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SmackDown! : Smackdown! 11/1/05
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 3:03 AM


Results 11/1/05 Live From Montreal, Canada

Dark Matches Air before Smackdown!:

Dark Match #1: Simon Dean & Rico defeated Henry & Triple J

Dark Match #2: Leyla defeated Gail Kim

:Footage From Last Week's SD is shown as Pyro then explodes opening up the show:

JR: Welcome once again to SCWE Smackdown! and what crazyness has occured since the last Smackdown!

King: Yeah SCWE took over WCW and now this is our final Smackdown! because Next Monday we are on RAW

Coach: The Coach goes to RAW, I love the sounds of that

JR: Well this may be our final Smackdown! and for alot of our current SD! Superstars this is there final night as well because they are RAW Bound

Miss Shannon: The Opening Contest of SCWE Smackdown! is scheduled for one fall and it is the 3rd Round of the Lethal Lottery

"Danger Zone" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, Representing The Game, From Cameron, North Carolina weighing in at 240 Pounds, Matt Hardy

Coach: Matt Hardy who will be staying put on Smackdown! after The Draft Lottery Took Place this afternoon

"One Step Closer" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: His partner, being accumpied by Melinda and Representing the bWo, From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania weighing in at 220 Pounds, "Big Stevie Cool" Stevie Richards

King: Well Stevie and Melinda were both drafted to RAW earlier

JR: This should be a intersting match seeing as the history between these two guys

"Stricken" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: There opponents, 1st from Denver, Colorado weighing in at 195 Pounds, Jerome Morris

Coach: Well here comes Mr. Impact himself and Jerome finds himself on RAW as well

"Take This" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: And his partner, He is from Gainsville, Georgia weighing in at 212 Pounds, He is the SCWE European Champion, AJ Styles

King: AJ is yet another RAW Bound Superstar

JR: Well this should be a interesting contest

Lethal Lottery Round 3: Matt Hardy & Stevie Richards W/Melinda vs Jerome Morris & AJ Styles
Referee Chad Patton calls for the bell to start the match out as AJ Styles starts things off with Matt Hardy as Hardy and AJ lock up with Hardy shoving AJ down to the mat as Matt Hardy tells AJ he is V1ahhhhh as AJ gets back up to his feet and AJ and Hardy lock up again with AJ locking in a headlock but Hardy sends AJ off the ropes as Hardy drops down as AJ leaps over Hardy and hits the other side of the ropes but Jerome Morris knee's AJ in the back as Matt Hardy then hits a big clothesline taking down AJ as Matt Hardy pounds away at AJ with big right hands as Matt Hardy picks AJ up and Matt Hardy sets up AJ for a Side Effect but AJ elbows Hardy in the face a few times and AJ then hits a enziguri on Hardy laying Hardy out as AJ gets back up and AJ then waits as Matt Hardy gets up and AJ hits a big dropkick knocking down Hardy again as AJ goes to tag out but Jerome jumps off the apron and tells AJ he won't carry him as AJ and Jerome have words as Matt Hardy gets back up and grabs AJ from behind and Matt Hardy hits the Fate Twister as Matt Hardy hooks the legs for the 1---2--3.
Winners: Matt Hardy & Stevie Richards

Miss Shannon: Your winners and advancing into the finals, Matt Hardy & Stevie Richards

Coach: Matt Hardy & Stevie Richards are in the finals

King: Jerome Morris wouldn't tag out and it cost AJ the match

:After the bell, Matt Hardy continues to work over AJ Styles as Jerome Morris joins in but Stevie Richards gets into the ring and Richards knocks Hardy off and then Jerome as Simon & Rico also hit the ring as Matt Hardy & Jerome think better of fighting and bail out to the floor as the bWo checks on AJ:

JR: Well the bWo just did the right thing there

:Backstage: GM's Office

:Eric Bischoff is shown with Mallory Maddox:

Eric Bischoff: Mallory I would just like to wish you good luck as General Manager of Smackdown! and I hope you don't die too fast

Mallory Maddox: Eric, I won't die, I never died before, you weasled the power from me and thats not a bad thing because I did learn alot from you and Marrisa and now I can take what I've learned and make SD! The #1 Brand

Eric Bischoff: Where I go Mallory, The Power Goes

Mallory Maddox: We will see, we will see

Commercial Ad for KSCWE Survivor Series-Long Ad

JR: Well things are heating up fast and we just found that Matt Hardy will take on Stevie Richards later tonight in the Lethal Lottery Finals

King: Thats great news

Coach: It sure is but why are we wasting time talking, lets see some more action

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE RAWCore Championship

"Immortal Corrupter" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, From Denver, Colorado weighing in at 235 Pounds, Jason Morris

Coach: Well here comes Jerome's little brother who looked damn good in his debut match last week

King: Well Jason Morris like Jerome is going to RAW as is Jason's opponent tonight

"Wreck" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: His opponent, From Long Island, New York weighing in at 287 Pounds and Representing The bWo, He is the SCWE RAWCore Champion, Mick Foley

JR: Mrs Foley's baby boy is going to teach Jason Morris a lesson here I think because Mick has become the King of RAWCore

SCWE RAWCore Championship: Mick Foley(C) vs Jason Morris
the match starts out with the two men circling around the ring  talking shit to each other before they finally decide to lock up the two men then lock-up and battle back and forth for a while but seem to go no where until finally Morris catches Foley in the mid section with a knee leaving Foley grabbing at his stomach Morris then begins to deliver several powerful fore-arms to the back of Foley driving him down to the  mat Morris then starts to kick Foley repeatedly while he is down until Foley is left laying motionless on the Mat Morris then picks Foley up and throws him out of the ring and begins to talk shit saying that Mick Foley is a Joke and how he is the Future of The KSCWE and he will not be taken lightly meanwhile while Morris is showboating Mick is starting to regain his composure and is searching for something under the ring Morris then see's Foley is up and moving around and proceeds outside after him Morris then goes over and attempts to grab Foley but before he can do so Foley grabs a trash can lid from under the ring and smashes it over the head of Morris knocking him Back Foley then gets back up to his feet and  hits Morris  several more times with the trash can lid until he is driven back up against the guard rail surrounding the ring Mick then drops the lid and picks up Morris and drops his chest across the guard rail leaving him grabbing at his chest and in a lot of pain Foley then goes over  to pick morris up but out of instinct Morris grabs the back of Foley's Head and delivers a jaw breaker to him out of no where Morris then finally gets back on his feet and picks Foley up and throws him into the ring post Hard sending him flying across the steel ring steps Morris then gets a little aggravated and grabs a Chair and goes over to where Foley and he goes to hit him with it but before he can do so Foley drops to one knee and delivers a low blow to Morris out of desperation stopping him dead in his tracks Foley then takes the chair and lays it under neath him and then picks Morris up and delivers a devastating pile driver to him onto the chair laying morris out cold Foley then leans back and hooks the leg  for the easy 1...2....3
Winner: Mick Foley

Miss Shannon: Your winner and still SCWE RAWCore Champion, Mick Foley

JR: Mick Foley scores the impressive win over Jason Morris

Coach: Mick Foley got lucky thats all

:As Mick is celebrating, Raven comes out of the crowd and attacks Mick from behind as Raven picks up the Chair and Raven blasts Foley over the head with it busting Mick open as Raven throws the chair down and tells Mick he is coming for his title as Security hits the ring as Raven leaves in a hurry through the crowd:

King: What the heck is Raven doing here

JR: Well Raven was drafted to RAW as well and obviously he has set his sights already to the RAWCore Title

:Backstage: The Game's Locker Room

:All four guys are shown:

Triple H: Now I know tonight is our final night as a Group until Survivor Series so I just wanted to say what an honor and a privledge its been

Matt Walker: Yeah whatever

:Matt Walker then leaves the Locker Room:

Matt Hardy: Screw him, all I know is that I wish I could be going to RAW with you guys, its messed up that they seperated us

Triple H: Well Matt you got Kelli and Alyssa with you so look out for them and continue to do things the way you can do them

Matt Hardy: Yeah but I wish we could still be a unit

Triple H: Well what happened we can't change and now its your time to reclaim the World Title because you are the very best on Smackdown!

Matt Hardy: Thanks and Kurt you better look out for Hunter or else

Kurt Angle: Don't worry Matt, I got Hunter's back

Triple H: Tonight is our final night together and we all have singles matches so lets end this thing right

:Kurt Angle then ends up hugging Triple H as Matt Hardy joins for a Group Hug:

Commercial Ad for WHW Rampage, SCWE RAW, & SCWE Smackdown!

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:04 AM

JR: Well Matt Walker wanted no part of that scene

King: Well Triple H and Kurt Angle are both on RAW and Matt Hardy along with Matt Walker are Smackdown! and I guess Matt Walker who never really got along with all of them to begin with said its over so its over where as Matt Hardy who has been with Triple H for almost two years now seems more heart broken

Coach: Triple H and Matt Hardy are brothers now, Matt is his brother-in-law but they have really became more then that and are like blood brothers, thats how close they are and it is a shame they are split up

JR: Speaking of The Game, there in action next well the women are at least

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Women's Tag Team Championship

"Rock & Roll Queens" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making there way to the ring, The Challengers, Torrie Wilson and The SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion, Rose Thorn

King: Well here comes Rose Thorn and Torrie who are both RAW Bound

"Figured You Out" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: There Opponents, Represneting The Game, they are the SCWE Women's Tag Team Champions, Alyssa Amidala and The SCWE Women's Champion Kelli Hardy

Coach: Well here comes the Champs

JR: Kelli and Alyssa are both on Smackdown! so the winners of this match will take the Women's Tag Title's to whatever show they are on but also all of the current SCWE Women's Champions are involved in this match as well

SCWE Women's Tag Team Championship: Alyssa Amidala & Kelli Hardy(C) vs Rose Thorn & Torrie Wilson
Referee Brian Hebner shows the titles off and calls for the bell as Alyssa attacks Rose immediately as Alyssa knocks Rose back into the corner and Alyssa starts to stomp away at Rose's midsection. Alyssa then picks up Rose and puts her up top as Alyssa climbs up as well but Rose fights back and knocks Alyssa off the top as Rose stands up then and comes off looking for a Hurrincanrana but Alyssa catches Rose and won't let her hit it as Alyssa then throws Rose back for a Powerbomb into the corner as Rose is grabbing the back of her head and lower back as Alyssa then stomps away at her back as Alyssa then picks up Rose and slams her down as Rose is in pain as Alyssa then locks in a Boston Crab on Rose as Rose is screaming out from the pain when Torrie finally comes in and Torrie knocks Alyssa off which brings Kelli Hardy into the ring as Kelli grabs Torrie from behind and throws her down by her hair as Brian Hebner tries to get Kelli out of the ring as Alyssa picks up Rose and Alyssa delivers an Alyssa Bomb on Rose and Alyssa then hits a Standing Moonsault on Rose and covers but Torrie yanks Alyssa off as Brian Hebner gets Torrie out as Kelli makes a tag sound then and comes in and Kelli picks up Rose by her hair as Kelli and Alyssa pick up Rose and then drives her down over both of there knee's as Rose is rolling around from the pain as Alyssa exits the ring as Kelli then goes over and drives her knee into the lower back of Rose and grabs Rose's face and pulls back as Rose is screaming out and trying to get free but Kelli keeps the pressure on as Torrie finally has enough and comes into the ring and again breaks up the hold as Alyssa does not enter the ring as Kelli gets up and Kelli slaps Torrie across the face as Torrie then spears down Kelli and starts to open up on her as Alyssa then comes in and Alyssa yanks Torrie off her by her hair and alyssa hair tosses Torrie down as Torrie gets up in the ropes and Alyssa clotheslines Torrie out to the floor as Kelli Hardy then picks up Rose but Rose fights back with right hands to the gut and Rose picks up Kelli and drops Kelli throat first over the top rope as Rose then looks to go up top but Alyssa hits Rose from behind as Alyssa turns Rose around and looks for the Pedigree but Rose backdrops Alyssa sending Alyssa over the top to the floor hard. Rose then ends up walking into a kick to the gut as Kelli looks for the Twist of Fate but Rose counters into a backslide pin for a 1---2--2.7-shoulder up. Rose then gets back up again and Rose catches Kelli with a Enziguri as Alyssa gets back up and Torrie and Alyssa start to brawl it out on the floor as Rose is saying the end is near when "Everybody's Fool" hits as Rose looks to the entry way but no Stacy Mason-Flair as Rose turns around then and walks into a kick to the gut and Kelli hits the Twist of Fate as Kelli quickly covers as Alyssa keeps Torrie at bay on the floor. 1--2--3.
Winners: Kelli Hardy & Alyssa Amidala

Miss Shannon: Your winners and still SCWE Women's Tag Team Champions, Kelli Hardy & Alyssa Amidala

Coach: Alyssa and Kelli keep there winning ways

JR: The Stacy Mason-Flair distraction allowed for Kelli to hit the Pedigree

:Kelli continues to assault Rose Thorn until Lita hits the ring as Lita takes down Kelli and starts to open up on her but Alyssa enters the ring and hits Lita off but Torrie Wilson gets back into the ring as Torrie goes after Alyssa when Trish Morris hits the ring and Trish Morris attacks Torrie from behind as Rose Thorn gets back up and Rose pulls Trish Morris back but Stacy Mason-Flair then comes out of nowhere with a Chair and hits Rose in the back as Stacy Mason-Flair then takes Rose and hits a big Spike DDT on the chair to Rose as Rose is hurting from it when Scarlett & Jezebel hit the ring as Trish Morris, Kelli Hardy, Alyssa Amidala, & Stacy Mason-Flair go out to the floor as the divas check on Rose:

Coach: All hell just broke loose here

King: Lita and Scarlett were WCW Divas and they just showed up here tonight

JR: Well Lita is a RAW Diva now and wanted revenge on Kelli for what happened at Halloween Havoc and Scarlett is a Smackdown! diva and was doing the right thing

King: This night has been crazy

:Promo Hyping RAW's History Airs:

JR: Well things are very crazy on what is the final Smackdown! as we know it and Next Week its going to be a new roster, new Ringside Announcers and a New GM

Coach: Yeah and I found out that Mike Tenay and Mark Madden got the job of replacing us

King: Well have fun trying to do that

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Whatever It Takes" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, From St. Louis, Missouri weighing in at 245 Pounds, Randy Orton

Coach: Well here comes the Legend Killer who will be a SD! Superstar Next week

JR: This match is going to be a Grudge Match from what happened at No Mercy

"Gangsta's Paradise" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: His opponent, From West Newberry, Massachusetts weighing in at 240 Pounds, John Cena

King: Well John Cena will also be staying put on SD! and RAW could have really used him

John Cena vs Randy Orton
The match starts quick with Randy Orton taunting Cena.  Cena charges at him but Randy subsides and places Cena in a headlock.  Randy begins to rear back on him as Cena gets back to the ropes.  Cena grabs the ropes as he pushes Orton across the ring.  Orton rebounds off the ropes and Cena goes for a back body toss but Orton kicks him in the jaw.  Cena real's back as Orton hits him with a strong chop.  Cena grabs his chest as Orton backs him into a corner.  Orton moves Cena's hand and chops him again.  Orton then climbs on top of Cena and goes for the ten punches, is caught off guard by Cena grabbing him and dropping him in a spinebuster position.  Cena then begins to pound away at Orton.  He then gets up and pounds his chest as He waits for Orton to get up.  Orton crawls to the ropes as he picks himself up.  Cena runs and clotheslines Orton's over the ropes.  Cena and Orton then both start to struggle to get up.  Cena is up first as He goes to slide back into the ring, But Orton grabs his leg as Drags Cena back out.  Orton spins Cena around and hits an upper elbow!  Orton then taunts the crowd as he grabs Cena and throws him into the ring.  Orton then taking his time to get up to the apron turns top the crowd and taunts as Cena spins him around and Suplex him into the ring.  Cena then gets up to his knees as he sees Orton is still out.  Cena crawls over and covers him, 1.........2....2.4, kickout.  Cena gets back to his knees as he grabs a handful of Orton's hair and picks him up.  Cena then  lets Orton stand there as Cena rebounds off the ropes, but as he comes back Orton comes back with a slingshot arm drag.  Orton then rolls over as he slowly gets to his hands and knees.  Orton looks over at Cena and sees him stirring.  Orton then begins to climb the top rope as Orton stocks Cena.  Cena gets up and turns towards Orton's direction as Orton nails a missile dropkick.  Orton then gets to his knees and smiles as he stands up and says its over.  Cena gets up as Orton runs for an RKO, but Cena counters and pushes Orton into the ropes.  Orton comes back and Cena takes him with a clothesline.  Cena then bounces against the ropes as Orton gets to his feet again, and Cena connects with a shoulder tackle.  Cena bends over Orton  and says 'You Can't See Me!'  Cena then goes to the ropes as he comes back and brushes off the shoulders and nails a Five Knuckle Shuffle.    Cena then pumps up his shoes as he stocks Orton.  Orton gets up as Cena places him up for a F-U.  Orton counters off of Cena's shoulders as he spins Cena around and goes for an RKO, but Cena again counters and punches Orton and lifts him up and Nails an F-U.  Cena covers, 1..........2..........3
Winner: John Cena

Miss Shannon: Your winner, John Cena

JR: John Cena just picked up an impressive win here over Randy Orton

Coach: Cena got lucky

:John Cena is about to leave the ring when Randy Orton attacks Cena from behind as Orton is not done with Cena and pounds away at him but Cena fights back knocking down Orton when The Love Machine hits the ring and hits Cena in the back of the head with a slap jack as The Love Machine and Randy Orton then put the boots to Cena until Eddie Guerrero hits the ring as Eddie ducks a right hand from The Love Machine and Eddie ends up hiptossing him down as Eddie then backdrops Orton as Orton & TLM bail out to the floor as Dawn Marie appears telling them to fight another time as Eddie Guerrero checks on John Cena:

King: What is up with these WCW People showing up

JR: There not WCW anymore and The Love Machine and Eddie Guerrero were both drafted to Smackdown!

Coach: Thats not until Next Week though

JR: Well there here tonight

:Backstage: GM's Office

:Eric Bischoff, Mallory Maddox, & Kelli Hardy are shown:

Eric Bischoff: Now Kelli by right the SCWE Women's Title is RAW's Property

Kelli Hardy: So I am going to RAW Then?

Mallory Maddox: No, your Smackdown! but me and Eric have agreed to make a compromise to make everything good

Kelli Hardy: Ok?

Eric Bischoff: Give me the SCWE Women's Title

Kelli Hardy: Do you want a haircut?

Mallory Maddox: Kelli if you give Eric the Women's Title then I will award you the Smackdown! Women's Title so your still going to be Women's Champion

Kelli Hardy: Fine

:Kelli hands over the SCWE Women's Title to Eric Bischoff as Mallory then hands the SD! Women's Title to Kelli:

Eric Bischoff: Pleasure doing business with you ladies

:Eric then leaves the Office:

Mallory Maddox: Oh and Kelli one more thing

Kelli Hardy: What?

Mallory Maddox: Next week its going to be you and Alyssa defending your Women's Tag Titles against Scarlett and Jezebel

Kelli Hardy: Again?

Mallory Maddox: Yep and would you pass along to your husband that next week he will be involved in the SD! World Heavyweight Title Match, Thank You

Commercial Ad for WCW Halloween Havoc-Replay

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:04 AM

JR: Well up next we are going to see the SCWE Intercontinental Championship on the line

King: Yeah its Smackdown! Fans final chance to see a real world class athlete like Kurt Angle in action

Coach: This is going to be great

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Intercontinental Championship

"To Fold" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, From Los Angelos, California weighing in at 220 Pounds, Brian Mason

King: I hope Brian Mason knows what he signed on for

JR: This kid is getting a huge chance here tonight and what a great thing it would be for Brian Mason if he could walk into RAW Monday Night as SCWE Intercontinental Champion

"I Don't Suck" hits, Crowd Chants You Suck

Miss Shannon: His opponent, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 237 Pounds, He is the SCWE Intercontinental Champion, Kurt Angle

Coach: I don't think its going to happen though

SCWE Intercontinental Championship: Kurt Angle(C) vs Brian Mason
Brian Mason goes to attack Kurt Angle  before the bell but Angle catches Mason and Angle ends up belly 2 belly suplexing him as Brian Mason is getting back up, Angle grabs him from behind and Angle hits a big German Suplex and holds it for a second German and then a third one as Angle lets go and gets up and Angle then puts his straps down and Angle waits as Mason gets up and Kurt Angle then hits the Angle Slam as Kurt then grabs Brian's ankle and locks in the Angle Lock and grapevines it as Brian Mason starts to tap out immediately.
Winner: Kurt Angle

Miss Shannon: Your winner and still Intercontinental Champion, Kurt Angle

JR: Kurt Angle makes short work of Brian Mason here

Coach: Like there was any doubt

:Backstage: Eric Bischoff's Office

:Eric is shown along with Jerome Morris:

Eric Bischoff: What can I do for you Jerome

Jerome Morris: Eric I want to thank you for drafting me to RAW but what happened on Nitro to me was just wrong and I want to know what your going to do about it

Eric Bischoff: Jerome I'm not going to do anything about it

Jerome Morris: What? Why not

Eric Bischoff: You see I have Suspeneded Charlie Haas and he is a RAW Superstar until Survivor Series and Scott and Chris Walker are also suspeneded until Next week when there Mallory's problem

Jerome Morris: What about Brandon and Hogan

Eric Bischoff: I have talked to Hulk Hogan on the phone earlier and he promised me that he and Brandon would not be coming to Smackdown! tonight and Brandon is a Smackdown! Superstar so we don't have to worry about him

Jerome Morris: and Hogan?

Eric Bischoff: Hulk Hogan is a close friend of mine Jerome, he isn't going to cause us any problems but Jerome I want to see a great Thrill Zone for RAW which is why I am giving you no match on RAW because your guest on The Thrill Zone is going to be one of the two guys that resulted in the WCW Take Over and that man is Billy Gunn

Jerome Morris: You want me to interview Billy Gunn?

Eric Bischoff: Yes Jerome and make sure its a great interview

Jerome Morris: Will do boss but I am going to go watch my baby's match on the monitor

Eric Bischoff: Ok Jerome you do that


JR: Well up next we are going to see the Finals of the Divas Lethal Lottery

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is the finals of the Lethal Lottery and is scheduled for one fall

"Did My Time" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making her way to the ring, From Denver, Colorado, Trish Morris

Coach: This is Trish Morris's final Smackdown! appearance and she is going to try to make it a good one

"Walk This Way" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Her opponent, From Las Vegas, Nevada, Jezebel

King: Both of these divas want to win this match

JR: Well Trish and Jezebel also have quiet the rivalry and it only escalated after No Mercy where Jezebel's breasts were exposed by Trish Morris but this is the end of it because Jezebel will remain on Smackdown! while Trish Morris is a RAW Diva

Lethal Lottery Finals: Trish Morris vs Jezebel
Jezebel and Trish lock up in the center of the ring. The two women push and pull at one another but the power of Jezebel forces Trish into one of the four corners. The referee pulls Jezebel off Trish and Jeze apologizes to the ref but when she turns back to Trish, Morris hits a stiff kick to Jezebels stomach. Trish grabs a handful of Jezebels hair and smashes Jeze's head off the top turnbuckle. Trish rolls Jezebel up in a school boy pin 1...2.. kick out by Jezebel. Both women get up but Morris quickly drives her knee into Jezebels stomach and then throws Jeze through the middle rope to the mats outside the ring. Trish rolls out of the ring and kicks Jezebel in the chest as Jeze crawls around the outside of the ring. Trish picks up Jezebel and whips her to the ring steps but Jeze stops just in time, Trish runs at Jezebel and Jeze hits a drop toe hold to Trish causing Morris's head to smack off the steel ring steps. Jezebel picks up Trish and rolls her into the ring. Jezebel climbs to the top rope and launches off with a diving crossbody to a standing Trish. Jezebel covers Trish 1...2.. kick out by Morris. Jezebel gets up and picks Trish up, Jezebel nails her with a piledriver. Jezebel covers Trish again 1,,,2,,, kick out by Trish. Jezebel gets up and stomps on Trish, Jezebel picks up Trish and sends her to the ropes, Morris bounces back and is nailed with a powerslam from Jeze. Jezebel hits a leg drop across Trish's neck and covers her once again 1...2...2. 7 kick out by Jezebel. Jezebel picks up Trish again but Jeze is nailed in the stomach with some sharp elbows from Morris. Morris headbuts Jezebel and hits Jeze with a Bulldog. As Jezebel gets back up she is kicked i the gut by Trish. Morris lifts up Jezebel for the blond Bitch ride but some how Jezebel flips out of it and nails Trish in the stomach with a kick. Jezebel nails Trish with The Bombshell! Jezebel is just about to cover Trish when suddenly "Detective" plays over the speakers. Jezebel looks over at the Stage and out walks Alyssa Amidala talking to the SCWE Women's Tag Championship. Alyssa just stands in front of the ring and watches Jezebel. Jezebel tells Alyssa to go away but suddenly Trish creeps up behind Jezebel and hits a tight roll up pin, Trish holds tightly onto the ropes as the ref is unaware 1...2...3
Winner: Trish Morris

Miss Shannon: Your winner of The Lethal Lottery, Trish Morris

JR: Trish Morris has just won the Lethal Lottery but not without an assist from Alyssa Amidala

King: Well I don't know why Alyssa came out here but Alyssa coming out here did distract Jezebel long enough for Trish to win

Coach: Trish Morris is going to get herself a SCWE Women's Title Shot and thats a good thing

Commercial Ad for WHW Rampage, SCWE RAW, & SCWE Smackdown!

After The Break:

JR: Well up next we are going to see the SCWE World Title defended on Smackdown! for the last time here as the SCWE World Title will then go to RAW unless of course a major upset occurs

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship

"1...2...Scar Coming For You" hits, Crowd has no reaction

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, From Las Vegas, Nevada weighing in at 400 Pounds, Scar!!!

Coach: Here comes The Most Feared Guy

JR: Scar will be staying put on Smackdown!

"Game" hits, Crowd Rises and Boo's

Miss Shannon: His opponent, From Greenwich, Connecticut, Weighing in at 265 Pounds, being accumpied by Julianne Angle, he is the SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, The Game, Triple H

JR: Triple H is a 17 Time World Heavyweight Champion and is the last WCW World Champion in history having merged the WCW and SCWE World Title's

Coach: Hunter has alot of World Title's on his mantle, The ECW World Title and now the WCW World Title and for a while he had the SD! World Title too

SCWE World Heavyweight Championship: Triple H(C) W/Julianne Angle vs Scar
Triple H tells Scar he is such a big fan and this is such and honor as Scar tilts his head and Triple H then wants to lock up as the two men lock up and Scar shoves Triple H down to the mat as Triple H gets up and grabs his face and tells Scar he is so much powerful then he is as Triple H gets up and tells Scar that he is impressed and locks up again as Triple H then knees Scar in the gut and Triple H shoves Scar back into the ropes as Triple H opens up on Scar with big right hands and Triple H then goes to hit Scar again but Scar picks up Triple H and locks in a bear hug as Triple H starts to yell out and Triple H starts to pound away at Scar's head but Scar won't let go as Triple H tries to slap Scar's head but still nothing as Scar moves away from the ropes and starts to shake Triple H violently back and forth as Referee Brian Hebner gets in there and checks on Triple H and raises his arm up once and it falls and then a second time and it falls again and then a third time but Triple H keeps it up as Scar starts to shake Triple H around some more as Triple H is motioning to the back as Kurt Angle comes raising out to the ring with a sledgehammer as Julianne Angle gets on the apron to distract Brian Hebner as Kurt Angle gets into the ring and Angle gets into the ring and chopblocks Scar's leg out as Scar drops Triple H as The Game is grabbing his ribs as Kurt Angle rolls out to the floor as Triple H pulls the Sledgie close to him as Scar gets back up and Scar goes to pick up Triple H but The Game blasts Scar right in the netherregions with the Sledgehammer as Scar falls to his knee's immediately as Triple H slides the Sledgie out to Kurt Angle as Julez gets off the apron and Triple H picks up Scar and whips him off the ropes and Triple H then hits a high knee to Scar putting him down as Triple H bounces off the ropes and delivers a big knee to the face of Scar as Triple H picks up Scar and then sets him up for a Pedigree and hits it as Triple H hooks the leg for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Triple H

Miss Shannon: Your winner and Still SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H

Coach: Another easy win for Triple H

JR: Easy? Scar nearly beat Triple H and Kurt Angle and Julianne Angle along with that Sledgehammer had to get involved

Coach: Triple H was just playing with Scar

JR: Well I am not happy with how this ended but we have to take our final break

Final Commercial Ad for KSCWE Survivor Series

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:05 AM

JR: Well its Main Event time now but before that we have been told to announce that Next week on Smackdown!, For the First Time Ever on Smackdown!. The House of Horror's Comes to Smackdown! when the SD! World Heavyweight Title will be on the line as Matt Hardy, Matt Walker, Chris Walker, & Scott Walker all do battle over the title

King: Plus Eric Bischoff also wanted to announce that the RAWDome Returns on The Return of RAW when Triple H defends the SCWE World Heavyweight Title against Stevie Richards and that if Stevie wins the Lethal Lottery tonight and does not win the SCWE World Title on RAW then he will still have the Lethal Lottery Title Shot and that will be the case for Matt Hardy as well I guess

Coach: Both RAW and Smackdown! have big main events

Miss Shannon: The Main Event of the Evening is schedueld for one fall and it is the Finals of The Lethal Lottery(Crowd Cheers)

"One Step Closer" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, Being accumpied By Melinda, Representing the bWo, From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania weighing in at 220 Pounds, "Big Stevie Cool" Stevie Richards

King: Well here comes Stevie Richards

"Danger Zone" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: His opponent being accumpied to the ring by one half of the SCWE Women's Tag Team Champions and also the SD! Women's Champion, Kelli Hardy, From Cameron, North Carolina weighing in at 240 Pounds, Matt Hardy

Coach: Well here comes The Sensei of Mattitude now

JR: This is gonig to be a slobber knocker thats for sure and all outside interference is banned from ringside

Lethal Lottery Finals: Matt Hardy W/Kelli Hardy vs Stevie Richards W/Melinda
Referee Earl Hebner explains the rules and sounds for the bell as Matt Hardy and Stevie both talk trash to each other as Matt Hardy tells Stevie he is going to win the Lethal Lottery because he is Voneahhhh and Stevie responds by slapping Matt Hardy and Stevie then says he is Big Stevie Cool and the bWo is taking over and Matt Hardy then opens up on Stevie with a right hand as Stevie comes back with a right hand as Hardy & Richards exchange right hands back and forth with Stevie finally getting the upper hand as Stevie pounds away with rights and lefts knocking Hardy down as Matt Hardy rolls out to the floor as Stevie Richards then does a taunt in the ring as Matt Hardy talks to Kelli on the floor before going back into the ring as Stevie and Hardy lock up with Hardy locking in a headlock but Stevie shoves Hardy off the ropes and Stevie then locks in a Sleeper hold on Hardy but Hardy drops down driving Stevie's chin off the top of his head as Stevie bounces back as Matt Hardy gets up and grabs Stevie and hits the Side Effect as Matt Hardy covers for a 1--2--kick out. Matt Hardy then waits as Stevie gets up and Hardy delivers a few big right hands to Richards and Hardy picks up Stevie and slams him down as Hardy then goes up top and comes off looking for a big leg drop but Stevie moves out of the way as Stevie then grabs Hardy as he gets up and Stevie looks for the Stevie T but Matt Hardy shoves Stevie back into the corner and then drives his shoulder into Stevie a few times as Matt Hardy then lifts up Stevie putting him up top as Matt Hardy climbs up and looks for a Super plex and hits it as Matt Hardy then covers Stevie for a 1---2--2.8-shoulder up. Matt Hardy can not believe it as Matt Hardy gets back up and picks up Stevie and Matt Hardy looks for the Twist of Fate but Stevie shoves Hardy off the ropes and Stevie then hits the Stevie Kick on Hardy as Stevie covers but Kelli Hardy gets on the apron distracting Earl Hebner as Melinda then goes over and yanks Kelli down off the apron as Kelli then knocks Melinda down with a right hand as Stevie reaches between the ropes to grab Kelli and pulls her away but during that, Matt Hardy gets back up and grabs Stevie from behind and Hardy hits the Fate Twister as Matt covers for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Matt Hardy

Miss Shannon: The Winner of the Lethal Lottery, Matt Hardy

Coach: Matt Hardy is the Lethal Lottery Winner!!

JR: Yeah but thanks to Kelli Hardy in large part

King: All that matters is that Matt Hardy won and he now has a guaranteed Title Shot at the SD! World Heavyweight Champion

JR: Well we hope you have enjoyed Smackdown! and don't miss RAW Next Monday and of course Smackdown! next Tuesday, Good Night

:Smackdown! Goes Off The Air:

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