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SmackDown! : Smackdown! 6/14/05
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/10/2006 10:53 PM


Results 6/14/05 Live From New Orleans, Louisanna

Dark Matches Air before Nitro:

Dark Match #1: Traci Mason defeated Fake Steph

Dark Match #2: Brian Mason defeated The Sandman

:Footage From Last Week's SD is shown as Pyro then explodes opening up the show:

JR: Welcome once again to SCWE Smackdown!

King: Tonight we are in the Big Easy aka New Orleans and JR I have some beads so hopefully I can give them out

JR: I got some bad news for you King, Stephanie McMahon is appearing on OverDrive this week and she is probably your best chance for the beads to be given out

King: Aww damn it

JR: Tonight we got alot of great action for you with the 3rd Round of the King of The Ring Tournament plus Scott Walker teams up with SCWE Women's Champion Alyssa Amidala to face Jason Walker and Zoe Mason and Kurt Angle goes one on one with Matt Walker in what should be a wrestling classic

King: Plus I have been told that we are going to find out the Special Guest Referee for the WalkerZone Match right here tonight

Miss Shannon: The Opening Contest of SCWE Smackdown! is scheduled for one fall and it is a 3rd Round SCWE King of The Ring Tournament Match

"I Stand Alone" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, From Short Hills, New Jersey, weighing in at 237 Pounds, Raven

JR: Here comes Raven who defeated Ron Smith and Scott Wright on his road to the third round

"Just Close Your Eyes" hits, Crowd Boo's Louder

Miss Shannon: His opponent, From Edmond, Oklahoma weighing in at 237 Pounds, Being accumpied by Ric Flair and Jaime Lavelle, Representing Evolution X, The "World's Greatest Athlete" Charlie Haas

JR: Charlie Haas knocked off Paul London and Chris Wright on his road to the third round

King: One very important thing about this match is that Charlie Haas defeated Raven last year in the first round of the SCWE King of The Ring Tournament so these men have history in this tournament and Haas went to the finals last year which was a fatal 4 way and Haas didn't win or get pinned so you know that left a bitter feeling in Haas's mouth being so close and yet not losing it either

:Mallory Maddox then appears on the SCWE Tron:

Mallory Maddox: You know I really hate to do this but I have no choice but to ban all Evolution X members from ringside seeing as Evolution X likes to get involved in the matches and if anyone gets involved they will be suspended for 3 monthes without pay so have a good match

:Jaime and Ric Flair are shaking there head as Charlie tells them it will be ok as they start to leave:

SCWE King of The Ring Round 3: Charlie Haas vs Raven
The Bell Sounds as Haas is still turned around and halfway through the ropes telling Jaime its ok to leave when Raven attacks Haas from behind as Raven pulls Haas back and then rams him into the ring post shoulder first as Raven then pounds away at Haas and does the same move again as Haas is grabbing his right shoulder as Raven pulls him out and opens up on Haas with a few right hands as Haas tries to get away as Raven grabs him from behind and starts to do a face tear to him as Haas is screaming out in pain as Raven tells Haas he remembers last year and Raven then stops doing that and knocks Haas down with a big clothesline to the back of the head, Raven then kicks Haas in the ribs a few times before picking him up and Raven throws Haas through the ropes to the floor as Raven rolls out to the floor after Haas who is trying to get up as Raven hits a knee lift to the side of Haas's head knocking him down as Raven picks up Charlie and Raven then hits a Russian Leg Sweep right into the barricade which doesn't give as Haas is screaming out in pain as Raven picks up Haas and does it a second time to him as Raven screams out, "What About Me, What About Raven" as Raven picks up Haas and Raven sets him up for a Evenflow DDT on the floor but Haas rams him back words into the ring apron as Haas then rolls back into the ring as does Raven as Haas is still grabbing his back as he stomps away at Raven as Charlie picks up Raven and hits a few open handed slaps to Raven but Raven comes back with a knee in the gut and then Raven locks in the Octopus Stretch on Haas as Referee Jimmy Korderas asks Haas if he wants to give up but Haas refuses and ends up hitting a hip toss out of the hold but Haas falls to his knees from the pain in the match as Raven gets up and hits Haas in the back as Raven then picks up Haas upright and Raven smirks as he goes for a right hand but Haas ducks and grabs Raven and Haas hits a German Suplex followed by a second german suplex and then a third german suplex and Haas is about to go for a fourth one but Raven pulls Jimmy Korderas into the picture preventing Haas from doing the hold as Raven also hits a mule kick while having Jimmy Korderas as Haas falls to his knees as Raven turns around and kicks Haas right in the face knocking him down as Raven once again taunts. Raven then picks up Haas and Raven sets up Haas for the Retribution but Haas shoves Raven back right into the Ref as Raven comes at Haas again as Haas ducks and Haas catches Raven with the "World's Greatest Slam" as Haas covers Raven but Jimmy Korderas is out cold, Haas gets back up as he tries to wake up Jimmy Korderas as Raven rolls out of the ring and Raven gets up and gets a Steel Chair as he slides it back into the ring as Haas is still trying to get up Korderas as Raven re-enters the ring and Haas sees him and attacks Raven before he can get the chair as Haas goes for a belly 2 belly but Raven knee's Haas south of the border and Raven hits the Retribution on Haas as Raven gets up smiling seeing as Jimmy Korderas is still down as Raven then picks up the steel chair and Raven sets it up in the sitting position as he picks up Charlie Haas and Raven is getting a sick smile on his face as Raven whips Haas off the ropes but Haas ends up holding onto the ropes as Raven goes down for the drop toe hold as Haas then pounces on Raven hitting a big elbow to his back as Raven grabs his back, Haas quickly locks in the Haas of Pain on the unsuspecting Raven who is trying to grab the chair but Jimmy Korderas is getting back up and Jimmy Korderas see's the chair and knocks it out of the ring as Raven is screaming out in pain as Jimmy Korderas asks Raven if he wants to give it up and Raven is saying no as Haas puts in more pressure and Raven finally taps the mat.
Winner: Charlie Haas

Miss Shannon: Your winner and advancing to the finals of the SCWE King of The Ring, Charlie Haas

JR: Charlie Haas has to be given credit, despite everything in that match he won it

King: Haas just proved he doesn't need E-X to be a big star

:As Haas is celebrating his win, A man comes out from the crowd and enters the ring and attacks Charlie Haas from behind knocking him down as The Fan starts to put the boots to Haas and picks up Haas and sets him up and hits a Twist of Fate as the fan takes off his hat and sunglasses to reveal Matt Hardy V1!!! as Hardy then goes out to the floor and goes under the ring looking for something:

JR: Matt Hardy is here and he just attacked Charlie Haas!!

King: Why is Hardy doing this

:Matt Hardy pulls out a Sledgehammer from under the ring as Hardy gets back into the ring as Haas is struggling up to his feet as Matt Hardy eyes up Haas and then goes and hits Haas right in the ribs with it as Haas is down as Matt Hardy then gets on top of Haas and starts to hit him several times with stiff right hands until Haas is bloody as Ric Flair finally makes his way out to the ring as Matt Hardy is waiting and knocks down Flair with a right hand as David Flair hits the ring as Matt Hardy keeps him out of the ring with the Sledgehammer as Jaime Lavelle comes out to the ringside area and tries to pull Haas and gets him out of the ring with some help from Ric Flair as Matt Hardy takes off his jacket to reveal a Matt Walker shirt as Ric Flair tells Hardy he is disappointed in him as Hardy picks up the microphone:

Matt Hardy V1: I'm sure your all shocked to see me out here especially since I'm "Retired"(Crowd Chants Asshole) but let me explain to you people that I never wanted this, it should have been Hunter's ass only on the line yet I got suckered in to the deal so you know what Screw Hunter and Screw Evolution X because from this moment on its all about Matt & Kelli Hardy which is why I have sold my soul from one devil to the other and at King of The Ring will be a great honor to enter the WalkerZone as Special Referee and make sure Matt Walker leaves as Champion

:Matt Hardy throws the microphone down as "Bodies" hits over the PA:

JR: Matt Hardy like him or not was loyal to Triple H and Evolution X but tonight he just sold them out

King: I'm speechless at what we just saw and Charlie Haas is hurt as a resault of this and may not make it now to the finals of The King of The Ring

JR: I just was not expecting this

:Backstage: Mallory's Office

Mallory Maddox: Vince I have to give you credit, giving Matt and Kelli there contracts back for them to do that was worth it

Vince McMahon: I told you it was

Mallory Maddox: You are defantly proving your loyality and later tonight once you do the other thing we need from you to prove you are 100% with us then everything will all good again

Vince McMahon: Don't worry Mallory, I got it all taken care of

Mallory Maddox: Good


JR: I am still sickened by what we just saw and we have learned that Charlie Haas is being rushed to a local medical facility as we speak with Jaime Lavelle and Ric Flair riding along in the ambulance

King: Matt Hardy really shocked me tonight and apparantly it was Vince McMahon's idea which doesn't surpise me

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Bra & Panties Match

JR: Well we gotta move on now

King: Well moving on to a Bra & Panties Match is always a good first step

"Everybody's Fool" hits, Crowd Cheers but quickly turns to a mixed reaction

Miss Shannon: 1st making her way to the ring, From Los Angelos, California, Representing Evolution X, Stacy Mason

King: Stacy Mason is in E-X now!!

JR: Well David Flair who is her boyfriend is in it and obviously Stacy Mason is now apart of it but how wise that is after what we just saw

King: Well they wouldn't go after Stacy would they?

"Walk This Way" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Her opponent, From Las Vegas, Nevada, Jezebel

King: I love this Jezebel, I bet I could give my beads to her

JR: Maybe you could King, maybe you couldn't

Bra & Panties: Stacy Mason vs Jezebel
The bell sounds. Stacy Mason and Jezebel lock up in the center of the ring, both fully clothed. Stacy hits a hard knee to Jezebel's stomach, Mason spins around behind Jezebel and lifts her up for a Backdrop but Jezebel wriggles around and counters the move into a bulldog smashing Stacy Mason's head off the ground. Jezebel gets up and bends over the top half of Stacy and tries to rip off Stacy Mason's shirt but Mason hits a high kick to Jezebel's head. Stacy gets up and runs towards Jezebel but Jezebel hits Mason with a powerslam. Jezebel grabs a hold of Stacy's hair and lifts her to her feet, Jezebel kicks Stacy in the gut and grabs another hold of her hair and slams her back against the floor. Jezebel goes again to take off Stacy's shirt but just before she can rip it off Stacy grabs a hold of jezebel's hair with both hands and flips her over in front of her. Stacy gets up and hits a leg drop to Jezebel. Stacy climbs the turnbuckle while standing on the top rope Jezebel gets up and runs up behind Stacy and Jezebel rips down Stacy's trousers revealing a mellow yellow color set of panties. Jezebels pulls them completely off and throws them into the crowd. Stacy Mason looks around pissed off she launches off the top rope with a diving cross body knocking down jezebel. Stacy grabs a hold of Jezebels hair and helps her up but Jezebel breaks free of Stacy. Jezebel kicks Stacy in the gut, Jezebel turns from Stacy and goes to run but Stacy Mason grabs a hold of the back of the collar of Jezebel's t-shirt the force of Jezebel running from Stacy makes Jezebel's t-shirt rip right off Jezebel's back! The crowd cheer as they see Jezebel's deep red bra. Jezebel turns around to Stacy and Mason is laughing at Jezebel. Jezebel gets in Stacy's face and then bitch slaps stacy really hard. Jezebel kicks Stacy Mason in the gut making her slip through the middle of the rope to the mats outside the ring. Jezebel climbs out the ring to Stacy Mason. Jezebel grabs Stacy and throws her to the steel steps, Jezebel walks over to Stacy but Stacy hits a drop toe hold to Jezebel sending her face against the steel turnbuckle. Stacy rolls Jezebel back into the ring and grabs a hold of her trouser waist band, Jezebel manages to her feet up and pushes Stacy Mason away. Jezebel gets up and kicks a running Stacy Mason in the gut, Jezebel lifts up Stacy and goes for the The Bombshell but as Jezebel is driving Stacy Down to the ground, Stacy counters the move into a Sleeping Beauty cross face. After about a minute Stacy lets go of the move and lays Jezebel before the turnbuckle. Jezebel is dazed and holding her neck and arm. Stacy Mason launches off the turnbuckle with a Broken Dreams. Stacy Connects it but instead of pining Jezebel, Stacy Mason pulls off Jezebels trousers revealing her red panties.
Winner: Stacy Mason

Miss Shannon: Your winner, Stacy Mason

JR: Stacy Mason picks up the win over Jezebel

King: I love these type of matches JR

JR: Well an impressive win for Stacy Mason and both of these ladies are going to be in the Women's RAWCore Battle Royal at King of The Ring

Commercial Ad for KSCWE King of The Ring-Long Ad

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 10:53 PM

JR: Well tonight's Smackdown! has already been crazy with Matt Hardy returning and attacking his own partner in Charlie Haas

King: Matt Hardy is officially back on the active roster but he did sell his soul to get back on the active roster and unfortunatly he will not talk to anyone about why he did that

JR: Well King up next we are going to see some more diva action

King: Great more puppies

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Blood Pigs" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making her way to the ring from Wetumpka, Alabama, Skylar Thomas

JR: Here comes a psycho diva

King: Skylar may be nuts but I like her none the less

"18 Wheeler" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Miss Shannon: Her opponent, From Memphis, Tennessee, ShayDawg

JR: Here comes ShayDawg who is going to provide a great challenge for the up and coming rookie

Skylar Thomas vs ShayDawg
Both divas stand into the center of the ring as the bells are rung. Skyler grabs Shaydawg into a grapple hold. She tuggles with Shaydawg and then throws her into the ropes and gives her a dropkick. Skylar walks over to Shaydawg and is about to grab her but gets a kick to the face by Shaydawg. Shaydawg gets up while Skylar is little groggy and gives her a monkey flip. She goes for a quick pin for a 1...1.8 and Skylar kicks out. Shaydawg picks Skylar up, but Skylar breaks her arms from Shaydawg and then gives a few hits to the face. She then throws Shaydawg into the ropes, Skylar bends down, but gets a spinning hurricarana from Shaydawg. Shaydawg goes up onto the turnbuckle and then jumps off for the Dawg Pile but misses as Skylar jumps out of the way. Shaydawg lays on the ground with her hands wrapped around her stomach. Skylar lifts Shaydawg up and gives her few hits to the face and then gives her a suplex onto the mat. Skylar then walks over to Shaydawg and picks her up again and throws her into the turnbuckle. She climbs onto the turnbuckle and starts giving Shaydawg the 10 punch the fans jump in to count 1..2...3...4...5...6...7, but before they could finish Shaydawg pushes Skylar off the turnbuckle and gives Skylar the Evenflow. Skylar falls back onto the mat as Shaydawg goes back down for a pin 1..2..2.5 Skylar kicks out. Shaydawg gives Skylar and few kicks to the stomach and then picks Skylar up and throws her into the ropes and bends over and gets a kick to the face. Skylar runs and gives Shaydawg a powerful clothesline, Shaydawg jumps back up and Skylar gives her another clothesline. Shaydawg gives back up, Skylar gives her a kick to the gut and the gives her a powerbomb. Skylar walks over to the turnbuckle and jumps off to give Shawydawg a 450 pin and hits it. 1...2....2.8. Skylar hits her hand into the mat and then gets up and walks over back over to the turnbuckle. Shaydawg slowly gets up and is hit by a powerful Gore by Skylar. The fans begin to scream 'OH SHIT!' as Skylar runs over and lifts Shaydawg and gives her the big finisher Skyebomb! The ring shakes at the impact of her finisher. Skylar gets on top of Shaydawg and gives her the pin 1...2...3
Winner: Skylar Thomas

Miss Shannon: Your winner, Skylar Thomas

JR: Skylar Thomas just beat ShayDawg!!

King: That has to be an upset

JR: Well Skylar Thomas just showed you she was for real with that win but something is going down in the Parking Lot

:Parking Lot:

:Paramedics are shown tending to Stacy Keibler, Shawn Michaels, & The Rock as in the distance, The Wright Brothers & Holly Mathews are shown grinning:


JR: Well King it looks like the Tag Title Match is off

King: Yeah I would say so

JR: But up next we have a big King of The Ring Match where we find out who is going to face Charlie Haas in the finals

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a SCWE King of The Ring 3rd Round Tournament Match

"Just Like You" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, From Boston, Massachusetts, being accumpied to the ring by Lindsay Stratus weighing in at 255 Pounds, He is the SCWE Intercontinental Champion, Ryan Cage

JR: Ryan Cage got here by defeated Christopher Daniels & David Flair

King: Ryan Cage has still never been pinned or made to tap out

"All The Things She Said" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: His opponent, From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania weighing in at 220 Pounds, Stevie Richards

JR: Here comes Stevie Richards defeated Shawn Michaels and Mikey G to get to this point in the tournament

King: Yeah but I think Stevie Richards luck is going to run out against Ryan Cage who as we all know is also backed by SCWE Assistant GM Vince McMahon

SCWE King of The Ring Round 3: Ryan Cage W/Lindsay Stratus vs Stevie Richards
Referee Brian Hebner rings the bell to start the match out as Ryan Cage & Stevie Richards have words with each other as both men then lock up as Ryan locks in a headlock but Stevie sends Ryan off the ropes as Stevie drops down as Ryan jumps over Stevie and comes off the ropes on the other side as Stevie jumps up but Ryan catches Stevie and drives him down for a spinebuster as Ryan Cage smirks as he picks up Stevie Richards and Ryan Cage shoves Stevie back into the corner as Ryan Cage delivers several boots to the gut of Stevie as Ryan Cage then picks up Stevie and sets him on the top turnbuckle as Ryan climbs up and looks for a superplex and hits it on Richards. Ryan Cage then goes out to the apron and climbs up top again as Stevie is getting back up and Ryan comes off looking for a missile dropkick and connects with it as Ryan quickly covers Stevie for a 1---2--shoulder up. Ryan Cage then pounds away at Stevie as he is getting up and Ryan goes for the Cage Crossface and locks it in as Stevie Richards is screaming out in pain but Stevie is able to get his feet in the ropes as Brian Hebner orders the break which Ryan gives at the last possible instance. Ryan Cage then picks up Ryan and hits a big uppercut on Stevie knocking Stevie back into the ropes as Ryan whips Stevie off the ropes and Ryan hits a big powerslam on Stevie Richards. Ryan Cage then hooks the leg for a 1---2--2.6-kick out. Ryan is a little perturbed by the kickout but waits a Stevie gets back up and Ryan goes for the RKO and hits it as Ryan rolls Stevie over and hooks the leg for a 1---2---2.9-shoulder up. Ryan Cage is livid and Ryan and Brian Hebner get into an argument as Ryan see's Stevie getting up and Stevie hits a running knee to the side of Stevie's head knocking him back down as Vince McMahon makes his way out to the ringside area along with Matt Hardy V1. Vince tells Ryan that he got everything under control and tells Lindsay to get on the apron as Matt Hardy gets a steel chair and slides it into the ring to Ryan Cage who gladly picks it up as Ryan is waiting for Stevie to get and Ryan hits Stevie over the head with the chair as Matt Hardy gets into the ring and Hardy then low blows Ryan Cage!!! Matt Hardy then turns Ryan around and hits the Twist of Fate as Lindsay is telling the referee to look but Brian Hebner is telling her to get down as Matt Hardy then puts Stevie on top of Ryan as Matt Hardy gets out of the ring as Vince grabs Lindsay down as Brian Hebner counts the 1----2--3.
Winner: Stevie Richards

Miss Shannon: Your winner and advancing into the finals of the SCWE King of The Ring, Stevie Richards

JR: Stevie Richards just ended Ryan Cage's streak but thanks in large part to the double cross from Vince McMahon!!!

King: I don't get it, Matt Hardy & Vince just helped Ryan only to take him out

:Lindsay Stratus is asking Vince why he just did that as Vince tells Matt Hardy to take him out as Matt Hardy picks up Ryan Cage and Matt Hardy hits another Twist of Fate on Ryan this time over the Steel Chair as Ryan is busted wide open from it as Matt Hardy & Vince McMahon then head towards the back as Lindsay checks on Ryan Cage:

King: I think we found out what Mallory's order to Vince was to prove his loyality

JR: Yeah I think we just did

:Backstage: Mallory Maddox's Office

Mallory Maddox: I guess Vince just proved his loyality

Matt Walker: He sure did and with Matt Hardy now working for us, nothing is going to stand our way of me getting the SCWE World Title

Mallory Maddox: You ready to take out Kurt Angle tonight

Matt Walker: I've been waiting a long time for tonight

Mallory Maddox: Good and up next Jason and Zoe are in action

Matt Walker: Yeah and Operation stop Scott Walker is in motion since Chris & Kendra are away on a promotional stop


JR: Well King up next we are going to see some Mixed Tag Team Action now

King: Great more puppies!!!

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Mixed Tag Contest

"UnStable" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making there way to the ring, Representing The Triple Threat, Jason Walker & Zoe Mason!!

King: Here comes Jason and Zoe the young couple of the Triple Threat

"No Easy Way Out" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: There opponents, The Team of Scott Walker & The SCWE Women's Champion, Alyssa Amidala

JR: Here comes Alyssa and Scott Walker

King: This is going to be an interesting match since Alyssa and Zoe are set to face off at King of The Ring and Scott and Jason are both in the WalkerZone at King of The Ring

Scott Walker & Alyssa Amidala vs Jason Walker & Zoe Mason
Alyssa & Zoe start the match out as Referee Brian Hebner rings the bell to start the match officially as Zoe and Alyssa lock up as Zoe locks in a headlock on Alyssa who quickly sends Zoe off the ropes as Alyssa goes for a hip toss and hits it as Zoe gets back up and Alyssa opens up on her with a few right hands knocking Zoe down as Zoe rolls over the ropes and starts to get up as Alyssa kicks Zoe in the gut and Alyssa whips Zoe off the ropes again as Alyssa puts her head down as Zoe stops and kicks Alyssa in the shoulder as Zoe then hits a few big chops backing up Alyssa as Zoe then grabs Alyssa and hits a Double Arm DDT on Alyssa as Zoe rolls her over and Zoe covers for a 1--2--kick out. Zoe Mason picks up Alyssa and kicks her in the gut as Alyssa goes for the Dream Lite but Alyssa shoves Zoe away as Zoe comes back at her, Alyssa catches Zoe with a Chick Kick knocking her down as Alyssa then hits a standing moonsault and hooks the leg for a 1---2--shoulder up. Alyssa then waits as Zoe gets back up and Alyssa hits a few more right hands to her and kicks Zoe in the gut as Alyssa sets up Zoe for a Widow's Peak but Jason Walker comes in and pulls Zoe down from the position which brings in Scott Walker as Jason Walker bails out to the floor with Scott Walker giving chase while in the ring, Alyssa picks up Zoe but Zoe ends up hitting a uppercut as Zoe then grabs Alyssa and hits the Dream Lite on her, Zoe then covers Alyssa for a 1---2--2.9-Scott Walker yanks Zoe off of Alyssa. Jason Walker enters the ring as he goes to hit Scott Walker who turns around and catches Jason with a Walkerkick laying out Jason as Brian Hebner is telling them to get out of the ring as Zoe Mason picks up Alyssa and slams her down near a corner as Zoe goes up top and Zoe comes off looking for the Starburst but Scott Walker yanks Alyssa out of the way as Zoe hits the mat face first and Zoe is down and hurting as Alyssa crawls over towards her corner and makes the tag to Scott Walker as Scott Walker enters the ring, he walks over and grabs Jason Walker who is just getting up on the apron and Scott suplex's Jason into the ring as Jason gets up grabbing his back begging off as Scott Walker is stalking towards his little brother, Jason tells Scott he was right and he will change as Scott stops and Jason tells Scott that he is going to tell Matt to stick the Triple Threat as Scott puts his hand out to Jason who takes it but then kicks Scott in the gut as Jason goes for a Walk of Fate but Scott shoves Jason off the ropes and Scott locks in a Sleeper Hold on Jason but Jason drops down causing a chin breaker as Scott is grabbing his chin as Jason gets up and Jason hits a dropkick knocking down Scott as Jason Walker then goes for the Walls of Walker but Scott counters into a small package for a 1---2--2.8-kick out. Jason Walker gets back up to his feet as does Scott as Scott and Jason exchange chops back and forth with Scott getting the upper hand and Scott knocks down Jason with a right hand as Scott is telling Alyssa he got things going his way when Shane Douglas hits the ring and comes charging at Scott Walker who ends up catching Shane with a Walkerkick but when Scott turns around, Jason lays out Scott with a right hand as Jason then covers Scott for a 1---2--Alyssa comes into the ring but Zoe Mason cuts her off--3 as Jason appears to put something into his trunks as he is getting off his brother.
Winners: Jason Walker & Zoe Mason

Miss Shannon: Your winners, Jason Walker & Zoe Mason

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 10:54 PM

JR: Jason and Zoe just beat Scott & Alyssa but not without some help

King: They didnt get caught so it doesnt matter

JR: Well I can tell you this, this won't be the last of this rivalry as all of these people have a date at King of The Ring

:Backstage: Vince McMahon's Office

:Holly Mathews & The Wright Brothers are shown entering the Office as the camera follows them in:

Holly Mathews: Mr. McMahon I had a request for you

Vince McMahon: What would that be?

Holly Mathews: Well I want Stacy Keibler let go

Vince McMahon: What?

Holly Mathews: Well I mean she did no show for the Tag Title Match tonight and she is faking an injury so I want her fired

Vince McMahon: Well it could be arranged I suppose but I am to fire her to make you happy, there would have to be a good reason

Holly Mathews: Well we can't be on the same brand because she could do some extreme psyical harm to me

Vince McMahon: I see but I don't think I can just fire her

Holly Mathews: Well isnt there some way you could, I could owe you a favor

:Matt Hardy who was behind Vince whispers something in Vince's ear as Vince smiles:

Vince McMahon: You know I just thought of a way this could work Holly

Holly Mathews: Ok?

Vince McMahon: Well in New Orleans they have a tradition around Mardi Gras time and I just so happen to have some beads here

Holly Mathews: I think I know what your getting at and I....can live with doing that for you

:Scott & Chris Wright both start to smile as Holly fidges around under her shirt and pulls her bra out as Holly looks at the Wright Brothers:

Holly Mathews: How about you two wait outside

Scott Wright: Do we have too?

Holly Mathews: Yes

Chris Wright: But Matt Hardy isn't leaving

Vince McMahon: You two like being SCWE Tag Champions right?

Scott Wright: Yes

Vince McMahon: Well then I suggest you wait outside

:Scott & Chris Wright leave as they push the camera man out the door as the door shuts:


King: I think Mr. McMahon and Matt Hardy are going to get a Mardi Gras specail from Holly!!

JR: Well that isnt right that Holly is going to do that and as a result Stacy Keibler is going to be fired

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE European Championship

"War Pigs" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, From La Jolle, California weighing in at 339 Pounds, The Californian

JR: The Californian lost the European Title last week but tonight is attempting to get it back

"Cowboy" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Miss Shannon: His opponent, From Nashville, Tennessee weighing in at 230 Pounds, The "Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett

King: Here comes Jeff Jarrett now who is trying to win the SCWE European Title to make an even bigger impact

"My Time Is Now" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Finally, From West Newberry, Massachusetts weighing in at 240 Pounds, The SCWE European Champion, John Cena

JR: Well King here comes John Cena who won the title last week from Californian

King: I like Cena but I don't know if he is in the league of Californian and Jeff Jarrett and I think we we are going to see a new European Champion crownd tonight

JR: We could very well see that King

SCWE European Championship: John Cena(C) vs Californian vs Jeff Jarrett
All three men are looking at one another waiting to see who will make the first move.  Jeff and Californian look at one another and nod as they both team up on Cena.  They knock Cena to the mat and begin taking turns working on him.  They both pick up Cena and set him up as they raise him above and drop him with a double brainbuster.  Cali then picks up Cena again as he hits him with a huge side arm clothline.  Jeff then steps in as he picks up Cnea and takes him out with a DDT.  Jarrett and Cali then both pick up Cena again and throw him the ropes Cena comes back, he attempts to fight them off but the numbers takes control again as Jarrett and Californian hit Cena with a double DDT.  Jeff and Cali get up as they shake hands, they release hands as Jarrett pushes Cali into the corner, and quickly covers Cena, 1.........2...2.5, Cali breaks the fall when he drags Jarrett off and picks him up.  Cali and Jeff begin exchanging words as Cena quickly rolls Jeff up, 1........2...2.5, Cali breaks the fall and begins hitting mounted punches to Jeff, he then switches over and mounts Cena.  Cali gets up and hollers out "Vote Californian" As Jerrett then gets up spins Cali around and hits a Russian Leg Sweep.  Jerrett then begis punching Californian as Cena comes up and grabs Jeff by the back f his head and nails a reverse DDT.  Cena then grabs Cali and forces him into the corner.  Cena begins chopping at Calis chest, when Jarrett comes up and pushes Cena aside as Jeff begins to wail on Californian chest.  Cena then gets up again and clothlines Jarrett to the outside of the ring.  Cena tells him the Jeff can't see him as John turns around and Cali forces Cena to the corner.  Cali mounts Cena as he begins punching, hops down and hits Cena with an axe handle.  Cena stumbles out of the corner as Cali hits him from behind with a lirat.  Cali covers, 1........2....2.6, Jarrett grabs Cali's leg and drags him outside.  Jeff and Cali begin exchanging punches when Cali gets the upper hand and whips Jarrett to the outside corner post.  Jeff hits the post and falls on the guard rail.  Cali picks up Jeff and suplexes him to the mat.  Cali then picks up Jeff again, but this time Jeff and Cali both look up as Cena springs out of the ring and toppelse on both of them.  Cena then begins to punch at Cali as the ref starts counting, 1....Cena picks up Cali and dropkicks him.2.....Jeff hits Cena with a kick to the gut as Jeff throws Cena into the ring.3.....Jeff picks up Californian and nails him with a stroke to the outside mat.4...Jeff then smilkes as he slides back into the ring.  Jeff picks up Cnea asnd starts nailing him with lefts and rights,5..6..7....Californian starts to move outsdie the ring as he grabs the ring apron.  Back in the ring Jeff knocks Cena down as he applies him into the Figure Four Leg Lock.  Cali then slides back into the ring as he runs and takes out Jarrett with a elbow drop.  Cali then pins Jarrett, 1.........2....2.6, Kickout.  Clai gets up and quickly covers Cena now, 1.......2.....2.8, kickout. Cali cant belive it as he grabs Cena and hard whips him into the corner.  Cena bounces off as Cali picks him up for the Liberal Arts and nails it.  Cali pins Cena, 1.......2.......2.9 Jarrett breaks it.  Jarrett grabs Cali and takes him out with a snap suplex.  Jerrett then picks up Cali and hits him with another Stroke.  Cali takes the hit, and rolls to the outside of the ring to recoperate.  Jeff then looks over at Cena as he picks up Cena.  He says thats all, as he sets Cena up for the Stroke and nails it.  Jarrett covers, 1.........2.......2.9, Cena kicks out at the last second.  Jeff cant belive it as He grabs Cena.  He then goes to hit another Stroke but Cena counters it, throws Jeff to the ropes.  jeff comes back and Cena picks up on his shoulders and drops him with the FU.  Cena covers, 1........2........3
Winner: John Cena

Miss Shannon: Your winner and still SCWE European Champion, John Cena

JR: John Cena just successfully defended his European Title

King: Californian is not happy about Cena getting pinned, I can tell you that much

JR: Well none the less John Cena is still the European Champion

Final Commercial Ad for KSCWE King of The Ring

After The Break:

JR: Well King its now time for the Main Event

King: Yeah JR and this is a Pay Per View Type Main Event

Miss Shannon: The Main Event of the evening is scheduled for one fall

"Holding Out for a Hero" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, being accumpied to the ring by The "Franchise" Shane Douglas, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 225 Pounds, The "Real Deal, No Gimmicks Needed" Matt Walker

JR: Here comes Matt Walker to the ring

King: Matt Walker is not coming alone as he has Shane Douglas with him

"I Don't Suck" hits, Crowd Chants You Suck

Miss Shannon: His opponent, Being led to the ring by Kaylee Walker, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 237 Pounds, Kurt Angle

JR: Here comes The Olympic Champion Kurt Angle

King: Both of these guys credentials are outstanding and this should be a hell of a match

Kurt Angle W/Kaylee Walker vs Matt Walker W/Shane Douglas
Referee Earl Hebner calls for the bell to start the match as Matt Walker and Kurt Angle are face to face jawing with each other as Matt Walker slaps Angle across the face and Kurt tells Walker to do it again as Matt Walker goes to do it again but Angle ducks and then grabs Walker and Angle hits a big German Suplex and holds on and hits a Second German and then a third one as Kurt Angle waits for Matt Walker to get up and once he does, Angle goes for an Angle Slam but Walker rolls out of it and Walker then kicks Angle in the gut and Walker hits a big DDT on Angle, Matt Walker then stomps away at Kurt as he is trying to get back up and Matt Walker then picks up Angle looking for a backdrop but Angle flips out of it and when Walker turns around, Angle hits a few right hands and then Angle grabs Walker and hits a overhead belly 2 belly suplex. Matt Walker slowly gets up near the ropes as Angle charges at Kurt Angle clotheslines Matt Walker over the top to the floor. Shane Douglas then goes over to help up Matt Walker when Kurt Angle hits a baseball slide knocking down Douglas as Kurt Angle knocks down Shane on the floor and then Matt Walker when Jason Walker comes running down to the ringside area and Jason Walker attacks Kurt Angle causing a DQ.
Winner: Kurt Angle by DQ

Miss Shannon: Your winner by DQ, Kurt Angle

JR: Kurt Angle gets the win but this thing isnt done yet

:Jason & Matt Walker along with Shane Douglas are triple teaming Kurt Angle when "No Easy way Out" hits over the PA as Scott Walker makes his way out to the ringside are as Shane Douglas goes to meet him as Scott Walker knocks down Douglas with a right hand as Jason Walker goes to hit him but also gets knocked down as Matt Walker grabs his guitar and goes to hit Scott Walker with it when Alyssa Amidala comes out of nowhere and grabs the guitar away as Matt Walker turns around and tries to get it back when Scott Walker turns Matt around and Scott Walker knocks down Matt Walker with a right hand when Matt Hardy comes running out and Matt Hardy attacks Scott Walker from behind as Alyssa is about to hit Matt Hardy with the guitar when Kelli Hardy grabs it out of Alyssa's hands and Kelli then throws it to the side as Kelli spears down alyssa and starts to pound away at her!!!

King: All hell has broken loose JR

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 10:54 PM

JR: It sure has King and Kelli Hardy is now back!!!

King: We got fights all around ringside

:Matt Hardy continues to work on Scott Walker when Ric Flair comes running out and Flair knocks down Hardy as Ric Flair & Matt Hardy start to brawl it out as Matt & Jason Walker brawl with Kurt Angle & Scott Walker as Shane Douglas attacks Scott Walker as well when "Hearts On Fire" hits as the Place Erupts

JR: I thought Chris Walker wasnt here

:Chris Walker comes running towards the ring as Chris Walker hits a double clothesline knocking down Jason & Matt Walker as Walker also hits down Shane Douglas as Matt Hardy & Ric Flair move into the ring as Chris Walker goes to work on Jason while Scott works on Matt as Kelli & Alyssa also fight and Kurt Angle rolls Shane Douglas into the ring when "Game" hits over the PA as The Place Erupts again:


King: He isnt allowed to be here

:All the fighting stops as Triple H then hops over the barracade with Sledgehammer in hand and slides into the ring as all 4 Walker Brothers take off for the back as Matt Hardy realizes he is trapped as Triple H tells him payback is coming for what he has done and Matt Hardy ends up shoving Shane Douglas into The Game's sledgehammer shot as Matt Hardy gets out of the ring as Triple H stops and smiles as Ric Flair picks up Shane Douglas who is grabbing his ribs and Ric Flair along with Kurt Angle hold Shane Douglas up as Triple H starts to open up on Shane Douglas with Sledgehammer shot after sledgehammer shot to the ribs as Matt Walker is  screaming at Matt Hardy for leaving Shane alone as Security comes running out towards the ring after Triple H as The Game bails out to the floor and into the crowd with Ric Flair as Paramedics tend to Shane Douglas:

JR: We have lost total control here and during that mayhem I found out that Zoe Mason is no longer set to face Alyssa at King of The Ring, now it will be Alyssa vs the returning Kelli Hardy!!!

King: How did Triple H get here?

JR: I don't know but he sure got out of the way when Security came for him and I got a feeling, Triple H may show up at King of The Ring and I would not want to be Matt Hardy right about now

:Smackdown! Goes off the Air:

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