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SmackDown! : Smackdown! 9/20/05
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 2:37 AM


Results 9/20/05 Live From San Diego, California

Dark Matches Air before Smackdown!:

Dark Match #1: Batista defeated The Missile

Dark Match #2: Gail Kim defeated Brianna

:Footage From Last Week's SD is shown as Pyro then explodes opening up the show:

JR: Welcome to SCWE Smackdown!, we are just 48 Hours Removed from Psychotic Games where a new SCWE World Champion was crowned but right now we have to go to the ring for the premiere edition of The Thrill Zone

the Arena goes pitch when Stricken hits and the lights come back on and Jerome is standing in the ring with some glasses on and a Mic in his hands as he starts to speak to the fans...

Jerome: Now Fans you know I don't like you but let me ask you this wasn't there a lot of action at the Joint Pay Per View but I could care less about the IC OR World Titles changing hands unless it was going to me or someone I like just like tonight's guest right here on Jerome Morris's Thrill Zone but before I let him come out to this ring and ask him questions let me give you the info you have been longing to hear I broke Mikey G's FUCKING NECK AND HE WILL NEVER WRESTLE IN KSCWE EVER AGAIN! YOU CAN THANK ME LATER BECAUSE THAT FUCK COSTED ME MY EUROPEAN TITLE SHOT ON RAW Back when I was on RAW!  And then after that you all saw me Cocky Cutt the Hell out of Mick Foley and then I rolled that fucking Loser Ryan Cage on him so my team could gain the win I told you people I was not to be fucked with and My First ever guest here on The Thrill Zone is this man I give you the Man who should have walked out with the SCWE World Title Mr. "Just Close Your Eyes" Charlie Haas!!!!!!!!!!

Just Close Your Eyes hits and out comes Charlie Haas and the beauitiful Jamie Lavelle and as they make there way to the ring Jerome opens the ropes for Jamie and Haas enters the ring and Jerome goes to shakes Haas's hand which Haas accepts... then Jerome starts to speak to him.

Jerome: Welcome Charlie and Jamie how was your trip here? to sunny Califorina?

Charlie: Well the trip could have been a hell of a lot better if I would be SCWE World Heavyweight Champion but being in California is great although being in San Diego isn't...

Jerome: Now what everyone wants to know how does it feel to know that E~X is as good a dead?  Now I know Charlie that might get your blood boiling but Jerome is out here to ask the tough questions and I have a feeling with Hunter Retiring and not winning the World Title for the last time has got to sting?

Charlie: Well Jerome E-X being dead is fine by me because it made way for The Triple H and I am a member of that and I can tell you that you have not heard the last of Hunter.

Jerome: That is very interesting now another question I have been burning to ask you Mr. Haas is how do you think my trade from WCW to SCWE has helped out SD now I know we have a long history hell I feel like I helped you get to this point in your Career and I would just like to hear what you have to say about the Impact I have shown since joining the SCWE Locker Room?

Charlie: Well Jerome you coming to SCWE from WCW was a big plus, I mean you are Jerome Morris the most underated guy in the company I think. I have all the respect in the world for you and I was very happy to see you take out that piece of garbage Coach T and then Mikey G and you put down Mick Foley so I think Jerome your future is very very bright.

Jerome: My last question of the night on the first Thrill Zone is this... What does the Future hold in store for you Charlie I mean you are a former SD Champion, IC Champion but as you know I am a happily Married Man and Trish wanted to be out here but her match with Rose Thorn was important to her so she told me to come out here and do this on my own but everyone don't worry she will be here to co host with me next week!  So anyway Charlie is there any Wedding Bells in your future I know word around the back Jamie is looking for the ring and I know with 2 other engagements here on SmackDown we are just waiting for a third?

Charlie: *laughs*, I don't know what to say about the whole getting married thing, I've heard some horror stories from Hunter about that so thats a wait and see thing but as far as the future goes, I'm eyeing up that SCWE World Heavyweight Championship and if not The World then I think its time me and Matt Hardy took out the Fabulously Annoying team of Simon and Rico for those Tag Titles

Jerome: Well as you know I am eyeing the SCWE World Title so if we meet sometime may the best man win.

Charlie: Agreed.

Jerome: Well thank you Haas and next week I have just gotten word that my second guest will be none other than Ryan Cage!

"Stricken" hits as all the men start to leave the ring after Charlie and Jerome shake hands:

Coach: Now that was a great show

King: I'm suprised it went off so good

JR: Eric Bischoff ordered that if anyone interfered they would be suspended

Coach: See what a great boss

JR: Well lets go backstage while they clear the set out

:Backstage: Eric/Marrisa's Office

Eric Bischoff: Now that went off without a hitch

Marrisa Bischoff: I give you credit it did go good tonight but when do you want to start announcing No Mercy Matches

Eric Bischoff: Later on I think would be good

Marrisa Bischoff: Okay

Eric Bischoff: Well babe lets just sit back and enjoy the show

Commercial Ad for WCW Heat, WCW Monday Nitro, & KSCWE Designs

After The Break:

JR: Well things should be great tonight

King: They sure should with all of the stuff that went down at Psychotic Games

Coach: Yeah and Lance Storm, The Rock, Leyla, & Matt Matlock all make there SCWE Debut's or returns tonight

JR: Well lets not waste anymore time and go down to the ring

Miss Shannon: The Opening Contest of SCWE Smackdown! is scheduled for one fall

"One Step Closer" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania weighing in at 220 Pounds, He is the leader of the bWo, "Big Stevie Cool" Stevie Richards

JR: Well here is Stevie Richards now

"1---2--Scar Coming For You" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: His opponent from Las Vegas, Nevada weighing in at 400 Pounds, Scar

Coach: Well here comes the big man

Stevie Richards vs Scar
Stevie and Scar get face to face as Scar tells Stevie he is coming for him and Stevie smirks and slaps Scar across the face as Scar goes to hit Stevie but Stevie ducks and opens up on Scar with several big right hands dazing Scar as Stevie then goes to hit Scar but Scar grabs Stevie and locks in a bear hug on him as Stevie is screaming out in pain as Scar starts to shake him around but Stevie slaps his hands into Scar's head as Scar drops Stevie and Stevie then hits the Stevie Kick on Scar laying him out as Stevie then covers Scar for the 1--2--3.
Winner: Stevie Richards

Miss Shannon: Your winner, Stevie Richards

JR: An impressive win for Big Stevie Cool here

King: Stevie made short work of Scar


:Coach T is shown with his knee still wrapped up with a CD Player on singing "Material Girl" when Jerome Morris walks past him and stops and Jerome gets a sick smile on his face as Jerome grabs the steel chair and folds it up and Jerome then pats Coach T on the shoulder as Coach T turns around and Jerome smashes the chair into Coach T's gut and Jerome then puts the chair around his neck and Jerome hits the Cocky Cutter on Coach T as several referee's come and restrain Jerome who got a sick smile on his face:

Jerome Morris: ANOTHER IMPACT BABY. I'm The Impact Player!!


JR: What the hell is wrong with Jerome Morris

Coach: Ding dong, Coach T is dead

King: We saw Jerome do the same thing at Psychotic Games to Mikey G and now he has struck again doing it to Coach T, I think Jerome wants to get noticed

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Women's RAWCore Championship

"These Boots Are Made For Walking" hits, Crowd is mixed

Miss Shannon: 1st making her way to the ring, The Challenger, From Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Leyla

Coach: Here comes Leyla who was one of the people acquired for The Cabinet

King: I'm very happy to see Leyla too

"Everybody's Fool" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Her opponent, From Los Angelos, California, She is the SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion, Stacy Mason

King: Here comes Stacy Mason now who is looking to defend her Women's RAWCore Title

SCWE Women's RAWCore Championship: Stacy Mason(C) vs Leyla
Referee Jack Doan rings the bell to start the match as Leyla attacks Stacy immediacy as Leyla pounds away at Stacy and goes to whip her into the corner but Stacy reverses sending Leyla in as Stacy charges in but Leyla gets her foot up in the face of Stacy as Leyla then gets on the middle turnbuckle and Leyla jumps off hitting a bulldog on Stacy as leyla then covers stacy for a 1---2--kick out. Leyla gets back up as does Stacy and Leyla kicks Stacy in the gut and Leyla hits a snap suplex on her as Leyla then goes outside and grabs a steel chair and slides it in to the ring as Leyla re-enters the ring but Stacy attacks her as Stacy whips leyla off the ropes and Stacy hits a big powerslam on her as Stacy hooks the leg for a 1---2--kick out. Stacy then pounds away at leyla and picks her up by her hair and hair tosses he down to the mat as Leyla gets up grabbing her head as Stacy grabs the chair and Stacy hits Leyla right in the back with it as Leyla falls to her knee's immediately and Stacy then goes to hit Leyla again but Leyla delivers a big right hand to the gut and Leyla then spears down Stacy causing the chair to drop as Leyla pounds away at Stacy but Stacy kicks her off. Leyla then grabs Stacy and sets her up for the Leyla Go Boom but Stacy counters by getting Leyla with a small package for a 1--2--2.5-kick out. Both divas get back up as Stacy then catches Leyla with a Chick Kick as Stacy then drags Leyla to the corner and Stacy comes off hitting the Broken Dreams for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Stacy Mason

Miss Shannon: Your winner and still SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion, Stacy Mason

JR: Stacy Mason just picked up a big win here over Leyla

Coach: Was there any doubt of who would win

Commercial Ad for KSCWE Psychotic Games Replay-Long Ad

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:38 AM

JR: Well we are going to keep rolling along now

King: Yeah up next we are going to see some Six Man Tag Action

Coach: Big freaking deal, who cares

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Six Man Tag Match

"Brood" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st mak....

:As Gangrel and Viscera appear in the entry way they are attacked by Matt Hardy and Charlie Haas with Chairs as Matt Hardy takes Viscera and hits a Twist of Fate in the entry way while Haas delivers a devistating German Suplex to Gangrel as The Rock comes running out and The Rock goes to work on Matt Hardy when Triple H!! attacks The Rock from behind and Triple H takes The Rock and rams him into the side of the stage when the bWo comes running out as the Triple H go into the crowd and start to leave:

JR: What the hell did they just do that for

King: Triple H is supposed to be retired!!

Coach: Well The Triple H just sent a major statement here and Triple H apparnatly isn't retired after all

:The bWo checks on The Brood and The Rock as Stevie Richards is telling The Triple H to come back and fight:

:Backstage: Eric & Marrisa's Office

:Eric and Marrisa are seen sitting on a couch watching the monitor:

Marrisa Bischoff: I thought Hunter was gone

Eric Bischoff: So did I but I guess he isn't

Marrisa Bischoff: Well thats just great but I have a match idea for No Mercy

:Marrisa whispers something in Eric's ear as Eric smiles:

Eric Bischoff: I love that idea

Marrisa Bischoff: Good becuase you can announce it with the other matches

Eric Bischoff: Fine then

:Just then Jerome Morris walks into the office:

Jerome Morris: Boss you wanted to see me

:Eric stands up:

Eric Bischoff: Jerome What the hell were you thinking

Jerome Morris: What do you mean

Eric Bischoff: You took out Mikey G and now Coach T, whats your problem

Jerome Morris: I'm trying to make an impact, Just call me The "Impact Player" Jerome Morris from now on

:Eric looks angry but then starts to smile:

Eric Bischoff: You know what your right you are the Impact Player so I tell you what Jerome, I am going to give you a chance to prove it at No Mercy but I will announce that later but since you've already made your impact tonight, you can take the rest of it off but next week your going to be in action

Jerome Morris: Great against who

Eric Bischoff: It's going to be Jerome Morris going one on one with.....Viscera

:Jerome starts to laugh:

Jerome Morris: Viscera thats the best you got

Eric Bischoff: He is a big man so lets see how you can handle taking him down

Jerome Morris: Sure thing boss

:Jerome leaves the locker room as Eric just shakes his head:


JR: Jerome Morris vs Viscera next week on Smackdown!

King: Well up next we are going to see an old rivalry reignited

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Take This" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, From Gainsville, Georgia weighing in at 202 Pounds, The "Phenominal" AJ Styles

JR: AJ lost his European Title but in my mind he should still be champion because he had Mikey G pinned

King: Yeah but the ref said David Flair won

JR: I think they should have a one on one contest

:Eric Bischoff suddenly appears on the Tron along with Marrisa:

Eric Bischoff: AJ, I know your ready for action tonight but I just wanted to let everyone know that Matt Matlock has refused to wrestle on SCWE so there for I have traded him back to WCW(Crowd Cheers) in exchange for Stephanie McMahon and Brish. Now AJ since I know you showed up ready to work tonight and also because frankly you have legitimate case to say you should still be European Champion, Next Tuesday Night on Smackdown!, its going to be AJ Styles taking on David Flair for the SCWE European Championship so good luck and enjoy your night off

:Eric disappears from the Tron as AJ gets ready to leave the ring when Matt Walker comes out of the crowd and attacks AJ Styles from behind, Matt Walker puts the boots to AJ Styles when Chris Walker hits the ring as Chris knocks down Matt but then Ryan Walker who was the big guy from PG shows up and grabs Chris and delivers a big clubbing blow to the back of his head knocking him down when Scott Walker hits the ring along with Kurt Angle backing off Matt and Ryan as Scott and Kurt check on Chris and AJ:

JR: Why the hell did Matt and Ryan Walker come out here and attack AJ for

King: I don't know but Chris nearly got killed for sticking his nose in this

Coach: Yeah but Kurt Angle and Scott Walker just had to come out

JR: Well there has to be some history between Ryan and Scott because the whole time those two were eyeing each other up

King: It's making for some good stuff, I'll say that much

Commercial Ad for WCW Heat, WCW Monday Nitro, & SCWE OverDrive(Coming Soon)

After The Break:

JR: Well we still got plenty of big action to come tonight

King: Yeah and up next we are going to see Lance Storm's SCWE Debut

Coach: It should be good to see Lance Storm winning some gold already

JR: Well I don't know about that, Lance Storm has to face the new IC Champion

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Intercontinental Championship

"Lance Storm Theme" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger being accumpied by Kristen Storm, From Calgalry Alberta, Canada weighing in at 240 Pounds, Lance Storm

Madden: Well here comes Lance Storm now

King: This should be a good contest

"Gangsta's Paradise" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: His opponent, From West Newberry, Massachusetts weighing in at 240 Pounds, He is the SCWE Intercontinental Champion, John Cena

JR: Well the champ is here

Coach: God I hope Storm beats him

SCWE Intercontinental Championship: John Cena(C) vs Lance Storm W/Kristen Storm
Cena and Storm have words before locking up with Cena backing Storm into the corner as Brian Hebner orders a clean break which is granted as Storm then goes to hit Cena but Cena blocks it and opens up on Storm with right hands and tells Storm he can't see him before knocking him down with a big right hand as Storm rolls out to the floor as Cena follows after Storm and Cena delivers a big back rack to Storm as Cena then takes Storm and rams him into the apron face first as Cena rolls Storm back into the ring as Cena gets in and Storm gets up and attacks Cena as Storm goes to whip Cena off the ropes but Cena reverses sending Storm off the ropes and Cena hits a big backdrop as Storm gets back up and Cena picks up Storm and hits a Samoan Drop on him as Cena then gets in position and bounces off the ropes and tells Storm he can't see him as he drops the 5 Knuckle Shuffle as Storm starts to get back up as Cena picks up Storm for the FU when Ryan Cage hits the ring and chop blocks Cena which causes for Brian Hebner to ring the bell.
Winner: John Cena by DQ

Miss Shannon: Your winner by DQ and still SCWE Intercontinental Champion, John Cena

JR: What the hell is Ryan Cage's problem

:Ryan Cage continues to pound away at Cena and picks up Cena and ends up hitting the RKO on Cena until Gangrel and Viscera hit the ring as Ryan Cage bails out to the floor and Ryan Cage tells Cena he is coming for his IC Title:

Coach: I think Ryan Cage wants a IC Title Shot

King: Yeah I think he does too and what a way to send that message

JR: Well I am sure John Cena will be more then happy to make it happen

:Backstage: The Triple H's Locker Room

:Kelli Hardy, Jaime Lavelle, & Julianne Angle are shown:

Kelli Hardy: You girls know the plan right

Julianne Angle: Yep

Jaime Lavelle: Of course

Kelli Hardy: Good because tonight I want to have more gold and its time to show our men that we are just as dominant as they are

Jaime Lavelle: Agreed

Kelli Hardy: And Julez its great to have you back, I couldn't stand that stupid bitch Victoria

Jaime Lavelle: Yeah she was annoying

Julianne Angle: Like she could compete against what I bring to Hunter

:All three ladies laugh:


Coach: Well The Ladies of The Triple H seem to have a plan for something

JR: I guess for that Women's Tag Main Event but up next we are going to have some other diva action

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Did My Time" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making her way to the ring, From Denver, Colorado, Trish Morris

King: Well here comes Trish Morris to the ring

"Rock & Roll Queens" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Her opponent, From Austin, Texas, Rose Thorn

JR: Rose Thorn defeated Christy Hemme at Psychotic Games and is now eyeing up her Women's Title Match

Coach: Yeah maybe but Alyssa wants a rematch and deserves it because she never lost the title

King: Yeah plus I heard another diva wants to get her hands on Rose

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:38 AM
Rose Thorn vs Trish Morris
 The bell rings. Rose Thorn and Trish Morris lock up in the middle of the ring. Rose Thorn drives her knee into Morris's stomach. Thorn gets Trish in a headlock. Trish Morris lifts up Rose and attempts a backdrop but Rose Thorn flips out of it, landing behind Trish. Morris turns around and is taken down with an enziguri from Rose Thorn. Rose picks up Trish and irish whips her to the ropes, Trish bounces back and flips over Rose hitting a sunset flip type pin 1... kick out by Rose. Both women get up and Trish Morris kicks Rose in the gut, Trish Morris locks her arm around Rose's neck. Trish Morris jumps up to the top rope and goes for the Stratusfaction but Rose flips Trish over, stopping the move. Rose turns around and spots Trish Morris running towards her. Rose flips Trish over the top rope to the mats outside the ring. Trish Morris starts to get back up so Rose runs to the ropes, she bounces off them and runs towards the side of the ring Trish is at. Rose launches through the middle rope with a suicide diva taking down Trish Morris. Both women are laid out as the ref starts the ring out count. 1...2....3....4...5... Rose Thorn and Trish Morris start to get up 6...7... Rose is pretty much up 8... Rose rolls into the ring quickly folowed by Trish. The two women get up and start to exchange punches, Rose manages to get the upper hand and starts to repeatedly nail Trish in the face with forearm smashes. Rose irish whips Trish Morris to the ropes, Morris bounces back and is kicked in the gut by Rose. Thorn spins Trish around and nails her with a spinning out powerbomb! Rose pulls Trish Morris in front of the turnbuckle. Rose climbs up top and raises her arms in the air as the crowd cheer she launches off with the Tranquil Insanity! She connects with Trish Morris and hooks trish's leg 1...2...3
Winner: Rose Thorn

Miss Shannon: Your winner, Rose Thorn

JR: Rose Thorn scores the impressive win here over Trish Morris

King: Well Rose seems ready for her Women's Title Match

:As Rose is celebrating the win, Stacy Mason then attacks Rose Thorn from behind as Stacy Mason then takes Rose and rams her into the ring post as Stacy continues to pound away at Rose until several referee's enter the ring and pull Stacy Mason off Rose:

Coach: Now that is great

King: Stacy Mason just sent a message to Rose Thorn

"I'm Back" hits as Eric Bischoff walks out into the entry way

Eric Bischoff: Well I was going to wait until later to announce these No Mercy matches but I may as well do it now. Stacy, at No Mercy you are defending your Title in a on on one match against....Rose Thorn(Crowd Cheers) and just to see if you both can be ready for your matches. Next Week you both will be in action as Stacy Mason will take on......Jezebel in a Non-Title Match and Rose you will be taking on.....Brianna and Both of these matches are going to be Bra & Panties Matches(Crowd Goes Nuts) as Stacy goes through the curtain to the back with Rose not far behind with referee's still seperating them as Eric Bischoff stays out there. Now that problem has been taken care of, I also wanted to announce a few more No Mercy matches. You are going to see the SCWE Women's Championship on the line when Kelli Hardy defends it against.....Alyssa Amidala in a No DQ Match, you will also see the SCWE Intercontinental Championship on the line when John Cena defends it against Ryan Cage, Kurt Angle and Scott Walker will team up to face Matt and Ryan Walker, Stevie Richards, Simon Dean, & Rico better known as the bWo will take on The Triple H!!(Crowd Cheers for that) and finally, The SCWE World Heavyweight Championship will be on the line when Chris Walker defends against....Jerome Morris(Crowd Boo's). I know Jerome may not be the most likeable guy but he has made a statement and earned this title shot and you can expect more matches coming in the weeks so enjoy the Main Event

"I'm Back" hits as Eric heads to the back

JR: Six Big No Mercy Matches got made

King: Yeah I know

Coach: Jerome Morris is #1 Contender!!!

Final Commercial Ad for KSCWE Psychotic Games Replay

After The Break:

JR: Well its time for our Main Event now


Miss Shannon: The Main Event of the evening is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Women's Tag Team Championship

"Kings" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making there way to the ring, The Challengers, Representing The Triple H, The Team of Alyssa Amidala and the SCWE Women's Champion, Kelli Hardy

Coach: Well here comes Kelli and Alyssa now

King: I wonder how these two are going to get along

"Foxy Lady" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: There opponents, They are the SCWE Women's Tag Team Champions, Scarlett and Jezebel

JR: Well Scarlett and Jezebel are a well oiled team so Kelli and Alyssa better have there A game tonight

King: It should be good

SCWE Women's Tag Team Championship: Scarlett & Jezebel(C) vs Kelli Hardy & Alyssa Amidala
Kelli Hardy and Scarlett start the match off with a collar and elbow tie up but Kelli quickly breaks the hold by spinning Scarlett around and then nailing the back of scarlett's head with a short arm clothesline. Scarlett falls down and Kelli sits on Scarlett's back, she pulls on Scarletts chin locking in a camel clutch. Scarlett kicks her legs about in pain for about 20 seconds before Jezebel gets in the ring and kicks Kelli Hardy in the back of the head. Kelli Hardy gets up and goes to bitch slap Jezebel but Scarlett grabs Kelli hardy and pulls her down with a school boy pin 1...2... kick out by Kelli Hardy. Jezebel gets out of the ring and onto the apron as Scarlett and Kelli both get to their feet. Kelli lunges forward attempting a clothesline but Scarlett grabs Kelli's Arm and nails Hardy with a DDT. Scarlett gets up and climbs up to the top rope, she looks to go for a diving leg drop on Kelli but Alyssa gets into the ring and runs towards Scarlett on the turnbuckle so Scarlett launches off with a diving cross body taking down Alyssa. Alyssa rolls out of the ring as Scarlett picks up Kelli Hardy and nails her with a stalling suplex. Scarlett covers Kelli 1...2... kick out by Scarlett. Scarlett gets up and bends over to pick up Kelli but Hardy jumps up and elbows Scarlett in the gut. Kelli picks up Scarlett and nails her with a big Kelli Bomb. Kelli walks over to Alyssa who is on the ring apron Kelli tells Alyssa that thats how you get it done. As Kelli turns away from Alyssa to covers Scarlett, Alyssa reaches over and tags her self in. Alyssa Amidala picks up Scarlett and nails her with an Alyssa Bomb. Alyssa turns to kelli and says "NO That's how you get it done!" Alyssa covers Scarlett 1... Jezebel gets in the ring but Kelli Hardy pulls Alyssa off Scarlett. Alyssa gets up and looks at Kelli but Hardy turns her back to Alyssa and starts to whistle as if she is innocent. When Alyssa turns back to Scarlett she see's that one half of the tag champs has taged in her partner Jezebel. Jezebel runs towards Alyssa and attempts a clothesline but Alyssa ducks it causing Jezebel to clothesline Kelli Hardy off the ring apron and to the mats. Alyssa looks down at Kelli and the arena hears her say 'oops', When Alyssa turns around she is taken down with a dropkick from jezebel. Jezebel picks up Alyssa and nails her with a piledriver. Jezebel covers Alyssa 1... 2... kickout by Amidala. Jezebel picks up Alyssa and sends her to the ropes but Alyssa counters it and then sends Jezebel to the ropes, As Jezebel bounces off the ropes Kelli Hardy grabs a handful of her hair slamming her down. Alyssa tags in Kelli Hardy and the two women pick the jezebel up. Kelli climbs up to the top rope and Alyssa picks up Jezebel and puts her up onto Kelli Hardy's shoulders. Kelli launches off with a powerbomb form the top rope. Kelli covers Jezebel 1... Scarlett gets into the ring 2... Alyssa blocks Scarlett and the two women start to exchange rights and lefts. ...2.9 Jezebel gets her foot on the bottom rope breaking the pin. Scarlett spears Alyssa through the ropes and the two women start to brawl all around the outside of the ring. Meanwhile inside the ring Kelli lifts up Jezebel and sets her up for the twist of fate! but Jezebel manages to just push Kelli off her, Kelli hits the ropes and starts to bounce off the ropes. Kelli bounces back and Jezebel nails her with a huge clothesline from hell!! Jezebel picks up Kelli and hits a picture perfect Bombshell! Jezebel covers Kelli Hardy but sudenly Jaime Lavelle and Julliane Angle come running down to the ring. Jaime gets up on the ring apron and distracts the referee from the cover. Jezebel gets on up and walks over to Jaime and the referee. Julez slides in a sledgehammer to Kelli Hardy. Jezebel turns back around to Kelli. Jezebel bends over to pick up Kelli but Hardy nails her with the sledgehammer right in her forehead! Jezebel is knocked out cold as Kelli pushes the sledgehammer out of the ring and covers Jezebel. Jaime gets off the ring apron as the referee counts 1...2...3
Winners: Kelli Hardy & Alyssa Amidala (SCWE Women's Tag)

Miss Shannon: Your winners and New SCWE Women's Tag Team Champions, Kelli Hardy and Alyssa Amidala

Coach: New Champions!!!

King: I don't believe it, Just like the men of The Triple H, the women of the Triple H proved to be just as good and worked well as a unit

JR: Julianne Angle, Kelli Hardy, and Jaime Lavelle who are the girlfriends or wives of Triple H, Matt Hardy, & Charlie Haas just worked as a unit much like there counterparts and it allowed Kelli and Alyssa to walk out as Women's Champions but we are out of time tonight so until next time, Good Night

:Smackdown! Goes off the Air: