Poems Of Comfort!
When It’s My Time To Go
When it is my time to die
a time for me to rest
I don't know if I'll be awake
when the trumpet sounds
Or if I will be one of the lucky
few, who are asleep
But of this, one thing I do
know which is true
I do not fear death, nor do I
welcome the coldness
I know my days are numbered
since the time of birth
I cannot change my destiny
but I can make my mark
And with each poem I write
I hope an impression's made
That my name, my words be a
whisper on another's lips
Recalling something I wrote
said, or perhaps did
I'll take my place in the veteran's
cemetery as taps are played
A flag draped coffin will be my
final good-bye to my friends
Perhaps someone will choose one
poem from the many I wrote
To read to those who remembered
this soft spoken man
And if just one poem I've written
changes someone's life
Then I truly made a difference
which is what I set out to do
© 2002 Raymond Cook (All rights reserved)
I Miss You Momma
How could I ever be prepared momma
for the day you passed away?
Everything you stood for and shared
is imbedded in me in some way
I have cherished the memories that have
lasted through the years
Since my earliest memories of being a
"Little one", you comforted me
My son misses you deeply, it's a sign
that he learned the meaning of love
Everything you and I could teach him
well, you'd be proud momma
I will guide him as best I can, I will also
sacrifice to see that he is happy
For I am just his momma, and I know
you did the same for me
How I wish you had stayed longer
for I somehow feel cheated
I guess I always believed you'd be
here to share your love
I know that you're looking down
at us from heaven, smiling
And I know that when we look to
heaven's stars, that we see you
© 2003 Raymond Cook (All rights reserved)
On Your Sixteenth Birthday
On your sixteenth birthday we
visited you, in tears
Because you nor we would have
believed that November day
Peer pressure would put you in
a car, loaded with teens
Speeding down the highway as
the radio music blared
We taught you well the dangers
of drinking and of drugs
It lessened our pain to know you
had done neither that night
But you were with the "in" crowd
anyway that night having fun
We don't know who was driving or
what your destination was
But the darkness and rain we are
sure played a role that night
By the time the curve in the road
was seen, it was too late
We could never be mad at you
Ginger, we will always love you
You were cheated out of every
success that awaited you
Your room is still the same, we
never threw away anything
For everything we see, reminds
us of who we loved so much!
© 2003 Raymond Cook (All rights reserved)
I Don’t Fear Death
I have never feared death
just the way I will go
For he has come to take
me, but I fought back
I fought and won to stay
a just little longer
I admit that at times I've
felt too tired to go on
But if I gave up and said
take me, I can't go on
God would shake his head
no, and I knew he was right
Yes you and I must go on
to our final destination
To discover what is waiting
up ahead, around the corner
It is our destiny to die that
day, we will have no choice
It will happen so quickly I hope
that there will be no pain
Until then, you, as much as me
must fight with every breath
To cheat the grim reaper of a
life with so much left to do
© 2002 Raymond Cook (All rights reserved)
When Little Joshua Passed Away
Too young to know sadness
I cried for you
But for those short moments
perhaps you knew
Something was wrong, but
you couldn't speak
Instead, you smiled a little
smile, looking up at me
Yes, God had his reasons for
taking a little life
Even when they are so tiny
but it doesn't make it right
The pain in me runs deep
the heartache remains
Yet each day is a new day
but for me, the same
Today I buried my little boy
as my tears now flow
He was such a part of my
life, and God, I miss him so
© 2002 Raymond Cook (All rights reserved)
I Have Never Feared Death
I was given a short time on earth
who knows how much longer?
I've traveled down the roads of
happiness, sadness and love
I have felt on top of the world
I have been to hell and back
I have saved lives�?where other's
were afraid they too would die
I have nearly died several times
but I am still here
There must be something I have
yet to do something not completed
I have struggled with emotional pain
and with injuries I've suffered
My eyes have seen the birth of two
children, the death of both parents
I do not fear death, and perhaps I
never will and I know why
I cannot change the date God calls
my name in the book of names
When it is my time, I hope though I
am sleeping so I feel no pain
If awake, I do not want to die alone
so I guess I do fear that
I simply try to help as many others
as I can sharing a smile each day
For I know thru the years what it is
like to feel sad and lonely
© 2003 Raymond Cook (All rights reserved)
When My Time Is Near
When my last breath draws
near, grant this wish
Hold me close darling and
share one last kiss
Whisper to me you love me
for it is you I adore
Promise me you'll be strong
as my spirit soars
Remind yourself of the love
we shared from time to time
Times when from just my
touch, I heard your sigh
You must hold back your tears
be my strength now
I will be waiting at heaven's gate
I promise, by a white cloud
When my last breath draws
near, grant this wish
Hold me close my darling and
share one last kiss
© 2002 Raymond Cook (All rights reserved)