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SmackDown! : SmackDown! 1/31/06
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 2:18 PM

Results 1/31/06 Live From Denver, Colorado

Dark Matches Air before Smackdown!:

Dark Match #1: Flame defeated Sable

Dark Match #2: Rick Stevenson defeated "Road Dogg" Jessie James

:Footage From Last Week's SD is shown as Pyro then explodes opening up the show:

Tenay: Welcome to SCWE SmackDown! coming to you live tonight from Denver, Colorado

Madden: What a night of action we have for you tonight with a big time main event as Stevie Richards battles former bWo member and partner Simon Dean one on one to hopefully settle there long standing rivalarly

Tenay: Who knows if that can be done Mark, they have been at it for some time

Miss Shannon: The Opening Contest of SCWE SmackDown! is scheduled for one fall and it is a Non-Title Match

"Longhorns" hits, Crowd Cheers as the Limo Pulls out with JBL getting out

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, From New York, New York weighing in at 290 Pounds, He is the SCWE United States Champion, John Bradshaw Layfield

Tenay: Well here is JBL who will be facing John Cena at No Way Out for the US Title in a Texas Bullrope Match

"The Future" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: And his opponent from Palm Springs, California weighing in at 220 Pounds, Frankie Kazarian

Madden: Kazarian is out to make a name for himself on his own and what a way to do that by beating JBL tonight

JBL vs Frankie Kazarian
Referee Jack Doan rings the bell to start the match out as Kazarian challenges JBL to a test of strength as JBL laughs at Kazarian who tells JBL he is serious as JBL says fine and goes to lock up but Kazarian then kicks JBL in the gut as Kazarian opens up on JBL with right hands as Kazarian backs up and charges at JBL looking for a crossbody but JBL catches Kazarian and JBL hits the Last Call on him as JBL then picks up Kazarian and whips him off the ropes as JBL goes for a Big Boot but Kazarian ducks it and Kazarian hits a big dropkick to right leg of JBL knocking down JBL. Kazarian then opens up on JBL a few times while he is down as Kazarian picks up JBL but JBL hits a few right hands to the gut of Kazarian as JBL takes Kazarian and whips him into the corner as JBL charges in hitting a big clothesline as JBL then takes Kazarian and puts him up top as JBL climbs up top with Kazarian as JBL sets up Kazarian for a superplex but Kazarian holds the top rope blocking it as JBL hits Kazarian a few times with a right hand as JBL then takes Kazarian and hit a top rope superplex as JBL gets back up and picks up Kazarian and whips Kazarian off the ropes as JBL hits a big boot to Kazarian as JBL picks up Kazarian and then whips him off the ropes as JBL hits the ropes as well as JBL this the clothesline from hell on Kazarian as JBL covers Kazarian for the 1--2--3.
Winner: JBL

Miss Shannon: Your winner, JBL

Tenay: Another impressive win for JBL

Madden: Well Kazarian was just oversized tonight

:John Cena hits the ring as JBL is celebrating and Cena attacks JBL from behind as Cena pounds away at JBL and goes for the FU but JBL escapes it and JBL picks up Cena and hits a Last Call on Cena as Cena rolls out of the ring as JBL tells Cena to get back in as Cena backs up the entry way:

Tenay: Well Cena tried a sneak attack but JBL took the fight to Cena and backed him off

Madden: Cena could have taken him if he wanted to

:Backstage: Corperation's Locker Room

:The Entire Corperation is shown:

Vince McMahon: Ladies and Gentlemen last night our World Champion went into a snake pit and emeraged as the World champion still so when Brandon arrives tonight make sure to congratulate him

:Everyone nods there heads:

Holly Mathews: Mr. McMahon what about Christian.

Vince McMahon: What about him

Holly Mathews: I know you were trying to sign him but with Trish on RAW now doesn't that kill any chance

Vince McMahon: Holly i know what you are saying but no it doesn't actually. I have been talking to Christian alot even today and I have very good news concerning Christian and No Way Out

Holly Mathews: Which is?

Vince McMahon: Well I was going to wait to later to announce it but Christian has verbally agreed to join SmackDown! and not only join SmackDown! but join the Corperation

:All of the Corperation members start to smile and clap:

Vince McMahon: Which is why I have made Christian the Special Guest Referee for the Main Event at No Way Out

Tim Wilkins: Mr. McMahon not to be rude but Christian and Brandon hate each other

Vince McMahon: They used to hate each other, Christian said he knows his role

Tim Wilkins: Are you sure he can be trusted?

:Vince seems a little annoyed:

Holly Mathews: Tim be quiet, Mr. McMahon knows what he is doing. He is a great reader of people

Tim Wilkins: Sorry

Vince McMahon: Don't worry about it. Let's just kick back and enjoy the show

Commerical Ad for KSCWE Wrestlemania III & KSCWE Wrestlemania IV

Tenay: Well how about that announcement from Vince McMahon

Madden: Christian has joined SmackDown!

Tenay: Well so Vince says he has verbally agreed to SmackDown! and will now referee the Main Event but I find the whole situation a little odd

Madden: I don't, Money talks Tenay

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Xtreme Championship

"Disposable Teens" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, From Fayetteville, North Carolina weighing in at 226 Pounds, The "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels

Tenay: Well Mark this is a No Way Out Preview as both of these superstars are involved in the big Survivor Series Rules Match

"I Stand Alone" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: And his opponent, Represneting The Corperation, From Short Hills, New Jersey weighing in at 237 Pounds, He is the SCWE Xtreme Champion, Raven

Madden: Daniels stands no chance of beating Raven tonight not in Raven's match

Tenay: Well I don't know about that, Daniels has been on a roll and he wants revenge

SCWE Xtreme Championship: Raven(C) vs Christopher Daniels
The ref shows both men the Xtreme Championship as the bell rings. Raven yells its as good as his. Raven and Daniels then go at it. Raven knocks Daniels down with right hander and kicks him in the stomach. Raven goes out of the ring and searches under the ring. Raven finds a trashcan lid, stop sign, kendo stick, trash can, fire extingisher and a chair. Raven throws all of them in the ring and gets back in. Raven picks up the kendo stick and rolls Daniels over on his back and smashes it over his back. Daniels yells in pain as Raven just laughs. Raven throws the Kendo Stick out of the ring and rolls Daniels back over and pins him-1...2...kickout. Raven looks at the ref as the ref says it was a 2 count. Raven lifts up Daniels and picks up the trash can. Raven raises the trashcan but Daniels quickly kicks Raven in the stomach and Raven drops the trash can. Daniels picks up the trash can and puts it over Raven. Daniels runs towards the ropes and bounces off them, Daniels then runs at Raven knocking him down. Daniels starts kicking the trash can and then yanks a busted Raven out of the trash can and quickly covers him-1...2...Raven puts his foot on the ropes. Daniels thought he won but the ref says that Raven put his foot on the rope. Daniels looks irritated and picks up the chair. Daniels bashes the chair against the mat as Raven gets himself up by the ropes. Daniels raises up the chair and goes to hit Raven but Raven moves and the chair bounces up and hits Daniels in the face, busting himself opening. Raven laughs and pins Daniels-1...2...kickout. Raven looks at Daniels and works on Daniels head, busting him open some more. Raven then rubs his arm into Daniels forehead and then gets up. Raven grabs the chair and hits Daniels in the mid section. Raven yells at Daniels to stay out of his division and then throws the chair down. Daniels rolls around grabbing his head as Raven slaps the back of Daniels head. Raven then lifts up Daniels but Daniels opens up on Raven, knocking him down. Daniels then catches his breath and pins Raven-1...2...kickout. Daniels gets up and goes over and picks up the stop sign. Raven slowly gets up and Daniels swings the stop sign but misses and quickly rakes Daniels eyes. Raven picks up the stop sign and waits for Daniels to turn around. Daniels turns around as Raven swings the sign but Daniels ducks. Daniels pushes Raven down and starts kicking him. Daniels grabs Raven by the hair and lifts him up. Daniels sets up Raven for the curry bottom and connects it. Daniels picks up the stop sign and waits for Raven to get up. Raven slowly gets up and stands up. Raven turns around and is met by the stop sign. Raven falls down as Daniels throws the stop sign down and laughs. Daniels pins Raven-1....2.......3
Winner: Christopher Daniels (Xtreme)

Miss Shannon: Your winner and the new SCWE Xtreme Champion, Christopher Daniels

Tenay: Christopher DAniels has beaten Raven!!!

Madden: I can't believe it, this has to be a fluke

Tenay: It's no fluke, The Fallen Angel has just become our New Xtreme Champion

:Video Airs Promoting Christian's Return at No Way Out:

Tenay: Well there was another Christian video that we have been seeing for the last few weeks on both RAW and SmackDown!

Madden: Christian sure is getting alot of hype

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"These Boots Were Made For Walking" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making her way to the ring, From Toronto, Canada, Leyla

Madden: Leyla has a date with Alexis Adams at No Way Out in a Xtreme Rules Match to hopefully but there rivalrly behind them

"My Last Breath(Instrumental)" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: And her opponent, From Austin, Texas, Rose Thorn

Tenay: Well here comes Rose Thorn who will be a in a #1 Contender's Battle Royal at No Way Out and Rose has to be the favorite in that match

Madden: Well Rose has been on a role since coming over but I don't see it continuing tonight against Leyla

Rose Thorn vs Leyla
Rose Thorn and Leyla start the match off with a collar and elbow tie up in the middle of the ring. The two divas push and pull each other all around the ring. Leyla manages to push Rose off and kicks her right in the gut with a stiff kick. Leyla grabs a handful of Rose's hair and slams her down backwards hard. Rose clutches her head as Leyla picks her back up and get Rose's in a headlock. While Leyla has Rose in a headlock she starts to taunt the crowd getting boo's. Rose manages to elbow Leyla in the gut a few times before breaking free of the headlock and taking Leyla down with an enziguri. Rose gets up and turns to the crowd, She points at Leyla and shouts out "whose this loser?" Rose picks up Leyla and sends her into the turnbuckle. Rose charges at Leyla and connects with a turnbuckle clothesline. Rose steps back as Leyla stumbles out of the turnbuckle and is fliped over with a fisherwomens suplex from Rose. Rose flips up onto her feet and performs a picture perfect Austin's Finest! Rose rolls off Leyla and climbs up to the top rope, She waits for Leyla to get up, Leyla does and Rose launches off the top rope with a frog splash crossbody but leyla counters it into a powerslam knocking the breath out of Rose. Leyla covers Rose 1...2.. kick out. Leyla picks up Rose and sends her to the ropes, Rose bounces back and Leyla goes for a superkick but Rose ducks it and runs to the other ropes, Rose jumps up and bounces off the middle rope and takes down Leyla with a springboard moonsault! Rose rolls out and locks in a bridged indian deathlock. After about 40 seconds Leyla begins to tap
Winner: Rose Thorn

Miss Shannon: Your winner, Rose Thorn

Tenay: An impressive win here for Rose Thorn over Leyla

Madden: Well Leyla put up a good fight but it was not to be tonight

Commercial Ad for KSCWE No Way Out-Long Ad

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:19 PM

Tenay: Well Mark up next we are going to see the SmackDown! Tag Team Title's on the line

Madden: Well I would like to say we could be seeing new Tag Team Champions but to be honest, I don't see that happening tonight

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SmackDown! Tag Team Championship

"When Animals Attack" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making there way to the ring, The Challengers, Representing Generation Next, weighing in at a combined weight of 421 Pounds, The Team of Alex Shelley and Thunder

Madden: Well here comes Thunder and Alex Shelley who want to bring home the Tag Team Title's which would be both men's first title reigns

"Piggybank" hits, Crowd Boo's Louder

Miss Shannon: There opponents being accumpied by Holly Mathews and Representing The Corperation, weighing in at a combined weight of 580 Pounds, The SmackDown! Tag Team Champions, Tom Armetta and Tim Wilkins

Tenay: Well Tim and Tom better not be looking ahead to No Way Out or else there Tag Team Title's will be gone like Raven's Xtreme earlier

Madden: Don't worry, Tim and Tom won't make the same mistake

SD! Tag Team Championship: Tim Wilkins & Tom Armetta(C) W/Holly Mathews vs Alex Shelley & Thunder
Tim and Alex stand in the center of the ring staring each other in the eyes for a moment and finally slowly move in and Alex puts a hand up for a battle of strength so tom accepts gripping his hands with Alex’s.  Alex though not wanting to waste anytime kicks Tim in the gut catching him off guard and drops down connecting with an elbow to the side of the head.  Tim gets up quickly and runs at Alex who ducks under Tim’s arm and when Tim turns around Alex jumps up connecting with a drop kick.  Tim slams back against the matt as Alex runs over and jumps off the turnbuckle but misses with the moonsault as Tim rolls out of the way and tags in Tom.  Tom comes in and takes advantage of the downed Shelly kicking him in the back a few times before picking him up and Irish whipping him.  As Shelly reflects coming back Tom puts up his boot connecting with a big boot to the head of Shelly.  Shelly falls to the mat almost out of it as Tom grins bending over picking up Shelly and throwing him in the corner of the ring by Tom and puts his foot up in Shelly’s neck doing a foot choke in the corner and finally lets go as Shelly drops down on the mat and Tim tags in his parent.  Tim comes in as Alex is getting up and jumps in his spot until Alex is up and then runs at him for a clothesline but somehow Alex ducks it and runs over to the other side of the ring tagging in Thunder.  Thunder climbs in the ring as Tim turns around in other side of the ring to be splashed by Thunder. Thunder quickly runs out and runs back dropkicking down Tim.  All of a sudden dead stopping Thunder’s momentum is Holly pulling on his foot giving Tom time to run into the ring and come up behind Thunder and big boot him in the back of the head knocking him out and down.  The ref makes Tom go back to the ring apron and the camera shows shelly pulling him up in his ring corner.  Thunder stars pulling him up at about the same time Tim does.  Tim manages to get to his first and hits a Tornado DDT on Thunder laying him out on the matt.  Tim starts climbing the ropes and gets to the top one and Holly is seen sneaking up on Alex and she gets behind him pulling his feet from under him and Shelly falls back slamming his chin against the ring apron and falling back out cold and the ref not paying attention looks at Tim.  Tim now on the top rope jumps off going for a senton bomb but Thunder rolls out of the way somehow.  Thunder fights to his feet and as Tim is pulling himself gets in a small package and the ref counts 1�?.2�? there is a loud sound of  a bang of steel in the background and the ref looks up seeing Alex on the ground and Matt Matlock beating him with a chair and the ref has no choice but to sound for the bell and the DQ
Winners: Thunder & Alex Shelley by DQ

Miss Shannon: Your winners as a result of a Disqualification, Thunder and Alex Shelley

Madden: This match has been ruined thanks to that damn Matt Matlock

Tenay: Matlock still upset about the Generation Next attack a few weeks ago just exacted some more revenge

Madden: Chad Chaos is going to make him pay later


:JBL is shown with Alexis Adams leaving the arena when John Cena & Leyla approach them:

John Cena: Well if it isn't my bitch

Alexis Adams: I am n...

John Cena: I wasn't talk to you, I was talking to JBL

JBL: Thats funny son. You should be a comedian

John Cena: I should be I know

JBL: I see you have fish face there great win fish face

John Cena: Watch your mouth fool

JBL: Son I will slap the teeth out of your mouth if your not careful

:Just then The Boogeyman appears:

Boogeyman: I am The Boogeyman and I am coming to get you

JBL: God not you

John Cena: Yo man why don't you back the step up fool

Boogeyman: Who are you?

John Cena: I'm John Cena fool, You can't see me

Boogeyman: I am The Boogeyman and I can see you

John Cena: Yo man I sugges...

:The Boogeyman starts to smile as blood drips out from his mouth as John Cena backs up as JBL and Alexis move away:

JBL: Well Cena I can see you have a new friend so I'll leave you with him

:JBL and Alexis leave in a hurry as Cena grabs Leyla and starts to leave:

Leyla: Stop for a minute

John Cena: What?

:Leyla looks down in her pants and looks sickened as she reaches down and pulls out a handful of baby goldfishes as Cena looks sickened as Cena and Leyla take off:

JBL: I always knew she smelled like fish

:JBL and Alexis get into JBL's limo and leave as The Boogeyman is still standing there smiling and starts to laugh:

Commercial Ad for SCWE OverDrive!, SCWE Mayhem, & KSCWE Vacation

Tenay: Well that was a interesting thing we just saw

Madden: What is wrong with the Boogeyman and how did he do that

Tenay: How did he do what

Madden: Get fish in Leyla's pants

Tenay: Well maybe it wasn't The Boogeyman after all, I mean I did hear its pretty easy to get in Leyla's pants

Madden: Ha ha Tenay your so funny lets just move on

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Non-Title Match

"All The Small Things" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making her way to the ring, From New York, New York, Brianna

Madden: Well here comes Brianna who will be one of the divas taking part in the Battle Royal at No Way Out to earn the #1 Contender's spot

"Planet Hell" hits, Crowd Boo's Louder

Miss Shannon: Her opponent, Representing The Corperation, From Boise, Idaho she is the SmackDown! Women's Champion, Torrie Wilson

Tenay: Well here comes Torrie Wilson who will be putting her title on the line against Lita at No Way Out

Torrie Wilson vs Brianna
The bell rings three times. Torrie and Brianna look to lock up but Torrie nails a sneaky kick to Brianna's gut. Torrie viscously starts punching and slapping at Brianna before nailing a big tornado DDT on Brianna. Torrie covers 1...2... kick out by Brianna. Torrie quickly locks in an arm bar. Brianna struggles about but eventually manages to turn Torrie over and counter the arm bar into a roll up pin 1..2.. kick out by Wilson. Both women get up and lock up. Brianna gets Torrie in a headlock but Torrie lifts Brianna up and nails a backdrop. Torrie climbs up to the middle rope as Brianna gets up Torrie launches off with a diving front dropkick. Torrie quickly crawls over to Brianna and covers her 1...2.. kick out by Brianna. Torrie picks up Brianna but Brianna hits a jawbreaker. Torrie stumbles backwards giving Brianna time to get up and Brianna goes for a swinging DDT but Torrie pushes Brianna away and nails the deadly vixen! Torrie covers 1...2...3.
Winner: Torrie Wilson

Miss Shannon: Your winner, Torrie Wilson

Tenay: Torrie Wilson picks up the impressive win

Madden: Well Brianna was just no match for our Women's Champion

Tenay: Well Lita is not going to be a push over like Brianna


Rue: I am standing here with Simon Dean right now. Now Simon tonight you are facing Stevie Richards your former friend.

Simon Dean: Rue I know what your going to say, what are my thoughts on it right? Well I have beaten Stevie before and I will beat Stevie tonight its just that simple. Stevie Richards is a nothing compared to me. He doesn't have the Simon System to keep him going

Rue: Well what about the bWo?

Simon Dean: The bWo? Please I made the bWo what it was and now that Simon Inc is around, we are going to take over the bWo

Rue: Well thats very interesting back to you guys in the arena


Tenay: Well we just heard from Simon Dean about his big match tonight but up next we are going to see Matt Matlock taking on Chad Chaos in a grudge match

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Broken Man" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring being accumpied by Bliss, Representing Generation Next from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, weighing in at 206 Pounds, He is the SCWE Juniorweight Champion, Chad Chaos

Madden: Chad Chaos is looking for revenge here against Matlock

Tenay: Matlock has the size advantage though

"Getting Away With Murder" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Miss Shannon: And his opponent, From Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada weighing in at 240 Pounds, Matt Matlock

Madden: Well we saw Matlock take out Thunder and Alex Shelley earlier but Chad Chaos is a different story if you ask me and Matlock won't have that trusty chair

Tenay: Well obviously this is not for the Juniorweight Title but this should still be a good match

Matt Matlock vs Chad Chaos W/Bliss
Both men start off the match by locking up as the bell rings. Matlock overpowers Chaos and knocks him down. Matlock laughs at Chaos and tells him to give up now. Chaos gets back up and delivers a chop into Matlocks chest and delivers another one. Matlock is grabbing his chest as Chaos hits a dropkick on him. Chaos laughs at Matlock now and covers him-1...2...kickout. Chad gets back up and waits for Matlock to get up. Matlock gets up and shakes it off. Matlock turns around and gets knocked down by Chaos again. Matlock gets up angry and shoves down Chad and starts kicking him until the ref starts yelling. Matlock jumps at the ref as the ref moves and starts kicking Chad again. The ref starts his count-1...2....3...4..Matlock lets off and pins Chaos-1...2...kickout. Matlock pins Chaos again-1...2...kickout. Matlock gets up and lifts up Chaos, irish whipping Chaos into the corner. Matlock runs at Chaos but Chaos elbows Matlock in the mouth. Chaos kicks the Matlocks leg and then kicks him in the back. Chaos covers Matlock-1...2...kickout. Chaos gets aggitated and gets up and waits for Matlock to get up. Matlock gets up sees Chaos running but quickly trips him. Matlock laughs at Chaos and slaps him in the back of the head. Matlock lifts up Chaos and irishwhips him into the ropes, Chaos bounces off the ropes and Matlock knocks down Chaos. Matlock quickly sets up Chaos for the BFA and connects it. Matlock then pins Chaos-1...2...3
Winner: Matt Matlock

Miss Shannon: Your winner, Matt Matlock

Tenay: Matt Matlock has beaten Chad Chaos

Madden: Poor Chad

:Matlock picks up Chaos when Thunder & Alex Shelley hit the ring as Matlock bails out to the floor as Thunder and Shelley check on Chaos as Matlock tells them that he will pick them off one by one and Chaos is down now with two to go:

Commercial Ad for KSCWE No Way Out-Long Ad

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:19 PM

Tenay: Well Mark up next we got AJ Styles defending the SCWE European Title against Edge

Madden: This is going to be a good match

Tenay: Well AJ won the European Title last week by defeating Tim Wilkins

Madden: Yeah but Edge is hungry for gold

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE European Championship

"Colors" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, From Toronto, Canada weighing in at 278 Pounds, Edge

Madden: Well here comes Edge the next European Champion

Tenay: Mark I wouldn't say that, AJ Styles is an awesome superstar

"I'm Alive" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: His opponent, Representing the bWo, From Gainsville, Georgia weighing in at 212 Pounds, He is the SCWE European Champion, The "Phenominal" AJ Styles

Tenay: Well AJ Styles looks ready for war Mark

Madden: Don't worry AJ will get the win

SCWE European Championship: AJ Styles(C) vs Edge
Edge circles around the ring, measuring up AJ. AJ goes for the lock up, but Edge kicks him in the midsection, and starts elbowing AJ's face. AJ fights back with elbows of his own. Edge whips AJ to the ropes, but he comes back with a beautiful spinning heel kick. Edge leaves the ring to collect himself, but AJ topes over the ropes onto Edge! The two men lay on the outside, and AJ takes it back into the ring. AJ lifts Edge over in a suplex, and then delivers a neckbreaker. AJ covers, but Edge kicks out at 2. AJ stomps away at Edge, and picks Edge up. Edge uses he leverage to throw AJ shoulder first into the turnbuckle, and AJ collides hard. Edge clubs away at AJ's back, and hits a perfect suplex. Edge knees AJ's midsection a bit, and then stomps away at his back. He picks AJ up, and delivers a perfect back breaker that he holds onto as a submission lock. He pushes AJ's head, and legs down, creating pressure on AJ's back. AJ fights back, and kicks Edge straight in the head.AJ holds his back, but Edge keeps coming. AJ fights back, and Hurrincanrana's Edge. AJ runs off of the ropes and connects with a spinning heel kick. AJ climbs the turnbuckle, and goes top rope for a shooting styles press, but Edge moves. Edge starts pounding away at AJ's back with knees and clubbing blows. He keeps striking AJ's back with a flurry of knees, that doesn't seem to end at all anytime soon. Edge stops and puts AJ into a Bow and Arrow hold. AJ doesn't give up though, and Edge looks frustrated. He releases the hold, and goes to the outside to grab a chair. Edge gets in the ring and clobbers AJ's back with the Steel Chair!
Winner: AJ Styles by DQ

Miss Shannon: Your winner and still SCWE European Champion as a result of a Disqualification, AJ Styles

Tenay: Damn that Edge

Madden: Well Edge couldn't pin AJ so he just beat up AJ instead and what a way to get noticed


:Christopher Daniels is shown getting ready to leave the arena when Raven confronts Daniels as Raven and Daniels start to argue back and forth when Daniels gets hit from behind with a Big Boot as The man turns out to be Gene Snitsky as Snitsky takes Daniels and rams him into the wall as Snitsky tells Daniels he works for the Corperation now as Snitsky holds Daniels as Raven delivers an evenflow on the concrete floor as Raven covers him for the 1--2--3. Raven is the new Xtreme Champion.:

:Another Area Backstage: bWo's Locker Room

Josh Mathews: I am standing here with the bWo's leader Stevie Richards along with Melinda. Now guys tonight its a bWo vs Simon Inc war once again

Stevie Richards: Josh stop right there. I know exactly what it is. I have to face Simon Dean and Simon is no push over but I am glad to be facing Simon Dean because I have a big suprise for Simon tonight

Josh Mathews: Really?

Stevie Richards: Let's just say the bWo gets a brand new member tonight

Melinda: No Josh he isn't telling you either

Josh Mathews: Well Melinda I have a question for you

Melinda: Oh ask away

Josh Mathews: Well what if Lexus Carr gets involved?

Melinda: Oh Josh I pray that Lexus gets involved because that bitch will die a thousand deaths

:Stevie looks at Melinda:

Stevie Richards: Calm down baby

Melinda: Sorry

Stevie Richards: Josh basically whats going to happen tonight is that the bWo will be taking over once again and Brandon Davis if he does show up tonight should be taking notes because his future will be told in my match with Simon.

Josh Mathews: Well there you heard it from Stevie Richards and right after this final commercial break we will have the Main Event

:Video Airs Highlighting Christian's Return at No Way Out:

Final Commercial Ad for KSCWE Wrestlemania III & KSCWE Wrestlemania IV

Tenay: Well Mark, Stevie Richards seems ready

Madden: Well Simon was ready earlier on

Tenay: Well I have been told that Brandon Davis is not going to arrive tonight in time for SmackDown! so Stevie Richards does not have to worry about Brandon

Madden: Well I don't think we have to worry about the new bWo member either because of Gene Snitsky the Corperation's newest hired hand

Tenay: So you think it was Christopher Daniels?

Madden: Yeah I do

Miss Shannon: The Main Event of the evening is scheduled for one fall

"Simon Says" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring being accumpied by Lexus Carr, Representing Simon Inc, From Pensacola, Florida weighing in at 225 Pounds, Simon Dean

Madden: Well here comes Simon Dean the former bWo member

Tenay: Well the reason for no Rico or The Basham's is because both men agreed to leave all there group members in the back except of course there ladies

"One Step Closer" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: And his opponent, being accumpied by Melinda, Representing the bWo, From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, "Big Stevie Cool" Stevie Richards

Tenay: Well here comes the Royal Rumble Champion Stevie Richards

Madden: This is going to be a great main event

Stevie Richards W/Melinda vs Simon Dean W/Lexus Carr
Referee Nick Patrick rings the bell as Stevie and Simon get face to face and exchange words before actually shaking hands and locking up as Stevie gets a headlock on Simon and Stevie flips Simon down to the mat and keeps the headlock in but Simon escapes and gets Stevie with a arm bar as Stevie escapes that with a few elbows to Simon's face as Stevie turns around to hit Simon but Simon grabs Stevie and hits a northern lights suplex. Stevie gets back up from the hold as Simon opens up on Stevie with right hands as Simon whips Stevie off the ropes and Simon grabs Stevie on the way back with a sleeper hold as Stevie tries to escape but Simon has it locked in but Stevie backs up ramming Simon into the corner as Stevie does it again to break the hold as Stevie moves away at Simon goes to hit Stevie but Stevie picks up Simon and drops him down for an atomic drop as Stevie then grabs Simon and says its time for a Stevie Suplex and hits it as Stevie goes for the pin for a 1--2--kick out. Stevie picks up Simon and Stevie knee's Simon in the gut as Stevie takes Simon and whips him into the corner as Stevie picks up Simon and places his legs over the middle ropes spread out as Simon is begging Stevie to not do what he is going to do as Stevie backs up and says its field goal time as Referee Nick Patrick warns Stevie but Stevie goes for it but Lexus gets into the ring and blocks Stevie from doing the move as Stevie stops and tells her to move but Lexus then hits Stevie in the face as Melinda comes into the ring and attacks Lexus knocking her out to the floor as Melinda goes out to the floor after Lexus as Melinda pounds away at Lexus as Stevie Richards tells Melinda to take her out as Simon attacks Stevie from behind and Simon delivers a cheap shot knocking down Stevie as Simon takes his boot and starts to choke Stevie with it as Simon goes to his bag then and pulls out his weight belt as Simon starts to whip Stevie with it. Simon then throws it down as Simon picks up Stevie and sets him up for the Simon Effect but Stevie picks up Simon and rams him back into the corner as Stevie rams his shoulders into the gut of Simon several times as Stevie then takes Simon and hits a big snap suplex as Stevie grabs the weight lifting belt and hits Simon over the back with it a few times as Simon rolls out of the ring from it as Stevie goes out after Simon but Simon attacks Stevie as Simon throws the belt away as Simon pounds away at Stevie and goes to hit Stevie into the ring post but Stevie blocks it with his hands and rams Simon face first as Stevie rolls Simon back into the ring as Stevie gets into the ring as Stevie then grabs Simon and goes for the Stevie T but Simon shoves Stevie back against the ropes as Simon grabs Stevie by the throat and goes for the Simon Says but Stevie pokes Simon in the eyes blinding him as Stevie goes for the Stevie Kick then but Simon ducks it and grabs Stevie and hits the Simon Effect as Simon covers Stevie for the 1---2--2.9-shoulder up. Simon Dean can't believe it as Simon picks up Stevie and motions to the back as Rico runs out to the ring as Rico gets into the ring as Simon tells Rico to hold him as Simon goes into his bag and Simon pulls out a 20 pound weight as Simon gets a big smile on his face as he tells Stevie he will end this once and for all as Nick Patrick tells Simon to not do it but Simon ignores him and goes to hit him but Rico lets Stevie go and Stevie hits the Stevie Kick on Simon laying out Simon as the weight falls to the floor as Stevie covers Simon for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Stevie Richards

Miss Shannon: Your winner, Stevie Richards

Tenay: Stevie Richards gets the big win here over Simon Dean

Madden: What why did Rico let Stevie go

:Rico helps up Stevie Richards as the two embrace in a hug as Rico takes off his sweatshirt to reveal a bWo shirt:

Tenay: I think we got our answer

Madden: Damn Rico

:As Stevie and Rico are celebrating, Tim Wilkins and Tom Armetta hit the ring as Stevie and Rico start to fight them off as Raven comes out next but AJ Styles hits the ring along with Mick Foley & The Blue Meanie as Simon Dean gets back up and enters the fight when Brandon Davis comes out:

Madden: The Champ is here!!

:Simon Dean and Rico are going at it as Tim Wilkins and Mick Foley, Tom Armetta and The Blue Meanie and AJ Styles with Rico while Stevie and Brandon go at it:

Tenay: We got an all out brawl going on now

:Gene Snitsky races out but Christopher Daniels attacks him on the way out as Vince appears in the entry way and is motioning for something:

Tenay: Vince is out here now

Madden: The boss wants somebody else

"King of My World" hits, Crowd Erupts into a Mixed Reaction

Tenay: It can't be him already

Madden: It has to be him

:Instead, Tyson Tomko appears out of crowd wearing a Christian shirt as Tyson gets into the ring and attacks Stevie Richards from behind as Tyson then hits a Big Boot on Stevie laying him out as Stevie struggles up and Brandon hits the Rush on him as Tyson then delivers Big Boots to the rest of the bWo and Christopher Daniels as The Corperation, Simon Dean, & Tyson Tomko stand in the ring with there arms raises as Vince is smiling in the entry way:

Madden: The boss is happy because he got what he wanted

Tenay: We are out of time here but apparantly Christian is indeed on his way to SmackDown! and the Corperation, Good Night

:SmackDown! Goes off the Air: