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SmackDown! : SmackDown! 2/21/06
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 2:38 PM

Results 2/21/06 Live From Minneapolis, Minnesota

Dark Matches Air before Smackdown!:

Dark Match #1: None

Dark Match #2: None

:Footage From Last Week's SD is shown as Pyro then explodes opening up the show:

Tenay: Welcome to SCWE SmackDown! we are coming to you live tonight from Minneapolis, Minnesota

Madden: We have several huge matches for you tonight plus we got news on yet another RAW/SmackDown! Trade that was made that we should hopefully be breaking to you shortly

Tenay: Just a quick rundown of the show, Brandon Davis takes on AJ Styles in a Non-Title Match, The SD! Tag Title's are on the line when The Wright Brothers defend against John Cena and Ken Kennedy, Flame defends her Women's Xtreme Title against Leyla, we got Six Diva Tag Action, and Lita defending her SD! Women's Title against Stephanie McMahon plus other great matches of course

Miss Shannon: The Opening Contest of SCWE SmackDown! is scheduled for one fall

"Fire" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring being accumpied by DDP, From Levittown, New York weighing in at 200 Pounds, JJ Stallion

Tenay: Like him or not its great to see JJ Stallion back in the fold on SmackDown! and the same goes for DDP

"I Stand Alone" hits, Crowd Boo's Louder

Miss Shannon: And his partner, Representing the Corperation and being accumpied to the ring by Holly Mathews, From Short Hills, New Jersey weighing in at 237 Pounds, The SCWE Xtreme Champion, Raven

Madden: Well here comes Raven now and the bWo could be in trouble

"One Step Closer" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Miss Shannon: And there opponents being accumpied by Melinda and The Blue Meanie, Representing the bWo and weighing in at a combined weight of 507 Pounds, The team of Mick Foley and "Big Stevie Cool" Stevie Richards

Tenay: Well here comes the bWo

Madden: Why is The Blue Meanie out here

Tenay: Why is DDP out here? The bWo just evened the sides up

Stevie Richards & Mick Foley W/Melinda & The Blue Meanie vs Raven & JJ Stallion W/Holly Mathews & DDP
Referee Chad Patton calls for the bell as Stevie Richards and Raven start things off as both men lock up with Stevie locking a in a headlock on Raven but Raven shoves Stevie off the ropes as Raven goes for a clothesline but Stevie ducks it and Stevie hits the ropes and Stevie hits a big shoulder block knocking down Raven as Stevie then hits a few big chops to Raven as Stevie knees Raven in the gut and Stevie sets up Raven for a Stevie Suplex and hits it as Stevie covers for a 1--1.6-kick out. Stevie then kicks Raven in the gut and Stevie hits a high knee lift knocking down Raven as Stevie picks up Raven and holds him as Stevie tags out to Mick Foley as Foley enters and kicks Raven in the gut and Foley opens up on Raven with right hands as Foley picks up Raven for a slam but instead hangs him upside down in the corner as Foley goes to the opposite corner and charges in hitting a baseball slide into Raven's face as Raven falls out of the corner and is hurting as Mick picks up Raven and hangs Raven upside down again in the corner as Foley backs up and does a Bang Bang as Raven is yelling for help to get him out of the Tree of Woe but Foley charges in and hits a knee into the gut of Raven as Raven once again falls out as Foley picks up Raven and throws him back into the corner as Foley climbs up and opens up on Raven with punch after punch as the Crowd Counts along up until 10 as Foley gets down as Raven staggers out of the corner and is swinging away but Foley kicks Raven in the gut and hits a Double Arm DDT as Foley covers for a 1---2--JJ Stallion makes the save as Chad Patton tells JJ to get out of the ring as Mick Foley picks up Raven but Raven low blows Foley as Raven picks up Foley then and hits a spinebuster on him as Raven makes the tag out to JJ Stallion. JJ Stallion enters the ring and stomps away at Foley as he is trying to get up as JJ grabs Foley and goes for the J Crush but Foley instead pushes JJ off the ropes as Foley knocks JJ down with a right hand as JJ rolls out to the floor as Foley backs up and Foley charges and hits a Suicide dive through the ropes knocking JJ down in the process as the crowd is shocked by it as Raven gets off the apron as does Stevie Richards and Stevie cuts Raven as Stevie and Raven exchange rights and lefts as Mick Foley picks up JJ Stallion and slams him down on the floor as Foley gets on the apron and runs and hits a big elbow from the ring apron onto JJ Stallion as JJ is hurting as is Foley as DDP comes over but The Blue Meanie blocks the way as DDP opens on The Blue Meanie as the two go at it as Mick Foley rolls JJ Stallion back into the ring as Foley gets in after JJ as Foley goes into his pants and pulls out Mr. Socko and Foley is about to deliver it when Holly gets on the apron as Foley turns around and gives Mr. Socko to Holly!!! Holly is trying to get away as JJ hits Foley in the back as Holly gets off the apron and is wiping her mouth away when Melinda spears Holly down and opens up on her but in the ring, JJ Stallion hits the J Crush on Foley and covers for a 1--2--2.9-shoulder up. JJ Stallion is not happy as he picks up Foley again and looks for the Finale but Stevie Richards re-enters the ring and Stevie hits a Stevie Kick out of nowhere laying out JJ Stallion as Raven yanks Stevie back out to the floor as Stevie keeps Raven at bay as Foley covers JJ for the 1---2--3.
Winners: Stevie Richards & Mick Foley

Miss Shannon: Your winners, Stevie Richards & Mick Foley

Tenay: The bWo gets the win in a crazy match

Madden: All hell broke loose out here

:The fighting continues on the floor as Steive Richards and Raven get back into the ring when Tim Wilkins and Tom Armetta hit the ring as Armetta goes after Foley while Tim attacks Stevie from behind as Tim and Raven double team Stevie and JJ and Armetta double team Foley but Rico and AJ Styles then hit the ring as AJ takes down Tim Wilkins while Rico goes to work on JJ Stallion:

Tenay: We got an all out war going on now

:Brandon Davis then hits the ring and eyes up Stevie Richards for a Rush and goes for it but Rico see's it and gets in the way as Brandon hits the Rush on Rico right into the back of Rico though as Rico is hurting as Simon Dean hits the ring and much to everyone's suprise Simon Dean knocks Brandon down with a right hand as Simon Dean opens up on Tim Wilkins as Foley knocks Tom Armetta out to the floor as The Blue Meanie gets back into the ring as The Blue Meanie knocks JJ Stallion out to the floor, AJ knocks Tim Wilkins out to the floor and Stevie takes care of Raven as Brandon rolls out to the floor as well as The Corperation, JJ, & DDP retreat:

Madden: Why did Simon help the bWo

Tenay: I don't know but Rico took that Rush for Stevie but unfortunatly for Rico he wasn't turned around and got it right in the lower back and he could be hurt

:The bWo checks on Rico as Mick Foley and AJ Styles help Rico out of the ring and towards the back as Stevie offers his hand to Simon Dean who thinks about shaking it and finally does before leaving on his own:

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Tenay: What a crazy start to SmackDown!

Madden: Yeah Brandon took out Rico thanks to Rico's stupidity

Tenay: Rico saw Brandon was going to take a cheap shot on Stevie Richards and got in the way of it and unfortunatly for Rico was injured as a result of it but Simon Dean did the shocking thing and came to the bWo's aid, I would love to know why

Madden: Me too

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SmackDown! Tag Team Championship

"Basic Thuganomics" hits, Crowd Boo's

Ken Kennedy: 1st making our way to the ring, We are weighing in at a combined weight of 483 Pounds, We are The Team of John Cena and I am The SCWE European Champion Mr.......Kennedy.................Kennedy

Madden: Here comes John Cena and Ken Kennedy to the ring now

Tenay: This match should be very interesting

"Meant To Live" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: And there opponents being accumpied by Torres Wright, From Atlanta, Georgia weighing in at a combined weight of 455 Pounds, They are the SmackDown! Tag Team Champions, Scott and Chris, The Wright Brothers

Tenay: Here comes the Wright Brothers who first Reign as Tag Team Champions was a very long and Succesful one

SD! Tag Team Championship: Scott & Chris Wright(C) W/Torres Wright vs Ken Kennedy & John Cena
The undersized Chris Wright starts off the match by squaring off with John Cena. Cena stares down Chris Wright, who stands his ground as Kennedy taunts him as well. They lock up, and Chris tries to take Cena down, but Cena is too big. Cena just clobbers him with clubbing blows to his back. Cena whips Chris to the corner, and follows up with a clothesline that sends Chris falling to the canvas. Scott tries to get into the ring, but the ref stops him. Cena and Kennedy take advantage of this and start double teaming Chris with stomps and kicks. Scott tries to tell the ref what's going on, but the ref keeps Scott at his corner. Ken goes back to his corner, and Cena suplex's Chris into the center of the ring and pin. The ref counts to two, but Chris kicks out. John Cena keeps kicking away at Chris before he tags in Kennedy. Ken taunts to the crowd before delivering a running dropkick to the face of Chris. Kennedy quickly gets up and knocks Scott off of the apron, causing him to again argue with the ref. Cena comes in and the two deliver a nice Double Suplex to Chris. Kennedy lifts up Chris and executes a DDT, followed by a standing leg drop. Kennedy goes top rope, but Chris gets up and tries to knock him down from it. Kennedy regains his balance, but Chris is already looking to make a tag to Scott. Kennedy jumps from the top rope and connects a drop kick into the back of Chris Wright! This sends him colliding into Scott, and the tag is made! Kennedy looks to have to part with Scott Wright, but he attacks him! Scott fights back and sends Kennedy reeling. Cena comes in, and Scott executes a back body drop. Kennedy hits a chop block on Scott's left leg while he was attacking Cena. They both stomp away at him, and hit a power bomb/neckbreaker move on Scott! Chris jumps back in and starts attacking John Cena! The ref tries to break up the scuffle, but while that happens Leyla runs down to the ring and goes to get a Tag title belt. Torres tries to stop this, but Leyla smacks the crap out of Torres and gets a belt to Kennedy. Scott starts to get up, and turns around to only get blasted by a title shot from Kennedy! Kennedy throws the title away, and Cena takes Chris outside so the ref can do his duties in the ring. The ref sees the pin and rushes over to count. 1.....2....3
Winners: John Cena & Ken Kennedy (SD! Tag)

Miss Shannon: Your winners and New SmackDown! Tag Team Champions, John Cena and Ken Kennedy

Madden: We have new Tag Team Champions!!

Tenay: Thanks to Leyla's interference, John Cena and Ken Kennedy are Tag Team Champions

Madden: Ken Kennedy is a double champion!!

Tenay: This is wrong, The Wright Brothers were Screwed over


Josh Mathews: I am standing here right now with AJ Styles. Now tonight AJ your facing Brandon Davis in a Non-Title Match, What are your thoughts on this match?

AJ Styles: Well Josh I am realistic about things, I know this is going to be a tough match, Brandon is going to have a few tricks up his sleeves but after taking out Rico earlier tonight and what happened at No Way Out, I am going to be coming for the win. Tonight is going to be the Biggest Win of my Career

Josh Mathews: What makes you so confident?

AJ Styles: Well Josh, Stevie Richards has informed me of an Ace in the hole that he was going to save until Wrestlemania but is going to unleash upon Brandon Davis tonight

Josh Mathews: And that is?

AJ Styles: Josh it wouldn't be a suprise if I told you now would it

Josh Mathews: Well why let it go tonight then?

AJ Styles: Because Stevie isn't like these other group leaders. Stevie worries about the entire bWo and thats why tonight after I beat Brandon, I'm going to dedicate the win to the entire bWo because the bWo is Taking Over and The Take Over hits a new all time High Tonight

:Another Area Backstage:

:Stephanie McMahon is shown heading towards the ring:

Madden: Can Stephanie McMahon win the SmackDown! Women's Championship, Find out after the Break

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:38 PM

Tenay: Well AJ Styles seemed ready for war

Madden: Well I don't think it matters if AJ is ready or not because Brandon is going to destroy AJ Styles

Tenay: Well I don't agree with you there Mark, AJ is a amazing star and if he has a plan then I think we could be seeing a major upset

Madden: Never will happen and I think we know the suprise is going to be Simon Dean who is obviously a traitor

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SmackDown! Women's Championship

"All Grown Up" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making her way to the ring, The Challenger, From Greenwich, Connecticut, Stephanie McMahon

Madden: Here comes Mr. McMahon's daughter who actually apperciates her father unlike Marrisa

Tenay: Well Marrisa has distanced herself from her father, Stephanie has come to SmackDown! and was hand given a title shot

"LoveFuryEnergyPassion" hits, Crowd Boo's Loudly

Miss Shannon: And her opponent, From Sanford, North Carolina, She is the SmackDown! Women's Champion, Lita

Madden: Well here comes Lita

SD! Women's Championship: Lita(C) vs Stephanie McMahon
Lita stands across the ring from her opponent, Stephanie McMahon. The referee holds up the womens championship and shows it off to both the women. He passes it to the ring announcer as the bell rings. Lita and Stephanie walk up close together and lock up with a collar and elbow tie up. They push and pull each other before Stephanie manages to get lita in a headlock. Lita pushes Stephanie off though into the ropes, Stephanie bounces back and quickly locks her arm back around Lita's head with another headlock. This time Lita picks up Stephanie and slams her down with a backdrop. Lita gets up and grabs Stephanie's legs, Lita kicks between Stephanie's legs getting her in the abdomen, Lita falls down and head butts Stephanie's abdomen. Lita smirks as she looks to lock in some sort of hold on Stephanie's legs but Stephanie manages to kick Lita away. Stephanie gets up and ducks a clothesline from Lita and Stephanie nails a neckbreaker. McMahon quickly covers Lita but only manages a one count. Stephanie picks up Lita but Lita nails a jawbreaker on Stephanie sending Steph flying into the turnbuckle. Lita runs at Stephanie and nails a turnbuckle clothesline. Lita quickly grabs Stephanie and sets her up for a snap suplex but Stephanie pushes Lita away and nails her with an RKO!!! Stephanie takes a deep breath and quickly covers Lita 1...2...2.9 Lita just kicks out but Stephanie jumps up thinking She is the womens champion. She slides out of the ring and grabs the womens championship and jumps around holding the belt. Lita sits up and slides out of the ring, She grabs Stephanie and tells her she isn't the womens champion, Stephanie pulls away from Lita and accidentally knocks into the referee sending him to the floor. Lita takes the womens championship and smashes it into Stephanie's face. Lita rolls Stephanie into the ring as the referee gets up and goes into the ring. Lita climbs up top and launches off with a picture perfect moonsault! She hooks Stephanie's leg 1..2...3.
Winner: Lita

Miss Shannon: Your winner and still SmackDown! Women's Champion, Lita

Madden: Well Stephanie tried her hardest but Lita was to much tonight for her to overcome

Tenay: Well Lita continues to roll as she heads towards Wrestlemania III

Madden: Well we will see Rose Thorn and Torrie Wilson in action later tonight but I tell you what both ladies are going to have a fun time trying to knock Lita from her spot

:Backstage: Outside of GM's Office

Rue: I am standing here with SCWE General Manager Mr. McMahon. Now Mr. McMahon where is Paul Heyman?

Vince McMahon: Paul decided to take some time to get ready for Wrestlemania since he doesn't feel confident in this wrestling ability so I am going to be handling SmackDown! for the most part

Rue: Well I understand you have a few Wrestlemania Matches to announce?

Vince McMahon: Yes some I like and well some I have no choice but to make. It seems the powers that be have decided to make a Special Referee for The SmackDown! World Heavyweight title Match

Rue: And that is?

Vince McMahon: I wish I knew, I have been told that he will be here tonight

Rue: What other announcements do you have?

Vince McMahon: Well Rue, JBL will be defending the SCWE United States Championship against Randy Orton plus There will be a SmackDown! Tag Team Turmoil Match and a SCWE Juniorweight Championship Match that will be fought in a Ultimate X Match

Rue: Wow thats three big matches

Vince McMahon: Yes I am also happy to announce that I have acquired Stanley Ryan Tiger, Christine Tiger, and Jayda Diamond from RAW but I had to pay a steep price to complete not only this trade but the past trades I have made with RAW

Rue: So whose going?

Vince McMahon: Well Scott, Chris, & Torres Wright are RAW Bound as well as Christopher Daniels and Rhino

Rue: All of those guys?

Vince McMahon: Well like I said it was a steep price but if you want to see Christopher Daniels one last time, Tune into OverDrive! this week but if you will excuse me

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Tenay: Well how about that announcement

Madden: The Wright Brothers and Christopher Daniels really hurt in that trade, RAW picked up some big names but we did get the Unwanted RAW Star Stanley Ryan Tiger

Tenay: Well after what the RAW guys did to SRT on RAW, I don't think SRT wants on RAW anymore

Madden: Thats a good point Tenay

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"All The Small Things" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making her way to the ring, From New York, New York, Brianna

Madden: Well its time for some Six Divas Tag Action

"Touniquet" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Miss Shannon: Her partner, From Gilman, Illinois, SuIcide

Tenay: Well here comes the nut job that is SuIcide

"Planet Hell" hits, Crowd Boo's Loudly

Miss Shannon: And finally, From Boise, Idaho, Representing The Corperation, Torrie Wilson

Madden: Well here comes Torrie Wilson who will be out to prove a point tonight

"Don't Cha" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: And there opponents, 1st From Houston, Texas, Alexis Adams

Tenay: Well here comes the impressive Alexis Adams

"My Last Breath(Instrumental)" hits, Crowd Cheers Louder

Miss Shannon: Her partner, Representing the bWo, From Austin, Texas, Rose Thorn

Madden: Well here is Rose Thorn now who like Torrie has a message she wants to send to Lita

"Alive" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: And finally, From Edmonton, Canada, Tara Rayge

Tenay: And finally here comes the returning Tara Rayge and what a big signing Tara was for us

Rose Thorn, Tara Rayge, & Alexis Adams vs Torrie Wilson, Brianna, & SuIcide
Rose Thorn and Brianna start the match off with a lock up. Rose easily overpowers Brianna and irish whips her to the ropes, Brianna bounces back and is nailed with a kick in the gut and nails a snap suplex on Brianna. Rose flips herself up and nails a big standing shooting star press on Brianna. Rose covers 1... Torrie gets into the ring and pulls Rose off. Rose gets up and runs at Torrie, who now has her back to Rose, Rose jumps up and clubs down on Torrie's back. Rose gets up and walks over to Brianna, but Brianna punches Rose in the gut and rolls her up with a small package 1..2.. kick out by Rose. Rose gets up and tags out to Alexis while Brianna tags out to Suicide. Suicide and Alexis run at each other and start to punch and slap at one another. Suicide manages to block a slap from Alexis and Suicide licks Alexis's cheek. Alexis push Suicide off her and dropkicks Suicide down. Alexis grabs Suicide and picks her up, Alexis sets Suicide up for a DDT but Suicide counters it into a german suplex. Suicide kneel beside Alexis and strokes her face, Alexis jumps up and quickly rolls Suicide over with a school girl 1...2... Torrie once again gets into the ring and breaks up the pin. Tara gets into the ring but the refere holds her back, So Rose gets into the ring and runs at Torrie, Rose jumps up and spears down Torrie. Rose starts to pound away at Torrie's head, Torrie kicks Rose off and slides out of the ring. Rose slides out the ring after her but Torrie spots her and nastily clotheslines Rose down nearly taking her head off. Torrie picks up Rose and sends her flying into steel ring steps. Torrie thinks Rose is out and climbs back up on the ring apron but Rose's hand reaches up and grabs Torrie's foot and yanks her off the ring apron. Rose head butts Torrie and the two women begin to brawl their way to the back. Meanwhile in the ring Suicide is overpowering Alexis with a Rings of Saturn stretch, Tara gets into the ring and pulls Suicide off, Suicide gets up and kisses Tara in the middle of the ring. Tara pulls away with a grossed out look on her face. Alexis grabs Suicide from behind and rolls her up with a pin 1...2... kick out by Suicide. Alexis grabs Suicide but Suicide and nails a blood stained suicide. She covers Alexis 1...2....2.9 Tara once again breaks the pin. Suicide gets up and pushes Tara, Tara pushes suicide back and suicide falls into Brianna, causing Brianna to tag herself in. Tara tags herself in and the two women run at each other, Tara clotheslines Brianna down, Brianna gets back up and Tara clotheslines her back down. Suicide runs at Tara but Tara dropkicks Suicide out of the ring. Brianna gets up but Tara kicks her in the gut and plants her with a big Powerbomb. Tara locks in the sola-nero and quickly Brianna taps out!
Winners: Rose Thorn, Tara Rayge, & Alexis Adams

Miss Shannon: Your winners, Rose Thorn, Tara Rayge, & Alexis Adams

Tenay: Tara leads her team to victory by making Brianna tap out here

Madden: I have to give credit where credit is due and Tara looked impressive in her return

Tenay: She sure did

Madden: I just wish Torrie would have factored into the outcome

Tenay: Well Torrie and Rose brawled with each other into the backstage area where Security has finally seperated the two


Josh Mathews: I am standing beside SCWE United States Champion JBL. Now JBL I have a few questions for you if you don't mind

JBL: Fire away son

Josh Mathews: The first question is what are your feelings now that The Boogeyman nas disappeared since he has a weird obsession with you?

JBL: Well the Masked ICON came to get that little SOB so I am happy about it, thats just one less freak to deal but as soon as I thought it was safe to re-enter a Locker Room, A much scarier monster emerged on SmackDown!.....Canyon Crotch herself Stephanie McMahon

Josh Mathews: Well tonight your facing Tim Wilkins in a Non-Title Match and then at Wrestlemania III your set to defend your title against Stephanie's boyfriend Randy Orton who did lay you out last night with an RKO

JBL: Son I know who I am facing. Tim Wilkins is a joke next to me, I am what I say I am and that is a Wrestling God. Now Randy Orton on the other hand is not a joke like Tim Wilkins, he is a much bigger joke then Tim Wilkins at Wrestlemania III, I will take the so called "Legend Killer" and give him a Wrestling Lesson like never seen before

:JBL walks off:

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 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:39 PM

Tenay: Well JBL sounded confident backstage

Madden: He sure did Tenay

Tenay: Well speaking of JBL he will be in our next match taking on The Corperation's Tim Wilkins a Non-Title Match

Madden: Don't be suprised if Tim Wilkins pulls the upset of a lifetime off and beats JBL, I think Tim could do it

Tenay: Tim has been on a role as of late well until last week at least

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Non-Title Match

"Piggy Bank" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, Representing The Corpearation and being accumpied by Holly Mathews, From New Haven, Connecticut weighing in at 275 Pounds, Tim Wilkins

Madden: Well here comes Tim Wilkins to the ring now

"Longhorns" hits, Crowd Cheers as The Limo Pulls out with JBL getting out

Miss Shannon: And his opponent, From New York, New York weighing in at 290 Pounds, He is the SCWE United States Champion, John Bradshaw Layfield

Tenay: Well here comes The US Champion

Madden: JBL has a date with Randy Orton at Wrestlemania and I think JBL will be kissing that title good bye

JBL vs Tim Wilkins W/Holly Mathews
JBL laughs as Tim Wilkins looks to lock up with him in the ring. Wilkins charges at JBL, and only gets a Big Boot for his troubles. JBL pounds away at Wilkins back with clubs, and he sends him into the corner. JBL chops Tim a few times, and whips him hard into the other corner. JBL calls for the Clothesline From Hell, and he throws Tim into the ropes, but Tim ducks the clothesline and comes back with a spinning heel kick. Timmy kicks at JBL and he hits a running leg drop. Tim picks up JBL and he whips him to the ropes, Holly grabs his leg and JBL has a few words with her. She backs off, but Tim is running at JBL. JBL ducks and Tim clotheslines himself on the ropes. JBL runs on the opposite side of the ropes, and trys for the Clothesline From Hell, but Tim ducks and pulls the ropes down sending JBL over the top to the outside. Holly starts yelling at JBL, and he gets up only to have Tim Wilkins slingshot himself over the top rope onto JBL. Tim continues to pound away on JBL on the outside, as JBL looks a little out of it. Tim tries to slam JBL's head onto the ring steps, but JBL blocks it and throws Tim into the opposite ring post. JBL taunts the crowd, who responds nicely. He picks Tim up and throws him into the ring. JBL executes a back break, and follows up with another back breaker. He starts stomping away at Tim's back. JBL looks to hit a power bomb, but Tim reverses it into a Senton Roll Up, but JBL kicks out at Two. Timmy keeps kicking away, and follows up with a running dropkick that knocks JBL down. Tim climbs the top rope, and waits for JBL to get up. He does and Tim executes a nice Cross Body Pin. But JBL kicks out at two. Tim, signals for another one, and he goes up top. JBL gets up and Tim jumps, but JBL catches him this time. JBL laughs and delivers the Last Call slam. JBL picks Tim up and hits a DDT. He gets up and signals for the Clothesline From Hell. This time Holly gets up on and apron. She starts screaming and yelling at JBL. She's talking trash, and JBL just laughs. This give Tim enough time to get back up. He runs at JBL, but JBL sidesteps him and he crashes into Holly. Tim looks shocked and look over to see if she's okay. Time turns around, and this time the Clothesline From Hell connects, spinning Tim in the air. JBL covers. 1...2..3
Winner: JBL

Miss Shannon: Your winner, JBL

Tenay: JBL scores the win over Tim Wilkins in impressive form

Madden: Tim tried but I guess JBL was to much to overcome but don't worry, Randy Orton will have his day with JBL, I guarantee it


Rue: I am standing here right now with Rose Thorn. Rose Thorn what are your feelings about AJ's match tonight against Brandon Davis

Rose Thorn: First off Howdy Rue but now to your question.Well Rue I am excited and worried at the same time. I am excited because AJ has a chance to show just how Phenominal he really is but at the same time I'm worried about the Corperation trying to screw AJ over but Stevie has told us that he has a plan to make sure its a fair fight and Stevie is a man of his word

Rue: Well what about your Wrestlemania Match against Torrie Wilson and Lita?

Rose Thorn: Well I earned my title match by winning a battle royal at No Way Out, Lita won the Women's Title from Torrie but Torrie has done nothing to get her title shot except sleep with Brandon Davis and probably Vince McMahon to her rematch because Torrie is nothing but a fat slut

:Lita then walks into the scene with her SD! Women's Championship:

Lita: Well if it isn't Rose Thorn

Rose Thorn: Well if it isn't The Rose Thorn knock off

Lita: I am the one thats Women's Champion Rose so don't be jealous

Rose Thorn: Your Women's Champion because you got your shot first and won't let me have my crack at it yet

Lita: You'll get yours at Wrestlemania III but you'll be on the losing end

:Torrie Wilson then walks into the picture:

Torrie: You both will be on the losing end because I am taking back whats mine

Lita: Torrie I've already beat you

Torrie Wilson: You cheated to win that title

Rose Thorn: You did cheat Lita, you couldn't even beat Fatso on your own thats why that titles coming home

Lita: Like hell its going to you

:All three ladies look ready to fight when Vince McMahon seperates everyone:

Vince McMahon: Listen up there will be no fighting right now but since you three all want at each other so badly, I'm going to make a match for Next Week's SmackDown!, its going to be Lita and Torrie Wilson taking on Rose Thorn and Tara Rayge so that way at least a few of you can get at each other and Lita, I suggest you and Torrie work together as a team or else now all three of you go your own ways.

:Lita walks away with a look of disgust on her face as Torrie doesn't look thrilled either as Rose Thorn walks away smiling:

Rose Thorn: At least I got a great partner

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Tenay: Well Mr. McMahon just made a big match for next week's SmackDown!

Madden: Yeah Lita and Torrie have to team together to face Rose Thorn and Tara Rayge, I wonder what Mr. McMahon was thinking

Tenay: For once he did the right thing I think. Rose Thorn and Tara are going to be a great team

Madden: But Lita and Torrie hate each other

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Colors" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, From Montreal, Canada weighing in at 278 Pounds, Edge

Madden: Well here comes Edge who could go along ways with a win tonight

Tenay: Well if he wins tonight, I think Edge has a case to challenge JBL at Wrestlemania then

"Whatever It Takes" hits, Crowd Boo's Louder

Miss Shannon: And his opponent, From St. Louis, Missouri weighing in at 245 Pounds, The "Legend Killer" Randy Orton

Tenay: Well here comes Randy Orton who we found out earlier is the #1 Contender for JBL's US Championship

Randy Orton vs Edge
The bell rings as Both Men circle the ring. They collide with a lock up and push and pull at one another. Edge manages to get Randy in a headlock but Orton lifts Edge up for a backdrop but Edge flips out of it and quickly locks his arm back around Orton's neck with another headlock, Edge laughs at the crowd as he applies pressure to Randy. Randy manages to push Edge into the ropes, Edge bounces back and nails a shoulder block knocking down Orton. Edge jumps up and looks to drop his knee down on Ortons face but Randy rolls out the way. Edge rolls around the ring clutching his knee as Orton gets up and waits for Edge to stand back up, Edge gets up and Orton goes for an RKO but Edge pushes Randy away into the ropes, Randy bounces back and ducks a clothesline from Edge, Orton kicks Edge in the gut and nails a couple of european uppercuts before landing a suplex on Edge. Randy climbs up to the middle rope and when Edge gets up Orton launches off with a flying crossbody, He lands on Edge and hooks his leg 1..2... kick out by Edge. Randy picks up Edge but Edge spears Orton into the turnbuckle. Edge thrusts his shoulders into Orton's gut before hoisting him up and nailing one snap suplex, he rolls through and plants another snap suplex, and then another. Edge laughs to himself as he stalks Randy, Orton slowly gets up and Edge charges at him looking for a Spear but Randy jumps out the way! Edge crashes into the turnbuckle! Orton walks over to Edge and grabs him, Randy looks for a DDT but Edge manages to counter it into a Edgecution! But just at the last minute Randy counters Edge's finisher into the RKO!! Randy covers edge one...two...three.
Winner: Randy Orton

Miss Shannon: Your winner, Randy Orton

Madden: Randy Orton picks up the impressive win tonight over Edge

Tenay: Well Edge tried but Randy Orton was just to much tonight for him

:Backstage: JBL's Locker Room

:Stephanie McMahon is shown entering the Locker Room as JBL was watching the Monitor of Orton's match as Stephanie goes up behind JBL and smacks him on the butt as JBL turns around quickly:

JBL: Get the hell out of my Locker Room

Stephanie McMahon: Don't worry JBL, I'm not here to hurt you

JBL: I'm not interested

Stephanie McMahon: Interested in what?

:JBL goes over to his wallet and pulls out a hundred dollar bill and throws it to Stephanie:

JBL: There now get the hell out of here before you contamintate my whole locker room

Stephanie McMahon: I just came here to warn you that your US Title belongs to my man Randy Orton


Stephanie McMahon: You're not funny and I'll tell my father

JBL: Go ahead Canyon Crotch just get out of here

:Alexis Adams then walks into the Locker Room as Stephanie picks up the money and puts in her pocket and leaves:

JBL: Phew damn slut's gone now

Alexis Adams: You ok

JBL: Whats with these freaks liking me

Alexis Adams: I have no idea but I came here to tell you something

JBL: Oh god what

Alexis Adams: Next week its me and you vs Orton and Steph

JBL: Oh god, I don't want to be within 10 feet of Canynon Crotch

Alexis Adams: You handle Orton and I'll handle Stephanie

JBL: Deal but lets get the heck out of here before she decides to come back

:JBL grabs his bags and leaves the Locker Room with Alexis following:

Alexis Adams: You know I have to get my bags too

JBL: Well hurry it up

Alexis Adams: Well the Women's Locker Room is on the way but its kind of funny how you do attract these freaks

JBL: It's not funny its disturbing, First there was Christy who turned out to be a nutcase then there was The Boogeyman and now there is Canyon Crotch and lets forget Fish Face either

:Alexis starts to laugh as she and JBL head out:

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 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:39 PM

Tenay: Well there is another match for next week, JBL and Alexis Adams taking on Randy Orton and Stephanie McMahon

Madden: Why is JBL so afraid of Stephanie McMahon? There is nothing wrong with the girl

Tenay: Well I just don't think JBL likes her much

Madden: Seems stupid to me

Tenay: Well thats your opinion but lets move on to the next match

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Women's Xtreme Championship

"These Boots Were Made For Walking" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making her way to the ring, From Toronto, Canada, The Challenger, Leyla

Madden: Well here comes Leyla who is looking to bring home her first piece of gold and I think like Cena before her, she can do it

Tenay: Well Leyla has already made her presense felt helping Cena and Kennedy beat the Wright Brothers to become SD! Tag Team Champions

"My Immortal" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Miss Shannon: And her opponent, From Flamming Starr, Massachusetts, She is the SCWE Women's Xtreme Champion, Flame

Madden: Well here comes Flame who has been a very good Women's Xtreme Champion

Tenay: Well Flame thrives in these types of matches

SCWE Women's Xtreme Championship: Flame(C) vs Leyla
Leyla stares down Flame as the match starts and she charges in grappling up with Flame and grabs her by the head swinging going for a swinging DDT and connects. Flame falls to the mat but automatically pulls herself up as Leyla runs over dropkicking her in the face to knock her back down.  Flame lays on the mat for a second as Leyla walks over pulling her up by the hair but Flame punches her in the face a few causing Leyla to stumble backwards.  Flame gets up and grabs Leyla by the hand and Irish whips her into the other corner and catches her on her way back in a sleeper hold.  Leyla slowly starts to fade but before the ref starts to count for a knock out Flame knees her in the back causing Leyla to fall forward onto the mat. Leyla goes to crawl out of the ring and finally manages to get out but Flame follows quickly behind her and grabs her by the hair pulling her up and slamming her face into the guard rail before going over under the ring and coming back out with a steel stop sign. Flame swings at Leyla but Leyla dodges out rolling into the ring and running out the other side. Flame walks around the ring slowly and turns but Leyla jumps out from behind the steps shooting the fire extinguisher into the eyes of Flame. Flame stumbles backwards temporarily blinded as Leyla now slams the Fire extinguisher into the head of Flame before dropping pushing Flame into the ring and rolling in covering the ref counts 1�?…Kickout!  Leyla hits the mat hard yanking Flame up to her feet but Flame quickly kicks Leyla in the gut as she hoisted Leyla into the air and connected with an Illusions prison and Leyla laid out cold as Flame pushed her over and covered 1�?…KICKOUT!  Flame pushed herself up and kicked Leyla in the gut a few times to keep her down as she went over and climbed the turnbuckles and jumped off connecting with the Flaming star press and the ref again counted 1�?�?!
Winner: Flame

Miss Shannon: Your winner and still SCWE Women's Xtreme Champion, Flame

Madden: Flame picks up the win here over Leyla

Tenay: Well Leyla tried but it was not to be tonight

:Backstage: Corperation's Locker Room

:Brandon Davis is shown ready to leave along with Sable when Vince McMahon walks into the Locker Room:

Vince McMahon: Brandon wait up

:Brandon stops:

Vince McMahon: I just came here to first off tell Brandon to kick AJ Styles's ass tonight but thats not the only reason I am here. As you all know there is a Special Referee that is supposed to be here tonight and I don't know who it is and Stevie Richards is also promising a suprise to help AJ win so I want you guys to be ready to go out there and fight

Raven: Mr. McMahon we know what we have to do. Brandon already took Rico tonight and the rest of the bWo is a piece of cake

Vince McMahon: Well I expect Simon Dean to be the suprise since he is obvioulsy back in with them so Raven, Tim, & Tom be ready and thats an order

Raven: We will be Mr McMahon.

Vince McMahon: Good, Now I just wanted to inform Tim and Tom that next week you two have a Tag Team Title Match against John Cena and Ken Kenendy so I expect you two to bring your A game

Tim Wilkins: No problem Mr. McMahon

Vince McMahon: Now I also wanted to make this official. Holly Mathews is in charge of you two plus Raven, whatever Holly says you three do understand and Sable will manage Brandon from now on.

Raven: Sounds good to me

Tim Wilkins: Me too

Vince McMahon: Alright then Brandon proceed to kicking AJ's ass and you got back up if you need it

:Brandon and Sable leave the Locker Room as Vince follows them out:

:Another Area Backstage:

:AJ Styles is shown heading towards the ring:

Final Commercial Ad for SCWE OverDrive!, SCWE Mayhem, & SCWE RAW

Tenay: Well Mark its time for our Main Event

Madden: Mr. McMahon made another big match for next week with Kennedy and Cena defending against Tim Wilkins and Tom Armetta

Tenay: Yeah and Mr. McMahon laid down the law to the Corperation

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Non-Title Match

"I'm Alive" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, Representing the bWo, From Gainsville, Georgia weighing in at 212 Pounds, The "Phenominal" AJ Styles

Tenay: Well here comes AJ Styles in the match of his life if you ask me

Madden: AJ Styles has no chance here

"Shoot To Thrill" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: And his opponent, From Knoxville, Tennessee weighing in at 252 Pounds, and being accumpied by Sable and Reprsenting The Corperation, He is The SmackDown! World Heavyweight Champion, The "Badass American" Brandon Davis

Madden: Well here comes the champ

Tenay: Well Sable could play a role but I don't think she will with the bWo promising to make an impact tonight

Brandon Davis W/Sable vs AJ Styles
Brandon tells AJ that he isn't in his league as AJ tells Brandon AJ to prove it as the two lock up with Brandon shoving AJ down to the mat. AJ gets back up as AJ goes to lock up again with Brandon but the same thing occurs as Brandon tells AJ that he is no match for him as AJ wants to lock up again but instead kicks Brandon in the shin as AJ hits a few forarm shots on Brandon as AJ then hits the ropes and goes for a flying crossbody but Brandon catches AJ and hits a powerslam out of it as AJ is hurting as Brandon picks up AJ and knees him in the head as Brandon then picks up AJ and slams him down as Brandon then drags AJ to the corner and starts to choke him with his boot as Referee Nick Patrick threatens to DQ Brandon as Brandon stops as Nick Patrick warns him when Sable comes over and starts to choke AJ in the corner which prompts Rose Thorn to make her way to the ringside area to cheer on AJ as Sable moves away from Rose. Brandon picks up AJ and hits a few right hands as Brandon picks up AJ and hits a big belly 2 belly suplex on AJ as Brandon then goes for the Walls of America and locks it on AJ as AJ is screaming out from it as Brandon tells AJ to just tap out but AJ is shaking his head no as he is reaching for the ropes and reaches them but Brandon doesn't break until the last possible instance as Brandon then stomps away at AJ's lower back before picking him up. Brandon then takes AJ and throws him off the ropes as Brandon hits a Big Boot laying out AJ as Brandon picks up AJ and flips him of as Brandon hits the Lights Out on AJ as Brandon goes to cover when Mick Foley & The Blue Meanie race out towards the ring and both men get on the apron as Brandon gets up and Brandon goes over and knocks Mick Foley off the apron and calls to the back as Tim Wilkins & Tom Armetta come out as Tim and Tom battle with Foley & Meanie as Brandon then covers AJ for a 1--2--2.7-shoulder up. Brandon looks a little upset as Brandon picks up AJ but AJ hits a Crescent Kick to Brandon taking him down as AJ gets up and AJ goes up top as Brandon is getting back up and AJ hits a Springboard Moonsault taking Brandon down as AJ hooks the leg for a 1--2--kick out. AJ gets up first and catches Brandon with a few kicks to the sides and then forarm shots as Torrie Wilson, Raven, & Holly Mathews come out to the ringside area as AJ knocks Brandon with a spinning heel kick as Holly gets on the apron as Raven gets into the ring but AJ hits Raven down with a right hand as Melinda comes running down to the ring and yanks Holly down as Melinda knocks Holly down while Torrie and Rose start to fight with each other and Lexus Carr comes down along with Simon Dean as Lexus attacks Sable while Simon pulls Raven out and opens up on him as AJ turns around and Brandon goes for the Rush but AJ moves out the way out as Brandon hits the corner as AJ backs up then as Brandon is getting up and AJ charges looking for a stinger splash but Brandon pulls Nick Patrick in the way as AJ takes out Nick Patrick laying him out as AJ then walks into a Rush from Brandon as Brandon see's The Corporation and the bWo fighting it out and Nick Patrick down as Brandon rolls out to the floor and gets a Steel chair and brings it back into the ring as Brandon is telling AJ to get up when Stevie Richards comes out and yanks the chair away from Brandon as Brandon turns around and stairs down Stevie Richards as Stevie and Brandon start to exchange rights and lefts as AJ Styles is catching his breath as Stevie knocks Brandon down and Stevie waits and goes for a Stevie Kick but Brandon ducks it and Brandon low blows Stevie as Brandon then goes for Lights Out but Stevie shoves Brandon into AJ who kicks him in the gut and AJ sets him up for the Styles Clash but Brandon is able to trip AJ down and slingshots him into Stevie Richards knocking them both down as Brandon gets up and Brandon goes for a Rush but AJ moves and Brandon hits Stevie Richards as Brandon then gets hit with the Steel Chair from AJ Styles laying Brandon out as AJ picks up Brandon and sets him up for the Styles Clash and hits it but no referee when Jamie Gunz limps down towards the ring wearing a SmackDown! Referee shirt as Jamie gets into the ring and counts the 1---2--2.9-shoulder up. AJ Styles can't believe it as AJ picks up Brandon but Brandon hits the Lights Out of nowhere on AJ as Brandon see's Jamie and Brandon tells Jamie that if he isn't careful he could end his career for good as Jamie smiles and tells Brandon to turn around as Brandon walks right into a Stevie Kick as Stevie then puts AJ Styles on top of Brandon as Jamie counts the 1-2-3.
Winner: AJ Styles

Miss Shannon: Your winner, AJ Styles

Tenay: AJ Styles has beaten Brandon Davis and Jamie Gunz is the Specail Referee for Wrestlemania III!!

Madden: Jamie Gunz just screwed Brandon by letting Stevie interfere thats not fair, Brandon was screwed

Tenay: None the less its a huge win for AJ Styles and Simon Dean and Lexus Carr who were not wearing bWo shirts but none the less helped fight off hte Corperation were Stevie's suprise I guess

Madden: Once again this isn't fair

:The Corperation helps Brandon to the back as Brandon is irate and is restrained once he realizes what happens while in the ring, Stevie Richards & Simon Dean pick AJ Styles up on there shoulders to celebrate his win as "One Step Closer" is playing:

Tenay: My god Mark, I think the bWo really are taking over...See You Next Tuesday

:SmackDown! Goes off the Air:

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