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SmackDown! : SmackDown! 3/21/06
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 3:15 PM

Results 3/21/06 Live From Baltimore, Maryland

Dark Matches Air before Smackdown!:

Dark Match #1: The Bashams defeated Triple J & Jack when Danny pinned Jack

Dark Match #2: Orlando Jordan defeated Tom Armetta and Frankie Kazarian

:Footage From Last Week's SD is shown as Pyro then explodes opening up the show:

Cole: Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to Tuesday Night SmackDown! I am Michael Cole along side my long time partner Tazz.

Tazz: Dont adjust your television sets, This is indeed SmackDown! We have made it to the big leaques once again thanks to new General Manager Brandon Davis, and what a card we have tonight.

Cole: Lots of action packed matches, Rose Thorn teaming up with the returning Scarlett to take on the team of Lita and Torrie Wilson. Also New United States Champion Randy Orton takes on the undefeated Ken Kennedy in a champion vs champion match, and cant forget Billy Gunn vs Jamie Gunz tonight for the main event.

Tazz: I still cant believe Orton beat JBL, Cole. But thats not all, We also have a Womens Xtreme Championship Match, and also Brandon Davis will address the SmackDown! Lockeroom about the vacate SmackDown! World Championship.  Well Cole, Im ready to call some matches.

*Getting away with murder hits the PA system as the crowd boos and Matt Matlock comes down the ramp*

Shannon: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, it is for the SCWE Xtreme Championship and is the opening match of SmackDown! 1st the challenger, making his way to the ring, he is from Cape Breton, Canada and weighing in at 240 Pounds .....Matt Matlock!

Tazz: Well, Here comes Matt Matlock

Cole: Matt Matlock is looking for a win tonight

*Lights Out hits the PA System as the crowd continues to boo and John Cena comes down the ramp*

Shannon: And his opponet, He is the SCWE Xtreme Champion..He is from West Newberry, Massachusetts and weighing in at 240 Pounds and is a member of The Nation...Please Welcome John Cena!

Tazz: The champ is here Cole

John Cena (c) vs Matt Matlock

Ding Ding Ding! Nick Patrick hols up the Xtreme Title as both men stare each other down. Nick Patrick then hands the belt to an official outside and then signals for the bell. Cena and Matlock lock up but Cena breaks it and rakes Matlock in the eyes. Cena then opens up on Matlock with a few right hands. Cena then whips Matlock off of the ropes and hits him with a clothesline. Cena then goes to pick Matlock up but Matlock punches Cena in the stomach. Matlock then opens up on Cena and then throws him out to the floor. Cena tries to get up but Matlock comes flying over the ropes and hits him with a Crossbody. Matlock then gets on top of Cena and starts to pound away on him. Matlock then gets up and goes to get a chair. Matlock comes back to Cena but Cena kicks him away. Matlock swings the chair but Cena ducks it and then kicks Matlock in the gut. Cena then whips Matlock into the steel steps knocking the top steps off of the bottom ones. Cena then picks Matlock up and hits him with a DDT onto the steps. Matlock is dripping with a little bit of blood. Cena goes and gets a chair and then sets it up. Cena goes to pick Matlock up but Matlock low blows him and then hits a Brainbuster DDT onto the chair. The crowd is going nuts as both men lay on the ground. Matlock starts to get up. Matlock picks Cena up and starts to open up on him. Matlock goes for a big right hand but Cena ducks it and then hits Matlock with Snake Eyes onto the barricade. Cena then takes Matlock and rolls him into the ring. Cena rolls in and picks Matlock up. Cena hits Matlock with a Stalling Suplex. Cena then covers for the---1---2---2.6---kick out. Cena is pissed and starts to argue a bit. Matlock is slowly getting up. Cena punches Matlock in the head but Matlock punches Cena right back. Cena goes for another punch but Matlock blocks it and starts to open up on Cena. Matlock then goes for a big right hand but Cena pokes him in the eyes. Cena then whips Matlock into the corner. Cena goes to the opposite corner and rips off the protective covering around the turnbuckle. Cena then turns around but is met with a dropkick fomr Matlock. Matlock then picks Cena up and starts to slam his head into the exposed steel. Matlock then lets Cena fall to the mat as blood starts to drip from his forehead. Both men are now bleeding. Matlock then picks up Cena and throws him back out to the floor. Matlock then climbs the turnbuckle and hits Cena with a Splash. Matlock then covers for the---1---2---2.7---kick out. Matlock then picks Cena up and throws him into the barricade. Matlock is waiting for Cena to come off of the barricade. Cena does and Matlock goes for the Animal Instincts but Cena moves out of the way. Matlock then turns around as Cena kicks him in the gut and then hits him with the F-5. Cena then collapses on top of Matlock for the---1---2---3.
Winner: John Cena

Shannon: Your winner...and still SCWE Xtreme Champion, John Cena

Tazz: The champ retained here tonight

Cole: Matt Matlock put up a good fight but came up short tonight against John Cena.

Backstage: Josh Mathews is shown with Brandon Davis

Josh: Ladies and Gentlemen, I am standing here with the new SmackDown! General Manager Brandon Davis. Brandon, there has been alot of question about what you will do with the vacated World Championship. Could you shed some light on what will happen?

Brandon: Well, If I told you what I was going to do with it, It wouldnt be a surprise now would it Josh? Ive heard whats been the talk of my lockeroom, People are thinking that Im going to just give it back to myself. I admit, If I was my oldself, I would, but Im not. Im a new man, the end of Wrestlemania dawned a new era and a new me as well. I know everybody here on my show  wants this World Championship more then anything. Kissing my ass isnt going to make it yours, if you want this World Championship, you will work for it and you will earn it. Now, why dont you run along and wait to see what I have instore.

Commerical ad for: SCWE RAW, ECW Bloodfest, KSCWE Designs and Archives

Cole: What a way to start off SmackDown! John Cena gave it his all and walked away the winner of an explosive opening match.

Tazz: I just wonder what Brandon will do with the vacated World Championship? If I wrestled again, I would be good contender.

Cole: Well up next we are going to see Mick Foley take on Californian

*Wreck hits the PA system as the crowd cheers and Mick Foley comes down the ramp*

Shannon: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. 1st making his way to the ring, He is from Long Island, New York and weighs in at 287 Pounds....Mick Foley!

Cole: Here comes Mick Foley who is looking to bounce up after suffering a loss at Wrestlemania 3.

*Symbolic hits the PA system as the crowd continues to cheer and Californian comes down the ramp*

Shannon: And his opponet, He is from Glendale, California and weighs in at 339 Pounds....The Californian!

Tazz: Well here comes The Californian, hoping to make a mark in his SmackDown! return, and both him and Mick are very known in the RAWCore Division

Mick Foley vs Californian

Ding Ding Ding! Mick Foley and Californian start off the match by shaking hands and then both men lock up in the middle of the ring. Both men start exchanging right and left handers but Mick Foley gets the best of The Californian and Cali goes down. Mick Foley lets up as The Californian looks at him. The Californian gets back up and both men lock up in the middle of the ring. The Californian overpowers Mick Foley and pushes him into the corner. The Californian starts opening up on Mick as the ref tells Cali to let off. Cali does as the ref checks on Mick. The Californian then grabs Mick and irish whips him, Mick Foley bounces off the as The Californian bends over but Mick kicks The Californian in the head. Mick quickly goes for the cover-1...2...kickout. Mick waits for The Californian to get up. The Californian does and Mick turns him around but The Californian knocks down Mick Foley with a right hander. The Californian gets on top of Mick Foley and gives him right and left handers, busting open Mick Foley's nose. The Californian goes for the cover-1....2....kickout. The Californian gets up and lifts up Mick Foley. The Californian puts Mick Foley in a headlock and increases the pressure. Mick Foley starts to fight back by hitting The Californian in the stomach. Mick Foley finally gets free and shakes his head. Mick Foley then opens on The Californian and quickly irish whips The Californian into the corner. Mick walks over and gets on the 2nd rope and the crowd cheers. Mick starts hitting The Californian in the head as the crowd counts-1..2..3..4- The Californian fights back by shoving Mick Foley down on the mat. The Californian then goes over to Mick and starts kicking him. The Californian lets up as the ref checks on Mick Foley. The Californian then picks up Mick Foley and irish whips Mick into the ropes, Mick Foley bounces off the ropes and runs towards The Californian as The Californian clotheslines him down. The Californian goes for a pin-1...2...kickout. The Californian looks at the ref as the ref says its a 2 count. The Californian lifts up Mick Foley and puts him in another headlock. The Californian then knees Mick Foley in the stomach a few times. Mick Foley falls down grabbing his stomach as The Californian delivers a right hander to the cheek of Mick Foley. Mick Foley falls down as The Californian goes to pick up Mick Foley, but Mick Foley out of no where gets out Mr Socko and puts Mr Socko in The Californians Mouth! The Californian gags for air as Mick Foley is smiling but The Californian bites Mick Foleys hand. Mick Foley grabs his hand as The Californian quickly spins Mick Foley around and hits a 323 on Mick Foley. Mick Foley falls down and The Californian covers Mick Foley-1.....2.....3!
Winner: The Californian

Shannon: Your winner....The Californian

Tazz: The Californian picked up the win.

Cole: Yeah, but Mick Foley shouldnt be shamed, he did put up a good fight.

(Footage airs of MNM's history and then says "MNM is coming to SmackDown!")

Cole: MNM is coming to SmackDown!

Tazz: I cant wait, Melina is a looker

Backstage: Brandon is shown coming towards the ring with the World Championship on his shoulder

Cole: Well, it looks like we will hear from new General Manager Brandon Davis after this commerical break

Commerical Ad for: Rewind for SCWE RAW, KSCWE Archives, ECW Bloodfest

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:16 PM

Cole: Welcome Back to SmackDown! If you just joined us, John Cena retained the SCWE Xtreme Championship over Matt Matlock and The Californian defeated Mick Foley.

Tazz: MNM is also coming to SmackDown! AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels better watch out, MNM is coming to take some gold.

*For Whom The Bell Tolls hits the PA system as the crowd is mixed and Brandon walks down the ramp*

Shannon: Please Welcome...Our new SmackDown! General Manager..."The Badass American" Brandon Davis!

Cole: It looks like we will be hearing from our General Manager now

*Brandon slides in the ring, gets a mic and starts talking*

 Brandon: At Wrestlemania 3, I will be a big man and I will admit. I got beat, Stevie Richards proved me wrong and Im a Stevie, if you are watching this....Congradulations on beating me fair and square. Stevie, if RAW ever treats you wrong, you have a place over here on SmackDown! Now thats out of the way, Im out here to address a few things, Now, this is the time where I answer everybodies question. I do want to take this time to thank The Hill's for letting me run SmackDown!. Now SmackDown! will be different this time...Im running things around here now. I know all of you are thinking "why did they let Brandon be a General Manager again?" Well, I can answer that for you all. I was the best damn General Manager there was other then Eric Bischoff. Many General Managers came and gone...Vince Russo, Ric Flair, Charisma Adams, Ernest "The Cat" Miller and the rest that need to be nameless...Everyone of them failed at running RAW, I was the man that was turning it around until they decided to do away with it. It was the roster that killed itself, I didnt kill RAW.  I know theres people in the back that dont like it, like Jamie Gunz for example. Well, Get used to it, Im not going any where. Now, The other order of business I came out here for is this, The World Championship that resting on my shoulder. I know everybody in the back wants a shot at this lovely gold. Thats why I will be handpicking select superstars tonight for an 8 man battle royal that will take place live here next week for the World Championship. With that said, I will hand pick the 8 men, they are....The SCWE United States Champion Randy Orton, The SCWE European Champion Ken Kennedy, The SCWE Xtreme Champion John Cena, Both SmackDown! Tag Team Champions AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels, John Bradshaw Layfield, Billy Gunn...and the last man....Jamie Gunz! There will be a special referee for this match and that man is...ME! Enjoy the rest of the show.

*For Whom The Bell Tolls restarts as Brandon leaves the ring*

Tazz: Next week we will have a 8 man Battle Royal for the SmackDown! World Championship.

Cole: Brandon sure did make a good choice for how to handle the World Championship Vacancy

Backstage: AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels are shown heading towards the ring when Rue stops them

Rue: AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels...Brandon Davis has selected you two to take part in the 8 man battle royal. How do you two feel about that?

AJ Styles: Even though there has been a few times where Brandon and I havent gotten along, he does have a good head on his shoulders, I can see it now...AJ Styles...World Champion and one half of the Tag Team Champions.

Christopher Daniels: No, You have it all wrong AJ, It will be Christopher Daniels being your new World Championship and I will finally be in the spotlight here in on SmackDown.

*AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels both look at each other*

Rue: Well, Good luck guys and back to you Michael Cole and Tazz

(Camaras pan back on Cole and Tazz)

Cole: Well, I wonder how AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels will do tonight knowing that they will be opponets here next week on SmackDown!

*Im Alive hits the PA system as the crowd cheers and AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels comes down the ramp*

Shannon: The following match is a tag team, non title match. 1st making their way to the ring at a combined weight of 438 Pounds, They are the SmackDown! Tag Team Champions...AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels

Tazz: Well, looks like we are about to find out right now.

Cole: This is Christopher Daniels and AJ Styles's 1st match since they won the Tag Team Championships

*Rise up hits the PA system as the crowd boos and SRT and Edge comes down the ramp*

Shannon: And their challengers, making their way to the ring at a combined weight of 606 Pounds, They are the team of Stanley Ryan Tiger and Edge

Cole: Here comes SRT and Edge who are getting a Wrestlemania 3 rematch

AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels vs Stanley Ryan Tiger & Edge

Ding Ding Ding! The match starts with Edge and AJ in the ring and AJ puts an arm up for a grapple but Edge kicks him in the gut leaning forward grabbing him around the head connecting with a DDT. Styles is able to get up really quick but is brought back down by a standing drop kick from Edge.  Edge walks over picking up Styles and pulls him to his feet but Styles upper arms Edge and Edge and Irish whipped him into the turnbuckle so he snapped down and fell to the mat as Styles tags in Daniels.  Daniels gets in and walks over kicking Edge in the back a few times before pulling him to his feet but Edge breaks out connecting with a German suplex on Daniels.  Daniels pulls himself up as Edge comes charging at him for a spear but Daniels moves and Edge crashes shoulder first into the turnbuckle.  Daniels tags in Styles who pulls Edge out of the ropes and DDT’s him to the mat before climbing the ropes and jumping off connecting with a shooting star press.  He covers Edge 1�?2�?SRT comes in and breaks up the count before exiting back to the ring apron.  Styles pull up Edge now and goes for a Styles Clash but SRT comes in and big boots him in the face attempting to beat down on Styles but Daniels comes in and clotheslines SRT over the top rope and jumps over the top rope going to hit SRT with a senton but SRT catches him and DDT’s him hard on the mat.  SRT climbs back up onto the ring apron.  Edge and Styles are now both getting up in the ring and Edge runs fast at Styles for a spear but Styles moves and Edge this time runs into SRT who tags himself into the match and enters the ring.  SRT comes forwards but Styles is a step ahead of him kicking him in the gut and right off the bat hitting the Styles Clash on him and he covers 1�?�?3!
Winner(s): AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels

Shannon: Your winners...AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels

Cole: AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels gets the win here tonight

Tazz: Edge gave it his all, but AJ Styles cheap shot SRT and thats why SRT lost so quick

Scene: SRT is livid as he knocks down AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels goes to hit SRT but SRT knocks down Christopher Daniels as well. SRT lifts up AJ Styles and hits the Tiger Trap on AJ Styles. SRT then throws down AJ Styles and gets a mic

SRT: Im sick and tired of being screwed and sucker punched here on SmackDown! I mean, I am the best man this stinking brand has got to offer, and I get treated like this. I get sick and tired of it. Its the same thing every week, I face people I can beat and I always get suckered punched at the last minute. Brandon, I want you to come out here and I want you to do something about this.

Scene: Brandon comes down to the ramp and stops with a mic in his hand 

SRT: Brandon...I demand to know....

Brandon: Shut up! You dont demand a thing from me boy. You dont run things around here.

Scene: Brandon gets in the ring and looks at SRT

Brandon: You have a problem with SmackDown! Son? Well, I think I have a soultion to your problems son.

Scene: 2 masked men come out and start attacking SRT. The masked men bring SRT down and start kicking him.  The masked men then set up SRT for the snap shot and connects it. The masked men take off their maskes to reveil Johnny Nitro and Joey Mercury. Brandon laughs at SRT as MNM stands up SRT. Brandon then kicks SRT in the stomach and delivers a Lights Out to SRT. Melina comes out as Brandon leaves the ring and MNM poses. Brandon then turns around and talks in the mic.

Brandon: Oh, another thing SRT...You hate SmackDown so bad?....then..YOUR FIRED!

Cole: Brandon Davis just fired SRT.

Tazz: And MNM made their debuts by taking out SRT

Backstage: JBL is shown getting ready for his match when he is approached by John Cena

Cena: Well, if it isnt JBL...How did it feel to lose to Randy Orton, a pathetic excuse for a wrestler? He beat you for the 1-2-3...Man JBL, and you call yourself a Wrestling God when you got beat by a Wrestling Freak?

JBL: Thats funny son. You know, as much as it pains me to say it...Randy Orton has done something you havent be able to do when it comes to me son.

Cena: Yo, Thats cool but you see, Next week, I will beat you. Next week will be the week of John Cena when I am the last man standing....and I am walking away a double champion. I will eliminate your ass over that top rope, and then you will realize that you cant see me!

JBL: Thats nice son, go live in fantasy world, after all son, thats all you live in. Now if you would excuse me, I have better things to do then be seen talking to a wannabe like you.

*JBL walks away as John Cena looks livid*

Cole: JBL and John Cena will be fighting for the World Championship next week on SmackDown!

Tazz: I think John Cena will win

*Longhorns hits the PA System as JBLs limo pulls out and JBL gets out as the crowd cheers*

Shannon: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. 1st making his way to the ring, He is from New York City, New York and weighing in at 290 Pounds....John "Bradshaw" Layfield

Tazz: Here comes the Wrestling God

*Dont Tread On Me hits the PA system as the crowd is mixed and Adam Smith comes down the ramp*

Shannon: And his opponet, making his way to the ring, He is from St John's Newfoundland, Canada and weighs in at 215 Pounds...Adam Smith

Cole: Adam Smith is looking for a big win tonight

John Bradshaw Layfield vs Adam Smith

Ding Ding Ding! The bell sounds and JBL stares down Smith and laughs like Smith is a joke.  Smith comes running at JBL but JBL kicks him in the gut hard Irish whipping him but as Smith comes back he jumps up connecting with a flying clothesline.  JBL falls to the mat but only for a few moments as he gets up and grabs Smith kicking him in the back of the leg and shoves Smith’s head in between his legs going for a powerbomb but Smith powers out flipping JBL over his back. JBL lands on the mat hard as Smith bends over pulling him up and connecting with a big game hunt on JBL.  JBL lays a bit out of it as Smith covers 1…JBL kicks out as Smith pulls him up but JBL this time grabs Smith and Irish whips him and on his way back JBL connects with a big boot to the face and Smith falls to the matt as JBL picks him up and throws Smith over the top rope.  JBL follows him out to the ringside where he grabs Smith pulling him up and goes to throw Smith into the steel steps but Smith reverses it and JBL crashes into them. Smith rolls into the ring as the ref is counting still for the count out on JBL �?�?7�?8�?�?�?JBL gets into the ring at the last second and Smith kicks him in the back a few times.  JBL manages to fight his way up but Smith applies the hunts end as JBL screams in pain but manages to get to the rope.  Smith walks over to the other side of the ring stalking JBL and when JBL gets up he comes charging at JBL to hit the clothesline of hell on JBL!  JBL moves though and when Smith turns around JBL is already feet away from him and he connects with the clothesline to hell on Smith and covers 1�?2�?3!
Winner: JBL

 Shannon: Here is your winner....John Bradshaw Layfield

Scene: JBL is celebrating his win as John Cena comes in through the crowd and attacks JBL from behind. John Cena then lifts up JBL and sets him up for a F-U and connects it. John Cena rolls out of the ring and backs up the ramp as the laughs at JBL.

Tazz: John Cena just sent a message to JBL

Cole: That he did, but JBL will teach him a lesson next week

Commercial Ad for: SCWE SmackDown! Preview, SCWE RAW, ECW Bloodfest

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:16 PM

Cole: Well up next we will see the Womens Xtreme Championship Match

Tazz: Brandon Davis has just made this an Xtreme Rules Match...So it should be interesting

Cole: All 6 divas are in the ring and are going for the gold and are waiting in the ring

Flame(c) vs Stephanie McMahon vs Leyla vs Tara Rayge vs Christine vs SuIcide

Ding Ding Ding! The Bell sounds. Flame and Suicide stands in one corner of the ring, Leyla and Stephanie Stand in another corner, with Tara and Christine in their own corners. Tara looks over to Stephanie and Leyla and shouts out "That's the sluts corner then!" Stephanie laughs it off but Leyla looks utterly offended and charges at Tara but Rayge just dodges out the way and pushes Leyla out of the ring. She jumps out after her and starts putting the boots to the number one diva of thuganomics. Suicide and Flame nod at one another as they both lock up with Stephanie and Christine. Flame has Stephanie while Suicide has Christine. The four women all push and pull at one another, Suicide and Flame get the upper hand and irish whip their opponants to the ropes, they bounces off the ropes and back to the sadistic twosome as they nail stereo big backbody drops. Flame jumps up and nails a leg drop to Stephanie McMahons neck, as She gets up Suicide gets her distractions and tells her to "watch This" Suicide jumps even higher then Flame and nails a leg drop on Christine! Suicide gets up and looks for appreciating from Flame but Blood Flame just cocks her eyebrown and grabs Stephanie by the hair picking her up. Flame hoists Stephanie up with a suplex, Suicide does the same with Christine, Suicide smiles at flame and the two seem to be competing about who can keep their diva up the longest. After a while they both seem to be struggling but sudenly Tara Rayge climbs up to the top rope after brawling with Leyla and launches off the top rope with a cross body to Flame who has Stephanie McMahon up in a vertical suplex position, tara takes them both down! Suicide drops Christine down and quickly attacks Tara for what she did to Flame. Suicide sits on Tara and pounds away at her face A chair is swung at Suicide's head sending her flying off Tara, the holder of the chair is Leyla. Leyla throws down the chair and visciously kicks Tara in the face. Christine has climbed out the ring and is rummaging under the ring for some goodies. She pulls out a trash can and sets it on the ring apron and attempts to climb in but Stephanie McMahon nails a baseball slide to the trash can causing it to smash off Christine's head. Stephanie climbs out the ring as she and christine battle it out. Inside the ring Leyla is still beating on Tara but Suicide gets back up and spears Leyla down from off Tara. Suicide starts nailing sinister forearm smashes into Leyla's face. Flame has rolled out the ring and picked up various metal signs, and other various objects she can use as a weapon. Inside the ring Suicide picks up Leyla and nails her with a big fishermans suplex move, she bridges her back and holds on for the pin 1...2.. Flame gets into the ring with a 4 x 4 and whacks Suicide in the stomach with it - breaking the pin.  Suicide rolls around holding her stomach as Suicide. Flame locks in a figure four leg lock, she pulls out a rose from her back pocket and hands it to leyla as she applies pressure to Leyla but Suicide has gotten up with the 4 x 4 in hand and nails it right into Flame's head stopping the submission. Flame holds her head, when she moves herhands out the way we can see blood pouring down her face. Suicide hits Flame again with the wood. Suicide gets ontop of flame and licks some of the blood from flame's forehead, Tara Rayge has gotten up and grabs Suicide, Suicide turns to her and spits Flames blood into Tara's face! Tara looks in complete shock and disgust as she furiously wipes at her mouth getting the blood off. Suicide smirks as Leyla rolls her up with a school girl pin 1...2.. Tara breaks up the pin.Suicide and Leyla both get up quickly as Tara, Leyla and Suicide all look at one another. Suicide goes to attack Tara but Rayge blocks it and kicks Suicide in the gut, Rayge attempts to irish whip Leyla to the ropes but Leyla counters it sending Tara to the ropes, Tara bounces back and jumps up into a wheel barrow position with her legs around Leyla, her body bounces up and she locks her right arm around Leyla's head looking for a bulldog but she Also manages to wrap her feet around Suicide's head and performs a head scissors - DDT combo. Tara gets up and see's stephanie and Christine fighting on the outside of the ring. She runs at the ropes and dives over them with a crossbody taking down Christine and Stephanie. Tara picks up the trash can from before and places it upright, she picks up Stephanie and drops her into the trash can and kicks it over, Tara shouts out "Now that's what i call taking out the trash!" The crowd laugh at Stephanie as Christine jumps up behind Tara and nails a bulldog! Christine goes for the walls of st. johns but Tara counters it into a victory roll type pin 1...2... Flame breaks up the pin.Flame picks up Tara slowly and drops Rayge faces first onto the ring apron. Flame pulls something from under the ring and it's a white bathroom sink. She lifts it up and slams it down at tara but Rayge lucky rolls out the way, when the sink hits the ground it smashes into a thousand peices. Flame steps over to Tara and goes to stomp down hard on Tara but Rayge once again rolls out the way and nails a drop toe hold on Flame causing Flame to fall forward into the ring barrier. Inside the ring Leyla and Suicide are just getting up, they start exchanging rights and lefts with one another, Stephanie McMahon has crawled out the Trash can and dropkicks Chrisine who has been getting up, Stephanie grabs one of Leyla's ankle and one of Suicide's and pulls them, trying to pull them out of the ring. Leyla and Suicide look outside the ring at stephanie and both divas grab Stephanie by the hair and pull her into the ring. Leyla hits the Razzari Rumble on Stephanie and covers her 1... suicide breaks them up and Suicide pushes Leyla down. Suicide grabs Stephanie and nails her with the blood stained suicide! Suicide covers Stephanie 1...2.. Flame breaks it up this time. Suicide gets up, Flame and Suicide start shoving each other Suicide asks what flame is doing but Flame just bitch slaps Suicide and spears her out the ring. Leyla gets up and walks over to Stephanie McMahon with a smile on her face, She goes to pick up Stephanie but tara Rayge gets into the ring and runs at leyla with the womens Xtreme championship in hand and smashes it off Leyla's head! Tara see's Stephanie laid out in the middle of the ring and locks in the Sola-Nero on McMahon. After a few secons Stephanie taps before anyone can break it up!
Winner: Tara Rayge(SCWE Womens Xtreme)

Shannon: Your winner and NEW Womens Xtreme Champion...Tara Rayge

Cole: Tara Rayge walks out of SmackDown! the new Womens Xtreme Champion.

Tazz: Flame and Suicide were at each others throat, I have a feeling that we wont see the end of what happened tonight in the future.

Cole: Well Tazz, we have 3 more matches left to go and what a SmackDown! Card this has been.

*RAW Rebound airs showing footage of Monday's RAW*

*Whatever It Takes hits the PA system as the crowd boos and Randy Orton comes down the ramp*

Shannon: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a non-title match. 1st making his way to the ring, he is from St Louis, Missouri and he is the SCWE United States Champion..."The Legend Killer" Randy Orton

Tazz: Here comes the new United States Champion Cole

Cole: Randy Orton cheated to beat JBL at Wrestlemania 3

*Mr Kennedy's Theme hits the PA system as the crowd boos and Ken Kennedy comes down the ramp*

Ken Kennedy: And Randy Ortons opponet.... I hail from Greenbay, Winsconsin...I am a pround member of The Nation and I weigh in at 243 Pounds, I am the SCWE European Champion....Mr Kennedy!..............Kennedy!

Cole: Talk about arrogance

Tazz: Both men are opponets in next weeks battle royal

Randy Orton vs Ken Kennedy

Ding Ding Ding! Kennedy and Orton look at each other with and Kennedy has a smirk on his face as he comes in after Orton kicking him hard in the gut and running throwing him into the ropes taking Ortons face and slamming it into the turnbuckle as the fans counts each time 1...2...3...4....Kennedy stops as Orton stumbles out and gets kicked in the gut hard and Kennedy connects with a hard DDT. Kennedy covers 1...2...Orton kicks out. Kennedy pulls Orton up but Orton breaks free connecting with a European Uppercut on Kennedy. Kennedy stumbles backwards as Orton jumps up connecting a standing drop kick. Kennedy falls back into the corner of the ring as Kennedy runs and goes for a broncobuster and connects holding it for about 10 seconds before coming out. Orton leans over pulling up Kennedy and grabs him around the head connecting a suplex covering Kennedy 1...2...Kennedy gets his arm up pulling himself up on the ropes shaking his head at Orton basically saying he's going to have to do better then that. Orton runs at Kennedy kicking him hard in the gut and going for an overdrive but Kennedy reverses it flipping Orton onto his back with desperation. Kennedy takes a few breaths pulling up Orton and throwing him over the top rope. Kennedy went over to the announcers table pushing Orton on top of it taking a few deep breaths and climbing up on it but connecting with another European Uppercut and stalks for an RKO but Kennedy moves and picks up Orton over his back and flips connecting with a standing Kennedy drop right through the announcers table! Kennedy and Orton both lay on the broke table as the ref is counting the double count out. 8....9....10!
Winner: No Contest

Tazz: Well, that was one hell of a fight

Cole: Both men beat the living day lights out of each other but neither man won, but wow, what a great match

Tazz: Yeah, but now, we have no table

Backstage: Rose Thorn is shown getting ready for her match when Scarlett approaches her

Scarlett: Hey Rose! congrats on winning the Womens Championship girl

Rose: Thanks, I worked hard for this championship and I deserve it. Its going to take more then some bimbo who is nothing but a rip off of me and some blonde skank to take this title from me.

Scarlett: I cant stand Torrie Wilson or Lita either, I cant wait to show them a thing or two tonight.

Rose: This will be an easy win for the both of us.

Scene: Scarlett and Rose Thorn leave the lockeroom

Another area backstage: Randy Orton is shown being attended to by doctors when Billy Gunn approaches him

Billy: Nice win out there "champ". You really shut Kennedy up didnt ya? You know, that United States Championship would look better around my waist..I mean after all, Im a better champion then you will ever be.

Scene: Randy Orton looks at Billy

Randy Orton: Well, if it isnt Billy Gunn...RAW's reject and has been. I think you had better respect me..I am Randy Orton...I am a Legend Killer.

Billy: Thats a joke Randy...and you know it. Go out and win a World Championship..and then you can demand respect from people like me...until then, know your role around here. SmackDown! was my brand long before you was ever here. You had better watch your back next week because I will personally destroy your dream of finally winning a World Championship when I send your ass over the top rope next week in the Battle Royal. Its just a warning son.

Scene: Billy walks away as Randy Orton stares at Billy

*Video Footage of The Womens Tag Team Match is aired*

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:17 PM

Cole: Its time for the big Womens Tag Team Match

Tazz: It should be a very good match Cole

*My Last Breath (instrumental) hits the PA system as Rose Thorn comes down the ramp*

Shannon: The following contest is a Womens Tag Team Match...1st making her way to the ring..She is from Austin, Texas...She is the SmackDown! Womens Champion...Rose Thorn!

Cole: Here comes the new SmackDown! Womens Champion in Rose Thorn

Tazz: She gave a fight and she finally won at Wrestlemania 3.

*Foxy Lady hits the PA system as the crowd continues cheering and Scarlett comes down the ramp*

Shannon: And her partner....She is from London, England...Scarlett!

Cole: Scarlett is making her SmackDown! return tonight

*Planet Hell hits the PA system as the crowd boos and Torrie comes down the ramp*

Shannon: And their opponets...1st making her way to the ring from Boise, Idaho...Torrie Wilson

Tazz: Torrie Wilson and Lita cannot stand each other..How will the divas co exist tonight?

*Lovefuryenergypassion hits the PA system and the crowd continues to boo as Lita comes down the ramp

Shannon: And her partner...making her way to the ring from Sanford, North Carolina....Lita!

Cole: This should be interesting Tazz

Rose Thorn & Scarlett vs Torrie Wilson and Lita

Ding Ding Ding! Torrie and Lita both argue with who should start the match as Scarlett is anxiously waiting in the ring to fight. Torrie and Lita are still arguing and Scarlett just knocks down Torrie with a right hand and knocks down Lita with a right hand as well. Scarlett then picks up Torrie as the ref tells Lita to go on the apron. Scarlett delivers a bitchslap to Torrie. Torrie grabs her cheek as Scarlett smirks at her but Torrie delivers one of her own to Scarlett. Torrie then grabs Scarletts hair and throws her. Torrie walks over to Scarlett and gets on top of her. Torrie starts choking Scarlett and the ref yells at Torrie not do to that. Torrie doesnt let go and the ref starts counting-1...2...3...4...Torrie finally lets go. Scarlett is gasping for air as Torrie lifts up Scarlett and irish whips her into a corner. Scarlett walks over to Torrie but Torrie rakes the eyes of Scarlett and gives her a brain buster. Torrie then goes for a pin-1...2...Scarlett kicks out. Torrie then starts choking Scarlett again as the ref yells at her. Torrie lets up and Torrie gets up, Torrie goes to tag in Lita but Lita just looks at Torrie. Lita finally tags in and walks over to Scarlett. Lita lifts up Scarlett and irish whips Scarlett into the ropes, Scarlett bounces back off the ropes and Lita connects a DDT on Scarlett. Lita looks at Rose Thorn and then pins Scarlett-1...2....Rose Thorn breaks it up. Rose Thorn lifts up Lita and opens up on her. Torrie comes in and attacks Rose from behind. Torrie then starts kicking Rose as the ref is yelling at Torrie. Torrie finally goes back to her corner and the ref checks on Rose. Scarlett gets up and goes over to Lita and lifts her up. Scarlett sets up Lita for a Split Leg Moonsault and connects with it. Scarlett then tags in Rose Thorn and Rose Thorn covers Lita-1...2...Lita kicks out. Rose Thorn then gets up and lifts up Lita. Rose Thorn then spins Lita around but Lita rakes Rose Thorns eyes. The ref yells at Lita as Lita gives Rose a DDT. Lita then pins Rose Thorn-1...2....kickout. Lita lifts up Rose and drags her to Litas corner. Torrie tags herself in as Lita looks at her. Torrie gets in the ring as Lita goes back on the apron. Torrie then grabs Rose Thorn and stands her up and then slaps her across the face. Rose grabs her cheek and then delivers one back to Torrie Wilson. Rose then jumps at Torrie, knocking her down. Rose starts beating Torrie and then lets up. Torries goes to tag to Lita but Rose grabs Torries foot and drags her away. Rose then drags Torrie to Rose's corner and tags in Scarlett. Rose and Scarlett double team Torrie and then Rose gets back on the apron. Scarlett drags Torrie to the middle of the ring and pins her-1...2....kickout. Scarlett lifts up Torrie and irish whips her into a corner. Scarlett runs at Torrie, splashing her. Scarlett smirks at Torrie as she slowly gets up. Scarlett goes to grab Torrie but Torrie knocks down Scarlett and goes to tag in Lita, but Lita hops down off the apron and walks away. Torrie yells at Lita and says fine! Torrie turns around and walks into a Scarlett Kiss! Scarlett then pins Torrie-1....2....3!
Winners: Scarlett and Rose Thorn

Shannon: Here are your winners....Scarlett and Rose Thorn!

Scene: Scarlett is celebrating the win when Tara Rayge comes down and gets in the ring. Scarlett looks at Tara and congradulates her on the win and then hits Scarlett with the Womens Xtreme Championship. Rose goes to attack Tara but Tara quickly rolls out of the ring and smirks at the ring

Cole: Why did Tara Rayge do that?

Tazz: There are rumors Scarlett wanted a shot at the Womens Xtreme Championship, so I guess there true

Cole: Well, now its time for the Main Event

*Escape Artists Never Die hits the PA System as the crowd cheers and Jamie Gunz comes doen the ramp*

Shannon: The main event of the night is scheduled for one fall. 1st making his way to the ring...He is from New York City, New York and weighs in at 242 Pounds....Jamie Gunz

Cole: Jamie Gunz is making his SmackDown! return tonight facing long time rival Billy Gunn

*Chop Suey hits the PA system as the crowd boos and Billy Gunn comes down the ramp*

Shannon: And his opponet, making his way to the ring..He is from Houston, Texas and weighs in at 268 Pounds...."The Outlaw" Billy Gunn!

Tazz: Here comes Billy Gunn, who is looking a win here tonight on his return to SmackDown!

Billy Gunn vs Jamie Gunz

Ding Ding Ding! Both men start off the match by staring down at each other. Both men then get in the middle of the ring and get face to face. Jamie and Billy do some trash talking and then Billy makes the 1st move by slapping Jamie across the face and Billy opens up on him. Both men make their way into the corner and Billy lets off. Billy then starts choking Jamie Gunz and yelled that his worse mistake was coming back. The ref yells at Billy and then starts a count-1...2....3....4....Billy lets up and looks at the ref. Jamie grabs his throat as Billy grabs Jamie and irish whips him into the ropes, Jamie bounces off the ropes and Billy knocks down Jamie with a clothesline. Billy then goes for the pin-1...2...kickout. Jamie breathes as Billy gets up and just laughs at Jamie and slaps the back of Jamie's head. Billy lifts up Jamie and puts him in a headlock. Billy increases pressure as Billy just laughs. Jamie fights back by punching Billy in the stomach. Billy breaks the hold and Jamie walks over to Billy and grabs Billys head and quickly slams Billy down on the mat. Jamie shakes off the grogginess and starts kicking Billy. The ref yells at Jamie to let up. Jamie does and the ref checks on Billy. Jamie walks over and lifts up Billy. Jamie starts delivering chops to Billy as the crowd boos. Jamie keeps on delivering until Billy is in the corner. Jamie stops and walks the other way. Jamie then turns around and runs at Billy but Billy puts his boot up and Jamie runs into it. Billy grabs his chest and then looks at Jamie. Billy rolls Jamie over on his back and Billy starts giving Jamie right and left handers. Billy then goes for another pin-1...2....kickout. Billy looks at Jamie and yells give up before it gets worse. Billy then gets up and lifts up Jamie but Jamie rakes the eyes of Billy and hits a DDT on him. Jamie puts his foot on Billy for a pin-1....kickout.Jamie then lifts up Billy and slaps him across the face and yells payback. Jamie then quickly irish whips Billy. Billy bounces off the ropes and runs towards Jamie, Jamie swings but Billy ducks and bounces off the other side and Jamie swings and knocks Billy down. Billy gets back up and Jamie gets behind Billy and hits a 3 amigos on Billy 1.....2......and 3. Billy grabs his back and Jamie starts kicking Billy's lower back. The ref checks on Billy as Jamie smirks at Billy and slaps Billy in the back of the head. Jamie then goes down for a pin-1...2...kickout. Jamie looks at the ref and says thats a 2 count. Jamie then stalks Billy Gunn as Billy finally makes his way up on his feet. Jamie goes for a right  hander but Billy blocks it and rakes the eyes of Jamie Gunz. The ref yells at Billy as Billy kicks Jamie in the gut and hits a Fame-ass-er on Jamie. Billy goes for a pin but Randy Orton comes out and stops at the top of the ramp. Billy yells for Randy to come on but Jamie quickly spins Billy around and sets him up for the Last Breath and connects it. Jamie goes for the cover-1...2....3!
Winner: Jamie Gunz

Shannon: Your winner....Jamie Gunz

Cole: Jamie Gunz makes a impressive win here tonight

Scene: As Jamie is leaving the ring. Randy Orton goes down to the ring and stands up Billy Gunn. Randy Orton then connects an RKO on Billy Gunn and smirks at Billy. Randy then leaves backing up the ramp

Tazz: What a SmackDown! Be sure to watch SmackDown! next week...Good night everybody

SmackDown! Goes off the air

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