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SmackDown! : SmackDown! 1/17/06
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 1:57 PM

Results 1/17/06 Live From Austin, Texas

Dark Matches Air before Smackdown!:

Dark Match #1: Alex Shelley defeated "Road Dogg" Jessie James

Dark Match #2: Brianna defeated Candice Michelle

:Footage From Last Week's SD is shown as Pyro then explodes opening up the show:

Tenay: Welcome to SCWE SmackDown!, we are coming to you just 48 hours removed from the Royal Rumble and congratulations to the 2006 SmackDown! Royal Rumble Champion Stevie Richards

Madden: Yeah Stevie Richards earned himself a first class ticket to getting his ass handed to him by Brandon Davis

Tenay: Well I don't know about that but lets go to the ring for the opening contest

Miss Shannon: The Opening Contest of SCWE SmackDown! is scheduled for one fall

"My Way" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, From Alburque, New Mexico weighing in at 170 Pounds, Diego Sanchez

Tenay: Well here comes Diego Sanchez who is looking to impress tonight

"Piggybank" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: And his opponent, From New Haven, Connecticut weighing in at 275 Pounds, He is one half of the SmackDown! Tag Team Champions, Tim Wilkins

Madden: Well here comes Tim Wilkins who did very well for himself at the Royal Rumble and Tim has been on a role as of late period

Tim Wilkins vs Diego Sanchez
Diego and Tim square off in the ring, and Lock Up. Diego quickly takes him down with a leg sweep and starts punching away at Tim's head. He covers up, and Diego gets off of him because he's not doing any damage. The two lock up and Diego goes for a DDT, but Tim Wilkins reverses it and sends him to the ropes. Diego bounces back and clotheslines Tim, knocking him down hard. Tim quickly gets up and Hurrincanrana Diego. He goes after Diego and puts boots to his chest, but Diego grabs his leg and trips him into a leg lock. He wrenches the leg, and Tim screams in pain, but he doesn't give up. He starts to crawl and moves closer to the ropes, Diego gets up and elbow drops his leg. Diego starts punching at Tim's head, but Tim gets up. Annoyed, Diego grabs him and delivers a strong Piledriver. He covers, but Tim kicks out at two. Diego locks in a sleeper hold, and Tim looks to be in trouble. But before Diego can do anything about it, Tim pokes him in the eyes. Diego releases the hold, and Tim picks him up for a suplex. He connects, and stomps away at Diego again. Tim goes to the ropes and hits the Spilt Legged Moonsault, but Diego kicks out at two. Tim picks him and sets him up for a Tornado DDT, but Diego throws him off and over the top rope onto the floor below! The ref starts the count as Diego goes outside. Tim gets up, but Diego clips with a clothesline and follows with a sick spine buster. Diego rolls in and out, and grabs Tim. He covers, One...Two...Kick out from Tim. Diego delivers some strong punches to Tim's forehead, and he looks groggy. Tim staggers up and Diego connects with a perfect face crusher. He taunts to the crowd and signals for the Worst Nightmare! As Diego looks to connect with the Worst nightmare, Holly Matthews comes out from the back and gets on the apron. He argues with her and tells her to get off of the apron, but Tim Wilkins is already up. Diego turns around and Tim trips him up, Holly reaches over and holds Diego legs! Tim climbs up top and hits the Sling Blade! He covers, One....Two....Three
Winner: Tim Wilkins

Miss Shannon: Your winner, Tim Wilkins

Tenay: Holly Mathews just helped Tim Wilkins win and I don't know why

Madden: I don't know either Tenay but I think Tim would have won with our without help


Josh Mathews: I am standing here with SCWE SmackDown! General Manager, Vince McMahon.

Vince McMahon: Call me Mr. McMahon

Josh Mathews: Sorry...Mr. McMahon. I just wanted to get your thoughts on the matches that RAW made for No Way Out which is a joint show plus I wanted to know who SmackDown! acquired from RAW and who went to RAW in exchange?

Vince McMahon: Well I think RAW made some good matches but I too plan on announcing some No Way Out Matches but not yet and as far as the trade, I can say that Billy Gunn and Nick Helmsley who debuted already for RAW last night were apart of this trade and I can also announce that Nathan Wright and Jezebel are also going to RAW but the final piece of the trade that goes to RAW can not be announced because he or she has a match that they will be taking part in tonight.

Josh Mathews: Well who came over?

Vince McMahon: Josh it wouldn't be a suprise if I told you now would it

Josh Mathews: I guess not but another question, why did Holly interfere in Tim Wilkins match?

Vince McMahon: Well Josh lets see, Holly is the official manager of The Corperation and if she helped Tim Wilkins win then I guess Tim Wilkins is in the Corperation. Now if you will excuse me, I think I have a pen that can put on a better conversation then you

:Commercial Ad for SCWE OverDrive!, SCWE Mayhem, & SCWE RAW

Tenay: Welcome back to SmackDown! and how about what Vince just said

Madden: That's Mr. McMahon to you Mike but Jezebel and Nathan Wright are off to RAW and Billy Gunn and Nick Helmsley who showed up on RAW last night are also officially RAW, I can't wait to see who we got

Tenay: I'm sure whoever it is will be a good addition to the blue team just like AJ Styles is already fitting in

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Basic Thuganomics" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making there way to the ring, The Team of Leyla and John Cena

Madden: Well here comes one of SmackDown!'s top couples in my book

Tenay: John Cena should be ashamed of himself for cheating on Alexis Adams

"Longhorns" hits, Crowd Cheers as The Limo Pulls out into the entry way as The Limo door opens up as JBL gets and then helps Alexis Adams out of the limo as well

Miss Shannon: And there opponents, The Team of Alexis Adams and the SCWE United States Champion, John Bradshaw Layfield

Tenay: Well here comes JBL and Alexis Adams

Madden: See Alexis moved on to JBL

Tenay: I don't know about that, I think JBL is just being a gentleman

JBL & Alexis Adams vs John Cena & Leyla
Alexis Adams and Leyla start the match off with alot of bitch talk. Leyla's tells Alexis how she stole her man and she'd steal her career too. Alexis bitch slaps leyla big time sending leyla falling into the ropes. Leyla looks in shock as she holds her cheek. Leyla screams out BITCH as she jumps at Alexis. The two women roll around the rings floor punching, slapping, biteing and pulling each others hair. It ends with Alexis on Leyla looking for a punch but Leyla blocks it and headbuts Alexis and kicks her off. Leyla gets up and clotheslines Alexis down. Leyla sits on Alexi's's chest and bitch slaps her. Leyla gets off and tags out to Cena. Cena laughs at Alexis and then waves his hand in front of his face and says "You cant see me" Alexis has no choice but to get out the ring and let JBL come in. JBL runs at Cena and knocks his head off with a clothesline from hell!! Leyla jumps off the ring apron and grabs Cena's leg and pulls him out of the ring. The couple of thuganomics. JBL and Alexis stand in the ring telling them to come back into the ring but Leyla and Cena just walk off to the back as the ref begins the ring out count 1...2...3..4..5..6...7..8...9...10.
Winners: JBL & Alexis Adams by Count Out

Miss Shannon: Your winners as a result of a Count Out, JBL and Alexis Adams

Tenay: What is wrong with John Cena and Leyla

Madden: I guess they got bored with the match

Tenay: They chickened out and got themselves Counted Out

"No Chance" hits over the PA as Vince walks out ot the top of the entry way

Vince McMahon: Well John Cena and Leyla you may have walked out on this match tonight but at No Way Out you two will not be wanting to walk out because John you will be challenging JBL for the SCWE United States Championship in a....Texas Bullrope Match(Crowd Cheers)

Tenay: That's JBL's speciality

Vince McMahon: And Leyla you will be taking on Alexis Adams in a match with a Stipulation to be decided at a later date

:Vince heads to the back as Cena and Leyla both look a bit annoyed as JBL and Alexis are in the ring smiling:

Tenay: I don't usually agree with Mr. McMahon but tonight I did

Madden: Mr. McMahon is a GM of the people I guess because he gave them what they wanted and we know two of the No Way Out matches he was promising


Rue: I am standing here with SCWE SmackDown! Superstar Matt Matlock who recently returned. First off Matt welcome back

Matt Matlock: Thank you Rue, I am going to make this short and sweet because a superstar of my caliber doesn't want to be wasted away on backstage segments. I am back and I am back to win some gold so I hear the SCWE European Championship is Vacant, Well I hope Mr. McMahon takes my name into consideration for a future title shot because I would be Money In The Bank

:Matt Matlock walks away as a superstar walks up and takes the microphone away from Rue:

Superstar: Finally I have arrived on SmackDown! and for those of you who don't know who I am then let me introduce myself to you. I am Mr.......Kennedy..............Kennedy.

:Rue takes the microphone back:

Rue: Ken

Ken Kennedy: No its Mr........Kennedy.............Kennedy

Rue: Sorry Mr Kennedy. I have a question, Are you one of the people who were traded from RAW?

Ken Kennedy: Do fish swim? Do birds fly?

Rue: Yes

Ken Kennedy: Then I must have been traded here and I plan on picking up where I left off on RAW and thats with the Ken Kennedy Challenge and dominating these so called "stars" because I am Mr...................Kennedy...................Kennedy

:Ken Kennedy walks off yelling his name:

Rue: Well back to you guys

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:00 PM

Tenay: Well Ken Kennedy is on SmackDown! now as one of those traded guys

Madden: Yeah thats a great addition for SmackDown! and Matt Matlock is back too!!

Tenay: You can catch Matt Matlock in action tomarrow night on OverDrive! but up next we are going to see the SCWE Juniorweight Championship on the line

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Juniorweight Championship

"Meant To Live" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, From Atlanta, Georgia weighing in at 215 Pounds, Chris Wright

Tenay: Well here comes Chris Wright who is trying to make a name for himself now as a singles star

Madden: Well Scott Wright suffered a injury in the Royal Rumble so he will be out of action and Nathan Wright was traded to RAW so Chris is the lone Wright now on SmackDown!

"Broken Man" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: And his opponent, being accumpied by Bliss, From Milwaukee, Wisconsin weighing in at 206 Pounds, He is the SCWE Juniorweight Champion, Chad Chaos

Madden: Well I don't think Chad Chaos is going to be beaten tonight by Chris Wright

Tenay: Well I think Chris Wright can pull the win off

SCWE Juniorweight Championship: Chad Chaos W/Bliss vs Chris Wright
The bell rings. The two men walk up to each other. Chad starts to laugh at Chris. Chad then slaps Chris across his face leaving a red mark. Chris steps back and holds his face before stepping forward nailing Chad with a punch. Chad stumbles backwards and the two men lock up. They push and pull at one another. Chris Wright irish whips Chad into one of the turnbuckles. Chris charges forward but Chad elbows Chris in the face. Chad jumps onto the middle rope and back flips up, over and behind Chris. Chris turns around and is taken down with a enziguri. Chad stands beside Chris and nails a beautiful pendulum elbow drop. Chad jumps right up and climbs out to the ring apron. Chaos springboards over the ropes and nails a tornado crossbody landing right onto Chris Wright! Chaos covers Chris 1...2.. kick out by the challenger. Chad gets up to his feet and picks up Chris and nails him with a picture perfect back flip facebuster! Chaos pulls Chris into the middle of the ring. Chad runs at the ropes and jumps up to the middle rope and launches off with a no handed lionsault! But Chris manages to get his knee's up. Chaos rolls around the ring clutching his stomach. Chris gets up and kicks Chad in the gut. Chris sets up Chaos for the Wright Bomb but Chad counters it into a snap crucifix slam. Chaos motions for Chris to get up, Chris does and Chaos nails Chris with the Chaos Theory. Chris stumbles about holding his throat as Chaos slides back into the ring. Chad kicks Chris in the gut and nails him with a big brainbuster! Chad signals for the 630 splash. He climbs up top but Chris manages to get up and leans against the ropes shaking them below Chad's feet. Chaos falls onto his man's area. Chris jumps up to the top and nails a big Superplex on Chad chaos! Chris locks in a dragon sleeper onto Chaos! Chad is kicking about and looks as if he's close to tapping out when suddenly Alex Shelley gets into the ring and runs at Chad and Chris. Alex hits a hard kick to Chris's back. Alex lifts up Chris and nails the Shell shock! The referee calls for the bell.
Winner: Chris Wright by DQ

Miss Shannon: Your winner as a Result of a Disqualification, Chris Wright

Tenay: Damn Alex Shelley

Madden: Alex Shelley has just debuted on The SmackDown! brand and what a way to debut helping Chad Chaos take out Chris Wright

Tenay: Chris Wright was going to become the new SCWE Juniorweight Champion if it was not for Chad Chaos

:Backstage: Corperation's Locker Room

:Brandon Davis, Holly Mathews, Sable, Torrie Wilson, Raven, Tim Wilkins, & Tom Armetta are shown:

Tim Wilkins: Brandon I just wanted to say what an honor it is to be on your side now

Brandon Davis: Did I say you could speak to me?

Tim Wilkins: I'm sorry

:Brandon then smacks Tim on the arm:

Brandon Davis: It's ok dude, I like you, you have spunk

:Tim starts to smile:

Tim Wilkins: Well thats great because I think we could be a great tea..

Brandon Davis: Shut up, did you actually believe me? I am Brandon Davis, I don't need friends. The only friend I need is right here

:Brandon holds up the SD! World Heavyweight Championship:

Brandon Davis: That goes for all of you, I don't need any of you. The only friend I had I rushed at the Royal Rumble and that was Hulk Hogan. If I would do that to a man I idolized growing up just imagine what I would do to you people and it doesn't matter if your man or woman, I'll still Rush you. I am The "Badass American" and as long as you do as I say, we won't have a problem and Rule #1, Never Touch the Champ and Rule #2 Never Assume to be the champs friend. Understand me

:Everyone nods there heads:

Brandon Davis: Good...Tom your up next against Daniels, you better send a message to the Fallen Jackass

:Tom Armetta leaves the Locker Room:

Commercial Ad for KSCWE No Way Out-Long Ad

Tenay: Well I think the pressure of being World Heavyweight Champion is getting to Brandon Davis

Madden: No I think Brandon Davis knows how to run a tight ship and is doing what he needs to do keep the Corperation Running Smooth and Mr. McMahon would be proud of Brandon's leadership which is why Brandon is the leader after all

Tenay: Do you think Vince will get upset over the fact Brandon said he has no friends

Madden: Mr. McMahon and Brandon have a Business Relationship they never claimed to be friends

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Lose Yourself" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, Representing The Corperation, From Detroit, Michigan weighing in at 305 Pounds, He is one half of the SmackDown! Tag Team Champions, Tom Armetta

Madden: Well here ocmes the newest member of the Corperation, Big Tom Armetta

"New Age of Total Warfare" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: And his opponent, From Fayetteville, North Carolina weighing in at 226 Pounds, The "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels

Tenay: Well here comes Christopher Daniels

Madden: This is going to be a good match and I wouldn't be suprised to see Daniels lose

Christopher Daniels vs Tom Armetta
Chris starts off the match scooping out the big man, Tom Armetta. Tom lunges for Chris, but Chris ducks and hits a few right hands. He bounces off of the ropes and connects with a head scissors takedown. Tom fly's and slides under the bottom rope to collect himself, but Daniels topes over the top rope onto Tom as the crash onto the mats. Daniels continues his assault with some stiff punches to Tom's head, but Tom swings him into the barricade and delivers a couple of knee strikes. Both men enter the ring, and Tom clubs Chris's back. Daniels falls to the mat and Tom follows up with a leg drop. Tom grabs Daniel's head and wrenches it back as the ref calls for him to break the hold. Tom releases it, and comes back to Daniels. Daniels pokes him in the eyes and Tom is temporary blinded. Daniels gets up and knocks Tom down with a Step Up Enziguri. Daniels covers, but Tom kicks out at one. Holly Matthews comes down from the back and yells at Tom to get up. Daniels is a little confused and goes to see what Holly is doing, but Tom rolls him up! Daniels kicks out just in time, but Tom is already on him with boots and punches to his body and head. Tom bounces off of the ropes and follows back with a Knee Drop to Daniels forehead. Tom picks him up and delivers a huge sidewalk slam, he holds on and picks Daniels up again for another Sidewalk Slam. Tom combos with a couple of elbow drops, and he covers Daniels. Daniels kicks out at two, and Tom puts him in sleeper hold. Daniels starts to go, as Tom continues to hold on. Holly yells at Daniels and tells Tom to make it tighter. The ref goes over to raise Daniels hand, and it falls once. The ref picks it up, and it falls again! The ref picks it up and lets it go, but Daniels doesn't let it drop. He slowly gets to one knee, and elbows Tom in the gut. Chris bounces off of the ropes to only come back to a Spinebuster from Tom! Tom picks him up and whips him into the corner. He follows up with a viscous clothesline that has Daniels staggering. Tom bounces off of the ropes and hit Daniels with a Big Boot. He covers, but Daniels kicks out at two. Tom looks around and starts to get a little angry. He stomps away at Daniels, and gives him another leg drop. He covers, but again Daniels kicks out at two. Tom looks around and throws Daniels into the corner again. He places his foot under his chin, and starts choking Daniels with that big boot of his. The ref calls for him to release, and he does. Daniels crashes to the mat, and Tom looks to go top rope! He climbs and executes a Leg Drop from the top rope! He covers..One.....Two...Th- NO! Daniels kicks out. The crowd and Tom cannot believe it. Holly slides Tom something, and she gets on the apron to distract the ref. Daniels gets up and battles with Tom over what Holly gave Tom. Daniels grabs the object but Tom kicks him in the gut and goes for the Italian Bomb. Tom lifts him up, but he crashes back down to the ring. Daniels hit him with the object, which were a pair of Brass Knuckles! Daniels throws the object and the ref turns around. He counts, One....Two...Three
Winner: Christopher Daniels

Miss Shannon: Your winner, Christopher Daniels

Tenay: Despite Holly Mathews trying to interfere, The Fallen Angel still gets the win

Madden: He got lucky

:After the match, Raven and Tim Wilkins hit the ring as both men attack Christopher Daniels from behind as Wilkins and Tom Armetta hold Daniels as Raven slaps Daniels across the face as Daniels tries to get free but Raven kicks Daniels in the gut and Raven hits the Evenflow DDT as Holly Mathews then kicks Daniles in the face he is laid out as The Corperation Members Taunt in the ring:

Tenay: The Corperation is sickening, it too a three on one assault to take out  Christopher Daniels

Madden: The Fallen Angel just got taught a lesson

:Backstage: Rue is shown with Vince McMahon

Rue: I am standing here once again with SCWE SmackDown! General Manager Mr McMahon. Now Mr McMahon I understand you have an announcement concerning the SCWE European Championship

Vince McMahon: Yes Rue I do have an announcement. You see Next Tuesday Night on SmackDown! live from the KSCWE Arena in Lubbock, Texas. A New SCWE European  Champion will be crowned as the bWo's AJ Styles takes on a man he has quiet the history with....The Corperation's own and one half of the Tag Team Champions, Tim Wilkins.

Rue: Wow so Tim Wilkins vs AJ Styles for the Vacant SCWE European Championship

Vince McMahon: That's right Rue and just to show what kind of General Manager I am, The bWo's Stevie Richards will be facing the Corperation's own Tom Armetta and...The SmackDown! World Heavyweight Championship will be defended next week when Brandon Davis defends against the newest addition to the SmackDown! Roster.....Edge

Rue: You got Edge!

Vince McMahon: That's right Rue, Edge like Ken Kennedy were acquired in the trade from RAW but speaking of the champ, Brandon vs Mick Foley Non-Title is up next

Commercial Ad for KSCWE Royal Rumble Replay-Long Ad

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:00 PM

Tenay: Well how about the announcements, Mr. McMahon just made

Madden: Next week it will be AJ Styles vs Tim Wilkins for the Vacant SCWE European Championship plus Brandon Davis defends the SD! World Heavyweight Championship against Edge and of course we also learned Stevie Richards will face Tom Armetta

Tenay: Yeah and up next we have Brandon Davis in Non-Title Action against the bWo's Mick Foley

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Non-Title Match

"Wreck" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, Representing the bWo, From Long Island, New York weighing in at 287 Pounds, Mick Foley

Tenay: Well here comes Mick Foley of the bWo

Madden: Mick Foley is the sacrafise tonight

"Shoot To Thrill" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: And his opponent, Being accumpied by Sable, Representing The Corperation, From Knoxville, Tennessee weighing in at 252 Pounds, The "Badass American" Brandon Davis

Madden: Here comes the champ

Tenay: Well Brandon better be ready for a fight

Brandon Davis W/Sable vs Mick Foley
The match starts with a stare down between the two. Brandon keeps smirking and laughing in Foley's face. Foley tells Brandon to hit him, and Brandon looks around. He laughs and sucker punches Mick, who falls hard. He pounds away at Foley and starts stomping him. Brandon picks him up and throws him into the corner, and keeps stomping away at Mick. Brandon picks him up and sets him back in the corner, he chops Mick hard and the sound can be heard throughout the arena. Brandon rips Mick's shirt off, and chops him again. This one was louder, and Mick falls to the ring. Brandon steps on Mick's head and kicks him a couple of times. He smiles and picks Mick up. Mick swaggers a bit, and Brandon hits the Lights Out. But he doesn't cover, he picks Mick up again and gives him another Lights Out! Brandon looks around, as the crowd boos. He picks mick up again, and delivers another Lights Out! Brandon laughs as he stands over Mick's limp body. Brandon covers him and gets the easy three count
Winner: Brandon Davis

Miss Shannon: Your winner, Brandon Davis

Madden: I told you there is no stopping Brandon Davis

Tenay: I am shocked by this

Madden: Brandon is in a zone now and nobody is going to beat him

:Brandon continues to work over Mick as Raven, Tim Wilkins, & Tom Armetta join him in the ring as the four men all put the boots to Mick Foley until the rest of the bWo along with Christopher Daniels hit the ring as The Corperation bail out to the floor:

Tenay: Thank goodness for the rest of the bWo

Madden: I get the bWo but why is Daniels out here

Tenay: Obviously Christopher Daniels wants revenge on The Corperation


:JBL is shown at a distance leaned against a wall talking to Alexis Adams when a Staff Member approaches them:

Staff Worker: Mr Layfield, Miss Adams sorry to interupt but I have something for you

JBL: Son what do you want

Staff Worker: Well I have these

:The Staff Worker hands Alexis a box as Alexis opens it up to reveal a dozen Red Roses:

Alexis Adams: Are these from you?

JBL: Me....No

Alexis Adams: Oh well I wonder who they could be from then

JBL: Read the card, they better not be from that little punk Cena

:Alexis takes the card out and starts to read it:

Alexis Adams: Roses are red, Violets are blue....I am The Boogeyman and I am coming for you

:Alexis looks a bit weirded out as JBL looks livid:

JBL: That freaky bastard is still stalking me

Alexis Adams: You..he just sent me roses and this thing

JBL: Don't worry about it Alexis, I will take care of everything. If that freak even comes near you, I'll show him what a Wrestling God can do just like I showed Cena earlier

Alexis Adams: Thank you but I think I want to get out of the arena now

JBL: After you miss

:JBL and Alexis both start to walk away when Blood falls from the ceiling drowning both JBL and Alexis in it as Alexis screams:

JBL: This is really starting to get old fast. Come on lets go

:JBL and Alexis go and get into JBL's Limo as it speeds off:

Commercial Ad for SCWE OverDrive!, SCWE Rampage, & KSCWE Inc.

Tenay: What is up with the Boogeyman

Madden: Obviously The Boogeyman has a crush on Alexis Adams and he obviously hates JBL

Tenay: Yeah or maybe its just mind games with JBL and poor Alexis is getting pulled in

Madden: Well who knows why don't you go ask The Boogeyman

Tenay: I think I'll pass but up next we are going to see the SmackDown! Women's Championship on the line as Scarlett will get one final chance to become Women's Champion once again

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SmackDown! Women's Championship

"Foxy Lady" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making her way to the ring, The Challenger, From London, England, Scarlett

Tenay: Well here comes the challenger and former champion and I think Scarlett knows her back is against the wall and will get the win

"Planet Hell" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: And her opponent, Representing The Corperation, From Boise, Idaho, She is the SmackDown! Women's Champion, Torrie Wilson

Madden: Well here comes Torrie Wilson who I think will beat Scarlett once again

SD! Women's Championship: Torrie Wilson(C) vs Scarlett
The rematch begins as champion and challenger circle each other. The two women collide with a collar and elbow tie up. They push and pull at one another, moving all around the ring. They eventually hit some ropes and the two women both fall through the middle ropes and to the floor. Scarlett gets up quickly and slides back into the ring while Torrie shakes her head and takes her time to get back into the ring. Torrie climbs up onto the ring apron but Scarlett nails Torrie with a dropkick knocking Torrie off the ring apron and back down onto the floor. Torrie starts to get back up and Scarlett launches herself over the ropes with a crossbody type move. Torrie is taken down by the flying Scarlett. Both women start to get up, Torrie gets up first and gets into the ring followed quickly by Scarlett. As Scarlett slides into the ring Torrie jumps down and clubs down on Scarlett. Torrie starts pounding away at Scarlett's back before grabbing Scarlett's hair and picking her up. Torrie plants Scarlett with a stalling suplex. Torrie sits up and claps her own move. But behind her Scarlett flips herself up. The crowd begin to cheer as Torrie is unaware of Scarlett standing up. Torrie gets up and bows to the crowd thinking they are appreciating her. Torrie turns around and her jaw drops. She steps back and tries to plead with Scarlett. Scarlett steps forward and kicks Torrie in the gut. Scarlett grabs Torrie's head and Scarlett head butts Torrie. Scarlett nails another stiff kick to Torrie's gut. Scarlett locks her arm around Torrie;s neck and nails a big tornado DDT. Scarlett covers the women's champion 1...2... kick out. Scarlett gets up and stomps on Torrie. She pulls Torrie close to the turnbuckle and Scarlett climbs up top. Scarlett launches off with a diving elbow drop. Scarlett covers Torrie once again 1...2...2.9 Torrie gets her foot on the ropes. Scarlett starts to get a little frustrated. She gets up to her feet and starts to stomp on the floor with her right foot. Torrie starts to get up, she turns to Scarlett and Scarlett steps forward going for the Scarlett Kiss but some how Torrie manages to catch Scarlett's foot. Torrie smirks and shakes her finger at Scarlett. Torrie spins Scarlett around and kicks her in the gut. Torrie sets Scarlett up for the deadly vixen but suddenly LITA comes out from the crowd and slides into the ring. She comes up behind Torrie Wilson and hits her with the Reverse Of Fate!! Scarlett looks at Lita but Lita kicks Scarlett in the gut and nails her with a huge spike DDT! The referee calls for the bell.
Result: No Contest

Miss Shannon: The Result of this Match is a No Contest

Tenay: Lita has come out of nowhere and taken out both Torrie Wilson and Scarlett

Madden: I guess Lita is one of the people traded from RAW I guess for Jezebel and what a debut for her

:Lita picks up the SD! Women's Title and is showning it off as The Place Erupts as Rose Thorn hits the ring as Rose Thorn opens up on Lita with right hands as Lita fights back and knees Rose in the gut as Lita goes for a Twist of Fate but Rose blocks and pushes Lita off the ropes as Rose hits a clothesline knocking Lita out to the floor as Torrie gets up near the ropes and Rose clothesline her out too as Rose then helps up Scarlett:

Madden: What is Rose Thorn doing here?

Tenay: I don't know but the hometown girl is getting a great ovation

"No Chance" hits over the PA as Vince McMahon walks out to the top of the entry ramp with a microphone

Vince McMahon: Well I had to come out here because I just wanted to formally introduce the two newest SmackDown! divas Lita and Rose Thorn(Crowd Cheers) but in addition to Jezebel....Scarlett you are officially traded to RAW(Crowd Boo's) but I have more news. At No Way Out, It has been signed for the SmackDown! Women's Championship, It will be Torrie Wilson defending the title against Lita.

:Vince heads to the back:

Tenay: Scarlett is gone to RAW, Lita vs Torrie is signed now for No Way Out and Rose is also a SmackDown! Diva officially, what a night thus far and we still have our big tag team main event to come

Madden: Yeah we do but Rose Thorn is going around the ring for some reason interacting with these people

Tenay: Well she is the hometown girl

Madden: She isn't Hulk Hogan now

Tenay: Obviously to Austin, Texas she is

:Rose continues to make her way up the entry slapping hands with all of the fans:

Final Commercial Ad for KSCWE No Way Out-Long Ad

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:00 PM

Tenay: Welcome back and we are just about set for our Tag Team Main Event

Madden: Yeah we got Simon Dean and Carlito taking on the bWo's Stevie Richards and AJ Styles and AJ was not a SmackDown! superstar until the Royal Rumble where he jumped, was not traded but jumped and Carlito made a name for himself by winning the SCWE/WHW Royal Rumble. Simon of course was the runner up to Stevie Richards so all of these men have been making headlines on SmackDown!

Tenay: Yeah and AJ Styles next week will be going for the SCWE European Championship against Tim Wilkins

Miss Shannon: The Main Event of the Evening is scheduled for one fall

"Cool" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, Being accumpied by Miss Chelsea, From Miami, Florida weighing in at 210 Pounds, Carlito

Madden: Well here comes the coolest guy on SmackDown!

"Simon Says" hits, Crowd Boo's Louder

Miss Shannon: And his opponent being accumpied by Simon Inc., From Pensacola, Florida weighing in at 225 Pounds, Simon Dean

Tenay: Well here comes Simon Dean along with Simon Inc

Madden: Well I don't know how well Simon and Carlito can work as a team but with all these people out here, there bound to win

:Referee Nick Patrick meanwhile orders Doug & Danny Basham along with Rico to the back allowing only Lexus Carr at ringside as Simon is not happy about it as The Basham's and Rico leave:

Tenay: Nick Patrick is kicking out Simon Inc and thats the right call

Madden: That's not very fair

"One Step Closer" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Miss Shannon: And there opponents, Representing the bWo and being accumpied by Melinda, weighing in at a combined weight of 432 Pounds, The Team of the "Phenominal" AJ Styles and the 2006 SmackDown! Royal Rumble Champion, "Big Stevie Cool" Stevie Richards

Tenay: Well here comes the bWo now

Madden: The bWo has not had a good night thus far but this is the big one I guess for them

Stevie Richards & AJ Styles W/Melinda vs Simon Dean & Carlito W/Lexus Carr & Miss Chelsea
AJ Styles starts things off with Carlito as both men lock up with Carlito locking in a headlock but AJ sends Carlito off the ropes as AJ drops down as Carlito goes over AJ and hits the other side of the ropes but AJ pops up on Carlito's way back and hits a Pele on Carlito as Carlito rolls over and tags out to Simon Dean. Simon enters the ring as Simon and AJ lock up with Simon shoving AJ down to the mat as AJ gets back up and AJ opens up on Simon with big forarm shots to the face as AJ goes to whip Simon off the ropes but Simon sends AJ off the ropes as AJ comes back and hits a big forarm shot to Simon's face knocking him down as AJ then hits a dropkick knocking Simon down as Simon gets up near the corner and AJ charges and hits a Stinger Splash as AJ then grabs Simon and looks for the Styles Clash but Carlito comes and clotheslines AJ down as Stevie then enters the ring and Stevie knocks down Carlito with a right hand as Stevie opens up on Simon Dean and Stevie hits a clothesline knocking Simon over the top to the floor as Stevie gets out of the ring and goes out to the floor after Simon as in the ring, AJ is back up and AJ opens up on Carlito with right hands as AJ whips Carlito off the ropes and AJ hits a big backdrop on Carlito as AJ hits a clothesline knocking Carlito out to the floor as AJ then backs up and charges at the ropes and leaps over them crashing into Carlito and the railing as the crowd erupts at the move as both men are laid out. Meanwhile, Stevie Richards and Simon Dean continue to brawl with each other as the two are moving up the entry way towards the back as Lexus & Melinda follow there men leaving AJ and Carlito all alone as AJ gets back up first and AJ picks up Carlito and rolls him into the ring as AJ gets on the apron and AJ is ready to go for a spring board move but Miss Chelsea grabs AJ's foot as Carlito then hits a right hand on AJ and Carlito suplexs AJ back into the ring as Carlito picks up AJ and Carlito sets up AJ for the Overdrive 2 but AJ counters while in the air as AJ goes down the back of Carlito but instead of going for a complete sunset flip pin, AJ sits there as Carlito leans over trying to Alabama Slam AJ but AJ is able to then hit the Styles Clash out of it as AJ rolls Carlito over and keeps the shoulders down for the 1---2--3.
Winners: Stevie Richards & AJ Styles

Miss Shannon: Your winners, AJ Styles and Stevie Richards

Tenay: What a counter by AJ Styles!!!

Madden: How the hell did he do that!!

Tenay: I don't know but Stevie Richards and Simon Dean brawled all the way out of the arena and those two have issues they still need resolved but AJ Styles took care of business and gets the win and could this be our next SCWE European Champion, We will find out Next Tuesday, See you then.

:SmackDown! Goes off the Air:

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