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SmackDown! : SmackDown! 2/14/06
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 2:35 PM

Results 2/14/06 Live From Ottawa, Canada

Dark Matches Air before Smackdown!:

Dark Match #1: JJ Stallion defeated Frankie Kazarian

Dark Match #2: Brian Mason defeated Rhino

:Footage From Last Week's SD is shown as Pyro then explodes opening up the show:

Tenay: Welcome to SCWE SmackDown!, I am Mike Tenay and this is Mark Madden sitting next to me and this is the 100th Edition of SmackDown!

Madden: Yeah it is Mike and tonight is also Valentine's Day so love is sure to be in the air

Tenay: We have Seven Huge Title Matches plus a big Mixed Tag Match as well as The SmackDown! Return of The "Legend Killer" Randy Orton and Stephanie McMahon but lets go to the ring for our opening contest

Miss Shannon: The Opening Contest of the 100th Edition of SmackDown! is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Juniorweight Championship

"Kleen Sweep" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring the challenger, From Winnipeg, Canada weighing in at 227 Pounds, Chris Kleen

Tenay: Chris Kleen did an outstanding job in the Juniorweight Battle Royal at No Way Out but Thunder who was eliminated by Kleen cost Kleen the match but tonight Kleen gets a rematch

"Broken Man" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: And his opponent being accumpied by Bliss and Representing Generation Next, From Milwaukee, Wisconsin weighing in at 206 Pounds, He is the SCWE Juniorweight Champion, Chad Chaos

Madden: Well here comes Chad Chaos now who has a big match right here

SCWE Juniorweight Championship: Chad Chaos(C) W/Bliss vs Chris Kleen
Chad Chaos sits up on the top rope and laughs at Chris Kleen who is standing across the ring. Bliss is on the ring apron and the two are joking about Kleen. Kleen cant stand anymore and runs over knocking down Bliss from off the apron with an elbow to her face. He looks at Chad sitting on the top rope andgrabs Chad throwing him off the top rope. Kleen quickly covers Chad 1...2... kick out by Chaos. Chad gets up straight away looking mighty pissed. He gets right up in Kleen's face and headbuts him visciously. Chad throws Kleen over the top rope to the floor and climbs out to check on Bliss. He helps Bliss up and holds her checking she's okay. Chad lets go and Kleen comes running towards him, he rams Chad down. Kleen picks up Chad and rolls him into the ring. Kleen quickly slides in himself. Kleen grabs Chad's leg and looks for a one legged crab but Chad manages to kick Kleen away into the turnbuckle. Chad flips up and runs at Kleen and nails a turnbuckle clothesline on Kleen. Chad nails a big snap fishermans suplex on Kleen. Chad gets up and quickly climbs outside of the ring onto the ring apron and performs a springboard splash right into Chris Kleens stomach, Chad gets up right away and puts his hand on his heart and begins to sing "Oh Say Can You See By The Dawns Early Light" Chad laughs and shouts "Canada sucks" the crowd boo's him as Chad leands over the ropes and spits into the crowd getting even more boo's. He turns back around to Kleen but the challenger was already up and charges at Chad and clotheslines him down hard. Chris Kleen picks up Chad and sets him up for Kleensider but Chaos manages to counter it into a snap crucifix, chad holds on for the pin 1...2... kick out by Kleen. Both men get up but Chad automatically dropkicks Kleen down. Chad stands beside Kleen and nails a beautiful pendulum elbow drop. Chad picks up Kleen and kicks him in the gut, he nails Kleen with the Chaos Theory! Chad rolls back itno the ring and before Kleen and fall down Chad hoists him up and nails him with a big brainbuster! Chad jumps up to the top rope and launches off with the 630 splash but Kleen rolls out the way! Chad eats ring canvas! Kleen climbs up to the top rope but Bliss gets up on the ring apron and grabs a hold of Kleen's leg. Chris manages to knock Bliss off but Chad just gets up and pushes the referee into the ropes causing Kleen to split on the ropes. Chad walks over to Kleen sitting on the top rope, Chad slaps Kleen and then climbs up to the top rope, Chad jumps up and takes down Kleen with a super hurricanrana. Chad quickly crawls over and hooks Kleens leg 1...2... kick out by Chris Kleen. Chad gets up looking a little furious, He grabs a handful of Chris Kleens hair and picks him up, Chad hooks both of Kleen's arms and lifts him up for a tiger driver and plants it! Chad quickly covers once again 1...2.. kick out once again by the challenger! Chad gets up and starts to argue with the referee. Chad pushes the referee back and the ref pushes Chad back. Chad starts shouting at the referee, Chad spots kleen running at him from the corner of his eye and chad dodges the attack by Kleen and Kleen knocks the ref down with it! Chad smirks at Kleen as Kleen turns around to Chad and catches a kick from Chad. Kleen grabs Chad and nails a Impact DDT on Chad. Before Kleen can even cover Thunder comes running from the back into the ring. Kleen turns around and walks right into the CX 02 from Thunder! Thunder rolls out of the ring as Chaos gets up and nails a 630 splash on Kleen! Chad hooks Kleens leg as Bliss wakes up the referee. The referee counts 1...2... he's reluctant to count three but after a few seconds does... 3
Winner: Chad Chaos

Miss Shannon: Your winner and still SCWE Juniorweight Champion Chad Chaos

Tenay: Damn that Thunder

Madden: Chris Kleen looked ready to become Juniorweight Champion but Thunder as once again screwed Chris Kleen over

Tenay: When Chris Kleen finaly gets his hands on Thunder you can beat its not going to be pretty

Madden: Yeah I hate to say this but I may have to agree because Kleen was already in a fowl mood and is going to be even angrier now

Commercial Ad for SCWE OverDrive!, SCWE Mayhem, & SCWE RAW

Tenay: Well Mark we have already had one title match end in a little bit of controversey thanks to Thunder screwing Chris Kleen out of the Juniorweight title

Madden: Well I have been told that Generation Next have already left the arena and Chris Kleen was not far behind them so next week may be even crazier

Tenay: Well up next we are going to see the SCWE Xtreme Championship defended as two legends of this division do battle

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Xtreme Championship

"Wreck" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring The Challenger, Representing the bWo, From Long Island, New York weighing in at 287 Pounds, Mick Foley

Tenay: Mick Foley is a former seven time SCWE RAWCore Champion and is looking for his first reign as Xtreme Champion tonight

"I Stand Alone" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: And his opponent, Representing The Corperation, From Short Hills, New Jersey weighing in at 237 Pounds, He is the SCWE Xtreme Champion, Raven

Madden: Well here comes Raven to the ring now and Raven is a three time Xtreme Champion, an eleven time RAWCore Champion and has also been a nine time Hardcore Champion

SCWE Xtreme Championship: Raven(C) vs Mick Foley
Raven quickly starts the match off by knocking Mick down with a clothesline, as he exits the ring and heads straight for his shopping cart full of weapons. Mick follows and knocks Raven into the shopping cart, spilling it over. Raven gets up as Mick starts pounding away at his forehead with forearm shots, but Raven pulls Mick right into the ring steps knocking them over. Raven grabs a trash can lid from the pile, and hits Mick right in the head with the lid. He smacks him again, but Mick doesn't seem to be phased by it. Raven tries again, but Mick blocks it and head butts Raven. Mick takes the lid and smashes it over Raven's head, and sends him into the ring. Mick starts throwing objects into the ring, and rolls back in. He stomps away at Raven, and drops an elbow. He taunts the crowd, and picks up a chair. He sets it up, and irish whips Raven to the ropes, but Raven reverses it and drop toe holds Mick onto the chair! Mick lands hard, and Raven looks through the objects for something, he keeps looking until he pulls out a pizza cutter. He goes over to the downed Foley and pulls the pizza cutter across Mick's forehead, slicing him open. Raven taunts the crowd as blood starts flowing from Mick's head. Raven starts stomping away at Foley's open wounds, but Mick fights back with a low blow. Mick reaches over and grabs the pizza cutter and does the same to Raven! Raven screams in pain as Foley beats away at Raven's open forehead. Raven gets up, but Foley hits him with a rubber chicken laying on the mat. Foley grabs a kendo stick and starts wacking away at Raven's legs and back. Raven gets out of the ring, but Mick follows. Mick charges at Raven, but Raven drop toe holds him onto the other set of ring steps. Raven goes under the ring and pulls out a table, he sets it up but Mick fights back and throws Raven into the ring. He two duke it out, but Raven hits a spinning clothesline that knocks Mick back down. Raven takes the kendo stick and grabs Mick. He puts the stick in front of him and delivers the white Russian leg sweep. Raven covers, 1....2....Kick out by Mick. Raven calls for the end, and picks Mick up. He goes for the Evenflow DDT, but Mick reverses it and stick's Mr.Socko down his throat! Raven starts gagging, but he's fighting back as well! Mick kicks him in the gut and hits the double arm DDT. Mick taunts to the crowd and grabs the chair, as he's going top rope. Mick climbs to the top but Diamond Dallas Page comes out from the crowd and pushes Mick off of the top into the table set up on the outside! Mick crashes through the table and JJ Stallion comes out as well. The two pound away on Mick as JJ grabs Raven and takes him over to Mick where he covers him for the easy three count.
Winner: Raven

Miss Shannon: Your winner and still SCWE Xtreme Champion, Raven

Tenay: Raven retains thanks to JJ Stallion and DDP, why are they here

Madden: KSCWE Legend DDP and former Star JJ Stallion have both returned and helped Raven of all people to retain over Mick Foley

Tenay: Well DDP and Raven have a backstory but why JJ Stallion is involved I don't know but hopefully we can learn more about this

:Backstage: General Manager's Office

:Vince McMahon and Paul Heyman are shown:

Paul Heyman: Vince I think we could work together for the common good of SmackDown!

Vince McMahon: What makes you think that you can be the General Manager of SmackDown!, I am Vince McMahon and your just some jackass that failed when given a full chance with ECW

Paul Heyman: Vince we both know that I have ran other brands succesfully

Vince McMahon: were the last GM before it died too

Paul Heyman: Vince if this is how your going to be RAW is going to kill us

Vince McMahon: Fine Heyman, I'm willing to work with you if we get one thing straight

Paul Heyman: Whats that

Vince McMahon: I'm the superior General Manager, two GM's never work

Paul Heyman: Fine thats reasonable but when you do something that I think is out of line....then I am going to use my authority to override it

Vince McMahon: Fine

:Vince and Paul shake hands:

:Another Area Backstage: Corperation's Locker Room

:Brandon Davis, Torrie Wilson, Tim Wilkins, Tom Armetta, Holly Mathews, Sable, & Raven are shown:

Brandon Davis: Can you believe what we are seeing

Torrie Wilson: I want my Women's Title back

Brandon Davis: Torrie I know you do and thats why your getting a rematch at Wrestlemania III against Rose Thorn and Lita but what I was going to say is I can't believe how that little SOB Christian hit his UnPrettier on me at No Way Out and left me laying and runs to RAW and then has the nerve to talk trash on me last night

Torrie Wilson: Just take it out on Christopher Daniels

Brandon Davis: Oh I will tonight, that little Jackass is going to pay the ultimate price, I am going to see Stevie Richards and Christian when I look at him because I am the "Badass American" and thats how I roll.

Commercial Ad for KSCWE Wrestlemania III-Long Ad

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:36 PM

Tenay: Well we just saw a deal struck between Vince McMahon and Paul Heyman

Madden: Yeah thats shocking but what do you think will happen tonight to the Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels?

Tenay: Well Brandon seems read but this is the biggest match in Christopher Daniels career, he is not going to let it slide between his fingers

Madden: Well all I know then is that it should be a good match

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE United States Championship

"Basic Thuganomics" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring The Challenger, From West Newberry, Massachusetts weighing in at 240 Pounds, John Cena

Madden: Well John Cena came up short in the Texas Bull Rope Match at No Way Out but tonight its a regular match and I think Cena can beat JBL

"Longhorns" hits, Crowd Cheers as The Limo Pulls out with JBL getting out

Miss Shannon: And his opponent, From New York, New York weighing in at 290 Pounds, John Bradshaw Layfield

Tenay: Well here the US Champion

SCWE United States Championship: JBL(C) vs John Cena
John Cena and JBL went to lock up but JBL backed off and strutted about, telling Cena that he wouldn't win the title. Cena gets mad and charges at JBL, but JBL moves out of the way.. They tied up and John Cena grabbed a side headlock and then hit a shoulder block. JBL came back with a hip toss and then a side headlock takedown into a one count.Cena gets up, and looks pissed at JBL. John Cena backed JBL to the corner and went for a right hand but JBL blocked and unloaded with chops and right hands of his own. JBL went for a back body drop but John Cena hit the facebuster. John Cena went for a Powerbomb but JBL back dropped him to the outside. JBL steps through the ropes and continues to pound away at John Cena as Cena lays on the outside floor.JBL picks Cena up and sends John Cena into the ring steps. JBL picks Cena up, and rolls him into the ring. JBL is in control with right and left hands to John Cena in the middle of the ring. John Cena pokes JBL in the eyes and John Cena comes back with a spinebuster. John Cena hammered away with right hands on Bradshaw and then hit a knee drop. John Cena hit another knee drop and then worked over JBL in the corner with right hands. JBL went to fight back, but John Cena tripped him up and hit a drop toe hold followed by a dropkick to the down JBL. John Cena nailed another knee drop and covered for two. John Cena sent JBL to the apron and then suplexed him back inside, holding him in the air making the blood rush to JBL's head, for two. John Cena nailed more right hands but JBL came back with chops but then John Cena scored with a swinging neckbreaker. John Cena hit a snap mare and then mocked JBL by telling him he's gonna make him bleed and take that title tonight. John Cena went for a leg lock but JBL kicked him off into the turnbuckle. JBL rolled John Cena up for a two count and then went to work with more chops, punches, and clubbing blows in the corner. JBL ate an elbow on a corner charge and then John Cena went to the middle rope and jumped off but ate boot. JBL nailed a chop block to take John Cena down, and JBL started to get momentum by working over Cena. JBL went to the top rope and hit a diving clothesline for two. JBL nailed another chop and then went to wrap Cena's legs up on the turnbuckle. He left the ring and pulled Cena over to the turnbuckle and slammed Cena's right leg onto the turnbuckle post. John Cena writhed in pain but he kicked JBL off of him before JBL could do anymore damage. JBL went back into the ring and hit a few more chops in the corner and the referee got hit by a Cena punch. JBL nailed a low blow and then chopped away some more on Cena's red chest. JBL went for a backdrop but John Cena kicked JBL and connected with the F-U out of nowhere! Cena calls for the end and picks JBL up once again. He lifts him up on his shoulders, and connects with another F-U! Cena looks at the crowd with an evil grin, and he picks JBL up for another F-U! But JBL slowly fights back.JBL and John Cena locked up as Cena looked to get another F-U and John Cena backed JBL to the corner but JBL fired back with an European uppercut. JBL worked over John Cena in the corner, and then hit a back elbow knockdown, but missed an elbow drop. John Cena comes back and hits some mounted punches in the corner but JBL threw him off. JBL nailed another uppercut followed by some right hands. John Cena came back with a swinging neckbreaker but JBL sat up. JBL tossed John Cena to the corner but ate an elbow on the charge. John Cena gave JBL snake eyes in the corner, and then called for the F-U but walked into a big boot. JBL hit a another big boot and then a running clothesline in the corner. JBL hit the Last Call, and the two F-U's did not even look to slow him down one bit! JBL throws Cena and hits the Last Call, but JBL realizes that the Referee is still knocked down. JBL goes to check on him, and turns around into another F-U! Three F-Us! Cena covers JBL, and the ref slowly crawls over to where JBL is being covered by John Cena, and he slowly starts to count. ONE!......TWO!......TH- NO! JBL raises his shoulders, and John Cena cannot believe it at all! John Cena looks shocked, and looks over to the ref in disbelief that JBL kicked out. he talks to the ref and tells him that it was three and he should be the winner. The ref stands by his call, and John Cena turns around disappointed as he walks right into a CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL out of nowhere! JBL covers....ONE!......TWO!.....NO! John Cena kicked out as well! JBL starts pounding away at Cena on the ground but the F-U's looked to have done their damage as JBL starts stumbling around the ring. Cena slowly gets up and takes JBL down with a Throwback. John Cena locks on the STFU and he locks it in tight. JBL screams in pain, as the damage done to his head is making woozy. Cena yells for JBL to tap out, and ref asks if JBL will tap. JBL says no, and starts crawling to the ropes. John Cena try's to keep him away from the ropes, but JBL still crawls and makes it to the ropes. John Cena waits for JBL to get up as he tries for a fourth F-U! He lifts JBL up, but JBL fights back and gets off of his shoulders. JBL pushes Cena into the ropes and charges at him as he takes Cena's head off with a brutal Clothesline From Hell! Cena did a flip from that! JBL slowly moves over to JBL and covers....ONE!.....TWO!.....THREE
Winner: JBL

Miss Shannon: Your winner and still SCWE United States Champion, JBL

Tenay: JBL picks up the huge win over John Cena

Madden: Darn it, I thought Cena was going to pull it out tonight

Tenay: Well obviously not and I think JBL proved he is the better man

:As JBL is celebrating his win, Randy Orton hits the ring from the crowd as Orton slides in behind JBL as JBL turns around and Orton hits the RKO on JBL:

Madden: Randy Orton just RKO'ed JBL!!

:Randy Orton picks up the US Title and shows it off before dropping it over JBL as "Whatever It Takes" hits as Randy Orton leaves the ring:

Tenay: Randy Orton just took out JBL with the RKO and JBL is not going to like this

Commercial Ad for KSCWE Wrestlemania IV-Long Ad

Tenay: Well up next we are going to see the SmackDown! Tag Team Title's on the line

Madden: Tim Wilkins and Tom Armetta one of the greatest Tag Teams in recent memory in my mind will put them up against another great tag team that is reuniting tonight

Tenay: That's right The Wright Brothers are back together as Scott Wright returns and teams up with his brother Chris to challenge for those SD! Tag Team Title's and I hope they beat them

Madden: You can't openly root for a team

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SmackDown! Tag Team Championship

"Piggy Bank" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making there way to the rings, being accumpied by Holly Mathews and Representing The Corperation, weighing in at a combined weight of 580 Pounds, They are the SmackDown! Tag Team Champions, Tim Wilkins and Tom Armetta

Madden: Well here comes the champs along with Holly Mathews who used to manage the Wright Brothers when they had Tag Team Gold

Tenay: Well Holly seems to be a good manager of champions

"Meant To Live" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: And there opponents, being accumpied by Torres Wright, They are the Challengers, From Atlanta, Georgia weighing in at a combined weight of 455 Pounds, Scott and Chris Wright

Tenay: Well here comes The Wright Brothers now to the ring

Madden: Well Tenay this should be a great match

SD! Tag Team Championship: Tim Wilkins & Tom Armetta(C) W/Holly Mathews vs Scott & Chris Wright W/Torres Wright
The match starts with Tim and Scott in the ring and Tim quickly grappling with Scott but Scott kicks Tim in the leg for a distraction.  Scott jumps up connecting with a dropkick hard on Tim.  Tim falls to the mat hard as his head reaches off the mat and he starts to pull himself.  Scott then kicks him the gut a few times before attempting to Irish whip him but then as he goes for it Tim reverses it and when comes back Tim jumps up connecting with a tornado DDT. Tim drags Scott over to Tom and tags in Tom.  Tom gets in the ring, bends down picking Scott up, and puts him over his head military pressing him.  Scott hits the mat hard out cold.  Tom grins walking to the center of the ring and pulls Scott up by the hand and Irish whips Scott into the turnbuckle and he snaps forward but Chris connects with a blind tag.  Chris jumps off the top of the rope connecting with a cross body but Tom quickly continues rolling and rolls him up and the ref counts 1�?…Scott comes flying in with a flying leg drop the back of the head of Tom.  Tom falls backwards on the mat holding his head and Tom rolls out. Chris gets up grabs Tom but Tim tags himself in jumping up on the ropes and jumps off but gets caught by Chris and he powerbombs him.  Chris then skimmers over and tags in Scott quickly.  Chris walks over to Tim and kicks Tim in the gut connecting with a Wright Effect before rolling out of the ring and Scott covers him for the 1�?�?
Winners: Scott & Chris Wright (SD! Tag)

Miss Shannon: Your winners and The New SmackDown! Tag Team Champions, Scott and Chris Wright

Tenay: We got new Tag Team Champions, I don't believe it

Madden: I'm in shock here, The Wright Brothers have just beaten Tim and Tom. Mr. McMahon is not going to like this

Tenay: Well its a night of champions and we just saw our first title change of the night


Rue: I am standing here with Randy Orton. Now Randy everyone wants to know the real reason why you and Stephanie demanded to come to SmackDown!

Randy Orton: Well Rue to be quiet honest with you I wasn't really sure about leaving RAW, Stephanie wanted off RAW for the way she was treated and constantly degraded but after talking to Mr. McMahon, I love SmackDown!, its the greatest decision I think I may have ever made because now The "Legend Killer" will be unleashed upon SmackDown! the way I always should have been

Rue: Is that why you attacked JBL earlier tonight?

Randy Orton: Damn right, I had to make my presense felt and since Brandon is the World Champion and Mr. McMahon asked that I not target a Corperation member then JBL was the next biggest fish in the sea in my eyes, sure I could have went after Stevie Richards but he has nothing I can take where as JBL has that US Title that would look so good around the waste of the Legend Killer

Rue: Now Stephanie are you and Randy in the Corperation?

Stephanie McMahon: No comment on that just yet, we are in negotions about that

Randy Orton: Stephanie I told you already, I'm not being nobody's stooge anymore so no we aren't joining the Corperation

Rue: What are your goals on SmackDown! Stephanie?

Stephanie McMahon: To become SmackDown! Women's Champion of course and I have a little spoiler for you people. Next Tuesday on SmackDown! my daddy already booked me in my SmackDown! Return against The SmackDown! Women's Champion whoever it may be for the title so the Women's title comes home to me next week

Rue: What about you Randy? Who are you facing?

Randy Orton: Well I wanted JBL next week but I've been told to have that wait so instead it will be the Legend Killer Randy Orton going one on one with Edge and Edge will find out that you don't cross The Legend Killer

:Randy Orton and Stephanie McMahon walk away:

Commercial Ad for KSCWE Extras, KSCWE Vacation, & KSCWE Inc

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:36 PM

Tenay: Well Randy Orton sounded motivated

Madden: Well with the Legend Killer on SmackDown! now, things can only improve

Tenay: Well we have seen four title matches thus far and only one title change but up next we have the SCWE European Championship on the line as the undefeated Ken Kennedy who won this title shot at No Way Out challenges AJ Styles who put on a hell of a show at No Way Out and nearly beat Brandon Davis to be the soul survivor

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for oen fall and it is for the SCWE European Championship

"Mr Kennedy" hits, Crowd Boo's

Ken Kennedy: 1st making his way to the ring, I am From Green Bay, Wisconsin and I weigh in at 243 Pounds, I am....Mr..................Kennedy............................Kennedy

Madden: I like this Ken Kennedy, he has yet to be defeated and I hope he continues that trend tonight

"I'm Alive" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: And his opponent, Representing The bWo, From Gainsville, Georgia weighing in at 212 Pounds, He is the SCWE European Champion, The "Phenominal" AJ Styles

Tenay: I don't know if Kennedy can beat AJ Styles, AJ has been on a major role since coming to SmackDown! at the Royal Rumble

SCWE European Championship: AJ Styles(C) vs Ken Kennedy
The ref shows off the European Championship to both men and then raises it in the air. The bell rings as the ref gives the championship to the stagehand and AJ and Kennedy start the match as both men lock up in the middle of the ring. Nobody budges so they break up and lock up again. Ken Kennedy overpowers AJ and pushes him down onto the mat. Kennedy says he cant beat greatness and laughs at him. AJ Styles quickly gets back up and opens up on Kennedy. AJ doesn't let up and Kennedy backs into the corner. The ref yells at AJ Styles to give Kennedy some room, AJ doesn't and the ref starts his count-1...2...3...4...AJ lets up. AJ walks away and then quickly turns around and runs at Kennedy, connecting with a splash. Kennedy falls down and AJ goes for the cover-1....2....kick out. AJ gets up and lifts up Kennedy. AJ drags Kennedy into the corner and AJ gets up on the 2nd Turnbuckle. Before AJ can do anything, Kennedy delivers a right hander to AJ. Kennedy gets on his feet and picks up AJ and throws him down. Kennedy puts his boot on AJ-1....2....kick out. Kennedy argues with the ref that was a 3. Kennedy looks at the ref and then picks up AJ Styles. Kennedy sets up AJ Styles for a DDT and hits it. Kennedy goes for the cover again-1...2....kick out. Kennedy gets back up and waits for AJ to get up. AJ gets up and Kennedy walks over to AJ but AJ quickly drop kicks Kennedy. AJ gets up on the top rope and leaps at Kennedy. AJ then pins Kennedy-1...2...Kennedy puts his foot on the rope. AJ gets up and starts kicking Kennedy and the ref breaks it up. The ref checks on Kennedy as AJ walks over and lifts up Kennedy, but Kennedy quickly rakes the eyes of AJ Styles. The ref yells at Kennedy as he just smirks. Kennedy goes over to AJ and attacks him from behind. Kennedy starts kicking AJ. Kennedy drags AJ into the middle of the ring and pins him-1....2....kick out. Kennedy lifts up AJ Styles but out of no where AJ Styles bounces back and opens up on Kennedy again. AJ sets up Kennedy for the Styles Clash and hits it as Leyla comes down to the ring and gets up on the apron. Leyla gets the refs attention by starting to strip down for the ref. John Cena comes in through the crowd and gets in the ring. AJ goes to hit Cena but Cena blocks it and quickly hits a F-U on AJ Styles. John Cena quickly gets out of the ring and Leyla jumps down off the apron and Ken Kennedy hooks AJ's leg-1.....2.....3
Winner: Ken Kennedy (SCWE European)

Miss Shannon: Your winner and The New SCWE European Champion, Ken Kennedy

Madden: Ken Kennedy has done it

Tenay: Leyla and John Cena for some reason have come out and screwed AJ Styles out of the European Title

Madden: Well whatever it takes to get the job done and the ref didn't see Cena FU AJ so it doesn't matter and Ken Kennedy has gotten his first piece of gold

Tenay: This is wrong this is just wrong


Josh Mathews: I am standing here with SCWE Genearal Manager Vince McMahon. Now Mr. McMahon who did you send to RAW to acquire Randy Orton and Stephanie McMahon?

Vince McMahon: Well Josh I sent RAW a package of wrestlers to be decided upon in the near future

Josh Mathews: Well do you have any matches to add to the Wrestlemania Card?

Vince McMahon: Not really although I would like to make a few announcements, First off I am officially adding Torrie Wilson to the SD! Women's Title Match to make it a Triple Threat Match at Wrestlemania but I am also proud to announce the Free Agent Signing of a Legendary Diva who is from Canada believe it or not and unlike Christian, she is not going to quit on me so here is Tara Rayge

:Tara Rayge walks into the scene:

Josh Mathews: Wow its really you Tara, welcome back

Tara Rayge: Thanks Josh

Josh Mathews: What brings you to SmackDown!?

Tara Rayge: Well I was ready to return to action and when I had the offers to go to RAW or SmackDown!, I was nearly ready to go to RAW but then somebody changed all that for me.

Josh Mathews: Who?

Tara Rayge: An old ex boyfriend to be exact

Josh Mathews: Who?

Tara Rayge: Jamie Gunz

Josh Mathews: But Jamie is out injured

Tara Rayge: I know and while he was rehabbing his injuries so was I and we put the past behind us and actually reconnected and Jamie Gunz is no longer an ex boyfriend of mine he is my current boyfriend and thats why I signed with SmackDown! and for those who are wondering about Jamie, he will be returning very soon so just keep your eyes open and as far as I go, I can't wait to get back into the ring.

:Tara smiles into the camera before leaving:

Commercial Ad for KSCWE No Way Out Replay-Long Ad

Madden: Tara Rayge is back and is now on SmackDown! thats great news for everyone

Tenay: Well Tara Rayge is a major signing to the SmackDown! brand and I guess we should thank Jamie Gunz for that move

Madden: Well normally I don't like Jamie much but thank you Jamie Gunz for bringing Tara to SmackDown!

Tenay: Well Mark up next we are going to see some Mixed Tag Team Action in what is our only match that is not for a championship

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Planet Hell" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making her way to the ring, From Boise, Idaho, Representing The Corperation, Torrie Wilson

Madden: Well here comes Torrie Wilson who alot of people think was screwed last night at No Way Out but thanks to Vince McMahon, Torrie is now apart of the Wrestlemania III Women's Title Match

"Simon Says" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: And her partner, Being accumpied by Lexus Carr, From Pensacola, Florida weighing in at 225 Pounds, Simon Dean

Tenay: Well here comes Simon Dean now to the ring

Madden: Well Simon and Torrie both are looking for revenge and I think they will get it here tonight

"One Step Closer" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: And there opponents, Being accumpied by Melinda and Representing the bWo, The Team of Rose Thorn and "Big Stevie Cool" Stevie Richards

Tenay: Well here comes the bWo's team

Madden: Well I don't see the bWo winning this match, sorry just not happening

Stevie Richards & Rose Thorn W/Melinda vs Simon Dean & Torrie Wilson W/Lexus Carr
Torrie and Rose start things off as both ladies lock up with Torrie locking in a headlock on Rose but Rose sends Torrie off the ropes as Rose then hits a hurrincanrana on Torrie taking her down as Torrie gets back but Rose hits the Whirly Bird on Torrie taking her down again as Rose then charges at Torrie as she gets up and Rose jumps on top of Torrie with a Lou Thez Press as Rose opens up on Torrie with a few right hands and gets up and grabs Torrie and Rose goes for a Powerbomb and hits a Spinning Out Powerbomb on Torrie as Rose goes up top and looks for the Superwoman but Torrie moves out of the way as Rose hits the mat hard and Torrie grabs Rose and hits the Deadly Vixen on her as Torrie covers for a 1---2--Stevie pulls Torrie off of Rose as Brian Hebner gets Stevie back as Rose and Torrie both start to get up as Torrie goes over and tags out to Simon Dean as Rose does the same and tags in Stevie Richards as Simon goes to hit Stevie coming in but Stevie catches Simon with a right hand and a few more after that as Stevie whips Simon off the ropes and Stevie hits a big backdrop on Simon as Stevie then picks up Simon and slams him down to the mat as Stevie hits the ropes and Stevie drops a big knee on Simon's face as Stevie gets up and waits as Simon gets up and Stevie takes Simon and rams his head off the top turnbuckle 10 times before taking Simon and pushing him into the corner as Stevie places Simon between the ropes spreading his legs open as Stevie backs up as Brian Hebner stops Stevie but Rose enters the ring and Rose then charges and kicks Simon south of the border as Simon falls out of the corner and is hurting as Stevie goes over and picks up Simon and Stevie sets up Simon for the Stevie T but Simon gets free as Stevie goes to hit Simon but Simon ducks it and Simon opens up on Stevie with right hands and Stevie grabs Stevie and goes for the Simon Says but Stevie kicks Simon in the gut and Stevie hits the Stevie Suplex on Simon as Stevie covers for a 1---2--kick out. Stevie gets up and goes over to the corner and waits for Simon to get up but Lexus grabs Stevie's foot preventing him from doing the Stevie Kick as Stevie turns his attention to Lexus as Melinda comes charging as Lexus runs towards the back with Melinda in pursuit as Simon attacks Stevie and Simon takes Stevie and rams him into the ring post shoulder first as Stevie is hurting as Simon takes his boot and starts to choke Stevie in the corner as Simon takes Stevie out of the corner and slams him down as Simon goes into his bag and pulls out a weight lifting belt as Simon starts to whip Stevie with it as Rose Thorn then comes into the ring and takes the belt away as Rose hits Simon in the back as Simon moves away as Torrie enters the ring and tries to sneak up on Rose but Rose turns around and hits Torrie right over the butt with it as Torrie grabs her backside from it as Simon then grabs Rose and throws her out to the floor as Simon turns around and gets nailed with a Stevie Kick as Stevie covers Simon for the 1---2--3.
Winners: Stevie Richards & Rose Thorn

Miss Shannon: Your winners, Stevie Richards and Rose Thorn

Tenay: Stevie and Rose score the big win here over Torrie and Simon

Madden: Well Simon Dean walked right into that Stevie Kick and I am sure Simon is not going to be happy about it

Tenay: Well we still have our big SmackDown! Main Event coming up as Brandon Davis will put the SD! World Heavyweight Championship on the line against The "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels but lets go backstage right now where Josh Mathews is standing by


Josh Mathews: Thanks guys I am standing here with SCWE Co-General Manager Paul Heyman. Now Paul thanks for taking the time

Paul Heyman: No problem Josh what do you need

Josh Mathews: Well Mr. Heyman I would first off like to congratulate you on becoming Co-General Manager

Paul Heyman: Yeah

Josh Mathews: Now earlier tonight you basically took a backseat to Mr. McMahon why is that?

Paul Heyman: To make sure SmackDown! runs well, I'm not taking a complete backseat, I just have no desire to be a all the time making my presense felt General Manager although I have booked my first match for next week

Josh Mathews: Which is?

Paul Heyman: Brandon Davis will face AJ Styles in a Non-Title Match even if he retains plus I have booked Stevie Richards and Mick Foley against Raven and JJ Stallion

Josh Mathews: Those are two great matches

Paul Heyman: I know Josh, I booked them

:Holly Mathews then walks into the Picture:

Paul Heyman: What do you want Holly

Holly Mathews: Paul I was wondering if I could have a word with you in private please

Paul Heyman: Sure thing Holly

:Holly Mathews and Paul Heyman walk off talking to each other:

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 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:37 PM

Tenay: Well I wonder what Paul Heyman and Holly Mathews were discussing

Madden: Who knows but I am sure its interesting

Tenay: Well what about those matches Paul Heyman made, Stevie Richards and Mick Foley taking on Raven and the returning JJ Stallion plus we will see Brandon Davis taking on the man he defeated last at No Way Out, AJ Styles

Madden: Well I have to give Paul Heyman credit both matches are good

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SmackDown! Women's Championship

"You're Not Enough For Me" hits, Crowd is mixed

Miss Shannon: 1st making her way to the ring, The Challenger, From Boston, Massachusetts, Lacy Kesler

Tenay: Lacy Kesler has been very impressive in recent weeks and tonight has a chance to become SmackDown! Women's Champion

"LoveFuryEnergyPassion" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: And her opponent, From Sanford, North Carolina, She is the SmackDown! Women's Champion, Lita

Tenay: Well here comes the new Women's Champion Lita who won the title by using the ropes last night

Madden: Well whatever gets the job done

SD! Women's Championship: Lita(C) vs Lacy Kesler
The bell rings as Both Challenger and Champion stretch out their arms. They walk closer and collide with a collar and elbow tie up.Lita gets Lacy in a headlock but Lacy pushes Lita to the ropes. The women's champion bounces off the ropes and right into a big back body drop by Lacy Kesler. Lacy grabs a handful of Lita's hair and performs a snap mare takeover and then locks in a sleeper hold. After around twenty seconds Lita wriggles free and kicks up nailing Lacy in the head hard. Lacy falls backwards as Lita covers her 1... kick out by Lacy. Lita gets up and picks Lacy up with her, Lita sends Lacy to the turnbuckle. Lita runs at Lacy and nails a big time turnbuckle clothesline! Lacy stumbles out and falls into a snap suplex from the women's champion. Lita flips herself up and climbs up top but Lacy does the sensible thing and moves out of the ring. Lacy takes a breather outside as Lita launches off the top rope to Lacy outside the ring but Lacy dodges the dive by Lita and Lita eats the padding on the outside of the ring. Lacy quickly grabs a hurt Lita and sends her into the ring. Lacy hooks her leg 1...2... kick out by Lita. Lacy gets up and stalks Lita, She is getting the crowd behind her as she kicks up with a chick kick but Lita ducks it causing Lacy to spin around having her back to Lita. Lita hooks her arm around Lacy's neck and nails the reverse of fate! Lita climbs up to the top of the rope and launches off with a moonsault! She hooks Lacy's leg and pins the challenger for the one...two... three
Winner: Lita

Miss Shannon: Your winner and still SmackDown! Women's Champion, Lita

Tenay: Lita scores the impressive win here tonight

Madden: Lita picks up the win retaining against Lacy Kesler

Tenay: Well Lacy tried her best but it was not to be tonight

:Lita helps up Lacy after the match and goes to shake her hand but Lita then hits Lacy in the face with the SD! Women's Title laying her out as Lita picks up Lacy and hits her a few more times in the face with the title until Rose Thorn hits the ring as Lita bails out to the floor as Rose and Lita have words with each other:

Madden: Damn that Rose Thorn

Tenay: Lita was out of line attacking Lacy like that and Rose Thorn was just doing the right thing

:Lita is backing up the entry way when Torrie comes out with a chair and hits Lita in the back laying her out as Torrie picks up the SD! Women's Title belt and shows it off proudly before throwing it down on top of Lita as Torrie walks to the back as Torrie and Rose have words:

Tenay: Torrie Wilson just laid out Lita now and this Triple Threat Match at Wrestlemania is going to be good

Madden: Yes it is but don't forget Stephanie McMahon, she is the Wildcard facing Lita next week, Stephanie is a former Women's Champion and could get the job done again

Tenay: Well this situation is definatly getting good then


:Christopher Daniels is shown heading towards the ring when the bWo stops him as Stevie and Daniels look at each other as Stevie puts his hand out to Christopher Daniels as the shake hands and AJ Styles and Mick Foley also shake Daniels hand as well as Daniels then continues on towards the ring:

:Another Area Backstage:

:Holly Mathews is shown leaving The GM's Office holding a referee's shirt wiping her mouth as she walks away as Paul Heyman then walks out a few seconds later with a smile on his face:

Final Commercial Ad for SCWE OverDrive!, SCWE Mayhem, & SCWE RAW

Tenay: Well Mark that was a classy thing done by the bWo there to wish Christopher Daniels luck

Madden: He will need it to survive but what do you think was the meaning of Holly leaving The GM's office like she did

Tenay: Well I think she will be the Special Referee now

Madden: Yeah I guess so

Tenay: Well I guess we will find out shortly

Miss Shannon: The Main Event of The 100th Edition of SCWE SmackDown! is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SmackDown! World Heavyweight Championship

"Disposable Teens" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, From Fayetteville, North Carolina, weighing in at 226 Pounds, The "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels

Tenay: Well here comes Christopher Daniels now who looks primed for this match

"Easy Target" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Now introducing the Special Guest Referee, Representing the Corperation, Holly Mathews

Madden: Holly Mathews is ineed the Special Referee

Tenay: Christopher Daniels does not look happy about this decision but can do nothing about it

"Shoot To Thrill" hits, Crowd Boo's Loudly

Miss Shannon: And his opponent, Representing The Corperation, From Knoxville, Tennessee weighing in at 252 Pounds, He is the SmackDown! World Heavyweight Champion, The "Badass American" Brandon Davis

Madden: Well here comes the champ

Tenay: I just hope Holly can call a clean match

SmackDown! World Heavyweight Championship: Brandon Davis(C) vs Christopher Daniels; Special Referee: Holly Mathews
Holly takes the SD! World Title and shows it off to both guys as she rings the bell as Daniels and Brandon have words as Brandon slaps Daniels across the face and tells him to go back to being a jobber as Daniels then slaps Brandon back as Brandon delivers a right hand then knocking down Daniels as Brandon gets on top of Daniels and opens up on him repeatedly with right hands as Brandon gets off Daniels finally and picks him up as Brandon throws Daniels into the corner and Brandon kicks Daniels in the gut a few times as Brandon then grabs Daniels and belly 2 belly's him out of the corner as Brandon grabs Daniels and looks for a Sharpshooter but Daniels kicks Brandon away as Daniels gets back up to his feet and Daniels catches Brandon with a kick to the gut and Daniels picks up Brandon and hits a Sidewalk slam on him as Daniels then covers for a 1---2--Brandon powers out as Daniels pounds away at Brandon and Daniels goes for the Angel Wings but Brandon trips Daniels down and goes for the Walls of America but Daniels kicks Brandon down as both men get back up as Brandon knees Daniels in the gut and Brandon goes for the Lights Out but Daniels locks in the Fall From Grace on Brandon instead but Brandon rams Daniels back into the corner as Brandon then grabs Daniels and goes for the Lights Out again but Daniels pushes Brandon away as Daniels hits the Curry Bottom on Brandon as Daniels then picks up Brandon and hits the Angel Wings as Daniels covers but Holly starts to look at her hand and tells Daniels she broke a nail as Daniels gets up and grabs Holly by her arm and tells her to count when Brandon low blows The Fallen Angel as Brandon then hits the Lights Out on him as Brandon waits in the corner as Holly starts to clap as Christopher Daniels getting back up and Brandon hits the Rush on The Fallen Angel as Brandon covers for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Brandon Davis

Miss Shannon: Your winner and still SmackDown! World Heavyweight Champion, Brandon Davis

Tenay: Brandon Davis has retained but I think Daniels had Brandon beat with the Angel Wings

Madden: Holly broke her nail so she had to fix it thats all, its a legit reason and Brandon beat Daniels fair and square

:Tim Wilkins, Raven, & Tom Armetta come out to the ring as they all start to attack The Fallen Angel when Stevie Richards, AJ Styles, Mick Foley, & The Blue Meanie hit the ring as The Corperation bails out to the floor as Stevie Richards and Brandon have words as AJ and Mick Foley check on Christopher Daniels:

Tenay: Thank goodness for the bWo

Madden: They had no right coming out here

Tenay: Well we hope you enjoyed tonight's SmackDown! and have a Happy Valentine's Day, Good Night

:SmackDown! Goes off the Air:

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