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L&S Tradition : Wiccan Philosophy and Beliefs
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 Message 1 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameQyzida  (Original Message)Sent: 10/11/2007 7:40 PM

What Tradition of Wicca

is practiced at Light and Shadows?

In 1974, the Council of American Witches in Minneapolis defined modern Witchcraft in terms of the American experience. Many Wiccan Traditions are still using modified versions of the original tenets.

The following set of Philosophy and Beliefs come from the Light & Shadows Tradition as formed with that as a guideline...there have been a few changes made to suit our personal tradition.

The primary focus of Light & Shadows is to practice Wicca as religion whose purpose is to put our members in harmony with the Divine Creative Principle of the Cosmos and its manifestations at all levels.

Our secondary goal is to work at the Craft of Wicca, which is to achieve practical ends by psychic means for good, useful, healing and ethical purposes. Witchcraft’s distinguishing characteristics are it's Nature based attitude, small group autonomy and the philosophy of creative polarity at all levels, from Goddess and God to Priestess and Priest.

We believe in one source of divinity, termed the Divine or Deity, which is formless and infinite.

We believe in a Higher source known to be the Goddess which goes by many names and is also unnamed and the God as Her partner and consort which also has many names according to pantheon of the Goddess and also may go unnamed as our source of divinity. Each person within the coven work with their own patron God & Goddess and as a group we work with many according to need We see the manifestation of deity embodied in the Divine persons of the Goddess and the God. We believe that Deity manifests into the physical Universe through many different interconnected planes of existence.

We honor both the feminine and masculine aspects of the Divine and work with this energy through the High Priestess, Lady Majyk Whispering-Owl, who has been ordained for more than 30 years. At this time, she has no priest at her side.

We welcome couples and singles and are family oriented with many children and grandchildren of our members participating in the outer Circle. We are dedicated to the ethical practice of Wicca and to teaching the Craft to all our members.

Through understanding the interconnected planes of existence, we have a realization that any Goddess is a part, or a face of, the one Goddess, and all Gods are part, or aspects of, one God; and that ultimately the God and Goddess are part of and reflections of Deity, the source of divinity.

We believe that Deity is immanent within Nature, that each of us contains the essence of the Divine, and that all of creation has inherent worth as a consequence of immanence. We believe there is no separation between the Infinite and Nature, yet the infinite Deity is greater that the sum of its parts.

As an Initiatory religion, we seek to understand the ways of Nature and the Universe. We believe that there is no ultimate conflict between religion and science. We practice celebratory rites to attune ourselves with the natural rhythm of life's forces, marked by the phases of the Moon and the Seasonal quarters and cross quarters.

We believe in the pursuit of individual experience of Divinity, and we practice a system of worship intended to cultivate that connection. We believe that through worship of Gods and Goddesses we can develop a closer connection to the All. Since the Infinite is immanent, we see all life experience as sacred.

Our beliefs give us a unique responsibility toward our environment, and we seek to live in ecological balance and harmony with Nature�?/FONT>s forces and elements. We use celebratory rituals to commemorate the life cycles evident within Nature.

We recognize the patterns of the ancient alchemical elements, correspondences and symbology of Earth, Fire, Water and Air, and the fifth element of Spirit as emblems of the powers in Nature. The elements are symbols of body, intention, emotion, intellect, and immanence.

We practice Magick, which is the Art and Science of causing change to occur in Conformity with Will. We recognize other planes of "Being" than just the physical one on which we reside and the powers of interaction of these planes provide the basis for paranormal phenomenon and magick. We work Magick of a positive nature with the intent to benefit the well being of all involved and we accept responsibility for the consequences of our actions.

We believe that consciousness evolves through many lifetimes and gives meaning to the universe and our personal role within it. We believe that souls reincarnate in order to learn valuable lessons on the pathway to ultimate enlightenment and that the Law of Karma (or three fold return) governs which lessons are to be learned and in what manner.

We seek to aid and encourage all members to progress and use self discipline to improve themselves mentally, physically, and spiritually. We seek to make our everyday life a reflection of our inner awareness. We seek to work for a better understanding of and a better relationship between man/woman, Nature, and the Infinite.

We believe that through Initiation, we make a commitment to self-transformation, conscious evolution, and the journey toward enlightenment. We strive to deepen awareness and experience of the union of Nature, the God and Goddess, and the All. The Hermetic maxim, "as above ~ so below" or that the microcosm (humankind) is a miniature of the macrocosm (the Divinity) teaches us that through interlocking psychic forces, Divinity exists within each man and woman.

We believe all religions have a valid place and do not seek to deny or suppress religious practices and beliefs that are different from our own. We do not proselytize, attempt to save or convert members of other religions to our beliefs, but we also do not turn away serious seekers. In the same respect, we expect our views to be respected in our circle.

We share knowledge and guide seekers and dedicants through a series of lessons, discussions, and rituals while teaching the ethical use and practice of Magic to help each of us accomplish our goals.

We encourage a lifelong commitment to spiritual growth, putting you in control of your own destiny by encouraging self-responsibility, self-examination, self control and dedication to the spiritual life that is the Craft. Men and women who are seeking a serious lifelong commitment to the Wicca path are welcome to contact Lady Majyk Whispering-Owl by e-mailing:

[email protected]

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 Message 2 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameQyzidaSent: 10/11/2007 7:44 PM

What can I expect as a member

of Light and Shadows?


We are a teaching Grove with years of experience offering support and guidance from the beginning Pagan level to the Third Degree Priestess and Priest. The Inner Coven is open only to Initiates, but the outer Grove offers open Circles and legal clergy.

New Seekers are given an opportunity to join Light & Shadows online main group and get to look around the boards and see if this is what they would like to be a part of which is the basic principles of the Wiccan religion and beliefs by participating in Wicca 101 classes.

No commitment is made by either side. It is a time for seekers to decide if they wish to study the Wiccan path and for us to decide if the individual will fit in with the group.

By the first August after becoming a Seeker, the Seeker can ask to be a part of the Coven and the Inner Circle will make the decision as to whether they will be accepted into training for 1st Degree or not.

If so, they may take a Pagan Dedication. This dedication is a serious step in their path and the Seeker must go through a week or more of "assignments" and activities in preparation for this step in their life.

During this time, they need to decide if they are ready to go through with an agreement that the person wishes to continue to study and that we agree to train them for their 1st Degree for the next year and a day.

1st Degree Training

If accepted into our Grove, the Pagan/Seeker then becomes a Neophyte and will be asked to join the 1st Degree Study Group where they will be in training and required to do the following :

Do assignments that are posted in the time scheduled.

Do all "hands-on" assignments and post pictures of finished projects.

Attend 12 Esbat and 8 Sabbat Rituals in that year and a day.

Attend twice monthly training chats at scheduled times

During this year and a day, they must set up for , do and write an essay about each Esbat and Sabbat as they are performed

Take  pictures of their home altar that has been prepared for that ritual as proof that it was done, Send it to Lady Majyk as well as post it in their personal board on the 1st Degree board.

This must be done during the year and a day they are in 1st Degree. At the end of the training period the student must pass a rigorous written examination before their request for initiation to the Coven will be considered and become a 2nd Degree Priest/ess.

This same rules goes on for each degree of training.

2nd Degree Training

Having received a well rounded education in the Craft in 1st Degree, this Degree will be using the skills they have learned, to teach and council the 1st Degree trainees as well as make important decisions in their progression as Priest/esses.

2nd Degree Priest/esses will be responsible for writing, promoting, and performing and/or participating in at least two Esbat rituals, and know how to manipulate the energy of ritual to benefit those in circle.

Second Degree students will be trained to refine and hone their skills and strengths and gifts for a Path Specialty to practice, such as Divination, Green Witching, Outlinking, Dreamweaving, Protection, Healing, Arts and Crafts & Business management, or Teaching.

Speciality training will consist of...
Learning the in-depth history of the Sabbats.
Gaining an in depth understanding of different traditions.
Working with energy and focusing it precisely.
Doing assignments within the coven for specific group dynamics.
Studying Rites of Passage.
Being tutors to Dedicate Seekers Helping with the training of Dedicates and First Degree students.
Learning to deal with issues within the group.
Taking an active part in rituals.
Learning to do rituals for the group when needed.
Developing a teaching Book of Shadows for each level of elevation.
Maintaining the respect of all coven members, both inner and outer circle.
Learning about other religions in order to gain an understanding of them.
Being separated for short periods from the group for inner teaching to be learned and implemented.
Taking on a special assignment geared toward benefiting the student as well as the coven and the community as a whole.
Working on a research paper.

In addition to the areas of study outlined above, the student at this level also has these other responsibilities to meet�?
1. Complete the Second Degree series of lessons and tests.
2. Complete the 'special' assignment.
3. Attend weekly classes.
4. Attend all rituals.
5. Attend all Sabbats.
6. Know the Covens Tradition.
7. Become tutor to at least one Dedicate Seeker.
8. Occasionally plan and facilitate an Esbat.
9. Occasionally plan and assist in a Sabbat celebration
10. Read as many of the books on the Second Degree Reading List as possible.
11. Begin creating a teaching Book of Shadows, which should consist of some form of lessons for prospective students.
12. Toward the latter part of this level�?sit on the Council.
13. Toward the latter part of this level�?take on students in real life in their own communities, as okayed by the Elder High Priest and Elder High Priestess.
14. Be a living example of appropriate behavior for all other members.

3rd Degree Training

Before the Individual is elevated to Third Degree and autonomy, they must fulfill the following minimum requirements�?
Been in the Priesthood for at least a year and a day.
Completed all Second Degree lessons, assignments and tests.
Demonstrated a willingness and ability to observe and participate in all functions within the ritual circle, such as developing the ability to channel energy properly during ritual.
Behaved in ritual as is appropriate to the role they had for that ritual (i.e. helping to guide others when appropriate, lending energy when necessary, etc.)
Assisted in preparation for ritual functions.
Demonstrated an in-depth understanding of the Wheel of the Year and the celebration of each Sabbat. Demonstrated growth within the Craft.
Assisted Dedicate Seekers as assigned within the Tutor program.
Assisted Dedicates and First Degree students when needed.
Contributed the required research paper.
Contributed to ideas for coven gatherings and helped to arrange them.
Demonstrated qualities of sincerity, honesty, integrity, and respect.
Has been (and continues to be) ethical in dealing with people.
Communicates in a positive way with people.
When aware of conflicts within the coven has brought them to the attention of the Elder High Priest/ess of their coven, even if that's where the conflict is.
Has (and continues to) study and learn about the integral workings of the various Rites of Passage.
Has started (and continually improves) their own 'Teaching' Book of Shadows.
Has been prepared to accept (and has accepted) the responsibility of a ritual.
Contributed in some manner to a real life Sabbat, either by supplies, food, or time. Supplies are considered incense, candles or other magickal items required. Time is considered arriving early to help set up or
staying late to help clean up afterwards.
Has taught at least 3 classes while at Second Degree.
Demonstrate by their manner of living and interactions with others that the student has an adequate understanding of the conduct and ethical behavior expected of a Third Degree Witch in the coven and that they are fully prepared in all respects to be made Third Degree and given their autonomy.
Demonstrate familiarity with advanced spellworking correspondences.
Has completed the required 'time away' from the coven.
Demonstrate that the 'time away' provided them with a greater perspective of what is required to be Third Degree within the community
Complete any additional requirements given by the Elder High Priest and Elder High Priestess. (This is not designed to be a trick clause. Its purpose is to cover cases where a member of the Priesthood has completed all of the technical requirements, but shows a weak area that needs to be addressed before elevation to autonomy is appropriate.)

With the skills and experience learned in 2nd Degree, now is the time to utilize your Special gifts to a fine edge of professionalism and decorum worthy of a High Priest/ess and to learn the intricacies of being a successful leader of your own coven.

At the end of your training you can choose to hive off and start your own Coven, or elect to stay as an Elder and continue to help this coven run smoothly, practice your Craft, and counsel 2nd Degree trainees in choosing their Path Specialty.

 Message 3 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameQyzidaSent: 10/11/2007 7:45 PM
  • Seeker: Member of the Group Circle that has not made a commitment to L&S 
  • Neophyte: Dedicated Pagan Dedicant: in First Degree training
  • 1st Degree Priestess/ Priest : passed all first degree training and taken the final of L&S First Degree &/or Training in Second Degree .
  • 2nd Degree Priestess/Priest: Completed all 2nd degree training and taken final...Training in Third Degree 
  • Elder: leaders of L&S which have proven themselves dedicated , adept in several areas and able to be in the Inner Circle to make decisions .  These  members do not wish to hive to their own coven.
  • High Priest/ess: Has Completed 2nd Degree training and is working toward hiving off to form their own coven.
  • Arch High Priestess:  The Leader of Light & Shadsows

 Message 4 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameQyzidaSent: 5/5/2008 7:28 AM
The purpose of Light and Shadows for review

Light and shadows stands for examination of the spirit of Self

to empower, strengthen, and encourage enlightenment of Self

To guide any who wish the process thereof and attain peace of Mind, Body, and Spirit.


Light and Shadows Coveners walk the path of the ways of the wise each day and serve the goddess by helping others and Honoring the Divine in all people


 Message 5 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameQyzidaSent: 5/8/2008 9:53 PM

1.  We are clear about our goals and how we intend to achieve them.

2.  We know and respect each other well enough to feel very comfortable and
attuned working together.

3.   Our magick is ethical, designed for our growth and fulfillment and the
benefit of those who request help, and never used to harm others.

4.  We share the responsibilities of making the group work; every individual's
contribution is important.

5.  We see each other socially outside the group, and support each other through

6.  We enjoy. There is fun and laughter at our meetings.

7.  We work at learning magick. We dig deep, compare different sources, try new
techniques, ask pointed questions, do it until we get it right.

8.  We keep ourselves healthy and fit in order to more readily channel power and
receive insight.

9.  We keep our ritual area and tools orderly and clean.

10.  We constantly seek knowledge from many sources  -- people, books,
workshops, other paths...

11.  We do not make a virtue of authority and obedience, but treat each other as 
respected equals (regardless of the formal structure of the coven).

We raise genuine power and channel it; our rituals are not tame readings or rote
gestures, but filled with energy, vitality, will and purpose.

 Message 6 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameQyzidaSent: 5/9/2008 5:38 AM

What Pathway of Wicca

is practiced at Light and Shadows?

The primary focus of Light & Shadows is to practice Wicca as religion whose purpose is to put our members in harmony with the Divine Creative Principle of the Cosmos and its manifestations at all levels.

Light and Shadows Coveners walk the path of the ways of the wise each day and serve the Goddess by helping others and Honoring the Divine in all people.

Light and Shadows stands for examination of the spirit of 'Self '

To empower, strengthen, and encourage enlightenment of 'Self '

To guide any who wish, the processes to attain peace of Mind, Body, and Spirit, through training and application of lessons learned in thier homes and communities.

In 1974, the Council of American Witches in Minneapolis defined modern Witchcraft in terms of the American experience. Many Wiccan Traditions are still using modified versions of the original tenets.

The following set of Philosophy and Beliefs come from the Light & Shadows Path as formed with that as a guideline...there have been a few changes made to suit our personal Path.

Our secondary goal is to work at the Craft of Wicca, which is to achieve practical ends by psychic means for good, useful, healing and ethical purposes. Witchcraft’s distinguishing characteristics are it's Nature based attitude, small group autonomy and the philosophy of creative polarity at all levels, from Goddess and God to Priestess and Priest.

We believe in one source of divinity, termed the Divine or Deity, which is formless and infinite.

We believe in a Higher source known to be the Goddess which goes by many names and is also unnamed and the God as Her partner and consort which also has many names according to pantheon of the Goddess and also may go unnamed as our source of divinity. Each person within the coven work with their own patron God & Goddess and as a group we work with many according to need We see the manifestation of deity embodied in the Divine persons of the Goddess and the God. We believe that Deity manifests into the physical Universe through many different interconnected planes of existence.

We honor both the feminine and masculine aspects of the Divine and work with this energy through the High Priestess, Lady Majyk Whispering-Owl, who has been ordained for more than 30 years. At this time, she has no priest at her side.

We welcome couples and singles and are family oriented with many children and grandchildren of our members participating in the outer Circle. We are dedicated to the ethical practice of Wicca and to teaching the Craft to all our members.

Through understanding the interconnected planes of existence, we have a realization that any Goddess is a part, or a face of, the one Goddess, and all Gods are part, or aspects of, one God; and that ultimately the God and Goddess are part of and reflections of Deity, the source of divinity.

We believe that Deity is immanent within Nature, that each of us contains the essence of the Divine, and that all of creation has inherent worth as a consequence of immanence. We believe there is no separation between the Infinite and Nature, yet the infinite Deity is greater that the sum of its parts.

As an Initiatory religion, we seek to understand the ways of Nature and the Universe. We believe that there is no ultimate conflict between religion and science. We practice celebratory rites to attune ourselves with the natural rhythm of life's forces, marked by the phases of the Moon and the Seasonal quarters and cross quarters.

We believe in the pursuit of individual experience of Divinity, and we practice a system of worship intended to cultivate that connection. We believe that through worship of Gods and Goddesses we can develop a closer connection to the All. Since the Infinite is immanent, we see all life experience as sacred.

Our beliefs give us a unique responsibility toward our environment, and we seek to live in ecological balance and harmony with Nature�?/FONT>s forces and elements. We use celebratory rituals to commemorate the life cycles evident within Nature.

We recognize the patterns of the ancient alchemical elements, correspondences and symbology of Earth, Fire, Water and Air, and the fifth element of Spirit as emblems of the powers in Nature. The elements are symbols of body, intention, emotion, intellect, and immanence.

We practice Magick, which is the Art and Science of causing change to occur in Conformity with Will. We recognize other planes of "Being" than just the physical one on which we reside and the powers of interaction of these planes provide the basis for paranormal phenomenon and magick. We work Magick of a positive nature with the intent to benefit the well being of all involved and we accept responsibility for the consequences of our actions.

We believe that consciousness evolves through many lifetimes and gives meaning to the universe and our personal role within it. We believe that souls reincarnate in order to learn valuable lessons on the pathway to ultimate enlightenment and that the Law of Karma (or three fold return) governs which lessons are to be learned and in what manner.

We seek to aid and encourage all members to progress and use self discipline to improve themselves mentally, physically, and spiritually. We seek to make our everyday life a reflection of our inner awareness. We seek to work for a better understanding of and a better relationship between man/woman, Nature, and the Infinite.

We believe that through Initiation, we make a commitment to self-transformation, conscious evolution, and the journey toward enlightenment. We strive to deepen awareness and experience of the union of Nature, the God and Goddess, and the All. The Hermetic maxim, "as above ~ so below" or that the microcosm (humankind) is a miniature of the macrocosm (the Divinity) teaches us that through interlocking psychic forces, Divinity exists within each man and woman.

We believe all religions have a valid place and do not seek to deny or suppress religious practices and beliefs that are different from our own. We do not proselytize, attempt to save or convert members of other religions to our beliefs, but we also do not turn away serious seekers. In the same respect, we expect our views to be respected in our circle.

We share knowledge and guide seekers and dedicants through a series of lessons, discussions, and rituals while teaching the ethical use and practice of Magic to help each of us accomplish our goals.

We encourage a lifelong commitment to spiritual growth, putting you in control of your own destiny by encouraging self-responsibility, self-examination, self control and dedication to the spiritual life that is the Craft. Men and women who are seeking a serious lifelong commitment to the Wicca path are welcome to contact Lady Majyk Whispering-Owl by e-mailing:

[email protected]

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