Drop followed by stevie grabbing Christian and hitting a big Stevie Suplex as Stevie floats over into a pin for a 1---2--Christian gets his arm up as Stevie picks up Christian and hits a few big chops to the chest of Christian backing him up as Stevie goes to send Christian off the ropes but Christian reverses sending Stevie off the ropes as Christian hits a big spinebuster on Stevie as Christian says its over. Christian then picks up Stevie and Christian attempts to set up Stevie for the Unprettier but Stevie shoves Christian off the ropes as Stevie kicks Christian in the gut as Stevie goes for the Stevie T but Tyson gets on the apron as Stevie lets Christian go as Stevie knocks Tyson off the apron as Christian hits Stevie from behind as Stevie gets set up again for the Unprettier but Stevie shoves Christian away as Stevie makes the tag out to Alexis Adams as Christian is forced to tag out to Trish Stratus. Trish & Alexis both enter the ring as the two ladies have some words before locking up. Trish and Alexis both attempt to gain the upper hand with Trish finally doing so as Trish locks in a headlock on Alexis but Alexis sends Trish off the ropes as Alexis drops down as Trish jumps over top of Alexis and hits the ropes on the other side as Trish goes for a hip toss but Alexis blocks it as Alexis instead hits a clothesline knocking down Trish as Alexis then goes for the Fixed Sensation but Trish kicks Alexis down as Trish and Alexis get back up as Trish catches Alexis with a few right hands as Trish goes for a clothesline but Alexis kicks Trish in the gut and Alexis hits a Modified DDT on Trish.

 Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:13 PM
Alexis then covers Trish for a 1--kick out. Alexis then picks up Trish as Alexis knees Trish in the gut as Alexis goes for the Closed Eyes but Trish backdrops Alexis as Trish gets up and Trish is waiting for Alexis to get back up as Trish goes for a Chick Kick but Alexis ducks it as Alexis kicks Trish in the gut and hits a Sit down Powerbomb as Alexis covers for a 1---2--Christian yanks Alexis off Trish which brings Stevie Richards back into the ring as Stevie knocks down Christian with a right hand as Tyson gets into the ring as Referee Mark Johnson is trying to get Stevie out as Tyson eyes up Alexis and Tyson hits a big boot on Alexis laying her out as Stevie breaks free and attacks Tyson Tomko and opens up on Tyson as Mark Johnson is trying to get Stevie and Tyson seperated as Christian gets up and is helping up Trish when Edge comes out of the crowd and gets into the ring as Edge hits a Spear taking down Christian as Edge gets up as Trish smacks Edge in the back of the head but Edge kicks Trish in the gut and hits the Edgecution on her as Edge gets out of the ring as Christian rolls out of the ring and goes after Edge while Stevie spears Tyson out to the floor. Alexis gets back up and picks up Trish and Alexis hits the Closed Eyes on Trish and covers for the 1---2--3.
Winners: Stevie Richards & Alexis Adams

Lillian: Your winners, Stevie Richards & Alexis Adams

Joey Styles: Stevie and Alexis overcame the odds to score the big upset

King: Edge was here!!

Coach: Yes why is Edge here on RAW, He is a SmackDown! Star

Joey Styles: Obviously he is on RAW now and he just took out his former leader

King: Well right now we are going to take a look back at what happened last week on SmackDown! in the SmackDown! switch back which will be followed by the Extreme Replay for ECW

:SmackDown! Swithback Airs:

Brandon: At Wrestlemania 3, I will be a big man and I will admit. I got beat, Stevie Richards proved me wrong and Im a Stevie, if you are watching this....Congradulations on beating me fair and square. Stevie, if RAW ever treats you wrong, you have a place over here on SmackDown! Now thats out of the way, Im out here to address a few things, Now, this is the time where I answer everybodies question. I do want to take this time to thank The Hill's for letting me run SmackDown!. Now SmackDown! will be different this time...Im running things around here now. I know all of you are thinking "why did they let Brandon be a General Manager again?" Well, I can answer that for you all. I was the best damn General Manager there was other then Eric Bischoff. Many General Managers came and gone...Vince Russo, Ric Flair, Charisma Adams, Ernest "The Cat" Miller and the rest that need to be nameless...Everyone of them failed at running RAW, I was the man that was turning it around until they decided to do away with it. It was the roster that killed itself, I didnt kill RAW.  I know theres people in the back that dont like it, like Jamie Gunz for example. Well, Get used to it, Im not going any where. Now, The other order of business I came out here for is this, The World Championship that resting on my shoulder. I know everybody in the back wants a shot at this lovely gold. Thats why I will be handpicking select superstars tonight for an 8 man battle royal that will take place live here next week for the World Championship. With that said, I will hand pick the 8 men, they are....The SCWE United States Champion Randy Orton, The SCWE European Champion Ken Kennedy, The SCWE Xtreme Champion John Cena, Both SmackDown! Tag Team Champions AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels, John Bradshaw Layfield, Billy Gunn...and the last man....Jamie Gunz! There will be a special referee for this match and that man is...ME! Enjoy the rest of the show.

:Later In The Night:

Brandon: You have a problem with SmackDown! Son? Well, I think I have a soultion to your problems son.

Scene: 2 masked men come out and start attacking SRT. The masked men bring SRT down and start kicking him.  The masked men then set up SRT for the snap shot and connects it. The masked men take off their maskes to reveil Johnny Nitro and Joey Mercury. Brandon laughs at SRT as MNM stands up SRT. Brandon then kicks SRT in the stomach and delivers a Lights Out to SRT. Melina comes out as Brandon leaves the ring and MNM poses. Brandon then turns around and talks in the mic.

Brandon: Oh, another thing SRT...You hate SmackDown so bad?....then..YOUR FIRED!

:SmackDown! Switchback Ends:

:ECW Extreme Replay Airs:

He then turns again as a bloodied Raven swings the 2x4 and catches Chad in the face.  Chad begins bleeding as Raven places the 2x4 on the mat, grabs Chad and Raven Effects hi  ontpo it.  Chad grabs his face in pain as Raven smirks.  Raven then grabs the 2x4 and begins choking Chad with it.  Raven then sayts thats all as he lifts Chad to his feet.  Raven then topsses Chad over the ropes and begins to celebrate when he turns as sees Chad is still on the apron.  Raven runs at him but Chad gets low and hits a shoulder block.  Chad then grabs Raven and superplexes him to the outside as both men hit the concrete out side, eliminating each other.

Lollipop:- And your winner, Chad C...

ECW offical Bill Alfonzo tells Lollipop something.

Lolipop:- You winner and new ECW champion, Rave...


Jared Fockler:- After reviewing the tape I have made my descion on who the winner is, and who the first ECW World Champion is.  This took alot of thought and consideration, and without further ado the winner of the match is Chad...

Jared is cut off as "Easy Target" plays as Holly Mathews walk out from the backstage with a mic in her hands.

Holly Mathews:- Now hold just one second Jared, becuase I think you about to do something foolish and grant the win to an undeserving indivdual!

Jared Fockler:- What do you mean Holly.  I know who won, I watched the video, and I about to grant the win to most deserving star in that very ring!

Holly Mathews:- Look here, when you hired me as your assitant General Manager, you should have knwon that I would do anything to get things to go my way!

Jared Fockler:- Is that so, well Holly since you are this all mighty supior on deciding who should be the champion, tell me what are your thoughts!

Holly Mathews:- Well Jared what I am saying is that why give either one of them the win.  They both hit the floor, same time.  So there for the only dilema we have is what to do with the two that both technically won.

Jared Fockler:- I see now what your saying Holly, and actually I do have an idea.  You two Chad and Raven.  The only way to decide who won this match, is by placing you two ina nother match up.  Now this won't be happening tonight, or anytime in March.  But it will be happening at the very first ECW pay per view, No Surrender.  As it will be Chad Chaos taking on Raven, for the ECW WOrld Heavyweight Title, in a...BARBED WIRE MASSACRE MATCH!

:ECW Extreme Replay Ends:

Joey Styles: That is what happened last week on SmackDown! & Bloodfest and this week on SmackDown! you will see a 8 Man Battle Royal to crown a New SmackDown! World Heavyweight Champion plus the in ring debuts of MNM on SmackDown!

King: Yeah and on Bloodfest you will see Thunder and Chris Kleen battle over the Vacant ECW TV Title and the ECW Debut of the guy nobody wants, Stanley Ryan Tiger

Commercial Ad for SCWE SmackDown!, ECW Bloodfest, & SCWE Backlash

Joey Styles: Well King its time for another big time match

Coach: Not to interupt but I don't consider this a big match, no offense to the people involved but JJ Stallion, Scar, and Blake Cena are not big stars

King: Well there in Six Man Tag Action against theree guys who are big stars

Joey Styles: That's right

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall, 1st already in the ring and being accumpied by DDP, weighing in at a combined weight of 875 Pounds, The Team of JJ Stallion, Blake Cena, and Scar

King: I think I may have to agree with Coach, these three got no chance

"Eye of The Tiger" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: And there opponents being accumpied by Skylar Manning and Mallory Maddox, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 660 Pounds, The Team of Scott, Chris, & Matt, The Walker Brothers

Joey Styles: Well here comes three of the Walker Brothers and if these guys can stay on the same page, they can be a very dominate team

King: Well Scott and Chris work well together, its how Matt fits in is the question

Coach: They sure seem to all be on the same page even wearing matching outfits

Matt, Scott, & Chris Walker W/Mallory Maddox & Skylar Manning vs JJ Stallion, Blake Cena, & Scar W/DDP
Blake Cena starts things off by locking up with Scott Walker as Blake attempts to get the upper hand and locks in a headlock but Scott picks up and backdrops Blake Cena to the mat  as Scott gets up and hits a deep arm drag on Blake as Cena gets up and Scott hits a running forarm taking down Cena as Scott nips up as Scott hits a clothesline knocking Cena down as Blake gets back up and Scott picks up Cena and slams him down as Scott then tags out to Chris who goes up top as Scott spreads Blake's legs open as Chris comes off and hits a leg drop into the crotch of Blake Cena who is rolling around hurting from it as Scar races into the ring but Scott and Chris take Scar down with a double hip toss as JJ comes in and Matt Walker enters and knocks down JJ with a right hand to the head as Matt Walker picks up JJ and sends him flying over the top to the floor as Matt then gets down on all four as Chris comes charging and catipults himself off Matt flying out to the floor crashing into DDP and JJ Stallion as Scott Walker clotheslines Blake Cena out to the floor leaving Scar in the ring as Matt and Scott look at each other and kick Scar in the gut as the two Walker's then deliver a Double Suplex to Scar as Chris gets back into the ring as Scar rolls out to the floor as JJ, Blake, DDP, & Scar all regroup on the floor as the place is cheering to the Walker's success. The Walker brothers look at each other as then all three men slingshot themselves over the ropes crashing into the men on the floor as Scott Walker gets up and grabs JJ and DDP and rams there heads together while Chris Walker pounds away at Blake Cena as Matt Walker rams Scar face first into the ring post as Matt Walker rolls Scar back into the ring as Chris and Scott get back into the ring as Scott delivers a Walkerkick to Scar as Chris trips Scar down into the ropes as Chris then backs up and charges and hits the 412 on Scar as Matt Walker grabs Scar and Matt attempts to go for the Pittfall and actually hits on the 400 Pound Scar as Matt Walker covers Scar as Scott Walker hits a Walkerkick on JJ Stallion while Chris hits Blake Cena.  The Ref counts the 1---2--3.
Winners: Matt, Scott, & Chris Walker

Lillian: Your winners, Matt, Scott, & Chris Walker

Joey Styles: It's a big win here tonight for the Walker's

King: Well the Walker's worked as a team and pulled out the win

Coach: Yeah well lets see the Walker's push around say the Corporation because I don't see that happening


Mean Gene: I am standing here with "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner along with his #2 Freak Shayn Flair. Now Scott, alot of people are not happy to see you back in this company and on this brand and aligned with somebody as dangerous as Mr. McMahon

Scott Steiner: Mean Gene, I know the RAW Superstars are having accidents at the thought of facing The Big Bad Booty Daddy and I know there women are getting to excited at the sight of the Genetic freak because we all know there is nothing finer then Scott Steiner but Mean Gene these boys are just going to have get used to the fact that the baddest man in KSCWE is back

Mean Gene: Well last week you won a SCWE World Heavyweight Title Match at Backlash and earlier we saw The Walker's attack The Corporation, are you worried about the Walker's messing up your match?

Scott Steiner: Mean Gene, I don't worry about nothing, I already told Vince that I will face all of the Walker's at the same time if I have to, they want to mess with the Genetic Freak, it will be there last mistake they ever make

:Shane Douglas then interupts Scott Steiner:

Shane Douglas: Well if it isn't Scott Steiner, The "Big Bad Booty Daddy", You think eveyrone is so afraid of you don't you

Scott Steiner: I don't think it....I know it and unless you want to be out of action again Shane, I suggest you hit the bricks

Shane Douglas: Actually I came here to challenge you to a match tonight

Scott Steiner: Wait let me get this straight, you want to face The Big Bad Booty Daddy tonight?

Shane Douglas: Are you deaf? That's exactly what I said

Scott Steiner: You want some of Scott Steiner, you got some

Shane Douglas: Good, I'll see you in the ring

:Shane Douglas walks away as Scott smiles at Shayn:

Scott Steiner: Looks like I'll be getting a work out in the ring after all

:Another Area Backstage:

Maria: I am standing here with Sable who just arrived at the building, Sable why are you here on RAW, I thought you were a SmackDown! diva?

Sable: I was a SmackDown! Diva Maria but I asked to be traded and was traded

Maria: Why?

Sable: I wanted to be here on RAW where the talent is and where my good friend, Mr. McMahon is

Maria: So you want to join the Corporation

Sable: Silly girl, I am already in the Corporation, now move because I have to meet Mr. McMahon and Candice

:Sable pushes Maria out of the way and heads off:

Commercial Ad for SCWE Backlash, SCWE SuperBrawl!, & ECW No Surrender

 Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:14 PM

Joey Styles: Well we are now going to see Scott Steiner taking on Shane Douglas

Coach: I hope Shane knows what he got himself in for

King: Did you see Sable! Sable is here on RAW

Joey Styles: Yes King, Sable is here on RAW

King: That's more puppies!! Wooo hooo

Coach: King there is more to life then "Puppies"

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Women's Championship

"When I'm Gone" hits, Crowd has a mixed reaction

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring The Challenger, From Calgary, Alberta, Canada , Samantha Hart

King: Well here comes the newcomer Samantha Hart

"Stronger" hits, Crowd Erupts

Lillian: And her opponent, From Right here in Cleveland, Ohio, She is the SCWE Women's Champion, Alyssa Amidala

Joey Styles: A Huge ovation for the hometown girl

Coach: Yeah Cleveland definatly loves Alyssa

King: Well I liked Alyssa's friend earlier too

SCWE Women's Championship: Alyssa Amidala(C) vs Samantha Hart
Brian Hebner shows off the SCWE Women's Title to both Alyssa and Samantha before calling for the bell as both ladies lock up with Alyssa overpowering the rookie and shoving her down to the mat as Samantha gets back up. The two ladies lock up again with Alyssa overpowering Samantha again and shoving her down as Alyssa then offers a hand to Samantha helping her up as the two ladies lock up again with Samantha going behind Alyssa but Alyssa hits an elbow to her face as Alyssa turns around and whips Samantha off the ropes as Alyssa hits a big powerslam on her as Alyssa gets up quickly and Alyssa delivers a Standing Moonsault to Samantha as Alyssa hooks the legs for a 1---2--kick out. Alyssa gets back up as does Samantha and Alyssa opens up on Samantha with a few right hands as Alyssa picks up Samantha and slams her down as Alyssa goes up top but Samantha catches Alyssa up top and Samantha climbs up top and looks for a Super plex but Alyssa holds the ropes and shoves Hart back as Alyssa then connects with a Top Rope Moonsault on Samantha Hart but alyssa doesn't cover and instead picks up Hart and Alyssa sets her up for an Alyssa Bomb and hits it as Alyssa covers Samantha for a 1---2--"Figured You Out" blares of the PA as Alyssa gets off Samantha and goes to the ropes and looks for Kelli but nothing as the music stops playing as Samantha is getting back up and Alyssa walks right into the Shattered Dreams Superkick as Samantha then goes for the Unfinished Business but Alyssa kicks Samantha back down as both ladies get back up as Samantha goes for the Broken Dreams but Alyssa counters into a backslide pin for a 1---2--2.8-kick out. Both ladies get back up as Samantha goes to hit Alyssa but Alyssa hits a chick kick laying out Samantha as Alyssa picks up Samantha and sends her off the ropes as Alyssa hits a Lou Thez Press and opens up on her with right hands as Alyssa gets back up and says its over as Samantha staggers up and walks into a boot to the gut as Alyssa hits the Widow's Peak as Alyssa rolls Samantha over and covers again for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Alyssa Amidala

Lillian: Your winner and still SCWE Women's Champion, Alyssa Amidala

Joey Styles: A huge win here for Alyssa Amidala

King: Alyssa looked very impressive in her hometown

Coach: I want to know why Kelli's music hit in the middle of the match

Joey Styles: Mind games I'm assuming

:"Figured You Out" hits over the PA again as Alyssa looks around for Kelli but Kelli then appears on the Tron:

Kelli Hardy: Hey sis...Great win tonight

King: I guess more mind games

Kelli Hardy: Sorry I couldn't come out to watch your match but I was just having a chat with a friend of yours

:Kelli then reveals a tied up and gagged Lindsey Moore as Alyssa starts to leave the ring:

Kelli Hardy: That's it Alyssa come help your friend

Coach: Kelli has Alyssa's best friend and you know its a trap

Joey Styles: Alyssa has to do something

:Alyssa is running through the backstage area looking for Lindsey Moore as  Camera's are trying to keep up as Alyssa runs into a Locker Room as the Camera is having a hard time following and when he gets in there, Alyssa and Kelli are fighting with one another as Alyssa spears Kelli into a wall as Kelli throws Alyssa into a lamp knocking it down as Stacy Flair and Trish Morris enter to attack Alyssa but Kelli stops them as Kelli backs off:

Kelli Hardy: Sis, consider this is a gift that you will not get again, I don't want to injure you backstage, I want my title back first

:Alyssa looks at Kelli with a look of disgust as Alyssa is untieing Lindsey and takes the gag off as Kelli, Trish, & Stacy leave:

Alyssa Amidala: You ok baby

Lindsey Moore: Yeah thanks to you

Alyssa Amidala: You know I wouldn't let my psycho sister hurt you

:Alyssa helps Lindsey up as the two hug and then share a kiss as the Camera fades out:

Commercial Ad for SCWE SmackDown!, SCWE Heat, & SCWE OverDrive!

King: Did you see that before the break

Coach: Yes King, what a fight

King: No after that, Alyssa and Lindsey kissed, We just saw some HLA!!!

Joey Styles: King...this is the 2000's, that does happen

King: Yes but....HLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Coach: Yeah I guess Alyssa and Lindsey are more then just "friends"

King: I may have to leave guys after that.

Joey Styles: All they did was kiss

King: Still, it was awesome!!!

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

:Sirens Sound as "Giving In" hits as The Crowd Boo's:

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring Representing, The Corporation and being accumpied by Shayn Flair From Detroit, Michigan, weighing in at 280 Pounds, "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner

Coach: Here comes The Genetic Freak and I think the next SCWE World Heavyweight Champion

King: Well Scott Steiner is a former WCW World Heavyweight Champion and SCWE World Heavyweight Champion

"Perfect Strangers" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: And his opponent, being accumpied by Jenn Hardy, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 240 Pounds, The "Franchise" Shane Douglas

Joey Styles: Here comes Shane Douglas who has history with Steiner and is also a former two time SCWE World Heavyweight Champion and ECW World Heavyweight Champion so Shane Douglas is quiet qualified as well

King: Yeah but this is dangerous fighting Scott Steiner

"No Chance" hits as the Crowd Boo's with Vince McMahon walking out to the top of the entry way with a microphone

Joey Styles: Now why is Mr. McMahon out here

Vince McMahon: Shane Douglas, did you actually think I would let you wrestle Scott Steiner in a normal match, I don't think so. Lower the RAWDome

King: RAWDome?

Coach: I saw the RAWDome earlier, I just didn't want to say anything and I guess its Scott Steiner vs Shane Douglas in a RAWDome

RAWDome: Scott Steiner W/Shayn Flair vs Shane Douglas W/Jenn Hardy
Steiner and Douglas have words with each before Shane slaps Steiner across the face and Steiner responds with a right hand knocking down Shane Douglas as Steiner gets on top of Shane Douglas and Steiner pounds away at Douglas but Douglas knocks Steiner off as both guys get back up as Douglas kicks Steiner in the gut and Douglas opens up on Steiner with right hands and Shane goes to hit Steiner but Steiner grabs Douglas and hits a belly 2 belly suplex on him as Steiner then does his trademark push ups as Shane Douglas gets back up as does Steiner and Steiner delivers a few big right hands to Shane Douglas backing him up as Steiner goes for a Steinerline and hits it knocking Douglas over the top to the floor as Steiner gets out of the ring after Shane Douglas. Steiner then picks up Douglas but Douglas pokes Steiner in the eyes as Shane Douglas rams Steiner face first into the RAWDome as Douglas then picks up Steiner and hits a backdrop on Steiner as Steiner is hurting as Shane Douglas then pulls out a Steel Chain from his tights as Shane Douglas smiles and tells Jenn Hardy that he is going to teach Steiner a lesson as Shane Douglas delivers a few right hands with the chain wrapped around his fist as Shane then rolls Steiner back into the ring as Shane Douglas gets into the ring as Shane Douglas gets into the ring and Douglas goes to hit Steiner again but Steiner hits a Steinerline knocking Douglas down as Shane gets back up and Steiner picks up Douglas and gorrilla press slams him and drops him down as Douglas hits his face off the mat as Shane gets up grabbing his face as Steiner grabs Douglas and sends him off the ropes as Steiner hits a powerslam on Douglas. Scott Steiner gets back up to his feet as Steiner picks up Shane Douglas and Steiner throws Shane out to the floor as Steiner goes out to the floor after Shane Douglas. Steiner picks up Shane Douglas and Steiner rams Douglas's back into the RAWDome as Shane Douglas yells out from the pain as Steiner then opens up on Douglas with right hands as Steiner turns Douglas around and rams him face first into the RAWDome as Steiner starts to grind Shane Douglas's face into the RAWDome as Steiner lets Douglas go as Steiner then goes under the ring and pulls out a lead pipe as Steiner smiles as Steiner tells Shane to get up as Steiner hits Shane Douglas in the back of the head with the lead pipe laying out Douglas as Steiner then picks up Shane and rolls him into the ring as Steiner gets back into the ring as Steiner picks up Shane Douglas and hits a T-Bone Suplex on him as Douglas is not moving much as Steiner goes over and hits Shane in the back with the lead pipe and then in the head as Shane Douglas is out cold as Steiner then locks in the Steiner Recliner and is using the lead pipe to choke Shane Douglas as Jenn Hardy is screaming for the match to be called and its finally called.
Winner: Scott Steiner

Lillian: Your winner, Scott Steiner

Joey Styles: Scott Steiner gets the win thanks to the referee mercifully ending this and we need help for Shane Douglas

:Steiner refuses to break the Steiner Recliner as the RAWDome raises up as Matt Walker hits the ring as Matt Walker and Steiner start to exchange right hands:

King: Matt Walker hit the ring to help his best friend Shane Douglas and we got Steiner/Walker fighting now

:Matt Hardy, Jerome Morris, & Charlie Haas hit the ring and attack Matt Walker when Jason, Scott, & Chris Walker hit the ring behind them as all 8 men are fighting:

Coach: All hell has just broken loose

:All 8 men continue to fight as Vince McMahon comes out and yells for his guys to get out of the ring as Matt Hardy and Charlie Haas get out of the ring and Steiner out of the ring as Jerome Morris gets clotheslined out by Jason Walker as Vince gets a microphone:

Joey Styles: Vince McMahon just got his Corporation out of the ring

Vince McMahon: Since you Walker's like to stick your nose where it doesn't belong, Next week on RAW, It's going to be The Corporation against The Walker's!!

"No Chance" hits as The Corporation leaves as Scott Steiner has to be pulled out by Shayn Flair while The Walker's check on Shane Douglas along with Jenn Hardy:

King: It's going to be the Walker's taking on The Corporation next week!!

Joey Styles: That should be a hellacious match

Coach: Yeah the Walker's are dead

Joey Styles: Maybe but don't go anywhere because after the break, we are going to be seeing Jason Walker in Mixed Tag Action

:Parking Lot:

:Triple H & Julianne Helmsley are shown entering the arena:

Commercial Ad for KSCWE Extras, KSCWE Vacation, KSCWE Inc.

 Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:14 PM

Joey Styles: Well King and Coach, we got two more matches to go on RAW and as we saw before the break, SCWE World Champion Triple H has arrived at the arena

Coach: Why does Triple H get to come to RAW so late

King: Because he is Triple H? He is the Champ? He has a pregnant wife? All of those sound like good reasons to me

Joey Styles: Yeah I happen to agree with King, besides if Triple H arrived earlier, theres no telling what Mr. McMahon may have done to him

Coach: Sounds like a coward to me

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Mixed Tag Contest

"All The Small Things" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, being accumpied by Serena Adams, From New York, New York, Brianna

Coach: Here comes Brianna along with her girlfriend Serena Adams

King: More Lesbians!!

Joey Styles: Well I do believe there not full fledged lesbians King

King: Even better!! I got a chance then

"Sexy Boy" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: And her partner, From San Antonio, Texas weighing in at 225 Pounds, He is the SCWE RAWCore Champion, The "Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels

King: Here comes Shawn Michaels out to the ring now

Joey Styles: Brianna gets to team up with the current RAWCore Champion against two returning stars

"Standing In The Rain" hits, Crowd Continues to Cheer

Lillian: And there opponents, 1st from Los Angelos, California, Zoe Mason

Joey Styles: Zoe Mason making her return to KSCWE

King: It's great to see Zoe back and on RAW

"Learn To Fly" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Lillian: And her partner, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 220 Pounds, Jason Walker

King: We saw Jason Walker wrestle at Wrestlemania and appear on RAW but he is medically cleared now and is back

Joey Styles: Yeah and right in the middle of a big issue with his brothers and the Corporation

Jason Walker & Zoe Mason vs Shawn Michaels & Brianna W/Serena Adams
Jason and HBK exchanges taunts to start off the match. Jason flexes for the crowd, and HBK lays down on his turnbuckle. Both men have a laugh, and then lock-up in the middle of the ring. HBK pushes Jason to the ropes, but Jason pushes back. HBK tries pushing Jason again, but Jason turns it into a armdrag, and then hits a standing dropkick on HBK. HBK gets on one knee, and appluads Jason. They lock up, and HBK executes a Arm Drag on Jason, followed by a standing dropkick. Jason quickly gets up, and goes for a clothesline, but HBK ducks and hits a few chops on Jason's chest. HBK punches away, and sends Jason to his corner. He punches and chops away, but Zoe makes a blind tag on Jason. HBK has to tag out, and he does as Brianna gets in. The two women exchange words and push each other around. Brianna slaps Zoe in the face, and Zoe takes down Brianna with a spear! She bangs Brianna's head against the mat, but Brianna turns her over and starts doing the same to her! Zoe starts choking Brianna, but Brianna gets Zoe off of her. Zoe gets up, and Brianna gives her a kick to the stomach, and follows up with a DDT. Zoe gets up though, and knocks Brianna down with a clothesline. Brianna gets back up, and Zoe dropkicks her. Zoe picks Brianna up by the hair, and tosses her into the middle of the ring. She stomps away, but Brianna rakes the eyes of Zoe. Brianna hurries over to Shawn's corner, and tags him in. Shawn goes to tell Zoe to tag in Jason, but Zoe kicks him in the groin! Shawn falls to the mat, as Zoe tags in Jason. Brianna doesn't look too happy, and gets off of the apron to go over to where Zoe is. She pulls Zoe down, and the two start fighting it out. Jason Walker went after Michaels in the ring and the two traded right hands. Jason Walker shoved Michaels into the ropes and then knocked Michaels outside onto the ring apron. Jason Walker tossed Michaels back inside and covered for a one count and then went to work on him in the corner with chops and then kicks. Jason Walker nailed some right hands and then covered for another one count. Jason Walker nailed a scoop slam for two and then sent Michaels head first to the corner. Jason Walker nailed a back elbow knockdown and then hit some shoulder thrusts in the corner. Michaels came back with a chop, and then another. Michaels then unloaded with another chop in the corner but Jason Walker reversed a whip sending Michaels hard into the corner for two before locking in a rear chin lock. Michaels escaped with right hands and then a chop but Jason Walker came back with a kick to the head and then choked Michaels with his leg. Jason Walker tossed Michaels over the top to the outside and then followed out and sent him back in the ring before covering for two. Michaels fought back with right hands but Jason Walker shut him down and then went up top and nailed a cross body but Michaels rolls through, the ref counts, 1.....2...Th-No! Jason kicks out. Michaels unloaded with some chops to Jason Walker and then grabbed a sleeper hold. Jason Walker escaped with elbows and then a back suplex. Michaels got Jason Walker in the corner and nailed some more chops but then Jason Walker came back with a dropkick in the corner for a near fall. Jason Walker delivered some right hands to the mid section and then locked in an abdominal stretch. Michaels fought out with a hip toss and then nailed more chops to the chest. Michaels went for a suplex but Jason Walker blocked and then he nailed it sending both men to the floor. Both Michaels and Jason are laid out on the floor. Zoe, who has knocked Brianna down, tries getting Jason to get up and back into the ring. But Brianna comes from behind and pulls Zoe down, hard, by her hair. Jason stirrs, and Brianna tries blocking Jason from getting back into the ring, but Jason just shoves her into the barricade! HBK and Jason both get into the ring, where HBK meets Jason with some punches. Jason tries for a forearm shot, but HBK ducks and hits a reverse atomic drop! HBK bounces off of the ropes, and nails a flying forearm shot. HBK nips back up, and calls for the Elbow Drop. He climbs up top, but Zoe trips him up and HBK racks himself! Jason gets up, and gets on the top rope with HBK. He positions himself for the Walker 360, and nails it! Jason covers, 1.....2....3!!
Winners: Jason Walker & Zoe Mason

Lillian: Your winners, Jason Walker and Zoe Mason

Joey Styles: An impressive win for Jason Walker and Zoe Mason here

King: HBK and Brianna put up a great effort but Walker and Mason to much tonight


Maria: I am standing here with Acting SCWE General Manager Vince McMahon, Mr. McMahon you have something you want to say

Vince McMahon: Maria, Next week on RAW, You see Scott Steiner, Matt Hardy, Charlie Haas, and Jerome Morris taking on Matt, Scott, Chris, and Jason Walker, you will also see Kelli Hardy and Stacy Flari defending the SCWE Women's Tag Team Title's against Alyssa Amidala and Alexis Adams plus you will see Christian taking on Edge and just signed for the return of Heat next week is Stevie Richards battling long time enemy Simon Dean and if Simon Dean wins the SCWE World Title tonight, it will be Simon vs Stevie on Heat for the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship. That's all I wanted to say, now if you will excuse me, I must get ready to watch The Simon Dean/Triple H match

:Vince walks back into his office:

Final Commercial Ad for SCWE SmackDown!, SCWE Heat, & SCWE OverDrive!

Joey Styles: Well next week's shows should definatly be must see

King: Yeah they should, Heat Returns, I can't wait for that

Coach: Neither can I

Joey Styles: Plus we just got Christian vs Edge added to the RAW Card, thats been a match everyone has wanted to see for how long

King: Yeah and it will happen live on RAW next week

Lillian: The Main Event of the Evening is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship

Joey Styles: Well its Main Event time

"Simon Says" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger being accumpied to the ring by Lexus Carr, From Pensacola, Florida weighing in at 225 Pounds, Simon Dean

Coach: I do believe this is Simon Dean's first chance at becoming a World Heavyweight Champion

Joey Styles: Simon has been very successful since arriving in KSCWE having been a multi time Tag Team Champion and a former SCWE Intercontinental Champion

"Game" hits, Crowd Rises to there Feet and Cheers

Lillian: And his opponent, From Greenwich, Connecticut, weighing in at 260 Pounds, He is the SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, The "Game" Triple H

King: Here comes Triple H now

Joey Styles: This should be a very interesting match, we know how great Triple H is but with everything on his plate, Can Simon Dean pull up the upset

Coach: I think he can

SCWE World Heavyweight Championship: Triple H(C) vs Simon Dean W/Lexus Carr
Simon Dean attacks Triple H after The Game does his trademark watch spray knocking Triple H off the apron and into the barricade as Simon goes out to the floor and stomps away at Triple H as Simon rams Triple H's head off the barricade and goes to do it again but Triple H blocks it as Triple H rams Simon's head off it as Triple H then takes Simon and whips him into the steel steps as Simon is grabbing his shoulder as Lexus comes over to hit Triple H but Triple H turns around and sprays water in her face as Lexus starts to scream as Triple H walks towards as Lexus backs up and trips over the camera cord as Simon gets back up and goes to hit Triple H but The Game catches Simon and this a spinebuster on the arena floor. Triple H then opens up on Simon with right hands as Triple H picks up Simon and rams him into the ring post as Simon falls face first to the floor as Triple H picks up Simon and rolls him into the ring as Triple H gets into the ring and takes off the SCWE World Title and gives it to Earl Hebner who rings the bell to start the match officially. Simon is crawling away begging for mercy as Triple H tells Simon to be a man and gets up as Simon gets back up to his feet as Simon tells Triple H that he will give him anything he wants for free and Triple H laughs and tells Simon he wants a handshake as Simon goes to shake Triple H's hand the Game sends Simon off the ropes as Triple H hits a high knee to the face of Simon taking him down as Triple H then picks up Simon and hits a knee smash to Simon as Simon staggers around grabbing his face as Triple H hits a thunderous clothesline to Simon. Triple H then picks up Simon Dean and The Game slams Simon down as Triple H drops a few big elbows on Simon as Triple H hits the ropes and The Game drops a big knee to the face of Simon. Triple H then gets back up and says its game over as Triple H kicks Simon in the gut and sets him up for the Pedigree but Lexus slides the bag into the ring as she gets on the apron distract Earl Hebner as Triple H lets Simon go as Simon gets into his bag and pulls out some powder as Triple H tells Earl Hebner that he got Simon beat as Simon comes up behind Triple H and yells at Triple H who turns around as simon throws the powder but Triple H ducks as the powder goes in Lexus's face blinding her as she gets off the apron as Simon goes to the ropes and is telling Lexus he is sorry but Triple H turns Simon around and kicks him in the gut as Triple H hits a Pedigree on Simon Dean as Triple H covers for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Triple H

Lillian: Your winner and still SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H

Joey Styles: Triple H successfully retains his SCWE World Title against Simon Dean

Coach: Simon Dean's Simon System did not work tonight

King: Well Triple H was on the ball tonight

:Vince McMahon appers on the Tron:

Vince McMahon: Congratulations Triple H on retaining the SCWE World Title. Hopefully you will be lucky next week too because Triple H your defending your SCWE World Heavyweight Championship again....this time against a man your very familer with and a man I promised a title match too and despite him turning against me, I am a man of my word so it will be Triple H vs Kurt Angle for the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship Next Week on RAW. Good luck

:Vince disappears off the Tron as Triple H nods his head as he continues to celebrate:

Joey Styles: Triple H vs Kurt Angle next week on RAW!

King: I think I know why Vince is doing this, he wants Triple H and Kurt Angle to destroy each other making whoever wins easy prey for the Corporation

Coach: No duh

Joey Styles: Well don't miss next week's RAW when the two biggest names in the history of KSCWE Collide for the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship, See You Next Week

:RAW Goes off the Air:

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