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SmackDown! : Smackdown! 8/16/05
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 2:06 AM


Results 8/16/05 Live From Chicago, Illinois

Dark Matches Air before Smackdown!:

Dark Match #1: Kristin Styles defeated Jezebel & Torrie Wilson

Dark Match #2: Viscera defeted Danny Basham

:Footage From Last Week's SD is shown as Pyro then explodes opening up the show:

JR: Welcome to SCWE Smackdown! coming to you live from the Windy City

King: Yeah and boy do we have a great night of action tonight

Coach: The SCWE World Heavyweight Championship is on the line when Kurt Angle defends it against Stevie Richards plus Eric Bischoff is already in the house and I talked to him earlier and he promised to rock SCWE in his return night

JR: That's very much true but lets go to the ring because Brian Mason is already in the ring

Miss Shannon: The Opening Contest of SCWE Smackdown! is scheduled for one fall, 1st already in the ring, From Los Angelos, California weighing in at 220 Pounds, Brian Mason

King: Well Brian Mason needs some luck here

"Holding Out for a Hero" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: His opponent being accumpied to the ring by Scott Walker, He is from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 225 Pounds, He is Representing Evolution X and one half of the WCW Tag Team Champions, He is the "Real Deal, No Gimmicks Needed" Matt Walker

Coach: Well Matt Walker is going to take out Brian Mason here

Matt Walker W/Scott Walker vs Brian Mason
Matt Walker and Brian Mason lock up to start things up as Brian shockingly pushes Matt back as Matt looks at Scott and says Brian's power is amazing as Matt then smirks as Brian goes to lock up with Matt but Matt kicks Brian in the gut as Matt then hits a big right hand to Brain knocking him to his knees as Matt kicks Brian in the gut as Matt then takes Brian and throws him to the floor as Matt talks to referee Jack Doan as Scott Walker waits as Brian Mason gets up and Scott Walker then hits a Walkerkick to Brian Mason as Scott then picks up Brian and rolls him into the ring as Matt Walker picks up Brian and Matt Walker hits the Pittfall to him as Matt then covers Brian for a 1--2--3.
Winner: Matt Walker

Miss Shannon: Your winner, Matt Walker

JR: Well Matt Walker gets the win but he didn't do anything to win except throw Brian Mason outside so his brother could take a cheap shot

Coach: It's called team work JR and Matt must have not felt like wrestling tonight

:Backstage: Josh Mathews is shown with SRT and Skylar Thomas

Stanley Ryan Tiger: Josh do I have to hurt you? Don't make me hurt you

Josh Mathews: Look jackass I have a interview to do with you right now so lets do it and quit trying to intimate me idiot

Stanley Ryan Tiger: Fine whats your question

Josh Mathews: You know what forget it

:Josh then walks away as SRT and Skylar look puzzled:


King: I can't believe it, Josh Mathews grew a backbone

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

Coach: We are going to have some mixed tag team action here

"St Anger" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making there way to the ring, The Team of Brianna and Mikey G

Coach: Here comes Mikey and Brianna and Mikey is going to own this match

"Foxy Lady" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: There opponents, 1st from London, England, Scarlett

King: I love Scarlett's friends

"Brood" hits, Crowd Continues to Cheer

Miss Shannon: Her partner, From Tampa, Florida weighing in at 240 Pounds, Gangrel

JR: Well here comes Gangrel

Mikey G & Brianna vs Gangrel & Scarlett
The Bell Sounds. Brianna and Scarlett circle each other before colliding with a collar and elbow tie up. Brianna sends Scarlett to the ropes and scarlett bounces back to be hit with a elbow to the face knocking her down. Brianna runs to the ropes and bounces off them and runs back to a fallen Scarlett, Brianna jumps over Scarlett and then jumps up with an elbow drop to Scarlett. Brianna covers Scarlett but only manages a one count. Brianna lifts Scarlett up and hits her with a snap suplex but Scarlett gets back up pretty much right away and she runs to tag in Gangrel but Brianna catches her with a leg lariat. Brianna lifts up Scarlett and sends her to the ropes and goes for a powerslam but scarlett counters it into a DDT. Scarlett jumps up and tags in Gangrel so Mikey has to get into the ring. Gangrel knocks down Mikey with a clothesline. Mikey gets back up and is knocked down with another clothesline from Grangrel, the same thing happens again but this time Mikey ducks the clothesline and hits a drop kick to Gangrel. While the referee is distracted by Gangrel and Mikey wrestling, Brianna gets in the ring and takes the padding off the top turnbuckle. Brianna calls Mikey G and Mikey grabs Gangrels hair and runs towards the turnbuckle with the lack of padding. He tries to smash Gangrels head off the exposed turnbuckle but Gangrel gets his hands out and he elbows Mikey in the gut. Gangrel connects Mikey with the impaler. Gangrel covers Mikey 1....2... Brianna breaks up the pin. Gangrel gets up and has words with Brianna, while Gangrel is distracted Mikey lowblows Gangrel, Mikey climbs up top and launches off with an elbow drop 1...2... kick out by Gangrel. Mikey G stalks Gangrel and as Gangrel gets up Mikey hits Gangrel with a superkick. Mikey G laughs at Gangrel but his laugher is stoped when he see's AJ Styles run down the ramp and slides into the ring. Mikey G bails out of the ring and is chased backstage by AJ Styles leaving Brianna alone. The referee forces Brianna to get into the ring. She eventually does but is speared down by Scarlett. Scarlett pounds away at Brianna with rights and lefts before Scarlett eventually lifts up Brianna and kicks he rin the gut hitting the Scarlett stunner. Scarlett covers brianna 1...2...3
Winners: Gangrel & Scarlett

Miss Shannon: Your winners, Gangrel and Scarlett

JR: Well Scarlett gets another impressive win here

King: She sure did

:As Scarlett is celebrating, Alyssa Amidala comes into the ring and hits Scarlett down from behind as Alyssa takes Scarlett and rams her into the ring post shoulder first as Alyssa drags Scarlett back out and Alyssa sets up Scarlett and htis a Widow's Peak on her as Jezebel hits the ring as Alyssa bails out to the floor:

Coach: Thats the kind of stuff I love to see

JR: What is wrong with Alyssa

:Backstage: Eric Bischoff's Office

:Eric is shown on the phone:

Eric Bischoff: Tonight when you get here will go down in history as one of the greatest nights in KSCWE History. *Eric starts to smile while listening*. I agree with you 100% Matt, I mean who would have thought it would come to this and when this goes down its going to be the greatest thing in KSCWE History. *Eric starts to listen again*. Tell Kelli, I will be sure to send it along to Marrisa and Matt its a pleasure doing business with you. See you later this evening.

:Eric hangs up the phone:


JR: I don't believe what we just heard

King: Matt and Kelli Hardy are on there way here!!

Coach: My boss has alligned with The Sensei of Mattidude!!!

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Gangsta's Paradise" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to hte ring, From West Newberry, Massachusetts weighing in at 240 Pounds, John Cena

JR: Here comes John Cena

Coach: Cena last week stuck his nose where it did not belong

"Basham Theme" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: His opponent, From Columbus, Ohio weighing in at 242 Pounds, Representing The Cabinet, Doug Basham

King: Well The Brood and The Cabinet are both banned from the ring area

JR: A good move by Eric Bischoff

John Cena vs Doug Basham
Cena and Doug begin to circle each other as Brian Hebner signals for the bell. Cena and Doug immediately begin to exchange right hands. Cena then catches Doug with a big right hand and then starts to open up on Doug. Cena then knocks Doug onto the ropes and then clotheslines him over. Cena then starts to taunt as Doug gets back up. Doug then climbs onto the mat as Cena is begging him to come back in. Doug then comes back in and the two begin to circle each other again. Doug and Cena lock up as Cena pushes Doug back into the corner. Doug then reverses and whips Cena into the corner. Doug then runs at Cena but Cena gets an elbow up and knocks Doug back. Doug hits into Brian Hebner as Cena trips Doug form behind. Cena then goes to pick Doug up but Doug lowblows Cena. Cena falls to the mat in pain as Doug covers. Brian Hebner then shakes his head and sees the pin and counts the---1---2---2.3---kick out. Doug then starts to put the boots to Cena. Doug then picks Cena up and hits a Stalling Suplex on him. Doug then starts to taunt as he picks Cena up. Doug then goes for a Snap Suplex but Cena wraps his leg around Doug's. Doug tries to lift Cena but Cena won't budge. Cena then counters into his own Snap Suplex. Doug then gets up as Cena knocks Doug down with a right hand. doug gets up again and Cena knocks him down with another right hand. Doug then gets up again and Cena kicks him in the gut and then Cena hits Doug with the F-U. Cena then covers Doug for the---1---2---3
Winner: John Cena

Miss Shannon: Your winner, John Cena

JR: John Cena just picked up an impressive win here over Doug Basham

:Cena is celebrating his win when Danny Basham hits Cena from behind as Orlando Jordan joins in when Gangrel and Viscera hit the ring as The Cabinet members bail out to the floor:

King: Well The Cabinet was going to take a shot at Cena but The Brood chased them off

Coach: I don't get why Cena has The Brood with him

JR: Well it may be an odd pairing but it seems to be working

Commercial Ad for WHW Impact!, KSCWE The Inferno, & KSCWE The Amazing Race

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:07 AM

JR: Well we still got some great action to come but lets go to the ringside area where we have a Celebrity in attendance

King: Yeah look whose here

:Camera Zooms down to Show Michael Jordan as the Chicago Crowd Goes Nuts:

Coach: Michael Jordan is my boy

JR: Well Michael is here to help promote KSCWE The Inferno which is currently airing on KSCWE Television just check your TV Guide for the time

King: Yeah that show is great execept some people have some issues there and one person is always showing her puppies but even I don't want to see them

"I'm Back" hits, Crowd Cheers as Eric Bischoff walks out into the entry way

Eric Bischoff: Well its great to be back on SCWE(Crowd Cheers). I mean I have never ran Smackdown! but I have run RAW when RAW was the dominate brand and then I left RAW and well RAW went in the crapper but WCW under me was #1 and now I am here on SCWE to make SCWE the Dominate Brand which shouldn't take much because I did not come to SCWE from WCW alone. Oh no I brought The Immortal Hulk Hogan with me(Crowd Goes Nuts) and I have some more big names coming from WCW as well but I can not get them until they lose there titles but more about that another time because I wanted to come out here to tell everyone that SCWE no longer has some ghetto theme song picked by Mallory Maddox. Oh no becuase I have taken the very thing that defined WCW and that is its theme song so from this moment, The Official Theme Song for SCWE is Guns N Roses, "Welcome To The Jungle". Now one more thing before I leave, Tonight is going to go down as a day that will live in KSCWE Infamy because tonight is going to be a night that I don't think anyone will forget anytime soon

"Welcome to the Jungle" hits as Eric Bischoff heads to the back

Coach: All I can say is WOW

JR: Well Eric Bischoff did make some rather intersting announcements there

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Line In The Sand" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making there way to the ring, Representing Evolution X, They are the SCWE RAWCore Champion David Flair and The SCWE Women's RAWCore and One half of the SCWE Women's Tag Team Champions, Stacy Mason

Coach: Here comes a couple I can really get behind

"Spleen" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: There opponents, The Team of AJ Styles and Rose Thorn

JR: Well here comes AJ and Rose now

King: This should be a great contest

AJ Styles & Rose Thorn vs David Flair & Stacy Mason
The bell rings as Rose Thorn and Stacy Mason start the match out. Rose and Stacy lock up and Stacy seems to have the advantage over Rose. Stacy kicks Rose in the gut and whips her off the ropes and follows up with a Poweslam. Stacy picks Rose up and once again whips her off the ropes but this time when Rose comes back, Rose clotheslines Stacy down. Rose quickly climbs up top but Stacy gets up as well but Rose dives at her and nails a top rope cross body. She tries to hook the leg but Stacy breaks out and makes the tag to David Flair. Rose tags out to AJ Styles. AJ and David go to lock up but David low blows him and AJ goes down to one knee. David picks AJ up back on both feet then throws him into the corner and begins to pound away on him then makes an attempt to throw him to the other corner but AJ stays still and clotheslines David down. AJ goes to climb up top when Stacy Mason shoves him off the top and he hits the ground hard. This causes Rose to get into the ring and she runs at Stacy but Brian Hebner stops her and the two begin to argue. Stacy Mason then gets in the ring and the two throw AJ Styles off the ropes but he clotheslines both of them down!! Rose smiles and gets out of the ring on her own as Stacy rolls out. AJ Styles then climbs up top and delivers a moonsault on to David Flair. Instead of covering, AJ picks David up and sets him on the top rope. He then climbs up there as well and delivers a huge Superplex knocking David out. AJ gets up quickly and points to Rose as the crowd cheers. AJ tags Rose in and Rose covers David for the 1................2..............2.9......Stacy breaks the pin up. Stacy grabs Rose by the hair and throws her off of David then begins to hit her on the ground. Brian Hebner grabs Stacy and puts her back in her corner as Rose climbs up top but David gets up and knocks Rose off the top rope. David picks Rose up and goes to hit her but then drops her and tags in Stacy Mason. Stacy jumps into the ring and begins to open up on Rose then finally knocks her down with a huge right hand. Stacy picks Rose and whips her right in to AJ almost knocking her off. AJ argues it a bit as Stacy then whips Rose right into Brian Hebner. David Flair quickly enters the ring and challenges AJ Styles as AJ goes right for him but David slides out of the ring and AJ chases him out as AJ takes the turn David knocks him down. David then locks in the figure four leg lock to AJ outside the ring. Back in the ring Stacy is about to whip Rose when Rose clotheslines her down. Rose then goes over to Brian Hebner and tries to wake him up. Mikey G suddenly comes out of the audience with a steel chair unnoticed by Rose or Stacy. Rose climbs up top and calls for th Tranquil Insanity. She nails it and the crowd goes wild. She gets up and turns around when Mikey G nails her in the head with a Steel Chair as Brian Hebner sees it and calls for the bell
Winners: AJ Styles & Rose Thorn by DQ

Miss Shannon: Your winners by DQ, AJ Styles and Rose Thorn

JR: That damn Mikey G

Coach: Mikey G makes his impact felt again

:AJ Styles is checking on Rose when David Flair attacks AJ from behind again as Mikey joins in making it a two on one attack when Coach T hits the ring as Coach T hits a hip toss on Mikey G and then clotheslines David Flair over the top to the floor as Coach T then helps up AJ as Stacy Mason tells David to save it for another time:

King: Coach T just saved AJ Styles!!!!!!

Coach: I don't believe what I just saw

Commercial Ad for WCW Starrcade-Long Ad

After The Break:

JR: Well things are definatly getting interesting

King: I know what you mean JR

Coach: Well our next match is going to be great

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Just Like You" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring being accumpied by Lindsay Stratus The Dudley Boys, From Boston, Massachusetts weighing in at 255 Pounds, Ryan Cage

Coach: Here comes Ryan Cage

JR: Ryan is supposed to take on a returning star tonight but I don't know who

"1....2....Scar Coming For You" plays over the PA

Coach: OH NO ITS SCAR!!!!!!!! RUN

Miss Shannon: His opponent from Las Vegas, Nevada weighing in at 400 Pounds, SCAR!!!!

King: Scar is a monster!!!!!!

Ryan Cage W/Lindsay Stratus & The Dudley Boys vs Scar
The bell rings as Ryan Cage runs out of the ring and hides behind the Dudley Boys mocking Scar. Scar then says 1 2 Scar coming for you and exits the ring as Ryan Cage runs around the ring pretend to be scared. Ryan slides back in the ring and Scar gets in the ring then says 1 2 Scar coming for you and Ryan pretends to scream. Lindsay and the Dudleys crack up as Scar asks if they are making fun of him. Lindsay then distracts Brian Hebner as the Dudleys enter the ring then shove Scar. Scar then says he is getting angry as Bubba and D-Von open up on him then throw him off the ropes and double clothesline him. Ryan then lies down in the ring and pretends to take a nap. D-Von then picks Scar up and bashes his head off the corner post. Lindsay continues to argue with Hebner. D-Von waits for Scar to get up and then somehow lifts him into the air and the Dudley's nail the 3-d on Scar. Bubba and D-Von then exit the ring. Hebner finally ignores Lindsay and turns around seeing both Ryan and Scar on the ground. Ryan gets up and pretends to be hurt and crawls over and covers Scar for the 1................2...............3
Winner: Ryan Cage

Miss Shannon: Your winner, Ryan Cage

JR: Ryan Cage gets the win here over Scar but not without alot of help

Coach: JR you do realize Ryan could have beaten Scar with no help right

JR: Yeah then why didn't he

King: JR it was a joke match

:Backstage: Mallory Maddox's Office

:Mallory is shown with Matt & Scott Walker:

Mallory Maddox: You guys know the plan right

Matt Walker: Of course babe

Mallory Maddox: Good becuase after we pull this off, its smooth sailing for everyone

Scott Walker: Yes it is and Mallory thats why the family accepts you and why when the day comes, you will be a Walker right Matt

:Matt starts to cough:

Matt Walker: Yeah when that day comes


JR: Well I don't like how this night seems to be heading but we got a Women's Title Match up next

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Women's Championship

"Holiday" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making her way to the ring, From Los Angelos, California, Traci Mason

JR: Well here comes Traci Mason who is getting a golden chance here

:Traci is making her down the ramp when Alyssa hits Traci from behind as Victoria then follows her as the two divas are attacking Traci visciously as Alyssa takes Traci along with Victoria and drops her face first off the barricade:

JR: This ain't right

:Alyssa then takes Traci and sets her up for a Pedigree on the entry way and hits it as Scarlett, Torrie Wilson, & Jezebel come running out as Alyssa and Victoria head off the ramp to the side as they go to the back as Scarlett screams at Alyssa while Jezebel & Torrie check on  Traci Mason:

King: Traci Mason just got beat down

JR: That was not right

Coach: Yeah it was great but damn that Scarlett, Jezebel, & Torrie

JR: Those three ladies did the right thing there


:Ryan Cage is shown exiting Evolution X's Locker Room as Ryan got a big smile on his face:

Commercial Ad for WCW Starrcade-Long Ad

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:07 AM

JR: Well its time for some mixed tag team action now

King: This should be a interesting match up I think

Coach: Yeah it should

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"You Can't Run" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making there way to the ring, The Team of Skylar Thomas and the SCWE European Champion, Stanley Ryan Tiger

King: Well here comes SRT and Skylar Thomas who are looking for a big impact in this next match

"Longhorns" its as The Limo pulls out with the Crowd mixed in reaction

Miss Shannon: There opponents being accumpied by Orlando Jordan, Representing The Cabinet, Christy Hemme and The SCWE Intercontinental Champion, John Bradshaw Layfield

Coach: I don't think SRT and Skylar can pull it out

JBL & Christy Hemme W/Orlando Jordan vs Stanley Ryan Tiger & Skylar Thomas
JBL, Christy, and Orlando are discussing in their corner as SRT and Skylar stand in their corner. Brian Hebner then tells them to get ready. Christy then goes onto the mat as does Skylar. Brian Hebner then signals for the bell. JBL and SRT immediatley lock up with each other. SRT starts to get the upper hand but JBL breaks the hold and rakes SRT in the eyes. JBL then starts to open up on SRT. JBL then tells SRT that he is the SCWE Intercontinental Champion and that he can't touch him. JBL then hits a big boot on SRT. JBL then starts to put the boots to SRT. JBL then starts to taunt. SRT then gets up and JBL goes for a big right hand but SRT blocks it and SRT then starts to open up on JBL. SRT then picks JBL up and hits a Powerslam on him. SRT then covers for the---1---2---2.5---kick out. SRT then picks JBL up and goes for a Powerbomb but JBL elbows SRT in the stomach and hits him with his own Powerslam. JBL then covers SRT for the---1---2---2.7---kick out. JBL then picks SRT up and whips him into the corner. SRT then tags Skylar in. Skylar looks a bit worried as she gets in. Christy is then begging JBL to tag her in. JBL then smiles and goes over and tags Christy in. Christy then comes in and the two women begin to circle each other. Christy and Skylar lock up with each other. Christy then breaks the hold and rakes Skylar in the eyes. Christy then yells she learned that from her man and then she starts to open up on Skylar. Christy then whips Skylar into the corner. Christy then goes t ograb Skylar but SRT swings at her and almost hits her. Christy backs u pas SRT starts to yell at her. JBL then tells Orlando to take care of it. Orlando then runs over and grabs SRT down as Christy is distracting the ref. Orlando and SRT then begin to exchange right hands. SRT then hits a big Powerbomb on Orlando. SRT then starts to taunt as JBL comes over and turns SRT around and hits him with a Powerbomb. SRT is laid out as JBL gets Orlando up and they both run back to their corner. Christy then turns around and is met with a big right hand from Skylar. Skylar then opens up on Christy. Skylar then kicks Christy in the stomach and hits a DDT on her. Skylar then quickly covers Christy for the---1---2---2.4---kick out. Skylar then picks Christy up but Christy elbows Skylar in the stomach. Christy then goes for the Hemme Love but Skylar pushes Christy off of her. Christy then gets up as Skylar is running at Christy. Christy and Skylar end up taking each other down though with clotheslines. SRT finally gets back up on the apron. Skylar starts to make her way to her corner as does Christy. Christy then tags JBL in as Skylar tags SRT in. JBL and SRT then begin to exchange right hands. SRT then gets the upper hand then SRT hits JBL with a Belly To Belly Suplex. SRT then picks JBL up and whips him off of the ropes. SRT goes for the Tiger Trap but JBL ends up hitting the Clothesling From Hell on SRT. JBL then covers SRT for the---1---2---Skylar comes in but Christy blocks her way---3
Winners: JBL & Christy Hemme

Miss Shannon: Your winners, JBL and Christy Hemme

JR: JBL and Christy Hemme gets the win

Coach: Well Skylar and SRT did put up a good fight but it wasn't enough

:SRT gets up and grabs a microphone:

Stanley Ryan Tiger: That was a fluke!!! I am the greatest European Champion in history nobody can beat me without cheating, I WILL PUT THIS DAMN TITLE ON THE LINE AGAINST ANY ONE

Coach: SRT just called out anyone

"Real American" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts as Hulk Hogan makes his way to the ring


King: I hope SRT knows what he is doing

Coach: Yeah SRT may have just made a very bad decision here

SCWE European Championship: Stanley Ryan Tiger(C) W/Skylar Thomas vs Hulk Hogan
SRT attacks Hogan as he slides into the ring as SRT stomps away at Hogan as he picks up Hogan but Hogan ends up fighting back and opens up on SRT with a few right hands as he whips SRT off the ropes and Hogan hits a Big Boot to SRT as Hogan then asks the crowd if they want to see a Big Leg Drop as the place goes nuts as Hogan bounces off the ropes and drops the big leg as Hogan covers SRT for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Hulk Hogan (SCWE European)

Miss Shannon: Your winner and New SCWE European Champion, Hulk Hogan

King: Hulk Hogan is the new European Champion!!!

JR: SRT made the open challenge and by god Hulk Hogan took him up on it

:Hulk Hogan is celebrating in the ring as SRT gets up and goes to hit Hogan again but Hogan turns around and knocks down SRT with a right hand as SRT rolls out to the floor and is throwing a temper trantrom about losing twice as he then stops and goes to hug Skylar but Skylar ends up kicking him south of the border as Skylar then delivers a right hand knocking down SRT as she walks away when Eric Bischoff appears on The SCWE Tron:

Eric Bischoff: I just wanted to inform everyone that Kristin Styles was acquired as I'm sure everyone heard but in exchange for Kristin, I agreed to part ways with Skylar Thomas and Stanley Ryan Tiger. But thats not all because Matt and Kelli Hardy are on there way to the arena tonight and they have promised to confront Triple H in that very ring so for the Main Event I am allowing Evolution X to be at ringside after Mallory Maddox insisted upon it so rather then fight the situation since Matt is on his way, I am going to encourage it because I guarantee you by the end of the night something big is going to happen because after all Eric Bischoff is Running the Show.

:Eric disappears off the SCWE Tron:

Coach: Matt Hardy is on his way to the arena!!!

JR: We are going to be in for a major slobber knocker

Final Commercial Ad for WCW Starrcade-Long Ad

After The Break:

:Backstage: Eric Bischoff's Office

:AJ Styles and Mikey G are shown in the Locker Room on opposite Sides of the Office with Several Security Guards as Hulk Hogan is also in the office:

Eric Bischoff: Now you two are in here because you guys have a problem with each other and since Hulk Hogan does not want to be The SCWE European Championship then its vacant and Next Tuesday on Smackdown! its going to be Mikey G vs AJ Styles for the SCWE European Championship inside a Steel Cage

Mikey G: AJ I am going to own you

AJ Styles: Thank You Mr. Bischoff

Eric Bischoff: You're both quiet welcome and I can't wait to see you guys finally get at it


JR: AJ Styles vs Mikey G for the SCWE European Championship Inside a Steel Cage Next Week!!!

King: Yeah and I just found out that John Cena is scheduled to take on David Flair in a Non-Title Match plus JBL takes on Coach T in a Non-Title Match and Rose Thorn will battle Kristin Styles

Coach: Smackdown! is the place to be thats for sure

Miss Shannon: The Main Event of the Evening is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship

"I Don't Suck" hits, Crowd Chants You Suck

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, Being accumpied by Triple H, Matt Walker, & Scott Walker, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 237 Pounds, He is the SCWE World Heavyeight Champion, Kurt Angle

Coach: Well here comes Kurt Angle

King: Well at least all of E-X isn't out here

JR: Yeah but the deadliest of the E-X members are out here

"One Step Closer" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: His opponent, From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania weighing in at 220 Pounds, He is the Challenger, Stevie Richards

King: Here comes Stevie Richards

:Stevie is making his way down the entry way when The Dudley's attack him from behind as Ryan Cage joins in as Ryan then takes Stevie and hits an RKO in the Entry way on Stevie Richards as Ryan and The Dudley's then leave through the Crowd as Security and the Paramedics tend to Stevie Richards:

JR: Why the hell did they just do that

King: I guess we know why Ryan was meeting with E-X

"Hearts On Fire" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

JR: What the heck

:Chris Walker comes out of the crowd and hits the ring as  Chris Walker knocks down Angle with a right hand as Triple H attacks Walker from behind when Matt Walker shockingly smashes his guitar over the head of Kurt Angle!!!, Scott Walker also attacks Triple H as The Three Walker Brothers then put the boots to Triple H:

Coach: I can't believe what I'm seeing


:The Evolution X Locker Room door is shown being barricaded by a car parked in front of the door:


King: It's a damn set up

JR: I can't believe what we are seeing

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:08 AM

:The Walker Brothers are Triple Teaming Triple H when The Mattitude Countdown Starts up but then stops saying Danger as....

"Danger Zone" hits over the PA with a ton of pyro as Matt Hardy appears in the entry way


King: This night is not going to be getting any better for Triple H

:Matt Hardy makes his way to the ring as The Walker's wait in the ring as Matt Hardy gets into the ring and The Walker's then go to attack Hardy but Hardy knocks down Chris with a right hand then backdrops Scott over the top to the floor as Matt then ducks Matt Walker's attack and clotheslines him over the top to the floor as the Walker Brothers are about to get back into the ring but then change there mind as Triple H and Kurt Angle are starting to get back up:

JR: This night is getting crazier by the minute

:Matt Hardy walks up to Triple H as he gets back up to his feet as Triple H and Matt Hardy stare at each other for a few seconds and Matt Hardy then smirks as he hugs Triple H:

Coach: WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

King: I figured Matt would want to kill Triple H but instead he hugged him!!!!!!!

:Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy then shake hands as The Walker Brothers look pissed in the entry way as Mallory walks out with a microphone:

Mallory Maddox: Since you three seem to have made up then Next Week on Smackdown! its going to be Triple H, Matt Hardy, & Kurt Angle taking on Matt, Chris, & Scott Walker and we are going to find out if you three can really get along

:Triple H and Kurt Angle are telling Matt and Scott to get there asses back to the ring as Matt Hardy is motioning on the ropes for Chris to bring it as....

:Smackdown! Goes off The Air:

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