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SmackDown! : SmackDown! 11/22/05
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 3:23 AM


Results 11/22/05 Live From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Dark Matches Air before Smackdown!:

Dark Match #1: Nathan Wright defeated Danny Basham

Dark Match #2: Chris Kleen defeated Doug Basham

:Footage From Last Week's SD is shown as Pyro then explodes opening up the show:

Tenay: Welcome to another Edition of SCWE SmackDown!, coming to you live tonight from the KSCWE Arena in Pittsburgh, PA!!

Madden: It's great to be home

Tenay: Tonight we will see the First Round of the SCWE US Title Tournament Plus right now we have SCWE General Manager Mallory Maddox in the ring for some big announcement so lets go to the ring to see what our boss has to say

Mallory Maddox: Ladies and Gentlemen, I just wanted to say what an honor it is to be here in the KSCWE Arena in lovely Pittsburgh, PA(Crowd Goes Nuts). When I think of Pittsburgh...I think of my great boyfriend, Pittsburgh's Own Matt Walker(Crowd Cheers). That is why I am out here tonight because I just wanted to formally announce for Massacre on 34th Street that the SmackDown! World Heavyweight Championship will be defended when Chris Walker puts the title on the line against my boyfriend Matt Walker(Crowd Cheers).

Tenay: Chris Walker vs Scott Walker for the World Title at Massacre

Mallory Maddox: I also wanted to announce that Scott Walker will be in action as well at Massacre on 34th Street and he will be taking on a KSCWE Legend who has officially signed a SmackDown! Contract and that man is...Pittsburgh's Own, The "Franchise" Shane Douglas(Crowd Cheers Again)

Madden: Shane Douglas is back!! And he will face Scott Walker at Massacre now

Mallory Maddox: That is not the only announcements I have though because I wanted to announce for Next Tuesday Night on SmackDown!, It will be Scarlett taking on Jezebel for the Vacant SmackDown! Women's Championship plus Flame will take on my newest Acquistion Jai for the Vacant Women's Xtreme Title

Tenay: Jai vs Flame for the Women's Xtreme and Scarlett takes on Jezebel for the Women's Title Next Week

Mallory Maddox: And in one final announcement, I just wanted to announce that tonight's Main Event will be Chris and Scott Walker taking on Matt Walker and The "Franchise" Shane Douglas(Crowd Goes Nuts) with....Holly Mathews Serving as Special Guest Referee(Crowd Boo's). Don't boo Holly as Referee, Holly has been given her marching orders for how to call the match and if she does not do a good job then Holly Mathews will be Fired Tonight(Crowd Cheers). Thank You and Enjoy the Show

"Bitch" hits as Mallory hands the microphone to Shannon Michaels and leaves the ring

Tenay: Scott & Chris Walker vs Matt Walker and The Returning Shane Douglas with Holly Mathews as Referee

Madden: Four of Pittsburgh's Greatest Athletes all competing tonight....It's Great!!!

Miss Shannon: The Opening Contest of SCWE SmackDown! is scheduled for one fall and it is a SCWE United States Championship 1st Round Contest

"Meant To Live" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, From Atlanta, Georgia weighing in at 215 Pounds, Chris Wright

Tenay: Well here comes Chris Wright to the ring

"Longhorns" hits, Crowd Boo's as The Limo Pulls Out

Miss Shannon: His opponent, From New York, New York being accumpied by Orlando Jordan weighing in at 290 Pounds, JBL

Madden: Well here comes The "Wrestling God" JBL and I think Chris Wright is going ot be in for a long night

SCWE US Championship Tournament Round 1: JBL W/Orlando Jordan vs Chris Wright
The match starts off with JBL taking the early advantage.  JBL grabs Chris and lifts up nailing a gut buster.  Chris holds his gut in pain as JBL begins to toy around around with him.  JBL grabs Chris and throws him into the corner tournbuckle.  JBL laughs as Chris hits the corner and bounces off like a rag doll.  JBL walks over and lifts Chris up.  Chris begins to fight back with an arsenal of rights and lefts but JBL kness him in the gut and  quickly nails a huge powerbomb to Chris.  JBL bends down to cover Chris, 1--2--JBL lifts Chris's arm up at the last second to break the fall.  JBL gets up in the face of the ref and asks what his problem is.  JBL then laughs at him as he turns around and sees Chris jumps from the ropes going for a corkscrew moonsualt.  JBL catches him in midair and takes Chris down again with a Fall Away Slam!  JBL then goes over and pins Chris again, 1--2--again JBL lifts Chris arm up at the last second.  JBL then gets Chris and whips into the corner tournbuckle.  JBL grapples with Chris as Chris agfain starts to fight back.  Chris punches at JBL as JBL starts to guard himself.  Crhsi then kicks JBL in the gut and jumps up on the top rope and lands on top of JBL taking him down with a a missle dropkick.  Chris gets up and looks around as he sees JBL get to his knees.  Chris runs into the ropes and comes back nailing JBL in the side of the head with a low dropkick.  Chris attempts a cover, 1--2-JBL pushes Chris off of him as Chris flies over the ring and crashes on the canvas.  JBL gets up as Chris again rushes at him.  Chris kicks at JBL mid section as Chris goes to lock in a Dragon Sleeper, but JBL reaches behind himself and grabs Chris and rips him up and over his head.  JBL then gets up to his feet and has a look of anger on his face as he goes to grab Chris but Chris quickly crawls out of the wayt.  JBL looks behind himself at Chris as he goes to get Chris agin but Chris again cralws out of the way.  JBL gets pissed as he goes to turn into VChris but Chris catches him with a Step up enzuguri.  Chris attempts a Cover, 1--2--JBL kicks Chris off of him.  JBL gets to his feet as does Chris.  JBL runs at Chris and grabs him by the hair.  JBL then knees Chris in the gut and nails a DDT.  JBL then gets up and looks down at Chris.  JBL grabs Chris and whips into the ropes as Chris is met with a CLothline from hell!  JBL says that isnt enough as he grabs Chris and and stands him up right.  JBL backs into the ropes and takes Chris down with yet another Clothline from hell!  JBL then covers Chris, 1--2--3
Winner: JBL

Miss Shannon: Your winner and Advancing into Round #2, JBL

Tenay: JBL gets the iwn here over Chris Wright

Madden: Chris Wright gave it his all but JBL was too much for him and JBL moves one step closer to becoming SCWE US Champion

Commercial Ad for KSCWE Survivor Series Replay

Tenay: Well JBL so far has moved into the Elite 8 for the US Title Tournament but who will join him next

Madden: Its going to be interesting because we had 16 Hungry Guys to start out but only 8 Open Spots

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a SCWE United States Championship Round 1 Tournament Match

"War Pigs" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, From La Jolla, California, weighing in at 339 Pounds, Californian

Tenay: Here comes The Big Man who is a former European Champion

Madden: Californian has been losing alot lately

Tenay: Well the big man can get a win at any time though

"Gangsta's Paradise" hits, Crowd Cheers Louder

Miss Shannon: His opponent, From West Newberry, Massachusetts weighing in at 240 Pounds, John Cena

Madden: Here comes the Master of Thuganomics

Tenay: John Cena has been red hot lately and picked up a big win at Survivor Series for his team

SCWE US Championship Tournament Round 1: John Cena vs Californian
The bell rings as Cali and Cena stare at each other. Cena smirks to the crowd as they cheer him and then he smirks at Cali. Cali runs at Cena, knocking him down. Cali then starts kicking Cena, the ref tells Cali to back off. Cali does as Cena gets up and looks at Cali. Cena and Cali then lock up. Cali overpowers Cena and knocks him down again. Cena gets up and brushes off his shoulders, laughs at Cali and then starts delivering right and left hand combos. Cena backs Cali into the corner and lets in on him. Cena delivers some chops to Cali as the crowd woos. Cena lets off and irish whips Cali into the ropes, but Cali grabs the ropes and stops himself. Cena and Cali then go at it, giving each other right and left handers. Cena overpowers Cali and then knees Cena in the stomach. Cena then goes for a DDT but Cali pushes Cena away. Cena runs at Cali but Cali knocks Cena down with a right hand. Cali starts kicking Cena once again as the ref yells at Cali once more. Cali stops and lifts up Cena and sets Cena up for a brainbuster and connects it. Cali pins Cena-1....2...Cena kicks out. Cali argues with the ref but the ref says that was a 2 count. Cali then gets up and lifts up Cena and knees him in the stomach, Cali does it again and then lets Cena go, Cenas grabs his stomach as Cali quickly pins Cena again-1....2....kickout. Cena looks at the ref as he says 2 count. Cali looks at Cena and then thinks for a second. Cali gets back up and lifts Cena once again. Cali signals its over but Cena surprises Cali and starts fighting Cali. Cena hits Cali with a big right hander, Cali falls down and quickly gets back up and charges at Cena but Cena trips Cali. Cena starts delivering right and left handers while Cali is on the mat, Cena lets up and taunts the crowd. Cena lifts up Cali and kicks him in the stomach. Cena struggles to raise Cali up for a F-U and finally gets him up. Cena then connects the F-U and pins Cali-1.....2.....3
Winner: John Cena

Miss Shannon: Your winner and advancing into Round #2, John Cena

Tenay: Cena moves on to join JBL in the Elite 8

Madden: Cali gave up a good fight but Cena was too much for him

:Backstage: Conspiracy's Locker Room

Christopher Daniels: Holly I don't like what could happen tonight

Holly Mathews: Look guys, I lost the match at Survivor Series and even thought Mallory fixed the error, I am still in the dog house, I am not going to manage any of you tonight because if I get hurt out there and can't referee the Main Event, I'm Fired and that does none of us any good. I know what I have to do in the Main Event and by god I will do it to prevent from getting fired

Christopher Daniels: I still don't like it

SRT: Dude let it go, we can take care of business on our own

Frankie Kazarian: Yeah, one night without Holly won't kill us

Holly Mathews: I will make it up to you guys I promise

:Holly leaves the Locker Room:


Tenay: Disention it seems in the Conspiracy's Locker Room

Madden: Well Holly is the glue that holds that team together

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a SCWE United States Championship Round 1 Tournament Match

"Getting Away With Murder" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, From Cape Breton, Island, Nova Scotia, Canada weighing in at 225 Pounds, Matt Matlock

Madden: Here comes Matlock who has a big chance tonight if he can knock off the monster that is

"Slow Chemical" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: His opponent weighing in at 325 Pounds, He is the SCWE Xtreme Champion, Kane!!!

SCWE US Championship Tournament Round 1: Matt Matlock vs Kane
Both men start the match off by locking up in the center of the ring. Matlock tries his best to bring Kane down, but Kane is just laughing at Matlock. Kane then starts moving and slowly backs Matlock into the corner. Kane then starts choking Matlock as the ref yells at him. Kane lets off and laughs at Matlock. Kane then drags Matlock into the middle of the ring but Matlock rakes the eyes of Kane, causing the ref to yell at Matlock. Matlock quickly opens up on Kane, giving him a dose of right and left handers. Matlock doesnt let off and Kane starts going down but then Kane uses all his power and knocks Matlock away from him. Kane goes over and lifts up Matlock and starts delivering chops, backing Matlock into the ropes. Kane stops and then grabs Matlocks arm and irish whips Matlock into the ropes, Matlock bounces off the ropes as Kane bends down but Matlock quickly kicks Kane in the face. Kane goes down grabbing his nose as Matlock starts kicking Kane. Kane rolls out of the ring as Matlock joins him and the ref starts the 10 count. Matlock goes to grab Kane but Kane kicks him and irish whips Matlock into the security wall. Kane then starts delivering some more chops to Matlock as the crowd woos. The ref is at 5 when Kane gets Matlock and puts him into the ring and gets in the ring himself. Kane stalks Matlock as he gets up. Matlock makes it to his feet as Kane is getting ready for the Chokeslam. Matlock turns around and Kane grabs Matlock by his throat. Kane lifts up Matlock and Chokeslams him. Kane then laughs as he pins Matlock-1....2....3
Winner: Kane

Miss Shannon: Your winner and Advancing into Round #2, Kane

Tenay: Kane gets the win here to move into the second round

Commercial Ad for WHW Rampage, SCWE RAW, & KSCWE Archives

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:23 AM

Tenay: Well Kane has joined JBL and John Cena in the Elite 8

Madden: Who will join them though

Tenay: We still have Five Huge Matches to go so lets go to the ring

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a SCWE United States Championship 1st Round Tournament Match

"You Can Run" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, Representing The Conspiracy, From San Antonio, Texas weighing in at 328 Pounds, He is one half of the SD! Tag Team Champions, Stanley Ryan Tiger

Madden: Here comes the Monsterious SRT

"Meant To Live" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: His opponent, From Atlanta, Georgia, weighing in at 253 Pounds, Scott Wright

Tenay: Well here comes Scott Wright who is looking to move into the Elite 8 and the winner of this will face JBL Next Tuesday in Round 2

SCWE US Championship Tournament Round 1: Scott Wright vs SRT
The bell sounds. Stanley and Scott lock up in the centre of the ring. The two big guys push and pull at one another but SRT being the bigger of the two manages to back Scott u p itno the turnbuckle. The referee tries to pull SRT off Scott but SRT is not budgeing. The referee  starts the 5 counts 1...2...3...4 SRT lets go but rakes at Scott's eyes. SRT picks up scott and nails him with a suplex. SRT gets to his feet and climbs up to the middle rope and jumps off hitting a diving knee to Scott's face. SRT covers Scott 1...2.. kick out by Wright. SRT grabs a hold of Scott's leg and locks in a stretch muffler, Scott manages to lock his legs around SRT's neck and flip him over and through the ropes. Scott holds his knee before rolling out to SRT. Scott picks up SRT and irishi whips him into the ring barriers. Scott puts the boots to Stanley's gut. Scott Wright jumps up and nails SRT right in the face with a high impact dropkick. The force of the move sends SRT flying over the ring barrier and into the crowd. The two men start to brawl it out, but sudenly they hear that the referee has already started the ring out count and is already a 6. They look at one another and bth begin to quickly make their way back to the ring, falling over members of the audience. Luckily both men roll into the ring just before the count of ten. They lock up once again this time Tiger sends Wrgight to the ropes, Scott boucnes back and is powerslamed by SRT. Stanley stands up and attempts to get Scott up but Scott rolls up SRT with a pin 1...2..2.8 kick out by The Conspiracy member. Both men get up to their feet. Stanley charges at Scott, SRT goes for a clothesline but Scott ducks it and hits a neckbreaker on SRT. Scott Wright climbs up to the top rope and launches off with a Wright Elbow but Stanley Ryan Tiger just rolls out of the way. Both men get up and start to throw rights and lefts at one another, Stanly blocks a right hand from Scott, Stanly throws four lwft hand sin a row to Soctt's head and then SRT sets Scott up for the Tiger Trap, But as Stanly is slmming Scott down, Wright counters it into a arm drag laying Stanley Ryan Tiger out before the turnbuckle. Scott climbs up and launches off with a big Wright Elbow! Scott hooks SRT's leg 1...2...3
Winner: Scott Wright

Miss Shannon: Your winner and advancing into Round #2, Scott Wright

Tenay: Scott Wright moves on to the 2nd Round to face JBL

Madden: This is a huge upset in my book because SRT has been on such a role lately

Tenay: Well I guess SRT did need Holly Mathews

:Backstage: Mallory Maddox's Office

Mallory Maddox: You understand what you are to do then

Holly Mathews: Yes I am Miss Maddox and thank you again

Mallory Maddox: It's fine but if you will excuse me

:Mallory leaves the Office as Vince McMahon is still in the office as Holly looks at Vince:

Holly Mathews: And Mr. McMahon I would just like to thank you once again for talking Mallory out of firing me or booking me against that Psycho Flame and if there is ever anything you need, you just tell me

Vince McMahon: Just make sure you do what you've been told tonight

Holly Mathews: Trust me I got it


Tenay: What is this thing they keep talking about

Madden: Obviously Holly is to not cheat

Tenay: I smell a set up

Madden: You sure its just not your breath

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is a 1st Round SCWE United States Championship Tournament Match and it is scheduled for one fall

"The Future" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, From Palm Springs, California weighing in at 220 Pounds, The "Future" Frankie Kazarian

Madden: Here comes Kazarian who has a golden chance tonight

"Chop Suey" hits, Crowd Boo's Louder

Miss Shannon: His opponent, From Houston, Texas weighing in at 268 Pounds, Billy Gunn

Tenay: Here comes Billy Gunn now and the winner of htis match will face John Cena Next Week in Round 2

Madden: This thing is definatly heating up

SCWE US Championship Tournament Round 1: Billy Gunn vs Frankie Kazarian
The match starts with both men hooking a lock up.  Billy Gunn takes the advantage as he places Kazarian in a side headlock.  Billy rears back on Kazarian as Kazariasn yells in pain.  Kazarian then manages to get Billy next to the ropes as Kazarian grabs the top rope and pushes Billy off and sends him flying across the ring.  Billy comes back as Kazarian goes for a back body toss, but Billy kicks Kazarian in the chest and nails a quick DDT!  Bill tries for a cover, 1--kickout Billy gets up and grabs Kazarian by the hair.  Billy then whips Kazarian into the corner.  Billy gets some distance as he runs in at Kazarian but at the last second Kazarian jumps up on the tournbuckle out of the way and flips over Gunn.  Billy stops seconds before hitting the tournbuckle as he turns around and Kazarian greets hi with a running enzuguri.  Billy stumbles out of the corner as he hits the mat face first.  Frankie then goes over and picks Billy up to his feet.  Frankie stands him there and runs into the ropes, Frankie comes back and looks to hit a running hurancanranna but Billy picks Kazarian up and Powerbombs him hard into the ring canvas.  Billy then attempts another cover, 1--2--kickout.  Billy starts yelling at Frankie as he lifts him to his feet.  Billy kicks Kazarian in the mid section, Billy then grabs Kazarian and whips him across the ring into the ropes, Kazarian comes back as Billy catches Kazarian in a Bell 2 Belly position but Kazarian cross chops Billy and breaks the hold.  Kazarian grabs Billy and lays him out with a jumping high kick.  Kazarian attempts the cover, 1--2--kickout.  Kazarian gets up and hits a quick elbow drop on Billy, Kazarian covers again, 1--2--kickout.  Kazarian gets up and looks at the ref not beleiving it, Kazarian then grabs Billy and lifts him up.  Kazarian knees BVilly in the gut and nails a Cyclone Suplex!  Kazarian gets up and says that its over.  as he grabs Billy and nails the Wave of the Future.  Kazarian then covers Billy, 1--2--kickout, Kazarian cant beleive it as he gets up and kicks Billy in the stomach.  Kazarian then grabs Billy and goes to lock in the Future Lock, But Billy counters into a small package pin, 1--2--kickout.  Kazarian breask the pin and gets to his feet as does Billy.  Kazarian runs at Billy but Billy cathces him and nails the N.I.N.  Billy then gets up and smirks as he grabs Kazarian by the hair and lifts him to his feet.  Billy kicks Kazarian in the mid sectipon and wraps his leg around Kazarians head and nails the Fameasser.  Billy covers, 1--2--3
Winner: Billy Gunn

Miss Shannon: Your winner and Advancing into Round #2,  Billy Gunn

Tenay: Billy Gunn will now face John Cena and that leaves just three more spots to fill

Madden: Yeah things are definatly getting interesting here


Rue: I am standing here with Brandon Davis, Now Brandon tonight you are facing Carlito in your First Round Contest but before we talk about that, why did you turn your back on your team and fans at Survivor Series?

Brandon Davis: What do you mean?

Rue: Well you...

Brandon Davis: Shut up Rue. I didn't turn my back on anyone, I did what was best for Brandon Davis instead of worrying about everything else

Rue: Well what about tonight when you face Carlito who is a former US Champion

Brandon Davis: Carlito....You mean that apple chewing jackass?

Rue: Um...

Brandon Davis: Rue, Tonight I suggest you sit back and enjoy the show because Carlito is going to be the first casuality of the new Brandon, Tonight is the start of a new Era and after tonight, Next Week, That Big Red Moron Kane is next up and then it doesn't matter whose next after that because when this Tournament is over, I will be the United States Champion


Tenay: Well The New Brandon sure is an As...

Madden: What your language Tenay, we don't want Brandon coming out here and taking you out

Tenay: Well it just gets on my nerves how he has turned his back on all his fans

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is a 1st Round SCWE United States Championship Tournament Match and it is scheduled for one fall

"Broken Man" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, being accumpied by Bliss, From Milwaukee, Wisconsin weighing in at 206 Pounds, Chad Chaos

Tenay: Well here comes Chad Chaos who will have to knock off a real superstar unlike Brandon

Madden: Would you drop it already

"Escape Artists Never Die" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: His opponent, From New York, New York weighing in at 242 Pounds, Jamie Gunz

Tenay: Well I talked to Jamie earlier and he wants to get his hands on Brandon Davis and I hope he does soon

Madden: Yeah but Jamie Gunz wouldn't meet Brandon until the finals of the US Title Tournament if they both get that far and I think Chad Chaos could score the upset tonight

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:23 AM
SCWE US Championship Tournament Round 1: Jamie Gunz vs Chad Chaos W/Bliss
Jamie Gunz and Chad chaos lock up in the centre of the ring. Jamie gunz, being the clear heavier of the two manages to push Chad into the ropes. Jamie sends Chad to the opposite ropes, Chad boucnes back and is slamed down with a blackhole slam from Jamie. Chad Chaos gets up with Jamie standing behind him Jamie lifts up Chad and nails him with a Osaka Street Cutter. Jamie stalks Chad and sets him up for the hallow bullets and Jamie hits it! Jamie covers Chad 1...2... Bliss grabs CHad's foot and places it on the bottom rope. Jamie gets up and starts to argue with the Bliss. Chad Chaos come sup behind Jamie and rolls him up with a pin 1...2... kick out. Jamie gets up and starts to argue with Chad. Chad pushes Jamie but Gunz barely moves, Jamie laughs and pushes Chad away, sending him flying into the referee. Jamie raises his arms to the crowd getting a cheer but Bliss comes up behind him and lowblows jamie. Bliss rolls out of the ring and grabs a steel chair, she slides it into the ring for Chad. CHaos picks it up and walks over to Jamie who is on his knee's holding his manhood. Chad swings the chair at Jamie but Jamie ducks it. Jamie grabs the steel chair and smashes it over CHad Chaos's head. Bliss gets on the ring apron and starts screaming at Jamie. Jamie runs over and knocks Bliss off the ring apron with a clothesline. Jamie turns back to Chad who is just getting up, Jamie kicks him in the gut and hits him with The Last Breath! Jamie covers Chad as the ref is getting up 1...2...3
Winner: Jamie Gunz

Miss Shannon: Your winner and advancing into Round #2, Jamie Gunz

Tenay: Jamie Gunz moves on to Round #2, Making him the 6th Superstar to advance

Madden: He got lucky


Josh Mathews: I am standing by right now with The "Franchise" Shane Douglas. First off Shane welcome back but the question on everyone's mind is why are you back full time now?

Shane Douglas: Well Josh, a few weeks ago when I showed up, It really got my competive fires burning and with Mallory as General Manager, The Timing is perfect for a Shane Douglas Return

Josh Mathews: Well what about teaming up with Matt Walker tonight?

Shane Douglas: Matt Walker is my best friend so its always great teaming up with him and tonight will make the Dawning of a New Era

Josh Mathews: What do you mean New Era?

Shane Douglas: Well lets just say a Thing From the Past will return tonight with a New Look and to be quiet honest the Greatest Look for it in history, I know Triple H loves to talk about Evolution but tonight Evolution comes to SmackDown! and you will see what I mean tonight

:Shane Douglas walks away leaving Josh Mathews puzzled:


Tenay: What does that mean?

Madden: Who knows but with Shane Douglas expect the unexpected

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a 1st Round SCWE United States Championship Tournament Match

"Cool" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring being accumpied by Miss Chelsea, From Miami, Florida weighing in at 210 Pounds, Carlito

Madden: Here comes Carlito and its great to see him back but Carlito got a bad draw

Tenay: Carlito is going to have his hands full

"Shoot To Thrill" hits, Crowd Boo's Loudly

Miss Shannon: His opponent, From Knoxville, Tennessee weighing in at 252 Pounds, The "Badass American" Brandon Davis

Madden: Well here comes the Man of the Hour

Tenay: I hate him

Madden: I would shut up Tenay, Brandon is staring right at you

SCWE US Championship Tournament Round 1: Brandon Davis vs Carlito W/Miss Chelsea
The match starts with the two men circling the ring, Carlito shows off a little as does Brandon, the two finally lock up and Brandon gets the upperhand with an armbar, he then turns it into a hammerlock as he pushes Carlito from the back onto the mat. Carlito gets up mad and yelling, Brandon laughs and the two go towards each other again, this time Carlito kicks Brandon in the gut and quickly does a DDT, Carlito then begins kicking Brandon, after a few kicks Carlito walks away distracting the ref and Miss. Chelsea begins choking Brandon, as the ref turns back around she walks away innocently. Carlito goes back over to brandon kicking him again, Carlito picks Brandon up and attempts a suplex but Brandon reverses it and slams Carlito to the mat as both men lay on the mat. Brandon then gets up and grabs Carlito by the hair , picks him up and gives hima  few european uppercuts, Carlito is dazed as brandon shoots him off the ropes and catches him with a huge clothesline. Brandon gets pumped and excited and begins kicking Carlito, Miss Chelsea gets on the mat and yells for Carlito to get up, Brandon rushes over to Chelsea and grabs her by the hair slinging her into the ring, he picks her up and kicks her in the stomach and gives her a Lights Out, Chelsea is out cold... Carlito begins to move around and starts slowly getting up, Brandon calls for his finisher and quickly hits Carlito with The Rush! Carlito is down and Brandon covers him 1...2...3
Winner: Brandon Davis

Miss Shannon: Your winner and Advancing into Round #2, Brandon Davis

Madden: Well Brandon Davis has moved on now

Tenay: Brandon Davis will take on The Big Red Machine Kane Next week and that leaves only one spot open which will be decided right after our short commercial break

Commercial Ad for SCWE Armaggedon, SCWE Massacre on 34th Street, & KSCWE Extras

Tenay: Well its nearly time for our final 1st Round US Title Tournament Match

Madden: Yeah and what a great Tournament it has been so far

Tenay: Brandon Davis will take on Kane, John Cena will battle Billy Gunn, JBL takes on Scott Wright and Jamie Gunz will take on the winner of the next match

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a 1st round SCWE United States Championship Tournament Match

"I Stand Alone" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, From Short Hills, New Jersey weighing in at 237 Pounds, Raven

Madden: Well here comes Raven now who has to be the favorite heading into this match

"New Age of Total Warfare" hits, Crowd Continues To Boo

Miss Shannon: His opponent, Representing The Conspiracy, From Fayettville, North Carolina weighing in at 226 Pounds, He is one half of the SD! Tag Team Champions, The "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels

Tenay: Well here comes Daniels who has been red hot as of late

SCWE US Championship Tournament Round 1: Raven vs Christopher Daniels
The match starts off with Daniels rushing in at Raven and taking him off guard.  Chris tackles Raven as he mounts him and begins to pummel away at Raven.  Daniels is then lifted off by the ref as the the ref shoos Daniels into the corner.  Daniels edges Raven to get up as Raven gets to his knees Raven is up Daniels rushes again, but this Raven catches him and nails a Drop Toe Hold onto Daniels.  Chris holds his jaw as he wrys in pain.  Raven gets up and lifts Daniels up.  Raven throws Daniels across the ring as Daniels comes back Raven bends down to lift him up but Daniels sidesteps and kicks Raven in the jaw and quickly nails a DDT.  Daniels attempts a cover, 1--kickout.  Daniels gets up and grabs Raven by the hair and picks him up.  Daniels whips Raven into the corner.  Raven hits the tourbuckle hard as Daniels hits a running lirat taking Raven off his feet for a second and Raven comes crashing down onto the canvas!  Daniels lifts Raven and whips into the opposite corner.  Daniels gets in the corner and starts running at Raven looking for the monuver again but Raven ducks, Chris catches himself as Raven reaches back and drops Daniels with a neckbreaker!  Raven gets up and grabs Daniels and lifts him to his feet.  Raven then grapples Daniels in the middle of the ring as Chris starts fighting back, but Raven kicks Daniels in the gut and nails a Russian Leg Sweep.  Raven attempts the cover, 1--2--kickout.  Raven cant beleive it as he gets up and grabs Daniels.  Raven goes to whip Daniels across the ring but Daniels counters and kicks Raven in the gut.  Daniels backs up and rebounds off the ropes and steps up and takes Raven out with a Step up enzuguri!  Daniels then grabs Raven by the arms and begins to drag him into the corner.  Daniels then poijts to the top rope as he climbs up.  Daniels gets up and jumps off nails the B.M.E.!  Daniels covers Raven, 1--2--suddenly "Meant To Live" blares voer the sound system as Daniels hops to his feet breaking the fall.  Daniels is awaiting the arrival of Scott Wright but Scott never shows.  Daniels waves it off as he turns around and Raven catches him and nails a Retribution!  Raven covers Daniels, 1--2--kickout.  Raven grabs his hair and gets up He gets in the face of the referee as he shouts at him.  Raven then turns back to Chris and picks him up.  Raven kciks Chris in the chest and goes for an Evenflow DDT, but Daniels backs out of it and takes Raven down with a Curry Bottom.  Daniels sits on the mat and sayts thats all as he gets to his feet.  He awaits Raven to stand up.  Raven gets to his feet as Daniels knees him in the gut.  Chris looks to go for the Angel WIngs, but he looks up at the ramp way as Scott Wright runs down into  the ring area.  Scott jumps up on the apron as Daniels throws Raven down.  Chris gets in Scotts face as they begin to argue.  Chris looks to hit Scott but Scott jumps off the apron as Daniels hits the air.  Daniels tells Scott to back off as he does when Daniels is spun around and kicked in the gut.  Raven then nails the Evenflow DDT on Daniels as he then covers, 1--2--3
Winner: Raven

Miss Shannon: Your winner and advancing into Round #2, Raven

Tenay: Raven gets the win here thanks to Scott Wright's distraction

Madden: Damn that Scott Wright

Tenay: I guess Scott Wright is telling The Fallen Angel that he isn't done with him

Madden: But Daniels didn't get involved in Wright's business so Wright shouldn't have come out

Tenay: Well none the less, Raven moves into the Final Spot as Raven will take on Jamie Gunz Next Week

Final Commercial Ad for KSCWE Survivor Series Replay

Tenay: Well its now time for our Big Main Event

Madden: This is going to be great and what better place then in Pittsburgh for it!!

Miss Shannon: The Main Event of the evening is scheduled for one fall

"The End of Heartache" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making her way to the ring, The Special Guest Referee, Holly Mathews

Tenay: Pittsburgh sure doesn't like Holly

Madden: I don't know why but if Holly wants I could console her

Tenay: Mark you are getting as bad as The King

Madden: No I'm not, I can get women he can't

Tenay: Well I still don't like the vibe of this match

"No Easy Way Out" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, From Right here in Pittsburgh, weighing in at 220 Pounds, Scott Walker

Tenay: Here comes the Most Senior Member of the Walker Family and also the guy that was the sole survivor at Survivor Series

"Hearts On Fire" hits, Crowd Continues to Go Crazy

Miss Shannon: His partner, Also from Pittsburgh, weighing in at 215 Pounds, He is the SmackDown! World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Walker

Tenay: Here comes the Champ

Madden: Big deal

Tenay: Well Chris Walker has been riding a major wave, he is the World Champion and he is going to be a father in about 8 and a half monthes

Madden: I'm going to be sick

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:24 AM

"Perfect Strangers" hits, Crowd Continues to Cheer

Miss Shannon: And there opponents, First From Right here in Pittsburgh, weighing in at 240 Pounds, The "Franchise" Shane Douglas

Madden: It's great to see Shane Douglas back

Tenay: Shane Douglas is officially back on the SD! Roster and as much as I don't like the guy personally I do respect his in ring work

"Holding Out for a Hero" hits, Crowd Erupts

Miss Shannon: And his partner, Also from right here in Pittsburgh, weighing in at 225 Pounds, The "Real Deal, No Gimmicks Needed" Matt Walker

Madden: This roof has come off I think

Tenay: I hate to say it but Matt Walker has gotten the loudest ovation here in Pittsburgh

Madden: Pittsburgh loves the Original Streaker

Chris Walker & Scott Walker vs Matt Walker & Shane Douglas; Special Referee: Holly Mathews
Chris Walker starts things off with Shane Douglas as both guys lock up with Walker getting a headlock on Shane but Shane picks up Walker and hits a backdrop on him as Shane Douglas gets up and hits a big clothesline knocking down Chris as Shane Douglas puts the boots to Chris as he gets back up and Shane grabs Chris and throws him into the corner as Shane Douglas delivers a few big boots to the gut of Chris and Shane then takes Chris and hits a belly 2 belly suplex on him as Douglas covers Walker for the 1-2-2.6-shoulder up. Scott Walker starts to yell about the fast count as Shane Douglas kicks Chris in the gut and holds him as Douglas tags out to Matt Walker who comes in and Matt hits a big boot to the ribs of Chris Walker as Matt Walker then knocks down Chris with a right hand as Matt Walker then gets down and starts to choke Chris until Scott Walker comes in and Scott Walker kicks Matt in the head knocking him off as Holly Mathews quickly orders Scott out of the ring as Shane Douglas pulls out a Steel Chain and comes in and wraps it around Chris's throat and starts to choke him as Matt Walker delivers a few big kicks to the gut of Chris and Scott Walker is telling Holly to turn around but she is refusing and keeps telling Scott the rules to stay on the apron even though he already is as Scott finally has enough and gets into the ring and goes over and knocks down Matt Walker and Shane lets Chris go as Douglas wraps the chain around his hand and goes to hit Scott but Scott ducks the right hand and then grabs Douglas and hits a Side Effect as Scott nips up and Scott then catches his brother Matt with a Walkerkick as Chris covers Matt but Holly refuses to count as Scott Walker then grabs Holly by her hair as Holly is telling Scott she will DQ him when Shane Douglas goes to hit Scott from behind with the chain but Scott moves as Douglas hits Holly in the head knocking her out cold as Scott then hits a Walkerkick on Shane Douglas but Chris grabs Douglas before he can fall and Chris sets up Shane for the Walkerflip but Ryan Walker then comes out of the crowd and into the ring and hits a Big Boot on Chris Walker laying him out as Scott Walker then goes to work on Ryan as Scott & Ryan exchange rights and lefts as Matt Walker gets his guitar from the side of the ring and Matt Walker is eying up Scott Walker but Chris grabs it from him and Chris them smashes the guitar over Matt Walker's head as Chris then goes over and attacks Ryan Walker along with Scott as Scott & Chris then hit a double clothesline knocking Ryan out of the ring to the floor but Shane Douglas is back up and Shane Douglas catches Scott Walker with a chain shot to the face laying him out but Chris Walker then knocks down Shane Douglas and is pounding away at him when Brandon Davis hits the ring as Chris Walker gets up and turns around and walks right into a Rush from Brandon!!! Brandon then helps up Matt Walker who covers Chris as Brandon gets Holly in position as she counts the 1----2---3.
Winners: Matt Walker & Shane Douglas

Miss Shannon: Your winners, Matt Walker & Shane Douglas

Tenay: This was a screwjob if I ever saw one

Madden: Ryan Walker is back and Brandon Davis just took out Chris Walker with a nasty looking Rush

:Shane Douglas & Ryan Walker pound away at Scott Walker as Brandon Davis & Matt Walker put the boots to Chris Walker as Shane Douglas delivers a Pittsburgh Plunge to Scott Walker as Matt Walker hits the Pittfall on Chris as Matt Walker, Shane Douglas, & Brandon Davis then stand in the center of the ring with Ryan behind them as Shane Douglas, Matt Walker, & Brandon then raise there hands up in the sign of The Triple Threat:!

Tenay: Oh my god it can't be

Madden: I get what Shane said now, The Evolution of The Triple Threat, Never before has the group been made up of three former World Champions but now it has been

Tenay: Brandon Davis, Matt Walker, & Shane Douglas are the New Triple Threat and My only guess is Ryan Walker is The Triple Threat's "Insurance Policy"

Madden: I think thats the case and what an impact they made tonight leaving the SD! World Heavyweight Champion out cold in the ring along with one of the other top SmackDown! Stars

Tenay: We hope you have enjoyed SmackDown! Tonight, See You Next Tuesday

:SmackDown! Goes Off the Air:

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