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SmackDown! : SmackDown! 4/11/06
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 3:27 PM

Results 4/11/06 Live From Chicago, Illinois

Dark Matches Air before Smackdown!:

Dark Match #1: Kyle The Destroyer defeated Ben The Crusher

Dark Match #2: Mark Henry defeated Mick Foley

:Footage From Last Week's SD is shown as Pyro then explodes opening up the show:

Cole: Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to Tuesday Night SmackDown! I am Michael Cole along side Tazz.

Tazz: Im looking forward to this week of SmackDown! I think its gonna be a good one

Cole: Indeed Tazz

Tazz: Well lets get started, Randy Orton has the honor with kicking off this weeks edition of SmackDown!

*Whatever it takes hits the PA system as the crowd boos and Randy Orton comes down the ramp*

Shannon: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, Making his way to the ring...He weighs in at 245 Pounds and is from St Louis, Missouri...He is the SCWE United States Champion...Randy Orton!

Cole: His opponet Jack is already in the ring.

Tazz: Jack doesnt know what hes up against

Randy Orton vs Jack

Ding Ding Ding! Jack starts off the match and runs at Randy Orton. Randy moves and Jack runs into the ropes. Randy quickly grabs Jack and throws him down on the mat. Randy starts kicking Jack until the ref yells at him. Randy jumps at the ref and then continues to kick at Jack. Randy then lifts up Jack and irish whips him into the corner. Jack hits the turnbuckle hard as Randy runs at Jack and splashes him. Randy laughs at Jack and lifts him up again. Randy starts opening up on Jack. Randy then knees Jack in the stomach. Randy smirks at Jack as he is grabbing his stomach. Randy then looks at Jack and knocks him down with another right hander. Jack falls down to the mat as Randy laughs and yells "This will be Billy Gunn!". Randy lifts up Jack once again and hits the RKO on Jack. Randy then pins Jack-1....2....3!

Shannon: Here is your winner....Randy Orton!

Tazz: I think Randy Orton has just sent a strong message to Billy Gunn

Scene: Randy Orton is celebrating in the ring when Billy Gunn comes in from the crowd and grabs a chair. Billy quickly slides in the ring and hits Orton in the back with the chair. Billy throws the chair down and laughs at Orton. Billy then lifts up Orton and kicks him in the stomach and hits a fame-ass-er on Orton on the chair, busting him open. Billy then grabs the US Championship and looks at it before putting it on Ortons back. Billy then leaves the ring smiling.

Cole: I think Billy Gunn just sent a stronger message to Randy Orton

Tazz: What a way to start off SmackDown, Up next we are going to be seeing an 3 way match with Christopher Daniels, Tim Wilkins and Orlando Jordan. I think Tim has what it takes to win.

*Disposible Teens hits the PA system as the crowd cheers and Christopher Daniels comes down the ramp*

Shannon: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, 1st making his way to the ring, he weighs in at 226 Pounds and is from Fayetteville, North Carolina...Christopher Daniels

Cole: Here comes Christopher Daniels looking for an win tonight..and I think he can do it.

*Piggybank hits the PA system as the crowd boos and Tim Wilkins comes down the ramp*

Shannon: Making his way to the ring....He weighs in at 275 Pounds and is from New Haven, Connecticut...Tim Wilkins

Tazz: Tim Wilkins has an bright future here and I think he will win

*Still Tippin hits the PA system as the crowd boos and Orlando Jordan comes down the ramp*

Shannon: Making his way to the ring, he weighs in at 250 Pounds and is from Miami, Flordia....Orlando Jordan!

Cole: Here comes Orlando Jordan who has yet to win an match

Christopher Daniels vs Tim Wilkins vs Orlando Jordan

Ding Ding Ding! All 3 men start off the match by looking at each other. Orlando gets out of the ring and the ref yells at him to get back in as Tim Wilkins and Christopher Daniels starts going at it. The ref yells at OJ to get back in but OJ yells hes no dummy. The ref then turns his attention to Daniels and Wilkins. Daniels has the upperhand on Wilkins and irish whips Wilkins into the ring. Daniels runs at Wilkins and Wilkins puts his boot up, making Daniels run into it. Wilkins starts opening up on Daniels. Wilkins then starts choking Daniels as the ref starts his count-1...2...3...4...Wilkins breaks the hold. Daniels is gasping for air when Wilkins kicks Daniels and sets him up for an Tornado DDT and hits it. Wilkins goes over and pins-1...2...OJ gets in the ring and interferes. OJ lifts up Wilkins and starts opening up on him but Wilkins rakes OJ in the eyes. Wilkins then whips OJ into the rings. OJ bounces back and runs towards Wilkins and knocks Wilkins down. OJ then quickly pins Daniels-1...2...kickout. OJ gets up and lifts up Daniels. OJ starts delivering some chops to Daniels. Daniels grabs his chest as OJ laughs at him but gets attacked from behind by Wilkins. Daniels looks at Wilkins and both men start attacking OJ. Daniels and Wilkins grab OJ and irish whips him into the ropes, OJ bounces off the ropes and runs towards Daniels and Wilkins and right into a clothesline. Wilkins grabs OJ and drags him into the corner. Wilkins climbs on the top rope and signals for the Sling Blade and hits it on OJ. Daniels then grabs OJ and sets him up for the Angels Wings and hits it on OJ. Wilkins goes over to Daniels and says its just business and DDTs Daniels. Wilkins pins OJ-1...2...3!

Shannon: Your winner...Tim Wilkins

Cole: I think Tim Wilkins is going to the nice side now.

Tazz: He made an impressive win here tonight

Cole: Dont touch that dial, Tuesday Night SmackDown! will be back after these messages.

Commerical Ad: SCWE RAW, ECW Bloodfest, SCWE SD! OverDrive!, SmackDown! Flashback

Cole: Welcome back to SmackDown! SmackDown! has been going by fast, 2 matches have already happened

Tazz: Business is booming here tonight Cole.

Cole: Thats the truth Tazz. Up next we are going to see Ken Kennedy take on JBL, but 1st, we are going to take it backstage with Rue.

Scene: Rue is shown

Rue: Ladies and Gentlemen, I am standing here with SmackDown! General Manager Brandon Davis. Brandon, you requested this time, whats on your mind?

Brandon: I asked for this time because I have a few announcements to make regarding SuperBrawl. I have noticed that AJ Styles doesnt have an opponet to defend that SmackDown! World Championship against...well now, he will have to work hard to retain it. You see, It will be AJ Styles taking on 3 other men. AJ's match will be an fatal 4 way. His opponets will be John Cena, John Bradshaw Layfield...and Jamie Gunz. Also MNM will be in action, non title action against The Basham Brothers, and if The Basham Brothers should win, They will recieve an Tag Team Championship shot whenever they please. There will be more announcements later on tonight. Now if you would excuse, I have an certain somebody waiting for me in my office.

Rue: Ohhh, Ms Wilson?

Brandon: No farther questions

Scene: Arena

*Longhorns hits the PA system as the crowd cheers and JBLs limo comes out and stops. JBL then gets out and walks down the ramp*

Shannon: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, 1st making his way to the ring, he weighs in at 290 Pounds and is from New York City, New York, John Bradshaw Layfield.

Tazz: Here comes JBL and he has fire in his eyes.

*Ken Kennedy's music hits as Shannons mic is cut off. Ken comes down the ramp with an mic*

Kennedy: And JBL's opponet...I weigh in at 243 Pounds and I hail from Greenbay, Winsconsin, I am the SCWE European Champion.....Mr Kennedy!........Kennedy!

Cole: Here comes Ken Kennedy

John Bradshaw Layfield vs Ken Kennedy

Ding Ding Ding! Both men stare at each other. Kennedy tells JBL that JBL cant beat him. JBL smiles and then knocks down Kennedy with an right hander. JBL gets on top of Kennedy and starts opening up on him. The ref yells at JBL to let Kennedy up but JBL doesnt listen and continues to open up Kennedy. JBL finally lets up and lifts up Kennedy. JBL knees Kennedy in the stomach. Kennedy grabs his stomach and JBL gets closer to Kennedy but Kennedy rakes the eyes of JBL. Kennedy laughs as the ref yells at Kennedy. Kennedy grabs JBLs head and quickly throws him down on the mat. Kennedy takes his foot and starts choking JBL. The ref yells at Kennedy again and starts his count-1...2...3...4...Kennedy lets up as JBL is gasping. Kennedy drops an elbow on JBLs face. JBL grabs his face as Kennedy pins-1...2...kickout. Kennedy lifts up JBL and hits JBL with an right hander. Kennedy and JBL go to the corner and Kennedy goes to bounce JBLs head off the turnbuckle but JBL fight back and elbows Kennedy in the mouth. JBL turns around as does Kennedy and JBL clotheslines Kennedy down. JBL starts kicking Kennedy and lifts him up. JBL irish whips Kennedy into the ropes but Kennedy grabs the ropes. Kennedy quickly runs at JBL and knocks down JBL. Kennedy lifts up JBL and quickly gets behind him and goes for a German Suplex but JBL stomps on Kennedys toes. Kennedy lets go of JBL and checks on his toes but JBL grabs Kennedy and hits a sidewalk slam on Kennedy. JBL stalks Kennedy when John Cena comes down the ramp and runs in the ring but JBL quickly clotheslines Cena down with an Clothesline from Hell. Kennedy gets back up and JBL kicks Kennedy in the stomach. JBL then sets up Kennedy for an powerbomb and hits it. JBL pins Kennedy-1...2...3!

Shannon: Here is your winner...John Bradshaw Layfield.

Cole: JBL picked up the win here tonight.

Tazz: John Cena tried to get in the situation but got his block knocked off.

Backstage: Brandon is shown talking to a sexy diva in his office.

Brandon: Its nice to have you on SmackDown! See here, You actually have competition here, No Pyschos here like there is on RAW or ECW. You have Scarlett, Rose Thorn, Lita, Tara Rayge, Torrie Wilson. You will start this week on OverDrive! You do have an bright future on this brand.

???: Thank you Mr Davis, but Torrie Wilson? Your here on this brand?

Brandon: Yes

Scene: The camaras turn to reveil Ms Christy Hemme

Christy: You know, Im better looking then Torrie Wilson...You can do better then that skank Mr Davis...someone who has an nice body...a badass chick, not somebody who is washed up has been like Torrie Wilson. You need a chick like me, not Torrie Wilson.

Scene: Christy starts kissing Brandon as Brandon doesnt fight back when Torrie walks in

Torrie: Brandon!

Christy: Beat it cow!

Scene: Torrie slaps Christy and both women start going at each other when security comes in and breaks them apart. Brandon looks at Christy as she winks at him and then is carried out of Brandons office.

Tazz: Christy Hemme is back on SmackDown!

Cole: And what a way for your 1st day back

Scene: Rue comes up to Brandon

Rue: What are your thoughts on what just happened?

Brandon: Im thinkin....Bra and Panties match at Superbrawl...Torrie Wilson vs Christy Hemme

Tazz: Wow, Bra and Panties match....Im starting to like SmackDown! Now

Cole: We will be right back after these messages.

Commerical Ad: Superbrawl Preview, SmackDown! History, Preview for Next Weeks RAW

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:28 PM

Cole: Welcome back Ladies and Gentlemen and what a Smackdown! we are having, and the night is still young Tazz

Tazz: Indeed it is Cole. Up next we are going to have a womens tag team match

Cole: All ladies in this match will be facing their SuperBrawl opponets

*My Last Breath(instrumental) hits the PA system as Rose Thorn and Scarlett come down the ramp as the crowd cheers*

Shannon: Making their way to the ring, the team of SmackDown! Womens Champion Rose Thorn and Scarlett!

Cole: Both Ladies have been successful in the recent weeks.

*Alive by POD hits the PA system as the crowd is mixed and Tara Rayge comes down the ramp*

Shannon: Making her way to the ring...She is the SCWE Womens Xtreme Champion....Tara Rayge!

Tazz: Tara Rayge has an target painted on her tonight

*Lovefuryenergypassion hits the PA system as the crowd boos and Lita comes down the ramp*

Shannon: Making her way to the ring....Lita!

Cole: Lita is looking to send Rose Thorn a message here tonight

Rose Thorn & Scarlett vs Tara Rayge & Lita

Ding Ding Ding! The match starts off with Rose Thorn and Scarlett discussing their plans as Tara Rayge and Lita argue. Lita starts off the match with Rose Thorn. Lita and Rose Thorn lock up in the middle of the ring. Lita overpowers Rose and knocks her down. Rose gets back up but Lita slaps her and starts kicking her as the ref yells at Lita. Lita lifts up Rose and irish whips her into the ropes, Rose bounces off the ropes and knocks Lita down. Rose goes for a quick pin-1...2...kickout by Lita. Rose gets up and lifts up Lita but Lita slaps Rose across the face and kicks her in the stomach. Lita hits a DDT on Rose. Lita goes for a pin-1...2...kickout by Rose Thorn. Lita gets up and waits for Rose to get up. Rose gets up and Lita walks over to Rose but Rose knocks down Lita with an clothesline. Rose pins Lita again-1...2...kickout. Rose drags Lita to Roses corner and tags in Scarlett. Rose and Scarlett start double teaming Lita by kicking her. Rose gets on the apron as Scarlett lifts up Lita and then goes for an irish whip but Lita reverses it and sends Scarlett into Litas corner. Tara Rayge grabs Scarletts neck and starts choking her as Lita runs at Scarlett, splashing her. Lita starts to drag Scarlett to the middle of the ring but Tara tags her self in. Lita looks at Tara as Tara gets in and the ref tells Lita to get on the apron. Lita does as Tara lifts up Scarlett and knocks her down again with a slap. Tara goes to pick up Scarlett but Scarlett quickly rolls up Tara with an school boy pin-1...2...kickout by Tara. Scarlett shakes off the groggeyness and focuses on Tara. Scarlett lifts up Tara and whips her into the ropes hard. Tara bounces off the ropes and falls down on the mat. Scarlett gets on top of Tara and starts choking her and yells payback! Scarlett drags Tara to the middle of the ring and goes for a pin but Lita breaks the pin up and Rose Thorn comes in and knocks Lita down. The ref yells at both Ladies as each of them go back to their side. Scarlett lifts up Tara but Tara rakes the eyes of Scarlett and tags in Lita. Lita gets in the ring and irish whips Scarlett into Scarletts corner. Lita yells TAG to Rose. Rose tags herself in and runs at Lita. Lita knocks Rose down with a right hander. Lita gets on top of Rose and starts choking her. The ref yells at Lita as Scarlett and Tara are going at it outside the ring. Lita lets up and stands up Rose and quickly hits an Twist of Fate on Rose. Lita grabs Rose tight and pins-1...2...3!

Shannon: Here are your winners...Lita and Tara Rayge!

Cole: Wow, what an great match.

Tazz: All 4 Ladies fought well

Cole: I think we just seen an preview of what will happen to Rose Thorn at Superbrawl

Backstage: Shelton is shown with his momma

Shelton: Im looking forward to my match up with John Cena tonight Momma. I am stepping in the ring with a big name tonight and I am also undefeated, and this night will be no different.

MB: Thats right baby. Each week you step out there, you are making Momma more and more proud of you. I always knew from the day you was born that you would be a successful young man, and you are right now baby. That big Xtreme Championship thats on your shoulder, the friends youve made. Baby, when you win this match tonight, I will make you your favorite dish.

Shelton: Mmmm Mmm, I cant wait for that Momma

MB: Come on Baby, lets get ready for your match

Shelton: Ok Momma

Another Area Backstage: Josh Mathews is shown standing with John Cena

Josh: I am standing here with John Cena. John Cena, We have learned tonight that you are in the main event for the World Championship at Superbrawl. My 1st question is....How is your head from JBLs clothesline?

John Cena: You dont worry about that little boy. JBL is nothing but a sucker punching little wrestling fraud who thinks hes all that. JBL will pay for that, I can damn promise you that.

Josh: Speaking of JBL, he is one of your opponets at Superbrawl for the World Championship.

John Cena: So? Whats that supossed to do? Scare me? Im not worried about JBL because he cant beat me and I know for damn sure he couldnt win another World Championship if his life depended on it.

Josh: What about AJ Styles and Jamie Gunz?

John Cena: What about them? I dont look at them as an threat. Jamie Gunz is nothing but some wannabe and AJ Styles is nothing but a phony who doesnt deserve that gold. Im the only man in this building that deserves that championship.

Josh: Tonight you face Shelton Benjamin and...

John Cena: Im not worried about some mommas boy who has to have his momma escourt him to the ring. I can beat Shelton tonight and I will send an message to everybody in this damn lockeroom tonight.

Scene: John Cena walks away

Cole: Dont touch that dial because John Cena vs Shelton Benjamin is coming up next!

Commerical Ad: Orton/Gunn Superbrawl preview, Superbrawl Main Event preview, KSCWE Archives and KSCWE Designs

Cole: Welcome back Ladies and Gentlemen, Up next is Shelton Benjamin vs John Cena

Tazz: Shelton has been undefeated since he joined SmackDown! a couple of weeks back, I think Shelton will definately have to work harder tonight.

*Aint No Stopping Me hits the PA system as the crowd cheers as Shelton and his Momma come down the ramp*

Shannon: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, 1st making his way to the ring and being accompaned to the ring by his Momma, he weighs in at 245 Pounds, Is from Orangeburg, South Carolina and is the SCWE Xtreme Champion...Shelton Benjamin!

Cole: I think Shelton can pull off the win

*Lights Out hits the PA system as the crowd boos and John Cena comes down the ramp*

Shannon: Making his way to the ring, He is from West Newberry, Massachusetts and weighs in at 240 Pounds...John Cena!

Tazz: Can John Cena break Sheltons winning streak?

Shelton Benjamin vs John Cena

Ding Ding Ding! John Cena wastes no time and starts opening up on Shelton. Cena knocks down Shelton and continues to hit him in the forehead. Cena then gets up and lifts up Shelton and irish whips him into the ropes. Shelton bounces off them and heads to a clothesline from Cena. Cena stalks Shelton as he gets up and Cena runs over to Shelton but Shelton quickly hits an drop kick on Cena. Cena goes down and Shelton starts opening up on him. Shelton then goes for a pin-1...2..kickout by Cena. Shelton gets up and lifts up Cena. Shelton irish whips Cena into the corner. Shelton runs at Cena and connects a turnbuckle splash. Cena falls down as Shelton drags Cena into the middle of the ring and goes for another cover-1...2...another kickout by Cena. Shelton gets up and stands up Cena. Shelton goes for an right hander but Cena delivers a chop to Sheltons chest. Cena keeps on delivering chops until both men are at the ropes. Cena stops as Shelton is grabbing his chest and Cena just clotheslines Shelton over the top rope. Cena gloats in the ring as the ref starts his count. Momma goes over to Shelton and gets him up. Shelton gets back in the ring and Cena kicks Shelton. Cena lifts up Shelton and irish whips him into the ropes but Shelton grabs a hold of them. Cena and Shelton walk towards each other. Both men lock up in an strength test. Cena gets the better of Shelton. Both men try again but Shelton kicks Cena in the groin. Cena grabs his leg as Shelton lifts him up and quickly gets behind him. Shelton sets Cena up for a German Suplex and hits one. Cena grabs his back and Shelton starts kicking Cenas lower back. The ref yells at Shelton and then askes Cena if he can continue. Shelton lifts up Cena and irish whips Cena into the corner again hard. Shelton walks over to Cena and lifts up Cena but Cena rakes the eyes of Shelton. The ref yells at Cena as Cena spins Shelton around and hits an DDT on him. Cena grabs his back and walks it off while waiting for Shelton to get up. Shelton gets up and Cena quickly kicks Shelton in the stomach and sets him up for a F-U and connects it. John Cena then pins Shelton-1....2....3!

Shannon:Here is your winner....John Cena!

Cole: John Cena picks up the win

Tazz: Shelton gave a good fight though

Scene: John Cena looks at Shelton and rolls him over on his stomach and hits the STFU on Shelton. Shelton starts tapping as Momma is going frantic and Cena is yelling THIS IS JBL!! Cena breaks the hold and laughs at Shelton

Cole: John Cena has no right doing that to Shelton. Shelton didnt do anything to him

Tazz: Cena wanted to send a message to JBL, maybe that got JBL's attention

Scene: MNM is shown heading to the ring with their Tag Team Championships

Cole: MNM vs The Bashams is coming up next!

Video History: SmackDown! Tag Team Championships

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:28 PM
*MNM's theme hits as the crew rolls out the red carpet and the photographers start taking pictures then MNM comes out and poses for the papirazzi. MNM then come down the ramp as the crowd boos*

Shannon: The following contest is a non title tag team match, 1st making their way to the ring, at a combined weight of 460 Pounds, They are the SmackDown! Tag Team Champions...MNM!

Tazz: Here come the new SmackDown! Tag Team Champions, and look at Melina!

*3750 hits the PA system as the crowd boos and The Bashams come down the ramp*

Shannon: Making their way to the ring at a combined weight of 502 Pounds...The Bashams!

Cole: Here come The Bashams who are looking for a win here tonight

MNM vs The Bashams

Ding Ding Ding! The match bell sounds as Doug stands in the ring with Joey Mercury and he grins rising his arms for a grapple battle with him but Doug kicks him in the gut as Joey goes to accept.  Doug DDT’s down Joey to the mat and punches him a few times in the back of the head before pulling him up with a smirk.  Joey capitalizes though getting a hard hit to the gut on Doug.  Joey grabs him quickly connecting with a snap suplex off him.  Joey goes over to Johnny tagging him in.  Johnny gets in the ring with a smirk on his face looking down Doug.  He pulls Doug to his feet and Irish whips him into the ropes and Danny makes a blind tag in as Johnny jumps up connecting with a hard dropkick on Doug.  Danny runs up behind Johnny clothesline him in the back of the head.  Johnny falls to the mat.  Danny kicks Johnny in the back several times before finally picking him up with a smirk on his face as he turns around though to get a cross body from the top rope from Joey who takes him down.  Danny falls to the matt as Joey gets up and runs across the ring clotheslning Doug over the top rope and he spins over with him.  Johnny pulls himself up, turns around seeing Danny down, and covers as the ref counts 1�?…KICKOUT!  Danny gets his leg up breaking the count as Johnny looks over climbing up the turnbuckles slowly before jumping off to hit a shooting star press but Danny gets pulled out of the ring last second by Doug. .  Johnny lies on the matt out of it as Doug rolls in the ref but the ref thinks it’s still Danny and Doug covers Johnny as the ref counts 1..2..Joey pulls him off and picks him up as Johnny gets up and they connect with a snapshot on him and Johnny covers 1�?�?!

Shannon: Here are your winners....MNM!

Cole: MNM pick up the win here tonight

Tazz: And an impressive one at that. Up next its time for the main event!

Cole: This should be a good one too. Both men have somewhat of a little history now.

Video Footage of Last week with AJ Styles and Jamie Gunz is aired

*Escape Artists Never Die hits the PA system as the crowd cheers and Jamie Gunz comes down the ramp*

Shannon: The Main Event of the evening is scheduled for one fall and is a non title match, 1st making his way to the ring, he is from New York City, New York and weighs in at 242 Pounds...Jamie Gunz!

Cole: Here comes Jamie Gunz who is looking for a World Championship hunt

*Im Alive hits the PA system as the crowd cheers and AJ Styles comes down the ramp*

Shannon: Making his way to the ring, He is the SmackDown! World Champion, weighing in at 212 Pounds and is from Gainsville, Georgia...AJ Styles!

Cole: The champ is here and hes ready to fight

AJ Styles vs Jamie Gunz

 Ding Ding Ding! Both men start off the match by staring each other down. AJ and Jamie then go at each other when AJ overpowers Jamie and knocks him down on the mat. AJ starts kicking Jamie as the ref is yelling at AJ to let up. AJ does and lifts up Jamie. AJ grabs Jamie but Jamie fights back with an chop to AJ's chest. Jamie goes for another one but AJ delivers a few of his own. Jamie is grabbing his chest as AJ grabs Jamies head and hits a DDT on Jamie. AJ goes for a pin-1...2...kickout by Gunz. AJ lifts up Jamie and irish whips him into the corner and Jamie lands in the corner. AJ runs at Jamie and splashes him. Jamie falls down as AJ drags Jamie into the middle of the ring and pins him once again-1...2...kickout by Gunz. AJ gets up and delivers a baseball slide kick to Jamies head. Jamie grabs his head as AJ lifts up Jamie and starts opening up on him but Jamie starts fighting back and comes back with a few right handers of his own. Jamie then clotheslines AJ down and pins him-1...2...kickout by Styles. Jamie lifts up AJ but AJ quickly elbows Jamie in the mouth. Jamie grabs his mouth as AJ quickly grabs Jamie and whips him into the ropes, Jamie bounces off the ropes and runs towards AJ and AJ hits a Spring Board Crossbody on Jamie. Jamie goes down and AJ goes for another pin-1...2...kickout by Gunz. AJ gets up and Jamie slowly gets up. Jamie and AJ then lock up in the middle of the ring. Jamie overpowers AJ and both men go towards the corner. The ref tells Jamie to let up and Jamie does. AJ gets back and shoves down Jamie and starts kicking him. The ref yells at AJ and AJ stops kicking Jamie. Jamie gets up and clotheslines AJ down and goes for a quick pin-1...2..kickout by Styles. Jamie gets up and lifts up AJ and irish whips AJ into the ropes. AJ bounces off the ropes and runs towards Jamie, Jamie clotheslines AJ down. Jamie lifts up AJ once again and sets him up for a T Bone Suplex and hits it on AJ. Jamie goes for another cover-1...2...kickout by Styles. Jamie looks at the ref as the ref says thats a 2 count. Jamie gets up and starts kicking AJ. AJ rolls around as Jamie is kicking him and AJ rolls out of the ring and the ref starts his 10 count. Jamie gets out of the ring as well and knocks down Styles with a right hand. Jamie lifts up AJ and walks over to the turnbuckle. Jamie goes to bounce AJs head off the turnbuckle post but AJ fights back and quickly moves, causing Jamie to trip and lands in the turnbuckle post. The ref is at 4 when AJ puts Jamie back in the ring and gets back in the ring himself. AJ goes for a pin-1...2...kickout by Gunz. AJ looks at the ref and the ref says its a 2 count. AJ then gets up and lifts up Jamie. AJ sets up Jamie for a Sprial Tap and hits it....AJ then goes for the cover-1...2...3!
Shannon: Here is your winner....AJ Styles!
Cole: Jamie put up a good fight, but came up short tonight
Tazz: Indeed he did Cole. For Cole, Im Tazz...Goodnight everybody!
SmackDown! Goes off the air