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SmackDown! : Smackdown! 6/28/05
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/10/2006 11:13 PM


Results 6/28/05 Live From Atlanta, Georgia

Dark Matches Air before Smackdown!:

Dark Match #1: David Flair defeated Brian Mason

Dark Match #2: Paul London defeated Twister X & Rey Mysterio when London pinned Mysterio

:Footage From Last Week's SD is shown as Pyro then explodes opening up the show:

JR: Welcome to SCWE Smackdown! just 48 hours removed from King of The Ring and what a King of The Ring it was

King: JR it was amazing with all of the twists and turns and then last night on Nitro the Roster Draft Started!!!

JR: Yeah and SCWE lost some great talent in Free Agent Departee Scott Walker along with The First Pick former SCWE World Champion Chris Walker along with his wife Kendra

King: Yeah but we got former Women's Champion Christy Hemme and that was a great pick

JR: Yeah and tonight the draft continues

"Line In The Sand" hits, Crowd Boo's as Evolution X Walks out towards the ring

Lillian: Please Welcome Evolution X!!!!

JR: Here comes Evolution X which is back in full form after Kurt Angle won the SCWE World Title but under very controversial circumstances

King: Yeah Matt Hardy and Vince McMahon pulled the wool over everyone's eyes and E-X is now larger then ever

:Evolution X gets into the ring as Triple H gets the microphone:

Triple H: King of The Ring is going to go down in history as one of the greatest Pay Per Views of all time for the fact that Evolution X Pulled the Wool over everyone's eyes. Did you people actually think Matt Hardy was going to turn against me? Did you think he would attack Charlie Haas unprovoked? I Don't Think So and Did you actually think Stevie Richards beat me? I Let that little Punk win so I wouldn't get stuck going to ECW Revolution and beating all of those jokes of wrestlers in that bingo hall. Evolution X is back in full form with Matt Hardy, Charlie Haas, David Flair, The "Nature Boy", Vince McMahon, and the ladies of Evolution X. We are unstoppable, Look at what we have already, Charlie Haas is the 2005 SCWE King of The Ring, Kelli Hardy is the SCWE Women's Champion, Stacy Mason is the SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion, David Flair is the future SCWE Juniorweight Champion, and I am going to be the Next SCWE World Heavyweight Champion as soon as Kurt Angle is medically cleared to wrestle(Crowd Boo's). Now as far as the Sheriff goes, I don't think we have to worry about old Stone Cold because after the beating the nWo put on him last night, I don't think there will be any Law Enforcing tonight

:Triple H hands the microphone to Matt Hardy:

Matt Hardy: YOUR MATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT HAS ARRIVED(Crowd Boo's). Oh jealousy will get you no place. Everyone should have known I wouldn't turn my back on family, Triple H is my brother in law and is actually more of a brother then Jeff and Charlie Haas is like our kid brother so I ain't going to turn on them. Now Matt Walker I know your in the hospital in Pittsburgh right now with Mallory licking your wounds but just know that I am  going to be waiting for you to return so I can finish the job because your brothers Chris and Scott obviously were smart and got moved to WCW to avoid the wrath of E-X

:Vince takes the microphone:

Vince McMahon: With Mallory Maddox in Pittsburgh tonight, That leaves me in charge and tonight I am going to boo....

:Mallory Maddox then appears on the SCWE Tron:

Mallory Maddox: Vince I suggest you shut up for a minute. I may not be in Atlanta but I am near The KSCWE Headquarters and I just came from talking to The Hill's and they informed me that Curse of The Game is Interpromotinal meaning The Main Event will be The Walker Brothers, Scott, Matt, Jason, & Chris along with Kurt Angle to take on Triple H, Matt Hardy, Charlie Haas, David Flair, & anyone you can get and there is no getting out of it so enjoy running Smackdown! tonight Vince because I will be back with Matt sooner then you expect

:Mallory disappears off the tron as E-X is going nuts as Triple H and Matt Hardy are screaming at Vince to change it:

JR: What A Blockbuster announcement for Curse of The Game

King: WCW's Chris and Scott Walker along with SCWE's Matt and Jason Walker and SCWE World Champion Kurt Angle to take on the 4 E-X members plus another person who can be ECW, WCW, or SCWE, just shocking


:The Rock is shown leaving the arena when Maria runs up to him:

Maria: Rock where are you going?

The Rock: Maria, The Rock just got a contract offer from ECW and The Rock ain't going to stay around SCWE where The Rock is being screwed more times then Stephanie McMahon so tell Vince or Mallory then can take SCWE and shove it up there Candy Ass


King: The Rock can't do that!!!

JR: He just did

King: He was supposed to face The Californian tonight for the SCWE RAWCore Championship

JR: Keyword is was

Lillian: The Opening Contest of SCWE Smackdown! is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Tag Team Championship

"Bombshell" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making there way to the ring, From New York, New York weighing in at a combined weight of 515 Pounds, Bubba Ray & D-Von, The Dudley Boys

JR: The Legendary Dudley's are back!!!

King: Can The Dudley's become 9x Champions?

"99 Problems" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Lillian: There opponents, Being accumpied to the ring by Holly Mathews, From right here in Atlanta, weighing in at 468 Pounds, They are the SCWE Tag Team Champions, Scott & Chris, The Wright Brothers!!!

King: Here comes the hometown Wright Brothers

JR: With there lovely manager Holly Mathews and boy would I love to see her puppies!!

SCWE Tag Team Championship: Scott & Chris Wright W/Holly Mathews vs Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley
The bell rings and D-Von and Scott Wright start off the match. The two lock up as Scott seems to have the advantage over D-Von but D-Von shoves him off the ropes and follows up with a backdrop. D-Von quickly picks him up and goes for a Suplex but Scott stays on the ground and spears down D-Von. He begins to open up on him and then rolls him over and climbs up top. He delivers a huge Splash manuver and covers D-Von for the 1.............2...........Bubba quickly breaks the pin up. This gets Chris Right to come into the ring who charges at Bubba with a clothesline but Bubba moves out of the way and Chris Wright hits referee Brian Hebner! Bubba then throws Chris Wright out of the ring as D-Von powerslams Scott Wright. Bubba then climbs up top and calls for the Wazzup Headbutt. D-Von sets Wright up and the two nail it as Scott Wright rolls around in pain. Bubba then tags himself in and covers Scott Wright but Hebner is still down. D-Von wakes him up and he slowly counts 1.................2...........2.9......Scott Wright just kicks out. Bubba goes over to him and picks him up but Scott low blows him causing him to fall to the ground. Scott tags in Chris Wright who jumps into the ring and begins to open up on Bubba then throws him off the ropes but Bubba shoulder blocks him down. He quickly picks Chris up and throws him off the ropes but on the way back Chris tries for a Crossbody but Bubba catches him and tags D-Von back in without Chris seeing. Chris then delivers the Downward Spiral and covers Bubba but Brian Hebner tells him Bubba is not the legal man as Chris gets up only to be met with a kick to the face from D-Von. At this point Ryan Cage makes his way down to the ring without being seen. D-Von has Chris set up in the corner but Scott knocks D-Von down allowing Chris to tag Scott back in. Ryan Cage is seen talking to Bubba but hidden from the Wright Brothers. In the ring Scott Wright has D-Von in a headlock as D-Von is trying to break free when Bubba enters the ring. Chris Wright tries to get back in but Ryan Cage pulls him down and delivers an RKO to him on the outside. Cage then quickly goes under the ring and comes up with a table and slides it in to Bubba. D-Von knocks down Scott Wright as Bubba begins to set the table up but Brian Hebner is telling him to stop so Bubba shoves him away! D-Von waits for Scott to get up and as he does D-Von lifts him high into the air and they connect with the 3-D! Hebner is calling for the bell as Ryan Cage gets into the ring and celebrates with the Dudleys.
Winners: Scott & Chris Wright by DQ

Lillian: Your winners as a result of a DQ and still SCWE Tag Team Champions, The Wright Brothers

JR: The Dudley's just got Disqualified and blew there Tag Title Chance

King: I don't think they care seeing as they just put Scott Wright through a table

:Backstage: Vince McMahon's Office

Triple H: Vince you better fix this right now because I don't want to face those jackasses at Curse of The Game, I wanted my SCWE World Title Shot at Curse of The Game

Vince McMahon: I can't over rule her, I am just the Assistant GM

Matt Hardy: Hunter don't worry about it, I think I got a person we can team up with

Triple H: Who?

:Matt Hardy whispers something to Triple H and Triple H starts to smirk as Charlie Haas walks over and puts his ear into the conversation and also is smiling:

Triple H: Let's get him


JR: Evolution X obviously have a partner in mind now

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE European Championship

"I Walked With a Zombie" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, From Fayetteville, North Carolina weighing in at 226 Pounds, The "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels

King: The Fallen Angel who has looked good in Juniorweight Action stepping out of the division tonight to challenge for John Cena's European Title

"My Time Is Now" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: His opponent, From West Newberry, Massachusetts weighing in at 240 Pounds, He is the SCWE European Champion, John Cena!!!

JR: Here comes the European Champion!!!

King: I take my hat off to Cena who has been a fighting champion

SCWE European Championship: John Cena(C) vs Christopher Daniels
Daniels and Cena locks up as the bell tolls.  Cena gets the early advantage as he puts Daniels in a side headlock.    Daniels then pushes Cena off as Cena runs to the ropes.  Cena rebounds off and takes Chris out witrh a clothline.    Cena picks up Daniels as he starts punching him as they draw closer and closer towards the corner.  Cena then pushes Daniels into the corner as Cena then mounts him.  Cena begins to hit the ten punches.  Cena jumps down grapples Daniels and goes to whip into the opposite corner, but Daniels counters and reverses it whipping Cena hard into the croenr.  Cena bounces and arches his back in pain as Chris runs up and takes Cena down with a clthline.  Daniels quicklyt covers, 1.....1.6 kickout .  Chris then mounts Cena as he beghins laying punches into his face.  Daniels then gets up and taints to the crowd.  Chris turns around and runs strait into a spinebuster from Cena.  Cena covers, 1........2..2.4, kickout. Cena grabs Daniels and picks him up.  Cena then whips Daniels into the ropes as Daniels comes back, Cena lifts him and hits a back body toss.  Cena then grabs Chris and grapples again with him and nails a snap suplex.  Cena covers, 1.......2..2.4, kickout.  Cena starts to get pissed as he looks at Daniels.  Cena grabs Daniels , he goes to whip Daniuels but counters it himself and takes Chris out with a short arm clothline.  Cena gets up and stands above Daniels, he yells, "You Can'T See Me" as he runs to the ropes, but as he comes back he his met with a huge dropkick from Daniels.  Daniels then mocks Cena as he grabs him by his hair.  Daniels then whips Cena to the rops as Cena comes back Daniels nails another dropkick.  Chris smirks as he grabs Cena and lifts up to his feet.  Daniels grapples with Cena, Cena counters and goes behind Chris.  Cena tries for a german plex, but Daniels counters, spins around and gets behind Cena as he pushes Cena forward and nails a reverse clothline.  Daniels then picks up Cena and nails him with the Spicey Drop.  Daniels covers, 1.........2.....2.6, kickout.  Daniels yells at the ref as he grabs Cena.  Daniels lifts up Cena and takes him down with a High Angle Body Slam.  Daniels then points to the corner as he climbs up.  Daniels jumps off trying to nail the BME, but Cena rolls away at the last second.  Cena stocks Chris as Chris gets to his feet.  Cena runs and hits a knee to the gut of Daniels.  Cena then grabs Daniels and hits him with a body slam.  Cena then then tells Daniels to come get some  as Daniels gets up and runs at Cena.  Cena ducks a clothline, as he turns around and spins Chris to face him.  Cena then looks hits a dropkick knocking Daniels staright to the canvas.  Cena bends over Daniels and yells once more, "You Can't See Me" as he runs to the ropes, brushes the shoulders off and nails a Five a Knuckle Shuffle.  Cena then pumps up his shoes as he stocks Daniels.  Daniels gets to one knee as Cena runs iun and picks Daniels up on his shoulders.  Cena stands up and waves his hand in front of his face and he then nails an F-U on Chris Daniels.  Cena covers, 1.........2.......3
Winner: John Cena

Lillian: Your winner and still SCWE European Champion, John Cena!!!

JR: John Cena picks up another win

King: Cena is red hot right now

Commercial Ad for ECW Revolution, WCW Nitro, & KSCWE Magazine

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 11:13 PM

JR: Well King we still have to find out who is coming over from WCW and who is going to WCW plus The SCWE Women's Title is on the line in the Main Event

King: Yeah I hope its another diva because Christy Hemme was a great bonus JR

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Women's RAWCore Championship

"Blood Pigs" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, The Challenger, From Wetumpka, Alabama, Skylar Thomas

King: Here comes the Psycho Skylar Thomas

JR: Well Skylar is finally cashing in her #1 Contender's Match that she won for the Women's Xtreme Title but it carried over to the Women's RAWCore Title

"Everybody's Fool" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Lillian: Her opponent, From Los Angelos, California, Representing Evolution X, She is the SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion, Stacy Mason

King: Stacy Mason is going to be a tough person to beat

JR: This is going to be a great match because Skylar Thomas has made great strides and tonight she gets to face a true legend of the business

SCWE Women's RAWCore Championship: Stacy Mason(C) vs Skylar Thomas
The Bell sounds and both women bolt out of the ring and look under the ring at opposite ends. Skylar Thomas throws in a trash can lid and some wooden sticks while stacy slides in a stop sign, a broom and a peice of a steel cage. The women slide in and run at each other with their weapons. Skylar Thomas ducks an attack with the broom from Stacy and smashes the trash can lid she has over the back of Stacy Mason. Stacy drops her broom and falls to her knee where she is hit over the head with the trash can lid. Skylar covers Stacy 1...2.. kick out by the champ. Skylar picks up Stacy and irish whips her to the ropes, Stacy holds on to the ropes as Skylar picks up one of the wooden sticks and runs towards Stacy Mason. Stacy flips Skylar over herself and down to the mats outside the ring. Stacy turns to skylar and uses the ropes to hit a springboard cross body from the ropes to skylar on the outside but Thomas hits Mason with the wooden stick in mid air. Skylar stomps on Stacy before covering her once again 1...2... kick out by Stacy Mason. The challenger gets up and drives Stacy Mason's head off the steel steps. Skylar then picks up Stacy Mason and goes for a scoop slam to Stacy over the steel steps but Mason manages to counter it into a bulldog driving Skylar's face into the steel ring steps. Mason climbs to the top of the steel steps and launches off with a moonsault landing right on Skylar Thomas, she hooks the leg 1...2... kick out by Thomas. Stacy Mason gets to her feet and helps skylar up, Stacy kicks Skylar in the gut and hooks her arm around Skylar's head she lifts her up and nails Skylar with a fishermans suplex, Stacy bridges her back and holds the move for the pin 1....2... kick out once again by Skylar Thomas. Stacy Mason walks back over to the ring and pulls a stop sign which she threw into the ring earlier. Stacy walks over to Skylar but Thomas jumps up and gets the thumb to Stacy's eyes. Skylar hits a DDT to Stacy on the steel ramp. She covers Mason once again 1...2...2.7 kick out by The Womens Rawcore Champion. Skylar slams her fist against the steel ramp in anger. She picks up Stacy and takes her over to the ring, Skylar rolls Stacy into the ring and places her in front of one of the turnbuckles, Skylar goes up top and launches off with a 450 splash but Stacy rolls out the way. Stacy Mason gets up to her feet before Skylar and waits for Skylar to get up, when she goes she is knocked back down with a spinning chick kick from Stacy Mason. Stacy grabs the peice of steel cage and places it between the middle and top rope, Stacy grabs Skylar and sends her face into the steel cageing. Stacy begins to grate Skylar's head against the peice of steel cage causing Skylar's face to bleed. Skylar manages to hit an elbow to Stacy's gut and tries to break free of Stacy's assualt but Stacy sends Skylar to the ropes. Skylar clutches on to the ropes to get a breather but Stacy Mason runs towatds Thomas.Skylar flips Stacy over her but Stacy lands on the ring apron, Stacy grabs a hand full of Skylar's hair and turns her around. Stacy goes for a suplex to Skylar from the ring to the mats outside but Skylar punches Stacy right in the jaw sending Stacy off the ring apron down to the mats. Skylar gets on the ring apron and uses the top rope to springboard off with a big moonsault but Stacy catches Skylar on her shoulders, Stacy falls backwards sending Skylar Thomas crashing into the ring barrier with a samoan drop. Skylar falls to the floor with SCWE fans all around. Stacy Mason slowly climbs to the top of the ring barrier. Stacy launches off with the Broken Dreams. She lays on top of Skylar Thomas for the cover 1...2...3
Winner: Stacy Mason

Lillian: Your winner and still SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion, Stacy Mason

JR: Stacy Mason picks up an impressive win over Skylar Thomas

King: Well so much for Skylar knocking the Queen of RAWCore off her perch


:Ryan Cage, Lindsay Stratus and The Dudley's are shown heading towards the ring when Triple H, Charlie Haas, & Ric Flair approach them:

Triple H: Hello Ryan

Ryan Cage: What do you guys want

:The Dudley's get ready for a fight:

Triple H: You better tell Beavis and Butthead to back off before they get themselves hurt

Ryan Cage: Guys back off

:The Dudley's put there arms down:

Ryan Cage: Now what do you want?

Triple H: I'm sure you heard about our Match at Curse of The Game

Ryan Cage: Yeah your match so what

Triple H: How about you team up with us

Ryan Cage: Oh so I can get jumped again

Triple H: Ok I expected that to come up, we all know that that was the best thing for you, you have went on to become the SCWE Intercontinental Champion without us

Ryan Cage: Yeah and then my undefeated streak got snapped thanks to your boys

Triple H: That was part of a plan and besides at least you can always say you would still be undefeated if you didnt get screwed

Ryan Cage: True

Triple H: Now Ryan think about it, if your teaming up with us then your in the Main Event at Curse of The Game and you also know that we ain't going to touch you while your on our good side because that would be hurting us because to be honest with you, We Need You, David Flair can't hold up his own against the four Walker's and Kurt Angle so we need a fourth big name and that my friend is you

Ryan Cage: Let me think about it and I will get back to you

Triple H: Fair enough

Commercial Ad for KSCWE Curse of The Game-Long Ad

After The Break:

JR: Well King I guess Evolution X is trying to get Ryan Cage a former E-X member back into there good graces for Curse of The Game

King: Ryan Cage back with E-X!!! That's a great idea

JR: Well Ryan Cage is showing you that he doesn't know if he should trust Evolution X since they did backstab him

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Women's Championship

"All Grown Up" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, From Greenwich, Connecticut, Stephanie McMahon

JR: Here comes Stephanie McMahon who has been Women's Champion in the past

"Lovefool" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Lillian: Her opponent, From Cleveland, Ohio, Alyssa Amidala

King: Alyssa lost the Women's Title last night but not without some outside interference to aid her opponent

:Mattitude Countdown Starts into "Figured You Out", Crowd Boo's

KelliFact: Kelli is going to embarass Stephanie McMahon yet again

KelliFact: Kelli still wants to cut Alyssa's hair for her trophy

Lillian: Finally, From Greenwich, Connecticut, Representing Evolution X, She is the SCWE Women's Champion, Kelli Hardy

JR: Well here comes the Champion

King: This is going to be a good contest I think JR

SCWE Women's Championship: Kelli Hardy(C) vs Alyssa Amidala vs Stephanie McMahon
Referee Brian Hebner calls for the bell as Kelli and Alyssa immediately go after each other locking up as Kelli and Alyssa move around the ring and into the corner where Stephanie McMahon attacks Kelli from behind as Stephanie then holds Kelli as Alyssa goes to hit Kelli but Kelli gets free as Alyssa knocks down Stephanie and Kelli then spears down Alyssa and goes to work on her with several right hands as Alyssa ends up rolling over on top of Kelli as Alyssa opens up on Kelli when Stephanie hits Alyssa from behind as Stephanie stomps away at Alyssa when Kelli hits Stephanie from behind  as Kelli turns Stephanie around and kicks her in the gut and hits the Kelli Bomb on her. Kelli then covers Stephanie for a 1---2--2.6-Alyssa breaks up the pin. Kelli then gets up and Alyssa and Kelli have some words as Stephanie is trying to get up and Kelli and Alyssa then seem to make an agreement as both ladies attack Stephanie McMahon! Kelli and Alyssa whip Stephanie off the ropes and then hits a double hip toss on Stephanie and as Stephanie is trying to get up, Kelli kicks Stephanie in the gut and hits a Pedigree on her and turns her over as Alyssa hits a standing Moonsault to Steph but doesn't cover. Kelli then hits Alyssa as she is getting back up and Kelli whips Alyssa off the ropes and Kelli puts her head down as Alyssa stops and kicks Kelli in the shoulder and Alyssa then goes for the Alyssa Bomb but Kelli backdrops Alyssa. Kelli then hits a few big chops to Alyssa as she gets back up knocking Alyssa back towards the ropes and Kelli clotheslines Alyssa over the top to the floor as Stephanie McMahon is struggling to her feet and goes for an RKO but gets kicked in the gut instead as Kelli hits a Twist of Fate and covers for a 1---2--3 as Alyssa gets into the ring a split second to late.
Winner: Kelli Hardy

Lillian: Your winner and still SCWE Women's Champion, Kelli Hardy

JR: Kelli Hardy escapes still champion

King: Alyssa was just a split second too late from making the save

:Kelli walks back up the entry way showing off the Women's Title and making a motion that she is going to cut Alyssa's hair as Alyssa is telling Kelli to get back in the ring:

JR: This Kelli/Alyssa fued is still not done yet

:Backstage: Women's Locker Room

:Vince McMahon is shown knocking on the door and then going in once its opened as all of the SCWE Divas minus Alyssa, Stephanie, Christy, & The E-X girls are in there:

Vince McMahon: Ladies I just wanted to inform you that one of you are going to WCW

:All of the Divas look around at each other:

Vince McMahon: And that diva is.....Terri Runnels

:Terri who was ready for her match takes her elbow pads off and gets her stuff:


JR: Terri Runnels is going to WCW

King: Darn it but who is coming to SCWE?

JR: I don't know King, I guess the Draft Pick hasn't arrived yet

King: Maybe its a diva so more Puppy Power!!!

JR: Well it could be anybody, we are just going to have to wait and see


:Cynthia Diamond is shown streching for her upcoming match when Holly Mathews walks past and Holly looks at Cynthia and walks away laughing as Cynthia looks pissed:

Commercial Ad for KSCWE King of The Ring Replay-Long Ad

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 11:14 PM

JR: Well King, that last segmeng before the break was rather odd

King: I guess something is going on between Holly Mathews and Cynthia Diamond and I would love to find out what

JR: Well King up next is another diva match which was originally going to be a fatal four way but will now be a Triple Threat after Terri Runnels was drafted to WCW

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Switch" hits, Crowd has no reaction

Lillian: 1st making her way to the ring, From Los Angelos, California, Summer Fox

King: Well here comes a new diva

"Toxic" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: Her opponent, From Green Bay, Wisconsin, Brianna

JR: Here comes Brianna who has looked good since arriving in the company

"Walk This Way" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: Finally, From Las Vegas, Nevada, Jezebel

King: Here comes Jezebel who is a fan favorite of mine, Woo hoo Puppies!!!

JR: Well Jezebel is a very um sexual person but don't let that fool you into believing she isn't good in the ring because Jezebel one day could be a Women's Champion

Jezebel vs Summer Fox vs Brianna
Referee Chad Patton calls for the bell to start the match as Brianna & Summer Fox both attack Jezebel knocking her down as Brianna then hits Summer Fox from behind!! Brianna whips Summer Fox off the ropes and Brianna hits a big backdrop on Summer Fox as Brianna waits as Summer Fox gets up and Brianna hits the Perfect Kick to her knocking her out cold but Jezebel is back up and Jezebel hits a few big chops to Brianna backing Brianna up when Christy Hemme hits the ring and attacks Jezebel from behind causing a DQ.
Winner: Jezebel by DQ

Lillian: Your winner as a result of a DQ, Jezebel

JR: What the heck did Christy Hemme just do that for

:Christy Hemme continues to work over Jezebel as Brianna shoves Christy back asking her what her problem is and Christy hits Hemme Love to Brianna laying her out as Christy then picks up Jezebel and Christy delivers The Hemme Letdown to her as Christy holds her arms up in victory before leaving the ring:

King: What an impact by The first SCWE Draft Pick from WCW!!

JR: Christy Hemme just made her presense felt taking out Brianna and Jezebel


:Cynthia Diamond is shown heading towards the ring when Holly Mathews appears:

Cynthia Diamond: Holly

Holly Mathews: Cynthia

Cynthia Diamond: Mind moving aside Miss "I'm The Greatest Manager"

Holly Mathews: Sure thing Queen of The Ring who beat Stephanie McMahon for her crown when anyone in the company could have done that

Cynthia Diamond: So your saying I didn't earn my Queen of The Ring Title?

Holly Mathews: Sounds like that to me

Cynthia Diamond: Well I was scheduled to face Traci Mason but you know what, screw that

:Cynthia then slaps Holly Mathews in the head as Cynthia takes Holly and rams her into the wall as Holly tries to fight back but Cynthia is too much for her and Cynthia takes her down to the mat and is stomping away at her as The Wright Brothers and Several Referee's Come into the scene to break it up as Cynthia is ordered to leave the arena:


JR: Well I don't condone what Cynthia Diamond just did back there

King: That was a major duty cat fight!!!

JR: Well the next Draft Pick has the alloted time right now so lets see who it is

Lillian: Ladies and Gentlemen Please Welcome the Next Pick in the Draft Lottery from WCW....

King: Who is it?

JR: I don't know King wait and see

:No music or people are appearing:

Lillian: The Next Pick in the Draft Lottery Is...........

JR: Well come on out, SCWE ain't going to bite ya whoever you are

King: I guess maybe they got itchy feet?

JR: Well obviously this is going no place fast and something else is going on backstage so lets go back there and maybe then the Draft Pick will want to come out


:Evolution X is about to leave the arena when Ryan Cage walks up to them:

Ryan Cage: I've made my decision

Triple H: Ok

Ryan Cage: For One Night Only, you got yourself a deal, I'll team up with you guys just for Curse of The Game

:Ryan extends his hand as Triple H shakes it:

Triple H: Alright then Kid, see ya next week


JR: Well I have just been told that right after the break, The Next Draft Pick will come out

Commercial Ad for KSCWE Curse of The Game-Long Ad

After The Break:

JR: Well King its really time now because The Draft Pick is backstage waiting

King: Well its about time and what about Ryan Cage's decision

JR: Well at Curse of The Game it will be Triple H, Matt Hardy, Charlie Haas, Ryan Cage, and David Flair taking on Scott, Matt, Jason, & Chris Walker along with Kurt Angle in a Survivor Series Rules Match but who is the next pick

Lillian: Ladies and Gentlemen, The Next Draft Lottery Selection is......

"Longhorns" hits, Crowd is mixed as The White Limo pulls out with JBL and Orlando Jordan getting out


King: We got JBL!!!!!!

JR: JBL and Orlando Jordan I guess are a package and there now SCWE

:JBL gets into the ring and gets a microphone from Lillian Garica:

JBL: So This is the Famous SCWE Brand? This is supposed to be the brand of Legends? Well you ingrates, That Was All False. It was a lie, but now it isn't a lie. I Am Here, I am a Legend, hell I am a God of Wrestling(Crowd Chants Asshole) and I am here to dominate just like I did on WCW. I am here for a challenge, I am here to face real superstars not like the jobbers I faced on WCW although half of the SCWE Locker Room in the back is just that, jobbers(Crowd Chants Go Back to WCW). I will dominate SCWE just like I did with WCW and within a few weeks, SCWE will become known as The JBL Brand, Thank You and God Bless America

"Longhorns" hits, as JBL and Orlando leave

JR: What a self centered arrogant piece of...

King: JR calm down

JR: I watched Nitro, I thought JBL was turning over a new leaf and now I hope somebody kicks his ass

King: Jeez JR we are supposed to be impartial

Final Commercial Ad for ECW Revolution, WCW Nitro, & SCWE Smackdown! Next week

After The Break:

JR: Well King its time for our Main Event now

Lillian: The Main Event of the evening is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Intercontinetnal Championship

"Just Like You" hits, Crowd Boo's

Lillian: 1st making his way to the ring, being accumpied by Lindsay Stratus and The Dudley Boys, From Boston, Massachusetts weighing in at 255 Pounds, The SCWE Intercontinental Champion, Ryan Cage

King: Well here comes the champ

JR: Ryan Cage shockingly agreed to team up with Evolution X earlier at Curse of The Game but better not be looking ahead or else he could lose his IC Title

"Raise Your Hands" hits, Crowd Cheers

Lillian: His opponent, The Challenger, From New Haven, Connecticut weighing in at 230 Pounds, Coach T

JR: Here comes Coach T who has a chance of a lifetime tonight to become Intercontinental Champion

King: I don't think Coach T can do it

SCWE Intercontinental Championship: Ryan Cage(C) W/Lindsay Stratus & The Dudley Boys vs Coach T
Cage and Coach run in as they go into a lockup.  Coach gets the early advantage and places him in a side headlock.  Coach beghins rearing Ryan's head as Ryan then backs up towards the ropes.  Ryan grabvs the top rope and sends Coach T in the opposite direction.  Coach T rebounds, Cage goes for a back body toss, Coach scouts it and kicks Cage in the chest.  Coach then runs in and nails a neckbreaker.  Coach then mounts atop of Cage and begins punching him, until the ref tells him to break it up.  Coach gets up as the ref backs away, Coach then goes for a cover, 1........1.9, kickout.  Coach grabs Ryan by his hair and lifts him.  Coach send Ryan into the ropes, but Ryan bounces off connecting with cross body taking Coach T down.  Ryan gets up and grabs Coach T by the hair and sends him into the corner.  Ryan runs full speed at him and hits a shoulder tackle knocking Coach back into the tournbuckel.  Ryan then whips Coach across the ring to the other tournbuckel.  Ryan then runs after and goes for a lirat, but Coach ducks it as Ryan catches himself in the corner.  Cage then backs off slowly as he turns and is met by a dropkicks by Coach T.  Coach goes for the cover, 1.........2.2.2, kickout.  Coach sits up and begins hitting mounted punches on Cage.  Coach then gets up and grabs Cage with.  Coach goes to slingshot Cage to the corner, But Ryan reverses and hits a hard irish whip that sends Coach bouncing out of the corner.  As Coach is bouncing off, Ryan runs up and hits a strong reverse clothline.  Cage begins putting the boots to Coach T.  Cage then gets down mounts Coac T and begins punching him.  The ref runs in and breaks it up.  Cage gets up peacifully, then as the ref turns to go back to his stance Cage punches Coach T somemore.  Cage gets up and grabs Coach T. Cage then nails a suplex on Coach T.  He hkeeps ahold of the lock.  And picks Coach up and hits another Suplex.  THis time Cage releases the lock and gets up.  Cage then walks over towards the corner as he climbs up.  Coach T begins to stir as he gets up.  He turns as Cage jumps off and takes Cacoh out with a missel dropkick.  Cage goes for a cover, 1.........2...2.5, kickout.  Cage gets poissed as he grabs Coach T by the hair and rips him from the canvas.  Cage kicks Coach in the gut as Cage then takes Coach T down with a side effect.  Cage again covers, 1.........2....2.6, kickout.  Cage again gets a pissed look as he argues with the ref, as suddenly Coach T rolls up Cage, 1.........2.....2.7, kickout.  Coach gets up and dropkicks him.  Cage stumbles backwards as Coach runs the corner tournbuckel and jumps off nailing the whisper in the wind taking himself as well as Cage out.  The ref begins a count. 1....2...3...4....both men begin to stir....5...Cage is up on one knee as COach grabs the middle rope...6...7, Cage gets up as does Coach, Cage runs in and takels Coach to the mat.  Cage then gets up and grabs Coach's leg.  Cage spins him around and locks in the boston crab.  Coach then slowly crawls over taking Cage with him as crawls towards the ropes.  He is inches away as Bubba Ray and D-Von stand in front of him and grabs the bottom rope and start mocking Coach telling him to tap out.  Then within his last second, Coach lunges foreward as he grabs the middle rope and smiles at the Dudleys.  Cage doesnt release though as he drags Coach back to the middle.  Coach then kicks Cage off his legs.  As he finally does and sends Cage right into the rops.  Cage rebounds off, and Coach looks to go for a roll up, but instead counters and hooks up Cages legs and he twists them up and locks Cage in the sharpshooter.  Bubba Ray jumps up on the apron making Coach loose his grip as Coach runs at Bubba knocking him off.  The ref tells the Dudleys to stay out of the match or they will be ejected.  The Dudleys put on a sincere face as the ref goes back in the ring.  As Cage is working Coach.  Cage nails a neckbreaker.  Cagethen bends down and stocks Coach T looking for a RKO.  Coach is up, Cage jumps in but Coach pushes him to the ropes.

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 11:14 PM
Cage comeas back as Coach hits a huge spinning wheel kicks.  Coach then picks up Cage and nails a Side Russian Leg Sweep.  Coach then drags Cage over towards the roes as he hollars out that hes going for the Play Call.  Coach is on the top torunbuckel.   Coach jumps off and lands the  Play Call, as suddenly Lindsay Stratus jumps up on the apron and distravcts the ref.  Caoch walks over and asks what shes doing.  Coach then turns away seeing that the ref has control of as Coach T turns around, D-Von picks him up as Bubba grabs his head and they take COach T out with a 3-D!   The dudleyz roll out of the ring, as Lindsay jumps off the apron the ref turns to see Coach laid as Cage arises to his feet with a smirk.  Cage bends down and yells at Coach to get upp.  Coach begins to stumble and stir as he grabs the ropes to pull hmself up.    Coach gets up but falls back to the mat obviously showing the effects of the 3-D.  Cage then gets bored of this as he picks up COach and nails an RKO!  Cage covers, 1.........2........3
Winner: Ryan Cage

Lillian: Your winner and still SCWE Intercontinental Champion, Ryan Cage

JR: Ryan Cage scores an impressive win here to retain but not without some help from Lindsay Stratus and The Dudley Boys

King: Evolution X picked a good man to be on there team come Curse of The Game, a Very Good Man

JR: Well we hope you have enjoyed this week's Smackdown! and don't miss Nitro next week to find out who is coming to SCWE Next and we will see you Next Tuesday, Good Night

:Smackdown! Goes off the Air:

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